
Bangladeshi Cultural Event


Ekushe February, or Shaheed Dibas or Language

.Martyrs' Day, is a significant national day in Bangladesh observed annually on February 21. It commemorates the language movement and the sacrifices made by Bengali language activists in 1952, who protested the imposition of Urdu as the only national language of Pakistan.

On that day, students and activists gathered at the University of Dhaka to demand that Bengali be recognized as an official language of Pakistan. The police opened fire on the peaceful demonstration, killing several protesters. The tragic event sparked widespread outrage and became a catalyst for the broader movement for Bengali language rights and the independence of Bangladesh.

Ekushe February is a day of remembrance, with people laying flowers at the Shaheed Minar, a monument erected in honor of the language martyrs. Cultural events, poetry recitations, and discussions are also held to celebrate the Bengali language and its rich cultural heritage. The day is also recognized by UNESCO as International Mother Language Day, highlighting the importance of linguistic and cultural diversity.


The Ekushe February event is a significant moment in the history of Bangladesh. It is a day that represents the struggle and sacrifice of the people of Bangladesh for their language and cultural identity. This event is celebrated on the 21st of February every year and is a national holiday in Bangladesh.

The story of Ekushe February goes back to the early days of Bangladesh's struggle for independence. After the partition of India in 1947, Bangladesh (then known as East Pakistan) became a part of Pakistan. However, the people of Bangladesh soon realized that their language, Bengali, was being suppressed by the Pakistani government, which Urdu speakers dominated.

In 1952, students from the University of Dhaka and other educational institutions in East Pakistan began a movement to demand the recognition of Bengali as the official language of Pakistan. The students organized rallies and demonstrations, and on the 21st of February, they held a mass protest in Dhaka.

The protest turned violent when the police tried to disperse the crowd. Several students were killed, and many more were injured. The tragedy of the 21st of February became a turning point in Bangladesh's struggle for independence. It galvanized the people of Bangladesh and led to a renewed effort to gain independence from Pakistan.

After years of struggle and sacrifice, Bangladesh finally achieved independence in 1971. Since then, the 21st of February has been celebrated as a day of remembrance for the students who gave their lives for the cause of the Bengali language and culture.

On this day, people in Bangladesh gather to pay tribute to the martyrs of the language movement. They place flowers at the Shaheed Minar, a monument erected for the students killed in the 1952 protest. The memorial is adorned with flowers and ribbons in the colors of the Bangladeshi flag, and people sing songs and recite poems in honor of the language movement.

Cultural Story One

The Ekushe February event is not just a day of remembrance but also a day to celebrate the Bengali language and culture. It is a day when people in Bangladesh reaffirm their commitment to preserving their heritage and identity. The government of Bangladesh has also recognized the importance of the language movement and has taken steps to promote the use of Bengali in all aspects of life

In conclusion, the Ekushe February event is a defining moment in the history of Bangladesh. It represents the struggle and sacrifice of the people of Bangladesh for their language and cultural identity. The event is a reminder of the power of people when they come together to fight for a cause, and it inspires future generations to continue the fight for justice and freedom.

In addition to the Shaheed Minar, several other monuments and memorials are dedicated to the language movement in Bangladesh. The Central Shahid Minar in Dhaka is a towering monument that symbolizes the sacrifice made by the language martyrs. It was erected in 1963 and is Bangladesh's most prominent language monument.

In Savar, the Shaheed Smriti Stambha, or the Martyrs Memorial, is another important monument that honors the language movement. It was built in 1972 and is a tribute to all the people who gave their lives for the cause of independence. The monument features seven triangular pillars, symbolizing the seven stages of the struggle for independence.

The Ekushe Book Fair is another important event that takes place in Bangladesh in February. It is the largest book fair in the country and attracts millions of visitors each year. The fair in Dhaka features books in Bengali and other languages, cultural events, music, and food. The book fair is essential for promoting literature and language in Bangladesh.

The language movement of 1952 had a significant impact on the culture and identity of Bangladesh. It paved the way for the recognition of Bengali as an official language of Pakistan, and later, as the national language of Bangladesh. The movement also inspired other language and cultural movements worldwide, and the 21st of February is now recognized as International Mother Language Day by UNESCO.

The Ekushe February event is more comprehensive than just Bangladesh, celebrated by Bangladeshis worldwide. Bangladeshis hold cultural events, seminars, and discussions to commemorate the language movement in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. The event serves as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices of the people of Bangladesh and the importance of preserving language and culture.

In conclusion, the Ekushe February event is an important moment in the history of Bangladesh. It represents the struggle and sacrifice of the people for their language and cultural identity and

serves as an inspiration for future generations. The event has become a symbol of national unity and pride, and it is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm by Bangladeshis all over the world.

Ekushe February Celebration


The Ekushe February event is not just a one-day celebration. Various cultural events and programs occur across Bangladesh in the weeks leading up to the 21st of February. These events include poetry recitations, musical performances, art exhibitions, and seminars on language and literature. Government agencies, cultural organizations, and educational institutions organize the possibilities.



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Md Jahid Hossain
Bildmaterialien: Md Jahid Hossain
Cover: Md Jahid Hossain
Lektorat: Md Jahid Hossain
Korrektorat: Md Jahid Hossain
Übersetzung: Md Jahid Hossain
Satz: Antonio Carlona
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-4411-4

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Dedicated for Everyone who Love Bangla Language

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