
The beginning of a new story

My name is Brandi Michles. I don't remember anything except my Andy. My wonderful Andy. This world, Bashilkula (Ba-Shi-Ku-la) has found a way to capture and breed certain creatures for different purposes. I was at a facility that took children and brainwashed them to use certain ones for fighting. I was chosen by a dragon. The best one to get and it is said that only one person in the world can have a dragon and they live forever. Well guess what. I don't want to live without my Andy. In his normal form he is huge. As big as the blue colored mountains. He used to be a lot smaller. His scales are a beautiful red and he has the most beautiful crimson eyes to match. His wings are large and leathery and his teeth the sharpest and whitestest I've ever seen. His natural talent is fire, but dragons have the ability to take on all talents. In his human form he still has his wonderful eyes, black hair thats a little shaggy, tall, at least '6"4 and strong looking. He's always protected me. I don't remember anything else. Only him. So I have to find him. He left me a note when I woke up here. "Get Xeno the Ice dragon. He waits for  you and find me at our place. Blue mountains." The blue mountains of Beraidia are across the country, so I have at least a 4 to five day trip trough the most dangerous places I've ever been, but if I can see Andy again, well I'll do it. He's all I remember, so I have to find him. My dragon fighter that shapeshifts into a human. He saved me so many times. I just want him back. I have a strage feeling though, with Xeno by my side I'm going to remember a lot more. I though this sitting at my desk. Only I and these people who where supposed to be my traveling companions. They were here with me. They lost their memory as well along with their companions. They had the same orders, except they had to escape with me. Come with me. Nina,16, long blonde hair, blue eyes, '5"4, fiesty, but kind, her fighter was Nanuk, a white bear with Ice abilities. She was to find the water bear, Shilu. William16,'6"2 who had a buzz cut blond hair with green eyes and had the fire tigress Shika. He had to find her sister the earth tigress Lola. Finally Robin, black hair, blue eyes, snake bites,'6"4 and 17.He had the water monkey Mila and had to get her sister Shikana who was a(n) Ice ape. Me, I was supposed to get the Ice dragon Xeno, and had my beloved fire dragon Andy. I was 15, '6"00, had long black hair, blue eyes, and a fit figure. That and I was getting back to my Andy whatever it took. "Pay attention now class!" I looked up. The blond witch. Green eyes, and a bowl cut blond hair who was a female excuse for a teacher. "Today and throught this week you will be getting your fighters. Today will be the top four's turn. Annalise (my name here, I hate it), Deamon (Will's name), Shiba (Nina), And Regus (Robin). To the back, the lot of you." I slowly stood and headed to the back room. She handed us each a tube of sticky liquid. I looked at her in confusion. "We've mooved from eggs to these. This way it morphes into whatever creature soots you best. Get out now. You have the rest of the day off." So we left. As we walked down the hall way, my companions realeased their creatures happy to find out they were who they were supposed to be. I on the other hand waited. That was a mistake. Before I knew what was going on I was in the bathroom. There was an uperclassmen saying how he was going to steal my creature to add to his colection. That made me mad. He realeased a purple monkey/ape/bear looking thing and it was fast. It started chasing me and smashing things while the uperman laughed. I didn't know why but I was scared. I was very scared. "Xeno! Xeno please! Xeno please help me!" I was screeching histerically. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I was never scared. Then I remembered.* "Andy! Andy please help me!" I was five in this same place only a different person and my egg hadn't hatched yet. I was only five and was scared. The kid and his fighter were going to kill me. At that moment the egg opened and Andy stood tall, looking only my age and beat the thing to a pulp, sending both running. "You rang?" I cried for hours that day just there with my Andy.* I retured to the present still scared. To steal someones creature you had to kill them. I was defenseless. "Xeno!!!!!!!!!!!" I screached as loud as I could. I wanted my Andy. He would help me. Then there was a flash and there stood a boy, 15, like me, with a whole head of black curly hair, which bounced with his every move, his skin was the opposite of Andy's whose was a pale white. He was a beautiful olive tone that shone. He had Ice blue eyes, and a white smile with beautiful straight teeth. He was tall like my Andy '6"5, and extremely muscular. I hid behind him. The upperclass man looked in shocked. "A dragon." He was brethless. "No one has a dragon!" Then he smiled. "But I will." "Not if I can help it." Xeno's voice was a deep rumble full of affection. It made my heart leap. Then I felt bad for feeling that way. Andy was the only one that made me feel that way. I know! Xeno would be like a brother. I snapped out of it as he looked my way. "Do I have permision to fight?" "Of course from now on till the end of my life you have permision to fight when you think nessisary." He smiled. "Thanks sis." I smiled back while thinking 'holy crap can he read my mind?!' "Yes, yes I can." My jaw dropped and then he changed forms. I gasped. He looked just like my beautiful Andy only pure white with his ice blue eyes. He turned and looked at me before winking and freezing the creture and turning to the uperclassman. "Do you admit defeat?" His voice was even deeper in this form. The upperclassman nodded quickly and gave me a giant sac of gold coins as was the custom before rushing away. I stood up and he returned to human form. I ran and jumped in his arms for a hug. "Thank you Xeno. Are you ready to find Andy?" "Your welcome and it matters not to me. My life is yours to do with for eternity." I snuggled in his neck before backing away. I smiled and he smiled back as my friends burst in asking if I was alright. Wait, when did I call them friends? Hmm oh well, friends then. "I'm fine Xeno saved me." Nina looked him up and down before saying "Andy's gunna have some competition." This made Xeno laugh and I roll my eyes. "Hey. We have the day off so today is the day we split. Okay?" They all nodded and I grabbed Xeno's hand. "Get ready to run." "Well in that case..." "Hey!" He picked me up and threw me on his back. "Lets go." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." We had been planning this since we arrived and it went perfect till we got to the car. "Hey what are you kids doing! Get back in the facility!"  "Oh shit!" That was Will. "Run!" I yelled this as we ran to the car. I hopped off Xeno's back and slid into the drivers seat, him in shot gun and the others in the back. Once everyone was in I Slamed on the gas and we were off, breaking through the gates into the wilderness where no one dares go. There was only one city on this planet with humans and there were only two dwarf and two elf. The rest was wilderness and if you went there you were as good as dead. Oh yeah, I didn't mention we were all elves? Huh. I thought I did. The all terain hover car whipped through the trees and wilderness and we raced on our journey.

Just begining

We were still driving when the sun began to set. "Hey B, we gotta stop for the night. The car runs on sun and only works during the day. Lets sleep in a Bonjungi tree tonight kay?" Robin seemed worried as he said that. "Yeah, you're right." I was known for being argumentivitive, so he sighed when I agreed. Bonjungi trees were the only ones with natural hollows big enough for two dragons, or all of us in our normal forms. I flew the car up to the higest hole I could find so as to be safe from night creatures and parked us inside, using the elf song to get the tree to close the hole. I took a few of the supplies we had stashed in back of the car over the past months, which was enogh food for all of us for dinner, and a latern. I let the lit lantern float to the top of the hole and light the entire cavern. I then satdown next to Xeno in his dragon form and leaned against his belly. I shivered. I was used to Andy's warm stomach but this was good because it was summer now. I saw the rest of my companions having the same reaction. I finished my meal and laid down next to Xeno. He then curled his tail and head around me, putting his wing over me to form a comfotable, and safe feeling sleep-room. This is just what Andy would do for me. And with that thought I fell into the abyss of sleep.

* We were dancing round and round in a circle and everytime he laughed a flame jumped out of his mouth. Even though we were homless, and food less we were happy. We had each other, we had escaped the institute and had friends. I remembered our life at the institute and my nose wrinkled at the flood of memories. I didn't like them. I hadn't gotten to see Andy often. He stopped. "Whats wrong?" "Oh nofin. I was thinking how sad it was I couldn't see you all the time at the institute like now." "Oh well don't worry silly. I'll never leave you. I'll always be by your side. Forever and ever." *

I woke up with a start, tears freezing on my cheeks. Xeno was awake but didn't move. He knew I needed a moment. I cuddled up next to hishead and cried softly so as the others not to hear. "Xeno, he left. He left me all alone. Why would he do that to me. I love him so much." "He was just protecting you and hey I love you and that will never change. I'm here and I wont leave." "Promise Xeno?" "Promise." I whiped my tears away and gave his snout a big hug before heading out of our little tent and he stretched. No one was up yet so I took the liberty to cook breakfast  and wake them all up. We then ate while talking about random things and I felt closer to Xeno and snuggled next to him the whole time. I was happy to have reganed all my memoried up to the age of 13 when I had first escaped and began my journey with my friends. My friends seemed to have as well and we all remembered how we had met by being top of the class and put in the same tourcher room. They called it testing. I then used the song to open the cavern back up just as the sun came up. Its rays hit the car and I started it up, everyone piling in. Then we were off, headed towards the Hanumbius desert. Our journey in the Wana forest was done. We had to go now through the Hanumbius desert, to the Secial sea and then to the Blue mountians to whatever awaited us. As the sun rose and lit up the begining of the desert I felt a strage bout of hope.

New gear, new town, un found

As it approached mid day we came across a town, one of the dwarf towns, and decided to re stock. We had lots of money saved up from allowence and my large bag of gold from Xeno and I's first battle. We bought new clothes, food and a navigator. Our excuse was we were heading to the second Elf town in the next forest. The dwarfs nodded in understanding. We were moving away from humans who were mixing in the firs elf town which every elf and dwarf resented. As we got ready to leave a saw a beautiful duel weild sword set, one ice blue and the other a flame red. I walked into the shop with Xeno right beside me and asked how much. "5o gold peices." I paid imediatly and straped them to my back. "You know," The shopkeeper said as we were about to leave. "That an old fortune teller, a witch in fact'" Witches were known to never be wrong with fourtunes. Ever. "Told me that one day a girl and her second dragon would come in my shop and buy those swords, one fore each dragon of hers and she with her firends and all their creatures two each was going to save our world from  Galfnead the horrible human ruler. You gunna save us?" In that moment I remembered everything in my entire life, how Andy and I had planed this, the nights we spent together, our plot to bring down Galfnead, everything. I stood tall. "Yes, Yes I will Mikean." "Haha so you do remember Brandi. I was wonderin when you come pic up them swords you ordered." "Andy made me forget so I could get in and get his brother Xeno. It's good to be back." He chuckled and then looked serious. "When and where is the first meeting?" "Rebels first meetin is in the blue mountains, Seka No tun bla mount (a secret dwarf city, the 2nd one) in the hall in 2 weeks time." He nodded. I ran an organization to bring down Galfnead and everyone had been awaiting the next meeting to find out what I had learned. "Is Ordinus coming?" "My son? Course! He's been jumping p and down, bugging me the little tyke." I nodded smiling and then my friends burst through the door mouths gaping, fighters trailing behind. "Oh good. You remember?"  They just nodded. I put money on the counter and paid for their weapons which they took. Robin, a bow, Nina a sword, William, two matching guns. "You still have our stash Mikean?" "Aye. Every last coin." He brought out each of our cars, with each full of our supplies and gold. Now everyone had a car and we had an extra. I brought it in the shop, split the supplies and gave the car to Mikean. His eyes widened. "For me?!" "Yeah, for everything you've done and don't worry it's not stolen." The old dwarf gave me a rough handshake. "You're a good kid las." "I try. Do you have a changing room?" "I do." He pointed and I entered changing into my black combat boots, black tee shirt with spagetti straps, my short black jeans shorts, threw my hair up in a pony tail, put on my bandana and mechanic goggles and lastly strapped my two swords to my back. As I stepped out I noticed my friends had all changed into the exact same dress ecapt weapons on the hipps. "Well thank you old friend but we must be going." "Aye. I'll see you at the mettin." I nodded and got in my car with Xeno, and the others in their cars with their fighters Shilu, Lola, and Shikana. I pulled out of the shop and we pulled out of town together heading deeper into the Hanumbius desert, the Secial sea on the horizion. As the sun set we communicated over the phones imbeded in the cars and parked in a cave we made from a sand dune with a Duka shovel. Duka shovels can turn any material from one to another. Extrememly expensive. I wont say how we got them. We had left them with Mikean before the mission. Thats how we can turn sand to gold or sand to stone or water. Thats where the rebels get our funding from. Also why dwarfs like mining so much. In about two more days we should be at the blue mountains and we better hurry because Xeno is getting really big, really fast. Soon he'll  as big or bigger than Andy. I heard the howl of a Zenof in the distance and closed up the cave except for a(n) air hole. Those things were dangerous. As big as a newly hatched dragon and just as feirce. They looked like dogs, or in the elf language Shinkik. 

The Secial sea and the Mereal

The next morning we were racing towards the Secial Sea and I remembered a promise I had made. "Hey guys I have to stop at the Mereal real quick. You remember?" I had made a promise that after the mission I would tell the king of the Mereal when the next meeting was. They were elves that evolved to live in the sea. They only had 1 town and were a secret race the humans didn't know about. Not even dwarfs knew, but 1 week and 6 days from now they would know about them. "Yeah sure we  remember we'll go with." Robin interupted my thoughs. "Okay." I said this as the cars dived down. I knew the king. We would have to stay the night here, or two. Time passes different in their relm. One day there is two on the surface. So when we'll be at the moutains in two days. I dove down and we entered the paleace, parking the cars and getting out. All elves could breath underwater and so could any fighter an elf had, but Mereal had tails. We had legs. We were lead to our room and waited, talking about how long it would take to reach the second dwarf city. Half a day or a day once we were in the mountains? I wasn't sure so I let them bicker. About an hour later in their time we were called down to see the king. The throne room was beautifully decorated with Deano (coarl, that has gold value in the sea world) and gems of all kinds. The king Mesideon, grandson of Posiendon, had grey hair to his shoulders that shimmered and a beard the same color to his waist. He stood, well in that stance since he had a tail and we kneeled. "Your majesty." 'Who's he?' That was Xeno in my head. I gave Xeno all my memories and my whole life so he would know all. 'Oh.' I mentally nodded. "Please rise old and new friends." I stood and said "When we came into this realm for I know not how long surface time it has been there was one week and six days until the rebel meeting in the second dwarf city, in their grand hall with the pool I had connected to your sea." "Ah thank you old friend. And who is your new partner is Andy well?" I stiffend slightly. He was smirking. He thought Andy had died. The Mereal didn't like dragons at all.  I stod tall and striaght, pulling Xeno with me. "This is Xeno, brother of Andy, The fire Dragon. He is an Ice dragon. Andy is fine and well waiting for me in Seka No tun bla mount." The king's smile fell, before returning more fake than ever. "I see well it has been two surface days so I suppose you must go." He didn't want us here after that remark. "Then we will see you again in one week and four surface days or five and a half of your days. Goodbye." With that, I grabbed Xeno's hand in a show of difiance which made him smile and blush and went to our car. Our drive to the surface seemed to take forever, and I'm not sure why. "Brandi.." I stiffened slightly. Somehow I knew what Xeno was going to say. "Yeah?" "I've only known you for a few days, but I care about you quite deeply and I just want to say that it hurts knowing I can never have you and you'll always be with Andy because he was your first with everything." My cheeks flames when he said everything. I coughed, and then sighed. "Xeno I care about you alot too, but not in the same way, you are wonderful and kind and caring but like you said Andy was my first and my last. You're like the brother I've always wanted but could never have and I'm sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings but you'll always be like my big brother." I honestly felt really bad and he seemed in so much pain as he sighed. "I understand." He then turned away to look out the window as we surfaced and didn't talk to me again as we flew over the Shinkuada plains  and then to the entrance of Seka No tun bla mount. I parked my car and got out with everyone else. I had tear in my eyes. Was he here? MY Andy? Was he? I saw the others, even the guys, tears falling down their face. I was the first to speak, well more like screech. "Andy!!!! Andy where are you?! Andyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Andy come back to me!!!!" Tears ran down my face, warm and salty as my screams ecoed back at me. I fell to my knees, as the others desperately called for their fighters. They weren't just our friends they were our souls, our companions, our lives. I noticed that Xeno, Shilu, Lola, and Shikana were all stiff and angered looking. People are only meant to have one companion for a reason. My friends all looked shocked when as the sun set and my Andy had not come I broke into tears and curled into a ball on the ground. Everyone knew I never cried. Ever. They were surprised that I did and Xeno's featured softened. "You said you would never leave! come back! Dont leave me all alone...." My yells to the hevens were unheard as they bounced back, my sobs eccoing off the canyon and Xeno came over, hugging me close to his chest as I wept relentlessly into it, and not only my friends, but people from the Rebles stared, tears in their eyes. They knew, all of them that without Andy I might as well die. He was everything to me. We did everything together, hell when this was all over we were going to get married. I may only be 15, but I knew I loved him with every fiber of my being and wanted him back, no needed him back. Xeno picked me up and the Rebels lead us to our room, me crying in his chest. I vagely remembered them telling him they hadn't seen Andy or the others since the day we dissapeared. Xeno laid us down in bed as I cried in his chest until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning alone facing the rising sun. Memories of last night flooded me and tears streamed freely. Andy was everything to me, and now he was gone. I got up and decided to take a bath. It'd been awhile. I bathed and changed into the same gear only with ice blue and crimsion red swirls. I walked through the halls getting happy smiles, so I smiled back. Good no one knew. Without realising it, I had arrived at the training field. I took my duel weilders and let out all my emotions. The dummy was supposed to be made of indestructable material and and the sun began to set, with a final blow I shattered it. The people were giving me scared looks. I saw my reflection in a puddle and saw one eye glowing bright red and the other a cold,icey blue. The red made me angry and I started on a second dummy. Everyone but Xeno stopped by saying I had to eat and sleep. I sent them away. The fact that Xeno was gone pissed me off and saddened me even more I was fighting the dummies for I don't know how long but when I could have sworn the sun rose for the third time that day and I had destroyed four dummies I stopped panting, eyes glowing brightly still those two colors. I punched a coloum disgusting with the colors. I knew it was bad but hatred was building inside of me and I was starting to hate both of them. I went back to our room, stripped off my sweat clothes, bathed, dressed and head back downstairs. This time my clothes had purple swirls, I wasn't going to wear either of their colors. I stomped down the halls towards the dining room.


As I entered the hall everyone turned to look my way with my eyes glowing they looked scared. Word had spread of how  I broke the unbreakable dummies. Then one of the leaders approached me reminding me that I was supposed to preform a song tonight so I got on stage and started with a song from an alternate uneriverse I had found. It said a lot.

"Da da da daDa da da daDa da da da da,I don't know if I can yell any louder,How many times have I kicked you out of hereOr said something insulting?Da da da da daI can be so mean when I wanna be,I am capable of really anything,I can cut you into pieces,When my heart is broken.Da da da da daPlease, don't leave me [2x]I always say how I don't need youBut it's always gonna come right back to thisPlease, don't leave meHow did I become so obnoxious?What is it with you that makes me act like this?I've never been this nasty.Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest.But baby I don't mean it,I mean it, I promiseDa da da da daPlease, don't leave me, ohPlease, don't leave me (don't leave me)I always say how I don't need youBut it's always gonna come right back to thisPlease, don't leave meI forgot to say out loudHow beautiful you really are to me.I can't be without.You're my perfect little punching bag,And I need you.I'm sorry.Da da da daDa da da daDa da da da daPlease, please, don't leave meBaby, please, don't leave me (no, don't leave me)Please, don't leave me(I always say) I always say how I don't need youBut it's always gonna come right back to thisPlease, don't leave me (yeah)Please, don't leave me(I) I always say how I don't need youBut it's always gonna come right back to this.(please, please) please, don't leave me,Baby, please, please, don't leave me."

This is kind of how I felt with Andy and Xeno. I hurt alot. After I was done, because I always keep promises. I sat back down, hating my new, now permanent eye color. I ate, and with everyone still staring got up and left. There was only now one week left or if I marked off this day 6 days. I had started down the hall way at a walk, then a jog and then a run. I ran and ran, even when I was outside the moutains and ran to where Andy and I would always hang out at the lake. I stared at myself in the lake. My eyes, that weren't mine, but of two people who broke me. I snarled and splashed the water. What was I becoming? Some disgusting monster built of hatred? I was disgusted with myself and the world. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and stiffined. "What?" I was surprised by the growl in my voice. Robin flinched. Wait how did I know it was Robin? Whatever. "Don't hit yourself they'll come back." I laughed a snarl. "You can say that because you all have your fighters back." He flinched again. "He'll come back. Don't turn bitter." And with that he left. I snarled a laugh when he left. I looked at my reflection. "He is right. We've become bitter and hateful. When were we ever like this?! Huh?!" I screamed at my reflection, wanting an answer and didn't get one. I scoughed and turned away. I heard someone coming and hid behind a rock. It was Andy. All my feelings washed away as I got ready to run to him, but stopped when I saw someone else. I moved closer and hid behhind a tree listening. It was Xeno and Andy. "WHERE IS SHE?!" "She doesn't want to see you." "Thats bullshit! You just didn't tell her I wanted to meet her here! Where is Brandi you little shit excuse for a fighter!" Andy.... Andy missed me? "Well why didn't you come when she called huh?!" "I didn't hear her! I was waiting here just like I have every single night! Where is SHE?!" Andy tackled Xeno to the ground. "She's mine now brother!" Brother was full of resentment and bitter acid. I stepped a bit closer to look and knowing my luck a branch snapped. They both stopped and looked up, their eyes scaned the trees looking and then Andy sniffed. He ran towards the trees and I burst out towards him. Everything washed away when I saw his face light up. I smacked into his chest. "I thought you left me. I thought you didn't love me anymore. I was becoming cold and hard and mean. You said you'd never leave but you did!" "I'm so sorry, I'm so so so sorry baby. I'm so so so sorry. I'll never go away again. Never ever ever. I love you." He mumbled in my hair over and over. "I love you too and I won't let you. You can never leave again. I'll chain you down if I have to." My words were soft, squished by his muscled chest. "Your eyes changed." "Yeah I know." "You wanna go for a ride?" I nodded. Rides always made me feel better and it helped us bond. He shifted and without a glance at Xeno hopped on his back and connected to his mind showing him all that had happened and he showed me all that had happened as we flew threw the sky leaving behind a broken looking Xeno which broke my heart, but Andy was my only, my first for everthing, my love. 'I love you too.' I snuggled into his warm scales. I missed his warmth and kindness. We arrived back at base where everyone had been looking for me and as I walked back hand in hand with him everyone sighed and left us be. I walked back to our bedroom and showed him around before laying on the bed snuggling.


Love and War

I looked up from his chest and looked at his eyes. Those crimsion red eyes, bright pink lips, so soft, pointed ears, snake bites, shaggy black hair, toned muscles and mine. "Your staring." I blushed and then pouted "Am not." "Are too." Before I could reply my mouth was silenced by his, soft and tender, yet passionet and loving, tellling me jst how much he had missed me. I melted. "What are we going to do about the meeting in 6/5 days?" "I don't know yet. What do we do about Xeno?" "I don't know." I looked in his bright crimison eyes and only saw love. And that was all I felt was love. For him and only him. I kissed him this time, full of love and tried to put how much I missed him and loved him into it. I felt his tounge tease my lower lip and I opened my mouth to let him in, our tounges tangling for dominance, all the while clothes dissapearing. I broke the kiss for need to breath, and now both fully naked he asked, "Are you ok with this?" "Yes, yes I am." I brought his head down with my hands and kissed him very gently while we fit together. We were perfect for each other in every single way. Always have been. He colapsed next to me after our fourth round, both our breathing labored. "I missed you." "I missed you too." I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep, finally feeling safe and loved.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.07.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To Tehya, Tori and Jazzy, for always being there for me. I love you guys more than life itself.

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