

Texte: Rose and Chelsey were walking on an old dirt road, they was walking past a forest when they spotted a path. Should we take it asked Rose "it looks scary" said Chelsey. So they both said lets go and they went down the path on there way they seen all kinds of things like talking trees, talking animals, spiders as big as trees, they was all very excited to see the girls they was really hungry, Hello said one of the trees we are hungry please dont eat us said the little girl we wont we just want you to make us food. Sure were can we cook and they showed the girls the way to the cabin. There they found all kinds of things like beds, food, stove, sink, tables, toys and lots more. What should we cook for you, how about pizza, said one of the spiders, yay said everyone. So the girls made the pizza for the magic forest. They all ate the pizza, all they all laughed and had a good time. After that the girls said its getting late we will come back tomorrow ok, they all said bye, just then the two girls got home and found out they was just dreaming, they was really upset, but they still went to school, after school of there way home they seen a path in the woods. Lets go said the little girl ok, so they ran down the path to find nothing. They both started crying and all a sudden it was there, yay there back, so every day the two little girls went down the path and made the forest pizza and they all lived happily ever after the end.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.10.2011

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To any little kid who likes to laugh. I really deticate it to my nieces Emilly and Nevaeh I miss you both

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