

"We are so going to get caught."I told Ashley. Ashley was my best friend of fifteen years,we met back in second grade when I saw her being bullied. Now,we were soon to be seniors in high school. Tomorrow was a school day and guess what we were doing at one o'clock in the morning? Sneaking into the high school with our key and we were Re-decorating some of the classrooms of our teachers who hated us and vice versa. "Oh,hush up and enjoy the thrill. Live a little Jules."She said using the nickname for Juliet she gave me. "How about we get this done with so we can sneak back in my house without my brother waking up."I said. My parents are always on business trips around the world together. They work for the same company,in the same branch. "How about you all go home and we can keep this between us both."A voice said. The voice sounded so muscular. I turned around to see a beautiful,sex god type of a man. Ashley was just gaping at him. I too had my jaw dropped to the floor. But,instead of addressing Ashley he looked straight at me. "Close your mouth,honey. It's not attractive."He said and I quickly closed my mouth. "Much better. Now,what's your name?"He asked me,not Ashley. I pointed to Ashley first. "Well her name is Ashley Costello. My name is Juliet Monroe."I said and he smiled. "You know I've always liked the name Monroe."He said. Oh god my name sounded good coming out of his mouth. "What's your name?"I asked him. "Mr. Costello. I'm the new English teacher for year 12. But you my dearie can call me Blake."He said then looked at Ashley. "You too,Ashley."He said and Ashley seemed to come out of her state of shock. "Blake,what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be back until when? Mid-june?"Ashley said. "Wait,how do you know him?"I asked her. "Brother."She said the same time Blake said "Sister." I looked at them both. Now,that I looked closely,I remembered seeing him when I was ten. But only for a short time. Not enough for me to remember him. "So? You never thought of telling me you had a brother?"I crossed my arms and looked at Ashley. She looked down at her dirty shoes,which by tomorrow were gonna be replaced with pink pumps. "I thought I told you once,it just slipped my mind."She said and then Blake put his hand on my lower back and whispered in my ear. "Don't worry,she forgets a lot."He whispered in my ear causing his hot breath to blow across my reveiled skin. I held in a moan. Ashley looked at me curiously then she smirked widely at me. Tuck,tuck,tuck."She tsked her tongue at me. I blushed at her and grabbed her arm. "Well,we gotta go. Bye,Blake."I said and we ran out of the classroom not finishing our masterpiece. "Somebody's got a crush on my brother."She sang. I ran to the drivers side of my car and put it into gear and reversed and drove home when she got in. Once I reached home I found my key and unlocked my door. "You will not tell your brother that you think I like him. He isn't even hot."I said and opened the door to my room. I got on my bed and was about to fall asleep when I heard her say. "Yeah,she likes you. Oh,shut up Blake,she is so out of your leauge."Ashley whispered into her phone. I acted like I was asleep,because I was a fast sleeper.
I woke up to a police siren. "God damnit! Ashley turn off that god awful alarm!"I yelled at her and covered my ears. The police siren stopped and before I could continue to dream about Blake taking his his shirt off,the blanket was ripped off me. "Ew! Since,when do you drool in your sleep,Jules!"Ashley yelled. I picked up my head from the pillow and indeed there was drool on the pillow. I smiled,that just proves Blake is drool worthy,even in sleep. "Fine,I had a good dream last night."I said and threw the pillow on the floor and tried to sleep,but whenever I was awake,I couldn't go back to sleep. I groaned and got off my bed. "Dreaming about my brother."Ashley said the same time I tripped on a shoe. Normally,I would see that shoe,but Ashley's statment caught me off guard. She didn't even try to make it into a question. It was like she knew. "Oh,I know what you're thinking. I heard you moaning his name while he sucked on your skin."She said. Blake surely hadn't sucked on any skin in my dream. "Okay,maybe a little."I said to her. "Ooh,she admits she was dreaming about Blake. Luckily I got on the magical recording device on my phone. I'll show him when he comes to pick us up."She said and I ran to get her phone that was in her hand that I hadn't noticed before. I chased her downstairs that my brothers new whore was raiding our fridge in anything suitable to wear. I was wearing booty shorts,and a white tank top,with a messy bun. "Give me that damn phone,Ashley!"I yelled. She opened the front door and ran outside. I was gonna stop running and just wait for her to freeze her ass off but she was already handing the phone to someone waiting by a car. A silver Audi. I then realised who it was. Blake Costello. I groaned in annoyance,but then realised I was wearing booty shorts when his gaze landed onto me. I turned and walked inside,purposely swaying my hips. What? He already knows I like him,and if he likes me too,better show him what he can't have. I mean,I'm 17 so It's illegal for us to date because he's older than me and he's my teacher. Ashley ran up to me and so did Blake. She caught my arm and almost made me fall. Derek,my brother,came downstairs in boxers and went to hug me. I felt Blake stiffen,he didn't know who Derek was,this was such agood plan. "Come on,bugaboo. Hug me!"Derek said and I was gonna let go of Ashley but Blake grabbed me and hugged me instead. "Who in the hell is that?"Blake whispered to me,his voice husky. "Someone you ain't gonna ever know."I whispered back and got out of his embrace. He pulled me back in his embrace. "Tell-"He started but was interrupted by my best FRIEND. "That's her brother,Blake."Ashley said. "Hey,to you too Ashley. Nice ass."Derek said to her and she winked at him. "They had a thing and still do,but they don't want to admit it to each other."I whispered to Blake. "Did you ever have a thing with anybody?"He asked me. "No,I never had a boyfriend,probably never will."I said and sighed dramatically. "I'm forever alone."I added and laid my head on his chest and fake cried. "Nobody's ever asked you out to dances or anything?"He asked me. "I've gotten my fair share of people asking me on dates or to dances,but I've all turned them down gently. I never really liked dances. But,I would go to a dance if I went with somebody I liked."I said and he chuckled. "So? If I asked you to a-"My phone alarm rang. I turned it off. "Gotta go get ready for school."I said and let go of him. I ran upstairs and went in my room. Ashley was right behind me. "Help,me pick out something hot to wear."I said. "You take a shower and I'll get your stuff."Ashley said. I thanked her immensely and got in the shower. I took a short shower and when I got out I wrapped a towel around myself and went to my room. I quickly found matching lacy pink bra and thong. I found a pair of clothes on my bed. It consisted of short pink plaid skirt with pink and black fishnet tights,a blue V-neck shirt with white suspenders and Black heels. I smiled at myself,but I was very self conscious about my legs. I dried myself and and put on my clothes and did my make up which consisted of pink glittery eyeshadow,clear lip gloss,black eye liner,and black mascara. I put on my band bracelets and other colored bracelts and put on my Neon Pink Clear Lens Glasses. I curled my black and blonde hair and put hairspray so it would stay. I was now ready to go. I went downsatirs and saw everybody including Blake eating pancakes. I didn't take notice to what Blake was wearing before but I certainly did now because Derek's whore was all over him. Blake wore a black V-neck shirt and dark jeans with his leather jacket and motorcycle boots. His hair was kinda messy,but that made him look hot. He looked at me but then did a double take. "Alright,let's go."I said and walked away from them. I lost all my appetite when I saw that girl all over Blake and he didn't even try to stop her. Ashley caught up with me. "You okay?"She asked me as I got my own stylish leather jacket and opened the front door. "Fuckin' peachy."I said sarcastically. "Listen,if this is about Blake and that girl,he was trying to stop her,but she kept going at it and he thought it better to just let her mess with him. He doesn't even like her."Ashley said as I was opening my car door and got in. Ashley stood by my door,not letting me close it. I saw Blake coming out of the house. I fixed my skirt on instinct. "He still could've stopped her or at least moved. It doesn't matter anyway,I don't even like him and I bet with his looks he already has a clingy girlfriend. Now,move I want to get my coffee."I said and she moved and went to Blake and started yelling at him. I reversed out of my driveway and went to Starbucks.
By the time It was lunch,word had spread that Ashley was related to the 'Hot' new teacher. And people(girls mostly) were coming up to Ashley and I asking questions like if he was single which Ashley would respond with 'Bitch,hop off his nuts! Ain't nobody got time for that!' I was angry as hell. I was fighting with Adam,again. What was the fight about? I wanted to go see a movie with him because to be honest we haven't even went on anymore dates. It felt like Adam wasn't even my boyfriend. Ashley was sitting right beside me and was staring behind me. "Why? We haven't even gone out on dates anymore."I said. "Because maybe I don't need to be spending money on useless things."He snapped back. "Fine,I'll just go by myself."I said and that's when I heard, "Me and Ashley will go with you."A voice said and I turned to see Blake smiling down at me. "Really,Blake. I didn't really wanna see that movie anyway."I said waving my hand like it was no big deal. "What's the movie called?"Blake asked me. "World War Z."I said putting my head down in embarrasment. "Already saw it,but It's worth seeing twice. Especially with you... and Ashley."He said the Ashley part as an afterthought and his cheeks turned the faintestt pink. "I'll go,I've been dying to see that movie."Adam suddenly said,wrapping his arms around me. I pushed him off me. "I need to talk to you."I said and grabbed his hand and led him into the hallway where no one would hear us. "We need to break up. I'm tired of your mood swings and shit. I never know when you're gonna love me or hate me the next minute."I said and he shrugged and played with his iPod. "Honestly,I don't care about you or who you date. You were just another fuck and diss."Adam said and walked away. I watched him walking away in shock and silence. I didn't expect him to be so blunt. I leaned on a blue locker. I watched him sit at a new table and start flirting with a girl. And I watched her push him away playfully. That was me five months ago. Flirting with Adam and playing with him and falling for his charm,but underneath it all was the boy who broke girls hearts even if he never had them. "What'd he say to you?"Ashley and Blake asked me breaking me out of my thoughts. "We broke up,that's it. Honestly,I'm fine with it,never been happier."I said and leaned off the locker and my phone rang. Hundred Dollar Bail~Cold Forty-three ringtone. "Running like we crossed the border,got us locked up and court-ordered. Four Four Lokos,Three Amigos,Two Dos Equis,Un Problemo."The ringtone sung. "Who is that?"Ashley asked. I looked down and noticed it said Unknown number. I noticed Blake's hands behind his back. "Don't Know."I said and answered the phone. "Hello?"I asked curiously. Blake brought his right hand to his ear and smiled sweetly. "Hey,Jules."A voice on the other end of the phone said,that voice belonged to Blake Himself. I hung up automatically and glared at Ashley. She smiled confusedly,but I could see through that smile that she was mentally smirking. "Ashley,how does Blake have my number."I asked her and Blake put his hand on my shoulder. I automatically felt tingles "Because I gave it to him,come on. Now,that Adam's out of the picture you two would look so good together."Ashley whispered,blushing slightly. I looked at Blake and smirked. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Is this your confession for your undeniable love for me,or is Ashley just high on Kush."I asked him and he-without really realising- began drawing random patterns on my shoulder. "Ashley's high on drugs."He said while chuckling. "Ashley!"A male voice boomed. We all turned to look at Mr. Harrow. Blake quickly removed his hand from my shoulder. I just whimpered from the loss of his touch. The tingles were now gone. "Hey,Mr.Harrow."Ashley said and Blake almost laughed at how beyond mad Mr. Harrow seemed. I just gave a throaty chuckle. "Ashley,please tell me you are not on drugs."Mr.Harrow said. "No,sir. My brother was talking to my best friend about...never mind that but point being I'm not even on drugs. Unless you count Gummy Bears as drugs then lock me away."Ashley sighed dramatically and held out her wrists as she expected Mr. Harrow to put the cuffs on her. "Gummy Bears are not drugs. Just disgusting little chewy candies."Mr. Harrow said and walked away,shaking his head and chuckling. "Well,we got away with that. SO,anybody up for pizza?"Blake asked and we all said yes just as the bell rang ending lunch. "Never mind then. After school maybe?"Blake suggested. "Yeah,see you then Mr. Costello."I said and his smile faltered but he quickly regained composure and walked away half-smiling. "WHat's wrong with him.?"I asked Ashley. "He like is when YOU say his full name. He has a thing for you,I'm telling ya."Ashley said and we walked to maths together since we had the same class.
It was now English and Ashley and I were walking to Blake's class. We-meaning only me-were so happy to get to class that I dragged Ashley,she was literally dragging her feet. "Please,let me skip with Johnny!"She whisper-yelled. Johnny was a fling of hers and he knew it too. They were Friends With Benefits,promising each other not to fall in love. But,only I could see the way he affected her when he talked to her,she blushed like crazy,she sometimes stuttered when he brought going to the Janitors closet. Their new makeshift 'bedroom' And it was only the first day of school. "No,I wanna see Blake."As i said that I slammed right into a hard chest. "And why would you wanna see me?"I looked up to see the voice belonged to none other than Blake himself. He had a huge smirk on his face and his hands were on my upper arms steadying me. "Um,because I love English class. I even have a shirt to prove it."I said and he shook his head chuckling. God,I'd do anything to make him chuckle again. "Really? You do?"He asked and now he was full on laughing. "Um,yeah."I said while blushing in embarrassment. I really did have a shirt lie that. "Aw,she's blushing."Blake said while putting his finger under my chin,making me look at him,also succeeding in making me blush even harder. I bet I looked like the world's ripest tomato. I jerked my head out of his reach,making me have a pain on the right side of my head,right behind my earlobe. "Okay,that was maybe too hard."I said while holding the right side of my head. "You get those kind of things when you get old. Now,go and look at the screen projector and take your assigned seats. Thank you,bug."Blake said and I just glared at him. "Bug? Really?"I asked him as I got a few strange glances from other students entering the classroom. "Yeah,cause you're a pain in the arse."He said in a fake british accent. "Fine,by the time class is over I'll have an annoying nickname for you."I promised and walked in the classroom dragging Ashley behhind me. I looked at the screen and found our seats,which were right next to each other,and in front of Blake's desk. Once the tardy bell rang,Blake walked in closing the door behid him and started talking. "Good evening class. My name is Blake Costello,unlesss I give you permission to call me by my first name then it's Mr. Costello to all of you. The only exceptions are Juliet and Ashley."He said. I blushed scarlett and Ashley groaned in annoyance. "But,why them sir?"Some chick asked him. "Because,Juliet is my best friend and Ashley,well she's my sister,so I atleast have Juliet to hang out with when Ashley wants to go shopping."He said and I laughed. "You tell 'em Blake."I said raising my fist in the air,doing a fist pump type thing and putting it back down. "You hate shopping?"A girl asked me,looking at me as if I were foreign. "With a passion."I said and Blake chuckled. "Me,too. A reason why werre best friends."Blake said and I blushed. "I only drag you because I love you guys."Ashley said putting a hand over her heart and giving him a dorky face. Blake and I both looked at each other and back at Ashley and burst out laughing. We went on talking and laughing while students(girls) gave me the 'Death' glare. I laughed at them like Bitch can I help you? Which earned me more glares. "Hey,Blake? I'm hungry."Ashley said and Blake looked at me and I smiled and shrugged. Everyone looked at us three(Blake,Ashley and I.)
"We still on for pizza?"Blake asked looking at me,not Ashley. In response to his question,my stomach growled. I blushed and sheepishly smiled. "I'll take that as a yes."He said and I shyly chuckled. "So? Where are we gonna eat?"Ashley whined. Blake again looked at me. "Why do you keep looking at me for an answer?"I asked him shyly,still embarrased from my stomach growling. "Cause,I haven't been here the longest and I kinda need you to show me around."He answered. "You know this town by heart."Ashley muttered to herself,but I heard it. I grinned widely,so widely that I thought my cheeks would break. "Sure,I'll be your tour buddy."I said and it was his turn to grin widely. "Or. I can be your tour guide. I can even show you how to get from here to my house."A cheer slut said,she turned to look at me and smirked viciously. "I know,Jules better. So,no Monnica."He said and I almost laughed at her raged face. "Fine,I didn't even want to guide you anyway. That's the slut's job!"She yelled. "Slut? Where do you get off calling other people sluts! Last time I checked you were having sex with Mr. Freeman. Yup,you got him locked up for it too,just because you couldn't keep your legs closed."Ashley defended me. Somehow,I couldn't help but feel like she was also giving me advice on to keep it secret if I ever got with her brother. "Bitch."The cheerslut said and turned away from Ashley and began talking to her friends. "So? Anybody up for Pizza-Hut?"I asked Ashley and Blake. "They have the stuffed crust pizza! Hell,yeah! Let's go there Blake,please?"Ashley asked him giving him the puppy eyes. "I'm up for stuffed crust."He said and I smirked. "You're paying."I told him,crossing my arms over my chest. He smiled even wider. "Now,bug. What kind of man would I be if I didn't pay for my favorite woman."He said to me. "Hey!"Ashley exclaimed playing mock offense. "The kind of man who would definitely not be in my good books."I said. "Hey,I'm still offended,Blake."Ashley said. "Calm down,I said Women,not woman."He said,his cheeks turning a faint pink if you looked real close. "So,Jules have you come up with an annoying name for me?"Blake asked me. I smiled real wide. "I have a few."I smirked evilly. Ashley gave me a few suggestions based off her memories. One nickname I totally found funny. It was back when Ashley and Blake still lived with their parents-Ashley got emancipated and moved in with Blake- and Blake just so appened to be walking by Ashley's room going to the bathroom in only Superman boxers. "So,what's the name?"Blake asked me. I looked at Ashley and we both laughed evilly,earning the whole class' attention. "Mr. Superman."I said and his whole face got red. He looked at Ashley and we busted out laughing. "You told her that! I am so going to tell mom!"Blake said. "Yeah,I told her that story,she's my best friend. Who wouldn't want to know about-"Blake jumped out of his seat and covered her mouth with his hand. "Gosh,Ashley! The whole world doesn't need to know about my whole life."Blake said. Ashley licked his palm,making Blake take his hand away and wipe it on his jeans. "Ew! Ashley,you're gross."Blake said and the bell rang ending the day. "Okay,tomorrow we will be talking about Shakespeare and his leterature."Blake said as everyone went out the classroom. Ashley and I stayed and packed our things. "So,do you wanna go in Blake's car or do you want me to drive your car?"Ashley asked me as Blake was waiting by the classroom door. "You can ride with me and I'll follow Ashley to your house and we can drop all our stuff off at your house."Blake said excitedly. "Seems like a plan!"I said excitedly. "Okay,let's go."Blake said and Ashley got my keys from me and Blake and I went to the school's front doors. "So...what kind of pizza do you want?"Blake said. It sounded like he was gonna say something,but didn't. "Stuffed crust cheese pizza."I say excitedly. "Same old Juliet. Always wanting the cheese."He said laughing. I punch him in the shoulder playfully. He punched me back playfully. "You know me,I'm in love with cheese."I said and he gasped. "I'm hurt,Jules."He said,holding his heart in mocvk hurt. "Oh,you know I love you just the same."I said and heard a gasp. We turned and saw the principal standing behind us,hands on hips and everything. "I'm being compared to cheese."Blake expalined. "Very good cheese."I added. "Stuffed crust pizza cheese."He said. "Oh,my bad. I just took things into assumption. Where are you going anyway?"She asked. "I owe her and Ashley pizza,because I promised them pizza after school."Blake said. "Who is Ashley and this young lady?"She asked,eying me,not suspiciously,but I was pretty sure she was checking me out. "Ashley is my sister and this is my best friend. I went to her house this morning and we all got ready for school at her house,well I didn't I was already ready,so Ashley just had to get ready at her house."Blake said. "And where's Ashley?"The principal asked. "She's driving my car to my house,because there's only room for two in Blake's car."I said. "And why is she driving your car?"She asked again. "Because,I have a Green Camaro and she's always wanted to drive it and well,this is the only chance she'll get."I said and she nodded her head and walk away. "Is that true,you never let her drive your car?"Blake asked. "Yes,I never let her drive my car and this is the only time that she'll get to."I said to him and he just laughed and we walked to his car and talked about random and stupid things.
When we got to my house,we both got out of his car and saw an angry looking Ashley waiting with her arms crossed over her arms. "Now,I am hungry as hell and my mind is thinking of things as to why you guys are late. Explain. Now."She said. Yup,the grumpy side of her always comes out when she is hungry. "We were stopped by the principal."I said and she gasped. "I knew you two were a thing."She exclaimed and hugged me. "N-"I started but Blake interupted me. "Yeah,were a thing. Don't you deny it babe."Blake said and kissed my nose. I was blushing and was looking like a tomato. "Oh,she's blushing!"Ashley said pinching my cheeks making them go even more pink than needed. "Let's go eat some damn pizza."I grumbled and went inside my house,dropped off my bag and went back outside and we all got in my car. I let Blake drive and let Ashley sit in the front with him,while I took a mini nap in the lap. And yes I was laying down on the seat with a blanket that was on the floor.
Now,why would a blanket be on the floor? Because,everyday during the winter,Ashley and I would always go to Starbucks and get a large Hot Chocolate and go to school and sleep in the car with the blanket until the bell rang. So,yeah. That's why I have a blanket.
I stood in a forest with A big black wolf facing me. I didn't fear this wolf for some reason,I loved the wolf. I walked up to it,the wolf didn't move. He had the same eye color as Blake,which we green. I rubbed behind his large ears and smiled widely. "What am I gonna call you?"I asked him. I looked closer and studied this huge wolf,that seemed to like me,just like I liked it. "You have the eyes of this guy I like. Can I call you Blaze?"I asked. It was the complete oppisite of Blake. Blaze licked my face in response. Then suddenly my dream turned into a more personal dream. I was in a room alone with Blake. And he was only wearing jeans. No shirt,showing off his perfectly sculpted chest. "Hello,sexy. I was thinking that you weren't gonna come."He said and walked toward me. He pushed me against the wall,gently and kissed on my neck. "I've always wanted to do this. Ever since I found out you were my mate,I've always wanted to kiss you crazy and rip off any guy's head who looked at you like a piece of meat. I want you,I need you."He said and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Blake."I moaned when he sucked on the skin behind my ear. "I can smell you. Your arousal."He said and laid me down on the bed.
I grabbed his face and brought his lips down on mine. But,my dream was shattering,like shaking. I was torn out of my beautiful dream before anything got really good.
**End Of Dream**
I woke up to me being shaken and I automatically felt tingles go up my arm. I opened my eyes to see Blake towering over me,with a smirk on his face. "Oh,Blake."He said intimitating my voice. I blushed profusedly and looked up around Blake to see Ashley smirking,with her arms crossed over her chest. We were at Pizza Hut. "I was so not dreaming about you."My voice came out husky with lust. "Your voice says it all."He said and winked at me. "Was I good?"he added. I blushed more,if even possible. "Let's go eat some pizza. I need a drink."I said and He laughed and helped me up. I got out of the car and fast paced into Pizza Hut. "Why is she in such a hurry Blake? Oh. I know,she had a vey hot dream about-"Ashley started but I cut her off. "Shut up! I was so not having a dream about him."I said,while blushing more. "You're too cute when you blush."Blake said. I opened the door to Pizza Hut and went straight to the cashier. He was a cute boy,tall,built,hair with short bangs,black lip ring,and he had golden eyes. His smile was cute. "Hey there cutie. My names Danny, What can I get you?"He asked looking straight at me. "Can I get one medium sized Stuffed crust cheese pizza with three bottles of pepsi?"I asked him. "Sure. Your total is $10.31"He said and wrote something down on a napkin and handed it to me. It was his name and number. "Do you have a boyfriend?"He asked me. I shook my head. I felt Blake and Ashley right beside me. "Nope,just broke up with my old one. I'm single and free to mingle."I said and heard a low growl,but ignored it. "So,you wanna go out sometime?"He asked me. I had feelings for Blake,but I was pretty sure he was ignoring them. "No,she will not be going out with the likes of you."Blake spat,was that jealousy that seeped into his voice? "You got a problem,old timer."Danny asked Blake. "I'm 21."Blake said,fists clenched at his sides. "Ya look 56."he replied. Blake didn't look as near as 56,he was very young and good looking. Hot described him. "Can we get our food and go."Ashley asked him nicely. He looked at her twice and they both stared into each other's eyes for a long time. I looked at Blake,he was looking anywhere but me. I told them I'd be in the car waiting for them. Mates,the word suddenly popped into my head. The dream Blake had said he couldn't wait to kiss me ever since he found out we were 'Mates'. A certain someone said that dreams-most of the time-came true. Maybe,I'm going crazy. I unlocked the door to my car and got in the back seat and went back to sleep. My dream began where it left off.
I laid on my back,while he kept trailing hot kisses down my neck. I looked down at myself to see this time I was only in a matching pair of Lacy Black bra and a Lacy thong.
He still had his jeans on. "Too much clothes on you."I mumbled. "Take them off."He said. My hands had a mind of their own as they reached down to unbutton but there was that damn shaking again.
**End Of Dream**
I didn't open my eyes. "She's in Heat,you need to tell her so she doesn't keep having these damn dreams. For god's sake look where her hand is!"Ashley scolded Blake. I left my hand where it was in the down south area. He gently removed my hand and put it on my stomach. How'd I know it was him? Because his touch gave me tingles. I suddenly found myself smiling,but they didn't notice. "I know. I don't want to scare her off. She's my mate but I'm afraid she'll leave me."He said and I opened my eyes the same time they both looked at me and gasped. "Oh,Blake."I said seductively. Before he could do anything,I brought his face to my lips where fireworks erupted,flower's bloomed,and longing filled me. "Oooh,I knew you two were gonna get together."Ashley said and we both pulled away,but Blake just had to give me a peck on my lips,honing the goofiest grin on his face. "Shut up,Ashley. Drive us home."I said and brought Blake in the backseat with me. Ashley put the pizza box on the passenger seat beside her and handed us two bottles of pepsi. I put them on the floor. I held Blake's hand the whole ride home,talking about random and dumb things.
When we got home I took the pizzas from Ashley and unlocked me front door and went into the dining room. I turned around to see Blake and Ashley right on my tail. I let out a yelp of surprise. "Fuck! You scared me!"I said and put my hand to my chest calming my beating heart. "Sorry,babe."Blake said coming toward me only making my heart beat faster in every tiny step he took. There wasn't much space between us. "I'm going home. Bye,Blake. Keep him in control Jules."Ashley said and left. Honestly,I didn't listen to a word she said. I kept my focus on Blake's lips. "Look at me."He said. My chocolate eyes looked up into his green orbs. I felt loved,admired,protected and the only song that came into my head was A thousand Years part Two by Christina Perri. We both leaned into each other and tilted our heads and our lips met in a fiery passion. I snaked my right hand into his hair and pulled him closer to me. It was like the song was playing in the background. He pushed me up against the wall and continued kissing me on the lips,then went down to my jaw. I moaned as he sucked a spot behind my ear. His left hand went and played with my now kinda exposed hip. His other hand carressed my cheek. I brought his head back up because it was going down to my chest area. I kissed him on the fore head first before kissing him fully on the lips. I then knew what he was. It was like knowledge slammed right into me. "Wolf."I said and he paused in kissing me. "What?"He asked looking at me. I pulled back and stared at him in the eyes. "It all makes sense. I'm your mate,right? I'm in heat. I keep having these dreams about you and all you have to do to make them stop is make love to me."I said and pulled his face closer to mine and whispered in his ear. "Right here. Right now."I whispered seductively and blew in his ear and pulled back. Ha! I slipped a piece of mint gum into my mouth before I came in the house. Which made him shiver even more. He pressed me against him. "I'd rather you keep having these dreams than for you to rush into something that you might not even be ready for."He said. I kissed him on the cheek. I led him to the couch. "Hungry?"I asked him as he sat down. "I want you to know that I might not even be ready for this either so please don't be mad at me."He said and I looked at him confused. Then realization came across me,he was talking about us making love. I kneeled in front of him and put my hands on his knees. I looked him right in the eye. "I'm not angry,sad,or even close to mad. I wanna find the right time for us to make love."I said and kissed his knees before I got up. His face held shock and relief. "You know you have a very dirty mind."I said and walked away and into the kitchen. I knew what he was thinking when I got on my knees in front of him,my perfect pervert. "Not my fault!"He said as he came into the kitchen. I shook my head and chuckled. I opened the pizza box and when I touched it,it was cold. I looked at the clock. It was 6:12 in the afternoon. "We made out for about three hours!"I exclaimed and he just smirked and looked at me. "New all time record! Oh,yeah!"Blake said doing a little victory dance. "What's that dance for?"I asked him,though I knew perfectly well what it was for. Blake came to me and wrapped his arms around me,spinning me around. "New make-out record. Let's go for five this time."He said and Kissed me. We set off to our new record on the couch.
I woke up on the couch with no one around me. "Blake?"I called out. No answer. "Jer?"No answer. I had a huge headache. Last night we made out for at least six hours. I got up from the couch and steadied myself from falling. "I'm so going to kill you,Blake Castello."I said out loud. "Oh,yeah? And why would you kill me. I even bought you breakfast because I didn't wanna burn down the house. True fact:I can't cook to save my life."I turned around to come face to face with Blake. "Agh!"I screamed. "You should get used to me being this close to you."He said and my mind drifted off to dirty things. "Sicko."He said,smirked and went to the kitchen. I followed right behind him. "Then stop saying things with hidden motives behind them."I said and he laughed and turned around. "I say things with hidden motives because I heard you murmur in your sleep my name. Therefore I shall start saying normal things with hidden motives behind them. Like...ooh. Um,Want a hot dog?"He asked and I started laughing. "See? Hidden motive and I'm not going to say what the hidden motive was because you and I are still virgins and well. As much as I would love to corrupt that dirty mind of yours,I don't need you having day dreams about me in my classroom. Besides,you're starting to fail English."He said and got down a handful of clean plates from the cupboard. "I can see why?"I said as I looked at his exposed skin since his shirt had ridden up. I noticed something. I jumped up from my seat on the stool next to the island and went to his back. I lifted up his shirt. He groaned in response. "You have a tattoo?"I asked him. It was a writing of something in cursive. "Te-ai născut o Alfa și va muri doar un Alpha. Să mori numai în luptă, nu în frică. Sunteți un om pentru prima pereche înainte de un Alpha. What does that mean?"I asked him. "I'm gonna tell you something. You have to promise me to not run until I tell you the full story,okay?"He asked me. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Okay."I said and he chukled,but it was humorless. "I'm your mate,you're my mate. Ask me what I'm your mate to."He said and I asked. "I'm a werewolf. I was born an Alpha and werewolves have mates. You are gonna be the Luna to the worlds most biggest pack. That's if youlet me change you into a wolf and Jeremy to if you want."Blake said. "And the translation that's on my back means 'You were born an Alpha and shall only die an Alpha. You only die in battle,not in fear. You are a Man first for your mate before an Alpha.'"Blake added. I smiled into his chest. I was gonna be a wolf!


"Ms.Monroe why are you passing notes in my class?"Blake asked me. I looked at Ashley for help but she, being the witch she is, just smirked and shrugged at me. I groaned and looked at Blake and saw his eyes dancing in amusement. "We were talking about my boyfriend."I said when he started to open the note. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "And what exactly were you writing about him?"He asked. "Sir,don't you think we should get on with the lesson?"A girl asked. Blake looked at her. "Well, I,d rather annoy my sisters best friend than get on with Shakesphere trying to get jiggy with it saying ' O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear;  Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand,And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand.Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight!For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.'"Blake said. I actually clasped my hands together and supported my head with my hands. You could say I was swooning over Blake. Blake was just so perfect,he was my perfect wlf. I mean his hair was perfect,his pearly white teet,his body was freaking fantastic! He was dressed in khaki's and a black long sleeved dress shirt. I felt eyes on me and looked around to see everybody looking at me expectantly. "What?"I asked Blake. "I asked you a uestion. Would you like me to repeat it?"He asked me. I nodded my head as an answer. "Do you like your boyfriend?"He asked innocently. "No."I paused seeing his eyes widen. Hurt flashed across his face,pain came in my veins. "I'm gonna be honest with you,I just don't like him,I love him. I love him with every fiber of my being. I think it's cute when he runs his hand through his hair when he gets frustrated or when he bites his lip when he is concentrating on something really hard and he doesn't even know it."I smiled widely aand touched my neck. Blake had made a hickey on my neck last night showing people I was taken because he didn't want to mate with me because if he did it would automatically mean I would make love to him but he wanted to wait til I was ready. He was so sweet. "Well he sounds adorable."He said and turned to the class. "Guys the bells gonna ring any second. I would like for you to bring markers and crayons or colored pencils. It doesn't matter just bring stuff to make a poster. And Juliet,stay after class I need to talk to you."Blake said to me and the class. Just after he finished talking the bell rang. Everybody quickly packed their stuff together and left to go to lunch. After everyone left except for Ashley I walked up to his desk. Blake came back inside from watching everybody go to the cafeteria and locked the door. "Guys,please I know you're mates but please don't start making out in front of me."Ashley said whilst holding up thier hands.Blake and I looked at each other then looked at Ashley. "Then leave!"We both yelled at her. "Fine,fine sheesh."She said getting up and walking to the door. "I swear you guys are perf-"She stopped herself in the middle of her sentence and breathed in deeply. "Mate."She said and opened the door and ran smack into a chest. "Ow."She said rubbing her head. "Jeff! My man what in the hell are you doing here?"Blake asked this 'Jeff'. "Oh,uhm I-I um,I'm sorry I didn't get your name?"Jeff said to Ashley. "Ashley Costello. Blake's sister."She answered looking straight in his eyes. "Is that her mate?"I whispered to Blake as he put his arm around my waist. "Yes."He answered as Jeff came in and shut the door behind him and locked it. Jeff sniffed and looked me up and down. "She's human."Jeff told Blake and wrinkled his nose in distaste. "She's also a Luna and my best friend. Mate or not nobody talks bad about my best friend."Ashley said to Jeff. Jeff looked at Ashley. "No,it's not like that Ash. I'm just saying werewolves that have human mates don't happen very often it's very rare."Jeff said. I started to feel bad about myself. I mean,I'm human and Blake is a werewolf,he should be mated with his own kind and do mates like Blake and I even work out much? I looked at Blake. I took his arm from around my waist and went to my desk while saying "I'm gonna go and um get some food for Jeremy at work. I'll see you later."I said and walked to the door and was about to open it but a hand fell on my wrist. "Come on he didn't mean anything by you being human."Ashley said,Blake walked towards me. "He does tests for every girlfriend I had which was not a lot but if you did end up passing the test he deemed you acceptable for me."Blake said. "It's okay,but I really have to get food for Jeremy."I said and he nodded and kissed me on the lips. I really wanted to pull away but I ended up wrapping my hands in his hair and him putting his hands on my waist and he was pulling me closer to his body. I was getting aroused by him grinding on me,so me being the awesome person I am pulled away. I looked at him and held his face in my hands. His lips were swollen. "Oh,god. Do me a favor and come to my house tonight but I really do have to go and get Jeremy some food."I said and he laughed and smiled. It was breath-taking that I actually gasped at how he was just so perfect in every way. "Mind if I go with you?"He asked. "Are you sure?"I asked him. "Yeah. Jeff,Ashley go somewhere else."Blake said as he got his keys from his drawer. "Fine. Be careful and safe."Ashley said and took Jeff's arm and left the classroom. "Shall we go?"Blake asked once we locked his classroom door. "So,where does Jeremy work?"Blake asked me. "Home Depot. He said it makes him more manly."I said and looked ahead and saw we were close to the schools front exit doors. "Have I ever told you what that english essay was about?"Blake suddenly asked. I looked at him confused and he nodded his head toward the security guard standing next to the doors. "No,but I'm guessing you're gonna tell me?"I asked him getting my car keys out of my purse. "I want you guys to make posters for the schools Romeo and Juliet play. I have a funny feeling that I'm gonna have to be the judge of the auditions."He said. I chuckled and smirked. "But,you still haven't told me about the essay."I said. "Oh,yeah about that,it's gonna be at least 7 long paragraphs and be on 3 or more pages and has to be typed out."He said as we neared the security guard. "Oh,well thats not so bad. I mean all I have to do is get Ashley to help me type it out since she's all into forbidden romances."I said. "She's not the only one into forbidden romances."Blake said. I fake gasped in surprise. "You love romance?"I asked him innocently earning a look from the security guard as we stepped out the doors. "I'm an english teacher. I think I'm entitled to love some genres."Blake said seriously. "What romance book is your favorite?"I asked him. He smiled shyly and put a hand on his neck and looked at me. "Pride and Prejudice. I know it's not very manly."he said. I looked at him disbelievingly. "That is my favorite book too. I love the movie."I said. He chuckled and we continued walking the short distance to his car in silence. Once in the car we set off to subway. "So,what's your favorite color?"I asked him. "Right now?"He asked and looked me in the eyes as he paused. "Chocolate brown."He continued. I looked away and blushed. "So,what's your favorite color?"He asked me. I looked at him in his eyes still blushing profusedly. "Dark green."I said and we both smiled at the same time. "Oh really?"He said stopping at a red light. I turned my whole body towards him. "Yeah,but you know what's good about not being on a school campus with your teacher who is also your lover?"I asked him. I was actually biting my lip to keep from smiling like the chesire cat. "What is that?"He asked facing me as well. "I can do this."I said and grabbed his face in my hands and brought his lips on mine. I dropped my hands from his face and snaked them in his hair. I moaned when his tongue traced my lips giving him entrance to my mouth. His tounge battled with mine for dominance and when he was about to win a car honked behind us. I was then brought back to reality realizing we were in front of a now green light and we were supposed to be getting Jeremy's food. I pulled away and faced forward. I was still totally breathless and very light-headed. "Drive Costello."I said my voice shaky. He cleared his throat and drove. I kept stealing glances at him and sometimes I caught him looking at me. I pulled out my phone and called Jeremy. "Hey Bugaboo!"He screamed into the phone when he picked up. "Hey,Jer. Look you only have to walk a couple of feet to get something to eat  so why don't you just eat something from that place? I'm really sick and I don't feel good so I'm driving myself home."I said and heard him sigh on the other end of the line. "Okay,feel better and when I get home I'll make some soup. Love ya,bug!"Jeremy said all cheery. "Bye,Jer."I said and hung up. I turned to look at Blake. "So,I'm guessing were skipping the whole day."he said. 


I sat up on the couch feeling really exhausted. My legs,thighs and stomach hurt so much. "Oh,god Blake that was awesome yet very um I don't know how to describe it."I said to Blake while he just smirked at me. "I'm very known for being undescribable."He said dusting off non-existant dust off his bare shoulder. I know what you guys are thinking. No,we did not just make love,we had a "Brutal."I said, tickling war which ended up with me falling off the couch,Blake on top of me,a hot make-out session and me running for my dear life because Blake had apparently became Flash in about 3.2 seconds. "Brutal. Huh,I like it. Just imagine a neon sign lighting up saying 'Blake The Brutal Tickle Monster. In Town All Week.'"He said. I looked at him and chuckled whilst rolling my eyes. "Could you be more perfect?"I asked him in all seriousness. He stopped laughing and looked at me. We slowly leaned into each other,just as our lips were about to touch the doorbell rang. I groaned. Blake got up from th couch. I grabbed his hand. "Woah,this is my house. I should answer the door and what if it's a school official? What am I gonna say when a teacher answers the door of a students house? 'Oh,yeah we were just about to make out. No biggie though.'"I said and got up. "But,I'm a guy and a freaking werewolf. I catch scents babe."He said and I automatically thought to when he was chasing me. Had he smelled me being turned on by him? I blushed a crimson red. "Yeah,I smelled that too."He said which caused me to blush deeper. I pushed him aside and went to answer while saying "Shut up.Blake." He just went to the kitchen and laughed his head off. I opened the door to see Jeff and Ashley. "There was an old man sitting in Blake's chair when I was walking past his classroom and I could not find you and so I thought 'Where could Blake and Jules be?' So I thought I would come here and bam! here you two are and you smell funny. Blake I can smell you and put away the potato chips your gonna get fat off of those!"Ashley yelled behind me. I heard a faint crinkiling noise. "I wasn't eating those!"Blake yelled backa nd came out a minute later. "Blake come here."I said and he came and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Yes?"He asked me. I leaned up and kissed him. This kiss definitely tasted like potato chips. I leaned back and licked my lips and then wiped his lips with my finger and put my finger in my mouth. "Tasty."I said as his face held shock and lust. "Uh,guys were still standing right here."Jeff said. I whipped my head to him and blushed. God,when did I get this confident?,I thought. "Since I came in the picture."Blake said,his voice husky. "Hey,guys why don't you leave? Were gonna be real busy in the next hour or so."He added looking at Jeff and Ashley. "What?! We just got here and school has been out for an hour!"Ashley yelled outraged. "And besides! We didn't even come to see you!"She added. Oh,she's angry. You do not wanna deal with an angry Ashley. I looked straight at her and said things I knew would calm her down. I grabbed her hands. "I wanna hold you Wanna hold you tight, I wanna hold you, wanna hold you tight. I wanna hold you, wanna hold you tight Yeah teenage kicks right through the night."I saing to her. "One way or another I'm gonna meet ya,one day maybe next week I'm gonna meet'ya!"She sang and we both laughed. "Oh,Harry! We'll meet ya one day,maybe next week."Jeff sang off key. We both looked at him. "One direction?"I asked him curiously.  "I have a baby sister and she can be pretty scary when she doesn't get to listen o one direction in the car,particularly that song."He said. "She's more than scary. Everytime I go to your house she's always over me."Blake said shuddering. I felt anger. "Exactly how old is she?"I asked him clenching my fists. Jeff put his hand behind his neck while Blake answered. "19."He said. She was two years older than me. Two years closer to Blake's age. I was gonna kill her for even trying to touch my Blake. "Does she live with you?"I asked Jeff. "No,she lives in Blake's apartment complex and she goes to your high school."Jeff said. I'm dealing with a dumb "She's a junior."He added. I'm dealing with a dumb junior. "Cool. But,like Blake said we are gonna be real busy in the next hour or so."I said. "Fine,just don't ruin her innocence Blake."Jeff said and winked at me. Jeff wasn't bad looking,he was what I would call adorable. He had a perfect shape for a face. A strong jaw line,muscular body. He looked like Liam Hemsworth while Blake looked Matt Bomer. Oh god,Blake ws just that hot. "Did you just blink at my woman?"Blake asked Jeff. Jeff chuckled and said no and left with Ashley. I closed the front door and looked at Blake. "So? What were we gonna do when they left,Mr. Mate."I said poking his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "I was thinking we go try to make a cake."He suggested. "Do you even now how to cook?"I asked him. "No,but I can learn."He said. "Fine,I'll teach you oh young one."I said. He chuckled and motioned for me to walk ahead of him to the kitchen. "Walk ahead Master."He said. i curtsied and walked to the kitchen. I opened the cupboard and told him to pick a flavor. He picked the Chocolate flavor. While he was doing that I got a bowl and the whisk. "Read the box and get the food you need."I said and sat on the counter. He just stood there. "Does your wolf not like being told what to do?"I asked him after a while of him just standing there. "He doesn't like anybody giving him orders."He said. "What's his name?"I asked him. "Alpha Chad."He answered. "Stand right there Alpha Chad."I said. Blake started to move. I jumped off the counter and tackled Blake and talked to Alpha Chad. "I'm your mate,shouldn't we be like a team or something, Alpha Chad?"I asked him. Blake opened his mouth to speak but it wasn't Blake's voice. It was Alpha Chad's. "Yes,love. Were a team. Only you and I. But,It's gonna take time for me to adjust to you givin me orders."Alpha Chad's voice was british. My heart did a triple flip. I loved guys with british voices. I squealed in delight. "Talk again."I said. "Blake loves you,I love you."Okay,it wasn't Blake's confession of love for me,but it was his British wolf's love for me,so I'll take that. I grabbed Blake's face in my hands and straddled him and kissed him. Instantly I felt hands on my hips. I moaned as tingles flew in my body. Blake's thumbs did circles and then he did the most amazing thing. He trailed his thumbs and fingers down my leg and back up under my shirt. I moved my hips around and heard him moan. I ground my hips even harder to hear that wonderful sound again and was pleased to hear the sweet sound. He was very prominent against my inner thigh. "Oh,god Blake."I moaned. I felt very aroused. Blake suddenly flipped me over so I was on the floor and he was hovering above me. "Juliet."He moaned. My hands had a mind of ther own as they locked on the hem of his shirt and brought it over his head.  He trailed his lips from my mouth to my neck to my chest. I ran my hands in his hair loving the soft feel of it. "I love you."It just came out of my mouth. Those three words stopped him in his tracks and he froze. "We should stop. I have to go check something."Blake said. He put on his shirt and left out the front door. I sat up and brought my knees to my chest. For the first time in a very long time I cried. I cried my heart out. Even the sound of my wailing sounded horribe to my ears. Maybe,I wasn't even his mate,maybe I was another student he was fucking and then dissing. He would've fucked me and then left right after that. I called Ashley and told her to come to my house using the house key I gave her. I sat on the couch staring at the T.V that wasn't turned on. I was listening to Pandora on my phone when the song Scars by Papa Roach came on. I cried again. When the front door opened I was hoping it was Blake but was disappointed when it was Ashley. She saw my bloodshot eyes and opened her arms and I ran into them. With the front door open I cried again until I'm sure my eyes were fresh out of tears. Ashley shut the front door with her foot and we sat on the couch. "What happened?"She asked. "Blake and I were making out and a little into the making out I said that I loved him and all he said was-"Tears flowed my cheeks. "'We should stop. I have to go check something."I tried imitating his voice. "And then I started thinking maybe I wasn't his mate and I was just another fuck and diss. What if I was,Ashley. I would never look a guy in the eye again. He never even said the words back. Hell,he didn't even say good bye. That hurt. I cried until I called you and look at me now,I'm still crying."I said and laid my  head on her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair,calming me. "He might be my brother,but he's a douche. He's never even had a serious girlfriend. And the truth is you are his mate like Jeff is mine. He was probably in shock when you said it. What exactly were you guys doing?"She asked me. I blushed automatically,cursing myself for getting embarrassed easily. I pulled my shirt down revealing my chest and the hickeys. "EW!! Last time I ask about what you were doing with Blake!"She exclaimed. The front door opened. "...She would want to see you?"I heard Jeremy ask. "Cause I know she loves me."A voice answered. I jumped up from my spot and ran to the door. My best male friend standing right there was looking at me mouth agape. Ian Harding. He's a celebrity. And my best friend. Also Jeremy's role model. "Ian!"I yelled and hugged him. My spirits went up when I felt him hug me back. "Juliet,look at you! Why are your eyes puffy?"He asked as he pulled back and moved some hair out of my face. I chuckled. "Oh,you know me. I broke a nail."I lied. He looked at me closely and shrugged. I could tell he didn't believe my lie which meant he was about to do something drastic so we could talk about it. "Oh,Juliet! I forgot to get Jeremy his ice cream. Walk with me to the store so I could get it."He said. I laughed. "Okay,Ian. Let me put on fresh clothes."I said and went upstairs. "That dude always brings up your spirits. I need to learn his secret."Ashley said coming with me upstairs. I laughed again as we entered my room. I got a white tank top and green baskeyball shorts and my white nikes and put them on. "Jeff texted me to come to his house for dinner. I'll see you at school tomorrow."Ashley said. I nodded and went downstairs behind her. She left after a couple of minutes in her car and Jeremy went upstairs to take a shower and Ian and I started our walk to the store. "So,why were you really crying?"He asked me. "You have to promise not to go running and telling everybody."I told him and held out my pinky. He interlaced it with mine and I began my story only leaving out the werwolf parts.


"....and then he left and I don't know if I'm going to school tomorrow to face him."I said to Ian. Right now Jeremy's ice cream was long forgotten. We were in a pizzeria shop right next to a window. Ian's face showed shock,and amusement. "You know this is all too familiar."Ian said. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. My brown locks falling to the side. "Eight words. Give me your hands."He said and I listened. I set my hands on the table. "I play a Teacher on Pretty Little Liars."With each word he touched a finger. "But,I'm not your student and that's just a show. Ian,I could get expelled if we get caught. You get paid for acting like a Teacher on television while Blake might run the risk of going to jail. You know how much it hurts to see other girls and female staff flirt with him and I can't go up there and tell them he's mine and he's taken."I said. "I could give you advice for your future."He said. I nodded and played with his ahnds while he talked. The door opened and the bell rang telling the waiters somebody had come in. "Break up with him. If he hasn't said it by now then he's just using you."Ian said. I said a head that looked suspiciously like the back of Blake's. I focused my attention on Ian. "I can't do that. I actually care about him. He was the first person I ever loved. You're the first person that pushed me out of a tree when I was eight."I said and chuckled a little. "You know I still have that ring you gave me."Ian said. I looked at him in shock and the biggest smile etched onto my face. "That  stretchy ring I horribly painted?"I asked him. He nodded and took off a necklace. On that piece of yarn that was a necklace was my ring I painted when I was 14. I took it in my hands and put it on his finger. It fit perfectly. "Why don't you wear it on your hand?"I asked him. It was a piece of crap,but it was a piece of crap with meaning behind it. "Because Ian Harding cannot go out wearing Vera Wang jewelry."He said. I laughed and shook my head. "You're right."I said and he cocked his head to the side. "It's not Vera Wang. It's the official Juliet Monroe collection."I said and we both laughed. After we finished laughing he asked me a question. "Are we gonna make that bastard jealous?"He asked. "Please,do not call him a bastard. And what do you mean? You have places to be while your here Mr. Fitz."I said referring to his teacher role on Pretty Little Liars. "Would you like to come with me to a party. Granted it's not a teenage party but still."He said. I gasped. "Can I bring a friend?"I asked. "Depends on who it is. If it's this Blake then I'll kill him on the spot."Ian said. "So,bringing him is out of the picture then?"I asked. "You best believe,Child. But,word has it Ian Somerhalder will be there."He said. "Honestly I don't see what you see in him. I mean look at me. I look hot for my age."He added as an afterthoght. "Ian,you're hot. But Ian Somerhalder,oh god if he was a vampire I would so let him bite me."I said and clasped my hands together with a dazed look on my face. "Oh come on. Anybody can put on make up to look like a vampire and look hot."Ian said. I gaped at him. "What? Do I have something on my face?"He asked. 'Ian do me a favor and stand up."I said. He stood up and I looked at him closely. "Hair's perfect. Teeth perfect. Non-wrinkley clothes."I said and felt his abs. Perfect. "Is that a six pack?"I asked him. "Sure is. Now,not that I'm complaining but why are your hands on my abs?"He asked me. 

"Had a feeling you were gay becaise you said Ian Somerhlder was hot."I said and took money out of my purse and put it on the table. "I'm a man first before anything."Ian said which reminded me of Blake. Blake had a tattoo on his back that said something similar to what Ian just said. "Let me pay. Here."He added and handed me my money back and replaced it with his. "Thanks. And yeah,I might come."I said and we started walking to the front door of the shop. "So,where are you sleeping at while your here?"I asked him once we passed a table. "At your house in your room of course."He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I heard a growl. "No,you'll be sleeping on the couch and you'll make your mistress some breakfast in the morning."I said and we left out the door.


The next morning was a school day and Ashley let herself in as I was doing my hair. I heard Ian squeal on my floor as the door hit his foot. "Blake's downstairs and he's asking about who's yellow porsche is out there."Ashley said just as Blake stormed into my room. "Who in the hell is this?"Blake asked as he pulled the big furry blanket off of Ian. Ian was shirtless and he was in a fetal position. Ian groaned and reached for the blanket,but found none. He looked around the room and spotted Ashley's face. "Hey Ashley."Ian said. "Hey,Ian."She said. Blake looked at the shirtless Ian and he looked ready to kill. "Ian this is the wonderful Blake."I said and pointed to Blake. "This is Blake?"Ian asked. "I've played better teachers in foreplay."Ian said and I blushed. Back when it was just Ian and I we acted like boyfriend and girlfriend. New mysteries are unraveling for you guys. Even Ashley didn't know about Ian and I. I looked at Ian and went over to him. I sat on the floor next to Ian and laid my head on his stomach. The idiot sat up right away which ended up in me hitting my head on the floor. Ian laughed. "That's what you get for letting me sleep on your floor."Ian said. I sat upright. "Well,I wasn't gonna let you sleep right next to me in bed."I said. Conversations with Ian usually resulted in me forgetting everybody around us. "You let me sleep in your bed last time."Ian said. "Last time was a year ago and I didn't have a boyfriend back then."I said and looked at the ground. "You let Larry th Wolf sleep in your bed."Ian said. "That's beause Larry the Wolf was a tiny-" "Wolf."Ian said.  I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah. Remember one time during the summer he didn't know you and he bit you on the ass."I said and laughed hard. I ended up falling back on the floor clutching my stomach. "Hey,what are you all dressed up for?"Ian asked me. "Unlike you I actually have school."I said standing up and looking at myself in the mirror. "Oh! Can I come?"He asked me.  "You wanna take a look inside a real high school and not one a studio put up for you?"I asked him sarcastically. "Yeah. I bet you ten bucks that somebody that watches Pretty Little Liars will call me Mr. Fitz."He said and did an imitation of a teenage girl. "'OH EM GEEE!!!! IT'S MR. FITZ DOESN'T HE JUST LOOK SO YUMMY??!!'"I shook my head and laughed a little. I looked at my oufit which consisted of a black collared shirt and a pink plaid skirt with fishnet tights and black heels. I looked hot. "Ian,nobody in their right mind would say that."I said. "OH EM GEEE!!!! IT'S MR. FITZ DOESN'T HE JUST LOOK SO YUMMY??!!"Ashley said. "See? Now give me my ten bucks Ms. Monroe."Ian said. I looked at Ashley and scowled at her and she just smiled like she was innocent. I got my purse and got out two fives. "There goes my gas money."I said sadly. Ian was about to take it but I held it back. "Food money,bill money. Cigarette money. Oh,the horror!"I said and dramatically handed it to Ian but he pushed it back. He knew I didn't smoke cigarettes.  "Keep it. It'll pay for your cigerette addiction meetings."He said and we both looked at each other and laughed. "Juliet were gonna be late for school. So tell this dude to crash somewhere else."Blake said. I looked at him and smiled. I was supposed to be crying over him but if he didn't say 'I Love You.' in four months I was breaking up with him. I only told this little plan to Ian and nobody else. I didn't care if he was my mate or not,if he didn't say it,that would mean he didn't love me and I wasn't going to give myself to him in those four months. "Blake shouldn't teachers always arrive at school an hour before the students anyway."I said to him. "Yep!"Ian said. "I always had to act like I was there at school early may times before."Ian added. I turned to Ian and sat in front of him and took his hands in mine. "Are you a good kisser?"I asked him. "Appearently I am a hit with all the ladies I've been with."He said. I clenched his fist. "Then kiss your fist,Ian. I was talking to Blake not you."I said and took his fist and lightly smashed it with his lips.  "If you wanted to kiss me you could have just said so,babe."He said and leaned closer to my face. I pushed it back with my palm. "First of all,ew! Second,you're like my brother!"I said. "It's nice to know having little Ian's with you would be next to impossible."Ian said. "I have to go to school. Go bother Jer or something. I even bet they're a teenager who is skipping school. Go make her day,Bubba."I said and he flinched. "Bubba sounds so country. Don't call me that."He said and got up and went to my connected bathroom. The door opened and he ran out screaming. "EW! MOTHER NATURE GIRLY THINGS!!!!!!!!!!"And his screaming stopped when I heard him run into something and fall downstairs. "I'M OKAY! I JUST FELL ON TOP OF A- EW!!!!! NAKED JEREMY WITH A FINE BODIED GIRL!!!"He yelled and ran somewhere else. "Remind me to buy disinfectant wipes for the couch."I told Ashley.


Before lunch was Blake's class. He never tried to call on me and always avoided eye contact with me. If and when I raised my hand to answer a question he shot me down,he either ignored me or just didn't look my way. I felt his eyes burning holes in the side of my head but when I looked he woud always be looking somewhere else.  He was in the 'Teacher' mode and when class ended,he did't call me to stay back like he usually would and I didn't bother to try and stay behind. As I was walking out of Blake's classroom my phone started ringing. The ringtone was 'Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.' I stopped walking and looked at the caller ID. It was Ian. I answered the phone and he spoke right away. "THANK YOU! YOU HAVE WON A DATE WITH THE FABULOUS IAN HARDING!"He yelled into the phone. I laughed and continued walking. "1.I have a boyfriend. 2. I have a boyfriend. 3. I have a boyfriend who could beat your ass. Need I go on?"I asked sarcastically. "Sorry,but seriously let's go out for lunch. And I'm starving."He complained. "1.I have a boyfr-" "Okay,no need to rub you having a boyfriend in my face. Is he all your world revolves around? Or maybe he is actually a possesive jerk and he actually hits-"A growl sounded in my throat and escaped through my lips. "Blake has not and probably never will lay a hand on me. So,if you don't mind please refrain from talking about him like that."I said and was about to hang up but he started talking again. "I'm sorry. It's just work and they're talking about replacing me and I really am hungry. So,do you want to go for lunch?"He asked softly. "Sure."He said and I heard him mutter the word 'Women' before hanging up.


Ian texted me to go to 'Steven's Diner' since it was just aound the corner of the high school. I walked into the diner to be met with a hard back. I rubbed my nose as the back turned into a chest. I looked up to see Ian. He graabbed me in a hug right away when he noticed it was me. "So,probably not the best place to eat but I am so glad you're here!"He said as he spun me around. "Such a cute young couple.","Remember when that was us?","God damnit Robbie! Why can't you be more like him?"*Smack*, "Is that Ian Harding? Quick! Grab pictures!"Comments and such things like that were thrown around me.

I turned to the crowd now swarming Ian and I. People had fancy cameras while teenage girls were saying dirty things that they wanted Ian to do to them. Most of them-I figured- were reporters ad the press. So,I know how they worked. "Guys! Ian is my Uncle. I cannot date him."Ian wasn't really my Uncle,just a friend. But,I didn't wan't the press to think I was dating him. I had enough problems with my current relationship. I didn't need Blake looking in the newspaper and seeing a picture of me hugging Ian and taking it the wrong way. "Uncles hug their nieces and spend them around and say 'I'm so glad you're here.'?"One reporter asked me. "Yes,they actually do. Go to google or Bing or yahoo,whatever the fuck search engine you use and look up how to be the worlds greatest Uncle."I said and looked at the time on my phone. "Shit! 5th period started fifteen minutes ago,I need to get to class. I'll see you at home?"I asked him and he nodded. "Be safe."Ian said and hugged me. "So can you bring me lunch to the school. I have 5th period free and I'll probably talk to Mr.Costello so just bring it to his classroom."I said and left. I drove back to the school in a rush. I parked my car in my usual spot and went inside the building and went to Blake's classroom. I tried opening it but found it was locked. I knocked a total of three times before Blake's voice came out. "Wait a second!"He sounded off. I heard a grunt and then a chair scraping on the floor. The lock on the door opened and then I was greeted by Blake's face which showed pure shock. "What are you doing here?"He asked the same time I heard a female voice say "Blake,are wwe gonna finish this or not I have to be at work beore two o'clock?"I was shocked beyond words. I stepped towards Blake. "I was gonna come talk to you so I could apolojize for overreacting and saying those three words at the wrong moment,but now I see why you didn't say it back. You have some chick in there. So go on and finsh your quickie and don't even bother to come by my house."I said and stomped as hard as I could on his foot. "So much for mates,right?"I added as I walked away. "Jules! Wait! It's not like that!"He yelled. The fucked up thing was that I let him into my heart in just a couple of days. I dialed Ian's number. "I'm going home forget about lunch.. Bye."I didn't wait for him to reply I just hung up the phone. I walked back out of the school and went to my car. I drove home and went staight to the alcohol cabinet I swore that I would never open when mom and dad died. But,I needed to get rid of this aching pain in my chest. The pain just hurt more when I thought about Blake and even if I heard his name in an empty room. I went and locked every door in the house and made sure all the windows were locked and closed tightly. I didn't want anybody to see me drink my pain away,it was bad enough knowing mom and dad were probably shaking thier heads at me from above. I opened a bottle of Jose Cuervo and took a big gulp,it burned as it went down. I sat on the couch and took three bottles of liquor with me. Once I was at the bottom of the third bottle I felt tired. I heard knocking ,suddenly it got louder. I tried moving my body but I felt like I was paralyzed. I could not move at all. The knocking became banging and the banging became shouting and then I felt someone slapping my face trying to keep me awake,but I was seeing black stars by now. "...I love you...say it back...I need paramedics...girlfriend...Juliet stay with me...I'm sorry..."The persons sentences kept breaking up and right now they were sobbing uncontrollably. I felt myself growing tired and I was gradually giving into the darkness. But,what I saw before I gave into the darkness made my heart flutter and squeeze at the same time. It was Blake who was talking to me. Blake had come to my rescue like he usually did. Blake was my Romeo and I knew then that I was gonna be forever his Juliet if and when I woke up from the darkness.



I tried opening my eyes but they felt like they were sewn shut. I groaned.  I moved my fingers to get some feeling in them and ended up feeling something soft.  Sparks shot through my arm and right then I knew who I was touching. I smiled my best and giggled. Blake was in here with me. I suddenly had energy and my eyes opened on their own accord. At first everything was bright and then my eyes adjusted. Blake was snoring lightly and then I hit him hard on the hea. He growled as he snappe his head up so quickly I thought he was gonna break his neck. "Whoa there Nelly,calm it down."I said as his eyes met mine. "You're awake?'He asked like he couldn't believe it I pretended to act like I didn't know him. "I'm sorry for hitting you sir,but who are you?"I asked him. Suddenly Ashley burst through the door. I feigned shock and confusion as she hugged me and pulled back and looked at me. "Who in the hell are you guys?!"I yelled as I sat back further in the bed and brought the blanket up to my chest. "Were your friends. Do yu really not remember us?"Ashley asked me,shock clear in her voice. I shook my head my brown locks flowing from side to side. "I'm sorry?"I said to her and then looked at Blake in curiousity. "You sure are handsome Do you have a girlfriend?"I asked him. "Yes,I do. She's in this room."He said and smiled a little smile. I bit my lip from smiling like the chesire cat. I looked at Ashley. "Are you his girlfriend?"I asked her. Oh god this game is so much fun. She came and sat down next to me. She took my hands in hers and I instantly felt calm. "I was playing with you guys. I know you,I was just testing you"I said and winked at Blake. He got off his chair and moved Ashley off the bed and shooed her out the room. He locked the door and came and sat across from me on the bed. I thought he was gonna start yelling at me for drinking alcohol. But instead he hugged me and he hugged me hard,like if he let go he thought I might disappear. "I love you,Juliet Emilia Monroe. I love you to the moon and back. I want you to have my kids,I want you to be my wife. I just want you in my life. When I came to your home to tell you that that woman you saw was my Aunt and I was buying a house close to yours,she's a real estate agent. Getting off topic,but when I came to say that you had it all wrong I was greeted with the smell of strong alcohol and so I knocked and knocked but you didn't open the door so I broke it off the hinges by kicking it and then I saw you. I couldn't bare the thought of you beng in pain even if you had a splinter in your thumb. I'm sorry that I'm the one that caused you to be in pain. If you want to reject me as a mate then go ahead."He said. Happy tears were coming out of my eyes. "Don't cry."He said as he wiped my cheek with his thumb. I shook my head and smiled. "I am so not going to reject you as a mate. I love you too much"I said and he smiled brightly He leaned in toward me. I leaned into him as his lips met mine. I wrapped my arms around his waist as his touched my slightly bare thigh. I trailed my fingers up his back and was delighted to hear him moan. I moaned as his tounge traced my bottom lip asking for entrance. My heartbeat machine was going crazy as he started kissing down my neck. I wrappe my hands in his hair and then started unbuttoning his shirt. Once his shirt was off,I groaned. He had a black V-neck shirt on underneath. "Why do you wear so much clothes?"I asked him as he went to my chest. "So I get the satisfaction of hearing your frustration."He said. I smiled into his neck as I licked his neck. "Let's check out Juliet Monroe style."I said as I lightly pushed him off of me and got his shirt and put it on me I looked for any of my clothes. I only had denim shorts I put those on and calmly but cautiously walked out of the room I was placed in.  I looke back to see a flustered looking Blake. "Blake,are you okay to drive?"I asked him sarcastically. "Pft,yeah. I'm more than okay."He said and kept rubbing his face trying to get the faint pink color in his cheeks off. "Whatever."I said and smiled. I had the guts to lick his neck. God damn,I actually licked his neck,a teacher's  neck. I looked back at Blake to see he wasn't noticing me. He looked like he was thinking. I turned back around and walked out of the hospital until I heard a security guar calling my name,then I ran like a bat out of hell.


Once home I tackled Blake right outside my door with my lips. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist as his held me from falling. I helped him open the front door and heard a wolf whistle behind me. I laughed and continued kissing him. Blake started taking me upstairs until a throat cleared behind me. I jumped off him and stood in front of him to hide his bulge. God,I just love what I can do to that man,I thought. I brought my gaze up to meet familiar eyes. "Hey,Ian."I said. "I take it you guys made up?"He asked. "Yeah."Blake said,irritation obvious in his tone of voice. "Cool. So,my boss wants me to come back to LA. My plane leaves in an hour."Ian said. "Better get driving."Blake mumttered to himself but I heard it. I elbowed Blake in the stomach and smiled at his grunt. "Wanna hug?"I asked Ian and spread out my arms. "No,because you have Blake germs on you."Iand said andd walked over to me and smiled brightly. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a silver ring box. "It's not what you think.  I got you your own ring. I made it myself out of silver and wire. It's not as great as you made mine but at least you have something of me like I have your ring."Ian added. I opened the ring box. Inside was a prfect circular ring and it was exactly my size. A tear fell out of my eye as I read the engraving. "You don't like it? I can get another engraving."He said. I shook my head. "Happy tears,Ian Happy tears."I said. The engraving read The ceiling can't hold us.' I laughed. "I love it,thanks."I said and hugged him. "Okay,I gotta go now. But I'll call you when I land,okay?"He asked me as I pulled away. "Yeah and tell Mama Bear I said hi."I said. He nodded and said 'Sure will.' and with that he was off. I turned to Blake as soon as the front door was shut. "Where exactly were we at?"I asked him. "I know where we were heading."He said. I laughed and jumped on him again. He walked carefully up the stairs as I kissed him passionately. And that night we made love until the sun came up.


I woke up sore around my leg area. God, Blake was so good. I turned to look at the clock and almost screamed when I saw the date. It was tuesday, another school day and it was 8:45 in the morning. "Blake get up!"I said untangling myself from the sheets and falling on the floor in the process. "I'll call Mr. Bacon later, Ash."He mumbled. I got up and went to his side of the bed and looked at him. He was talking in his sleep. It was the cutest thing ever. His face looked so innocent, but only I knew when it could turn serious in a heartbeat. "Blake! Ass up!"I yelled at him. Still he did not budge. Heavy sleeper,I thought. I tried a different tactic. I climbed back on my bed and sat on his torso. He was laying face down. I started rubbing his back and whispering to him. "Oh, Blake. I want you so bad to..."He started moving. He flipped over but I was still on him so now he was facing me. With eyes wide open he said "You want me to what?"Whilst triling his fingers up my arm. It sent tingles all throughout my body and made me remember last night. I pushed myself lower so my core was right on his prominent friend. I was getting heavily aroused. My original plan was to get him out of bed so we could head to school. Things certainly escalated quickly,I thought to myself. I ground myself on him just a little and he put his hands on my hips. "I know exactly what you want."Blake said. Slowly and gently he laid me on the bed. Him hovering over me. He put both hands on either side of my head. "God you're beautiful."He said and after that he brought his lips down to mine. I trailed my hands to his abs. "Call the school first and tell them you won't be in until late third period."I said, he grunted and got off me. "Fine."He said. He got his phone and dialed the school's number while I laid down buck naked and waited for him to finish. After three minutes I turned on my side supporting my head with my hand palm up, my brown locks falling in place with my shoulders. He turned to look at me and I heard his breath pick up a little. He had put boxers on and I saw his friend grow more prominent. After the phone call we went back to kissing.
****Passing period between second and third.****

Blake hurriedly put on some clothes and went around my room looking for his shoes. I just sat on my bed covered up in my sheets. Probably not the best thing to do since there was blood on the sheets. Why was there blood on the sheets? I was a virgin and well you know how that goes. Second Blake had bit me and marked me as his own. I would become Luna the second time he bit me. So yeah,blood was on certain part of the sheets. Blake looked up at me in confusion. "Why aren't you getting ready? You should be getting ready."He said as he once again began looking for his shoes. "I'm a student whereas you are a teacher. I'm allowed to miss school days with a note whilst you can't miss a day and not get paid."I said and laid on my pillow and looked at the ceiling. "What are you talking about? I own seven estates and some land in England and about three pack houses four next month. I'm so rich that if I dropped a hundred dollar bill it would not be worth my time to pick it up."He said. "Then why are you a teacehr if you're so rich?"I asked  him. "I like teaching and somethng brought me to this school. And when I found out you were my mate I knew I had to stay and be with you. No matter the consequences."He said. A smile slowly made it's way onto my face. I just loved being called his mate. "I guess I'll go and I might be late to your class."I said. "I just need to see your face in my class talking to Ashley."He said as he finsihed putting on his shoes. "You're gonna wear that to school?"I asked him. "No,I am so not gonna wear yesterday's clothes to school. I have a lot of sweat on this shirt. I'm gonna go home and change before I go to school."He said. An idea popped in my head. I sat up straight in bed making the sheet covering my chest fall down and reveal me. "Are you tired by any chance?"I asked him. He smirked as he sat on my bed across from me. "Nope. What'd you have in mind?"He asked me as his eyes bore into mine. I picked up the sheet and brought it to my chest as I bit my finger seductively. "Well you kinda broke my pillow,"I said pointing to the poor feather pillow that was ripped up on the ground. "And well maybe you could call the school and tell them you had an emergency and had to take your friend to the hospital. And then maybe we could oh I don't know maybe play a game."I said. "I don't follow."He said. "I mean take me to your pack house and introduce me to your whole pacj if not some. I wanna have a mini BBQ."I said. He groaned. "This would mean you meeting my parents. They hated every girl I ever dated."He said. "But they won't hate me. I'm your mate and they have to have some type of respect for the future Luna."I said. "True. But a BBQ is like a weekend type thing and were wasting valuable time. Time we could use to break school rules at the school."He said. "In case you haven't noticed our relationship is kinda breaking the school's rules."I said. We were silent for a few good minutes before he spoke. "Okay,we'll do the BBQ today but we have to go and buy the food,"He said looking at his watch. "Like right now."He said. "Okay,I'll get dressed and we'll go to the store in our town. Who's gonna be at the store in third period?"I asked rhetorically. "No one. Go get dressed and meet me at my house."He said.  He left and I went to take a shower.


I was dressed in shorts that showed my front pockets with a pierce the veil v- neck shirt and grey high top converse. My hair was curled and I had no make up on. Today was gonna be a chill day with Blake. Oh god I loved him so much. I pulled into his driveway. I never went to his house. It was a long driveway. So when I got to the fron of the house I saw many cars and people playing outside or being lovey dovey with their boyfriend/girlfriend. I parked next to Blake's car and got out. I looked through the many people outside to see if I could find Blake. Some gave me strange looks until an older lady came up to me. She looked about 48 but her eyes seemed more wise. She wore a grey shirt with white capris and sandals. "I'm sorry dear are you lost?"She asked me politely. "Um, No. I'm actually looking for my boyfriend."I said. She smiled and asked, "Who might that be?" I already took a liking to her. "Blake Costello."Her face morphed into one of pure happiness. "You're Juliet Monroe right?"She asked fast. I nodded my head. SHe instantly hugged me. "Welcome to the family, Daughter."She said. I was taken back by her words. "Mom?"Asked that silky voice I loved. My heart started beating ten times faster and I so wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and have a repeat of last night. Blake's mom let me go and tured towards her son. She punched him in the arm. I quietly laughed at Blake's face. He hadn't been expecting that. Slowly he went back to normal. "What was that for mom?"He asked. "For not telling me how beautiful she is. Now,I'll go get your father and we will all have a chill day."She said. I said those exact same words in the car about Blake,I thought to myself. "You did?"Blake asked. I looked at him confused. I can read your mind, it's part of the mating bond we did last night, Blake thought to me. I blushed at his words and nodded. "Actually mom. Me and Jules were gonna go shopping and have a little BBQ here so she can get to know everybody."Blake said to his mom before she fully turned away. 

"Oh,well. Go shopping and we'll all be here waiting for you."His mom said. I stopped her. "Do I call you Luna?"I asked her. She smiled at me before replying. "No dear you can call me mom or Sandy."And she left. "Well shall we go in your car or mine?"Blake asked as he put his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yours."I said and kissed him. It was meant to be a quick kiss,but he ended up pushing me against my car door and kissing me until I felt breathless. He pulled away from me and started walking to his car. I started walking until I felt dizzy. "God damnit, Blake."I said to him. "What was that?"He asked teasingly. "You know god damn well what you did."I said and he laughed and went back over to me. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed again. I swear he liked leaving me breathless. "Still feeling dizzy?"He asked me. I walked to the other side of the car and got in. "So?"He asked. "Nope. Not feeling one ounce of dizziness on me."I said. "Wanna feel dizzy?"He asked. "We gotta go shopping for food. Theres a lot of people who are now counting on us to feed them. Onward my trusty steed!"I said as I fist pumped the air when he started the car. Everyone was looking at us in amusement. Guess they saw that, I thought. "I am not a horse,Jules."He groaned. "No,you're not. You're my sexy Alpha wolf boyfriend."I said and he laughed.So we went to the store whilst talking about what we should get.

****IN STORE****

"So we have ribs, chicken, sausage, hot dogs, hamburger meat, potato salad, macoroni and cheese, ranch style beans, chips and dip, hot dog buns, hamburger buns, bread, juices, sodas, waters, and beer. Anything else?"I asked Blake. Thank god we didn't get anything frozen. "Games."He said. We were in Wal-mart getting all this. "Yeah. You go get the games you want and I'll go get a surprise for us for tomorrow."I said when an idea popped in my head. "I'll call you when I have evrything."Blake said and went to the toy section. I went to the game section and asked a guy about where I could find the Nerf guns. I wanted tomorrow to be fun after school. I bought at least four guns and six packs of those bullets. I then went to get a gift bag. I got a plain white big gift bag and put all the funs and bullets in there. I then heard my phone ring. "I'm done. Where are you at?"He asked me. "The isle right next to the decorations."I said. "Okay,wait there."He said and so I did. I saw Blake pacing towards me with a few games for outside like horse rings, jump rope, and few others. "What's in the bag?"He asked me. "None of your beeswax. Now, you go and pay for the food while I pay for all the games. Deal?"I asked him. "Deal, But seriously give me a hint of what's in the bag."He said. He gave me those damn puppy dog eyes. Must resist The Blake Hotness Mode, I thought to myself. He chuckled. Then I literally face palmed myself. "Fucking mind reading."I hissed. "Are you gonna give me a hint."He asked. "Hint, it's gonna be fun afterschool."I smirked knowing he'd want to know more. I gave him the basket of food while I got the games. "Have fun in a long check out line."I said and he groaned. I went to the self check out line and did all the items and waited for Blake by the doors. I saw him coming to me with all the items bagged up.

"I was seriously getting worried about you."Blake said. "What? Why?"I asked him concerned. I saw nothing to worry about. "I didn't get my kiss after you gave me the basket."He said. I walked over to him after looking around aking sure no one from school was around. After the all clear I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. He moaned in the back of his throat and I could tell he was getting turned on. "Not now, tonight. We have a party to tend to."I said. He groaned and nodded his head before pulling back. "We should go."He said. I nodded and he pushed the basket while I had to ride in front. Appearantly, he didn't want me walking anymore. Unless I really had to. It was a windy day. I started singing. "I don't care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you're with me But crash and crave you when you leave Hey, so I got a question Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum Is my love your drug? Your drug? Huh, your drug? Huh, your drug? Is my love your drug?"I was singing 'Your Love Is mY Drug' by Kesha. I heard clapping all around me. I looked around and saw a crowd that watched me perform that little part. "To answer your question, yes. Yes, it is."Blake said as he stopped the cart by the car and I hopped off. He instantly came to me and kissed me. I kissed him back with as much intensity until I noticed where his hand was going. "No, Blake. This is for tomorrow. As in no more hints or sneak peeks today."I said as he groaned. I looked at the now safe bag. I put it in the back seat before helping him with the grocery bags. Once we were done we put the cart where it needed to be and got in the car.

****At Blake's House****

I kept the bag with the Nerf guns in the car. I had Blake's keys in my back pocket and he couldn't get in the car because it was locked. Unless he went Mr. Wolf on it, but I doubt he wanted to mess up his baby. I sat in the kitchen with Blake's mom making the macoroni and cheese while she seasoned the hamburger meat. "So, how would you feel if you were pregnant?"Sandy asked me. I stopped mixig the mac and cheese and faced her. Having a little Blake in me would be a freaking miracle but it's a miracle I don't need right now. Maybe in two years or so, I thought to myself. "I'd be the happiest woman on earth right noww if I had a baby. But I need a few years. There's so many girls around my age getting pregnant and I don't wanna be like that."I answered truthfully. "You're worried about what people will say if you have a baby right now. But,you're not worried what people will say when they find out you have a relationship with your english teacher on Graduation Day. Isn't that kinda the same thing?"She asked. "What do you mean?"I asked her. "Hang on a sec. "she said as she brounght the last of the meat out to Blake's father-who was managing the grill- and came back inside. All we had left was the Mac and cheese. "Honestly I don't know how to explain what I mean."She said. Then she changed the whole subject. "So, how old are you exactly?"She asked me. "Seventeen."I said. Just as she was about to talk my phone suddenly rang. I knew by the ringtoe exactly who it was. I feared his voice. Sandy looked at me in confusion and concern. "Aren't you gonna aswer that?"She asked. "Uh,yeah. I'll be in my car talking to someone. I'll be back though."I said and left outside. I could feel eyes on me and picked up my pace. My father hated me not answering the phone when he called. He hated me in general. So,I answered whilst walking to my car. "Father?"I asked totally knowing it was him. "Bitch were home and you're nowhere to be seen. Get you're ass home right now!"He slurred. He hung up on me before I had the chance to speak. I called Blake's number. "Hey Jules whe-"He didn't get to finsh before I interrupted. "My parents are home and I need to leave like now and your car keys are behind the front left tire"I said and hung up. I put his keys where I told him I put them. I got in my car and started it and sped out of there. I sped all the way home until I pulled into the driveway. I stepped out of the car and bit my lip. He's drunk and angry, not a good combination for me. Better face the pain now rather than later. I walked into the house using my key. Next thing I knew I was holding my cheek on the floor. It stung a lot. Welcome home,daddy, I thought bitterly. "Were you whoring around with thatt boy of yours?"He yelled in my face holdin a bottle of jack. I didn't even get the chance to answer as he kicked me in the stomach. I groaned in pain holding my stomach. If I cried it would make the beating I was about to get, worse. "Stupid slut! You're a disgrace to this family!"He yelled. He leaned down, threw the bottle of Jack at me, spit on me and punched me in the face mulitple times until he finally had enough and went to the couch and fell fast asleep. Now, that was just a light beating. I limped to my room and fell n my bed. I caught my reflection in my floor length mirror. I looked horrible. I had cuts on my arms, I smelled of Whiskey, and worst of alll. My face looked like a grape with bruises on it. I heard a door slam open. I instantly thought of Blake. I can't go to school knowing Blake can see me like this. I looked like a fucking grape for gods sake!,I yelled in my head. I heard a heavy groan and a snarl. I limped to my door and opened it to see Blake coming to my room. "Jules. I am gonna kill him. Just give me the fucking permission!"He yelled. He was angry at my father. "No,let's go somewhere only me and you can be."I said. "Drink this."He said. He bit his wrist and gave it to me. I hesitantly took it and drank the salty liquid. "Your my mate. My blood will heal you."He said. I nodded and stopped drinking once I felt him pull my head away. He smiled. "I love you."He said and then I heard a crash. I looked at him in confusion. "Jeff and Ash are downstairs giving him a beating."He said. I nodded. He took my hand and I instantly began to feel better. I looked down at my arms. There were no more cuts where they had been and my face felt better. We descended downstairs holding hands. "Guys come on. Ashley and Jeff take her car."Blake said. "Nobody touches my baby without permission."I said.   "It's okay I'm all yours."He said. "Real funny but you know what I mean."I said. "Fine. You guys take my car."Blake said handing Jeff his keys. Blake drove my car. He was the only person to drive my car because I trusted him not to mess up my baby.

****At Blake's second house****

Blake came to open my door and helped me out. Honestly I didn't need help,but I liked the way he looked into my eyes. "Welcome to mi casa."He said. A car pulled up behind us. I looked to see Blake's car which meant Ashley and Jeff. I looked towards his house. It was at least ten times bigger than my last house. "You can stay here for however long you want to."Blake said. I looked towards him and smirked. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Are we taking that next step, Mr. Costello?"I asked sarcastically. "Yes. Yes we are Ms. Monroe."He said. He leaned down and was about to kiss me but a throat cleared behind us. "Yeah, well were gonna sleep here for tonight. G'night Blake, Night Juliet."Jeff said. I nodded and said "Goodnight." also. Once I made sure Ashley and Jeff were inside I tackled Blake to the floor. Whilst kissing him like never before. After I was done kissing him I held his face in my hands and looked at him with so much love in my eyes. "I don't know how you found me, but I'm thankful for that. So, thank you Blake. I love you."I said. He smiled widely. "I love you too Jules."He said. That night we made love outside on dirt and rocks. Yeah, I guess you could say we were freaks because we were too lazy to go inside on a bed. But, we didn't fall asleep outside. After our love making we went inside and took a shower together, which led to more love making and hot water turning into cold water.

****Two Weeks Later****

I was sitting in Blake's English class right now and I've come to learn that most of this school is part of Blake's pack meaning they were wolves and some would bow down to me in respect because I was their Luna. Hell, the principal was a werewolf. But,this morning after breakfast with Blake, Ashley, and Jeff I became sick. I threw up everything I ate. Blake told me to stay home but I didn't want to go a day without seeing his face at least twice. I felt like I was about to throw up again. I held my stomach. Class is gonna be over in four minutes. I could wait until then, I thought to myself. I felt eyes on me and looked up to see Blake looking at me intently. A flash of pain was sent through me. I groaned and gasped at the same time if that was even possile. "Jules, are you okay?"Ashley asked. I shook my head refusing to voice my thoughts or I would throw up all over the place. "Bathroom?"She asked me. I nodded my head. She helped me up, told Blake where we were going and ran with me to the bathroom. As soon as my knees hit the floor I threw up into the toilet bowl. Ashley held my hair back. As soon as I was done she gave me paper towels to wipe my mouth and mouthwash. I thanked her. After I was done cleaning my mouth Ashley made me face her. I heard the bell ring meaning the end of class. She groaned and locked the bathroom door. "How many times have you and Blake had sex?"She asked me in all seriousness. "We made love about twenty times since a couple of days after finding out we were mates."I answered honestly. But it felt like more than twenty times. I smirked, everytime I planned to wake him up seductively it always turned into something more. I just couldn't keep my hands off him. And he knew it too. "--store to pick up a pregnancy test."Ashely said. I almost choked on my spit. "What?!"I asked shocked. "Well, you were sick this morning and yesterday morning you looked like you were gonna throw up. You might be prego."She said honestly. I just gaped at her. I then remembered me first meeting Blake.  **"How about you all go home and we can keep this between us both."A voice said. The voice sounded so muscular. I turned around to see a beautiful,sex god type of a man. Ashley was just gaping at him. I too had my jaw dropped to the floor. But,instead of addressing Ashley he looked straight at me. "Close your mouth,honey. It's not attractive."He said and I quickly closed my mouth. "Much better. Now,what's your name?"He asked me,not Ashley.**

I instantly closed my mouth and blushed. "What did I say something embarrasing for you to blush?"Ashley asked. "No, we'll go to the store. You text Blake and tell him my phone is off and that you're taking me home."I told her unlocking the door to find Blake standing right next to the door. "I heard everything."He stated.  "I'm sorry."I said and looked down. I felt like if I was pregnant he might leave me. I didn't want the best thing in my life to leave me because I had another him in me. "I'll talk to you later, Ashley."Blake said. He didn't even address me. I felt a pang of pain go to my heart. "He didn't mean it. He's probably just in shock."Ashley said. "He didn't even look at me or say anything to me. I'd say he's fucking disgusted with me! I'll take myself home. Don't come over tonight."I said and ran to my car. "Wait!"Ashley said. I unlocked my car and quickly got in.  I drove home, but then I saw mom and dad's cars in the driveway. Shit, I thought. I turned around and went to the store. I had $56 in my pocket. I could buy a pack of two pregnancy tests. I parked in the parking lot and got out. I walked into the store and went straight to the pregnancy tests. I paid for them and went to their bathroom. I peed on them and waited fifteen minutes. Once the timer on my phone went off I hesitated to grab the stick that determined my fate. I grabbed the stick and looked at it. My life is over. My life is over! He's not gonna want a baby!, I thought. I threw the positive sticks away and ran out of the bathroom and to my car.  I started my car and started to drive. I stopped at the red light. Once the light hit green I stepped in the gas pedal but all I heard was a horn before my car was spinning out of control and then flipping over. My car was upside down and my hands on the roof. I heard multiple voices and then sirens. I slowly put my hands on my stomach. If Blake didn't want this baby then I was gonna keep it and make it loved, I thought. I was slowly slipping out of it. "No, ma'am stay with me! You're gonna be fine!"A voice yelled. "Baby."I said. I couldn't say much. The man looked around. His eyes suddenly widened. "Guys she's pregnany hurry up!"He yelled. I heard a voice. A voice I loved like a sister. "She's my sister! Let me help her! Please!"Ashley cried in desperation. I closed my eyes once again before I felt someone slap me. "Stay with me! Now, this next part is gonna hurt a lot but stay with me!"He yelled. He unbuckled my seatbelt and lifted me up. I screamed in agony. It hurt so much. "You're being placed on a stretcher and being taken to a hospital. Your sister is coming with you."He said. I couldn't focus on his voice, all I could focus on was the pain as he moved. "Jules. Oh, god Blake she doesn't look very good."Ashley said. I'm guessing she was on the phone since I couldn't hear his voice. I slipped out.

****Waking Up****

I awoke to a bright room. It was all white. Did I die? I thought.  "Oh, good. You're awake."A voice spoke. I looked to see Ashley. Guess not, "Get out for a mintue and get a doctor in here."I told her softly. She looked shocked then nodded. A second later a doctor came in. I looked around the room for anyone else but found no one. "What happened to my baby?"I asked him. He smiled. "You have a miracle baby on your hands. I can tell the baby is gonna be a girl."He said. "How so?"I asked him. "The way your stomach looks."He said. I looked at my stomach. "How long was I out?"I asked him. "For six days."He said. I gasped. "Oh... Thanks."I said, he nodded and left. A minute later Ashley came back in. "So, why would you nearly kill yourself?"Ashley said. I gasped and sat up in bed. "I did not nearly kill myself. That was never my intention. I pressed the gas pedal the second the light turned green. The man or woman who was driving that caused me to spin out of control and flip my..."I started crying. Ashley came to my side. I cried into her shoulder. "I'm sorry."She said. "The doctor said she was a miracle baby."I sobbed. Ashley pulled back and smiled at me. "She?"Ashley asked.   I smiled. "Yeah, she."I said. "What is her name gonna be? She need's an exotic name."A silky voice said. I looked behind Ashley to see Blake. My heart was beating twenty thousand beats. Well, it was beating a lot. And I also was attached to a heart monitor.


"Hi?"I said though it sounded like a question. "I am so sorry. I was just in shock and when Ashley called me and told me that a car was flipped over and it looked like yours I almost died. I love you and I will always cherish this baby of ours."He said as he came and hugged me and then kissed me. I was liking the kissing until a throat cleared. I looked up in surprise to see Ashley. I forgot she was there. I huffed and hit Blake in the shoulder. "What was that for?"He asked holding his shoulder. Amusement shown in his eyes. "For making me forget someone was in the room. God damnit Blake you always do that."I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "Please do not do that."Blake said under his breath whilst looking at my chest. I stared at him for what seemed like hours. I put my hand to his cheek and turned it elsewhere. "Men."I whispered. I looked at Ashley. "So how are you and lover boy?"I asked her. She blushed and looked down smiling. "He's great."She said. "He better be great. I don't care if he's my best friend, I'll beat his ass if he hurts you."Blake said. I then imagined Blake with our baby. Just watching him carry our little girl around the house and her looking up in his eyes touching his cheek and making baby sounds. And how he would lay her down in her crib to put her to sleep. He would play with her and feed her while she sat in her high chair and when she got older she would need his help with homework and everything. Without knowing a tear made it's way down my cheek. She would come to me with boy problems and girl problems. I could already tell that if she needed anything, we would give it to her and spoil her silly. I smiled. She would learn to ride a bike, and then it would be a car and then she would graduate high school and then go off to college. "What's wrong?"Blake asked me. "Nothing, everything's right."I said and kissed him. I looked around the room and noticed Ashley was gone. I looked at the door. "Go lock the door."I said seductively. I was burning with want inside me. We spent the next hour making love before Blake had to go home and change and then he was gonna come back.

The next day I was able to leave becaus I was healing fast. Blake gave me his blood again and healed me.  I was gonna ask Blake if he could change me into a wolf. And Blake ended up staying the night with me and stroking my hair until I fell asleep. As I was changing out of the hospital gown I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked to see Blake now awake. "See something you like?"I asked him. "Nope."He said. My smile came off my face. "I see something I love. Two somethings."He said. I smiled brightly. I looked at the mirror on the door. I only put on my shorts and bra. "I'm gonna get huge,huh?"I said to no one in particular. I put my hands on my stomach. I saw Blake come up behind me and put his hands around my waist and on my own hands. "This is ours."He said. His voice sounded hoarse. I looked at his eyes in the mirror and saw him tearing up. I smiled. "Are you crying?"I asked him. He chuckled. "Pfft, no I'm not. A man doesn't cry."He said. I turned to face him. I looked around the room looking for something. I couldn't find it. I looked at Blake's shirt. He was wearing a tank top underneath his Black dress shirt and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and Khaki dress pants with black dress shoes. "Can I wear this shirt?"I asked lightly tugging at the collar of his shirt. "Nope, I have to go to work. You have to go home."He said. "How about you let me wear your shirt and you can drive to school with me in the car and you go to teach and I'll drive myself home in your car. Deal?"I asked him. "Deal. I don't know what you're planning. Besides I have an extra shirt in my trunk."He said. "Great, let's get going!"I said happily. I almost walked out of the room without a shirt on but Blake grabbed my arm and gave me his shirt. I looked at him. "Damn you so sexy."I said under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear but he was a wolf and with that came heightened senses. He smirked. "I know I am. Come on."He said and gave me his hand. I intertwined my fingers with his. We left the hospital.

Blake still held my hand while he drove his car. He only took his hand away from mine when we had to pass the security booth. We pulled into the student drop off. I saw Ashley run up to the car even though we hadn't stepped out the car. "So, I guess I'll see you at your place after school?"I asked Blake. "Where are you gonna go?"Blake asked. "If my parents are not home then I'll go get some of my clothes and take a shower at your place and then I guess stay there."I said as I got out of the car. He got out of the drivers side and we both walked to the trunk. I opened it. "Call me if you need anything or just do the mind thing."He said and then he moved stuff around to get his extra shirt. It was actually a White dress shirt. He put it on and rolled up the sleeves. He slowly handed me the keys to his car and squeezed my hand secretly. "I'm tempted to kiss you goodbye."Blake said. "This isn't goodbye. It's more of a 'See ya later,Blake' kind of thing."I said and patted his shoulder. "I can't wait for graduation."He said. "Me, neither and since we didn't get to have our little BBQ you have to invite Jeff over around five in the afternoon."I said and Ashley came to us. "Why? What are we doing?"She asked. "I'm gonna set up some stuff and you guys are gonna go teach and learn somethings. See ya later, Blake and Ashley."I said and got in the drivers side of Blake's car. I started the car and was about to drive off until Blake knocked on the window. "Yeah?"I asked him. He put his head in the car and kissed my lips quickly. "I love you. Drive safe."He said. "I love you, too."I said. He got out and watched me until I drove off. I carefully and quickly drove to my house. Thankfully, nobody was home. I used my house key and quickly got several pairs of clothes. I went back out to the car and drove to Blake's house. 


I was done with decorating Blake's house with target. I checked the time and noticed school was about to let out. I got Blake's car keys and drove to the school and parked in the teacher's parking lot. I called Blake. I knew he had a freshman class right now. "What do thy booger want?"He asked in an italian accent. "Your booger just wanted to let you know that she's outside in the teacher's parking lot, same spot as always."I said giggling a little. "Come to my classroom. It's too hot to be outside and I know that Ashley isn't here. Jeff came and picked her up. Well, I'll see you in my class Ms. Monroe."He said and hung up. I groaned because I was too lazy to get out of the car, open the school doors, and walk up a staircase to his classroom. But I did just that and was in his classroom with five minutes to spare. "You sit at my desk and be you."He said to me as I walked by him. His class was watching Romeo and Juliet. "I love this movie."I said and sat at his desk. He came and sat on top of his desk swinging his legs. "Now, I thought you loved Pride and Prejudice."He said. "That's my top favorite movie. This comes in second."I said.  "We can read the book next week since were done with this anyway."He said. "Nope, you have to teach what the school gives you."I said and poked him in the shoulder. He checked his watch and smiled brightly. "Class is over in two minutes. You guys can leave early."He said and students hurriedly packed their belongings and left. Once the last student was out and the door locked Blake's lips were upon mine. "I missed you like hell."He said. "Me too. But, were on a time limit."I said. He leaned back and looked at me. "Time limit?"He asked. "Yes, I have a surprise and it starts at five. That's why I want Ashley and Jeff there at your place. I think the four of us deserve a break."I said. He smirked. "I love how you're still wearing my shirt."He said. I pushed him off of me. "Now. get your stuff ready and we'll leave. I'll be waiting outside your door."I said and went to sit ppisite of his door. After about two minutes I got up because my feet were starting to fall asleep. I shook my left foot. "Juliet?"A voice said. I looked down the hallway to see a familiar face, I stared at him for what seemed like hours but was only a couple of seconds. "Now, what is the famous Alex Bennett doing at his old high school?"I asked him as I threw my arms around him I met him when he was in senior year and I was in freshman. "Being sexy as fuck. That's what! No but in all seriousness I got a job here."He said. Blake came out and locked his classroom and looked between me and Alex. Alex was tall, muscular, lightly tanned and had Blue eyes and Blonde hair. "As what a janitor?"I laughed. "No, I actually studied while you went off and kept bugging my mom to make her famous cookies."This time we both laughed. "Oh my god. I remember that. Mr. Costello meet my second best friend ever. I met him in freshman year. He was the most hard working nerd/jock back in my days. Ladies and gentleman Alex Bennett."I said clapping my hands. " Thank you , thank you. But seriously, Second? Who the fuck replaced me?"He asked in fake shock. "Ashley."I smirked knowing he had a crush on her. "Damn, she was hot."He said. "Still is. I'm gonna sum up her life. She's hot and taken."I said. He laughed. "What about you, miss 'can we make s'mores every night.'?"He asked. "1. That was the worst stage in my life and I doubt I'll ever eat chocolate again. And 2. I'm hot and taken."I said and smirked. "Who's the lucky guy?"He asked. "Michael Trevino."I said and it took him a moment to realize what I just said. "So, you're basically dating someone who doesn't even know you exist?"He asked. "Yes. Yes I am."I said. "Damn. I taught you a lot back in the golden days."He said. I nodded. "Taught me how to distract a fat police officer."I said and he smiled. "As much as  would like to remember the golden days I have to get home and feed my dog."Alex said. "Me, too. Bye, Alex."I said and Blake and I walked outside and into a crowded student area. It felt like everyone was staring at me. I looked down to see Blake still holding my hand. "Uh, Blake? Hands."I said. "I have to tell you something."He said. I stopped walking and looked at him. "I am gonna quit my job."He said. "Are you fucking crazy?!"I yelled forgetting everyone around us. "God damnit! No, I'm not and I'm doing this for you."He said. "No you're not. You're doing this for you. Not me."I said. He put his hands through his hair. "Fine. I am doing this for me. I wanna be able to walk around in public and tell everybody that you're mine and to keep their hands off of you. Half of me is saying this because of the mate bond and the other half of this is saying this because I love you."He said. I opened my mouth to speak but again he spoke. "I can tell that Alex kid is one of us and that he feels something strong foor you. I'm quitting so he can't put his hands on you and I'm also quitting because of that thing. I'm not ready for it yet."He said and then just as he realized his sentence I saw regret flash through his eyes. "Jules, I-"He didn't get to finish before I ran off. I heard multiple gasps around me and I also heard Blake calling my name. We had just spilled our biggest secret to everyone. I was in so much shit. "You have no car! Where are you gonna go?"He yelled after me. "Away from you, asshole."I said and when I got to the teachers parking lot, I threw his keys at his car and ran where my feet took me.


Evetually my feet took me to an old abandoned park. It was old, and I bet if I touched thee slide it would collapse. I finally remembered why my feet took me here. It was because this would be the place I went to when things got too tough at home. I sat on the only stable thing in this park. The floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them to myself. I was gonna drop out. It would save Blake fom losing his job and me from getting in trouble. I laid down on the floor and put my hands on my stomach. I looked up at the sky which was quickly turning dark. I cared about Blake still, even if he said he didn't want the baby or was even ready for it. I felt pain at the bottom of my back. I cried out in pain sitting up quickly which bought more pain. I laid back down vey carefully. If this kept happening then I wasn't gonna be able to drop out tomorrow. The pain suddenly stopped. I sighed in relief. I can just walk home. I stood up and walked in the direction of my house. I wasn't far away from home anyway, why waste gas and phone battery calling someone to pick me up? As I turned the corner I stumbled and fell on my knees because of a fucking pebble. I stood up again and saw my house. With at least two police cars with their lights on but sirens off. I gasped. I ran to the house careful to hide and make sure I could hear the conversation going on between my father and the male police officer. I noticed my father was also in handcuffs. I gasped loudly. No one noticed and so I listened closely. "- and we have evidence of child abuse. I believe you are now officially under arrest mr. Monroe."The police offce said. Were my ears defying me? Was the man whom had hated  me for many years and showed it finally going to jail? How? "How?"He asked the officer. "An anonymous email was sent to us and we don't take any of those emails a joke. Your daughter is Juliet Monre, Is she not?"He asked my father. My father spit. "That child is not mine, nor will she ever be. She deserved everything she got to her. I shoulda killed her the other day like I planned to."He said. "You're under arrest."He said and began to read him his rights. Father was placed into the back of the police car and taken away. As soon as both police cars left I went inside my house and locked the door. I ran up to the bathroom and took a quick shower and fell asleep on my bed.

I awoke with a start. I felt warm between my legs. I jumped out of bed and instantly crumbled to my feet as pain came throbbing in my core. I grabbed my phone as I looked at my bed. My bloody bed. I called Ashley. "What in the fu-" "Ashley, I think I'm having a miscarriage. I need help. I'm calling the ambulance! Come over quick!"I yelled and shut the phone. I called 911 and as I was telling them my situaltion I heard Ashley call my name. I finished telling thee peerson and told them my address and told them to come quick. "Jules? Where are y- oh my god. Get up. Blake she's in her room."She yelled as she came to me. I felt weak, drained of all my energy. I knew something had happened. I knew I lost my baby. I kept quiet and just stared at the bed. Blake came in and I heard sirens. "I'll carry her out there."Blake said as he took me from Ashley's arms. He ran downstairs and opened the front door where a doctor was about to knock on the door.  Blake saw the stretcher and gently put me on it. "What happened to her?"The guy asked Blake. "She thinks she had miscarriage. Tell her it's not true."Blake pleaded. "I have to do a test on her in the truck, you can stay by the door but you can't go in."He said to Blake. Blake was about to protest but I shook my head at him. "George, Lennie get her in the truck."The man said and the others followed. I smiled a bit. They had the same names as George and Lennie in the book Of Mice and Men. "Were going to hve see how dialated you are and see if you actually lost your child."George said. "Okay."I said. "Take off your pants. Do you need help? I'll get your booyfriend."He said. I shook my head and took off my pajama short and my underwear. He pulled down the windoow curtain and proceeded to take the test. After thirty minutes he was done his face saddened. "I'm sorry, were going to have to take you to the hospital to do further testing."He said. "Tell your boyfriend to bring you a pair of clothes."He said as an afterthought. "Do you have a blanket?"I asked him. He nodded nd gave me one. "Can you bring him in here?"I asked him too. He opened the door enough for Blake to see me. "Tell Ashley to give me a set of clothes and a pair of pajamas and I'll meet you guys at the hosptal."I said. Just as George was about to close the door. I bolted up and winced in pin as I did so. I looked at Blake. "I'm sorry for being an ass earlier and running. And I'm sorry for her."I said and pointed towards my stomach. Pain flashed on his face before going blank. George closed the door and hitting on the wall, letting the other two know it was time to go to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, I was rushed to a room and put on a different bed. I laid on th bed and looked at the ceiling. This is all my fault. If I hadn't ran from Blake I would've been okay and going home? I fell. Stupid move. I blamed myself entirely. The door opened but I kept my stare on the ceiling. Those thoughts I had of Blake holding our baby girl was gone. Now, I just felt empty. I felt cold. I didn't want to be here anymore. I wanted this baby so bad. I was gonna love her so much. And now I couldn't. My heart sunk at the thought. I had no baby anymore. "It's okay."A voice said. I looked to see Ashley coming from the couch and sitting on the bed with me. Blake got up coming on the other side of the Ashley wasn't on. "I'm okay."I lied. The door opened and in came an elder doctor. Her hair was gray and she looked older than 59. "Hello Juliet. I have the results of your tests. You still have a child and you have a miracle child. If you take these precautions since it is your first time being pregnant then there should be no more problems and if you take the medicine listed on the paper all should be well."She said as she handed me two pieces of paper stapled together. "Do you have any questions?"She asked me. "Why did I lose that much blood? I was sure I lost my child."I said. "These kind of things happen in some pregnancies. And just a precaution. These things do not happen twice."She answered, nodded and left. "Oh, that's wonderful news!"Ashley screamed throwing her arms around me. "Not so loud. You'll wake the others."I said to her and hugged her back. "oH. oK."She whispered and I giggled. I turned to Blake. He was staring at the wall intently. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Can you give us a couple of minutes?"I asked Ashley. "Sure. In fact I'll give you the whole night. I have to go tell Jeff. I kind of left him and ran out without explanation."She said sheepishly. I gave her a look that said we'd talk later. She smiled innocently and ran out. I followed her and saw a bag on the floor. Must be my clothes. I pushed Blake more into the middle of the bed and got on top of him. A surprised look was on his face. "I got the magic in me Every time I touch that track It turns into gold Everybody knows I've got the magic in me When I hit the flow the girls come Snappin' at me Now everybody wants some presto Magic, magic, magic Magic, magic, magic Magic, magic, magic I got the magic in me."I sang to him. He chuckled. "Only you would suddenly brust into song."He said. I looked at him smiling. We both looked into each other's eyes. "I'm sorry."We both said. "I'm sorry for waking you up in false alarm at night for me."I said. "I'm sorry for being a dick and not being there when you needed me."He said. "I have something to say."I said. "What is it?"He asked. I looked away from him and looked at the blank T.V. "I'm dropping out of school."I said and looked at him finally. "This is what you want?"His voice high. "Yes. I can't hndle it and I don't want the stress of being caught coming onto this baby and me actually having a miscarriage. I'll go back right after she's out. I promise you that."I said. "You're gonna drop out. And I'm gonna force you to go back."He said determinedly. I nodded my head. "Exactly."I said. "When?"He asked me. "Tomorrow."I said. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my legs round his legs. "But you know what?"I asked seriously. He tilted his head looking at me curiously. I went up to his ear. "I'm gonna want you more."I said gently nipping his ear before pulling away. His breath caught in his throat. He lifted my head so I could look at him. He suddenly smiled evilly. "Oh, I know."He said and just as he was about to kiss me the door opened and I quickly climed on the side and pushed him off. I smirked at him on the floor. "Smooth."I commented. "Oh shut up."He said. The doctor looked like she was about holding herself back from laughing. It was a different doctor. She looked about Blake's age. And she was pretty cute She looked at Blake and checked him out. I felt like punching her. Wasn't she here for something else besides checking out my boyfriend? I cleared my throat whilst glaring at her. She glared at me right back before she looked down at the bottle of pills in her hand. She shook her head and sighed. She came over to me and gave me the bottle of pills and sniffed. She stiffened and looked like she thinking hard about something. She suddenly bowed while Blake was getting up. "Luna. Alpha. I'll be taking my leave now."She said and left quickly. I looked at Blake. "Well, I don't think I've ever been called Luna before by some random stranger."I said and laughed. He flicked my nose. I stared at him in confusion and shock. "That's what you geet for pushing me off the bed."He said. "Oh wait! I forgot to ask her when I could leave!"I yelled. "Go ask her, Blake?"I said more than asked. "What makes you think I'm gonna ask her when I just sat down?"He said. "Because you love me?"I asked. "Two more reasons."He said. "You're obsessed with me?"I said. "The other one."He said. I stared at him a new light. "I'm kidding. That wasn't a valid enough reason."He said. "Because I'm in love with you and you know that's reason enough. But if you want another one it's because it's your fault I failed my english test you gave me the other day. I basically studied for that shit and that doesn't happen often."I said as I stared at him as his mouth was open. "Close your mouth honey, it's not attractive."I said and smirked. Those were the same words he said when we both saw each other for the first time. "You're with me partly because of my attractiveness."He said getting up and heading to the door. He came back in a few minutes later. "We can leave today and you can sleep in my bed if you don't want to sleep in your bed."Blake said. "I wanna go to my house. I just have to make sure my dad didn't get out of jail."I said. His mouth opened to protest. "You're coming with me."I said reasssuringly. I pointed to my bag by his foot and he came over to me with it.

Once we were at my house I went to my room. I wanted to wash my sheets of all the blood stains. But when I went to my room I saw Ashley laying on the bed and Jeff was on the floor laughing his ass off about something Ashley had said. I saw the bed was made and all the bloood on my sheets were now gone and replaced with new ones. Luckily my floor was not made of carpet and only tiile. The tile was cleaned with bleach, how did I know? I could smell that shit. I cleared my throat and they looked at me. "Hi guys."I said and Jeff came over to me and hugged me. "You scared the shit out of me, Jules."He said and let me go once he heard a low growl emitted from behind me. "Sorry. But seriously you should take it more careful around here. No more rough housing."He looked at Blake when he said the last part. "Well guys. Thanks for cleaning up Juliet's room and all but-"He didn't get to finish what to sat before I interrupted him. "As a thank you I'm taking you guys bowling. My treat. Just meet here tomorrow night around six-ish. Bye, now."I said. Ashley came up to me. "It's times like these that you really need a mother and I'll be happy to be your shoulder to cry on or joke on. Whichever. I love you. Be safe."She then turned to Blake. "Listen to Jeff when he says no more rough housing. I love you guys and we'll be sure not to be late tomorrow."She said and left holding Jeff's hand on the way out. I turned to Blake. "So we were gonna do something at the hospital. What was it?"I asked, smiling mischieviously. Blake now had lust in his eyes. "I know exactly what we were going to do."He said as he lifted me up and placed me gently on the bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he hovered over me. I flipped us over and kissed him passionately and unbuttoned his shirt as i kissed him. My hands got to the belt buckle of his jeans. I unclasped it and took it off. I lowered his pants, he got the message and took it off. I could feel his bulge. So far my plan was going great. I lowered my head and kissed each ab as he shivered in pleasure. I then went behind his ear and kissed his soft spot. I quickly climbed in bed and went on my side so my back was facing him. "What the fuck?"He said. "Shouldn't mess with me. I got you back for all those times you teased me."I said. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"He asked seriously. i turned to face him. "What?"I said. "Do you..."He paused. "What? Do i what?"I asked. He was paused so long. "Do you... know the muffin man?"He said and busted out laughing. I looked at him in shock and laughed too. "Oh, Blake you had me scared for a moment."I said. "Why? Afraid I was gonna ask you something crazy like marry me?"He asked. "That wouldn't be crazy."I said. "would you Marry me right now in this bed if I had a ring with me?"He asked in all seriousness. I sat up and he did too. I looked at him and took his hand in mine. "I would. But, you have to surprise me when you want me to be engaged to you. No fancy stuff. Just a dinner date. Or something like that?"I said. He pulled me to him and smiled happily. "I'm gonna marry you. I'll make you Juliet Costello."He said. "Mrs. Costello. I love it."i said and kissed him happily. "Me, too."He said. We ended up sleeping in each others arms and smiling to ourselves.

I woke up to an empty bed. "Blake?"I said. "In the kitchen!"He yelled. 'I'm gonna take a quick shower!"I yelled to him. "Okay."He responded. I got out the bed and went to my dresser. I got out my red lacy bra and matching thong. I got red plaid skinny jeans and a black v- neck shirt. I went to my shower and turned on the water and waited for the cold water to pass. I took a quick shower and got out. I blow dryed my hair and put on my clothes. I went to my closet and grabbed my black converse and some socks and put on my shoes.  I didn't bother putting on make up because I looked okay without it. i walked into the kitchen to see Blake sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of orange juice and he had a plate of eggs, bacon, and potatoes in frnt of him and a plate similar to his across from him and a full cup of Orange juice. "You trying to fill me up?"I asked as i sat at the plate across from him. "yep. What do you think about going to the movies next week? There's this movie called White house Down. It looked cool."he said and I clapped like a retarted seal. "That's the one with Channing Tatum? i saw him in magic Mike with ashley."i said. He actually choked on his orange juice. "Ashley saw that with you?!"he said. I nodded sheepishly. I put my elbows on the table and supported my head with my fists. "He can ride my pony anytime."I said staring off into space. "What?"Blake yelled. "Relax. I'm kidding. you on the other hand. That's a whole different topic. Aren't you supposed to be at work?"I asked him while I ate my food. "Nope, I quit."He said. I looked at him in shock. Then I smiled as the shock passed over. "We can finally be in public together now."I said. "Whole reason why I quit. I wanted to let the whole world know that you were mine."He said. I just realized something. 'Where are you gonna work now?"I asked him. "I have enough money that if I dropped a-" "Hundred dollers that it wouldn't be worth your time to go back and pick it up. I know, it's just coming to me that you're rich as fuck."I said as I finished his sentence. He smirked. "Were that cheesy couple, aren't we?"He asked sarcastically. I shrugged and looked at him while going for another potato but was met with the cold plate. i looked down to see my plate empty. "Damn."I muttered. I was done. "Let's go. You have to sign out of school for good and then were going somewhere."Blake said. "Can I get more food at whereever were going?"I asked him. "Yeah. Come on."He said and we both left to his car.

Once we reached the school, Blake parked in a visitor space and got out and came to my side. "Were just gonna go in. Sign the necessary papers for you to drop out and then we'll go to my surprise. Okay?"Blake said. I nodded my head as an answer and he helped me out. I held his hand as we walked closer to the school. Once at the main doors I let go of his hand and walked in. "Why did you let go of my hand?"Blake asked. "Technically I'm still a student here and whether or not you a teacher I will not hold your hand in this building this year."I said. He nodded his head. I walked to the main principals office. I heard multiple gasps behind me and sighed. It was gonna start. I walked into his office without knocking and stood in front of him. "I'm gonna drop out."I said bluntly. He looked at me shocked. "Why? Oh, hello Blake. Did you forget something?"The principal asked Blake.I spoke before Blake could. "He's my ride."I said and the principal looked at me suspiciously. "May I ask why you choose to drop out."he said. "Personal reasons. Reasons I cannot speak about without a lawyer present."I said. He sighed and leaned back before turning around in his chair and getting some papers from a filing cabinet. After a while of signing papers I was officially not a student anymore. I happily walked out of the principals office and it was passing period. Which meant everyone could see me and Blake. I stopped walking. I turned to Blake. I have an idea that you're gonna love! I exclaimed in my head. Blake smiled as if sensing my idea. I turned the little crowd we had formed without us knowing. I stepped on the bench and pulled Blake up with me. Everyone had now stopped and whispered to each other. Even the teachers and security guards were looking at us. We were in the heart of the school. "Guys! I am no longer a student!"I yelled happily. "And I'm no longer a teacher!"Blake yelled. We took our hands and interlaced them together and held them up for everyone to see. "And were together!"Blake yelled while I said. "I have the hottest former teacher!"We looked at each other and laughed. We leaned in to kiss each other on the lips when I heard a throat clear. I looked to see Ashley smiling widely. "what?"We both said annoyed. "I'd hate to interrupt your love fest but do you know who the replacement is for English."She asked. "Jeff."Blake said. I looked at him and hit his arm. "You could've left her in suspense, Blake."I said. He thought for a minute and laughed nervously. "O, yeah. uh. My bad. The teacher is an ugly old man."Blake said to Ashkey. "Nice try big brother. But I have to tell you something."Asley said. "What?"He asked her. "Were having pizza at Juliet's place. Just the four oof us."Se said and looked at me for confirmation. "Cool with me."I said. "What time?"Blake asked. "Five."She said. "No. nu-uh. Me and Jules are going to six flags today."He said and then a look of shock passed on his face. I opened my mouth in shock and then tackled him to the ground. "Were going to six flags?"I asked excited. "Ruined the surprise, didn't I?"He asked. "What? Where are we going?"I asked confused. I pretended to be confused. He smiled. "I love you."He stated. "I love you, too Blake."I said and kissed his lips. "Alright! Everybody to class!"A man yelled. I completely forgot about everyone watching us. "See you guys around eight."Ashley said before going off to class. I got up and walked with Blake hand in hand to his car.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.02.2013

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