

The Sweet Tune of Nature 



The best moments of our lives are spent with our
Friends. When I am alone, I hang out with my
Friends, and sometimes I go out home with my
Friends. During Corona time, when everyone is
Living at home. I spend busy time with my friends
Seeing nature. All of us are very familiar with the
Word travel, the best of which is village tour
During monsoons. During monsoons, when there
Is a lot of water in the river, that water fulfills all
Around. Fishermen catch fish with boats which is
A great feeling to watch.

About Md Jahid Hossain







Md Jahid Hossain is a Bangladeshi music artist
and writer. Md Jahid Hossain was born on 26th
April 2001 in Dhamrai, Dhaka District. He has
numerous songs on various online platforms.
Currently, he is writing books along with his

Lockdown Days

few years ago, a new deadly virus named
Corona was discovered in China. In the beginning,
the virus ran rampant in China, but the deadly
virus has slowly spread worldwide. In such a
situation, the livelihood of social beings is being
affected to a great extent. Millions of people have
been infected by the virus, and many have lost
their lives in the dreaded grip of Corona. As a
result, governments of different countries were
forced to restrict the movement of people,
because of which people now have a new
experience. The government is restricting
people's movement to prevent Corona's spread.


A few years ago, people were not so familiar with
the word lockdown, but now the word lockdown
is our daily companion. Schools and colleges are
closed due to Corona, which causes many


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Md Jahid Hossain
Bildmaterialien: Md Jahid Hossain
Cover: Md Jahid Hossain
Lektorat: Md Jahid Hossain
Korrektorat: Md Jahid Hossain
Übersetzung: Md Jahid Hossain
Satz: Md Jahid Hossain
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-2189-4

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

The best moments of our lives are spent with our friends. When I am alone, I hang out with my friends, and sometimes I go out home with my friends. During Corona time, when everyone is living at home. I spend busy time with my friends seeing nature. All of us are very familiar with the word travel, the best of which is village tour during monsoons. During monsoons, when there is a lot of water in the river, that water fulfills all around. Fishermen catch fish with boats which is a great feeling to watch.

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