
Chapter 1: Friday July 25

Friday July 25, 2008

I heard footsteps running down the hall. They had been running back and forth all day basically since I woke up. Never stopping or slowing and to say it was supposed to be about me but I had yet to see someone who had even bothered to come close to my room's door. I looked in the expensive looking, golden, oval shaped mirror before me and I smiled at what I saw. Then I thought about what was happening today and then after a while I began to doubt. I shook my head furiously trying to tell myself no it's going to be great and you are going to look beautiful. No one's paying attention now but when you make your appearance all eyes will be on you. I mean absolutely stunning and his jaw is going to drop all the way to the floor and you're going to laugh and be happy. I have a reason to be nervous but not to doubt, I argued with myself. I looked at the expensive vanity table before me and amongst all of the things that were sprawled on the marble I saw a picture frame with two pictures in it. The pictures I remembered from some time ago, next to it was another picture frame that had two pictures in it also. I smiled down at these pictures; one was a little more recent than the one in the other frame. But the second one in the other frame was the most recent of all. I looked back at the first two pictures they were encased in a pink frame each picture had a red heart around it. And in between the two hearts was one simple word 'love' written in green, apparently, handwritten cursive letters. The word wasn't originally there but from the beautiful hand writing I could tell that it had been written in by, a certain someone, whom I just happen to know who that might be. My smile widened at the thought that he had possibly thought enough about me to do something like this, he's so sweet! He must have thought to put them here just in case… or he just forgot, I'll find out later… The pictures were of me and the other of him and they were separate because at the time they were taken you couldn't have gotten us to take one together for anything in the world not even money. I laughed at the thought, my mind already taking the trip back into the past...

Chapter 2: The Beginning

6 years earlier Monday, September 2


I had just eased and parked my jet black BMW into the school parking lot that sunny morning. He pulled up right next to me in his gray Mercedes Benz. When we got out of our cars we exchanged a pretty heated glare and walked our separate ways. I went to my locker with my two best friends, Silvia and Tonya chatting about all kinds of things. Silvia’s new crush Bryan; Tonya’s finally getting together with Joey, and pretty much just what’s been going on lately that kind of thing. Just everything and anything; our lockers were right next to each other so it was convenient. “So when Joey had asked me out I thought I was about to faint! He had been watching me all night and-” that’s when he walked right there in front of me. I held back a growl, “what do you want?” I said sweetly trying to go for as short and less torturing as possible like they say short and sweet. “You know what I want it’s the same as always. It never changes and never will.” I should have known he was going to be difficult and it wasn’t going to be short either, sigh. He gave me a look that, I guess crossed everybody else’s mind as seductive, because some girls in the hallway gasped suddenly. Silvia and Tonya passed a look between them, one that I did not like, and suppressed a giggle going to an “ooohh” with their hand over their mouths. It seemed they were taking this wrong and concocting things again, “That’s nice and all; I mean very flattering and all but” I said it sweetly yet also with an underlying sarcastic bitterness to it, narrowing my eyes but I whispered this last part, “I don’t want you.” He laughed not being hurt or offended at all you could see the insult just rolled off his bad like the water droplets in the shower, “not like that, you know what I mean.” He had said it giving me that death glare that everyone thought was his ‘I’m throwing my masculine wiles at you’ look. Then he proceeded to put his hand on my closed locker door and lean forward on it using just that to support him. My heart began to pound at his close proximity wondering what he was going to do. I could smell his cologne from the close range and it was intoxicating and driving me crazy! What do they put in cologne now-a-days some kind of drug to make you do or think things? Because I was, for some reason, seriously thinking of grabbing him and kissing him and just doing some things in this hallway that would leave every one stunned. I mean every one shocked even my two best friends with their jaws locked in a position to the ground and stretching all the way out the door. Worse than any kind of P.D.A. you’ve seen in the hallway. But anyway I was using all my might to hold myself from jumping him; what is wrong with me, I clutched my books to my chest. Digging my nails in it as hard as I could my grip was so tight my knuckles were white just from the effort. When his face reached my ear I was on the edge of breaking! I could feel his hot breath on my ear and neck I could have easily just jumped him or at least whispered that we could meet later and surely…. He paused. “Are you going to say anything or are we going to stay like this?” I managed to say with firmness that I don’t even know where it came from. I wanted him to say what he need and move on with his day. I couldn’t hold on all day like he seemed to stay there for, and then he finally spoke, “Mr. Finny wants to see us in his office first period.” I exhaled deeply, I hadn’t noticed I was holding my breathe. He pulled away and my face turned a slight shade of pink from the impure thought’s I was thinking I’m surprised I even heard him over the loud thumping in my head and the voice. I smiled and he was about to turn and walk away when I grabbed his hand, “wait,” my voice came out huskily. “Right now?” he made a face and a corner of his mouth twitched as he struggled not to laugh at me. “Yes of course now come along now my chauvinistic vagrant.” I quickly narrowed my eyes in a playful kind of way then. I turned to my shocked friends, “I’ll see you guys later.” Then we walked to the principal’s office all the while my face was getting redder by the second and right before we went in. I hurried past him in whispering to him, “You think I’m stupid and I don’t know what you’re saying, you conceited hobo.” My face finally was rid of the deep blush that I had just moments ago. Then I smiled and took the seat on the right as he slowly sat in the one on the left and passed me a look. I smiled at him sweetly, reached over, and patted his hand, “so what was it that you wanted to speak to us about Mr. Finny?”

Chapter 3: Back to The Present


Friday July 25, 2008


I gave the pink picture frame one last knowing smile kissing the words 'love' then set it back down. If we only knew back then I wonder what we would have done probably only fought the feelings harder or would we have given up easier it's hard to tell but I'm glad we finally found our happy ending after fighting each other for so many years… I tapped the picture with a tender finger then I turned my attention back to the second picture frame and my smile widened. I heard a set of footsteps and they had reached about halfway down the hall they moved hesitantly down the hall. I wonder how these got here. Then a thought came to me. I thought, maybe just maybe, as my thoughts went to the time in which the picture was taken.

Chapter 4: Symptoms of Love


6 years earlier Monday, May 6


I had pulled into my usual spot at the school parking lot. I had actually had lots of anticipation stored up for today. I sat in my BMW for a moment then I smiled when I looked in my rear view mirror to find his familiar Mercedes Benz pulling up to park next to my car. I opened my car door in a rush of excitement. "How's your morning?" I asked him as he stepped out of his car. "It was okay until I saw you…." He trailed off as he came around the car to stand in front of me. He held eye contact the entire time. When he got to me he grabbed my arms and stroked them with his thumbs. I was half about to fall apart from all the mushy stuff and half like 'just stop it this is insane and cheesy'. "And it got worse," I was hurt I was utterly hurt. 'I think I'm about to cry why I mean why? We finally started to be together and stop all the arguing, fighting, and name-calling.' I was seriously about to cry until I thought about it. How he was talking about his "symptoms of love". Don't ask I don't understand it myself, it's just weird. He's weird period. Then I smiled, "and what exactly might it be this morning Mr. Perfect a heart attack. Irregular heartbeat? Sweaty palms? Nervous? Can't catch your breath or is it that you can't breathe? I'm looking too good for you this morning?" I was fighting a giggle. I knew my eyes were alive with mischief and he looked a little upset but for the most part he was amused. "Leave me alone," pouted turning his head away from me and put his nose in the air. He had dropped his hands by now. I missed his warmth on my arm and I wanted a kiss I know that's probably being greedy but that's what I wanted. "Oh come on don't be such a big baby. You're a man you can take it." I pat him on the back and he gave me a look making me giggle. "I'm going to my friends I'll be back." My face dropped, "so you're going to leave me now, huh? Can't take a joke?" He gave me a look, "I refuse to take your abuse any longer," he said it and glared then mumbled, "Not a joke this is abuse!" I gave him a stern look and straightened him out in front of me. "This is abuse?" I waited for him to respond but he just gave me a mock scared look. "Be a man! Quit being a weenie. Get some balls and be a man! You see this pathetic act, this good-for-nothing sorry excuse of a man act. Just despicable. It's not cute to have these muscles for nothing!" I gave his arms a squeeze and slapped his torso. "It's not attractive to be as buffed out as you are and soft like a teddy bear!" he gave me a soft smile my heart pounded with double the speed. I pretended to be upset by poking my index finger to his chest and making gestures as if I were chastising a child for stealing a cookie. "Abuse? No you're just soft that's why I look like I'm the one man-handling you or something. But in reality you're just a big baby! Suck it up and be man. If anything I'm supposed to be the one to try and boss my way and you're supposed to be the one to sit me down. Then I have to go crivel in my little corner but no I have to be the one to man-handle you and give you a "man pep talk" before you can stand up and get some balls!" He was laughing the whole time and my foolishness and my crazy talk, shaking his head the whole time. "You done," I smiled. "I'm perfectly done, my imprudent hobo." He looked down at me with amusement and mischief over exaggerated in his features. "Oh don't be so persnickety-" I had to interrupt, "so you want to use big words to call me picky huh? Persnickety, I don't see it you just learn that word and you're just itching to use it when we all know you're the fastidious one here." I put my hands up to my face as if to show that what I was saying was just obvious. "And I'm not saying that it's a bad thing it's actually good you just have to accept that you are. Get out of denial, I wouldn't say it if I didn't care." I pat him on the back but he just shook his head. "It's alright babe. Just know you'll always be my concubine." My jaw dropped, my eyes poked and all he did was pat my head like a child and walked away laughing. Afterward I went to my locker with my friends and they managed to calm me down before he came back.

Chapter 5: James Bond

Friday July 25, 2008


I eventually did get that kiss that I wanted and smiled remembering that kiss. As we got older I got more kisses like those and I loved every one of them. Just thinking of them now made me want one, I smiled even more knowing that he wouldn't mind giving me one. I looked down at the ring on my finger, my hobo, I hate them for convincing me to stay in my room. They know I can't be away from him for too long or else I get all kinds irritable, no more like I take irritable to a whole new level. He was my peace and calm in a weird way, we 'fight' but that's when I'm the happiest. Suddenly I heard footsteps down the hall coming with hesitance, stopping almost every other step then resuming again. I smiled retrieving my jacket, more like trench coat with a hood; I put it on with excitement shooting through my bones. My hands trembled with apprehension my heart beat faster, my adrenaline rushed through me. I hurried across the room and made it to the door just as he was opening the door and I closed it. "Aww you're not going to let me in after I did all this hard work to sneak over here unseen," I laughed silently I made a promise and I won't break it I said I wouldn't see him, not talk to him. I didn't say I wouldn't talk to him. "I'm sorry James Bond but we made a promise and I have every intention to keep it but we can talk though." I heard his laugh through the door, "how much do you want to bet that they have a pool going to see if we last not seeing each other," I laughed too, "shut up I'd not like to think so, I really would not." I heard a noise which I figured out was him sitting on the floor, "don't sit on the floor in your suit, hobo, I mean I know you're used to sitting in whatever, but not the suit, I bet it's expensive. You don't want to get it dirty." He laughed, "you know you're jokes were never funny." "I wasn't joking but I see you've already made yourself comfortable," I sighed and sat on the floor with my back against the door. "I know I can't see you but can I at least touch you," he asked curiously. I smiled, "that would be okay but you'd probably try to see with your hands," and knowing as soon as his hands were on me I could never completely think straight. "Oh no, of course not, not if you don't want me to," he said suggestively, "I just need to feel you for reassurance, to make sure you're really here and that this is actually real." He rushed through the last part but tried to cover his embarrassment, "I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms," I giggled at his antics but I understood. "I'll allow you a touch of your choosing if you answer me this," I responded. "Well go on my addictive concubine, I'm listening," he injected. "Did you leave those photo frames in my room," I eyed the frames as I asked the question that had been on my mind since I first noticed them. "What picture frames," he feigned ignorance but I, now knowing that he had left them, decided to humor him. I described them to him, "oh those," he says as if he just recalled them, "I was just looking at those the other day," he said sarcastically. "You left them here on purpose," I stated. "You have proof of nothing," he continued to deny it. "Oh cut the crap," I laughed. "Okay, yes I did. It was my gift to you before we got married. I knew that you would have your doubts. After about two hours of my mother going on about how all brides get cold feet," we both laughed at this. His mother, bless her heart, was sweet woman who loved to talk one just a subject and she especially loved to lecture her only son. She loved nothing better than to offer her advice on everything, many times I've had to save him by distracting her. She had become like a second mother to me and his mother has sat him down for several of her advice sessions concerning me. While we haven't had a lot of real fights between us I know his mother. "Although you would probably never openly admit to it I knew you would be no exception so…" he trailed off but I knew trying to say. "I just didn't expect to feel so…" he added after a pause. "Out of your league, nervous, scared that I might run on you," I offered knowing the feeling. "Yeah…" he agreed. I opened the door slightly and slid my hand out to grab his, "well, I'm here," I squeezed his hand for his benefit as well as mine. "With you," I finished as he squeezed mine back. As we sat in silence for the moment my eye caught the last picture, in the second picture frame, and I smiled.

Chapter 6: Goals

2 years earlier Monday, April 17 ~part 1~


 "You may now turn your tassels," I sat there with a wide smile letting the words ring in my ears until it was time to stand and march out. I had been sitting with my friends so when we got out some had started hugging and cheering while others started searching for their families. Before I had the chance to do either I was pulled into a hug by one of the graduates which I returned, initially confused.


I instantly relaxed once the familiar masculine scent stimulated my senses, "we did it," I told him pulling away.


"Congratulations," one of my best friends and ex-roommate, Susan Brykley said before she hugged me."And I love how you decorated your hat by the way," she added.


"Thanks Susan," I smiled, I had worked on it for the better portion of the night before and I probably would have spent the whole night but I got help.


Someone cleared their throat bringing me out of my reverie, "so you're really going to take all the credit for it when you know I did most of it."


Susan raised an eyebrow, "did he really," she asked seeming a little surprised.


"You helped! Since when did 'get me some scissors', 'get me this or that' become you doing most of the work?" I turned to him.


"If we were getting paid for the work we did you wouldn't let me get anything when you know I did more than that," he replied.


"Typically she'd end up with your portion of the money anyway even if you originally got what you worked for," Susan chimed in.


"Gold digger," was all he said.


I laughed mischievously, "We no longer consider ourselves as gold diggers, our gold digging days are over. We would prefer to be called gold collectors because if someone like you is willing to leave his gold lying around we just have to collect it." Susan, who had long since gotten used to our antics, laughed.


"I'm not stupid enough to just leave it lying about for you to take," he argued.


I shrugged, "But it's not that hard to find, same difference either way it's going to get taken right from under your nose and I won't even have to get my hands dirty."


"So where's Jeff?" Jeffrey Clark was Susan's fiancé, who normally accompanied her everywhere if he wasn't at work or with his other friends.


"Oh him, he's around somewhere..." she answered waving off the question.


"And why isn't he with you, did he go see someone else he knows who's graduating?"


"No, he had to bring his little cousin Ellen and her friend because he got talked into babysitting for his aunt Sylvia, again. The little waywards were giving me a headache so I kind of conveniently got separated from them in the crowd. I feel bad for leaving him with them like that but I needed a break, you guys."


"How are things going?"


"Besides the kids, everything's great but you know when it comes to his family Jeff can't seem to say no so every chance they get we end up babysitting."


"Oh isn't that Jeff over there?" Susan and I looked to see Jeff being dragged along by two nine-year-olds.


Since he still hadn't noticed us yet she started waving her hand to get his attention, "Jeff," she called and finally he turned in our direction.


"Hey you guys, congratulations," he hugged us both in turn. With all too knowing eyes Jeff adjusted his glasses and turned to Susan, "well at least you found them, that's good," there was no mistaking that her convenient disappearance didn't go unnoticed.


She smiled at him sheepishly knowing too that she was caught, "that was the plan," she answered lamely.


Ellen came over to me and hugged my legs, "Hey sweetie, who'd you bring with you this time?" I asked hugging her back. Jeffrey always got roped into babysitting for his relatives and on one occasion Susan got fed up with him cancelling their dates so they could stay at his place to watch the kids. She demanded they go on a date and would not take no for an answer so in the end they left the kids with me. I had no help and I was not prepared for the headache that watching Ellen would be.


The little girl refused to go unless she could bring at least one friend every time so that particular time she chose to bring two friends, Emma and Louisa. Aunt Sylvia, who I have never met, has a strict set of rules concerning what she allows Ellen to do and therefore restricting her friends as well. Since Ellen's mother will not allow her to do certain things when Jeff and Susan babysit her they will not let her do them either.


For instance Aunt Sylvia will not let them have candy or watch television but I became less aware of the rule after at least two to three hours of uselessly trying to put an end to devious pranks and the destruction of our dorm room. After telling them to stop preying on unsuspecting people and their mischievous efforts then turned solely on me I was at my wits end. At that point I gave them some candy and sat them in front of the television.


When they started to complain that they were too old for certain cartoons and had too much energy to continue sitting quietly I needed a new plan. It was then that an alarm on my phone coincidentally went off reminding me to exercise. I was supposed to exercise around a certain time every day and it was time. Curious as the little ones were when they asked about it and I explained the girls said they wanted to try it. We exercised together and by the time we were done their sugar high had crashed. Needless to say when Susan and Jeff got back the girls were sleeping peacefully. After that one time Ellen and her friends said they thought I was cool. Susan and Jeff couldn't figure out what I did because the girls decided not to rat me out about the candy and TV so they think I'm just awesome with kids.


"This is my friend, Kelly," she gestured to the other girl who was in a daze staring at something.


"He's so cute," Kelly whispered to Ellen not realizing that she was still audible to the rest of us.


I broke out in a smile, "did you hear that she thinks you're cute and what you think about that?"


"Why thank you, Kelly," her mouth fell open and she just gaped at him for a moment.


"He spoke to me," Kelly mumbled. After catching herself she started blushing profusely and grabbed Ellen, "regroup," she whispered to her loudly once again.


Ellen decided to step in to help her friend, "Uncle Jeffrey we're going to the bathroom over there," pointing to the public restroom not too far away from where we were.


"Ok, we'll be here," he answered watching them go and trying not to laugh.


I sighed and they all looked me with puzzled expressions, "I knew I should have told you a long time ago..." I turned to him, "I didn't mean for you to have to find out like this..." shaking my head. I had to put my head down because the more I thought about it the more I started shaking with silent laughter.


Knowing what I was alluding to he didn't say anything, "what are you talking about?" Jeff asked confused.


A giggled escaped, "and you thought were sexy..." I continued before doubling over laughing.


"Drop it," he said acting offended.


"So do you guys have a date picked for the wedding yet?" I asked after I recovered.


"Ask her, she's the one that couldn't decide," Jeff pointedly looked to Susan.


"I just don't know if I want a spring wedding or a winter wedding..." trailing off as she got lost in thought.


If I were in her position I'd go with the spring wedding option...


"Don't go getting any bright ideas now, concubine," he commented bringing me out of my thoughts.


"What if I'm getting dark ideas?" I questioned sarcastically.


"Save it, I'll want to employ those later," he replied as if it were the most obvious thing to do.


"Remind me why I even deal with you every day?" I complained waving in his direction, "and you can't say it's because you're sexy, Kelly already let the cat out of the bag," I teased.


"Do you see what I have to tolerate every day?" he asked, "and I can't even recruit another concubine because with her acting like this it runs all of them off."


I rolled my eyes, "you don't need anyone else, I'm enough."


"On that I fully agree, you're more than a handful."


"But you love it, that's why you're always coming back for more."


"Give it a rest," he said as I leaned against him and he automatically put his arm around my waist. Susan and Jeff had been watching our exchange and apparently thought it was funny since they were laughing hysterically. We stayed and talked a bit more then submerged ourselves further in the crowd trying to find our parents.


Everything passed by in a flurry of excitement, taking pictures and hugging. His mother gave me a bouquet of flowers and an envelope that she wouldn't let me open.


Finally we made our way out of the large crowd and dispersed in the parking lot with the assurance that we were all meeting up at the house. His dad had to work so he would meet us there. My parents and his mother got into my parent's car while I got in his car. He held my hand as we drove and I let my mind drift in the comfortable silence...

Chapter 7: Goals

 ~~~~~~~Part 2~~~~~~~

"I want to take you somewhere," his voice brought me out of my reverie of graduation.


"Oh, where are we going?" I turned to look at him.


He didn't answer but I knew he had heard me when he broke out in a self-satisfied smirk. Knowing I wasn't going to get anymore of an answer than that I looked out the window. What I saw surprised me.


"What are we doing here?" I demanded as we parked. He kept that same smirk on his face as he came around and opened my door for me. I looked at him quizzically as he reached his hand in to help me out. Lacing our fingers together he pulled me along after him to the front door of a big brown brick house.


My jaw dropped when he pulled out the key from his pocket, "where did you get that? When did they give you the key? Did you buy the house already is that why we're here? Where did you get the money you just-" even though I bombarded him with questions thinking that he would at least answer one,


"You ask too many questions, oh talkative one," he brushed them off and dragged me inside.


"Because you won't tell me anything, oh secretive one," I retorted as he closed the door behind us.


Smirking down at me, "have some patience, little one, and I'll tell you," he always had to go there.


Well out with, big one, I thought in my head. Little one... Why does everything have to come back to me being shorter than you? So what? I'm not as tall as you are, yeah well why did he always have to make cracks about it?


"I think it's time for a little you and me pep talk," and I groaned making a face.


"No," he always insisted that we set goals together and I'm not exactly a fan although I do like feeling accomplished once we've achieved our goal.


"We've finished a goal today," he ignored my resistance, as he always does, and settled for distraction first. I smiled,


"Yes we did," hugging him.


"We've graduated now so we have to moving on to a new goal."


"Will we ever finish making goals?"


"You ought to know the answer to that," he smiled conspiratorially as I started whining.


"I can't wait until you get over this phase," this made him laugh.


"So the next big goal is a house," he announced once he recovered.


Okay, I can live with that, "we've seen some houses already and we loved this one the first time we saw it. But I know you, and you change your mind all the time," I made a face.


"I take offense to that," I crossed my arms over my chest.


Giving me a look, "we spent at least an hour this morning because you kept changing your mind on what tie you thought I should wear," he reminded me.


"OK point taken," I relented, "do you always have to have your way?" I grumbled under my breath.


"Not always, just most of the time," he remarked cheekily. "Now, I have gone through the trouble of retrieving the key so that we can have a second look."


I gave him skeptical look, "And Tiffany and Mike don't mind at all," I stated sarcastically. Tiffany and Mike Dubery were friends of our families and had been for years they were the ones selling the house. Although they were practically family didn't mean that they would simply hand over the keys for no reason.


"Of course not, Tiffany said that it was a darling idea and Mike, you know how he is," I giggled. Tiffany was always finding some new creative way to incorporate the word darling in almost every sentence in every way possible. As weird as it could get, it was purely a Tiffany thing and Mike was an entire different story.


"I think I can imagine that. What did Mike say?" Mike always seems to think everything that happens is somehow influenced by covert affaires. For Mike life is just one big soap opera.


"I won't tell you everything he said but-"


"Why?" I pouted.


"It's obviously not for your ears," he answered with a meaningful look.


I decided to leave it alone because although his antics can be sidesplittingly funny most of the time, Mike can also be crudely ribald. Mike's opinions are not for the faint of heart, I've found out having once overheard what he likes to call guidance for the guys. After that incident we talked about it when he had suggested it wasn't information for my ears and I agreed. Since then any time hementions that I've decided to just take his word for it.


"Anyway he had pulled me to the side with his guidance stuff and once Tiffany tried to get into the conversation he stopped. You know how he likes to pretend he's an angel around her," I rolled my eyes.


Tell me about it. He'll give you his two cents' worth of how the world is a soap opera as long as his wife isn't within earshot.


When Susan ran off with Jeff, the weekend he proposed to her, without telling anyone, had we told Mike, he would have claimed it was her running off with some new lover who was taking her back to his country. When Tucker, his son, had been acting weird he swore it was to do with some manipulative mystery women who had yet to be revealed in due time as one would expect in the next episode of a soap opera.


"So he says, 'whether you promise her a good time or however you kids say it these days, whatever. You should take her for a nice ride. However you can get her to come, you just do it. And you kids take your time it's one of those pleasurable experiences that you want a girl to remember because if you're like most people you might only get to do it once...'"


"Oh wow," I covered my mouth trying to hold down my giggles over his implications.


"So what do want because I'm not setting the goal if..." he didn't get to finish before I butted in.


"Set the goal, I want this house."


"Alright, two years max."


"I'm not following..." I said confused.


"The goal is that we'll buy the house in at least two years tops," he elaborated.


I sighed, "I wonder what it'll be like when we finally move in..."


"Concubine, I told you not to go getting ideas, who said you were moving in, what if I wanted the house to myself," he mocked me.


"Moving in here by yourself..." I repeated under my breath, "Not if my money's paying for it, you aren't. I want it all," knowing him his next comment would be that he was willing to give me a piece of the house or something, the stingy man.


"All of me? Why thank you I appreciate that but I don't come with the house..." I narrowed my eyes at him and tried not to laugh, "Just wanted to make sure we were clear on that. I come separately but I'm all yours anyway," he smiled.


"And I'm yours too."


"I like the sound of that," he pulled me against him and captured my lips in a fiery kiss.


When we finally pulled away from each other so that we could catch our breath I stepped backwards going further into the house.


I sighed, "Another goal, again, but at least it's not too hard and it's definitely something to look forward to. Can you imagine it, you and me in this house starting the next chapter of our lives together," I slowly spun around.


"That's a nice opening line for something, if I didn't know any know any better I'd think you were trying to drop a hint of some sort," I could hear the amusement laced in his voice before I notice mirth alight in his eyes.


I stopped at the foot of the spiral staircase and cocked my head to the side, "what are you talking about?"


"Well you're a rather dense patch, aren't you?"


I pondered my statement again and wondered what he could mean when I finally realized, "are you saying that I was trying to propose to you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.


He shrugged as he approached me, "it's happened before," I tried not to laugh.


"I wasn't, I'm waiting for you to do that," he clicked his tongue as he walked past me.


"This woman... waiting for me you say and when do you think that'll happen fifty years from now," he ranted quietly almost to himself.


"I don't get it, what are you talking about," I furrowed my eyebrows, thoroughly perplexed.


"Would you open your eyes already? I've been trying for an entire month to propose to you but when I drop hints you don't get it, man you are so clueless," he complained.


"You have? I really haven't noticed..." thinking back on it, maybe he was and that would explain a lot. "Oh, yeah well sorry about that," I admitted sheepishly, "but I would though..."


"Would what?"


"Agree to marry you if you asked."


"I know and it's because I'm so awesome that I don't see how you would want to say no."


Rolling my eyes, "cocky prick."


"But you love it or you wouldn't be marrying me."


"You got me there, I love to hate on you, but you do the same."


"Yeah well that's part of the reason I'm marrying you," I slapped him in the arm and ran up the stairs when he reached out to grab me. Following closely behind me he eventually caught me when I took off down the hall toward one of the bedrooms. I knew I needed to think of something to set his devious mind elsewhere before I found out the plan that causing the wicked twinkling in his eyes. Suddenly the idea came to me...


"How are we going to tell our parents at dinner, should we just come out and say it as soon as we walk in or wait until after dinner..." I trailed off thinking of other possibilities.


Suddenly he smiled deviously, "I have an idea..."


Chapter 8: Goals

~~~~~~~ Part 3~~~~~~~

"Would you slow down?"


He didn't answer.


"Hey stop walking so fast,"


"Why are you walking so slow,"


"It's not a matter of me simply walking too slow if I have to run just to keep up with you,"


He smirked, "you know, I actually like to watch certain parts of you when you run so there are certainly benefits to exercise,"


I snorted, "You weren't even looking at me as a matter of fact you barely pay attention to me these days,"




I narrowed my eyes in response knowing where he was going, "you'll stop now if you value your life," crossing my arms. With a snobbish attitude, "open the door," I stood in front of the door not opening it.


He stepped forward and opened the door, "well if you're going to have that kind of attitude you can stay outside." Before he could walk through it I did,


"Ladies first," I told him as I breezed by him.


"You're not a lady and don't act like you're incapable of opening a door by yourself you opened the car door by yourself didn't you?"


"That's because as soon as you turned off the car you left me and started power walking to door," I argued.


"Well I guess I've got to start doing that more often don't I," he remarked.


When we got to the door just before the dining room where everyone was I stopped and waited. "What, are your arms broken," he looked from my arm to the door knob before making eye contact. I simply cleared my throat and looked at him pointedly.


"Ladies don't open doors for themselves when there is a gentleman next to them," I stated when he just continued to stare at me.


"You've been reading your little historical romance books again haven't you? You always act like that every time but what you don't get is that you've never been a lady and I'm the type to leave you standing there just to see how long you'd keep up the charade." As he pulled open the door he leaned in, "shine my little firecracker, this is where the show really starts," he whispered kissing me on the cheek and I silently smiled in response.


We walked into the dining room where everyone had already taken their seats. Casting a glance at him I took one of the two empty chairs at the table and he took the one to my left. We had been the last to arrive so as soon as we sat down they started dinner.


"What took you guys so long to get here we were about to call you to let you know we'd just start without you," said Charlie, who happened to be sitting in the seat to my right. Charlie had been his roommate for the past three years that we lived in the dorms before we moved in together.


"That would have been fine we were just trying to sort some things out," he raised an eyebrow but didn't comment further when I didn't elaborate. No one said a word most having similar expressions of suspicion but Mike looked like the Cheshire cat with a wide conspiratorial smile on his face and winked when we looked in his direction. Although not seeing her husband's smile Tiffany had a small knowing smile of her own.


"Sort some things out? What kind of a lame excuse was that," he whispered and I shot him a glare.


"Now ya'll leave those children alone," grammy Velarose spoke so that everyone could hear with that brillant smile of hers, she was my mom's mother and was just the sweetest person one could ever know. Her voice was a winsome interweaving between a southern drawl and an italian accent, there was none like it, soft yet firm; enveloping you like a warm blanket.


"They're fine don't worry about it now that they've made it, this isn't the time to perform an inquistion on them. Surely they can be pardoned, as the guests of honor we wouldn't have an occasion to be gathered today if not for this two. We've come to celebrate these children and their accomplishment not to catechise them so let's just get on with dinner."


At the other end of the tablehis grandmother, Good Old Grandmother Judice as we had nicknamed her, sat looking priggishly disconcerted and scowling. She prided herself on being proper and seeing as the rest of us were always disappointingly not, she perpetually seemed to have a disapproving scowl.


Soon everyone started talking amongst themselves once again, not too worried about where we had been. All of a sudden his phone vibrated with a text message and after reading it he started texting them back. Curious I peered over his shoulder, "oh hey you spelled that word wrong and the sentence before it doesn't sound quite right," I told him.


"And remind me why I should take your advice when you're all over me," he gripped.


"It doesn't make sense and you're the one texting I'm not," I grumbled sitting back in my chair again. "And by the way the ring box is stabbing my leg why didn't you put it in your jacket pocket, the poking is making me nervous," I lowered my voice so only he could hear me but if he did he didn't answer. Suddenly my phone vibrated and once I checked I found it was a message from him,


Well it's too late to move it now…


"Why would you text me when I'm sitting right next to you," I whispered.


"Because I can," he whispered back.


I sighed, "You should've at least let me see it," I said after a bit of silence.


For a second time he gave no answer instead a little while later my phone vibrated again and I knew that it was him.


I ignored it, "would you stop that, I'm right here," not listening he continued tapping away on his phone and I eventually put my phone back in my purse.


After sending me about five messages or so he stopped but even after that he was still texting someone else.


"Who are you texting now, is it that chick you were talking to the other night, who is she anyway," I whispered after a while. This time when I tried to look over his shoulder he turned the screen away from my line of sight.


"And when did this happen," he asked still texting on his phone.


"The other night like two weeks ago, you were talking to some chick on the phone when you thought I was asleep," I hissed.


"You're making this up," he finally looked away from him phone.


"Am I? You probably have her number in you contacts,"


"What was her name, then? And we'll see if it's there," he taunted.


"I don't know you never said her name but you sure kept calling her babe,"


He laughed, "Hah, now I know you're full of it. Are you sure you really heard this," putting down his phone.


"I know what I heard; I was lying in bed right next to you how could I not have heard you," I didn't bother whispering as I narrowed my eyes at him.


When I noticed some of the people at the table were repeated looking over at us I got up and excuse myself from the table. Following suit he was right on my heels when I spun on him once we reached the living room. "Now we're alone so just come out with it,"


"Come out with what," he asked perplexed.


"Look it's only me so you don't have to hide anything. You can tell me what's going on," I insisted.


"There is nothing going on, you're just paranoid,"


"No I'm not I know something's up and there is another woman involved so I want to know who she is." I was getting rather cross because of his refusal to answer my question and lack an explanation. At least if there was no chick there should be some sort of explanation for this.


"And you called her babe so she's got to be somebody," I added.


He chuckled shaking his head, "I don't call anybody that so who else is there left, think about it,"


"Who is babe because you don't call me that and if you did I would personally help you get to the hospital so they can examine your head," I said cracking my knocks just to show how I'd get him there. "So just come clean and tell me who the chick is," I demanded.


"You're insane, there is no chick," he answered.


"I'm not going to play games with you so don't give me the run around, I know that you were obviously speaking to someone. I'm only going to ask one more time, who is babe," I sneered.


"I was talking to you. I was trying to call you. Since you didn't answer when I was attempting to talk to you I figured you were asleep already..." he replied.


"I think this ought to serve as a lesson don't ever call me babe or baby-"


"I don't understand why you're still mad about this it's not like you're ever going to leave me," he stated cockily.


"And what's that supposed to mean? While that might be true if you think for a second it's because I love you, you're mistaken. There are other reasons why someone would stay in a relationship with someone like you," I retorted.


"Rationalize it however you want, the truth is still the same but if you're not going to leave then we have to get this on some type of contract, we've got to make it official," he announced.


"That's fine but since this is the only time I'd get the opportunity to see this you've got to go full out on this one," shrugging he got down, on one knee, in front of me.


"Will you be my permanent concubine," he asked looking up at me.


I smiled down at him, "no," I deadpanned.


"Quit playing around," he warned.


"It'll be the same answer until I see some incentive, like a ring or..." making a face he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black jewelry box. When he opened it I almost swooned, "meh, could have got a bigger diamond..." He started putting the ring on my finger when I suddenly pulled my hand back, "wait, is it even real because anything agree upon will be null and void the moment I find out you got this out of the gumball machine for a quarter."


He sighed as he rose, "You know, I forgot all about those. It would have saved me a ton of money."


I laughed, "You see this is a prime example of what I was talking about earlier," when he furrowed his eyebrows I held up my hand and pointed to the ring. "Collecting no digging involved," I elucidated to which he simply nodded looking solemn and lost in thought.


"Before we continue here and anything else is said or done I have something to say. Because no matter what happens in the future I want you to be able to look back at today and remember this moment. And when you remember I don't want you to have any doubts about how I feel for you going into this."


"Alright, well let me have it then and don't hold back," I encouraged.


"I hate you, concubine," he told me seriously. Hearing soft yet outraged gasps I fought back the urge to laugh.


"Awww, I hate you too, my tyrannical hobo," I replied with a smile. He was beaming down at me and I could see their barely contained outraged reactions reflected in his eyes.


He leaned in close, "concubine, you did it," he whispered.


"It was your plan, you ol' fraud," I smiled at him before he kissed it right off.

Chapter 9: The Wedding


Friday July 25, 2008


He squeezed my hand and brought me out of my reverie.


"Can I ask you something?" he asked after a pause.


"Sure," I answered


"It's something that's been bothering me," he continued.


"What is it?" I inquired curiously.


"Does this glove go all the way up your arm?" I couldn't help but to laugh at him.


"Yes, it stops a bit past my elbow, is that really what's been bothering you?" I told him giggling.


"Yes, I'm being serious, because I'd thought I was about to get some skin on skin action," he complained.


"I'm sorry to disappoint," I apologized.


"Why do I not believe that?" he remarked dryly,


"If it helps, it wasn't my idea to wear them," I offered, to which I heard a chuckle.


"Obviously, sounds like something my mom would have come up with to appease my grandma," he knew his family too well.


Barbra was his dad's mother and would have a tantrum if she didn't get her way. Now that she's old and has a boat load of health issues his mother has taken it upon herself to help keep her calm since her fits never end well for her, health wise.


"That's exactly it, old Barbra nearly threw a fit at the bridal store because the dress we all agreed on was strapless,"


"Strapless, huh," I smiled, I knew he was trying to picture it in his mind.


"Anyway, so your mom made a deal with her and I just found out yesterday that old barbs thought I should wear gloves,"


"Then you won't mind if I take one," without waiting on my reaction he yanked the glove off.


"No, what am I supposed to tell old barbs and, you know, as soon as she sounds the alarm your mom won't be far behind," I tried to talk him out of it. It was the best I could do because under normal circumstances I would have just went out there and took it.


"That you lost it…"


"Which is a lie,"


"On the contrary, actually, you did. To me. If you remember, you still owed me from when you lost at strip poker," he explained with a smug tone and I knew he was smiling.


"How can someone still owe you from that…" I had a vague notion as to where this was going.


"Right after you lost you went to sleep," he answered.


Finally remembering I laughed, "yeah, I did didn't I?" I admitted teasingly.


"See? Everything comes around full circle," he said ignoring my taunting.


"And if she still has a problem?" I inquired more out of curiosity than worry.


"I'll take care of it, I promise, there's nothing to worry about," even as he said it I knew that it was the truth. Despite his grandma's barbed wire like attitude, hence my nickname, she had a weakness; her grandson.


For whatever reason, she listened to him and he could get more accomplished talking to her a few minutes than anybody else could in a week. I admit, she likes me enough that I've been able to calm her down a few times and convince her a time or two. That success could probably be attributed to the fact that she somewhat sees me as an extension of her grandson.


When he took me to meet her, for the first time, he'd told me about her temper tantrums. He'd purposefully scared me but, when I refused to get out of the car, he told me about her soft spot for him. So naturally we went in, I clung to him like a second skin, and he soaked up the attention like a sponge. He loved it and continued to instill a healthy enough fear that had kept me like a clinging vine, never leaving his side, every time she was around until I started to get to know her more for myself.


Everything he'd told me was all true, in a worse case scenario, but he'd made it as if she was like that all the time. I'm still a bit timid when I'm around her because I've seen her at her worst and it's a side that I'd rather not see again.


"I would kiss you right now if I could," I caught the tip of a finger between my teeth and pulled off the other glove.


"Who said you couldn't, you can, we both have lips and the only thing standing between us is a door," he rebutted.


"You're supposed to be behaving today," I reminded him, putting the glove aside.


"I am,"


"Kissing before the ceremony is not behaving," I pointed out.


I heard him sigh dramatically and felt him kiss my hand before letting it go, signalling that he wanted to get up. Once we were both on our feet he took my hand in his, "I'll be meeting you at the end of the aisle, my lady," then he bowed over my hand and kissed it again.


"Of course, my Lord," I giggled, curtsying.


"Who's on guard anyway?" I asked because they'd wanted to make sure we didn't sneak around to see each other, and also to usher people efficiently to their designated areas in the house, they'd put people at posts.


"I would think you'd know, there would be nobody else but your staunch sidekick," he chuckled.


He let go of my hand and was gone but then, a short while later, I heard running and screaming in the hall.


"We've got a groom on the run, code black in section 12," I heard Tonya, my maid of honor, yell into a walkie-talkie, "I repeat we've got a runner in section 12, code black!"


Outside of my room was complete chaos for a while, soon after everything got quiet again my dad came to lead me where we were all supposed to line up. Everyone tried to act as if the "code black in section 12" didn't happen and wouldn't make eye contact which almost made me smile, knowing that he'd gotten himself out of being thought to have seen me. Now everyone obviously thought he tried to possibly ditch me at the altar but none were brave enough to tell me about it.


The only eyes that I managed to connect with were those of Mike and Tiffany 's grandson, Trey Miller, who we'd picked to be the ring bearer. I winked at him and he smiled back before turning to smirk at my cute little flower girl, Ellen, who blushed almost every possible shade of red. Hoping to find something to look at instead of him, I was an easy distraction when I smiled and waved at her. She offered me a shy smile, knowing that I'd saw what happened; I gave her a thumbs up.


Since the moment she first met him she's had the biggest crush on Trey and her friends dared her to confess at my wedding. He was a sweet kid and seemed to like her just as much but both were too shy to say anything to the other about it.


"Where's Tonya?" I asked my dad as I looked around once more at everyone. We'd decided to keep the wedding party small so we chose four people each.


Susan stood next to Silvia with their shoes off, I'd barely convinced the two to wear heels. Susan had said after her wedding she didn't want to make the same mistake twice as for Silvia, she'd even wore sneakers to prom and swore she would do likewise at her wedding in a few months. Tonya, who was missing, was my maid of honor and the final bride's maid, my sister, who had gone to the bathroom to redo some of her makeup after one of her eyelashes fell off. Of course it was a shame he wasn't here to see it but I'm sure his groom's men will tell him all about it, especially Charlie.


The groom's men had gathered in a group off to the side and were joking around. Charlie, who had been cracking jokes, was now teasing Jeff while Joey, the best man, tried to refocus their attention but failed when he found himself laughing with them.


Ryan McCoy, Silvia's fiancee, just stood shaking his head at them and chuckling. He is not to be confused with Bryan Milo, her ex, from high school. They met about two years ago when Ryan, one of his coworkers that'd been invited, came to our New year's eve party. Now, in a few months, on New year's eve they'll be getting married.


"Ok people, we're ready to- what's going on here?" Tonya came around the corner and stopped as she took in everyone. I knew what she saw, disorganization; groom's men with loosened ties, jackets long forgotten, and sleeves rolled up, all except Joey. As an extremely organized person and self-appointed wedding director, I knew she was horrified by what she was witnessing.


"The wedding is supposed to be starting and you all look as if we've already finished! You two put your shoes back on and get ready to walk down the aisle," she turned to Silvia and Susan.


"Although I love you guys, if you don't get your ties straightened and your jackets back on... I don't know what I'll do," she warned, warily eyeing the guys.


"And you two, why are you just sitting down in the corner, you're the first ones to go out there," she complained. The two preteens, who'd been huddled on a loveseat together, sheepishly scrambled up to get in place.


"And where is your sister? I thought I saw her earlier," she asked me, scanning the room again to make sure the rest of them were doing her bidding.


Joey snickered as he approached his wife, "she's in the bathroom..." I offered.


"Her eyelash fell off," Joey supplied all too eagerly.


Tonya sighed, "For God's sake I told her not to go to that "so-called makeup artist", Swansa. It didn't look too bad, right, the only problem was just the eyelash? Because I wasn't really paying attention when I saw her earlier," she asked.


"Well let's just say she scared the children," Joey stated and Tonya looked horrified.


"Only when her eyelash fell," I corrected, giving him a pointed look.


"Why didn't she just do it herself?" Tonya asked, to no one in particular, as she stalked off to go help my sister, "we're starting in five minutes so, when I get back, you should be in your places," she called over her shoulder.


A short while later they came back, everyone had did as she'd wanted, and the music started.


"Are you ready?" Tonya asked as she took her husband's proffered arm.


"Of course," I smiled, pulling my veil over my face.


Eventually it was my turn to walk down the aisle with my dad and I squeezed his arm, "let's do this," he smiled down at me as the doors opened for us. Although everyone stood looking at me I stared straight at the mischievous looking guy at the end of the aisle. Even in nice clothes he managed to still look deliciously rogish.


When we got to the end Tonya took my bouquet, my father handed me off, and the officiating minister began. As the wedding went on I wondered why I'd been so nervous because with how slow the monotone minister spoke and his tendency to waffle I was nearly asleep on my feet. He seemed bored, someone behind me yawned, and I thought I saw Jeff's head bob before he coughed.


I stuck my tongue out, his lip twitch, when I made a funny face, he almost laughed, but whatever he noticed beyond my shoulder, he chortled. He quickly covered it up by clearing his throat. Finally it was time to say our vows, although I nearly missed my cue.


"I used to think relationships were like in the fairy tales, girl meets a prince and they fall in love and everything's set for a happily ever after, but in reality it's not that simple at all. For one, I didn't exactly want the fairy tale story, well not as it was, I wanted it my way. I didn't want the sappy softy Prince, I wanted a guy who'd go to the gym two or three times a week... or not but at least look like he does," I smirked at him knowing that he only went to the gym every once and again. Although he ran at least two miles every morning, faithfully, he wasn't that way about going to the gym. He nodded taking the gibe in stride.


"That guy who isn't afraid to be weird by saying things like, 'hey you look pulchritudinous today' and no one knows what he's talking about but me," he smiled, probably remembering the time he did that. Everyone had looked at him like he was mad, thinking he'd made up a word.


"Or the guy who'll simply go along with me when I start an argument about nothing,"


"My most important discrepancy with Prince charming was that he seemed perfect, too perfect. With a guy like that, I can only see myself picking his brain and messing with him, waiting for an unperfect moment. I realized this later, but when I met you I still thought I wanted the fairy tale as it was. I think that's why when we first met and you seemed exactly like that perfect Prince charming it infuriated me, although it didn't take long before I found out the truth. But It made me realize that I didn't really want a fairy tale, I didn't want someone else's story. I wanted my own; the one where the hypothetical Prince can be irritating, underhanded, and ingeniously imperfect, yet that's what I want, because it's my story. And even though you're not a Prince in real life, I'll still take you," he chuckled.


"This is dedicated to our parents," he gestured to where they were sitting, looking surprised that he'd called them out. After the scene at our graduation party they'd been adamant about us acting like a "normal couple" for the wedding. A silent declaration that the engagement was ours but the wedding was theirs.


"From the moment I first met you until now I've pretty much stuck to the playground boy code by teasing you and annoying you but, despite my puerile approach, you've always been there, with a sarcastic retort, for six years. Starting when you decided to not-really be my girlfriend and as time has gone by you've increasingly become an intrinsic part of my life, my bonheur," he squeezed my hands and I laughed at the French word so I wouldn't cry.


"And even though we argue all the time you are the source of my repose and you encourage my blithe nature. I'd like to thank you for being my advocating cheerleader and incessant critic when I need it. And I'd like to stress how you really were pulchritudinous that day -everyday- but it's so much more than that. It's not just physical it's intellectually as well as a beauty that is yours alone," he continued until I couldn't hold it in anymore.


"You just had to make me cry," I lightheartedly accused as I let go of his to wipe my tears .


"In the beginning I just thought you were cute and it was fun to make you blush but I've since learned to appreciate your quick-witted sarcasm, silent complacency, close rapport, even your antagonistic dissension. I don't think I could ever forget the first time we went to an ice skating rink together, it was a day full of falling, arguing, and laughing. Or the first time we had a fight in this house, there was nothing but burnt food and crying. Through our best and worst moments we were together, I want us to always be like that. From the beginning to now through our journey together there has never been a dull moment and I hope to share even more moments filled with your priceless smile, unforgettable laugh, terrible jokes, encouragement, and good-natured teasing."


After our vows we exchanged rings and the wedding continued on as insipid as it started until he asked, "if anyone has a reason why these two should not be wed step forward now or forever hold your peace..."


All had been silent and suddenly, "Wait! Stop the wedding..." a woman burst into the room, a familiar looking woman...


Everyone automatically turned to the woman, I gave him a questioning look to which he shrugged. It wasn't until I happened to see Meredith, Charlie's girlfriend, that a light bulb went off in my head.


I ignored Shelby and whatever she was saying and focused my attention on Charlie, "why is your ex girlfriend here?"


He sighed, "I don't know, I told her not to bother me since I had a wedding to attend but you know she's crazy. She must have thought it was my wedding, I'm really sorry about this," he answered.


"Don't worry about it, drama like this keeps people awake," I replied slightly sadden as I turned to see that Shelby had calmed down after realizing her error and was being escorted out of the house.


Soon the attention was back on the minister, "if there is no one else... then I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Smith, you may now kiss the bride."

Chapter 10: The Reception

6 years earlier Saturday, April 20


"Michelle!" he finally called me to silence. "Listen, you look amazing, stunning even. I like it and that's why I'm speechless. The sight of you is breath-taking. And here you are panicking and worrying, thinking something's wrong. I really think you looked wonderful in everything you came out with." If that was so then there was something I wanted to know.


"Then why did you-" he cut me off by putting up a hand.


"Because I wasn't worried about what you wore, I knew it was going to be outstanding. What I've been stressing about was the time. I really wouldn't have cared if you came out dressed in jeans and a t-shirt we would have got there by now and you still would have looked ten times better than I do in this suit." Aw he was so sweet!


"That's sweet but you look handsome in that suit I was only trying to match your brilliant handsomeness." He laughed but I was actually being serious!


"You sound like my grandma. And 'handsome-ness' is that even a word? Sure handsome but can you really add the -ness?" he eyeballed me.


"I have no idea." I smiled.


"So would you finally like to go?" he asked holding out his hand.


"Well doesn't this white dress kind of look like a wedding dress to you?" he gave me a look this time but then burst into laughter.


"Well at least you've got your wedding dress figured out." He managed through his fits of unrelenting laughter. I smacked him, turned like a deeply offended 'lady'. Then he reached out and grabbed my hand, straightening, laughter ceasing.


"Aw don't go bride, the wedding has just begun," he chuckled delightedly.


"Well, I'm changing for the reception." At that moment my dad happened to walk by.


"I'll miss you every second, dear." He said a bit louder than necessary as he gave me a warm smile.


"I shall miss you too, darling." I answered playing along he kissed my hand and bowed. When my dad was a safe distance away I giggled but soon my mom came with her camera that's when I decided to make my exit.


"Love, come and stand by the door so you are not too far away," he chuckled I took his arm and put my head on his shoulder.


We went up the stairs together and I deposited him outside my door to wait. There was particular dress that I had chosen for the evening and feeling like I'd made him worn him down enough, I slipped into it. Finally I stepped out of the room and leaned against the door frame smiling deviously up at him, "Now how do I look?" he snaked a hand out and pulled me between him and the wall a slow grin playing out on his face all the while.


"Like my concubine," he whispered before he kissed me. 'Perfect.'


~end of flashback~


July 25, 2008


"You know what this reminds me of?" I asked suddenly.


"Prom? Now that I think about it why didn't you wear that dress?" he responded.


"Yeah, but you already saw it so there would be no surprise then." I answered.


"I don't know about that, you have grown a bit since then..." he commented.


"I'm not quite sure how to feel about that either you're trying to say I've gotten fat or I was a frog in high school." I said purposefully taking it wrong just to see what he'd say.


"I didn't say you wouldn't fit in it I meant that you would look different in it. And who said you looked bad in it before?" he defended.


"Look at you, always the sweet talker when it suits you," I teased.


"At least I'm adaptable and how ever would I always get my way otherwise?"


I laughed while he pretended to whisper and blow air into my ear. I pulled away from him slightly because we were in the middle of our first dance.


"Would you stop that?" I chided him even though I was rather amused.


"Why should I?" he questioned.


"Because everyone's probably thinking you're really whispering sweet nothings or romantic musings in my ear when you are doing nothing of the sort. If you truly have nothing to say Mr. Smith I ask that you refrain from whispering by my ear" he smiled with that same roguish smile from before.


"Would you rather I ravish you right here on the floor then?" He whispered in my ear and I gasped.


"You scoundrel," I breathed finally getting over my initial shock.


"At your service. Don't forget I'd be most willing to assist you in forgetting about your audience." He declared saucily.


"You already have," I answered simply, smiling, now wasn't the time for him to start his seduction. Quickly our dance ended and as a new song began to play everyone else joined us on the dance floor.


"It would appear so far so good." I said cautiously while discreetly looking around.


"On what front, my lady?" he asked.


"With the old barbs," I replied and he chuckled.


"Yes it would seem so but 'tis not beneath her to still say something or send my mother. I'm just surprised she didn't stand up during the wedding..."


"She wouldn't," I refuted the claim horrified at the possibility.


"She's done it before in her younger years but I wouldn't put it past her just because of old age. As a matter of fact she looked ready to however by the time we got around to the end of the ceremony she was fast asleep. Although Shelby's outburst woke her she was too disoriented to make her own by then. So we have the long-winded officiate to thank for that small respite."


We were glad to be in the clear for now but we knew it wasn't over. Only a short while later, both his mother and grandmother approached us on the dance floor.


"What happened to the gloves? It would have gone really well with your dress. Why didn't you wear them?" His mother asked, offended, and his grandmother stood beside her looking equally as upset.


"I daresay I still love her without them," he commented kissing my bare fingers.


"That's not the point," his mother said looking at him. "We agreed that you'd to wear them to the wedding and I gave them to you. They are the same gloves Barbara wore to her wedding and she only lent it to you for the occasion since we were in a dilemma. Where are they?" She turned back to me.


I struggled not to laugh, the supposed "dilemma" had only come about because Barbs felt like I simply had to wear gloves.


"I'm sorry, I lost them," I confessed vaguely.


"What?" His mother was shocked but the old barbed wire looked like she going to be ill. This was going well. "Then it couldn't be helped but we do need to find them..."


"I must confess here," he suddenly spoke up.


Both women looked at him and although he kept his eyes on them he squeezed my hand. I nearly smiled until I realized that it wouldn't look good given the current situation.


"I finagled my way into her room last night," he continued.


Both women's eyes widen and his mother looked at me with questions in her eyes. His grandmother started to speak but he cut in.


"Your worry is for naught. There was not an ill intent in my plan, I assure you," he added. Old barbs took it for what it was but his mom still looked at us with a bit of suspicion. Letting go of me he took his mom's hand drawing her attention away from me. "I went to bring her gifts and I did not see her while I was there," he assured her.


I crossed my arms putting it together, he wasn't lying to them. He was simply spinning it in such a way that would connect the two events. He had put on a front this morning telling me it'd been an accident before finally coming clean. Even then he hadn't been interested in telling me how he got it there but now the truth comes out.


His mother flicked a glance over to me I presume for some sort of confirmation. I don't know if she found what she was looking for because he dropped her hands and turned to his grandmother. My attention was back on him as he turned his wooing onto the older woman.


"I apologize, grandma. I hope you weren't too out of sorts about it, you know your health should come first. As a matter of fact I should be giving this back," he reached into his jacket and for a moment I worried that he would only have the one he took from me this morning but the blackguard must have snuck the other sometime after the wedding. He pulled out both gloves and handed them over.


"Now I know you'll feel better because they are with you but you should take better care of yourself. It was supposed to be simple teasing between my bride and I. It was not my intention to send a gentle soul to an early grave. Look at yourself, you are pale and your breathing is labored. You must sit and rest," I watched as she agreed with him like a demure kitten as he doted on her. I almost laughed when he called her "a gentle soul". Before long he was guiding the two in the direction of their seats.


"Hey," my sister approached me.


"Hey," I mimicked her.


"Everything came out nice I must say," she complimented making a sweeping gesturing around the room.


"Thanks. I'm just glad it's all over now and I can finally enjoy the fruits of my stress," I said looking out at the guests.


"That's why I tried to stay as far away from the planning as possible," she confided.


"Is that why I couldn't find you most of the time?" I joked.


"I had enough of a taste when you asked me to help arrange people at tables," she laughed. That had ended in absolute disaster. I had to figure out seating arrangements for some 'pre-wedding party', that his family claimed was a tradition, and the reception. Besides offering a few suggestions, as far as who most likely shouldn't sit together, Nicholas did not want to help so I'd enlisted my sister. All of our organizing and agonizing had gone to waste every time we'd been informed that a there was someone else to be considered. After we'd finally finished we never thought to check it over with anyone. When the day of the pre-wedding party came we found out how disastrous that decision was as drama unfolded, apparently because of the seating assignments, and that led us to consider revising the reception arrangement. Then once everybody else came in with their opinions all our work had been completely in vain.


"Yeah, some pre-wedding party that turned out to be, right?" I nudged her. It was funny now but it hadn't been then.


"I'd already thought the whole pre-wedding party family tradition thing was a bit weird and excessive. Now I'm really not having one," she responded.


"Aww," I tried to make a sad face but couldn't stop laughing.


"If I were you I wouldn't have do it, especially not when you're to pay for it, they're really the ones that want it, and if anything goes wrong it's your fault," she complained. After the fiasco that night there had been many complaints from his family and even some talk about making us have another one to make up for the one that'd been "ruined".


"It's not like I could said 'no'. It was going to happen regardless but we both would have been much happier to just show up to watch since I had no clue what we were supposed to do and he didn't care to plan it. The whole time I was trying to find out what is a "pre-wedding party" for and I still don't know. Because his family offered no help and he didn't really say what is was then told me whatever I did would be fine," Apparently out both of our parents are supposed to be in charge of doing the engagement party, then we throw the "pre-wedding party". That's as much information as I able to get.


"Really all it did was add undue stress," she laughing.


"Well, I wasn't too worried about it anymore once his parents said we didn't have to put on a second party," I sighed.


"Is that Ben Mariani?" my sister pointed out, laughing.


"Well, yes, it's not like I could just not invite him. His parents are practically family and we grew up with him. I didn't see a problem inviting him and even though his parents couldn't make it uninviting him would've been rude," The Marianis had been some of my parent's closest friends. Growing up thinking of him as a cousin we'd thought nothing of laughing at him from afar about being nerdy. At get-togethers we made jokes about his lack of social skills and awkward approach with girls. Suddenly the subject of our conversation started heading toward us.


"Do I look okay?" Mary turned nervously toward me for appraisal.


"Your dress looks fine-"


"And my hair and makeup?" she cut in impatiently. First I thought she was simply being paranoid over her makeup disaster this morning but then something occurred to me.


"You like Ben?" she didn't have to answer as her blushing gave her away, "how long have you had a crush on him?" I nudged her side and she swatted me away.


"A couple years," she admitted quietly, averting her eyes.


"Why didn't you tell me? I could have orchestrated something for you," I teased.


"No! I don't need you to orchestrate anything," she hurriedly declined.


"If I'd known I would've at least stopped making fun of him. But does he know?"


"Well we flirt when we see each other at events and we sort of hooked up at the last one," she mumbled. My eyes nearly came out of their sockets. I hadn't expected that one.




"He'd invited me to go check out his new place and after a few too many drinks we shared a cab and went to his apartment. I mean, we didn't really hook up, it was just making out and heavy petting before we passed out," she divulged. Wow. Before we could say anything else he'd reached us.


"Hey, Ben," I greeted him warmly with a hug and he reciprocated.


"Hey, congratulations," he said after pulling away.


"Thanks," I smiled.


"I didn't think you two would ever get serious," he laughed referring to our vows. If our parents hadn't been so adamant about how the wedding was "theirs", and we needed to do it "right", our vows wouldn't have come out worded the same way.


"We're trying it out for a while and we'll see how it goes," I shrugged. "Anyway, I'll just disappear and let you guys do your thing," he smile gratefully, finally turning to Mary and at first the two were just staring at each other for a long moment.


I left them to go in search of my husband but I kept an eye on them. Once they'd started talking they seemed a bit awkward but when I looked a few minutes later they were laughing. Satisfied I was turning to resume looking for my other half when I heard a bit of commotion.


"What do you know? You can't tell me anything you old witch!" Frankie, one of his cousins, shouted at grandmother Judice.


Frankie was Barbara's daughter's son who I'd honestly been hesitant to invite seeing as I didn't personal know him and the things I've heard weren't particularly flattering. I wasn't entirely sure how he'd come in contact with my grandmother but by the looks of it wouldn't end well. She had been saying something that I couldn't quite make out from where I was and as I got closer Barbara got involved. Frankie was forgotten as the two grandmothers got into it.


"And who exactly are calling a reprobate?" Old barbs' face was completely red and she was shaking


"You and your shiftless thieving crack-head grandson," good old grandmother Judice retorted.


My husband managed to get the two old ladies quickly separated and ushered to the opposite ends of the reception hall. Somehow Frankie escaped in all the upheaval and no one seemed to notice.


"What was that all about?" I asked once everything settled down again.


"Apparently Frankie stole some money from your grandmother's purse when she caught and tried to confront him he started arguing with her. You know how she is, she made some comment about him being a reprobate and I'm still not sure what my grandma took offense to but she allied herself with Frankie in refuting the fact that he'd done anything. She stuck up for him but it's no secret that he has a drug problem plus he always ends up stealing from somebody at every family function and even at the last one he stole from her." He took my hand and led me to the edge of the dance floor. We'd been standing there looking out at everybody when suddenly he started laughing.


"What's funny?" I inquired.


"I just saw your sister," he explained and I rolled my eyes. He'd nearly choked on his food when Joey and I had told him about what her makeup malfunction. Charlie, hearing us talking about it, produced a video of the incident that he'd apparently taken by accident. Now it seems everytime he sees her he can't stop himself from laughing about it. "Who's the guy she's dancing with anyway? Is that your cousin Ben?"


"He's not our real cousin but, yes," I answered still watching them, "I remember when we were like that."


"Like what?"


"Being awkward around each other and not really knowing how to initiate things in your relationship," I elaborated.


"When were we like that? Because I'm so sure we had that particular problem. Maybe you did," he remarked.


"And you didn't?"


"Of course I didn't, If you remember, from the beginning, all I had to do was this," he said before leaning down to kiss me. "We should start making our way to an exit about now," he suggested.


"We can't just sneak out of our own wedding reception. If you're trying to kiss me and make me forget about where I am you you're going to have to do better than that," I teased.


"Well right now we have a flight to catch but after that we have at least a week where you can help me perfect my wooing. And has anyone found a better substitute for practice when aiming for perfection?"

Chapter 11: The Honeymoon

July 25, 2008 ~part 1~


He tossed his duffle bag on the floor, "finally I have you all to myself," the look in his eyes was predatory. I giggled girlishly. "And what do you plan to do about it," I called to him over my shoulder.


He loosened his tie as he slowly advanced toward me with that same devious gleam. He caressed my arms and I could feel his breath fanning my ear, "exactly what I've been wanting to do all day."


"Can you guess what it might be," he whispered. I couldn't help but let lose another giggle when he pressed a kiss to a rather ticklish spot behind my ear.


"I'll have to say that you've wanted to tickle me all day," I offered humorously.


I felt his smile against my skin he knew I was joking, "guess again," this time he kissed my neck.


I leaned back against him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "ooh," I exhaled. "I think I know where this is going," I spoke encouraging him. He chuckled before kissing my bare shoulder,


"So you've finally figured me out, have you," he taunted.


I wrapped my arms around his neck when he turned me around, "you're trying to please me," I proclaimed smiling at him.


The wicked twinkle in his eyes kicked up a notch, "I aim for more than just to please," he had a wolfish grin on his face as he looked down at me.


He leaned down and kissed me, just as things were finally getting hot and heavy my phone rings, effectively cutting through the mood. I groaned, he wasn't too happy about it either. Slowly I pulled away from him to go retrieve my phone, "hello," I answered not bothering to check who it was.


He followed me across the room so even though I was on the phone he continued to make himself the focal point of my attention. He unexpectedly picked me up and carried me to the bed, starting another fit of giggles. Once he'd sat me down on the edge of the bed he started taking off my shoes slowly watching me, gauging my reaction. His gaze was unnerving and it was hard to focus on the voice on the other end of the phone I distractedly recognized as my sister's. The flow of words coming through the phone fell on deaf ears as he massaged my feet slowly creeping up my leg.


"Mmm," I moaned my approval as my relieved feet sang his praises for his careful attention to their distress after hours of standing and dancing.


His answer to that was his signature devilish grin, that always meant trouble, seconds before he slid my white thigh high panty hose down my right leg.


I narrowed my eyes in a silent warning for him to stop or else and in challenge, daring him to try something like that again. That was my first mtistake. As I tried to refocus on what my sister was trying to say he disappeared under my dress and it wasn't long before I felt teeth against the inside of my thigh. I gasped, there was just no deterring this man, he resurfaced triumphantly having successfully removed my other stocking. Seconds later he'd gone under once again this time his target was my garter, I was so glad we decided to do this in private I don't know how I would have kept a straight face otherwise.


"Oh God help me," I cried as an all too familiar hot tingling sensation started up, "you are the very devil himself, aren't you," I accused breathlessly as he came back up with the garter still caught between his teeth.


When he finally dropped it he attempted to go under a third time but I pushed his head back and stood up on shaky legs.


"I'm sorry, what happened," I inquired of my younger sister as I turned away from him. My second mistake.


"Well..." the rest her sentence was lost when he cut in,


"You should take off the dress," he offered making me turn to face him again.


"No," at least not while I was on the phone, but there was no telling him that apparently I realized as he advanced.


"You're only saying that because you can't unzip it with one hand," he pulled me flush against him, "come on, just let me see what's underneath," he whispered in my ear even as I felt the zipper begin its descent.


The dress slid to the floor and I pushed him back onto the bed so I could step out of the dress. He watched silently, taking off his shoes and socks as I placed the dress on the back a chair. The fire in his eyes threatened to let everything go up in flames and as I got closer to him my body's temperature soared. He pulled me toward him and I went willingly,


"Hold on, Mar," I told my sister putting my phone down on the bed next to us. He wasted no time, pulling me with him as he leaned back onto the bed.


"Mr. Smith, why are you misbehaving so," I asked.


"I've behaved all day just so I could get to misbehave as much as I want," the look in his eye told me there was next to nothing that I could bargain with that would change his mind.


"Ten seconds. Please, I'll do anything you want," I begged.


"You say that as if I couldn't get you to do things otherwise," he rolled us over so he was staring down at me.


"Okay Mar what's up?"


"Well she's on a table now…"




"Grammy Vela, I told you,"


"What? Grammy Vela?!" At the same time I said this she was speaking on her end.


"Oh! What is-" I heard her say to herself. "Is that what I think is?" She asked someone on her side of the phone.


"No…" she groaned, then suddenly, "somebody get those two…yes the children they don't need to see this," she yelled.


"What is happening now?" He'd finally stopped since he realized something was wrong he was now laying on one side of the bed and I sat on the other side. We shared a look and give the fact that whatever was going I'd have to tell him about it later I just put my phone on speaker.


"She just threw her panties at somebody…"


"WHAT?!" We both leaned into the phone.


"Ben, go help them get her down… OH MY GOD!" I covered my hand with my mouth. What was going on over there? We exchanged a glance.


"What's happening now?" I asked slowly almost to scared to know.


"What were you thinking Frankie somebody get some water… FRANKIE! FIRE! CALL 911!"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.07.2015

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