

My carriage approached the large black iron gates I was on the edge of my seat, dying from my own anticipation, by the time the gate slowly squeaked open. I nearly jumped out of the carriage and ran to the front doors because it suddenly wasn't moving fast enough for my liking but I held my place nonetheless. My father had told me to act prim, polite, and proper.


'Like a lady,' he'd said, so I tried to have the refined and tempered patience of a lady. Even though my thoughts are not those of the proper women, possibly because I was not of noble birth. For the rest of us, of more humble origins, we are not taught to do and to think as them. Then again had I been of noble birth I would not have been able to play the part for I have only seen snobs come out of nobility as if it were a disease that dwells among them and climbs down through the generations. Yet it touches most, there are few branches that mine eyes have witnessed the poison which seems to dwell within their veins, with some, grace hath skipped over these which are but a handful. Before I knew it the carriage had stopped and the driver had already gotten out to help me but I had been so lost in thought that I didn't notice he had been standing there waiting.


"Madam, don't be scared," that snapped me back to reality. I offered him a sweet smile and gave him my hand so I could get out, usually I would have just jumped out and ran inside but I had to remember: 'prim and proper,' he had said.


I huffed out a breath and started walking inside the large estate, upon entering the foyer I was awe stricken, it was beautiful. I walked and looked around it was all beautiful but different and when you'd think they would look unappealing it was actually the opposite they looked beautiful together. I was so absorbed with examining a vase that I didn't notice when a man of dark intent approached me and grabbed a handful of my hinder flesh. I doubt this is the lord, I heard many things about him but not that he was rude, would he do something of this inappropriate nature but again thinking back to a proper lady and how one of them would have a fit, I almost laughed.


I held it in then turned around my face red as if in temper I came face to a man having trouble standing upright, by all assumptions the man who stood before me was drunken and he was not the master of the house but belonging to the servant staff. I knew there was no sensible speaking to a drunkard, when I become the lady of the house this will be no more, with that thought I stepped around him and got away.


In my desperate attempt to get away from the servant who had started to follow me I turned back once more to find the stranger gone. I was turning back sighing when suddenly I collided with another who could not keep his fingers away from my less general flesh. This groping I tried to let slide reasoning that maybe it was to save my grace from the unmerciful claws of gravity by taking a fall. That small hope quickly became a lie, when he reached and gripped inappropriately at my front, again in an attempt to be ladylike my face lit with a fine blush. I hurriedly pulled myself from, what could be called, his 'shameless embarrassing and by length inappropriate' embrace. Now with a good look at the person he was a handsome man with a wicked eye and a definitely sinful intent by a lady's standards. This man is more finely dressed, he must be a noble but I don't think he’s the master of the house though he might be visiting or relative of the lord. Either way he had no right, I'd heard that he was wicked but by the way women would giggle I didn't think they meant in this manner of evil devices.


"Dear sir, I am quite offended that your hands delight themselves by violating what is mutually agreed as flesh within polite reach. Have you no dignity at all? Although I am unfamiliar with this household and its principles, I am most acquainted with the etiquette between a lady and a gentleman. And I don’t plan to let that go unspoken for. Now sir, I do not know who you are but I refuse to be made a mockery of. By your actions I am led to believe you could not be the esteemed master of this house but as his guest at least have some dignity about your person," I rebuked.


There was a deep male voice chuckling, I immediately regretted blowing up albeit it was in "lady form" so it wasn't as rude as it could have been. A proper lady would probably have found another way out of this situation and have considered dressing this man down as speaking out of turn, although he clearly deserved it, there was still the matter of this unknown gentleman's status. I settled down now embarrassed, I turned around to see the most handsome man I had ever seen. He was definitely the master of the house, he had an air about him that just screamed his status but not in a bad way. I was frozen in place but I pulled myself together before my thoughts went too far and I wouldn't be able to rein them in. I blushed and put my head down trying to hide it.


"I apologize. I didn't mean to act out of character and I regret having let you see me in a most unladylike manner, good sir. I don't wish for you to think ill of me so early on by giving one of your guests an earful," I tried to ramble on like a lady if caught in a similar situation, it seemed to come naturally. I was turning redder trying not to laugh at myself, I was being so foolish.


"It's quite alright there's no need to apologize, whatever my brother has done I'm sure he deserved every bit of it." He sounded quite amused and I didn't blame him but mixed with his melodically seductive voice it sounded like he wanted to play with me. Although it shouldn't have just that thought had me falling in his direction. He crossed the room to stand in front of me.


"Brother, do you know who this woman may be?" asked the man who had so inappropriately grabbed me. The man in front of me had established eye contact and held it even while his brother spoke never even glancing in his direction.


"Of course, she is my betrothed, are you not?" he asked me, I almost missed what he said completely because it wasn't our conversation I was focused on. I wanted to drop my fake "lady" act but I couldn't, in the end I decided to show him just a taste of the woman that I really was. I gave him a seductive smile and looked up at him through my eyelashes.


"But of course, my lord, I am Classandra Hoffing, the Baron of Chanti's eldest daughter," I announced in my regular tone, but I dropped my voice to a husky whisper, as I curtesied, that I know only he heard.


His breath hitched and I knew that he noticed, my smile widened triumphantly before my face took on a concerned expression.


"Are you alright, my lord?" I pretended as if nothing happened and his brother was without a clue of what I had just done, he just watched our exchange.


"I'm fine, you just surprised me," he gathered himself together but I wasn't letting him off the hook just yet.


"How so, my lord?" I cocked my head to the side innocently, on the inside I was smirking, challenging him to say it.


"You surprised me with your beauty," he and I both knew that he was lying but I let it drop. "I can tell you're a very interesting woman. As you already know I am Gabriel Vasille the Duke of Kensington" he took my hand and slowly kissed it, I drew in a quick breath. He looked up at me with a hungry look that I had seen on men before but this time it made me shiver. A heat like I had never known coursed throughout my body starting from the hand that he so delicately held. "And this is my brother Samuel Vasille," he added never taking is eyes off of me. I quickly got a hold of myself and controlled my breathing, putting on a neutral face as if I were unaffected. I felt his smirk against my hand when I didn't look away to spare his brother a glance, that's when I decided it was enough playing with him today. A fine blush graced my face setting my cheeks on fire.


"You seem to prove the rumors true," I spoke softly. He rose away from my hand but he didn't let it go.


"Exactly, so I wonder why a sweet gentle lamb would willingly go into the wolf's den?" I smirked inwardly, he had referred to me as a 'sweet gentle lamb', I could laugh. I instead blushed and put my head down.


"My lord, if you would pardon me for asking too suddenly and so rudely but will we be having dinner?" I stammered. From the glance that I managed to sneak without him noticing, he seemed quite amused.


"Why do you ask that my dear?" he inquired.


"On my way here, I didn't know my way and I happened to encounter one of your butlers," I blushed and looked down. I felt I knew he was smiling.


"And what exactly happened? Do not be shy on detail, I'd be sparing if you told me the whole of it," he told me, his voice was laced with amusement. He placed his hand underneath my chin so that he could see my face, I tried my best not to look at him. I set my gaze just past his left ear.


"Pardon me your lordship for my forwardness if you did not know of the things in your own domicile but I encountered one of your servants who does not seem to be very well acquainted with the formalities and decorum for a person of his status." He cocked an eyebrow at me, "I had no one to escort me so I wondered in and I was immediately fascinated by the décor. I was contently distracted gazing at a vase when the butler approached and if you may, your lordship, let me demonstrate," I just like testing the waters.


I still felt like playing with him and checking a little inventory. He nodded watching me intently with amusement.


"He came upon me from behind, your lordship," I went to stand behind him, "and he attacked one of the most improper parts of my hinder side," I whispered before grabbing the same area that the butler had. I cupped it and squeezed just as he had it was soft but there was a firmness to it. I finally let it go, with a red face, realizing that I probably should not have done that especially with his brother present. I didn't regret doing it but for the sake of "being a prim and proper lady" I made myself look embarrassed. "I was thinking that if that butler was drunken perhaps the rest if the staff maybe as well," I finished feeling slightly winded.


"Well that certainly is quite an experience," he sounded as if he were on the verge of laughing. "Do you wish to eat dinner?" he asked, his tone implied that he wasn't taking me seriously.


"My appetite has left me as fast as I fled the servant, my fatigue is what has come to the forefront, therefore I think it would be best if I retired for the night," I spoke obnoxiously. I needed to get myself together, he was an interesting person, just as I had imagined so it would be hard to keep from doing what I wanted, which would involve showing my real side. He smirked at me but put his hand out to take mine.


"Then I'll have to show you to your quarters," he mused. I reached out to his proffered hand tentatively as if it just the mere contact would give me away. “We wouldn’t want you to have another foul encounter with that servant again now would we?” he mused. I stifled a giggle, yes he was an interesting man and he would test my resolve, I just knew however I was determined to pass his tests. Let the games begin…


 I stared at the ceiling for several moments after I woke first trying to remember where I was then soaking in the fact that I was finally here. For so long I had dreamed of being here. I could still remember the first time I’d gotten a chance to see him. I was only a child at the time but my impression of him had never faded.


I’d heard many rumors about his exploits over the years so I was aware of his reputation as a rake. I’d even heard that his reputation was the reason he was still unattached. But somehow the image I’d first gotten stayed on my mind and I still had a tiny hope that one day I could be his bride.


Although there’d been many things said about him, he was respected and revered by the people of his land. I didn’t see why those noble misses hadn’t snatched him up if he was truly all that everyone said he was. There seemed to be no downside as he was a good man who cared about his people and the rumors pegged him as never one to leave a woman unsatisfied. The ton had to know of such rumors, they talked just as much as the snickering maids that I’d overhear in whispered conversations about him. I see nothing wrong with an experienced husband and the duke seems like a very interesting person. I don’t think I’ll be bored trying to explore the truth to the rumors. I found myself giggling like the gossiping maids just as there was a knock on my door pulling me from my thoughts. I rose from the bed and opened the door to see a plump rosy cheeked woman with pasty skin and brunette hair.


“Good morning, my lady. I am Mary and I am to be your personal maid but I am also the head maid,” she announced.


I smiled at her as a bath was brought in and quickly prepared for me. I attempted light conversation as I wasn’t accustomed to having a lady’s maid in the room during my baths.


Normally I was left alone but the room became busy as more maids came in. Once I’d gotten out they’d immediately started fussing over me. I was a bit nervous about these kinds of things because as the oldest of seven children I’d gotten used to doing most things for myself.


There had been one handmaid between all of the children so as my siblings increased they required more of her attention and as I got older it was expected of me to do for myself. As I was not nobility no one had time to pamper me nor did I get the luxury of having immature tantrums.


My father had been a merchant who’d gotten wealthy and decided to run a farm. I had not been born into a pampered life like that of those debutantes in the London ballrooms that’d been indoctrinated only in the ways to capture a man.


I had grown up with a mother who stood by her husband and was not afraid of hard work. I’d quickly found that the values I’d learned as a child had been unless among those bratty society misses and their scheming mamas who were auctioning off their daughters to the highest bidder like cattle.


I hadn’t found very many that I could trust were genuine and an even smaller few I considered friends. The men apparently had no need for a woman with values they were just looking for the pretty, thin, and docile but not necessarily one with substance or too much character.


It was a slippery slope and one had to know how to conduct one’s self just so she attracted the right type of fellow. One had to simply know which suitors were potentially abusive, considered to be scoundrels, or almost broke because of gambling troubles.


Among the eligible gentlemen circulating balls and soirees seeking a wife were men ranging from those fresh from the schoolhouses to ones at least my father’s age if not older. All of which seemed to jump on the 'next best thing' when one of the ladies became available or unavailable.


I never cared to be part of it and I don’t miss having to go to all of the events only to be judged by both the men as well as the other women since that decided your success or failure. Their way of pegging someone a failure as a woman went against my upbringing of valuing oneself and others.


If it hadn’t been for my father being given a title I wouldn’t have had to go and put up with it but then I wouldn’t have gotten this opportunity either. My father hadn’t been of a mind to push any of us to marry until he received the title of baron and felt the need to fit in with the customs of the titled nobles.


According to the ton an unmarried woman of one and twenty, like me, is an old spinster which isn’t the best thing to have for a man trying to fit in. For the sake of my family being able to assimilate properly and peacefully mix into society it was important that I found a husband and had a successful marriage.


As I was the oldest daughter and the only one in danger of spinsterhood it was up to me to help my sisters, especially the twins, Vivian and Rosabel, who would have their debut next summer. With this in mind my father thought to arrange a marriage for me. Knowing all of this, I’ve said nothing and watched to see who I’d have to marry. As the oldest I’ve been there as all of my siblings have grown up and if nothing I want them to be happy. They shouldn’t have to be stuck in a life of misery because of these nobles’ judgmental ways and prejudice rules.


None of us asked for our father to be given a title or to be thrust into high society with these nobles where we have to learn and adapt to their rules that they’ve grown up knowing.


For me it has been trial and error, I had to find my own form of happiness in this but for them they have time to prepare themselves. I'm sure it will prove easier for the younger ones to transition if we can have successful matches but that has to start with me that way hopefully not even the twins will have a rough time, as I did.


I knew what would be required of me long before my parents said anything. The only thing I didn’t know was the particular gentleman they had in mind. They hadn’t told me much about what deal they were making with the duke instead they’d focused on trying to convey to me how important this was and how much my marriage meant to our family. How I needed to learn to become a proper lady of society by immersing myself in it and be ready to help my sisters get good matches.


I’d resigned myself to my fate, so I’d had no high hopes, before I found out that I’d be marrying the duke of Kensington. These are the types of things I've dreamed of since childhood but I could never have known that I'd really get here. I thought this over as Mary and the others prepared me and I obediently followed their direction until I stood before a mirror to observe myself for the last time before I became a married woman, more specifically the duchess of Kensington.


I wondered how I’d be as mistress of this house but it was too late now to worry about such things because soon I’ll be the duchess and I’d just have to figure it out.


I examined the girl in the mirror looking first at her white slippers peaked out from under her skirts that fanned out around her then the lace and jewels carefully embroidered into the white dress that had been made just for her.


It was beautiful dress that fit snuggly to every curve of her figure and the pure white of the dress provided a healthy contrast with her creamy skin. Her wavy blonde hair had been arranged in a curly up-do yet a few strands had broken free to frame her face that looked a bit different from the girl I’d gotten used to seeing lately. I reached a gloved hand out to touch the image of the girl in mirror.


As I searched her green irises I saw her fear and reluctance, she had no confidence. The girl staring back at me had an unsure future and she wasn’t ready. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath gathering my wayward emotions and exhaled steeling my resolve. When I looked back in the mirror I saw Classandra Hoffing the eldest daughter of the Baron of Chanti and the woman who was to be the duchess of Kensington. Just then Mary came back into the room.


“You look beautiful, my lady,” she said smiling at me.


“Thank you, Mary,” I offered her a brief smile in return before lowering my head for her to put on my veil.


Once she was done I was led to the place Gabriel and I were to be wed. I only caught a glimpse of the church for a moment before I was ushered in. Inside his grace stood waiting and I accepted his proffered arm as we proceeded further.


Gabriel was dressed handsomely but of course he was an attractive man and the fit of his clothes was very appealing to the eyes. By looks alone I didn’t see why anyone wouldn’t want him for a husband and it couldn’t hurt that he was a wealthy duke too.


From what I could tell he was a good person, there should be no reason for a woman not to thank her fate that she could be the bride of such a person. There are unfortunate women who have been married to despicable men dozens of years older than them who have possibly cursed their fates. In comparison I am truly glad I’m not one of them but before all of this I hadn’t wanted to be wed. I’d wanted to be left alone but because of the circumstances I would do what could for my family, no matter who it was, that’s what I’d told myself. Until I’d been informed that I was to be the duke of Kensington’s wife.


It was then that I began to feel hope that it would be okay. At least I knew of him, that way he didn’t seem like a stranger to me and I felt that I knew he was a good person. At the very least we could be friends and if he tired of me he would leave me be.


I’d heard he lived with his brother but it'd never bothered me, it was something I was willing to adjust to. The same way I knew that I’d have to adapt to my new life as duchess and get used to my siblings not being there but as I stood there before the minister with only Gabriel’s valet, Samuel, and Mary as witnesses it was a wonder I was able to recite my vows without faltering.


I was starting fresh, where no one knew me and right then I made a vow to myself that life here would be what I made of it. Before I knew it the ceremony was over and my husband having removed my veil was leaning down for a kiss taking me by surprise but as I started to give in to his kiss he pulled away. Not thinking I reached for him and he chuckled softly.


Later,” he murmured in my ear.


The words had caressed my very being and my body shivered because of the meaning behind his words. His lips curled into a satisfied smile as he guided me out of the church.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2016

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