
The Fortress
1900 AD

The rebellion had been going on for nearly fifty years when everything finally stopped, since the Americans had re-taken the land that had once belonged to them; the Arabic community had been in up-roar. They claimed the land was rightfully theirs including the legendary HighCliffe Castle.
The senior negotiators for both the Americans and Arabians had been making serious headway as to who owned what land, when it was discovered the documents had been forged. These documents included the deeds to the land dating some one hundred years before. Both negotiators were enraged and accused each other’s brethren of stealing the original documents, and then replacing them with fakes.
A massive battle followed and carried on for several months, the Arabians finally admitted defeat once their army had been greatly depleted. To this day nobody knows who made the documentation switch, but the Arabians did leave a parting message for the Americans written in stone on the front of the Castle, the plaque read;

To all those who took what was not theirs we will one day have retribution and re-claim what it rightfully ours. For your treachery you will pay in such a way that has not yet been performed.

The Americans were at a loss, for all their efforts none of them could decipher the meaning of the threat but left the plaque as it was in memory of a victory, and an empty threat. Until now...

Chapter One

Present Day

The residents who now occupied the small sleepy town of HighCliffe, Florida had grown ignorant in their rise to power. They perceived themselves ‘untouchable’ as they were part of the world’s most powerful and influential countries.
Whenever topics were scarce, they enjoyed re-telling the legendary HighCliffe Castle battle, and then speculate as to what the meaning of the threat was.

* * * *

Clara was uneasy, she had just finished her first day of College and with it a serious debate over HighCliffe Castle and to whom the land truly belonged to. The two new students that had transferred in from an out-of-state school had been the ones to start the debate.
Their tutor had grabbed the debate and had let it escalate to the point of losing control of the class, once the debate had finished a tension had hung in the air. Clara couldn’t wait to get out of the classroom; she headed home for lunch taking the longer but more scenic route which led her past the Castle. She stopped for a few minutes to gaze at the Castle.
Her cell phone started to ring; she looked at the caller ID and saw it was her brother Ryan. “Hey bro, what’s up?” “Nothing, just wondered where you were?” “I’m on my way home now; did you want me to pick something up on my way back?” “Well if it isn’t too much trouble can you pick up some rocky road ice cream?”
“Yeah no problem, see you soon, bye.” “Oh, Clara? Just before you go you should know that someone called here for you about five minutes ago.” “Did they say who it was or what they wanted?” “No but it was a male voice, they also left an answer phone message for you.” “OK, well I’ll be back soon with the ice cream so I’ll listen to it then, OK I've got to go as there’s another call coming through, bye.”
Clara hung up and put the caller on hold through, “Hello?” There was only silence that followed, “Hello is anyone there?” Clara could only hear heavy breathing down the phone then a lot of static. In her shock she dropped the phone, and as she bent down to pick the phone up a few things happened in quick succession.
There was a screeching of tyres behind her which was strange as there had been no vehicle on the secluded path as she’d walked down it. A door opened and someone jumped out, the next thing Clara knew someone was behind her and had put a cloth over her mouth and nose. It smelled like chloroform, she’d used it in science to knock the animals out that she’d been running tests on.
Clara could feel herself falling asleep, she struggled with her captor but it was already too late. The person gagging her was too strong; Clara struggled once more for breath before everything went black.

* * * *

Clara’s captor picked her up and put her in the back of the black transit van, he then jumped in the back of the van with his captive, slamming the door behind him. The driver of the van sped off towards his destination, leaving behind Clara’s back pack and ringing cell phone on the gravel pathway just outside the entrance to HighCliffe Castle.

Chapter Two

Even though the police had been called, flyers put up asking for information on the whereabouts of sixteen year old Clara Hartsbridge, and an appeal on live television, it was all to no avail. All the police had managed to find was Clara’s back pack and cell phone at the entrance to the Castle.
Her brother Ryan had assisted the police in their inquiries and launched a massive man-hunt for his sister. As the days turned into weeks, the police lost hope of finding her alive. A town curfew had been placed and was being strictly enforced. All females under the age of eighteen were to be in by nine, and every female over eighteen was to be in by ten.
This really did nothing to help as Clara had been taken during the day, young females had begun going out in two’s and three’s to avoid the same tragedy and most of them carried cell phones so that anxious parents could check up on their children at any time day or night.

* * * *

Dana separated from her friends on her way home for lunch; she was in her final year at HighCliffe College and was having an argument with her boyfriend Max. “Listen Max, I know that you’re worried but you don’t need to be, I’m with friends at the moment and I will be tonight.”
“That’s not the point Dana, just because it’s the first night that the curfew’s been lifted it doesn’t mean you have to get tarted up and go out.” Dana stopped walking, “Tarted up? You think I’m a tart? Well at least now I know how you really feel about me.” “I didn’t mean it like that, i know it’s been a while since you went out but what’s wrong with just staying in and renting a movie?”
She gave a shallow laugh, “I don’t think that’s a good idea Max.” “Why not?” “Because every time we’ve rented a movie, you always try to seduce me and you know what my feelings on that topic are.” Max fell silent, it was true what Dana had said. The week before whilst they’d been cuddled up on the sofa, Max had tried to seduce her.
She’d stopped him and had said that she wasn’t ready, Max had given her the cold shoulder for the remainder of the movie and she’d left shortly afterwards. “I’m just saying though, if you’re not ready by now then when will you be?” Dana snapped at him. “Is that all you can think about? Give me a break Max, we’ve been seeing each other for two months! And the last three weeks you’ve done nothing but try and get me into bed.
“I’m sick of it, let me put it this way; if all you want me for is sex then you can forget it and we’re over. I’m sick of the pressure i’m getting from you.” “Dana i’m sorry, i had no idea i was putting you under pressure, i don’t want us to lose what we’ve got. Come over tonight after College and we’ll talk, i’ll cook up a dinner for the two of us.” Dana was intrigued, “What are you going to cook?” “It’s a surprise, but don’t eat anything or you won’t have any room for your meal.”
“OK sweetie, i’ll see you later, i’ll be over at about six thirty.” “OK, see you then; bye.” If Dana had known that she would never meet Max, then maybe she would’ve eaten something. As Dana had walked from the safety of her friends whilst arguing with Max, she found herself at the pathway entrance to the Castle.
Her phone rang and she answered it thinking it was Max. “Hello what do you want?” There was only silence. “Hello?” A voice was breathing down the phone then there was static. Dana dropped her phone and bent down to pick it up, she suddenly heard the screeching of tyres and a door open. Someone jumped out and knocked her to the floor, she tried to get up but the person had her pinned to the floor.
Her head was roughly jerked up causing her to cry out in pain, then a cloth was placed over her mouth and nose. It was a smell she recognised but couldn’t place, her vision was becoming blurry and then knew no more.

* * * *

When Dana had passed out, the person got off her back, picked her up and put her in the back of the black transit van, leaving her books and cell phone on the floor. He then jumped in the van, and slammed the door behind him. They drove off towards their destination and Clara was about to get some company.

Chapter Three

Dana woke up with a splitting headache, her vision was still blurry but she could hear someone screaming nearby, the sound was going through her head like a jack hammer. Dana tried to move her arms and legs but couldn’t. When her vision finally cleared enough to see, she looked around her and saw that she was in a dimly lit large room.
The walls were made of stone and the room smelled musky, she located the source of the screaming which was coming from a girl tied to a bed to her right. The girl was screaming for help and staring at someone she couldn’t see properly. Dana lifted her head and saw a figure stood by an open door, she could glimpse a set of stairs leading upwards.
The figure saw that Dana was awake and moved forwards into the light, her instincts were to flee but that was impossible as she was tied to a bed with strong and sturdy rope. The figure now stood at the foot of her bed and Dana saw that he was roughly in his early twenties, clean shaven and looked Arabic, he had short dark hair and dark eyes.
He stood at roughly five foot six inches tal but couldn’t judge properly as she was lying down. “Well Dana, i’m glad to see you’re awake, the headache will pass in a few hours.” “Who the hell are you? What do you want with us?” She asked, remembering the screaming girl next to her. “Who i am isn’t important at the moment, but i want is.”
“Oh God, you’re going to rape and kill us all aren’t you?” The figure laughed, it was low and menacing. “If that was my intention it would’ve happened already. No, you are here for a different reason; but that one i will tell in due time.” Dana lay frozen, he’d spoken softly but dangerously; meaning every word.
“I’d love to stay and chat but i have important work to do.” And with that he turned to walk out of the room. “Don’t walk away from me you self-righteous bastard! We’ve done nothing wrong, let us go!” The figure turned around, his eyes flashing. In one quick movement he’d walked up to Dana’s head and hit her across the face.
“Don’t talk back to me you silly girl, especially in that tone. You will learn some respect!” He spat. Dana had refused to wince at the hit, but couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her face. The girl beside her was still screaming, finally having enough of the noise the figure walked over to her and hit her hard across the face.
The girl’s head rocked dangerously to the side, and before the figure managed to walk from the room the girl shouted; “I know who you are! When i get out of here i’m going to tell everyone what you’ve done! You won’t get away with this.” The figure smiled coldly over his shoulder and replied; “By the time we release you, it won’t matter who you tell. We’ll be above the law; untouchable.”
And with that last word he walked from the room, closing and locking it behind him and slowly going up the stone steps, extinguishing the lamps as he went, throwing the girls into near darkness, their only source of light a single lamp in the hallway beyond the locked door. Dana could sense the other girl’s fear, so she started talking before the inevitable screaming began again.
“Hey, what’s your name?” “Clara Hartsbridge, what’s yours?” “Dana Holding, wait! You’re Clara?” “Isn’t that what i just said?” Dana smiled despite the situation they were in. “Clara you have no idea how good it is to know that you’re alive! Almost everyone gave up hope, your brother Ryan never did though, he was adamant that you were still alive.”
“What do you mean ‘almost everyone gave up hope of finding me alive.’ I’ve only been missing a few days right?” Dana shook her head, “No, it’s been closer to a month.” “A month? They’ve kept me here for a month? Bastards!” Clara screamed the last word, not caring whether their kidnappers heard. “Clara, calm down. Just be thankful you’re still alive, it could be a lot worse.”
“How so? I’ve been kept in near darkness alone for a month. My friends think i’m dead and my brother must be beside himself with worry.” Dana heard Clara start to cry and she could do nothing for her. In a corner of the room Dana saw a blinking light, their kidnappers were watching them. Clara’s tears subsided into sobs, “Dana? How do you know Ryan?”
“My boyfriend Max and i helped look for you when you first disappeared, we would go out every night regardless of the curfew. The police got tired of catching us out after curfew and soon aloowed us to search for you with them.” Clara was silent as she tried to steady her voice, then Dana said “You told that figure you knew who ‘they’ were.
“How do you know who ‘they’ are?” “the one who was here just now is Ahmed, he and his twin brother Bastien have recently transferred in from some out-of-state school, they’re identical twins from Arabia.” Dana thought that over for a moment, then realisation hit like a ton of bricks. “Oh my god! They’re trying to solve the mystery of who the land belongs to!
“The plaque outside the Castle that everyone ignores, they’re going to fulfil it, and i hate to think of how.” “That seems like the plan doesn’t it?” Clara replied grimly. Dana saw Clara turn over and gasped, she couldn’t help it, and it looked as though the twins had been punishing Clara for weeks, judging by the cuts and bruises on her face.
Clara grimaced “My face is only the start or so they say. Punches i can just about handle, but from what they were saying it sounds like much worse is in store for us.” “We’ve got to find some way out of this place.” Dana said, although how they were going to do that bound to a bed seemed impossible, and Clara’s silence only confirmed her inner thoughts.
They weren’t getting out of this prison until the mystery of the Castle and the land had been solved.

Chapter Four

Dealing with the disappearance of the second girl, the police had replaced the curfew and placed officers at the entrance to the Caste where they girls had vanished from. Officers had also been placed outside the College, as they had established that the two girls were from the same College; but still couldn’t determine why they’d been taken.
The search had begun again with a new gusto, flyers put up and another press conference held, but it was all to no avail, as the days turned to weeks the police lost hope of finding either girl alive. Only one person remained convinced that both girls were alive; Ryan Hartsbridge, brother of the first victim.

* * * *

Ryan was pacing the large but comfortable living room of the home he shared with his younger and only sister. He knew the chances of finding Clara and now Dana alive and healthy were incredibly slim; especially given the amount of time they’d been missing for.
Ryan also knew without a doubt that they were still alive, he would know if Clara was dead, but had a difficult time trying to convince other people that she was alive; when they’d looked at him with pity he’d given up on them and retreated within himself and his home, away from prying eyes and the pity evident on their faces.
A knock on his front door stopped Ryan’s pacing. He walked from the room and into the large hallway, he opened the door and wasn’t surprised to see Max there; Ryan knew he had an ally in Max as it was his girlfriend Dana who’d been taken. Ryan sttod aside and llet Max enter his home, leading him into the living room and inviting him to take a seat, while he continued his pacing.
After a few minutes Ryan remembered his manners, “Would you like a drink?” “No thanks, i only needed a few minutes of your time to offer my help in searching for Clara and Dana. I believe you when you say they’re alive; i know that time is against us and a lot of time has passed, but the police are calling off the search for Dana, the same as they did for Clara.
“I know that you have the money and the resources to tear this town apart looking for them, and if i had your funds then i would do just that. As it stands i just want to be a part of the search you’re putting together for tonight. I know the woods better than anyone else in this town as i spend so much time in them. I can be a great ally to help you look for them.
I understand the turmoil you’re in, as i’m there myself. If i leave you my cell number and give you time to think about it, will you give me a call and let me know? After all; two sets of eyes, ears and brains are better than one. That’s all i came to say, i’ll leave you in peace now.” Ryan watched Max stand up and walk out of the room heading for the front door. He heard the front door open and then close.
Once alone Ryan realised that Max was right, Max did know the woods better than himself, as he’d only moved here to be with Clara after the accident that had killed their parents, and he could definitely use an ally in his search for both girls, even though Clara was his only priority. Ryan stopped his pacing and walked quickly to the front door; he opened it and saw Max walking down the road only a few feet from his driveway.
“Max wait a minute; you’re right i do need an ally. Everything you’ve just said is the truth; will you come back inside so we can start to plan for tonight’s search?” He saw Max start walking back, and when he was level with Ryan; he continued “By the way, out of sheer curiosity how did you find out about tonight?”
Max smiled briefly, “I knew because it’s something that i‘d do.” The two teenagers headed back inside the house to plan for the search. Ryan led Max into a room that resembled a study; it contained a state-of-the-art computer, printer and scanner with a large table in the centre of the room surrounded by chairs with a large map covering its surface; part of the wall behind the table was covered in newspaper clippings of the kidnappings.
There was also a birds’ eye view of the Castle with a large red circle covering part of the pictures details, the circle indicated where the girls had been taken from; and several red lines went in different directions as if indicating any number of ways that the kidnappers could take their quarry. Ryan had worked hard on gathering the information he had, which included himself going to the scene of the crime and attempting to re-enact the kidnapping.
The attempt had failed as Ryan had had to act as both the victim and kidnapper, he hoped that Max would be able to help with this as it would make things a little clearer as to the method the kidnappers used for an escape. Ryan let Max look around for a few more minutes then walked over to a corner of the room nearest the table and switched the kettle on.
“Did you want that drink yet Max? What you see in this room is what you would call my base of operations. So far i’ve gathered as much Intel as i can; which is what you’re looking at. I would like an attempt at re-creating the actual kidnappings so i can discern their methods of escape; if you’re serious about helping me search for Clara and Dana then you’ll be spending most of that time with me.
“But before we go any farther; i’m going to have to ask you if this is what you really want to do.” Ryan had looked at Max whilst he’d been speaking, his eyes dropped from Max’s face and concentrated on making coffee; giving Max time to think of whether he really wanted to be a part of this. “I take my coffee with cream and one sugar, and yes i’m deadly serious about helping you. I think re-creating the kidnappings will be of great importance to what we’re doing here. You don’t need to worry about me changing my mind over this; i’m committed one hundred percent. I want Dana found as much as you do Clara.”
Ryan nodded and handed Max his coffee, then taking his own mug he bent over the table and said, “Where do you think would be a good place to start the search? As you’ve said you know the woods better than me and i want your honest opinion.” Max bent over the table with him, then picked up a pencil from the centre of the map and began to divide the wooded area of the map into sections.
“It’ll be easier for us if we have a large group with us, we can search these areas quicker and more thoroughly; if we start from the closest point to town then work our way inwards, leaving the area around the Castle until last as it’s denser than the rest of the woods; there are also more places to hide and will take longer to search.”
Ryan nodded in agreement; “OK, well then i guess the first plan of action is to go around the town and ask people if they’re willing to help in the search.” Max shook his head, “No, i don’t think that will be a good idea Ryan; people are scared enough as it is. Nothing like this has ever happened in this town and the people around here rarely venture into the woods, i suggest that you hire experienced woodland hunters from out of the area.
“They can help us search the woodlands with fresh eyes and not skip parts because they’re too scared to venture there; or because they’re afraid of what they might find.” Ryan hadn’t thought about that, but it was a damn good idea; and he’d do anything to find his sister. He also knew that ax felt the same way about Dana.
“OK Max, you obviously know what you’re talking about; the computer is over there so i assume you know who you’re looking or who you’ve got in mind. Time is of the essence here so as soon as you find them, do whatever it takes to get them here; preferably today or within the next twenty-four hours. Money isn’t an issue.”

* * * *

Max nodded at Ryan, he then turned to face the computer and loaded up the search engine; he typed in what he was looking for and was surprised at the amount of hits, he refined his search then looked at the top five most popular links.
Clicking onto each page individually and then sending them an e-amil with the details of what was required, and what it was for. Max enetered his own e-mail address in for the responses and then sat at the computer; drinking his coffee whilst he waited. An hour later Max got his first reponse, the guide was interested in helping in the search but unwilling to arrive in the small town within the required time. Max sent an e-mail back thanking the man for his time.
It looked to be a long day; Max told himself to be patient and looked behind him for Ryan. The room was empty and Max helped himself to some coffee to try and pass the time and wait for the remaining responses. Whilst Max was adding the cream and sugar the computer bleeped; letting Max know that a new message had arrived in his in-box.
Max went back to the computer and read the message, his heart was in his throat; as his raked over the line that had given him confirmation of the help he’d asked for. Max replied in kind and gave the hunter Ryan’s address; he drank his scorching coffee and waited for the next response. By the time early evening had arrived, Max had been given only three responses to the five e-mails he’d sent out.
Only two hunters out of the three had confirmed they were arriving, Max had given them all the details they’d required and Ryan’s address. He’d then found Ryan in the living room pacing again and given him the news. The hunters would be arriving the following afternoon to help search the woodland and would stay for as long as they were needed; they had sent a copy of their resume’s and prices, and Ryan had agreed once shown.
Max had been offered to spend the night and had accepted, as he ate the take-away meal in front of him that Ryan had paid for; he thought back to the last time he’d spoken to Dana and felt guilty. Wishing he could exchange places with Dana; and wishing that he’d been there to protect her when she’d needed it the most.
Max knew that Ryan was feeling the same emotions; they swirled around him and left him with the feeling of being in a room with a caged tiger. And yet they both still had a long way to go in the hunt for what was theirs; Max felt a grim determination settle over him; he was going to find out who took Clara and Dana, and whoever they were would be extremely sorry by the time Max and Ryan had finished with them.

Chapter Five

Ahmed and Bastien returned to the College as though nothing had happened, the increased security was a bit much; but it still wasn’t enough for the double snatch they had planned. After a few days’ monitoring they had discovered that Toni Adams and Abbi Holt had done extensive research on the battle for the Castle, and were also two of the descendants from the original five American negotiators.
The twins had arranged to meet with Toni and Abbi in the library, they had chosen a spot near the fire exit at the back of the library, and their van was conveniently parked fifty yards from the door. Ahmed and Bastien had bought the girls coffee as a way of saying thank you, they had also slipped a few sleeping pills into each cup.
Bastien had disabled the alarms that are triggered when a fire door is opened. That way there would be no sound when they took the girls. Prior to their arranged meeting, Abbi and Toni had agreed to bring all of the research and information they had gathered on the battle with them; the two girls approached the table where Ahmed and Bastein were waiting patiently but eagerly.
Bastien pushed the coffees across the table as the girls sat down “Two coffees as promised.” “Thanks, I’m Abbi by the way; i know we’ve spoken in class but i wanted to introduce myself properly.” Ahmed nodded and turned his gaze on Abbi, setting her nerves on edge. Bastien cleared his throat and shot his brother a look that spoke legions.
“Thank you for coming Abbi and you Toni, my brother and i appreciate it greatly.” Toni took her coffee and drank deeply she then opened her shoulder bag and put a thick wad of papers on the table. Bastien saw her looking at him curiously and smiled, “Is this all of your research?” The girl nodded “Yes, these are only copies though; i’ve kept the originals for my assignment. You’re not planning to use my research for your assignment are you?”
Bastien laughed, “No Toni, this is a personal interest of mine; i’ve looked everywhere for as much information on the battle as i can and have come up empty, i don’t think you know how much i appreciate you two doing this for my brother and myself.” Toni finished her coffee and put the empty cup on the table, Abbi’s cup was already empty and the two brothers were now waiting for the sedatives to take effect.
They didn’t have to wait long, within minutes the girls were falling asleep; losing track of the conversation. “Why don’t we go outside for some air? It’s quite stuffy in here isn’t it?” Bastien asked the sleepy girls, they nodded mutely and followed the twins from the table and out the fire exit. The cool air should’ve woken the girls up; but it had the opposite effect, sending them quicker into sleep.
Bastien and Ahmed only had a moments notice before the girls’ legs gave out from beneath them; they caught the now unconscious girls and carried them soundlessly to the back of the van. Bastien got in the drivers’ seat and waited for the van door to close meaning that Ahmed was also in the van before driving off towards their destination.

* * * *

Ryan opened the door and let Max in, following him into the living room where watched Max slump in an overstuffed arm chair. “It’s true Ryan, Abbi and Toni are now officially missing. That makes four girls in two months. What the hell is going on with this town?”
Ryan didn’t have an answer to that question, so he did the only thing he could. “Come on lets go, we’ve still got the woodlands to search and we still have about seven hours of daylight left. I’ll call the hunters and we’ll go out and start the search today; now.” Ryan stalked from the room anxious to have something to do; he took out a cell phone from his pocket and called the other hunters’ numbers.
An hour after the calls had been made, Ryan, Max and the two hunters had readied themselves to start the search, and they each contained a map, compass, first aid kit and several bottles of water. Five minutes later the group were searching the first section of the map; the hunters had told Ryan and Max they would cover more ground if they split up into two teams.
Ryan was willing to agree but Max disagreed, he knew the woodlands better than the hunters and even though they were all well equipped for an emergency the woodlands were treacherous. They finally all agreed to stay as a group and spaced themselves out in a line a few feet apart, some of the local had seen them venture into the woodlands and had followed them.
As they started walking and keeping their eyes downcast for signs of anything unusual, Ryan couldn’t help but wonder what exactly was going on with this town and how two more girls had managed to be taken from the College of all places. He was also worried for his sister and Dana; worried for their safety and the safety of the girls in town, even though he still couldn’t figure out the connection.
Two hours later they hadn’t found anything, Ryan wanted to keep searching but the sun was fading fast as an unexpected storm moved across the sky. The hunters were unwilling to continue the search and suggested they stop for the day and continue tomorrow, Ryan was forced to agree as the first drops of rain fell, heavy and fast.
By the time they emerged back in town they were all soaked through. The hunters went back to their hotel and ryan and Max got into ryan’s Porsche Turbo and he drove them back to his home. Ryan knew that he was missing something; but he just couldn’t grasp what it was, once inside the house in dry clothes and a mug of coffee each; they retreated to the operations room and went over everything again.
With the constant crashed of thunder and bolts of lightning threading across the sky it seemed as though they were characters in the middle of a horror movie waiting for the killer to come and get them. Ryan crossed off the section of the woodlands they had searched that day and stared at the map; it was hard to concentrate with the thunder and lightning.
The sounds of the storm reminded him of war movies, just as another crash of thunder and lightning rippled across the sky; realisation hit Ryan like a ton of bricks. Why hadn’t he thought of it sooner? He was chastising himself as he went over to the computer and brought up the web page on the battle for HighCliffe Castle.
Ryan scrolled down the page until he found what he was looking for and swore out loud. “Damn! Why didn’t I think of this sooner, or even realise sooner?” Then remembering that Max was also in the room with him he said “Max, come and look at this.” Ryan stood up and moved to the side, allowing Max to see the bottom of the page, the words read;

Of all the people involved in the battle for HighCliffe Castle, the five negotiators (named and pictured below) took the brunt of the accusations for the documentation forgery; although it was never proved that the claims were true the negotiators were forced to resign once the battle had been won-.

The words carried on to another page but Ryan pointed Max’s attention to the black and white photograph of five normal looking men standing outside HighCliffe Castle; the plaque behind them on the wall. “Look at the names Max; I can’t believe I missed this before.”
Ryan saw Max look and then curse, below the picture of the men were two sentences, the words read;

(Pictured left to right) Anthony Hartsbridge; Michael holding; Edward Adams; William Holt and Samuel Mansfield.

Max and Ryan were staring at each other in horror; these kidnappings were personal and ryan dreaded to think of what would happen once the final descendant had been found and taken to wherever the girls were being kept. They had one advantage to work with; the fifth descendant was still out there somewhere and most probably still in town.
Ryan moved back in front of the computer and closed the page down, then opened a fresh page and looked up the local telephone directory for the town, after searching for a few minutes he found what he was looking for; the last descendant did indeed live in the town and she lived on the outskirts with her family.
Ellen had been marked and the poor girl didn’t even know it. Ryan vowed to try and protect this girl as best as he could; he knew that the police were busy with the double kidnapping and had focused all of their energy on those cases. “Max this girl is in danger; she doesn’t have a clue who or what is coming for her, but then neither do we.
“She’s roughly in the same age group as Dana; I’m going to do my best to protect her but I’ll need your help to do it.” Ryan looked at Max and saw his jaw set, “Whatever needs to be done just say the word and I’ll do it.” Ryan nodded and then looked out of the window at the sky; the storm seemed to increase in its intensity as if it could mirror the storms raging inside of the teenagers.
Ryan turned off the computer and then left the room with Max following him; they headed downstairs and into Ryan’s private study where he pulled a fresh map of the town from a drawer. Ryan carried it back into the living room and then tacked it to a wall; he pointed out Ellen’s house to Max, and together they thought of how to protect her best without arousing too much suspicion.
Once the plan was set, Ryan made more coffee and ordered in dinner for them both. Shortly after eating they both got an early night in preparation for the following morning when the safety of one girl would be on their shoulders.

Chapter Six

Ahmed and Bastien walked slowly down the steep stone stairs to the old prison cells with their burdens; they would be glad when the two hirls were bound so that they could concentrate on more important matters. As they opened the door to the prison room they quickly put their burdens on separate beds and quickly bound them.
They then turned their attentions to their first two captives, Clara and Dana had fallen silent relatively quickly; they knew that screaming and shouting would lead to a beating, sometimes spurts of defiance rose up in them and they were forced to hit the girls. It wasn’t something that Bastien liked to do but he knew that his brother Ahmed enjoyed it.
Bastien walked over to Clara’s prison bed, looking down at her bruised and swollen face he said “I will allow you a bathroom break as long as you don’t struggle against your bonds again. You will remain blindfolded and will not attempt to remove it; do you understand?” He watched Clara nod her head in submission and then blindfolded her and untied her from the bed.
He guided her from the room and up the stairs; he then pushed her into the bathroom and turned his head whilst she tended to her needs. Bastien gave her all of three minutes, he knew it was enough time and then once he’d pulled her from the bathroom he sat her on a chair and pulled a cold microwavable dinner from the fridge and began to fee her small increments.
He watched her gag at the taste but then force herself to chew and swallow the food; on the next bite she spat it out on the floor. Bastien dropped the meal on the floor and hit her hard across the face; she cried out and fell from the chair. Ahmed chose that moment to come into the room and saw Clara on the floor, she attempted to get up even though she was bound and he kicked her back to the floor.
Ahmed took a home-made whip from his belt, it was really just a thick piece of bamboo but it was good enough. Ahmed didn’t bother to lift her shirt up, instead he issued five lashes to her back; hearing her scream all the while, relishing in her pain and terror. He then dragged her from the floor and roughly guided her down the stairs and back into her prison.
He re-tied her to the bed pressing her back into the dirty sheets; then as her back arched and she screamed in pain once again he hit her harder than before and rendered her unconscious. Ahmed then turned his attention on Dana; no doubt she’d heard the other girl’s screams, and he’d certainly seen the way he’d hit her. Ahmed didn’t care.
He took the blindfold from Clara’s face and put it over Dana’s eyes, he then untied her and pulled her roughly from the bed, pushing her hard when the girl resisted; he knew that she wanted to check on the younger girl but he wouldn’t allow it. Instead he pushed her from the room and up the stairs into the bathroom; he gave her three minutes to tend to her needs then pulled her from the room and roughly pushed her into the same chair that Clara had sat in.
He watched his brother Bastien feed Dana the same cold food he’d fed Clara with, watched the girl try to push it down her throat and then hit her off the chair when she spat out the second bite onto the floor; he waited for her to try and get up but the girl just lay there on the floor. Bastien prodded her with the toe of his shoe but she remained unresponsive.
Ahmed bent over the apparently unconscious girl and lifted up her head; she opened her eyes and spat in his face with the small amount of saliva she had left in her mouth. Ahmed dropped her and wiped the spit from his face, then took his crude whip out and beat her unconscious with it; he then turned to his brother “Get that thing out of my sight before I kill her.”
Bastien watched his brother stalk into the bathroom and slam the door, he then picked Dana up and carried her back downstairs to her prison; re-tying her to the bed and removing the blindfold. They had one more traitor to take captive and then they would begin the interrogation over what had happened a century before and discover exactly who had forged the documents.
Bastien left the room closing and locking the door behind him, he made his way up the stairs and saw his twin pacing the small space in agitation. Ahmed looked at his brother and said, “One more brother, then we will have the truth; our country will have the truth and all of these traitors will be put to shame and punished.” Bastien said nothing; he knew his brother was in a towering rage and remained silent.
Once Ahmed had clamed down considerably he said, “With this last one, we shall take her from her home; the police are on high alert after we took these last two traitors. Besides, when we take this girl from her home the town will shake in its boots at the thought of not being safe in their own homes; what do you think brother?” Bastien nodded his head in agreement, thinking it was pointless to argue with his twin.
The brothers ate a hot decent meal then left for their van; twenty minutes later they were parked outside an empty house across the road from their next victims home, they had to plan this very carefully and decided to monitor the house; recording every move the small family inside made.
It soon became apparent that the family inside the house were very vigilant and within the hour a police cruiser had pulled up behind the van. The twins watched as an officer got out of the patrol car and walked up to the drivers’ side window, he tapped on the glass and Bastien rolled the window down; “Is there a problem officer?”
The officer looked at him and said “I’ve received a complaint of you being parked here for over an hour unmoving, do you mind telling me what your intentions are son?” Bastien smiled warmly, “Certainly officer, I’ve been driving around for about eight hours and I stopped here for a small rest.” Bastien yawned and then stretched as if to prove his point.
He knew the officer had watched his display of ‘fatigue’ and then said; “Why doesn’t your brother drive for a while, giving you time to rest?” Ahmed leaned over his brother facing the officer. “I’m sorry officer, but at the moment that isn’t a possibility; I don’t own a drivers licence.” The officer nodded and then said, “There’s a hotel about five miles away from here; if you head into town you can’t miss it.”
Bastien nodded; “OK thank you officer I’ll do just that; is there a gas station on the way so I can buy a map of the area?” The officer smiled “Yes there is, if you go back on yourself out of this road and turn right it’ll take you onto the main road leading into town, the gas station is on the left hand side.” “OK thank you very much officer and I do apologise for causing any discomfort.”
The officer waved the apology off and replied grimly, “You can never be too careful these days son; especially what with the recent events. Enjoy your evening now.” Bastien smiled one last time; “Thank you again officer, I couldn’t agree more; and have a nice evening yourself.” Bastien started up the engine and then turned around heading back into town; in his rear view mirror he saw the officer shake his head and get back into the patrol car, he then turned to his brother and said.
“It isn’t safe for us to take the girl from her home, not with the police on such a high alert; we’ll have to take her some other way.” Ahmed sighed but knew his brother was right; there would always be other opportunities to take the girl, he just had a flair for the dramatic. Bastien continued to drive into town, stopping at the gas station to refill and to buy a map.
They then headed towards the hotel where they booked a room for the night, once inside their room Ahmed turned on his brother. “Bastien, why are you wasting our money on this place?” Bastien looked calm and collected as always; “Because my brother, in a town this small with all of these kidnappings people will talk.
“And I have my suspicions that the officer who pulled us over will check to make sure that we did what we said we were going to do; it draws less attention to us if we appear to be law abiding citizens. It will also make things run a lot smoother for us.” The two brothers stayed up late into the night coming up with multiple different ways to kidnap Ellen; once they had made their plans they fell into a heavy sleep.

Chapter Seven

Dana awoke slowly and painfully, the last thing she remembered was spitting in Ahmed’s face; then seeing him take out a long thick piece of bamboo and then feeling unbelievable pain. Every inch of her body hurt and she desperately needed a drink.
She could hear screams for help coming from the other side of the room. She instinctively knew it wasn’t Clara; the younger girl had remained mostly silent giving the illusion of being compliant; and then throwing their captors off balance with her defiance. She knew that Clara had been beaten, but was unable to judge just how badly, she felt a kinship towards her, after being held captive with the girl for so long.
So the screaming must be coming from the two girls who’d been brought in hours earlier. In a way she felt sorry for them, they had no idea just how bad things coudl get here; and she wanted to try and prevent them from suffering the way she and Clara did. Taking a deep rasping breath into her lungs she said; “Scream all you want, it won’t make any difference. No-one can hear you.”
Dana’s voice had been quiet, yet it had carried around the room. A voice replied, hoarse from screaming “What do you mean no-one can hear us? Where are we? What’s happening?” Dana cleared her throat and winced; “When I first got here I tried screaming for help, it didn’t get me anywhere except for a beating and a sore throat.
“I don’t know where we are, somewhere underground I think. And we’ve all been kidnapped by some Arabian psycho’s. What’s your name? What’s the last thing you remember before waking up here?” Dana wanted to keep the girl talking, to try and keep her calm. “I remember walking with Abbi to the library at College, we were going to meet Ahmed and Bastien.
“They’d asked us for our research data on the Castle. I felt really sleepy after drinking the coffee they’d given us. My name is Toni, Toni Adams.” A small voice in the darkness said “I’m Abbi Holt, what Toni has just said is the truth; I’m now guessing that they’d drugged us and brought us here, but I don’t understand why.”
Dana felt Clara stir on the bed next to her, and let out a breath of relief. Clara’s voice was low and raspy, and she sounded as though she had a bad head cold from where she’d been crying. “I think I know why we’ve been bought here but I hope I’m wrong.” There was a moment of silence then Dana asked, “Why Clara? Why have we been brought here, wherever we are.”
“The Castle; its all about the battle for the Castle and the land, remember the plaque on the front of the Castle, the one everyone ignores? Well I think we are reaping the rewards for what our ancestors did. I hope I’m wrong though because that means someone else is going to end up here with us.” Dana didn’t like where this conversation was going, like everyone else in town she’d laughed and ignored the supposedly empty threat on the plaque.
But given her current situation at the moment, it seemed as though that threat was now being fulfilled. Abbi’s voice floated out in the darkness, “How have you two managed to survive here all this time?” Dana replied, “They give us three bathroom breaks a day and feed us some really horrible cold food, it’s almost impossible to get it down your throat.
“They give us a half glass of water in the morning and another half in the evening. If they remember that is; sometimes they’re just spiteful and don’t bother to let us go to the toilet, or give us any water or food. It really is a prison here; they blindfold you whilst they give you food and go to the bathroom, but you have to be quick or they’ll just pull you out regardless of whether you’ve finished or not.” She added bitterly.
“how many beatings have you had?” “I’ve lost count, but it’s always Ahmed that does the beating, Bastien doesn’t hit us, he just stands there and lets it happen; then if we get knocked out its him that brings us back down here, although if Ahmed gets really pissed off he’ll bring you back himself, just to get another hit or two in; and that’s after you’ve been hit repeatedly with a piece of raw bamboo.”
Dana shuddered at the memory, she sensed Clara cringe inwardly as well; they had all but given up hope of getting out of this depressing place, only her thoughts of seeing Max again and talking to Clara kept her sane. The girls fell into silence and Dana found herself slipping back towards the relief of sleep, and of being able to see Max’s face again.
She felt her eyelids droop and let sleep claim her, a small smile playing on her face as she imagined herself laying in a large, warm and comfortable bed in the safety of his arms.

* * * *

Clara tried to relax her back muscles, but the spasms still continued. She tried to block the pain out by listening to Dana’s gentle breathing but failed; the pain in her back seemed to be intensifying to the point where she thought it might be on fire. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, and yet despite her efforts a small moan of agony escaped her lips.
A voice close to her said “What’s wrong?” “My back, it feels like it’s on fire, it’s been this way since Ahmed beat me with the bamboo.” A short silence and then; “Why don’t you escape the pain-.” “I’ve tried it’s not working!” She snapped. The voice remained calm and gentle. “OK, now listen to my voice; let your mind go blank and think of a time when you were happy the most, go back to that place and let the memory overtake you, let it drown out the pain.”
Clara closed her eyes as the fire raced up and down her back, she took a deep painful breath and let it out slowly, she let her mind empty of emotion as though she were a robot; she then held on to the memory of when her parents had been alive, talking and joking as they sat on a train in the underground. As they passed under a tunnel a few stops from their destination she felt the cart jolt violently beneath her.
She saw her mom and dad’s faces twist in fear, horror and realisation as the train de-railed. Her mom flung her body across Clara’s shielding her as the train lurched sideways and was thrown into darkness. Something sharp sliced at her leg and she felt the ripping agony and hot blood pouring down her leg. Her head hit the underside of the seat she’d been on and saw black spots dance in front of her eyes.
She screamed at the agony of her leg and head, and then knew no more as she was lurched once again head first into the bar under her seat. Clara’s eyes opened wide; she screamed and screamed, over and over until she lost her voice. Eventually she passed out from the combined pain, gladly falling into a deep and dangerous sleep.

Chapter Eight

Ryan woke up in agony and sweating, he’d yelled out in his sleep and the sound had caused Max to come running in alert and tensed to fight. Ryan calmed himself down and swung his legs out of his king size bed, walking to the bathroom to splash cold water over his face.
He had questions running through his head, one after the other; where had the fire in his back come from? Were the pains in his leg and head real or imaginary? He’d never been involved in the train crash that had killed his parents, but his younger sister had been! Ryan’s head shot up so fast he cricked his neck; he turned for the toilet and was violently sick.
He felt ready to pass out, but held on to the reality in front of him; he knew on some level that Max was hovering near him, worried; but at that moment Ryan didn’t care. He stood up and rinsed his mouth out, then brushed his teeth still trying to understand what he’d just experienced, unable to make sense of it Ryan left the bathroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen.
He made himself a mug of cocoa; he did it on autopilot, it was a drink that had always soothed Clara. As he walked to the living room he sat in Clara’s soft arm chair, tucking his legs beneath him just as Clara would; the pain in his back, leg and head lessened as he took his first sip of the hot drink. Max sat in a chair opposite him, concern etched on his face.
Ryan sat in silence for a few moments before speaking, “Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” Max replied, “I thought someone was trying to kill you with the way you were yelling.” Ryan winced visibly, and then looked at Max. “Sorry, I’ve never experienced anything like that before; and I really hope I don’t ever again.”
Max hesitated before saying, “Do you want to talk about it? Maybe it will help.” “Maybe.” Ryan conceded, he then took a deep breath and said; “This may sound strange, but have you ever felt as though you were in someone else’s head whilst asleep?” Max shook his head so Ryan continued. “That’s what it felt like, it was as though I was inside Clara’s mind; she was re-living the day our parents were killed, I felt everything she went through. It was like I was right there with her.”
Max shifted to get more comfortable, “So, you shared some sort of psychic link with Clara?” Ryan shook his head, “No, I don’t know. It’s difficult to explain; it felt as though I’d been hypnotised or something, I heard a soothing voice in my head and then found myself in Clara’s dream. Although I don’t remember how I got there, it was like we were one person.”
Ryan ran a hand through his short dark hair; he was confused as to how it’d happened. He took a long pull on the cocoa then looked into the mug and winced. “What’s wrong?” Max asked. “I’m drinking cocoa Max, I don’t like cocoa; this is Clara’s favourite drink, this is her chair. Yet here I’m sat.” Max was silent for a few minutes, probably thinking that Ryan was going mad.
Ryan didn’t blame him, he thought he actually was going mad. Ryan shook his head and then drained the last of the cocoa he then stood up and put the mug in the kitchen, he looked at Max and said “Why don’t you go back to sleep, I know I won’t be able to now so I’m going to take a shower to clear my head.” Then still shaking his head Ryan left the living room and went up the stairs to soak in a hot shower.
An hour later Ryan felt a little more relaxed and as he towelled himself dry, he thought of ways to approach Ellen; he’d never had a problem speaking to females or attracting their attentions, but he’d never actually been in a situation before where he would offer his protection to someone other than his sister. The prospect was daunting.
Ryan pulled on a pair of clean jeans and a shirt on over his head; he then headed downstairs to the kitchen to make himself a mug of coffee. At a quarter past seven Ryan left his front door, got I his Porsche and drove out to where Ellen lived. Then steeling himself he got out of the car, walked up the driveway and knocked on the front door.

* * * *

Ellen was running late, she cursed herself for staying up late watching the street and then not hearing her alarm clock. As she grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen cupboard she heard a soft knock on the front door. Ellen grabbed her shoulder bag and went to the front door.
As she opened the door she stood stunned; Ryan Hartsbridge was stood on her doorstep. She saw him take a step back and she left her front door, still watching him. “Can I help you? Sorry I’d invite you in but I’m running really late, and I can’t stay to chat.” She glanced at her watch; it would take her roughly an hour to get to the College, and she still had to pick up her lunch at the local grocery store.
A voice softer than she expected replied “I can give you a lift if you like? I’m sorry I should introduce myself first, my name is-.” “-Ryan Hartsbridge, I know who you are.” Ellen finished for him, he looked at her and she blushed. She saw Ryan shake his head and a small smile formed at the corners of his mouth. “Everyone knows who I am in this town, but they mostly only know of me because of my sister Clara. I don’t mean to sound pushy but I would like to talk to you if that’s OK?
“I understand you’re running late but I really don’t mind dropping you off where you need to go; we could talk on the way.” He flashed her a grin and she knew he was waiting for an answer, taking a deep breath she said, “Sure OK, but just so you know I don’t accept lifts from strangers.” Ellen followed Ryan down her driveway; wondering what he could possibly want or have to say to her. But she was thrilled nonetheless.
Ellen stopped once she’d closed the gate; “You’ve got to be kidding?” She was looking at the Porsche with a stunned expression, in awe at the magnificent machine in front of her, Ryan smiled at her expression and walked around to the passenger side and held the door open for her. She slowly walked around the car and then settled herself in the soft leather seat.
Once her door was closed she buckled up and watched as ryan walked around the car; he settled himself in the drivers’ seat, buckled up and started the engine; as they drove towards town Ellen’s curiosity got the better of her. “So Ryan, what did you want to talk about?” She saw him glance at her and replied “Where do you need to go first? I don’t want you to be too late for wherever you’re headed.”
Ellen laughed; “I need to stop at Spend ‘n’ Save first; then head over to the College.” “What time do you start College?” The question was asked neutrally, and Ellen was surprised at how comfortable she felt around him; she’d known him all of two minutes and she felt safe in his presence. “I start at nine but I got up late this morning and I still need to buy lunch.”
Ryan nodded then pulled the car over, she was about to ask why he’d stopped when she looked out of the window; they were outside Spend ‘n’ Save. “I’ll only be a few minutes, do you need anything?” She asked the question out of habit and courtesy. Ryan smiled and shook his head, he then turned the ignition off and waited whilst she went into the store.
She purchased a soft ham salad roll, a low fat strawberry yogurt and an apple. After paying she went outside and got into the waiting car. As Ryan drove off Ellen tried again; “Ryan? What did you want to talk about?” She felt him hesitate and waited patiently, she noticed they were driving away from the College but remained silent; she still had over an hour before she had her first class.
She heard Ryan take a deep breath and say “If it’s OK with you, I’d rather wait until we were safely inside.” Ellen nodded and sat in silence. She wasn’t worried about where they were going, she trusted Ryan completely which was strange for her as she didn’t trust anyone but her family. She gasped aloud as Ryan pulled up outside a large and immaculate house.
He switched off the engine and got out of the car; he’d walked around and opened her door before she’d gotten herself unbuckled. Five minutes later she was sat down in a large living room, sat on a large squashy arm chair big enough for two relaxing further with a mug of coffee in her hands. She saw Ryan sit down opposite her and took a deep breath.
She waited anxiously for him to speak, but he still said nothing. “Ryan whatever it is just say it; I don’t have much time before College starts.” Ryan looked up at Ellen, she didn’t bother with idle questions; if she wanted to know something she got straight to the point, he took a long pull on his coffee then said; “This may sound strange to you and kind of old fashioned but I bought you here to offer you my protection.”
Whatever Ellen had been expecting it sure as heel wasn’t that. For a moment she thought it was a joke and let out a shaky laugh, then fell silent as Ryan looked at her sharply. “You want to offer me your protection?” She saw him nod; “Why? Why would you do that, you don’t even know me.” She sat forwards and examined his face; she was good at reading people and knew that there was something else going on.
“I think it’s only fair for you to tell me what’s going on, I know someone like you doesn’t offer protection unless something big is going on.” She finished her coffee and waited.

Chapter Nine

Ryan had to admire Ellen’s courage, and she was right; she had every right to know what was happening. He took a deep breath and then stood up; he walked around the coffee table and sat next to her; unconsciously taking her hand in his, he then took a deep breath and started talking.
“After Clara was taken, I did everything I could to find her, and bring her back safely. I was at a loss when it didn’t work; then a few weeks later Dana was kidnapped. The process started again, at first I thought that some sicko just had a thing for College girls, but on some other level I knew it was deeper than that. With the disappearance of these last two girls something didn’t feel right.
“I hired help to search the woodlands, and Max; Dana’s boyfriend helped me with that; as we were searching the woods a storm started and we were forced to stop. The storms ferocity reminded me of war films and that was when I made the connection between the kidnappings. It was all to do with the battle for the Castle; I went online and found an old article on the battle, there was a picture part way through the article.
“At first it didn’t mean anything to me until I saw the names under the picture, it listed the names of the original five negotiators, the ones accused of forging the documents to the land. That was when I realised that you were in danger; you’re the last descendant on the list. That makes you the next victim, I want to offer you my protection to ensure your safety.”
Ryan paused for a moment letting his words sink in, Ellen looked terrified and he didn’t blame her, but before he could continue she spoke; “I would also be the perfect person for bait; to draw the kidnappers out and recover your sister and the other girls.” Ryan winced, Ellen was more intelligent than he’d thought, the thought of using Ellen as bait made him feel sick but she was right; she was the only one who could do it.
“I don’t want to put you in danger, but whoever is doing this has no doubt already put a plan in place to take you.” He saw her shudder and he tightened his grip on her hand. “What is it? Ellen what’s happened?” Ryan saw her wipe an escaped tear from her face, her hand was shaking. He waited patiently for her answer.
“Yesterday evening a black van pulled up outside the derelict house across the road from where I live. My mom called the police after it’d been sat there for over an hour, the van moved away but after that I couldn’t sleep; I kept thinking that it would return so I spent most of the night watching out my bedroom window, which was why I was running late this morning; I’d overslept.”
Ryan grimaced, “It appears that you’ve already been targeted, I know it’s a lot to take in but my offer still stands; and I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.” He watched Ellen let out a breath she’d been holding and then she looked him square in the eyes; “Before I decide on anything I want to know how you’ll keep me safe.”
Ryan had to admit it was a fair question, one he had an easy answer to. “I have a few suggestions for you; first you’re more than welcome to stay here in my home and I’ll drop you off and pick you up from College, or you can stay at your family home and I’ll collect and then drop you off to College each day. I would also need your cell number so you can call me at any time of the day or night, and I can be at your side within minutes.
“I would also get a GPS tracking device activated on your cell so that if anything should happen I would be able to know where you are and come to your aid.” Ryan could see her thinking it over, she looked down at their twined fingers and said; “I’m seriously considering accepting your offer of protection but I can see a few faults in your logic.
“Firstly if I accepted your offer to stay here, it would cause an argument with my family; and if something happened to me after that I wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt. Secondly my parents would never agree to me staying with a male especially as I wouldn’t be able to explain and they know I’m not dating anyone.
“And thirdly; I don’t own a cell phone.” She’d blushed after admitting to not having a cell, he’d unintentionally embarrassed her. “Ellen I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel awkward or uncomfortable. If the best idea is for you to stay with your family then I’m fine with that; I will work with whatever is most convenient to you.
“Don’t worry about not having a cell phone I have plenty here. I also have something else with a tracking device already installed in it, in case you’re taken and you don’t have the cell. But you still need to decide what you want to do.” Ellen pulled her hand from his and stood up, she paced the space behind the arm chair she’d sat in thinking.
“Look, what you’re offering to do is incredibly sweet, but I wouldn’t be able to accept the cell phone, not without a lot of questions from my parents; so that wouldn’t be a good idea. I appreciate your being honest with me, and I’ll be honest with you, I’m scared after what you’ve told me. And I accept your offer of protection but not because I’m afraid; I’ll do it, I’ll be the bait.”
Ryan abruptly stood up and walked over to Ellen, he stopped her pacing and turned her towards; he admired her courage but he couldn’t let her do something out of fear. “I understand that you accepting my offer is a big deal for you; but the one thing I cannot allow is for you to put yourself at risk. I understand the need to do something, but it shouldn’t be done out of fear.” He could see the fire gleam in her eyes. “I’m not doing this out of fear; I admitted I’m scared about being the next victim, but me being the bait makes perfect sense and it’s our only shot at getting whoever is doing this; also don’t -.”
Whatever Ellen was going to say next was lost as Ryan brought his lips to hers; he kissed her slow and gentle, not understanding why he’d felt the need to kiss her. After a second or two Ellen kissed him back, Ryan felt her arms go around his neck and her fingers brush through his hair. After a few minutes of kissing they broke apart.
Ellen turned her head away embarrassed. “Sorry I don’t know why I did that.” Ryan said. She flashed him a smile then replied, “I don’t know either, but I’m glad you did. Before you kissed me, I was going to say I don’t want to be late for College; but I think I already am.” Ryan looked at his watch, “No you’re not, it’s not even half eight yet; relax you have plenty of time.”
He saw her nod and then she went and sat back down aqgain, Ryan took her empty mug into the kitchen to them both a fresh one, and grabbed a small box from a kitchen drawer. A few minutes later as Ryan re-entered the living room, he put the coffees down and sat next to Ellen. He wordlessly handed the small black box and saw her open it then gasp in surprise.
She held the small delicate necklace in her hands for a moment before placing it back in the box. “I’m sorry Ryan, the necklace is baeutiful but I can’t accept it; it must have cost a fortune.” Ryan shook his head in exasperation, “Ellen, that necklace contains a tracking device; it’s a way for me to know where you are at all times, to help keep you safe.”
She looked up at Ryan and then nodded, he saw her take the necklace back out of the box and unclasp it; she struggled for a moment to put it on when Ryan said “Come here, let me help.” She turned sideways and lifted her hair out of the way as he clasped the thin gold chain around her neck, he then purposely brushed his fingers gently over the back of her neck.
He felt her shiver and then pull away. “Thank you Ryan, the necklace is beautiful; I knnow it contains a tracking device but its beautiful all the same.” “Your welcome Ellen, and just so you know, I meant every word I said about protecting you to the best of my abilities.” He saw her nod, the trust and belief in her eyes.
Ryan drank his coffee quickly then waited for Ellen to finish; ten minutes later Ryan and Ellen left the house and were on their way to the College. As he dropped her off outside the main office he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll know where you are every minute of the day; and I’ll be back here at three to collect you.” He saw her nod once again, the fear clearly showing in her eyes.
Ryan gently took hold of her chin and pulled her towards him, meeting her half way. He kissed her gently and didn’t stop until he felt her relax against him. He then waited whilst she got out of the car and was safely inside the building before driving off.

Chapter Ten

Ahmed and Basiten had witnessed the male drop off Ellen, kissing her before he let her go; they hadn’t given it a second thought but had instead concentrated on their plan to lure Ellen from the safety of the College. They were friendly towards her during the first half of the day, and invited her to go for a ‘walk’ at lunch to discuss her theories on the Castle.
At first she’d declined, but as the day had progressed she’d become comfortable with them and had eventually agreed; she was meeting them at the main entrance to the College at twelve noon. As the twins stood waiting for her Ahmed said; “This is the last one brother, and then tomorrow we will discover the truth.” Bastien nodded in reply his eyes scanning the courtyard watching for Ellen.
At last he spotted her walking towards them eating an apple; she threw the core into a nearby bin and nodded as Ahmed said “Ready?” They had walked a few feet from the College, one brother on either side of her; boxing her in when Bastien asked, “So Ellen, why do you think the documents were forged during the battle?”
Ellen looked surprise at his boldness but replied; “I don’t think the documents were forged; I think that that was just a farce to attemot to start war.” Bastien glanced at her, leading her onto a wide trail in the woods. “What makes you say that?” She shrugged, “I don’t know, it just seems that way to me. I’ve been unable to find proof in the library or online as to how, why and where the documents were forged; and without that proof it just seems to lay the foundations for war.”
This girl is very opinionated was Bastien’s first thought, they walked on in silence for a few minutes; going deeper into the woods. He could feel Ahmed’s anger and excitement, but he himself felt nothing, keeping detached from his emotions seemed to be the best way to handle this girl. They had set up a spot for the perfect ambush, he only hoped that Ahmed would be able to keep himself under control.

* * * *

Ellen hadn’t been paying attention to where they were going or how far they’d walked, she looked at her watch surprised by the amount of time that had gone by; she looked at Bastien and said “I think it’s time we headed back to the College, we don’t want to be late.”
She made the suggestion lightly, as though it were the most natural thing to say, meanwhile her instincts were screaming at her, telling her she was headed for danger. Bastien seemed to not hear her so she repeated herself a little louder, hearing the fear in her voice. “It’s getting late, I’m going to head back to the College so I’m not late, are you coming with me?”
She saw Bastien look at her quickly, and then looked at his brother; he looked back at her and then nodded, as she turned around to head back the way they’d come she found herself staring at Ahmed and he looked furious. Without warning a set of strong arms grabbed her from behind, she fought, automatically trying to break free but it was no use.
She was still facing Ahmed and a look of triumph shone in his eyes; as he stepped towards her she spat in his face and continued her struggle. As she looked up again, she saw a fist come flying towards her face; she braced herself for the impact but was still unprepared for the sheer amount of pain as his fist connected with her jaw.
She cried out in pain, momentarily forgetting to struggle as her head snapped to the side. She jerked her head back and then continued to struggle, another fist came at her, hitting the other side of her face, and she refused to let her body give up, even though black spots were dancing in front of her eyes. She saw the fist come at her for the third time; felt it connect with her nose and then knew no more.

* * * *

Ahmed looked at the now unconscious girl in his brothers’ grip, “Why do they insist on spitting in my face?” Bastien looked at his brother, “Well seeing as how I had her arms pinned what else could she do? Would you have preferred she kicked out at you?”
Ahmed looked up at the obvious amusement in his brothers voice and glared at him, then looked back at the girl, blood poured from her broken nose and the bruises were already starting to show from where he’d hit her, not once but three times. No other female he’d hit had lasted longer than the first punch. He hit her once more for good measure then picked up her legs and helped his brother carry their burned the last hundred yards to the van.
Bastien got in the driver’s seat and waited for the sound of the back of the van closing, before he started up the engine and drove off towards his destination.

* * * *

Ryan couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he’d been glued to his computer since coming back from dropping Ellen off at College, he’d seen her move from room to room in the College; then had seen her leave the premises at noon. She walked into the woods and had then stopped.
Several minutes had gone by and then she’d started moving again; slower than before and had then inexplicably picked up speed and was now moving through the woods away from the College. That meant only one thing; Ellen had been taken. It was too soon after he’d made his offer for it to have happened, whoever had done this was a student at the College.
Ryan had to be patient; he had to know where Ellen was being taken before making his move. He took out his cell phone and called Max, “Max its Ryan listen; Ellen’s been kidnapped, I’m tracking her at the moment and they’re slowing down. How soon can you get back here?” “Give me five minutes and I’m there.” Was the reply.
Ryan hung up, his attention never wavering from the little red dot that had now stopped moving. Moments later the red dot was moving again and then stopped a few minutes later. When it remained stationary, Ryan zoomed in on the red dot on his computer and stared in disbelief at the location it’d revealed. A few minutes later Max was beside him, also staring in disbelief.

Chapter Eleven

Ellen woke up to a world of pain; her nose was throbbing and her face felt swollen. She found herself laying on her stomach, and then felt cold air on her back; someone had taken off her shirt and bra. She looked around her and saw the twins. One of them was holding a young girl while the other took off her shirt and bra; they then put her on the bed face down, exposing her back.
Ellen didn’t want to watch anymore, she frequently heard thuds as one of the twins hit another girl into unconsciousness. Eventually only heavy breathing could be heard, as Ellen tried to twist around to get a better view of where she was; she heard someone walk up to where she lay bound, it was Ahmed.
He looked over her, disgust written on his face, as though he was too good for her. She saw him walk away and then withdraw something from his belt, it looked like a stick. She heard the other girls cringe at the sight of it and knew it must be bad. Ellen looked down at her bare breasts, thankful that the necklace was still around her neck.
She knew that Ryan would come for her, and she hoped it would be quickly; the tension in the room hung thickly like a malevolent spirit. Ahmed walked over to where she lay and drew the stick out to its full length; it wasn’t just any stick, it was a piece of raw bamboo. She started screaming again and again as the stick cut into her back.
It lasted for so long she didn’t think it would stop, she could feel the hot blood trickling down her spine, tears poured from her eyes and then thankfully, mercifully, she knew no more.

* * * *

Ahmed only stopped hitting her when she blacked out from the pain; her back bleeding badly from the numerous lacerations the bamboo had caused. He then turned his attention to the other four girls, whipping them one after the other until there was no sound in the room.
Only echo’s from the screams of pain and his heavy breathing; feeling much better Ahmed walked from the room, not bothering to close or lock it. He felt his brother come up the stairs behind him; Ahmed walked into the bathroom to wash his hands at the sink, the warm water washed away the blood and the backlash stings from the bamboo.
Once finished he dried his hands and sat down on the floor next to his brother; he closed his eyes and then began to meditate; he would need as much calm as possible, for when the girls awoke; the questioning would begin, but not before administering a bit more pain.

* * * *

Ryan and Max looked in disbelief at the location of the red dot in front of them, they sat as if mesmerised; but Ryan shook himself back to his senses. He took out his cell phone and stood up, walking down the stairs as his call connected to the police station.
Ryan told them everything, about how he and Max had made the connection of why the girls were taken; about how he’d put a tracking device in the necklace he’d given Ellen that morning and where it had ended up. The police took his cell number and said that they’d call him back confirming that Ellen was missing from College.
He didn’t have to wait long, five minutes later he was in his Porsche; in a race with the police and ambulances to get to the place where the girls had been taken and held captive. The place where everything had started; HighCliffe Castle.

* * * *

Ahmed and Bastien woke the girls up one by one; they shook them roughly and when that didn’t work, they poured ice cold water on their backs. At first the girls’ screams were all that could be heard, echoing loudly around the room. Ahmed hissed at them to be quiet; and then hitting them when they refused, sending their screams even higher and louder than before.

* * * *

Ellen didn’t think she’d be able to take any more pain, she was wrong; she was bought to semi-consciousness when ice cold water was thrown o her flaming back. The pain was beyond words; she screamed and writhed, trying to shake the water off of her back, only to scream louder when she received another lashing.
She couldn’t think or see straight, she knew that someone was coming for her, for all of them; but the name eluded her. Her body finally gave up, unable to take any more punishment and she passed out.

* * * *

Ryan pulled up in front of the Castle with a screeching of tyres, he cut the engine and ran from the car, taking his keys but leaving the doors open. He could hear Max running behind him; a faint sound stopped them in their tracks. Although it was very faint the sound was unmistakable, the sounds of multiple girls screaming in agony.
Ryan’s breath left him and he felt as though he’d just been gut-punched; taking in a deep breath he hurried towards the sounds of the screams, they were coming from the side of the Castle; as they ran around the base of one of the turrets Ryan saw a small window with bars across it. He looked in and regretted it; two males were in the room; one was stood by a door and the other was stalking around the room, whipping the girls’ backs with some sort of cane.
Ryan could see the blood on their bare skin trailing down their backs, he felt sick to his stomach at the sight of all that blood. He could hear the sirens from a distance, but knew that the males I the room wouldn’t be able to hear them because of the screams. Ryan forced himself to move on; he had to look for a way to get in, and had to get to the girls.
He sent Max back to the front of the Castle to guide the officers and ambulances in; then carried on walking around the turret. He resisted the urge to open the door and run into the room below; killing the males who’d dare to kidnap and hurt his sister and the girl under his protection. The police chose that moment to arrive at Ryan’s side.

* * * *

Clara swore she was dreaming, in her dream she was tied to a bed, delirious with pain and fever; she could see someone creeping silently down the stairs, a gun in their hands; they almost looked like the police. But then decided it couldn’t be as it was only a dream, a very bad and painful dream.
She heard shouts above the screams, but couldn’t make any of the words out; her view was partially blocked as she was on her stomach, her head faced to the side. She dreamt that a dozen or so officers had suddenly burst into the room; their guns held high and threatening. She saw one of her captors surrender immediately and be led from the room in handcuffs.
She could hear more shouting, the one remaining captor and the police, shouting at each other; the words mixing to become nothing more than the sounds of angry bees. She heard heavy steps on the floor and then the sound of a gun firing. The sound was extraordinarily loud; echoing around the room. But none of that could be happening; it was just a dream.
She felt someone touch her hands and tried to make herself as small as possible, cringing away from the contact; she couldn’t take any more pain. “Please, no more; I can’t tale any more pain.” She started to cry as she heard a low mumbled reply; her hands became lose and she fought her way to the end of the bed, not caring that she was naked from the waist up.
A man faced her, it wasn’t someone she recognised. All she thought of was that her dream was getting increasingly worse; she just wanted to go home; have a long hot shower, a decent meal and sleep in her warm bed. The stranger reached for her and she screamed; she didn’t care that the room was cooler than before, or that the stranger held what looked like an extremely wet blanket out to her.
She just kept screaming, wishing the dream would stop; would come to an end. She felt a sharp jab in her arm and then knew no more as she fell face first onto the bed.

* * * *

Ryan was waiting anxiously; he’d seen the paramedics bring up two girls he didn’t recognise; they were laid face first onto individual stretchers, with large lacerations covering their backs. The first two ambulances took off sirens screaming and flashing as they raced to the hospital in Miami.
Dana was brought up next, her back also covered in large lacerations, her face black and blue from the multiple beatings she’d endured. Max climbed into the back of the ambulance with her and then watched as the ambulance raced away from the Castle. Ryan then watched as they brought Ellen up, she was unconscious and had fresh bruises on her jaw, and the rest of her face was partially covered in dried blood from her nose.
He watched as they bundled her up in the last ambulance and raced for the hospital. Ryan went back to the door leading to the prison; he wanted to know where his sister was, he needed to know she was alive. An officer came up the stairs as Ryan was about to go down them; “Clara? Is she in there? Is she alive?”
The officer looked like he’d just aged twenty years in the space of a few minutes. He replied “There’s one girl remaining down there; she’s in a pretty bad way. They’re going to airlift her to Miami; I hear that’s where they’ve taken the other girls.” Ryan went to move past the officer when he was stopped.
“I wouldn’t advise going down there son; the paramedics have had to sedate her, they’ll be bringing her up momentarily.” Ryan nodded and then lifted his face skyward; he could hear the low thrumming of blades as the helicopter approached. He stood back as it landed and then watched in horror as the last girl was bought out.
She didn’t resemble Clara at all, every inch of her face was black and blue, and there were large, deep lacerations to her back and ribs. She looked innocent in sleep; but this was pure torture for him. As the helicopter lifted skywards and raced for Miami, he got back into his Porsche and was driving towards Miami to be with his sister.


One Year Later

The courthouse was stuffy and overcrowded, the five victims and their families had waited a year in anticipation of this trial. They’d gone through hell to get to this stage, lawyers’ fees, gathering evidence, sessions with therapists and the testimonies from the victims and the officers at the scene.
Each victim had had to re-live the terror of being kidnapped and what they’d had to endure when they’d been put on the stand; the evidence against twin brothers Bastien and Ahmed Algheera was astounding. The Judge had called for a recess whilst the Jury went over all of the evidence they had. Four hours had passed by the time the Jury had come to a verdict.
But just as the verdict was being read out; the doors to the courtroom opened and a man was wearing an expensive suit walked in and straight up to the Judge’s podium. He spoke to the Judge in whispers for a few tension filled minutes; the Judge looked horrified at a piece of paper he’d been handed.
But addressed the court in his professional manner. “Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury and the witnesses of this courtroom; it displeases me to say this but the letter I’ve just been handed by the Arabian Ambassador is a full pardon. In this case, even with the overwhelming evidence against Mr and Mr Algheera; this courtroom finds the defendants not guilty on grounds of Diplomatic Immunity.
“Court dismissed.” And with that he slammed his gavel and rose from the podium, leaving an unsolved mystery and chaos in his wake.

The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2010

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