
Relatable Comments

  • I hate when I makes plans, get exited and then my mom says NO.
  • A good boyfriend loves his girl with all his heart. He isn't afraid to point to his girl in front of his friends and say "That's her"
  • When that someone is about to tell you something then they say "Nevermind".
  • 19.99 because 20.00 is an outrageous amount of money.
  • I still like you, I'm just tired of trying
  • Admit it, once in your life you've tried to balance a light switch right in the middle.
  • I never argue, I just explain why i'm right.
  • I hate when I forget to press "Send" and i'm sitting here like an idiot waiting for a reply.
  • I love pizza because it has a built in handle that also happens to be edible.
  • Having unlimited texting with no one to text.
  • "Okay, if we get caught here's the story..."
  • That awkward moment when someone isn't texting you back and then you see them update their status from their mobile.
  • Police Officer: "How high are you?" You: "No officer it's, Hi how are you?"
  • My room was clean I had to decide what to wear
  • Annoying Friend : "Hey, you wanna hang out?" Me: "Hold on I have to ask my mom." Me: *doesn't ask her* Me: "She said no."
  • I die a little inside when I see an old person eating at a resturaunt alone.
  • When I was younger I thought the character turning from a child to an adult actually waited for the character to change.
  • Grammar is very important; it's the difference between knowing your shit and knowing your'e shit.
  • If you ask me to hold your drink I will drink it.
  • "Hey did you ask yet?" "No my mom's in a bad mood."
  • Using a different word because you can't spell the word you originally wanted to use.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2013

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To all the people who can relate :)

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