
chapter 1

I stood at the edge of the building; looking down at the people below. They look like small ants swarming around. It’s funny how the city at night is just as busy as it is in the day. Everyone was going on with their business; not paying any attention to the girl on top of a 5 star hotel about to jump. I smile and a tear roll down my eye; I can finally leave this horrible thing call a life. Mom and dad won’t even notice I’m gone; since they haven’t notice their 16 year old daughter had slip away from the party on 24th floor of the Berlin Hotel. They are probably greeting guests and talking business. MY fiancé is mostly likely flirting away with the other young ladies at the party; can’t really blame him, he’s only 16 like me, who wants to be already tied down at that age.
The wind blew my hair and my dress rise up; showing what’s under my dress, underwear. I push my dress back down and soon gave up; what was the point of pushing it down, the wind keeps rising it up and I’m about to commit suicide anyways. I close my eyes and raise my arms like a bird ready to fly through the sky, but I wasn’t about to fly, I was about to fall. No more rumors, no more being bully and more being use. I don’t care if I go to hell for committing suicide; I’ll be free from this terrible life forever. It’s my decision to die and I’m sticking to it!
I tilted over a little and the wind help push me off. I felt air rushing past my face; it would be too long before the hard concrete and my life will be over. I waited a good five minutes, man how long will it be before I hit the ground? I heard a small chuckle in my ear.
“How long do you plan to keep your eyes shut, or does sleeping beauty need a kiss from her prince?” Ask a deep, smoothing, sexy voice.
MY eyes flew open and I look at a boy, But not just any boy; the most beautiful boy I ever seen. He looks to be about my age, maybe a little older. He had jet black shaggy hair and black eyes, that seem to be empty, like it he had no soul. His face was pale and slender; he looks like an angel. Am I dead?
MY eyes grew wide and my jaw drop open. “How did...who are…what’s going….” I couldn’t even ask myself the question going through my head; there so many.
The boy chuckles; “I guessing you’re wondering how you are still alive.”
“I’m still alive?” I manage to ask.
“Yes you are. You would be dead if I didn’t catch you when you fell. Do you think you could fly? Cause you can’t.” He said.
“Catch me?” How could he have caught me, there no way someone could catch someone if they were falling off a 5 star hotel.
“Well your wish came true because you’re flying now.”
“Flying?” I ask; I am confuse.
The boy pointed down and I look down and scream. I was so high in the air I could see clouds when I look down. I through my arms around the boy’s neck and close my eyes, guessing we were about to fall.
He chuckles; “Don’t worry, we’re not about to fall. I got you.” He stared patting my head.
I reopen my eyes and stare at him hard; I then say bird like wings, the color black, going up and down behind him.
I gasp. “Are you an Angel?” I ask.
He then busts out laughing, his laughter echoes in my ears. “No my dear, I’m afraid not, I am a crow.”
“A crow….then you are a bird?” I ask.
He then laughs again. “No, I’m not a bird, more like something else.”
“What?” I ask.
He then smiles and flashes white sharp teeth. “A vampire.”
I raise my eyebrow and then I bust out laughing. A Vampire? A vampire? Vampires aren’t real they never excited! They are made up stories to frighten little kids to never go out at night. I should know that’s how my nannies use to tell me stories about vampires going out at night and pray on little girls. They only said that so I would be sure to be home before dark when I went out and play.
“I’m sorry…….you…ha-ha….can’t be a vampire! Vampires are NOT real!” I said still laughing.
“Well you believe angels are real and you seem to believe I’m a bird.”
He did have a good point. “Maybe I am having a dream and none of this you. Not you or your flying.”
He then raises an eyebrow. “Oh really?” I felt like something drop from my body and I then was falling.
I scream, and saw the ground coming closer and closer.
“Does it look like a dream now?!?” Ask the boy, he was falling with me.
“N-NO!” I scream.
He then laugh and caught me once again. He then took off into the air and drop me on the a building on purpose. MY butt hit the hard ground of the building.
“Ow~!” I said.
“Now do believe I’m a vampire and I’m real?” He ask.
“Yes, you are real but a Vampire no.” I said and got up. I dust my dress off.
He rolled his eyes. “Okay, why don’t you believe I’m a vampire?”
“Because you save me twice and I a vampire is evil and would never save a human.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Not unless that vampire wanted something from that human.” He said.
I catching on quick; I said. “Okay what do you want? Money, gold, jewelry or diamonds?”
“I already have all that. Matter of fact so much I don’t know what to do with it.”
“Okay then what?” I ask.
“Blood.” He said.
“Blood? I am I your blood type or something? My father owns 20 different hospitals and enough blood to help you live, Mr. Vampire.” I said. “You don’t need my blood.
“I don’t want that blood. And the names Dex not Mr. Vampire. I want your blood” Dex said.
“My blood? Why my blood? I am giving you a chance to never have to pray on humans again without having the trouble of hiding the body of your victims.” I Said.
“I’m not some mutt or bat. I’m a crow meaning, I need a pure blood.”
“Pure blood?” I ask.

“Yes and you have pure blood and I want it. When I saw you at the tip of the building ready to jump, I smell something good and I saw the veins inside your neck. So delicious and mouthwatering blood. I couldn’t let all that blood splat on that concrete and let it all go to waste so I decided to save you.” Dex said coming closer to me. I saw white sharp teeth popping out of his lips. I step back.
“I-I’m sure my blood not that good. I-I eat a lot of at fatting food and I eat a lot of garlic pizza and bread. Don’t vampires hate garlic? I’m sure if you drink from me you’ll die.”
Dex chuckle; “Only my cousin Amy is allergic to garlic.” Dex said getting closer.
Damn why can’t you be your cousin Amy.
I then saw the door to the building we landed on. I ran for it and open the door, thank god it wasn’t lock. Dex walk to the door and I slam it shut closing it and lock it. I then slump down to the ground, that was scary.
Bam! Bam! I look over at the door and I look at the door and it had bumps on it. It was a metal door and he could put a dent in it. I then got out of here! I saw a an elevator and I push the bottom up. The metal door fell over. Dex walk in his eyes red and his teeth showing. I heard a low growl. The door to the elevator open and I got in at the nick of time because at the moment the door open and close Dex lung at it. His hand made it through the crack of the closing elevator and Dex began to push it open with his other hand. I took off my high heels and hit his hands with it . Dex yanked his hand back and the door close.
I look for something to use when the door open again. There was nothing. Damn it, why di I have to leave the party and try to commit suicide! I guess this gods punishment for trying to leave the easy way now I’m going to die the hard way. I counted down how many floors I past I was about to be on the 4 floor when someone push the door up.
“NO!” I cried. I hit the number 1 bottom again and again but it was no use. The elevator went up to the 6 floor. The door to the elevator open slowly and I stared swinging my fist, my fist came in contact with something hard.
“OUCH! HEY!” Said a rusty, old voice. I look up to see an old man in a security uniform.
“OMG, I’m so sorry!” I said.
The old man rubs his jaw where I had hit him. “It’s alright. I hope you know young lady this building is close after 9. What are you doing here?”
“I-I’m being chase!” I said.
“Chase by whom? The old man then got in the elevator and it close behind him.
“HIim!Dex!” I said.
“Dex?! who’s that and how did you get here? I thought I lock the front door.”
“From the roof and-and he trying to kill me ” I said then I began to cry.
“Hey now! Its okay your safe now!. Calm down, we’ll go to the security room and call the police.” The old man said, he then pull out his walky talky. “Bill? Bill? Are you there?”
The walky-talky then answer. “Yea Mitch I’m here.”
“I have a girl here and said she was being chase. Go to the top floor and check it out please.” Mitch said.
“Okay I will, I’m heading up there anyways.” Responded the walky-talky.
Mitch then look back at me. “Everything going to be okay, little miss.”
I breathe a shaky breathe and slump down. I put my head between my knees and cried softly.
Mitch walk over to me and patted my head. “Everything going to be okay.”

chapter 2

Here.” Mitch handed me a cup of coffee. I took it but didn’t talk one sip, I wasn’t in the mood to drink or eat anything. I look around the room, there was about 12tvs showing each floor.
“Tell me what happen who is Dex? Your boyfriend, a friend?” Mitch ask.
“Neither” I said not looking at Mitch. I was still looking around the room. It was just like the security rooms you see on TV or movies.
“Oh, how did you guys meet?” Mitch said.
I look at the TV screens again. I saw Bill walking toward the elevator on the 6th floor. “The sky.” I said.
“The wha? Are you alright?”
I then look at Mitch and he look like he was staring at a crazy person. I then realize what I just said; ‘The sky’, was what I answer. To think about it if I just call the police, they won’t believe me and my parents would be angry at me for they would think I made the whole thing up. Shit, I don’t even believe what happen, myself.
I jump up out my seat. “Um, you know what never mind.” I put the coffee cup on the desk next to where I sat.
“What?” Mitch ask sounding confuse.
“Don’t call the police, I’ll be leaving now. Pretend like I was never here.” I said backing up to the door.
“Whatever scared the mess out of you like that; it isn’t good to just ignore it.” Mitch said walking toward me.
“N-no I’m fine.” I said turning away from Mitch. I then grab the handle to the door and someone was blocking my way.
“Hello, little miss.” Said Bill, I was assuming since he sound like the guy off the walky-talky. Bill then look at Mitch. “This the girl.”
“Yea, it is but she doesn’t want me to call the police and she wouldn’t tell me anything.” Mitch said.
I took this chance to run, I slip pass Bill and ran down the hall.
“MISS!!” They call after me but I wouldn’t stop. I made my way to the front doors of the building. I push on the doors but they wouldn’t budge.
“I was wondering when you would be down here.” Said a familiar voice.
I slowly turn around to face him and when I saw him I scream. Dex was sitting on top of the front desk with his legs cross. He was smiling and his eyes were glowing bright red. I turn to run back down the hall I just came from but somehow Dex mange to block my way.

I swung my fist but Dex caught my risk before my fist hit him in the jaw. He then squeeze it hard, cried out in pain. The more I tried to pull away the more he squeezes.
“Ow-Ow let go!” I felt tears flowing down my face. “Please.”
“Let her go!” Yell a familiar rusty voice.
Dex pick me up by the risk and swung me to the floor. I hit the floor hard and I heard a BANG! I look up at Dex to see he was bleeding on the ground now. I then saw Mitch with a gun in his hand; thank god he came when he did.
Bill ran over to me and helps off the ground. “Are you alright?” Bill asks me.
I nodded my head, my risk where Dex had grab me, was now pumping blood back into my hand. It hurt like crazy and where Dex had grabbed me, there was purple circle around it.
I look over at Dex again and Mitch was over him pointing the gun at his head. Dex kick Mitch in the leg hard and Mitch at the same time shot the gun; he also went down to the ground. The bullet went up in the ceiling and made a hole. Dex got up and ran to the doors of the building. He busted through the glass doors like then was nothing. Bill ran after him and I ran to Mitch to help him off the ground.
Mitch was huffing and puffing. I got on the ground next to Mitch.
“You okay?” I ask.
“No, I-I think he broke my leg.” Mitch said through his pants.
“Where is the phone?” I ask; I needed to call the ambulance.
“Ba-ck in the security room.” Mitch said.
“I’ll be back” I then ran back to the security room and dial 911.
When I came back to the front of the building Bill was helping Mitch seat down on top of the front desk. Bill turn to look at me; “He got away.”
Great what just what I needed to here.

chapter 3

“Alexandra, sweetie; are you okay?!?” My mother just got out a taxi and was now running over to me. The blond bun on top of her head stay in place while she ran and even when my mother runs she still has a lot of grace. I sat on the back of the ambulance with a blanket around me; I’m glad the police officer gave it to me, it’s really cold outside. I push a piece of my blond hair out my face and tuck it behind my ear.
“Yes, Mother, I’m fine but cannot say the same for Mitch.” I said.
MY mother embraces me and kisses my forehead. She then looks at me with tears in her eyes. “Oh, my sweet baby I thought something had happen to you. Thank goodness you’re okay and who is this ‘Mitch?’”
“The security guard who save my life. He not here anymore he was rush to the hospital, for my attacker broke his leg.”
“Oh, well remind me to send him some flowers.” My mother said taking a seat next to me.
A man in a black suit walks up to me and my mother. “Hello ladies, I’m detective Gross. I need to ask you a few questions.”
“I don’t believe my daughter would like to answer questions at this point; I’m sure she is tried out by all the excitement tonight. Maybe tomorrow at the Berlin Hotel and we have a party to get back to.” MY mother said getting up. I also got up, my mother took my hand and almost drag me to the taxi.
“Wait, miss what is your name and your room number?” Mr. Gross calls after us.
“Her name is Alexandra Lockheart and she is in room 204.” Mother said shoving into the taxi; Mr. Gross grab my mother arm and she yank away. Once I was shove into the taxi, my mother slam it shut. She and Mr. Gross where having a agreement from the looks of mother’s burning red face. Then my mother said something unpleasant to the looks of Mr. Gross face; all the color from his face was drain away. My mother had a smug smirk her face and was crossing her arms meaning mother had won the battle.
Mother then open the door to the taxi again and got in.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Lockheart…I-I didn’t realize who you were.” Mr. Gross said apologizing.
“Sure.” My mother said not looking at Mr. Gross. “Close the door.”
Mr. Gross mad a face and then close the door to the taxi.
“Driver back to the hotel.” My mother said.
The car took off down the road. I look at my mother. “What was that all about?” I ask.
Mother turn to me and slap me hard the cheek; now it was time for mother true color to show. Playing the worry, caring, loving, mother was all an act. In real life she was a cold hearted, non-caring for others; including her own daughter (flesh and blood), woman. My cheek stung from her hard slap; I fight back the tears that well up in my eyes.
I look out the window. “I’m sorry.”
‘Useless child’ echoes in my head and I began to sob.
“oh don’t give me those fake tears.” My mother said.
I wipe the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand.
“Geez your messing up your make-up. When we get back to the party go to your room and put on a clean dress and new make-up. Then come back down and I need you to dance with some people. Wear that red boo gecko dress, I got for you yesterday.”
“Okay.” I said looking out the window.
Going back to the party was the last thing on my mind.

chapter 4

“Oh, Alex, darling I was wondering where you went.” Said my soon to be mother-in-law , Carline Shay; she smiles brightly showing off her 24 perfect white teeth. Mrs. Shay had dark brown hair and greenish blue eyes; she was wearing a little green with tan high heels. Even the through she was 38, she look to be 28 or 29. She is the always cheer type and always had something positive to say in a negative situation. She hugs me and fake kiss my cheeks and I hug her back and fake kiss her back. She then look down at me. “My, were you wearing that lovely dress before?”
“No, Mrs. Shay. I got red wine on my white party dress.” I lied and I hated it. I hate lying but mother told me to tell anyone who asks about the dress.
“Oh, I told you call me mom. And where is Eric? I haven’t seen him lately, I want to see you too dance together.”
“Um, I think where he’s at. I’ll go get him” I said turning away from Mrs. Shay.
“Hurry back the waltz is going to be on next. I love to see you too dance it.” Mrs. Shay calls after me.
“I will.” I said with a smile. I dodge past people and made my way to the food table. Mr. Carb, one of mother bodyguards was stuffing his face with food. He was a bald headed African American about 27. When he saw me coming he put down his plate and straightens up.
“Hello Alex.” He said with a smile.
“Hello Mr. Carb, have you seen Eric?” I ask.
“He is right over there.” Mr. Crab points toward the entrance of the party. I look and see Eric laughing with a girl with strawberry blond hair. Eric then took her hand and led her out of the party, I knew where they were going.
“Thanks.” I said and then went after them.
I stop in the hall way in front of the door saying storage room. I hear moans and giggles. I then open the door to find the strawberry blond girl half naked and Eric with his pants down. They had their arms around each other kissing.
The girl opens her eyes and looks at me in shock. She picks up her dress she was wearing, trying to cover up herself. I roll my eyes. “Eric your mom wants us now.”
“Now, now?” Eric asks. Eric as dirty blond hair with eyes like his mother. He was well built and had a square chin; he’s really handsome.
“Yea Now, now.” I said.
Eric pulls up his pants and smoothed back his hair as if it was out of place. He then groans and turns toward me; I step back so he would have room to come out.
“Wait who is she?” Asks the girl. “She takes a hold of his arm.
“I’m his wife.” I said.
The girl eyes grew wide and then she runs past me saying. “I’m sorry.”
“Nice going Alex! Geez I really like her too.” Eric said tightening his belt.
“Whatever, come on your mom wants us to waltz.” I said.
“Grrrr….I hate the waltz and dancing.” Eric mumbles.
Tell me about it.
We spotted Mrs. Shay and mother talking happily at the ice sculpture of the swan.
“You ready?” I ask holding out my hand to Eric.
“Yup.” Eric takes my hand and we both put on fake smiles as we walk to our mothers.
Mother spotted us first. “Oh there you two are.”
“Yea, here we are.” Eric said.
“Oh good, now you two can dance.” Mrs. Shay said, she then turns and signal the band. They then began to play.
Eric leads me to the dance floor and the light goes dark. Once we got to the center of the room the spot light hits us. Eric then begins to lead me; for someone who hates to dance he was extremely good. I close my eyes as we dance and feel the music. When open my eyes again, the dance is over and everyone claps. Eric bows and I curtsy, we then smile brightly at the crowd that was watching us dance and then at each other. Once again Eric bows and I curtsy when I look up from my curtsy I saw someone way past the crowd. Someone in the way back learning against the wall in black t-shirt and torn jeans. He smiles at me flashing his white teeth.
I gasp.
Its Dex.

Chapter 5

“Alex? What’s wrong?” Eric asks me.
I smile nervously. “Ha-ha, nothing thought I saw something.”
“Oh, what?”
“ A bug but it was a grape.” I said.
“You two are so adorable together.” Said Mrs. Shay.
“Thank you.” I look to where Dex was at and he was gone. Maybe I was imaging he was here.
“Alex wants wrong. Your face is pale.” Eric asks me.
“I think the dance took too much out of me. “ I lied.
“Maybe you should go to bed.” Eric said.
“No, I think she’s fine.” I heard mother’s voice from behind us.
We all turn to see mother standing with a smile. “Aren’t you.”
I smile. “Yes mother is right. I’m fine really just need to sit for a while.”
Eric help me find a seat in the back of the room in a corner where people wouldn’t come to bother me. He then left to look for the strawberry blond.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.10.2011

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