
Monday 31
10:00 pm
Oh god this is it it’s my last day of a single girl for now on I will kiss every boy I can now and this is the new me!
1 kisses some boys
2 find the one for me
3 go on holiday and have a holiday romance
This is my list for the New Year

12:00 pm (at Lucy’s house next door)
Oh god I have done something BAD! Well when I say bad I mean it well my best mate Lucy has a brother Joe and I kind of just snoged him!! I mean well I did not mean it well there’s this boy Sonny he is Joes best mate and I love Sonny he is the fittest boy there is and I just saw him kissing Alice the most sluttish girl there is and well I kind freaked and I grabbed Joe that was the worst person to kiss because well he is Lucy’s twin brother and he is like a best mate to me and I kissed him and now I can just hope that no one finds out

Or do I want people to know I mean well he’s nicest looking boy in our year and that would make me a slut if I kissed him or Sonny wouldn’t it?

Tuesday 1
I just hope no one knows about me and Joe especially Lucy she would go mental her best friend kissing her twin brother!! I’m just dreading school what if he trys to talk to me? Today I start as the class slut aka small skirt, shirt to small, tie done loose and make sure blazer is longer than skirt
Oh god that did not go well Sonny did not look at me once but I did get a lot of woos and whistles witch does go with the kiss more than one boy and the doing “it” part
It’s my birthday in 18 days mum and dad have just asked me if I want a party I was like hell yer it’s going to be at the big hall at the end of the rode and the best bit is that mum and dad aren’t going to be there because mum and dad are going to London for then night and they are leaving the house to me for one night

Wednesday 2
today I and Lucy had the day off because it makes us look cool and we went to blue water for a new outfit for my party mine is a blue dress and Lucy got a red dress with the middle missing very revelling just sent a text PARTY AT BIG HALL RUBYS BIRTHDAY ON THE 20TH to all my mates
25 replies’ and they are all bring all their mates

Thursday 3
School, I’m still dressing slutty mum said “wow do you want to wear some clothes today or do you want to wear a smaller school uniform “but something was not normal Dave
Walked to school with me, he lives a crossed the rode and he never talks to me since my 12 birthday when we was playing dears in my room and he showed me his “thing” and I was like WTF and we have never talked since “so” I said “have you got a boyfriend “he asked “no do you have you got a girlfriend “I snapped “well yes I do its Alice “he snapped back, should I tell him about new years eve nah I won’t now I have something against him and her I could use this,
12:00 (lunch)
I have just found out why he walk to school with me there’s a story going around that I will kiss any boy that asks! And that I will do “it” with any boy! What kind of sick person would tell people that?
Just found out what kind of sick person tells people that it was nick (the class joker) he saw me kissing Joe and started that story! God he is dead!!
Just had a little word with nick “why did you start the story about me “I said “what its true” he said “no its not” I said “oh well when I saw you kissing Joe and you two walked off upstairs and I only told Dave he must of told everyone “he explained I just hope that Sonny does not find out!
3:30 Or do I maybe he will want to be with me then?

Friday 4
I can’t wait till Tomorrow because Lucy’s mum and dad are rich and they go on holiday 3 times a year and they get to take a friend each so Lucy is taking me and Joe is taking Sonny so hopefully Sonny will see how cool I am compared to Alice and then we will have a holiday romance and then we will the schools new best couple and It won’t be Lucy and will any more (Lucy and will have been going out since last year and they have never split up but they have never done “it”
Thank god school is over I have all my bags packed for holiday we are going to Paris for 5 days I don’t speak much French but where there holiday villa is no one dose it’s like a English place but there is some cute boys there ;) if me and Sonny don’t work out there’s lots of boys that last year was interested
Just got off the phone with Lucy I don’t see why she didn’t just come round because she does live next door any way she said make sure I packed my swimming suit because it will be hot) and Lucy wanted me to make her a dress when we come back for the school disco we got dress for it a long time ago and now she wants to make it nicer!

Saturday 5 (in car driving to ferry to take us to Paris)
Woops woke up and it turned out that I fell asleep on Joe and I kind of dribbled on his top when I woke up Lucy was asleep and so was sonny but Joe wasn’t “oh sorry Joe” I said “ don’t worry about it “ he said Sara said “we are on the ferry kids get up and stretch your legs” that’s when Lucy and sonny woke up, and then they just got out and so did me and Joe then Lucy says to me “ ruby I need to go a toilet come with me” she pleaded “ok sure “ I said then Joe and sonny started to laugh me and Lucy both turned to look at them then we saw what they were laughing at my top had came undone and you could see my bra and it had the cookie monster on it as me and Lucy went to the loo I did all my buttons up and then Lucy said” I love that top where did you get it” she said “I got the top from top shop and I added the button bit and the belt bit do you like it ?” I said “like it I love it you have to do something with my dress I think it’s too coved up but I don’t want to look like Alice with all my best bits on show ” I wonder what she will wear Clingfilm dress or something like that there’s not limit for her every boy has seen her bits even sonny and Joe! As we left the toilet we went to go to the gift shop they have the nicest tops there is and well I need to put something different on as my top shows all!

12:00 (lunch time)
We have arrived at last lucky that Sara called up the staff to get our lunch ready by the time we get there I think we are having pasta I’m not too sure because Sara was talking in French and all I understand was the word pasta and 3 bed rooms (me and Lucy are sharing and so it Joe and sonny ) Lucy’s room at the villa is well nice it have 2 double beds , a walk in wardrobe and bathroom I have been here 4 times now it’s like mine and Lucy’s room I love it here because Lucy’s mum and dad’s room is on the other side of the villa and me and Lucy can go a bed when we like !
Tonight it’s an English party only people that can speak English so there’s going to be a lot of people I’m wearing a red dress that’s very small and it looks great on and Lucy’s wearing a pink dress with a frilly bottom its small as well she looks fab in it and I look good when we went to leave Joe and sonny both went “wow” as we walked in the room I’m guessing that Joe was saying that about me because that would be weird if he said that about his sister and I don’t know about sonny he was saying it about Lucy maybe I hope not I would love it for one min he would think of me like that
That was a good party when me and Lucy got there we got 4 boys come up to us and asked us if we wanted to dance and we did have a good time and I kissed a boy his name was jimmy he is in the villa a couple along maybe this will be my holiday romance ?

Sunday 6
11:00 (lunch time)
Oh god I can’t think I don’t know where I am this room is a light and dark blue I don’t remember what happened last night it’s just a blur
I know where I am I’m in Joes and sonny’s bed room I haven’t been in here much but now I remember at about 3 in the morning me and Lucy came back to the villa and Joe and sonny where with us and we was drunk and we stared to play 10 mins in heaven and it was mine and Joes turn and I think I fell asleep and he did, I’m going to get a drink of water my head is pounding, wow I have just seen Lucy she has fallen asleep on sonny and the way he has his arm round her it’s like he was comforting her ? Omg they look well nice! Great my best friend looks great with the boy I fancy, Sara and bob (Lucy’s and Joes mum and dad) left a note saying they will be gone till late and don’t do anything they wouldn’t I wonder where they have gone oh well I’m well hungry should I have sank to eat or should I wait till everyone is up, I will wait till everyone is up
Everyone is up now I asked what happened last night and Lucy says she don’t remember but sonny and Joe told us “at about 2-3 we come back here and you 2 both said that you wanted more drink so we went out and got some vodka and when we came back we was all drunk and we started to play a game” “10 mins in heaven” I said “yer and I think we all fell asleep “ they told us “well as long as we did nothing wrong it’s ok then “Lucy said “ you did nothing wrong but ruby had a bit of fun at the party “they both laughed “ did I ? I don’t remember?” I said puzzled “yer when jimmy came up to you and asked you to dance you 2 went off and then 1 hour later you both come back and he had not top on “ “wow that what I’m like when I’m drunk ?” “Yes ruby you can’t handle your drink” Joe said while laughing “oh god how many people saw me” I said looking at Joe “well the whole school when we go back to school” he said still laughing “what ?” I said puzzled “well I have some pictures of last night and I have posted them on MySpace “he said with a smile on his face “oh god you didn’t!” I screamed at him, he just looked at me with a half smile “woops” he said with sarcasm in his voice oh god I have to find my laptop I don’t know if I did pack it or not but I think I did because my mum and dad go one my laptop and look at all my pictures and my emails
Joe has offer a swap with me he would take the pictures off if I kissed him! I don’t know why he would want to kiss me? I mean I’m his mate I have known him for 5 years
Have just found out why Joe wanted to kiss me him and sonny are playing a game of how many time sonny can get Lucy to kiss him and how many times Joe can get me to kiss him in 2 weeks but I can’t say anything to Lucy because Joe was not have meant to tell me so sonny cant know I asked “did sonny want to kiss me I mean I know that you have to kiss me because the other person is your sister?” but before I could get answer Lucy came in the room and said that her and sonny was going to watch a movie so I said I’m going to the beach in a min any way as I went to go into our room Joe goes “I will come with you if you want ?” “Um ok sure if you want let me just get my bikini on and we can go “I said slightly confused on why Joe wanted to come with me maybe it was because sonny wanted to kiss Lucy to win their game I will have to ask what they win in the end
2:00 (at the beach with Joe)
“Wow it’s so empty here today why?” I ask Joe while I was looking round at the empty beach “well this bit of the beach is owned by the people who own the villas and since last night everyone is still recovering and getting ready for the next party “he said like it was a good thing “can I ask what do you win if you win the kissing bet?” I asked nicely “well the loser has to buy the winner an x-box and we both want an x-box” he explained “oh I thought you had an x-box?” I said trying to remember if he did “no we both have playstations”
He said while he was looking at the sea “oh it’s that what sonny is doing now? With Lucy?” I asked looking back at the villas “yer I think so but would you find out off of Lucy for me I want to know if he is lying about the game” he asked looking at me “are you going to tell him we kissed to win your bet?” I asked “um I don’t know I don’t want to lie and you won’t kiss me will you?” he asked with a half smile “no I won’t kiss you!” I said outraged that he would even have to ask “wow calm down I know you won’t but do you want to come swimming in the sea?” he asked “ok sure “ I said as he took his top of so all he was wearing was his trunks and then I realised that he does have a good body for someone who sits at home all day playing games on the playstation , then I took my top off so all I had on was my bikini then he said “ I will race you to the water” “ok sure “ I said knowing I would lose and that was it we was off the sand was everywhere when we ran ,he beat me there but as I got in the water I slipped and fell on Joe and pulled him in to the water too “oh sorry Joe “ I said still holding on to him “ don’t worry “ he said splashing water at me “WATERFIGHT” he screamed at me “that it your getting it “ I giggled that’s when I got a hand full of water and put it in his hair “that’s it ruby your turn “ and he chucked a lode of water at me
“Joe what’s the time?” I asked as we went back to our stuff on the beach “I think is 5:00 “he said grabbing his phone off of his top “yer 5:00” he said as he put his shoes “wow we have been her for 3 hours “I said putting my flip flops back on and putting my top and skirt in my bag “I have just got a text from Lucy it says that her and sonny have had dinner do we want to get something out?” he looking at his phone “ok sure but do you think we should get dressed first?” I asked looking at him he was soaking wet and so was I “yer that’s a good idea “he said looking at me and seeing that all I had on was a bikini, we walked to the villa and it was dark when we walked in the was a note “have gone out on the town from L&S “I showed it to Joe “I wonder where in the town they have gone?” I said as I walked to Joe “they might have gone to the club it’s like a big disco do you want to go find them?” he asked with a sigh “no you still want to go out for dinner?”I asked hoping that he would say yes “yer sure I’m starving I don’t know what about you” he said “yer I’m starving after all that swimming “I said remembering when we last ate “ok we will go in a min do you want to go get changed?” he said as he looked at he then I realise I was still in my bikini, then I walked to our room I have no clue what to wear I know this black dress with black pumps I think I packed them ,yes I have packed that as I got dressed I wonder why didn’t I want to kiss Joe I mean he’s nice to me he’s cute what’s wrong with me?, “I’m ready “ I called out “kay” I heard Joe say from the front room as I walked in Joe went looked at me and I saw he mouthed “wow” “wow you look nice “ I said to Joe he had jeans and a polo top and his hair was done different it was geld up but it looked nice “back at you “ he said looking me up and down “you have to stop dressing like that “ he said to me “ dressing like what ?” I asked looking at my dress it’s not too small “ your dressing to nice you will make all the boys here have a fit over how nice you look” he said grabbing his phone “umm thanks I guess “ I said puzzled not sure on what he meant by that but I hope it’s a complement as we left it just started to get dark then I heard Joe on his phone he was getting a cab to come put us up and take us some where called carte blanche I don’t think I have been there I wonder where it is if he has to get a cab to pick us up (maybe it’s a new place ?) “So where is this place?” I asked when he put his phone in his pocket “oh it’s just this nice place just by the sea “he said looking at me his eyes has a new twinkle in them I have never seen it before it was nice looking at him it made me warm inside IS THIS WHAT LOVE IS I hope it’s not or do I? That’s when the cab came then Joe took my hand and led me to the back of the cab and opened the door for me no boy has treated me like this before “thanks “I said as I got in I couldn’t look at him I could feel myself blushing then Joe got in the other side and told the cab driver the name in French of the place and then he turned to me and said “so...” at least he felt as awkward as me “ so what happened to you and Alice I know she’s going out with nick ?” I asked hoping it would not make him get the ump “well she went out every night a week with boys from our year and older so I got fed up with her” he said calmly I could tell he was over her “so what happened to you and jay?” he asked looking out the window “well he dumped me because I’m not pretty “I said looking at my belt on my dress “what?”He said shocked turning round at me with a shocked face “he dumped me because I was not pretty” I said looking at his face “did he say that?” he said I could hear the anger in his voice “well no I’m just guessing that” I said remembering when we broke up I wasn’t sad he wasn’t anything to me just a boy “you shouldn’t say that about yourself” he said then the car stopped outside of a nice restaurant a bit too nice to be taking your sisters best mate who you are “just friends” with oh well
Omg we have been out all night first we went for dinner then Joe took me to go and see this new movie about teenage romance it was really good till there was a sex scene I couldn’t watch so I had to put my head on Joe and I think he took that in the wrong way but I don’t know he didn’t try anything but we did start to kiss in the cinema and I liked it we only stopped because the lights came and then when we got in to the cab I couldn’t control myself and me and Joe ended up snoging the hole way home oh god I just remembered there little game I can’t believe he used me like that! Oh god I’m such an idiot why did I fall for this again oh well when we got home we could hear Lucy and sonny fighting “you sex drived nutter” we could hear Lucy from the outside of the house then he heard sonny “the only reason I went out with you is because Joe wants to kiss your best mate and I knew you wouldn’t let her!” I looked at Joe shocked that he said that but Joe was not looking at me but at sonny like he had said something he shouldn’t then it hit me like a bus it had all been a lie the kissing game the dinner it wasn’t for sonny and Lucy it was for him to try and make a move on me! “SONNY” Joe shouted then sonny looked at us not realising we where there then Lucy looked at me then Joe looked at me without thinking I slapped him “I only went out with your because I love my best friend and I thought she was with sonny but she was doing the same” I screamed and walked off in to our room I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn’t care I wanted to get a way so I went to sleep
Monday 7
God yesterday seemed like forever I slept most of today I might get something to eat then go back to bed! Everyone is asleep Lucy’s mum and dad got back late last night

Tuesday 8
Today it’s our last full day here tomorrow we are leaving at lunch me and Lucy are going shopping there’s this really nice shop and its very nice I have £70 left from my holiday fund so I can get some new dresses for the summer and I need to get a after party dress for the disco this year it’s going to at Alice’s but she has invited me and Lucy because of her brother ,but we still have to find dates for the disco you can’t turn up without a date
Just got back from the shop we had to get Joe and sonny to pick us up because we had so much stuff so they came but the boot was too small so me and Joe said we would walk back to the villa it was a 20 min walk from the villa so as we watched them drive off we walked down the road “I’m sorry for lying to you” he said grabbing my hand making me turn to look at him “oh I don’t care what you say” I screamed at him and stormed off down the road and I could hear him following me down the empty road I could hear his footsteps down the stone cobbled road but I didn’t look back when we got back to the villa Lucy’s mum and dad was there and told us there will be a party to night but they aren’t going because they are going to a dinner party with one of Sara’s model friends that lived in Paris but we could go if we wanted me and then they left because it was a 4 hour drive there
We have just got back from the pool we was there for the rest of the afternoon Joe and sonny swam and me and Lucy sun bathed and talked up the boys there one boy tod he is fit when me and Lucy saw him Lucy went dib’s but it turned out he liked me he so Lucy got his just as fit mate Dan they got us drinks and asked if we was going to the party to night and if they could pick us up and take us there (the party was at the beach)”yer sure” me and Lucy said at the same time “pick you up at 8:00 then girls ?” they said as they left then “can we go now “ Joe said looking at me like I had done something wrong then I remembered that Joe had lied to me because he liked me ! “Yer sure” Lucy said on the way back me and Lucy talked nonstop about what we was going to wear “how about that nice gold dress?” sonny laughed “how do you know about that dress” Lucy shouted “oh what about that nice blue top and the white shorts ruby?” Joe snickered “OMG you went down our bags” I screamed so loud that people looked round at us “oh calm down” sonny said rolling his eyes “why did you go down our bags?” Lucy said turning around to look at them “we was seeing if there was a diary or something like that“ sonny said like it was nothing only then did we realise we was standing in the road and a car was coming but before I could move I felt the car hit me I felt a sharp pain in my ribs “someone call a ambulance“ Joe said panicked “I have 112 on the phone there on their way” Lucy said I could hear sonny in the background talking to the driver but I don’t know what he was saying because it was in French “don’t worry ruby someone is on their way” Joe said looking down the road
8:00 (at hospital)
Oh god I have a broken rib
Lucy said she would stay at home with me but I knew she wanted to go to the party so I said that I’m not going to be doing much and she should go just Joe insisted that he sayed with me so Lucy and sonny when to the party “how about we watch a movie ?” Joe said looking at the 100’s of DVDs they had “yer sure but nothing to scary” just to piss me off he puts scream 4 on I could not stop screaming once I jumped into his lap and he laughed then put his arm around me

Wednesday 9
4:00 am
Just woke up on the sofa snuggled into Joes arms he is asleep still ,going to creep to my bed and get my pjs on ,Lucy got back ok she is asleep in her bed


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2011

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