

I sat there looking at my dresser. I had been bullied, and all that shit today. I couldn't take it any longer. I got up of my bed, and went to the dresser, grabbed the razor, blasted my music, and went into the bathroom. I guess I looked o-k. I had long, raven black hair, I was around '5"11, nice curves, and beautiful, ocean blue eyes, that changed colors all the time, it was only blue now because I was calm. I thought about it for awhile, if I wanted to go to the hospital or not. So I did it across my wrist, and lay down on the stone floor of the bathroom, watching myself bleed. I closed my eyes, and heard someone knock, then look around my room. He cursed, and ran into the bathroom. "Not again! Really sis?! Really?!" I heard him leave and then was back in seconds with my worst enemy... the first aid kit. I tried to not break out laughing, but I was playing unconscious, remember?! So I lay there, but another person comes in. *Shit, are then gunna take me away to the hospital now?! Awww Shit! I don't wanna go...I like watching it bleed! It's peaceful.* But all my brother said to this new stranger was "Hold her down so she doesn't fight me...." "But she's unconscious!" "She could be faking it...." My brother growled. My brother was a muscular, nice and kind man, who always took care of me and protected me ( he was over protective at times..). He had shortish/long hair like mine ( raven black), only his wasn't in his eyes to hide those beautiful color changing ones. The man held down my limbs. I lay perfectly still. "Slate! Do you think she felt that to?!" "I dunno..." my brother answered. Yes his name was Slate. Mine was Snow. "Hey Silver..." "Ya?" So this was this strangers name....hmmmm. "Why don't you stay for the night? Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid again...." "Alright" I realized that I was on my bed, with a bandage on. Sigh. I felt the bed dip and someone wrap a protective arm around me. But it wasn't my brother. He smells different. My brother smells like oranges and mango (that's actually my favorite scent in candles), I smell like vanilla and cupcakes, but this stranger called Silver, smelt of something different.. It was honey and candy, it was sweet. I soon fell asleep to the sound of his breathing and I felt safe for once in my life with his muscular arm wrapped around me.

To be Razor or not to be...!

I woke up and the mans arm still wrapped around me and the bandage. At least I always kept an extra under my pillow.... So I snaked my arm under the pillow and pulled it out. I silently cut the bandage, and re-opened my wound sighing. I felt the warm blood trickle down my arm and onto the floor. Did I tell you I was a supernatural made up of every living and non-living creature in the supernatural world. My brother somehow only came out as a half vamp./ half were. He has good hearing so I hid the razor and put a bite mark on the wound. Apparently they both have good hearing 'cause he shot up to the sound of dripping blood. I laughed. "What the hell did you do?!" He growled next to me. I was in hysteria now. I think it was around 1:00 or 2:00 and my brother came in sleepily. "What'd she do now?" He asked tired. I giggled and hid in the bathroom and locked the door. "I now know you did something wrong cause your hiding!" I looked around for my razor and found it. I did another one across my upper wrist and across my palm. He heard the skin tearing. Nothing can hurt us if we don't want it to. Like nothing can penetrate my skin unless I want it to. He pounded on the door when he heard my skin tearing. "Don't you dare!" He growled. "Why?! It makes me feel better...!" I said as I laughed like a mad man. I sat down on the floor and slowly let my self fall backwards. I felt sleepy. Maybe I was going to die. That would be fun... Before I fell asleep I saw a blurry figure burst through the door and put my head on his lap shaking me, saying something like "Don't die god dammit don't die!" I dunno.... Then I closed my eyes, and waited to see if death was kind enough to take me with him.

Crap! I'm still Alive?! WTF?! Does death really hate me that much?!

I woke up being cradled in someones arms, saying "Don't die.Common common! Wake up!" Someone was repeating this over and over again. He had that honey and candy smell....who had that? I don't remember. I tried to sit up but found none of my limbs were working. "Crrrrrraaaaaaapppppppppppp, wwhhhhyyyy wonnnntttt mmmyyyy llllliiiimmmmbbbbbsssss wwwwwooooorrrrrkkkk god ddddaaaammmmiiiiittt?!" Came out of my mouth all slurred. Maybe I was drugged. I was crushed between two muscular chests, both saying "Your alive!" "Ya and I'll die of suffocation if you don't let go!" I wheezed out. "Oh.." they both mumbled and let go. I slowly sat up when Purple came in and jumped on me. "Your ok!" she squealed. Purple was my best friend, has been ever since I can remember. She was my good side, my good half, also she was a shapeshifter. She had purple hair, purple eyes, and a nice, beautiful curvy body. But what really mattered was she had been with me through thick and thin, even when I had begun cutting myself. Purple was like the big sister everybody wanted."Yup!" "You're eyes are yellow...are you happy?" She teased. "Nooooo" I said looking away. "Liar!" She said and started to tickle me. I was laughing and laughing, till I said "Mercy! I give in I'm happy to see you ok?!" I got out. "Well finally! My arms were getting tired!" We laughed. I then noticed I wasn't at a hospital... I was at home. I guess my body healed it's self. Huh. Then I saw him for the first time. His chocolaty brown hair, his color changing eyes, his muscular build, everything about him was perfect. But as soon as I looked, I tore my eyes away, and continued to talk to Purple. "I wanna go shopping." she said. It wasn't a request. It was a demand, and she was gunna drag me with her. "Where?!" I sighed. I had to admit I was rich. I had a mansion, a cupple cars, all the money I could ever want. Sigh. But did I really want it? Purple interrupted my thoughts by yelling "The MALL" and jumping up and down on my bed. I groaned. "Aww common pleaseeeeeeeee...." She wined. She used her greatest weapon against me. Her puppy dog face. I could never say no to that face sadly. "Fine.." I mumbled so low, she could barley hear me. "What was that? Say again?" "Fine!" I said it just loud enough for her to hear. "YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" She yelled. I groaned, got up, took a shower, got dressed, all that stuff.

"The mall..." P.S. They took away all my razors!

I tried going towards the emo stuff, but she pulled me towards puppies. "O god!" I thought. Then I saw my savior, the bath supply store. "Wait! I have to get shampoo and stuff!" "Fine! But NO Razors! Got it!?" "Mhm!" So I ran in, grabbed the shampoo I needed, and snuck some razors in with the purchase, then tore up the recent, and once out of the store, I hid my razors in my pant pocket. "Gimme the bag..." she sighed. "What I do?!" I asked as I handed over the bag. "Your eyes are yellow..." "So! They had my favorite shampoo and it smelt good!" I pouted. After she checked the bag a thousand times, she sighed and reached up and patted my head. "Good girl." I sighed and started to walk back to the emo store. She grabbed my arms and pulled me towards the puppies again. "You need a puppy!" she said. "Fine! But I get to pick!" "With my consent" she sign song said. I grumbled illegible words. I looked through the glass till one puppy's eyes looked deep into mine and I knew it was him. I asked the store manager to get me this one. He said sure. He explained it was a cross between a rottweiler and Saint Bernard. He showed me all the essentials, while Purple's mouth was wide open, at the fact that I had actually picked one out. After I bought all the necessities I walked with the new dog to the emo store. I went in and picked up my normal stuff, like cloths, studded and spiked accessories and went to the counter. "Hey Snow! Glad to see ya back!" This was Rob, the usual clerk. "Good to be back in here!" I said. He looked down over the counter. "You got a dog?" He questioned. I pointed to Purple who was still surprised. "Ah! That explains everything." Rob went to the back and brought out a cookie (Dog) saying "Bite me" and threw it to my new dog. "That's funny" I said. "Watcha gunna name him?" "Hmm I dunno...How about Spike?" "Na! Too original." "Your right....Hmm how about Razor?!" "That's a cool name..." I bent down to the dogs level, looked him in the eye and said "You name is Razor....K?" He barked and licked my face in response. "Ewwwwww dog germs!" I said as Rob handed me a napkin. "Thanks" I said. He shrugged. "Well I'll see ya later Rob!" I said walking away. "See ya Snow!" Somehow this dog gave non-stopping happy waves of energy that my body soaked in making my eyes bright yellow. "Ready to go?!" I asked as I approached Purple. "Yup! Watcha name 'em?" "Razor, Rob helped me decide." He mouth was open again. "Razor?! Really?!"I shrugged and went to the car jumping in the drivers seat. Ahh a Bugatti car ever! I started and said "You commin?!" She said "ya..." and so we were off to home again with Razor on my lap, his waves of happy energy engulfing me.

Razor the dog!

"Man that dog's got some happy energy! He making your eyes yellower than the sun!" My brother said. I shrugged and went upstairs with Razor. I fed him, then made sure there was no cameras and hid my razors. I lie down on my bed and Razor feebly attempted to get up. I laughed, and picked him up onto the bed. "Ya know...." I started. "You da cuttest thing on earth... even cutter and you have a better puppy dog face than Purple..." I whispered the last part. I hugged him close. "I love you mommy! I looked startlingly at the dog. "Yes that was me! I'm a witch doggy so I can talk to you in your mind!" "Ya know I think I love you more than anyone now!" I said as I nusled into his furry coat and fell asleep and my slow breathing matched his. I was awoken to Razor licking my face saying in my mind "I'm hungry mommy wake up!" So I slowly got up and refilled his bowl and water dish and went back to bed. I was tired. I felt like I drank to much vodka or something. I felt Razor try to get back up, so I pulled him up. "Ya know I think we need to get you doggy steps or something..." I mumbled, falling asleep, only to be awoken 20 minutes later by my brother shaking me, saying get up and grabbing my arms seeing if I cut myself. But I had not. All the old scars had healed actually. "Get up! Cummon!" "I'm fuckin tired now leave me alone!" I growled. "I feel like I had to much vodka or something...." I mumbled, putting my face back into Razor's soft fur, falling asleep. But he got back up and got Purple. Purple came and jumped up and down on my bed but I did not budge. "Did she cut herself?!" she whispered worried. "No...there's no marks, and I even scrubbed her arms to see if there was makeup covering it up, but there was none...." my brother answered. "OMG! she hasn't eaten or drank anything in like a week!" Purple said. My brother was back in seconds trying to get me to drink or eat something. But I was as limp as a rag doll. He then forced my mouth open and poured blood down my throat. I was a little pinker, but I still couldn't move. "I...ccccaaannnn't" I said. Razor was licking my face and hands. "Why can't she move?!" He looked at Purple. I felt someone healing me and I shot up like I had an adrenalin rush. "Wo" I said in a fake cartoon voice. "Talk about a fuckin adrenalin rush, Holy Crap!" "We didn't do anything though...." they said. I looked at Razor who was shuffling his paws. "Come 'er big guy!" I said with a genuine smile on my face. He ran to the bed and I picked him up and squished him to my chest. "I love you mommy!" "I love you to!" I mumbled into his fur. My brother stared at me like I had gone insane. "Did that dog just talk, and did you just say you loved it?!" "Yes to both questions, he's a witch dog." My brothers jaw pretty much dropped to the floor. "What?!" "Nothing..., it's just those kind of dogs are really rare, they live for forever like us." "I get to keep you for forever!" I said squishing him again. "Mommy you squishing me...." "Sorry..." Then Razor started to growl as a blond walked into the room. She was a ho. She had her arm wrapped around Silvers arm. "Well I'm gunna go for a run! How bout you Razor?!" He barked. I picked him up and was out the door with him running at my side. "Mommy why are you sad?" "What?! I'm not sad! Don't be silly!" Then I slowly came to a walk after I was out of sight of the house. I kept walking my eyes blinded with rage, till I bumped into someone. "Sorry..." I mumbled and kept walking, but this person grabbed me by the arm. Razor growled at him and stood in front of me, even if he was only the size of a rottweiler at the time, but he would grow to be at least 2x's the size of a Saint Bernard. I wiped my eyes, trying to get them to not be bright crimson red and saw it was a blond, around '6"5 really handsome and muscular. When he grabbed my arms I felt a shock pass through me. It was the best feeling in the world. He was breathing faster now. "It's you, it's you I'v been looking for!" He said as I got a hug, and slowly I wrapped my arms around him and looked up into his beautiful face with beautiful vampire/werewolf hybrid golden/crimson eyes. He slowly bent down and kissed me, and the wondrous feeling passed through me again. "Whats your name?!" I asked when we broke apart. "Mark, and you?" "Snow..."

Is love real, well i hope so!

I stared at him a cupple moments longer before Razor nudged in between us saying "Hello?! Witch puppy here that want's attention!" I laughed and bent down to pet him. I started to scratch his ear and his leg started going. "A a a a a a a a that's the spotttttt...." he said. Mark laughed. "So you got a witch dog eh?" "Yup!" "I actually was miserable without him, but he had like tidal waves of happy energy coming off him like now, that makes my eyes yellow." "huh! Well I guess he is one happy puppy! What's his name?" "Razor." "Yes mommy?" I laughed. "No Razor I was telling him your name." "Oh. Ok mommy." "Why does he call you mommy?" "I dunno he just does." "Hmmm...Cool. Where you live?" "Mansion back there..." "Ah. Well you busy tonight?" "Nope! Why?" "I wanted to know if you wanted to come to my place and watch a movie or something." "OK count me in, can we watch like...hmmm...Horror films!?!?" " favorite actually." I laughed. "Why 'cause girls cuddle up to you and say I'm scared!" "Well...." "Trust me it aint gunna happen with me." He let out a breath that sounded more like a huff. "I'll race ya!" I said. "How you don't know where my house is!" "Scent tracking." "Oh..." "Ready..Go!" I was off like a lighting bolt tracking his scent. He was right behind me, but I got to the porch first. He came behind me and collapsed on the floor his breathing heavy. "Dammm! you one fast woman!" "ha ha ha I wasn't even trying!" His eyes were like dinner tables now. "Whhhaaatttt?!" Razor finally came on the porch panting, and collapsed on my lap. I picked him up and asked "We going inside and man Razor I think you had to many cookies! Did you steal from the bag when I was asleep?!" "Nooo" He said looking away. While Mark said "Common lets go, I live alone." "Alas! If only it were the same for me." We plopped down on the couch and watched paranormal activity 2. "You never told me how old you were..." I said. "18 you?" "18." "Really? When's your birthday?" He asked. "To tell the truth.. I don't remember, nor do I care. People forgot about it, so eventually I did to. What about yours?" I asked as his eyes went wide again. "June 24" "Cool I'll have to remember that.... Holy Shit!" I said as something weird happened. "Sure you don't want to cuddle??" he asked while wiggling his eyebrows. "Yup! I'm sure!" He sighed and mumbled something like "I have the most stubborn mate in the world!" I ended up falling asleep. I woke up in a soft comfy bed, that was not mine. *Oh no! did I get drunk?!* I thought, and then remembered last night. I checked under the sheets to make sure. Yup I was still wearing my clothes. I felt something furry kicking me. "Razor! stop!" I whispered very mad. "Sorry mommy..." He mumbled as he came up and licked my face. I slowly fell back asleep. "Wake up...." Someone said, no Mark said, a name someone would give to an angel, damm softy crap! "I'm up..." I mumbled, shoving my face back into the pillow. Someone pulled the blankets off, and then the pillow. "Hey!" I said as he stood triumphantly over me.

Mark, my angel, wow this softy crap is getting to my head!

I lunged at him. "Haha!" I yelled, as we fell onto the floor, but I used my powers so it didn't hurt when we fell. "You were up this whole time!" "Yup!" He huffed and got up. "Hey! No fair!" I wined. So I sat there till he came back, which was 5 seconds, and picked me up and carried me down stairs. " Now do I get a kiss?!" He asked. "Maybe..." I said. But his lips came down on mine. It was bliss, like I was floating in a cloud in heaven. Man all this softy crap is getting to my head. He broke away slowly, like he didn't want to. "There's cloths in that closet there." He pointed, I went in, put on the cloths, and came back out. I was now wearing a black tee shirt that said "Bite me, but I warn you, I bite back....Hard." and it showed a picture of fangs. I also had on some black jeans, and running shoes. While all he was wearing was boxers. God that was hot. Like the fiery flames of hell hot. He served up food, and I just played with it, I wasn't really hungry. "Not hungry?" He asked. "sorry, but i'm not." "S'ka give it to Razor, i'm sure he'll eat it..." "Is that a fat joke?!" Razor yelled. Mark pretty much choked on his food laughing, as I gave the dog the food. "Man that dogs got a good sense of humor!"

History repeats itself...or does it?!

I went up to a room with a stereo and plugged in my Ipod. I switched it to the song by Three Days Grace "Pain"

Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand

Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Anger and agony
Are better than misery
Trust me I've got a plan
When the lights go off you will understand

Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Rather feel pain

I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you're wounded
You know (You know you know you know you know)
That I'm here to save you
You know (You know you know you know you know)
I'm always here for you
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you'll thank me later

Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain

I had sung along to the whole song, and had not know I had an audience other than Razor. I heard clapping. I guess I did have a good voice. I felt my cheeks go cherry red. I pulled the hood of the my pitch black hoodie over my head. Wait! Did I have this on before?! Ah who cares. I felt a soft hand slip under the hood (which covered my whole face) and pull it back. I had recently learned, before the song, that my hair can change color too. "You are beautiful, you know that right?" He asked softly as he held my cheek in his hand. "How can I be? I'm a freak of nature....I don't belong.." I felt my grip on the razor in my hand tighten and a drop of blood fell to the floor and shattered into a million pieces, just as my heart had so many times. The razor then dropped from my hand. I had someone who loved me now. I didn't need that thing. He slowly reached down and pulled up the sleeves of my hoodie to find nothing but a minor cut on my hand. "I don't need those things anymore...I have someone, and a dog that loves me, finally someone who cares." As the cut healed, something else dropped to the floor. Something I have never seen. A single tear escaped my eye for the first time. It shattered on the wooden floor. My parents were always surprised, because I never cried. No matter what. Vampires can cry. That's just another stupid legend to make us look hard and cold and uncaring. I had a surprised look on my face, as I said stupidly, for I have never seen anyone cry, "What the hell is that?!" I mean sure I had read books about it, but I had never seen someone cry. "A tear" "why have you never cried?" It wasn't a snide remark, it was an honest to god question. "Because I shut myself off as soon as I was born, I shut my tear ducts off vowing to never cry, never show a weakness, yet you've turned them back on and I don't know how....." "Love is the key to everything..." "Or is it?" I asked breaking the love scene with a laugh. He started laughing too. I was a bit stronger than the usual supernatural, so I had no problem pulling him in for a big hug, which made him laugh harder. I hadn't noticed this before, but he smelt better than my brother, blueberry muffins! * hmm that was a bit awkward...* "What are you thinking?" He asked lifting my chin. I giggled and said stupidly "That you smell like blueberry muffins......" I started to laugh uncontrollably when his eyebrow arched. "I-i-it's-s-s t-t-thhheee t-t-tr-r-uth!" I got out while still laughing. I finally finished I said "Hmmm...Now i want blueberry muffins." He sighed and started to walk downstairs to the kitchen, when I clung to his leg. He sighed louder and continued to walk. I started to laugh again. He continued to make me my muffins homemade with me clinging to him the whole time! He set the plate on the counter and I was at my seat in seconds with a bite in my mouth. "yummmmm." I said as I finished my first one (they were really good!). That got him laughing. Razor managed to jump on a chair and sit on it. "wow you would do anything for food...." I mumbled, through a mouthful of muffiny goodness. "Another fat joke?! What is up with you people!?!?!" I was laughing so hard now that the muffin fell and he ate it. That stopped my laughing dead in it's tracks. "You ate my muffin!" "So?" I huffed and crossed my arms. "Well that was the last one!" "And it was good!" I put a pouty face on and went upstairs, closing the door softly. Somehow I was popped back into the kitchen. "No fair!" Mark snorted and started to walk away, when I saw he had a muffin in his hand. "MINE!" I yelled and tackled him grabbing the muffin and running. I now had a very mad mate and a dog chasing after me. I ended up in a corner. Crap. "One move and the muffin gets it!" Mark snorted and moved a step closer. That muffin was gone without them even getting a chance! "Heyyyyy!" They wined. Before I knew it I was slung over Mark's shoulder and headed upstairs. "I will use my master ninja skills if you don't let me down!" I warned. He didn't so as soon as we were near the bed, I wrapped my foot around his neck and jerked it so he fell on the bed. With me underneath him. Damm, not how I planed it to go. I slowly wiggled out from under him and crept towards the door, looking back every cupple of seconds only to run into a mango and orange smelling chest. "Crap! I said and ran behind Mark who had his body protectively in front of me, hands across chest, this was gunna get ugly. "WERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?????????!!!!!!!" my brother asked. "Here." I said, like the smart ass I was. I tried to go by Mark's side but he literally slid me back behind him. "You are coming home now!" my brother yelled. Again like the smart ass I was I jumped up to look over Mark's shoulder and said with each jump "I...Am...Home..!" "No I mean our house!" I poked my head out from the side of him saying "Why?! 'Cause mom and dad left me all the money in my bank accounts little brother?!" "Just because you turn 19 today does not make me your little brother!" "I turn 19 today?!" "Wow! You forgot your own birthday!" "Well it's not like I ever got a cake or anything!" Mark sighed and pushed my head behind him too. "You are coming home now!" my brother growled. "No..I...will..NOT! get that through your thick skull! I have found my mate and I love him! That place is filled with sorrow and death!I am not going to that place where you call home!" I growled now standing of the top of a post on the canopy of the bed. I was the lightest thing in the world. My brother lifted an eyebrow as he smelled. "You two aren't fully mated yet!" and he roared with laughter. "At least I don't sleep with whore's every night!" I mumbled. He stopped dead in his tracks and crouched, pointed at me. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!" He yelled and pounced. Crap.

Purple, Mark and me "And razor!" and razor....

I quickly dogged, but he changed course mid air by swinging on the post. He tackled me and held me down. "Take it back!" he growled. Mark was coming up behind him. "Or what?!" "Or I will make your life a living hell!" "It already was at that house" I said as I spat in his face. and on cue the music sang "I can't escape this hellllll!" "and I won't take it back!" I yelled. He then grabbed me around the throat and squeezed. I didn't need air and he knew it, but he was going to make sure I couldn't scream for help when he broke every bone in my body. I saw Marks eyes go so red it hurt to look. He lunged at my brother, tying his hands and feet, like a wild boar. "Don't touch or hurt my mate!" He half screamed, half growled in my brothers face. Meanwhile I was coughing up blood. I looked down and found a knife in my stomach. I didn't wan't to get hurt, but I guess I was too mad to notice. I coughed up at least a liter, before passing out, crap, fuck you Slate!

I groaned when I woke up. I felt like I had too many vodkas, some wine, and then beer, then got an ass whooping. Oh wait! I did, only no vodka, wine or beer, crap and sigh. I didn't open my eyes, but I felt the bandage that covered my stomach. "Time to change it?" I heard Marks voice. "Ya..." Purple! I heard a door closing softly. She took the bandage off, and then started to wrap it tighter than before, or at least I thought so. "Ow." I groaned and my eyes opened. "sissy.." she mumbled. "But you know you love me..." I said with a smirk. For that one I got a little bit tighter. "OW! what crawled up your ass and bit you!" "That's the Snow I know!" she yelled jumping on me. "OW! and you don't love me?! I'm hurt!" I faked and looked away. Only to find Razor looking at me and then jumping on me. "MOMMY!" "hi Razor." He was now 3x's the size of a Saint Bernard. wasn't he supposed to stop at 2x's. "Ok everybody off! I'm in pain!" When they still didn't move, I yelled "Mark! Get 'em off me please!" He was in the room in seconds, tearing them off and hugging me instead saying "Your Ok! Thank God!" Can you get off?" "Oh yeah.. sorry," He said as he got off. I looked at the table on the bedside, mmmmm red wine. I reached towards it. Maybe I could get drunk. A little father, got it! "Oh no your not!" Purple said. She knew when I got drunk I was stupid as hell, but none the less I downed the bottle. "Holy Crap! You finished that in one gulp!" "It was good!" I said. Crap! Still not drunk. On the other table, vodka, oh ya! I had it in seconds and it was gone! They were both watching me as the bottle went empty. I started to laugh hysterically. What was I going to do? I don't remember. I got off the bed, still laughing. "This is fun! Weeeeeeeee" I said as I spun around, then falling on my ass. I got up again and laughed harder as I saw their stupified faces. Mark slowly came up to me, but I ran to the other side of the room. I hid in the closet. "This is why your not allowed near alcohol!"Purple screamed, but only my laughs answered her. "That's the wine closet..." Mark whispered. I looked around and found a lot of wine....yummmm. They probably heard crashing and laughing as I downed one bottle after another. I then found out the door was now open and I was slung over someone's shoulder. "Nooo f-f-aaaiirrr!" I said, my words slurred. I broke into hysteria again. Purple was glaring at me, tapping her foot. "Ooooo Mommy's angry!" I said and laughed harder. "Mommy is gunna beat your sorry ass if you don't hand over the bottle in your hand!" What bottle? I looked in my left hand. Oh! That bottle. I drank it, then handed it to her laughing. Mark looked at me like I'd gone insane, then to Purple and asked. "She always like that when she gets drunk?" "Yaa......" I was laughing so hard now I coughed up blood. Wait! Shit! That ain't good! "Crap! That ain't supposed to happen! I just wanted to get drunk not cough up mother fucking blood!" "Wow.and she sobers up that fast?!" "Yup!" I saw Slate sitting in the corner. "This is your fault Mother Fucker!" My little brother had always been afraid of me, but now my hair was crimson, my eyes were crimson, and fire was dancing on my fingertips. He was bound in silver and steel chains. I let the fire cares his check and listen to him scream. Now where my brother was no virgin, I was. He screamed louder as my fire moved down his body. I stopped the fire, but then had ice crawling across his skin and he still screamed. I felt people tugging on me. I was tapping in to all my powers now so I twitched and they went flying. "Now little brother...was it nice to stab your sister?" I asked. "NO , NO IT WASN'T!! I'M SORRY!!" He screamed still in agony. Everything vanished then, fire, ice and his pain. "Good boy!" I said, and walked away catching the knife he threw after me with my mind, and whirled it around stabbing him in the gut like he had done to me.

Is power good or bad? Who gives a F*** it's still power!!! *Sigh*

As I started to walk towards the door, I fell to my knees, my head was screaming in pain. I hadn't realized but I was screaming as well. And well let's just say I got a good pair of lungs. Mark and Purple were there shaking me, asking me whats wrong, but I couldn't talk. It hurt, it hurt like my head got run over, boiled in acid, burnt to a crisp, all while it was still attached, over and over and over again. When my body tried to heal itself, the pain just got worse, so I did what I have NEVER done. I shut myself off. I couldn't feel. I could use normal senses, but I couldn't feel, I was good as dead now, and I didn't know when or if I could turn back on. I was limp now, dead people would say, cold, lifeless. I heard someone scream, and then start to cry. I assumed I was being rocked back and forth, but I couldn't tell. "She just shut herself off, she's still alive, but if she want's to turn back on she has to want it, very very bad, and even then she still might be gone." I heard my brother laugh. Mark growled and I heard a yelp as he kicked my brother. I wanted to kick his ass so bad right now! I felt feeling slowly coming into my body as I sat up and cursed. At least my head was ok now. I looked at Purple who was crying purple tears. "Will shopping make you feel better?" I asked from behind. She gasped and looked behind her. "Maybe..." she mumbled. I laughed and ruffled her hair. I looked over and saw the boys, well Mark, beating the crap out of each other (Slate). "When was my birthday?" I asked. "Two days ago on September 15" she sighed. "Hmmmm... I have a plan" I said and mumbled it in her ear. Her smile grew so big, I didn't think it could fit her face. "Ready?" she asked. "Ready!" "I WANT BLUEBERRY MUFFINS!" "WELL I WANT BLACKBERRY!" "BLUE!" "BLACK" "BLUE" "BLACK!" This was going great. Then she bitch slapped me. Part of the plan. The boys were watching us now. I bitch slapped her back. We went back and forth like that until it was at inhuman speed. Finally a strong hand grabbed each of ours. "What the hell are you doing?!" I looked up to see Marks face. I winked at Purple and we linked our other hands. "Going to celebrate my birthday!" I said sticking my tough out at him. "Not without me your not!" "Aww too late the trains full!" "What do you mean..the car has" was all he got out before..*POOF!* we were gone. We went to Purple's, got her car, and went to a bakery. yummmm. "See, now I can get blackberry muffins and you can get blueberry muffins." "Yay!" "Hey Purple! Over here!" I saw a baker beckoning her. I of course got dragged along. "Hey Max! This is m friend Snow!" "Hi!"He said sticking his hand out. "Hi..." I said shaking it. "Are you two both...." "Twins?" " know...shape..." "Oh! No, I'm a mix!" I said laughing. "Ohhhh. I'm a were." "Cool." "Do you have blueberry and blackberry muffins?" I asked. "Yup! On the house, late birthday Purple told me..." "Ya actually! Thanks!" We sat at our table and I told her,while rubbing my cheek "Girl you bitch slap good!" "You better!" she said as we burst out laughing. I heard my phone go off it was Mark. I laughed and ended the call before picking up. Then Purple's went off and she did the same. "Ya wanna go see Sammy? I been acing for a flight.." I asked. "Hmmm....only if I get to ride on your back, not his, his flying scares me, you at least warn me." "Alright deal, but do NOT pull on my scales again!" She smiled and walked back to the car and drove to Sammy's house, another friend of mine. "Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! ding!dong!" Purple pressed the doorbell repeatedly, he lived alone, so it was ok. He opened the door and was about to yell at us when he saw it was us. " Oh Hey! You guys come to celebrate your birthday with a nice flight?" "Yup, but I'm riding on her, not you." Purple said. "That's what she said!" I said. She slapped me and him when we burst out laughing. I ran to the gear closet and picked out my set. I heard all the bones in my back cracking and sighed as my enormous wings unfolded. They were bigger then anyone's, and they were black as night, with what looked like stars that sparkled on them. I slowly stepped outside. I slowly turned into a black dragon with those start looking sparkles all over me, and Sammy turned into a green dragon. Purple jumped on my tail and slowly started to crawl up my back. I snorted and lifted the back half of my body up so he slid into the seat on my back, and I took off into the black sky. "HOLLLLYYYY SHHHHIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Purple scream, then she started to laugh. We got back to the house, laughing and joking. Then I saw Sammy fall to the floor, knocked out cold. Then Purple. I hissed and looked around. Scales had formed over my seemingly human body, I had claws and fangs and continued to hiss. I felt something hard and cold hit the back of my head, but that just made me even more angry. I turned around, only to get blindfolded from behind and hit on the head, again. I snarled, infuriated now. I felt someone try to stab me with a needle, but it snapped. Then they hit me again, this time really hard on my head, and I fell into darkness...shit. I woke up chained to a chair with the blindfold still on. I pretended to still be asleep while I heard them talking. "What are we gonna do with her?" "I dunno." "Well figure it out before she wakes up, she's not tied down!" Bingo. I transformed into a dragon, the blindfold ripping off. I snarled and looked down at the vampires who kidnapped me. I had become a lot since the days I cut myself. I snarled and held each down with a claw. "Who are you working for and why did you kidnap me? or at least try to." "Your brother! He want's to kill you." I cut off the ones head who hadn't said anything. "Where are my friends?" He pointed to a closet, so I twitched another one of my claws and the closet was destroyed. Purple ran to my aid, while Sammy changed. "Now were am I?" "Your house." I burned him to a crisp and flew straight up. Out of the house, and back to Mark's. I changed back. "MARK!!!!!MARK!!!! MARKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I heard a muffled cry. I ran towards it, and found Mark tied up. I burnt the rope and was embraced in his arms. I heard clapping. "What a wonderful reunion. But I don't think It'll last long. Chains appeared on my arms, legs and neck. I screamed in pain when I tried to change. I tried to rip them off but that just made me scream in pain even more. "Especially made for you big sis." I snarled at him and continued to yank at them. It hurt like hell. I saw Mark was chained right next to me. I screamed and snarled even more when they dragged me by my chains. Mark had passed out from pain. "Awwwww. Poor big sister, can't do anything." I just snarled in response. I tried to throw ice from my hand and him but it didn't get far, he just shattered it to dust. He turned to the guard "Put her in there." He pointed to a room where Mark was already thrown in. I was chained to the bed, while Mark was chained to the wall. "Now sister," my brother began. I snarled. "Your gunna have a visitor tonight, and so will your Mark. I hope you have fun!" He said sarcastically. I saw a man and a ho come in. Shit. I saw the woman start to undress Mark. "Don't you dare!" I snarled. I was mad now, no one touches my mate like that, no one. My vision was entirely red, and I heard my chains snap. I lunged at the woman, she had only gotten his shirt off. I drank her dry. Then the man came at me. I lunged at his throat and he was done for as well. I slowly undid Mark's chains, making sure not to hurt him. "Mark." I whispered. "Be...hind...y..o..u" he said I turned around and there was my brother. "Now sis, that wasn't very nice. I lifted him up by the throat, my vision still crimson."I am going to kill you." I snarled. "You wish." I snapped his neck, ripped him apart, burnt him and then put those in pouches and burnt the ashes. I picked up Mark, and busted the nearest window. I jumped out and was met by screams. I saw someone doing something to Purple. I realized what they were going to do so with Mark in one arm, I snapped his neck. "Damn Girl!" "Let's go." I had a pouch around my neck with his burnt ashes. I got into the nearest car and drove, fast. "Are you ok?" Purple asked. "Maybe I should drive.." "I'm fine." My vision was still red, no one touched my mate like that. No one. And if you did you were dead. I had a quick glance in the mirror to look at Mark. My eyes were red. I was furious. "Why are you mad?" "Because my brother tried to make a ho ho rape Mark." My anger flared again. "You need to calm down, were in California. But I just changed directions and went towards Canada. I needed to get to 'Uncle' James and 'Aunt' Mary. They weren't actually relatives, they were just close friends and they knew how to calm me down, always. I looked at a sign on the road and it melted. "OK. You defiantly need to calm down!" "That's why I'm going to Canada!" I stopped in front of a beautiful mansion, my vision still crimson. I picked up Mark, knocked on the door, and waited.

'Uncle' James and 'Aunt' Mary

James answered the door and I looked down. "I NEED to calm down." I told him. "Come inside." Mary then saw us and when I lifted my head they saw how bad it was. My hair was now fire, my fangs were fully extended and my eyes were bright red. "Oh my." James pointed to a chair, and I sat still cradling Mark, he was just sleeping. "What happened." I told him the story, from the beginning, my anger diminished until I got to the part about the ho, were it went back to fire hair, fangs and red eyes. "Then you came to us." I nodded my head. I heard a groan and saw Mark stir. Mary got something that looked like a healing drink. He drank the whole thing, then slowly sat up and looked at me. I smiled and said "Hey." "Hi" he said drowsy. "I'm sleepy." "Do you remember what happened?" My hair was back to normal, my eyes soft and loving, and fangs gone. "All I remember was your screams and feeling helpless not being able to help you, then it went black." He was still on my lap and I looked at him, feeling love for someone for the first time in my life. I didn't expect it when his lips crashed on mine, but I melted. I kissed him back. He was now facing me on my lap. "Eeeehem." We pulled apart when James fake coughed. He got up, picked me up "Hey!" and put me on his lap. I had no problem with that. I looked at Purple, she was white as a ghost. I slowly got up. I knew when she was like that, she was about to snap and was dangerous. I went over to her and said "Purple. Purple look at me." She did and burst into tears. I held her on my lap in her fetal position while she cried, mumbling words of comfort and love. I gently wiped away her tears when she looked up at me. "He tried to hurt me...." "Shhh....Shhh I know, I know." "Then you saved me, but you looked scary, like you weren't you." "Shh.. I know, they tried to hurt you, and I got more angry then I have ever been in my life, they tried to hurt us all, and I couldn't let that happen. It's ok." I said the end part as she started to cry again. I had no clue what I was going to do next.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my father who has always loved me, my mother who is my best friend,but still a mom, to Lauren Robison, who was my first real friend who loved me, even if I am a chatterbox.... To Jasmine Paddock whom has helped me through hard times and is my very best friend, whom I love dearly.... I will always love you all.....ALSO to all you who read this

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