
Kelly, come here girl said kellys mom. Yes mamma, Kelly answered with dread. Get me something to drink right now, or you will be grounded, "Yes mamma" Kelly answered back in a soft voice.

Here you go mamma the water you asked for. Can i get you anything else?

 ''No" she said in a very strict, but low voice, Now leave me to my morning paper girl. So kelly walked away waiting for mamma to yell out something else, but silence is all that filled the room. So kelly continued up to her room to get ready for school. As kelly was ready to get to the bus momma yelled out. "Kelly get in here now!" Yes mamma Kelly asked with her head down and her arms swinging at her sides. " When are you gonna do you chores, you know they need to be done before you go to school." I know mamma its just the bus is gonna be here and i cant miss another day or i will be really behind. " Get to the bus then girl dont be late im not taking you to school today so you better hurry. So kelly continued to the bus not bothering to glimpse back to see if mamma was still on the old rugged front porch still. As the bus arrived to school kelly was shaking in fear, because being a seventh grader she got picked on by the older kids. The first bell rang for first period so Kelly tried to hurry to get there on time. Late! The teacher yelled out now take your seat and open your book. So kelly did as she was told, Kelly was just a young 14 year old girl who never understood what it felt like to be loved, wanted, respected. The second period bell rang and Kelly knew she couldnt be late for Mrs.Lampoons class, it would be suicidal. Just in time with seconds to spare she made it. The day seemed to go by fast, lunch time came and she sat alone as normal no one not even other seventh graders wanted to sit with a girl with torn clothes and messy hair. So lunch went by she went to her classes and the day at school ended. Kelly was happy to finally get to go home even tho anywere was better then home.

Fresh start

 As she got home she seen mamma sitting on the porch crying. Whats rong mamma? Kelly asked, but afraid of the answer she waited. We are being advicted Kelly. What? why? how? Stop asking so many questions Kelly and go pack we leave tonight. So kelly went to palck her stuff tryin to be strong and not let mamma see the tears running down her face. This was the only home she ever had it might be fallin apart, but a home is a home. So they loaded the car up with what would fit and they started off to the new house in Flordia. As they arrived they looked cauitously at everything tryin to soak everything in, but it just didnt feel the same being far away from there home town in Ohio. They started unloading there belongings into there new house which seemed to be more steady then the old one. Mamma am i going to have school tomorrow since we are new? Kelly asked. I dont know honey we will go and sighn you up tomorrow. Ok mamma i hope this time things go better, maybe things will change and the sun will shine. Kelly then went off to her new room in there new little house, hoping it was bigger then her other one. Wow Kelly said out loud in a very pitchy voice, my room is bigger then my old one i can get use to this she said. Just then a scream came from down stairs. Whats rong mamma? are you ok? what happen? Nothin dear i was bringing more stuff in and our neighbor came over and startled me. He was very handsom i might add and no wedding ring was on his finger, maybe just maybe i'll go say hi and properly introduce myslelf.

The neighbor

So kelly and momma went next door to introduce themselfs to the very handsom jentleman, hoping he was as kind as he looked. I could tell mamma was hoping he wasent married and that he was single, momma has been single ever since daddy died when i was two. So we walked up to the door and mamma knocked softly, but no answer.

so she rang the doorbell, beyond the door was footsteps approaching, the door opened. "Hello'' the young guy answered. Hello my name is Lucy Nickels and this is my daughter Kelly, we are new to these parts and we are in the little green house next door and thought we should introduce ourselfs.

Well very nice to meet you he said, my name is Andrew Clifting. Very nice to meet you Andrew, do you have a wife, girlfriend or kids? "No i dont my wife passed away four years ago in a plane crash on her way home from her home town.'' Im so sorry for your loss my husband died when Kelly was two so i know what its like to lose someone you dreamed of never losing. Well it was nice meeting you andrew maybe we can chat again sometime. Sure i would like that he said If you would like we can have coffee tomorrow say ten A.M? Well i have to get Kelly registered into school, but i can meet at 11 A.M is that good for you? Sounds great he said in a very cheerful voice. So mamma and kelly went back to there house and went off to bed so they could have a goodnight sleep before their big day.

First day

The beginning of the new day started out alittle strange.

    Kelly didnt have any chores and mamma seemed happy again something that hasent happened in a long time.

Are you ready Kelly? Momma asked. Yes, im so nervous about my first day at a new high school. As they approached the school Kelly wanted to run, but she knew that things could be diffrent and maybe she would have a better time then what she had at her old school back in Ohio.

Momma got her all sighned up and Kelly got to start her first day. The bell for first period started, but kelly couldnt find the class when she did she knocked on the door. Come in your late! A mean deep voice said, well take your seat. So Kelly did as she was told the kids around her all starred and whispered to each other, but Kelly was use to it. As the bell rang forr second period a kid approached her. "Hello my name is abby, but everyone calls me little." Nice to meet you i am Kelly im new here and i get im not the nicest lookin person, but its a fresh start so please dont pick on me. I wont darling Abby said i will be your friend and maybe we can hangout after school. Really? Yes really you can even eat lunch with me if you want. So the two girls walked off to second period each having the same class which was math. Second period went by and so didnt third then it was lunch time, Kelly was nervous, but also happy to have a new friend to sit with. Kelly got her lunch tray and looked for Abby who was sitting with four very preppy looking girls. Hey Kelly these are my other friends Jackie, Lola, Aliza and of course Lilly.

Hi nice to meet you i am Kelly Nickels, may i sit down? "No you may not" Jackie said. Dont listen to her go ahead Kelly sit said Abby. So Kelly sat and they all ate lunch for once things started looking better and maybe she found her place.

The sleepover

 Acouple school days later Abby invited Kelly to a sleepover with the girls and some of the boys in there grade. The night came for the sleepover everyone showed up and things was going so great Kelly couldnt believe how well she was fitting in maybe they would want to stay over at her house next. Just then one of the boys name Chase walked up to Kelly and said walk into the bathroom, so Kelly did. As she stepped in they sprayed her with water guns and threw soap, brushes and random items at her and called her dirty, nasty, filthy, ugly, fat, weird, hideous and anything and everything they could think of. Kelly ran out grabbed her clothes and left she wasent sure how to get home so she found the nearest payphone and called her momma. When she got home she ran to her room and cried herself to sleep she didnt know how she would face everyone tomorrow in school. As the sun came up and the moon went down momma walked into her room and said " You are not going to school today Kelly" but momma i have to. No Kelly we are going shopping so grab your stuff and lets go i'll drop you off afterwards. So they went to the nearest clothes store and they shopped for new clothes, perfum, a brush, new shoes, hair ties and everything that a girl would want besides the cute male model posing in the clothes he wasent for sale. After they was done momma helped her get ready and then she slowly told her about how her date went with Andrew. Kelly was excited to hear that momma has been asked out on a real date it would help momma feel happy again. So momma took Kelly to school and as she did the lunch bell rang everyone that she got imbarrassed infront of was in the lunch room waiting to see if she would show. As she walked through the doors everyone starred and gazed, but Kelly didnt care she knew she stepped up and was no longer the old Kelly. Abby ran up to her and told her she was lookin stylish today and that she was sorry for all that happened. Kelly just walked away without even looking back or saying a word.


 The bell rang for fifth period and a boy that Kelly was smitten with walked up to her and said " Hi im Leroy i dont think i seen you before are you new?" You seen me, but never cared to say hi or talk to me, but yes im new i been here for four days.

Im sorry i never talked to you, but i dont remember seeing you at all i dont know i could over look such beauty.

Its ok i guess i mean i understand well i better get to class she said dont wanna be late. Well it was good talking to you i really hope to see you around by the way i dont think you told me you name maqy i ask what it is?

Its Kelly Nickels, but i must be getting to class see you around.

So the day went on and the dimissal bell rang and kelly caught the bus to go home. When she arrived she seen momma and Andrew out front of the house. Kelly come here momma said i need to talk to you about something important, but lets step inside me you and Andrew.

The big news

Kelly there is something me and Andrew wanna talk to you about and we hope that you dont get upset. Andrew has asked me to marry him we know its all so soon and its moving fast, but we really connected on our date and this is what we really want to do, but we would like your consent.

Of course momma Andrew seems like a swell guy i think it would be good and fun for all of us to have a new fresh start together. Kelly thank you for understanding and taking this so well Andrew said. Were very glad that we found each other we found true love in each other and true happyness. When will the wedding happen? Kelly asked in a soft voice hiding the unsureness of the idea. We are not sure yet, but we are thinking about June which is only three months away its gonna take some time to plan and save up the money, but there is going to be a wedding. Kelly run off to your room so me and Andrew can talk about everything. Ok mamma she said, bye Andrew see you later Kelly said as she was walking out of the kitchen. The next day Kelly was getting ready for school hoping to get to see him the guy who never noticed her, but she noticed him. Leroy was waiting out front of the school when Kelly arrived. Can i walk you to class? Kelly responded with a shrugg of course you may i dont mind a bit. So how is your morning so far Kelly? Its goin good actually its a Friday so that helps. Do you have any plans for saturday? He asked in a nervous voice. Um no i dont think i do why whats up? Well there is this movie playing saturday down town i was wondering if you wanted to maybe go see it with me? Yea sure i would love to what time? Around eight P.M i'll pick you up at your house sound good? Sounds great she said i cant wait i bet its gonna be a blast.

The date

So saturday rolled around and just as planned Leroy was ready to pick up Kelly for the big date.

Hello Kelly, said Leroy are you ready the movie starts in a hour i thought we could maybe get something to eat then go see the movie if thats ok. Thats fine she said let me grab my stuff and we can go. So they got in Leroys moms car and left for the resturant when they arrived they ran into Abby and her preppy little friends. Hello Abby said Kelly, yes hello Leroy said what are you doing here? he asked. Well if you have to know this is my part time job on the weekends some of us have to have a life. Well thank you for that Leroy replied. See you around, but hopefully not said Jackie. Then Leroy and Kelly took their seats and began to order their food. You ready to go he asked im stuffed and the movie will be starting in ten mintues. Yes, i am ready and cant wait to see the movie im so excited. So they went off to the movie theater and took their seats just as the movie began Leroy looked over at Kelly and asked. May i hold your hand? That would be ok she said while smiling ear to ear. May i kiss you to? Well im not so sure about that im sorry its just i never had a kiss before and i dont know how it works. Its easy i'll show you, but after the movie ok? Yea maybe, but no promises im still really nervous. As the movie was ending Leroy once again looked at Kelly grabbed her sides and kissed her while standing in the middle of the theater. Wow she commented that was my first kiss and i never knew it would feel like that. Was it a good feeling? Yes! It was a great feeling i almost hoped we could stay that way for a little while i didnt wanna move or pull apart. Well maybe one more before we head home so they kissed again and headed home.

The wedding

Months went by and just as planned momma and Andrew had their dream wedding i of course was a brides maid along with Andrews sisters. I even had a date for the wedding Leroy was all dressed up in his finest tux and he looked so amazing. Would you care to dance? Kelly asked as she approached Andrew. I would love to, but you see i dont know how to dance. Can you show me? Sure i can she replied trying not to laugh, so they danced and danced until the wedding ended. You did pretty good Leroy if i would say so myself you danced better than i did. He just laughed and they both said their goonights and goodbyes until tomorrow. I cant believe i finally have a stepdad this is wonderful even though i wish it was my real dad, but i guess you have to live with what you have in order to be happy she explained to momma. Well Kelly now we can be a family again and instead of living in that old torn down house we are gonna move in with Andrew is that ok with you honey? Momma whatever makes you happy im fine with it just please think about it first i know you to are married now, but still wouldnt it be crowded? Well its only gonna be temporary until we find a bigger house we just have to be patient, but dont worry everything will be just fine honey. So more days went by very fast i might add, but were did all the days go? Why didnt they slow down alittle for me to breath? Why does things always have to change i know i say im happy, but deep down i feel as if something is missing.

The Baby

It was a sunny monday afternoon as the bell to go home rang and as the students shoved and pushed to get to their buses to head home. Leroy on the other hand was waiting outside the school, Kelly can i talk to you for a minute? Sure whats up? Well you see im gonna be home alone for acouple hours today and i was wondering if you wanted to come over and chill? If your allowed i mean i dont want my new girlfriend getting introuble


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.03.2012

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