
A new Beginning

"Alex, wake up your going to be late for school" my head was under the covers, i was trying to hide my eyes from the sun. If i don't make a sound maybe she'll forget.

I heard foot steps coming up stairs to my room. i tried to be very still. unfortunally my mom was smarter than i thought. "Alex, its your first day of school you haven't been out since...." her face softened "honey, i know you can do this" "easy for you to say your not the one who got ...never mind mom can you leave so i can get dressed" my moms face fell "sure, honey meet you down stairs" she walked to my door. "hey mom" "yes" she looked at me with her tired green eyes matching mine. "i love you" i said. "i love you, too" my mothers face lighten as she walked out the door.

As i got dressed i heard noises outside. i looked out my window and threw my neighbors window i saw a boy. The boy looked about my age, i couldn't get a good look at his face but he had broad shoulders and a back that just made your knees melt...what was i thinking i don't even know him. it took all my strength to take my eyes off him. When i finished getting dressed i heard a knock on my door
"come in" i said. My older brother, Matt, walked in. "Hey sis, hows it going? are you ready for the first day of school?" i looked at my brother, he looked tired but, then again my whole family went through a lot.... "yeah im ready, lets go"

welcome to Jackson High School

When we got to school, it was crowded with students and teachers. Oh gosh this is going to be along day. "hey Matt you know we could leave now and no one would ever know" i said with innocent eyes. Matt smiled at me " haha funny i don't think we should do that if i want to graduate i have to attend school duhh" oh that's right i forgot my brother likes school he always had it easy, he always fitted in. Well i did too but i never really like the "it" crowd.
We headed to the principals office they gave us our class schedules and explained the rules, were going to school during the middle of the year not good.My brother was a senior and i am a junior its been a year since ive been to school im surprised i passed my sophomore classes. we split so i went looking for my locker. i was so lost everything is so big ok what's my locker number. " 525A, how many lockers are in this school" i whispered to my self. " Need help" said someone behind me. I turned around to see a blond haired boy. He was cute his eyes were a beautiful brown that made you want to jump in them. i stood there like a creeper just staring at him . He broke the silence " um, i kinda need to see what locker number" he said blushing. oh my god he was blushing a cute boy was blushing from talking to me!! i calmed down and repeated my locker number. " oh that's easy come follow me its this way" he said while i followed close behind. "so your new" "um yeah i am.." "oh duh sorry of course your knew" he was blushing again!! " so where did you live before here" it took a while for me to answer "um Arizona" i said in a whisper. " oh cool, i don't know why you would move to such a boring place like Jacksonville" oh you had no idea i thought before he asked " so, why did you move here?" does he know? no hes just asking. i was about to make up a story when he said " here we are 525A" a beautiful smile on his face. " oh thanks" " yeah your welcome see ya around" he said turning the corner. i sighed.i put my books that the office gave me in my locker. walked to my first class which was across the hall from my locker. i opened the door and the class went dead, guys and girls looking me up and down if i was "qualified" for their group. " Oh welcome Alex right?" a young woman in front of the class said. " yes" i said in a low voice. "um ok Alex, sit next to....oh Lacey do you mind scooting a desk over?" "sure Ms.P" a girl with blond hair and blue eyes which i think was Lacey. i walked past a lot of student with their eyes glued to me next to Lacey. I tried to cover my face with my long brown hair. "hey Alex" "hey" i replied to Lacey.
i had many most of my classes with Lacey so she showed me around. she was sweet, she was pretty but not stuck up which i liked a lot. We headed to our 5th class of the day and there was the cute blond guy from earlier. Lacey said hi to the blond boy like they have known each other forever. "hey Alex, i want you to meet my twin brother Kyle" said Lacey. "oh hey again" Kyle said. "you guys know each other" Lacey asked. " oh no...." i was interrupted by Kyle "yeah i helped her earlier today" he said with a smile. i smiled back. Lacey continued to stare and started to smile. "ok im glad" Lacey said. i was a little confused by what she said but shrugged it off.
It was lunch time and i sat next to Lacey and across was Kyle. We talked about the classes and how this school works. I later found out Lacey and Kyle were very popular if you know what i mean. the table was full of people i didn't know but they were friendly at least some of them were. " so Alex, you got a boyfriend waiting at home?" a boy asked who was sitting next to Kyle. Kyle elbowed him. I blushed and said " no, i don't" " oh well that's good" the boy said with a seductive smile. i turned away so i wouldn't see him anymore. when i did i saw a boy who looked familiar he had dark black hair with blue icy eyes. i couldn't remember where i saw him.. "Alex" Lacey said bringing me back to earth. "what are you staring at?" "oh nothing its just..i think i have seen him some where" i whispered looking at the boy. " oh trust me if you had seen him you would remember" she said giggling. " who is he?" i asked curious. "That's Cameron James"

The boy next door

Once Cameron heard his name his head shot right up. His eyes met Lacey's she turned quickly. His eyes then met mine we just stared at each other form across the lunch room. i know this might sound cheesy but i couldn't take me eyes off of him and he returned that same thing at least i think. "hey Alex, what are you staring at?" Kyle asked. i guess i was being obvious by staring at him i turned looked at Kyle and smiled at him. "nothing just looking for my brother" i said. " really does he have lunch at this hour?" Lacey asked. "um yeah we were suppose to meet up at lunch..but i cant seem to see him." "whats his name?" Kyle asked " oh Matt Fins.." i didn't finish my sentence because the guys at the table started saying so many things about him. "wow hes your bro" "dude, hes awesome" . "how do you guys know him?" i asked them. "we saw him play football" said the boy who made that comment of me having a boyfriend. i found out his name is Blaine. " hes awesome he should try out, he would definitely make it" Blaine said "wait your his little sister" Kyle asked surprise. oh yes i am always know as Matt's little sister and my brother is like a football star the perfect child. he even looks the part we look nothing alike i got my looks from my mom a have long brown hair and green eyes and Matt has blonde hair with blue eyes he got his looks from my dad..
"sis,i see you found some friends" Matt said behind. " Sup Matt" Blaine said. "sup Blaine" Matt replied. i cant believe my brother is already having people greet him. well not really Matt's always had this thing about him that makes you want to be friends with him. i scooted a little for Matt to sit down, he took a lot of space. I then noticed the lunch room got quiet. i looked around to see everyone looking at us. " so i guess you guys don't get new student much" Matt said. "Sure we do, just not two new student in a year" Kyle said. wow i guess this town is pretty small. " Hey Matt so you joining the team" Blaine asked. "yeah i am" Matt replied. Then i got lost they continued talking and me Lacey were planning on working on a project we needed to do.
When i got home i finished unpacking. i layed on my bed when i heard a knock "come in" Matt walked in and sat on the edge of my bed. " how are you?" he asked "im good, although im starving what are we eating?" " wanna order pizza" he asked. " hell yeah!" i said " ok im going to go order it call you when it gets here" "ok" i said. Matt left the room i just layed there staring at the ceiling. I heard something, not just any something a voice. A voice that made my hair from my arm stand up. i got off my bed to see who the owner of the voice was. i looked out my window and i saw Cameron James! Hes my neighbor! this makes sense now i knew i had seen him somewhere well at least i had seen his back. AWKAWRD. " hey, um why are you just staring?" a deep voice asked. oh god ive been distracted i didn't see that he noticed me staring."um sorry i heard you singing and i just i don't know i just.." oh god im babbling now. im just going to shut up now maybe hell forget it if i walk away. "so your the new kid" he said. When Kyle said that he asked and was sweet but when Cameron said it he kinda just stated it. There was nothing in his voice. i felt uncomfortable talking to him. "um.. yeah i am" i answered. But before any of us could say anything else Matt came in. "Hey pizza's here.... what are you doing?" he asked getting closer to the window seeing that it was Cameron i was talking to. i was expecting a bad reaction of my brother because he is always so protective but instead of a frown or a look he had a smile on his face!!!!!! yes a smile plastered on his face matching Cameron's i was so confused. " wow, Matt your my new neighbor!?!" Cameron asked. "dude this is awesome" Matt said. Then they started talking about football.Like they weren't talking threw my window.AWKWARD. i did a little cough letting them know i was still here. They both look up at me. "oh hey Cameron this is my lil sis alex" Matt said to Cameron wrapping his arms around me. " and Alex this is Cameron my buddy from football camp" Matt explained to me.
oh yeah camp. he left me during the summer to go to camp, thats when everything went down hill. "im going to go eat pizza so nice to meet you Cameron and see you down stairs Matt" i said breaking my own thoughts. i went down stairs eating 2 slices of pizza and passing out in the couch while watching tv.


His hands pulling me down, i couldn't move. "help" i screamed. but no one could hear me. The smell of alcohol in his breath made me quizzy. His hands were rubbing my thighs making me shiver. I felt his hands move to my breasts, he squeezed them making me scream louder. I look up at those blue eyes that i once looked up to but now terrified. "please" i pleaded. Instead of stopping he started to pull his pants down. i felt him trying to do the same to me. i scream louder.i gave up he was to strong. he seemed pleased i stopped screaming. "Thats a good girl' he said.

"Alex, wake up" a voice yelled. i woke up panting trying to catch my breath. i look up glad to see it was just dream. But there were two concerned boys in front of me. "Alex are you ok?" Matt said to me. " uhh yeah i am why wouldnt i be" i said to him. " were screaming your lungs out just a couple of seconds ago" my brother said accusingly. I look at Cameron for an answer but instead i see him looking at me with such a blank face. He stood there staring at me until he asked "Are you sure your ok?" "Oh yeah um.... of course i am it was from that scary movie i just saw i guess i fell a sleep still dreaming about..freddy krueger. yeah i know i am such a baby"i said to the two boys. They both nodded but Matt looked back at me he wasnt convinced. great im going to hear about this later.FREDDY KRUEGER really alex!! wow suave.
i went upstairs to my room i had to do my homework. ugh i hate homework but it kept me busy for an hour or two. i heard a knock at my door and Matt came in. I felt his stare as my eyes where glued to my homework. i really didnt want to talk about what happened earlier. i thought he was going to yell at me or something but instead he spoke in a soft voice " Alex you..are you ok?" "Yeah im ok so whats up?" i asked. He stood there looking at me making sure i was ok. "nothing just got bored" he said. " oh well want to watch a movie here?" i said. "yeah, want to watch the dark knight?" he asked. "sure"
i woke up with Matt next to me on my bed snoring. Haha he looks so cute when hes sleeping. i tried to get off my bed slowly so i wouldnt wake him up. i walked in the hallway it was very dark, wonder if mom got home? i look to peek in her door she was asleep. i walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. i stood there with a glass of water in the middle of my kitchen with all the light off. AWKWARD. haha i need fresh air. i walked out my door to lay on my lawn. the stars were so bright. "Alex wake up" a voice called to me. i look up and its no other than Cameron James.

Cool night

"Alex what are you doing outside?"asked Cameron. i cant believe i fell asleep outside!! "uhh i just..wanted to um go get some fresh air" i said. "ohh" he replied like that explained why i fell asleep outside. He just stood there for a minute, then he just sat down next to me. It was very quiet but the thing is the silence was nice it wasn't those awkward ones. i just looked up at the stars when i felt his eyes on me. I didn't want to look at him so i just left my eyes on the stars. It was so dark the only light was coming from the moon and stars. It felt kinda weird, i mean i don't even know him and here i am sitting next to him outside in the dark ALONE. " Its so cool out huh?" he said breaking the silence. i didn't realize i was holding my breath until his eyes met mine, i swear i think he knew what i was thinking. "yeah but the cool air feels nice" i said trying to sound normal. He looked at me and smiled i couldn't help but blush oh god

i didn't realize im wearing tinker bell pajamas, with a baggy shirt and my hair is a mess and I have no make up AND i just got out of bed. WOW, what am i thinking i never get insecure for a boy. ALEX just stop he is just a boy a really cute boy thats all, with really beautiful blue eyes.

oh god this wont be easy. i looked down trying to busy myself by playing with the grass. "arent you cold?" he asked. now that he mentioned it i just realized ive been shacking non stop. " im good." "here this will help". Cameron gave me his leather jacket!!!! a cute, scratch that a HOT boy just gave me his leather jacket!! Oh god if my friend jenny from back home were to see this she would be so proud. "thanks" i said atleast i thought i said that but it sounded more like "dwfajs" wow alex suave.. I turn to see he is laughing at me. "dont laugh at me " i said swatting him "haha sorry i just cant help it" he said smiling. we just sat there smiling at each other. next thing i know were so close that i can feel his warm breath on my lips. He lifts his hand and pushes my hair behind my ear thats a good girl

"i better get home" i blurted out. i didnt even give him a chance to say anything, i ran home without looking back.

my new tutor

ring ring rrinnggggg!!!!

uhh i dont want to go to school, i dont think i can look at cameron the same. Will he mention it? or will he be mad?? im stressing out!!!! "Alexxx get your ass downstairs before i leave you!!" matt yelled. "coming!" i yelled as i was getting dressed. "finally" matt said. "whatever" i replied taking his cereal from his hands, he gave me a look, "that was mine" he whined. "lets go to school" i laughed walking towards the door. when we got to school our car was surrounded by matts new buddies. ugh i hate crowds i was looking around for Lacey when i tripped on someones foot and ended on top of someone. "wow, i knew you were going to fall head over heels for me but i didnt imagine it like this,..and... well so soon" blaine said cockly with a smile. " yeah i didnt imagine it like this either or anything at all" i said as i was pulling my self up. 'here let me help you, alex" kyle said helping me up. "thanks " i replied looking around for his sister.


Texte: DONT COPY ME OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN :) love you guys:))))
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: idkkk
Übersetzung: idk
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.07.2012

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to my sister steph

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