
Angel Wings
I found I was pregnant and was so proud
Later I found out she was gone on the wing of a dove
My heart broke a little to know I would never see
The twinkle in your eyes
The smile on your face
I would never hear your first cry
Oh how it breaks my heart
You would have been mommy's first true love
The only one with all my heart
Take my soul with you keep it flying high
Because my love for you will never die..

By Samantha Wilson

Our love was met to be
your father and I
We tried so long to have someone just like you
We had you in my belly how proud we both are
You made it to month 9 , but you never cried out
Our love died a little with each minute that passed
Our hearts stopped beating and we started to cry
The doctor said you were gone
we could not believe our ears
Our love for you will send you soaring in the sky
You take our hearts and soul with you when you did not cry
Our love for you will keep you soaring so high in the sky
Ride the wind my beautiful baby
we will so miss you, But remember our hearts are up there with you!

By Samantha Wilson

My heart is broken
I cannot sleep
I want my little angel back that god decided to keep
I held you in my arms for only two days
I cry each day that goes by that I can’t see your face
My heart is bleeding, but I know you are ok
God only takes the good ones he sees born each day
My angel was so special to me, but he could not wait
For you to be my baby he could not wait
He took you up to grandma and How I miss you so
But my mommy will take care of you until I meet you again
So mom hold my baby tight in your arms
My love is up there with you my heart and soul too

My beautiful daughter I had you for six years
how I loved your laughter
and the smiles on your face
I wish I could go back and have that time again
Daddy sure misses you my little angel girl
My heart and soul cried out for you
But I know that you are safe
Grandma and Grandpa are there to keep you warm
Oh my little angel girl I would have took your place
But your mommy and brother still needed me here on earth
My heart is still broken
I cry for you each day
Daddy won’t stop crying Until I leave this earth
My heart will be yours angel girl forever and always
Be good for Grandma and Grandpa until I take your hand
I miss you with every part of me
I can’t wait to see
The smile on your face
The giggle on your lips
I can’t wait to hear you call me daddy in your angel voice
I will meet you in heaven and we can start where we left off
But until I come to heaven Know I think of you first

For my sister up in heaven
I remember your face
I was just little guy when god took you with grace
I was so little but I still remember your smile
I wish we could have grown up together
In my heart I know you are happy.
setting up in heaven with Grandma and Grandpa
Give them my life my little angel sister
I hope you can hear as I tell our tells to my wife
And I will let my kids know all about their aunt
I was just little guy when Heaven became your home
I still remember how you tuanted me Telling me
I can't smile right
I laugh at all the things we did together
and when you told on me for eating dirt
Mommy and daddy will always love you
even with the holes in their hearts
I know I hardly knew you my angel sister
but I am great full I had your love for all those days
I hope that when we meet again
You will see the man I have become
I hope you are proud of me and what I have become
until I meet you in heaven one
Samantha Wilson 3-19-2012

My Angel from up above
we lost you when you were so young
Were not even born yet and you had died
we miss you and wonder what you would be like
my heart remembers the one child I lost
Your mom still thinks of you now and then
You were the child we never go to meet
But know that we still love you with all our hearts
You were born home on a night so dark
You were gone before we knew anything was wrong
Your baby life was taken and oh how we cried
But your little angel heart flow up into the sky
Years have gone by and our hearts are still broken
We remember our baby with his angel wings
You have five other siblings down here on earth
No one will forget the one we never saw
The wings you have now will always be there
Just like the love I feel for you now will remain in me still
You are now in the arms of nanny And Papaw and Grandpa Abraham
So until we see you again you can fall into their arms
To my baby up in heaven my heart is with you
Until I see you again You have others to keep you warm
Samantha Wilson 3-18-2012

When your child leaves your arms
all you do is cry
But you know all is not lost
you will see them again
you might be older
you might be sad
but the day you see your little one
you will be whole again
I remember how badly my little one hurt
I remember the pain and hurt on your face
I remember the last thing you said to me
I remember you saying Mommy I love you
I remember the day my angel got your wings
You flew up to heaven away from the hurt
I miss the light that was in your eyes
I miss the smile you always had
I miss the way I would hold you at night
rock you back and forth to help easy your pain away
No child should live in so much pain
I am glad that my angel no longer hurts
I am happy you are in heaven today
No more pain will strain that beautiful face
My life has stopped and it won't go on
But mommy is so happy all your pain is gone

Samantha Wilson

The trusted hearts of chldren
They believe your every word
When you tell them that you love them
you can see their eyes light up
When your child is sick and hurting
you simply wish them well
You make them as comfortable as you can
Then you kiss them one last time
and tell them to sleep
you tell them everything will be ok
You will see them again some day
You tell them not to worry
They will be safe
Tell them they are your life
Then you hold them as they pass away
and you watch the pain leave their face.
You know they are safe and happy now
but your heart is still broke
You know deep in your heart that your angel has their wings
You look up to heaven above each night as you pray
You hope your angel can hear you say goodbye
Samantha Wilson

The Rain
the rain reminds me of your tears.
How hard they would fall
The sun reminds me of your smile
the bright rays it brought to my heart
The snow reminds me of the snowangels
we made last year
Now as the snow falls
Those beautiful flakes reminded me of the wings
you got when you went to heaven
The thunder is the sound of you playing up in heaven
the lightening is The angels putting you to bed
The rainbow is your way of telling mommy
that you love and miss me as much as I do you
For all the things in this world
I would rather have the rain, the sun. and the snow

Samantha WIlson

The Beach
I remember the fun times we had on the beach
summer after summer
I remember our swims together
You in your floaties and me right beside you
I remember how you laughed with that sand between your toes
I remember the sandcastles so high you not see the sun
I remember the times and memories we made
I also remember the day it happened
The day I turned my back just for second on that beach with all our memories
I remember the lifeguar running into the water.
I remember looking around for you my beautiful ballarina.
I remember the feeling of something not being right
I remember watching the lifeguard pulling you from the water
I swear it looked like someone else it could not be my child
I remember seeing your beautiful lips purple without life
I remember falling to my knees and scream god why
I remember them trying to bring life back to you and how you were already gone
I remember the day I lost my heart the day you got your wings
Now you are my angle and the waves are your laughter
I go to the same beach just to hear your laughter
I build our sandcastles and listen to your voice
the waves of love that carry me for the rest of my life

Samantha Wilson

Stolen in the night
My baby was here with me just yesterday
Happy and healthy laughing and playing
Then this morning I wake up only to find
my baby got earned angel wings and I started to cry
I yerned for my baby to be here in my arms
My baby was here for a very short time
Her lips were purple signs of life gone
It breaks me in half
half of me is gone
I run to my husband and we call 911
only to find nothing can be done
Today we will put my angel in the ground
I don't think I can do it leave her all alone
in the dark and the cold oh so young
I tell my husband this is just not right
He holds me as I cry all through the night
Standing there at her grave telling her goodbye
i did not think I could leave her here through the night
But just as my husband said it is time to go
I saw a rainbow light up the sky
I knew it was my baby so happy and live
I stood up right then and wipped my eyes.
I knew my baby was ok and life would go on
So now I look up in the sky
When that act is back in my heart.
I know she is up there happy and alive!
Samantha Wilson 3-18-2012

The love of a father
The love of a father runs true and deep
When his angel passes away without a peep
he wonders how this could happen
and dies a little inside
The grief is more then fathers can take
the rudness starts then comes the drugs
daddy does not want to feel all this pain
little more drugs maybe he can see his daughter today
Fathers do not know how to share their grief so drugs and drinking become their lives
He thinks of his daughter what would she think of him
He says he does it for her but really it is for himself
he feels so selfish taking drugs to forget
His beautiful daughter with her angel tips
He thinks about the fun they had for so many many years
He crys out her name and cries for a bit
Then he thinks to himself what kind of man he is
he is not there for his wife who lost her angel too
He reachs down and pulls picture of them together
one happy family daught father and mother
He knows what he has to do
get clean for his loves
she might not be here with him but she sees his faults
He goes to rehab and gets himself fixed.
No more drugs to daul the pain
just love and tears with his angel here on earth
Each night they look at the stars so happy for the time
they had with their angel all those short days!

Samantha Wilson

Without a sound
I carried you in me for 8 months
You came little early but you should be fine
Your lungs are ready your all formed now
now idea why your early
I don't mind
I go to the hospital with your dad
labor was hard
23 hours later time for me to push
three hard pushes and you were born
I did not hear a cry or gasp for air
I knew something was wrong
your skin looked so weird
nurses and doctors ran to your side
they tried so hard to bring you back
They came back to me with you all bound up
blankets to help cover you up
Doctor told me you were not alive
My heart is broken I wanted your touch
My life is so lonely here without you
I wish I could see you all pink and full of life
But instead all I see is the purple of your body
Oh how I wish You could have met me and your father
My eyes are full of tears Our sweet little angel
you are in heaven now with nanna and papa
tell them I love them and to hold you tight
some day I will meet you up in the sky!
Samantha Wilson

the tears
The tears are rolling down my face
my baby has gone to another place
How will I know if they will be happy
will someone take care of my dear little baby?
My love is so strong I want my baby back
I scream to the sky
As I set there on my knees begging and crying
I look up at the night sky
there in my sight I saw something great
I saw one little star in the sky
I could have swore it was you looking down
So I got up off my knees
I feel better now
My love is still here for you
It will never go away
But you are in heaven now
and in the stars

Samantha Wilson


I hold you in my arms
I watch your life fade
You were my baby, but only for short time
I watch the light fade out of your eyes
I knew that god had come to get you
I look and watch you as the last sparkle fades
My baby got her wings today
No more pain for her
My heart is breaking
My arms just want to hold you
You will rest safely In your grandmas loving arms
until mommy can see you again
You know that I love you
even with your very short stay
My baby girl got her wings today
and that ended my world!
Samantha Wilson 3-29-212

My angel baby is flying high
how I miss you these days
You were born sleeping
You grew your angel wings
mommy and daddy cried for you
when the doctor said you were gone
My heart is broken, knowing you won't be around
We tried so hard to have you
then you were taken away
I did not get to hold you
why is my heart broke this way
My love for you is for always
my little angel
No pain for you in this world
No hurt in your heart
I know you watch me tonight with all my thoughts
I wish you were here with me
just for an hour
Then I could hold you and say that I love you
But right now you are in heaven
you got your angel wings
Fly high and proud
and mommy will see you around
Samantha Wilson 3-29-2012

Today I Will.....

Today I will play in the dirt in memory of how you hated your hands dirty as a baby.
Today I will smell the roses in memory of the flowers you picked for me.
Today I will tell a joke in memory of your smile.
Today I will bask in the sun in memory of how you brightened my life.
Today I will reach out to another in memory of your kind heart.
Today I will learn something in memory of your remarkable intelligence.
Today I will embrace the dawn in memory of the moment you gained your wings.
Today I will live each moment for both of us with a love for you so strong it could never become just a memory.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

There’s an elephant in the room.
It is large and squatting
so it is hard to get around it.
Yet we squeeze by with,
“How are you?” and “I’m fine.”
and a thousand other forms of
trivial chatter.
We talk about everything else –
except the elephant in the room.
We all know it is there.
We are thinking about the elephant
as we talk together.
It is constantly on our minds.
For, you see, it is a very big elephant.
It has hurt us all, but we do not talk about
the elephant in the room.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

No cries fill the night
No diapers to change
No wet baby wipes
Only anger and rage

No sweet baby smiles
No soft baby skin
No warm loving child
Only hurt deep within

No cradles and cribs
No tiny little clothes
No dirty baby bibs
Only pain no one knows

No strollers, No car seats
No first baby steps
No new words so sweet
Only cries from my lips

No hollers for “Mommy”
No baby blue eyes
No “Daddy, I’m hungry”
Only tears in my eyes

No school work or paintings
No buses or books
No dances, No girlfriends
Only long, distant looks

No laughter, No tears
No father-son bond
No “he looks just like you”
Only “Get over it, He’s gone”
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012


If I could take a minute out of each
and every day,
To hold my child close to my heart
and kiss his fears away.
If I could take a minute out of each
and every week,
To play with blocks and peek-a-boo,
tag or hide and seek.

If I could take a minute of any span of time,
I’d never waste a second of the
pleasures that were mine.
If he could crawl upon my knee and
lay his sleepy head,
upon my shoulder tenderly and dream
of gingerbread.

I’d spend my time in total bliss
and watch my small son grow,
from babyhood to childhood, knowing
all there is to know.
If I could stop my aching heart and
put my mind asleep,
If I could stop the flow of tears that
are always on my cheek.

I only need a minute, Lord, I know he’s
safe with you,
But there’s something real important
that I had no time to do.
If you could do it for me, Lord, here’s
a message he should know,
tell him that I Love Him, then I’ll let
him go.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Dear Friend ~
Go ahead and mention my child,
the one that died, you know.
Don’t worry about hurting me further,
the depth of my pain doesn’t show.
Don’t worry about making me cry,
I’m already crying inside.
Help me to heal by releasing the
tears that I’m trying to hide.
I’m hurt when you just keep silent,
pretend he didn’t exist.
I’d rather you’d mention my child,
knowing that he has been missed.
You asked me how I’m doing,
I say “pretty good” or “fine”,
but healing is something on-going,
I feel like it will take a lifetime.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

We couldn't wait to hold you
And see your pretty face.
To count your little fingers,
And check your toes are in their place.
It should have been the happiest day
To remember all our life.
But joy had turned to heartache,
No breath, no beat, no life.
We will never see you smile,
Or hear your hearty cry.
We will never be able to dry your tears,
Or share your happy times.
Our precious little Angel,
We will always know your face.
In our hearts and stars forever,
You will always have a place.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
To Mother and Father

There's a corner up in heaven
Where the little babies play,
And our Blessed Mother watches
All throughout the live long day.
They're a happy lot, these babies
Sure the reason's very plain
For they've missed the world's contagion,
Came unscathed, without it's pain.
"Tis an angel band they call them
And you both should happy be
You're the parents of an angel
'Cause your baby's there you see.
Yes, and smiling down upon you
With an innocent sublime:
Waiting: watching for the parents
He will meet again in time.
You should never be rebellious
Rather thank a loving God
For your little guardian angel
As along life's way you plod,
With a faith that never falters
Clasping each the other hand
Pledge yourselves to meet your baby
In that better happy land.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Don't Tell Me That You Understand
Don't tell me that you understand, don't tell me that you know.
Don't tell me that I will survive, how I will surely grow.
Don't tell me this is just a test, that I am truly blessed.
That I am chosen for the task, apart from all the rest.
Don't come at me with answers that can only come from me,
Don't tell me how my grief will pass, that I will soon be free.
Don't stand in pious judgment of the bonds I must untie,
Don't tell me how to grieve, don't tell me when to cry.
My life is filled with selfishness, my pain is all I see,
But I need you and your love...Unconditionally.
Accept me in my ups and downs, I need someone to share,
Just hold my hand and let me cry, and say, "My friend, I care."
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
You never said you're leaving
You never said goodbye
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knew why.
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly
In death I love you still
In my heart you hold a place,
That nobody could ever fill.
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn't go alone
For part of me went with you,
The day God took you home.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
Our precious angels
We go through life so often
Not stopping to enjoy the day,
And we take each one for granted
As we travel on our way.
We never stop to measure
Anything we just might miss,
But if the wind should blow by softly
You'll feel an angel's kiss.
A kiss that is sent from Heaven
A kiss from up above,
A kiss that is very special
From someone that you love.

For in your pain and sorrow
An angel's kiss will help you through,
This kiss is very private
For it is meant for only you.

So when your hearts are heavy
And filled with tears and pain,
And no one can console you
Remember once again.....

About the ones you grieve for
Because you sadly miss
And the gentle breeze you took for granted
Was just......... "an angel's kiss.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

"In memory of our wonderful son
Time they say is a healer
yet no matter come what may
There are scars we carry
Which will never go away
It's not right, it is unfair
You had much more to give
So much to experience
You still had your life to live
Although we know within our hearts
You wouldn't want us feeling sad
But you were such a shining light
Blessed to be your Mum and Dad
So there'll never be a moment
That passes, it is true
We will miss you for ever
We always will love you...."
Samantha wilson 4-30-2012

I thought of you and closed my eyes,
And prayed to God today.
I asked what makes a Mother,
And I know I heard him say:
A mother has a baby,
This we know is true.
But, God, can you be a mother,
When your baby's not with you?
Yes, you can he replied,
With confidence in his voice.
I give many women babies,
When they leave is not thier choice.
Some I send for a lifetime,
And others for a day.
And some I send to feel your womb,
But theres no need to stay.
I just don't understand this God,
I want my baby here.
He took a breath and cleared his throat,
And then I saw a tear.
I wish that I could show you,
What your child is doing today,
If you could see your child smile,
With other children who say:
We go to earth and learn our lessons,
Of love and life and fear.
My mommy loved me oh so much,
I got to come straight here.
I feel so lucky to have a mom,
Who had so much love for me.
I learned my lessons very quickly,
My mommy set me free.
I miss my mommy oh so much,
But I visit her each day.
When she goes to sleep,
On her pillow's where I lay.
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek,
And whisper in her ear.
"Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I'm here."
So you see my dear sweet one,
Your children are Ok.
Your babies are here in My home,
They'll be at heavens gate for you.
So now you see what makes a mother.
It's the feeling in your heart.
It's the love you had so much of,
Right from the very start.
Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother,
until their time is done.
They'll be up here with Me one day,
And you'll know that you're the best one!
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

A Mother's Tears
I have filled an ocean with tears.
Salty and bitter, they flow from my soul.
All the grief, all the pain
All the sadness, all the fears.

All the hurt, all the whys.
All the could haves, all the loss.
All the regrets, all the lost chances.
All the wants, all the goodbyes.

I have filled an ocean with tears.
Sweet and soft, they flow from my soul.
All the joy, all the laughter
All the love, all of the years.

All the rewards, all the smiles.
All the triumphs, all the hellos.
All that was right and all that was good.
All the kisses and hugs from my child.

I have filled an ocean with tears.
Salty and bitter, sweet and soft.
For love, for sadness, for joy, for pain.
I have filled an ocean with tears.

Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

"Our hands have touched, our paths have crossed
A love is gained, a love is lost
Just for a moment I kissed the face
Of an innocent child I can’t replace.

Just for a moment a maternal touch
Would say the words that meant so much
A soft caress, the gentle tears
That will make those minutes last for years.

Just for a moment, I held your hand
My broken heart in your command
So much to tell you, so little time
Why were you punished, what was the crime?

They took part of me when they took you away
As much as I love you, you weren’t meant to stay
I gave you a hug that for always must last
As facing the future means leaving the past.

Our souls have merged, I live for you
Perhaps I’m living your life too
I will carry on, I can always stand tall
Because just for that moment, I had it all."
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was,
When you were here, and mine.

I see your smiling eyes,
Each morning when I wake,
I talk to you, and place a kiss,
Upon your lovely face.

How much I miss you being here,
I really can not say,
The ache is deep inside my heart,
And never goes away.

I hear it mentioned often,
That time will heal the pain,
But if I'm being honest,
I hope it will remain.

I need to feel you constantly,
To get me through the day,
I loved you so very much,
Why did you go away?

The angels came and took you,
That really wasn't fair,
They took my one and only Son,
My future life. My heir.

If only they had asked me,
If I would take your place,
I would have done so willingly,
Leaving you this world to grace.

You should have had so many years,
To watch your life unfold,
And in the mist of this,
Watch me, your Mum grow old!

I hope your watching from above,
At the daily tasks I do,
And let there be no doubt at all,
I really do love you.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Big Bright Star
My precious babies
You're not so far
When I am sad and
feeling so alone
I close my eyes and know
you are in Heaven's home
Everyday my heart aches for you
How do I heal, I don't know what to do?
Why? I just don't understand
Anticipation, love, so many future plans
You were gone before I knew
Each day is a struggle for me
to get through
"Oh My Angels" in the bright blue sky
Mommy and Daddy love you and tears we
always cry
My babies are now heaven's angels so
blessed and true
Only God knew the plans he had for you
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

My dear son! I miss you so much
It keeps hurting, I can’t stop crying
My eyes always search for you in the sky
Heart longs for finding you in the heaven

My dear son! I love you so much
I feel so empty without you
I am so scared of my future without you
Heart longs for being around you for my safety

My dear son! You are my angel
I still feel that you are caring me from above
I tell my broken heart that you are still watching me
Heart longs for your care even from heaven

My dear son! You are my protector
I remember you when I feel lonely
I talk to you when I break into pieces
Heart longs for your support even from heaven

My dear son! I was thinking I gave you life
The reality is that you had given me life
Without you and your presence, I can’t exist
Heart longs for your company in my heart until I exist
Please be there in my heart

I Love You Son!
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

We don't want to cry anymore
But the pain won't go away
Our hearts are torn in two
Because our baby couldn't stay

We don't want to cry anymore
God had other plans for you
Mommy & Daddy will get thru this someday
But right now our world is blue

We don't want to cry anymore
We never thought we'd be torn apart
Even though we can't hold you in our arms
We will always hold you in our hearts

We don't want to cry anymore
Our Angel, there was nothing we could do
Mommy & Daddy will miss you so much
And never forget, we will always love you
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Please, don't ask me if I'm over it yet
I'll never get over it
Please, dont tell me he's in a better place
He's not here with me
Please, don't say at least he isn't suffering
I haven't come to terms with why he had to suffer at all
Please, don't tell me you know how I feel
Unless you have lost a child
Please, don't ask me if I feel better
Bereavment isn't a condition that clears up
Please, don't tell me you had him for so many years
What year would you chose for your child to die?
Please, don't tell me God never gives more than we can bear
Please, just say you are sorry
Please, just say you remember my chld
Please, just let me talk about my child
Please mention my child's name
Please, just let me cry
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

A Little boy
A special friend
A little fighter
Right to the end.
Gone from our lives
But not from our hearts
We'll keep you there always
Like we have from the start
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
No Tears in Heaven
There are many things in life that no one understands,
like why a life so very young can slip right through our hands.
One moment life is perfect and the next it falls apart,
leaving us with nothing but an eternally aching heart.

Our souls cry out in agony amidst the suffering and despair.
We feel the pain and tear our clothes and scream "It’s just not fair!"
Spirits are now shattered. Hearts will never be the same.
We grasp at straws and seek to find the one who is to blame.

Horrific as our life now seems, one thing remains quite true.
Our little ones have now been freed to do things angels do.
They can't recall the suffering of those last days they were here.
They remember not the sorrow, the hurt, nor the fear.

There are no tears in Heaven. No more sorrow. Only Joy.
Heaven is filled with peals of laughter from each little girl and boy.
We can only try to imagine, in spite of all earthly wrongs,
our little angels are learning the words to the Angel's songs.

Amidst the children's laughter and their Heavenly play,
there's also more important work going on there today.
Jesus is building mansions, never taking time to sleep,
for Reunions are being planned, yes, even as we weep.

The children gather around Him and listen to Him speak,
for He has all the answers that they curiously seek.
He tells them for a time, in Heaven, they must wait,
and then they can greet us at Heaven's pearly gate
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Listen...can you hear it?
A heavenly choir sings.
Another little angel
Just got her set of wings.
There's joy and there is shouting
As she steps through heaven's gate.
They all lined up to greet her.
All the angels celebrate.
Her eyes are shining brightly
And a smile lights her face,
As she receives her halo
And takes her special place.
She's the smallest little angel
With the biggest kind of love.
She's wiser than an owl
And more peaceful than a dove.
And though there's joy in heaven,
There is sorrow down below.
broken hearts are crying
Since they had to let her go.
So she watches them from heaven
But she knows the time will come,
They will join their precious daughter
When their work on earth is done
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
Mom’s of angels

We have shared our tears and our sorrow,
We have given encouragement to each other,
Given hope for a brighter tomorrow,
We share the title of grieving mother.

Some of us lost older daughters or sons,
Who we watched grow over the years,
Some have lost their babies before their lives begun,
But no matter the age, we cry the same tears.

We understand each others pain,
The bond we share is very strong,
With each other there is no need to explain,
The path we walk is hard and long.

Our children brought us together,
They didn't want us on this journey alone,
They knew we needed each other,
To survive the pain of them being gone.

So take my hand my friend,
We may stumble and fall along the way,
But we'll get up and try again,
Because together we can make it day by day.

We can give each other hope,
We'll create a place where we belong,
Together we will find ways to cope,
Because we are Angel Moms and together we are strong
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

"These are my footprints,
so perfect and so small.
These tiny footprints
never touched the ground at all.
Not one tiny footprint,
for now I have wings.
These tiny footprints were meant
for other things.
You will hear my tiny footprints,
in the patter of the rain.
Gentle drops like angel's tears,
of joy and not from pain.
You will see my tiny footprints,
in each butterflies' lazy dance.
I'll let you know I'm with you,
if you just give me the chance.
You will see my tiny footprints,
in the rustle of the leaves.
I will whisper names into the wind,
and call each one that grieves.
Most of all, these tiny footprints,
are found on Mommy and Daddy's hearts.
'Cause even though I'm gone now,
We'll never truly part."
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
"I know I'll see the sun shine bright
upon my baby's face....
When I finally get to heaven,
all my pain will be erased.

We'll soar the skies together,
as angels two by two.
We'll have a sweet reunion,
this mother's dream come true!"
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

"Daddy please don't look so sad, momma please don't cry.
Cause I'm in the arms of Jesus, and he sings me lullabies.
Please try not to question God, don't think he is unkind.
Don't think he sent me to you and then changed his mind.
You see I'm a special child, I am needed up above.
I'm the special gift you gave Him, a product of your love.
I'll always be there with you, so watch the sky at night.
Look for the brightest star and know that's my halo's brilliant light.
You'll see me in the morning frost that mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers, I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a gentle breeze from a gentle wind that blows.
Know that it's me planting a kiss upon your nose.
When you see a child playing and your heart feels a tug,
Don't be sad mommy, that's just me giving your heart a hug.
So daddy don't looks so sad and momma please don't cry.
I'm in the arms of Jesus and he sings me lullabies!
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
If tears could build a stairway,
And memories were a lane,
We would walk right up to heaven
To bring you down again.
No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say good-bye.
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God knows why.
Our hearts still ache in sadness
And secret tears still flow,
What it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know.
When we are sad and lonely,
And everything goes wrong,
We seem to hear you whisper
"Cheer up and carry on."
Each time we look at your pictures,
You seem to smile and say,
"Don't cry, I'm only sleeping,
We'll meet again someday."
Saamantha Wilson 4-30-2012
Don't let them say, I wasn't born
That something stopped my heart
I felt each tender squeeze you gave
I've loved you from the start.

Although my body you can't hold,
It doesn't mean I'm gone.
This world was worthy, not, of me
God chose that I move on.

I know the pain that drowns your soul,
What you are forced to face.
You have my word, I'll fill your arms
Someday we will embrace.

You'll hear that it was "meant to be,
God doesn't make mistakes"
But that won't soften your worst blow..
Or make your heart not ache.

I'm watching over all you do,
another child you'll bear.
Believe me when I say to you,
That I am always there.

There will come a time, I promise you
When you will hold my hand,
Stroke my face and kiss my lips
And then you'll understand.

Although, I've never breathed your air,
Or gazed into your eyes..
That doesn't mean I never "was"
An Angel Never Dies.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Your little heart beating so strongly
All those months
Is silent.
Your little arms and legs
Moving so vigorously
Are still.

Milk falling like tears from your mother's breasts
Will never nourish you.
Your eyes will never sparkle
Your little voice forever silent.

Your mother and father hold you in their arms,
Timidly kissing your soft, smooth cheek
Caressing your tiny fingers
And whispering your name with tears.

We dream of holding you
Of watching you smile and grow
Our love is always with you
Though you will never know.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way I feel,
For no-one knows the heartache,
That lies behind our smiles,
No-one knows how many times,
We have broken down and cried,
We want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Angel tears
How do you love a person
who never got to be,
or try to envision a face
you never got to see?
How do you mourn the death of one
who never got to live.
When there's nothing to feel good about
and nothing to forgive?
I love you, my little baby,
my companion of the night.
Wandering through my lonely hours,
beautiful and bright.
What does it mean to die before
you ever were born,
to live the lovely night of life
and never see the dawn?
Ah! My little baby,
you lived like anyone!
Life's a burst of joy and pain.
And then like yours, it's done.
I love you, my little baby,
just as if you'd lived for years.
No more, no less, I think of you,
the Angel of my tears.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

My Baby
I never got to hear you laugh
you never saw me cry
didnt get a chance to say "Hello"
you never said "Goodbye"
I didn't think that I could feel
so sad, lost and forlorn.
I never knew God chose his Angels
before some of them were born.
Your life was short yet special
I shared it all exclusively
I felt you breathe, I felt you kick.
You were alive inside of me.
Every baby is an Angel
and every angel is divine
God needed one in heaven
He came down and took mine
And although we are not together
we're not really apart
for you'll always occupy a space
deep within my heart.
Time has begun to ease my pain
It's only some days now I cry.
When I wish I could have said "Hello"
and heard you say "Goodbye"
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

My Father
Yesterday father, you fathered me.
Today dear mother, you birthed me.
I was there, you were there
We all stood witness.
I heard your whispers,
that you love me.
I heard you tell each other
how beautiful I was viewed
in my eternal quietude.
I even felt your soft caress
as you held me to your breast.
On this morn, mourn not for me.
With ethereal grace I have a name.
I have a home, I have a life...
To live through all eternity.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

My Little one
I`m just a precious little one
who didn`t make it there.
I went straight to be with Jesus,
but I`m waiting for you here.
Many dwelling here where I live,
waited years to enter in.
Struggled through a world of sorow,
a world marred with pain and sin.
Thank you for the life you gave me,
it was brief but don`t complain.
I have all Heaven`s Glory,
suffered none of earth`s great pain.
Thank you for the name you gave me.
I`d have loved to bring it fame.
But if I`d lingered in earth`s shadows,
I would have suffered just the same.
So sweet family-don`t you sorrow.
Wipe those tears and chase the gloom.
I went straight to Jesus` arms
from my loving Mother`s womb
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Daddy Don’t Cry
Don't cry for me Daddy,
I'm right here.
Although you can't see me
I see your tears.
I visit you often,
I go to work with you each day,
And when it's time for you
to close your eyes ,
On your pillow is where I lay.
I hold your hand &
stroke your hair,
And whisper in your ear.
If you're sad today Daddy,
Remember, I am here.
God took me home.
This we know is true.
But you'll always be My Daddy
Even though I'm not with you.
We will never be apart,
For everytime you think of me,
Please know I'm in your Heart
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

My Angel passed
My Angel passed away from me
The sparkle gone from her eyes
I miss you so much all I do is cry
My heart is broken I want to be with you
Today you went to heave to meet Jesus
But me I only cry
I hope for the day, I come to see you
Hope it won’t be long before I get to meet you
We can fly together and jump on the clouds
Tonight I lay here crying wishing you were around
My Angel keep on flying until mommy comes off the ground
See you soon my angel up in the sky so blue….
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
One Wish
If i could have a lifetime wish
a dream that would come true
I'd pray to God with all my heart
for yesterday and you
A thousand words can't bring you back
I know because I've tried
And neither would a million tears
I know because I've cried
You left behind a broken heart
and happy memories too
I never wanted memories
I only wanted you.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Until We meet later
We think about you always,
we talk about you still,
you have never been forgotten,
and you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts,
and there you will remain,
to walk with us throughout our lives
until we meet again.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Crown of Mother’s
Heaven lit up with His mighty presence,
as all the Angels looked down.
Today the Lord was placing the jewels
in all the mothers crowns.
As he held up a golden crown,
as all the Mothers looked on.
He said in His gentle voice,
"I just want to explain each stone"
He held the first gem in His hand
but the radiance couldn't match His own.
For He was the light of Heaven,
reflecting off each of the stones.
"The first gem"He said, "is an emerald,
and it's for endurance alone,
for all the nights you waited up
for your children to come home.
For all the nights by their bedside,
you stayed till the fever went down.
For nursing every little wound,
I add this emerald to your crown".
"A ruby, I'll place by the emerald,
for leading your child in the right way.
For if you hadn't taught them about Me,
they wouldn't be here with you today.
For always being right there,
through all life's important events.
I give you a sapphire stone,
"For untying the strings that held them,
when they grew up and left home.
I give you this one for courage".
Then the Lord added an amethyst stone.
"I'll place a stone of garnet," He said.
"For all the times you spend on your knees,
when you asked Me to take care of your children,
and then for having faith in Me."
"I have a pearl for every little sacrifice
that you made without them knowing.
For all the times you went without,
to keep them happy, healthy, and growing".
"And last of all i have a diamond,
the greatest of all gems,
for those Mother's who lost their children
when they came home to heaven before them".
"This is the most precious stone.
For i know just how you felt...
I too lost a child of my own."
After the lord placed the last jewel in,
He said,"Heavens is now complete.
For every mother has her crown of jewels,
and all her children at her feet"
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Our precious baby angel
Our shining star above
You came into our world
And filled our hearts with love

Your perfect little face
Your long hands and toes
The love we feel for you
No one really knows

Never will we forget you
You're forever in our hearts
So spread your beautiful angel wings
And fly away to a new start
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

In my Heart
O precious, tiny, sweet little one, You will always be to me
So perfect, pure, and innocent, Just as you were meant to be.

We dreamed of you and of your life, And all that it would be
We waited and longed for you to come And join our family.

We never had the chance to play, To laugh, to rock, to wiggle.
We long to hold you, touch you now and listen to you giggle.

I'll always be your mother. He'll always be your dad.
You will always be our child, The child that we had.

But now you're gone...but yet you're here. We'll sense you everywhere.
You are our sorrow and our joy There's love in every tear.

Just know our love goes deep and strong. We'll forget you never -
The child we had, but never had,
And yet will have forever.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Love Cord
We are connected, my child and I,
by an invisible cord not seen by the eye.

It's not like the cord that connects us at birth
this cord can't be seen by any on earth.

This cord does it's work right from the start
it binds us together attached to my heart

I know that it's there though no one can see
the invisible cord from my child to me.

The strength of this cord it's hard to describe
it can't be destroyed it can't be denied.

It's stronger than any cord man could create
it withstands the test can hold any weight

And though you are gone though you're not here with me
the cord is still there but no one can see

It pulls at my heart I am bruised...I am sore
but this cord is my lifeline as never before.

I am thankful that God connects us this way
a mother and child death can't take it away!!
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

How is Mommy?
My Mom, she tells a lot of lies,
She never did before.
But from now until she dies,
She'll tell a whole lot more.

Ask my Mom how she is
And because she can't explain,
She will tell a little lie
Because she can't describe the pain.

Ask my Mom how she is,
She'll say "I'm alright."
If that's the truth, then tell me,
why does she cry each night?

Ask my Mom how she is,
She seems to cope so well.
She didn't have a choice you see,
Nor the strength to yell.

Ask my Mom how she is,
"I'm fine, I'm well, I'm coping."
For God's sake Mom, just tell the truth,
Just say your heart is broken.

She'll love me all her life,
I loved her all of mine.
But if you ask her how she is,
She'll lie and say she's fine.

I am Here in Heaven.
I cannot hug from here.
If she lies to you don't listen,
Hug her and hold her near.

On the day we meet again,
We'll smile and I'll be bold.
I'll say, "You're lucky to get in here, Mom,
With all the lies you told!"
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Flowing Fountains
Oh little one whose breath is still,
my eyes let fountains flow.
I hold you silent in my arms,
A love denied, Unsown, A moment spent,
Our dreams denied,
I held you close for one last time.
These thoughts, our joy, the wanting bliss,
Your face, Your smile, to me God's gift.
Your tender frame, a goodbye kiss.
Forever child, I'll miss
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Christmas In heaven
I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
with tiny lights, like heavens stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular; please wipe away that tear
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,
but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring;
for it's beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me. I can see the pain in your heart,
but I am not so far away. We really aren't apart.
So, be happy for me dear ones,
for you know, I'm spending Christmas with Jesus this year.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
Mother’s day
So many months I carried you
and I couldn't wait to see
What a wonderful a little person
you would turn out to be.

I had my dreams of how it would be
just to watch you grow
But now those dreams are faded
because I shall never know.

For God in His great wisdom
looked from His throne above
And saw how beautiful you were,
so He carried you away with love

Now the rocking chair sits silent
and the lullabies won't be voiced
But in heaven there's a celebration
as all of the angels rejoice.

My tears, they won't be quiet,
they flow like a river roars
And I know my life is forever changed--
to be the same no more.

I must be a special mother
because I have been set apart
Some mothers carry their children in their arms,
but I carry you in my heart.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

My Journey
I just wanted to let you know,
That I made it home.
The journey wasn't an easy one,
But it didn't take to long.

Everything is so pretty here,
So white, so fresh and new.
I wish that you could close your eyes,
And that you could see it too.

Please try not to be sad for me...
Try to understand.
God is taking care of me...
I'm in the shelter of his hands.

Here there is no sadness,
No sorrow and no pain.
Here there is no crying,
No hurt for us again.

Here it is so peaceful,
When all the angels sing.
I really have to go now-
I've just got to try my wings.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Little Angels
I am your little angel
and I'm sent from far away
To cheer you up if you are sad
or had a rotten day.

So when you find a home for me
make sure that it is near,
For when you to need to talk things out
I can lend an ear.

I'm here to make you smile
when you feel a little blue,
Just look into my eyes
and I'll smile right back at you.

Or when your feeling lonely,
and no one seems to care,
Remember angels do,
and we are everywhere.

If you are scared and don't feel safe,
and don't know what to do,
talk to me
and I will get you through.

Now find that special place for me
deep inside your heart,
And I will always be there for you
no matter how far apart.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Come My Child Rest
When God calls little children
to dwell with him above,
We mortals sometime question
the wisdom of his love
For no heartache compares with
the death of one small child
Who does so much to make our world,
seem wonderful and mild
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to his fold,
So He picks a rosebud,
before she can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so he takes but a few
To make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult still
somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be "Goodbye."
So when a little child departs
we who are left behind
Must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Angle Touch
There is a special Angel in Heaven
that is a part of me.
It is not where I wanted her
but where God wanted her to be.

She was here but just a moment
like a night time shooting star.
And though she is in Heaven
she isn't very far.

She touched the heart of many
like only an Angel can do.
I would've held her every minute
if the end I only knew.

So I send this special message
to the Heavens up above.
Please take care of my Angel
and send her all my love.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Not to Long
I didn't love you very long
but I loved you from the start
the moment I saw the line
I knew you could break my heart
I could not dwell too much
on what that line would do
my life would be forever changed
that much I thought I knew
Life went on as life always does
and though deep down I had my fears
I prayed to God that things be ok
and in 9 months you would be here
When they told me you were gone
I felt like perhaps Id always known
but it didn't stop me wishing
for what the screen hadn't shown
And it didn't stop my heart
from breaking that black day
my hopes and dreams all dashed for you
It wasn't meant to be this way
And so without my wanting it
you went to a castle in the sky
where babies play with baby toys
that money can not buy
And I am left here wanting you
and trying to trust and understand
that the lord has a plan for me
and to have faith in his loving hand
But at times it is so hard
when all I want is YOU
and everything you represented
all the things we'll never do
Its times like this I must believe
although it feels like
it will never be ok
that I WILL have a baby here ,
and i'll hold them close one day
My angel baby knows whats best
and I know he will help God find
the perfect little soul for me
in body heart and mind
And when its time for the baby
to come and join us here
My angel will say goodbye for now
and kiss them with a tear
he will love his precious sibling briefly
but with all that he is worth ...
and then he'll send him down with a loving whisper
for my mum to love ....on earth
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Whispers from Heaven
They say that life is fleeting
I know that this is true
I left this world so quickly
With no goodbye to you.
I know how much you miss me
Your tears fall ever light
The pillow where you lay your head
Is wet with them at night.
I know your heart is hurting
The words we left, unsaid
I love you’s, left unspoken
Are spinning in your head.
The strength that I have carried
That served to make you whole
Remains to make you stronger
Within your grieving soul.
For you see, while you were weeping
On the day I passed away
At the gravesite near the flowers
Where my loved ones knelt to pray.
An angel came to see me
She took me by the hand
She led me to a kingdom
In a very distant land.

As I look down from heaven
And see you standing there
Your heart so ever burdened
With more grief than it can bear.

I long to bring you comfort
I long to give you peace
I long to hold you closely
Cause all your tears to cease.
The joy I’ve found in heaven
Goes far beyond compare
The love that’s so elusive
Can be found here everywhere.
The light is softly shining
There’s no storm clouds here or rain
There’s no teardrops found in heaven
There’s no suffering, there’s no pain.
You needn’t be so troubled
Stay close to God and pray
That someday we’ll be together
One bright and glorious day.
So my love, you shouldn’t question
My dear you need not cry
I’ve gone to be with Jesus
I really didn’t die.
Samantha Wilson 5-2-2012

My Child Has Been Set Free
children hold a special bond
That nothing can replace
Their smiles can chase the blues away
And brighten up a face.
Joys we’ve known, a special day
Shared between us two
Secret talks and peaceful walks
Just to name a few.
Times of reminiscing
The day you learned to crawl
Looking through the photos
I’ve always kept them all.
But one sad day, the phone did ring
It tore my world in two
A voice came on the other end
“I have bad news for you.”
The precious child, I loved so much
Was quickly leaving me
So many things we might have known
Will never come to be.
Thoughts of them are everywhere
I cannot let her/him go
But somewhere up in heaven
A star does softly glow.
they see a Joy unknown to me
Her/his face is full of Light
They walk into the Promised Land
God holds her hand so tight.
Just as the shifting sands of time
Flows gently out to sea
Here today and gone tomorrow
My child has been set free.
Samantha Wilson 5-2-2012

Pennies from Heaven
I found a penny today Just laying on the ground, But it's not just a penny this little coin I've found. Found pennies come from heaven that’s what my Grandpa told me, He said Angels toss them down Oh, how I loved that story. He said when an Angel misses you They toss a penny down, Sometimes just to cheer you up To make a smile out of your frown. So don't pass by that penny when you're feeling blue, It may be a penny from heaven That an Angel’s tossed to you.
Samantha Wilson 5-2-2012

I went to a Party Mom
'I went to a party, Mom 'I went to a party, and remembered what you said. You told me not to drink, Mom so I had a sprite instead.
I felt proud of myself, the way you said I would, that I didn't drink and drive, though some friends said I should.
I made a healthy choice, and your advice to me was right as the party finally ended, and the kids drove out of sight.
I got into my car, sure to get home in one piece, I never knew what was coming, Mom something I expected least.
Now I'm lying on the pavement, And I hear the policeman say, 'The kid that caused this wreck was drunk, 'Mom, His voice seems far away.
My own blood's all around me, as I try hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedic say, 'This girl is going to die.'
I'm sure the guy had no idea, while he was flying high, because he chose to drink and drive, now I would have to die.
So why do people do it, Mom knowing that it ruins lives? And now the pain is cutting me, like a hundred stabbing knives.
Tell sister not to be afraid, Mom tell daddy to be brave, and when I go to heaven, put 'Daddy's Girl' on my grave.
Someone should have taught him, that its wrong to drink and drive. Maybe if his parents had, I'd still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, Mom I’m getting really scared. These are my final moments, and I'm so unprepared.
I wish that you could hold me Mom, as I lie here and die. I wish that I could say I love you, Mom So I love you and good-bye.
Samantha Wilson 5-2-2012


Texte: Samantha Wilson
Lektorat: Samantha Wilson
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.06.2012

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