
Chapter : 1 why???


"Wake up ,lazy girl." I heard  Jake yelling in my room. I  buried my head  under the pillow. " Wake up " yelled over and over shaking me off.  I threw  the pillow in his face yelling "stop it Jake " .He put his body under the cover beside me giggling. "Why didn't you call me yesterday to sleep beside you. " wrapping his head on my waist. I smile "Hey baby boy ....I call you but my dad say you not home. " 

"Yah , I go for hunting. " 

" great it's not my fault." Looking at his eyes. " let's get some sleep " I say.

" No my baby girl we have guests today at breakfast we have to de  downstairs at 9 "

"Guests in breakfast !" I say in surprised face" who are they." I know my daddy No one receives in the morning.

" I don't know  all I know pack from NY "

 "NY !!! Good like this you'll find your maet "

"Am not ready yet "

"Whatever "

I look at the clock in the wall it's 8:10 .I have to get up.I get out of bed to pick my outfit. I chose short jeans shorts was white  wide T_ shirt Write on it ( Watch me ) was gold color, Completed my outfit with gold and white converse. and I chose my black bras underwear matching with. returning to Jake .

"Jake I have to take shower. " 

" you need help baby " biting his bottom lips

"Okay,  Mr.cute can you leave now "

"Why? I can help "

"NO , leave " I screamed 

"Then go take shower with yourself" he glowe at me 

" of course I will ."

"Okay why I have to leave.  You take your shower in the bedroom or in the bathroom " he shake 

"Ha,Haha Funny " I give eyebrow " I can help a lot " he say I give him eyebrow. 

 "Okay, am waiting for you downstairs " give me a light kiss in my cheek. 


Jake is my best bestfriend in the wolf pack . We are friends from two years ago. His power to calming  you and let you fill that everything Okay we slept every night in the same room same bed . We're the same age 17 , and we both We are afraid to have mate .

I like him , his 65f with brown hair  messed up ,exquisitely sculpted face ,He complements his body with muscle form , oops I forgot his green eyes.Trust every girl hope to be was him. Like me every guy in the wolf pack want me to just  be with him yes you can say am sexy girl yap , I have sunkissed skin and carved  body I'm 58 f ,  black hair like night It's covers half of my back with dark blue eyes oh and my pinky kissed lips. 

  My daddy is Alpha for  Sun fire pack , every Alpha here friendly . Only midnight pack .They are without a heart they are killed without mercy.


I took my towel . Heading to the bathroom , removing my clothes off of me I entered the  bathtub  I opened the water I waited for it to get warm I buried my body under it and started to take my shower. A take quick shower in 15 minutes . I got dressed quickly .I looked in the mirror ' I think I don't have to wear makeup today just lips and mascara ' I tell myself .I brought the makeup bag making my last touch . I get out from my room  I walked hallway for a minute,  Our house is very huge I think I took over the stairs when  I got off  I heard a familiar voice in the livingroom.When I entered the livingroom. I couldn't breathe and my heart was beating faster than a horse .I was shocked my first bestfriend 1  Who broke my heart from 3 years is here again in my face .I tried to come back to my room. My legs don't allow me  I hate him so much. Why is he here now?What does he want ? Why did my father receive him again?



                             ( Flashback )


 Today was Alax Birthday  he is older than me with 4 years . He will be 18 he is everything for me in the pick house I don't see my parents so much and when I have nightmares I don't find anyone just him . I go to his bedroom I want to be the  first person he sees today. I knocked the door .I was allowed in 

"Morning" I said running give him a big hug "Birthday Mr. Ego" 


He is a little ego coz all the  girls who throw themselves at him.


 "Morning ba...." hi cut off Sniffing the room ."what "I shook 

"Out Lana now" hi yelled at me that the first time he spoke with me like that. 

"what happened ?Why?"  

"I don't want to see you again outside now. " he shouted again

My eyes full with tears .why he shouts at me ? 

"Alax" I whispered " I forgive you you are mad now am ...."

He cut me with shout " No don't forgive me I hate you am living today to my pick."

He didn't wait for me to speak.He held me by my arms firmly . He opened the door and threw me out  I fell to the ground but he  didn't care.

"Listen well I hate you forget everything about me is understandable."

My tears burned my cheek ."oh I forgot You were doing well, but because of the agreement between my father and your father. You know that my father wants me to learn from your father because he is stronger Alpha here. And now pay attention to my work with you and your father good luck stupid."

He Close the door forcefully. Like this every break Inside of me .

I went out of the house for the forest four years and he is taking advantage of me  I can not believe I'm stupid girl. I get up running to home again but be for I can my body became on  fire My bone is cracking, I am crying out in pain .I heard someone near me say "Focus, you are shifting" I saw bid green eyes Looking at me I started "please help help I'm ..." he cut me off "shh , one minute and this pain will go" 

One minute later I look to myself am shifting to wolf no not now I'm just 14 . 

"You're amazing wolf " the green eyes say 

Than he shift to huge brown wolf with green eyes "I'm wolf now "

"Yap white wolf what your name  I'm Jake by the way "

"I'm Lana but I'm 14 how?"

"It's Okay I'm 14 too I shift when am 12 " like this I meet Jake. 


                           ( Flashback end )


I woke up from  my memories on my father's voice.

" Hey baby girl say hi for your best friend and his pick he is Alpha now" he giggle 

" at first he isn't my best friend  second you know what happened from three years ago.Why did you receive him in our house again " I shot the last part. 

"I know and I also know the reasons" daddy said 

"I'm leaving today When this  waste go  from my home contact me " 

I turned  to go to stand out of the voice of my father " Lana apologies now" he used his Alpha's voice. I didn't turn to face him. 

"I can't " 

"It's Okay Alpha White "Alax said 

I pulled my body to the kitchen. Am so angry  from dad from Alax from everything . I took a deep breath to turn pushing the wall . Instead of the wall I push someone chest I look up To see gray eyes look at me it's Alax fuck. 

"Oh baby girl you are so angry" He wrapped his hand around my waist. He pushed me to him until the space between us closed .

"Let me go "I shot he giggle "No" My heart was beating so fast .Why? Our eyes have received . He buried his head in my hair whispering 

"I need you " 

What does he want from me? Why does he act like that with me? Like was nothing happened or something .I can't forgive him no not now not for pretty good. 

"I hate you" pushing him out off me ." Look Alex I'm not kid anymore dlgo play with anyone else. Am not forgetting anything you did to me from three years. "

"I know you not...I'm here because your 18 Birthday in two weeks. "

"Why you care about it now." 

"Because you will need your mate"

I shock myself my mate!!! No I don't need him. But why he is here because my mate?.

" my mate ! What is your relationship with him." The first question get to me I know my daddy power that can see your mate who and weary. 

" because his one from my pack. "

" Okay, first I don't want him scand I have boyfriend he'll mark me in my Birthday so ..."he cut my off glowering "what? You can't have boyfriend " I laughed 

"Don't laugh how you can do this Lana was your mate " in his Alpha voice now I'm Alpha too he can't freaking me.why he cares about my mate ?!. I laugh again "you think if you use your Alpha tone you can make me expect my mate "he didn't answer but he started at my eyes I know he trying to use his power now .He can see your past from your eyes.

Poor Mr.ego his power not work at me because my power can save me and anyone I want from blocks all werewolves from me . I smark " You can't,  your power not work at me if I don't want thet" 

I can feel the anger in his eyes . I just neglect.


I pulled my baby out from the kitchen . I  heard him glowered be hand me.I hate him .

"Hey baby girl "Jake stopped me 

"Hey cutie"

"I was thinking about breakfast out "

"Yah sound pretty" putting my hand in his waist . "I love you baby girl "  put his hand on my shoulder " I love you my lovely boy " going out the house. We thought to take his motorcycle  . I don't know what it's name ,but I can tell it's very  huge , black and silver was radio .we put the hamlet . "Ready " He shot I Just nod yes .

  I tarn on the radio in my one from my favorite song. Single ladies by Beyonce .I started singing was the song me and Jake coz he like Beyonce a lot. 


All  the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies​
Now put your hands up
Up in the club, we just broke up
I'm doing my own little thing
Decided to dip and now you wanna trip
Cause another brother noticed me​
I'm up on him, he up on me
Don't pay him any attention
Just cried my tears, for three good years
Ya can't be mad at me​
Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh​
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it​
I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips
Got me tighter in my Dereon jeans
Acting up, drink in my cup
I can care less what you think​
I need no permission, did I mention
Don't pay him any attention
Cause you had your turn and now you gonna learn
What it really feels like to miss me​
Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh​
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh​
Don't treat me to the things of the world
I'm not that kind of girl
Your love is what I prefer, what I deserve​
Here's a man that makes me then takes me
And delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyond
Pull me into your arms, say I'm the one you own
If you don't, you'll be alone
And like a ghost Ill be gone​
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies
Now put your hands up, oh, oh, oh​
Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh​
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh


When the song end we are right beside the cafeteria .we chang getting in. 

Chapter: 2 get ready


Alex ( P.O.V )




 After the conversation between me and Lana I was rage . She have boyfriend I'll kill him, he went to mark her too I'll RIP him off.she "Alpha Alex " someone wake me up from my thoughts I face him "what?" "Alpha Withe waiting for you in the  office ." "I'm coming ".

I walked over to the office , I knocked the door,Waiting for permission. "Come in" Mr. Withe call I open the door  tast "yes Mr.withe you call me"

"Have a seat please "  put his hands on the desk "Alex I hope you speak was Lana" I nodded. " Okay you  told her the truth " .am scared to told her the truth because I know her very well she will be more mad . "No "that all I answered 

"If you want I can tell her." 


"Thank you on display but no I'll do it "This is his fault , Lana hate me because of him Lana hate for good .

"If you need anything, I am here " I nodded " after two days , we have small Birthday party, take the chance with Lana " 

"Birthday party two days why ? Lan.." he cut me 

"Not for Lana but for Jake Lana best friend "  

"Oh , she have best friend and boyfriend,  I wonder why you call me here again " in anger voice.  he the one who took my best friend from me.He the one who break our hearts , and because of him she'll never forgive me. 

"Ha,ha" he laughed "Lana don't have boyfriend "

"B..but she told me " am shocked why she lied to me 

"Yap " 

Then we moved on to speak with some business for our pack. 



 Lana ( P.O.V  )




When we finished breakfast , we decision to go mall Once we finish shopping in Like every store we turned to it's lunch time I asked Jake to if he can order for us feast food. While I went to Victoria Secret I  walked into the Store and the smell of perfume and powder make-up filled my nostrils. Gross. I'm a girly-girl but not to this extend. Suddenly feel someone  speaks be side me ."your werewolf nice. " what? How ?I turned to the voice to see beautiful girl beside me I sifted her great she werewolf too I add "you too " she's blonde girl 57f I think with little freckle in her cheek and big dark gray eyes .She smile "am Yah by the way I'm Eve Dark from Dark moon pack " I smile back "nice to meet you am Lana Withe from Sun fire pack " " nice to meet Lana ." We talked during the shopping .So we know each other more  , my phone ring oh I forget Jake. I answered him "Hay sorry cutie am in my way " he laugh " I know you have to be , get your ass the food be came cold " "in a bit " I hugged with him turn to Eve "Eve I have to go I forgot my friend in the fast food restaurant waiting for me if you want come with me " "oh no I have to go my brother waiting me too " Okay then call him see were he now." She nod pick her phone calling him. He said he in the fast food restaurant, we yelled like crazy when we know we will stay more time together we get best friend in bit .we move to the restaurant to see Jake was a guys I never saw them before. I waved my hand to him "Hay Eve this Jake ware's your brother. "  she smiled "with Jake ".we go to them .

"Hey guys you missed me" Eve yelled 

"No"say   one guy with green eyes brown hair  pink lips muscle Bobby like model he Hottie I like him Eve push him in sholder. While am just starting at the guy ."Lana " Jake take my attention to him "mmmmm....uh yap" I feel me starting like ideat in the guy "Oh Lana , this my brother Danny " oh the hottest guy her brother ."Hay "I said to him ."this Tony" Sight  to guy with brown golden eyes,  brown hair "this Joe " sight to guy blond hair dark blue eyes sunkissed skin he's hottest. "This Michel" sight to guy  black hair with black eyes milky skin. She look to Jake "hi am Eve Lana new friend you Jake " . Jake nod shaking hands 

Eve sat beside her brother I look no more chairs , I want to Jake he understand "come on baby girl " he take me from my arm pulling me in his lap I put my hand around his neck kissing his cheek asking for my food he said he lied to me he didn't order my food yet. 

"She your girlfriend then " Danny call

"She not but more " Jake answered 

"More how?" Tony asked 

"Yap , Jake my life I can't  imagine my life without him" I answered 

"We are friends best friends "Jake said kissing my hair

"You guys will forget each other when one of you find his mate" Eve say.

I laugh "no because we make promise Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday we'll be together just me and Lana no mate can take us away. "

"I hope it's work " Tony smark "Okay order my food now please " Looking to Jake eyes ."come with me I'll order for you , Eve and me " Danny said.I like him  "Okay Jake you want anything " "No baby girl I feed myself ".


 We headed to order ."you so gorgeous" Danny Whispered beside me "I know " facing him .he laugh "Self-confidence and vanity " give high eyebrow . I smarke "you can say both " "oh , I like girls like that " I smile "thanks " we ordered I order. Crisp and salad he ordered Hamburg and drink ."how old are you" Danny ask when we were going back to our table "17 in to weeks I'll de 18 you?" . " am 19 no mate no girlfriend " I smile "Why I have to know that " " Nothing " . We turn to the guys . we talked rest the time about random things. I asked them to come to the Birthday party Danny said they have to go now . I  switch numbers with Eve saying our goodbye. "Now where?" Jake ask me  "What do you  the sunset?" "Good one". We headed to the beach to see my favorite view sunset. I removed my shoes I like the feeling when I woke  bare feet on the  sea ​​sand. Suddenly I tell Jake everything happens between me and Alex in the morning he said I have to be strong enough for me because I have my mate in my house and I don't know him . He confronted me he say that my choice if I wanted my mate or not but remained me about the promise I smile because I'll never forget that I like Jake and I be with him evan if I  have mate.

We returned after two hours.We found every body from our pack in the livingroom. "Hi guys please tell me Alex gown was his pack" I said in relief voice. "No , I'm here " I turned to see Alex face. "Come on Lana we're waiting for you "Sam said "why?" "We are bored " said Ian "oh guys I didn't know am clown for you guys "giving them smile. "No let play something or do anything " Ian smarke  . "Okay like what?" I asked "we like to play with you truth or dare " say Jayson. "Okay "I said ."Okay we in"Alex bite. "We ?"Jake asked "yah me and my pack " he answered. No I can't play with them I know one from his  member MY MATE !!!! Goddess. "Am out " I say Jake give my huge whispers in my ear "I'm with you you are stronge girl block your scan" I nodded "she's in" Jake call "great get ready for my dare " Alex smark. That not good but Lets play Mr.Ego . "You have to be ready ego" I replie.Alex call three form his mummber two males and one female . The first male he's 63f have red orange hair and brown eyes his look okay but not for me his name Cole . The second one is 65f have brown hair blue eyes his clear sky his handsome but not my type he said his name Kaley.The girl is pretty hot , she 58f she  have carved body brown hair green eyes picky lips her name Sara. We sat on the ground in a circle. "Where the  bottle "I asked "No bottle we can  We choose who we want , Are you afraid to play like this?" Alex smarke I know he do this to get me down I nodded no .I afraid a bit because I don't know if one from those guys is my MATE... "Okay,then I'm first" call Ian looking at me "T or D Lan" I didn't think "Dare" he smarke "I bare you to kiss....."he pass and my heart goes no not one from Alex pack please ."kiss Jay for five minutes" ( Jay Jayson ) okay not bad , I get up start working to Jay direction I sat on his lap he smerk I smile putting my lips on his red lips at first it was soft kiss. He ask for  entry permission biting my bottom lip I give it to him our tongues meet together this my first kiss but Jay amazing kisser he  put a hand on my back punching me to his chest to close the space between us I moan putting my hands on his shoulder then push him more to me I think I like it.  I I heard someone glowering besead us I know that Mr. Ego sating next Jay I just ignore him than I feel hug hands pushed us a part I look to see Alex " five minutes over." I was breathless . "T or D Ian " turn to sat in my place , "of course D "he shot " okay, then you have to call your Alpha my daddy and tall him that you are gay and you love him   " I give him eval look " this is not fair " give me Poppy look "you have to pay" I call . "He will kill me " "I don't care." "Okay , anything else please " I can feel he about to start crying ."no else" "I hate you Lana " he yelled . I laugh hard "I love you  Ian " given him the phone "now " I say  "or " " or what" he yelled "or you have to ... Tomorrow you go shopping with me written on your back am gay am horny." I win " You are evil " he yelled again " oh ,Merci beaucoup " I yelled back ."okay , I call my Alpha " " greatest" I say he took the phone calling my dad put it in speak .

"what lan?" My daddy ask

"Nothing Alpha but....." He starters shaking I hold my laugh.

"But what in Lana okay"

"Yes , Alpha I love you " 

"I know me too you all like my children"

"Alpha am"his voice shaking 

"What???" My daddy ask in Alpha voice

"Am gay " he sound very fest 

"Ian come now to my office"in Alpha tone

Ian shake more "Alpha"

"NoW"he Yelled

I took the phone from him am feel bad now I know dad will kill him 

" Hey daddy" I say in lovely voice

"Lana !!" 

"Yeah, sorry dad I dare Ian to do that"

"It's not funny Lana "he call in Alpha voice


 he hang up .I look at Ian "it's okay lets continue" . Anna one from my pack song"dare or truth Alex" "dare " Anna smile " you have to make out was Lana for 10 minutes." I can till she hate me for doing this to me he smirk getting up to me no I don't want this to happen, I hate Anna I hate him he sit beside me pulling me up to his lap "look all girls hoping to be in your place now" Mr. Ego call ."But....." I cut off when his lips I touched my lips With his tongue in my mouth, at first I did not interrogate, he Rolling his hand entered my t-shirt pushing me to him I can't help anymore I moan putting my hand one in his neck and one in his chest I push for air , he squeeze my ass I moan load he smirk ,I forgotten all the guys besead us . I feel like I'm on fire I need more from him ,I roll my lips in his neck making light kiss all the way to his to his collar bone I sukked it he moan yeah I got him leaving hook there, I smrik I can feel his cock hard between my legs oh god I can't handle more .  he started to kiss my neck not for long he suck it leaving for me a hook . He pushed his lips on mine again kissing me in hunger explode my lips we moan like this time just me and him until ....."hey guys stop" Anna shot . I returned to the ground After what my heart was flying I felt ashamed when I turned and saw all eyes on us. I went out from his lap but a strong hand stopped me I turned around my waist she carried me in  air , And threw me On the shoulder I look to see it's Alex . I started Scream for help all the guys laughing "let's go Alex"I  yelled "Ja , please help ME" I scream me (Ja Jake ) "sorry but I think you too have to toke"he say While Alex beginning walk towards the stairs "I HATE YOU ALL ..... ALEX PUT ME DOWN" like everybody deaf .he open my bedroom door closed again when we get in.v"what you think you are doing" I yelled at him ."Nothing I...." I cut him "I hate you leave me alone" . He put me in the bed sitting beside me He raised my face with his hands Until our eyes connect I felt electricity walking through my body My heart beats faster than the mare. " right Now say it again that you hate me " Whispering "I hate you"I tilled him in husky voice. "You love me more than my think Lana "he whispered against my lips I should move out from him but My mind said but my heart had another decision . I land in no kissing his lips softly. He pointed"you see you are mine when I what you back I can anytime I want" I was shocked Of his words As if I did not know him before Right, how did I forget he's the one who broke my heart?he left me and went after he promised me Never leave my hand if I don't ask too "hey Mr. Ego I'm just playing around to see what I saw now "I laugh I never let him broke me again never. I stood up "out now" he lughl like crazy for minute before he say"You liar your kisses to me It says something ales " " whatever you think we are playing thet all " I yelled he enough me now."let me tall you one thing oh don't forget it" I nodded to let him say whatever he wants.

"I am the person I don't forget, even if you are acting the opposite, I am the soul that I touches can't forget me , you cannot feel to anyone  just for me. You are living happiness ... No  But with me you  lived everything . you and  your memory   stood in place and the time we are together. You can't hate me ....... you never feel for anyone just me  ." Mr.Ego said before he get out from my room. I hate him oh my god halp. I love him he's really good I have feeling to him but I'll never let he won this time.




Chapitre 3 what the hell are you ??



I wake up in Jake bed he was huge me tight I smiled he the only one who can comfortable me . I kissed his cheek getting up to my room I dug in my closet I took Off shoulder long white dress  with yellow big flowers on it ,  I completed it with white sandals . Put them down On the bed, to take my shower twenty minutes later , I am done I threwmy clothe on me going downstairs to the kitchen there was Alex , daddy ,Ian and Cole I said Morning for everyone "hey Lana we need to  talk sat " daddy say ."now " looking around "we not allon " I know take a Sit" he ordered .I nod sitting next Ian "Lana Alex told you that your mate here and from....." I cut him off " Am here not to talk about my MATE" I yelled the last word. " We are and you have to his name is ... " I cut him again  I don't want to know his name am Rejoice him"I shot running out from the house to the woods next our house . Oh shit why my mate have to be from the same Alex pack ? Why he showed up now ? Am not ready yet. I stayed  walk Until I got to the river bank , I sat here thinking  So what I do     with my mate Right,or  wrong ....


 Suddenly I heard the voices around me I left my wolf sensations so I started smell more than one wolf my body  felt  fear .I stood And he turned I have seen five wolfs .In seconds I become besieged  from the wolf  I   looking at the largest black  wolf with red black eyes I know his the Alpha .

" What the hell are you ?" Screamed in his face in the same time I made mind link with Jake * Jake Jake *

"Am Alpha ...." He stopped sniffing the air "what the hell" he whisper

"I don't care if you Alpha or not this our territory my father the Alpha for the strongest pack here" I yelled *hey Lana where are you* Jake asking in mind link *Halp me Jake* I Saied to him in  trembling voice.

"Did I take  this as threat ?" The Alpha say to me before he  Shift in his human form I can tell his handsome he's 64f black curly hair hides his forehead black eyes He have light beard given him more handsome He's hottest guy .Every step he takes close to me I takes step back until I fell on the ground beside  brown wolf he look to the brown wolf in anger look the wolf takes steps back  ." Let me help you " give me his hand "my enemy want to help me " I say in  mockery smile *Lana am coming *Jake call . He throw his body above me gently I felt shivering in my body "take of off me "I said he smile bury his head in my hair sniffing it "what..." He cut me putting his hand in my mouth and his other hand on my arm "shhh.....I can tell you not 18 " I nodded because his hand on my mouth "I came here to Kidnapping you but now am not don't be afraid from me I'll never ever hurt you I'll wait the day that will bring us together am Robert but call me Rob What's your's?" What he means by that he want to kidnapped me but now he not !! He wake me for this thoughts "say something"but I can't his hand stall in my mouth he move his head up from my hair "oh sorry I forgot" moving his hand from my mouth to speak"am Lana am 17 why ...."I cut off from the brown wolf growling I think he tell Robert same thing "we have to go see you soon Lana amazing name by the way" Winking to me he get up from me giving me his hand to help me get up I took it I hit his chest he smiled "oh am 28" put a light kiss in my cheek then he disappear I was feeling ,warmly when he was on top of me I felt Electricity You walk Between our bodies What is the mean ? stranger .I heard someone coming I knew he was Jake "Lana you fine" In a fearful voice I nod "why are my smiling "give me eyebrows I didn't feel am smiling"nothing" I look to see Alex be behind Jake "why he's here "asking Jake in angry voice"he was with me when you You spoke me" hugging me I hugged him back "what the hell this Smell on you "Jake said I smiled this Robert scan before I answer Alex start sniffing me "what? It's nothing" looking in his eyes I feel Robert not far a way because my My heart is still feel With a slight warmth "Lana you are with midnight Alpha pack what the shit is that huh"Alex call in his Alpha voice oh shit shit I was with my biggest enough enemy ,I felt ashamed "I don't know" I tell The truth "Jake look in my eyes "it's okay I know you don't baby girl"give me a smile to confirm me "Lana Which direction went this son fo the  bitch "Alex shot "I don't know you Can shift the scan if you want" I turned to Jake "Take me home "he nod "Lana am sorry if ..." 

"You know what Alex I hate you You come to here Screamed Got angry on me you didn't ask if I was okay I was not surprised This is you " I walked me and Jake in silently .We got home, I didn't talk to anyone, I went to my room quickly I take a shower I wore my pj. Then I threw myself in the bed I make mind link with Jake telling him it's okay today I don't want him to come to my room and no one call me for Lunch or dinner  then I  slept as my head hit the pillow .

Chapitre 4

 Today Jake's 18  Birthday , am afraid what if he do to me like Alex do to me from three years ago ? What if he change with me ? No no no Jake not like Alex Lana he have ,pure heart he is cares about other people's feelings not like Mr. Ego .I puch out all this thoughts I get up from my bed open the door I want to see Jake I get to his bedroom door I took deep breath And I knocked on the door I waited the entry permit when he give it to me I open the door I see him on his laptop . "Morning "I call  "Morning bady girl how do you feel" tasting And he's moving toward me He rubbed his hand on my back"good Birthday Jake I hope for you all happiness" putting kiss on his cheek.  "Love you Lana " hugging me "love you Jake ." When we moved away He looked at me from top to bottom"Why you in PJs ?"  I know this my first time get out from my room in my PJs"oh am starving coz that come on lets get some food to our stomach"،I took his hand  pulling him downstairs to the kitchen.

Elizabeth my dad mate  taking her coffee , yap If the alpha  lost his first mate he can find another one Elizabeth has red short hair with green eyes she is cute ."Morning Elizabeth"me and Jake shot "Morning hun Jake , Hun when you finish your breakfast Your dad is waiting for you at the office" I know he wan to ask about yesterday poof . I just nod I take plate cured meat was egg Jake toke like me "Lana , you want me with you " Jake ask I understand he ask when I go to see my dad "No its okay babe "I I threw my eyes on Elizabeth "Elizabeth I have questions"

"Go ahead " 

"Why mother moon  changed the laws about the mate in 2115  you can find your mate in 16 or 17? why now we have to wait until 18 ? " I really want to know why don't ask me ask my wolf .

"Mother moon doesn't make something Without a reason" I can see the love in her eyes "in 2115 and before more males wolfs they were desertion ours mate because they want to exists there life more without mates briefly they want more freedoms they become that Mather moon change it to 18 I think like this will be okay with everyone what do you think "

"Whatever the males is males" I call she laugh and nodded" but your mate will care about you more than anybody else"she said

"I think no if that reality why they broke there mates heart" 

"Lana "she pause "What?"I say razing my eyebrows 

"You are special your mate will be lucky "giving me light smile

"Thanks ,I have to go " I told her looking to Jake "Jake see you in back yard " 

After I switched my clothes Headed to my daddy office I knocked the door.

"Come in"my dad call I open it and get in there was Alex and Cole .

"Morning"I shot

"Morning we waiting you to explain for us what the hell happened yesterday"Entered into the crux of the matter great 

"Nothing dad he just wants to toke to me but I called Jake ..... this it "I answered 

"What do you explain? about his scan on you and about what he wants to toke"this time he give me his Alpha voice 

"First He doesn't have  a chance to speak about whatever he wants and second about his scan on me fall and he HALP Me not a big deal Alex "Last points I look to Alex and shot

"Lana Cole power can saw if a are you speak up the truth or not open your gate Lana  now let him see". Alex ordered

"Sorry but who are you to order me ego am not letting any powers 

 ،work on me "I yelled

"Lana now "dad shot oh god they don't believe me 

"great just great dad you don't believe me "I call "come on Cole you can get in" I told Cole opening for him to see I know pretty sure I hid some truth but who cares I wish If he took me with him yesterday #Lana what happened to you you wish your enemies took you with him am really getting crazy from you#my wolf yelled at me I know it's wrong but I think I have some feelings to my enemy I call back . before she answered I blocked her Cole cam close to my looking in my eyes for a while then he start "your eyes never lie" Alex glower why he glowering ? 

"Thanks Cole "I say to him 

"You can go now we continue tomorrow"dad say

"We continue tomorrow!!!!"giving him shocked face

"Yes , baby because today I know your best friend birthday but tomorrow we will toke about your mate and you have  to listening "Alpha voice again

"Okay daddy" I shot getting out from his office to the back yard To prepare to the  party "How it ran" Jake ask when he saw me "not bad , lets start"I told him he nodded after we finish decorating I ordered Jay to make sure the food and appetizers will be here in 5 and giving anther order to Ian to make sure from that all drinks lead to all the's lunch time now but am good so I decided to take nap time .



Chapitre 5:Mather moon

  I  threw my body on the bed then the darkness surround me .I open my eyes in the woods I  beginning to see Sstrong light calling my name .I walked towards him .Until my eyes fell on  woman like a queen Supercharged Beauty her Her hair silk white on gray her eyes are ashes gray was a little bit blue in it ,slim body cover it white silky dress she really sexy women . 

"Hallo my child "the wonderful woman spoke

"Your child " am shook that not my mom

She smiled"oh , am the mother moon Lana "

I smile from ear to ear "am glad to see you mother moon"

"My glad to , Lana no time I think you wandering why am here"

I nodded "okay sweetie am here because I need you  on a mission I know you are strong you can handle it" I just nodded again

"At first I'll give you today a new gift to see any time you want from the past and I will come later to till you about your mission but put in your mind sweetheart no one have to know that you saw me "

"Okay Mother I do whatever you want me to do "

"Great I know I choose the good one "she smiled "Lana many things  will happen with you It will bother you at times But remember I don't do anything wrong to  my own children Sometimes you will feel angry but  made health options If whatever happened I have to go now but we will  meet soon remember everything you will make will change werewolves life " then she lift and the darkness took over me again.



Chapitre 6: Birthday party


I woke up to see  the clock it read 6:10 pm I don't have a lot of time to get ready to the party .I jumped from the bed to the closet I pick my dress , my heels and my underwear I put it in my bed then I threw myself in the bathroom I took quick shower  I  decided to make my hair wave I put my make up on I  chose pink eyeshadow eyeliner mascara some blash was lipstick .


I put my dress on with pink heels am ready now.




I reached the backyard it's almost fell with people."Hi Beauty"  a familiar voice came from my bank I follow the voice to see amazing green eyes stared at me "hey don't bad your self"I call "dance "Danny ack given me his hand I took it "of course "I answer smiling. We get to the dance floor he surround my waist with his strong hands I smiled putting my hands around his neck."Each guy in here envy me because in my arms the most  wonderful lady" he wink at me I smile "oh I thought the girls envy me because am was the hottest guy here " I call really I don't listen to the song I just looking to his green eyes . when the song end Danny bring for my a drink "where Eve "I asked him "oh you don't know"he smarke "I don't know what?"taking sip of my drink"Eve and Jake are mate "he say in a big smile on his face what the funny thing in this  Jake find his mate now."oh uuuhhh good"I answer. "You don't look happy"Danny say "am I...I want anther drink" I change the subject "Lana he will stay your best friend even if he his mate know I nodd yes I understand that.he took my hand drop me to the bar "wine" Danny ask me I nodded I end  with three cups of wine two  vodka one mixed drinks I think am so  tipsy now because I asked Danny for a kiss then I asked him to go to my room .





Alex ( P.O.V )


I saw Lana all the time with guy I think he's Alpha Danny jealousy burn me my wolf want to  rip him small pieces then throws him to the dogs she's mine. But her father my relaxation saying that not the good times I hate him right now .Lana look very sexy I just wanted her under me moaning my name asking me for more geez I have to wait again."hey Alpha" I look to see who calling me to see my ex girlfriend Maya dug Her fingers in my hair "I missed you babe"Winking to me "what the fuck you are doing here"I shot at her "oh babe am  heater I need you" putting kisses in my neck "am not in the mood Maya"take her hands of off me I look around I don't see Lana oh I remember she was drinking a lot of alcohol shit she will make something stupid .I started looking at her like crazy ."Hey man you looking for Lana huh"my bête Cole say in smarke in was face "where she?"I ack yelling "in her room I think"I passed him but he stpstop me"she's not alone she....."I didn't wait until he finish I run to he room I open the door to see her with this fuck Alpha on her kissing her naked bady she just in her underwear I can't control myself anymore I took him of off her starting to punch him in face he is drunk too I threw him out from the room Lana stay calling his name I close the door laying down on her Whispering in her ear"you mine you can't moan anther men names in your amazing lips Lana"she open her eyes "Alex I love you why you live me alone all this years " her breaking voice make my heart break off she started kissing me hungry ,love need and hate in same time I need her badly but I can't no this to her she's drunk I can't "stopped Lana"I say in husky voice my dick be came  hard and hard ah no I have to stop her "Lana stop"I yelled she stopped but she started crying "you hate me I know you ego "she say in lost voice "Lana I love you more than everything in my life but I can't no this now you are drunk "I get of off her getting for her T_shirt  I put it on her kissing her forehead "good night love "I put the cover on her she took my hand "sleep here today Jake find his mate he is not coming"I nodded removed my clothes I still in my boxer lie down beside her she wrap her hand on my waist putting her head on my chest I smile hugging her thin burial my face in her hair .I miss this feeling but now it is definitely deferent because this the first time I sleep besead her like her my mate she's mine only mine and she said this three magic words she love me this is the  important now and I love her till the end of the world I close my eyes and I felt a sleep .


Chapitre 7:See the past

 Lana ( P.O.V )


I wake up with some strong hand wrip around my waist and very pretty  headache I can't open my eyes from the  pain ."how do you feel"the body next to me asking ."like hell"I answer he laugh"you will be okay if you let me go "I open my eyes quietly looking up to   see  beautiful green eyes stared at me with curly dusty blond brown hair cover his forehead his pinky lips you just want to  taste them and his skin like cremelle yap he's Mr. Ego but I can't ignoring his handsome . "You like what you see huh" he smarke.I clear my thoughts "No "

"Okay why you still hugging me then" I didn't pay attention hand around his neck I blash removing my hand quickly he light "don't blash it is okay babe" 

"What are you doing in my bed ??!"I yelled at him

"You the one who begged me to stay" I doesn't remember that the last thing I remember I was drinking with Danny.

"Whatever get out" I say "you need help let me help you before"he shot I nodded I really want help from my headache "I'll bring for you the breakfast and pills for pain took your shower in this time"I nodded again he get up putting his clothes on and then he gone.I look at the clock it's read 12:30 pm I have to get up but my headache doesn't let me .

About 10 minutes later Alex come back with tray of food "Take the pills first "giving me two pills was cup of water put them down in my mouth quickly behind them drink water .

"Thanks Alex"he smiled giving me the tray on it scrambled eggs with mozzarella cheese on top and cup of lemon juice I smiled because this from my favorite breakfast . "You like it"Alex ask "of course I like it" starting to feed myself in 5 minutes I wash plate ."I think you are not starving" Alex throw a joke "you want me to help you take a shower"Winking to me

"No you can get out I want to sleep " he put light kiss on my cheek "okay if you need anything just call" I nodded ,he left I threw my body on the bed again living my sleepy eyes to relax.






I wake up again on 5:45pm I get up taking my shower putting ripped blue jeans on top pink T_shirt I completed with my pink and blue sneaker I drop my curly black hair on my shoulder I just put some pink lipstick .I open the door to get out I remember my new power and mather moon came to me in my dream today demanding me to see my mom's death .I close my eyes starting to focus on my mom's death day .After a lot of converters I did it.

I saw my mom in very cozy livingroom she look  nervous three minutes later a man came she smile to him "oh Albert I thought didn't make it" he huge her then kiss her cheek "hey sis am here tell me what's the problem Why you said this is the last meeting?"but I don't remember my mom have brother and why they see each other in secret."David"she say my father she is shivering "he reckon  that am cheating on him with you"the man who's name Albert my mom's brother his face changed"am your brother tell him truth Alyana" he shot in my mom face "you know I can't I..." He cut her "forgot about your promise to our dad now everything changed you have to tell him today before tomorrow I think he love you he will never cares about what your grandfather did from years and he died I think this is from the past we have to move on"mom cryed he calmed her down"what if he doesn't understand what if he took Lana from me" she whisper in broking voice."his your mate he loved you he never let you down and the mate ...."he didn't continue and the door open my dad and Alex dad Alpha Logan get in "wow wow wow Alya cheater wow" my dad yelled in my mom face and before anyone understand battle my dad put silver knife in Albert heart  my mom fell beside him she  burst into tears "kill her David what you waiting for " Logan say mom yelled at my dad "you killed my brother David he my brother am not..."she didn't finish her words Logan kill her was the same knife David killed her brother Alyana whispered to  her brother "we can't live together but  our death together love you bro" then her soul gone like her brother soul.

I open my eyes I didn't notice I crying . My father is a monster he doesn't stopped Logan from killing my mom he killed my  mom brother "No ....No....No..why you want me to see that I hate you I hate you"I yelled crying I can't believe how they killed them without listening to them.I can't stopped my tears that burn my cheeks"I hate you dad "I yelled screamed  I break everything  mirrors in the room everything I can break it I break it . after 5 minutes my dad ,Alex ,Jake and more from the pack mummber came to my room but I don't care I just threw everything on them screaming in my dad face" I hate you Alpha Logan killed my mom besead your eyes and you didn't do anything WHY?you killed my uncle my mom brother besead her eyes WHY?I hate you you are monster Killer heartless I hate you"I yelled and my tears doesn't stopped "calmed down baby girl I can..."my dad started but I cut him " lying untruthful "I shot in his face used my Alpha voice"Lana my dad he never do something like this"Alex said "he did I saw him in my eyes I saw my dad I saw everything in this night" I say in voice whispering."Lana this man is Alpha midnight pack I can't t...."my dad say I cut him "he is her brother whatever for which Alpha pack he was"I yelled pushing the crowd getting downstairs opening the out doors  I need fresh air "can I be with you"Jake stopped me I nodded "in wolf or "I stopped him "no in human" we walk to the river where I saw my uncle son first time we sat in  stillness an tell I broke this ice "Know I now why I feel like that for Robert he is my uncle son we have the same blood"Jake wrib my back "Lana you are strong I think you have to drop all the past behind you" "are you serious Jake " I shot "this for the best Lana he is your dad you have to forgiving him one day" "and the woman is my mom Logan the son of the bitsh killed her and the man you say my dad doesn't move or do anything to stopped him oh not that all he killed her brother "I yelled at him getting up ."stop Lana where are you going "Jake shot behind me "not your business "I yelled back .

I stayed in my human form running running I don't know where am going but I know one thing I don't want to be one from this pack.I thought I can go to Eve's pack but not now today all I want to be in the woods. After an hour and a half or more I threw myself in the grass looking to the sky looking to the moon"why you want me to know the past?" I asked crying" I can't handle it".



Robert ( P.O.V ) 



I was in my room when my bêta tell me that on our properties human girl and he thinks she one from the hunter .I get down giving order for three from my pack mummber to come with me I know she's a girl human but I can't take a risk if she's from the hunter I can't ignored this .we got to the edge our  territory and I started heard  whine I used my power I felt the pain in this girl as if it were a mountain of sorrows I have two powers the first I can feel all the emotion that anyone feel it and I can give for him any emotion I want second I can take control for anyone eyes if he or she far and see what he or she see or hear.

I turned to my three mummber "stay here"I ordered I have a feeling that she's not from the hunter before I get to close to her she said " I think you came in pretty good time kill me I'll never fight you but please do it quickly I can't handle more ache" I know this soft voice I come closer to see the wonderful girl that I can't remove her from my mind Lana I shift back but she didn't saw me she still cleaning her eyes and blocking her scan what happened to her why she is on pain??? "Lana , what's happened to you"I asked her in whisper . She open her eyes looking at me "thanks god this you oh this you Robert "she say in whine whisper before I pick her up she threw her self on me I felt knife cutting my heart why she is so unhappy why she wants me to kill her she huge me tightly "Robert my dad kill your father" she whisper in my chest I huge her in one arm and in my anther one I play with her Black curly hair "I know " I really know that but I don't care now I just want her to Calm down "yeah and Alpha Logan kill my mom"she shot that's new one all this time I was thinking my dad killed her mother and now she say Alpha Logan."can you told me  about that later " I carried her in my arms like a baby she smiled"sorry Rob I have to be besead you all this time "oh God she know I felt relief that she know"I know am the only one in your family"she continues what she mean she look in my eyes "you are my uncle son " she finished "what ?" Am shocked now how am her uncle son.On our way home she told me everything about the night my father and her mother death and how she face her father and how she hate him now . I can't say anything just listening to her that my first time in my life I feel on words can express . 

Suddenly we  reach home she still in my arms "Lana "she shake her head "you want to eat something" I ask in caring sound "no am tired "she answer in really tired voice "Is there a objection if you sleep in my room"I hoping to say it's okay with her "sounds good because I can't sleep alone" I Climbing stairs but I have question "Lana can I ask who sleeping with you in your pack " I open my bedroom door putting her softly in my bed she smiled before she answered Jealousy fill my heart wait for the answar"Jake "great she have boyfriend he slept with her every day just thanks for this mother moon "don't be mad"she shot "am not"I answer faster she laughed oh God her laugh amazing "you are Rob by the way he is just my best friend or maybe he was we don't make out together just be calmed "she giggled oh good he just friend "you want close" she took off her jeans "okay I can sleep like this come-on "looking at the spot besead her I took my jeans off getting pjs pants put it on remove my shirt off when I return Lana is sleepy I expansion besead her   put the cover on us taking her in my arms that most best day in my life because of her in my arms I kissed her cheek and her  forehead then I closed my eyes felt a sleep.






I am sorry for being late I was not in town but am here now I hope you enjoying my story and please let me know if it's not . Just for reminding sorry about spelling errors because English not my mother language but I am trying not to make a lot errors I hope it's working thanks for your time and thanks because you reading my book.



Alex ( P.O.V )



I stood shocked from Lana words . How can my father killed her mother ? ! I can't understand that . After that words she left. I have to be with her I have to tell her the truth why I left her ?why I told her that I hate her ? Why I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore? Why am ego ? I need her to forgive me .I love her before I know that she's my mate but always the age is the well between us I hate it why your age have to be obsession .
Suddenly I run outside I want to be with her now she need me more than anytime . I get out the house to saw Jake coming from the woods . I run to him I know he knows where she is now.I look to him I saw him crying please God bless Lana my heart dropped but I know I have to ask him where she is."Lana..."all I can say."she gone .....she hate me know"Jake say .I don't care if she hate him but where she gone."Jake where she is????"I yelled at him .he wipe his tears"I don't know she left me besead the river " Gosh he be must jerk how he leave her he knows she was angry god knows what she will do ."how you let her go" I yelled "she is so faster than me"he murmured softly.
I posted him I want to find her .I heard footsteps and I know it's Jake .We walked in silence more than an hour until Jake broke it "I think she'll came home when she calmed down" am not sure she'll be calmed down in thet easier."if she not" I asked myself more than Jake "she will" from his voice I can tell he's not sure from what he said I turned to face him "Jake you link her" I hope she doesn't blocked the link mind "I did but she said she don't want to speaks to me now then she blocked me out" he explained I nodded
We stayed all the night explore the forest no sign for her Jake told me it's 5:25am we have to get rest and we can send some trackers because they trainees and experience more than us I know his right I sing . when we reach home I get to Lana room then lavender scent hit me ..... her scant my tears roll on my cheeks all this because my father I'll never get to forgive him . I put myself in her bed leaving her scant cover me tell my eyes felt a sleep.



Lana ( P.O.V )



I woke up some one prints kisses on my face . I open my eyes to see handsome guy besead me his blue eyes was touch green in it make my heart jump . Wait blue eyes !!!!"morning beautiful" he say giving me the last kiss on my forehead. I smile "morning , Robert your eyes is ..." He cut me off.
"Is amazing right "
"No..uh... yeah but it's blue was touch green first time I saw you it's black "I explained to him he chuckled at me" what?"I asked
"Your eyes doesn't change when your wolf take over?" He asked me
"I think yeah it's"
"Okay black eyes belong to my wolf "he explained.
"I like it"I murmured to myself but he he heard me because he asked "my eyes or my wolf eyes "
" Your eyes is really amazing and make my heart jump , your wolf eyes charmed me first time our eyes meet and ...and nothing"I stopped
"And what you feel in love with me "he teasing me.
"Robert can I stay here for a week "I changed the subject . " Of course , by the way I ordered my beta female to make shopping for you I hope you like it she puts all the things in my closet "Point to the door on the left side from the room I look around know I can see his room how hug are and everything in it black and blue think his favorite colors."thanks for everything"I thank him
He smiled "don't thanks me now get up take your shower and met me downstairs " I smile"oh Lana I want to ask something"
"Anything "I replied
"But please don't be shy". I nodded okay "do you feel something to me please tell me"he murmured to himself more than me .
What I will say?? am really have feeling to him for first time he took my heart but I can't tell him that .... I should tell him no I shouldn't ....*Lana I can feel his wolf I think his our mate am not sure you know because you not 18 yet *my wolf Anny said *Okay now what I have to do because my dad and Alex says that my mate is from the Red moon pack Alex pack his not our*I told her but when I said that he isn't our mate I felt a pain in my heart I don't know.... Robert woke me from my thoughts "am waiting Lana"I nodded"okay you want help" he asked help with what but I nodded again ."Lana I can feel you I know you not 18 yet but you and I ....mates"he whisper mates but I am happy that we are mates but how my dad can see the mates and hi say my mate .... Nevermind know am the happiest girl in the world not because we are mates no but because not just my half wolf loved him no but also my half human loved him am really in love oh god am in love I jumped to his arm putting my hands around his neck he was shocked "Robert am in love you can believe it am in love not was my mate am in love before I know my mate"I didn't wait him to answer , I put my lips on was I want to do it for the first time I saw him at first He didn't activates with me from shock but after a bit he put his hand around my waist and make no space between us and one from his hand in my hair we kiss at first in love and honor slowly our kiss transformation to hunger, loss and irritation our tongues dancing together I dug my hand in his black hair he posh me gently on the bed lying on me his hand shift under my T_shirt rubbing my body the electricity between us make my body need more from him I need him now but he stopped the kiss . My eyes still close but I can feel him smiling ."I love you no I adore you Lana " he whisper in my ear his voice send electricity to my body make my body shiver under him he like it because I open my eyes to look at him he was smirk.
"Rob I love you more" putting light kiss on his lips.
"Lana , but you have to know something I want to revenge for my parents" he call .I know that and if am in his place of course I'll take revenge but at the same time this my father thet we toke about but at the same time I want revenge for my mom .
"Okay , but don't let me know when or how you will "I answered he just nodded giving me light kiss "you have to get ready "he said getting of off me I felt cold hit me when he get off me but I nodded getting up to take a shower he kissed my forehead getting out from the room .
I charger get up to the closet I pick blue dress and black sandel , with blue bar and underwear match my outfit.
Then I headed to the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door behind me and locked it .The bathroom is really hug there was tub and Jacuzzi and the walls covered with mirrors there was a small closet for the towels it's great I thought . Then I went over to the tub and turned the water on until it was the right temperature. I took off all of my clothes and got in. I let the water soothe all of my muscles for a while. Then I grabbed the gel shower and rubbed it all over my body, I grabbed a rag and washed myself. I then let the water wash off all the soap. I took Rob shampoo and poured some on my hand and then lathered some on my hair. I scrubbed the scalp to get all the dirt out of it. After that I grabbed the conditioner and rubbed it on my head. I washed in out of my hair and got out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body I took another one ad wrapped my hair .Then I get my outfit I threw it me I brushed my hair I decided to leave it I have black curly hair I think it's pretty . I put a little bit make up I look at the mirror I look beautiful .I hurry up to the door to go see Robert downstairs .I walked in the hallway I can tell his house look elegant and hug it's .Now I knew it was three floors get the stairs and opps I troubled but before I hit the ground some strong arms catch me , I look up to see handsome man he have brown hair and brown eyes "you okay"he asked his strong too I shocked my head ."good"he call with smile.
"Am Kim the beta for this pack I think you are Lana"he still smiling
"Yeah am Lana nice to meet you beta" we shake hands "please just Kim for you"he call I nodded ."you looking for the Alpha aren't you" he smirk
"Uh....yeah " I say shyly
"Come with me he witting for you in the backyard"he took my hand dragging me with him to the backyard we passed from the kitchen to the backyard everything in this house screams elegance I like this castle."here you are "Kim shot I laugh  ."thanks"he winked "anytime"and disappear . I look around I found Robert setting On chair made from ash besead him table filling with food and in the middle of it flower vase. The pool In the face table. Wow they have pool too this pack is really rush .When he saw me he get up to me taking my hand "I miss you "he whisper in my ear I giggled because from one hour we are together.
When we site I asked him" where your pack I don't see anyone around ?just Kim "
"It's 2:30 pm after lunch some take nap and some prepare for training because the training started in 3:00pm" he explained.
"Can I get training here if you didn't mind"I ask taking bit from my cured meat was egg "of course you can when we finish our breakfast I have some papers I want to sing and then I'll take you there but you can't started today because I want to spend the day with you" he said giving me smile .
Then we eat in silence when we finish he took my hand to go to his office first , in his office I saw a hug picture on the well for his parents his father like him excited his eyes was brown his mother have dusty blonde hair he took her eyes her eyes blue in it touch green she is really wonderful woman.I get closer to the picture I put my hand on his mother body .
Suddenly the darkness taking over me .I saw myself in old cabin there was just a small bed and everything dirty in here . Why am I here !? I asked myself then I saw my father shove Robert mother inside with him she was crying "please let me go"she begged my father slapped her strongly I yelled at him to let her go but like am I a ghost he doesn't look at me or make a sign that am here .he remove his clothes then start cutting off her clothes she try fights him but without work she just make him more hunger for her . When he finished he threw for her a silver knife "kill your self if you want now or I'll do that again with you"he told her while he caught her face on his hand my heart burnt I can't help her and my tears dug Its way I can't stopped them I want to killed this monster.How he is my father ?oh no my father monster I don't want to stay in this nightmare please someone have to woke me up .The monster left her naked, broken, cheerless and deprived of will she cried and cried I tried to spoke to her but I still ghost she can't Hear Me ...........

Robert (P.O.V )


I was checking the papers before I sign it when Lana blocked out .I run to her she was crying and begging some body to stop I tried to shake her she didn't respond "Lana love am here "I whispered to her to calmed her but she still not respond "please let her go"she shots more tears running on her cheeks I work my power on her and the pain ,a and broken hit me I know she was seeing something about the past but I want her to woke I tried everything to woke her but no work she took my hand and tighten squeezing it "shhhh Lana am here please woke up "I whispered to her more tears .I felt weakness inside me I never felt weakness am sure Lana my weakness I can't see her in pain I can't see her tears but nothing I can do know.,.. the tears roll on my cheeks I carry her in my arms taking her to my room gently I put her in my bed hoping that she will woke up sooner.




I'll beType the next chapter sooner really sorry .

Chapitre 8: please god

 Lana ( P.O.V ) 


I open my eyes familiar voice say "you a woke how do you feel" I don't know what to say am shattered from everything I saw how I can tell him what my dad did to his mom ? God help me .even if am his mate he will hate me when he knows what happened to his mother.I have to leave I can't look in his eyes after what my dad did to his parents I can't I have to leave god please help me I have to tell him what my dad did he have to know no no I can't I love him how I can be the pian for him I can't tell him what I saw in the past just I can't ......oh god why I saw the past .

"Lana you okay"Robert ask one more time I just nodded

"I want to go home"I told him looking anywhere just him .

"You want what"he shocked .I don't want to leave but at the same time I can't stay ...I can't handle it how my father did to his parents to him to my mother I hate him I hope that am dead before I know what really this man is I can't call him my father I felt  shame because he is my father and because of him I have to be away from my love from my mate.

I have to leave before he knows I can't see the hate in his eyes I love him he's my half soul I don't know if he's my mate but he say he is all I know that my half human heart Love's him....

"Am going home"I replied soft I look in his eyes it's turn black "now till me what you saw make you took this decision"he glowered. please god till me what I have to I know if he just told me to stay I will...I love you so badly.I can't be in his life I want to leave before he now what my dick dad does did to his mother.

I stood there eyeing him for a few minutes until he broke the ice."Lana am sorry if you saw me pack past am not like him and my ...."I cut him his eyes have many emotion fear, love and horror "Rob... what you are talking about?"
"About my pack history you saw that aren't you " shot me confused look . what about his pack history am really have to know that one ."Tell me about it"reaching his hand I have to know why all the packs here in the west hate this pack. " My grandfather ...."he pause met my eyes "don't leave me Lana if you want to leave not before week like you said please"I nodd letting him continue"he was evil Alpha every full moon he attack pack in that time we are the biggest pack around. Until now whatever ... When we won he took all the she wolf and the Luna for the pack..." He pause looking away from me I think this not good sign I have to calm him to Know the rest"Robert am not leaving because your pack history" I tell he took a deep breath and nodd "Then he ignites the fire in all the junior bodies even the pack house but he leave the Alpha male alive because he knows he will not survived without was Luna or his half soul but he was wrong about this because after two years from his injustice all the Alphas became one hands they attached him when he was talking run in the woods alone he died my dad take over he tried to bleaching the pack page but no one trust us ."
"What happened to all the she wolf and the lunas "
"He rapes the lunas for weeks then he kill them he give the she wolfs for the males mummber in the pack they rapes them play with them then killing them ...... But am not like him I swear to God and my dad not lik.."I cut him with a kiss my dad not good Alpha too I think he deserved to know what happened with his mother that night but not now I can't .he stopped the kiss was a question "if that not the reason , why you want to leave me now ? What the things that let you leaving me "he say putting his forehead on my shoulder his hot breath hitting me making sending shivers all my body I hate that who he have alot effect on me ."I love you more than everything when you are not in my life I was like died body you give me soul life heart now you want to leaving me I know you have to go but you give hope that you can stay with me for week I didn't ask you for that at first but now I bugging you just week then you will never saw me again never I promise" his words killed me who said I don't want to see him again? I didn't know when am starting to crying I don't want to hurt him I love him few minutes he knows am crying he hug me "please don't cry your tears killed me "I nodded I don't have anything to say just"Rob you have to know that am not leaving you because I hate you some days you will know why but please don't ask me now anything "he kissed me softly on my lips nodding ."come on you want to learn how to fighting no "I smile yeah I have to learn .

We get to the training ground floor there was a lot of pack mummber ."Lana I want you to meet my best friends "I turned to Rob voice .There was five hottest guys besead him one of them I met him in the morning Kim besead him guy looked like him but he have green eyes I think he's twins ."hi Luna"Kim call me was wink I smile "hi Kim nice to meet you again"
"You know each other"Robert ask move his hand between us "Yap I met him in the morning"I replied he nodded"okay beside him his twin brother Jim "we shack hands he sign for the guy next Jim he have brown hair and blue eyes "this the player guy in the pack Tomas but we call him Tom "we shack hands given me wink I blushed"sexy I like girls thet blush" he tested me "hands off " Rob glowered Tom chuckled "Jealous" Tom comment I laugh nodding my head with agreement with him .Then Rod sing for the next guy he have red brown hair and blue eyes "this is Stefan " I nodded then he signed to the next guy who have black hair and brown eyes "Peter" all of the guys are hottest but not more than Robert."nice to meet you guys"I call "nice to meet our Luna you wonderful by the way"Stefan tilled me "thanks " all I can say .
After the training Robert drag me to the house to showed me the rest of the house. i was so amazed, they had a gym, inside and outside inground pool and spa, game room, cinema,libary and a stable. i had to admit this pack is super amazing and not my pack the strongest one here his pack Robert pack it's clear from me when I saw them in training ground . They have amazing power too one of them can send Electricity to your body makes you blocked out its really entrusting pack. after the tour, Rob and i walked into the dinner table . I meet alot of pack mummber in the dinner but really I don't remember any one name . When we finish our dinner Rob land me the his room to get some rest for this day I slept in his arm .I like the feeling when he's around me make me feel safe maybe that because am in love with him ....
I hope that I can change the past to stay with him all my life for the end of my life .

Alex (P.O.V )


It's been five days and no one knows anything about Lana or were she will be.I was deep in thought when Jake come in "Alex I have some thing about Lana I said to let you know before to go tell the Alpha" my heart twist please God not anything happens to her first thing pops in my head"she's alive"He nodd thanks god "okay were she? why we have to wait until morning we can go see her now? Why we have to wait the Alpha to tell ? All this happened because of him because my fuking father"I was passed I need her bake I know very will I lift her the list years ago but am not the one who chose that to happen , her father who said I have to let her hate me because she's youngest then me he said he scared that I will lose control on my wolf and ride her making her mine.
"Calm down he go with the hunters he we be here at 6 morning"Jake call "I can't wait am going now" I glowered
"We will.."he cut off I can tell he have a mind link with some one .Then he started jump up and down laugh a get crazy "Jake what the hell happened to you"
"It's Lana she's okay am going to see her after an hour"
My heart pop up and down my smile became from ear to ear thanks god thanks mather moon . "Okay what we are waiting for lets go"I yelled he smiled at me before he say "sorry but she want me alone"
"absurdity am going with you" giving him eyebrows he nodd .We went out to the river were she said to Jake to meet her.

Lana ( P.O.V)


"Lana my dear you have to change the past " I turned to the a familiar voice."am not like you think am not strong enough to change the past " she smile her smile shine the woods "you think I make a wrong decision"I didn't answer "Lana you are strong enough more than you think but you choose the easy way taking revenge not good choice my dear "
"What you want me to leave who killed my mom alive I can't I can't "I yelled the last part, she shake her head "If your hands covered with blood your heart will dies .Now I want you to pick yourself up and leave this pack now "
"Mother moon I can't go to my pack anymore not after I know who is my real father " I felt my eyes getting wet "who says you going to your pack "she smile "I have amazing child like you he will take care for you and you will be wonderful team but now before you leave you have to toke with Jake he knows where are you now because this I want you to make sure don't tell your father anything and my child will meet you at the river an two hours it's clear now" I nodd "great woke up now you can leave letter to Robert if you want by the way he have pure heart "after this words I open my eyes to see the most important person in my life sleeping beside me he look like a baby .I printed a little kiss on his lips removing his hand around my waist to get up .I know I have to do what mother moon says , I wrote the letter on the nightstand changing my clothe getting to Jim room yuh we are good friends now I Knocked on his door I hope he is awake because an really want to say goodbye to him from the second knocked he replied "come in" I open the door he gives me eyebrows up "everything okay why you dressed like this you going somewhere"he asked immediately I smile "I just want to say goodbye"
"What you say a week and why y...."I cut him."I know I know but because the safety for this pack and my pack I have to go now and please don't ask more" he nodd "I'll miss you all the guys here will" he huge me and kiss my forehead "you don't want to say goodbye to Robert no"
"I can't " I felt myself I will cry and Jim felt that to because he immediately said"ice cream" I laugh nodding my head "a little bit not hurt huh" we laugh we go to the kitchen taking ice cream box we ate and toke a bit about my father and Robert mother he say anything will be fine and Robert know that this not my mistake he hope from me the best good luck because I will need it that what he said . We give ours list huge and said goodbye just for now .
I make it to the river and here we are Alex there with Jake I told him not to say anything about me for any one "I think I make myself clear " I call giving Jake eyebrows "we are together when me made the link with me "he call back I nodded before he bombed me in huge "I miss you crazy girl thanks god you okay" Alex just started at me he didn't say anything "I miss you too baby boy "I laugh am really miss his arm around me don't get me wrong we are just friends I love him like my brother that I didn't get.
"Nice to see you Lana"Alex shot
"Not nice to meet you Mr. Ego"I shot back
He laughed "I miss this word too , you don't want to give me huge" opening his arms to me I smile throw myself on his arms .he took deep breath tighten me more to his chest moving the space between us. "Lana I have to tell you something very important "not leaving me "we are mate and your dad ..."I cut him "no we aren't Alex I know my mate now"I yelled in his chest he still not leaving me "Lana I swear we are in five days your birthday you will now that will be clear" oh please god I don't think he lying to me I know really good he can't be lying about mate stuff but why two mates why? Alex oh and Robert the two are enemies I have to be away from them both that will be fine to them to be saved.
"Alex okay we are but I don't want you as a mate "I whispered in his chest he let go from me "what?" He whispered in broken voice "sorry I can't be with you Alex you are ego you are selfish can't be with one like you" I have to say that for pretty good for three for us . Before he say anything "Jake I'll link you later I have to go "running a way from them hid behind the trees because I have to wait the amazing child for mother moon.

Alex (P.O.V )


When I saw Lana I really know how much I missed her....
"Nice to meet you Lana " I call
"No nice to meet you Mr.Ego "she shot back I laugh ""I miss this word too , you don't want to give me huge" opening my arms to her . She smiled smile throwing her self in my arms I like this feeling that she in my arms she's mine only mine .I huge her so tighten letting the electric shock go through my body giving me pleasure I need her taking a deep breath to take her scant go through my lungs but she was blocking her scant . I decided to tell her we are mate now I can't wait anymore and she have to be by my side my side only and forever she have to know .....
" Lana I have to tell you something very important "not leaving her go from my arms "we are mate and your dad ..."she cut me off "no we aren't Alex I know my mate now"she yelled in my chest I was stilling hugging her she killed me when she said that she know her mate what that means she have mate who is he and how but only thing get out from my mouth to make her clear to her whatever this guy said to her is not the truth"Lana I swear we are in five days your birthday you will now that will be clear" she thought for a minute before she replies .
"Alex okay we are but I don't want you as a mate "she whispered in me chest I let go from her I was shocked I don't know what to say just one word slapped from me"what?!"whispering in broken voice "sorry I can't be with you Alex you are ego you are selfish can't be with one like you" what but whatever am I she's mine my mate she can't say that she can't relinquish me. Before I can say anything word she left me side let the cold take her place "Jake I'll link you later I have to go "running a way from me .I know I wanted to run after her ...but my feet never moved or maybe my ego don't let me because that my first time girl told me she didn't want me!! Not only that she's mine my mate !!! How can she say that?!.
Suddenly Jake spoke I with in my thoughts I forget he was here" sorry man but I think we have to return home" I don't get me voice I nod taking another glance from the spot where she run to please god let me get her by my side again I swear I'll never let her go again without complete the matting bond and marking her .I want to see then how she can run then ....... and if that really have anther mate that will de my honor to drink his blood ....
I always get what I want Lana I will own you for pretty good if you want or not you have to be mine..... Just mine no one can took you from me .....

Lana ( P.O.V )

I was hiding behind the tree when I saw Danny stand facing me "you are the amazing child "he laugh oh great Danny my protection now "and let me guess you the amazing child too huh "he nodd "let us get home and I can tell you the plan"
"Okay but can the plan wait for tomorrow "I smile we shift in wolf form running to his house making sure I be in his back because I don't know where his house .
When we did it to the house his house beauty cozy he give me one from the guests room saying goodnight and we will toke tomorrow about holl things.

Robert ( P.O.V )

I woke up in empty cold bed Lana not beside me . I thought she woke early this morning I took a sniff from her pillow .her scant make my morning wonderful . My eyes lend on the nightstand beside me there was a letter I open it it's from Lana .





My soul Rob

I can call you my soul aren't I huh .
Robert am sorry about everything about that I left without saying goodbye sorry because what my father did to your mom I know I have to tell what he did I'll send you another letter with my friend . Sorry about living you without justification for you but my first reason I can't wait tell you hate me . I can't see the hate in your eyes I love you Robert I love I can't stop you from revenge go ahead but I hope if we met in a better conditions or that monster not my dad take care love you.

When I read it I felt my heart stopped .I can't give my lungs air any more like am die she left like this why ? Why Lana why you did this why?????
Am in shock why she did this ? yesterday night everything thing was good ? Why she afraid that I will hate her ! ? I'll never ever can hate her she's my life my heart my soul my love my mate I love her every day more than the day before I will love her until the last beating in my heart . how can she think I will hate her ? I can't live without her but if she wants that I'll never be impediment in her life . I know I'll be without soul but if she will be happy like this let it be then I'll die for her to live . I'll do anything for her even though that means I'll be the most miserable man in this world I don't care ....I missed her from now I didn't realize that am crying until my door open . "Sorry Alpha I was Knocking the door more than six minutes everything okay" my beta Kim said I just nodd when he look to me he shocked "you know she left sorry" what how he knows she left."Kim how you know?" I asked him in broken softly voice "Jim told me she left yesterday night at 3:30 am "
"What how he lift her go at this time? how ? I want him in my office in half an hour " Screamed used my Alpha voice. I think Jim know something I don't know to let her leave like this I have to spook to him . I took a quick shower . I put my clothe on Head to my office to see Jim . I meet him in my office he was waiting .
"Alpha am sorry but she said this for our safety " he started before I asked him to
I sat behind my desk waving for him to sat .
"Jim I need details at first why her scant mixed with yours" I yelled at him I can't believe that I can't control my angry.
"Because sp..spend some time... with me before she.... left we ice cream....we spoke a bit..then she left sorry Alpha but I can't stopped her" he stumbled
"Now where she gone" I used my Alpha voice
"Alpha an sorry to say she didn't say where she gone but not going to be in her pack and soon Jake will be here to tell you more that all I know Alpha"I nodd "I want everyone keeps his eyes open when Jake put his first step in here I want him here in my office I made myself clear"I yelled he nodd before he left the office . Please God let him be here as soon as possible I need to know what happened with her to leave me like this .

Lana (P.O.V)

I woke up in cozy room in new moon pack . Danny pack is new here all the mummbers in it is teenagers . It's not large pack . The first thing popped in my mind why this pack mother moon chose her ?why Danny his not from the strong Alpha here ? He just 19 how can he be my protector ? The knock on the door woke me from my thought "come in" I call "morning princess" Danny say "morning "
"Lana Jake downstairs with his mate Eve you have problem to see him if th.." I cut him off "I want to see him " I smile I really want to send him to Rob go his here.
Danny smile"good breakfast ready "
I nodded get down with him downstairs.
When we enter the kitchen Jake and Eve was kissing I blush Danny glower they took a part looking at us .Eve was her red cheeks like tomatoes and Jake was shocked in his face I think because he saw me here I smile "morning lover"I teast.
"Lana I miss you you said we are friends then you doesn't show up again"Eve said giving me a big huge I smile "sorry "all I could say .
"You here huh"Jake shot
"Yap am here"
"Danny your anther mate "
"No no his not"
"Okay then Lana why you are here we need home "
"Hey guys can we finish breakfast first then we can toke "Danny ask
We nodd was agreed we eat in silence.when we finish Danny lend us to his office .
"Lana at first you have to know that in training we can sharing our power and our emotion as will if we're so happy or if we're so helpless mother moon chose us because we are her pure kids Lana maybe later you can understand more about it but all I want to say we will be go team and am glad to see you again oh by the way my power is see future and control anyone mind of course not you "he laugh
"I know haha I think you know my power but I get new one I can see past now "
"That makes sense you see past I see future I think like this we can change the past"
"Danny no one can change the past"
" mather moon said we will and we can"he wink
"I think am not strong enough to make it"I murmured to myself but he heard "Lana sorry about everything happens to you but I'll help you to be strong again trust me"hugging me "I hope"all I said
"I have to send Jake to midnight pack "
"Your mate Robert "Danny said Winking
"Not just Rod and I have mate from red moon pack Alex"
" No way how? Two mates "
"Don't ask I don't have answer "
"Great one for west one from north." I laugh at his comment."am going to see Jake " he nodded but that I left .I made mind link with Jake telling him to see me at the backyard .

When he make it to me I told him everything he have to say to Rob I give him my necklace . I asked him to give it to Rob .Then when he finished with Robert he have to see the most reliable mummber in our pack and bring them to me I have plan to not let anyone from my pack get hurt when the battle started with midnight pack . I hope it's works , because I don't want any one of them to pay what my dad did.... I hope me and Danny can change the past like he said.....

I turned my back to see Danny looking at me smiling "she's right you amazing"I shot . I smile"mother moon huh?"I call he nodd "am wandering the school will start next week Uh if you want I take home school can join me "he said Rubbing his back neck I walked towards him facing him "sound good"
"Great what about we can start our training"
"Sounds great and excited"he give me his hand to took it I did .
When we get to the woods he ordered"shift" without thinking I did . I shift in my white wolf he joined my with his huge black and white wolf his black fur shining in the sunshine . "We don't have all day stop staring at me" he shot me . I swear if am in human form I will be blushing I didn't realize that am starting at him I shook my head and we start our training.




Robert (P.O.V )

I was checking some business pack when one from the warriors made mind link with me telling me that there was rogue in our territory wont to see me I sign in relief that Jake Lana best friend . finally I will know what she mean in her letter about I will hate har and what her father did to my mom. I replied to bring him to me . One minute late there was a knock on the door I sign to come in , and here he was Jake facing me his handsome a little jealous hit me when I remember Lana told me that he sleep beside her every night because she doesn't like to sleep alone but I puched them away clearing my thoughts .
"Site down "I ordered "am Jake Lana b.."I cut him "my mate best friend am Alpha Robert"I don't mean to be rage but I can't stop myself to say it .his face shift"your mate I get it "he whispered to him self but I don't get Lana didn't told him why?"go ahead what's up"I shot
"At first this from Lana she said if you forgive her she like to seeing you putting it around your neck"handle me a necklace from white gold Lana noun lengthwise I took it her scant on her . I nodded my head he continued" you can take your revenge anytime you want she's not there Uh ....Uh"Then his voice gone "what she's fine" his calm make me nervous "sorry Alpha Lana think you have the right to knows ....her.. father r....ra..raped your mom before he killed her"Speak the last clip quickly "WHAT????"I yelled with my Alpha voice "sorry Alpha"he murmured softly . "He raped your m..."I cut him off "I headed you"I whispered now .
Ignition of anger within me , I want to get him now rip his body pieces pieces throw it to the dogs . Son of the bitch "KIM" I yelled in all my lungs .not a seconds Kim in my office "Alpha what's wrong"
"Now in this moment I want all the Warriors to get ready "I yelled Screaming he nodded before he disappear out from my office. I turned to Jake that he was shaking "you out now "I ordered he nodded getting up before he turned"but Lana ask if you can...if if you can Wait a week or two if you want "he said
"I can't out now"I yelled in my Alpha
I cannot breathe the same air that he breathes anymore time over . He raped my mam I will let him bugging me to kill hem .

  Lana ( P.O.V )


I was training how I can share powers with Danny .When Jake link me in our minds link that Robert taken decision that today will take his revenge . I gasped what I have to do now I didn't make my plan yet? How I can keep my pack mummber safely now ?? Oh my god Alex there too . what I have to do?? Danny feel something wrong with me because he took me from my thoughts saying " Lana calm down  you making me nervous" oh great he can feel my feeling but I still can't I know it's been an hours trying to get it but I couldn't. I told him everything about my dad what did to Robert family of course about what will happen in any moment from now the battle . Wen I finish he call " Lana I think you can just make mind link with all you trust and told them not to fights stay in safe side" I nodded . I make mind link with all I trust in the pack told them not to fights just be in safe because midnight pack is very strong some of them just say okay same of them ask if it will be a battle sooner but I said maybe because I review if They just asking me to tell my dad and I don't want to fail Robert plan ........

After I make it something hit me oh my goodness what about Alex . Great just great same one from them will dies today ......



Rodert ( P.O.V )


I was checking some business for the pack when my door starting knocking "come in" I call the door open and Jim with handsome guy enter my office "Alpha Jake here" Jim say I nodded for them to take a set "am here to delivery message for you at first this for you if after you know what happened to your mother that night and you still want Lana you have to put it around your neck" he handled me white golden   necklace Lana name on it in lengthwise letters . I nodd taking it her scant on it. "Go ahead "I ordered Jake he nodded "her dad raped your mother that day he...."I cut him off "Jim collect the warriors now " I ordered in my Alpha voice he nodded before he left. I look to Jake " tell your fucking Alpha  prepare for your death ." I yelled he nodded getting up before he left he turned around "Lana wish if you waiting for next week " he call "out" I shot.

When he left  I can't understand what happened with my mom my heart was  burning my blood boil from angry I want him  dead I'll kill him on slowly I'll let him please to his death ... I'll kill him today is the last day in his life.......



Lana (P.O.V )


  I turned my back to see Danny looking at me smiling "she's right you amazing"I shot . I smile"mother moon huh?"I call he nodd "am wandering the school will start next week Uh if you want I take home school can join me "he said Rubbing his back neck I walked towards him facing him "sound good"
"Great what about we can start our training"
"Sounds great and excited"he give me his hand to took it I did .
When we get to the woods he ordered"shift" without thinking I did . I shift in my white wolf he joined my with his huge black and white wolf his black fur shining in the sunshine . "We don't have all day stop staring at me" he shot me . I swear if am in human form I will be blushing I didn't realize that am starting at him I shook my head and we start our training.

After an hour Jake made mind link told me that Rob will take his revenge today . I stop in my truck I was shaking all my plan gone . I don't have time to do it anymore. Danny feel something not right with me because he ask "what's wrong Lana?"
I told him everything happens my father what did to Robert mother . Who he killed his father I told him about Alex father who he killed my mom ...


When I finish he took my hand in his "Lana you have to know your father will dead at 10:00pm but  if you don't get there in 10:35pm he will get his death too ." My heart stop who Robert or Alex I can't find my voice to ask I felt myself getting on fire ....

Chapitre 9 :To clear things up

Lana ( P.O.V )




It's been one year  ago from the day Rob killed my father.  It's been one year ago from the day me and Danny  stopped Alex and Robert from killing each other. In this year  a lot of things change. I don't see Robert  because in that day he said he'll never want to see me again. I left my pack in Ian hands my beta to be living with Danny pack for finch our training together  . Now you can say me and Danny one person we can read and link each other minds. We can share our power and you can tell that we have now the strongest Alpha voice Mather moon give it to us . "You ready " Danny voice took me out from my thoughts I nodded. 

Today I'll return to live in my pack house again and today my 19 Birthday.  Danny just invite all the Alphas and Beta because we decided the party will be more business than a celebration.






When me and Danny arrived at the party .

Every one in my pack hug me and told me happy birthday but of course Jake hold me more than anybody else he whispered in my ear " I miss you too much today you will sleep in my arms again " I laugh am really miss to sleep in his arms around and let him work his power on me to feel comfortable " I love Jake you know that right" he let go from me give me smile "yap and  I love you more come-on all the Alphas want to see the wonderful   Alpha  female  "

first thing I did when  I entered the party I decided to go with my  speech for the Alphas to know me more and clear things up to them.

I get on the scene I took the microphone I clear my thoughts looking to Danny face he nod to me to start .

"Good evening please can I get your attention Alphas " I called 

Robert ( P. O. V )

I get invitation to Lana birthday party Kim forced me to go he say that I have to speak was Lana about last time I saw her she need to know why I don't want her again in my life I sign . 

Am in the party now and it's boring with all this Alphas and some Alpha mates . Suddenly the most beautiful voice spoke her voice send shivers to my body I snapped at the party voice and there she was the most wonderful girl my eyes saw . Her scant hit me omg Honey and cinnamon it's like drugs for me she calmed me down . She's wearing sleeveless long black dress her shoulder all show up , the dress lift her back nude . She look sexy covering her lips was red lipstick , I just want to taste them . she get attached for too the Alphas I heard one from the Alpha beside me tilling his bate how she's wonderful and sexy and how he want her so badly in has bed .

I felt jealousy eat me I want to punch in his face how he can thought about my mate like this ? But she's not mine anymore Alex told me that he took her yes he slept with her . How she did that ? She slept with him before her birthday that mean she loved him to give him all that without she knows if he is really her mate that means she loved him . I can't stand this party anymore I need to live . When I turned to go some one say "hey can we took if you doesn't mande"
I face him I remember him from that day when I killed Lana father.
"About" I shot
"About Lana"
"I don't think I want to hear anything about her she have her life now " my least world let him smile . I lift him I want to go I moved my legs a little to stop in my truck about what Danny bleat next "she still virgin until today night at least "
"What ?" I didn't understand why Alex told me he slept with her if he doesn't
"I know you hear me pretty much you still have time to get her don`t give up on her not know not in the future she's always need you trust me "
"And why you tell me this shit now "
"I saw her future and she saw it to if she am just trying to change some details I don't want to lose her sooner "
"Lose her sooner what that means?"
"She will be with Alex but he will never carry on her like she deserves she will end underground after two years from there completed the meeting and this will happen today in the after the midnight" now he have tears in his eyes I can't believe she will die two years from now .she knows all this and she will complete this fuking mate why? .I have to do something she can't do this to herself but how I can stop this if god wants that my tears roll on my cheeks burning my heart more.
" What I can do ?" I whisper to myself more than to Danny can hear but he replies
" Take her first put the mark on her make her yours first I hope that will work "

Lana ( P . O . V )

When I get all the attached I start " hi for those who do not know me am Lana White am the first Alpha female I don't know how to start let me start from the beginning . In the first while alot of you Alphas were visiting us I ask my dad Why every week one from the Alpha came here he say Hun this because we are the more powerful pack her the came asking for advice " I heard laugh and whisper but I contacted " am sure now this not the truth the truth is all the Alphas came to buy toy for them let me de more clear they buy she Wolf from our pack for using them to their desires are satisfied and when they get boring from her what they do they killed her because they scared that she'll till some one about them and then they come back to my dad to get a new toy let me till you honorable people or honorable Alphas sorry the female wolf not just for bed the female more than that she have feelings she can be more powerful than any male when she want to and from now on the wolf female not for sale if you want to be in our side you welcomed if not it's your choice and really I don't care if I have enemies , I hope for you nice event and thanks for your time "

When I'm done from my word a strong arm bind around my waist my back hit muscle chest .
"You miss me right"
The male voice whispered sending shivers down my body . I smile " you have a Confidence aren't you " I call
" So much " he turned me around to face him no bit our lips are touch his scant like woods and spring make me dizzy . his hands still around my waist I put one hand on his shoulder and the other hand on his chest . I want more but he brake the kiss first "person like me of course you miss me more than the morning miss the sun and the moon miss the star " he smirk .
I open my eyes to meet his dark grey eyes his brown scattered hair give him sexy look maybe I loved him now because his my mate . Because his I felt like this .
"I hat you Alex " I say punching him on his shoulder .
" Oh that's mean that you love me " he smirk " dance " I nodded he give me his hand and I took it .

After the dance we had to place more privacy .
" Lana I wanna to make you all mine " Alex whisper putting his body close to mine he bind kissing my lips lightly I saw the future and am really sure that today I'll be all his but am scared from that stap because he'll be my break down , but I give promise to mother moon that I'll never lift his hand . I don't know why she wants me to be in his side always don't get me wrong I have feeling to him now I can't ignore it his my mate but I know if I blocked my wolf away and I have to choose between him and Rob of course my choose will be Rob not just because his my mate no but also my human heart Love's him think ...
"Lana Lana babe " Alex shook me I think he was calling me for awhile ." Huh" I mouth
"Lana you are out from earth about two minutes baby "
"Sorry" I whisper
"I was asking how training was"
"good ...uh about we return to the party"
" as you like babe"
He put his arm around my waist making our way to the crowd again .
When we are there well-known voice call my name from nowhere here he was who own every piece in my heart Robert " we have to talk " he shot looking between me and Alex "now " he supplied .
"Am her mate you can talk with her with my presence "
Pulling me more in his chest I see sadnes and pain in Robert eyes my heart ash from his sign .
He growled "she's mine too "
That just make Alex laughing like mad man before he say " no more she'll be all mine tonight "
" Alex please " I pleased
" tell me his wrong " Robert said with broken voice
"I think we need to talk alone " I say looking from Robert to Alex .
I mind link Alex ask him to let me go because this will be our goodbyes he say fine he will be waiting for me in his bedroom I just nod before he turned leaving us alone.

We stood in silence for awhile before I break the ice Robert start " can we talk in the first place we meet "
I nod " in the woods beside the river " I smile he nod reaching out his hand to me I took it.

When we reached at the river he hug me to his chest tightly electricity work between us "I miss you my heart " Robert whisper in his sweet voice.
He sniff my hair before kissing my head pulling my face up to him kissing every spot in my face like crazy the kiss not soft but hard full of emotions miss , love , hate angry and lost .
I stand still enjoying the his effect on my body if he ask me to give him my soul I'll give it to him without thinking twice . He stop kissing me pulling my chin up to meet his black blue eyes " say that Alex stupid liar ego you not for him not tonight not ever say it Lana say that you're just for me say you love me just me "

How I can told him I can't be with him ? How I explain to him that no choice for me?
How I can say if I didn't be with Alex he will dies because of Alex revenge to get me back?
How I can say that ?
He pushed me away from him screamed "no you can't do that to me why ? Why Lana ? Why you chosing him ? He will just bring pine to you . Why? Huh "
My eyes watered am feeling his pine I run putting my head on his chest he didn't react " I have to sorry so sorry Rob but I have to be with him"
" Enough Lana enough " he shot
"Please let me ... " He cut me of off
" Let you what let leaving me let go to your Alex hands "
" Rob I have to because your safety because everyone safety " he open his mouth to cut me I put my hand on his soft pinky lips " let me finish please" he nodded
" I can see the future and I saw if I choose you what will happen Alex will make anything to kill you and not just this mother moon want me to be with Alex " I know the last part will let him understand me more .
" Why mother moon hate me too much ?" He whispered " why she wants me to be away from my mate from you " he hug me now
" Let me show you something will calm you "
I took his hand in mine " close your eyes sexy" I taste he closed his eyes I saw his future when I dies I want him to see it to I believe this will help him out.


My view about Robert future :

A wonderful girl with long white grey hair hungover her waist she's young everything in her shot in beauty her silky smooth skin kissed but the sun her with long black eyelashes and blue eyes shine with life her kisses lips red like blood her body like model she was wearing long pink dress she was stood in the beautiful garden Robert reach beside her putting his hand around her waist pull her to his chest " hey sexy " she smiled " hey handsome " he pick her on the lips " I miss you " Robert whisper
She laughed " we are together from hulf a hours ago Rob"
" I miss every time everytime you're not beside me " they start kissing when I let go from Robert hand
" She's wonderful " Robert breath I smile he look at me in the eyes " how can I have another mate and you ..." I cut him off " I will dies Robert "I whispered
" But .."
" No but just think about your future Rob please promise me"
" I promise you know she have something from you " I smile " she's more beautiful than me Rob " he copy my face in his hands " I'll never let anyone took your place in my heart ...Lana can I ask one thing "
I nodd " I want to be your first "
I flinsh " please Lana just give me this honor and you will not see me anymore I...I .. just want to make this moment not forgotten to you and me I know this crazy but I know every girl will not forget her first and I want to be your "
I tried to see if I say yes now what will happen in future but everything black I can see nothing and this will be risk I don't know what to do or say .
" Lana please I want you in my arms just tonight just for our self for our goodbye please" he bagged
What I have to say yes or no yes or no please God help me please.


I cleared my thoughts " I love you Rob and am really want you to be my first " he smiled wide from ear to ear " this night you will stay with me till the sun shine up in the sky " he say while removing my hair away from my neck leaving my neck nude burial his face on my neck sniffing me I shiver " am with you till the sun shine up in the sky " 


Chapitre 10 : Mark me make me yours

  In no time Rob lips in mine his hands rub every spot in my body our tongues dancing together I don't want this kiss to end I don't want his hands to stop working in my body I want to be his at least one night one night to make me a live .
When Robert broke the kiss we are breathless his forehead rest in my neck his hot breath sends shivers down my spine .
" Not here in my room I want your scent in my bed "
I nod " in your bed " he carry me in his muscles arms like a baby I giggled " I have legs you know " I joke
" I know sweetheart but I want to carry you to my house pick "
It's a long walk if we haven't transformative to our wolf form but if he wants this let it be tonight am making everything he wish for . I rest my head on this strong chest he smile before he walk letting the full blue moon shine our route . Yes it's blue moon tonight . I make mind link with Danny asking him to handle Alex for me .

After ten minutes or so we're in his bedroom. He put me on my feet and tugging me his strong chest . His mouth crashed into mine, hungry and devouring, his tongue sweeping at the seam of my lips. His hands cupped my face with a gentility at odds with the fierce need of his kiss, and then his palms skated over my shoulders and down my waist to grip my hips, pulling me against him, pressing his erection hard against me. I moaned into his mouth, and his fingers clawed into the firm flesh of my hips. Then he moved his hand to my back I feel him grabbed the zipper of my dress between finger and thumb, drew it down slowly. The zipper lowered, and my dress loosened. Rob brushed a palm over my shoulder, sliding the sleeve of my dress away. He did it again on the other side, and I shrugged my shoulders, brought my arms together in front of me, letting the dress fall down around me, billowing to pool at my feet, leaving me clad in my bra and underwear. He broke the kiss . reaching behind me and unhooked my bra, tossing it aside. My nipples stiffened, hardening to taut peaks under his hot gaze. I expected him to touch me.
But he just stood beside me . I remained motionless in front of him, watching the way his eyes roved over me, the way he seemed to be embracing this moment, taking me in, all of me like he wants to save this moment forever . My heart hurts for him for us that we can't be together again soon we will never allowed to see each other again. Robert was something incomparable amazing he deserves happens love and life . No way in hell I will let anything toke his life .
I love him .
I was ready and waiting and deliriously unprepared for what was about to happen between us. He blinked once, his gaze moving from my face down to my breasts. I took a deep breath .
" You are breathtaking so beautiful" I don't know if he say it to me or to himself he sounded like breathless .
In a quickly move his lips was on my breast sucks kiss lick bite his heads rull in every part in my body living his fingerprints everywhere in my body .
I can't handle any more I need him like crazy girl am on fire . I moun his name but his head not where I want them to be .
" Tell me what you want sweetie girl " he breath in my ear sending shivering to my body .
" I want you " I say in breathless
" Me too too but what you want form me "
Oh God he playing with me now .
Am not good girl in this game .
Even so I tried to get a hold in this .
" Your body " I sing
" My body " oh God his hot breath still near my ear his heads desperate from my body he not touching me anymore . I can feel him smiling .
Am aching for him , for his toush .
" watch part of my body huh "
I can't handle him anymore . I put my palm on his chest and pushed him to the bed .
He smirked when I threw my body above him .
" My girl on fire I can smell you how wet you are for me incredible amazing I love you so much baby"
After that he took me like am a flower he have to protect it from the un damage in this world even himself .
When our body contact , my eyes watered he kissed every drop away he make love to me like am the last women in this planet.
Slowly he took me with sweet words . I didn't want this night to end .
I want to spend every day in my life with Robert making love .
I know that we don't have any day after that we can't be together forever soon this lovely night will get to the end and we will go to our different way .
We didn't sleep all night we make love then he fuck me like an wild animal then making love to me licked my pussy then fuck me again he didn't give us a break just for getting some snacks then fuck .
Until the sun rise up and our time together get to the end .
" I think it time to eat breakfast before you leave" Robert Whisper in my ear with a sad voice that broke my heart to two .
I nod in agreement .
I pushed myself to get up but Rob hand meet mine .
" Lana " he breath " mark me make me yours " 


" I can't Robert I can't do this to you " 

If I mark him he can never be free from me he can fuck any female until I die . The more problem is that he can't put his mark on me that meaning his wolf  may die from betrayal from his mate .

" Yes you can I know what may happen Lana " 

" I love you Rob am not doing this to you"

" Look it's my last thing am asking you to do please please Lana do it for me" 

"What if y..." He cut me by his lips he kiss me sweety and lovely 

" Please love" 

I nod and I given him his last thing he will ask from me my mark .


His now mine forever but I can't be his forever .

Life is not fair.


After our breakfast we say our goodbyes forever .

Robert kiss me for hours before his forehead on mine he breath.

" Now my heart with you forever and more Lana and you still want to go to him "

" I have no .."

"I know but after you put your mark beside my heart I was just hoping you feel thing and you just drop everything and stay with me" 

Our eyes full of tears it's hard to me to go but I have no choice we all Slaves to Mather moon he know that I know that every wolf know that.

" Please Rob "

" Just go " he kiss my forehead before he pushed me away " go my heart go be strong" 

" I will " 

It's my last word before I go all the way my eyes didn't stop running . 

Oh God I broke his heart and my heart .

Now what ? What ?

Why you give me tow mate why ? Mather moon why ? 




Texte: By me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.10.2020

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Sorry if there are grammar mistakes because English not my mother language. Thank you so much for reading my book I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think about my story and thanks one more time.

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