
Chapter 1


It was a normal day at school; I had ditched my friends to follow him. Chase Ferreira. He had been my one and only crush since I'd first saw him my freshman year. With his piercing eyes and commanding aura I had hopelessly been under his spell from the beginning. He had an arresting and well defined figure, a mess of curly brown hair that made me want to run my fingers through it, and a golden complexion that gave homage to his Latin roots.


He was walking gracefully down the hall with his backpack slung over one shoulder and his hands in his pockets. I was walking behind him, it always seemed as though people stayed out of his way. He didn't have to push people out of the way or bump into others, they just made way for him. We had the same class so I didn't mind, but sometimes I followed him to class and my class is next door.


Suddenly he turned around and stopped in the hallway, his eyes zeroed in on me making me stop.


"Will you please stop following me," he called to me.


I was shocked that he even knew that I followed him around and, as pathetic as it may seem, it actually made me happy. He wanted me to stop following him, although that didn't make me happy at least he'd spoken to me! Then a crazy thought hit me…


"Okay I'll stop following you," I responded sheepishly.


Without another word to me he turned back around and I ran to catch up to him, grabbing a hold of his arm before I could change my mind. He didn't have too much of a reaction other than turning to look at me. No shrug, no startled jump, nope instead nothing, no reaction at all. He just turned back and kept walking until we got to class.


The door was wide enough so we went in together; the room itself was rather large for a classroom. It was adorned with rows of desks to the left, the teacher's desk, and board to the right. The rest of the room was taken up with bookcases that were filled with various books we'd use throughout the semester. Sprawled on the walls were grammar posters, writing guidelines, and such obviously giving away the fact that you were in an English class. The one thing that I found ironic about our classroom was one wall of the classroom was dominated by seven windows. They made for the perfect distraction sometimes and eventually led me to start daydreaming about everything but English.


All of the people in the room were staring at us together, we walked to my desk and I let go of his arm. He didn't say anything he just continued his walk past me and all the way down the row to his seat in the back. Even after we had sat down they were still staring at us but then soon the bell rang and class started.


I stayed true to the stereotype that when you sit in the front row you actually pay attention to what's going on in class. Class wasn't boring but I was itching to turn around and look at him. I felt eyes on me and I knew they were his because it felt different when it was his eyes watching me.


When the bell rang I gathered my things slowly so that by the time he passed by my desk to leave I was ready to go and I grabbed his arm again. Again no reaction at all but I didn't say anything about it and just considered it a victory for me.


As the morning drew on I walked with him to our other classes, only separating when we didn't have the same class. At lunchtime though I walked into the cafeteria by myself feeling slightly lonely and confused which was at odds with the euphoric high I'd been on all morning. I'd sat at my usual table with my friends.


"So I've been hearing some rather disturbing news," Jennifer announced catching my attention.


"Oh what is it," I asked.


"I've been hearing this rumor that I know has got to be fabricated. They've been talking about you and a certain guy getting together..." She left off there, looking at me pointedly, waiting for me to confirm or deny.


"As a matter of fact I've think heard something to that effect as well, but I'm not sure if I heard them quite right..." inserted Sophie both looking at me, waiting.


"Um... no, we're not going out," I confessed, feeling embarrassed I averted my gaze and my eyes met with Chase's across the room.


I was immediately sucked into a world that consisted only of me, him, and his deep green eyes. Even from across the room I felt sparks between us and my skin prickled with awareness. As adrenaline rushed through my veins my heartbeat picked up and my hands felt clammy, I had to dig my nails into my palms to remind myself that this was really happening. A hypnotic pull kept me from looking away and the tingles running up my spine made me not want to.


For the second time today I was moving before I realized what I was doing and started getting up. It was just then that a brunette with naturally curly hair, pulled back in a ponytail, came to sit at his table and obstructed our view of each other.


I planted myself firmly back in my seat, "Brooke," I heard Sophie yell getting my attention.


"Yeah," my heart started coming down but I was still in a high alert phase. My friends looked at me awkwardly, "what?"


"I've been calling you for like the past five minutes, what were staring at," she asked.


Jennifer made a face, meaning she knew exactly where I'd been looking. I blushed, quickly glancing in his direction again but his attention was focused on the brunette girl in front of him. I knew who she was, his best friend, Amanda Hines, she was also the star of the girls basketball team, and if what I’d heard can be believed, she was his girlfriend…


"I know who she was staring at," Jennifer announced with a knowing smirk.


"Really Brooke you quietly crush on him for three years and suddenly this, what's gotten into you? Did something happen and why didn't you tell us? We're your best friends we ought to know first," Sophie asserted.


"I know but I don't even know why I did it either, he surprised me this morning when he told me to stop following him and I just did the first thing that popped in my head," I said more to myself than to them.


"So you stop following him... and started walking with him," Jennifer laughed.


"That was a rather odd time to go with a sarcastic remark in your head, Brooke," Sophie commented.


"Yeah, as far as sarcastic thoughts in your mind go there are certain things you say and others you do, as a prank, but you took a sarcastic comment and acted on it."


"Brooke you've got to stop this," Sophie warned.


"She's already made him think she's wacko, Soph, why not continue to mess with him a little," Jennifer argued.


"You don't know, Jen, she might still have chance to change his mind," she offered uncertainly.


Jennifer snorted, "highly unlikely, and you want to know why that is, because she can't stop looking at him," suddenly her voice rose at the end as she'd caught me.


My eyes had started wandering back to his table where he sat not looking at me anymore but I quickly turned my attention back to them.


"Even at times when it's weird..." she added pointedly looking at me.


"She has ditched us to follow him in the hallways to almost every class they have had together since we started high school. And most importantly, she is tired of seeming like the crazy stalker chick just because she's too anxious to go talk to the guy. Especially now, she can't just start acting normal around him while he thinks she's crazy, she'd never get date."


"Well she'll never get one if she doesn't do anything to change his opinion of her," Sophie pressed.


"Obviously we know she's not cracked so I'm sure he'll eventually see that she's not. Keep doing what makes you happy," she said.


"But-" Sophie started but was quickly interrupted.


"Look some guys need a girl who can get their attention. Take my brother, Griffin, for example is like Chase he's a very focused, driven, strait-laced guy and a workaholic. His girlfriend, Nina, is an expert at figuring out ways to get his attention and the first time he met her he thought she was mental," she concluded just the bell rang.


The rest of the day past by much slower as I continued thinking about everything that had happened, could Jen really be right? As I turned it over in my mind with still no solution the school day was eventually ended. I rushed to my locker to put my things away before Chase came so I wouldn't have to see him, since his locker was next to mine. Luckily I didn't see him as I quickly packed away books, took my homework, then got to my car and went home.


I put my things down and went to the kitchen to make myself food since I sent all of the maids, butlers, and cooks on vacation. I was alone in the house but I didn't mind, everyone needs a little alone time.

Chapter 2


The next few weeks flew by and we continued to walk together. It became easier to talk to him and everyone finally got over it. A normal day consisted of us walking down the hallway and me happily chirping about whatever I felt like talking about for the day.


We walked together to all of our classes before lunch and at lunch I kept myself from looking at him because of my previous embarrassing incident. Then after lunch, since we didn't have any classes that were even remotely by each other, we would have to part ways until school ended and we were leaving. Since we had adjacent lockers we'd see each other one last time before we split again for the day only to see each other the next day or that next week.


One random day Chase approached me in lunch, in order to eliminate the chance of another embarrassing stare down I'd decided to sit with my back to him, I didn't mind because I had a rather sexy back, it seemed like a tease, and the first day I tried it he came to the table.


"Hey look, prince charming is approaching," Jennifer announced sarcastically.


"Really," I was curious but I forced myself not to look, "I knew he couldn't stay away," my friends either laughed or rolled their eyes which made me laugh.


Suddenly his hand was on my back and he'd brought those delicious lips, that I've only ever kissed in my dreams, to my ear. His warm breath fanned the side of my face, sparks were running up and down my spine making me shiver. Then he started whispering in my ear and the rush of air into my ear tickled making me laugh I grabbed his arm for balance then peeled over in a fit of giggles.


"Hold on," I managed through my laughter, when I finally recovered I straightened, "okay I'm ready go ahead," he pulled out the empty chair next to me and sat down, scooting in closer to me.


"My birthday is in two weeks and I'm in inviting you to come, you can bring your friends if you want, you could even invite the whole school," he whispered. He pulled away so he could get my answer.


"I'm flattered but why do you sound as if I couldn't do just that even if I wanted to," I crossed my legs and leaned back into his hand that was on the back of my chair. "Oh boyfriend of little faith," I pinched his cheek then patted it, "apparently you haven't seen what I'm capable of have you," I told him.


He just laughed heartily, best sound I'd heard in my life it's so sexy, I smiled, proud that I'd made him not just smile but laugh. When he was done laughing he smirked challengingly at me daring me to try, well if that's the case, I pulled up my legs and folded them so I sat Indian style in the chair, challenge accepted.


"Do you have someone doing it for you?" I asked. He was confused for a moment,


"Someone doing it for me?" he repeated furrowed his eyebrows. He looked cute when he was confused... but I have to focus. Darn him for looking like a cute lost puppy.


"You must be doing it yourself then," he still was a bit confused. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket, started making a new contact, then I handed him the phone. "By the way put your number in my phone and you can text me the information," he took it and did what I said.


"I could totally help you plan like how far have you gotten with the planning?" girls are supposed to be naturally party planners, right? So I can do this right?


He just shrugged and I knew, I shoved him with my mouth agape,


"Are you serious, so what were you going to do?" he shrugged again. He gave me a dazzling smile and returned my phone back to me, I shook my head at him. "That's just sad," I giggled while he started chuckling.


"Well hey I don't really do parties," he tried to explain.


"That's not even an excuse because there are people who plan events for a living that you could have gone to," I wasn't taking any of his excuses.


He sighed.


"So the party's at your house I'm assuming," he nodded so I continued, "well I'm going to have to go to your house after school today to see what we have to work with. We have to decorate and see about food, for that we need to know where we're going to set up," I told him seriously.


"Not anything expensive or extravagant, I want something simple," he emphasized.


"And you'll get simple, we'll talk about the budget when we see what we have to work with," and he nodded.


He seemed like he was dreading this, working with me, so I decided then to try to do my part as if I were being paid.


I have to be friendly but not pushy or flirty and at the end not too touchy, maybe a hug with a quick peck on the cheek. Maybe not even the peck on the cheek just a business like hug and I'll wish him a happy birthday, that's it. That's all I'll do. Nothing extra, he already thinks I'm going to annoy him. I have to at least prove to him that I'm apparently not the girl he thinks I am. That would mean no flirting or what he might think of as being overly touchy.


"After we go to the house I'm going to start getting some prices together for you to look at," he nodded again then the bell rang. I uncrossed my legs and got up, "well I'll see you after school," I told him in a business like tone and started a brisk walk to class.


"Oh God now he's got her started when she starts acting like that there's no reasoning with her," Sophie groaned and stomped her foot.


"You've let her loose and we're not helping you deal with her," Jennifer sassed Chase.


"Is that a good thing for me?" he asked confused and I knew Jennifer rolled her eyes at him.


"If it were only her pulling off superhuman tasks, and multitasking out of this world, sure. However, since she tends to obsess over things like this, maybe not so much. I mean, you barely see the girl but when you do all she has to talk about is how well it's going and what's done so far. The worst part about it is she's perpetually moody and at times she'll smile at you but you already know it's probably fake. She will never relax until it's completely over because she has this thing about seeing things through. But whatever, you'll see for yourself," Jennifer ranted, making me giggle a little.


I walked away without listening to his reply, it didn't matter what face he made or what he said because, like Jennifer said, he'd see. By my study period I went and sat at a table outside Indian style, with my hair pulled up into a ponytail, and my glasses were perched on the edge of my nose.


I started writing down places we could go for a catering service or a birthday cake and I kept adding ideas. After school I got a list from the attendance office of all the students enrolled in our school. Then I made my way to my locker,


"Where were you? I've been waiting for you," Chase said when I got there.


"I apologize for my tardiness I was retrieving an enrollment list," I spoke as I busied myself with with my locker. I saw him raise his eyebrow at me from the corner of my eye. "Now I was looking over a few aspects for the event and it came to my attention that you haven't set a time, so when would you like that to be," I stated seriously.


I finished with my locker then opened my portfolio, when he didn't answer I look up at him,


"How about five," he suggested.


"Alright fi..." I paused faltering just a moment, oh no I ... no nothing personal, if I were getting paid that kind of thing wouldn't matter, would it? I just need to have the same attitude. I said I would do it so I have to stick with it, I can't back out now if I've committed to it I have to stay and if anything happens I'll have to just face the consequences that come afterward.


"Is there a problem with that time, Brooke?" he asked seeming a little concerned but that's all I needed to bring me out of my private thoughts. I didn't say anything in answer to his question.


"Five o'clock," I just noted it then closed my portfolio. I nodded, "let's not delay, we have property to inspect," I flashed him a warm smile in an attempt to be friendly and polite.


As I strode past him, I heard him walking behind me, I went out to my car and I assume he went to his. Since my car was close to the exit I sat and waited until I saw him in a black Infiniti pass by in my rear view mirror. I turned on my car, started backing out, and followed him out of the school parking lot, then all the way to his house.


It was a modest home, maybe if we're talking about for a family of fifteen but it was a little too big for a person who lived by himself. We didn't go into the house we went into the backyard through a wooden door at the side of the house, the backyard was huge, might I add.


I walked in and circled around getting a feel of the venue before choosing what I could do to decorate. Since we were having so many people we really didn't need that many decorations even though his backyard obviously had the occupancy for it. Even though the room was there we didn't want it to get too crowded, that way people won't start knocking things down, to avoid that the less decorations the better, that's good news for Chase.


Whether we set out food or got a catering service they'd need some space to set up out here and it'll take up room. If we got a catering service the best way would be if we could give them access to the kitchen then all we'll have to do is set up a table or two and put the food out.


There will be a dance floor going for most of the time but we'll at least need a few tables to the side where people can sit when they're tired or if they get food and don't feel comfortable standing up eating.


I noted all of this in my portfolio while he just sat at the one and only picnic table in the backyard watching me walk around jotting down notes. Finally I came over to share and discuss with him the ideas that I had come up with so far.


"Look, I've been brainstorming and I want to run by you what I've come up with so far. Luckily for you, I think it isn't necessary that we have too many, if any, decorations. I was contemplating putting more tables in this area for people to sit while they eat. The remaining space will be for people to kind of stand around and socialize. We'll also need some tables to put the food on and I was thinking it'll be better to have an open buffet where you can serve yourself." As I explained he just nodded and I was starting to wonder if he was even listening to a word I was saying. Maybe I was too long winded. "As a matter of fact what did you have in mind food wise? Did you want a certain type of food or did you want a little bit of everything?"


"I don't really know..." He answered scratching his head.


"Well if we get a catering service to do the food we may need to use your kitchen, in case it requires extra space to put their things, so they won't take up more room then they need to. We'll need all the room we can get since we'll have the whole school plus other people that you choose to invite as well." He was once again back to simply nodding along but not really seeming to be listening so I figured it was time to wrap things up here.


"If that sounds okay to you so far then I'll be leaving. I'll get you more information on catering services that and maybe some other options. So I'll start trying to get some stuff for you to look over tomorrow," I told him in my business tone as I packed up my things and got up.


He looked shocked as he stayed sitting down, watching me. I'm guessing he expected me to linger around a while longer before leaving and it hadn't occurred to him that I would do what I needed to quickly and just go.


"So you're done already?" I could hear the amazement in his voice as I was walking away but turned around to face him and saw his confused face.


"What, you thought I would try to stay over or something? I'm not that kind of girl," I thought aloud, a little offended if it was true. By the look on his face my comment might have at least been half true and that hurt.


"No, I just didn't think-" but I interrupted him because again by his facial expression I could tell a cover up when I came across one. I was hurt more by the fact that apparently he thought I was stupid and it left a lingering sting.


"It would be so quick, yeah... I think I know better by your facial expression. But it was a good cover up though," I turned around to continue leaving when I heard him getting up, trying to call out to me. "No, don't worry about it. I'm not offended. Had it been someone else, probably so, but I feel like you don't don't exactly know me yet. When I think about it, that fact alone would help anybody to let it go. You don't have to worry over it -but what am I saying- you probably wouldn't have worried too much anyway so..." I started leaving again when he caught up to me at the gate to the backyard.


"Look, I didn't-" he started, grabbing a hold of my arm and exciting my senses. No, stop it. Control yourself! What happened to being professional? This is not it! I needed to find a way out of this situation, fast.


"I got you, didn't I? I am a good actress," I laughed turning around so he could see I wasn't upset. I saw him visibly relax but he was searching my eyes, "oh clueless boyfriend of little faith. You're going to have to work with me for two weeks I can afford to take my time," I pinched his cheek then patted it, smiling brightly at him. "I told you not to worry about it, I'm fine," He smiled down at me, releasing my arm, as soon as he did I dropped the smile and quickly started walking away, "I'll see you tomorrow at school," I called over my shoulder at a very bewildered Chase.


"Bye Chase," was the last thing I told him and as I got in my car I thought I heard him say,


"Bye Brooke," but I shrugged it off as my imagination. I got in my car and drove away with Chase still standing in the gate to the backyard watching me leave.

Chapter 3


That next week I was almost late to school, I'd still been getting things together for Chase's party and had nearly forgotten the time. Although narrowly achieved, I still made it on time. In the hallway to class I started talking to everyone I saw, inviting all of them, I struck up random conversations with random people never forgetting to invite everyone before walking away. During our class our teacher let us have a free day so I took the opportunity to socialize with the class, when I finished I was back to my seat.


"Here's some stuff I want you to look at and pick which one you want or just let me know if the one I've chose, maybe you want something different or something doesn't look right."


Suddenly the bell rang.


"Even if you need me to explain something to you, just let me know," I told him, handing him the portfolio and walking out of class.


I felt his eyes on me as I left the room but I wouldn't allow myself to give in to the happy feeling starting to bubble up in my stomach. If I allowed it the butterflies in my stomach would start to make me feel happiness that I can't afford to deal with right now. With it I would want and hope for more than I'm going to ever get from Chase in a lifetime. That was my reason for stressing the importance of having a professional relationship with him for the party planning.


The one question continued to plague my mind: what's going to happen afterwards, after I've been professional and everything is over, what next?


I didn't really have an answer for that right now. I could only assume that since everything is over and technically I have nothing to do with him anymore I'll leave him alone. Since he doesn't like me anyway I shouldn't keep up a false hope and stick around.


My actions as of late have been irrational, impulsive, uncalled for, and I should not have done them. I should keep my distance but as a reward to myself I might let myself bask in the little joys of the moments here and there.


I won't act on any feelings further then that or else I might end up getting hurt by the end of this. I just have to remember to be professional at all times. No exceptions.


With my mission clear in sight I set out to talk to people in the hallways, as I had started doing lately. I had to make a trip to my locker to get more of the flyers because I had ran out. It's a wonder I made it to class in time, where it seemed fate was on my side because again I got an opportunity to advertise the party some more. I also got to speak more with people I'd already invited and answer some questions they had. It kept me busy enough to keep my mind off of what I was to do about Chase and the embarrassing things I've done so far to get his attention.


What I saw of him he was looking over the portfolio I gave him which was a good thing. When the period was over I took my socializing out into the hall, checking off names from the sheet I had of all the people in the school.


As I was talking to people I started noticing some were mentioning not having transportation to get there I just assured them that it would be provided and had them write down their names. That way I could remember who all had asked so later I could figure out a route for whoever is going to pick them up. Also I needed to know how many may need a ride so I could see if just I could do it or if I needed to get someone else to help me out.


Before I knew it lunch came around and I was sitting at a different table filled with people I was trying to invite. We were laughing and having fun but I eventually left them and continued table hopping before getting back to my table. When I got back Chase was sitting there waiting for me with the portfolio.


"What's up, are you finished or do you have a question?" he looked up at me.


"I have a question," he stated as I sat down in my usual spot, crossing my legs and leaning back in my chair.


"Okay go ahead what is it?" I asked leaning in to see what he was looking at in the portfolio.


"It's these catering services..." he pointed at the page with all of the different catering services, what they offer, and their prices. I started going into an explanation for the difference in the prices. Since I'd first started organizing the party we have been struggling trying to figure out what he wanted food wise because he didn't know and any options I showed him he didn't like. I wasn't sure what to do but then as I looked at him I started to wonder if he was even listening to anything I had said. I got my answer shortly after I finished talking, "how are you today?" he asked me with a serious expression.


"Well, all of the things that I've had to accomplish today, I have, so…" I started.


"I didn't ask you that, I asked you if like you were happy?" he insisted.


"My answer is that I feel accomplished, I wouldn't necessarily describe it as happy," I explained. He gave me a puzzled look, "yes, I'm happy," I finally told him since he seemed to not get it. Don't go all weird on him I told myself as the bell rang, I got up from my chair to file out like the rest of the cafeteria. I held my serious, professional expression.


"So um... I think you should just take care of everything since you seem like you've got it under control," he flashed me a smile that would have worked on me but not anymore I told myself even as I felt butterflies in my stomach. My outward response was to hit him on the back of the head so hard that he stumbled. "I thought you were happy?" he asked walking slowly rubbing his head. I smiled at him to show him I was happy and I was sorry, I hadn't meant to hit him so hard.


"I am," I told him over my shoulder as I walked away to my class with him, again, staring after me. The rest of my day went by much like the first half, it was going the way I needed it to go.


Next thing I knew the last bell had rung and I was heading to my locker to meet Chase to get the portfolio. When I got there he was standing there waiting for me. Before he got a chance to say anything I gave him a polite smile then started rummaging in my locker putting my stuff up. All my homework was already done so I left my books and my backpack in there.


"Hey Chase," called out a female voice from behind me.


"Hi, Amanda what's up?" he answered back, I stayed silent and started arranging my locker the way I wanted it for the next day.


"I wanted you to meet my new boyfriend, Eric," I tuned them out as I continued organizing my belongings.


They chatted for a while until I'd finished with my locker and I would have left but I needed my portfolio from Chase. That's why he had waited for me, so I stood there waiting patiently feeling awkward. I wasn't in or a part of the conversation so I just had to stand there looking as if I were in a front row eavesdropping seat.


It was the same brunette girl that was at his table that first day he had confronted me when I decided to walk with him. I decided that I had all of the people on speed dial in my phone and I knew he hadn't changed the ones before the catering service so I'll just call all of them and start making those reservations. For the rest I'll just call him later and ask about those. As soon as I got that thought and started walking away he stopped me.


"So we came up with this idea and I think it would be cool if we switched you know. You and me. Your girlfriend, Brooke, and my boyfriend..." She explained to Chase, and I couldn't help wondering why he stopped me and if he would actually agreed.


I was still in love with him at this point so I was hoping that he didn't agree, even if I didn't make anymore moves on him. I didn't plan to pursue him anymore but I still didn't want him to give me away to someone else. That would hurt my feelings, especially when he knew that we were not together.


"Yeah, sure, I guess we could do it," he answered to my horror. I was devastated but I didn't say a word, I didn't give myself away in the least.


Why would he stop me and why would he do this to me when I was being professional and helping him? I was going to give him up and here he finds a way to get me for doing nothing to him. Unless was payback for walking with him but don't you think this was a little too much?


I kept my face neutral and I reined in my self-control. Soon after that they left, I tried not to show how I felt about what he just did, especially because he didn't say anything about it.


"So did you finish looking over the portfolio, because I need to make those phone calls tonight so they can be ready for next week. That's if you don't have anymore questions," I hoped that he didn't as I waited for the portfolio to be handed to me so I could just go home. I couldn't take this anymore. I just couldn't stand in his presence anymore.


"Um… yeah I'm finished with it," he handed me the portfolio. "But um… are you okay?" he asked with concern but why would you- no why should you be concern about someone you just threw underneath a bus?


"Um…" I didn't want to lie to him that no I was not okay but I really couldn't afford to tell him anything now. He's made it quite clear that his poor opinion of me obviously hasn't changed. "Everything seem to be coming alone just fine," uh oh the tears had started to form and you could hear it in my voice.


There was a lump in my throat so before he could try to continue the conversation I gave him a small, polite smile before walking away. He again, as it has become so common lately, was looking at me as I walked further and further away from him. I didn't look back I strutted all the way to my car and went home.

Chapter 4


Chase's POV


I don't understand her, I can never seem to figure her out. It seems like I've been staring at her back a lot lately because she leaves me wondering if I did something wrong with no clue if I did or not. She's proving everything I first thought of her to be wrong. The person she's turning out to be is leaving me in unfamiliar territory, just when I was so sure I knew how to treat her.


The girl I thought she was I could have dealt with. I could have simply fended her off, been cold to her or just ignored her advances but this new her made me relax in her presence. The day I first talked to her about the party I'd actually had a nice conversation with her. I hadn't quite understood what her friends had meant until now. They did warn me, I thought sighing as I reflected on what has happened throughout the time I've been working with her.


I'd thought I was going to really dread working with her; even though she had been friendly and funny didn't mean she would act the same way when we were alone. However, all of my preconceived notions went out the window when I got to my locker after school and she wasn't there.


I had planned on going to look for her, seriously if she was going to try to throw herself at me she wouldn't have kept me waiting for as long as she did. If I still had any doubt that she was going to treat this as a way to get close to me that immediately was extinguished when she finally showed up. She had papers in her hands along with a portfolio, didn't even look in my direction, she just started to put things into her locker. She apologized, saying she had gone to get something but what surprised me was the way she talked was all business.


She was friendly but still not at all like what expected; I'd thought she would be more of an annoyance then help. After all, she was the girl who randomly invited herself to walk with me to classes. She would go on and on about this or that but I never really paid attention.


I expected her to be that crazy girl who had and would force her way into my company whether I liked it or not. But she was different, she'd suddenly changed when we started working together. Sometimes it was like looking at a different person altogether, I wasn't sure what to make of it. Often enough I've caught myself just staring at her while she spoke, wondering if this was the real girl or if it was only for the party planning.


She was making a habit of not show too much personal attachment to me and just being friendly but not overly so. When we got to my house that first day I really thought she would come over, see I had this big house, and insist I give her a tour or something. So I purposely went through the side gate, that way we didn't have to go inside the house.


I carefully watched the look of awe on her face when she initially saw the house but she didn't comment. She didn't even say anything when I chose to go through the gate, she just followed.


What really got me when we walked into the backyard was that she looked everywhere but at me. Once it became clear to me that she wasn't going to say anything I decided to sit unobtrusively at one of the picnic tables.


For a while she walked around a bit, jotting down a few notes here and there, with a very serious expression etched into her features. I'd seen the face before in class, it was the one she'd always made when deep in thought. She still didn't say a word to me, hadn't looked in my direction since we entered the backyard, and quite frankly I was surprised. Here I thought she was using this as a means to get closer to me and she hadn't even took a peek in my general area.


Eventually she did come sit down at the picnic table with me but she sat across from me, while most girls would have taken the opportunity to sit next to me. She explained to me everything she had in mind so far and sounded as if she had really been thinking about it.


She was serious but polite and friendly, throwing all of her ideas out there but didn't push them. She let me know in the end it was my decision and that she would have more options for me to choose from.


The entire time she had kept our conversation in a professional vein, helpful and insightful but never pushy. Never once did she try to make a move on me and I had to admire her for her self control. After we finished talking about the party she'd simply collected her things so she could go without another word.


I was taken aback when I'd asked her if she was really finished. I was just so shocked, and she'd read my mind perfectly. Even when I tried to lie to her, or at least try to not let her be upset about it, she saw right through me. She really seemed hurt and it didn't set right with me for some reason. I didn't want to hurt her, especially not this new her. I wanted to get to know her.


I'm not exactly sure when it happened but I got attached to her. Now I don't know what to do with myself because I've never gotten attached to anyone this quickly before and that scares me. Sometimes when I'm not careful I feel like I'm about to losing control and I'm not used to the feeling.


Other times it's almost like a seamless transition where I'm losing control but getting back a new found control, it's inexplicably complicated and I don't realize when it happening. As a future alpha I can't afford to lose control at any time. To any capacity. It's an all work and no play job. I have to think of the pack and if something that I'm thinking of doing will affect them.


I don't even know why I decided to invite her to my birthday party and I really don't know why I agreed to let her help me plan the party but I haven't regret having to spend time with her. She makes feel alive almost. I don't really understand it and although I'd tried to put out of my mind the question was still there: Do I want to get involved with a human?


If I do I'm going to have to tell her at some point. I know I probably shouldn't get involved but maybe there was a chance we can still be friends. I don't want to stop talking to her or seeing her, I enjoy my time spent with her, perhaps more than I should.


I haven't been able to find a single logical reason why I got Brooke involved in with my friends' silly idea of getting to know what "my girlfriend" is like. I didn't correct Amanda, or any of my other friends, about it partly because their idea wouldn't work if they knew I didn't actually have a girlfriend. Also it kind of rubbed my ego the right way to know even my friends thought I had an extremely attractive girlfriend like her.


She was popular and known to be nice with a figure that made a guy stop to look three and four times, even if she seemed a little crazy. Although her original show of crazy had made me wary of her this new impersonal approach was somehow worse. So when Amanda announced their idea of a joke and it included Brooke I jumped at the opportunity before I could change my mind.


At first I thought it would be a good way to get rise out of her. She's been nothing but professional and for some reason I want her to hit on me yet she hasn't. I wanted to see what she would do or if she would say anything.


After they left I waited for her to say something about it but she didn't take the bait. I thought she would be mad and say something or pinch my cheek, like she's grown fond of doing lately. Weirdly enough I actually like it, I touched my cheek smiling. Sadly she didn't do either.


I know she likes me but since we started working on this party it's as if she's just some other girl who isn't attracted to me. It bothers me, more than I'm willing to admit, that she can act as if I'm just like any other person to her.


Two or three weeks ago I would have wanted her to leave me along and now I don't want her to give up on me but I only want to be friends? I wasn't quite sure what I want from her. Maybe she has chosen to move on and maybe she should have?


She probably deserved better but somehow I couldn't let her go. I just can't help feeling like I don't want to lose her to some other guy. I was just so confused and thinking about it wasn't helping solve any of my problems right now.


My eighteenth birthday was in a few hours and sleep just wasn't coming. Brooke was on my mind and I couldn't get her out of it but I didn't seem to mind. I just laid back on my bed with my hands behind my head on the pillow and crossed my legs.


I sighed, maybe I could do something for her to show her how much I appreciate her help. Well when I find my mate I won't have to worry about this problem hopefully.


Before I knew it my mind had floated back to Brooke trying to explain the reason behind her recent change in behavior. Maybe she felt that she "had the cat in a bag" since I agreed to let her help me plan the party.


Whatever her reasons are I'm still going to have to let that argument rest, possibly finding my mate tomorrow is my main priority. I'm just going to have to force her out of my mind starting tomorrow...


Suddenly the alarm on my bedside started ringing. It was twelve o'clock, well happy birthday to me…


~hours later~


Somehow I eventually fell asleep but I woke up to find that I was already late for school. I decided to just not go, I would find something to do. I did want to do something for Brooke, maybe I should decorate. She had wanted to do something to it but eventually decided against it. What could I use to decorate the place?


I thought about it for a moment, suddenly a light bulb went off in my head. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready. When I came out I got dressed and headed downstairs. I ate, got into my car and drove to the store…

Chapter 5


 I had contacted everyone again yesterday just to abate my paranoia then spent hours laying out my plans and going over them. Afterwards I'd stayed up looking up at the ceiling, everything I could have possibly done I had.


My house staff were officially back, as of yesterday, and I got them to help me with the party. I'd finally solved the food problem by talking my chef into fixing some of Chase's favorite dishes but I, otherwise, gave her free rein over the menu.


She was a world renown chef and having eaten her gourmet meals for nine years I trusted her completely, only telling her to make the menu diverse. I had compiled a list of who needed rides and discussed possible routes with my driver, who'd agreed to split the work between us. There was nothing left for me to do but I couldn't sleep so I just sat up, finally allowing myself to think of Chase. By the end of it I'd decided I definitely needed to move on and for an instant thought to try to do so with that guy but then I remembered he was Amanda's boyfriend.


Now that I thought about it… Who in there right mind willing throws their boyfriend or girlfriend at someone else?


Maybe someone who wants to get away from them but why wouldn't you just break up with them instead of throwing them at someone, like your best friend's girlfriend or boyfriend for a month?


What is that going to do? After a month he's yours again, so what does that do for you?


Absolutely nothing. So why do it?


I still couldn't figure that part out. So I finally just decided to give it up, I need to stop trying to analyze this sick game.


It was the product of some twisted thought so how could it ever make sense? I sighed.


They aren't friends for nothing seeing as they both agreed on it like it was a completely sane idea. Suddenly a thought hit me.


Wait, she thought I was his girlfriend… How did she get that idea?


I knew everybody in school thought we were but she was his friend shouldn't she know him better? And he never denied it, instead went along with it when he knows that I'm really not his girlfriend.




I sighed again.


What happened to giving up the logic because of it all being a jumble of insanity?


I agreed breathing in deeply, slowly before slowly exhaling. I needed to sleep, but I can't, I got up out of bed leaving the light off. I went to my bathroom, I opened my vanity mirror on the wall. I grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills and took one out and put the bottle back. I closed the cabinet, took the pill before going to the kitchen. I got a glass of water drank it and took the pill, then went back to my room.


I got back in bed and eventually a dreamless sleep took me. It didn't feel like I had slept that long before I heard my alarm clock blaring. I reached over and turned it off, went into the bathroom and started my day. I didn't know what I was going to do when I saw Chase but I was planning on just being my casual self. I hadn't planned on this happening but what I would do now was stick to the plan. I would continue to be professional.


"Professional," I told my reflection in the big mirror in my bathroom after my shower. I nodded before walking out and getting dressed.


Once I was finally ready I fixed myself a small breakfast, ate, then grabbed my car keys and left. Since Dana, my chef, was going to cook for the party I told her not to worry about my breakfast and come later.


When I made it to school I immediately fell into the routine that I've started since agreeing to plan this party. I started talking to people, basically seeing if I had talked to everyone, making sure if they were all coming, and if more people needed rides.


Since I had been going around talking to people they had seemed to all just fit me in somehow. It's like they had let me into their groups, I felt comfortable talking to all of them. I made it my mission, not to just approach them and invite them but, to actually talk to them, then work it into the conversation. In as short a time as possible because I had a lot of other people to speak to.


Soon school started and I went to my first class. I had stopped walking with Chase to class because I would usually be all over the hallway talking to people and it had just hit home that after today I'd be walking with my friends. It didn't strike me as odd when I hadn't notice him in the hall or in class when I got there. I didn't realize he was absent from school until the teacher called roll and he wasn't there to answer.


I just shrugged it off, thinking that he might come late, it was his birthday. When the morning announcements came on they did their usual then started calling birthdays.


"Happy birthday Chase, love Brooke. And remember everyone the party is tonight if you need transportation or you cannot attend, contact me."


I hadn't sent in that announcement and I don't know who did but I was just glad they didn't start reading off my phone number. My face was a deep crimson color because suddenly all of the students in class were looking at me.


Some students in the hallway stopped before passing the door to look at me also, smiling because they all knew me and I bet the rest of the school was smiling too. I put my head down not looking any of them in the eye, a chorus of laughter rang out. I hide my face with my hair and soon the announcements were over but my embarrassment was not.


By lunchtime I'd figured out who the culprit was and as I got to the table I confronted her.


"Jen, how could you?" Jennifer tried her best to look innocent but the ever present spark of mischief hadn't left her eyes.


"How could I what?" She asked with feigned nonchalance.


"Obviously I didn't send in that announcement this morning," I said pointedly.


"Then I wonder who…" she trailed off when the amusement started showing.


"I think you know the person," narrowing accusatory eyes at her I added, "very well."


She just laughed but someone else pitched in on her behalf.


"What makes you think it was Jen?" questioned Max Sarento, her ex boyfriend, who was conspicuously sitting next to her.


I wasn't quite sure what that meant because I still didn't know why they'd gone separate ways but it had apparently been a mutual agreement. The few times I'd attempted to ask she got uncharacteristically upset and said it was complicated so I quit trying.


"I just know," I answered never taking my eyes off her. She shrugged.


"Although you're denying it, I'd say it's rather fitting since you two have been coming out with your relationship…" I cut her off, shocked.


"We have not," I refuted blushing at the idea of such a thought earning me a skeptical look and a raised eyebrow.


"Sure honey, you say that but we've learned to just take it as it comes because first you told us you guys weren't together and we believed you. But then he comes to the table whispers some naughty things in your ear, you turn into a tomato and he invites you to his 'birthday party'. Ever since he's been sitting at our table and now every time you want to ditch us early on weekends you use Chase as an excuse. Plus when Chase calls you're always like, 'hold on you guys I really have to answer this' then you go like five miles away just to answer it where nobody can hear anything. And although you say the phone calls are about the 'party' we know better. We're not stupid, Brooke think about it: what guy invites a girl to a party at his house that no one else has been invited to?" I was shocked but as I looked around the table others were in agreement with her, even Sophie.


"I wasn't-"


"If it had been me I wouldn't have bothered to invite anybody else. Because it's not everyday a guy, who's usually very private, leaves you in charge of his guest list." She teased successively.


I watched appalled as Jen was high-fived by the girl next to her some others cheered on her antics and Max just smirked at her. I opened my mouth to speak but Sophie intervened. She was the only one who gave Jennifer a slightly less than pleased look then sighed.


"The times we've asked you've denied being in a relationship but right after that you act secretive about him and then we end up finding out something else. So now we've come to the point where we understand that you're shy about it so we resigned ourselves to letting it be slowly revealed. We got it, you'll tell us everything when you're ready, until then we'll settle for bits and pieces. So we stopped asking." I was completely shocked that they'd cooked this up.


I couldn't say anything I just looked the acquiescence on the others' faces was more than enough to shut me up. There were no words to accurately describe how much I felt as if someone had pulled a rug from underneath me and I wanted nothing more than to get swallowed up by the floor as well. And the funny thing is they were wrong but like they said they won't listen to anything I have to say.


I closed my mouth, which I hadn't noticed was open before, and sat back in my chair.


Was the embarrassment today unending?


Apparently so. Just then my phone rang, I numbly grabbed it from my purse.


"Excuse me," I said catching myself at the last moment from saying 'I've got to take this'.


I blew out a frustrated breath as I walked out of the cafeteria, and it wasn't even Chase this time. I'd know because I'd assigned him a specific ringtone.




"We're very sorry but we won't be able to do the cake for your party…"



Chapter 6


School was finally over and I had discussed with the people I was giving rides and figured out what time would be convenient for me to get them. I still hadn't seen or heard from Chase all day but I shrugged it off, it's his birthday he can do what he wants. I had other immediate priorities to take care of I could ask him about it at the party if it was really bothering me. I really shouldn't though because that would be intruding on his personal business. I pushed those thoughts to the side and drove home to get ready. Mom and dad I am so sorry… I silently prayed.


I rushed home to talk to my chef about making the birthday cake because at the moment there wasn't one. Although I had ordered one their call during lunch let me know that they suddenly couldn't do it, leaving me with no other real alternative than to make it myself. When I walked in she was still busy, she'd been making food for the party so I didn't want to bother her beyond asking for suggestions. I didn't stay there much longer then to let them know that I was going to the store and my driver went with me.


When I got back home I went inside to take a nap and when I woke up it was four o'clock. I took a shower and dressed before hurrying to make my way to Chase's house. When I got there my chef and her staff, that she worked with in her restaurant, were in the kitchen with the back door open. The DJ was setting up and I offered to help him, he accepted so we were going back and forth from his van to the backyard plugging up his system. When we were done I checked the time and immediately started rushing to my car. I made my route to pick people up when my car was full I went to drop them off at the house and showed them where to go. Then I left and repeated the same thing until everyone was at the party, the last time I came back the party was in full swing. I had my clipboard with me checking off all the people that came from our school as I saw them. I stopped and talked to a couple of groups of people, even introducing some people.


I was as close to everywhere at once as I could get. I was helping to pull out more tables and chairs, checking in with the DJ as well as the kitchen staff, and floating around getting a general feel of how everyone was enjoying the party. I eventually ducked into the kitchen to start the cake only leaving once I'd put it in the oven and set the timer on my phone to remind myself when to come to check on it. It wasn't until I gave myself a second to breathe that I noticed there were beautiful lights strung up from the trees and hanging above our heads all the way to the house. I stood staring at them enchanted for a moment before my attention was called away from it when my friends approached me.


"Hey, nice party you guys planned," Sophie praised.


"You should pat yourself on the back, you did a great job, Brooke," Jennifer told me. I just smiled at them and accepted their gratitude.


"Thank you guys I tried my best," I replied, "by the way don't either of you want to dance?" I questioned them since we were just standing by a tree looking at everyone on the dance floor area enjoying themselves.


"Well Jen kind of put me in these heels and I'm afraid they're only for a fashion statement," Sophie said. I immediately looked down at the shoes in question.


"Oh, those are cute," I gushed.


"Aren't they? And they go really well with her dress," Jennifer piped in.


"Yes, they're perfect together," I agreed still looking at them.


"And that's what I said," Jennifer quipped.


"Yeah well that may be true but they're a little higher than I'm used to so I don't think I'll be dancing tonight," she said.


"Well what about you Jen?" I turned to ask her.


"No one has asked me so I don't have a partner and I don't want to be out there by myself," she answered. I looked out to scout possible candidates and smiled when someone caught my eye.


"Well there's a nice young gentleman here tonight that I'm sure would love to dance with you," I offered turning back to her.


"This 'young gentleman' hasn't asked me yet so until then I'm not," she retorted. I gave up trying to hint because she missed my reference and just decided to be obvious.


"You know Max is here right?" I asked clearing my throat, "you should go talk to him. Look, he's right there," I added pointing him out.


"Oh, that's nice, maybe I will," he looked up at that very moment to see her looking, waved at her with the biggest smile on his face and she waved back smiling as well. I looked between the two then looked to Sophie to see if she knew something I didn't but she just shrugged. Once he turned away we tried to pump her for information but she only gave us cryptic answers so we eventually moved on to another topic. I stayed and talked to them for the rest of the night, going back to check on things but coming back.


I'd gotten back to the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the icing for the cake when I found out I still had batter left and made a last minute decision to make a smaller one just for Chase. After finishing up with the big one I quickly put the rest of the batter in a pan and stuck it in the oven as I had someone bring the other cake outside to put on the table. Once everything was ready I had everyone sing happy birthday to Chase before disappearing back in the kitchen to pull out the cake in the oven as they distributed the other. It was a bit hectic for a while as all the people who wanted a piece made their way to the desert table but it eventually calmed down. I found myself going back and forth trying to finish the cake while also helping at the desert table but when both were done I headed back to my friends. I was stopped along my way by several people inquiring about who made the food because my chef's dishes had apparently became popular among the guests who were surprised to find that it was my personal chef.


Eventually about half an hour past ten o'clock and the party was coming to a close there were a few families lingering behind talking I started helping the DJ pack up. Those in the kitchen were packing up also so I tried to help them as well. After I helped them my phone vibrated when I pulled it out it was Eric, Amanda's boyfriend. Tomorrow we were officially together so when he came to the party we talked a bit and exchanged phone numbers, which I think I was already starting to regret. The message said he wanted to meet, he had something for me which struck me as vague if not a little suspicious. I wondered why he would buy me something, but I shrugged it off. When I went inside the kitchen one last time I saw Chase in the living room just standing there so I went over to tell I was stepping out.


"Chase," I called to get his attention and, for the first time ever, I saw him actually react. He jumped, snapping his body in my direction.


"Yes," he answered and I walked over to him.


"Happy birthday, Chase. It was a pleasure working with you," I spoke as I gave him a hug. We stayed there for a while because he didn't seem to want to let go. I don't know why, but… anyway I just soaked in the feeling. I enjoyed the warmth running through my body making me feel like I was melting into him. Then I remembered how he had thrown me to the wayside and how I wouldn't have a reason to see him again. I felt tears coming to my eyes so I closed them.


"Bye Chase," I told him softly and then I felt his embrace loosen and I stepped back turning to leave.


"You're leaving? I thought you would stay a while…" he seemed to beg softly.


"I'm coming back I'm going to go see Eric, find out what he wants, then I'll come back to help clean up before heading home. I have to see to it that everything is done here before I go home. So I'm not going for good yet…" I told him as I made my way to the door. As I closed the door I almost thought I heard growling just before I closed the door. I shrugged it off as my imagination and went to get into my car.

Chapter 7


Chase's POV


I stood in the doorway admiring my work. I had just finished stringing up all the lights in the backyard. I hope she notices them, better yet I hope she likes it. By the time I took a shower and got ready Brooke's chef and her staff were pulling up. I directed them to the kitchen and they started setting up. I tried to distract my mind by watching TV before people started calling me and texting 'happy birthday' and such.


Before I knew it I was hearing people outside, meaning the party was starting. I went down to greet the guest that had already arrived. Some had said that Brooke dropped them off and she had just left. I tried to seem as if I wasn't affected by the information. I greeted the guests as they came and when Brooke dropped off a group she wouldn't come into the backyard she would just leave to pick up another group. Most people came in their own cars or carpooled with their friends the rest were pack members so they came with their parents. They all eventually came up to me to say happy birthday before going off to socialize with other people.


Soon the backyard was packed, I was happy but I felt like something was missing. I was walking around talking to people when a scent hit my nose, I immediately knew what it was and what it meant, I also had a general idea of who. I searched for her in the crowd until I found her. I approached her, everything seem to go silent until the only thing I could hear was my heart beating. I walked, only focused on her and just when she was within my reach...


"Chase," Amanda stepped in my way and it took all I had not to at least growl at her.


I stood trying to hold myself as my mate walked further and further away, oblivious, and all Amanda wanted to talk about was the swap. I was mad for several reasons by now, I realized that I had made the biggest mistake of my life when I agreed to exchange her for Amanda. Brooke, my mate for Amanda who may or may not have feelings for me but I couldn't care less because I've never had those kinds of feelings for her. The fact that the swap was all she wanted to talk about was salt on my wound. The thought of Brooke with another guy especially that creep, Eric made my blood run cold.


At the time I thought maybe I could see if she would forgive me and call off the whole thing but I didn't get to see her or Amanda for the rest of the night after that. I would see Brooke's head moving quickly in one direction or another but never slowing down so I could make my way over. I searched for her while they sang happy birthday and thought I'd saw her standing at the desert table but she wasn't there when I got there to get my piece of cake. By the time the party was coming to a close I still couldn't find her so I just went inside the house. I stood in the living room thinking about my horrible luck.


So Brooke is my mate but she's human, before I thought it was a problem that she was human, does that change now that I know she's my mate?


Yes, a mate is a mate human or otherwise, my wolf growled.


Before I didn't really want to get involved with her, will I now or do I just…


"Chase," I heard Brooke's voice call me. It immediately caught me unaware and I just snapped my whole body in her direction, she had my full attention.


"Yes," I said eagerly, I hadn't spoken to her all day and I was hungry for her attention. I love her voice.


"Happy birthday, Chase. It was a pleasure working with you," she told me as she hugged me. I can give you pleasure, I started to say but I bit back the words. Instead I enjoyed the feel of her body against mine, I knew she belonged here and somehow I wasn't freaked out by that I loved the idea. I took deep breaths of her scent and I knew my eyes were probably changing colors but I didn't care at the moment. I closed my eyes and just felt, from the sparks that exploded between us to the overwhelming sense of completeness, rightness. "Bye Chase," she said softly sounding as if she were about to cry and it shocked me. In my shock I loosened my grip on her and she stepped out of my arms.


"You're leaving? I thought you would stay a while…," I whined, begging, hoping that she isn't leaving and if so that she's coming back.


"I'm going to see Eric…," she said and although she was speaking I couldn't get past that part and just let the words flow over my head.


She chose him over me, as she closed the door I growled but she still left and I sank down on my couch in despair.


I felt defeated, I eventually dragged myself off the couch after I don't know how long and slowly made my way to my bedroom. I stood by the window and looked out as I pull my tie off. I had started to unbutton my shirt when I happened to remember the people in the backyard, listening in I quickly realized they weren't there. All of Brooke's staff must have left also after I'd insisted on paying them. Although they claimed it was okay since they'd come back from an extended paid vacation but I didn't want to take advantage of them. I rolled up my sleeves and begrudgingly went down to clean up. I had just made it to the backyard with a trash bag to collect all of the trash that hadn't already been thrown away. Suddenly I heard a car pull up and a minute later Brooke emerged into the backyard.


"You're back," I stuttered out shocked.


"Yeah, I said I was coming back. Or did you not hear that part?" she joked, I offered her a weak smile. I really hadn't been paying attention to what she said after she mention going to see Eric.


"No," I answered honestly, she shook her head at me.


"Ye old boyfriend who doesn't listen that's why you're an ex," she said. She pinched my cheek and patted it before starting to pick up trash and put it in the bag I was holding.


"Brooke, I'm sorry," I told her as I walked up beside her and started picking up trash.


"For what?" she looked over at me with her eyebrows knitted together.


"For involving you in all of this Amanda and Eric business, you have every right to be mad at me and I don't really even know why I agreed to it. I feel bad and I-," I didn't get to finish. I couldn't look at her reaction, she was probably getting mad all over again and she probably was going to give me an earful, I thought I was ready for it. I just wasn't ready for how she actually reacted. She reached up and grabbed my face, turning my face to look down at her.


"I'm not mad at you, if you feel bad about it already then that's enough, let's just get on with it and get it over with. It's one month," I don't think she realized it but she had started stroking her thumbs up and down my cheek. I didn't say anything because if felt good and I enjoyed it, if I pointed it out to her she would have stopped.


"I bet you can't get through this whole thing without you guys kissing," I only brought it up so she would take the bait and they wouldn't do it. If she bet me on it I know she wouldn't.


"Oh really?" she put her hands on her hips and cocked her eyebrow. I knew she would take the bait.


"Yeah," I egged her on.


"Alright its a bet, same goes for you," she poked my chest.


"Your on," I told her.


"And if you guys kiss, I get to kiss you," she inserted surprising me. I smiled.


"Same goes for you guys," I said only happy about us talking about kissing each other. I looked at her full pink lips and I knew she was looking at my lips too. I started leaning in to capture her lips, which were calling out to mine.


"Well let's get back to work, it's getting kind of late," she suggested. She bent down to pick something up and it slipped from her fingers so she had to stay down with her butt in the air for a while longer and I couldn't stop myself from looking.


"You can stay over if you want…," I mumbled slightly distracted.


"Are you staring at my… gluteus maximus?" she giggled.


"Maybe I am," I said vaguely, still staring, smiling as she got up and put the forlorn napkin in the trash before pinching my cheek again.


"Ye old boyfriend with faithful eyes," we both laughed and continued on cleaning. We passed the time with light banter before we finished.


"So I heard that you made the cake," I said and she smiled up me.


"Yes, I did, the bakery cancelled on me today so it was kind of a last minute thing and I ended up using your kitchen I hope that wasn't a problem," she elaborated.


"Not at all. In fact everybody loved it, if it wasn't that I got the first piece because today's my birthday I don't think I would have gotten one," I laughed.


"That's good because I wasn't sure how it turned out because I didn't get a chance to taste it," she admitted bashfully.


"Well it's a good thing that I stole a piece for you then," I told her watching her reaction.


"Really? You didn't have to do that-" she started but I cut her off.


"I figured you probably wouldn't get one because you'd been running around throughout the whole party and by then you disappeared somewhere so I thought to save you one so you could eat it later," I admitted.


"Thanks, Chase," she smiled gratefully and gave me a hug before I ran into the house to grab it.


"By the way I made a second cake for you," she said once she'd taken the plate and fork I handed her.


"You did?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise.


"Yeah, I left it in your refrigerator," she said once she'd swallowed her first bite. I fist pumped triumphantly to which she smirked and went back to eating her cake. We talked for a while more before I walked her to her car and said goodbye.

Chapter 8

Brooke's POV


We'd been leisurely talking even though it really was getting late and I needed to get home neither of us seemed to want me to which somehow didn't bother me. Once I finished my cake and put it in our trash bag he tied it. He put it with the others and walked me to my car, I'm not quite sure what it was but I just didn't want to go home yet. Suddenly something came to my mind and I cast a last look at the backyard before looking at him.


"By the way I like the last minute touch, it added a nice almost surreal glow to everything. It gave everything such a magical touch just looking at it when you got a moment it'd take your breath away," I said dreamily before blushing, realizing that I was probably getting too carried away.


You've got to get a hold on that.


He had a soft smile on his face as he looked down at me, it made him look like he knew a secret that I didn't. I was puzzled by it but didn't ask because I wasn't sure if he would tell me. He seemed content to keep it to himself so I decided to stick to the rule and not pry.


"I was hoping you'd like it," he encouraged my run away romantic ramblings.


"Oh, I loved it," I emphasized, "it was perfect. I almost missed it and when l realized they were up there I was speechless. And it just added to the mood so well. You said you didn't want to put up decorations but see it wasn't that bad, now was it?" I nudged him teasing.


"Actually it was, it looks good after but it's pretty hard getting those up there," he started to complain.


"Okay now you're just trying to get sympathy. And what am I supposed to respond: 'poor Chase'," I'd laid my hand on his chest in a comforting manner but soon started laughing.


"Hey, I did all of it by myself so I think I'm entitled to complain at least a little," he justified once we'd stopped laughing. I shrugged smirking.


"And what do you think I should give you for it? A cookie? I already baked you a cake..." I joked. I wasn't sure if he would reply because he just stared at me with that secret smile and content expression again.


"You don't have to do anything special I'm just glad you like it," he eventually said quietly. "I'm sorry that I missed school though, I woke up late then decided to do the lights and I thought it'd be okay but a couple people were messing with me about missing an announcement that you made..." at the reminder of that embarrassing moment this morning I blushed again. Some of them just couldn't let it go could they? The worst part was I actually had nothing to do with it.


"It was nothing don't worry about it," I tried to brush it off but he wasn't going to let it slide just yet.


"...I mean did you propose to me, or something like that, in the announcement?" he asked scratching his head and I choked on my own spit. "Sorry it's just nobody would tell me what exactly you said so I thought I'd ask in case it was something I had to respond to," he stepped closer patting my back.


"Thanks. I don't know what to say, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I didn't," I finally stammered out recovering.


"Well given the seemingly fast pace of your seduction if everything had continued at that rate I say we'd probably be at least almost married by now so the timing wouldn't be off, right?" he commented making me choke again but luckily his hand was still there. "Water?" I was choking on nothing if he brought me something to drink I'd probably die if he didn't stop.


"Can we not do this? Let's stop because you apparently just want to see me squirm," I told him as much as myself and tried to calm down, "And seduction? I didn't seduce you."


"Hey you are the seducer here so what do you mean 'let's stop' it's either you want me or you don't," he grinned wolfishly, "you made it quite clear that you wanted me since the beginning, Brooke. You might not have completed your seduction but you were definitely seducing me and you haven't heard me complaining about it." I was blushing profusely and I was too aware of his hand still on my back.


Why is everyone doing this to me today?!




"Goodnight, Brooke," I saluted.


"Night Chase, I'll see you tomorrow," she replied opening her car door.


"Alright, text me when you get home," I said and kissed her on the cheek just as she was turning to get in her car. She turned back a little confused as if realizing, at the same time as I was, that had she not been turning away I would have kissed her on the lips but then she got in her car and left without saying a word…




I couldn't stop my heart from pounding all the way home. I couldn't stop replaying in my mind how he'd almost kissed me. If I'd known what he was going to do I would have waited for it and thrown the forget Chase plan out the window, at least for a second. I tried to process our conversation, he was poking fun at me toward the later half of it but does he really want me? I was so distracted that I'm not sure how I made it but when I got back home I texted Chase to let him know that I had although not really expecting a reply.


Just made it home thanks for a nice night with such a magical touch




After I pressed send I got ready for bed but when I came back I saw that he had sent me a picture of me standing in his backyard under the lighting. I hadn't noticed when he had taken the picture and I wasn't looking at the camera when he took it either. It was a surreal looking photo that made me look angelic almost, I smiled down at it curious as to when he'd taken it. Under the picture was the caption:


Magical touch indeed


Thanks for everything.


- Chase

Chapter 9

Monday came and Eric had been trying to talk to me all weekend about what we were going to do but I didn't feel like discussing it so I ignored him. As I was walking into the building he ran to catch up with me.


"Brooke," he called out to me as he did.


We walked into the building and I went to my locker, he stayed with me the entire time. This whole time I didn't see Chase once but I shrugged it off even though it obviously bothered me more that I wanted to admit. Eric stayed with me but I was wondering where Chase was. Eric was telling me that he was new and he needed me to show him around. I only really did it in an attempt to distract my mind, but when we got into the classroom Chase was there. I immediately looked to where his seat was and he was there looking at the door, and like that our eyes met.


"Brooke," I heard Jennifer's voice behind me, which snapped me out of it.


"Yes?" I turned around.


"You're blocking the doorway," I immediately blushed and put my head down letting my hair cover my face.


"I am so sorry," I apologized, moving out of the way.


I heard a snort and snickering behind me, when I turned back around I gave a playful glare to the owner of the snickering. He offered me one of his dazzling smiles trying to smooth over the situation and I smiled back at him as I went to my seat. The bell rang and class started, looking on my desk I noticed something I hadn't before, a note. Opening the note it read:


I know that you and Chase weren't really going out before this, so I want to help you. I can help you to really get his attention and know if he really likes you.


A cold shiver crept up my spine as I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at Eric he was looking straight ahead. He knew I was looking at him but he insisted on playing like he didn't realize so I didn't say anything. When class ended and we were going to our next class that's when he brought up the subject.


"So I was thinking if you and I are on the same page we can start with my plan."


"And what exactly would that consist of?" I inquired, a bit afraid of the answer as I eyed him warily. I didn't know Eric and I wasn't sure if I trusted him enough to expose the details of my love life with him. Especially when I didn't see us being friends after this mostly because something about him made me suspicious.


"Well the best way is making him jealous," he stated, "aren't you curious? Don't you want to know?" he added when I didn't answer immediately.


"I guess," was all I halfheartedly replied as I continued walking pass him since he had stopped in the middle of the hallway to stare at me.


"You have got to be kidding. Why do you sound as if you don't even care? You're not dying to know?" he asked shocked by my almost uninterested reaction.


Truly I would love to know, I'm just not sure I want it to be because of Eric. Okay, I do really want to know but honestly I really don't want him to be there when I find out, period. With the way things seemed to be going with Chase I figured I could find out by myself.


"I've started to make plans for a double date..." he started yapping away and I didn't even attempt to pay attention.


I headed to our next class while ignoring him, although he didn't seem to notice because he was so deeply engrossed in a verbal war over his plans. When we got into the classroom he was still going on and I didn't mind letting him talk to himself as I sat down in my normal seat. Gladly class started and there was a reason for him to shut up but then our teacher had us pair off into groups of two to do an in-class assignment. Eric quickly and eagerly picked me.


"So I know that maybe you don't really know me all that well and you're skeptical of my motives for helping but all I ask is for you to give me a chance," was the first thing he said when I turned in his direction. I just stared at him.


Can't we just get our assignment done?


"I guess," I offered nonchalantly so he would drop it. After that school went by as normally as it could because thankfully he didn't press the subject again for that day…


Although Eric and I had a bit of a rough start, over the course of the next week I eventually warmed up to him, in a way. He eventually got me to reluctantly ceded to his idea of playing lovers. I had walked into school and as soon as I started on my way from my locker to my first period Eric fell into step with me.


"Good morning, Brooke," he greeted and I offered him a similar greeting. Somehow knowing that I would look for Chase as soon as I stepped in the door, Eric started mouthing something and my eyebrows knitted themselves together as I started trying to read his lips, perplexed. Obviously distracted I walked through the door before I realized and Eric immediately waved me off when my face continued to knot in confusion. Still thoroughly confused I just sat down without thinking much about looking back at Chase. He continued like this distracting me whenever he felt that I would pay attention to Chase.


Finally by lunch time I had caught on to his ploy and confronted him. He had tried to just laugh it off.


"Well Brooke you have caught me but I must assure you that I mean no harm," he'd said. That was only the catalyst he needed and he began to again tell me about his plan. This time he'd been more careful in picking his words so I would accept. As soon as I agreed he pounced on me, that is how I ended up on a Saturday, when I would normally be with my friends, on a double date with Amanda, Chase, and Eric.


I sighed for what felt like the millionth time today as I got out my car and approached the three of them. None of them had spotted me yet and I started to wonder if it was too late to head back home. As I was contemplating the excuse I would give them for my absence Chase turned around around at that moment and noticed me. With an inviting smile he started walking my way.


"Come on, it won't be that bad," he teased as he came to stand in front of me.


"I never particularly said that it would be," I argued.


"But you look like you're going to the slaughter," he pointed out. "It's only a little hiking and some bird watching," he added when I didn't say anything.


"Well I'm already here and it's not like I can escape now," I mumbled averting my eyes.


"That's the spirit! Let's be off then," he led me to Eric and Amanda. I passed him a look when the two weren't looking and he grinned conspiratorially letting me know that he didn't want to be on this double date either. Conversation was somewhat boring and the atmosphere was rather awkward so I was glad when we took a break. Sometime later Amanda nearly chewed my head off for 'looking like' I was about to pull my phone when someone texted me. Chase helped me up when she angrily decided our time was up even though we'd only spent two minutes out of what was supposed to be a five minute break.


"Pay her no mind she just gets really into stuff like this," Chase whispered in my ear when she had stomped off in a huff still bothered.


"Whose idea was this hers or Eric's?" I asked. "Because it clearly wasn't mine. I didn't even know what we were doing until today. And who put her in charge?"


"I'm not sure I originally thought Eric planned it but the whole outdoors-physical exercise thing is right up her alley and by the way she's acting I think it was Amanda," he answered.


"I bet the two of them put this together to make us suffer," I accused. He threw his head back laughing.


"We don't want to assume the worst here so let's try to get into it and have fun," he finally answered diplomatically.


"You don't want to because they're your friends but I'm free to assume whatever I want to," I retorted walking passed him to catch up with the other two and he just followed chuckling. Later on I found myself standing in the woods sighing, again, while I asked myself why I was here. I wasn't sure how it'd happened but I'd gotten separated from the group and was now lost.

Chapter 10

"Although we're supposed to be hiking trails and bird watching the main point of a date is to get to know someone better but you can't do that if the person you're trying to get closer to disappears," I heard Chase's voice approaching me from behind.


"Sorry, I wasn't trying to escape I just got lost," I replied turning around to face him.


"Ah, a lost maiden, then I'll be your guide," he smile his eyes twinkling teasingly.


"Do you know where you're going?" I inquired as he started walking.


"I know enough," he responded vaguely, "we've already veered off the trail and gotten away from Amanda and Eric so they wouldn't know if we really completed the trail or not. Since they don't know where we are, now would be the perfect opportunity you've been waiting on to leave and going this way I can get us back to the park where our cars are without going back on the trail," he explained when I gave him a questioning look. Satisfied I didn't say anything more as a comfortable silence lulled between us.


"I want to apologize," I suddenly confessed breaking the silence.


"Oh? What for?" he asked surprised but interested.


"For bothering you since school started and, in general, for being crazy," I explained.


"You don't have to apologize, I quite like your crazy," he laughed. Suddenly Chase grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, caught off guard I held onto him. When I was steady I looked down at the hole I'd been stepping into. "You okay now?"


"Yes, thanks," realizing that I still had my arms around him I let him go. "Sorry."


"It's alright, I'll keep a hold of you so you won't fall," he said.


"But if you trip we're both going down together," I joked. I knew we probably shouldn't be doing this out of respect to our "partners" but I couldn't help enjoying his arm being around my waist. If we were in serious relationships this would've been a no-no and even though we actually weren't we should at least be faithful, right?


"You'll just have to trust me and take a chance then," he replied smiling down at me.


"Okay," I answered. The mischief in his eyes spoke of more than just our current position. I got the feeling that he wanted to kiss me and if he did I knew I'd let him.


"So what prompted your change of heart? Eric giving you trouble?" he asked with a knowing smile. I laughed at his spot on recognition.


"After the first day I felt so bad about what I did to you," I confided. "He really annoys me sometimes because he just goes on and on. I couldn't help thinking that you probably wanted to lay hands on me."


"Well for the record I always want to lay my hands on you," he commented suggestively checking me out in an obvious manner to further his point.


"I can't believe you twisted my words like that," shaking my head.


"You left yourself wide open," he stated unapologetically with a shrug.


"At least you don't have it as bad, you've got your best friend, so of course you can laugh at me," I accused.


"We might be friends but I never said I wanted to date her," he countered, "I would say it has the potential to be as bad as your situation just in a different way, if not worse. I can't have her expecting something after this, you know?"


"Yeah, you have a point," I agreed. I shouldn't be expecting anything after this either.


"You can get away from Eric when this is over but I still have to deal with Amanda after this and it would be a problem if she took this whole thing the wrong way. If she's still thinking that we should be together it'd cause trouble when I'm really trying to woo someone else," he cleared his throat. I eyed him suspiciously. And just who was he talking about?


"Somehow I don't see you ever having to "woo" a girl, they're typically already falling over themselves for you," I commented.


"Well I think I'm going to have to work a bit to get this girl back in my corner after the month is over. She didn't really seem to take it well and she might not talk to me anymore after this-"


"Then why did you do it?" I asked.


"I was trying to make her jealous," he confided sheepishly, "but now I'm pretty sure without some ingenuity I'll be friend-zoned."


"You just need to come clean and be honest with her next time," I admonished as we'd stopped walking. For a moment he didn't say anything or move he simply watched me with such an intense look my heartbeat sped up.


"The problem is that I always want to tell her now rather than later. The only thing that's stopped me thus far is I don't want to "cheat", at least for the sake of appearances, but I can't help feeling like everyday that I don't say anything and I act as I did before she's slipping that much further away," he took a step closer, unnerved I involuntarily stepped back.


"Just get closer to her- oh!" Since we'd stopped walking he was only holding me loosely so when I found myself losing my footing again my arm immediately reached out for Chase for help. Unprepared for my suddenly yanking him forward we both stumbled, as I hoped he wouldn't fall on me, until my back hit a tree bringing us even closer than before. We both exhaled at the same time, I looked up at Chase expecting some smart retort only to realize that his face was less than an inch away from mine.


"You okay?" I nodded slightly, very aware of one his hands at my waist and the other next to my head. I was trapped and he didn't seem like he planned on moving away anytime soon but I wasn't in a rush to get away either. "And here you were worried about me yet it was you who tried to pull me down with you," he smiled and I had to laughed, "plus-"


"I know what you're about to say, okay, so stop it," I cut him off because I knew his smart aleck comeback was on it's way, I could feel it.


"Well I have to know: is this close enough? Or..." he trailed off as he pressed his body closer.


"You just couldn't help yourself could you?" I accused.


"With you? Never. Why should I hold back? You said get closer didn't you? Now that you've said that I definitely can't hold back anymore."


"You... What am I going to do with you?"


"Anything you want. If you don't know I have some ideas we can try," he offered.


He had that I-want-to-kiss-you look in his eye again and just as I opened my mouth to question him I heard Eric and Amanda yelling in our direction.


"There you guys are, you're okay right?," called one.


"Come on we should start heading back," said the other when we moved apart and began toward them.


I kept my head down to hide my red face and I was careful with my steps so Chase didn't have to reach out for me again. Neither Amanda or Eric inquired into what we'd been doing so Chase and I kept silent for the rest of the walk to our cars. They were all getting into their cars and leaving when I realized that I'd locked my keys inside my car.


"You okay? I thought you'd be the first one to run off," Chase joked from somewhere behind me, making me turn around.


"I actually locked my keys in my car," I admitted with a sigh.


"Do you need to call a locksmith or do you have a spare?" he asked with concern.


"Yes, I have a spare but it's at my house could you drive me home so I can get it?"


"Sure but let's stop somewhere to get something to eat too," he suggested.


"Why not," I agreed.


Even though it had started on a dreary note the day turned out well. As we laughed and talked it felt like we were on a date even though he was only taking me to get a spare key from my house. We had an impromptu food break where we went to a little cafe and had lunch before heading to get my keys. Chase had already been to my house before when he returned the dish I'd put his personal birthday cake in and a few other things I left at his house. Since he remembered the way we were able to talk all the way there and back to my car. Despite the unfortunate circumstances I actually had more fun then on the planned group date.

Chapter 11

Over the next few days Eric made efforts to let me know that he didn't expect what had happened on the double date and he wasn't aligning himself with Amanda. Through all of this I felt he was trying really hard to get back in my good graces so after I told him I didn't care about it anymore he went back to cooking up his 'plans' again.


Chase and I had been talking a lot more via text messages which Eric didn't know about and I never planned to tell him. We've become friends although we do flirt a little but that's as far as it goes because I'm not quite sure what I want to do with him now. I decided to go with the flow and see where it all goes but I'm willing to be content if we just stay friends. Considering the mixed feelings I've gotten from Chase I've come to think it's possibly because he might not know what he wants so I'm more inclined to wait until I'm sure the dust has settled. He seems more interested in me but I couldn't be sure if I'm only seeing what I want to or if it's just that way because we're friends now.


As the days passed by and Eric and I fell into a routine of acting out his 'plans' Chase couldn't get over the fact that I seemed to be content with the current arrangement. He'd mentioned that looking at it from an outside perspective my relationship with Eric seemed 'so awesome', although in my mind I knew it was far from that. I didn't say too much in response because according to Eric I was supposed to give Chase the impression that I was starting to actually like Eric. I didn't try to sell that narrative to Chase too much and if it came up I changed the topic after a comment or two.


Honestly I didn't care to be friends with Eric when this was all over but I was determined to be friendly towards him because he hadn't shown himself to be a bad person so far. Although I hadn't seen that he had any ill will toward me there was always something that I couldn't quite put my finger on that made me wary of him. I wasn't sure if those initial negative feelings about him had any grounds so I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and put aside my personal feelings and honestly get to know him a little. I had no reason to dislike him especially when according to him and what I've seen so far he was only trying to help me. So despite however I actually felt I always made my best effort to be nice to him because I know I'm biased where he's concerned and I'd be more inclined to be rude to him without thinking about it.


Even with this decision I'm reluctant to go along with his schemes but since Eric can be really clingy and he's shown me that telling him 'no' won't work, meaning he will not go away until I agree, I don't want to be miserable so I find myself giving in. Although I don't care for his help he can be somewhat helpful at times the rest of the time he alternated between being annoying or acting like an absolute creep. At those times I'd grin and bear it, ignoring how I really felt about it, looking on the bright side figuring that's how he was so he didn't mean anything by it.


He was constantly coming to me with some new 'plan' but nothing usually ever happens while Eric is watching, even when I follow his wishes exactly. While Chase and I have gotten closer it's only whenever Eric isn't around which are forever in my memory as some of the best moments of my normally boring life, well at least until Eric conveniently comes back. It seems like the most memorable things happen when Eric's 'plans' don't go according to plan.


As I have gotten to know Chase I've also gotten to know Eric as well mostly because he pretty much stays by my side for almost every moment of school. I try to be optimistic about it because although he is always there he'll typically leave me alone if I give him some attention and acquiesce to his plans for that day. I try not to let it bother me so much because it'd seem a bit hypocritical since I practically used to do the same thing to Chase. I thought over all of these things on my drive to school on Friday. As soon as I turn off my car Eric is there opening my door for me.


"Thanks," I say as I get out before reaching back in to retrieve my backpack and purse. After locking my car he grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him to my locker.


"So I was thinking that maybe we could do something different," he spoke as I put my backpack in my locker and grabbed my tablet and binder. I raised an eyebrow in question.


"And what is it that you have in mind?" I inquired closing my locker. He took my hand in his and pulled it to his lips before kissing it.


"That my dear is a secret," I shivered, he lowered my hand grinning thinking that I liked it. Before I could catch myself I had frowned at him and crossed my arms when he pulled me towards him suddenly.


He had a predatory look in his eyes that make me want to shiver again and cringe away from him. These are the times when I find him rather creepy but I figure that's just how Eric is because he can't be attempting to flirt with me since he's supposed to be helping me get with Chase. It's moments like these when I unconsciously tend to do things to reinforce the fact that I don't like him romantically which should be implied in our situation. Thus normally I try to regulate my otherwise unnecessarily strong and excessive response of 'I don't like you' that I have whenever he does anything.


"Tell me," I pretended to pout in order to cover it up. I leaned against the lockers to put space between us and he, never one to give up, placed his hands on my hips. "What are you doing?" still grinning he started leaning in slowly and I thought he was going to kiss me. I could feel his breath fanning my face as every fiber of my being was rejecting this notion and I couldn't be sure if I my expression didn't match my sentiments.


"Alright, I'll tell you," he whispered in my ear. I held my breath waiting for him to just say it and hoping he didn't get any closer, "I think we should…" he then pulled away without finishing his sentence.


My face was probably red from holding my breath but after letting it out I quickly drew in another. Before he could run off without telling me I grabbed a hold of his shirt. I was getting a bit annoyed that he seemed intent on playing some kind of game instead of saying whatever it was he was thinking but I was stilling trying to be nice to him so I could get through the rest of the month.


"C'mon finish," I said getting annoyed before trying to correct my tone, "please," I added trying not to snap at him. "What is it?" I insisted when he wouldn't respond. Why wouldn't he just tell me? He smiled, flicking a glance over my shoulder, I was starting to get a bad feeling about this.


"Later, I promise," he then grabbed my wrist and pulled me to class.


Once in the classroom I noticed Chase wasn't there yet I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind and focus on figuring out what was up with Eric. I sat at my normal seat pulling out a pencil when Chase walked in, as I looked up I noticed him and smiled. Something was wrong, he didn't reciprocate the smile, and it wasn't difficult to figure out why when as he got closer I could feel the anger rolling off his body in waves.


His facial features were controlled so he didn't look upset but fury burned in his eyes. His eyes narrowed slightly when they fell upon Eric however his gaze never came my way and he just walked passed me going to his seat but didn't look at me once. As class went on I felt his eyes burning into the back of my head, this continued throughout the day as Eric even tried to distract me from focusing on it. Through this I eventually realized that what Eric was scheming had something to do with why Chase was mad at the both of us but it was clear that I wasn't going to get any information from Eric. By the time lunch came I couldn't sit still and I wanted answers before I exploded from not knowing. As soon as I spotted Chase leaving the cafeteria I went to him.


"Chase," I called out to him once in the hallway. He continued walking, that was all I needed before I snapped and I started running to catch up to him. Once I was close enough I grabbed a hold of his arm, yanking him backwards and pulled him into a nearby wall. "You mind telling me what the problem is?" I demanded.


He, clearly caught off guard, opened his mouth and closed it before finally reopening it to answer but I could tell he was planning on lying to me.


"And don't even try to lie. I want you to tell me the truth, I expect it, and I won't accept any less," I spoke as I stepped back and crossed my arms. "Come on, I'm waiting," I told him when he didn't answer right away.


He and Eric had been acting weird but I refused to let them both leave me in the dark any longer the moment I realize that I was the only one who didn't know what was going on. Suddenly before I could register what happened I'd switched positions with Chase and he crushed his lips to mine. I was so shocked that I didn't respond at first but I eventually closed my eyes and kissed him back. I opened my mouth for him and without the slightest hesitation his tongue came in ready to explore. He deepened the kiss and although I felt as if I would burst from the sparks that shot through my body I found myself wanting more. I was confused by these feelings that I had never felt before but were somehow clear to me, building up inside me they hit me full force to where I couldn't tell when it started or if I always had them. It seemed that I couldn't get close enough to him, between me clinging on to him for dear life and probably not being able to kiss him enough I wasn't even sure what I wanted more of, him or the kiss. My hands were everywhere but eventually found their way into his hair as Chase held me tight against him. We stood there making out in the hallway and I enjoyed it while it lasted. When we pulled away to catch our breath the heat in his gaze wasn't anger, not anymore.


"That's everything you need to know," he whispered to me softly.


I was so dazed that I could only watch as Chase walked down the hall. I tried to calm down so that I could process what had just occurred. Once the fog started to clear in my head I started to wonder why he would kiss me but then I remembered the promise we made: A kiss for a kiss. The only explanation had to have been the deal.


So he must have thought Eric and I kissed? But when? It took me a few seconds before it donned on me how the incident from this morning would have looked given the right angle and distance. From Eric's smugness afterwards and diversion tactics whenever I tried to ask he must have known. Was this supposed to be his 'plan'? If this was his way of helping then he needed to know that I didn't want him making a habit of doing things like this without me knowing again.


Could this really be the only meaning? Why was he so mad? Could this mean that the dust has settled? I always thought he didn't like me that way yet, or so I hoped. But if that was the case would he really have gotten so mad about this? Which makes me think he definitely had to have feelings for me whether he knew it or not. I'd started to think he was confused mostly since his actions first began to seem slightly interested but I just couldn't tell because his moments of interest would be followed up by inconsistent actions. Although I'd been trying to tell myself that he was confused, recently he didn't seem that way anymore. Each encounter with him gave me less and less reason to doubt him not to mention the overwhelmingly strong feelings that I'd just felt made it hard to believe that he was confused. It made me wonder why he hadn't said anything to me about it before or even just now. By walking away perhaps he wanted me to ignore what it really meant for him or he didn't expect me to focus on that part at all; except, I had. In any case, whatever his reason, there was no way I could ignore the feelings I'd just felt…

Chapter 12

Since I'd gotten the information I needed from Chase I confronted Eric, who tried to laugh it off. When that didn't work he opted for distraction by telling me that he'd planned another double date for all of us. After the first one I wasn't thrilled about going on a second, not to mention he was bringing this up at the last minute. He must have noticed my reluctance so he explained that it was a simple picnic. He tried covincing me by saying we were only eating so we didn't have to be together that long and it didn't have to be like the last time. I eventually agreed to go but I was rather annoyed that he tried to spring this on me. I didn't see Chase for the rest of the day after what happened which I mostly expected but when he didn't text me like he usually did I figured he was probably avoiding me. That night I text him but I didn't get a response so the next morning I called him on my way out.


"Hey have you left yet?" I asked when he picked up.


"Not yet," he answered as I heard rustling in the background.


"Oh good, I'm on my way over," I said.


"Okay," I could hear him chuckling, "well the front door is open for you so when you get here come on in," he told me before we hung up.


When I walked into his house Chase was coming down the stairs. I raised an eyebrow at him as I eyeballed his t-shirt and jeans.


"Did you start getting ready when I called you?"


"Was I that obvious?" he laughed.


"A little too obvious," I joined in on the laughter.


"Something smells good," he joked as he got closer. "What's in that basket you've got there, little miss red riding hood?" I smiled at his reference to the red hoodie I was wearing.


"Then I guess you must be the big bad wolf," I joked.


"In the flesh," he replied humoring me, as he spoke something shifted in his eyes.


Even though we were just joking around, for a moment I almost believed him as I could have sworn I saw his eyes change colors. I smiled and shook my head, but that can't be possible, right?


"I brought a few sandwiches because I wasn't sure if we were supposed to bring our own food or if each of us was supposed to bring something I was only told yesterday. It honestly didn't occur to me until later but since people don't answer text messages I was left not knowing."


"Well I'm not the coordinator of this particular operation but I'm glad that you came over so we can be confused together," he responded with a sarcastic grin.


"I know that, that's why I texted Eric but he also ignored my text," I explained, "I think I'm starting to see why you guys are friends."




"We're actually not as close as you think. I'm about as much of a friend to Eric as you are," I explained to Brooke.


As the current beta's son pack law dictated that he was going to be the next beta when I became alpha. Since we would have to work together in the future we were forced to be around each other but outside of that I didn't hang out with him much and rarely talked to him.


"Seeing as they didn't ask us to bring anything you wouldn't mind if some of those went toward abating my hunger and didn't quite make it to the picnic, maybe even say… the whole basket," I suggested hoping she would conveniently leave it at my house.


"Somehow, I think you can wait until we get there and since there will be nothing to look forward to we can at least try to use them to help us get through it," she reasoned aloud. "Plus how do I know you won't bail on me after you get your hands on the sandwiches?"


"Those sandwiches aren't the only thing I'd like to get my hands on, little red, trust me..." I inserted quietly, chuckling.

"Although I will say the last thing we need is for you to get hungry and start devouring people," she continued, if she'd heard me she chose not to respond.


"Even if I wasn't I'd still want to have you though," I said casually.


"Well, I doubt anyone will get in the way of your hunger, least of all me," she laughed. "If you don't get to have your fill at the picnic when we get back we can figure something out, okay?"


"Deal," I smirked thinking of other ways her offer could be applied. "But anyway since you're bringing something to eat I'll bring drinks to make it even," I told her as I turned toward my kitchen.


After putting some drinks in a cooler and checking the time I headed to the living room where Brooke was.


"We should head out now because I need to get ice," I announced.


When we got outside I went to put the cooler in my trunk and I was half surprised that Brooke decided to ride with me instead of driving herself.


"I hope you got the good stuff," she commented as I started the ignition.


"Well I wouldn't worry about that I'd say the proportions are heavily in our favor," I said. "I'm happy that you liked my driving so much that you would want my services again so soon but somehow I can't help thinking that there's another reason here besides my stellar driving skills and my company," she laughed shaking her head.


"Well we need to talk but we can do that later," she answered vaguely.


"I'm in trouble?" I asked surprised. She slowly smiled at me.


"Maybe," was her only response.


After that I stopped at a gas station for ice and luckily when we arrived at the park for the picnic Eric and Amanda didn't notice that we'd come together or I'm sure someone would have said something and it wouldn't have ended well. We got settled at the table with little fuss and somehow I ended up sitting next to Brooke which I was far from complaining about. It was a good thing Brooke and I brought what we had because Eric and Amanda didn't have very much. I mostly ate the sandwiches that Brooke made and didn't add anything to the conversation at first but I eventually found myself trying to help her restrain herself from making faces at Amanda for some of her wayward commentary. Overall the picnic wasn't very eventful and Amanda certainly wasn't making any great strides toward becoming friends with Brooke with all of the hostility in the air. Although I doubt we would have stayed there much longer I still felt as if we'd been saved when I saw Brooke's two best friends, Jennifer and Sophie, headed our way with the rest of the crew in tow.


"Well look what we have here," Jennifer commented, "you don't mind if we join you, right?"


"Of course not you guys are welcome to the drinks in the cooler and there are some sandwi-"


"Oh don't mind if I do," Max suddenly stepped from behind Jennifer then between Amanda and Eric just to grab the basket before carrying it away to the next picnic table. Some of the group followed and they started dividing it amongst themselves.


"Well I think Soph and I will just sit here with you guys," Jennifer announced to no one in particular. "Thanks Chase you are so thoughtful," she continued as she swiped the sandwich I was about to eat out of my hands.


"You're welcome," I smiled, deciding to let it go since I still had another one on my plate.


"Soph, you want one?" she asked picking up my plate and handing it to Sophie who had sat down next to Brooke.


I opened my mouth to protest as she settled herself by me but just at that moment I got an idea and turned to Brooke.


"I'm sorry for taking your food, Chase," Sophie apologized.


"Don't worry about it. You're more than welcome to it, I'm sure I can figure something out when I get home," I responded winking at Brooke, who blushed and averted her eyes.


After everyone had their fill conversation started swirling and people were trying to talk to us from the next table, before I knew it we were standing in two groups. Amanda and Eric were in one group but I managed to sneak into the other with Brooke without them noticing.


"So Brooke I didn't see your car…" I heard someone address Brooke.


"Yeah, I didn't bring it," she answered vaguely.


It wasn't long after that Brooke backed up into me, not knowing I was there. Without thinking about it I'd reached out and grabbed her by the waist to keep her steady so she wouldn't fall.


"Oh! I'm sorry," she apologized, turning her head around to see who she'd bumped into.


"Clumsy, clumsy you're starting to make a habit of this," I whispered teasingly, pressing my lips against her ear. I'd said it so low that at first I wasn't sure she'd heard me until I saw her smile.


"You've just caught me at two bad moments, that's all," she turned to tell me in a similarly hushed tone.


"Two? Even yesterday your footing was so bad it didn't take much to throw you off balance and pin you up against a wall," I clicked my tongue at her. "That's three strikes Brooke," she immediately blushed at the mention of yesterday.


"I can't believe you would bring that up right now," she whisper yelled at me. When I started laughing she elbowed me playfully. Someone asked her a question and she easily inserted herself back into the conversation. We stood around talking for a while longer before they decided to head to the beach.


"So we were planning on going to the beach you guys should come with us," Jennifer invited both Brooke and I.


"Sorry, I already have other plans," I replied.


"I can't either," she declined quickly, glancing at me.


"Come on you can ride with us and we can bring you home. You rode with someone else right?"


"Yes but I still can't," she answered.


Jennifer seemed suspicious and Sophie looked confused but they didn't say anymore. Brooke and I stayed there with her friends while everyone else was starting to head for their cars. After collecting her basket we said our goodbyes leaving just as Max approached Jennifer.


"Hey Jen... I managed to save some sandwiches could you hide them in your purse?" I heard him ask nervously.


"I'm surprised you could smuggle those in the middle of all that chaos earlier without anyone noticing," she laughed, "and here I thought you'd forgotten about me in the face of food seeing how you threw me out of the way to get to it."


"...Well I'm not giving you all of them just some in exchange for your silence," he hesitated.


"You are so sneaky, where are we eating them later? Your house?" she questioned.


"That depends, will you behave?" he teased.


"Sigh, I suppose I could misbehave for a couple hours but only because you asked me to," she replied sarcastically.


I smiled at their exchange it was funny how even though he clearly meant to give her all of the sandwiches he used them to get private time with her by suggesting she could only have some so they could eat it later, together. I also thought it was rather cute that she could read him well enough to know what he was really getting at.


I briefly parted from Brooke to grab the, now empty, cooler while she continued to my car. By the time I put the cooler in my trunk and got in I noticed Sophie trying to discreetly stare and Jennifer who was standing with Max by her car but was gazing over his shoulder in my direction.


"You see them too?" Brooke's voice made me turn to her.


"It's hard not to, with how hard they're staring," I remarked.


"Let's just hurry and drive away," she suggested.


"You know they're only like that because you didn't want to tell them that we came together," I told her as I cranked the car.


"That's easy for you to say but I'm the one who's going to have to deal with them later," she grumbled.


"I could be there with you, if we're both there we can explain everything," I offered as I pulled out into the street.


"I'm sure you wouldn't be any help and you'll only make it worse," she murmured under her breath not knowing I could still hear her.


"What are you so afraid they'll find out anyway? The cat's out of the bag already, everybody knows that you want me," I pointed out suggestively.


"And what about you? Do you want me?" she asked seriously.


Probably more than you'll ever realize. I want so much more than what we are right now but because I screwed up you've been cautious around me lately so if you don't feel the same because you're not ready yet I'm willing to wait and take things slow until you change your mind.




"What's this, a plot twist? Little red offering herself to the wolf? Well of course I want you," he joked. Once again I saw the color of his eyes flicker but I knew it had to be the way light was hitting his eyes. I pushed it to the back of my mind as we got to his house and went inside.


"Well, you've been on a rather suggestive streak today Chase," I confronted, "since you've been hinting so heavily maybe I'll try too."


"I don't think so, you're about as subtle as a rhino in ballet," I rolled my eyes.


"But seriously though do you like me?" I asked coming back to my original question.


"Yes and I do mean that in a romantic type of way," he answered seriously, looking into my eyes.


"So at your birthday when you said that I'd made it clear that I liked you and was seducing you and you weren't complaining it was because..." I trailed off not knowing how to finish my question but luckily I didn't have to.


"Because our feelings are mutual, I enjoyed your advances because I felt the same way about you," he clarified.


"So this isn't recent?" I asked shocked.


"No," he answered, "is it that hard to believe?"


"Well I wasn't sure, you haven't exactly been the most forthcoming about your feelings," I stated.


"I'm not good with these kinds of things, that's why I prefer to let you handle stuff like this."


"Lazy boyfriend," I taunted clicking my tongue at him.


"So I assume this is why you ambushed me this morning? To pump me for information?" he inquired.


"Obviously. I feel like we should be more honest with each other because we are friends now, right?"


"Yeah, yeah..." there was something sad about the look in his eyes.


"And since we're being honest, what happened yesterday?"


"What happened yesterday was we had a deal," he laughed trying to evade talking about what I obviously wanted to know.


"Chase," I reprimanded but I couldn't help giggling. He sighed.


"Obviously with the way I feel about you I don't want you to be with anybody else and that's why I made that bet with you because I knew how I would feel about this. I was already jealous and nothing had happened so yes I was upset yesterday when he kissed you," he finally confessed.


"About that, Eric and I didn't kiss yesterday," I told him. "I'm pretty sure he wanted you to think that by how happy he was that you were mad but we didn't do anything and I couldn't help thinking you guys have such a weird friendship," I said.


"It's not so much that we're friends. We know each other, we've grown up around each other since I've been here, and I know he doesn't really have friends so I guess I can understand why he acts like he's desperate for a friend but he tends to really annoy me after a while so I usually don't spend too much time around him."


"I get that because everyone isn't your best friend especially when you don't really enjoy their company. It makes you feel guilty when you see them as more of an acquaintance but they want to be your friend so bad. You don't know what to say because you don't want to be rude but you don't really like them very much." I agreed with Chase about Eric.


"Exactly, that's why I didn't get the whole you-and-Eric dynamic. Considering how you are, I can't see you two being that close," he told me.


"Look at you, the unsympathetic boyfriend, you had an inkling that I was suffering and wouldn't come save me," I taunted.


"What am I supposed to do? Drag you away from Eric?" he laughed.


"Oh I would love that, please do," I pleaded, laughing with him. "By the way, I think I have to ask, what was the point of this agreement with Eric and Amanda?


"It was supposed to be my friends' crazy, roundabout way of getting to know my girlfriend," he cleared his throat.


"But I wasn't-"


"I wanted you to be, though," he inserted.


"And that was close enough? Wow, Chase your logic..." I shook my head.


"Well it was meant as like a fun joke kind of thing," he tried to explain, "it just didn't end up that way."


"Like these double dates Eric and Amanda keep cooking up are supposed to be? But they're so disorganized it makes you not want to go and not to mention I'm always the last person to find out," I complained. "As a matter of fact why haven't you ever told me when they tell you? We text all the time and you can't give me a heads up, not even once?"


"I didn't think about that, I'm usually not paying attention by the time Amanda starts talking about that stuff. I had actually forgotten about today so if you hadn't come to my house this morning I probably would have missed the picnic," he chuckled.


"I noticed that," I smiled at him, eyeballing his clothes again.


"Are we okay now?" he asked as we walked outside to my car.


"Yeah," I responded getting ready to leave.


"Hug?" I laughed.


When he hugged me I melted into his embrace, remembering that time at his birthday party but this was much different. This was no friendly hug. Neither of us said anything and it didn't seem that either of us wanted to let go.


There was so much meaning in this hug. I felt a bit of closure in finally having this conversation with Chase after I'd put it off for fear of his answer. I was ecstatic that he reciprocated my feelings and I was a bit sad that he hadn't said anything about wanting to take things further after the month was up. Although I wanted to be optimistic there was some finality in the hug that I couldn't figure out whether it was from relief that everything was out in the open now or if this was somehow the end.


This hug was leaving me torn and confused because now I knew that we both liked each other but sadly it seemed nothing was going to happen and we were simply going to be 'just friends'. I couldn't help being disappointed because I would've liked to be more than that.


Sure earlier we said we were 'friends' but after the month was over was that all we were going to be?


After this is over I want more but Chase never said anything about it so I assume that means he's fine with how our relationship is now. If he's content with the way things are right now and he's not ready to change anything then I guess I'm prepared to stay in the friend zone. When we eventually pulled away Chase leaned down to kiss me but I was turning to get into my car so it landed on my cheek again, like the last time.


"Wait, were you trying to- I'm sorry," I babbled, caught off guard.


"It's alright, just let me know when you get home," he smiled at me sweetly with a kiss to my temple.


"Ok," was all I could say as I awkwardly got into my car. He closed the door behind me and watched as I drove away as he did before but this time I was looking back at him.

Chapter 13


"Are you in charge of cooking the food?" one of the girls around me asked when I invited them to an upcoming party at Amanda's house.


Normally I wasn't a frequent party goer but since the end of our month long bet was coming to an end we decided to have one in order to commemorate it, similar to how Chase's birthday marked the beginning everyone thought it was only fitting. I, for one, would've been celebrating the end of, what should be considered, a cruel and unusual punishment regardless. When we were trying to pick a venue Amanda had eagerly volunteered to host it at her house. She told us her parents would be gone by that Thursday, leaving the house empty for the entire weekend until they returned on Tuesday of that next week. Since Amanda was hosting that meant Chase and I would be oust from the planning thus I'd already resigned myself to simply inviting people while Chase felt showing up was good enough.


"No, that's someone else's house…" I responded. Sophie and Jen exchanged looks before bursting out into laughter. "What?" I asked confused.


"You hear that, ladies? 'Someone else's house' she says but what about Chase's party?" Jennifer taunted.


"That was different-" I tried to justify.


"Oh please, what are you two living together?" she told me, cackling.


"You don't actually believe that, do you?" I asked incredulously. "You can't possibly believe that's true, right?" I pressed when none of them said anything. It's one thing if they were only saying it but I don't know why they'd truly believe it as well.


"I can't be sure," she replied then.


"You just never know sometimes," someone spoke, cosigning.


"Well the truth is often stranger than fiction, isn't it?" came another one and they all started giggling like hyenas.


As I opened my mouth to tell the cackling bunch a word or two Chase approached us quickly.


"Hello ladies if you'll excuse me for a moment I just need to borrow Brooke," he said as he reached out for my hand and pulled me away from my friends to his side.


"What's going on?" I inquired as he started trying to pull me down the hall but I didn't move.


"We need to talk," he said simply.


"Okay," I replied waiting for him to start. With all their teasing I didn't think they needed anymore ammunition and I didn't think there was anything that he couldn't say in front of my friends. Especially considering the fact that we were still 'just friends'.


"In private," he cleared his throat, looking pointedly at my friends.


"Oh, well okay," I said, surprised. Shoot. I hadn't thought that there was really anything that we needed to talk about 'in private' but if he felt it was necessary than there was no way I could be anything but excited even knowing that Jen and the rest would have something to say later.


"Go on, don't worry about us," Jen egged on among various other catcalls from the other girls.


This time I let him pull me with him down the hall and all the while as we got further and further away I couldn't figure out what he might want to talk about that warranted all of this. Once he felt that we were far enough away he finally stopped and I started to ask him what this was about when he pulled me flush against him then proceeded to kiss me. Unlike the first time my response was much quicker although I was just as unprepared for it and I got just as caught up. Also different, this time it didn't last as long before Chase retreated.


"That's all I had to say," he told me. He turned to walk away but I stopped him before he got even two steps away from me.


"That's not how this goes," I called to him. I instantly knew he'd kissed me because somehow he and Amanda kissed and as much as I didn't want to think about why that happened I could take comfort in the fact that he immediately came to find me and that meant we got another opportunity to kiss. Now, the deal had been if Eric and I kiss he gets to kiss me so if he and Amanda kiss I should get to kiss him. Therefore I feel that I'm supposed to be the one kissing him.


"Then show me," he turned back around with a wolfish grin, his eyes alight with mirth, and a face full of mischief. I strutted up to him and grabbed his head, pulling his lips down to meet mine. He let me lead for a while before he started trying to take control of the kiss but I wasn't one to easily give it this time. Somewhere in the middle of it I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him from getting too far away from me but I apparently didn't have to. After taking a break for air he continued his assault on my senses with his kiss to the point that I felt like I was flying.


"Good 'talk'," he said when we parted the second time and started chuckling. His laughter lulled me back to reality and I smiled at him.


"Oh it was a great talk," I giggled, "very productive," I teased.


"Now is when, I guess I should take you back to your friends like nothing happened," he joked back. As I began to speak I noticed Jen and the rest peeking around the corner.


"You don't have to, I'll just stay with you," I offered a solution, "I'm sure we have other things to 'talk' about as well."


"Oh I know we could find something," he said suggestively, "but are you sure? Your friends are waiting for you..."


"Yes, I know and they've done enough teasing for today," I complained, hoping they'll have forgotten about it later when I see them.


"So you noticed?" he laughed.


"How could I not?" I laughed too.


"By the way, you should keep Saturday open we're going to the amusement park," he said as he took my hand and began walking again.


"Oh? When was this decided?" I asked, I knew it had to be for a double date yet the choice of venue had my interest piqued. It wasn't something Eric and Amanda would come up with when left to their own devices...


"Just now when I got to class they were talking about it," he answered.


"And let me guess, they didn't know where we should go?" I asked smiling because I knew the answer already.


"Nope," he answered simply.


"Good job," I intertwined our hands.


We ended up in the library after that. While we were still in the library I asked Chase about the kiss and what happened. When he told me Amanda kissed him on the cheek I couldn't stop laughing partly out of relief since nothing actually happened but also because I thought it was cute. With the way things were going I was starting to think maybe I was wrong before and he actually wanted more after the bet was over as much as I did. Although we hadn't talked about what would come next I felt as if we could really be together. As the week went on I found myself more and more convinced that this was the case and I couldn't help my excitement.




By the time Saturday came Brooke and I had already made our plans. Once she got to my house we headed to the amusement park. I paid for everything before she could get her wallet out and we went to get a snack while we waited for Eric and Amanda.


I wouldn't mind if they didn't show up, in fact I'd be happier that way as I was thoroughly enjoying Brooke's company, perhaps more than I should but who was complaining? I certainly wasn't and the way Brooke was looking at me she wasn't about to either. After we finished eating we sat talking as Brooke unconsciously traced an invisible pattern on the back of my hand with a finger and all the while I just wanted to kiss her.


Eric and Amanda arrived and things went the way one would expect considering how the last double dates had gone however today Brooke was in high spirits, with all of Amanda's usual jabs falling on deaf ears. I found myself smiling at this and it wouldn't go away. We'd tried to stay together by riding all of the same rides but eventually Brooke excused herself.


While Brooke took a restroom break Amanda didn't want to wait. She tried to convince us to ditch Brooke and get on a ride nearby saying that the line was short. As she knew I wasn't of a mind to leave Brooke behind, she tried to make it sound like Brooke was 'taking so long', it would be fast, and we'd most likely get back before Brooke came out but I knew better. In the end she and Eric went to get on a ride saying it would be 'really quick' and they'd be back by the time Brooke was finished. Brooke came back shortly after I lost track of whether they were still in line or if they had gotten on yet.


Brooke seemed a little confused to see only me but once I'd explained the situation she looked far from disappointed. She acquiesced to my suggestion to strike off on our own, not waiting for Amanda and Eric to come back. We didn't immediately rush to get on rides opting for taking it at our own pace and roaming around a bit first.


Eventually we found a spot with a little less hustle and bustle for lunch before lingering a while to talk. I'd somehow managed to keep Brooke laughing and it made me feel ten feet tall even when we'd continued our stroll. Then again anytime she smiled because of something I said makes me immensely happy. I found myself enticed by the flirtatious look in her eyes as my wolf simply basked in the attention she was giving us.




We did a bit of wandering around the amusement park, going on the occasional ride or two, and generally enjoying each other's company before we really started going on rides again. While we were going around I couldn't seem to stop laughing. I wasn't sure if it was because Chase was really on some funny comedic streak or if I was just so giddy since it felt like we were really on a date by ourselves. Chase even brought it up and we started talking about it. I liked to believe that Chase chose to show his comedic genius today while he thought it was probably just me 'rejoicing early' since this was the last double date but was happy regardless.


"But sometimes I do feel like I'm a comedian and that maybe I ought to leave after the joke where everyone laughs the hardest and just end it like 'okay that's my set guys, I'm out'," he said, walking off.


"But what if I want more?" I grabbed his hand to pull him back.


"Well that's the point, to get them to like you enough that they're asking for more and they want you to come back but you shouldn't because you're trying to leave them with a good impression," he explained, seemingly not quite catching my drift.


"So if I really, really want more do I have to beg?" I held onto him staring at his chest because I didn't have the courage to look into his eyes. "Please?" I finally mustered up the courage but all I could manage was to look up at him through my eyelashes.


"Well if you're that desperate then maybe I'll try you with this," then he kisses me.


Afterward we continued exploring the amusement park together until we were ready to leave. Chase drove us back to his house just as he had the last time so that I could get my car. On the way back I thought of the progression of how I'd gotten so comfortable around Chase.


Even after we were back and it seemed we had nothing left to do I stood there for a moment in case he tried to kiss me goodbye like the last time but when he didn't seem like he was moving to do so I was a bit crestfallen. However, just at the last minute when I was leaving he got up the nerve to do it and leaned down to kiss me. Once again his kiss landed on my cheek just short of my lips. I froze when I felt his lips and, in frustration, I turned back after he pulled away.


"Why do you do this to me?" I confronted.


"Maybe it's for the best?" he tried to laugh it off. I gave him a look showing him what I thought of that.


"Chase-" I started.


"Alright," he chuckled before pecking me on the lips.


"That's it? What was that?" I'd been waiting for more but I demanded once I realized it was over.


"It's a goodbye kiss," he grinned.


"That's wasn't anything," I grumbled, crossing my arms. "But I guess if that's all I get I'll just go home," I said in an over dramatic manner. I didn't get far when he caught my lips and gave me a kiss that made my legs weak. Even after we'd broken away and we opened our eyes we stayed close caught at an impasse of wanting more but knowing I had to leave.


"See you on Monday," he said after we'd been staring at each other for a while. The kiss made us both not want to part and had done more to fan the flames then satisfy them.


"Ok, maybe the peck was better then?" I tried to laugh but it came out more like a huff because the heated look still lingering in his eyes insured any humor would be short lived.


"You just want my lips back on yours," he breathed, looking at my lips before meeting my gaze again and a devious smirk began to form.


"Says the wolf who wants another taste himself," I taunted.


"Cheeky, so you want to go back to your sarcastic ways and be a smart alec, huh?"


"You should know by now that you shouldn't expect any different. The same way that, at this point, I already know you're all talk, the way you try to push me away and put up a front but you keep coming back because you know you love it. And my sarcasm hasn't gone anywhere, I think you've just gotten used to it, although I will admit that lately I have been rather low key. Maybe you've gotten the wrong idea since I gave you a little break for a while so I think I'll continue doing as I please," I declared, confidently.


I was on a high because of how well things had been going up to now and I knew Chase wasn't running away anytime soon.


"Oh, I see now. Since you always want to have something to say about everything, you and that smart mouth of yours really are going to get only a peck and you're going home," he teased then gave me a 'peck'. Although this was probably too long to really be considered a 'peck' it still felt like it'd ended too soon but it would suffice for now.

Chapter 14

[Chase's POV]


Brooke walked into my arms and hugged me but somehow I knew that something was off. As she spoke, her words flowed over me as I listened to her voice but I wasn't paying enough attention to catch their meaning. My effort was put toward relishing the feel of her against me and how right it felt as the silence suddenly fell around us. I found myself like a cat rolling around in catnip as I lost myself in the warmth from her body as it radiated out. However, even in my state of bliss I still felt a niggling suspicion and held onto her just a bit tighter.


"Goodbye Chase," I heard Brooke's voice in my ear, I was momentarily stunned by her words, as she slipped out of my embrace. I was frozen as I watched her get further away from me. Suddenly it was as if I had been set free from a spell the moment she reached my front door and her gentle fingers touched the doorknob, starting to leave. I ran to her, hoping to stop her.


"Brooke!" I exclaimed, as soon as I took her in my arms she was gone, not trace left of her.


I jumped up from my bed growling, searching the room, whatever I was looking for I didn't find. I sighed, I'd been having the same dream since my birthday and yet it still made me just as unnerved. At least today was the last day of the agreement, I never thought dating your best friend could be so much torture and trouble. Every time we're talking, I think of Brooke, where she is or what she might be doing. When Amanda and I are together, I wish it was Brooke that I was with. Lately whenever I walk into a room my eyes immediately find her and I've been getting these cravings to just see her, touch her, get a whiff of her scent, or I feel like I just have to have her attention on me.


When I got to school and I saw Amanda in the hallway making a beeline straight for me I decided to take the scenic route to first period, foregoing the idea of heading to my locker, so that I could escape her. A short while later I rounded a corner and let out a sigh of relief, finally having lost her. I was on my way to class in earnest when I happened upon Brooke, who had somehow found a means of constantly ditching Eric lately, talking to a boy and a girl.


I recognized the boy as Chuck Turner with his signature black square stud earrings and mostly black wardrobe. He was a junior who I always talked to whenever I got a chance. Next to him was his girlfriend Merelyn, she was a preppy girl who'd transferred last year from the same private school as Eric. Chuck liked being a loner and typically didn't talk to many people but after being introduced at my birthday party the two seemed to have clicked. Despite the fact that she has many friends I'd been seeing them together pretty often since then and he eventually told me that she was now his girlfriend.


Recently, he told me that there's tension with Merelyn's family because they don't exactly approve of him. Merelyn has stated that she doesn't care what they say and has hinted that she doesn't mind moving in with him if she has to should they become too much of a problem. When he talked to his family about it they said they don't mind the two living together but only on the condition that he live by himself.


An idea entered my mind and without giving it much forethought I began quietly approaching the group. Chuck and Merelyn saw me but remained relatively nonchalant when I put a finger against my lips, silently beckoning them to act natural so as not to blow my cover and betray my position. I came up close behind Brooke and covered her eyes with my hands.


"Guess who," I dropped my voice an octave and whispered in her ear. I felt her she shiver and I know she felt the slow smile that spread across my lips.


"Who is that?" she giggled reaching for my wrists. Despite her words she seemed to know it was me and was smiling as her heart started racing. I took my hands away to as she turned her head to look. "Oh, it's just you," she said turning back, pretending as though she wasn't excited.


"What's with that?" I inquired. "Are you suddenly embarrassed now just because you're in front of other people?" I joked with a knowing grin.


Although she simply ignored me she had a particular look on her face for a brief moment before she turned away from me that let me know how she really felt. Chuck and his girlfriend laughed at our exchange.


Chuck seemed to be especially enjoying it as he had a peculiar smile but that was probably because most of the pack hadn't seen me like this. They knew me as a serious person but wherever Brooke is concerned I tended to not care so much about being that person.


"Hey," they greeted me and surprisingly Chuck didn't make any jibes about my new lax mannerisms although his face said it all. "Amanda told us that…"


With a bitter aftertaste still lingering after having that same dream again I couldn't do more than offer a forced smile as I inched closer to Brooke. I didn't want to hear or talk about Amanda but I didn't want to do anything to rock the boat. If I responded how I wanted to it would probably seem like an overreaction so I held myself back, responding much the same way as I do whenever Brooke brings up Eric.


In all honesty I don't understand the relationship between Eric and Brooke and I don't that I ever will. Before all of this I simply found him annoying at times but I have come to enviously despise him simply for being around my mate so often. I hate it when she brings him up because then I feel as if I have to sound supportive of what she's doing and encouraging because what else can I really do when I'm the one got her into this, she's just trying find a silver lining in all of this. It's not like I can tell her that I can't stand the fact that they interact with each with each other or that everytime I see them together I want to pull her away from him and separate them.


It took a surprising amount of effort and restraint not to react the way I wanted to when I've seen them because I didn't want to put her off on account of being overbearing and "too aggressive" or "randomly" possessive. Despite myself, I still almost gave over to such notions when I thought Eric had kissed Brooke but luckily that ordeal ended well, however that didn't mean something like that should be a regular occurrence. Until now I had been reluctant with Brooke and because of the mixed signals I sent she had begun to pull away. Knowing that I had to salvage the situation I have since only done things that would help my cause and I didn't feel that I had the luxury to take for granted her feelings. My recurring dream reminded me that I couldn't afford to slip up or I'd lose her. Thus I simply had to grin and bear these kinds of situations because I should be more focused on strengthening our relationship then being jealous. So if I had to seem like I didn't really care or "accepted" her relationship/friendship with Eric when honestly on the inside I really didn't like it I would do what I had to. The way I see it, I've done everything in my power to insure that I wouldn't be in jeopardy of her being swept away by anyone else.


So, I would leave her to handle warding off the advances of whoever she wasn't interested in, trusting that she'll pick me. I feel rewarded as she silently agreed to be my girlfriend when all of this bet stuff was over, making me feel justified for all of the fights with my wolf up until now.


I had never been so excited about an approaching weekend but this one couldn't come soon enough. The goal for all of my work was finally here and I could have what I'd been craving. Although I'd been thoroughly tempted from the beginning I'd never allowed myself to indulge but this time I'd give in to my opportunity. Brooke hadn't said anything but somehow I just knew as though we had an unspoken understanding. Amanda clearly wanted to stay together and had been alluding to that fact for a while now but that wasn't happening so I've been trying to avoid being alone with her.


Eventually they said their goodbyes and left. Even though my reputation for being serious was probably ruined with Chuck and Merelyn I couldn't find myself caring because just being in Brooke's presence calmed and soothed me.


"It's all over. So I'm pretty sure it's okay to relax, now that it's come to an end. Plus that's why you've been using your evasive maneuvers to give Eric the slip, isn't?" I teased her with a wink.


I watched her as she laughed, letting her joy wash away all my negative thoughts and worries, reminding myself that this was all ending soon enough, as I'd had to do a lot since this agreement started.


Recently, she tended to hang out with her other friends at school, since she was technically everybody so basically anyone, spontaneously in an attempt to shake off Eric and she's been doing this more often and sometimes eventually linking up with me somewhere along the way. Seeing that her attention was in high demand he'd take the hint and go away.


As she tucked her hair behind her ear I noticed the bracelet that I won for her at the amusement park and smiled, she'd taken to wearing it every day since then.

Chapter 15




By now Chase and I had an unspoken understanding about where our relationship was going. He didn't have to say anything at this point because he had taken steps to let me know how he felt on the subject.


"Actually, on the contrary, it'll be over this weekend, we still have all of today left and since Eric has a knack for finding me I still need to stay vigilant and keep my eyes peeled." I retorted.


We started walking to class as we continued, hopefully, lowkey flirting since we were, technically, still in "relationships" with other people. Often times, much like now, our mutual attraction flowed freely between us to the point that it was hard not to act like we were already together. As the party had drawn nearer we'd been talking about it and Chase feels similar to me that parties are really not our scene but we were both anticipating the last day of the bet and thus the party too, by default. I could tell he is just as excited as I am about the significance of it and ultimately the end result.


"Well, I say we should relax the rules a bit. It's the last day. Come on, what do you say?" he asked with a sneaky smile.


"I don't know why you're trying to, I don't think that's a good idea. Especially since I don't think your girlfriend would go for that," I teased back, laughing.


"Maybe..." he started as he stepped closer to me until we were mere centimeters apart. He'd been maintaining eye contact with me the whole time but when he broke it to cast a glance down at my lips I stepped back. We still needed to make it to first period and if I gave in to his temptation I doubt that we would. He simply smiled as his eyes met mine again. "By this same time tomorrow my 'girlfriend' will be all for my plans," he closed the distance once more, placing a hand on the wall next to my head.


"Maybe," I whispered. His girlfriend today is Amanda and she would be against his making conspiratorial plans with me and his salacious commentary, that wasn't something that would be changing, be it today or next week let alone tomorrow. Therefore, he clearly was implying that I'd be his 'girlfriend' by this same time tomorrow and with no third party to be against it I would most likely be for whatever he was planning.


The meaning of his words were disarming, but just as he was about to take advantage of it Jennifer and Sophie rounded the corner, stopping just short of running into us. Even though they'd caught us in the middle of a moment they didn't even bat an eyelash when they saw us. Surprisingly, there was no "we caught you red handed" moment, no teasing, they simply said hi and walked by.


"That was easy, the way you're always trying to hide and rush me I thought they'd give you more of a hard time," Chase commented when they were gone.


"Don't count on it. This was an exception," I told him about the interrogation I was subjected to at the lunch table the other day and he thought it was the funniest thing.


Chase and I had started texting each other frequently during the day and we'd call each other at night, more often than not, staying up for hours talking. Later that day, as we were texting, I happened to mention that I had study hall when he was complaining about how mundane his class was as they had a substitute for the day and no work to do. I didn't think anything of it when he inquired about where I was until the next thing I knew he'd been coming down the hallway toward me.


"What are you doing? You have a class right now, did you walk out?" I asked incredulously


"I needed out," he shrugged and my jaw dropped, "he already took attendance and we only have a few minutes left." Chase's idea of "a few minutes" was baffling.


"So what are you aiming to do, head home early?"I questioned dryly.


"While that is ideal, staying here with you sounds nice too, so I think I'll settle," he teased.


"Really? Wow. And I guess I'm supposed to be flattered by that?" I responded sarcastically.


"Of course," he answered humoring me, "how could you be anything less than ecstatic?" I shook my head laughing at him.


We ended up sorting out our plans for the party, Chase even tried covertly slipping in some potential future date plans and tried to get me to agree to it under the guise of studying for an upcoming math test and collaborating for our science project, starting tomorrow. He was making all of these plans for "next week" or "later", when I'd presumably be his official girlfriend. He'd started doing this kind of thing more and more recently but since I currently wasn't his, Amanda was and if she heard him now she would vehemently object. However, he felt I should agree because by that time I would officially be his girlfriend but he was asking right now while I wasn't. I opted for an air of nonchalance as I didn't feel at liberty to agree to such things right now, knowing his intentions.


"That sounds like a dangerous proposition, don't you think?"


"How dangerous can a little math and science be?" he pretended to be innocent and unaware of any mischievous or untoward meaning behind his words.


I didn't answer him, If he refused to acknowledge his implications then he didn't need a response. If he wanted a date he could ask for it once he was free to do so. If he wanted a date next week he could ask next week or as early as tomorrow but for now I'd think of it as him wanting to spend a lot more time together, hanging out but not as a date.


When school was over we both went home to get ready. Even though I'd known about the party in advance I still hadn't figured out what to wear. I laughed at myself, for Chase's birthday party I'd picked out what I wanted by the first day he'd told me. Typically I would've already put my outfit together by now, albeit not as fast as I had for Chase's birthday. It was all about sending the right message and I'd been rather reluctant to do it this time because I had mixed feelings. You don't want to look too happy by pulling out all the stops since that'd send the wrong message but I couldn't dress too casually either.


As I was getting ready to leave I went to my kitchen to grab a bottle of water from my refrigerator to take with me, I'd gotten into the habit of bringing something to drink whenever I went with my friends to parties like this, which wasn't very often. However, on the occasions that I did, someone always turned every beverage option that there was to drink into an alcoholic one, if they all hadn't been from the start.


Suddenly my chef, Wanda Curle, came over to check up on me. The staff tended to check in with me regularly to make sure I was doing okay since I'd told them not to worry about showing up everyday but rather at their leisure. She inquired about how I was, what I was doing in school, and confirming that some of the housekeeping staff would be coming over to clean. She'd noticed that I was dressed up and asked about my plans for the evening so I told her I'd be going out for a bit.


By the look on her face I think she assumed that meant I'm going on a date with Chase. She'd been staring at Chase and I during his birthday party with a particularly curious expression whenever she saw us together. I knew that look well, as it's the same one Jennifer and the rest of my friends give me. I didn't bother to say anything, I was learning that it tended to make me look suspicious for being the one to bring him up first, unprompted. For now I'd let her believe what she wanted to and if things went the way they were supposed to we would be dating soon anyway. Plus, I couldn't deny that Chase was the one picking me up but this wasn't a date.


Knowing I didn't have a penchant for getting in trouble she gave me a basic run through of her "be careful" speech. She reminded me that I could always call her and told me she'd text me later, for her own peace of mind, to make sure I hadn't fallen into trouble. I conveyed that since I wasn't planning to staying out for long she shouldn't wait too long to text or call me. She laughed and got into her car, after she was gone Chase pulled into the driveway and I locked the house before I went to get in his car.


Taking our time, Chase took a detour to his house where we hung around for a little while. Being a jokester, he offered to put a movie on and order pizza, claiming "who said we couldn't be late".


While it did sound like a better way to pass the time ultimately, I had to take a rain check. Although the party itself didn't enthuse us, the anticipation of being alone together again during the car ride home after the night was over would be enough to tide us over. Originally that was the reason why I thought he'd seemed triumphant when I'd told him "definitely next time" but Chase obviously interpreted it as having worn me down and that I was loosing up, as I finally seemed to be taking the bait he's been laying out. So during the car ride over Chase started things off by reaching across his center console for my hand.


"Chase?" I raised my eyebrow at him.


"Hmm?" he hummed, not looking at me.


"What are you up to?" I questioned evenly.


"Nothing much, I'm just offering moral support," he offered me his thousand watt smile that he only used on me when I knew he was up to trickery, "unless you want more, in which case, I'd be more than willing to accommodate you..."


"It's still the last day," I reminded him.


"Come on, this is literally the last few hours," he argued.


"So we're counting down now?" I laughed. "What are you going to do, kiss me at midnight like it's new years or something?"


"Beware little human, I might just," his voice throaty and thick with a bit rumble from his chest that I could hear, if I didn't know better I'd think he'd growled it. His eyes flashed predatorily at me, much like when it happened before, as he grinned at me I noticed that his cuspid teeth seemed rather sharp.


Man, he could really be a wolf sometimes...

Chapter 16

When we got there people were already there and Amanda had music we just blended in but hadn't ventured further than the living room. Since I'd invited Sophie and my friends I wanted to keep an eye on the door so I'd know when they got here.


Not long after Chase and I arrived they walked in. Before they got there Chase introduced me to some people he knew since most people that were there I didn't know. By the time I saw Jennifer and Sophie I had been busy talking so they came over to join in our conversation. I got comfortable with the people I was talking to that I wasn't weird when Chuck Turner pulled Chase off to the side to ask him something. Even as he went in and out of my line of sight I wasn't worried, constantly checking where he was.


Eventually, Jen and I went deeper into the house since she claimed she was parched and wanted to dance. So she got a hearty sampling of the finger foods were put while I only took two small triangle sandwiches. Jen was brave enough to try the punch and even though I realized I'd left my water on the counter at home I was a bit skeptical so I didn't get any. She reasoned that there was a window before it started and luckily she had made it before a guy came and spiked it, even offering her some of what he was pouring into the bowl. She politely declined his offer, although she does drink, and her parents know about it, Jennifer drinks in moderation and only when she wants to. I knew she wouldn't be revisiting the punch bowl, despite it being the only thing available to drink, she prefers to know what she's drinking and while this guy was the first but he wouldn't be the last one to come by to add something.


As we were heading closer to the source of the music where everyone was dancing we bumped into Eric and I asked him if there was anything to drink besides the punch. I was hoping for something in a bottle or a can and when he was going to show us where those were a friend of ours approached us. Since we had become distracted by Nikki he offered to bring me it to me so I waited there even when the girls tried to pull me off to dance with them. Eventually/Finally Eric came back with a bottle of cold water and opened it for me before giving it to me then handed me the cap. He still lingered so I thanked him and took a big swig of water so I had an excuse not say anything else to him. Although it didn't taste that great beggars couldn't be choosers because I definitely didn't want to drink the now alcoholic punch. As I was trying to figure out a way to extricate myself Jen came to grab me and drag me away.


We quickly got lost in the crowd and thankfully he hadn't followed. We danced until I started to get hot but when we were heading toward the less populated area Jen got separated from us. While we were waiting for her to catch up Wanda texted me and I responded to let her know that I was still safe. Once she'd caught up we went back to the our original spot in the living room.


Sophie had disappeared somewhere in the house without telling anyone but Jennifer didn't seem fazed and simply had a knowing smile. That probably meant she was involved in the reason why Sophie had gone missing. Jennifer wouldn't tell me and later when she finally reappeared with Jen I didn't get a chance to ask her where she had been. Shortly after that Jennifer looked at her watch and announced that she had to go.


"I have to go you guys, I'm on babysitting duty," Jennifer told us as she got ready to leave.


"Babysitting duty?" Sophie asked.


"Yeah," she sighed.


"Tonight? Then how were you able to come aren't your brother's kids already at your house?" I asked.


"My sister-in-law, Nina, is going out of town to her parents' anniversary so I'm going to pick up the kids before her and Griffin leave for the airport," she explained.


Jennifer's brother, Griffin, and Nina, weren't actually married but they'd been together so long that they practically/basically were which was why Jen and her family referred to and treated her as such. The only reason that they weren't married at this point is because, as Jen told us, Griffin has "commitment issues". Their parents have continuously pressured him into marrying Nina, especially their mother who every time she sees him she makes it a point to bring it up, according to Jen. Griffin and Nina have 5 children and lived together, close enough to Griffin's parents that Griffin and Jennifer's parents become very close to Nina over the years. Jen's parents were always willing to help anyway they could and periodically took the children to give Nina and Griffin a break, which usually ended up with Jennifer watching the children. Most of the time Jen didn't mind babysitting them but there were times when she said she felt like it cramped her style if she was trying to do something else.


I momentarily had to step outside, as Wanda called me. While I was outside Sophie and Jen were leaving that's when I found out they'd rode together. I saw Nikki with them as well, who explained that she needed a ride and was tagging along.


"Alright well, we'll see you on Monday," as we said our goodbyes, Wanda heard them. When she asked and I told her my friends were leaving so I wouldn't be staying much longer she told me to call if anything happened and that she'd see me tomorrow.


I got off the phone soon after they were gone. I'd been telling Wanda that I was only waiting on the person who was giving me a ride to finish, when she heard me talking to Sophie, and I told her my friends were leaving. I then reiterated that I wouldn't be staying much longer, since I knew that the reason she was calling was because she was worried about my curfew. The only real "rule" my parents required of me was that I not violate my curfew and although they were never there to catch me or know if I had the only time I'd broken it had been for Chase's birthday but many of the house staff had been there to attest to the fact that nothing bad had happened. Considering what time it was now I would end up breaking it again but unlike last time the only person who knew I was out was Wanda. Although she trusted me, since I'd always been responsible up to now, she and all of the other staff had been specially asked to watch over me by my parents since they couldn't be here.


I went back inside to the living room and sat on the couch where Chase was. He came closer, putting an arm on the couch behind me, and whispered in my ear to tell me that he was waiting on Chuck to come back so as soon as he was done we'd leave.


"I know you've been giving me looks but it ought to only take him about 15 to 20 minutes. You can wait that long, right?" I slapped his thigh but couldn't help giggling at the look he gave me. I tried to bite my lip in order to stop myself but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I felt like I was on cloud nine, we both know how the night will end when we leave together.


Time seemed to fly by so fast it was all a blur and it felt like I was watching a movie, although I didn't hear what they were saying I joined in the laughter when I saw the rest of them laughing. Despite the day not actually being over I felt free and didn't mind Chase's "subtle" advances and possessive gestures, I even encouraged them. At some point Eric came by and when he noticed that I'd finished my water he offered to show me where the other water bottles and canned drinks were so that I could get it myself whenever I needed something to drink again. I got up too fast that I felt a little light headed but I ignored it and went with him, know it'd pass quickly. When we were halfway to where the kitchen was I tripped, as I stumbled forward Eric caught me before I fell.


"Are you okay?" he asked. I felt hot and whatever he was wearing was making my nose burn and the room was starting to spin.


"I think I need to sit down," I told him after he let me go and I'd began to sway. My balance felt off as if I were tilted, I was still nauseous from getting a whiff of the noxious odor coming from Eric, and now I was starting to feel really weird as if I were about to faint. Despite feeling dizzy I turned to head back toward Chase.


"Why don't we just lay down in one of the rooms and rest," he started steering me in the opposite direction. I happened a glance back, Chuck was walking into the door and Chase got up to walk towards him. They quickly became engrossed in another conversation so I figured it was safe to assume Chase would be busy for a little while.


"Okay but just for a bit since I'll be leaving soon," I allowed myself to be led away. I told Eric to tell Chase where I am and after I rest a bit to let him know to take me home. "Chase is my ride home so let him know that I'm back here laying down for a little while because I don't feel well. We weren't planning to stay much longer so tell him to give me like five minutes."


"Okay..." he assured me. He seemed displeased and as though he had more to say. "I don't think you should pay so much attention to Chase, especially in your position."


Although his aphoristic words seemed to be coming from someone simply more worried about me being sick he sounded disgusted and upset so I wasn't sure what really he'd meant.


"You should just cut ties with him and just be done," once in the room I sat on the bed and he continued talking.




"He's a jerk who only cares about himself and you're better off without him," he went on, cutting me off.


"Why would you say that? I thought you were friends?" I questioned, confused by his suddenly confrontational tone.


"He has never considered me to be a friend, I'm 'too far beneath him'. If it weren't for certain circumstances that I'm forced into his company he'd never associate himelf with me," he informed me.


"Then why did you offer to help me get closer to him?" I inquired, furling my eyebrows.


"The only reason I agreed to help was so that you would get to see for yourself what kind of person he really is. And in the beginning you seemed to have seen a little and, probably even before my intervention, you were already pulling away. But before I realized it Chase started to throw a little charm and charisma your way and now he's seems to have wormed himself back into your good graces."


"He didn't throw 'a little charm' my way, I'm pretty sure he really wants to go out with me," I countered.


"Come on, Chase has been going back and forth playing games with you. He's not serious about you!" he made a quick motion with his hand and caught a hold of my bracelet, tugging so hard that it broke.


Realizing what he'd done and seeing my broken jewelry on the floor he calmed down, apologizing dejectedly as he put it on the nightstand. There was a long pause and I broke the silence.


"What makes you so sure he's bad?"


"All I'm saying is that he's not being completely truthful with you, and he is probably planning to drop you soon," he said matter-of-factly, raising his hands in resignation, as if to say 'I don't really want to get into all of the details but...'


"Why would you say that?" I was shocked and confused.


"Chase only acts on what is profitable to him in some way and he only puts in as much effort as he feels he needs to in order to get the outcome he desires," he said crypticly.


"What do you mean?" the more accusations he kept adding, the fog in my brain thickened. I was hoping once he'd fully explained himself I could process everything since for right now it seemed like I just couldn't.


"Take earlier for example, he has made efforts to woo you however, if you can be that distressed about him rushing you that's not a good sign because if he's not concerned about your well being when you're sick..."


"All I said was to make sure you tell him because I want to get home," I held my head. Being back here, since we were closer to the music I could feel it more so then simply hearing it and my head was pounding with each beat. "He's really not this horrible person you're trying to make him out be."


"Hmph, he's defiately not the person that you thinks he is. Chase isn't even human," he spat out.


"That's going a bit far, don't you think?"


"It's true," he said seriously. "And I think on some level you know that." He sighed heavily, "You probably won't believe me when I say this but it seems the real reason for his Chase's "change of heart" is, at best, because he feels offended and wants revenge, as his pride has taken a hit. The only thing that keeps him chasing after you is because he didn't get tears and groveling when he tried to toss you away."


"What are you really wanting me to do?" I asked wearily.


"Don't let Chase force or pressure you into anything because Chase likes to "control" things that's why all of this is because of an ego trip. He's only leading you on to assuage his ego just so he can drop you when he wants to and will not tolerate you walking out on him first"


"What makes you believe that?" I demanded.


"Think of the anticlimactic way that things have gone. Now imagine... just as he was about to finally kick you to the curb and get rid of you, you seemed all too ready to walk away, as if you hadn't been serious from the beginning. You had completely turned the tables on him, here he was thinking he was going to turn you down yet you'd ripped the carpet from under him like he was worthless to you. And for Chase that's not acceptable, you aren't 'allowed' to do things like that."


"And how do you know that what you're saying is true and he can't actually genuinely like me? What is it that you know that I don't?" I questioned.


"He has his reasons why he can't be with someone like you hence Chase is just going to be fooling around with you and will never get serious because he feels like he can't be serious with someone like you. Don't be 'that kind of girl' who's going to simply pursue him anyway despite the fact that he will always play you. You should focus on someone who will you treat you like that, you deserve better," he explained.


He then confessed that he had feelings for me, started saying how much he liked me, and how basically he was hoping that maybe we could be in a real relationship now, suggesting that I give up on Chase.


Although I refused he insisted that even if I didn't want to really get with him if I wanted out of my situation with Chase he'd be willing to help me as my 'getaway car' because he cares for me.


"No Eric, I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want you to get the wrong idea here, I've never thought of you that way so I really wouldn't want to-" I continued to refuse wearily as it donned on me that this is probably where he'd been going with this from the start.


"No, no you juts need time you'll see eventually," the way he'd said that made me worry and the smile he had on his face made me break out into a cold sweat and a chill ran down my spine. "In the end, we'll be together whether you like it or not..." I thought I heard him say.


"No..." I shook my head starting to protest but before I could say any more I passed out.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2015

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