
It was dark walking down the street I have it's 11:30 at night in new york city on the bad side. Alls I have to do is walk and never stop.
“Help help” Said a voice in the darkness.
I did something I should never do i stopped. I felt arm go around me and heard 10 people laughing. i woke up from the dream. I have the dream all the time. It did happen to me if was after i broke up with my exboyfriend. He was in a gang. When we broke he said he "You will pay for what u did to us". I broke up with him cuz i didnT want to have sex with him. So the night they found me walking home they where high and they brought me to his house when they cut me along my arms and legs when the cops came. They are all in jail and are not going to be getting out anytime soon. they


Texte: hannah
Bildmaterialien: hannah
Lektorat: hannah
Übersetzung: hannah
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

to all my friend who help me write and to my loving family and to my dog

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