
Wrong Side of The Street


Daniel Crawley- A gay Sixth-Form student, boyfriend of Tristan and best friend of Amethyst. Bullied because of his sexuality.
‘Amethyst’ Felicity Anderson- A Goth student and best friend of Daniel. Bullied and suffers because of it.
Tyler Hughes- Leader of a gang. Torments Daniel and Amethyst but suffers the consequences of his actions.
Roxanne Bailey- Tyler’s girlfriend. Bullies Amethyst to look cool in front of Tyler.
Ralph- A ex-police officer and friend of Amethyst’s Mom.
‘Amethyst’s Mom’ Mrs Anderson- Became pregnant after having an affair with a married man, only for him to abandon her with a baby in poverty. Unaware of bullying and thinks her daughter’s withdrawal is due to teenage pregnancy.
Tristan- Daniel’s boyfriend and a friend of Amethyst. Offers others helpful advices.
Flex Ravens- A newcomer to the estate. Lodges with Amethyst and her Mum only to join Tyler’s
gang so he can look cool.
Mrs. Greenwich- A teacher at Daniel’s school.
Vicar- Preacher at St. Matthew’s Church
Intercom- Intercom at Tube Station

Scene 1- The Street
Daniel: It was the autumn of 2006. Our estate was the place everyone in east London tried to avoid, but you couldn’t blame them. There wasn’t a house that didn’t have a broken window, and there wasn’t a patch of yellowing grass not littered with used syringes. Kids born on the estate had no hope for the future, no dreams to keep them going strong and some even had no family to support them. Unsurprisingly then, that most turned to drugs, or gang crime. So how did I end up in that hell-hole? The reason was I was one of the underprivileged few who didn’t have a choice. The name’s Daniel Crawley by the way. In the year in question, I was seventeen. Having grown tired of her loveless marriage, Mom ran off with her sexy yoga teacher, and we never heard from her again. Heartbroken, Dad sought refuge from his grief in the bottle, drinking himself half-blind. Four months later, he crashed his car in a drunken road accident so the court ruled that he attend rehab or rot in jail for a couple of years. With the family home repossessed, I desperately needed a place to stay whilst I studied for my A Levels. The money I scraped in stacking shelves at Super-Save was barely enough to support myself. Then my boyfriend Tristan, who was at Middlesex University two Tube stops away at the time, gave me an offer I was too poor to refuse; a half-decent flat on the estate. The trouble started when I agreed to walk to school with my new neighbour’s daughter.

(Brief music)

Daniel: Hurry up or we’ll be late!

Amethyst: Just a minute, I’m making some final adjustments.

Daniel: I’m pretty sure you look fine, now hurry up.

(Amethyst emerges)

Amethyst: How do I look?

Daniel: Beautiful, now come on.

(Sound of footsteps walking)

Amethyst: I want to thank you, Daniel. You’re the only person who will walk with me to school, especially since we only met when you first moved in last week. Mom thinks it’s safer to travel in pairs what with the rising gang crime around here.

Daniel: Oh, it’s no problem Felicity.

Amethyst: My name is not Felicity. It’s Amethyst.

Daniel: But your Mom calls you Felicity.

Amethyst: That’s because Felicity is my birth name. My true spiritual name is Amethyst, after my Sacred Stone. I read about it in Dark Powers magazine.

Daniel: Well, I prefer the name Felicity, but if you really want, I’ll call you Amethyst.

Amethyst: You’re a hell of a lot nicer than most people; everybody at school hates me.

Daniel: Oh, come on. That sounds like a bit of an exaggeration. You seem pretty nice.

Amethyst: They all think I’m strange. The way they look at me; it’s like I’m an alien.

Daniel: Just because you wear dark make-up, dress in black and believe in vampires doesn’t mean you’re from Mars. If anyone tries to push you around, just tell them to back off.

Tyler: (In the distance) Hey guys, look, it’s the crazy witch.

Amethyst: Oh no, they spotted me.

Daniel: Who? Them hoodies over by the bus stop.

Amethyst: Just copy what I’m doing. Keep your head down and carry on walking. Oh no, too late, their coming towards us.

Tyler: Hey Freak, I thought I told you to go mess up somewhere else.

Amethyst: Tyler, I’m only walking to school.

Tyler: (Copying Amethyst’s voice) ‘I’m only walking to school’.

(The gang laughs.)

Daniel: Dude, back off and leave her alone.

Tyler: Ohhhhh, think you’re so tough then, do ya? (To Amethyst) Hey witch, finally got yourself a boyfriend, though I don’t know how anyone could make-out with you without vomiting.

Daniel: Actually, I’m gay.

Roxy: Oh, so now we’re dealing with a queer. Queers don’t belong here.

Tyler: Roxy’s right. This is our territory, and we make it our job to keep queers like you from screwing the place up.

Daniel: Your territory? This is a free country; you don’t write the rules, besides this place doesn’t need much more screwing up, since it is a dump just the way it is.

Tyler: Think you’re such a wise guy, eh? You’re going to find out who the boss is once I bust your face in.

(Tyler punches Daniel. Amethyst screams. Tyler and Daniel start fighting)

Amethyst: Get off him! Leave him alone!

Roxy: Shut your trap. Tyler’s showing your friend what happens when he messes with us.

Amethyst: No! Stop! Please! Somebody help!

Ralph: HEY!!!

(Gunshot. Moment of silence)

Tyler: Officer Ralph, we’re just giving lady-boy here a welcome gift.

Ralph: Tyler Hughes, you’d better back off him now or you and your gang are going straight down.

Tyler: (Tauntingly) Ralph, you’re not a cop anymore, you retired after some psycho shot you in the leg, remember? Now put that shotgun away before somebody gets hurt.

Ralph: This isn’t a game, Tyler, and I’m warning you; leave him alone, or you’ll be spending the night in a cell.

Tyler: Okay, because you asked ever so nicely, I’m going to let him off this time. (To Daniel) You hear that lady-boy? This is your lucky day. (To his gang) Come on gang, we can grab a few beers and crash at my place.

Ralph: Just remember; I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Tyler Hughes.

Tyler: (Voice fading away) See if I care…

Roxy: (Voice fading away) Yeah, see if we care…

(Tyler, Roxy and the gang exits.)

Ralph: Felicity, I mean Amethyst, are you alright?

Amethyst: Yes, but Daniel…

Daniel: I’m fine, it’s just…my head hurts like hell and feels like it’s bleeding.

Ralph: Come on, I’ll take you back to Felicity’s house. Then I’ll call the school and tell them you’re both having a sick day off.

(Brief music)

Scene 2- Amethyst’s House

Amethyst: Hold still whilst I put this ice on your cut.

Daniel: How long have those guys been picking on you?

Amethyst: (Sighing) Two years.

Daniel: Have you told your Mum about it?

Amethyst: She’s got enough on her plate; she was made redundant a few weeks ago and the landlord’s threatening to kick us out if she doesn’t pay the rent by the end of the month. I don’t think she could cope with this as well.

Daniel: What about your Dad?

Amethyst: I never knew my Dad. When Mum was nineteen, she tried to raise the money for college by cleaning for a wealthy couple up in Knightsbridge. Then one day, the husband, who was some kinda flashy businessman, came home early and, while his wife was out, leaned over the kitchen counter Mum was dusting and kissed her. The affair only lasted a week or two, but Mum felt too powerless to resist his charm and actually believed he cared about her. He made up all these crazy stories about running away together, only as soon as she told him she was pregnant, he threw her out and wanted nothing more to do with her. She’s had to look after me on her own ever since.

Daniel: Oh my God. I’m really sorry.

(Ralph enters)

Ralph: Felicity, I’ve called your Mum and she’ll be home in half an hour.

Amethyst: You told her! But you promised...

Ralph: Calm down, I didn’t mention anything about the bullying. All I said was you and Daniel had a run-in with some young ruffians and one got into a fight with Daniel, so you’re very upset. But you know you’re going to have to tell her someday. It looks like Tyler isn’t going to leave you alone anytime soon.

Amethyst: I know...I’m just not ready.

Ralph: Daniel, are you okay? You can stay here if you like.

Daniel: Thank you for everything, but I’d better go home. I’m cooking dinner for my boyfriend Tristan tonight. (To Amethyst) Hope you’ll be alright Amethyst, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow for the school walk.

Amethyst: Okay; goodbye.

(Daniel exits. Amethyst’s Mum enters. Sound of door opening and slamming.)

Mum: I’m home. Oh Felicity darling, Ralph told me about the incident. Are you hurt?

Amethyst: I’m fine. I think I’m gonna go to my room and listen to music.

Mum: Oh, wait...

(Amethyst runs upstairs. Sound of distant heavy metal music.)

Mum: Ralph, haven’t you noticed Felicity’s been acting so strangely recently? Well, stranger than normal?

Ralph: She’s a teenager. It’s hormonal.

Mum: Hormonal teenagers throw tantrums, make impossible demands, stay up all night with their mates and argue with their parents about the slightest thing. Felicity isn’t like that; she’s withdrawn, isolated, never goes out and shuts herself away in that cramped, untidy room of hers. Sometimes when I walk past the door I think I can even hear her crying.

Ralph: If something is bothering her, she will talk to you about it.

Mum: That’s the thing; I’m worried she never will. Ralph...I think she’s pregnant.

Ralph: Come on Patricia, be reasonable here…

Mum: Think about it, when I was pregnant with her, I hid myself away and refused to tell anyone. And to think, I raised my Felicity hoping she wouldn’t make the same mistake I did. I want a better life for her, Ralph, but she’s throwing it all away.

Ralph: Look, you’re completely over-reacting. If you and Felicity just talked once in a while, instead of going your separate ways all the time, maybe she would pluck up the courage to tell you what’s getting her down.

Mum: If only it was that simple...

(Mum exits. Brief music.)

Scene 3- Daniel’s Flat
(Sound of food frying. Tristan sneaks up on Daniel)

Tristan: Hey baby.

Daniel: Steady on, Tristan, I nearly dropped the pan.

Tristan: Utterly delicious...and the food seems pretty good too.

Daniel: Easy tiger. I’m making your favourite; spicy chicken casserole.

Tristan: Scrummy, my little Nigela Lawson. Now, will you turn around so I can see your pretty face?

(Daniel sighs and turns around.)

Tristan: Oh my God, what happened to your face? Where did you get all those ugly bruises?

Daniel: over. The pavement gets very slippery.

Tristan: That is the most pathetic excuse ever. I would like to remind you that it hasn’t rained in two weeks. Seriously, what happened?

Daniel: I was walking with a friend to school and a gang of hoodies beat me up.

Tristan: Oh honey, you poor thing.

Daniel: Apparently, Amethyst, the girl I walk to school with, has had to bear the same thing on her own for two years. She refuses to alert the authorities, so they must be blackmailing her in some way. Really, I should contact the Police, but Amethyst is terrified of what they will do to her in revenge if I do.

Tristan: My advice would be tell someone. As long as you stay silent, you are helping those bullies.

Daniel: You have no idea how easy it is to say that phrase, and how difficult it is to carry it out.

Tristan: So what? Are you just gonna stand by and watch that poor girl being tortured night and day?!

Daniel: Well, what is my other option?! Dive in like Superman and end up bleeding by the roadside next to her?!

Tristan: Okay, okay, just cool it. We don’t have to take any drastic measures, but I am simply worried that the longer you keep quiet the more they are going to sense their advantage over you. Bullies can smell fear.

Daniel: I’ll talk to Amethyst; she is the one who has had to deal with it for long, so it’s her decision what to do.

Tristan: Very well. I’m going to take a shower before dinner.

(Sound of feet running upstairs)

Daniel: Where would I be without him?

(Brief music)

Scene 4- Amethyst’s House

Mum: Felicity, come down here, there is someone I want you to meet.

Amethyst: Coming.

(Sound of footsteps running downstairs)

Amethyst: Oh, hello.

Flex: Hi. It’s great to meet you at last.

Mum: Felicity, this is Flex Ravens. He is going to stay with us for a while.

Amethyst: Why?

Mum: His Mum was a close friend of mine who passed away recently. Before she died I promised her I would take care of him.

Flex: Don’t worry; it is only until I get a job and a place of my own.

Amethyst: But we don’t have room, it’s cramped enough in here without a third person.

Flex: I can always crash on the couch. I don’t want to be of any trouble.

Mum: Oh, no worries Flex, we are very happy to have you here. Come on, Felicity dear. He has been having a hard time with his Mum’s death and being forced to leave the family home. Just say you’re okay with it.

Amethyst: Fine.

Mum: Flex, go upstairs and have a look around; not that there’s much to look at, but get to know the feel of the place. My daughter and I need an important chat.

Flex: Oh, okay. It was nice to meet you Felicity.

Amethyst: Amethyst.

(Sound of feet running up stairs)

Mum: Felicity honey…

Amethyst: My name is Amethyst. Can’t you get it into your head?

Mum: Your name is Felicity so I shall call you that. Before I went for a job interview this morning, I checked in my purse and I found that twenty pounds had mysteriously gone missing. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?

Amethyst: No. Maybe you lost it.

Mum: You do know that money was going towards the monthly rent, so that the landlord doesn’t have us evicted and we end up homeless on the streets. What did you spend it on?

Amethyst: I told you, I had nothing to do with your mislaid cash. Why when something happens is the finger always pointed at me?

Mum: Funnily, I find your innocence hard to believe. Are you taking drugs?

Amethyst: No! No! Of course not! What kind of person do you think I am?!

Mum: No daughter of mine is going to steal money behind her mother’s back and get away with it. Be honest with me; are you pregnant?

Amethyst: No! Just because you slept with a married man doesn’t make me a whore as well!

Mum: Young lady I am…wait, come back here, I haven’t finished speaking to you… (Sound of feet running up stairs. Mum sighs.)

(Brief music)

Scene 5- The Street
(Sound of footsteps walking)

Daniel: So what’s he like, this new guy?

Amethyst: He’s doesn’t say much, really. Never reveals anything about where he is from, and Mum keeps her trap firmly shut. Mostly he just lies on the couch all day and plays his Nintendo DS. Claims to be searching for work but I haven’t seen him lift a finger since he arrived.

Daniel: Strange to think your Mum’s never happened to mention him before, then suddenly he turns up out of the blue and she seemingly knows his entire life history, but is acting like its top secret.

Amethyst: Yeah. I have tried asking her about it, though she tells me so little our conversation potential is next to nothing.

Tyler: (In the distance) There they are!

Amethyst: Oh no, Tyler and Roxy are here again. I thought I had got away today.

Tyler: Hey loser, have you got the money?

Amethyst: Here you go. (Gives Tyler the money) Twenty pounds is all I found without Mum getting suspicious. Now please, will you leave us alone?

Tyler: Twenty pounds. That’s it?! From now on, the payment goes up to fifty pounds.

Amethyst: Fifty pounds? My Mum is unemployed and the landlord is threatening eviction. We are hovering above the poverty line as it is.

Daniel: Hang on, why on earth are you paying him? What is the money for?

Tyler: You little friend pays me so that my gang doesn’t shove burning rags through her door and burn down the house she’s too pitiful to afford.

Daniel: Blackmail? You have crossed a line stretched really far, Tyler. I am going to call the police right now and put you where you belong; behind bars.

Amethyst: No, Daniel, you will only make things worse.

Tyler: The witch is right. In fact, this is what happens if you get the cops on us.

(Tyler snatches Amethyst’s phone from her.)

Amethyst: Get off! Hey! Please give it back; my Mum worked so hard to buy me that phone.

Tyler: (Crushes the phone under his foot.) Well, now her hard work was worth nothing.

(Amethyst starts to cry.)

Roxy: Look at her cry. Little baby!

Tyler: I’m gonna make the piggy squeal louder.

(Sound of screaming)


(Sound of sirens. Screaming stops.)

Tyler: Cops are coming. Quick, we gotta scarper.

(Sound of footsteps running away.)

Daniel: Amethyst? It’s okay. It’s okay. They’re gone. Here, take my hand. Let’s go back to my place.

(Brief music)

Scene 6- Roxy’s Flat

(Sound of feet running upstairs.)

Roxy: (Calling) I’m just going to do my Maths homework, Mum. No need to come upstairs; you just carry on watching Bargain Hunt or whatever it is. (Quietly) That woman is so thick sometimes. Now, time to get Facebook up. Oh look, Amethyst is online, perhaps I’ll write her a little message or two; Tyler would like that.

(Sound of window opening and feet jumping.)

Roxy: (Startled) Tyler! You scared me. How…how did you get in here?

Tyler: Remember that assault course thing I did with school last summer? Well, I tried utilizing my newfound skills by scaling up the drainpipe and jumping through the window; easy as pie.

Roxy: Well, keep your voice down, or Mum will throw a fit if she discovers you in here.

Tyler: Let her; I ain’t afraid of no old hag. What are you doing, Roxy baby?

Roxy: Writing messages on Amethyst’s Facebook page.

Tyler: Let me see. The little Freak deserves every word of it. (Sound of kissing) After you have finished that, we can snuggle down and have some fun like we planned.

Roxy: Tyler honey, about that. Despite your enthusiasm, I’m not sure I’m ready to lose my virginity yet.

Tyler: Why not?

Roxy: I don’t know; it just doesn’t feel right.

Tyler: If you refuse, I will tell everyone at school that you’re frigid, including all your snotty ex-boyfriends.

Roxy: Why would you do that to the girl you love?

Tyler: Because I always get what I want. Hey, don’t be down, we got each other, baby, and that is all that matters. No one else; just us.

Roxy: I guess you’re right, as usual. I mean, why should I care about such a stupid little thing as my virginity when I got such a fit boyfriend to lose it with?

Tyler: Now you’re talking my language. Now close that laptop and come join me on the bed.

Roxy: Okay, honey (Quietly) What choice do I have?

(Brief music)

Scene 7- The Tube Station
(Sound of intercom system)

Intercom: This station reminds passengers to keep all personal belongings with them at all times.

Flex: No...hang on…no, I’m sure there isn’t a link to the Northern Line at this station. Oh, why didn’t I ask Mrs. Anderson for a map? Um, excuse me; do you know which a tube I need to get to Piccadilly Circus?

Tyler: Hey dude, I haven’t seen you around here before.

Flex: I’m Flex, and yes, I am new to this area of London. I used to live in Knightsbridge.

Tyler: Ah, so you’re some kind of rich kid.

Flex: Not anymore; my parents got divorced when I was three and after that my Pa disappeared. Then my Ma died a month ago and I had no income to keep up the payments on the house.

Tyler: Shame, mate; my Ma’s probably dead already, but I’ll never know. Dad claims the slag never told him she got knocked up and he only found out when she dumped me on his doorstep before moving on to the next guy. I don’t believe him; my Dad’s lied to me my whole stinking life. He swore he’d never get in another relationship and now suddenly he’s on the train to Manchester for a new life with his lap-dancing girlfriend. But I don’t have to be brushed aside anymore, because I got my own gang, and people are so afraid of us they don’t dare to stand in our way.

Flex: Well, I don’t know about that sort of thing, I’m trying to get a job somewhere. I live with Patricia Anderson and her daughter Amethyst; any chance you’ve heard of them?

Tyler: Wait, you live with them? Mate, you could do way better than them.

Flex: You think so?

Tyler: Yeah, with a cool name like Flex, you could be a rally car racer, or a stuntman. Tell you what; if you punch that queer who follows her around like a puppy, I might let you join my gang. We are the Kings of this estate, answer to no one, earn respect simply by looking people in the eye and do whatever we want without any trouble.

Flex: I-I-I really don’t think so; Felicity and her Mum are so kind to me…

Tyler: (Suddenly angry) Listen good and clear. This estate is a two-way street. A long as you stand by them, you’re on the wrong side.

(Sound of footsteps walking away. Brief music)

Scene 8- Daniel’s Flat
(Sound of typing)

Daniel: And recent statistics have shown that…

(Sound of door opening and closing)

Tristan: Hey Daniel. What are you doing?

Daniel: I am writing a book on ‘The Reality of Homophobia and Other Bullying’. I decided that with all the bullying that has happened in the past months I might as well put my experiences to good use.

Tristan: Smart idea; the pen is mightier than the sword.

Daniel: Always full of wisdom, Tristan. I thought about getting some input from Amethyst too. She gave me some illustrations. They’re great quality. Have a look, she should be an artist.

Tristan: (Looking at pictures) Let me see…urgh. I have to say, they are not very…appealing. I mean, this one has a guy hanging from a tree.

Daniel: Bullying isn’t appealing, Tristan.

Tristan: Still…the disturbing nature of it; gives me the creeps.

Daniel: Spiders, rats, storm clouds; everything gives you the creeps. Now get changed into something more formal, because Mrs. Anderson has invited us to dinner…

(They exit. Brief music.)

Scene 9- Amethyst’s House

Daniel: This food is great, Mrs. Anderson. Much better than my own.

Mum: Glad you like it. Normally, the oven packs in or I burn everything to ashes. (To Tristan) More green beans Tristan?

Tristan: Oh, yes thanks.

(Sound of plates clinking)

Ralph: Honestly, that is the first time I have heard a youngster want more vegetables.

Mum: Always the joker Ralph. So, Daniel, Tristan, how long have you two been romantically involved?

Tristan: Oh, we met in Brighton last summer. You know; holiday romance like in Grease. Anyway, I wrangled my way into Middlesex University and offered to share a flat with Daniel, so here we are.

Daniel: (Singing) “Summer loving, happened so fast…”

(Everyone laughs)

Mum: How nice. I would like to thank you both for being so kind to my Felicity.

Amethyst: Amethyst.

Daniel: No problem. She’s a sweet girl.

(Sound of window smashing)

Amethyst: Aaaahhhhh!!

Daniel: What the hell was that?! Could a’ killed someone!

Tristan: It’s a rock. Pretty big one at that. Look, there is a note attached to it. (Reading) “You’re on the wrong side of the street.” Um…what does that mean? Who goes smashing windows just to leave freaky cryptic messages like that?

Amethyst: Someone’s trying to kill us!!

Mum: Calm down darling. I bet it’s just some passing youths who are feeling bored and looking for a little excitement. They don’t mean any real harm; all mouth and no bite as they say. Help me sweep up this broken glass before anyone steps on a piece.

Amethyst: IS THAT IT?! Is that all you can say?!

Mum: Now calm down, young lady. There is no need for shouting.

Amethyst: Oh yeah, because it seems I have to shout at the top of my lungs just to get you to listen to me! You think everything will be fine if it’s merely swept under the rug! When did you last ask me how I felt?! You don’t care as long as nothing makes you look bad!

(Sound of crying and feet running up stairs)

Mum: Darling, wait…

Flex: (Quietly) The wrong side of the street.

(Brief music.)

Scene 10- The Supermarket

Roxy: Are you sure this Flex kid will come?

Tyler: Roxy baby, after that rock stunt we pulled, he knows not to double-cross us. I’ve met guys like him before. Inside, they’re weak, insecure and lack confidence; they’ll do anything to look cool and be a part of something. Here comes Flex now. (Flex enters) Hey, buddy, you didn’t chicken out after all.

Flex: No, but I am only doing this once. To prove I deserve to be in the gang, then you must agree to let them be.

Tyler: Agreed, unless I change my mind.

(Daniel and Amethyst enter)

Roxy: Amethyst and Daniel are leaving the Swift Store.

Tyler: Go on, Flex; your time to shine. If you drop out last minute, we promise to make you suffer like them.

(Flex groans. Sound of walking.)

Daniel: (Talking to Amethyst) Really, that colour looks good on you…hey Flex, Amethyst wants your opinion on her new black highlights.

Flex: I am so sorry. Forgive me.

(Flex punches Daniel. Amethyst screams. Daniel falls to floor. Brief music.)

Scene 11- Amethyst’s House


(Sound of stuff being thrown to the floor)

Flex: Please Mrs. Anderson…

Mum: Oh, don’t you ‘Mrs. Anderson’ me, pretending to be all sweet and innocent. Felicity told me what happed between you and her friend. Do you know where she is at this moment? Crying her eyes out into his arms! Daniel had to have six stitches. I trusted you. I let you into my home. I gave you food, picked up your dirty washing, went shopping for you, never asked you to do chores because you were still grieving and never once did I ever pester you about finding a job and standing on your own two feet! And how do repay me? WITH VIOLENCE!!

(Sound of more stuff being thrown.)

Flex: Careful with that. There’s a Nintendo DS in there.

Mum: Take your DS! Take your filthy washing! Take everything you own! Just leave and STAY OUT!!

Flex: But Mrs. Anderson. When my Mum was dying, you promised her you would take care of me. If you toss me out, you are breaking your promise to her.

Mum: I promised to take care of Flex Ravens. He was kind, polite and grateful boy. I look at you and I don’t see Flex Ravens. While you act like this, I do not care where you go or what you do, just keep away from here.

(Sound of door slamming. Brief music.)

Scene 12- Roxy’s Flat
(Sound of door opening and slamming)

Roxy: Tyler, I’ve been texting you for ages. Where have you been?! What’s wrong?

Tyler: I was catching the tube back here, when I saw Flex sleeping in the station like a hobo. He said the Andersons had kicked him out.

Roxy: Those Freaks ought to…hold on, what can I smell on your breath? Alcohol? You’ve been drinking? Without telling me?

Tyler: I was angry. I needed to clear my head.

Roxy: You’re lying! I can always tell from the way you don’t dare to look me in the eye. Why do you always have to lie to me?!

Tyler: Okay, so I went for a few beers with a buddy of mine. Why does it matter to you?

Roxy: You promised not to drink without telling me first! How do I know what you’ll get up to when you’re wasted! You could screw any girl!

Tyler: Shut it; I’ve got a headache like hell.

Roxy: But you promised!

Tyler: I said SHUT UP!!

(Tyler hits Roxy)

Roxy: You hit me! I thought you loved me! Ever since I met you, I have strived to make myself look perfect, for you.

Tyler: I do love you, when I want to. I need some air; I’m going to the park.

(Tyler exits)

Roxy: This is Amethyst’s fault…

(Brief music.)

Scene 13- Ralph’s Flat

Ralph: (On the phone) Marlene, I am not in the police force anymore. I retired. You’ll have to call the station about your missing cat. Goodbye.

(Puts phone down. Daniel knocks on the door.)

Ralph: Who could that be?

(Answers door. Daniel enters with Amethyst.)

Ralph: Daniel, Amethyst; shouldn’t you two be at school?

Daniel: We were walking towards it but Roxy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attacked Amethyst with a pair of scissors. She screamed something about Tyler hitting her because he was so angry for her Mum kicking Flex out. The look inside her eyes was insane. Amethyst got a cut on her finger and lost part of her hair. Her Mum is at a job interview and Tristan isn’t answering his phone so I decided to come here.

Ralph: Oh my Lord. I’ll call your Mum.

Amethyst: (Faintly) No. I don’t want to trouble her.

Ralph: Felicity, I mean Amethyst, ever since this harassment started I have not told anyone ever since I first caught them hassling you. Yet that was almost a year ago now, and the more you stay silent the more you help them gain the advantage. You need to tell your Mum, then the authorities.

Amethyst: Ralph, please, give me time.

Ralph: Fine, I’ll give you two days to tell her or I’ll tell her myself. I’ll go find you a plaster for that cut.

(Ralph exits)

Daniel: How are you feeling? Wait, that was a bad question right now.

Amethyst: I can’t cope.

Daniel: I know; that’s why I want to ask you something. Tristan and I are going to Brighton for the half-term holiday, he thinks that sea air is good for his skin, and I want you to come with me. You need a break from all this fear and stress. What do you say?

Amethyst: Sounds great. (Pauses) But I can’t see how it’ll make anything better.

Daniel: Listen, last summer, my parents were having awful financial trouble and it really pushed their relationship to breaking point. Listening to them arguing all the time, I feared that they would get divorced. I desperately wanted someone to talk to, but I had never felt so alone. Then, my Mum noticed how sullen and reserved I was, so she paid for me to spend three weeks in Brighton, away from their constant rows, which was the last decent thing she did for me before she vanished. And do you know what happened?

Amethyst: You met Tristan.

Daniel: Exactly. Ah, those three weeks were like heaven. From the moment we laid eyes on each other, we connected, like some weird kind of energy pulling us together. We would lie together on the beach on the beach and watch the Sun go down, and then at night we’d go dancing on the promenade beneath the colourful array of fairy lights. I was head-over-heels in love- hey, we still are- and never for one second in those three weeks did I think about what happened at home.

(Tristan enters, having heard the conversation.)

Tristan: When I met you, I truly believed in magic.

Daniel: Tristan! When did you get here?

Tristan: My phone was dead and when I finally got it charged all your messages came up, so I came right over here. You two okay?

Daniel: Yeah, I’m just asking Amethyst if she wants to come to Brighton. (To Amethyst) Do you want to come?

Amethyst: Alright, you’ve persuaded me.

Tristan: Great, now come, let’s go to dinner; my treat.

(They all exit. Brief music.)

Scene 14- Amethyst’s Bedroom

Amethyst: Let’s see. Toothbrush, check, hairbrush, check, pyjamas, check…

(Sound of door opening)

Mum: Hey darling.

Amethyst: If you are going to beg me not to go with Daniel then you can leave. Don’t I deserve a break?

Mum: I’m not going to stop you. In fact, I want to encourage you. You need some relaxation after everything that happened with Flex. Look at you. My attractive, fifteen-year-old Felicity. I know you like to be called Amethyst, but you are so much like your Grandma Felicity; the woman you are named after. She was exactly like you; pretty, bright, creative. All the things I’m not.

Amethyst: You’re a wonderful Mum.

Mum: My mother was a whole lot better than I am. She taught me everything useful in my life and I screwed up big time by getting involved with a married man. But the real surprise for me is that out of all the deception and mistrust I caused, such a beautiful and wise girl was born.

Amethyst: Oh, Mum.

Mum: I mean it with all my heart. I am so sorry for all the times I made you feel neglected and ignored. Go to Brighton. Have fun. Then, we you get back, I will be right here, waiting to turn a new page in both our lives.

Amethyst: Mum, I need to tell you something…

Mum: Yes, dear.

Amethyst: Actually, never mind. Like you said; a new page in our lives.

Mum: Alright. I’ll go make us some coffee.

(Sound of door opening then closing)

Amethyst: Sun cream, check, towel, check…

(Tyler enters through window)

Tyler: Hey, Amethyst.

Amethyst: Tyler, how did you get in here?

Tyler: Through the window. Your flat is only on the first floor, so for a guy who sneaks into his girlfriend’s house when her parents are asleep, it was a piece of cake.

Amethyst: Get out or I’ll scream
Tyler: No, you won’t. I heard about your little trip to Brighton. Do you really think this is your happily ever after? Because once Daniel gets his chance he’ll be out of this estate and you will never see him again. Then you’ll be all alone when we come for you.

Amethyst: You’re lying. This is a trick.

Tyler: Is it? Think about it; what are you to him; a stupid tramp who needs him to take beatings for her? Well, you might want to stay in your flat, since the moment you step out that door, my gang will be waiting for you, and what we are going to do to you will not be pretty. Maybe we ought to force your Mum to clean up after us. See you later, Freak.

(Tyler exits)

Amethyst: This is it. There’s no way out. I can never escape. No…way…out…

(Brief music.)

Scene 15- The School

Mrs. Greenwich: And so if we compare both charts we can see a positive correlation between the two.

(Sound of school bell)

Mrs. Greenwich: Well, that’s our time up for today. Make sure you hand in your coursework on Monday. Daniel, stay behind for a minute, I want to talk to you.

Daniel: Oh, Mrs. Greenwich. Is this about my attendance record? A lot has happened at home…

Mrs. Greenwich: No, no. I wanted to congratulate you on the book you showed me. ‘The Reality of Homophobia and Other Bullying’. I read it; very insightful, made me really think about today’s prejudiced society. I think you should try sending this to the publishers.

Daniel: Really? That’s amazing.

Mrs. Greenwich: Indeed. Oh, and what is the name of the girl who did the illustrations?

Daniel: Amethyst?

Mrs. Greenwich: Yes, her. Ask her to come to my office on Tuesday. Her drawings are incredibly good quality. I have an inkling she could go far.

Daniel: Great. I’ll tell her. Goodbye, Mrs. Greenwich.

Mrs. Greenwich: Goodbye. Such a nice boy.

(Brief music.)

Scene 16- Amethyst’s House

(Sound of a rope swinging. Daniel enters. Sound of door opening then closing.)

Daniel: Amethyst, I have some great news. I talked to my tutor and… (Seeing Amethyst hanging from the ceiling) Amethyst? AMETHYST?! Oh my God! AMETHYST?! (Cuts her down) Please be okay! Can you hear me?! WAKE UP! Please, for the love of the Lord, WAKE UP! Please…

(Brief music.)

Scene 17- St. Matthew’ Church

(Sound of a funeral taking place. Tristan and Daniel stand by Amethyst’s grave.)

Vicar: As I walk through the shadow of the valley of death…

Tristan: (To Daniel) Daniel, baby, how are you? Say something.

Daniel: She was wonderful, Tristan. Everyone thought she was different from them, yet she was wonderful. She could have been an artist. I can’t carry on anymore, not with the burden of her death and the gang still hounding me. I spent half of my savings helping Mrs. Anderson prepare the funeral. It felt the right thing to do and just couldn’t stand by and watch her sink into deeper debt trying to lay her daughter to rest. Then a few hours ago I got a call from the hospital saying my Dad couldn’t stick to the rehab and ended up in intensive care with alcohol poisoning. Doctors believe he may not pull through this time. My life is a mess. Maybe, I should join Amethyst and end it all as well.

Tristan: Daniel, no. Do not even think about it. Normally, it is extremely hard to get angry with you, yet I will not allow you to throw your life away. As you said, Amethyst was wonderful, but now she is dead; a hole has been punched in the world. If you did the same, you would not re-fill that hole, but you would punch another one beside it. Amethyst is dead, so it I up to you, to live for her.

Daniel: You always know the right things to say. I love you, and I’d be nothing without you.

(Scene wanders to Ralph and Amethyst’s Mum. Amethyst’s mum is crying.)

Ralph: Ssssshhhhh. There, there.

Mum: (Crying) Ralph, I thought I had made things right. I miss my Felicity so much.

Ralph: I feel awful. She said she would tell you about the bullying, but I knew I should have done something about it earlier.

Mum: It isn’t your fault. She may have killed herself, but her bullies might as well have tied the noose.

(Flex enters.)

Flex: Mrs. Anderson.

Mum: Flex Ravens, you ought to get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness. Your betrayal hurt her as much as they did.

Flex: Honestly, I would beg at your feet, if it could make you feel the slightest bit better, though I know it will not heal the ache in your heart. My Mother is dead, so I understand your pain. About what I did, I am sorry to the very ends of the Universe, and you cannot imagine how much I hate myself right now. Amethyst was a special girl.

Mum: She was your sister as well.

(Stunned silence)

Flex: What?!

Mum: Violet Ravens, your mother, was the kindest, most generous woman I ever met. Fifteen years ago, I cleaned for her and her husband. Then that devil you call your father seduced me. I was young, naïve and unable to resist his charisma. But the moment I told him I was pregnant with Felicity; he threw me into the dust and accused me of being a whore and a home-wrecker. You were three at the time. Your mother got a divorce when she discovered the affair. Then, last year, when I heard her brain tumour was terminal, I rushed straight to her side, and promised that, no matter what, I would care for you as my own. You were Feli-Amethyst’s half-brother…Flex, please don’t give me silence, and say something.

Flex: Those murderers are going to pay. Mrs. Anderson, thank you for everything you’ve done. Don’t try to stop me, just know that whatever happens to me, I was happy to have known the truth.

(Sound of footsteps running and door slamming. Brief music.)

Scene 18- The Streets

(Sound of people partying)

Tyler: Hey Roxy, pass me another beer.

Roxy: Honey, you’ve had too many already. Remember we are under eighteen; we could be arrested for just carrying this stuff in a public place, especially since we have already been caught twice. Remember what happened with my brother Andrew, he got caught handling alcohol a third time, and now he sits in a cell all day.

Tyler: Since when did my wild girlfriend obey the rules? We are Kings; we make the rules!

(Sound of footsteps. Flex enters with a kitchen knife.)

Tyler: Flex, come join us. Hey, that’s a nice shotgun.

Flex: Amethyst is dead…

Tyler: Yeah, we heard.

Flex: …And you shall pay!!

(Flex shoots Tyler. Gunshot. Roxy screams and cradles Tyler.)

Tyler: (Weakly) Roxy….

(Tyler dies)

Roxy: (To Flex) You killed him! Murderer!

Flex: His actions ended my sister’s life, so he suffered the consequences…

(Brief music.)

Scene 19- Final Scene

Daniel: Five long years have passed since then. To this day, I still ponder over whether Tyler’s murder was justified or not. The crown court played its part, and Flex was sentenced to a life imprisonment of thirty years. Also, due to Flex’s brief involvement with them, the entire gang, including Roxy, were given three year sentences. I believe they call it Joint Enterprise. Upon her release, Roxy supposedly had a change of heart, got herself straightened out and recently set up her own support group, where she now helps youngsters who are bullied or bullies who need rehabilitating. Sadly, as I read of her amazing achievement in the newspapers, I find it extremely hard to forgive her, and even today, if I pass her in the street, I am unable to meet her eyes. Yet, I know she truly loved Tyler, therefore I can imagine how much she grieved him, so though I cannot bear to be near her, I wish her no evil. Three years after losing her daughter, Mrs. Anderson married Ralph, who had been her support and comfort, and they are expecting a baby in a few months, who they will eternally love and cherish, though I know no one can ever replace Amethyst. Mrs. Anderson continues to visit Flex in prison every month.

As for me, well, despite the sorrow we all endured, I passed my A Levels and went to University, where I achieved in graduating with an English degree. I now work as a journalist, travelling the length of Britain searching for the hot gossip. After luckily surviving his alcohol poisoning, my Dad returned to rehab and later fell in love with his widowed neighbour. I hope someday he will become fully clean of booze and we can piece together our father-and-son relationship. Last year, I entered a civil partnership with my beloved Tristan, who still acts as my guide and advisor. ‘The Reality of Homophobia and Other Bullying’ was published- dedicated to Amethyst- and I occasionally receive letters from grateful individuals and families suffering homophobic abuse or other types of bullying who feel my book has shown them someone is listening to their cries for help. Every 29th April, on Amethyst’s birthday, whilst the spring flowers bloom in the fields and the baby lams take their first footsteps, Mrs. Anderson, Ralph, Tristan and I visit Amethyst’s grave at St. Matthew’s Church on the hill and place upon the stone a bunch of violets; her favourite flowers. Amethyst hardly had a life, but she certainly changed the lives of others forever.

The End


Texte: Sophie Mander
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.05.2012

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