
Curse or Gift? Aww hell! I have no clue!

I fell to the floor screaming, and in agony while black wings sprouted from my back. I saw and heard people laughing all around me. I heard the bones in my back cracking again, forming the black bird wings. I screamed louder.

I woke up in my bed, shaking. I saw my older brother sitting looking worried. Ya right! He was never worried about me, to busy with his new girlfriend every week.( This was an old memory as well, these were all memories.)

I turned away from him and went back to sleep, but this time there was nothing to see. Just black all around me. As I looked around, I saw a little girl crying. I went over and asked her what was wrong. I saw she had wings like mine, exactly like mine. She looked at me with my bright purple eyes and said "You ask me whats wrong, but what's wrong with you?" And she vanished. Then I saw every memory of mine pass before me. Hmm maybe I'm dead, isn't that whats supposed to happen or something like that? But the memories stopped at the most hurtful one. I was six and my mother threw me out in the snow, now knowing what I was and screamed "Get out and never come back you horrid child!! You are not mine and never will be!!!!" I ran and ran, as tears poured down my face. I eventually bumped into someone, someone like me, only he was a grownup. "What are you doing out here all alone?!" He asked surprised. "My mommy didn't want me, so she kicked me out and said she never wanted me again!" I said through my sobs. "Well were's your daddy?" "He died. My mommy said he died 'cause he was like me and she said she never loved him again because I was like him too, and now I have nobody!" I said trying to run off. This man probably thought I was a freak too. He grabbed my arm and came down to my level. "Well I guess you can stay with me, my sons and my wife, if you promise to be good, ok?" "I...I..I... ok" I sniffled. The man held out his hand and I took it. "What's your name?" He asked. "Raven, because of my wings, you don't think I'm a freak do you?" "No hun, I'm just like you, and so is your new mommy and your new brothers." "Oh. Ok." I said as I began to swing our hands back and forth.

I groaned as I got out of bed. I hated those dreams, where it was a dream within a dream within a dream. The one with the brother was with my old mom that kicked me out when I was six. I went to my walk in closet and picked out a black shirt with a red dragon on it and black jeans. I jumped into the shower and felt the warm water run down my body, relaxing my muscles. I got out and dried myself off, putting on my clothes. I looked into the mirror as I brushed my teeth, then hair. I had raven black hair, purple eyes, and a very pale complexion. I had no pimples, and my hair was always like silk. As soon as I was finished I put on my "Dragon Gloves" as I call them, because 1) They match my black shirt with the red dragon, and 2) Because my pet dragon Chewy likes me better for some reason when I wear them. I got on the railing on the stairs and slid down, doing a summer salt in the air, landing on my feet soundlessly. I began to make breakfast when all of my brothers came down the stairs asking me what I was making.

"QUIET!!!!" I yelled. It went silent. I am the only one that usually shuts them up. "Jake, blueberry pancakes for you, butter and syrup." I yell as I slide the plate over. "Yes!" "Adam, french toast and bacon, little bit of syrup" I yelled as I slid it to him. "Oh Yes!" "And last but not least, Jeremy with scrambled eggs, bacon,toast and orange juice!" I said as I placed it in front of him."Thank you" He said quietly. He was a quiet kinda guy, that's why I loved the fact he was my brother. "What about us?" asked my parents. I pointed to a table set with everything. I took out my chicken fried steak, gravy, homemade fries, and scrambled eggs and sat down next to Jeremy. I saw Jake, the oldest reach for a fry and I stabbed him with my fork. "M..I...N..E.." I spelled for him. Jake was a blond, muscular boy, with purple eyes and a pretty smile, and the oldest. Adam then tried to reach behind me and grab one but I grabbed his hand and said "You want to pay for the counters and my breakfast again?" "No." He mumbled and went back to his. Adam had chocolate brown hair, purple eyes, muscular build like my whole family, including me, and a smirk on at all times he was second oldest. Jeremy had finished and asked "Can I have one?" Very shyly and timid. "Here ya go!" I said as I put a couple of fries on his plate. Jeremy was the youngest of the boys, and always stood up for me and was always nice to me, so I was nice back.
He was beautiful. He had hair like mine, in a perfect haircut, that I picked out, and he liked it. He had beautiful purple eyes that shone, unlike the other dimwits, and had the perfect amount of muscles.He was one year older then me. My other brothers looked their eyes as wide as dinner plates. "Why does he get some and we don't?!" They asked angerly. "Because he asked." I said simply. "Can I have one?" They asked. "Nope!" as I popped the "p" like gum and I continued as there faces were surprised. "Because you tried to take one first." "No fair!" "Jer, you want the rest?" I asked my plate half full. "Ok." He said a gorgeous smile on his face. I gave my plate to him. I remembered when I had first come home he ran up to me and wrapped a blanket around me and declared "I'm gunna be the bestest big brother ever!" He was gorgeous back then too, sadly he's my brother *Sigh*. I was always malnourished back then, so I was easy to pick up. He picked me up and brought me to the couch and got me popcorn. "Thanks!" I said with a big smile. I cuddled up next to him and watched my first movie with my new big brother. The next morning I woke up in a room with black walls with a red dragon going across the walls and matching bed, couches, everything. "Wow..." I whispered. "It's pretty" That's when I met the rest of my idiot brothers, who ran in, and started to ask me so many questions I got scared. I started to back away when Jeremy ran to my rescue and jumped in front of me yelling at them "Leave her alone! Can't you see your scaring her?!" From then on I knew he would be my favorite. Shortly after that I got Chewy, but Jeremy was still my favorite in the family.

"Hello?!" Jeremy waved a hand in front of my face. "Huh? Oh. Sorry Jer. What were you saying? I had a flashback." "I asked if you wanted to go out flying." Jeremy said sort of annoyed, but he could never fully be annoyed at me. "Yes! I'v been getting cramps in my back waiting for you!" "Wait! You were waiting for me to go flying?!" "Uh Duh! Why would I go without you?!" " Good point" He said laughing. "Shut up and lets go!" I ran to the flying gear closet. I picked out my vest and took off my shirt, putting it on. It matched everything I had though. Jeremy did the same, and soon we were all geared up. "Mom, Dad we're going flying!!!" I yelled. "Ok Hun!" My dad yelled.

Flying is fun?

Raven's P.O.V.

As we got our gear on I remembered the day I had saved Jeremy. He was 11 and I was 10. Jake had knocked him out of the sky and he had started a downward spiral. "Jeremy!" I screamed. I dove after him and grabbed him by the vest. I flapped my wings as hard as I could, just to stay airborne. But then I was easily flying back to the house. I made sure Jeremy could feel his feet on the ground, and he ran inside. I slowly floated down, folded my wings and went inside were Jeremy was explaining what happened. I slowly started to tip toe away when I heard "Not so fast Miss." My mother pointed her finger at me and bent it, showing me to come here. "Both of you outside." "Spread your wings." I did as I was told, and I fluttered them a little, getting feeling back in them. I saw all of them wide eyed and mouthed. "What?! Did I do something bad?!" "No, look at the glass." I looked at the glass, and my wings were 5x's the size of Jeremy's and 2x's the size of dad's, and his was the biggest. "Wow." I whispered. They always would be like that, and they would grown bigger still.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

As we got our gear on, I remembered the day that Raven had saved me. I had been 11 and she 10. Jake, trying to be a show off to our sister, bumped me out of the sky. I started on a downward spiral. I heard her scream my name. I could hear her coming after me. "Oof!" I let out a breath, because she had so suddenly grabbed a hold of my vest. I heard her trying hard just to stay up, not including carrying me home. But suddenly, there was a nice breeze. I had thought I was dead, until my feet touched the ground, and I ran inside telling our parents what had happened. I didn't notice her tip toeing away until our mother had said "Not so fast Miss." And showed her with her finger to come over here. "Both of you outside." "Spread your wings." I did, but I heard a "WOOSH!" right next to me, and a loud flapping noise. I looked over with my parents, and saw it was Raven, with ginormous, amazingly cool wings! She looked worried, I guess we were gawking. "What?! Did I do something bad?!" "No, look at the glass." Our father said. She looked and whispered "Wow." Her wings were always bigger from then on, and still grew.

Flying is FUN!!!!!

Raven's P.O.V.

I snapped out of my flashback, and said "Ready?" "Yes!" Jer answered excitedly. I ran out side, jumped, did a summer salt and back flip while my wings came out. Jeremy just jumped and mumbled "Show off!" "Hahaha, Maybe, but I can still beat you in a race, to the mountain!" "Can Not!" "Ready! Set! Go!" I said taking off at amazing speeds, and I was still faster then Jer, gliding. "Try to keep up hotshot!" I said as I went like a bullet towards the mountain. I heard him growl and flap harder trying to keep up. I grabbed the mountain, and flew straight up and landed on top of it, not having broken a sweat. Jeremy finally landed next to me and laid back panting. I took out a water bottle from a pocket in my vest and handed it to him saying "Here ya go! A week of doing dishes or hunting for Chewy, that's a week too." "Dishes." He mumbled defeated. "Ya know, you really have turned out to be the best big brother know that?" He shot up like lighting and asked "Really?!" "Well ya. You've been to every game I'v had, you always stick up for me, your always polite and caring and everything else in my mind the best big brother would do." I said simply. Right then I was crushed in a hug and took the air right out of me. "Can't...breath..being..smothered" He let go laughing so hard, I think he shook the mountain. Oh wait! It was Chewy! "CHEWYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" I yelled excited. As the mountain was suddenly Chewy. "I missed you Chewy!!!!" I said as he looked up at me. I pet him under his enormous chin and he snorted smoke happily. He looked at me and poked my backpack. I had the meat that I always brought with me in case I saw him. I know your probably thinking "How hard can it be to find a humongous dragon?!" Well very, because he looks like a mountain. I opened the huge back pack and handed it to him piece by piece.

When I got back to my room I turned on my stereo to Seether "Walk Away From The Sun"

Walk away from the sun, come slowly undone
I can see in your eyes I've already won
I could bleed for a smile, I could cry for some fun
Walk away from the sun, and tell everyone

There's so much left in the air
So much to tell from a stare
There's so much left to defend
But I am no fun

So turn away from the ones who hurt everyone
I can tell by your smile you're coming undone
I could bleed for a smile; could die for a gun
Walk away from the sun and kill everyone

So tiny dancer beware, we're medicated and scared
This smile is so hard to wear, but I have no gun

So turn away from the ones who hurt everyone
I can tell by your smile you're coming undone
I could bleed for a smile; could die for a gun
Walk away from the sun and kill everyone

And you're fading with every day
(you could've been the next one, should've been enough for me)
You're fading with every day
(you could've been the next one, should've been enough for me)
You're fading with every day
(you could've been the next one, should've been enough for me)
And you're fading with every day... whoa

There's so much left in the air
So much to tell from your stare
There's so much left to defend
But I am no fun

And you're fading with every day
(you could've been the next one, should've been enough for me)
You're fading with every day
(you could've been the next one, should've been enough for me)
You're fading with every day
(you could've been the next one, should've been enough for me)
And you're fading with every day... whoa

Walk away from the sun
(fading with every day)
(you could've been the next one, should've been enough for me) [x4]

I listened to it on my bed, swaying to the music, and before I knew it I was laying down and asleep, crying. Why? I don't know...

flying is fun, but is life?

I woke up and found Jeremy standing next to me looking proud. "Jesus Christ help us now.. What'd ya do?" I asked. "I made breakfast!" I sighed and got ready. By the time I got down everybody was already down and eating. "Looks like the early bird woke up late!" Jake said. "Whatever." I said. I wasn't hungry so I just grabbed a bag of blood and heated it up. Yes we drink blood. Big surprise. "Are you ok?" My mother asked as she put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine." I replied. After I had finished I got my gear on and said goodbye to my mother saying I was going out. What the hell is wrong with me?! Why am I so depressed?! As I got outside I did a traditional jump and flew straight up and then leveled out. There was no rush today, so I just glided. My favorite bird came up and flew next to me. "Hey Robert" "HONK!" Yes he was a goose. "Missed you too." I said as I pat his head. He got a concerned look in his eye. "HONK!!" "Not you too! I'm fine! Really!" I gave my wings a flap and landed in a tree. I leaned back against it and fell asleep.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

We (Mom, Dad, and I) had been searching for her for hours now. She covered her scent somehow.. "HONK!" "Hey Robert! Do you know where she is?!" Robert was her favorite flying partner, a goose... "HONK!!!" The bird I guess you could say said and flew off towards a tree. I saw her their asleep. But she was pale, and I mean un-naturally (for us). I went to pick her up, when dad shook his head and picked her up. So she hadn't run away, she just went out flying and fell asleep. As soon as we got home, her one true friend, Melinda popped in her room, and snarled at me, "Move!" She was a witch so I guess she was good at this. I moved to the side and she told everyone else to get out. That always was here favorite tree. Whenever she got tired flying she would fall asleep in that tree. "She's....changing...." Melinda said looking confused. "Uh, how?" I asked confused. "She's everything and anything." "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?! I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE ARE ALL LIKE FORTUNE COOKIE!" "Shat up!" I heard a familiar voice say as she reached for a bottle on the side of her table. She grabbed it and took two of the pills out and swallowed them. She then put the bottle back on the stand. She had always gotten headaches a lot, well aces in general, so she always had a bottle of those around.

Raven's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked at my clock. Good 12:00 am. I walked downstairs, grabbed my gear and wrote a note saying i would be gone all day with Chewy. I checked in one of my hidden pockets and found my cigarettes and lighter in the pocket that was invisible. I took off, grabbed a few deer and headed for Chewy. I dropped them in front of him and hid behind him. I looked around, and when I saw no one I lit my cigarette and took a long drag. I only got to smoke once a moth or two, cause I was only aloud to fly alone then. I had folded my wings and it looked like I was just leaning against a huge rock and smoking. My lungs would heal as the rest of my body did if they ever got damaged. "Smoking not good for you." I heard a voice say. "So?" I said as I took another drag and made a perfect smoke ring. A man came out of the woods and he was HOT! ( ^O^ ) He was ripped and I mean like muscles ready to pop out of his shirt. He had shaggy black hair that looked blue in the right light. He had beautiful emerald green eyes, shining almost as beautiful as Jeremy's. His eyes were kind and sincere. "So you'll get sick." "Hahaha. No I rarely if ever get sick." "Do...I know you?" "Not that I know of. why?" I asked taking another drag. "I dunno you seem familiar..." "hmmm...."I said finishing off the cigarette and crushing it on my heel. "'d ya get over the moutain?" "Like everyone else." "Cam I show you something you'll never ever tell?" "Ok." He took off his shirt and I had to make sure I didn't drool. He shook his back and pure white bird wings came out, smaller then mine of course. "That's all you got?" I asked laughing. "What's so funny?!" My face got serious and I said as my wings unfolded "This." My wings had grown exceptionally larger. "hmm...They got bigger." I stated. I saw his jaw drop to the ground. "Holy..Sh..i..t!" He said. "mm, so ur the Whities next door eh?" "What'da mean by whities?" he asked as I started smoking a new cigarette. "Your wings." I said pointing as his white ones. "Oh." "So where's your family, I'd hate to break it to ya, but your in our territory, without permission from the leader, my dad." "There all dead...killed by wolves." "Ah....sorry about that." "Eh it's fine they were abusive." My mouth formed a big O. "Yowch." "So your whole family like you?" "Ya, we all have black wings, mine are the largest though...." "That's not what I ment." "Then what do you mean?" I asked taking another smoke of the cigarette, I had been the whole time. "You are a mix of every creature in our world, you don't know yet?" "Nope!" I said popping the 'p'. "RAVEN!" I heard Jeremy yelling. "Danm. They woke up early." "Why? You run away?" "No I wanted a smoke." I said putting the cigarette out and burrying them. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Cain Crane" "Nice to meet ya Crane." I said as I shook his hand, feeling a nice, a pleasent shock go through my hand and his whole life passed before me. When we broke apart we both asked "You went through all that?!?!?!" "ya..." again we answered at the same time. Chewy had been chewing away at his deer when Jeremey came up to me and I said "Hey bro! Why up so early?!" " It's two in the afternoon." He said his face hard and cold. "o. Well I said I was going out to feed chewy didn't I?" "Ya, but you were gone for like 14 hours!" He yelled at me. "Well it took me awhile to find him, since he looks like a mountain!" I yelled back. "Whose he? You know your on our territory without permission right?!" "Jer!" I said pushing him back. "I told him, he didn't know we lived here! OK?! Jesus Christ! Do I ever get a chance to be alone without one of you hovering over my shoulder?!" I roared shape shifting into a beautiful black dragon with red markings. I roared black flames flying everywhere. I lifted off, my wings the size of the city of San Francisco each, and picked up Cain and flew away. "Raven!" He yelled falling behind fast because one beat of my wings now was about fifty of mine and 200 of his. "Raven! Please! I didn't mean any harm!" He shouted. "RAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, landing on the ground crying. "RAVEN!!!!! RAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!RAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, louder each time.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

As I saw her fly away, I screamed her name. I curled into a ball and made a shell around me with my wings. I heard my family comming and I kept mumbling "I failed, I failed,I failed" I didn't know how long I was like that, because I just kept counting the ways I failed. I had failed. They tried to open my shell and give me food or water, but I had failed I don't deserve it.

Raven's P.O.V.

I had stayed at Cain's for a while, cooling down, when there was a knock at the door. I got up and got it. My face went stone cold and I set my face hard. It was Jake with a tear streaked face. "You g..g..o..ttttta help hhiimmm. He hasn't eatteennn or moved just mmumbling he failed. You gottttta help him!" My face had sofened somewhat. He was talking about Jer. I felt Cain's arm wrap around my waist. I looked up at him and said "He's my brother I.." "I understand." He said kissing me. I shape shifted and told my brother to get on my back. I apoligetically looked back at Cain, and he smiled and shooed me off. Now that is a true man. I lifted off, in there in seconds. I shifted back, but still had the huge wings. God I hopped I could help. I gently sat doown on the bed and heard him mumbling. "Hey Jer Jer. Jer, can we go to the movies, ther's this new one I want to see. I think you might like it." I gently stroked his wings, when I heard a loud "CRACK!" and the wings began to unfold. "Your alive or am I dead?" I heard his hoarse wisper. "I'm very much alive." His wings contiued to unfold. When they were fully out I jumped in for a hug. "I missed you Jer Jer." "I missed you too." Then suddenly it was dark. "Jer Jer what just happened?" "I dunno." He said as he reached up and felt my, MY wings around us. The humongous dragon wings. I gently unfolded them and he tried to get up. He wobbled and almost fell, but I caught him. I picked him up and flew downstairs. I opened the fridge, and began cooking, as soon as it was out it was gone. I then heated him up some blood, and he returned to his natural color.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

As I saw her scramble around the kitchen getting me things to eat, I saw how much she cared. She loved me, I guess she was a little mad because we hovered over her a lot. I saw our parents come through the door as I was finishing the glass of blood she gave me and she put another plate in front of me and another glass of blood. My parents jaws dropped to the floor. She didn't notice she just kept cooking and adding more to my plate. I have no clue how we never get fat.... She saw them and almost dropped her spoon, but regained composure. She continued to cook, only invisible now. More food. My parents faces dropped when she disappeared from sight. Then I was squished in a hug from all sides. "EXCUSE ME BUT HE NEEDS TO EAT SO GET OFF HIM!" They all turned and looked at her, spoon in one hand and pot in the other. She looked pissed. She put the food on my plate and went back to cooking. My idiot brothers grinned at each other, and then my parents, who grinned back. They charged her and squished her. "um...I have to feed him." she said under the mass of bodies."S'ka I'm full." My father broke off from the hug and said "It's wing measurement day." We all groaned, except Raven who went deathly white. We all shuffled outside and she was first.

Raven's P.O.V.

When he said that, all I could think was "OH SHIT!!!!" My father called my name first and they all backed up. I heard a big "Woosh!" and heard them gasp. I turned around and looked at the glass. I had my dragon wings, which were not the usual dragon wing, nope there was scales the entire length, which like I said each one was the size San Francisco. My father went pale white and I quickly folded them and I thought of my raven wings, so then I heard a new "Woosh!" and those wings were back, only same size. I folded those too and went to hide behind Jer. The day went by just like normal, but my father got a call and he went into the other room. "DING! DONG!" " I GOT IT!!!!!!" I screamed and ran to the door. I slowly opened it, seeing Cain. "CAIN!" I screamed, while jumping on him and giving him a hug. " Wait, my dad, we gotta hide you!" But too late, my dad was standing a few feet behind me tapping his foot. I stood in front of Cain, arms spread wide. " I'm not gunna hurt him, I invited him over." "Oh." I tilted my head backwards and saw his smiling face. I spun around and brought him inside. "JAKE, ADAM, JER, MA! COME MEET CAIN!" I yelled. It sounded like a heard of dragons was coming down the stairs. I entwined my hand in his and felt the pleasant electricity. "I love you." I heard in my head. I looked at Cain and told him through my mind "I love you too."

Jeremy's P.O.V.

I heard her yell for us to meet Cain. My face was stone cold. I swear to god if he hurts her in any way I will personally kill him. I walked down stairs after everyone else, and stood in the back while everyone asked him questions. Then Jake asked "How'da meet Raven?" putting an arm over her shoulder. "I went out flying and he walked out of the woods, then Jer came, I got pissed, turned into a dragon, flew away stayed at his house to calm down, talked, then you turned up in tears." She said giving him a big smile. " YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL THEM THAT PART!" he wined/ yelled. We all laughed. "You arrived in tears?!?! The same guy who threw me out of the sky?!?!" I said laughing. He shuffled his feet and broke the silence by saying "WHO WANT'S TO PLAY AIR BALL?!" "ME!" we all yelled and headed outside. I knew whoever was team captain would want Raven because 1) she was fast and 2)she could bat you out of the sky in a second.

Raven's P.O.V.
"Jeremy's a team captain and so is Jake. Raven pick what team you want to be on." My father said. "Jer Jer!" I yelled jumping in his arms for a hug. "Damn!" my brother whispered. "Dad." Jake said. I saw Jeremy sigh. "Cain." "Yay!" I yelled and gave Jer a kiss on the check and a hug. "Adam." "Mom." "DOWN!" I yelled. They all hit the ground. I heard a really loud "WOOSH! FLAP! FLAP!" I saw the enormous dragon wings covered in scales. The other team groaned. Our team stood up and let their wings out. Everyone gawked when they saw Cain's white wings. "Will you STOP staring?! They are just a different color! Geesh!" I said. "EVERYBODY UP!" my father yelled. I had the ball first. "RULES ARE, 1) NO SHAPESHIFTING 2) NO ELEMENTAL MAGIC AND 3) NO WEAPONS and hand them over if you do Raven, cough cough." I sighed and gave him my grenades, knifes, guns, gas bombs, swords, ninja stars, and throwing spikes, but what he didn't know was that I had an extra knife, which I would not use, but always kept on hand. "GO!" My father yelled. I flew toward the other teams post and was there in a second. Everyone looked around for me and they looked toward the post and I said "Hi! What took ya so long?!" with a huge smile on my face. Their mouths dropped to the ground except Cain and Jer, their smiles were huge and I could see the pride in their eyes. They all flew at me. I gave one flap up, and they all ran into the post, they flew up and I down and scored again. In the end we had 2,000,000,000 and they had 2. I smiled as I jumped up and down in the air and said "Ya! We won!" My father gave me back my weapons. I dove towards the ground and landed. I walked inside and found a very big surprise. I screamed, it couldn't be, my mother and my brother and they had guns and knifes to kill me.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

We had won and she had disappeared down back to the house when we heard her scream. Not the kind of happy scream, the blood curtailing scream of fear. She was never afraid, ever. We all dove down and went into the house and found her rocking back and forth in a ball in a corner. Her old mother and old brother who had knifes and guns strapped to a wall by nets that she had that stuck to any surface and were unbreakable. " You little brat! I'm gunna kill you! Your a freak of nature and shouldn't live! I'm gunna kill you!" Her old mother kept screaming. I saw terror in my sisters eyes. She was never afraid. This woman must of done some bad things to her. I ran over to her, picked her up and walked downstairs to the couch, so my family could take care of them. I cradled her in my arms, but I think she went into her flashback mode. "Raven..." I whispered. "Raven..." she wouldn't respond, so I used my gift, which I never used. I touched my hand to her forehead and went into her mind. I had no clue what I was gunna find there.

living nightmare

still Jeremy's P.O.V.

God! It was like a nightmare in there. There were dreams filled with horror, her mother beating her, throwing her out, no one loving her, her father gone, again her mother was beating her, that showed up a lot. Then the worst one. Her mother tried to cut her wings off while she screamed in pain strapped to a table. Our wings couldn't be taken off. Her mother continued to try and chop her wings off, till she found it was to no avail, and that's when she kicked her out and she found us. God! How could anyone do all of that to her?! Her life was a living nightmare! I pulled out of her mind and saw everyone was watching me with my eyes closed and hand on her forehead. I gently placed her down and said "Were is the bitch?!" "Who." "Her 'Mother' who beat her everyday, tried to cut her wings off, with a cleaver! and then so many others! her life was a living hell, so where is the bitch!" I snarled. They pointed upstairs. I stormed upstairs, I was going to kill her. I saw her in a chair tied down with chains. The boy was unconscious. "You another one of those freaks?!" "HOW DARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY LITTLE SISTER?! HOW DARE YOU HURT AND BEAT HER YOU BITCH! HURT MY RAVEN! YOU BITCH! I'M GUNNA KILL YOU!" I screeched. I slapped her across the face and continued on my rant. "YOU DARE EVEN TOUCH HER?! I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!! SHE SAVED MY LIFE! YOU BITCH! YOU TRIED TO CHOP OFF HER WINGS WITH A CLEAVER! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE A VERY VERY VERY PAINFUL DEATH! I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU BITCH!!!!!! FOR DOING THAT TO MY LITTLE SISTER!!!!!! TO MY LITTLE RAVEN!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!" I screech and snarled at her. I took one of her guns and shot her in the legs, one after the other. Then her arms. Then I tore them off. Next as she screamed I shot her once in the heart and then in the head and said "die bitch and go to hell." My family rushed in as I burnt her body, or what was left of it. I had rage coming off of me in waves. I lifted the boy's chin to look in my eyes. "You are very lucky that she said nothing about you. You will forget everything and never come near this place again and will never even say the word Raven again." He nodded and then passed out. My father took him out of state. Raven was in her room sleeping off the shock, god I hoped she was OK. The I heard giggles, from Melinda and her. I walked into her room which had a smoky, potty smell to it. Aww shit! Dad's gunna kill her and me.

Raven's P.O.V.

Jeremy walked into the room when we were high so I said stupidly "Hi Jer Jer! What are you doing in here?! It's nice in here." My words were slurred and I had burst out laughing. We had also gotten drunk. Melinda and I. He just sighed and picked me up. "Were we going Jer Jer! I ain't done!" I said trying to wiggle back out of his grasp. I burst out in hysteria again, and as we came downstairs I smiled like an idiot and said "Hiya! There's a party upstairs if you want any!" I burst out laughing again. They all looked shocked. I had only done this once before and that was a very traumatic experience of which I didn't want to talk about. I was slung over his shoulder, so I flipped over on my back and swung like a pendulum laughing like an idiot that got high, which I did, and drunk. I had a huge smile on my face, and said "Why you all hanging on the ceiling?! Oooo! Vodka!" I said as I saw the bottle. I grabbed it. "No. No. No!" Jer said as he tried to grab it. "Yumm. Oh. You want it? Here ya go!" I said as I finished and burst back into hysteria. Melinda came down after us saying, while staggering "Hey! wait for me! I wanna come!" "Jesus Christ!" (sorry to anyone who takes offense by this..) Jeremy said. "What is up with everyone on the ceiling? " I asked. Melinda and I tried to look serious like Jeremy, whom we were both over his shoulder now and failed at looking serious because we burst out laughing. "Hey. Where are we going?" I asked again. "Outside." "Oh. Really?! It's fun outside!!!!!!" Cain had finally gotten back from burying the ashes, and like the idiot I was right now I waved at him saying "Hi Cainy Crany." "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" He yelled/whispered in Jer's ear. "They got high, and drunk and now I'm going to make them sober again." He whispered back. "THATS WHERE WE'RE GOING?!?! GEESH! I THOUGHT IT'D BE MORE FUN!" "Like candy land!" "Yea! like candy land!" Melinda and I had our own little discussion. We were deep in the woods now and headed towards a pool with a really pretty woman. She had long brown hair that matched the trees and a really pale complexion and really pretty leaf green eyes. "What is there ailment?" The woman asked Jeremy. "THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH US!" Melinda said and we looked at each other and went into hysteria. "There both drunk and high." Jeremy answered. She motioned for him to hand us over to her and sit on a stump. Next thing I know I was fifty feet underwater, Melinda next to me, both chained to the bottom. I was loosing air and sobered up. I needed to breath, I needed to. I yanked at the chains and was free, but instead of going up, I undid Melinda's and dragged her up, she looked dead. Oh. I hopped she wasn't I'd bring her back and kill her myself. I broke the surface and was gasping for air, and trying to stay afloat with Melinda who was also gasping for breath. I heard running, but had taken in too much water, and blacked out. My life some days is a living nightmare!


Raven's P.O.V.

I woke up, or thought I woke up wearing white clothing and was in a field of flowers. They smelt really good. "Do you want to go back?" A voice asked that was next to me. I turned my head to see a girl I had never seen before. I looked down and saw Jeremy trying to revive me and crying. "Of course I do! I can't live without him! He's what keeps me going. He's what keeps me out of trouble. I love Jeremy! And now I just found my mate! I can't leave them. I need them and they need me." I told the girl, looking her straight in the eyes. Everything on her was white and pure. Her eyes, hair, everything except her mouth,which was a pale pink. "So it shall be." "Wait. Do I have to pay some price or something?" "None at all. You proved with truth why you want to go back. Not for money or greed, but for love. So no pay is necessary." "Are you sure there is nothing I can do for you?" "Absolutely and you just proved it, so go back to your brother and mate. I shall see you again, but you wont be dead. I will just visit." "Ok. I shall be waiting to hear your message." I laid back and closed my eyes, waking up again in my body, coughing up water and gasping for breath. "Well that's one way to get you sober." I tried to laugh, only to end up coughing. I was squished to a chest I knew well. "Hey Jer Jer" I said hugging him back. "Get off of her." That was the deep voice of my father. I went into a coughing and hacking fit, barley able to breath. Air no longer was coming to my lungs, and I realized that my father was choking me and yelling at me for what I did. I began to see black and laughed, the lady in white was wrong, I would be dead. But I heard my father scream and let go. I desperately gasped for air. Until I felt a hand on my throat and chest and I could breath. I looked up and did not expect what I saw. "You?" "Me." "But." "I know." It was Tehya. She had saved my life so many times I can't count. We've been friends for forever. I pulled her in for a big hug and smiled a really huge smile. "Your always there when I need ya eh?" "Yup!" We did a fist bump and smiled like little kids. "Were you been?! I missed you!" "Looking for you!" "Me?" I was surprised. "Ya. I couldn't track you!" "Well we will have to fix that." I took out a bracelet that I kept with me always out of my pocket and put it on. She already had hers on. We connected the two half of a heart and the bracelet glowed and then fell apart. "Who's she?" Jeremy and Cain said at the same time. "My bestest friend ever!" Tehya was amazingly beautiful. She had curly, frizzy, light blond hair and big beautiful blue eyes. She had an amazing figure and was my height. She had beautiful natural red lips, with a little lip gloss,black eyeliner and eye shadow. She had black nail polish and she wore a shortish checkered dress (black and white) that looked amazing on her.They looked at my questionably. "You don't remember?! She saved my life 5000000000000000 times!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Jeremy said. "Gotcha I remember now." I shook my head. Then I had an evil grin. "You wanna see my wings?" "YA!" She sounded really excited. I unfolded them and she said "Holy Crap! Can we go for a ride?!" Now she was really excited. "Ok."


Texte: me
Bildmaterialien: google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my mother who is my best friend,but still a mom, to Lauren Robison, who was my first real friend who loved me, even if I am a chatterbox.... To Jasmine Paddock whom has helped me through hard times and is my very best friend, whom I love dearly.... and To Tehya who keeps me afloat daily. I will always love you all.....ALSO to all you who read this

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