
Chapter 1

Ch. 1

Lora was getting ready for the party she had gotten invited today at school. She was new so she was really nervous and couldn’t decide what to wear. She decided on a dark blue dress and a sweater. She wore sandals and put her dark brown hair in a bun. She came down stairs, into the kitchen to tell her mother she was ready. Her mother took one look at her, all she could say was “Oh honey you look perfect.” “Thanks mom.” Lora said, blushing just a bit. “Are you ready to leave?” She asked. Lora nodded and they got into the car and drove to the party.

When they got there, her mother saw what the party looked like and got worried about her 14 year old daughter, going in there alone. Lora gave her a reassuring glance and smiled. “I’ll be fine mom. I’ll call you before 11, okay?” Her mother smiled at her. “That’s fine dear. If you need anything I’m one dial away.” She said. “Just be careful, okay sweetie?” “I will mom.” She answered. Lora opened the door and stepped out; when she got out she felt a huge weight fall on her. She started to get more nervous but took a deep breath and walked inside. When she got in, she could smell the alcohol and the music was really loud. She saw a girl she talked to earlier in the day and walked over to her. She spotted Lora coming over to her and smiled at her. She welcomed her in a hug and Lora hugged back. “Hey Lora” She said. “Hi Anna” She replied back. Lora glanced at everything around her. “So how’s the party so far?” She asked Anna. “It hasn’t been too bad. I want you to meet a few people.” Anna said. Lora nodded but said she wanted to get something to drink first. Anna handed her some punch but Lora could smell the alcohol, and she didn’t want to drink. She asked Anna if there were any drinks that didn’t have any alcohol. Anna sighed and pointed in a direction. “Thank you. I’ll be right back okay?” Anna nodded at her as Lora walked to the two punch bowls. One reeked of booze and the other was clean. She poured some of the regular punch into a cup. As she was putting the spoon down, someone bumped into her. As she was about to complain, the person who bumped into her was a he. She saw his face then looked him up and down. He had bronze skin and black hair. Lora blushed at his appearance. He smiled wide at her. She smiled nicely back. Anna came running over. “Lora, this is someone I wanted to introduce to you. This is Eli. Eli this is Lora.” Anna smiled at him sweetly and Lora put out her hand but instead of him taking it, he pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged back; she didn’t want to be rude. She finally got free of his tight hug and said hello. “Hi.” Was all he said with a huge smile of course. She had a feeling what kind of guy he was, just by how Anna was acting tords him, but she would save her questions for later. Anna whispered in Lora’s ear “By the way, don’t go after him. He’s mine.” Anna had a serious tone in her voice but Lora just nodded at her and smiled. Eli left them alone and Lora looked at Anna. “So who else are you going to introduce me to? Please tell me it’s not just more guys.” Anna smiled wide at her. “It’s not all guys, but there are some real lookers.” Lora smiled at her and took a sip of her punch. To be continued…..


Chapter 2

Ch. 2

   “So who am I meeting next Anna?” Lora asked. “Oh, his name is Alec. Are you ready to meet him?” Lora nodded. Anna grabbed her hand and pulled her to a stair case and started walking up them. Once they got up there she took a left and opened a door. They saw two tall guys; one with blonde hair and Eli that she met earlier. Anna brought Lora to the blonde. “Alec, this is Lora. Lora, Alec.” Lora looked at his face and she smiled at him. Alec put out his hand and Lora shook it. “Nice to meet you Alec.” “As it is to meet you Lora.” She smiled at him even more. Eli stared at Alec; annoyance but mostly anger was on his face. Anna noticed Eli’s face but didn’t react too badly. Lora took another sip of her punch but Eli quickly took it away and gave her a different one. She didn’t want to be rude so she took a sip. Lora quickly put it down though; she didn’t want to leave with alcohol on her breath when she went home. “Anna can I show you something?” Alec said. Anna nodded but gave a warning glance at Lora. She shuttered a bit; that was a ‘Don’t do anything while I’m gone’ look. Anna and Alec left the room. Lora could feel Eli’s eyes on her. She decided to finally be herself and actually be a smart ass for a bit. “What are you looking at?” She glared at Eli. “Oh just a beautiful girl. Problem?” He retorted. She blushed a tiny bit but still decided to reply. “I do actually.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Really? Your pink cheeks tell a different story.” Damn it! She thought. Stupid face. Eli smirked at her. “Stop smirking. I know what kind of guy you are and I’m not going to fall for it, Mr.” He smiled at her “And what kind of guy am I, Miss?” She glared at him. “You sir, are a ‘one and done’ kind of guy. Or ‘I’m not boyfriend material’ kind of guy. That kind.” He smiled wider at her. “Oh am I? You don’t know me at all. I could like one certain girl and I might chase after her till she finally says yes.” She looked at him “I feel bad for her.” He leaned close to her; right next to her ear and whispered. “Honey, you are that girl.” Lora groaned. He smiled at her and softly kissed her. As soon as he did, Anna and Alec walked back into the room. Anna saw Eli kissing Lora and stormed out of the room. Eli pulled away and Lora was stunned. “Y-Y-You.” She just stuttered. He smiled at her. “So do I get a chance?” Alec stared at him. “You do know Anna is going to kill her right?” Eli glanced at Alec, just noticing him. “I won’t let her. Weeds shouldn’t stomp on lovely flowers, should they?” Lora rolled her eyes and she could hear Alec sighing. “I-I should go call my mom to pick me up.” Eli looked at her sadly. “But doll why? The party just started.” She glared at him. “It’s already 10:30 and I promised I’d call before 11.” He pulled out a slip of paper and put it in her hands and closed them. “Just in case you change that pretty little mind of yours.” She rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t bet on it.” She turned and looked at Alec “I think you should call him later to check and see if his ego got too big.” She headed tords the door and put the slip of paper in Alec’s hands and stormed out the front door, dialing her phone. To be continued….


Chapter 3

Ch. 3

She walked out of the room and down the stair case, dialing her mom’s number. When she got to the bottom step, she saw Anna. “Anna I-” She started. “Save it. You be trade me. You kissed Eli when I told you he’s mine. You will pay for this.” She started to walk away but Lora grabbed her shoulder. “Anna he kissed me, if anything I would gladly have him be with you but I can’t make him. He said that he wants me. I’m so sorry.” Anna sighed. “It’s okay I guess. You can be with him if you want but he does have a history with girls so.” Lora rolled her eyes “Yes because I soooo want him to be my prince charming and sweep me off my feet.” Anna started to giggled but then stopped. “I could be your prince charming if you gave me a chance dear.” Lora turned around and glared at him. “Aren’t you busy getting hammered?” He chuckled “I barely had any sweet heart.” She rolled her eyes and looked at Anna. “Do you mind waiting with me while my mom picks me up?” Anna nodded at her and led her through the kayos of the living room. She took one last glance at Eli and he waved at her; she could see Alec rolling his eyes and she giggled. He noticed her giggling and glared and Alec. They were out of sight but she could hear Alec laughing at Eli. Lora dialed her mom’s number again, this time actually calling. It was 5 minutes till 11 and if her mother didn’t answer, she was dead. Great fully she answered. “Mom I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner, I just got stalled and-” “its fine dear. I didn’t expect you to call by 11.” Her mom said. “Really?” She asked “Mhm. I’ll be there in 10 okay?”. “Sure mom. I’ll be outside.” Lora hanged up and looked at Anna. “You okay with waiting about ten minutes?” Anna nodded at her and looked down. “You okay in general?” Anna looked at her. “I’ll be fine; I was stupid to think a 17 year old would like me.” Lora looked at her. “Wait. He’s 17? I thought he was like 16 or something.” Anna giggled. “I wish.”  Lora giggled too. “So what other than his appearance did you find appealing?” She looked at Lora again “Not much.” Lora burst out into laughter. Anna joined the laughter and they both had a laughing fit for about 5 minutes.  A tall figure walked up to them and Lora prayed it wasn’t Eli again. It was Alec “Hey Lora. I’m sorry Eli has made you his new target. Most girls just let him in then he breaks their hearts, but you really are different.” Lora smiled at him. “Why thank you Alec. How is your business with the ladies with Eli around?” He smiled at her “Not very well I guess since I’m gay.” Lora looked at him. “Oh. Sorry I asked.” Alec chuckled “It’s fine. Most people don’t think I am when we first meet. Are you actually leaving though?” Anna then joined the conversation. “She just called her mom and she’ll be here soon.” Alec made a sad face. “Aw. I wanted to get to know you better and if Eli went too far I could’ve kicked his ass for you.” Anna and Lora giggled “You still could.” Alec chuckled and pulled her into a tight hug. Lora hugged him back just as tight. As Alec let her go her mom pulled up and honked her horn. Alec and Anna waved at her and her mom waved back awkwardly. Lora gave Anna a quick hug and Lora walked to the car and waved goodbye.  To be continued….

Chapter 4

Ch. 4

 “Hi honey.” Her mother said. “Hey mom.” She replied. “So who were those people you were standing with?” Her mom took a glance at her daughter. “Oh. That’s Anna and Alec. Anna introduced me to him at the party.” Lora smiled to herself. “How old are they?” Lora thought about it for a second “Well Anna is 15 but she’s in the same grade as me and I’m not sure about Alec. I didn’t really ask.” Her mother looked at her again worried; her mothering instincts were up and running. “Alec’s gay mom so you don’t have to worry.” Her mother calmed. “Oh. Did you meet anyone else?” Lora thought to see if she should tell her mother about Eli and how he kissed her. “Um. Yeah. His name is Eli, he’s 17...” Her mother stopped the car. “17?” She asked. Lora nodded as her mother started the car. “He’s pretty much an asshole type of guy. So don’t worry about him either.” Her mother looked at her; a reassured but a stubborn one for her daughter swearing. They pulled up in the drive way; Lora stepped out and waited for her mother to go unlock the door. She put in the key as Lora walked behind her and they both walked in. They didn’t have a small house, but not a big one either. It was just Lora, her mother, and her little brother; Dylan. He was asleep already since he’s only 5. Lora said goodnight to her mother and headed up stairs to her room to change. She put on her pjs and slipped into bed. As her head hit the pillow she fell asleep. She started dreaming; in her dream she was back at the party. She headed up stairs but didn’t know why. She opened the only door there and of course Eli was there. She looked at him but he smiled at her, as if the conversation had never happened. Lora stood in the door way as Eli started to walk tords her. When he got to her, he moved the hair out of her face and gently kissed her again. The only difference was Lora didn’t object and she wrapped her arms around his neck. As soon as that happened Lora woke up; shaken from the dream. She would never act like that to Eli; she didn’t know what to do. She checked her alarm clock and it was 4:35 am. She laid back down and tried to sleep again. She fell back to sleep; happily without dreaming.

Chapter 5

Ch. 5

  She woke up that morning at 8 am. She walked to the bathroom and took a long needed shower, and then did her hair. She picked out jeans and a Pierce The Veil band T. She walked down stairs to her brother eating waffles. Lora leaned down next to him “Mind if you share a bit with your big sister?” He took a piece of waffle with his fork and put in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed it “Thank you Dylan.” She said and went to get a glass of orange juice. “Can I have a glass too?” her little brother asked; Lora took out a smaller glass and filled both glasses with orange juice. She took the small one to Dylan “So is mom up?” She asked her brother. “I think she’s sleeping in today.” He answered. Lora sat on the couch and turned on the stereo. Morning Star by Blood On The Dance Floor started playing as Lora sang along. There was a knock on the door and as Lora was going to get it, but Dylan got to it first. “Is Lora home?” A familiar voice said. Dylan looked at them. “Maybe. Who’s asking?” Lora smiled at her brother “I’m Anna and what’s your name little guy?” Lora got up and walked to her brother. “Dylan; Lora’s brother.” Lora peeked through the door “Hey Anna. I see you’ve met Dylan.” Anna nodded “He’s cute.” Dylan looked away but she saw his blush and rubbed his head. Lora looked at Anna “So how was the party when I left?” Anna smiled at her “Eli kept asking details about you. I gave him the basics since I couldn’t give huge details.” Dylan looked at Lora “Who’s Eli?” Lora sighed “Just a guy who thinks I’m going to be with him.” Dylan started walking to the counter and said “If I were him, I’d watch my back because no one hurts my sister.” Lora giggled and invited Anna in. “Isn’t he a tough one?” Anna giggled “He sure is.” Anna and Lora sat on the couch. “What are you listening to?” Lora didn’t notice the music changed and listened. “Oh it’s Falling In Reverse.” Anna looked at Lora “I’ve heard of them but I haven’t heard there new stuff.” Lora changed the song to Disasterology by Pierce The Veil. Anna and her started singing it. Lora sang quietly “Oh what a waste of a perfectly good clean wrist.” As the song ended Anna started talking about Eli again. “He asked what your favorite color, what music you like, your favorite flower, where you lived-” Lora cut her off “He what?” Anna looked at Lora “I didn’t tell him, I was guessing he would show up today.” Lora sighed with relief “I did tell Alec though. He wanted to get to know you more.” Lora stared at Anna “He could tell Eli you know.” Anna shook her head “He promised he wouldn’t” The doorbell ranged “Speak of the devil.” Lora got up and opened the door.  It was Alec with Eli. Shit! Lora thought. Alec started talking “I’m sorry Lora he insisted on coming.” Lora glared at Eli “Its fine I don’t blame you.” Dylan walked out of the kitchen “Lora can you get me more orange juice?” Lora turned around “Sure Dylan. This is Alec and Eli.” Lora took his glass and went to the kitchen to fill it back up. Eli looked at Dylan “Oh aren’t you cute.” Dylan walked up to Eli and poked him in the chest “If you ever hurt my sister, you’ll have to deal with me.” Dylan walked back into the kitchen to get his juice. Alec and Anna burst into laughing “You just got told by a kid.” Eli punched Alec in his arm. “Shut up.” Lora walked back into the room and invited them inside. She sat back down next to Anna and changed the song to Success Is The Best Revenge by Blood On The Dance Floor and starting singing along. Alec sat on Lora’s lap. She tried pushing him off. “Alec you’re too big for mee.” Alec laughed “But you’re so comfortable.” Lora stopped trying. Eli took Alec off her lap and sat on it. “Get the Hell of me if you want to leave here with your junk.” He quickly got off as Anna and Alec started laughing. Dylan came out and sat on Lora’s lap and glared at Eli. “My sister” Lora held onto her brother.  “Lora, Dylan who’s here?” Said her mother “It’s just some friends mom.” She yelled back. “Is that 17 year old there too?” Lora giggled “Yes mom.” Eli smirked “You told her about me?” Lora glared at him “You have to tell your mom about-” Lora covered Dylan’s ears “An asshole.” She uncovered them as Eli glared at her. To be continued…

Chapter 6

Ch. 6

Lora’s mom came stair case. She smiled at them all, opening her arms for Dylan. Dylan ran to her and gave her a big hug. “So who is everyone?” Anna stood up “I’m Anna, its nice to meet you.” She smiled at Lora’s mom. “I’m Alec.” He said with a wave. Eli waved “I’m Eli.” Her mother raised a eyebrow at her daughter and she nodded to her. Her mother went to the kitchen “Did Dylan eat?” Dylan ran into the kitchen “I did. All by myself.” Lora smiled at her brother. “So what should we do now?” Lora looked at Anna for help. Anna thought for a bit “Karaoke?” Alec and Eli laughed “What?” Lora said glaring at them “I think it’s a good idea.” Anna smiled her “I don’t have a lot of music so you’re going to have to pick one of those songs.” Anna got up and went through the music “Blood On The Dance Floor, Pierce The Veil, Falling In Reverse, Metallica, P!nk, Atreyu, The All-American Rejects, Breath Carolina and Eminem.” Lora got up and took the Bad Blood album and sat back down. The guys looked at her “What? Go pick an album so you can sing one of its songs.” Alec got up and took a Fashionably Late; then Anna grabbed Collide With The Sky. Everyone waited for Eli “Well?” Lora said. Eli looked at her “Anna has the album that I need.” Anna looked at him “I can share.” Lora stood up “So who’s going first?” Anna stood up “I am.” Lora went over and grabbed a mic. “I’m always prepared for karaoke.” She giggled at herself. Anna put in the cd played One Hundred Sleepless Nights. She sang it very well, even when there was screaming. “Eli you’ll be next since it’s the same cd.” Eli changed it to The First Punch. Lora didn’t pay attention. Eli saw her when he was finished and threw the mic in her lap. “Let’s see you do better then.” Lora took out the cd and put in Bad Blood, skipping to Always & Forever. “There is something you need to know, I will never ever let you go. There is something that you need to know, always and forever. I will love you so.” She finished and everyone was stunned. “What?” Lora looked at them all. Alec stood up and put in Fashionably Late, skipping to Keep Holding On. He started singing as Lora joined in quietly. He pulled her off the couch and they both sang. Eli got jealous, and stared at Alec. As they finished Anna clapped. Lora smiled and blushed a bit.

It was noon when Eli and Alec left; Anna wanted to stay a bit longer. “You and Alec were terrific.” Lora smiled “Thanks. You were great too.”  Anna smiled “Why thank you.” Dylan came in and sat on Lora’s lap again. “Lora will you take me to the park?” Lora looked at Anna “You feel like going to the park?” Anna looked at Dylan “With this cutie? Of course.” Dylan blushed and Lora kissed his head “Go get your sweat shirt in case it’s cold.” He ran up to his room “Are you sure? You know we’re going to have to play with him, and you’ll need energy.” Anna got up and stood like a super hero. “I can handle it.” Lora laughed and put on her Vans “If you say so Super Anna.” Dylan came down and slipped on his sandals. Lora opened the door and they all headed outside, with smiles on their faces. To be continued…

Chapter 7

Ch. 7

 Lora and Anna walked side by side to the park while Dylan ran ahead. When they got there, Anna ran to someone Lora didn’t recognize. It was a girl; she had bright blonde hair with bouncy curls, full lips, and light blue eyes. Anna grabbed her hand and pulled her to Lora and Dylan. “Lora this is Emily. Emily, this is Lora.” Lora smiled and waved; Emily didn’t look too happy to meet Lora. “Since when do you hang out with emo kids?” She glared at Lora then Anna. Lora took Dylan by the swings, thinking of a good come back. She finally said “Since when is it a crime to hang out with different people Miss Bitch Bitch?” She stared at Lora and stormed off; sadly Anna ran after her. Lora started pushing Dylan; contemplating what happened. A tall figure put his arms around Lora; before she could ask who it was, he spoke. “It’s just Alec, calm down.” Lora calmed and looked at him “Stalking me are you?” He smiled at her “Nah. I come here sometimes to draw.” She shook her head smiling “He isn’t with you is he?” Alec looked at her. “He isn’t exactly with me...” He nodded tords Emily. Eli was obviously flirting and Emily was smitten. “He works fast.” Alec sighed “He does like you though.” “And that’s really obvious right?” She glared at Eli. Alec kissed her head. “I can tell you’re jealous. Yooouuuu like him.” She glared at Alec “I do not. He’s a huge flirt and I bet all he wants is to get in my pants and hit n’ run.” Alec sighed. “That’s usually the case, but not with you. Did Anna tell you he nailed her with questions?” Lora sighed “Yes but if he did want something more than that, he wouldn’t be where he’s standing, would he?” Alec shook his head no. “That’s what I thought.” Dylan pulled her arm to the jungle jim. “Alec could you watch Dylan while I go get Anna?” Alec nodded “I might get to know this little guy while you’re gone.” Lora walked to Anna, Eli, and Emily. Emily rolled her eyes when she saw Lora, she could hear her comment. “Great, the emo freak is back.” Eli glared at her “Don’t call Lora that Emily. She is a lot more interesting than you’ll ever be.” Lora smiled a bit at him “Wow Eli. I never thought you’d be that desperate for sex.” Emily stormed away but Lora went after her. “You listen here princess. Just because I’m different doesn’t mean I’m a fuckin freak, and I wouldn’t sleep with him. He could have something from a slut like you.” She walked back to Anna, grabbed her hand and went back to her brother and Alec. Eli wasn’t far behind her. Alec saw her face and sighed. “One of the reasons why I’ll never be with women. Too much drama.” Eli grabbed Lora’s arm. “I’m sorry about Emily; I didn’t think that would happen.” Lora took Dylan off the jungle jim. “We’re going home Dylan.” Dylan moaned “But whyyy?” Lora sighed. “I’m sorry Dylan. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow okay?” He nodded. “Anna are you coming with me?” She shook her head “I have to get home. Sorry Lora.” Lora nodded “It’s fine, I’ll call you later?” “Of course” She said.  Eli went after Lora. “Lora please. I’m sorry.” Lora turned around “No you aren’t. You just want me to care about you, let you get in my pants then leave me like I was nothing. Just, just leave me alone.” Eli grabbed her hand again “LET GO OF ME!” She yelled. He sighed “That isn’t my intention. I want you to care about me, I want you to love me, but most of all I want you to know that I do love you.” Lora was stunned. “I have to go..” He pulled her to him and kissed her cheek. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Lora looked away, blushing more than the first time. Eli smiled at her “Good bye Lora.” Lora stepped away. “Bye..” To be continued…..

Chapter 8

Ch. 8

Lora was almost to her house when Dylan stopped. “Dylan wha-” She was gonna ask but before she could her brother hugged her tightly; she smiled and hugged her brother back. “I think Eli really does care about you.” Lora sighed. “I’m gonna be fine Dylan.” She took his hand again and started walking.

When they got home, the doorbell rang. “Dylan can you go get me a bottle of water?” Dylan nodded and went to the kitchen while Lora answered the door. Lora sighed when it was her neighbor. “Yes Mrs. Watson?” Her neighbor looked angry. “Your cat got out again and into my lilies.” She handed Lora her fat tabby, Lora took her cat and put him down in the house. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Watson. I promise it won’t happen again.” Her neighbor walked back to her house as Lora closed the door. Dylan came back with the bottle of water. “Thank you Dylan. And I’m sorry about today.” Dylan nodded “It’s okay. I can go to the park anytime anyway.” Lora smiled at her brother. “I’m gonna go take a shower, okay?” He nodded “I’ll just watch Disney Channel.”

Lora headed up stairs, picked out comfy clothes and went into the bathroom. She stood in the shower for 20 minutes until she starting washing. When she got out she re-did her hair and slipped into her pajamas early. When she came down stairs, her mother was making dinner and Dylan was still watching TV. Lora sat down next to her brother, not really paying attention to the show.

“Lora, Dylan, dinners done.” Her mom said. Lora and Dylan both got up and sat at the counter. They ate steak, green beans, and potatoes.  After dinner Lora and her mother did the dishes while Dylan got ready for bed. “Mom is it okay if I go to bed early?” “Sure honey. Tomorrow I thought you, me, and Dylan could go out to dinner. Sound good?” Lora nodded and started heading up stairs. “Goodnight mom.” Goodnight dear.” Lora went to check on her brother, she leaned down and kissed his forehead “Good night Dylan.” He smiled “Goodnight Lora.” Lora went to her room and checked her phone. There were 10 messages she had got during the day. 3 from Anna, 3 from Alec and 4 from Eli. Ugh. How did he get my number? she thought. To be continued….

Chapter 9

Ch. 9

{Author’s note: These are text messages so they’ll be typed different.}


Anna’s texts: Lora r u ok? Txt me back when you can



Y wont u txt me bak?


Yr worrying me Lora. Answer mee gawd.



Lora’s response:

I’m sorry Anna. I didn’t get to my phone till now. I’m fine I just need some sleep.



Anna’s reply:

Ok girl. I was jus realy worried about u.



Alec’s texts:

Lora I’m sorry this happened to you. If you don’t want to talk that’s fine but if you need anything, text me.



You’re worrying me, please answer.



You better text me soon to let me know you’re okay, or so help me I will go over to your house >:I



Lora’s response:

I just got to my phone. I’m fine. You don’t have to worry. I’ll call you tomorrow since I’m going to sleep. Goodnight


Alec’s reply:

Okay dear. Sleep tight. Goodnight.

Eli’s texts:

Lora I need to talk to you, please answer me. It’s Eli.


I’m so sorry, you should be mad at me. I didn’t mean for this to happen… I do care about you.


Will you please text me back. I need to know you’re okay. Please.


Lora please… I’m crying because you’re upset… Please.. I’m so sorry I did this to you.


Lora’s response:

I didn’t get to my phone till now… You don’t have to cry for me. I’m not that important anyway.. Just another girl you want to fuck.. Nothing more.


Eli’s reply:

You are way more than that to me. Don’t you ever think that. I barley know you but I can tell you’re special. I care about you, and I hate what happened today..


Lora’s reply:

I’m going to bed.. And tomorrow I’m taking Dylan to the park again since he was barley there… You could meet me there if you want.. I don’t know when I’m leaving so.


Eli’s reply: Are you asking me out, Lora?


Lora’s reply:

Maybe. No. I don’t know. I’m going to bed, goodnight Eli.


Eli’s reply:

Goodnight gorgeous.


Lora put her phone down and sighed. I can’t believe I did that.. she thought. Lora turned off the lights and crawled into bed, happily with a dreamless sleep.





Chapter 10

Ch. 10

 Lora woke up to her cat pawing at her face. She smiled at her cat and sat up. Yesterday was terrible, and Lora decided to fix her hair nicely. It was only 9 and Lora had plenty of time till she was dragged to the park. Lora slipped on jean shorts and a Blood On The Dance Floor band T; headed into the bathroom to do her hair. When she came out, she went into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. Dylan came down ten minutes later, hungry as ever. Lora made him a bowl of cereal and climbed up her stairs to brush her teeth. When she was done Dylan was on the couch watching his shows. Lora sat next to him “So I thought we could go to the park at 11. Sound good?” Dylan smiled at her “Is anyone going with?” Lora thought is it was a good idea to tell Dylan Eli was going to be there. “Maybe.” Her brother leaned on her and watched the rest of his show. Lora got up and went to her room. She checked her phone and of course she had a message from Eli. She read it out loud “Good morning beautiful. I can’t wait to see you today. –Eli” She smiled but then shook her head. I shouldn’t be falling for him. She thought. Lora slipped her phone into her pocket and went back down stairs. It was 10:30 and she decided to pack Dylan a lunch for the park. She made a ham sandwich with butter and put it in a zippy bag. Lora took out a cooler and set an ice pack inside. She put Dylan’s sandwich inside with two coke’s and a bottle of juice. “Dylan are you ready?” she yelled from the kitchen. She heard him run to get his shoes. While he got ready she texted Eli; it read ‘Hey. We’re leaving now.’ Not even a minute till he responded. She read it out loud “That’s great. I can’t wait to see your gorgeous face.”  She smiled to herself, not noticing Dylan. “Who was that?” She looked at him “Oh um, that was Eli. He wanted to see me and I said he could when I took you to the park. Is that okay with you?” Dylan nodded “As long as he doesn’t hurt you again. And I’m going to be watching him.” Lora giggled. “My little hero.” She grabbed the cooler and took her brothers hand. “Can you get the door?” He opened the door and waited for her to go first. “A gentleman I see.” Dylan pulled the door shut and they headed off to the park. To be continued…

Chapter 11

Ch. 11

   When Lora and Dylan got to the park, Eli was already there. “Is it just me or is he fast?” Dylan looked at her “He’s fast.” Lora smiled. “Ready?” Her brother pulled her arm. “I guess that’s a yes.” Dylan pulled her all way over to Eli. “Hey” she greeted him. “Hi beautiful.” Dylan poked him in the chest. “You treat her right Mr.” Lora smiled wider at her brother “Don’t worry. I’ll beat myself up if I ever do again.” Dylan stared at him “I’ll keep you to that.” Dylan then let go of Lora’s hand, running to the slide. Eli smiled at Lora “What are you smiling at?” He smiled wider “Oh if you only knew.” Lora sat down on a swing and watched her brother. “I heard you interrogated Anna about me.” He blushed looking away “I did. She told you about that?” Lora giggled “Yeah.” He blushed a bit more “Is the tough Eli embarrassed?” She had a teasing tone in her voice. “Oh please. I do not get embarrassed.” “Right right. You’re also a liar then.” Eli mumbled “And a mumbler.” Lora added. He glared at her, Lora rolled her eyes. She stood up and went to Dylan who was on the see saw, yelling for a partner. She went over the other end “Need a lift?” Dylan giggled “I do.” Lora let some of her weight go on her end, making sure to not put too much. Eli came behind her and lifted Lora up till Dylan was at the bottom. “Aye. No, that’s not how it works. Put me down.” Eli chuckled and let her drop till he could securely wrap his arms around her. “I said down not in your arms.” Eli smiled “But you didn’t say I couldn’t do so.” Lora rolled her eyes. “Lora I’m hungry.” Dylan said. Lora stood up so he could climb off and she headed to the cooler. She unzipped it and handed him a sandwich. “I also packed you a juice.” She gave him the juice and he opened the sandwich at the picnic table. Lora took out the two cokes. “Do you like coke?” He took it and smiled “Thinking of me already?” She rolled her eyes again. “I just didn’t want to have to share.” Dylan laughed at that remark. “Ha ha you’re so funny.” Lora smirked “I know I am.” Dylan laughed again; already finishing half his sandwich.

Lora opened her coke and took a sip. Eli opened his and it splashed all over. Lora and Dylan burst out into laughter; Lora’s laughter stopped when Eli took off his shirt that was soaked. She stared at him; he smirked at her “What are you staring at?” Lora shook her head “Nothing. Nothing at all.” He chuckled “Sure, sure. Maybe you should tell your cheeks that.” Lora put her hand on her cheek and felt the heat “Shit!” She cursed under her breath. Eli smirked at her and kissed her cheek; making it even hotter. “Damn you” She mumbled “Dylan are you done eating?” Dylan nodded at Lora and went to throw his baggie and bottle away. “He’s a good kid Lora.” She smiled at him “I know he is. I just hope he doesn’t get ruined by the shit I got ruined with.” Eli looked at her “You will never be ruined Lora. You are perfect.” She blushed more “No. Emily is perfect. I’m just here. Nothing more.” Eli cupped her face in his hands “Don’t you ever say that. Do you hear me? Ever Lora.” Dylan came back and stared at Eli “Ehem.” He got their attention “Lora the clock over there says its 3:30. Mom wants us home by four so we can get ready for dinner.” Lora sighed “I suppose we should be heading out then.” Eli sighed too; unhappily. “Do you think your mother wouldn’t mind me walking you both home?” Lora smiled “I don’t think so.” Eli smiled at her and put out his hand “Shall we?” Lora took it and took Dylan’s hand, as Dylan grabbed the cooler. They started walking when Eli stopped; seeing someone Lora didn’t recognize. She walked up with a smirk on her face. “I see you have a new target Eli.” Lora stared at Eli. “Let me guess, he said he wants you to care about him and love him? Yeah, that isn’t new material sweetie.” Lora stared even more at him; hurt more than yesterday. “Loren I have no idea what you’re talking about. I care about Lora.” Loren looked Lora up and down “She isn’t anything special. You said the same to me. By the way Lora, he dumped me two days after we fucked.” Lora pulled her hand away from Eli’s “You lied to me…” He looked at Lora “No, I may have said that but… You are different. And that is no lie.” Lora stepped away more. “It’s nice to meet you Loren but I must go. Come on Dylan.” She pulled her brother away, heading home. “Thanks a lot Loren.” Eli grumbled and went after Lora. “I need to explain what happened, but I don’t think Dylan should hear. I’ll call you tonight, please?” Lora sighed. “Fine. This is your last chance Eli.” She walked off without another word. To be continued….

Chapter 12

Ch. 12

Lora got home and headed to her room. She didn’t take off her shoes or anything; she went up the stairs into her room and shut the door, locking herself inside. She didn’t cry, she hasn’t cried since her dad left. Lora’s mom knocked on her door “Lora. Are you okay sweetie?” Lora swallowed her pain and braced herself for the pain. She opened the door “I’m fine… I don’t think I should go out tonight. You and Dylan should go.” Her mother sighed “If this is about that boy then I think you shouldn’t stay. Maybe if you get away from all of it.” Lora looked at her mom “Please mom.. I think it would be good if I stayed. So I can think about the situation. I promise I’ll stay home the whole time.” Lora pleaded with her mother, through her eyes. Her mother sighed “Fine, but no one can come over. Unless it’s that Alec boy. He seems like a good person to talk to.” Lora smiled some “He is.” Her mother kissed her head and went to Dylan’s room to tell him the news. She shut her door and laid in bed; thinking about Eli.

Dylan opened her door and sat next to her. “I’ll beat him up for you Lora.” She smiled at her brother and rubbed his head. “I’ll be fine. I promise. Go have fun okay?” Dylan nodded and left without another word. Lora checked her phone; and of course she had 5 messages from Eli. Trying to make her feel better.

After her mother left she picked up her phone again and called Eli. “You need to explain this to me.. I’m hurting and I don’t know how to stop it.” She heard him sigh “I need to do it in person Lora.” She checked what time it was; it was 4:30 and her mother wouldn’t be home for at least an hour. “You could come over.. My mom and brother went out to eat and won’t be home for an hour.. You have that time to explain this to me so you better hurry.” She heard movement over the phone “I’ll be there in ten.” He hanged up before she could say anything else. She went to the bathroom to see how much a mess she was. Her hair was a bit messed up and she had tear stained eyes, but she didn’t remember crying. The doorbell rang and she went down stairs. When she opened it he rushed in. “What’s the hurry?” He looked at her “It’s a long story and we don’t have much time do we?” She shook her head and took her hand, leading him up stairs to her room. “We could use the living room Lora.” She stopped “If my mom comes home early I don’t want her to see me cry because if we work this out she’ll never want you over again...” He looked at her “I’m not gonna make you cry Lora. I’ll kiss your tears away; you are too pretty to cry.” She looked away and started back up the steps. She opened the door, and went to her bed. She slid down till she was on the floor leaning on it. “You can sit next to me or over there.. It doesn’t matter to me.” He sat down next to her and took her hand. “Lora, I noticed you wear a lot of bracelets..” She knew where he was heading and she lifted them all up, showing only two small scars. He looked at her sadly “I don’t want you to do this again Lora.” She looked away from him “It probably will happen again..” Before she knew it, he leaned down and kissed her two scars. “I’ll be here to make you happier.” She looked at him “So far that hasn’t happened..” He sighed “I’ll tell you what happened Lora.” To be continued….

Chapter 13

Ch. 13

“Well, people call me a player. It’s because after we, ya know, the girl usually gets so clingy and needy and started to control me. I really did care about them, but they drove me away.” Lora didn’t meet his eyes. He tipped her face up, making her look at him. “I feel terrible that I hurt them but can you really blame me? Yeah, some I left too soon, but I can’t help it when they push me away.” Lora sighed “I get it.. It’s just.. I don’t want to be like them.. Ya know, left in the past as a distant memory..” Eli pulled her closer to him and softly kissed her forehead “You won’t be like that. I won’t let you.” Lora sighed again and laid her head on his shoulder. Eli wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her head. They both just sat there, in silence; absorbing the moment they had. “Eli..” Lora croaked “Yes?” He looked at her “Will you just kiss me?” He smiled at her “I wouldn’t want anything more” Eli slid his hand on her cheek and stroked it softly; staring in her eyes for a short moment. He then placed his lips gently on hers. Lora was lost in him; how soft his lips were, how warm he was. She wanted that moment to last forever. In one second it ended with a slam of a door. She pulled away and looked at the clock. “Shit! Its 5:30, you have to go.” She looked at him with panic in her eyes.

He looked at her calmly “No. I don’t want to hide Lora.” Lora looked at her window, then the door and back at Eli “Please. Just this once please Eli.” It was too late, they could hear footsteps coming tords the door “Hide in the closet. Please, you need to hide.” Eli got up without another word and went into her crowded closet as she pulled it quietly. He heard a faint “Thank you” come from her lips.

Her brother came running in with a doggy bag. “Hey” She greeted him. He was jumping up and down “We got you something to cheer you up.” She smiled “You did, did you?” He handed her the doggy bag, as her mother came walking into her room. Lora opened the doggy bag, smiling wider. “Aw you guys. You got me my favorite, chocolate chip.” She set down the bag and hugged Dylan “You two are so sweet.” Dylan smiled proudly at Lora then at his mother. “I told you she’d like it.” He said, like it was the best idea in the world. “Do you guys think you could give me a minute and I’ll be right down?” Dylan nodded and pulled his mother with him. She smiled at her daughter then pulled her door shut.

Lora quickly got up and opened her closet. “Hey” she breathed out “Hi. So do you expect me to jump out your window or what?” She looked back out her window “It isn’t that high..” He looked at her “Or I could just wait here till they both go to bed. Lora sighed “That could be awhile. You sure your parents won’t mind?” He shook his head “Nah. As long as I let them know I’ll be home late. Now go down stairs so they don’t think anything’s up.” He kissed her head. She smiled at him and started shutting the door but then opened it back up. “I’ll bring you something to eat soon okay?” He nodded and pushed her out of the closet. “Well you don’t have to be so pushy.” She mumbled. Lora stopped for second when she heard a soft chuckle. To be continued…

Chapter 14

Ch. 14

Lora went down stairs in a hurry, trying to act as normal as possible. “Lora did you eat?” Her mother asked. “Yeah” She breathed out. “Just making sure. Do you guys want to watch a movie?” Dylan was already running to their movie collection. “Actually I was thinking of taking a shower.” Dylan gave his mother ‘Garfield’ and sat on the couch. “Okay. But don’t stay up to late you both have school.” Lora went back up to her room without another word.

When she came back Eli was still in the closet. She opened the door and saw him lying on the floor. “Oh hi.” She said smiling at him. He looked at her drowsily “Hey gorgeous.” Lora blushed and he smiled at her. “I just came for my pajamas for after my shower.” Lora started looking through her clothes. “Hot. Can I come?” She glared at him and he chuckled. “Kidding. Unless you want to.” He winked at her “Yeah, no thanks.” She shut the door and headed off to the bathroom.

After her shower, Lora went down stairs to get a snack for Eli. She peeked a look at her brother and saw him fighting to keep his eyes open. Lora grabbed a mini bag of chips and a bottle of water. “Mom I’m going to bed okay?” She looked at her daughter, just noticing her. “Okay. Dylan looks like hes about done for so I’ll put him to bed then go myself.” Lora nodded “Night mom.” Lora stepped on the first stair “Goodnight sweetie.”

When she got to her room and opened her closet she found Eli sleeping. She set the chips and the water bottle on the floor and went inside. Crawling over him, she got to his face and put her hands on his shoulders. And with no warning she shook him. Eli woke up startled. “Morning sunshine.” She said, holding in a giggle. “What time is it?” He asked, not even half asleep. “It’s only 9:30 sleeping beauty.” He glared at her and she tried holding in her giggle. “I’ll get you, I am a lot stronger. I can pin you down and do whatever I want.” Lora laughed, not even trying to hold it in. “Sure sure. And then I’d pout and you’d let me go.” He shrugged “Probably.” Lora picked up the chips and water, handing it to Eli. “Here. I thought you might be hungry.” He took it and opened the chips, eating a few. “So how long will I have to wait?” He looked at her. Lora thought about it. “Um.. A hour at the most? I don’t know really.” He sighed. “What?” She asked. “Nothing, I just wanted to spend more time with you is all.” Lora rolled her eyes at him. “Cheesy answer.” He chuckled and ate more chips.  “Well since I can’t stay in here... And you can’t come out..  I guess we could text even though you’re right here? I know it’s stupid..” Eli grabbed her hand. “It isn’t. I know you don’t want to explain this right now.” She smiled. “I could just talk to Alec instead. Or Anna.” He rolled his eyes. She giggled and closed the door. To be continued…

Chapter 15

Ch. 15

  Lora climbed in her bed and went under the covers, to make it seem like she was going to sleep. She then picked up her phone and started typing. Eli had already messaged her.


Miss you already.


You’re so cheesy.


Lora heard a light laugh from her closet. Lora’s mom opened the door. “Hey sweetie, I was just heading to bed and I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Lora looked up at her “I’m fine mom. You don’t have to worry.” She smiled at Lora “Goodnight dear.” She started closing her door. “Night Mom.”

Lora sat up and went to her closet. Eli looked up at her “Did I hurt you that bad?...” His eyes were crystal. Lora leaned down next to him “I’m fine. No need to worry.” Eli laid his hand on her cheek “I’m sorry.” Lora kissed his cheek. It was about 10 when they both finally came out of the closet. “You should get going.” Eli held Lora tightly “I guess so.. You sure you don’t want me to stay the night?” He smirked at her “How about no.” Eli chuckled “Okay okay. At least walk me to the door?” Lora giggled and took his hand, leading him to the door. “Wait.” She paused as Eli cupped her face and softly kissed her. Lora blushed brightly “Now I can go.” And without another word he went out the door. Lora walked up the stairs, trying her best to not think about him; and actually get some sleep. To be continued…


Author's Note ~ Please Read

Okay so i wrote this awhile ago but never finished it.
If people will read it I'll keep writing in it.

I think its looking good.

Add to your favorites and comment c:

10 favorites and I'll continue seem fair?

Also, who's your favorite character?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.04.2014

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