
Chapitre one : players



I stood beside the pool admiring Ethan playing was his girlfriend Sofia in the pool splashing water on each other .I hate har don't get me wrong she's cute sexy she not tall she's 56ft  brown hair with light brown eyes her curve body not like me but it's sexy girl any guy dead for her make me get crazy jealous. Yap you get me , am in love with Ethan you get it right .
Who can't !? I mean his sexy , handsome and hatter. His 6'5 ft wavey black hair charming  blue eyes that you just wanna stay all times staring on them ,his face heart cover his chin was his beard make him more sexy . body was muscles not over but in perfect was 6 pack his skin sunkissed Evey girls wishes just be one day in his boots am one from them oh and his 20 years ago his in collège .

Suddenly voice get me out from my thoughts "Mila ..Mila" I turned snip"what?" He laughed "you out from world more than two minutes I was asking you if you wanna me to order your food" raise his eyebrows "yeah ...uh ..yeah chicken salad thanks" I answer Eli one from Ethan bestfriend "anything for you love" kissing my cheek "Awww Eli stop call me love am not " don't got me wrong his handsome 65ft his 19 years ago , muscles body 4 pack blond hair brown eyes his sexy in himself but his not Ethan .



"Whatever you say I know you like me "Winking before I repeat he run to order our food .
I turned my focus on Ethan he was making out with Sofia my heart squeeze in my chest It's hurt me saw think like this all times.I wanna him from me all him I felt am in the edge of crying no .no Damn Mila stop thinking about him you can't think about him like that.... Sofia his girl he can do whatever he wants with her Know he never ever ever see you like you see him ... It's wrong Mila my goodness ...I can't ... oh goodness I can't feel like that to Ethan that a mistake....I think it's time to stop myself from loving him to make control on my feeling I remember myself jumping in the pool splashing all water on Ethan and Sofia .

"Oh sorry guys "I shot smirk am not sorry at all because they pulled a part ."I can till you not"Ethan smirk I know he Knows me very will more than anyone in my life "really"I called turned my back to them swimming to Luke way "really Mila"Ethan called behind me I didn't reply I stood beside Luck his sexy cute guy really his me and Ethan best friend "hey cutie" jumping on his shoulder "hey sexy" smiling I like his smile his 20 like Ethan sexy in his way baby cute face brown eyes matching his green eyes . He turned me to face him .

"fuck man every day you look more sexy "whisper in my ear I giggled I know very well he like me he asked me to be his girlfriend from three weeks ago but I told him I have to think about it.


I know Ethan will not like the idea his little sister dating his best friend and older then me in three years too . Yah you heard me right Ethan my older brother even so that doesn't stopped me to have feeling to him more than brother and sister . I get that feeling from two years ago first time I dream we making love together and this dream never stop for that day . I know a stranger no sis can feel like that to her bro but I do ...
"What you say?" Luke wake me up
"About what?"am confused I think am so deep in my thoughts to heard his question.


"About going to club to night " give me confused look
" of course not alone"given him confused look his hands still around my waist "If you want I'll till the other" in whisper I look in his eyes I see lost need I nodded okay "I like it so  sexy "he say looking at my breasts I look around no one there anymore just two of us I get nervous I have to pulled a part  I push on his chest to let go but this just make him push me hard to him "don't"he ordered" let it go asshole"push him more oh god that just make him in more lost and pleasure he squeezed my ass pulled me more letting me wriped my legs around his waist  "I think you want to play huh" I song " I need you Mia " looking on my lips .



 In no time our lips meet he bit my bottom lip sucking on will drawing circle around my breasts and squeezed them hard I can't catch my moan he pulled a little whipping whispering in my ear "you wanna that huh you like it huh you want me to fuck you ahhhhhh" moaning squeezed them more putting his hard dick between my legs pull me a little down to let  my pussy on it I moaned softly his name" yeah babe "under his breathing I want to stop him but my body like it "fuck Luke " I moaned he smirk.


kissing sucked my neck running his lips all the way to my breasts kissing sucking them pulling one out from my bikini bite on my nipple hurd let me moan he stop Looking in to my eyes before he started sucked my breast again I moaned more  running my hands in his swim shorts feeling his dick it's very hard and thick "oh babe we have to give little Luke what he need"I play his eyes get bigger "I wanna see you naked now"I play again he sing quickly removing his swim shorts I put my hands on his chest "I have to be naked I guess"he nodded " I can't wait do it quickly babe" he said in rousing voice "turn around"I call in my sexyes voice "why ?"he shot"because I want so"he sing turned his face I quickly pick myself out from the pool shooting"see you babe " taking his swim shorts with me " fuck you Woman come back you can't do this " he screamed like a baby token for him his chocolate chip"watch me babe"Winking continue my way to the house.


"stop it now Mila come back"



I laugh before to get in side leaving him screamed yap the pool in my house we are rich people like you see my daddy have nine companies around my momma stay beside daddy in his trip and she also fashion designer. Me and Ethan didn't see them just one or two weeks in all the year . But we are okay without them everything we want we get and I really don't remember the last time they stayed with us more than two consecutive days it's sample now to us to live like this.

I reached my room get outfit to hooping in my closet to pick outfit before I  getting a shower .I dug in my closet took shot black leather shorts I have a amazing curvey body so the leather shorts will show more from my beauty , with white tank top . I get my bra and underwear white silke color I just want to complete my outfit with shoe.

When suddenly my door open and angry voice yelled " Mila?"I still in my closet I think it's better to be quite till he go or he will fuck the hell out of me .I heard the door open and close I sign in relief he gone . I know I'll be able to see him later but not now , not when he is piss off.I think now the best is to wait till he calm down a bit . I get out from the closest and here we are the anger man waiting for me was cross hands , eyebrows knotted and drop it jaw .oh goodness did he know what I did god knows what he will do now ."Uh....Mmmm.... Hey Uh"my voice tremulous I tried to act normal I get close to him playing with his hair "who the naughty that make my baby mad like this "given him my best sexy whisper voice . He push my hand away "Mila don't play with me like this you now what you did " he yelled at my face trust me no one hope to see the anger side from Ethan . He stare at my breast and his anger hit more . I bit my bottom lip I know what he saw I was still in my green bikini that help him to  see my  hockey that  Luke give it to me  I'll  dead now . he hold my arm hard squeezed so hard punching me to the well , I can't hold the pain that hit me in this time my back hit the well pretty good .my tears roll on my cheeks "Why you let son of the bitsh fuck you ?" He yelled hitting the well beside me making my body shiver . I try to find my voice to explain to him I don't but no use .....



Suddenly a known voice came behind Ethan "Ethan you hurting her "I look up to meet big brown eyes "Eli "I whisper he smiled" I know what happened she just taught him a lesson ......  let it go man he didn't make sex with her ....he downstairs wanna toke to you"putting his hand on Ethan shoulder. Ethan relax after that he let go from my arm our eyes meet . Am waiting for apologize we stood looking in each other eyes for minutes the silence started to be uncomfortable to me .the first one who broken it was Ethan "the dinner is ready" great he didn't apologize to me "thats it"I shot  I look to my arm his cave handheld left printed in red  on it . "Sorry Mila I lost control wanna I saw.....the hockey" he didn't  without looking to my then he disappear from my room taking Eli with him.




I sign getting on my bathroom to taking my shower letting the hot water relaxing my body .


When I finish my shower I put my outfit on looking on the clock it's 4:00 I decided to call my friend Emma .from the first ringing she pick up
Me: hey bitch ( yeah we toke like this to each other you get it )
Emma:hi slut ( I giggled)

Me: we going to club to night you in

Emma: of course I miss E ( she have crush on him like for ever )

Me: his not available Emma 

Emma : whatever see you later bitch

Me : see you slut

Emma: bye

Me:oh ask  Karen if she wants to bye

Emma: okay bye





I jump getting my high white Converse put it and black long necklace I put it on I reached to my make-up I just put a fine line eyeliner was some mascara covering my lips with red lipstick I have long silky dusty blonde hair that reached the middle of my back I leave it like that . 

I look in the mirror I really like myself not cocky but am really sexy I have curve body in a good place I have 3 pack my skin sunkissed was gray blue eyes am the only one in the family that have gray eyes and dusty blond hair my momma say I get it from my grandma my momma have brown hair with blue eyes in the in there hand my daddy have black hair and black eyes.

I took my phone  running downstairs .

I entered the kitchen to found Sofia are talking on the phone with someone she didn't notice me I leand on the door way listening to her conversion she was saying to someone on the other line "oh you know how I love you babe " pissed then she spoke again "I miss it too babe but you know very well why am with him babe" in this I understand she's talking to a guy and she loved omg she doesn't love Ethan she's playing with him I don't know I have to be happy or sad ....she continues" okay babe good , if you want you can get his sister on your pants like this we be able to see each other more and get money more " laugh her evil laugh I can't believe that she wants her boyfriend to get me in his pants to suck with him more and get our money too shit I can't believe her this slut who she thinks she are ."okay babe I know you can do it and when you get this bitch Mila under you make sure to took video to I provoked her for money huh ....huh yeah of course babe....    like this I can be free from the asshole ...." I can't handle it anymore I shriek at her letting her phone dropped from her hand" slut whore who you think yourself are "


Ethan ( P.O.V )


I was in my room making out with my girlfriend when Eli shoot from behind the door telling me that he saw Mila and Luke making out in the pool my blood boil I pushed Sofia off of from me putting my clothes on I open the door Eli sign to me that he saw her entire her room .


Am angry from her I can't saw her with any man .

I can't get the idea of Mila making sex with any men .


I felt jealous started to  eating me oh god I know very well that wrong but yeah am in love with my little sister . I know that I have feeling to her from that day from that day I know that I love her more than brother love his sister , everything beginning in that day from one year and half.... Yeah one year and half ago...






 I been three days not home leving Mila home alone . I entered the house calling her name I was missing her she's funny person she like life she always say we live one time so we have to get fun love the life like this she will loved us too and  love ourselves . I like her words she's my best friend not just my sister am older than her but no time I think that am the older because she smart and her mind is older than her age . She knows who to toke with any person age in very pretty easy . I look in the living room and kitchen she's no sign .

I reached to her room opened the door to saw her laying in the bed wanna she saw me she give me light smile "you home" her voice like whisper . "Am home" I call reached to her she's sweat .

I put my hand on her forehead goodness she have fever " sis you sick " she nodd "go take shower and change your clothe they wet I make for you soup and bring some pills to get your fever down".

"I can't change I feel dizzy "

"let me help  "she nodded I helped her to walk to the bathroom "okay you fine with yourself I have make the soup " 

"Am fine go " I go understand to the kitchen I made for her soup I put it in the boll I took some pills form my room running to her room . I signed she's still in the bathroom I  knocked on the door ."come in E" yeah she call me E or baby .I open the door to see her just in bra and underwear " I forgot to took pj's and am very dizzy again "she sing "it's okay I'll  get it to you"

"Can you first took me to my room" I nodded before I carry her in my arm her body still wet "oh girl you wet " I murmured "it's feel good to me" she whispered in my chest .

I don't know what happened with me. me just from this little conversion between us sending shivers all my body why am not like this in normale I look in to her body between my arm god her body more sexy then I saw when her clothe on and she's more sexy with her dusty blonde wetter  hair oh fuck she's hotter  just I want to taste her now make her moan my name for pleasure her my body scream and my dick cry to fuck her now making her screamed to go faster in her wet pussy...oh no she's my sister impossible I can't think like that ... 



oh god but I need her now under me....Ahhhhh "what?" Her voice removed me from my thoughts

"sis"I told myself more than her to to remember myself she my little sister I can't think like this .


"yeah"she replied I get to her room putting her in the bed pulled my T_shirt off "I think you can put this on you for now" given her my T_shirt to covered herself steal the last glimpse in her curve sexy hattie body I ever saw before she pull it on  .



This night after I feed her and give her the pills she go to her beauty sleep. I stayed all night admiring the wonderful girl beside me her filled kissed pink lips just how good to  taste her them . everything in her turn me on fire I shook myself wrong feeling .....I have to stop myself .... before I did some thing  regret later..I know that's not going to be great . I took my phone calling Sofia asking her to be my girl and to move to my house like this I'll not be able to be alone with my sis.. . Like this maybe I'll stop feeling like this to my little sister and no problems will happen... Oh god why my sister? Why I have felt my sister ? Why i have to feel Like I'm crazy beside her ? And from this day till now I sneak to her room just to admiring her beauty. I love her Evey day more and more am horrified from this love ......







 I open her door shooting "what the hell Mila?" No sign to her I open the bathroom she's not there I closed it waiting for her am sure she knows that I know what happened in the pool because that she hiding in the closet . I was right she get out from the closet nervous start "Uh....Mmmm.... Hey huh"her voice tremulous when my eyes land on her I forgot why am here . 


She get close to me putting her little hand on my hair. playing them I need her so badly  "who the naughty that make my baby mad like this "giving  me  her  best sexy whisper voice omg no if she stayed like this I'll lost my control .

I push her hand away to focus myself "Mila don't play with me like this you now what you did " I yelled at her face trust me I know some day she'll be with someone making love to him same day she'll not be with me she'll be with him in his house in his arms in his bed . but now am  not really ready for this .... my eyes land on her boob and there was a hockey my blood boiling in anger more again.

I hold her arm hard squeezed so hard I know but in this moment I just want her to feel some from my pain I  pushed her to the well , I can't hold the pain in my heart she make sex with Luke .I saw her pain and the  tears that run on her cheeks . That didn't stop my anger"Why you let son of the bitsh fuck you ?" I  yelled hitting the well beside her making her body shiver . I know in this time I didn't see her my sister I see her my girlfriend my lover mine.. that is disloyal for me for my love she cheating on me.... 

Suddenly a known voice came behind me  "Ethan you hurting her "I know that but I cannot stop "Eli "she  whisper to him like she asking for his help and he did " I know what happened she just taught him a lesson ......  let it go man he didn't make sex with her ....he  downstairs wanna toke to you he want to apologise"putting his hand on my shoulder.I  relax after that she doesn't making sex with Luke.I let go from her arm our eyes meet making my heart bombed .


I waiting to apologize I want to take her in my arms asking her  forgiveness  , But not from that happened I just stood looking in her eyes like idiot didn't found me voice I pretty sure she wanna me to apologize but she let him giving her big hockey in her boob of course he tease her. I can't apologize I turned to leave telling her the dinner ready without looking at her" thats it" she shot .

I know now I have to do it she's my little sister not my girl not mine and never ever will be  "Sorry Mila I lost control wanna I saw....the hockey " without looking to her I left her room with Eli on my tail....




When I enter the living room I saw Luke before he spoke anything I bumped him in his face "details now " I ordered him "Awww man what was that....Awwwww....  I swear I didn't  touch her pussy " he said fixing his jaw ."good details"I was happy when he said he didn't touch her pussy ."babe eveye one eat , lets us eat first " Sofia call " Sofia go feed yourself " I yelled how I can eat knowing Mila Starving I can't.


After Luke finishing  up what happened between him and Mila . I calmed down suddenly Eli shot me "man you know your sister one day will have boyfriend and I was wondering if you give me permission to dating her "

"Why you dick ?huh why not me , anyway I asked her first"Luke called

"Shut up "I yelled

"Man you know me..." Luke cut him"US" Eli nodd "okay us and you know how much I love her " Luke cut him one more " love her " Eli sign " please man give me ..US chance. " 


I know one day she will found her love some where and I trust Eli more than Luke and pretty sure she will be happy with Eli he loved her he'll never hurt her or broking her heart . But how I can see her in his arms ? How can handle that he with her touching her ? Making love was her moaning his name to please her ...I can't ....I can't .


Maybe this will be good to me to forgot her to remove this feeling getting back my brother feeling maybe .....or maybe not hell what I have to do ? I just  hoping one day I can remember myself to love Mila like my sister not like my girl and some days she will get to have boyfriend ... Fuck it's hurt to think that some days she'll get boyfriend .... remember   Ethan she your sis she have to have her life... Fuck...  life not fair ..... "Man you didn't answer me can I date Mila" Eli move me from my thoughts "No you're older than her  about for ever "

"really am 19 she's 17 you didn't give me convincing reason you know how I love her " he smirk



I look around Luke not here anymore and am really need help to remove Mila from my mind I sign Eli will never hurt her. "If she wants this but no touching no touching am clear " he jumped on me hugging me "oh man thanks a lot I love you man" 

"Sorry am not gay Eli I think you want a date with my sis not me " 

He get up of off me "sorry am excited" I will be to if she'll be my girlfriend don't blame him Mila all the eyes guys or men land on her they will dead to get her ...... 



I was watching football game with Eli wanna I heard Mila shriek from the kitchen "slut whore who you think yourself are" I look to Eli he look at me getting up running to the kitchen . 

"You're the  bitch one crazy fucking slut" Sofia yelled at Mila

" Oh really am not the girl that fuck two guys am not the one who ask my boyfriend to fuck my anther boyfriend sister because to provoked her"  I meet Sofia eyes 

" Big  liar babe she's liar" like this Mila notice me here but she run to Sofia slapped her strongly before   Sofia reaction I was beside Mila putting her behind my back protector .


"out from my house now" I yelled to Sofia "baby I love you you .."

I cut her off

" am not in love with you Sofia am just using you like you did now out"

she still doesn't move I yunked her arm throwing her out from the house .


"Let it go babe you have to listen to me please" I wind 

"your things will be in your house tomorrow I hope I'll never see you again slut" shooting closing the door in her face before she say anything . I heard her scream

" you will pay for this all of you will pay especial your beautiful sister "


I take a deep breath . 

I know her well she can't do anything next week or so she'll find some one who have money and she'll forget about me .


I entered the kitchen to see Mila hugging Eli crying.

"Mila you don't have to cry " I said she turned to my voice throwing her self on my arms "I love you E " she breath in my chest .

"I love you Mia" rest my chin on her head she just so sweetie how I can handle myself now we home alone Sofia not here anymore I hope everything will work out ....I don't want to lose control making my sister get fright out from my feeling to her...




 Mila ( P.O.V )



"hey am starving come we have to eat" Ethan call pulling me in his lap " okay guys am going home to prepare myself " Luke shot "am going too" Eli call " okay guys we meet in the club " Ethan say I just nodd . After they gone Ethan open my box chicken salad pass it to me I murmured thanks before I dug my  fork in my salad we eat in silence when we finish I get up from Ethan lap " am gonna be in my room preparing myself if you need " he just nodd .



When I get in to my room I stood there jumping up and down from the joy am happy that Ethan and Sofia broke up I know it's wrong but I think we live one time we have to enjoy every second in our life because that I thought maybe I can tell Ethan my feeling now I now it's  idiot idea . But I have to do it I thought he can understand me and who's knows maybe he can help me to stop feeling to him and can be careful if he get anther girlfriend that I'll be hurt to saw him with her .I think he will understand my situation and protect my feeling from broken again.


I run to my closet picking up outfit for to night . I pick red half shoulder dress  above my  knees about 4 inches with black high heels . I throw them in my bed I look in the mirror my make up still looking good I just put more red lipstick .


I make my hair in waves style . I pulled my manicures box I choose the red paint , I paint my nails I wait until they dry.  I took of my clothe  picking new black silky underwear I decided to not wear bra with my dress am really have good boobs look without it and my dress half shoulder will look better without it .


I dressed up hooping downstairs . I entered the living room and here am I face to face with the hottest man I saw  his electric blue eyes make my heart pops up making me nervous making my body shiver making me want him now on my bed  he was wearing white shirt with black ripped jeans when our eyes meet I felt how I love him now more than two hours ago he really making me crazy .


Ethan ( P.O.V )


I was waiting Mila toget herself ready  when I saw her with sexy red dress I felt jealous because she's not mine she'll never been . I just want to run my hands on her body . I just want to took her lips on mine I just want to tell her evey day how she's wonderful . I just want to tell her evey day how I love her . How I feel about her . I just wanted to wake up every day to see her in my arms .


I love her more and more every day my eyes land on her . When our eyes meet my body shiver am really sure I'll can't be able to forgot this wonderful sexy hottie girl in whole my life . I wish my god help me some day to see her like a sister to me before not too late ...

" You ready  " her voice like a soft song wake me from my thoughts

" Yeah let's go " I called 


We headed to my car I make the car a live getting out from the parking lot . " Can I put  music " she asked me I nodded my head. The first song played was for Selena Gomez " feel me " Mila shot "I like this song " I laugh at her reaction she started to sing the song her voice amazing and I felt that she was sing to me to feel her like she sing to me to let me know how she love me I know that was crazy but that what I felt .



"Feel Me"

No one love you like I love ya
Never cheat, never lie
Never put no one above ya
I gave you space and time
Now you're telling me you miss it
And I'm still on your mind
We were one in a million
And love is hard to find

Do you stay up late
Just so you don't dream?

Every time your lips touch another
I want you to feel me
I want you to feel me
Every time you dance with somebody
I want you to feel me
I want you to feel me

Do your days get a little bit longer?
Nights get a little bit colder?
Heart beat a little bit louder?
Oh (Do you feel me?)
Days get a little bit longer? (Feel me)
Nights get a little bit colder? (Feel me)
Heart beat a little bit louder?

When you're running, who you run to?
Where do you go to hide?
When she ain't giving you enough to
Get you through the night
Won't be caught up in the middle
Of your highs and your lows
Baby, long as you're not with me
You'll always be alone

Do you stay up late
Just so you don't dream?

Every time your lips touch another
I want you to feel me
I want you to feel me
Every time you dance with somebody
I want you to feel me
I want you to feel me

Do your days get a little bit longer?
Nights get a little bit colder?
Heart beat a little bit louder?
Oh (Do you feel me?)
Days get a little bit longer? (Feel me)
Nights get a little bit colder? (Feel me)
Heart beat a little bit louder?

Do you feel me? (Feel me)
Feel me (Oh, feel me)
Feel me (Feel me)

Every time your lips touch another
I want you to feel me
I want you to feel me
Every time you dance with somebody
I want you to feel me
I want you to feel me

Do your days get a little bit longer?
Nights get a little bit colder?
Heart beat a little bit louder?
Oh (Do you feel me?)
Days get a little bit longer? (Feel me)
Nights get a little bit colder? (Feel me)
Heart beat a little bit louder?

Every time your lips touch another
Every time you dance with somebody 



When the song end we are in the club parking lot . 

"I'll call Eli to see if there in sead" I tell Mila 

"Okay I call my friend "she replied

They says they are in there for half an hour . 

 "They are sead with Eli and Luke " she said after she ended the call

"Great let's get in " throwing my hand around her neck we  walked to the vip table where we found our friends .

  "Hey guys " me and Mila shot

"Hey guys " they replied

I can guess Luke like Karen Mila friend she's was setting in his lap great he found girl I hope Eli found girl to himself too like this no one from them will filet around Mila .


Mila ( P.O.V ) 


I took a champagne bottle put it on my lips letting the liquid in it hit  my flat stomach . I want to  be  under the  alcohol  spell tonight  am happy  Ethan is  free now . "Crazy girl what you think are doing " Ethan shot pulling the  bottle  away from my lips " celebrate for  your  freedom babe" I song racing  for the  champion pushing more in my mouth "stop Mia" Ethan shot pulling the bottle again "Okay lets dance " getting up pulling  him with me we dance  in two songs  before  I say "one minute " he just nodded I rushed to the bar order two mix drinks holding one to Ethan  "that's so much  Mia" whispering in my ear the last thing I  remember I drink all the liquid in my cup in one sop living the shock in Ethan face before  I head to the dance floor.  



Ethan ( P.O.V )



I saw her  heading to the dance floor and same guys in her age dancing with her when the song end she came to me whisper in my ear " Ethan I want you now " her words shocked me. "Mila want me to dance with you " I asked I didn't understand what she want me from before she shocked me again " no I want to go home with you to make love " .I took her arm drugging her out to the parking lot a lot of people in there now us brother and sister .


I really want to make love with her but am in shock I don't now if she really meant what she said or that just from alcohol influence on her  .


When we are  beside my car I open the door for her I want to take her home  .


She stood  very close to me  letting her forehead rest on my chest expelling "am missing Ethan am missing up " 

"Okay  you can tolk about at home  please Mia get in the car baby"

I Whispered she nodded pulling herself into the car . why she's missing up ? Why?



After thirty minutes we are home  and she was sleeping I  carried her in my arms taking her upstairs to her bedroom . When I lay her down in the bed she reach out to my hand "please stay "she Whispered I sing pull off my clothes throwing myself beside her she put her head on my chest tying her hand around my waist



" I love you " she call


" me too babe .... maybe more than you thought "


I like the feeling our bodies meet sending electric and shivered between our bodies it feel good . I rolled my hand around her burial my face in her  hair. Her  scent like drugs for me like  my own personal brand of heroin .

I  closed my eyes sniffing her one last time before I felt darkness. 


I wake up Mila still in my arms I smile that not dream . I slept last night beside her. I admire her   beauty for more than half an hour  before I get up making sure not to waking her.



I bring headaches pills with cup of water place it on her nightstand I know she'll need it when she's a wake .

Living not for her , I  get to my room picked up my outfit before I handle to take shower. 



Today am going to buy everything new to my room the bed the nightstand and the wells colors. 

After forty minutes am ready  I pick my car keys and my phone hooping in my car and drive to the mall.


Mila ( P.O.V)



I wake up on my phone ringing omg I can't move from my headache like train hit me  and was my phone rings making it worse.  I turned around to reshoot my phone my eyes leaned on my nightstand thanks god there was headache pills with cup of water I  get them punch the tow pills in my system threw some water after them . I for my luck my phone dead off .


I closed my eyes feeling the sleep caver me .

I wake up one more time thanks goodness no headache this time I  get up I notice there was a not on my nightstand. 


goodmorning my beauty  took your pills I'll be home at dinner love you .

Your Bro Ethan. 



I smile I think I didn't fucked up last night.  I picked summer yellow dress with blue and yellow sandals pick yellow and blue bra and underwear.

running to the bathroom toking my shower. After an  hour and half am ready I  pick my phone to check who was calling me . It's my crazy bf Emma I  call back she picked up from the first ring.



Emma : where your fucking ass I was ringing on you ( she was yelling)

Me : calm your ass  down what about 

Emma : first I think to get tattoo today and sc....

ME: am in send me the address you  took an appointment 

Emma : Okay great in a bit and yap I  get one bye 

Me: bye 

Emma: don't be late bitch 

Me: I'll move my ass out home when I get the address 

Emma: good bye 


Before I react she hang up.I  get to the kitchen Anny our maid was there "morning Anny " she's around 38 years 

"Oh good afternoon Mia" she remanding me it's 4:30 "Whatever Anny am going out you need something "  took a bit from my apple "no thanks" 



"Okay then bye I shoot off my shoulder getting out to the parking lot jump in my car making it a live looking at my phone scream there was message from Emma I open it it's show up the tattoo shop address.  I sing made my way to the tattoo shop. 

This my car by the way. 



I made there in 20 minutes . I saw Emma arready there  "hey girly" I shot "hey sexy" we laughed entering to the shop to get our first tattoos . Emma wonderful girl , she's 17 like me I know her from two years  the day I started the school here in New York City because Ethan wanna to be here on university and my dad told him that I have to move his him . Emma have red hair and green eyes she have sexy body and by the way she have crash on my brother .



When I was getting my tattoo I started toking was the guy who making out my tattoo. Because Emma get little kitten tattoo on under her ear and when she finished her tattoo her my called her to get home she sing sorry for me before she left. 



He's cute handsome and  gay his name Ryan he blond hair and brown eyes .he make laugh a lot to forgot the pain " you know if am not gay I'll make you my girl" he call before I answer my phone get alive I pick it up .

Me : hi

Ethan: hey my little girl every things fine

Me : Yap great wh Ahhhhhh .....Awww It's hurt that time fuck Ryan ( Ryan laugh)

Ethan : what  the fuck is that Mila ( I can feel how much his anger was but why ? Oh he thought am ...)

Me :E am not making sexual contact ok

Ethan: oh because that your moaning huh ( he yelled)

Me :  it's hurt Ryan 

Ethan : who the fuck is Ryan he fu...


I cut the call start laughing " your boyfriend " Ryan ask I hope he is " No my bro  he so protector he thought am making love with you now " we laughed . "By the way am done" holding the mirror for me to look at my new tattoo it's so red " put this cream on it and you'll be fine " Ryan said punch cream tube on my face "thanks Ryan see you later "

This my tattoo 




I left the tattoo shop I jump in my car making it a live take my way home. In   20 minutes later am home I  open the front door calling " am home E "

"Your dinner in the  refrigerator " he shoot really likes this no baby girl or my little girl or Mia . I sing he's  mad maybe because my moaning on the phone great he think I was making sexual contact  . I  entered the livingroom Ethan was there lying on the couch watch football game.  I cleared my voice to get his attention . Desponting me he doesn't flash "E about the moa........." I was cutting off before I explained why I was moaning " this your personal life sis I don't want to hear about it " in his deep mad voice.  Really that my brother Ethan he always asked personal stuff about my life. Oh and now he says this my personal life that he doesn't want to hear about it really. 


Chapter two: It's time

 Ethan ( P.O.V )



After I heard Mila moans on the phone line I get mad crazy from just the images popping up in my head how he kissing her right now? How he hold her ?

How she moans his name?

How he got inside her?

how she moans for pleasure?

For him omg how she kissing him ?

She in another guy arms making love with him .

I hate him I hate her .


Why I have to hate them ?

I have to hate myself not them am the wrong person not them am in love with my sister .

It's over I have to control myself this love is all impossible and wrong .


When she get home she yelled to me that she's home I felt like I want to jump to her ask her a lot of questions but I catch myself.


"Your dinner in the  refrigerator " I call not moving from the couch  . I was  mad again when remember her moaning  .


She  entered the livingroom I tried not to look at her because if I make eye contact I'll make her mine to let her know that she can't be with any guy she's mine and am her's . "

E about the moa........." I  cutting her off 

" this your personal life sis I don't want to hear about it "

I don't want to know what happened between them or anything .


  Really she'll she'll not going to tell the truth anyway .

"Am not hungry " 


" Good he feed you "

" I wasn't ...."


I cut her entire time " it's you r life Hun good night " I say getting up to make my way to my room but I was stopped with her head on my shoulder . 

"What about my goodnight kiss " she say in softly voice my heart want me to kiss her not just good night kiss he wants me to kiss every place this guy touch it , but my mind not let me to do it .


" Sorry Mila no kiss to night " was that I left.





I can't sleep because every night for one year and half  I wait Mila to sleep , I sneak to her room to admiring her sniffing her . Her scant help me to sleep .

I look at the clock in the nightstand it's 2:15 am I sing she be dreaming now.

I get up reach to her room I open her door slowly she was wearing sports  grey bra the cover reaches under her breast her  blond hair cover her face I set close to her pushing her hair softly with my fingers , to took better look to her wonderful face she's angel . I roll my fingers softly on her cheek it soft like the flower .

" omg hate that you was in bed with a guy today  " I blom softly


" sorry love but I have to make space between us sorry baby " I felt water in my eyes I lay down kissing her pink sweetie lips lightly .



" if you're not my sister "


Now all the tears roll on my cheeks burning my heart .


I turned to get up but I can't something catching me .

I look to see Mila hand around my wrist my eyes wide did she heard me.


" you tasted from the same cup now ." Her sleepy voice send shivers to my body omg what she heard .



I she means which cup oh god she heard me fuck .



" what do you mean sis " I played it stupid 



thanks god there was no enough light in the room to see me crying .




" I . don't know what you mean  just.... here to give you good night kiss " I scrolled .


" Am glad to see you now feeling a little bit for my pain when you were with Sofia  "


what she means by that ?

She heard me .she was jealousy from Sofia why?

I escape my wrist standing up to leave .

This wrong I can't let anything happen between us and am really sure if I stay here after what she said about her jealous thing things will go south .

I'll not letting this happen .

I turned to leave but her strong voice stopped me .



" no you have to listen to me Ethan ." I turned to face her.


" I was die every day I saw you Touching her I was die every night when I hear her moaning your name I was die every day every minute every second because am in love with my stupid brother I know it's wrong but I can't handle it anymore you have to know that I love you more than anything in this world " she was crying now.


I doesn't know I have to be happy because she in love with me .

Before it was easy because I was thinking this love from one side . 


This love is a big mistake she can't love me I can't let her can I .



I want to kiss her to tell her that am her's that everything will be okay .


Something in me catch  am older than her I can't leave myself now I have to be strong beside her to make her stronger .


To let her know we can't do anything with this love .



"Baby girl don't cry please this love is just wrong we knows that you have to be strong ..... We have to help each other to get that love in the right place again am your brother you me little sister  sorry sweetie am..."



She cut me off by through her body on me cruching our lips together .




At first I don't respond to the kiss. 

Am shocked , confused 

Slowly I lost all my self control.

 I started take control of  the kiss she  taste sweetie like candy .

I sucked her lower lip bit on it she mound softly.

God I can't handle any more my dick crying to be in her .

Am so ready am hard it heart so bad .


 I pulled her to the bed laying on top of her . 


I need her I want her to be mine .now in this moment I don't care what the right thing or the wrong thing.


She dug her hands in my hair she begging for more .

I broke the kiss taking her in she's sexy as hell .



she was wearing sports bra and short shorts I slept my hand pulling her bra a little up to get a view to her breasts .

I  move my lips down to her neck massaging her breasts she moan out my name I smirk in her neck .


Reaching between her legs her short so wet.

I have effect on her and I like it.


she like it I removed her short and bra  she was naked now beside me I took a minute to admiring the beautiful body in front me.


" You're beautiful " I whispered .



banding to the wonderful between her legs I kiss the top of it.



"open your legs more from me babe" I commend


she shiver before she moaned opening her legs wide her possy lips so pinky and  shine form   need .

This more amazing from any dream I have about her.



I massage her  sensitive 

kissing and licking her possy lips before I enter one  finger in her thin hole  


she's so tight ...


" you very tight fuck  " her possy sucked squeezed my finder.



she's so wet  I can't imagine how my dick 10 inches will be inside her  soon.

Oh God did she can handle me then it clack in my mind fuck.


She's virgin without a doubt .


I have to pleasure her first she cum quickly from one finger.


Fuck she's sexy when she cum .



"oh Ethan ......Ah ....mmmmmm...Ah " she moan loweder .


I didn't stop  finger her I start faster the  movement.



I  enter anther finger in her licking her bitting her possy .

her taste so sweetie.


she cum again in my fingers I removed my finger licking her cum to taste more from her sweetness.


" Oh goodness your taste so sweet " I glared


I started to  remove my clothes when I remember to ask her .

" You are virgin and if you want we can wait "


I was naked and my dick 10 inches show up I see her uncomfortable 



Because that I want to be clear I'll going to do anything to let her happy.


But no response .


" you don't want this we can stop if you like " 

kissing her  hips I will died if she said she want to wait .


I hope in  the depths in me her answer will be don't.


I was waiting this moment so pretty long

"uh ...yyes am .. virgin  " she taste in a shy voice why she shy now .

" Sorry I didn't have any experience E "

I smile at her sweetness .


" You virgin am glad I'll be your first and you will get experience for me just me okay now relax Mila  "


am really means a very words I love her just how she are.


She nod " am not gonna be bestard with you   I promise I be so gentleman"





she nod again 


" you ready for this I love you Mila and you know very well I die before I hurt you "




she took a deep breath " I need you Ethan take me now "


am really want her . In the same time I want her to be comfortable with me .

"babe we can stop here " 

"nope let's do it  " putting her amazing shy  smile on her face.


I nod putting my dick between her legs before I enter her I kissed her forehead " it's will be painful just at first then everything will be amazing if you can't handle it just give me a sign and  I'll stop " I whispered in her ear.

I started to enter her slowly inch inch she shiver trying to push herself away I hold her still.

 starting to kiss her lips to dispersed her when I filling her all .

I stilled  kissing every spot on her face boobs neck minutes later I move my dick inside her slowly out and in .

She burial in crock neck digging her nails in my shoulder  I felt tears run from her eyes to my neck .

" Look to me babe" she haze before look to me I wipe her tears  with my lips I  kissed them before I whisper "we can stop if you want just say the word "

she pulled her lips on mine I take it's no .

our tongues dance together oh God if I stay kissing her all day I'll never get bored .

She moaned softly in my mouth .


she cum for the  third time she returned her head back and her chest up "Ahhhhhhhh .....Mmmm.... Faster fuck me faster please" she said bugging in her brith less I start fucking her in and out fast and fast I felt  I will cum in any second " Mila I will cum any second am not wear condom "

I informed her I hope she's in pills

"fuke Ethan cum inside me am in pills I want you to fill my womb from cum  "

oh God she doesn't finish I cum inside her  .

I roll her in me not moving my dick out from her "it's the best " I told her kissing her lips softly . I love her and now I really don't care for anything will happen after that.

" Really you like it " I put my finger on her lips " I don't like it I love it it's wonderful you are wonderful I love you Mila I don't know what you're thinking you like it "

" You crazy I love it too and I was dream in this for so long I love you Ethan am really in love with you "

I kiss her forehead hug her tightly am scared when I wake up she'll be gone .


" I'll make anything to make you happy I promise I'll never let you regret this moment ever " I say before I felt her sleepy I sing kissing her head closing my eyes leaving the dark take over .


 I wake up I can't move .


I open my eyes to see the wonderful girl sleeping on me shift her hair away from her beauty face thanks god I wasn't dreaming everything happens is reall .

she moan softly making me smile .


"You like what you see" she whispered softly she's awake


"Of course babe I wake you" I felt bad because I wake her up


"Nope " raise herself up looking at me

"do you know I was afraid to open my eyes not seeing you here with me in my bed"

"I was too " I say pulling her chin up to meet her grey blue eyes "I love you Mila " 

"Love you more baby"

I don't husted   our lips meet the kiss start soft and warm about four or five minutes my dick wake hard and ready to attack her possy again we still naked .

I'll make sure will be like this ever night because I can't stop myself now not when I feel her  Wonderful possy .


"I want you again oh fuck am hard for you"I told her between the kiss she moaned

"am all yours" I turned to be on top of her  printed kiss everywhere in her body am ready am really hard but am not going to be in rush  I want to taste her .

" Mila till me that you want my dick in you now"



blowing kiss in her hip bone she shivering under me .

"I need you " her soft voice said I plump some light puffs  on   her possy 

"stop it Ethan" she shift


"Say you want my dick to fuck your possy say you want my dick rip your possy say it "

now am fucking her with my finger slowly .

She moaned pulling her possy up

"you coming ....oh fuck you ..cum ..oh yeah cum for me babe" she bit her lip tighten her legs on my finger I pull it out lick it.

"fuke babe I want to eat you " I lick her up

"fuck me babe fuck me more" she cried

" No not like that say Mila I need your dick in me"


" Fuck you Ethan ....oh...Ahhh I need your fucking dick in me now "


I smirk

" pull yourself up babe "


she get up I slap her ass

" eat me first" her eyes wide open

"I don't know how" I smile

" like you lick the ice cream " I sat on the bed  edge  pulling her up on the floor "get on your knees" I whisper she get on her knees

"open your mouth for my dick babe eat me  "

she open it and I put all my 10 inches in her mouth she tried to pull off  I get up reaching to her hair to not make her move pull my dick in and out her mouth oh it's amazing feeling fucking her mouth

"Oh fuck....Ahhh fuck am gonna empty all my cum in your fucking mouth .....Ahhhhhhhh"

letting all my cum inside her mouth

"drink it babe come on "I let her sucked and milked my dick to the lestl drop before I  pull it  out .


" how it's feel my dick fucking your mouth " 


" Amazing and your taste incredible " she smiled


I want more I want to fuck her more I took her hand helping her up kissing sucked her breast while my two fingers in her fucking her fast and hard she's fucking hot and wet .

"Ahhh fuck I can't"

"Oh yeah cum for me babe cum "

"Uhhhh...oooooh"she screamed while she cum I didn't stop my fingers moving inside her wet and hot possy

"I need you Ethan please"

"Oh sweetie not now "

I finger her making her cum again and again in till she  be come flabby between my hand I lay her on the bed .

" it's time for my dick inside you love"


I put her legs on my shoulder I entered her fast and hard

" you killing me ooooh Ahhhh "she moaned


I see tears roll on her face

"but you like it you like me fucking you hard aren't you"

she didn't reply I stopped she moaned trying to push herself to my dick again.

"no till me first you like me fucking you hard"

she nod

"no I want to hear you" 

"Mmmmn....Ahhhh yeah I like you fucking me hard"


With that I push in her so hard she yells moaning bugging me to slow down but I didn't fuck slow I know she's coming I fucking  her like no tomorrow


I get in and out her possy fast and fast un till we cum together .


I kiss her forehead

" sleep babe "

I told her laying beside her leave my hand around her waist .

I love her she's my girl now oh shit I fuck my sister now oh God forgive me but I can't handle it anymore I love her .

I want her in my life in my bed so badly.

I know I'll be in prison oh shit I didn't care now she love me and I'll be with her an till she told me to stay back .

I will make anything she wants me to do I kiss her sleepy face before I closing my eyes leaving myself to not thinking about tomorrow now am here she's in my arms and that all I ask .





Chapitre three : We live the moment

 Ethan ( P . O . V )



 I 'VE WOKEN UP with plenty of women before, but waking up with Mila in my arms is like nothing else.

She's sexy and vulnerable and trusting, and all I want is to wrap my arms tighter around her, hold her closer than I already am.

Thing is, she's still sleeping, and as much as I want to get my squeeze on I don't want to ruin what is, quite possibly, one of the most perfect moments I've ever had.


Am really in love with this woman . I know it's a big mistake but I can't help be living the moment . 


She smells fucking amazing, like drag to me .

Fucking amazing everything in her incredible amazing .

There's a subtle change in her breathing, followed by the lan- guid stretch of her body.

Taking my opportunity, I draw her closer, pressing my nose into her  dusty blond hair. “Morning," she purrs

cud- dling into my heat with a content- ted sound that has my inner caveman thumping his chest.


Just mine she's all mine .


“Morning baby Sleep okay?"

"So good." It sounds like porn the way she says it.

her morning voice all low and sultry.

The sound of it goes straight my dick downstairs , and I feel like I've got to apologize for the way he's shoving at her hip.

After all she was virgin .

I don't want to scary her.


She shifts again, turning on her side so she's facing me.

Her bare breasts cushion against my chest and her knee begins this leisurely against my thigh.

But it's those sleepy soft gruy blue  eyes peering up at me that get me the most.

I'm so lost in them God help me.


I almost don't up-and-down slide notice when her heel hooks around the back of my leg to draw me closer to the warm wet Damn.

I'm right there.

Right there.

Mmmm ..... Ohhhh


If I thought I'd found heaven before it had nothing on this.

"I was dreaming about you all night," she murmurs against my chest .


between butterfly kisses.

I reach for her hip, pulling her closer.


Fuck she absolutely my death.


It feels so good  so slick and warm and inviting. 

all I'm willing to give either of us is the slow rock of my hips against that soft needy place.

I cradle the sweet curve of her ass in my hand, using it to move us to- gether in a tease that's mostly torture.

I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold out.

"What were you dreaming about?" I want every detail.


"About this." She sighs as I slide through without sinking inside.

"About the way you kiss me and hold me and what it's like when I have you inside me." I rock again, and her breath catches, her eyes hazing over.

"What's it like?" her slickness

"Overwhelming. But in the best way."

Another fractured breath as I tease the head of my cock over her clit.


"It's like everything is too much when you're inside me.

Like I'm not sure I can even handle it, but then I realize I don't have to.

The only thing I need to do is give myself over, let go , just feel you, filling me more than I ever thought I could be. Loving it."



She doesn't have any idea what her words are doing to me.

She can't I want her in ways I've never wanted other women.


I want everything.

 She'll give.


I'm coated in her slickness, driving us both to the brink of madness with this skin-on-skin contact I would never give in to with someone else. But with Mila, I can't stop, I don't want to stop.


Until I've made her come.

It's as close as I can get to what I really want.

Sinking inside her with nothing between us.

No barriers.

I never do sex before with out condom .

Hell but was Mila I want to do anything to mark her as mine.

She's mine.


The thought alone has me ready to spill with a deep gut- tural sound rumbling out of my chest as I push her back and knee her legs wide beneath me.


"Getting on top of you drives me fucking wild."


Her lips part on the kind of satisfying gasp that makes a guy think he can do anything.

I slide over that sweet spot again and feel the buck of her hips. 

" Please E gave me more of you "

 I know I've already taken this too far. That every time I give in and the blunt head of my cock grazes over her opening, pressing in just enough to drive us both crazy...


I'm tempting fate in a way I never usually do. Five seconds, hell, three, and I'll be suited up and sinking deep.

But that dark voice in my head keeps saying, a few more seconds , a bit longer , a little deeper.

I can't go deeper I'll cum in no time.


"I want to feel you come like this."


My hips haven't stopped moving. I'm propped on one elbow next to her head cradling her ass to bring her hips up sliding back and forth with my dick trapped between our bodies so the hard ridge of the head drags over her clit in a firm press.


"I want my cock drenched in your come. I want to be dripping with it."


She's already soaked, and every word I say seems to be getting me closer to my end goal.


" mmm.. Ethan please, oh God, so good.....mmmm.... don't stop."

"You like this, sweetie?" I know she does.


I can feel her spasm even from the outside.

"I do." She's tensed

her breath coming in ragged bursts as her hips snap against mine.

"I love it."

Jesus I can't handle it anymore long.


"You're going to come for me."


"Oh yeah .... Right there."

I slow my movements and shorten my stroke focusing on her needy little possy.


"Here?" Her lips part on a stunted breath, her eyes going wide as they lock with mine.

And I've got it.

Exactly what I wanted...

Mila coming against the bare skin of my cock.

coating me with her pleasure.

I thought it would be enough to have her in that way .

It's more unprotected contact than I've ever had.

But fuck, I want more.


Her eyes meet mine and I know I'll take her all the ways in the world .

Her eyes feel with love , lust need . That she'll give me anything I want she trust me more than any one in the world .


 That trust  It does something to me.

It means something to me.

Emotion pushes at my chest.

The way she's looking at me .

 I kiss her sinking into the softest, slowest, most tender and heartfelt kiss I can give, tasting her lips with the barest lick of my tongue, and when she opens beneath me sinking into her mouth and tasting her there.


Fuck ... 

So fucking  sweet. 


Sweeter still when she moans around my next measured thrust.


I make love to her mouth, thoroughly, completely.

  Leaning over her, I find that soft point of give between her legs and, eyes locked with hers

" I love you Mila so fucking much " 


I say before I sink home .

The file that  her possy  taking my dick  is so hot so good.


How her thin possy sucked me in .

How we fit perfectly together like we  created to each other .



 louder her moans and cries every time I entry her .

How hard I could make her come.

How she make me feel .

This this thing between us I never felt with any women before.


Did we can quit out this secret between us from anyone?


What if our parents knows .


I'll be in behind the poles

He'll what will happen to Mila.

Fucking hell




I can't  throughs like this now 

Not now.




Not wanna am with Mila beneath me.

around me.

This is enough .

I'll think about that later.


 I love her more than I love anyone in my life .

She's all my life now and forever .



I with draw and shifting my angle push deep again.

Her eyes go wide, and her breath escapes in a gasp.


Deeper still I rotate my hips, making sure she feels me everywhere. I give her long and slow, hard and fast.

Dirty and dirtier.

Every trick in my book.

Things I've only heard as rumor.

All of it.

When I've made her come three times and our bodies are slicked with sweat and my back is scored from her nails.

And her bits covered my shoulder .


I bury myself deep and come so hard I see stars.


We lie there a few minutes breathless caught in the kind of intimate tangle I could live in forever.


" I love you Ethan it's hurt how much I love you "


" I knew babe I knew me too "

" What if anyone knows what we did ?"

"Shhhhhhh am here now and forever baby no one will knows and we didn't do anything "

She smiled " love you E " 


I kissed her shoulder  "love Mil , now  let me halp you to take bath " 








After turning on the water, I pull her into the shower with me. Turning her around, I place her hands against the shower wall, and she immediately spreads her legs. I slide my fingers across her clit and inside of her; she's so wet already .

I can't wait another second.

Reaching around her wet naked body, I enter her with one thrust. I'm not coming alone, but I've got to make this fast , Anny our maid will be here any moment and for sure I don't want her to hear my girl voice because trust me she can't be quite .


I begin kissing her neck, using one hand to massage her breast and tug on her nipple ring.


My free hand slides across her pussy, tugging on her clit. She's so fucking responsive oh god she so fucking hot .

she immediately grips me tighter with her muscles, and I'm about to lose it.

 "I love the way you grip my cock when I'm fucking you. It's yours, Mila. My cock is yours forever and your  tight little pussy mine. You are mine forever baby did you understand that, right? Tell me, baby, tell me you're mine."

I love the way her cries of pleasure mix with the acoustics of the shower.

She's not holding back  she's on fire like crazy .

"Yes! I'm yours, Ethan...mmmmm.....ehhh.... always...oh  baby, I'm so close. Fuck me harder . Show me you're mine and only mine. Deeper, let me feel all of you. I'm so close, oh god. so close!"

Feeling her come hard all over my cock drives me to the edge, fast. My thrusts come harder and faster, and as her cries echo off the shower walls, I explode inside of her.

Her sexy words linger in my ears as I relish the sensation of being inside of her.

I love coming inside of her. 

Spinning her around, I claim her mouth. I can't fuck her and not kiss her; she needs to feel how much love I have for her. I break away quickly, though. "Here, let me help you clean up.we almost out of time. Anny will be here so " I kiss her shoulder before I start helping her to clean up.

She finishes quickly , kisses me as she gets out of the shower. 


God please forgive us I know that all wrong but I can't understand to stay away from her anymore not now when I know how much she  carved to me .


I can't not now not ever, she's mine only mine now.


I love her till death I'm so glad that she love me too.



Bildmaterialien: Google photos
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: Me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.06.2021

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Sorry if there are grammar mistakes because English not my mother language. Thank you so much for reading my book I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think about my story and thanks one more time.

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