

A long, long time ago, two men were creating something in a hidden laboratory, something that would change the world. These two men were the well-known and respected Albus Dumbledore, one of the most promising young wizards at his time and his partner Nicholas Flamel, an alchemist that was about to change the world. What these two men were making was truly extraordinary and the result was even more extraordinary, it was called the Philosopher's Stone. A stone that could turn any man wealthy cure any illness and supposedly even grant immortality. Although the immortality rumor was just a theory the other two were not.

 Indeed the philosopher's stone turned all of Flamel's plain metal wares into those of silver and gold and cured his sick daughter but one day Albus told him to let him have the philosopher's stone for if it should be discovered it could be used for wrong doing and corruption. Reluctantly he gave the stone to Dumbledore but it didn't stop him from wanting more for his family and for himself. One day he walked in circles around his lab, with questions pondering in his head. What if I could create another philosopher's stone? Could I create one without the help of Dumbledore this time around? Can I do it? These questions plagued his mind that morning he was in that room, and then suddenly he stopped walking in circles. Yes I should be able to do it, I can do it, for I am Nicholas Flamel, and that same night after supper with his family he confined himself to his secret study and worked all hours of the night and most hours of the morning creating that miracle stone that he had created before. Around noon it was done and to his great surprise when he placed the stone in a copper vase, it turned into a golden vase, he called his wife and showed her but reminded her to keep it a secret.

Then he showed it to his daughter and her husband and promised them also not to tell but it was too late for somehow people did come to know of the original philosopher's stone that he and Albus  made but they didn't know about the 2nd philosopher's stone and for the sake of protecting the 2nd philosopher's stone, when Nicholas was on his deathbed he made his family swear to keep that stone within the Flamel family and the Flamel family only for who knew what would happen if others were to learn of it and obtain it. And so the philosopher's stone was passed down from generation to generation but that wasn't the only thing passed down the family line, the ability to travel through time and space was also inherited by members of the Flamel line, the magical ability was unique to the great Flamel clan who had earned reputation and power through the philosopher's stone which they used for wealth and charity alike. Today there is one last descendent of the Flamel line and her name is Celestia Flamel, who is the last descendent of Nicholas Flamel, she is about to transfer to Hogwarts but little does she know how her inheritance and unique ability will change the life she already knows....


Chapter One : The Transfer Student

Finally today was the day, it was the day that Celestia could finally transfer from the over-posh Beauxbatons Academy, to a nice normal magic school, that was more to her liking and that school was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To be frankly honest, Celestia never really felt that she belonged at Beauxbatons Academy, simply because of the fact that she is a Flamel and she had better spells, potions and charms to learn rather than posh, sissy spells that were too girly for her bold tastes. True she had been born a beauty and looked pretty in the blue uniform that was required but she had never really liked the uniform or the things she learned at the academy, heck Beauxbatons Academy was chosen by her parents not by her but now she was the last Flamel, the last descendent, and now that she was on her own....well except for her personal assistent/body guard Cesare, it was time she started making her own decisions and transferring to Hogwarts would be the first decision she would make on her own.

Later that day(after a 4 hour flight and an train ride), it was only 2:30 and it had already been a long day for Celestia Flamel, she and Cesare had spent at least a few hours that morning packing everything she would need for her new life at Hogwarts and she had traded her traditional Beauxbaton's uniform for a ruffled blouse, cute black skirt and a red blazer, it was not the Hogwarts uniform that was required but it would have to do, after all today would be her first day and she would just be receiving a tour of the school and settling in her dormitory.  She would get the uniform later she told herself, for she had ordered a few Slytherin uniforms the day before. think she was placed in a dormitory with the house name Slytherin was absolutely awkward. And why she had to share a dormitory with two other girls, she had no idea why, she was an wealthy heiress for everyone knew the Flamel family was wealthy, powerful and reputable, but none the less they said they do not have single dormitory's when she acquired about it last week, oh well beggars can't be choosers she reminded herself, at least they had found a place for her and she wouldn't have to go through admissions as her last headmistress had already sent her transcript and a letter telling Hogwarts who she was and what her abilities were.

When she arrived at Hogwarts, she was immediately greeted by head master Albus Dumbledore who explained that the other pupils were currently in class but that it wouldn't interfere with their tour. The first thing Albus Dumbledore had done was explain that typically normal students wouldn't need a two-in-one body guard/personal assistant, but since she was the last Flamel descendent and probably had something of great value that others would desire, there was an exception made for her sleek, professional companion that had been taught the same magical arts that Merlin was taught and he even attended Durmstrang Institute previously for 3 years, so he could finish his education at Hogwarts along with Celestia. "And Celestia, the uniforms you have ordered are already in your dormitory which you are expected to wear tomorrow, for you and Cesare both will start classes tomorrow, there are even uniforms provided for Cesare in his dormitory so neither of you need worry". She thanked him and said she was honored to be attending Hogwarts.

 For the next hour, the three of them, Cesare, Dumbledore and herself toured the school ground and met the various instructors. The students were lively as they all pushed and shoved to catch a glimpse of the heiress who got attention everywhere she went simply for being the last descendent of the Flamel line, try as she may, Celestia tried not to be too much in the public eye throughout her life but half her life was lived in the public eye as news reporters, magazine reporters, tabloids and the like always tried to stalk her. in a way it slightly annoyed her that she couldn't always avoid gossip and the public eye, but time had taught her life was life, being the last descendent of Nicholas Flamel would not be easy and she knew it but still she managed to be sweet, social and graceful.

 She had to be if she wanted people to know the other side of her, the side of her that wasn't the constantly famous heiress but rather just a normal 16 year old girl in her sophomore year of high school. Although the cheering, pushing and shoving to see the heiress that transferred to Hogwarts annoyed her just A LITTLE, she managed to handle it all with grace and sweet smiles. She could do it, she could be happy at Hogwarts she thought as she waved one last time before entering her dormitory. There was a lot in store for her at Hogwarts and some people knew that better than she knew the fact herself...

Chapter Two: Of Personal Gain and Personal Desires

Yesterday a transfer student came to Hogwarts, this was no ordinary transfer student, her name is Celestia Flamel, otherwise known as the last descendent of the Flamel line and the heiress of the Flamel clan. Everyone knows her; they all know she was to inherit her fortune in a couple of years. Newspapers wrote about her, magazines interviewed and photographed her and tabloids tried to leak personal information about the young heiress, the last descendent of Nicholas Flamel. Try as she may she still lived half her life in the public eye and when she came to Hogwarts as a transfer student, all the students became lively. Yesterday everyone who was anyone pushed and shoved trying to catch a glimpse of the rare beauty and a very few were lucky to get to talk to her. The instructors were delighted because they would be teaching the Flamel descendent or so they hoped, boys who were virgins or yet to have fallen in love fell hard for her, all the popular girls, cliques and athletes of Hogwarts prayed to befriend her and everyone else just adored her.

 It wasn't hard to adore her with her perfect strawberry blonde locks, fair complexion and jewel toned eyes that could change from an lively emerald color that could light up any conversation or a whole room to a deep, sapphire blue that were full of both innocence. Many wanted to know her, some just wanted to know her because of the fact she is somewhat of a celebrity in life while others want to know another side of her that is normal and doesn't think high and mighty of herself just because of who she is. The truth is there is one student who knows her and knows her well, probably better than anyone else could ever befriend or get close to her and that person is Draco Malfoy. The two of them used to live close to each other, both of them came from prosperous family and by some coincidence, their parents both managed to have their respective estates built within a few miles of each other so it was no wonder that the two were friends as children, that is until she moved away to France to attend Beauxbatons Academy, her parents’ choice of course, so in a way it surprised Malfoy that she transferred to Hogwarts and in a way it didn't, he knew her personality very well, even as a child he could read her personality. She was a beauty growing up, she possessed the beauty of porcelain doll except she was never fake and she also possessed a sense of boldness.

He remembered that when they were little she liked to go on risky playtime adventures with Malfoy like climbing more than 10 ft up a great tree which was quite a feat at the age of 8, the age she attempted it and even encouraged Malfoy to climb too high, but because they were kids they eventually got scared or Malfoy did at least and Lucius had to use magic to get them both down safely from the tallest tree in the woods, that were just beyond the backyard of their estates. Another thing, when her parents tried to hire her a personal magic tutor at the age of 10, one of the best in Europe they hired, she was a bold firecracker and often tried to skip magic lessons with her stoic instructor in the sneakiest ways possible. She did invisibility spells; she pranked him and the such eventually the instructor left having been outwitted and therefore embarrassed by the childhood heiress. "I want to be yours" is another thing Draco recalled, she had said it to him before she left for France. She may have been 11 when she said it but everyone including Draco knew she had always been beyond her years and gifted. She had potions and knew certain spells that certain wizards and witches alike only dreamed of knowing and her abilities she inherited were something else.

Those aspects on top of the wealth she had inherited from her parents after they had died in an accident two years ago certainly made her stand out, they were a few of the reasons why Draco's father was encouraging his son to court and eventually engage himself to the young heiress for she would inherit even more wealth when she turned eighteen in two consecutive years. However when Draco saw her again all grown up with a lady's body, grace and lively personality he truly felt that if he could court or even marry her he could grow to love her like she had loved him as a child, as silly as it was Draco wondered if she would still feel that way about him, her childhood crush and closest friend. That was the difference between Draco and his father; Draco wanted to court and possibly marry Celestia for love, while Lucius his father wanted his son to eventually marry her to increase his own family's wealth and amp up their reputation as a noble family. Little did he know that someone else might get to her first...

Chapter Three: First day, First flash-back

On the first day of classes, Celestia had gotten to class on time and managed to make a handful of friends before class even began. She sat down next to Cesare for her first class of the day, potions, should be easy enough she told herself. She had always loved potions, they were one of her favorite things to experiment with in magic for it never ceased to amaze her the wondrous possibilities one could achieve just from potion making. She lightly tapped her quill pen against her notebook, with her other hand beneath her chin, feeling a little bored. Here she was on time for her first class and her teacher was late. Truth be told she honestly felt a little nervous because Severus or should she say professor Snape was teaching this class, she felt butterflies in her stomach because of the fact that in her past life she was his lover, she shivered at the thought.

 She knew this because one of the abilities she had inherited from the Flamel line was the unique ability to travel through time whether it be in the past or in the future she could travel through time and she could even see her past lives, everyone that had lived in the Flamel clan had, had a past life, that was a well-known fact about the Flamel line. If she remembered correctly, she had opened up an time portal through an old Latin spell for time travel which had taken her back to mid-1970s, the era when her mother and aunt Prudence had once attended Hogwarts themselves before transferring to Beauxbatons to pursue more "feminine" magic, for she had always remembered that both her mother and aunt Prudence or Prue for short as she often called her, both always had a taste for the more feminine things in life like sewing, attending high society events, hosting balls and parties of sorts while Celestia had always been the most adventurous female of the Flamel clan or so she liked to think. Course she cared about clothes, hair and accessories but she never really cared much for makeup, garden parties and the sorts she found them rather boring yes she who was born into high society found classical activities that people born of high society just boring plain and simple.

Back to her train of thought, Celestia remembered that when she had went through that portal it brought her to aunt Prudence in the past, (who surprisingly used to look just like Celestia but had since then traded her strawberry blonde locks for deep mahogany instead) and to her not so great delight she had witnessed a scene of the past where her aunt was being made to love to by a young Severius Snape who she found out later on only slept with her aunt because he was trying to forget a past love and thought that sex with her aunt could help him forget her even though it was only temporary.

 Her aunt hadn't seen her because of the spell but Severus did.....he saw right through her spell and noticed her and his mouth went agape and his eyes started to widen just as she was closing the portal to go back to present time. She would never forget this as it was her first time experimenting with time travel and neither would Severus who had noticed the striking resemblance between Prudence and her niece who was now in his class. That was another thing she later found out that the other reason he had decided to sleep with her aunt was because she almost resembled his first love except with lighter hair and a softer accent just like....Celestia and now Severus feared that he was about to fall for another Flamel all over again....

Chapter Four: Duty To The Family

One week prior to Celestia's arrival at Hogwarts: Lucius Malfoy was usually a patient man but today as he was sitting in the Slytherin common room waiting for his son who he had told to promptly meet him at 3:30 not 4, he felt himself get a hint of worry, it was not like his son to be late for anything really, growing up he had taught to be on time for EVERYTHING for it was proper and he had passed it on to his son or so he thought. Finally at 4:08 his son walked in with a grin on his face "Father what a brilliant day it is to be at Hogwarts we are hosting the Triwizard tournament and Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy....... he didn't get to finish as his father barked "Sit, we have important matters to discuss and your late" Lucius said with a bit of impatience in his voice. "Someone is coming to Hogwarts son, someone who could be very beneficial to you, me, your mother and the entire Malfoy clan for that matter, her name is Celestia Flamel".

The girl whose supposed to be the last member of the Flamel line and heiress to the Flamel fortune and title?. "Precisely my son, you see she possess something that could be very beneficial to our clan indeed something that you could easily obtain with your charm". Draco just shook his head "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, explain". That girl, my dear Draco possesses something that could bring us even more fortune than we already have and...immortality". You don't mean......."Oh but I do Draco, Harry Potter may have destroyed that one philosopher's stone that Nicholas Flamel made but its a very well-kept secret that Nicholas Flamel actually created 2 in his lifetime and thanks to my good sources, I found out that the last Flamel heiress just happens to possess it, think of what this could mean for us Malfoy, I know you had a crush on her as a child so it would be beneficial to you, me, your mother and everyone else in our clan. Draco looked at his father than down at his feet...immortality huh....I'd be able to get Celestia whom he wouldn't admit he'd never stopped thinking about even know he had dreams about her and wondered what she looked like with a more womanly body and.... "I will not fail you father" he said as he stood up.

"Good then, enjoy the triwizard cup Draco, I shall see you later on". Immortality and the girl of his dreams, it couldn't get any better Draco thought, even though he's have to betray her she'd forgive him later on and who knew perhaps they would marry one do or so he could hope if only in his dreams, but for now Draco was going to have his girl.

Chapter Five: Desirable

By the end of her first class which was potions with Professor Snape, Celestia finally felt like she could be at ease now that his hard glare was no longer on her, Cesare had his seat moved from the middle of the classroom to the front row, right next to his lady that he was sworn to serve no matter not whether it would be for comfort, advice, small favors or protection it was his duty to serve her and when he had noticed his lady looked terribly uncomfortable on her first day he asked the professor if he could sit up front where he could hear the lesson better and see more clearer, he simply nodded "go on", so he grabbed his things and moved by her and inquired as to what was wrong she merely just shook her head and whispered "our teacher, he won't stop glaring at me, he acts like an owl ready to capture his prey and it doesn't settle well for me for I am no mouse". No but you certainly are as cute as one he said with a wink.

"Oh Cesare you know I'm not ready for another beau just yet and besides the person I have a possible tiny crush on is on our class so quiet and concentrate on the lesson" she said with a smile. Cesare needed no further instruction and turned his head forward to observe as the professor was demonstrating how to make a potion for changing appearances to resemble any person you would like to look like. Maybe this class could be interesting after all he thought. The rest of the day went by pleasantly as Celestia shared a couple of classes with some former friends from Beauxbatons and made some new guy friends from Durmstrang as Hogwarts was hosting the two schools for the tri-wizard tournament meaning mixed classes with Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton's students alike. The Hogwarts students were exceptionally friendly and asked many questions like "what’s it like to be an heiress", "can you show me how to time travel since I heard it’s your specialty" and other whimsical questions which she answered politely, honestly and gracefully with poise, growing up as an heiress she was taught that smiling often and graceful poise go a long way especially when many people’s eyes and attention are on you. Guys from Durmstrang and Hogwarts alike flirted with her and tried to ask her out but when Cesare gave them his cold glare they would just wait till later and try to pursue her again.

That was the typical pattern for a girl like Celestia adored, be asked out, be befriended, be envied. Honestly her life felt boring sometimes but she could always count on Cesare to make her smile for he was more than her bodyguard, he was her friend who secretly considered her desirable but he didn't pursue her for he knew she still felt for that Malfoy heir who happened to attend this school and once she had passed by him in the hallways on a rush to her next class he knew he wanted her as he saw those strawberry blonde girls and shapes legs that couldn't be hidden not even by her uniform. "It’s no wonder she's the most desirable girl at Hogwarts" he said to himself for now it was no secret that the beautiful and desirable young Flamel heiress was attending Hogwarts, the same year as the tri-wizard tournament and has officially been declared through word of mouth and many, MANY Durmstrang and Hogwarts males that Celestia Flamel is officially the MOST DESIRABLE person at Hogwarts. Oh bloody hell......I may have competition.... was all Draco could think. He would just have to work hard to get the most desirable student and please his father....

Chapter Six: Jealous Much?

Draco Malfoy was not used to being the jealous type, at least not very often. It was the end of the day meaning classes had ended, meals were finished and students were in their dormitories studying or relaxing. When he had heard Celestia had been placed in his house and was in the dormitory a few minutes ago studying he had become anxious with excitement and dashed up the ever changing, moving stairs. When he had entered the Slytherin Common room he saw Celestia alright, Celestia with her soft strawberry blonde waves that had been curled at the ends, sapphire blue eyes, creamy soft skin and with another guy....a guy who had surfer-style brunette hair and the most piercing eyes that reminded him of the dark night skies he had olive skin tone, Italian perhaps he thought but who was he and what did he mean to Celestia, he hid behind a pillar and watched them talk in hushed voices.

 It was Celestia speaking alright could never forget the silky, soft voice she had been blessed with, only Celestia had such an angelic voice, heck if she wanted she could be a singer but instead she chose to live on as a socialite and avoid as much limelight as possible, every so often he would see her in the tabloids so that was one reason he still recognized her. She hadn't changed over the years too much really, when she was little she wore pigtails with the ends curled which he noticed she still did, she was also a bit of a tomboy always climbing trees, playing in the woods and what not and now she seemed more feminine and graceful, probably from spending a few years in Beauxbaton's academy. Now Celestia had shapely legs, a small waist and gorgeous hair that cascaded like a waterfall and had perfect curls at the end this much he could tell.. "Oh Cesare..." he finally heard, so that was his name huh, Cesare, definitely Italian. Finally he couldn't take it anymore, he came out from behind the pillar where he was standing and walked towards "the couple"....."It’s been a long time...Celestia"...

Chapter Seven : Semi-Awkward Introductions?

Celestia suddenly looked up and cocked her head to the side "Draco? Good lord it is you, what a pleasant surprise, I didn't know you were in Slytherin, allow me to introduce Cesare" she said with slight surprise as she watched him shake hands with Cesare, "Cesare Ferrante at your service, lady Celestia has told me so much about you, it is an honor to finally meet you"....there was an awkward silence in the air for a few moments just as she was about to pay Draco a compliment he suddenly spoke out "Your...your... Cesare Ferrante?!". Cesare just raised his eyebrow "You know of me?" he inquired "Yes how I could not, I can't believe you’re the son of Andrea Ferrante....but if you’re his sole heir than why are you... "With her" he finished abruptly, Draco just nodded his head "to put it short, I'm always by Celestia's side because she is my mistress and as her body guard and personal assistant it’s my sole duty to assist and protect her till the day I die, I was born for this job that’s why I trained with the FBI when I was twelve, after I turned 18, I was hired by her father right before he died, it was his wish that the last Flamel heir always be protected" he finished with a serious look aimed towards Draco who held a solemn face  "I see" be eighteen and be able to enroll in Hogwarts just to be her guardian is quite an accomplishment, he's lucky he looks young enough to be a high school student still, come to think of it he and Celestia were only 6 months apart.

 "Well Cesare, your clearly a talented and gifted guy to be able to look young enough to be a student and to have trained with the FBI for 7 years is truly remarkable, I'm glad to have made your acquaintance." Cesare curtly nodded in response to the compliment for truthfully he was a little jealous of Draco, as much as he loved Celestia he knew that he would never be good enough for her, that he could never be her Draco, he could've inherited a mansion of his own and his father's multi-million dollar automobile industry but instead he chose to hone his skills under the training of some of the best trainers the FBI had to offer and it had landed him a highly sought after position which was to be the guardian of an heiress and not just any normal heiress, for everyone knew Celestia is currently the last heiress of the Flamel clan, as all the other members of the family have had "mysterious deaths", her parents being the only exceptions, her father died of cancer and her mother died shortly after from a heart attack.

 "As for you, Celestia, I am sorry to hear that your parents have passed away and if you need anything, I'm here" he said with a heartfelt smile that made her blush, she always blushed around Draco and she sort of hated that small fact a smile beamed on her face when she replied "Thank you Draco, they died a few years ago and to be honest I miss them but they did a lot of great things in their life and were able to die peaceful deaths so because of that I'm able to move on in life even without them, I look forward to seeing you around". Yes indeed, he thought "this will be an interesting school year" Draco murmured to himself with a grin as he headed to his bed.

Chapter Eight: A New Target

"Its just as I suspected" a certain voice hidden a dark corner said quietly to himself "So the rumors are true, that she does posess the second philosopher's stone in that locket of hers she never takes off", the voice had belong to no other than Lord Voldemort who had come to Hogwharts in disguise when he heard the young heiress, the last Flamel had transferred to Hogwharts from Beauxbaton's.  To the naked eye it would be hard to notice, but if one looked closely enough the second philosopher's stone Celestia possesed was hidden in a thin silver locket that she wore tucked underneath her blouse, but the silver chain that  the locket was attached to could clearly be seen around her swan like neck, Voldemort knew she kept that stone in that locket for he saw her opening the locket to make sure the stone was okay. And it was okay, at least for now. Voldemort smiled "Rest well, I have plans for you Celestia, descendent of Nicholas....."

Chapter Nine: Everyone Has Desires

Day Two at Hogwarts: 


By now Cesare had memorized the entire layout of Hogwarts, for should he not be at Celeste's side when she was in danger he would have no trouble tracking her down, for he had memorized everything about the woman he served. From the sound of her voice to the sandalwood with a hint of jasmine perfume she wore, he knew everything about her just about, therefore unlike other agents he didn't need to put a tracker on her to locate her in times of danger. Although this was a good trait he possessed, it was also an bad one because he knew her too well and for too long he loved her too much, it was a painful job the one he had but her father had saved him after he lost everything and because of that he felt indebted to her family so he stayed dutiful to the heiress no matter how emotionally charged the job could be.

Meanwhile Professor Snape was in his private chambers feeling as though he may lose sanity. He had loved a Flamel a long time ago and unfortunately this spoiled little heiress just had to resemble Prudence and even more unfortunate he felt inappropriate desires stirring inside him, desires he couldn't control. Lord not even the strongest potion to repel desire could help him now. He put his head in his hands. Whatever he did he wouldn't become too entangled in her life at Hogwarts he promised himself quietly. Meanwhile in the Slytherin common room, a certain blonde heir was pondering on how to win the heart of the girl who loved him since childhood. He didn't know it back then but slowly as she was living in France before transferring schools, he had realized that he not only missed her, he loved her. For those five years she was living in France attending Beauxbaton's he could only see how she blossomed through tabloids, when she was in them that was for she had spent half her time in the public eye and other half....well god only knows.

He saw the curves that she developed in the photos that showed her wearing body forming dresses at events that were clearly meant for the wealthy, her hair had grown long and beautiful as well, he could never get enough of those strawberry blonde waves of hers, it was one of her assets that Malfoy admired the most, so much that there were times he wanted to pull her away from the students who always surrounded her, and kiss her passionately while running his fingers to those perfect waves of hers. Soon you will be mine, Celestia Flamel....

Chapter Ten: Rumor Has It...

By the end of the week both Celestia and Cesare were well acquainted with everything Hogwarts- from its rich history, to its vast layout and design of the dorms and the school, including its most popular student....Harry Potter, the boy who had survived an attack from "you know who, that you can't/shouldn't mention". A few students raised their eyebrows in awe; two famous student in one school certainly would make school interesting from now on they thought. It didn't take long for the two "school celebrities" to encounter either in fact they had their very first encounter at the start of Celestia's second week at Hogwarts. It all began on Tuesday, when she had gone to the study hall with Cesare to study for an upcoming astronomy test when she had saw him walk in, immediately she noticed the scar that was just barely visible with his bangs covering the majority of it "My lord...... your Harry Potter I presume?" she stated allowed making everyone including Harry turn into her direction "Come closer, Mr. Potter, I'd like to properly greet you, as would my.....friend Cesare."

 He came forward and stretched out his hand "Celestia, it is an honor to meet you" he said with a warm smile. Suddenly she did something no one expected, she gently brushed his bangs aside to see the scare for herself then pulled back "So the rumors about you surviving are true, I must say you do have your fathers eyes" she stated with a sweet smile. Harry blushed and pulled back a bit "How do you know my father?" he inquired she in turn told him that was not something she could tell him in front of all the students and that if he wanted to know, he should meet her in the Slytherin common room "And if any Slytherin students ask tell them I invited you". And with that Celestia and her bodyguard went off to the library to find some new spell books that she could study from in her free time.  However since everyone in the study hall saw the somewhat intimate to the naked eye encounter between the two famous students it wasn't long before rumors about Harry and Celestia spread like fire throughout the school and every student passed it on from one pair of ears to another and it wasn't long before they reached the ears of Severus and Draco's ears, frankly neither of them was ecstatic to say the least. 

Chapter Eleven: Confrontation

By the end of her second week Draco had gotten annoyed with all these spun tales about "The love affair between the Flamel heiress and Harry Potter, the one who survived you know what". Surely Celestia would not pursue a relationship with a guy like him, he thought. She's supposed to love me or so he thought, that was a long time ago that she said those three little words to him. Walking on the ever-changing grand staircase and looking at the animated portraits as he ascended gave him a sense of calm as he was trying to collect his thoughts and feelings about the rumor and the feelings he kept in his heart for his Celestia, the girl who brought brilliant sunshine into his life ever since she came to the school less than two weeks ago. He arrived at the Slytherin dungeon, said the password and walked into the common room. He paced the common room thinking of what he should say to her, he wanted to confess his feelings the first day he saw her but that was not possible with the dozens of crowds surrounding her which happened to include some old Beauxbaton's classmates and some of Durmstrang's "military like" male students, which he had to admit it made him slightly jealous as they were flirting with HIS Celestia on a daily basis!

 It was bad enough Hogwarts had to share the school with others&Celestia and the fact that they never left her alone or stopped flirting with her for one second as though they were some super fan club, and that Harry Potter...damn him, that’s it he could take it no more, from this day on she is mine he vowed and he went to the girls dormitory where he knew she was to make that clear to her. Luckily for him Cesare was in the male dormitory, he dismissed the other girls, promising them tea and raspberry scones with icing in the common room for he needed to talk to Celestia and he needed to do it alone. I believe you know why I'm here he started as he sat on a bed across from hers, to face her as she was sitting on her own. Let me make one thing clear, "Celestia I love you, there I said it, I've always loved you and probably always will, please do me the great honor of being I meant my girlfriend and I would be even more honored if you attended the Yule Ball with me this winter". She cried tears of joy as her hands covered her face but her blush could not be hidden from Draco.

"Draco....I .....Yes!!Yes I'll go out with you and go to the Yule Ball with you! And please that Harry Potter rumor isn't true in fact I'll publically announce in the dining hall tomorrow at lunch so everyone will know" and with that she leaned in and kissed him. Draco was happy too, he'd be able to fulfill his father's wishes while keeping his beloved's heart in-tact in the process. And so on the first day of her 3rd week at school Celestia and Draco, hand in hand proudly announced that they were an official couple and that the rumors about her and Draco were false. For some reason that day Severus had found out that he no longer held feelings of desire for her which put him at ease because now he wouldn't be driven to insanity before the school year ended. Her only threat know was Lord Voldemort, although she didn't know it yet, she soon would.....

Chapter Twelve: Voldemort's Perfect Plan????

Darkness....snakes...silence... all three of these thing were always all around him...all around you know who, the person whose name one does not say aloud nor ever for that matter. He lives in the darkness surrounded by silence, other than his followers who are really pawns the only true companions he has in the end are those snakes of his that they own. Like him they were born to be feared and revered, like an stray boa that has been released into the wild he tried to befriend people at first but where did that ever get him?No where, just like a stray boa he was meant to wander, wander until he found his next victim to pray upon and this predator A.K.A Lord Voldemort had found his prey and that was none other than Celestia Flamel, the last of her name, the last heiress of her kind, but what he sought from her was not money, no what he seeked as more valuable than any currency or treasure in the world.  She had the "spare philosopher's stone" that he so desperately desired, had that little pest known as Harry Potter not intervined a few years back he would've had the stone by not again he would not lose his prey "the philsopher's stone" again, for this time this predator had a very good plan to catch his prey and thanks to his loyal servant Lucius, there were no doubts about his plan. With the Yuleball coming in a few months and the Identity Spell being easy as cake for Voldemort it would be very easy to kidnapp the heiress from the festivities of the ball for people would be too distracted with kisses, dancing and laughter to notice and besides within this time frame Lucius could obtain what he wanted, Draco could have the girl and Voldemort could finally have one of the things he always desired, it couldn't have been an easier plan or so he thought little did he know a spy was in the mist hearing everything....

Chapter Thirteen: The Murder....

November 30th: Voldemort had thought he was all alone how wrong he was, behind him he heard the soft crunching of leaves being stepped on. Cautiously he turned around "Whose there?” A young man who appeared to look Italian with sleek black hair and green eyes sprinkled with flecks of gold stepped out from his hiding place behind a tree. "I am Cesare Ferrante, protector of the honorable Lady Celestia Flamel, I know of your plans to kill the one I was sworn to protect and I am here to stop you from doing so".

 Voldemort could not help but let out a laugh "You, stop me, boy do you know how many have tried to killed me and failed, are you aware of who I am and how many I have killed? He came behind Cesare, and whispered in his ear "You cannot kill me or hurt me no matter how strong you are, you can train hard your whole life and still never be able to leave a scratch on me". Cesare stood still never taking his eyes off Voldemort, well aware of how dangerous this man was he said nothing for a few moments than summoned up the courage, he had to do this for his mistress even if it meant sacrificing his own life so that she may live so be it, after all he had spent the last 4 years protecting his mistress surely he could protect her one last time even if meant his own death. He started to chant an ancient spell that was once used by Merlin, no sooner than he had started casting his spell was he already in the grip of death for Cesare was not quick enough with his attack and instantly felt the pain of the killing spell before blacking out.

 "Celestia forgive me" were his last words however his spell was not in vain, even though Voldemort had struck first, Cesare had used the spell's incredible force to injure Voldemort who gripped his right shoulder as he looked at his victim's dead body "Damn......" was all he could say as he stumbled away from the crime scene to go into hiding till the yule ball, he would be recovered and ready to claim his prize by then......

Chapter Fourteen: Funeral For A Guardian

The day after Cesare was murdered everyone had already knew but they weren't told why, as the teachers at Hogwharts saw no need to frighten their students by saying you know whose name for it was a sin for his name to cross thy lips. Dumbledore of course was the first to know to news and when he called Celestia into his office to break the news he was shocked to see that she wore a solemn face but cried no tears, a strong woman she is he thought. "Celestia after the funeral perhaps you should take a break from classes, go take a vacation, visit family for I do not want you to be to upset to study, you may take your studies and quizzes home and whatever homework you miss, I will tell your instructors to give it to you after you return, do you understand...?" he almost finished but then suddenly heard a gentle knock on his door "Professor Dumbledore, I am sorry but may I come in". Name first Dumbledore replied not willing to let just anyone in at a time like this "Its Draco Malfoy sir". I'm sorry Draco but I am dealing with a delicate matter with the lady Celestia and unless your related "But I am sir, I am the beau of Celestia Flamel and I do apologize but I did overhear some of your conversation while out here so forgive me professor". Professor Dumbledore shook his head, it couldn't be helped he supposed "Alright come in" he called.

The door opened and Draco strode into the room without his usual cocky demeanor, "Professor Dumbledore I have a proposition, I suggest since that Celestia is my beau and my future bride that she and I go on a short vacation to get away from the stress of her guardians recent death, as for her dead guardian from now on I appoint myself as the guardian to the Flamel heiress that is if she agrees". Both Draco and Dumbledore turned to her for approval, she nodded her head, since when did Draco decide she was going to marry him before giving her a choice, no matter they probably would marry and she could be happy with that she decided as she nodded her head in agreement "But not until we give Cesare a proper funeral in London, a small one though I'd like it to be private. Cesare did always say that should he ever die protecting me he'd want to be buried in London where he said he lived the happiest years of his life there" she looked down at her lap as she finished. She was trying hard not to cry Draco could tell as her hands were clenched in her lap and slightly shook. Truth be told even though she had been at Hogwharts a few weeks no he had always envied Cesare because he was the one who always had the privilege of being the closest to her even though she was his girlfriend Draco knew there were certain things she would only tell Cesare and not him for he had always lent her his ear but no longer now, now he would be the one to protect the young heiress from Voldemort he didn't care if he had to defy his father he would protect her no matter what.

Three days later Dumbledore, Celestia, Draco and a few of the teachers from Hogwharts ventured out to London where they held a funeral for Cesare in St. Paul's Cathedral, Draco's father had volunteered to pay for the service and funeral but Celestia wouldn't let him insisting since To kidnap The Lady Celestia"........she was quiet for a moment, closed her eyes and silently thanked him now thanks to this one small but significant clue she knew how what to do when the time came, it wouldn't be long now before he would strike, she knew what he wanted but for that specific purpose she had come to Hogwharts prepared with 2 things the real spare philosopher's stone which was now the only one left in the world and a fake philosopher's stone which resembled the real stone but whoever held it was given a dreadful fate for the stone was cursed with a special enchantment that Celestia had developed on her own and perfected throughout the years to protect herself from assassins and those who would try to abduct her for now that her guardian was gone it would be up to her to protect herself.....

Chapter Fifteen: Vacation and A Proposal?!

Approximately one week after the funeral Celestia was still in mourning, she knew what Cesare had died for and why because Cesare's spirit spoke the tale of his murder through her dreams and Celestia had a gift for translating dreams and warned her to weary of Draco's father "For the last time I saw him he had an air of sin all around him, he's a dangerous man Celestia and because of who you are he may try to use you so be careful' he told her in her dream last night, now she was on vacation with Draco on St. Garnet Island east of the Italian mainland, no one really knew about it because her family owned it, before the selling of islands to millionaires became illegal her father had invested in this medium sized island she was now on with her boyfriend as a retreat for the family and after her parents died she inherited this island along with the second philosopher's stone, a marriage dowry, inheritance money and some other ancient valuables.

She looked over to Draco who was on her left side, sitting in his chair watching the waves go back and forth with her "Draco she began, he perked up his head "I love you truly I do, perhaps I always have but I just want to let you know that staying with me is risk, not because of who I am but because I am also the possessor of the world's only spare philosopher's stone since as you know Harry Potter destroyed the first one so if you ever want to leave me........she didn't get to finish.. Draco leaned over and kissed her softly at first, then he started to nibble her lip begging her mouth for entrance, at first she was hesitant but then she gave in allowing him access, his tongue gently massaged hers' every now and then as it explored her sweet cavern, they kissed like this then finally broke apart "God you taste sweet cotton candy........I love you...from now on I will protect you".

She was silent for a moment her eyes threatened to leak a few tears, no she wouldn’t cry but still she had to admit he was thoughtful " You called me Celeste, you haven't called me by that nickname since we were children" she took her hand and squeezed it "No one not even my father will keep me from you, I promise..." it wasn't till the end of his sentence that Draco realized he had made a mistake "Your....father" she said trembling a little. Ugh oh he thought to himself "Celestia please it’s not what you think.....I.... but before he could finished she had ran off, ran off to God only knows where, who, who could she trust her mind began to ask herself. All her life Celestia Flamel was a living target....a target for robbery, kidnapping and even rape and murder, more people had attempted kidnapping the heiress more than anything else. 

Chapter Sixteen: Return and Reunion (3 years later, 2006)

 The day Celestia ran away from Draco she never looked back. Not at him, Hogwharts, her childhood home and even everyone she knew............she never looked back on any of it. For that day in particular she had cast an invisibility spell that made her invisible from both the muggle and immortal world. She simply lived her life in complete secrecy certain that she couldn't trust anyone anymore. However as much as she would've loved to hide from the world and her problems forever that wouldn't be the case for the spell could only be active for three years maximum and when those three years simply flew by she knew what she had to do. Taking the philosopher's stone which she had so cleverly hid in a silver locket she carefully put an ancient spell to guard it in a hidden safe which was in the attic of her vacation home in Cape Town where no one would ever know of its existence and if they did they certainly wouldn't know where to look especially Voldemort, she knew he was hunting her down for the "spare" philosopher's stone but she had found out later that he was gone......dead.... he was no longer a threat to her nor anyone else for that matter.

With that being done the next thing to do was to make it seem as though she had never disappeared for three years although she really didn't to this she used an ancient time travel spell that the first Flamel Lord himself learned from Merlin and passed it on to all the Flamel generations and with this spell she put herself back into the tabloids and news so that it seemed like the young heiress had always been in the limelight as she was from childhood but she didn't put herself back in Hogwharts she couldn't. She didn't want to not after how she felt hurt by Draco and learning that he fell for the plainest girl at Hogwharts Astoria Greengrass what he saw in her she didn't know but she never really liked the girl she was always so plain and quiet what could he have possibly liked about her............wait a minute was she feeing jealous? She shook her head and for some odd reason decided to take a trip down memory lane and headed towards King's Cross-Hogsmeade Station where the Hogwharts Express arrived to pick up the students of Hogwharts every year. Yup it was that time of year, autumn of 2006 to be exact she stood back against a wall and watched the parents say goodbye to their children till summertime for a student lived at Hogwharts till school year’s end.

Suddenly she saw a familiar flash of pale blonde hair that could only belong to....... "Celestia, Celestia!" a voice called out and suddenly a figured moved towards her "By God it is you Celestia, you've become even more beautiful than the last time we met". He hugged her breathing in the scent of her perfume which was a cross between the scent of roses and cherry blossoms. "Draco I....she started and then suddenly she remembered why she had gotten mad at him three years ago she slapped him "How could could I.....Draco tried to reply but was greeted by another slap "How could you use me for you and your families personal gain.........I trusted you my whole life....what a fool I've been, you never loved me for if you did you wouldn't be with her she said in upset voice pointing towards his wife who was busy talking to her nephew and holding their few month old son. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you". She looked down at her feet as her sapphire eyes began to fill with tears.

Suddenly he grabbed both her hands and kissed her "Your wrong, my father wanted me to marry you for personal gain yes I admit my parents were both guilty of that ambition but I DO love you Celestia Flamel, the only reason I married Astoria was to have an heir and because you had disappeared I grew depressed, nothing could've mended my heart Astoria was just a last resort and so my parents forced me to marry her, I never loved her, nor will I ever it’s you I have always loved and you that I always will". He played with a lock of strawberry blonde hair not caring if Astoria was watching his public display of affection. Like he said they were never close or affectionate, heck they were hardly acquaintances at Hogwharts and they never really talked or did anything together after the birth of their son. Both of them knew that this marriage was inconvenient and had only been fulfilled out of necessity. Celestia wiped the tears, God she was a fool and she realized how truly lucky she is to have a man like Draco in her life from the look in his eyes she could see honesty and love "Oh Draco, I never disappeared truly I didn't at the time I just felt like I couldn't trust anyone as I was constantly a target and oh Draco I'm sorry for misunderstanding you" she cried into his chest he hugged her reassuring her everything was okay and that now they would truly be to together and he could explain everything later for now there was something he must do.

Wrapping his arm around Celestia slender waistline he and her walked up to his wife "Astoria, I am sorry but I am leaving you, you and I both knew that this marriage of ours was never truly meant to be and it’s just not working out, I'm sorry but you'll find a better man, a man you can truly love, as for our son I will pay for his tuition and child support and we will work out custody arrangements in the future now if you'll excuse us, Celestia and I must go". Astoria Greengrass nodded and said nothing her now ex-husband said everything that needed to be said and he was right about everything. It was so bad however she thought as she looked towards the sky "Well at least he's happy and surely I'll be happy too when I find the right man" she told herself with a smile on her fair face.

Chapter Seventeen: A Wedding and The Wedding Night

2007: Celestia and Draco didn't have an extravagant all out wedding as everyone thought they would instead they married in a court house by a justice of the peace named Terry Ledgerson, neither parents from either side of the family attended however as Celestia wanted nothing to do with Draco's parents and her own parents were gone however many of their friends from Hogwharts and outside of Hogwharts crowded in the small courthouse to witness the union of Celestia and Draco. Draco had made good use of his fortune for although his parents may have lost their fortune he was wise and not only hid his fortune to keep it but that fortune that had started out as five million pounds tripled over the last few years as he had did as Celestia suggested and store his money in a Swedish bank account as it was known for being wealthy due to banking and he did not regret taking her advice when he found out his money had tripled especially after removing it from his Swedish bank account and putting it back into a London bank. Draco had splurged on the wedding ring and got her a magnificent 20th century ring that had a big rose shaped diamond in the center and delicate vines covered diamonds surrounded the rose, it was bought from a London auction house for $20,000. Yes Draco loved his wife and he spoiled her when she never even asked to be spoiled by him but hey when you’re in love it’s worth it he would always tell himself.

Celestia wore an elegant concoction of velvet and lace for her wedding gown which had off the shoulder sleeves that ended at her elbow, however those were just lace as the v-neckline which showed off her nice décolletage, the rest of the dress was velvet, overlain with lace and the bottom of the gown was like that of a medieval princess's train it flowed gracefully behind her when she walked down the courthouse. It was a small but beautiful event indeed. After the wedding they held the reception at Draco's mansion which he had now in his ownership as his parents could no longer afford it/keep it having lost their wealth. At the reception the finest meat cuts, delicate deserts, fine wines, caviar and produce that was currently in season was served and they had hired a DJ to entertain the guests. During the reception however the bride and groom told a white lie by saying they were going to their honeymoon early when really they had gone upstairs to the old master bedroom to start their wedding night early, both of them couldn't wait they had been waiting for this forever. When Draco unzipped her dress she stepped out and presented herself to him and by god she was stunning.

The moonlight gave off just enough light for both of them to see and it illuminated her alabaster curves, made her sapphire eyes sparkle like real sapphires and also her hair it cascaded almost to her waist....just beautifully...perfectly and her bridal lingerie made her look very delectable he licked his lips as he began to undo his own clothing. She lay down on the bed for him she was beautiful in every way and now his for the taking, she was his to ravish.... with one finger he stroked the valley between her breasts while his other hand removed the lacy bra and began to knead her breast.  She let out a soft moan, slowly he worked his way down feeling every curve, exploring every inch of her body when it came to her panties he slowly removed them and saw that she was wet "oh yes sweetheart you are just about ready for me".

 She scowled how much longer must I wait she protested easy darling he cooed gently massaging her down there and then suddenly she let out a gasp as he thrust his fingers inside and instantly found her "G-Spot" on the first expedition into her cavern. She put her legs on his shoulders and braced herself knowing what was coming and then suddenly....he entered her.........maybe it was the fact she was relaxed or content with him but she didn't feel much pain when the head of his penis entered her, then he moved half of his length inside of her and she started to feel a stinging pain it wasn't too bad but it was enough for Draco to notice her face which showed she was trying to be strong and not complain about the pain "Oh sweetheart he leaned over and kissed her I promise I'll go slow" and true to his word he did go in slowly till his entire length was inside her. She was relaxed "alright you can move....faster and harder this time.." she commanded he obeyed and thrust back into her with just a simple forward snap of his hips oh god to be taken by a she knows why Cosmopolitan magazine always raves about sex, it truly is wonderful she thought to herself and he thrust in and out of her fast "harder" he want harder "Harder" she moaned out again he went harder "Harder" she screamed and so with one superfast stroke he entered her as hard as he could and hit her "G-spot" right on the mark oh god that was good suddenly she felt a tingling sensation as he was inside of her "oh god" what Draco asked "I just felt my first orgasm" he grinned and with one more thrust he too experienced ecstasy as he came inside her.

 Pulling out and slowly reapplying his clothes he said "That was some wedding night...wife...”. ......"Yes it was husband....." and with that they felt that their union was a blessed and true union indeed...yup they would have a long happy life together.


The year is 2016, Celestia and Draco Malfoy have been married for 9 years and blessed with 3 beautiful children two girls and one boy and another boy was on the way. Both Draco and Celestia are 35, Draco is now the owner of a multimillion dollar real estate agency selling homes to the UK"s wealthiest and pricey vacation homes to those who can splash out a million or two for a fancy home in the UK, Celestia is a part time model, modeling for boutiques in London, Dublin, Edinburgh and Glasgow and sometime for major fashion designers like Alice Temperly and Alexander McQueen. However she only does modeling three times a week the rest of the time she is a doting mom to Shirley age 2, Charlotte age 6 months and Alistair age 4. Alistair was the easiest birth having been born in 2011, he was delivered by a midwife in only 3 hours and was born with his father's hair and his mother's eyes.  Shirley followed 2 years later, she was an active baby even in the womb for she was born 3 weeks early and in only 2 hours having been eager to come into this world and last but not least in 2014 Charlotte was welcomed into Draco and Celestia's world of love and family as well.

Celestia with her naturally slender figure, long legs and high metabolism lost all the weight within a month, she barely had to try really it just came off but she worked her way back to abs before baby and when Draco saw her post baby body after Charlotte he was in love with her all over again for not only had she gained obliques for doing P90x workouts after losing the baby weight she also gained a perky booty that wasn't too big but just perfect and looked cute whenever she wore jeans or figure hugging cloths. So one month after Charlotte they were back into intimate mommy and daddy alone time and by the time Charlotte was three months old her mommy was pregnant again after Draco and Celestia decided to try for one more kid "but no more, four is enough" he said kissing her now 7 month old pregnant belly. Celestia was still beautiful after all these years her hair still shone like silk, her body stayed perfect sometimes he felt like she was too good for him as his hair color started to tone down and he felt like he was getting wrinkles sometimes silly as it was he couldn't help that he noticed the laugh lines around his eyes and that he had already gotten his first medium sized forehead wrinkles. He told this concern to Celestia and begged her to vow to never leave him, with a smiled she vowed and said "I don't care how much older you may ever look your still the man I love and that’s that" she sealed that vow with a kiss. And with that they all lived happily ever after the end :)


Texte: Diana LeRoy
Bildmaterialien: Reine-Haru
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this novel to all my Bookrix Fans, friends and to anyone who enjoys the world of Harry Potter. I also dedicate this novel to Reine-Haru a brilliant Deviantart artist who gave me permission to use her image for my book cover so all credit goes to her for my wonderful cover. :)

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