
By: Samantha Leo

Chapter One

The sand crunched beneath my feet as I stepped out of the stuffy tour bus. Shading my eyes I looked around. Nothing for as far as the eye could see, just a barren wasteland, scorched by the blazing sun. Sighing I allowed my friends to drag me closer to the massive monument before us. “Construction on the Royal tombs began in about 2550BC, by King Khufu himself. It took two million stone blocks and thirty years to complete the king’s tomb. It is 449ft tall and was the largest building for 4,000 years” the tour guide droned on. Separating from my friends I stood off to the side to take a photo.
“The late King Khufu currently rests inside this great tomb.” Glancing around I casually made my way to the entrance. Glancing back at the group to make sure no one was looking; I stepped inside and was instantly consumed by the dark. As I walked, my footsteps echoed down the stone hallway. Then suddenly I heard noises, voices drifting down the corridor. Ducking down a side corridor I held my breath, I couldn’t afford to get caught inside. They’d say I’d lost my mind for sure then I’d definitely get suspended. The voices came closer, growing louder and louder until it seemed like they were on top of me. A very tall man passed by and I gasped, pressing myself as close to the wall as I could. The man disappeared down the hall; the silence crept back till all I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding in my chest.
Cautiously I peeked around the corner, seeing nothing I let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly something grabbed me from behind. Yanked backward, I screamed as I collided with a man’s solid chest. Before I could gather enough breath to scream again the man covered my mouth and whispered in my ear, “If you want to live, you won’t scream again. Do you understand?”
“Mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mm mm!”
Shaking me, he asked again. “Do you understand?” Glaring I nodded my head yes. “Good.” Slowly he began to remove his hand. As soon as there was enough room to open my mouth I sucked in a huge breath of air and tried to scream. His hand shot back up and covered my mouth. Screaming and kicking I cursed him in every language I knew. The effect wasn’t as powerful as I would have liked due to the fact that he had my arms pinned to my sides and my mouth covered but he understood none the less. “You are going to get hurt if you don’t stop trying to hurt me. OUCH! DAMIT! What the HELL! Why’d you bite me?”
Shifting, I slammed my elbow back into his stomach and broke free from his grasp. As soon as I was free I bolted for the doorway. Just as I was about to reach the doorway something hard slammed into my back, and I toppled to the ground. Rolling over I felt my fist connect with his jaw, hard. Groaning he loosened his hold on my wrists for a second. Shoving him backward I managed to get him on his stomach with his hands behind his back. “That is it!” Swiftly he rolled over, knocking the wind out of me. Grabbing my wrists he pinned them to the ground, used the weight of his body to hold me down. “Are you…done yet?” He huffed.
“Not even close,” I snarled and slammed my forehead into his nose. Shoving him off of me I rolled to my feet and backed up. Lifting his head he glared at me and then sprinted toward me, knocking me into the wall. He made a grab for my arms again but I twisted to the right. Using that movement he pushed me into the wall face first. Gritting my teeth I shoved away from the wall, toppling us to the ground. Landing on top of him I punched him in the jaw again. Before I could land another punch he knocked my hand away and rolled us over so that I was beneath him. Shoving him, I rolled us over again. Twisting and fighting, we rolled over and over again, each fighting to subdue the other.
Suddenly the sound of a gunshot inside the room made us freeze. Jumping up he yanked me off the ground. “This little girl giving you trouble Tony?”
“No Dan. Go back to Kevin and help him. I’ll handle this.”
“Fine, hurry up and kill her, then get back to work.”
“Hey! I’m standing right here you stronzo! How about you don’t talk about me as if I’m not here? Jezu, ten facet jest kompletnym idiotą! ... Wiedziałem, że powód był karnych!” Tom started laughing but quickly tried to make it look like a cough while trying to hide the grin spreading across his face.
Glaring at both me and Tony, the man called Dan walked foreward and backhanded me. “You would be wise to watch your mouth. Tony here is excellent at causing people excruciating pain before killing them ever so slowly.”
“I’m a Los Angeles Homicide Detective. My captain knows where I am! You kill me and you will have the entire department hunting you down. You tanie życie, szumowiny ssania brud.”
”Is that so? We’ll see about that.” Dan laughed and walked out. Hurry up and kill her.” He casually called back.
Tony stepped up behind me and bound my hands together. „I’m not going to kill you. Yet. Don’t push me or i might change my mind.” He said and indicated that i should start walking.
” Pewnie drogie rzeczy, jakie kiedykolwiek powiedzieć ... pft, jak ty straszysz mnie douche.“ I smiled, glared and continued walking. Tom roughly grabbed my arm and steered me down multiple hallways, corridors and through rooms, taking me deeper and deeper into the pyramid.
“So...Tony...what are you going to do with me if you’re not going to kill me?“
He glanced back at me,“You’re my hostage.“
“For how long? You can’t keep me prisoner forever!“
“I’ll keep you prisoner for as long as I need or want to.“
“Aarrrrrrh! You won’t get away with this!“ Faking a smile I switched to Polish, “Mam nadzieję, że policja odciąć głowę i paszy kły, gdy cię złapią, kurwa egomaniac”
“Watch me darlin. Oh and the next time you want to say something to someone in another language you should probly make sure that they dont speak the language first.” He grinned and kept walking.
Glaring I muttered “Masogonist moron.” Tony just smiled. Maybe ten minutes later he led me into a cavernous room where men stood in front of a long slab of rock with their backs to us.
“Eh boys!” Both men spun around with their guns drawn.
“Tony! Where have you~” Just then I stepped out from behind Tony. “Who the hell is she?” He asked raising his gun again and pointing it at me.
“She’s my hostage. Don’t concern yourself with her. Get back to work Kevin.”
“Hey Tony! I thought I told you to kill her!” Dan called from across the large room.
“I said don’t worry about it! Lets go.” He pushed me to the left toward a pile of bags.
“You don’t have to push me!” I yelled at him.
“Just shut up and move before I gag you.”
“Here Tom I’ll do it for you since you seem to have a problem killing women.” Dan said leveling his gun at my forehead. I stood there and unblinkingly stared him in the eyes.
“Walk away. Now Dan.” Tom said stepping in front of me with his 9mm drawn. “I decide when she dies, and that’s not right now.”
“Oh! I get it. She’s your F*** buddie for the next several weeks.” Tom stood there with a stotic expression on his face, his gun never wavering an inch as they faced off. Finally Dan holstered his weapon and walked over to where Kevin was fiddling with the slab of rock.
“Don’t. Just go sit over there on the steps and be quiet. Unless you have a death wish?”
“Fine! JackA**!” I screamed, and dropped down on the stairs with my back to them. How the hell did I manage to get myself into this mess? And why am i antagonizing these pricks? I barely managed to escaped with my life the last time...

“Here, I brought you some water...I thought you might be thirsty,” Tom said interrupting my thoughts. “Dinner is almost done too.”
“Um...thanks...would you mind untying my hands? I can’t very well eat or drink with them tied behind my back.” Watching me warily Tom untied my hands. “Thanks,” I mumbled as I rubbed my wrists, then accepted the cup of water and drank heartily. “That was good, ....thank you.”
“Tom! What the hell are you doing? Tie her back up before she escapes and alerts the cops!”Dan yelled from the campfire they’d built.
“She’s not going anywhere Dan! Mind your own buisness.” He hollered back. “Come on, lets go sit by the fire and eat. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We should be finished by tomorrow evening then we leave. You of course will be coming with with us cause we can’t allow you to leave and risk informing the police of our plans.”
“I don’t even KNOW what your plans are! Just let me go!”
“I’m sorry but I can’t.”
“Yeah, right! You...sorry? Was für ein Witz! Sie sind so voller Scheiße. Sie probly dies die ganze Zeit. Ein Verbrecher, wie Sie, haben Sie wahrscheinlich entführen Mädchen die ganze Zeit. Wahrscheinlich sind sie in einem privaten Friedhof in Ihrem Hinterhof irgendwo begraben ...“
“Hey. You better stop speaking german and switch back to english,“ he said pulling me down beside him and handing me a bowl of steaming beef stew. “I prefer to understand what the person is saying when they are talking shit about me.“
“What are you talking about? I’m not saying anything bad. Just saying how much I hasse dich und all die Verbrecher in der Welt and that I hoffe, Sie alle rot bis zum Tod im Gefängnis nie das Licht des Tages wieder zu sehen,“ i finished with a sweet, innocent smile.
“Ahhahahahahaha! OH man! Maybe we should keep her around! Hahahahaha! It’ll be funny to keep a little spitfire like her around to keep things interesting!“ Dan chuckled looking at Tom, “You don’t have a clue what she just said do you? Oh that’s grand!“ Dan slapped his knee and wiped the corner of his eye. “Well my compadre, what she said was something like this ’ What a joke! you are so full of shit. You probly do this all the time. A criminal like you, you probably kidnap girls all the time. They're probably buried in a private graveyard in your backyard somewhere ...“ He mocked, “ then she said that she hates you and all the criminals in the world and that she hopes we all rot to death in prison, never to see the light of day again...isnt that right sweetheart?“ He asked and laughed at my look of shocked disbelief.
Scowling Tom tied my hands together, then yanked me over to a pillar and tied yet another rope through the rope around my hands, and then took the other end of the rope and tied it around the base of the pillar. “What are you~? Hey wait I can’t sleep like this!“
“So sleep on your side.“ He bit out and rolled out his sleeping bag.
“Stronzo“ I muttered and rolled onto my side facing away from him. “Can’t even give me a sleeping bag or blanket...ugh you’re such a Stronzo!“
The next morning I awoke to find Dan croutched over me with an odd look in his eyes. The second thing I noticed was the stiffness in my back and the pain radiating from my shoulders. “Get away from her or I’ll cut her bindings and let her kick your a**“ Tom said as he walked up and lifted me off the ground, pretending not to notice my wince of discomfort.
Dan studied me for a moment before looking at Tom. “You really think she could take me?“
“Anytime, anywhere Dan. She’s alot stronger than she looks...She also fights dirty.“ He said and smirked alittle. Grinning alittle myself I shook my hair away from my face.
“I gotta use the restroom.“
“Come on, I’ll take you.“ Leading me out of the room and down a hallway he pointed to a room. “Bathrooms in there. Don’t try anything, I’ll be right outside the door.“ Untying my hands he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “You have four minutes then I’m coming in.“
“Perve“ He smiled and I offered a small one in return. No! What the hells wrong with you Isabelle? He’s your kidnapper for crying out loud, not some hottie you met at a bar...He is pretty cute though, with his spiky dark brown hair and green eyes. Those broad quarterback shoulders, corded bicepts and muscluar pectorials. Mmm...NO! Stop it Izzy he’s a criminal, nothing more, nothing less. Focus on escaping ~ “Hey you gonna go to the bathroom or what?“
“ yeah sorry.“ Blushing slightly I hurried into the room and stopped. Instead of a hole in a ground I found myself staring at a port-a-potty. Oddly enough that made me smile. I relived myself quickly and washed my hands. Opening the door I stepped out and collided with Tom who was just about to bang on the door. “Excuse you. Sheesh ever heard of a thing called patience? Damn.“
“Don’t make me gag you. I swear I will.“
“You wouldn’t dare. Besides you threatened to do it yesterday and didn’t so what makes you think I’ll believe you today?“ I mouthed off and brushed past him. Suddenly I was spun around and pressed against the wall, then a cloth was shoved into my mouth and tied behind my head while my hands were tied behind my back again. “Hmm mm mmm mmm mmm!“ Glaring I stomped back to the large room and leaned against my designated pillar and closed my eyes. Feeling someone sweep the hair out of my face I stiffened, slowly opened my eyes. Tom was croutched in front of me with a bowl of water and a cloth.
“Do you care if I wash your face? You have dirt all over it...“ he said by way of explaination. Prodding the cloth with my tongue enough so that he could see the movement, I shrugged my shoulders and mumbled a yes. Gently he ran the damp cloth over my forehead and cheeks, taking care to gently wipe around my eyes. He lingered over my lips before shaking his head and hastily moving on. Next he scooted behind me and tied my hair back into a smooth ponytail, that he brushed till it was tangle free.
“Don’t cause any trouble. We’re working and we are already behind schedule.“ Untying the gag and rope around my hands he stood up and and walked over to join Dan and Kevin at the rock. Rising slowly I walked over to a corner of the room and began my daily routine of stretching, flips, tumbles and running. “Hey! What do you think you are doing! Come back here! Tom she’s trying to escape! What the hell did you untie her for?“
“I’m clearly not trying to run away because if I was, I wouldnt be running around the room, I would be running out of it.Screaming. I’m simply doing my daily exersizes if thats ok with you. By the way I wasn’t asking for your permission in case you got that impression.“ Turning on my heel I continued on my run.
Satisfied that I wasnt going anywhere everyone but Tom turned back to their task. I ignored him and kept going. I spent the better part of my morning kicking and punching the air. Usually I would be using a punchingbag to work out but considering where I am thats a bit of an impossiblity. So it was as I was practicing one of my spinning punch numbers that I almost puched Tom in the face. Again. He managed to deflect it at the last second so that it blew past his left cheek instead of solidly connecting with it.
“Whoa! I know your mad at being held against your will but you dont have to continuously hit me for it.“ He grinned, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a sexy way, making him even more charming.
“What do you want? I’m busy.“ I crushed the butterflies in my stomach and turned away.
“You wanna be that way fine. You’ll just make your stay with us all the more unpleasant.“ Catching me of guard he grabbed my wrists and tied them together then returned me to the tether from the previous day. “We’ll be back shortly. Don’t try anything.“ Stuffing the cloth back into my mouth he and the other two walked out. They didn’t return untill very late when they made dinner. Tom untied me just long enough to use the restoom and eat dinner then tied me back up and went to bed.

Chapter Two

The sound of something scuffling around on the floor woke me from the most amazing dream I’d had in a long time. There was no blood, no hate, no violence, only her. Then that bloody noise woke me up and all that remained was an intense black void that surrounded and enveloped me as I squinted into the darkness. The noise came again off to my right, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing and muffled grunts. Quietly I slowly sat up and looked to my right.
About thirty four feet away near one of the pillars, two shapes huddled on the ground. It appeared that whatever was over there was fighting and the larger of the two appeared to be winning. It was holding the other down and ~ Son of B*tch! The woman... Stealthly I grabbed my 9mm pistol and snuck toward the two figures. When I was close enough to make them out clearly I nearly shot Dan on the spot. He was croutched over the girl with one hand up her shirt and the other fumbling with his pants. He had shoved some kin of a rag into her mouth to muffle her voice as she hoarsly shouted at him in German, English, and Italian, alternating between each lanuage so fast they all seemed to blend together.
She didnt look all that scared, more pissed off than anything, and she was putting up one hell of a fight. Dan’s nose was bleeding as well as his forearm, which was dripping blood onto the bare skin of her neck and chest, unobscurred by her blouse which had been ripped open and shoved aside. Creeping foreward I pressed the barrel of my gun into his temple and spoke softly. “I ought to cut your d*ck off right here and now.“ Gulping he glanced over at me, “Tom, what are you doing ~“
“Shut up.“ Balling my fist up I swung it aroud until it conncted with his cheekbone. Tossing my gun away I leapt on top of him and starting wailing into him, landing punch after punch. Some to his temple, some to his jaw and cheekbones, I managed to land one farely well aimed punch to his eye, which would definately be leaving a bruise in the morning. Beside us the woman was screaming again only this time she was screaming at me,screaming at me to hit him harder, and I did. I encreased the speed of my punches while adding more force and presicion, feeling slightly better every time a drop of blood hit the ground.
Slowly I came back to my senses and stopped punching him. Kicking him away a crouched in front of her and pulled the gag out of her mouth. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?“
“Yeah I’m fine. Just untie me. I’f you’re going to hold me hostage then I insist that I remain unbound. I promise I won’t try to get away as long as he doesnt come near me again.“ She said spitting at Dan’s unconcious form.
“Ok. Come on, lets go over there.“ I untied her bonds and she imediately jumped up and started kicking Dan. “Woah, woah, woah! He’s been beaten enoough. Stop! Youre a cop, one of the good guys. You don’t want to kill him.“ I reasoned yanking her away from Dan’s bleeding body. She made one last attempt to kick him in the face before I managed to pull her over to my sleeping bag. Seeing it she turned on me as i tried to explain. “I have an extra sleeping bag! You can have this one, Chill out! Do you want to sleep over there all by your self? Or would you rather be over here near the fire where I can protect you easier?“
“I don’t need your protection! If you had left me untied in the first place he wouldnt have been able to try anything!“ She screamed and broke away from me, crossing over to the other side of the fire.
“Your not even gonna try an blame that on me! You’ve been giving me shit ever since we met so you got yourself tied up!“
“You KIDNAPPED me! What the hell was I supposed to do? Be nice and docile for you? I don’t think so!“ Panting slightly we stood on opposite sides of the firer and glared at each other.
“You know what...You can blame me all you want. That doesn’t make it my fault. You can either sleep over here or over there, I don’t care anymore.“ I growled and flung out my sleeping bag. Retreiving my pistol I crawled inside it and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I heard her sigh and slide into her sleeping bag.
“...Thank you...“
I waited a few seconds before responding. “You’re welcome...“
“ names Isabelle.“ She whispered. The image of her angry and slightly frightened hazel eyes, tugged at something inside of me as I drifted off to sleep.

“Agent Hunter, shoot her. Thats an order soldier.“ I stood frozen, unmoving and watched her back away from me. “God damit soldier! I am ordering you to shoot that woman!“
“Mark?“ She called out to me as she continued to back away.
“Shoot her agent!“ Raising my weapon I stared into her eyes.
Holding my gaze all she said was, “Why?“ A single tear slipped from the corner of her eye to trace a path down her cheek. Slowly, I lowered my gun to my side.
“I can’t. I won’t.“ I said walking toward her. Holstering my weapon I held out my hand to her. “I Lo~“ A loud pop interupted me, she took several steps backward, then she was falling. Her auburn hair swirled around her face as she dissapeared over the edge of the cliff. “NOOOO!“ Yelling I ran to the edge and looked down. Her crumpled and broken body lay on the jagged rocks 60 feet below.
Jerking awake I glanced over at Isabelle. She was sound asleep on her side, one hand tucked under her cheek. Her bangs had fallen down to cover her face, and the sleeping bag had been tossed off. Walking over I pulled the covers up to her shoulders then went to work on escivating the artifact. Four hours later Kevin stirred and came to help me. “Where’s Dan?“
“Unconcious over there by the pylon. He tried to rape Isabelle. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him...“ I muttered cutting a large chunk of stone off and tossing it to the side with the other pieces.
“Should have just let him have his fun. We all could~“
Cutting him off I fairly growled, “If you want to live you will not finish that thought. Do I make myself clear? She is off limits.“
“Yeah yeah. I got it, off need to get violent.“ I ignored him except to shoot him a glare. We worked diligently in silence for a couple of hours when we finally hit the jackpot. Chizzling through the last piece of rock there was a loud crack and the stone top fell away.
Inside the tomb lay the skeleton of King Khufu himself. On his head sat a crown that gleamed as the flashlight slid over it, and there on top of his chest lay the sword of Isceptor. “It is said that the sword of Isceptor can give the holder invincibility.“ Kevin said looking at it with a hungry gleam in his eyes. Reaching down I picked the sword up, slid it into the scaberd on my back, and walked away.
“Go get Dan and pack up we leave in one hour.“ I called and grabbed the sat phone.“Sir , we got it. We’re cleaning up and will be out of here in one hour. We’ll need a chopper to the airport and a jet back to LA. Yes sir. Yes. No sir, but there was a woman inside so I have her hostage. No sir, she doesnt know anything. No sir. With all do respect I am not going to kill her...Yes thats it sir. Thank you sir, well see you in a couple of days. Thank you, goodbye.“ Closing the sat phone I looked over at Isabelle, she sat cross legged on a broken off statue. Her hands rested on her knees and she had her eyes closed, doing some kind of meditation.
Walking up behind her I grabbed her arms and tied them behind her back. “HEY! What the hell are you doing Tom?“
“We’re finished with what we were doing, we leave in about 45 minutes.“
“So you have to tie me up?“
“Yes. Now be quite before I gag you again.“ Snapping her mouth closed she glared at me. I couldn’t help but grin, she is just too cute when she’s mad. Packing everything up took less time than we thought it would so we headed out earlier, winding down corridors and passing through rooms. We came out of the back of the pyramid where we had broken through the wall to get inside. Outside a helecopter was waiting for us which took us to a private jet that took us all the way back to Los Angeles.
We arrived at around 5:30 pm the next day where a black limo picked us up and drove us up to a massive house surrounded by armed guards. As we passed through the main gate, Isabelle looked out the window and her eyes widened. She took in everything around us the same way I had when I first started working for the boss. The driver pulled up to the door and let us out. Helping Isabelle out of the car I watched her as she looked around.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! You work for Don Arturo, the biggest crime lord in California. To be honest I can’t believe I’m still alive. It’s no wonder you guys were in the pyramid. You were~“
“Working for me.“ All four of us turned around as one to find Don Arturo himself standing at the top of the steps, staring at Isabelle.

Chapter Three

“Don Arturo.” I greeted him casually.
“Boss!” Kevin, Dan, and Tom said surprised.
“Who is she?”
“She? I have a name you know.” I cut in sarcastically.
“Isabelle be quiet!” Tom warned
Ignoring Tom, Arturo spoke strait to me. “Isabelle…do you have a last name?”
“Not that I’m going to tell you. You’re THE crime lord of all L.A. I’d have to be stupid to tell you my full name.”
“Well then where do you~”
“I’m not going to tell you anything about my self so don’t bother asking.” I cut Don Arturo off mid sentence earning a shocked look from Kevin and Dan, a worried look from Tom and an amused look from Arturo.
“She’s got attitude Tom. You didn’t tell me that when we spoke on the phone.” Arturo started laughing at Tom’s face as he led me by the arm into the house. “So…why were you inside the pyramid?”
“I have my reasons.” I answered vaguely while looking around. The inside of the house was huge. The entryway led to a massive staircase that split off to the right and left at the top with hallways on both sides down below as well. Down the right hallway lay an open terrace with cherry trees all along the edges. To the left was an entertainment room with a 62” flat screen TV with a high tech music stand and floor to ceiling speakers.
“Nice house huh?” Arturo asked catching my roaming eyes.
“Sure…it’s nice…for stuff bought with dirty money.”
Yanking me to a stop his face lost all of its gentleness. “You had better watch what you say to me. I am not someone to trifle with.” Lowering my eyes I pretended to be demure. Satisfied by my response he continued to lead us farther into the house. We headed up the main staircase and down the right hallway. At the end of the hall we turned left and walked to the end of that hallway. The entire back wall was made of glass so you could see the intense green of the lush field outback. There was a stable off the right of the field with a series of corrals. Roaming over the field were dozens of horses varying in size, shape, color, and breed.
Noticing my lingering gaze Arturo leaned in close to my ear. “Beautiful.”
“Yes they are.” I said not trying to hide my fascination with the magnificent creatures. Reaching behind me, Arturo untied my wrists and smiled.
“They are to but I was talking about you.” I jerked away from him and he laughed. “Would you like to go riding?”
Gazing longingly at a large black horse galloping across the field I almost gave in and said yes, but Arturo’s voice in my ear saying “How bout it?” brought me back to my senses and I turned away from the window. “No.” I said and kept walking. Grinning Arturo fell into step beside me while Tom, Kevin, and Dan followed behind us.
Arturo led us all to a separated corridor in his inner sanctum where he stopped at a door in the middle of the hall. “This is your room…Detective Jackson.” Spinning around I stared at Arturo.
“How…did you know my name?”
“I know a lot about you detective. Like how you work for the L.A police department, you have a brother who’s in the Army. Your dad is an L.A.P.D officer, and your mother is a teacher at Middleton elementary school. You would kill for a Great Dane or two. You love horses and you enjoy going to the shooting rage every other weekend. Need I go on?”
Composing my face I looked him strait in the eye. “No. I get it, really I do. You can find anyone you want whenever you want. All you have to do is call up one of your dirty contacts and find~” I grabbed my cheek and glared at Arturo who had slapped me. Tom rushed forward but stopped abruptly.
“I told you to watch how you talk to me little girl. Now…Are you going to watch how you speak when in my presence?”
Getting my anger under control I nodded and walked through the door that he held open. “Tom’s in the room right next door on your left, Kevin’s on your right. I’m at the end of the hall on the left and Dan’s down the hall on the right. Dinner’s in an hour, there’s a dress for you to wear in the closet. Kevin, you will escort her to the dinning room.”
“Yes boss.”
“See you in an hour Isabelle.” Arturo said as he took my hand and kissed it before turning on his heel and walking away followed by the others. Tom turned to look at me one more time before disappearing around the corner. Turning I walked into the room and slammed the door shut.
Pompous jacka** I thought as I walked into the room. Inside it had a huge dome ceiling with a chandelier in the center. Across from the door were large balcony doors. The queen size bed, covered with a light blue comforter lay off to the left on a raised platform of sorts. The bathroom was to the right down a small hallway with a very small kitchen on the way. In the middle of the room was a small fountain with fish swimming around in it. There was a large flat screen TV on the far wall across from the bed.
Three couches surrounded a coffee table in front of the TV. Gazing around in astonishment I made my way to the bed. Seeing a closed door I walked over to investigate and upon opening the door I gasped. Inside was a large walk-in closet filled with shoes, outfits, jewelry, anything a woman could ever need, and upon further exploration I found that they were all in my size right down to the shoes.
Walking to the far wall I took the lone dress off the rack. It was black with spaghetti straps. The hem stopped at mid thigh on the left leg and slanted diagonally down to reach the ankle on the right side. Attached to it was a note.

Wear this tonight. The accessories are on the counter.


Glancing at the counter I’d previously ignored my heart nearly stopped. On top sat a velvet covered box with a single blue diamond necklace and matching earrings. Beside it in their own matching box sat a pair of sparkling blue bracelets and a single anklet. The b****d was trying to buy me off. Well it wouldn’t work. I would dress the part…partly because I can’t resist all this beautiful stuff…but I’m going to bust this guy. He’s doing something illegal I just know it. But he kidnapped the wrong woman.
Putting the dress back on the rack I left the closet and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Walking into the bathroom I stopped, it was easily the size of my bedroom at home. There was a Jacuzzi bathtub and a walk in shower complete with a marble seat. Stripping down I stepped into the shower and turned the water on. It sprayed out of the walls on three sides as well as from the spray nozzle.
Sighing I leaned against the wall and let the water wash the dirt and grime from the past three or four days off my body. Looking around I spotted my favorite shampoo in the corner with my favorite soap and shaving cream. So he even knows what kind of shampoo I use…what else does he know? I thought as I washed my hair and shaved my legs. Ten minutes later I climbed out of the shower and began getting ready. I curled my hair and applied makeup which of course was just right for my complexion.
Heading for the closet I looked at the door. Walking over to it I tried the handle, locked. Of course I should have known they wouldn’t leave it unlocked so I could just walk out and escape. Although it would be practically impossible to get away without being noticed, what with the hundred some odd guards outside and all over the place. Resigned I walked into the closet and put the dress on. It slid over my skin like satin falling into place over my slim hips just perfectly.
Gently picking up the necklace I hooked the clasp behind my neck and put the earrings, bracelets, and anklet on. Then I put on the matching black heels that I normally would never wear. I was just coming out of the closet when I heard a nock on the door. Trying the handle once more I found it to be unlocked so I opened it. Kevin stood on the other side and when he saw me his mouth dropped open. Quickly regaining his composure he spoke. “Dinner is ready. Boss sent me to come get you…” He offered his arm but I ignored it and stepped past him into the hall.

“Yes boss?” I answered.
“Why didn’t you kill her at the pyramid?”
Glancing down I deliberated for a moment before telling the truth. “I’m fascinated by her sir.”
“So in other words…you like her.” He said making my head snap up. This wasn’t good; if he knew I liked her it could end badly for her when… “It’s a simple question to answer Tom. Yes or no.”
Swallowing the lump in my throat I made a snap judgment call. “Yes sir, I do like her.”
“Thank you for telling the truth.”
“How did you know…Dan’s face…Kevin told you what happened.” I finished with absolute confidence.
“Yes he did.” He said with a grin. “Since you like her so much, she’s yours. You can share her room…I imagine she wont be to happy about it so be careful. She’s a feisty one. I’ll tell everyone not to mess with her…I cant have you beating the shit out of everyone who looks at her now can I?” he said laughing.
Unable to help myself I grinned in response. Slowly Arturo stopped laughing and a strange look came over his face as he stared past me. Turning around my pulse sped up. At the top of the staircase stood Kevin, and beside him stood the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid my eyes on. “Isabelle…” I breathed her name and distantly heard Arturo laugh. She slowly descended the stairs, her hips swaying provocatively. Each step she took closer to me the more my pulse quickened, the blood rushing through my body making it most painful in certain regions of my body.
Finally she made it to the bottom step and Arturo offered his arm to her. She looked like she wanted to kill him but she accepted which made me smile. She truly was a stubborn woman. He led her to her seat across from me and we all sat down to eat. The waiters served soup and salad first. Then they brought plates with chicken covered in a creamy mushroom sauce. Next they brought out crystal bowls filled with strawberry ice cream.
The whole meal I sat and watched her except to look away when she caught me staring. Each time she would blush and look away before getting an angry look on her face and glare at the table. Yup she was definitely still mad at me for kidnapping her, but what she didn’t realize was that I did it to save her life. They would have shot her on sight if they had seen her first, but she doesn’t know that because I can’t tell her that. Just like I can’t tell her who I really am…
“How bout it Tom, would you like to join us tomorrow?” Arturo asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
Looking around the table I shook my head. “I’m sorry boss. I was distracted I didn’t…”
“Riding. We are all going riding tomorrow. I convinced Isabelle here to go, would you like to come along?” He repeated getting annoyed.
“Oh…um…yes sir I’ll be there.”
“Good, eight am sharp. Don’t be late.” Rising from the table he raised Isabelle’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’ll see you in the morning.” Walking to the door he stopped, “Tom meet me in my office after you escort Izzy back to your room. Bring the package. We have business to discuss.”
“Yes sir.”
Arturo turned to leave when Isabelle shot up out of her chair. “Wait a second! What do you mean ‘your room’? He’s not staying in my room with me.” She yelled across the room at his back.
Laughing he turned back around. “Yes you are. You don’t have a choice. I gave you to him.”
“You don’t own me you A**Hole! You can’t just give me to someone like a piece of property!” She screamed at him.
He walked up to slowly before leaning into her face and speaking in a tone so clam that it was frightening enough to make even her look scared. “I can and I did. Now if you persist in speaking to me in such a manner when I am being very pleasant to you then I will rectify the situation. Trust me you will have a much nicer stay in your current room than in the one I will put you in if you keep acting in the manner that you are. Pick one.”
From where I sat I could see her throat move as she swallowed. “That’s what I thought. I won’t tell you again.” Turning on his heel he walked out. As soon as he was gone she turned and glared at me before turning and stomping out of the room. Kevin took one look at me and stood up.
“I’ll take her back to her room and drop the key off in your room on my way back.” He said and took off after her. Sighing I stood up and headed to my room. Once there I grabbed the sword and went to meet Arturo in his office.

That son of a B**ch! To think he has the nerve! Give me away like a piece of property! Pacing I chewed my lip nervously. The longer it took tom to get up her the more nervous I became. I knew what he would want as soon as it was time to go to bed but he wouldn’t be getting it from me. Not tonight, not ever. I was in the middle of a stride when the lock on the door clicked.
Reaching for the nearest thing I picked it up and chucked it at the door as it opened. The glass vase shattered next to Tom’s head as he stepped into the room. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed and ducked as another glass object shattered against the door where his head had been moments before. “What the hell Izzy!”
“Don’t call me that you pig! I know what you want and you’re not getting it from me!” Tom took a step toward me, an angry look on his face and stepped backwards several times.
“And what exactly do you think I want from you?” he said angrily advancing another two steps and ducking again as I threw a shoe at him.
“You know what!” I said shakily and gestured to his… Looking down he laughed. Hearing his laugh sent butterflies through my stomach. His laughing stopped abruptly when I flung the other shoe at his head, missing him by an inch. Glaring at me he strode foreword. Panicked I looked around for something else to throw at him and when I looked back at him I nearly screamed. Somehow he had managed to get close enough to touch me and I hadn’t even noticed.
He reached for me and I punched him, sidestepped out of his reach but he tackled me onto the bed and flipped me onto my back. Wrestling I got in a few more good punches before he managed to pin my arms to the bed above my head, settled himself between my thighs. He used his massive body to hold me to the bed and we both panted for air.
Slowly our breathing returned to a semi normal speed and we were able to speak. “Get off of me.” Even as I spoke I could feel the butterflies making them selves known again. Instead of answering or moving he just laid there above me staring at my lips.
“You’re so beautiful” he whispered. Rolling my eyes I was about to say something when he leaned down and kissed me. At first I resisted, screaming and bucking trying to get him off of me but then he slanted his lips over mine and deepened the kiss. Slowly, ever so slowly I stopped resisting and leaned into him, opening my mouth to his seeking tongue.
Slipping his tongue into my mouth he groaned and rocked his hips against mine eliciting a hearty moan from deep in my chest. Slowly his lips made a trail down my throat and continued down. He pulled my shirt up to expose my stomach and started to kiss his way down to it. I didn’t even notice him pulling my shirt up till his tongue touched my stomach, then I freaked and tried to get away from him before he saw…
“What the hell!” he exclaimed and looked up at me. The lusty haze in his eyes clearing as he looked down at my stomach again then back up at me. Trying to get away from him I tried to cover my stomach again but it was too late, he’d already seen. “Who the F*ck did this to you?” he growled. Turning my head away a single tear slipped from my eye as the memories came flooding back.
Shaking my head I tried to block them out but I couldn’t, he wouldn’t let me. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Who did this? Tell me! Who hurt you like this!” he growled and punched the bed when I wouldn’t answer. Slowly he pushed away and sat on the bed next to me. “Iz…”
“It’s none of your business, so but out.” I said rolling to my feet. Crossing the room I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, locking it just as Tom came after me.
“Isabelle open this door!” He hollered from the other side.
“Go away!” I screamed back.
“Not until we talk about this! I want to know who gave you those scars!” he yelled back and banged on the door.
“I said go AWAY!”
“God D*mit! Open this F***ing door before I break it down!” Laughing derisively I hopped up on the counter. Suddenly the door burst in and there stood Tom, breathing heavily and pissed. Striding into the bathroom he slammed his hands down on the counter on both sides of me, effectively trapping me. Leaning in he growled, “We are going to talk about this.”
Shoving at his shoulders I tried to dislodge him. He didn’t budge. He stood there staring at me until I couldn’t handle it anymore. “I can’t ok…”
“You can’t what?”
Huffing annoyed I looked away. “I can’t talk about it ok...”
“Why not.” He said softening a little bit.
“I just…I just can’t ok!” I shoved at him again and this time he moved slightly.
“Well that’s not good enough Isabelle. I want to know and I want to know right now. Those were scars from knife wounds…and a lot of them by the looks of it.”
“Yeah so what! Like I said, it’s none of your business!” Catching him off guard I shoved him back into the opposite wall between the shower and tub. I bolted for the door but he caught me and yanked me back against his chest, wrapping his arm around my middle. “Let me go!”
“No.” picking me up he carried me back into the other room and pulled me onto the bed with him. Keeping an arm around me he pulled the covers over us and scooted close to me. “Tell me what happened Aiofe.” He pleaded.
“I can’t.” I insisted, feeling the tears sting my eyes.
“Have I done anything to make you afraid of me?” he asked.
Grudgingly I responded “No.”
“Have I hurt you?” he persisted.
“No,” I sighed.
“So then why won’t you tell me who hurt you?”
“Because there’s no reason to. He’s in jail and it’s in the past.” I said defensively.
“Amore Dei!” he exclaimed.
“Don’t curse at me.”
“I didnt... I said ‘for the love of god.”
“He stabbed you...” he said piecing it together. “The bastard stabbed you repeatedly…” he growled angrily.
“That’s not all…” I whispered.
Turning me to face him he cupped my jaw. “What did he do you to Aiofe?”
Closing my eyes the images flashed across my eyelids making me wince at the remembered pain. Pulling me close Tom whispered soothing words in my ear and stroked my hair. Snuggling closer to him I pressed my face into his chest and began my story.
“It was almost five and a half months ago…I was with my boyfriend…” I shuddered at the memory. “He said he wanted to show me a surprise so I met him at his place. When I got there he was in the bathroom so I sat down on his couch to wait. I heard a noise and then something was shoved over my mouth and nose and I blacked out.” I had to stop and take several deep breaths before going on.
“When I woke up I was in this sealed glass room and he was on the other side…I told him that it wasn’t funny and to let me out but he just laughed and said it wasn’t a joke.” Tears started to leak from the corners of my eyes and I wiped them on his shirt. “He was still laughing when he turned this valve and water started pouring into the room… He left me in there and let the water completely fill the room till I was completely underwater. I almost drowned and all he did was sit there and take pictures and grinned like a stupid F***.
“When I was almost out of air he drained all the water. He did that so many times I lost count…the last time, I was laying there coughing and spitting out water he walked in and grabbed me by the hair then dragged me onto a table and tied me down…” by this point I was barely able to talk cause I was crying so hard, Tom just laid there and held me not saying a word but tensing up more and more as I continued. “He…he climbed on top of me and pulled out this knife and he… he…”
“Shhh. Shhh its ok your safe now… its ok…” he murmured and stroked his fingers through my hair. He was shaking so bad it felt like he was having seizures but I clung to him and cried. I cried so long and hard that I eventually cried myself to sleep. I’d never told anyone, not even the department’s psychiatrist what had happened.
All they knew was that I was wet and that I was suffering from multiple stab wounds. They had walked in and found him in the process of sliding the knife into my stomach just a few inches above my belly button. Tom was the first person to ever hear all the details of the week I’d been held captive and tortured.

Chapter Four
The following morning I woke up to find myself curled into Tom’s side with my head on his chest. My leg was thrown over his and his arm was wrapped around my waist. My fingers on my right hand were entwined with his and our hands were resting over his heart. He was still sleeping, or so I thought till he spoke softly. “Good morning Aiofe.” I buried my face in his side.
Rolling onto me he gazed into my eyes before resting his forehead on mine. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.” He whispered. Getting up he pulled me with him and gently pushed me to the closet. “Riding gear Aiofe, today we go riding!” he said grinning before disappearing into the bathroom. Grinning a little myself I got ready. Walking out of the closet afterwards I ran right into Tom who was standing just outside the door.
Before I could fall he pulled me against his chest and catching me off guard, leaned down and captured my lips in a searing kiss that had the butterflies in my stomach acting up again. Moaning I pressed up against him and pulled his mouth back to mine when he started to pull away. Groaning deep in his throat he picked me up and pressed me against the wall, rocking his hips up against mine. I moaned and leaned my head back exposing my throat which he quickly focused his attention on.
Sucking, kissing, and licking at my neck he covered my mouth as I got louder and gripped his broad shoulders. Suddenly a knock sounded at the door and we froze. Tom looked up into my eyes and growled like an animal which made me giggle, why I don’t have a clue. “Go away were busy.” He called hoarsely and returned his attention to my neck making me grip his shoulders and moan again. The knock came again only this time more persistent. Setting me down Tom stomped over to the door and yanked it open. “What?”
“Boss is waiting outside.” Dan said taking a step back.
“Fine tell him we will be there in a minute.” Slamming the door shut he sauntered back over to me and gently guided my back to the wall again. Leaning over me kissed me. “We’ll continue this later…can’t keep the boss waiting.” He muttered against my neck.
“No of course not.” I said shoving past him. “Can’t keep the mass murdering crime lord waiting can we.” I muttered and stormed out of the room. Tom came after me and pulled me to a stop.
“What’s the matter Aiofe?” he asked concerned.
“What’s the mater? What’s the matter! How about the fact that you’re a criminal and I’m a cop! Cops don’t get involved with criminals!” I yelled.
“I~” He started to say something but stopped.
“You can’t deny it cause its true.” I pulled my arm free and continued walking. Tom fell into step beside me with his hands in his pockets and his head down.
“Isabelle!” Arturo greeted me as we came outside. Grabbing my hand he led us over to the stables. “Pick which ever one you want.” He said gesturing to the two dozen or more stables containing all kinds of horses.
Looking at all the horses one in particular caught my eye. He was tall and proud, a magnificent animal. Black as night with a flowing black mane. He had his head over the stall and was looking right at me. As I approached he whinnied and stamped his hoof. I started to walk up to his stall door when Arturo pulled me back. “Not that one. He’s too wild, not even my best wrangler can tame him. He’s a straight up wild Arabian stallion.”
“Maybe he just needs the right wrangler.” I said shrugging off his hand and quickly stepping into the horses stable. “What’s his name?”
“Pyrois, it means fiery…suites his temperament. So why don’t you just come out of there before he decides he doesn’t like you anymore.” Arturo said edging toward the stall door. Pyrois reared up and charged the stall door. I stepped to the side but he wasn’t paying attention to me. He went straight for Arturo, but when he backed off Pyrois settled down and turned back to me where I was leaned against the back of the stall. Snorting he walked up and bumped me with his muzzle.
He sniffed around my ear making me laugh as the whiskers tickled my ear. “I’ll ride him you guys go get your horses.” I called as I put a blanket on Pyrois’s back then a saddle. Thumping Pyrois’s stomach to make sure he wasn’t filling it with air I synched the strap up and climbed into the saddle. Tom rode up on a white stallion as I walked Pyrois out of his stall. Tom eyed the horse warily as we walked them out of the barn.
“Where are we going?” I asked reigning Pyrois to a stop at the door.
“The waterfall.” Arturo said riding up on a beautiful chestnut horse. Kevin and Dan rode up together and we were off. Arturo was in the lead followed by me and Tom with Dan and Kevin bringing up the rear. It took us nearly two hours to reach the waterfall but I enjoyed every minute of it. Birds flitted through the trees overhead and fish swam through the stream on our right.
Dismounting I tied Pyrois’s reigns to a low hanging tree branch near where I would be sitting by the waters edge. Slipping off my boots and socks I dropped my feet into the cool water and sighed. Tom sat next to me and handed me a sandwich. “Its turkey.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled and ate the sandwich then threw the crust to the birds. We sat and enjoyed the sun, swam in the water and lounged around in the grass for the remainder of the day before heading back. Dressed in a blue silk dress and white diamonds I headed down to dinner alone. Tom had said he needed to go take care of something with Arturo as soon as we had arrived back after the ride so I hadn’t seen him all evening. Dan and Kevin had disappeared shortly after so I’d been left locked in my room to do whatever all evening.
As I descended the stairs I noticed that the floor was covered with deep red rose petals. They made a path into a room with a round table adorned with two red roses plucked from the garden. There were only two place settings and Tom stood behind one chair. “Please, sit.”
“Where is everyone?” I asked taking the seat he held open for me.
“Having dinner somewhere else tonight.” He responded taking the seat opposite me and serving pasta onto my plate. Catching my grin he smiled. “What?”
“Pasta is my favorite.”
“Oh that’s good to hear.” He laughed. “I was hoping it wasn’t something you hated.”
“Not at all,” I said around a mouthful of noodles, we both started laughing. We sat and talked while finishing our meal and drinking wine. Then Tom turned on the radio and stood up.
Extending his hand out to me he asked in a serious tone, “Would you like to dance Aiofe?” Smiling I accepted his hand and he pulled me into his arms. Pulling me close he spun us around the dance floor and soon we were laughing again. The music slowed and I rested my head on his shoulder. We danced past the gap ion the curtains and he froze for just a second before continuing on like normal.
“What’s the matter?” I asked gazing up at him.
“Nothing Aiofe.” He said kissing the top of my head.
Pulling away slightly I gave him a curious look. “What’s Aiofe mean?” I asked.
Pausing he smiled down at me. “It means beauty…I heard a story as a child about a warrior princess named Aiofe who was brave and strong. She conquered every obstacle thrown her way…you remind me of her.”
“Oh…” leaning my head against his shoulder I grinned. The music stopped and Tom tilted my chin up to kiss me. The kiss was more intense and passionate than ever before and I clung to him begging for more with every fiber of my being.
Pulling away reluctantly he whispered against my lips. “I’m sorry.” He said just seconds before soldiers burst through the window and he pulled a gun from the holster strapped to his calf. One of the soldiers stepped forward and grabbed me around the waist. “Take care of her.” Tom barked the order and watched as the man struggled to take me out the window.
“Like hell you will!” I hollered and turned on the man holding me. I drove my elbow into his ribs, cracking two or three of them before turning around and shoving the heel of my palm up into his nose, blurring his vision. Throwing one last look back in Tom’s direction I took off through the house toward the room I’d been kept in the last couple days.
I heard Tom shout behind me. Kicking off my heels I sprinted up the stairs and barreled through the bedroom door bolting it behind me. I rushed into the closet and changed clothes. As I was rushing out I came face to face with Arturo. “You brought them here!” he roared. “They came for you, well they wont get you.” He snarled grabbing me by the hair and yanking me toward a hole in the wall. Behind us the door exploded sending shards of wood every direction.
When the dust settled down two men stood in the doorway. Tom carrying two 9mm pistols, I recognized easily, he had become as familiar to me as my own reflection. The other man was almost as tall as Tom but had less muscle. He wore an L.A.P.D. bullet proof vest and cap, and carrying a semi automatic weapon. “Captain!” I exclaimed. “How did you find me?”
“Let her go.” They said together, ignoring me.
“Tom, Tom, Tom...” Arturo said, distain dripping from his voice. “I should have known it was you. You were always to soft to be a real criminal. So what are you? Judging by the commandos swarming the place I’d say…Special Forces?” When Tom didn’t answer Arturo grinned. “That’s a yes then.”
“Let her go Arturo, she’s got nothing to do with this.” Tom said taking a step into the room followed by the captain.
“Ah, ah, ah.” He said raising his knife to my throat. I froze. Tom seeing my absolute terror froze mid stride. Captain started to take a step to the side to try to get behind us, but stopped dead when Arturo drew the knife across my throat drawing a ribbon of blood that flowed down to stain my shirt. Tears of frustration, anger, and fear ran from my eyes as I held absolutely still in terror.
I had acquired an immobilizing fear of knives that I hadn’t told my captain about, but seeing me now he understood why I hadn’t told him. Tom, hating to see me scared clenched his jaw. We were at a stalemate, neither side would move. The blood on the blade against my neck made the knife slippery so it slipped and cut my a little more.
“You brought her into this Tom when you kidnapped her in the pyramid. You should have just killed her…oh I forgot your one of the good guys right?” He laughed mockingly.
Suddenly Tom lowered his guns, “Take me instead. I’m the one who brought everyone here. I told her captain where she was, she had no idea what was going on. She doesn’t know any of your plans I SWEAR.” Tom urged when Arturo pressed the knife harder against my skin causing me to wince.
“No, I think I’ll take her. It’ll eat at you, not knowing what’s happening. Not knowing what I’ll be doing to her.” Arturo grinned and slid his hand across my stomach, brushing the underside of my breast. Shivering in revulsion I watched the vein in Tom’s neck pulse.
“I don’t think so A**Hole!” He yelled as Captain stepped forward causing Arturo to turn toward him with his gun drawn, that left him exposed to Tom who took aim and clipped him in the shoulder with two rounds. Arturo went down and I was forced away from him as he fell through the window to land in the pool below. Tom dropped to the ground beside me and covered my bleeding neck which had been severely cut when I had been flung away from Arturo.
Captain dropped beside me and took over telling Tom to go check on Arturo. Tom hesitated till Captain yelled at him and some other special forces guys came in and pulled him away. The last thing I saw before loosing consciousness from the blood loss was Tom being pulled out the door as some of my co-workers rushed in. then complete and utter darkness.


“You ready to go home Jackson?” Captain asked.
“Yes sir, I’m ready to go get some real food too sir.” I said laughing.
“That’s good to hear. Are you going to actually going to relax on your time off this time?” Captain winked to let me know that he was just kidding.
“Ha, Ha Captain very funny.” I said and punched him in the arm.
“So…have you…”
“No and I don’t plan to either. It’s over and I’m glad. Now I can get back to my normal life.” I pretended and kept walking.
“Ok well…yeah but um I have a present for you.” Captain said grinning and holding the door open for me.

“What is it~” I sucked in a huge breath. Standing beside my car was everyone from the station and sitting on the ground in front of them all was a black and white Great Dane puppy. “Captain?”
“Yup, it’s yours Iz. There is one condition though. You have to go through police canine training (PCT) with him for when you come back to work.”
“Wait…you mean I’m still on the force?”
“Yes detective. You are still on the force, you are going to be the first homicide detective with a dog fro a partner. You won’t be part of the canine unit just so we are clear. In a month and a half when you come back to work you will bring him and report to our office like usual. Your training with him starts next Monday. Now go home and get some rest.”
“Yes sir.” Smiling I climbed into my car with the puppy. “Sir?”
“Does he have a name sir?”
“No we thought we would let you name her.”
“It’s a girl?”
“Yes, now go home before I have this officer escort you home.”
Smiling I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. I was still smiling when I walked through my front door but the smile died on my face when I saw the man standing in my foyer. Shocked all I could say was “Tom.”
Tom pushed away from the wall and strode toward me but before he could wrap his arms around me I side stepped away from him. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you…We need to talk.”
“We have nothing to talk about.” I said and walked past him, up the stairs.
He followed, “We have a lot to talk about god d*mit!”
“Oh? Like what exactly.”
“You know what.” He growled spinning me around and pulling me against his chest. Grabbing my hand he placed it over his heart. “Do you feel that? Cause I do. Every time I think about you I feel it. My heart races and there’s an ache in my chest like someone has taken my heart and squeezed it as hard as they could. Tell me you don’t feel it and I will walk away and you will never see me again.”
Gazing up into his eyes I lied. “I don’t feel it.”
“You are a bad liar Aiofe.” He grinned briefly before turning serious again. “You and I both know you do feel it.”
“Ok so maybe I do feel it. So what, that doesn’t mean I have to accept it. It doesn’t mean I want to have anything to do with it. Maybe it means that…”
“Maybe it means that you love me the same way I love you.” He finished for me. “Maybe, just maybe it means that we are meant to be together.”
“You lied to me. You tricked me into thinking that you were one of the bad guys. How do I know that anything you said was the truth.”
“Yes…I lied and I deceived you but I was undercover I couldn’t reveal myself to you in case Arturo was watching us. You saw how he found out everything about you and I didn’t even tell him your name. He got a picture from Dan and found out everything about you just from that.”
“So that’s how he… that’s beside the point! How am I ever going to be able to trust you again?”
“I don’t have all the answers, all I have is the certainty that I want to spend the rest of my life trying to earn your trust back.” He said as he got down on one knee and pulled out a velvet box and opened it. Inside sat a beautiful blue stone with diamonds around the sides. “Isabelle Jackson, will you do the greatest honor you could ever bestow upon me, and be my wife? From now to the end of time?”
Shocked I just stood there, my gazed locked with his. “Yes.” I whispered. “Yes, a thousand times over.” A said smiling and then suddenly he was there, picking me up and spinning me around. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held my hand out while he slipped the ring onto my finger. Tossing the box on the counter he pulled me close. “Before we get married I should probably tell you that my real name isn’t Tom. It’s Mark, Mark hunter.”
Grinning I pulled his lips close to mine till they were almost touching. “I’m glad you told me…I’d have hated to wait for the next raid to learn your real name.” Laughing he pulled my face close and hungrily kissed me. Moaning softly I pulled away for a second, “The bedrooms that way.” My heart sped up as a hungry look entered his eyes and he pulled his shirt off, heading in the direction I’d pointed. I laughed as he kicked the door closed and kept me from resting for the next day and a half.


Authors Notes: I will be revising and editing this short story so let me know what you think of this verson! thanks!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.05.2011

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