
Chapter 1

“Hi, I’m Nadie. Nadie Crowsfoot.” I smiled and waited for my answer. “Oh, yes. The new student. Well welcome to Auto Mechanics.” The teacher smiled warmly and I return the gesture.
“Class this is Nadie Crowsfoot. She will be in our class for the remainder of the school year. Please make her feel welcomed.” They all look at me like I’m an outsider. Which I am, in a sense…
“Do you know how to work on a car?” The teacher asked me. “Yes, I do. I’ve been working on cars since I was able to hold a wrench in my hand.” The teacher’s eyes widen and everyone stared at me. Some of the guys elbowed each other and smiled. One boy caught my eye. He was very well built, had those lovely nice, full lips, those chocolate brown eyes you can get lost in and cropped hair you just want to run your fingers through. Whoa there chicky. Lets just get through class okay. “Well, we are about to work on this S10 truck here. It needs an oil change, tires changed, and the front end lined up.” I laughed. “What’s is so funny, Miss Crowsfoot.” I shook my head. “Nothing but you say that like it’s a big deal. I could do all that by myself in less than this class time.” I said confidently. “Really well, why don’t you demonstrate.”

The class wasn’t even over yet and I had finished fixing that car up in 45 minutes. I still had time to spare.
“Well, your quite good with your hands.” “Thank you. Would you all like to see my car?” Everyone nodded.
I brought my car in and everyone is awestruck. “Is that an Camaro z28?” I nodded. “Wow, how did you get your hands on that?” “My mom bought it for me when I turned 15 and I’ve had it since.” The guys whistled.

School ended with a bang. Everyone wanted to see my car. All the guys said that I only had my car so I looked badass. But really, I just loved the car itself.
I was walking to my car when I ran into someone. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you. I should have been paying attention.” “It’s okay. Hey, you’re the new girl right? Nadie?” I nod. “Well, let me tell you your car is hot. If I had a car like that I’d be scared to take it out. I mean someone could scratch it or take off with it. Oh, I almost forgot! I’m Jacob Black but you can call me Jake. I’m in your Auto Mechanics class.” I laughed. Lord, he looked even better close up. “Well, I guess you just have to learn to trust. Nice to meet you Jake. I’m Nadie Crowsfoot; you can call me Nadie or babydoll. I got to go, bye now.”
I was walking to my car when I saw two guys fighting. I dropped my bags and ran over there.
“Hey! You guys stop. Dude back away. Chill. Take a step back. Breathe.” One of the boys hit me in the jaw. Things got ugly then. I grabbed a hold of the boy that hit me and threw him on concrete. I turned to the other one and he grabbed my shirt with both hands. I smiled. I grabbed his right wrist with my left hand, twisted his hand off of my shirt, twisted his arm back, and pushed him to the ground. The other guy just sat there.
“Now! When I let you up you two will walk the opposite direction of each other and never speak of this again.” They nodded then I turned to the guy that hit me. “And you. If you ever hit me again you won’t get off as easily as you did. Got it?” They nodded and ran away.
I got up off the ground and walked to my car. What a day maybe tomorrow will be better.
When I got to my car there was a group of boys standing there. I groaned internally.

“Hello. Yes, I’m the new girl Nadie. Yes, I know my car is hot. Bye now.” I said and stepped around the guys and slid in my car through the window. They just stood in front of car like they owned it.
“Yo! Move!” They just stood there. My blood was boiling now and I didn’t feel like kicking someone else’s ass. I climbed out my window and went to stand in front of my car.
One of the boys bounced his way to stand in front of me. “Hi, I’m Seth Clearwater. And this is Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, Brady, Collin, and Jake.” I didn’t even acknowledge the other boys. I waved annoyed.
“Okay, great! I know your little friends now ya’ll can move your asses out of my way.” I said irritated. The boy named Paul grabbed my arm. I smiled evilly. “You don’t want to do that. I may be smile and petite but I used to be in a gang. They called me babydoll because of my face and I look sweet and innocent. So I advise you to take your hand off me.” They all laughed except for Jake. I sighed for the boys warning and then I had him on the ground.
“Believe me now?” He nodded. I let him up. “Can ya’ll move please.” They nodded and I climbed back in my car and revved the engine. I was about to pull out when just my luck Jake came up to my window. I acknowledge to tell him to speak.
“Come hang with us this afternoon. I’m sure your parents won’t care.” I smiled. “Sure ya’ll got a ride or do you need one?” He gave me a look. I rolled my eyes. I climbed out my car again.
“Come on. Ya’ll climb in, all of you. There’s room.” I said as I opened the doors. They all came running.

We were at La Push beach now. I had a football in my trunk so we were throwing it around like morons. “Babydoll! Heads up!” I heard someone yell. I caught the ball and threw it back.

I was sitting in my room now. Staring at the ceiling. My eyes started to droop and my last thought was Jacob Black.

Chapter 2

It’s the end of the week now and school has gone pretty well. I’m ahead of everyone in my Auto Mechanics class except for Jake, he’s right there with me.
I was walking to my car when I noticed a guy leaning against my car. I was livid! I was going to turn some heads.
“What do you think your doing?” I yell at him. He jumps up and smiles at me. “Waiting on you. We haven’t gotten to know each other this week and I thought it would be nice to hang this weekend. Do you wanna go to the bonfire at the beach tonight?” I looked at him. “Who are you?” “Chase Wheeler. I’m in your History class.” I nodded my head remembering him. “Thanks but no thanks. I’m going to the movies with some friends.” Just then Jake and the guys walked up.
“Sup Chase?” Jake said coldly and wrapped his arm around me. “Jake, darling, what the hell do you think your doing? Get your arm off of me like that.” I said to low for Chase to hear.
I know your wondering how Jake heard. Well, he’s a werewolf. Yes, I know right. Totally make believe. Well this ain’t. I have seen him as his wolf self.
“Just follow my lead if you wan this player to leave you alone.” He whispered. “Hey Jake. I see you scored with the new girl.” Chase said. He made me sound like some prize. I got pissed. “What’s that supposed to mean? You asshole. Say something else bad about me! I dare you!” I told him in a deadly tone. “It just means that it’s a tradition here to get the new girl in bed before the end of the week. That’s not a bad thing babydoll.” He reached his hand out to stroke my face. I spit on his hand. “Get me in bed! Ha! I would love to see ya’ll try to get me in bed. You are sick and if you ever and I mean ever come near me, talk to me, or even look at me I’ll kick your ass!” I screamed. Jake and Paul were holding me back. Chase laughed and walked off.

We were all at my house now. My parents were back home in New York but I wanted to stay here. So they bought me a house and send me money weekly.
“I’ll kill him. I’ll call Chess and the guys and they’ll help me with him.” “Who’s Chess?” Seth asked. I smiled. “Chess is the leader of the gang I used to belong to. He’s like my big brother. I’d do anything for him. He saved my life.” They were all listening now. “Two years ago I was raped.” I heard gasped all around. “Chess happened to be passing the old warehouse when he heard my scream. He came in just before the guy could shoot me. He took me back to his place because my parents were on vacation. He took care of me. He was patient with me. I didn’t trust him at first but the he introduced me to the gang and I felt like I had a family.” I smiled as a tear ran down my face. “You miss him don’t you?” Jared asked. I nodded.
We sat in silence. Seth piped up. “So you’re a second hand virgin.” He said matter-of-factly. I laughed. “No. I’m nothing close.” I laughed some more. “I lost my virginity a few months before I was raped. Of course I had to pay the consequences I got pregnant. I had a beautiful baby boy. He’s name is Jesse Thomas.” “Where is he?” “Foster home. My parents made me put him up for adoption.” I sighed. “Lets go see a movie.”

We were all coming back to my place. He guys were just going to crash at my place seeing as how its midnight.
We were pulling up to my house when I noticed there was car in my driveway. It wasn’t a car my parents would drive so I didn’t know who it could be. I parked my car beside the other car. A woman stepped out with a toddler in her arms. I knew who it was but I couldn’t walk. Then there was blackness.

Chapter 3

I woke up to hearing voices speaking in hushed tones and crying. I sprang up off the couch looking for my baby, my Jesse. The room became quiet and watchful.

“Ms. Crowsfoot. Hi, I’m Tala Morgan. Jesse’s foster mom.” She held her hand out. I shook it softly. “Hello, Mrs. Morgan. Is everything okay with Jesse?” I asked urgently. She nodded. “Yes, everything is fine now. He just wants his mommy. He doesn’t mean me. He means you. I have the papers with me if you want to sign them. He’ll be yours again.” I looked at her. “You would let me have my son back?” She nodded.

“Thank you very much Mrs. Morgan.” I said as she made her way to the door. She nodded and walked to her car.

I walked into the living room with a sleeping Jesse in my arms. Jake got up so I could sit in the rocking chair. I nodded at him and took a seat.
“He’s gorgeous babydoll. He looks just like you.” I nodded. “He has his fathers eyes though. Ocean blue.” I smiled down at him. I kissed his little head.
“It’s a good thing tomorrow is Saturday. Looks like I’m going furniture shopping for J.T.” The guys nodded. “What are you going to do about school?” “I’m still going to go to school but I’m going to have to find a day care for him to go to until I get out.” I said. “Why don’t you ask Emily? Then you won’t have to pay for that week or month.” Seth said. “I couldn’t do that to her.” “She loves kids!” I glared at Paul for yelling. “Sorry.” He whispered. “I’ll see. Okay let’s all go to bed. We, I mean, I’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

I woke up at 6:00 so I could make everyone breakfast. I walked down the hall quietly so I wouldn’t disturb anyone.

I was in the middle of putting more bacon in the frying pan when Jake walked in.
“Morning Sunshine! I can’t believe your awake I dropped a pan and no one and I mean no one stirred not even Jesse.” I laughed quietly. “I smelled the food.” I nodded understanding. “Jake, will you do me a favor and go check on Jesse for me?” He nodded and walked down the hall to my room.
I heard a scream so I took off down the hall.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay.” Then I saw Jake on his back in the bed and Jesse being tossed up in the air. He was giggling so hard. Jake saw me and I held my finger up to my lips. I walked swiftly but quietly to the bed and snatched Jesse and swung him around. He giggled even more. “Down mommy, down!” He yelled. I laughed with him and I noticed the other guys were watching.
“Daddy help! Daddy help!” Jesse said reaching for Jake. I stopped what I was doing and everyone got quiet. Jesse looked at me confused and pointed to Jake. “Daddy.” He said so sure of himself. I looked at Jake for help.
“No Jess. I’m just a friend of your moms.” Jake said. What I didn’t expect was for Jesse to start bailing. I shushed him and rocked him back and forth.

We were sitting in the living room now watching Jesse play with the cars Mrs. Morgan had packed for him. I stepped out the room and dialed my mom’s number.


Mom. It’s Nadie. I have a question.

What is it babydoll?

What do you do if your son starts calling one of your guy friends’ daddy?

Well, baby… I’m guessing you got Jesse back. Well, usual the child knows who his daddy is or who will be his daddy in the future. So I’m guessing Jesse knows how you feel for your friend and knows he will be his daddy.

So what I just tell my friend. ‘Yeah, well my son here can tell I’m in love with you so he knows your going to be his daddy’. Yeah mom I can see how that’ll work out. He’ll walk out and I’ll be heart broken and Jesse will be heart broken and I don’t want that.

That won’t happen babydoll. How did your friend take to him callin’ him that?

He didn’t freak or walk out. He looked pleased but then again I can never read people correctly. He is still here so my guess is Jesse doesn’t bother him.

Well, let’s hope for the best. I have to go now or I’ll be late for a meeting. I love you bye.

Love you bye now.

I hung up my phone and then I stiffened. They could hear me.

Chapter 4

I walked back into the living room but no one mentioned my phone conversation so hopefully they didn’t hear.
“Okay come on Jesse. Let’s go get dressed and go get you stuff for your room.” I said as I held my hand out. “No, mommy. I don’t wanna go. I wanna stay with daddy.” Jesse whined. I gave him a stern look. “If you don’t go with me you won’t get to get more toys or see daddy and his friends for the rest of the day.” As I said my last word Jesse ran to the bedroom waiting to get ready.
I looked at Jake. “I’m sorry. But, it’s the only thing I knew would work.” I said apologetically. He got up and made his way over to me. He bent down and brushed his lips against mine. “It’s fine, honey.” He walked towards my room to help get Jesse ready.
“He heard my phone conversation.” I said hanging my head. Seth got up and hugged me. “Yea but don’t worry he was gonna make a move today anyway.”

We were infront of a furniture store now. Jake decided to come with us. Saying that he wanted to spend time with his son and future wife.
“Jess, what do you think of this bedroom set?” I asked. He looked at it then climbed on the bed. It was a NASCAR toddler bed set. “I love this one!” He said excited. Jake chuckled and picked him up with one arm and wrapped his other around me.

“Excuse me, Miss.” The lady at the counter acknowledged me. “I’d like to buy the NASCAR bed set there and have it delivered today.” She nodded her head and had me fill out a delivery sheet. I paid for the total right there I wouldn’t have to drive back to Port angles later.

We were home now. Jesse was playing with his new toys in the living room with the guys while Jake and I painted his room.
I was painting one wall when I felt arms circle my waist. “You know should probably something out so Jess gets to see his daddy often too.” Jake said in a husky voice. I giggled. “Well, his daddy could move in with me if he wanted to that is.” I said. He chuckled. “I’m you were thinking the same thing as me.” I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m glad you said yes.” I kissed him. It was a soft kiss but turned into a passionate kiss. The doorbell rang then.
“That’s the delivery guy. I should go answer the door.” I said as he nibbled on my neck. “Seth or someone will get it and help bring it in. lets just to our room and act like we are passed out for painting.” He suggestively. I giggled. “Come on, Mr. Teenage Hormones.”

We walked down the hall to the living room to see Paul and Quil unloading Jesse’s furniture. The delivery guy walked over to me so I could sign the paper. He looked up at my face and his eyes went wide.
“Nadie? Is that you? It’s me Nick.” I looked up and I was pissed. “Yeah, it’s me. Who else do you know that’s my age and has a two-year-old son? Who else do you know that walked out on me when I told them I was pregnant? And, if I recall correctly, before I found out I was pregnant you said ‘I’ll support you and the baby if you get pregnant’ then walked out on me.” He shrunk back. “I was only 17 when you got pregnant!” He yelled. I looked at Jake. “Babe, take Jess to our room and stay there with him okay.” I said as I kissed his cheek. He nodded and walked over to Jesse. “Daddy!” Jesse screamed when he saw Jake coming to him. Then walked out the room.
I looked back at Nick. “Yeah, you were 17 so what. I was 13! 13 Nick! Tell me who should have walked out when they heard that?” He didn’t answer me. “Look all the furniture is unloading so you can leave. And no you can’t come see Jesse. He’s not yours.” I shut the door in his face.
I turned around to see everyone looking at me. “I’m fine I promise.” I smiled and everyone relaxed. “Jake you can bring Jess out now.” I said in my normal tone.

We all are outside in the backyard now cooking out and having a bonfire. I was leaning against a log the guys had brought up so people could sit. I was watching everyone play freeze tag with Jesse.
“Mommy come play!” Jesse yelled. I shook my head and winked at him. “Okay then have it your way. Dog Pile!” Jesse screamed and everyone came running at me. My eyes went wide and took off running.
Jake picked Jesse up and started running towards me with Jesse in his arms. I got behind a tree and hid. They didn’t see me hide so I was safe, for now. I squatted and looked through the bushes. They were a yard or few away from me. I relaxed then I heard a twig snap. I stiffened and turned around.

Chapter 4

When I turned around I saw Jake with his finger over his lips. I nodded and he made his way over to me.
"So you found me are you going to turn me in to our son now?" I whispered to him. He shook his head. "Nope, I'm going to kiss you instead." He grinned seductively at me. i giggled and crawled into his lap.
"I love you Jacob. I won't stop loving you either, even after I die." I told him solemnly before pressing my lips to his.


Texte: I don't own ANY of STEPHENIE MEYER'S characters
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.01.2011

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