
Chapter 1 : First Day Of School

Eli's POV
I woke up to my 6:15AM alarm, jumped out of the bed feeling fresh for school and rushed to take a shower. After the shower, I got out wearing a pink tank top , blue jean shorts colorful silly bands and orange flips with a belieber necklace.
And fixed my hair up into a messy bun, put some mascara and red lip gloss, rushed downstairs to find Maddi sitting, waiting for me.
"Good Morning Madz." I said with a grin on my face.
"Good Morning, hurry up" She said taking a slice of her muffin and taking a sip of her hot choco.

As soon as we were done eating, we jumped into my car and drove to school in 15 minutes.
We got out of the car and ran to enter the school. Suddenly, I bumped into someone as I was in hurry. I fell backwards and he/she fall backwards as well.
I stood up as he did too, and then realized his sweet curls over his green, sparkly eyes which made me melt.

I couldn't blink while looking at him.
"Hey..sorry, I didn't see you there" He said grinning at me and making me blink a few times.
"It's alright." I said.
"Well I gotta be going now, I'll be late for my english class" He said.
"Really? I-I have english class too" I said trying to hide my grin but, couldn't help.
"Great." He said chuckling "See you there then"
"Okay" I said chuckling back.
He walked past me to go to class and I walked straight to my locker to get my english books.
I ran to class and luckily, the teacher was not there yet.
I saw the guy whom I bumped to, smiling at me as a sign for me to sit next to him. I smiled and walked over to him.
"Hey, thanks." I said smiling.
"Anything for you." He said. I saw Maddison getting in the class, smiling at me in and then sat with a random girl as she saw me sitting with this guy.
"I'm Harry Styles." He stretched his hand in front of me.
"I-I'm Elizabeth Cornwell" I replied slipping my hands to his, shaking hands and then pulling it away.
"Such a lovely name, for a lovely girl" He said and winked at me and I felt my cheeks turn red and hot.
"Thanks.." I said in a low voice.

The teacher came in and started giving the lessons. I was so bored, so I took out my iPhone and texted Maddi.
-This class is really boring, the teacher reminds me of the crazy woman in our road- [Eli]
-Haha you funny cunt. I never realized that.- [Maddi]

We started texting funny stuff about the teacher until I heard a HUGE sound of scale hitting my table by the teacher, made me jump out of my seat.
"Hand me the phone, Elizabeth Cornwell." She ordered as I nervously handed her the phone and gulped.
The teacher read the texts out loud, which made the other students laugh, I feel speacial haha. "Elizabeth, I want you to stop texting and close your mobile phones RIGHT NOW!" She said.
"Okay Miss" I replied slowly and felt Harry giggling.

As it was break time, I felt someone tap my shoulder gently. I looked back and saw Harry smiling at me.
"Can we walk together to the cafeteria?" He asked "With Maddison"
"Sure, I'd love to!" I said feeling sparkles inside me.

Chapter 2 : The Boy Next Door

Me, Maddi and Harry sat at the cafeteria and knew each other a little more. The bell rang and it was French class.
I don't know how to say this but me and Harry are almost together in every class.
I walked to my locker and got my French books out and ran to class. Harry sat next to me and the teacher came in. She started teaching us.
I could feel Harry oftenly touch his leg with mine. I felt the blood in my veins were burning and turning to lava fire.
After school, I got into my car with Maddi and saw Harry walking to us with a piece of paper in his hand.
"This is my number." He said looking at me in a flirty way making my heart pound.
"Sure." I said before driving away.
I reached home after dropping Maddi home.
I was about to ring the door bell to my house but I saw Harry walking to the house which is infront of mine. I immediately hid behind a bush which was next to our front door.
I saw him through the leaves of the bushes, he was ringing the door bell of the house against ours. I felt confused until he kissed a lady's cheek who answered the door. She was his mom. I couldn't believe he lives near me. Ugggh I am so excited. NO ELIZABETH, you're not having a crush on him.. No, Maybe.

I ringed the bell to my house and my brother anwered with a smile on his face.. he leaned over to me and kissed my cheeks.
He is the best brother ever.

I grabbed my cell and dialed Harry's number. It's ringing...
"Hello ?" Harry answered.
"Hey.. It's me, Elizabeth" I replied with a small smile on my face.
"Oh hey babez." He said making me giggle.
"Harry, don't call me babez" I replied chuckling.
"Okay.. sorry love." He replied quietly and I laughed at him.
"So, why did you want me to call you?" I questioned.
"I just thought to do the project with you, if you're okay with that" He asked.
"Sure, why not!?" I answered giggling through the phone.
"Great! Give me your address??!" He asked making me nervous.
"Umm.. you won't believe it but the house which is infront of yours, is mine" I replied.
"Really? I am coming.. " He said chuckling through he phone..
"Harry, no wait. Give me 5 minutes.. Please?" I said and he agreed.
After 5 minutes I ended up wearing a sparkly pink Tank top , den-um cut shorts white sandals pink lip gloss and mascara.
I heard a knock on the door. I opened to see Harry chuckling at me.

Chapter 3 : Our Alone Time

Eli's P.O.V
I heard a knock on the door. I opened to see Harry chuckling at me.
"Hey. Come in." I said while he was staring at me with a grin.
"Harry..stop staring and come in." I said frowning at him slowly and blushing as well.
"Oh sorry" He said. He stepped inside, looked up, checking on the house and then looked back at me.

"Hey mom, This is Harry. Harry, This is my mom." I said smiling at them both.
"Hello." Harry said to mom with a smile on his cheeky cheeks.
"Hey Harry. Nice to meet you. I'm Jasmine" My mom said shaking Harry's hands.
"Nice to meet you too." He said grinning.
"Okay.. Harry, let's go upstairs to my room!" I said, excusing my mom.

-In my room-
I sat on my bed getting the sheets and books out from my bag while Harry was standing there staring at me. I looked at him, he quickly looked away, awkward.
"Umm Harry, Have a seat" I said.
"Okay" He sat next to me helping me with the sheets.
"Okay so.. we start wi-" I got interrupted by him.
"Actually I haven't came here for the project" He mumbled putting the sheets back on the bed.
"Then what for?" I replied with a confused smile on my face.
I looked into his green sparkly eyes shining into mines, almost making me blind.
"I-I .. " He stared into my eyes still. Oh mah gash, will he say me he likes me? oh my god, omg, omg. STOP IT ELI, HE-DOES-NOT-LIKE-YOU, UNDERSTAND!
"You what?" was all I could say.
"I came here to spend time with you and make a new friend" He said.
"Okay" I said hitting him playfully.
"Well. I was thinking if we could go walk" He questioned.
"Yeah sure?" I knew it was now but I just wanted to make sure. He smiled, Awww omg I am dying now.
"Can you just wait for me downstairs while I get changed?, You know.." I said.
"No." He chuckled.
"Harry, seriously, please." I said nervously.
"No." He repeated with the same chuckle. "If you force me to go down, I will tickle you until your cheeks turn red ."
I got really shocked when I heard those because I FREAKING HATE TICKLING but..
"Well.. you CAN'T tickle me " I mocked him. then he stepped closer to me. I put my both hands on his chest and step backwards.
"Okay. Okay. Harry you can stay but turn around." I said looking down.
"Why?" He questioned frowning and I put my hand down.
"What the hell Harry?" I said frowning at him "OHHH Ok wait! I can change in the bathroom.." I said.

I ran to the bathroom before he gets me. I ended up wearing a white puffy shirt , blue jean shorts and gold shorts.
"Harry, you may look now." I said while I got out and he looked at me.
"Hot." He said making me giggle looking at the ground.
"You're just flirting Harry." I said looking at him.
"No I am not." He said but I ignored it.
"Let's go ?" I questioned.
"Yep!" He said smiling. We walked downstairs and outside then walked along the sidewalk.

Chapter 4: I Think I Love Him

Harry's P.O.V
We walked and walked. I glanced at her, while she was smiling at the ground. I loved that smile, wait.. did I just think I loved her smile? I thought, looking at her. Am I really starting to like her or is she just one of the other girls whom I randomly like? This can't be. I'm a flirt, I should not like anybody. Okay, maybe I like her, a little. Maybe more than a little. Maybe more than more? I don't know. OK I love her, fine? We started walking and walking till we reached the beach.
"Harry..." She said. "huh?" I answered.
"Where are we?" She asked. "Harry, I thought you said we will go shopping?!"
"Gotcha!!" I said laughing at her. Well, yeah I wanted a little 'alone' time with her, on the beach where nobody was there. I want more girl buddies since the others are really not friendly and sweet as she is. I could tell she is an angel by her reactions in class.
"Ughh.." She said rolling her eyes.

Eli's P.O.V
Me and Harry are really good friends, even though I met him today. I am falling in love with him, I think. I can't like him, we just met today. But, there is one thing that scares me about him, flirting. I hate flirting since ever I knew what it is. AND if one day, MAYBE one day we be together, he might flirt.

We were walking beside the silent beach watching the sun go down. It was awkward.
He stopped after a few minutes of awkward silence, and straight into my eyes... I stared back, I was being so shy.
"You're pretty" He said me staring into my eyes in a cheeky look on his face. "Thanks" I said blushing slowly.

"I love you Elizabeth." He said, in a friendly way of course.
"I love you too Harry." I replied and walked and talked for 30 minutes.

"Elizabeth you said you love me too right?" He said while walking still.

"Yeah. Isn't it a friendly thing?" I got interrupted by my phone vibrate.
I checked it was my mom. I answered

-Hey mom, What's up?-
-Honey, it's 11:00 pm. When will you come back?-
-Me and Harry are walking. I'll be back in an hour. Don't worry mommy.-
-Okay hunny take care.-
-Fine, mom.-
I closed my phone and put it in my purse. Harry looked at me, "My mom was checking on me." I said smiling.

"Oh okay. Let's go to my house?" He questioned while walking still.
"Uhh, sure?! I guess!" I said while we walked back to the direction where our houses are.

I stepped inside and looked around the place while following Harry to the TV room.

-In the TV room-
He sat on his couch stretching his arm, giving me a sign to sit with him. I sat with him.
Few minutes later of me and Harry joking, A woman came inside. It was his mom, Anne.
"Harry dinner is ready sweety." His mom said and then looked at me.
"Mom, this is Elizabeth. I met her today." Harry said.
"Hey ma'am." I knew her name when me, Maddi and Harry were talking about ourselves.
"Hey Elizabeth. Nice meeting you." She said giving me a handshake.
"Nice meeting you too Mrs. Anne." I said. She smiled before leaving.

Harry's P.O.V
"I'm sorry I have to go Harry, my mom is probably worried." She said after my mom left the room.
"I will walk you home." I said.

"What about your dinner?" She asked.

"I'll come back for it." I replied, grinning.

We got out of my house and walked to her house and rang the door bell.. her mom answered. "Bye Harry! and thanks" she waved at me and I waved back at her and then walked back home.

Chapter 5: I Think He's Mine

Eli's P.O.V
I woke up at 7:00AM Alarm and realised I was in my yesterday's outfit. I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom, I could barely see.
After shower I changed into a white top and shorts with pink shoes brown and pink braclet and a braid in my hair. for school, I liked feeling pink!.
I rushed downstairs and sat on the dining table taking a slice of the cupcake.
I didn't have to eat so I rushed out to my car and drove to Maddi's house.
She ran to my car and stepped inside. As we reached school.
We both walked to our lockers, today I had class with Maddi and Harry.
I got out my books and walked to class.

As I got in class, I saw Harry and Maddi talking. I walked in and sat with Maddi and saw Harry frowning.
"Eliza, you're sitting with me." He said tapping his hand on the chair next to him.
I looked at Maddi and she nodded. I then sat with Harry.
"So. how was yesterday?" He whispered making me blush and giggle.
"Great." I said as the teacher walked in. We started our lessons.
After 10 minutes of the lesson Harry placed a piece of paper on my table.
I picked it up and read it..
-Get changed after school, because I have a surprise for you. Wear a beautiful dress xx- I giggled at it and looked Harry giving him the 'okay' sign.

After school, Maddison got into my car and I drove Maddi to her house.
I drove home and then rushed to my room to get a shower.
After that, I changed into this a pink dress with a black belt black pearls pink purse , black shoes.
I didn't know what kind of surprise it is. right after I looked at myself for the last time in the mirror squeezing my lips together to spread the gloss, my phone vibrate.
It was Harry.
"Hey Harry"
"Hey, are you ready? because I'm outside your house."
"Yeah I'm coming." And I hung up, rushed dowstairs, outside and saw Harry in his car waiting for me. I walked over into the car.
"You're so beautifulk Eli" He said making me look down and blush. "You're so cute when you blush." I was totally speechless, so I remained quiet. It was 7:30 PM. He started driving.

As he drove and drove he parked in a place where a little tent was there, with candles around it.
I was so amazed, Harry was so sweet. He got out of the car and opened my door taking my hand. As we walked to the tent, inside was a table with two chairs at both sides.
He pulled one of the chairs making me sit and he sat on the other one across me.
"Harry, this is so sweet from you." I said as he was staring at me with a grin on his face giving me the 'this is Harry Styles' look.
As he clapped his hands two times, a man came and played violin for us.. it was so romantic awwwhh. I can't believe he did this all for 'me' !!
After we were eating and talking, He pulled out a diamond ring. "Elizabeth, it's time for the truth. I love you!" He said staring into my eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Chapter 6: First Night

Harry's P.O.V
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I stared into her eyes, looking for hope.
"Harry.." She said slowly. "Yes." I can't believe she said it.
I grinned while taking her hand and getting the ring in her finger. This is the best night of my life.

Eli's P.O.V
I cannot believe I said 'yes' oh em gee. I hope he doesn't hurt me, I know he is a flirt. He leaned closer to me, grabbing me by my hand and placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I am gonna do anything to make you happy." he whispered in between the kiss. We pulled away and my phone rang, I forgot to lock it. "It's my brother." I said answering the phone.
-Hey James.-
-Eli you're late, you have to come home now, we're worried-
-Okay, I'm coming. Bye!-
"Harry, I should get going." I said as he smiled getting up from his seat and holding my hands me to the car. He dropped me home.
"I'm coming with you." He said grinning. I agreed and he came with me. Besides, I want my mom to know about this. I saw my mom with a smile on her face.
"Mom, this is my boyfriend." I said chuckling. "You know him." I said making my mom laugh. Then I saw James coming to us with a confused look on his face, because me and Harry were actually holding hands.
"If you're trying to tell me you're together.." He said facing me and then to Harry "You better take care of her." James said, me and Haz chuckled at each other. Then, we went upstairs to my room.

-In my room-
I went to the bathroom and changed into this pink and white striped shirt and a pink . I got out seeing Harry smiling at me and walking to me.
I looked down at my hand to see the ring. "I want you to keep this forever." He said.
"I will." I said, chuckling and walked to go to bed but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, snaking his arms around my waist.
"Can I sleep with you?" He said making my eyes widen..
"I love you, but no you can't sleep with me Mr.Styles" I mocked him.
"FINE!" He said leaving me and sighing while walking to the door.
"Okay Harry, but don't do any mistakes, you know." I said and he looked back at me, smiling. I giggled and laid on my bed. He laid down right beside me. This is my first time sleeping with a boy. He snaked his arms around my waist and placed his head on my chest feeling comfortable.

Harry's P.O.V
I know it is a normal thing couples do but her smell, her hair, gaahhh, I can't help but love her even more. She played with my curls till I almost fall asleep

Chapter 7 : The New Kid

Eli's P.O.V
I woke up feeling heavy. I felt Harry kissing my chin, cheek and then my eyes. As I opened my eyes, I saw Harry smiling at me. "Good Morning love" He said standing up. "Good Morning, what time is it?" I questioned looking around.
"6:45AM" He said looking at the time and then at me.
"SHIT, we're gonna be late for school." I said while I jumped and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.
After that I changed into a green blouse blue jeans green bracelet green bag green sandals green headband.I didn't see Harry there, he probably went home to change and take a shower. I took my backpack and ran downstairs. I was done eating. I got out and saw Harry and Maddi in the car waiting for me. I got into the car. Maddi was wearing pink shirt and blue jeans pink lip stick white and pink blazers .

We reached school. I got my books from my locker as soon as the bell rang.
I got into the class and saw Harry sitting with a boy who looked like Zayne.

Harry saw me and smiled as the boy looked at me too, smiling.
I smiled back and sat with Maddi. "Bssst" I heard Harry from behind but the teacher came in.
"Students, we've got a new student in our class, Zayn Malik." The teacher said smiling at him.
"He's hot." Maddi whispered to me. And I nodded.

During break time. Me and Maddi walked to the cafeteria and got a seat till Harry and Zayn came along.
"Hey sweetie." Harry said kissing my cheek. "Hey!" I answered smiling.
"This is Elizabeth, my girlfriend." He said to Zayn putting his arms around my shoulder. "And this is Maddi, our best friend." I added.
I could see Maddi blushing. I knew she had a thing for him, oh Maddi!.
Zayn and us started knowing each other better and better.
"There will be a party at my place on Friday." Harry said "I will invite the whole class."
"Sure." Maddi and Zayn said together chuckling.

After school, I got home and changed into some pjs.
I ate my lunch and got ready to study. I was done studying at 6:00 PM. Finally!
I called Maddi to come to my place and after 10 minutes she did. She was wearing this white shirt brown pants and brown sandals and a believe necklace.
-In my room-
"So Maddison, Tell me." I said as we sat down on the bed. "Do you like Zayn?"
"WHAT? .. pfft." She said blushing "I don't"
"Maddi.." I said raising an eyebrow.
"OK.. yes I like him.. I.LIKE.ZAYN" She answered blushing.
"Well, you admitted it Madz." I said laughing. " My bestie's in love. I remember myself felling inlove with Harry."

Chapter 8 : Sooo Jealous

Elizabeth's P.O.V
Thursday! I woke up at 6:15AM. After shower, I changed into a pink half shirt and blue jean shorts brown shoes pink necklace and brown bracelet.
I took my backpack around my shoulder and ran downstairs, skipping steps on the stairs.
Once I was done eating.I picked up Maddi from her place and drove to school.
Maddi was wearing pink purple blue and white striped shirt pink bracelet blue shoes blue jean capris
We each walked to our lockers and got our books out. Physics. Great, boredom again.
I got into class to found Harry and a girl sitting next to him, She looked like Sara Paxtin
They were laughing and the girl seemed flirting, alot. I feel so jealous and hurt. "Hey Harry." I said sitting on my seat and putting my backpack on the table.
I don't know why Harry sat with her, I don't understand. Don't he like me? Or was he playing with me?
"Hey babe" He said placing a kiss on my cheek. The girl looked pretty. But I don't think Harry would like her.. or maybe it's just me. oh God help me!
"Hola!" She said smirking at me. I turned around and her eyes made me feel like she's giving me a death stare.
"Hi.." I said smiling at her and turning front again. Zayn got in the class walking towards the seat next to me. Thank God, somebody who cares sitting with me.
"Morning Elizabeth!" He smiled at me taking his seat.
"Good Morning Zayn." I fake smiled.
"What's wrong? You seem unhappy." He questioned frowning. Should I tell him? Well he's our best friend so yeah.
"Well actually there is something that makes me unhappy. There are sitting behind me." I said looking down.
"Oh that's Mandy Beansin. Harry told me about her. She's his ex" He said making me shocked from inside. I got really hurt.
"Well, he said their good friends now, so don't worry about it Eli." he added.
"Okay.." I said quietly.

In the break time, I sat with Maddison and Zayn, waiting for Harry. He came. Guess with whom. CORRECT. Mandy!
They joined us. Harry sat with me and Mandy, sat next to him at the other side. I looked at them really confused and hurt. I don't know what's happening.
Zayn could see the hurt and tear shines in my eyes. He blinked his eyes closed for 3 seconds giving me the it's-gonna-be-okay sign.
"Harry we need to talk." Zayn said facing Harry. "In private." He added while standing up.
Harry kissed me on the cheek before going. "I'll be right back."
They walked a little far from us. Mandy was sitting there eating in a bitchy way, I could see it in her eyes looking at the boys who passed by.
Me and Maddison just ignored her and continued eating.

Zayn's P.O.V
"Harry what hell is wrong with you now?" I said frowning and half yelling.
"What?" He said raising one eyebrow.
"What the hell brought Mandy here?" I said "She's your ex and now you have a girlfriend."
"I told you we're just friends, Zayn. Understand " He said.
"Well no, because Elizabeth told me there's something that bothers her and it's YOU, you both." I half-yelled again.
"Really?" He said frowning.
"Yes, don't you feel it? don't you see the hurt in her eyes? Well I'm her friend and I realised it and you didn't " I added before walking away to the girls.
Maddison and Elizabeth were laughing and Mandy was sitting lazily with her arms crossed, looking around.

Harry's P.O.V
After school, I decided to apologize to my love, Eli. I can never forgive myself for hurting her. I can never imagine myself losing her because of Mandy.
There's nothing between me and Mandy. She is the one who makes me fake laugh and she is the one who sat with me and I cannot regret it, it would be mean.
But, I still consider her as just a friend.

Chapter 9 : His Boredom

Elizabeth's P.O.V
After school, me and Maddison were walking to my car cracking jokes. You think I forgot what Harry is doing to me? Well no. I didn't. I still have a piece in my heart which says Harry never loved me. I don't know what to do, I cannot lose him. I love him. Anyways, Me and Maddi were about to reach my car. When suddenly someone grabbed my waist from behind, it was Harry.
I knew it was him because of his smell and his curls. I looked behind with a fake-smile on my face.

"Hi love." He said.

"Hi Harry." I replied.

"We need to talk Elizabeth." He said looking at Maddi.

"Maddi, get in the car, I will be right back in 2 minutes." I said looking at Maddi. She tossed herself in the car without saying a word.

"Eli see, I love you so much and you know that." He said smiling. I think he's gonna break up, I knew it! "I don't want you to get hurt anymore, beautiful."

"Get hurt?" I said frowning "about what?"

"About me not paying attention to you." He said with a serious face. "It's just that I don't like Mandy, she's just a friend but I don't hate her either."

"Andd.. ?" I said.

"And, She is the one who took the seat which I arranged for you. I couldn't regret it, it would be hell of mean." He said shaking his head.

"What about you laughing and joking with her?" I said placing my hands on my hips.

"I was fake laughing, I didn't want her to feel dumb." He said, chuckling.

"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't know." I said grabbing his hands and giving a peck on his little nose.

"I want you to trust me, love." He mumbled.

"Bye Harry see you then."

"Bye hottie!" He said. I glared at him and we got separated and I walked to my car.

After dropping Maddi home, I got into my room. After shower I changed into my songebob pjs. [[A/N: Sorry I love sponge bob]]

I sat on my bed thinking about Harry. I am afraid he will fall for her anytime. What? No! Elizabeth, Harry loves you. stop stop stop. I couldn't stop thinking of it.

The way he laughed, smiled and stuff, all those flashing back. Okay I am gonna ignore the fact Harry will fall for her, he said me he was faking the laughs.

I heard my phone vibrate, it was a text message from Harry.

-I miss you already. I love you, and never forget that. xx-H -
-I miss you too baby. I love you too and I would never forget that. xx-

I couldn't stop smiling. As Harry's house was across mine, I decided to look out of my window hoping he would be looking from his window too.
I waited for minutes and at last I saw him. He got in his room, with Gemma, his sister. They were laughing. Ohh Harry, how I wish that laugh would never go.
I decided to study. I was done studying in 2 hours when I heard something hit my window. I looked out and found Harry chuckling at me from his window.
"Come to my house. I'm bored." he yelled from his window.
"Okay." I yelled back. I changed into a purple shirt blue shorts and black converses and put a little make-up.
I rushed down and rang Harry's doorbell. His mom, Anne Cox answered it.

"Hey Elizabeth dear." she said adding a smile on her face.
"Hi ma'am." I said smiling back. "Come in." She said making way for me to get in.
I walked to Harry's room and knocked the door and suddenly I felt someone tapping my shoulder gently.
I looked behind to fine Harry leaning towards me and kissing me on the forehead.
We walked in and sat on the ground. "I'm here to make your boredom vanish." I joked as he let out a laugh. "You know you're beautiful." he said, chuckling. "Don't be silly. I'm not." I blushed, looking at my lap. "You are, now come here." he pulled me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder while he was sniffing into my hair.

Chapter 10 : Moms Special Surprise

Elizabeth's P.O.V
I woke up in Harry's arms at 9:00PM. "Shit" I mumbled to myself and then picked myself up. I kissed Harry on the cheek and went downstairs and then home.
"Where were you Elizabeth?" James questioned.
"At Harry's, why?" I asked frowning. "Oh.. Okay" He simply said and walked away.

I got into my room and texted Harry. -Hey Hazza, I am home. Sorry because I left you xx Goodnight-

2 minutes later I heard my phone beep. A message from Haz. -It's alright babe, but I still wanted some more time with you.xx-

I smiled and changed into a blue shirt that said cereal killer on it with milk stabbing cereal and black shorts. I got downstairs and played video games with James.

After a 30 minute of playing dinner was ready. Yum I am starving.
"Mom, how do you cook so good." I said kissing my mom's cheeks and sitting on the dining table.

"Sweeties, I have something to tell you both." My mom said as we both looked at her smiling. "I'm getting married."

"Yeeeppppiiee wooow wooohhoo." Me and James started running and jumping around while my mom was laughing at us. I couldn't believe it.

"Mommy, how does he look like?" I asked.

"Hunnie you both have to be done eating and then I am gonna show you his picture." She said as we both sat and ate.

As we were done eating, I helped mom wash the dishes. "So mom are you gonna show us ? " I questioned.

My mom got to the cupboard and got out a picture of a man who looked like David Deluise.

He seemed handsome. "Wow mom great, you're so lucky. I bet there are women who are wishing to be in your place." I said.

"Yes mom, this is awesome. Can't wait." James added.

"Enough complimenting. Now go to bed." Mom said, laughing.
"Fine mom. Bye" I said kissing my mom's cheek. I got to bed and texted Harry.

-Harry, I have great news, my mom is gonna get married.x-
-Really, that's great, when?xx- he texted back
-I didn't really ask my mom, they didn't decide yet I guess.xx-
-Okay love. Plus, my parents and sister are going to my grandma's house tonight. good night sleep tight and Dream of me as much as you can xx- HAHAHA Oh hazza.
I started to sleep with a smile on my face. Thank you God for everything.

The next day I woke up to my 6:15 AM Alarm. I got to the bathroom to take a shower and changed into a purple blouse and yellow and purple shoes with a purple ring and curly hair

I got downstairs and ate my breakfast. I then got out to my car and drove to Maddi and then to school.

I got my books out from my locker and walked to class. I found Harry sitting there, I walked to him and sat next to him.
"Hey beautiful." He said. "Hey Harry." I said kissing his cheek. Mandy got in and raised her eyebrows when she saw me sitting with Harry. I smirked at her.
"Bitch." Mandy mumbled walking past me. Harry heard her. He frowned at her.
"It's okay Harry." I said holding his hand.

After school, we went home. I got into my room and heard my iPhone ringing. I picked it up and it was Harry.
"Hello Harry babez."
"Hey Love, the party's at 7:30 PM"
"Okay Haz" I hung up.
It was 3:00 PM, so I had time to take rest and study. I felt asleep and woke up at 4:30. I wash my face and started studying. I done studying at 5:30PM.
Two hours till the party.

I called Maddi and told her to come at my place. She came in 15 minutes. "Hey girl" She said entering my room.
"Hey Madz, let's get prepared for the party, I'm gonna take a shower." After shower I came out wearing white green pink top and pink shorts.
"Come on let's pick our dress" I said to Maddi. It was 6:00 PM. We decided our outfit and wore them.

Maddi wore red earrings , cold dress , red heels , gold ring ,red lip gloss.
I wore pink dress , silver ring silver earrings , pink wedges. We were done and it was 7:00 PM.

We rushed downstairs and walked to Harry's house. He answered. He was with Zayn.
"Hi Maddison" Harry said smiling at Maddison. "You look beautiful."
"Hey Harry." Maddi said.
"And hey there gorgeous." He said grabbing me from my waist and then a peck on my nose. I giggled. We walked in and got ready for the party. At 7:30PM people started coming.

At last, there were almost 70 people. Mandy came in wearing a black TIGHT dress and half way showing her boobs red sparkly heels. What a slut.
Every guy started staring at her, she kept on smirking in a bitchy way. Harry held my hand tight to convince me everything's going to be okay. Actually no, I was scared Harry would get drunk and do something to her.
Like, sleep with her or something like that.

Chapter 11 : Time To Party

Elizabeth's P.O.V
The music started and people started dancing like animals. To be honest, I didn't dance. I was having fun while only watching people get crazy and falling down.
"Babez." I heard Harry from behind. I turned around to see him grinning at me. "Why are you not dancing?"
"I'm not the 'party girl' type." I said making him giggle a little. "You go enjoy Hazza, I'll be with Maddison."
"Okay beautiful. If you need anything call me." He said winking before walking away. I was watching people dance and eat.

Then, suddely I saw Mandy walking to him. He was enjoying really hard with Zayn and some of his other friends.

"Hey Harreh." I could barely hear her from the loud music. "Want me to join ya'll?" She said running her fingers on Harry's chest.

Harry looked at me for permission. I smiled and left a little nod giving him the 'okay' sign. It makes him even more cute when he asks for permission awwh.
All I could see in Mandy was touching her thighs with Harry. That's disgusting. He didn't seem comfortable aww Hazza. I looked around a little examining the disco light and stuff like that.

I felt thirsty so I walked to the kitchen to bring a glass of water, Maddi left to go dance.
As I filled the cup with water and got back to the party room, I saw Harry enjoying his crazy dance moves, and looking at me, smiling and winking and then dancing again.
I feel so special with a cute boy like that being called 'mine'. I walked to the chair and sat.
As I looked up again, I saw something which I expected to see from the first sight I met her. MANDY was kissing Harry.

My heart stopped for a second and the glass of water in my hand dropped the floor making a huge noise, but nobody noticed because the music was too loud.
Tears came out slowly from my eyes. I contolled it for few seconds till Harry saw me. How can he do this to me? I immediately took my purse and ran out of the house.
I decided to go somewhere far from his house. Not my house. He would know I will be here. I began running as fast as I could, sobbing really hard.

I felt Harry running after me. My legs really hurt from the heels. I decided to lay on the grass to take them off, still sobbing from hurt and pressure he put on me.
"A little piece of jerk, fuck you harry, fuck you. You're a big mother flipping asshole." I murmured to myself taking my heels off
As I took them off I could see Harry standing.

He took my hand to lift me up. "GO AWAY!" I yelled pulling my hand from his and pushing him, still sobbing hard.
"JERK.. GO AWAY GO AWAY" I yelled even louder.
"Elizabeth CALM DOWN." He yelled back. "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK."
"Really? then what is it Harry, tell me. Make me understand that you don't want me." I yelled but tried to calm down. He kept quiet for a while.
"SCREW YOU HARRY!" I slapped him on the face making his face turn to the other side with his hand on his face.

I walked the direction my house was at, my heels in my hands. My mascara all over my cheeks from the tears.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" James yelled directly at my face grabbing me by my shoulders.
"Umm, weird from you but.. uhh we broke up?" I said, removing James' hands away from my shoulder and walking upstairs.
"Don't do anything about it James." I added when I felt him opening the front door.

I went to my room, immediately to the bathroom to take a shower. After shower I changed into a grey shirt pink jogging pants and grey slippers.

I laid on my bed all today's moments flashing back my mind. I shoved my head into my pillow and screamed. I heard my phone beep.
I picked it up to see a text message from Harry.

-I'm so sorry Elizabeth. I cannot forgive myself after what happened. I didn't mean it. I love you no matter what happens Elizabeth, I need you in my life. I am sorry. xx I love you and missed you -

I put it back into its place and cried harder than ever. I got many messages from him but he hurt me. He made me a worst night on Friday.
I heard the door crack open. I thought it was Harry but no, it was Zayn. The only guy who makes me feel better.

"Hey princess." He said walking to me and hugging me. "He made a big mistake Beth, don't bother about him, it's gonna be okay. He is gonna realise what mistake he has done"

"How is it gonna be okay Zayn?" I said crying lightly into his chest. "I love him so much.

"I know you do. He does too." He said wiping my tears and kissing my cheeks. "Forget him when you're ready."

He hugged me tight "Thank you Zayn. For everything." I whispered before he leave.

Chapter 12 : Day With My Brother

Elizabeth's P.O.V
Saturday :)! I woke up from my bed feeling the fresh sunlight rise in my room hit my face.
I took a shower and changed into this white and black shirt with blue jean shorts ,black earrings silver bracelet black shoes and put some mascara and lip gloss.
I took my purse and to downstairs I rushed. I know.. I sound happy, but I can't stay sad and depressed because of the 'cheater'. I tried giving up on him. I was done eating and I called James form the TV room. Yes, I wanted to go for a walk with my brother.
"James, How about we go to the amusement park ?" I said while we were walking to his car. "It'd be fun."
"Great idea." He said poking my nose. haha. Anyways we drove to the amusement park in 10 minutes. It wasn't too near though. "This is gonna be great." I said jumping as we walked out of the car.
"It's like you never came here before." He said punching my shoulder playfully. I chuckled a little "Come on let's go." He said walking infront of me. I followed him and we were walking towards the roller coaster. Great -.- !! "No James, I am not going in there !" I said walking out of the turn line.
"No. Come back here you little chicken." He said pulling me back. I walked in slowly, scared. James sat already and I sat beside him.

As soon as we got tired we decided to go to Starbucks for a drink. YUM!
We sat on the chairs which we found empty. We ordered.
As we were done. We paid and got out of there. OH MY GODD. I saw Harry with a guy who looked like Louis.
They seemed happy but I could see the loneliness in Harry's eyes. I nudged James with my elbow slowly and widened my eyes at their direction for him to see.
"Let's hurry up James. I don't want him to see me." I said pulling his arms to get in the car. We quickly drove back home.
"Pheeww." I said placing my purse on the TV room table and laying down on the couch.
"How was it?" My mom asked. "Great mom." Me and James replied. I checked the time. 5:00 PM Wow. 9 hours on our feet. I went upstairs, my room. I changed into green shirt and green shorts.
I called Maddi. We talked for a few minutes and hung up, She's the only one who makes me feel better including Zayn. I told her everything about yesterday.
She's the best friend I ever had.

Harry's P.O.V
Me and Louis, my new friend went to starbucks this afternoon. It was a great day until I came home. All the time, All the minute, All the second. Elizabeth was on my mind. I still didn't know what happened till me and Mandy kissed.
I layed on my bed thinking about Eli. And Eli and Eli. I looked out my window hoping she would be looking out too. I did and sadly, she wasn't.
I took a pen from the drawer and threw it at her window. She looked out frowning. At last, I saw her beautiful face. I couldn't live a day without seeing her.
"I'm sorry Elizabeth. I love you." I said a tear dropping from my face. I know it's not a man thing, but I couldn't help it.
My heart was beating really fast hoping she would forgive, but I know she will not and will never.
"Harry, leave me alone. Please. I am begging you. I wanna be alone." She said a tear or two streaming down to her cheeks. "I'm sorry" she almost whispered before closing the window.
I decided to go to her. I rang their door bell. Her brother answered. "What do you now need?" He said sarcastically.
"Please give me a chance to meet her. "
"Ok fine. but if you hurt her again!! I WARN YOU" He said. I nodded and walked up to her room. I knocked on her door shaking.
"Come in." I heard her voice from inside. I cracked the door open slowly until I saw her beautiful face. She was looking at the ring I gave her.
"I'm sorry." I said as she turned around to see me. "I didn't mean to do it."
"Go away Harry." She mumbled turning her back to me.
I never meant it, please I beg you to understand me."
She sat down putting the ring in her finger again. "I know you didn't mean it Harry and I know it was her who kissed you." She said looking down.
"I'm sorry Harry. I didn't mean to slap you and call you a jerk. I got hurt, you know when I get hurt, I never know what's around me. I never realize who's fault it is. I just get angry and depressed."
She said still looking down and a drop of tear fall down her cheek and fall on her legs.
I hold her chin up looking into her eyes and kissed her. I don't know why but she kissed me back, It felt so good.

Chapter 13 : Back At Last

Elizabeth's P.O.V
After we pulled away, I felt the sparkles coming back from the past. I don't know if we should get back together or maybe we should be friends? Pshht friends?
"This means you forgave me?" He said.
"Yes Harry" I said chuckling. He hugged me sooooo tight that I couldn't breath "H-Harry I-I can't b-breath" He pulled away chuckling..
"I'm sorry. I am happy." He said running his hands through my hair. "Can we get back together Elizabeth?"
"Harry, let me think if I'm ready.." I said as he nodded. There was awkward silence for 2 minutes until "Okay Harry.. You're now mine."
"YES" He said while punching his both hands in the air. He kissed me on the cheek really hard. "Harry stop." I said laughing at his craziness.
"Sorry." He said sitting back and smiling.
"It's alright. Now I have to sleep Harry. It's already 9:00PM." I said frowning looking at the time.
"Wow, you sleep that early?" He said still smiling. It's like I never saw him this happy. "Yes Hazza. You should too." I said messing his hair.
"Okay love. Good Night." He said giving me a peck on the forhead and then on the eye. Awwh so warm. "Good Night Haz." I said as he left.
I layed on my bed thinking whether I made the right or wrong decision.. Well we're together now anyways. 5 minutes later my phone beeped. A text Message from Harry.
-Love You. Good night xx :) - I smiled reading it.
-Love you too xx Sleep tight - I replied back and got into bed and felt my eyes slowly close.

*Monday* (So sorry for skipping the Sunday)

Elizabeth's P.O.V
I changed into this after shower pink long sleeve shirt silver ring pink skinnys pink and orange shoes pink necklace pink and orange bag. and put on a little make-up and fixed my hair.
I walked downstairs to be done eating. I then drove to Maddi.. Oh and before I forget, I told Maddi everything about what happened Saturday.
We reached school and I walked to my locker.
I saw Mandy with her crew looking at me from head to toe, giving me a mean-smirk. I ignored it and walked to class.
Harry was chuckling at me. I ran to sit with him. Luckily Mandy wasn't with us in this class. "Good Morning, beauty." He said holding my hand.
"Good Morning. " I replied leaving a little smirk on my face. After a couple of classes, it was break time. I, Maddi, Harry and Zayn sat together.
Mandy walked past Harry touching his curls and giggling and then walking away. ew.

Chapter 14 : Meeting The Family

Elizabeth's P.O.V
After I went home I said goodbye to Harry, who was standing near his front door. I went upstairs and changed into pink striped shirt and pink shorts and pink slippers.
I then went to my brother who was watching tv. My phone rang.. Harry. "Yes sweety?" I answered.
"Elizabeth my family wants to meet you at 7:30PM at dinner." He said and I felt him chuckling.
"Oh really?" I said "I'm so nervous"
"Don't be, love. You should know you're beautiful, even without makeup." He said "Even from the inside (personality)"
"Aww ok Harry bye."
"Bye love."
"Mom. Harry's parents wanna meet me at dinner." I said to my mom nervously.
"Honey it's okay. You're gonna have fun and they're gonna like you." My mom said cupping my chin with one hand. "I know Harry's mom since we moved here. She is really nice."
"I hope so. Thanks mom." I said walking away. I love my mom a lot. She is always ready to make me feel comfortable.
It was 5:45 PM. I went upstairs, took a shower and changed into this white shirt pink and black skirt pulled up onto my waist , black necklace and black earrings.With curls in his head. and put makeup, not too much. It was 7:00PM. I went down to wait for the 7:30PM to come.
I watched TV and when I looked at the clock, 7:28PM. Shit. I took my purse and walked out and saw Harry walking to me and smiling. "Oh hey" I said.
"No 'love' ?" He said making a puppy face. N'awwwh..
"Hey 'love' " I said kissing his cheeks. "Come on. It's already 7:30PM." I said.
We walked to their house and he rang the door bell. His mother, answered smiling and making us way to get in. I am so nervous, seriously. Harry saw it in my face and held my hand tight assuring me to be comfortable.
"Hello Eli." Gemma, Harry's sister said.
"Hello." I said waving a little and smiling. We then sat on the couch and started laughing about every silly things we said.
"Your family's really fun Harry." I whispered to Harry while Gemma and their step-dad were laughing. He blew a kiss to me and grinned, I giggled.
"Dinner's ready!!" Anne called from the dining room. Harry stood up, I did too. He hold hands with me all the way to the dining table. He pulled the chair for me to sit. Such a gentleman. We started eating and they seemed to fun even while eating.
"Harry always talks about you. I remember when he said 'there's that girl who I met today. I think I felt in love' " Gemma said laughing as we all laughed again and Harry blushing and chuckling.
After we were done with dinner. It was 8:30 PM. "Elizabeth hunny, you seem like a fun girl. You laugh a lot which makes you even more beautiful. I think I have to accept you for Harry." Anne said making me chuckle a lot from outside but from inside, I'm dying.
"Wooow" Harry yelled. "Mom, Thanks." He said kissing his mom's cheeks awwh.
"Thank you miss Cox. I appreciate that." I said giving her a hand shake. She seemed really nice. "I really enjoyed having dinner with you tonight."
"We enjoy too." Gemma immediately said smiling. I chuckled shyly. Harry held my hand.
"I will drop you home." Harry said to me. "Okay." I whispered slowly.
Harry and I walked home and we both went upstairs to my room. I changed infront of him because I got used to him being present while I get half-naked.
I changed into a ahoy sailor shirt and red slippers. and sat next to Harry. "You look even more beautiful when you blush, in front of my family." He said pulling me to sit on his lap, against him with my legs around his waist.
I just blushed when he said that and put my head on his shoulders. He was massaging my back really softly. "Harry can you stay here tonight?" I said looking into his eyes and he smiled like there was no tomorrow.
"I will take that as a 'yes' " I said while getting up from his lap and walking to my brother's room to get a sleepwear. He wore them.
I layed on my bed, opening my arms wide, making place for him in my arms. He came and layed down in my arms with his hands around my waist. He placed a kiss on my stomach, I felt ticklish. I wanted to live this moment forever.

Chapter 15 : Perfect Morning

Harry's P.O.V
I felt the sun shine on my face, the bird's chirping through the window. I woke up and realized I am in Elizabeth's arms. No wonder I felt so warm. I sat up next to her and stared at her sleeping face, beautiful.
"Love." I almost whispered. She smiled while snaking her arms around my neck and leaning me towards her, she placed a kiss on my lips and opened her eyes. "Good Morning." She said sitting up and letting go off of me.
"Good morning, beautiful." I replied holding her hands.
"What time is it?" She said rubbing her forhead. "6:00 AM" I replied standing up, she did too. "We better get ready." She said giggling.
"Yeah." I said chuckling. I had to go home. I didn't want to leave her but I had to. "Go get changed, Harry." she said as I nodded and rushed to the bathroom to wear my yesterday's outfit. I really didn't like to walk in the road in pajamas.
As I changed. I gave her a peck on her lips and went home to get changed, again because my outfit was too handsome to be shown in school. (Hahaha)

Elizabeth's P.O.V
I took a bath and changed into pink top blue jeans pink shoes pink earrings silver bracelet. I put a little makeup and a bit of perfume to smell extra good. I fixed my hair into a side-ponytail and went to the TV room to be done eating.

As I was done eating I picked Maddi from her place, she was wearing yellow button down black jeans yellow shoes.
"Good morning." she jumped in excitedly. "What's up Maddison?" I said giggling at her. "Guess what!?" She said looking at me with her eyes wide open. "What?" I repeated.
"I got my drivers licence.. EEEEEEEEPPPPP!!!" She squealed. "Great Madz. So I don't have to pick you up. Do I?" I said chuckling. She laughed and said "No silly. I can drive to school by my own."
I wasn't really sure if she's okay with that, I mean, I am afraid if she would cause any accident. Accident? Pfft.. What accident?.

We reached school and I walked to my locker. I opened it and I saw a little box. I smiled as I grabbed it and opened it. There was a diamond bracelet.
I grinned very big time. I grabbed the paper inside my locker and read - Will you be mine 'forever' ? ~Haz - !! Awweee of course Harry. I felt a tear drop down my cheek until I was gasped by the bell ring.
I ran to class and saw Harry and Zayn talking. Harry immediately waved and chuckled when he saw me. I walked to them and sat next to Harry. Maddison was with another girl. She was probably trying to make new 'friends' but hey, that doesn't means she'll leave me haha!!
"Thanks so much Harry. You're the best." I said holding his hands and giving him a kiss on the cheeks. "Yes. I will be yours forever."
"Anything for you." He said and then.. "Ouuuuh you two love birds getting more close, eh?" Zayn said making me gasp and blush. Harry stroked his hands on my cheeks and smiling. The teacher suddenly came in and Harry put his hand down.
"Students, I may announce that your spring break starts the next week." The teachers said and then the class went like 'wwwwwoooowww' 'let's parrtttyyy' 'yeeahah bababeee' And stuff like that. Me and Harry were also squealing at each other haha.
"Please be seated everyone. " The class sat as the teacher told so.
It was such a great day.

After school, I rushed home and then to my room and I almost remove my bra. Until my phone beeped. A text message from Harry.
- Don't forget to close the curtain love xxxxxxooooxxoo H -
I was confused and then I glanced at the window anyways and fall on the ground when I saw Harry looking at me and winking. I closed the curtain quickly and changed into green shirt that and green shorts. with pink slippers.
I looked out of the window to see Harry smiling at me. I stick out my tongue, in a sarcastic way. "Thanks for informing." I said rolling my eyes at him.
"Yo welcome. YO!" I laughed at his American accent. I heard my door crack open. Mom. "Hey mom." I said smiling at her.
"Elizabeth sweetheart. We need to talk." She said. "What is it mom? " I said frowning a bit.
"Remember I said I am gonna be married to George Luckshen ? (The husband)" My mom said.
"What about that?" I said. "Well we are getting married a 2 months later." She said looking down. "We have to move to England sweetie."
"WHAT? Mom! Why?" I said jumping out of my seat. "I mean, like, when?"
"Next two weeks." She said. "I have the plane tickets. So we better be packing from today."
"Okay mom." I said. "Sorry sweetie but we have to." She added.
"When are we gonna be back?" I said. "Four months later." She said as I sighed and she left the room after kissing my forhead. Am I really gonna leave Harry for four months? What about Maddison? And Zayn? Am I gonna leave this place? I cannot believe it.
I feel so depressed.

Chapter 16 : Bad News...

Harry's P.O.V
I saw Elizabeth and her mom talking when I was looking out of the window. I could only hear them murmuring. At last I saw Elizabeth sighing and then looking out of the window. "Harry.." She yelled.
"Yes love?" I replied.. "We need to talk. now." She said as I nodded and went to her front door. I rang the doorbell and James answered. I went upstairs and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. 'knock knock' I kncoked as I heard Elizabeth from inside. "Come in!" I opened the door slowly, got inside and walked to her after closing the door behind me. I sat on the bed next to her.
"What is it Eliza?" I said frowning a bit. I have no clue on what she's going to say until she took a deep breath and stared speaking.
"Harry. You know my mom is going to get married later.. So a while a go she said me we have to..." She said as I interrupted.
"What? you have to leave?"I said. "Y-yes E-England, b-but it's t-temporary." She said as she bursted into tears. I hold her close to my arms and felt myself cry a little bit. But inside I'm breaking. There is thunder in the inside of me.
"Don't wory Elizabeth." I said kissing her shoulder.

Elizabeth's P.O.V
I buried my head in his chest and started crying rainfall. I didn't want to leave America, especially, Harry.
"Don't worry Elizabeth." He said placing a kiss on my shoulder. How can I not worry? How can I ? How can I be aware that Harry will not forget me? Anyways, I sat and wiped my tears and looked at the ground. Harry pulled my chin up making me face him.
"I'm coming with you Elizabeth." He said as I felt the inner part of me was going to explode from happiness but I didn't want him to waste his 5 months spending break in England.
"No H-harry please I don't want you to waste your break in England." I finally let it out but there was something inside me that wanted to get out, that thing is, 'YES HARRY PLEASE COME WITH ME'
"What do you mean I will waste my time?" He said frowning. "I want to be with you. That's all."
"Okay Harry." Was all could come out. I couldn't regret. "I'll ask my mom to buy you a ticket."
"No. I will buy a ticket for me and you." He said making me chuckle. "Harry no ne- " I got interrupted by him saying 'ssshh' and putting his finger on my lips.
"Okay." I whispered as he let his hand down. I was smiling the whole time. I couldn't believe he's doing this for me. I bet the girls out there are dying to be in my place. Me and Harry joked for hours. He wanted to go home because it was already 7:00 PM. "Bye love." He said while he got out of the front door of our house.
"Bye Harry." I replied smiling at him up from my window. I went downstairs and saw my mom and James laughing.
"Having fun, eh?" I spat out rolling my eyes at them and walking to the fridge.
"My lil sister jellyyyy?" James mocked, and yes, I was jealous when my mom had fun with James because... Nevermind.
"Pfffft. Jelly?" I said grabbing myself a piece of pizza out of the fridge. I sat accross my mom at the kitchen table.
"Mom. I need to tell you something." I said taking a slice of my pizza.
"Yes hunny. What is it?" She said smiling. "Mom.. Harry said he wants to come with us in England. He's going to buy a ticket for me and him alone.." I said as my mom's eyes widened but she was grinning.
"That means you won't sit with us?" She said holding my hands. "No mom. Is it okay? I mean, sitting with Harry in the plane rather than sitting with my lovely family?"
"Yes hunny of course." She said getting up from her seat. OMG My mom, is the BEST. I rushed upstairs to take a shower, it was already 9:30 PM Ugggh. I changed into this yellow and white striped top and yellow shorts with white slippers. and jumped to bed to sleep.

*The next week, Spring Break started. Tuesday*

Elizabeth's P.O.V
I woke up at 8:45 AM. Today's the first day of Spring break. Woohhoo. I took a bath and changed into red top and green shorts with green shoes and a silver ring. I went downstairs to be done eating because today is a special day. Me and Maddison decided to go to Zayn's place. Harry will be there too.
We decided to spend time together because we're leaving the next week to England. I stepped out of the house and saw Harry getting out too.
"Good Morning Love." He yelled, he always calls me 'love' .. how sweet. He walked to me. "Good morning." I replied chuckling. He held my hand and we walked to his car. We drove to Madz's place and she jumped in the car excited.
We drove to Zayn's house and rang the door bell.

Chapter 17 : Chillin Today

Elizabeth's P.O.V
We stepped inside and Zayn welcomed us. We walked to the living room couch and sat on it. "So, what should we do?" I asked because it was awkward sitting silent.
"let's watch a movie?" Zayn asked. "Wrong Turn?"
I shrugged agreeing and looking at Maddison, who was looking pale because this movie always frightened her and then at Harry. they nodded and we walked to the TV room, while Zayn was searching in the CD drawer. He got a CD out with the Wrong Turn cover on it. [[]]
We sat down on Couch. Zayn puts the CD in the DVD, and walks to sit with us. This is the sitting arrangement 'Harry, Me, Maddison, Zayn.'
The movie started and I placed my head on Harry's shoulder, just in case.
The movie started. After 45 minutes there comes the part where the creepy stuff kills them and cuts them into shreds. Maddison suddenlt yelled and burried her head into the pillow. She made us three look at her. "Maddison, why don't you stay in Zayn's arms? He will protect you." Harry said making me laugh, yes, I actually told him the feelings Maddi has for Zayn. "WHAT? NO!!" Maddison yelled at Harry. "It's alright." Zayn sighed. I have a feeling that Zayn likes her because of the way he lookes at her and blushes and stuff like that.

The movie is about to be over in 30 minutes, I guess. They looked so creepy eww. This movie gives me goosebumps whenever I watch it, so I burried my head more into Harry's arms, I just.. oh gosh he makes me feel so comfortable. I didn't care about the movie anymore because I was dreaming in Harry's arms. Maddison yelled again, and this time, awww, she jumped on Zayn and grabbed his shirt tight. I never saw her this afraid. I looked at Harry and chuckled, he laughed. "Ouuuh Madz." I smiled winking at Zayn. Maddi looked up slowly, she saw Zayn and felt backwards. "Ouuch." She said getting up and sitting on the couch again. "Sorry Zayn, I didn't mean to jump on you." She said looking down while blushing like hell. "It's alright." Zayn smiled.

The movie's now over. "Guys, the movie's over and you didn't even make us watch the whole thing.." Harry sighed while Zayn stood up and took the CD out, kept it in it's cover and off'ed the DVD. "Thank god." Maddi said standing up. "So, how was it?"
"Great." me and Harry said while standing up. "Who wants to go to the beach?" Harry questioned as we three raised our hand.
"But, first. Me and Maddison need to get our bikinis with us." I shrugged.
"I'll take you home and you can take your time picking your bikinis, love" Harry said holding my hand. I smiled and nodded.
"Come on Maddi!" I called her while she stood up waving at Zayn.

We reached home and me and Maddi went upstairs to pick our bikinis. We wore them [[]] but we wore a thin robe over them because we didn't really liked to walk in bikinis, in the road. We fixed our hair and rushed downstairs, I scribled a note to my mom and stick it onto the fridge. We ran to the car. We drove to Zayn's house and he hopped into the car excited.

As we reached the beach, removed our thin robes and put them in the car. This is the beach [[]].
First thing we did was to wait for Zayn and Harry to change into their shorts. After 2 minutes of waiting, they got out like this..
Harry - [[]]
Zayn - [[­0/h6.jpg]]
HOT! asdfghjkl
Anyways, they came to us and I could see Maddi biting her lips while looking at Zayn's abs, hahaha. I giggled at her. "Me and Maddi better go do something, you should too." I said to Harry and Zayn. They nodded. Me and Maddi walked to the tennis court, which was on the beach sand. We both grabbed a racket but Maddi put it back down. "I have to go to the rest-room." She said as I nodded. I decided to sit. After 30 seconds I heard foot-steps behind me. I looked up behind to see who is was. And BOOM, I saw the person whom I thought I would never see in my whole life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.07.2012

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