
“Now please welcome our celebrity guest, Justin Bieber!” Mr. Moore announced. Screams erupted through the whole gym. I clapped and hollered yeah! But, that’s it I wasn’t about to scream over a boy. He walked out and everyone got quiet.
“Hey guys! How is your day going?” Everyone erupted in screams again. Mr. Scott got up and introduced himself then grabbed a mic.
“Well, Justin. It’s a pleasure to have you here today as a treat for our talent week. And, to show our appreciation I had one of my students learn one of your songs to sing.” He motioned for me to come up and I did. Mr. Scott turned to the school.
“Everyone, Aeriel is going to perform one of Justin’s songs. I picked the song. It is called ‘Kiss and Tell’. Now please be quiet and respectful of her as she performs.” He handed me the mic. “Okay. Justin if you don’t mind taking a seat on that stool right there. Also, I will not be using your initials, Justin. I will use mine, which are A.B. And, I will be saying boy or guy not she or girl.” He complied and I took a deep breath.
The music started and I turned on my performance mode.

(Yeah, a-a-a-a-b, yeah, whoa oh, whoa noo.)

Now I can see it boy,
You aint gotta say nothing,
Your lips are calling me,
Like they wanna do something,
I feel the chemistry,
Yeah you're into me,
A little kiss is a definite possibility,

Seen you a couple times,
Had a couple conversations,
Since you've been on my mind,
Had a couple observations,
Like you're a fly guy,
You could be my guy,
Play by the rules and you can get what I give.

Just keep it quiet; keep it on the hush,
And what we do keep it just between us,
I don't wanna see you tweet about A.B. cause,
The only people that should know is you and me so,
Baby I know that you're cool with rocking with me,
But I can't have you telling everybody,
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me are you gonna kiss (kiss, kiss) and tell?
Tell me are you gonna kiss (kiss, kiss) and tell?
Tell me are you gonna kiss me,
Then tell everybody?
Now he got me twisted with your lips boy,
Are you gonna kiss and tell?

It's confidential, no one has to do with it.
But you and me boy,
Telling would ruin it
Don't need that TMZ,
All in our privacy,
Use them lips for kissing boy,
If you wanna ride with me.
And if you wanna tell somebody,
Then we can call the whole thing off; no problem.
You can go your way, and I'll go mine.
But I'd rather spend a little time with you, yeah

Just keep it quiet; keep it on the hush,
And what we do keep it just between us,
I don't wanna see you tweet about A.B. cause,
The only people that should know is you and me so,
Baby I know that you're cool with rocking with me,
But I can't have you telling everybody,
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me are you gonna kiss (kiss, kiss) and tell?
Tell me are you gonna kiss (kiss, kiss) and tell?
Tell me are you gonna kiss me,
Then tell everybody?
Now he got me twisted with your lips boy,
Are you gonna kiss and tell?

Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell?
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell?
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell?
Kiss and tell, oh.

Don't tell your homies,
Don't tell your mama,
Don't tell your boyfriends,
That'll start some drama,
Stay off that facebook,
I'll treat you real good,
You keep this private,
And you can get what I give.

Baby I know that you're cool with rocking with me,
But I can't have you telling everybody,
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me are you gonna kiss (kiss, kiss) and tell?
Tell me are you gonna kiss (kiss, kiss) and tell?
Tell me are you gonna kiss me,
Then tell everybody?
Now he got me twisted with your lips boy,
Are you gonna kiss and tell?

Kiss and tell, whoa oh,
I'm not about that,
If your gonna kiss and tell,
Oh no no no,
If your gonna kiss and tell,
If your gonna kiss and tell,
That's not me.

When the song ended everyone burst into applause. I smiled and took a bow.
“We as RHMS just wanted to let you know that we love you Justin and that we appreciate you coming here.” I smiled and he walked out to where everyone could see him. I gave him the mic and took my seat. Tina came up behind me and hugged me then went back to her seat.
“Wow. I can feel the love. Thank you so much RHMS!” He walked over to where I was seating and grabbed my hand. I heard girls scream. “Thank you, Aeriel. You were amazing. Do you mind hanging with me today? Usher will be here soon.” I nodded with a questioning look when I heard Usher was coming. “I called him when you started singing so he could hear you. He wants to sign with you.” My mouth dropped. I quickly composed myself and smiled.
Everyone was screaming. They weren’t screaming for Justin or Usher, who just walked in. I heard my name through the whole school.
“Hey, everyone. Quiet down. I’m still me.” I smiled. Everyone was quiet. Usher had the mic now.
“Hey, RHMS! Well, Justin can perform here in just a second, okay? Good. Aeriel, will you please sing ‘Stuck In The Moment’ please.” Usher asked. I nodded my head and took the mic.
“Okay, so to make things more interesting I’ll go through the crowd and pick someone to sing to so be ready boys.” I winked and there was an up roar of screams and whistles. I laughed.
I put my performance face on again and started to sing.

(With you, with you
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place.)

Now Romeo and Juliet,
Bet they never felt the way we felt.
Bonnie and Clyde,
Never had to hide like we do, we do.
You and I both know it can't work,
It's all fun and games,
'til someone gets hurt,
And I know I wont let that be you

Now you don't wanna let go,
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two (who knew?)
Now we don't wanna fall but,
We're tripping in our hearts and,
It's reckless and clumsy,
Cause I know you cant love me, hey
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can't do,
To fight with time and space,
Cause I'm still stuck in the moment with you

I walked over to Justin and led out into the center.

See like Adam and Eve,
Tragedy was our destiny,
Like Sonny and Cher,
I don't care I've got you baby.
See we both fighting every inch of our fiber,
Cause either way its gonna end right but,
We are both too foolish to stop.

Now you don't wanna let go,
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two (who knew?)
Now we don't wanna fall but,
We're tripping in our hearts and,
It's reckless and clumsy,
And I know you can't love me, hey
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can't do,
To fight with time and space,
Cause I'm still stuck in the moment with you

See like just because this cruel, cruel world
Saying we can't be,
Baby, we both have the right to disagree,
And I ain't with it.
And I don't wanna be so old and gray,
Reminiscing about these better days,
But convention's telling us to let go
And I still let go,
So we'll never know

I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
Cause everything we did,
And everything we have is stuck in the moment
(Yeaaah oh no no no)

I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can't do,
To fight with time and space,
Cause I'm still stuck in the moment with you

When the music stopped I smiled and took a bow. Applause erupted throughout the gym and I smiled bigger. I decided to pick Justin to sing to just to get on the girls nerves. He smiled the whole time I sang to him. He even stood holding me in his arms while I smiled and sang to him. I was getting some glares; not only from the girls either.
The mic was taking away from me by Usher.
“Aeriel Bell everybody!” he turned to me still holding the mic to his mouth. “How about me and you go talk about signing you with me?” I smiled and nodded my head. I waved to everyone and was walking to the back gym doors.
“Hey, Usher!” Justin called. “Yo, Justin!” he called back. “You can’t have this shawty right now. You can have her after the assembly. She with me right now.” Usher nodded and took a seat on the bleachers.
“Okay so before I sing; anyone have any questions?” Tons of hands went up. I grabbed another mic. “Okay, this is how it’s gonna roll. Justin will pick a person and I will go to you so you can talk into the mic so everyone can hear. Sound good? Great.”
I walked to the first person. “Justin, do you ever wish you weren’t famous?” “Well, to be honest, yes because I don’t always get the privacy or time I need.” He picked another person. “Do you like Aeriel?” I stared at the seventh grader. He laughed nervously. “Yea, she is really cool.” The girl shook her head. “No, I mean like, like her.” I watched his reaction. He rubbed his neck uncomfortably. “Too soon to tell.” Was all he said.

After a while of asking questions Justin sang two of his songs. He sang ‘First Dance’ and ‘Eenie Meenie’. When he sang ‘First Dance’ he sang to me. I am not complaining, believe that. But, when I looked in his eyes as he sang I saw love, compassion, and devotion in them. I didn’t know if it was just because of the song or me.

It’s now five minutes to 2:00. I grabbed the mic from Justin.
“Okay, everyone we have five minutes before y’all have to go to class to get ready to go home. Just before y’all leave I wanted to say I love y’all and I’ll visit often. Bye!”

We were in Justin’s limo now getting ready to go to the hotel. We called my foster parents and they said they would sign the papers to release me from their custody and so I could sing. I was so excited.
When we got to the hotel with my stuff we checked me in. I got the suite next to Justin’s room so that’s sweet!
I was unpacking when I heard my phone buzz. I had two unread messages. One was from Tina and the other from Justin. I opened Tina’s first.

Tina: Gurl, omj!!! So tell me, tell me! How is it??? You know hanging with JUSTIN BIEBER and USHER!

Me: It’s amazing! I got a suite right next to him! Eep! Omj, Tina! I really like him. But, I know my league and he def ain’t in it:’(

After I sent her the text I opened Justin’s message.

Justin: Hey, Aeriel. I was wondering if you wanted to go swimming.?

Me: Hey. Sorry, I didn’t hear my phone. Lol:p Yea sure I would love to go swimming! When would you like to meet?

I grabbed my bikini top and trunks and changed. By the time I was done changing I had two new messages.

Tina: Gurl, he is in your league! Hello! You’re famous now! You could get any guy you want! Lol:p

Me: Gurl, I’ll have to text you later. Justin wants to go swimming! Haha;) well, wish me luck.

I opened Justin’s message.

Justin: Um, meet me there in like 10 mins. Or are you ready now? cause im already there.

Me: im ready now. ill c u in just a sec haha;)

When I got to the pool it was deserted. I for sure thought that there would be all kinds of people bothering him for an autograph.
“Hey. So like yeah. Haha. Cannonball!” I said as I ran to the pool and jumped in. I came up laughing. I was like being myself. I would let him see me, as I am to see what would happen. He was laughing so hard.
“What are you laughing at?” I asked. I looked to make sure I didn’t forget about something important. I didn’t. What was his problem?
“I love your outfit. You don’t see many girls who have on guy’s trunks and a bikini top. It’s hot.” He said with confidence. I blushed a bright red. He jumped in the pool right next to me. I was laughing when he came up.
“Your gonna laugh, huh?” he said devilishly. I was worried now. He then put his hands on my waist and lifted me out of the water and further into the deep end. I acted as if I couldn’t swim. I could and we were in the deep end where I was but I was touching.
“Aeriel!” he screamed and swam over to me fast. I sucked in a big breath and let myself sink. I felt an arm go around my waist and pull me up. I smiled and pushed his head under.
I swam over to the shallow end and sat on steps. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. I felt the water moving near me and I knew Justin was beside me.
“That wasn’t very nice.” I smiled. “You threw me in so I had to push you under for payback.” I laughed. He looked at me seriously. “I meant you acting as if you couldn’t swim! I was freaking out!” He yelled at me. I frowned. “Well, I’m sorry. I think I’m going to go back to room.” I was standing up when he pulled me back down. “I said it wasn’t nice. I didn’t say I wanted you to leave.” He said softly. We were really close. If someone passed by from a distance they would think we were kissing.
I pulled back. He frowned. “Why do you do that?” He asked me seriously. I cocked my head to the side confused. “When we are so close. You look at me like you care and want me then you look hurt and scared.” I widened my eyes. I got up and walked out the pool grabbed my towel and flip-flops and went into the hotel.

I had changed and was lying on my bed when I got a text.

Justin: Why did you leave? That hurt.L

Me: I’m sorry. It’s just no one has ever really looked at me and noticed that before.

A few minutes later I got a text.

Justin: It’s okay. Will you tell me why your reaction to me changes from one to the other? Please. I won’t ask you anything else again.;)

Me: Okay, don’t get mad or laugh. It’s because I really like you but then I remember that every guy I have ever dated either cheated on me, just wanted me to make someone jealous, or to see if they could get lucky. They never wanted me because they loved or even liked me. So now I don’t trust any guy.:/

I didn’t get a text back for a while. I figured he was mad or laughing and made himself sick. I grimaced, grabbed my phone, and went out to the garden.

I was sitting on the bench in the garden when I got a text from Justin.

Justin: Where are you? I have to tell you something.

Me: Outside. By the garden. Justin, act like what I told u never happened.

I was waiting for Justin when I started singing. I was singing ‘Ironic’ by Alanis Morissette. I was singing the chorus when Justin walked up and sat next to me. He took me hand.

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

When I finished singing the chorus I looked at Justin and smiled. He smiled back.
But, it was a small nervous smile.
“What’s wrong Justin? You can tell me I won’t judge you.” I smiled at him reassuringly. He took a deep breath and turned to me. His face was seriously.
“Aeriel. I don’t know why you degrade yourself. You are gorgeous and any guy would be crazy to treat you wrong. I apologize for those who have. But, I can assure you I would never do that to you. I really like you, Aeriel. I know we just met. We don’t have to date now. We can go at your pace. You decide if you want me or not. Whatever your choice is I will always be with you as a best friend, brother, or lover.”
He took a much-needed breath and smiled at me. I smiled back. He then took my hand and started humming to me. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder. He put his head on mine and kept humming.

“It’s late I should go get some sleep. We leave tomorrow for L.A. right?” He nodded. He got up and held his hand out to help me. I took it and he helped me up. We walked to my room in silence. It was a comfortable silence though.
“Thanks for everything today.” I smiled at him. He smiled back but looked depressed. I hugged him good night and kissed his cheek. I figured that would make him wonder how I felt about him.

I stood outside her room for thirty minutes after she kissed me. Yeah, I know that's weird and stalker-ish but she just pulls at my heartstrings. I know she only kissed my cheek but I mean she wouldn't have done that if she didn't like me would she? I shook my head confused.
I walked to my room in a daze and got my phone out. I played the recording of her singing 'Stuck In The Moment' until sleep took me.
I woke up around 5:30 excited. I got ready and got my things packed. There was a knock on my door so I answered it. It was a bellhop coming to get my luggage and take it to the limo outside. I let him take my things down as I double-checked to make sure I had everything. I grabbed my purse and cell then I walked over to the elevators.
As I waited patiently I saw a little girl crying down the hall. I walked over to her and crouched down. "What's wrong darling? Can you not find your room?" She shook her head in agreement with my question so I picked her up. "Its okay come on we will go down to the lobby and ask the nice man to phone your parents." She wrapped her legs and arms around and sniffled into my neck. I pressed the down button and waited.
"Hey Aeriel. Who's this cute little girl?" Justin asked as he came up and kissed my cheek. "What's your name sweetheart?" I asked her quietly. She looked at me with big brown eyes and said, "Nycole Dodson." I rubbed her back and told Justin her dilemma.
The elevator doors opened and we got in. "It's okay Nycole we'll find your parents." Justin said softly and looked at me as I rocked her back and forth.
As I watched her rocked the little girl back and forth soothingly I knew she was the one. She was caring, sweet, gorgeous, and most of all, real. When the elevator got to the lobby floor we stepped out and were rammed by a man and a woman.
"Nycole! Oh, my poor baby! It's okay mommy's here. Thank you so much!" The woman said as Aeriel handed Nycole to her. She nodded and said a polite 'your welcome'. "How can we ever repay you?" Aeriel and I looked at each other. She took my hand. "No repayment is needed. We just wanted her safe. We must be going." She let go of my hand and walked over to Nycole. "Stay close your momma and daddy okay. Someone might not see or hear you the next time your lost." She said sweetly. The girl nodded and kissed her cheek in a sisterly way.
She walked over to me and motioned for me to follow her.
We were in our limo now on our way to the airport.
"So are you excited to be going to L.A.?" I asked her. She turned away from the window to look at me. "Yes! I mean I've always dreamed of this happening but I never thought it would!" She said happily. I smiled at her. She blushed and looked away. Just like last night.
I put my fingers under chin and turned her face towards me. I smiled at her again and leaned forward. She stiffened and I knew she wasn't ready. I sighed and kissed her cheek and dropped my hand.
You idiot! Why did you have to go and remember all those times you got hurt and stiffen up! He was about to kiss you! You freaking like him and he likes you, why not let him kiss you! I screamed at myself in my head. I looked over to see his depressed, sullen face.
Now's your chance to toughen up little solider. Let him see the side of you that will love him. I took a deep breath.
"Justin?" I asked quietly to get his attention. He turned to me. "What's up Aeriel?" I took another deep breath and brushed my lips to his. I could feel the shock on his lips so I kissed him one more time before looking back out my window.
See not so bad was it. I told myself.
We were at the airport now waiting for our flight. We were at a Juicy Juice Smooth/Juice Bar in the airport. We wore sunglasses and hats so no one would notice us.
"This is definitely fun. I've never had to wear a disguise when in a public area." I said excited. Justin flashed me his signature smile. "You get used to it. Then you have to switch your disguise around so they don't catch on." I nodded.
The 10:15 flight to L.A. is boarding now. Repeat. The 10:15 flight to L.A. is boarding.
Came on the intercom. We got up and headed that way. Justin grabbed my hand as we got to the front of the line, cutting people off.
"I'm Justin Bieber and this is my girl… um, friend Aeriel we are to board first so that way first class is blocked off to other passengers." The man checking tickets nodded and we boarded the plane.
I can't believe I almost called her my girlfriend! I mean, yeah, don't get me wrong I want her to be bad but I need to move at her pace. So right now I'll just be the guy best friend that's head over heels for her and will let her know it.
Why did he stop! He should have called me his girlfriend! That's what I want to be, that's what I need to be. I didn't just kiss him because he was right there! We are going to have to let him know he's mine and I'm his.
We took our seats and got comfortable. Aeriel sat beside me as close to the inside of the plane as possible. She told me as we boarded that I could have the window seat because she was scared of heights.
Please fasten your seat belts you will be taking off in thirty seconds. Thank you.
Aeriel fastened hers as tight as she could get it. She closed her eyes and leaned into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back. Any time I got to hold her I would take advantage of that time.
"Aeriel, it's okay now baby. You can open your eyes and unfasten your seat belt." I told her quietly. She shook her head and buried her head into my chest again. "Yes, now come on. No one will laugh at you we have first class all to ourselves. Please for me." I begged. She sighed and sat up with her eyes still closed.
"There I sat up." She said stubbornly. I chuckled and unfastened her myself and brought my hands up to her face. I cupped her face in my hands and spoken quietly to her. "Your safe with me. I promise you." She opened her eyes and smiled weakly at me. I shook my head at her and brushed my lips to hers. I sat back in my chair.
"Hey. You can't blame me. If you were scared of heights you would do the same." She defended herself as she cuddled up to my side. I nodded my head agreeing.
Do it! Ask him now. Don't be a scaredy-cat. Just do it. It's like a band-aid. Just ask it quickly.
I took a deep breath. "Justin?" He looked down at me and smiled. Encouraging me to go on. I took another deep breath. "Will you go out with me?"

“Justin?” Aeriel asked me quietly. I smiled at her to encourage her to go on. She took a deep breath. “Will you go out with me?”
Nice man really nice. Your supposed to ask her out not her ask you. Num-skull. I told myself.
“You know, will you go out with me to see the sights.” Aeriel corrected taking my silence the wrong way. I shook my head. “I don’t want to go sight-seeing with you.” She dropped her gaze and shifted away from me. I grabbed her chin and turned her face toward me. “I want to go out with you.” Then I kissed her. Longer than we have ever kissed each other.
It was great! Actually it was better than great; it was fan-freaking-tastic! I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
When the need for air became to much I pulled away much to her and myself disappointment. “So, I take it your over the ‘not trusting any guy’ thoughts.?” She merely smiled cheekily and pecked me on the cheek before resting her head on my shoulder and closing her eyes to take a nap. I put my arm around her and traced shapeless patterns into her thigh where my hand rested.

“You know, will you go out with me to see the sights.” I corrected when he was silent much to long to agree to go out with me. He shook his head. “I don’t want to go sight-seeing with you.” I dropped my gaze to my hands in my lap and started to shift away from him. He grabbed me by my chin and turned my head his way. “I want to go out with you.” Was all he said before he pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.
My head was swimming as he kissed me. I couldn’t believe that he, Justin FREAKING Bieber, was kissing me and was my boyfriend.
He went to pull away. I tried to hold him to me just a little bit longer but my lungs were burning for the oxygen I so desperately needed. You could tell he was very happy; I wasn’t either for that matter.
“So, I take it your over the ‘not trusting any guy’ thoughts.?” He stated, but it sounded as more of a question. I smiled cheekily at him and pecked him on the cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes to take a nap. I could feel him put his arm around and his fingers draw shapeless patterns on my thigh.

“Aeriel, baby. Lunch is being served; how about you get up to eat something?” I looked to my right groggily to see Justin smiling at me and offering me a soda. I smiled and sat up, rubbing my eyes. “Thanks, love.” We sat in silence and enjoyed our meal when the flight attendant came over.
He leaned down and into my personal space and asked, “Is there anything I can get you?” He asked me and me only. I grimaced and was about to retort when Justin beat me to it. “No, we’re good thanks. But, you won’t be if you try to make a move on my girlfriend again. Are we clear?” The boy nodded curtly and walked off.
I turned to Justin and smirked. Someone’s a little overprotective…

I swear that little git better be glad I couldn’t reach him from my seat! How dare he try and hit on my girl! I was fuming.
Aeriel turned around then and smirked at me. “What?” I asked. She shrugged and said, “Oh, nothing. So tell me love, did I just witness a little green monster come out of you?” I smirked. “Depends… Will I get rewarded if I say yes?” She merely scooted closer to me and whispered in my ear, just grazing my earlobe. “You tell me.” I went to kiss her when the intercom came on.

We hope you enjoyed your flight here to L.A. If you will please fasten your seat belts we will be landing shortly. Thank you.

I groaned and straightened up in my seat. She giggled and pecked me quickly on the cheek before fastening her seat belt tightly and burring her head into my chest quickly. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.07.2011

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