
"shhhhhh" whispered mother as screams all around us sounded women children and the old were being destroyed all because of that dam wizard who said there would be a child who would bring the sups together but yet no matter how much we try we could never find him and yet again there was that sonic boom of power around about twenty two years ago we have all tried to sirch for him but we cant find it and now the dam sups are raiding our hiding spot which had been my home for twenty one years looking for it well if my mum would let me go i would go up there and show them a peace of my mi..... a voice cut me of my line of thoughts it was so demanding it scared me" he is here i can sense him and when we find him cut his head of and show it to the world for all of our good ship friends out there to see that they have lost " he said it with so that it made me shudder "huny2 my mother crooned 2 you have to run and hide now before they get you to i don't think i could survive with you gone as well as your farther" my mother almost cried i could see it in her eyes 2 ok mother just make shore your right behind me ok because i couldn't live without you to i hate this dam war all its coursed is pain and suffering"
"i no darling quick now they are coming we need to go you no your way around don't you"
"yes mother i whisper . as i started to make my way to the back entrance i herd my mother scream horribly and turned around to sea being horribly killed "no "i wisped
"run" gurgled my mother as i ran towards the exit again something solid and hard smashed into my head and as i turned around i saw my captive he was devilishly handsome but after a wile my sight began to get dark and the last thing i herd was the handsome man maybe boy say I’ve got ......her” he paused speaking a second as if he was thinking for gods sake " arhh just come help me tie her up and get her into the under world gates"..
slowly but groggily i came awake i tried to snuggle to my warm and peaceful bet .....then it all came flashing back to me my mums murder and my covens murder . shoving up of my bed i would have done a graceful flip if it waste for the bonds tying me to the bed huffing and puffing wasn’t going to help my problem so for the time being i would start and try to get my self free. BUT IT DIDNT WORK NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRYED I COULDENT GET FREE SO AS I LAY THERE SCARED AND TIERD I STARTED TO THINK WHY DID that man say that they had found the power when really he hadn’t because we would have known and well i don’t no what we would have done to him but i no that It would have been ok for him i think .
Later on that night i herd footsteps persuade my door and i started to strain on my bonds 6thinkning i was going to kill them for making me stay here all night . ore was it day i really don’t no and then interrupting my thoughts was the door opening and then the guy who court me was there and the pig smiled can you believe that he achly smiled which made me want to make him dye all over again but i new i couldn’t with these bonds tying me to the bed
" so what did you bring me here hmmm was it funny ore something to kill my family but keep me alive " he achly looked taken aback " no we brought you here for you own good " i couldn’t help the snort that came out of me then " you have to be kidding me ive been here for what day and something and no one thought to tell me why i was here and what the hell did you mean you felt the power you couldn’t have otherwise we would have known" now he looked uull good he deserved it
" well you see thats what your coven was protecting" i couldn’t help my self from jumping forward ore could i stop my self from spiting in his face " yeah right you scum bag my family wouldnt have done that with out telling me and you really exspects me to believe you over them no way you want me to believe me then show me proof if you can’t then you have got one pissed off prisoner" and with that i turned my back to him and started to draw shapes in the dust on the floor when i was finished i turned around and saw him still there " what don’t you get the message get lost " i all but serld " you want proof well l0ook at the picture you drew and with that he was gone.

Chapter 3

not wanting to See what he ment i looked at the door that was now on one hinge and then a plan started to form in my mind if i could some how sneak out then maybe i could escape but then it soon failed because what was the chance of a human getting away from vampires and other ....things? well i didn’t know but i didn’t mind any more my world seemed dull without my clan .......what am i thinking ? my mother would be so disappointed if she was here now and so would my clan so wiling up the courage i started to make my way towards the door but just as i reached the edge of the door i seemed to hit an invisible wall and then i went intro a frenzy trying to get out and then a ear piercing wail came down the corridor an three big huge men came an said a few words and the wall collapsed and then i tryed to barge past them but i couldn’t they were to big compared to my 5.6 hight and they were at least 6.6 and felt really small also there shoulders looked miles a part and so logically they should have been able to restrain me but without thought i ducked and crawled ubder there legs and then said the same words they did but I made sure they were in the room first and what do you no the words achly worked and they were trapped but i new not for long so i made my dash for freed0om but that man again stopped me and literally threw me against the wall which leaved me dazed ansde then he was approaching me again and that was when i new that it wasn’t him it looked like him except his eyes were a swirling gold and gren and i new that he was a shifter and then he grabbed me bye my throat and i started to struggle for breath and he leaned forward and smiled and i saw something i do not want to see again i saw his great being taw out of his back bye the man who had taken me before and then suddenly to much air was in my lungs and it coursed my breaths to weeve in and out and then big strong male hands were picking me up to cradle against a rock hard chest it felt like heaven to be wrapped up like this safe was how i felt and then i remember it was his folt why my parents were dead so i startde to srugel ike mad.


WAR was really annoyed as the attractive red head started struggling in his arms " let me go you jerl" she purred but he thought she ment to say it more like a threat but it came out as a purr o well he thought " no chance of that princess" he couldn’t help but smirk as she gave an out raged gasp and he continued smirking as she started kicking as screaming muffled in his chest it kind of tickeld but like as if he would admit that so he just left it to her to do that as he wentto the guest rooms aka holoding cells he niticed criss and bigs and sqeel stuck in the one his feisty red head had been keped in " yo what you doing in there " war growled dangerously to his friends and only friends
"well hey you no we just decided to have a walk and a little minx there "he nodded to the women in his arms" had to just ya no swap places in here "nodded to the walls surrounding him
"and did you no the little minx here almost got killed here by our buddy dragon "
"no way s"

2 yes so next time keep an eye out on her when ime busy"
fine" wesl said with his chin held high like he had something to prove that just made war cuckel more

chapter 5

i mean back to thoughts when i felt my back hit the soft warm bed for some reason i thought i was home but i new it wasn’t true i fantosized though that it was my mum tucking m ein..................... waight were those strong male hands tucking me in ....... i bolted up so fast i smacked heads with him
"what are you doing" i asked breathlessly because he ws so close to me his face inches away from mine
" i was er putting you to bed so you wer er comfy and you didnt mess up my friends again ok" as he said it his breath blew across my face and then he smiled and in the dim lighting his smile looked like white lights i tink he new that in some kind of messed up way i liked him and then he was leanig closer to me and then his lips were touching mine i injoyd it for a while his feather light lips it was realy nice my first kiss but from a guy who was partly responsable for my familys killing and with that my right hand came up ore it would have if he hadnt have been holding it down by my sides .his left arm came up to stroke my face and i convinced my self that i was trying to get away but the truth was i wasnt and i realy hated kissing him even though i couldent help my bodys reaction but i could hate him after words but for the time being i just injoyd my first kiss.

chapter 6

war couldent have helped him self if he had tryed her lips had just been there for the tacking all rosie and sweet ... a sharp sting stoped his thoughts
" did you just BITE me ?"
" yes " his littl red head said also known as cassie.
"why"? i couldent keep the humer and displasure ou of my voice
"well you shouldent have kissed me then should you ? shouldnt have kissed me its your own dam folt" and with a little huff cassie folded her arms across her chest
that little action looked so cute but he didnt coment insted he leaned in again and started to talk and as he did his breath faned over her face all sweet and strong " well you shouldent have kissed me back then should you " he remarked and then leaned back and smiled in satasfaction as she blinked a couple of time to clear her head." herm it seems that i dont no your name what is it " she delibratly tried to distract him "nnice try but not going to work and my name is ...war" before cassie could say how fitting that name was for him his cell phone rang and he put a finger on her lips to silence her and he could tell she was mifed of buy the action. " hello" he answerd" war its me diane and i need you help" his sister said breathlessly over the phone " diane what is it tell me ........sister" he added because cassie was staring daggers at him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.10.2011

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