
Sticks & Stones


Sticks & stones,

May break my bones,

But the words they say cut deeper,

And every time I hear them,

I feel a little weaker.


All the pain,

All the little cuts,

Haven’t I had enough?

All bruises that touch my skin,

Will I ever win this game?

With all my might,

I try to fight,

All the words they’re saying,

I keep on hyperventilating.


I need a place,

Where I’ll be safe,

Somewhere secure.


So sticks & stones,

May break my bones,

And words can never hurt me.


Was the first lie they told me.





His smile,

His heart,

His laugh.

Its everything I miss.


His affection,

His love for me,

I need it a lot.


But he’s gone,

So is his love for me.

I still love him.


I hope that its all a dream,

That he’ll come back for me..




It runs my brain.

Some times it drives me insane.

But no one knows.

And I never tell.

I put on a smile everyday.

No one notices.

But maybe one day.

They will.

When I’m gone.

They’ll realize I changed.

That I wasn’t me.

But by then.

It wont matter.




Drawing helps me think.

Helps me cope with the pain.

The heart ache.

The depression.

Sometimes it isn’t enough.

And I cry.

And cry.

Cry myself to sleep.

But silently.

So no one can hear.

No one can hear my defeat.


 Everyone around me,

Seems to be so happy.


I wonder if they think the same of me.


That since I look happy,

I must be.



I should be like a normal person.

I shouldn’t have to rely on one friend all the time.

But I do.


I go through so much alone.

But I need to learn,

I need to learn to be alone now.


So I don’t ever expect anyone to stay,

For long anyway.


 Invisability is what I aim for.

I never want to be seen.

I don’t want to be me.

I just want to see beauty in the world,

Without being judged every five seconds.

I want to be invisible so I can feel good.

I wouldn’t have to worry about how I look.

Or dress.

Or act.

I could just be me.


 Everyone says that they know no one’s perfect.

But we all aim for it.


We all expect others to be.

We all judge.

On looks.





Unless you know someone.

Truly know them.


We shouldn’t judge.

But we do anyway.


From human nature.


But you dont have to be a bitch about it.

The World

 The world.

We all view it differently.

Some see only hate and war and pain.


Others see only the good and reject the bad.

But few see both.


In people.

In countries.



Those lucky people will do some good in the world.

Sure they’ll make mistakes,
     But they’re only worth making if you learn from them.


 Music is how I feel.

How I don’t feel as alone..

But I still do.


I have family.

And people who care.

But I am alone.


No one gets who I am anymore.

The only way I can connect is with music.

Just the sound.


The lyrics.

It makes everything okay again.

Even when they’re really not.

Not at all.

You're Perfect To Me ♥

 You see me as a perfect doll.

I see me as a broken, lonely soul.


Everyone to me isn’t exactly perfect but they’re way more perfect for you than me.

I don’t deserve your love.

Your affection.

How am I so lucky to be treated like this?


I don’t deserve it.

Even if you argue and protest you aren’t.

You really are.

You’re perfect to me.

One Day

One day we're something,

The next day,

I'm nothing,

You drive me insane,

I feel so deranged,

Or have I just gone mad,

Tell me what do we have?


Sometimes I feel important and safe,

Now it's like you can't wait to escape,

I'm crying so much from just one word,

I love you was the last thing you heard.


As long as you have her,

I'm not really needed,

She makes you happy,

You're getting mis leaded,

I want you,

Then don't,

I feel like I'm getting choked.


I can feel my eyes burning,

From all your deserting,

My heart is aching,

Some is yours for the taking.


Is this our last goodbye?

Is it your final try?

How many "No"'s do i have to hear,

Before you get,

I love you dear.

Break Me

You're with her,

But love me,

It's just so confusing,


You need her,

But break me,

I feel like I'm loosing,


You miss me,

I miss you,

Why can't I live without you?

And your touch,

And your love,

I feel like I'm not enough.


Am I lying to myself,

Cause I really need help,

I can't sit here,


Letting you break me,

Why do I let you break me?..

Truth Or Dare

~Authors Note: The point of veiw is of a person who hates themselves & cuts but shes going to a party, idk if i like it or not but ya~



What if they ask?

What if they saw them?

What if they ask to see?

Could I say it was the cat?

Or would they see through my lies?

Could I answer without breaking?



What if they dare me to show them?

What if they dare me to show my skin?

What if they dare me to say my fears?

Or to face them?


Should I just stay home & say I'm sick?

Hurry hurry, as time ticks.

You can do this.

I really dont know what I can do.

Maybe I can hide away.

In the bathroom.


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

You hate me?

Well I hate me too.


So you think your powerful for it?

I was hating me long before you.

So quit the shit.

I'm the one who breaks my skin.

Fuck You

Fuck you,
Fuck you,
Fuck you,
Fuck you ok?
I'm fucking tired of your games.
You love me.
And I'm with you,
But you never spend a minute with me.
Youre busy,
I get it,
But I'm fucking tired of this shit,

A week passes,
And what?
Fucking nothing.
Why do I try anymore?..
Youre never gonna change..
But I still think you will..


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.08.2013

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