
Uncle Tom who?!

I hate my life, I really do. I never fit in, always made fun of because of my eyes. I am 17, '7"0 ,and almost done with this hell hole of a place they call highschool. I in general have a skinny build, and have silky black color hair that comes down to my hips with red highlights. But my eyes, my stupid eyes is why I'm made fun of. Saphire blue with an ice blue ring. What's the matter with that?! I dunno.

So I went to school as usual and....oh great here come queen bitch of the school. Kathrin. Long blond wavy hair with fully green eyes. I was wearing shorts and a tee, and she was wearing a short pink miny skirt, with a pink,frilly blouse. This is great. I start to walk the other way, but another one of her bitches block the way. "May I get through please?!" I said darkly as I pushed past her. But too late blondi bitch had cought up. "Hey Blue!" Yes that was my name. Haha funny right?! NOT! She said this in a sickly sweet tone. I kept on walking. "aww come on we just wanna talk.." she wined, and then her little puppets snikered. I then saw a man that I have never seen before walk past me. Hmm whatever, and kept walking. It was like under those shades he was wearing he was looking at me.... again whatever.... Blondi was momenterialy distracted by this guy that wasn't under her control. I took that time to sprint into my classroom and came to a walk I came in. I had learned to take all my books with me after a while. Then that man walked in and handed Mr.Silver a slip. He read it. "Ah yes Ms.Blue..." "You'll be going home with your Uncle Tom now..." "ok" I haden't know I had an Uncle Tom. The man said in a deep Baritone voice "Common blue, lets go." I went with him, I would get the homework from online.

That was a big mistake....

My kidnapping

We got in his car, and drove, we drove for a cupple hours mabey before I fell asleep. I felt the car stop and someone lifting me out. Whatever.....I thought as my thoughts dwindiled into nothingness and then sleep.

I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. "where the hell am I?!" I said, not fearfully but angerly, because well I was kidnapped. Who wouldn't be pissed? I looked over at the rocking chair and there he was, i think he was asleep..oh well.. "And who the hell are you." He took off his glasses and his eyes were bright red and they bore deep into mine. "Now just relax...." He murmered, but oh no, no little spell was gunna work on me. "No I will not relax!" I heard him wisper to himself "dammit! mind control won't work." " Look wakko, just let me go and I won't call the cops, ok?" "You know you've given me no choice..." "what the hell do you mean no choice?, What are you talking about?" He snapped his fingers and a bunch of metal bands wrapped around me from cheast to ankels, and I was forced to lay back on the bed. "WHAT THE.." was all I could get out before a gag covered my mouth. It felt as if something was building inside me as he wen't down to bite me. I screamed at the top of my lungs, which was pretty dam high... " LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOO!" The bands broke, the gag flew off, and I sat up striaght. I could hear someone running my way, well the house's way. "Damm it she's been awakened!" "What the hell does that mean?!" I yelled as the windows broke right next to us. Wolves jumed in, each about '7"8 at shoulder lenghth. While they were busy fighting him, I jumped out the window and ran. Ran faster than I ever had before.

I heard a bark and the wolves had started to come after me. I wasn't running out of breath, or getting weary, this is weird, but great. Yet they weren't either. I saw a lake and an Island up ahead. I jumpped in and was at the island in no time. I fled into a cave and down to the very depths of it when I heard them enter the lake. Shit, I'm gunna die, I'm gunna die. I thought over and over. They entered the cave and pushed the white wolf foward. He started to army crawl twoards me. I growled. He continued to edge towards me. I growled louder, only this time I was a wolf, big russet brown wolf about '8"00 at the shoulder. The white wolf yeipped happily when he saw me change. My tail started to thump. "Stop,STOP DAMM YOU, STOP!" I yelled at my tail. "First change is always the hardest...." I heard a male voice say. "No one can resist Lennie's cuteness..." I heard another female voice say. While I was too busy snarling and growling at my tail the white wolf came closer and closer. I felt something wet on my cheek. "Ewwwww gross stoppppp!" I said wining. "What do you want?!" I asked. "Come with us pleaseeeee!" He wined. "Why?" "Wow she's stubborn" this was another female voice. "Cause..." "Cause why?!" I was getting annoied. "Look I will only come with you if you show me what you really look like....all of you!" I said. "Wow she is stubborn..." "I HEARD THAT!" The brown wolf with white paws looked down. " All right Change back!" I heard the black wolf yell. They all changed back, except for the white wolf. "You too Lennie..." When he changed back I looked him up and down. Was he H-O-T! He had very, and I mean very muscular body, sandy blond hair and eyes like mine. "You gunna change back?" He asked. I was up in a flash in human/vampire form.

The pack, and my new home

"Now for introductions...." The man that was the black wolf began. He had maybe half the muscles Lennie had, he had dark shaggy black hair and again eyes like mine. *Huh, guess I wasn't unique anymore* "Those three over there are Lauren, Mel, and Lily." Lauren and Mel were twins, you could tell by their length waist firey red hair, matching faces both with freckles across the nose and my eyes. *Huh guess it's just a wolf thing* They had been the two identical tannish colored wolves. Lily was the gray wolf almost silver. She did not look over the age of 17 like me, but had length waist white hair. She was beautiful, she looked like a snow queen. He inturupted my thoughts by saying " I am George, and thats Dude right next to me..." "Ehem" "Oh and thats Lennie..."

"Now are you going to run away again, or can we let you walk on your own?" "Hey I thought you were going to kill me, so don't even try that one, and yes I can walk on my own, a deals a deal." "Right! Just in case Lennie, Mel, Lauren, and Lily you guys stay by her and if she tries to run, bite her tail off." "wow, what nice hospitality...." I mumbled under my breath. The four next to me burst out laughing. Now we were going to meet the chief *huff*, what the hell did I do wrong this time?! Did I like run over one of their piss lines or something?!

We arrived in there tribe/village and George went up to who I presume was the chief. "James this is the half-breed we found kidnapped by the vampire who's been in our territory latley.....She has some powers, to say the least..." "And what is your name" The man directed at me. "Blue." I said simply. "Right well since your new you have to battle with the Alpha, which is George..." "Sure" I answered. The pack was amazed at my courage. *ha ha ha this was gunna be easy* So we trasformed and we circled each other like deadly dance partners. I blocked off my mind and read his. He lunged twoards me just a little too high, and I grabbed him by the throat. I pushed him to the ground with my paws, and sat on him. His tail was in between his legs and as he squirmed to get up I went for his throat again, but was pulled off by the elder by my scruff. I trasformed back he hadn't. *he he* "COME!" I yelled in a commanding voice, as I pointed to the ground at my feet. He army crawled over, rolled over and had his tail between his legs. "You can change back" I told him. He backed away a little, and then morphed back. *ha ha baby* "Well you are now Alpha and Chief." I smiled then it disappeared as quickly as it had come. "WAIT WHAT I CANT BE CHIEF!" "Its in the rules dear I'm sorry..." "Alright one condition, you be my 'face' as I call it, I do the work you do the show.. Deal?" "Deal" He answered. "Oh and one more thing..." "Hmm?" I asked. "If you want an alpha male you have to ...... with one of the pack members....." "WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN MATE?!" " I mean you have to 'do it' with a male pack member..." My jaw hung wide open. George and Dude looked me up and down, then grinned at each other, and started to walk towards me. "Common! There's an new female in the pack and they 'want' you now lets gooo." I heard yelling but I was frozen in place as they came closer and closer. I felt some one grab me and pick me up. I looked and saw Lily running into a house before the door closed behind me.

The ehem (cough cough) sleepover

As Lauren shut the door behind me, I saw it was Lennie that was holding me.I looked away my face a bright cherry red. He gentely set me down in a chair and sat on the other side of the table. The girls sat down next to me. I waved my hand at the door, and a blue like wall shot up around all the sides of the house. "Ummmmm....what's that?" Mel asked. "Something that makes sure no one can hear us or get in....." "Oh!" "So let me go make dinner...." An hour later I came out with stakes,mashed potatoes,mixed veggies, and gravy. I waited till everyone had filled their plates till I sat down. "Your not hungry?" Lauren asked. "No not really...." "Even after all the running you did today...?" "Ya...I'm rarley ever hungry...." "Well we got blood in the fridge if you want to try that..." "No thanks....Im good!" After everyone had finnished eating I said "I'm tired..." and gave Lennie a small wink that thankfuly neither of the girls saw. "Me too.." All of them answered at the same time. "Well we only have one extra bedroom, so I guess you two will have to share..." I read her thoughts and she was thinking "MMM she is going to have fun tonight..." I think she knew I was reading her thoughts, because she gave me a wink. I glared at her, and if looks could kill she would be burt to ahshes and then some.

I had just gotten all my cloths off and reached for Laurens extra nightgown, when a warm,soft,gentel hand stopped me. I looked over my shoulder to see Lennie, butt naked. I looked him up and down, from his sandy blond hair to his muscular abbs,etc. He turned me around to face him and kissed me passionatly,softly, then harder. Then with no effort at all he lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his back. He grabbed my ass and pushed me into him. I sofly moaned with pleasure, but he cutt it off quickly with a kiss. We fell onto the bed and he was ontop off me, my legs still wrapped around him. "" I maneged between gasps of air. "Oh I am alot more than cute" He growled. I pulled myself up into him, and he was the one that groaned. "Is that how you want to play?" He asked as he pushed down and I pulled him down."ooooooooo" I maoaned. Then I was ontop, and he pushed into me. "Is that how yo want to play?" I repeated his words, as I pushed down. He moaned really loud...thankfully I had put up a sound barrier. Now he was ontop of me growling as he kissed up my neck, and then on my mouth, toungs dancing inside each others mouths. We fell apart on the bed, gasping for air. "You.....were...... awesome...!" I said. "You....were....tooo....!" Good thing I had found out you could only get pregnant in wolf form. I fell asleep back facing him and his arm around me.

I woke up the next morning to hear the bath running.I crept in and didn't see anyone there, but the bath was turned off. I felt someone grab me by the waist, and I started to squirm and kick. But with a big "SPLASH" I was in the tub. "Hey no fair, cheater!" I said as I saw him standing over the tub with a grin. He started to walk away when I grabbed his arm and pulled him in. "Now who's the cheater?" He mocked me. "Still you!" He started to chuckled, but I cut him off with a kiss. "haha!" I teased as I ran out of the bathroom and hid in the closet. "Oh no you dont!" I heard as he raced out of the bathroom. I held my breath staying very quiet, when he oped the door and said "Boo!" I gigled and tried to run, but this time he grabbed me and twirled me around. "Weeeee..." I said sarcastically. He chuckled. "Their coming!" We quickly dressed and he looked like he fell asleep on the floor, and I was under the covers in the bed, my breath evening. "Wake....UUUUUUPPPPPPP!" I heard Lauren say. "Leave me alone to sleep!" I heard them say toghether "1.....2......3!!!!!!!!!!!" as the covers were yanked off of me. In an extra effort to make it look good I pulled the pillow over my head. They pulled that off too. "Huff!" I blew out of my mouth. "Lets go wake up sleepy head...." She said. "Okay..." I yawned. I actually think he fell asleep.... "WAKE YOUR DAMM ASS UP!" Lauren yelled. He just snored. Then she pulled the waist band of the boxers back and let then go snapping them on his lower back. "OW THAT @###@%@#$%@%@#$ HURT!" We started to burst out laughing, as he grumbled and walked down stairs. "Stupid damm boxers....grumble... grumble.... why elastic....grumble....grumble..."

The nightmare at the beach (Didn't start out that way)

We had gotton dressed, eaten breakfast, and I said "So what do you wanna do today?" "Well you guys are the Alphas....Soooooo" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ALPHAS, PLURAL?!" "Don't denie it we smell you two alllll over each other...." I sighed deeply, and loudly. "Well why don't we go to the beach?" I asked. "Ok" they all said. They tossed me a badingsuit and started laughing. I looked at it, and it had holes anywhere it could, and I mean anywhere..... "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" They were cracking up really bad now. *Sigh* I toss it in Laurens face, go through the box and find a sutible, black bikini (with no holes...). I went into the bathroom to change and we were off. When we had stepped outside there were Dude and George in wolf form *of course*. George tried to jump on me from behind *not attacking.....* when Lennie *not in wolf form* pounced on him, grabbed him by the throat, and slammed him into the ground saying, no stating "Back...Of...She's mine!" His tail was now between his legs, and they both ran off. I gentley wrapped my arm around his so he couldn't run off after them *To cool him down you may say*. We contniued down to the beach and I ran into the water *}:) *. He ran in after me and then was gone. I looked around and found him behind me. "Take a deep breath...." "WAIT WHAT?!" He was gone again and I felt someone grabb my foot, then leg and pull me under. "HEY!..." was all I got out before I was under. He poped back up before me and was laughing really hard. I jumped out of the water and onto his back pushing him back in. Lauren laughed saying as we countinued our playing "Their just like little kids. "I'm gunna get you!" He said as we ran around the beach at inhuman speed, laughing the whole time. Then Lily came, hearing about the fun on the beach.Then they came, not in wolf form though..... They surrounded Lily *I could smell the achoal on them* "Lily watch out!" I screamed as they surrounded her, saying "Hey beautiful, wanna have some fun?" Someone grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back. "LET.....ME....GO....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I growled. I struggled even after I felt the pinprick in my neck. I started to feel sleepy, but I wouldn't give up. I felt somehow attached to I wasn't remembering something important. "Lilly........." was all I said before I saw black. I woke up in the spare bedroom, and was sure everyone was asleep. I still felt groggy, but I new she was still there and needed my help. I was out the door and on my way there when I heard behind me "Lennie!" I heard running. I didn't care, I had to get her, had to. Someone tried to pick me up, but I jumped down, and used vampire speed. They caught up and this time were able to, and I squirmed trying to get out of their arms, but they held tighter, to the point I almost,almost couldn't breath. I was gently placed down on the bed and I stared, stared at the spot on the wall. Never moving,never eating. Someone came in with a I-V drip. That was the one time I got up, *angered* and ripped it, burnt it to dust, got back on the bed, and continued to stare at the stupid spot on the wall. I should die. I do not deserve to live. I abandoned her, my little lily. What was I talking about?! I had never seen her in my life! Yet, somehow I was attached, as if I knew her, but I couldn't put a finger on it. It was night now, again...and this time I was sure they were all asleep. I sniffed the air to make sure. Yep I was right, I had checked their minds too. I was at the beach in seconds flat. I saw them, kissing her, while she was still trying to resit. I was disgusted and infuriated. I grabbed them both by their throats, and threw them, a cupple, OK more than a cupple hundred feet maybe a thousand, feet into the oceans unforgiving waves. I snarled a dark evil laugh. Then I gently went towards her, and picked her up and we were in the spare room in seconds. "Hey.." I said gently. "you came for me...." she managed to rasp out. "Ya I did...why wouldn't I, your a pack member, and I don't know why, but I feel attached to you somehow." The others had thought I had gone mad and was talking to myself, but then they saw Lily on the bed. I snarled and a blue wall shot up. They had all started running and smashed into this. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" They all screeched as a glowing light emanated from me into Lily. "YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF FROM HOW WEAK YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!!!!!" Lennie yelled as he pounded against the wall,.....crying? " her....I don't care if I long as she's OK...." The light stopped, and Lily was fully healed I could sense it. The wall shot down as I fell, falling into black. At least I had saved her. Then I remembered everything as I heard Lennie yelling "GET ME BLOOD OR SOMETHING PLEASE!...don't die....please! I love you!"

The remebrance

Suddenly, I remembered everything I had forgotten or that was wiped from memory. I grew up here....Lily is my little sister, now age 16, going to turn 17, when I turn 18. Confusing right? Well here's more. I was supposed to be pack leader, but I was kidnapped (before this time) by "Uncle Tom" and given to a foster family. Lennie was my boyfriend, from age 7 to when I was kidnapped (age 10). I was over protective of my "little lily" as I called my little sister. Oh God! I couldn't die my little Lilly needed me!

I fought against the black, and finally won. I did not open my eyes though, I was too tired. I felt something warm and sweet trickling down my throat.Blood. Instinct kicked in and I grabbed hold of the object. I drank *not very long* till I realized that it was a wrist. I pushed it away, disgusted with myself. I now had enough strength to run and find some other type of prey. I ran out of the house, and was soon in the forest. I saw a bear, about 2x's my size. *perfect* I ran to it, grabbing it's throat and drinking, drinking till there was none left. I wanted more, so badly, that I went after the two cubs next. One after the other drained dry. I was fulfilled now and lay down under a tree to rest, before going back home to the pack. I heard crunching footsteps and was alert and started to growl. Out of the bushed came Lennie,Lilly and the twins. I stopped growling and noticed it was Lennie with the bite mark on his wrist. This made me even more disgusted in myself. He slowly approached, being wary and cautious. *as he should be, I'm a monster now* When he was an inch away, *he smelt so good, so sweet, so moist* I ran a cupple hundred feet away, only to back up into a tree. He came closer and I snarled at him, trying to warn him, but he would not listen. There was no where to turn. I was surrounded. No way out, but up. So I jumped into the trees swinging through them, till I came to the tallest one, and hid at the very top. I kept very quiet. "We can smell your sent!" *Crap! forgot about that* "Were not mad, we just want you to come home!" this was my little Lilly. I would come down, only for her, but only if she asked. Apparently she heard that and she said "Please come home...." I heard every note of sadness and longing in her voice. "I know you remembered everything!" This was Lennie. I was swinging through the trees once more until I came upon the spare bedroom window. I jumped in and locked the door and windows. I put up my blue walls, because I knew they would knock down the door. That they did do, well Lennie anyway. They say the wall and nodded at Lilly. *Shit! I forgot I told her how to undo that. I bolted for the window only to bump into a muscular chest. "Aww shit!' I mumbled. I ran for the door, and again ran into that same chest. We went back and forth like this. Until he grabbed my arms and pinned me to the floor, knowing in this state, no needle could penetrate my skin, it would snap. "I don't want to hurt you!" I hissed through my teeth. *God did he smell good!!!!!* "Your not going to!" He replied as I flipped him over, then he did the same only sitting on my chest cutting off my airways. I didn't need to breath in this state either. He just sat there until I stopped squirming. I slowly shifted back to half vampire-half wolf. He still couldn't' give me a needle like this it would still snap. I wasn't thirsty anymore, and just lay there, tapping my fingers on the carpet waiting. He slowly got up and said "You good now?" " Other than your fat ass knocking the wind out of me fine..." I said getting up and brushing the dirt from me. The girls burst out laughing, while Lennie scowled, the evilly smiled. I started to back up slowly, but felt someone behind me. I knew it was him, but before I could turn around, he started tickling me. I burst out laughing, trying to get away but he held on tight. Now I was the one with the evil grin. I spun around tickling him now, till he let go and I ran downstairs with the girls.

Hungry? No. Thirsty? YES!

As soon as everyone was asleep, I slipped out, again. I just sat on the beach, floating a foot or so above the ground, meditating. "Nice moon right?" I automatically hissed, and was at the other side of the beach in seconds. He was there soon to. Who are you? "Name's Nicolas." He said in a sexy British accent. "Why are you here, and what the hell do you want?" I asked, calmly I might add. He chuckled. "Just a chat mate!" "I have a mate" I growled. " No, no, not that kind of mate!" He chuckled. "Like friend, or pal." "I don't know you, so how am I your pal?" He frowned,then smiled. "What is your favorite riddle by the Sphinx?" "Um.... awkward question, but ok 'What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?'" I answered. "And the answered is" He continued. "I don't get this but 'Man.... Baby in the morn, man in the afternoon, and an old man with a cane in the evening' " I answered. "Why are you asking me this?" "Because I taught you that saying." "But I'v never met you before!" "Ah but yet you have.....we will meet again soon...." "I don't understand!" I yelled as he walked away. "You will....." Then he was gone. *Huff* I hate when people go all fortune cookie on me. It aggravates me. Then I realized I had fallen asleep on the beach, when some one was shaking me and saying "Wake up, god dammit! Wake up! Are you really going to try to kill yourself with lack of oxygen?!" "Whattttttzzzzzzz?" I asked opening my eyes. "Lemmie alone, I wanna go back to sleep!" "Really?! On sand?!" "Sure its comfortable..." I said yawning turning on my side, when someone picked me up. "Do I ever get to sleep in peace?!" I mumbled, then fell asleep again. I felt the blankets being ripped of me again, but I wasn't cold, so I continued to sleep. Someone jumped on me. "Uff! Lemmie sleep! I'm tired!" I mumbled burring my face in my pillow. I then heard Lilly's voice. "Is she supposed to be this tired? She's slept for like two days strait....." I started having nightmares, about me trying to fight of thousands of vampires at once. I was shaking in real life and an falling my limbs, while someone held onto me while I was screaming. They whispered "It's okay, shh, shh it's okay" as they stroked my hair gently. I abruptly sat up and was panting. Someone gently forced me back down, but I was on the other side of the room in seconds flat against the wall. I saw it was Lennie, but flinched when he came near me. I didn't know why. I then ran into the closet and locked myself in there, trying to calm down. "Blue.......common Blue, you haven't fed in a while and it's going to be a killing spree like last time.... " "How.....long....have....I...been...out..." I gasped, my lungs closing in on me. I guessed thats what happens when you don't feed. He heard me gasping for air, and ripped open the doors, shoving his wrist to me mouth. I tried to pull away, but he held my head there. So I drank, maybe a sip, but then I pushed him away. I couldn't take it from him. In seconds I was in the forest again, and saw a huge, and I mean huge moose. I ran to it and fed my hunger, enjoying the warm moisture running down my throat. It was warm and it felt good. That's all that mattered. I finished him slowly, savoring the nutty flavor of it's blood. Eventually I finished, curling up in a ball to sleep.

"Fortune cookie guy" aka "Nicolas"

Why the hell do I always fall aleep?! It's like....ok you feed, now sleep for like a week. WTF?! Anyway....I expected to wake up with Lennie by me again, except I was in a different house, and fortune cookie guy was by me again. What was his name? Oh yeah! Right Nicolas. I saw Lennie, Lilly, Lauren, and Meg, all chained to the wall across the room. I ran towards them, trying to undo the locks with my fingers. "Don't even try. It's useless..... I have the key." It was Nicolas. I looked at the key and memorized it. Suddenly an exact coppie appered in my hand. Huh! Werid. I went to work imedeatly. Everyone was free except for Lily, and soon she too was free. "How the hell did you do that?!" Nicolas was screaming. "Ah but the question is...What can't I do?" HA HA HA! Now who's fortune cookie now huh?Huh? Suddenly I was on the ground a knife to my neck. I laughed, and laughed. I had hardened my skin in everyform, so nothing in the world, man,wolf,vampire,object could hurt me, nor penitrate my skin. I laughed harder. When he pushed the knife closer it snaped. I was cracking up now as everyones head was titled to the side staring in confusion. Two of his men chained me and the others back to the wall, and I laughed, harder still. I then twithched my wrist and the chains and wall shattered into pieces. I stopped laughing and had a serious look on my face. "Now lets continue our chat....." I started. "What did you mean, you taught me, for I have never met you, and will probably kill you myself." "Would you kill your father." I let out a snarl. "YOU.....ARE......NOT......MY.........FATHER!!!" I roared, putting empasis on each word. I then lunged at him pinning him to the ground, as he laughed. " I have nor father, nor mother." I was on my own from the start, myself and Lily. I took care of her till they found us." I nodded twoards Lennie and the others. "And then 'Uncle Tom' erased every single memory I had, I'v just got them back, and I'm not about to lose them again you bastard!" I snarled. I lunged for his throat, but something stopped me. "Your little mind tricks wont work on me." I said, as my fangs grazed his neck. "I should make you suffer for what you and 'Uncle Tom' did to me." I slowly started to pell away the skin of his neck as he screamed. "B..l..u..e" I heard over the screaming and stopped. My head wipped around to Lily who was still passed out to Lennie, who was slowly coming twoards me. I could tell I looked like a moster. My vision tinted red from rage. "If you drink his blood you die...." I had let him bleed quite a lot, just waching it flow from his neck, across the floor, and out the door. and he was on the verge of death. " Cummon Blue, just commer...." I looked at this man who had caused me so much pain. I put my hand into his chest, ripped out his heart and drove a chair leg through it. Then I went next to Lennie and cried into his chest, as I wached the man, that had hurt me so much, just turn to dust and float out the window. I undid everyones chains, and told Lennie to make sure veryones hands were joined. He asked why. "Because I'm trying something new." Soon we colapsed in the spare room, everyone healed but me, as once again I fell asleep. If for good, I didn't know, all I knew was it was sleep. Peace, darkness and calm.

Betrayal's a Bithch

Again I woke up. Why the hell can't I just die?! It would be a lot easier! I woke up with a blood I-V drip hooked up to me. Smart move. But I heard someone kissing. I sat up and took the needle out. I turned my head towards the noise and found Lennie kissing Lily. Betray's a bitch. They noticed I was awake. "'s not what you think" they both said. I snorted. "Yea. Whatever, all people ever wanted me for was power, not love, and you two are the same as the rest." I said, and was out the door, and half-way across the country in seconds. I made sure I covered my scent trail. I was thirsty now, and saw the perfect prey. A huge mountain-lion. But for some odd reason I didn't want to eat it and my thirst dimmed by a considerable amount. "What are you?" I asked coming towards the animal. "The question is what are you?" The mountain lion asked as it turned into a girl. This girl had long flowing blond hair, down to the hips at least, pure emerald green eyes, a fair complexion, was about my height, and was just beautiful. Now what the hell is going on?! "Who are you?" I asked the girl. "And please don't go all fortune cookie on me I hate that." The girl laughed. "Name is Melina." She said handing out her hand. "Your not gunna like flip me over and chop off my head or somefin right?" I asked. She laughed again. "No" and held out her hand once more. I put my hand in hers and said "Blue" She gasped when I said my name. "What am I like a fugitive or something?! Cause I have no clue why you just did that..." She laughed again. "No..." Her face turned serious. "But you need to come with me...." I groaned. "But i'm thirsty!" I wined. "You can get food there......" "Fine!" I huffed as she started to drag me...where? I have no clue.

I don't think were in Kansas anymore dumb-ass, i think were in deep shit!

After a cupple of miles, she turned towards me and said "Touch my arm then change." "Uh....Why?" I asked. "Just do it!" She sighed. So I touched her arm and a red light emanated from my eyes. I gasped and fell to the ground changing, and when I was finished I was a '8"00 tall mountain lion. "Holy shit!" I thought. Melina laughed. ""Whats so funny?! First wolf, then vampire, then witch powers, and now fuckin shape-shifter?! What am I the whole world?!" She laughed harder. The I thought about being a oversized tiger.And what'da know I was a fuckin '8"00 tall tiger. She gasped. I soon went back to my normal self. This is weird.

Soon enough we got to a big tree with a door in it. A leopard jumped out of a tree and I hissed, crouching. He turned into a really handsome guy. No! I won't let myself fall in love again. All people want me for is my powers. He was handsome though. Jet black hair, emerald green eyes, a little taller than me, a lot (emphasis on the a lot)of muscles, and really nice lips. I was still crouched hissing. NOT taking chances. "Hey sis!" He yelled at Melina. I slowly straightened out of my crouch. I looked at my arm. I was invisible, god damn that's cool! "I thought you said you had someone with you" the boy said. "Ya I do Leo! This is...Hey were'd she go?!" "Uh right here...I'm invisible and I don't know how to turn back....." I said. "Ahhhhh..." Melina said. "Really?! She can turn invisible?! No Way!!!!" Leo yelled. I slowly saw a deer pass by. My thirst was burning and closing my lungs by now. I pounced on the deer draining it, my invisibility fading. "That's better..." I said as I sat down in the grass beginning to meditate, slowly rising off the floor. I heard footsteps behind me. "I know your there so don't bother trying to surprise me!" I said opening my eyes, and spinning around to face them. Then I had a premonition. They were torturing me trying to get me to use my powers. I ran, and ran, and ran till I was at the ocean. I dove in changing into a dolphin, swimming and swimming, never looking back. No one loved me, no one cared, I was just a waste of space. I was like a power outlet. Nobody wanted me for anything other than power.

I hadn't realized were I was going till I was drawn to this coast, and found a deserted Island. Not even animals here. I could die from starvation if I wanted to because there was no source of food either. I turned back into A vampire and went onto the shore, found a cave, crawled in it and cried myself to sleep. No one loved me I was all alone. "I hate the world" I thought as I fell asleep. I woke up to find a starving puppy next to me, curled up for warmth. I easily manifested some food (real food, not just an illusion). "Hey little guy..." I said as I nudged him. He slowly woke up and saw the food in my hand. I slowly put it in front of him. It was at least a pound of meat. He shied away. "Comon, you can eat it..." I said. He slowly came forward and ate. I put out my hand slowly and pat his head, and rubbed it. When he finished I said "Whats your name?". I peeked in his mind and he somehow knew this and said "I have none..." "Oh....How about..." I tried to think of a manly name. "Oh! How about Max?!" I asked. I saw him tilt his head to the side. I formed a mental bond with the animal and he said "I like it!" "Cool! So what are you doing out here?" I asked. " I don't know...." "Ah." "You?" "I ran away, because nobody loves me...they only want me because of my powers...." Ah. Well I love you!" Max said as he licked my face. "Thanks....I love you to!" I just realized, that someone on this planet loved me finally....even if it was a dog...he still loved me, and that's all that matters.

But then the unthinkable happened. I heard someone come on shore....Awww Crap!

The new tribe..." groan" what do they want from me?!

The first thing I noticed was that Max started to growl. And then I heard them. Crap! I pulled max onto my lap and turned invisible. "Quiet! They can't see us!" "o..." I slowly walked deeper into the cave bringing back un-wanted memories. I finally got to a dead end and just sat there hoping they wouldn't find us. Island life was peaceful. I actually found some sheep and cattle and had raised them for food and dairy. I had figured out a calender, gone to a freshwater spring, and built a plumbing system for bathing and drinking. Had made some cloths and stuff. I remembered something. I held onto Max tightly and popped into our underground home, where all the cattle and everything we needed to survive under lock and key. I heard someone banging at the door saying "Let us in! We're not gunna hurt you!" I had to stop myself from snorting. Everyone wants to hurt me some way. Then I heard one of 10000000000 locks un-click. They tried to open the door again. Ha ha they thought I was that stupid?! HA! Then I heard all but one unlock. My jaw dropped. I re-locked them all and heard them groan. But they were all undone this time and In second they broke down the door. But they were all tribal women. "She is somewhere over there!" One of the eldest pointed at the spot 50 feet away. "Go down the tunnel and get her!" she said, more like yelled. Then shut both doors. Crap. "I did that so that I could talk to you..." "You are a wondrous creature, and we need you to bring rain to our society..." "That's all? Your not going to hurt me?" "No child" she said. "What is your name, and the name of the dog in your hand?" "I have none. I don't belong to anyone anywhere and that is what a name means so I have none, and my dog may choose his name wherever he may go." The woman laughed. "You are a wise child." "If I bring rain to your land, you will leave me in peace?" "Yes child." "Were do you live?" I questioned. She whispered the place in my ear and I sent out a spell. The women came back through the tunnel and one yelled "We looked through her technology, we didn't break any....but anyway, we looked through and there on our land is a lake just by the side of it!" Then soon left and I thought to my self "Love is a weakness, a weakness I will not allow,the only thing I can love is Max" Then my worst nightmare came on shore. What the hell is wrong with my life?!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.12.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my father who has always loved me, my mother who is my best friend,but still a mom, to Lauren Robison, who was my first real friend who loved me, even if I am a chatterbox.... To Jasmine Paddock whom has helped me through hard times and is my very best friend, whom I love dearly.... I will always love you all.....ALSO to all you who read this

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