
It was a beautiful day in Naples, Florida. The sun was shining. The breeze was nice and cool. Everything was perfect or so I thought.
It was March 7, 2010. I was walking home enjoying the day. When I got in the house I turned the News on to see what current events were going on. There was a picture of an oilrig with black coming to the surface of the water. I turned the volume up to hear better.
Just in. There seems to have been an explosion on one of BP’s oilrigs. They are not sure how this happened but they are working to find out. There seems to be a leak in one of the pipes. They aren’t sure how big the leak is but they are trying to get to it with the underwater robots.
It felt like the world was disappearing right under my feet. Warmth was welling up in my eyes and threatening to spill over. I ran outside to see the ocean so blue and free. But, realized that soon enough it would be darkened by black oil that holds you prisoner.
As I was walking down the beach I saw some little kids looking for seashells. They looked like they were having so much fun. I smiled at that. It was eleven o’clock when I got to the volleyball tournament. I watched a few games before going back to the house. I stopped at a smoothie shack and bought a strawberry banana smoothie.
I was just a few yards from the house when I was hit in the head by a football. My smoothie went all over my favorite shirt. I turned to see a handsome brown-eyed boy running towards me. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry. We didn’t see you walking there. Here let me help you.” “No, no. It’s fine. I didn’t like this shirt much anyways.” I didn’t let him help me. I brushed my shirt off as best I could. And started walking towards my house.
After my shower I threw my favorite shirt into the wash and started it. I changed into a swimsuit and grabbed my surfboard. The waves looked good today so I thought I would enjoy them while I could. The first wave was fantastic! The second one wiped me out. I was the only one surfing until some others saw me. Then it was a bunch of us just hanging out and enjoying the killer waves.
Once I was done it was about two-thirty and my mom wouldn’t be home for another hour. I soaked up the sun and relaxed.
“Excuse me, can I sit here?” “Sure go ahead. Beautiful day isn’t it.” “Oh yeah perfect. So um I’m really sorry about earlier.” I looked at the person apologizing and realized it was the handsome brown-eyed boy. “Like I said before ‘I didn’t really like that shirt anyway.’” “I’m Joshua Owen. But, you can call me Josh.” I know who you are I thought. “Nice to meet you. I’m Alise Rodworth.”
We sat quietly for a few minutes before he broke the silence. “Do you go to Florida High? I’ve never seen you around before.” Here it goes again… “Yes, actually I do. I’m in all of your classes. Here goes the ‘Really? Oh well, we need to hang out, then.’ “Really? Oh well, we need to hang out, then.” “Look. Josh, you don’t have to hang out with me because you hit me with a football. It was nice talking to you. I’ll see you around.”

During supper my mom asked me how my day was. I said, “It was good. I got hit in the head with a football and got smoothie all over my favorite shirt. I went surfing too. One of BP’s oilrigs exploded. Now there is oil leaking into the ocean.” “Really? That’s horrible about both things. How is your head? Who hit you?” The questions just kept coming. “Well, it was Joshua Owen who had the football. He was really nice and offered to help me clean my shirt. My head is fine.” “Isn’t that the boy you have a crush on?” I blushed and stopped talking about it then.
It was ten-thirty when I finally went to bed. I thought about everything that happened that day. I didn’t dream that night.

I woke the next morning ready to go watch the volleyball tournament. I got up and took a shower then went down the beach a ways. The first game was starting up. Melissa’s team was down by two points. “Come on, Melissa! You can do it!” Melissa lost that game. Which meaning, she wouldn’t play again until like one o’ clock. I bought a smoothie and sat at one of the umbrella tables.
I was watching the other game from there. Josh was coming over to where I was sitting. I turned my head away hoping he wouldn’t see me. Of course, he did.
“I’ve been looking for you. I went to your house but your mom said you came here.” Why is he looking for me? “Well, you found me.” I smiled. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “What do you want?” “Nothing. Just want to hang with you.” Okay? I better make conversation. I don’t want to be rude.
We sat across from each other and conversed. It wasn’t that bad hanging out with him. We talked mainly about the oilrig problem.
“Do you want to go get something to eat?” “Sure. I saw a shack right over there.” I followed him and we got our food. We sat on the sand and enjoyed our lunch.
We were walking down the beach when some of his friends came up. “Josh, you wanna play some football? Come on man. She can come too.” I knew they had no clue who I was and they really didn’t want me there. I looked over at him. He was debating for some reason. I couldn’t understand why. I started towards my house. “Hey! Wait do you want to play?” I smiled and shook my head. I went in the house and sat on the couch.
“He likes you, you know. I mean what boy invites a girl to a boys beach football thing?”
After supper I went outside on the beach to watch the waves. I kept thinking about what my mom had said. But, there’s no way on earth that he could be into me. He didn’t even know I existed until he hit me with a football. I kept arguing with myself after that.

It was Monday. I was in first block doodling in my notebook when someone walked up. I looked up to see Josh standing in front of me. “Good morning, Alise.” “Good morning?” Was this boy blind? First block went by quickly. I was walking to French when everyone was staring at me. I had no idea why. I turned around to see Josh right there. “What are you doing?” I all but yelled. “Going to class. What else?” I turned and went in the room to my seat. As soon as the bell rang I was walking to lunch. I got a soda and went to my usual spot.
The day went by quickly. I didn’t run into Josh after that.
I was walking home when a Jeep came up behind me. I didn’t turn to see who it was. I just kept walking. I heard the engine cut off and heard footsteps coming towards me. I already knew who it was.
“Yes? What is it Josh?” I had stopped and turned to see him standing right there. “Do you need a ride home? I mean I could take you home if you wanted.” “Will you explain something if I let you drive me home?” “Uh, sure?” I walked over to the Jeep and got in the passenger side.
“Why are you going through all of this?” I waited patiently. I knew that he would tell me when he was ready. “What exactly do you mean?” I sighed. “You know what I mean. I mean. Why are you going out of your way to hang out with me? For the past three days now you have been with me all day.” I let him think about this for a while.
We were at my house before he answered. I waited patiently. When I knew he wasn’t going to say anything I got out of his Jeep. I got all the way to the door before I was spun around. I looked at him shocked. He went in to kiss me and I opened the door and went in before he could. I changed into shorts and my bikini top and went to the beach.
“What was that?” I hadn’t realized I was talking out loud until a little kid came over and said, “Who are you talking to?” I still was shocked he would do something like that.

At supper my mom asked me what happened today. I said, “Like usual went to school; came home and changed then took a walk on the beach.” She wasn’t at all sold. She could tell I was leaving something out she never pushed me for information. Thank goodness.
That night I went to bed restless. I couldn’t get that out of my head. I mean where did that come from?

I woke in the morning from a restless night. I woke up in a rush for some reason. I didn’t feel like having mom drive me to school so I walked this morning.
I was walking to school when I noticed I was thinking of Josh. I immediately stopped that thought in its tracks and thought of something else. It was quite frightening.
I got to school and was at my locker. I thought to myself. ‘Think of the devil and he shall appear.’ When I turned around I noticed I was excited to see him. No. Stop feeling that.
“Good morning, Josh. How are you?” I was walking before he got to answer. “Good morning. I’m fine. How are you?” I was thinking what do you think? You of all people tried to plant one on me. “I’m fine, thanks.” “I’m…” I stopped him right there. “It’s okay. I figured after I went in the house you would realize that I’m not Melissa or even one of the other girls you have gone out with. Apology accepted.” I went to my seat and doodled in my notebook.
The day went by quickly. Josh didn’t talk to me after that. I figured I’d see him waiting at my locker but he wasn’t there.
I walked all the way home with no interference from Josh. I started to feel bad. I didn’t want him to think I thought he was shallow or anything. I went for a walk down the beach. I saw him there with his friends. I tried not to feel excited or any other feelings towards him but I was failing.
Then, I heard a scream. A few yards up the way there was a dolphin beached. I took off running.
“Excuse me. Please let me through.” The dolphin was beached and covered in slimy black oil. “Someone call the wildlife clinic and tell them that Alise is calling on a beached dolphin with oil on it. They will know what to do then. Now someone find some buckets we can use to splash water on her. Go!” Everyone did what I said. I was pushing her back some. Once I got her into the water a bit I started to try and get the oil off her.
“Alise! What’s wrong? Do you need help?” “Yes, come over here and help me get the oil off her. We have to make sure the oil doesn’t get in her blowhole.”
We were working when Dr. Renolds got there. “How is she, Alise?” “Not good. Her breathing is labored.”

A helicopter was on the beach after I called the aquatics clinic. They were going to hold the dolphin until she was better. Everyone clapped at me for my great job. I said, “Thank you.” I was walking home when Josh came up.
“That was amazing. How did you stay so calm?” I was calm? I didn’t feel calm. “I don’t know. I think I knew it would make her more stressed if I was freaking out so I stayed calm.” I don’t feel calm now. I feel quite excited. I knew it wasn’t from saving the dolphin. I knew why and I couldn’t accept it. I wouldn’t.
“Do you wanna hang with me tonight? My friends and me are having a cookout tonight and Friday. Your welcome to come to both.” My heart fluttered and I immediately got mad. Not at him, at myself. “Thanks but I can’t tonight. Maybe Friday.” His face fell immediately.
He walked me home. I said, “Thank you for helping” and went inside. Of course, my mom saw. She just smiled and continued fixing supper.

At supper I told her about the dolphin. She was immediately distracted from the fact that a boy walked me home. Thank goodness.
I went to bed that night sleepy. Last nights sleepless night put its toll on me. I dreamed of Josh and me that night.

I woke quite surprised. Why on earth would I dream about him? Why am I all of the sudden caring if I like him? I had mom drop me off at school today.
Josh wasn’t in first block. So the class held little interest to me surprisingly.
The rest of the day was the same. He never showed up. Why should I care though? I’m not Melissa or Jackelyn. Why should I care about him?
I walked home slowly. I was fighting with myself about being anything more than friends with him. But, I won’t bring it up with him that’s for sure.

My walk on the beach was all right. It could have been better. I didn’t know how to make it better though.
I saw Josh’s friends playing football. He was there with them. I didn’t go over there. I wanted to but I didn’t. I had my surfboard so I went surfing. The waves were quite sad today. No life at all.
I was placing my surfboard in the ground when I was tapped on the shoulder.
“You’re a surfer.” He said it as a statement not a question. “Yes. I enjoy it. It makes me feel free.” I smiled at how I said that. “So ditching school today.” I said as a statement. I immediately regretted it. Now he would know I’m more aware of him then he knows.
We were walking down the beach where the volleyball spot was. He grabbed my hand as we walked and I pulled away, unwillingly. “Why won’t you hold my hand?” I looked at him astonished. I figured I wouldn’t have to explain. But, apparently I had too. “Well, obvious reasons. One: Your going out with Melissa.” He grimaced. I kept going. “Two: We aren’t going out. Three: You don’t really like me. Four: You are only acting like this because you hit me with a football.” I stopped at that. He didn’t say anything after that.
I walked back towards my house. I couldn’t be with him anymore. I wanted to be but I couldn’t. I’m sure Melissa was looking for him anyway.

I didn’t eat dinner I was too tired. I slept in the hammock outside on the back porch.

I woke up late this morning. Mom drove me to school. I had just beaten the bell to first block when Mrs. Davila walked in. I saw Josh laugh from up front.
My first two blocks went by fast this morning. I was sitting at my usual table when an unexpected voice or more unexpected than unfamiliar said, “Hello.” It was Josh. “Hello.” I just stared into his beautiful brown-eyes. They were so warm, so welcoming.
“I’m not with Melissa.” He pulled me out of my reverie. I went to say something but he stopped me. “I haven’t been with Melissa since last Sunday.” “Okay?” I didn’t understand why he told me this. “I’m sorry to hear that.” That was appropriate.

It was the end of the day and I was at my locker. “Do you need a ride home? I could give you one if you want.” “Are you going to try to plant one on me again?” I asked. It came out very rude. “No. I promise, my lips will stay off of you.” I thought I heard him say something under his breath about how I could kiss him. But, I wasn’t sure.
He drove me home. We never said a word.
“Thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it.” I smiled. “Anytime.” He stared at me for a long minute. I opened the door and got out. I was walking to the door and stopped. I waved but he never drove off. “Do you want to hang out?” I asked willing. He smiled. “Sure!”
We went outside and down to the beach. “So how come you never noticed me before?” I asked. I didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable but I had to know. “What? Oh um, well, I never really ever didn’t notice you.” Lie. “That’s not true. And you know it.” “I don’t know. I know that I’m noticing you now. And that’s not just because you’re right beside me.” I turned and blushed.
We were sitting on the sand now. I sat cross-legged and beside him. He sat with his legs out in front of him, leaning back on his arms. I was playing with a stick when he pulled my face up gently. “What are you thinking about?” I was shocked. How did he know I was thinking hard on something? “Nothing. Just trying to figure out what you want. I mean. Why would a guy like you.” I nodded towards him. “Be crazy about a girl like me.”
We talked until the sun was finally set. We went back to my house and my mom was fixing dinner. “Oh! Who is this?” She asked eyeing Josh. “Mom, this is Joshua Owen. A friend of mine.” His face fell at that and he said, “When she says friend she means boyfriend.” I stared at him shocked. My mom raised her eyebrows. I pulled him outside.
“What in the world do you think your doing?” He looked at me confused. “What are you talking about?” “Why are you telling her you’re my boyfriend? When did I say yes?” He looked at me like I was missing something obvious. I gasped. When he told me he wasn’t with Melissa and we were sitting together on the beach. He smiled.
“Josh would you like to stay for supper? Would your folks mind?” He looked at my mother and said, “They won’t mind. Thank you.” I stared at him with my mouth wide open.
We ate supper then he left. As soon as he was gone the questions came. “When did he ask you out? What was your reaction? What did you say? Is he crazy about you? He looks like he is. Are you crazy about him?” When she was finally done I was able to speak. “Today at school. I was shocked. I couldn’t speak at first. I said, ‘You seriously like me?’ He said he was. Yes, I am. Probably more than he’s crazy about me.”

I went to bed early that night. But, I didn’t go to sleep. I just lay there and thought about what happened that day. I didn’t dream that night.

It was Friday and I was excited to get to school. I was going to walk this morning but that didn’t happen. He was waiting in the driveway.
My mom smiled, waved and hugged me good-bye.
I got in the Jeep and he pulled out of the drive. “Good morning.” He said as he took my hand. “Morning.” I was in a daze. I thought for sure I was dreaming last night.
We got to school in plenty of time. Our lockers were across from each other so he didn’t have to go far. We hung out at his locker until the first bell rang. We walked to class together and that’s how our school day went. After school all of his friends met us at his Jeep.
“Who’s she?” I looked to see a brawny boy eyeing me with interested eyes. I already knew I would have to watch him. “This is Alise. She is gonna be at the cookout with me.” “She your girl? Because if she ain’t yours I wouldn’t mind having her.” I cringed next to Josh.” “She’s my girlfriend. You can have Melissa or whoever else but not her.”
We got to the beach after we stopped to get the stuff we needed. We all piled into the Jeep. I ended up having to sit on the counsel so we could fit everyone. It was uncomfortable at first but I got over it quickly.
I had learned every ones name now. They started the fire and were trying to get a football game started. Josh wanted to play and I said I would play, too. They all looked at me. “What scared to get beat by a girl?”
They let me play. We played tackle. Which no one tackled me. I didn’t make the rule Josh did. He said that no one was aloud to tackle me except himself. Which again, not that bad.
We were all sitting around the fire when Melissa went crazy. “So you think you can just dump me and go out with this girl without me caring? Not even close buddy.” I just stared at her. I don’t think Josh knew she was talking to him until she threw food on him. “What was that for?”
They argued alone for a long time. I think it was an hour before they came back. “How did it go?” When he finally came over I asked. He shook his head at me. Okay? I didn’t know what that meant.
I got up from where we were sitting and walked down the beach towards my house. “Where are you going?” I heard Josh coming up. “Home.” “What? Why? Alise? What’s wrong?” I kept walking. He grabbed my arm and stopped me. “Look at me. What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” I said with tears in my eyes. “I know I didn’t belong there and we don’t belong together.” “What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about how we don’t need to go out!” I ran away from him then sat down and cried.

I woke up Saturday morning quite sad. I went for a walk down the beach. I instantly regretted taking that walk.
There he was sitting, waiting. And here I was standing right in front of him. He got up once he saw me and walked over. I thought about walking away like I didn’t see him but that would be a lost cause. He would just follow me and stop me to talk.
“Alise, I love you. Why did you say that to me last night? Do you realize that I almost had a heart attack?” I just stared at him. He stepped closer to me. I thought about stepping back but I just couldn’t. “Please listen to me.” I looked at him and waited. He took my face in his hands and gingerly kissed me.
My head was spinning when we were finally finished. He looked at me, waiting. I just looked back. What was I suppose to say?
“This would count as our first kiss.” “What do I say?” He looked at me and just smiled. “I love you.” “I love you, too. Please never ever say that to me again. I can’t live without you.” He wound his arms around me and kissed me again.

We were laying on some towels together just talking when he got a call on his cell phone. “Hello? Yes, this is his son. Yes. Uh huh. Okay. I’ll let him know. Good-bye.” He shut his phone and turned to me.
“Have you ever surfed?” I watched him. “No. Never. I have never had anyone to teach me.” I smiled and grabbed his hand. I took him to my house and we grabbed two surfboards. “What are we about to do?” “We are about to go surfing. I’m going to teach you how. It’s so simple.”
We were there when a really good wave came. “Stay here and I’ll let you watch me the first time.” I went out there and the wave was really alive. I ended up wiping out. I came up laughing. I went back over to where Josh was. “So what did you think?” “Do I have to go today?” I laughed. “No, of course, you don’t have to.” I got off my surfboard and got on his.
“This can’t hold us.” “Yes, it can. Relax. Surfing is in your blood. You were born in Florida where there is a ocean.” He didn’t relax so we went back.
When we got back there was a man on the beach. “Joshua? Joshua, my boy.” “Hello, Father.” Father? “Hello, I’m Alise Rodworth. I’m his girlfriend. You are his father I presume.” “Hello, darling. Nice to meet you.” “You work for BP.” “No, no. I am the president of BP.” “If you will excuse me. I have to go. It was nice to meet you.” I took off running.
Josh found me later sitting at the waters edge. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I didn’t tell you because I knew you wouldn’t like my father. He doesn’t care that the oil is harming the wildlife. He is just doing this so that the public will get off his back.” I still sat not looking at him. How could the one person I love more than my mother have a father that I don’t like?
“I want to show you something. Do you have your Jeep with you?” “Yes.” May I drive?” “Of course.”
We were almost there. “I love you. No matter what your family is like. I love you.” We were there now and I got out of the Jeep. I got out first. “This is where my dad would bring me everyday when I was little. Before he died. This place has life everywhere. This is where the dolphins come to play. I used to come here everyday. This is a special place. And I want to share it with you.” I turned to see him staring at me. “I love you. I’m glad that you want to share this with me. This will always be our place. This will always show as the place where our life together first blossomed.”
I walked over to him and hugged him. I was so glad he understood.
We hung out at our special place for a long time. We swam with the dolphins that came up. We did everything. “I should have waited to kiss you here. Then our first kiss could have been here where it all started today with us forever.”
The rest of the weekend went the same. I didn’t see Josh’s dad after that. Thank goodness.

It was Monday morning. The last day of school. I was so excited! No more getting up early. No more homework.
Josh picked me up like usual. We didn’t have a full day just half. We stayed long enough to see if we passed. We did! We were juniors!
“Can you believe it? We passed!” I hugged him. “I know! I’m so glad!” We got in his Jeep and went to the beach.

“Do you wanna surf?” I looked at him hopeful. “Sure. And this time I’ll try.” I smiled.

We were waiting for a wave when the wind started to pick up. “We need to go back to shore.” “Yeah, I agree.” It was starting to look bad once we reached shore. We went back to my house and sat outside on the hammock. At least if it got bad we could just walk into the house.
“I love you.” I smiled and softly kissed him. “I love you, too.” He said when we were done. We sat together the whole time.
When my mother got home, I helped her with supper and Josh watched TV.
At dinner my mom asked how our day went.
“Like usual. We went to the beach and we were going to go surfing but it started to get rough. Then, we came here and hung out for the remainder of our afternoon.” “Yes, it is looking bad. I hope we don’t get a hurricane.” I nodded.

“Be careful driving home please.” I looked at him. He smiled and kissed me. “Don’t worry I’ll be okay. I love you. Have a good night.” I hugged him and said good-bye. I watched him drive away.

I went to bed late that night.

I woke up in the morning. No school! I was eating some cereal when there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” I had no reason to go answer the door because Josh was the only person I was expecting today.
A tall, dark haired man walked in. I jumped up and grabbed a steak knife. “Who are you? Get out of my house!” The man came closer to me. “Get back. I’ll stab you.” He just kept coming. He tried to grab me. I stabbed him in the forearm. The man yelled and grabbed the knife sticking out of his arm. I ran outside. Josh had just pulled up. Josh jumped out of his Jeep and grabbed me.
“Alise, what’s wrong? Why are you shaking?” Just then the man walked outside and went running. I turned into Josh’s shoulder and started crying. “It’s okay. I’m here. It’s okay, honey.”
Josh called the police and my mom. I was still in my silk pajamas when the police and my mother got there.
My mom ran over to me and hugged me and never let go. “Oh my poor baby! I hope they hurt that man.” I held on to my mom and buried my face in her hair.
“Excuse me, miss. But, can you describe for us what the man looked like.” I nodded. Josh put his arm around me. I needed the support.
“He was about 5’8 and was very scruffy looking. He had dark hair and eyes. He will have a stab wound on him because he tried to grab me so I stabbed him.” Josh’s arm tightened around my waist. I continued. “He was wearing a holey white crew neck t-shirt and khaki shorts.” “Thank you, miss.” I nodded.

The police left shortly after. I grabbed a change of clothes and took a shower.

“How are you?” I was drying my hair when Josh came in. I looked at my reflection then at him. “Okay. Still a little shaky but, fine other than that.” I smiled at him. He walked over and hugged me. “I’m so sorry, honey. I wish I would have been here sooner.” I laid my head on his chest and sighed. “It’s not your fault. It could have happened to anyone.”

We took a walk on the beach.
We were walking hand in hand enjoying the afternoon sun. “So what do you wanna do this summer?” I looked at him and smiled. “Whatever. I don’t care what we do as long as we are together.” He smiled, picked me up and spun us around. I laughed and kissed his cheek. He set me down and took my hand.
We walked at the waters edge. Letting the water run over feet.

We were sitting on the sand, no space between us. I was playing with his hand when he pulled it away. I looked up at him. He was smiling. Did he not know that he hurt me? I just looked at him. He smiled and leaned into me. He barely touched my lips at first. He brought his hand up and held my cheek while he kissed me. I was in heaven.
He stopped and I didn’t want him to stop. He smiled at me. I smiled back. He straightened up and lay back on the sand. I leaned over him and ever so softly kissed him. Then I got up and ran.
He stared for a minute before running after me. He caught me shortly after. I was laughing so hard when he caught me. He grabbed me around the waist and spun us around. He fell backwards taking both of us down in the water. I got up and held my hand out. He took it. But, pulled me back in the water. I landed on top of him. He kissed me as soon as I looked up. When we were done. I laughed and sat up straight. He laughed and sat up too.

We were walking back to the house now. We were both soaked. We got in the house I went to my room and got dry clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed. I came out and Josh was standing there waiting. “Oh, here let me go get you some clothes. I walked into my mom’s room and went to the dresser. My mom still had some of my dad and brother’s clothes. I went through my brother’s clothes and found him something to wear.
I went back into the living room. “Here you go. These were my brother’s. He moved to Arkansas last summer. If these don’t fit there are others in there.” He took the clothes, touched my cheek and went to the bathroom.
He came back out. I took his wet clothes and through them in the wash with mine. I started it. I took his hand and pulled him to the couch. I flipped the TV on. The news was on. It was about the BP oilrig. I turned the volume up.
BP oilrig causing wildlife to die. What does BP plan to do? Will it be too late when they come up with a solution?
I looked at Josh. He shook his head. “I haven’t heard any of my father’s plans. I’m sorry, sweetheart.” I nodded and laid my head on his chest.

When my mom got home I told her about the news. She was sad to hear it. “I certainly hope your father hurries with the solution.” Josh nodded in agreement.
“Can you stay for supper?” “I’m sorry I can’t tonight. My parents insisted on me going to their party. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I walked him to the door. “I love you. Have a nice time tonight. Be careful driving home.” I hugged him. I looked him in the eyes then kissed him. “I love you. Be safe.” Were his last words before leaving.

I went to the table to eat supper. We ate in silence.
I was outside sitting on the hammock when we got a call. I went in to answer it. “Hello?” “Yes, this is she.” I listened. “Yes, okay. Thank you doctor. I’ll be there shortly.” I hung the phone up and yelled my mom’s name. “Mom!” She came running into the kitchen. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I was sitting on the floor in tears. “It’s Josh. He was hit by a drunk driver head on.” She came over, knelt beside me, and wrapped her arms around me. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry. Is he okay?” “The doctor said he was in stable condition and was awake.”

We were at the hospital now. I ran through the front entrance to the nurse’s desk. “Joshua Owen’s room please.” I asked urgently. “Oh, it’s not visiting time. You will have to come back in the morning.” I looked at her. “I’m his girlfriend and he told the doctor to make sure I was here no matter what time. Now, please his room number.” She nodded. “Room 102 on floor 3.” “Thank you.”
I was running before she could say another word.
I hit the button on the elevator and stood there impatiently. As soon as the door opened I went running.
I stopped at his door. I took two deep breaths then opened the door.
When I opened the door I knocked at the same time. I saw his parents. They looked tired. They looked up.
“I’m not interrupting am I?” Josh’s mother came over to me and hugged me tightly crying into my hair. I hugged her tightly. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise. Josh will get through this I know he will.” She lifted her head and nodded in agreement. I didn’t know Josh was awake until he said my name.
“Alise.” His mother let go of me and I walked over to him. He stretched his hand out and I took it. “How are you?” He smiled. It was a weak smile. “Better now. How are you?” I looked at him and smiled a little smile. “You should not be worried about me. I should be the least of your worries.” He frowned. “You are my worries. I don’t want you worrying about me for no reason.”
“Excuse us, Josh, honey. Will you be okay tonight or at least for a few hours? Your father and I have to go to the house.” “You guys don’t have to stay here tonight. I’ll be fine.” Are you sure, honey?” he nodded. They waved good-bye and left.
I was looking down. I had tears in my eyes and I didn’t want to alarm him.
He pulled my face up. “What’s wrong?” I was sitting in a chair next to his bed. “Nothing. You don’t worry.” “Come here.” He scooted over and patted the spot next to him. “No, you were just in a wreck. You need to be comfortable. Not squished and in pain. He looked at me. “I don’t care if it is the doctor’s orders for you not to sit right next to me. I don’t care. The one thing I want and care about is you. I want my girlfriend to lay right here, right next to me.” I sighed and got up to stop his ranting.
I sat down on the bed very carefully. So I wouldn’t jostle him.
“Come closer.” “Josh, I’m sitting right next to you.” He looked at me. “I want you closer.” I sighed and scooted all the way beside him. I was sure not to touch him. I smiled. He scowled at me. “This is as close as I’ll get. I don’t want you uncomfortable.” He put both his arms around me and dragged me closer. “This could never be uncomfortable. No matter what the reason.” He held me tightly.
A nurse came in. “Excuse me, dear, but we need you off the bed. He needs to be comfortable not in pain.” I nodded. I started to get up. “I put her there. I’m not uncomfortable. I feel better with her right here. So, if you don’t mind…” She looked at him and nodded.
“Josh you can’t fight with the people who know what’s best for you.” I paused. “You…” I was cut short. He was kissing me. Not gently this time. It was rough. Like it was needed. I pulled away breathless. “I don’t want a lecture. I don’t want to think about the wreck. I want to pretend like we are at your place sitting in the hammock like always.” I nodded. He started kissing me again. This time it wasn’t as rough. It was gentler. We kissed for a while.

I woke the next morning in Josh’s arms. I very carefully got up and went to the bathroom. I looked myself over in the mirror. I looked like I had been in my boyfriend’s arms all night. I washed my face and went back out. He was still asleep. I sat on the couch and read a magazine.

“When did you move over there? Why did you move?” I smiled. “I woke up about an hour and a half ago. I got up because; I fell asleep there with you. I don’t think your parents or my mom would like that much.” He frowned. “We are awake now so it’s acceptable. Come here.” I smiled and climbed on carefully.

We were watching the Regis and Kelly show when he started showering me in kisses. I laughed and turned my lips to his. He was so good at kissing! Just then his parents walked in when he’s kissing me and I’m sitting right next to him on the hospital bed. Not the scene to say we weren’t doing anything serious.
“Joshua!” His mother was yelling. I jerked away and climbed off the bed swiftly. “What do you suppose was okay about that situation?” She was fuming. “Oh, mom, please. Don’t act surprised. You know that if it were Melissa you and dad would just have walked out without a word. If we were just kissing.” He waited. He looked over at me apologetically. “That’s Melissa. She is a very nice girl and this girl is nice but sitting in the same bed as you! Alone! Making out! Melissa would never have shamed you or us like that. She has class and apparently this girl doesn’t.” “Mom, you are so not telling the truth. You know Melissa would sit in this bed, next to me and make out no matter who was in here. Don’t you dare degrade Alise like that! She is the best thing that has happened to me. I’m not going to sit here and let you talk about her.” “No, Josh, it’s fine. I may not be exactly like your family but I can tell you one thing. I never want to be part of it. My life was fine just the way it was before you liked me. I’m not going to put up with this. I’m sorry but I’m not going to be called trash by my boyfriend’s mother. I’ll see you around.” I walked out.

I walked out of the hospital. I called my mom and asked her to come get me.

“Honey, you wait here while I go have a talk with his mother.” I grabbed her arm. “No, it’s not worth it. Don’t waste your breath talking to someone who is shallow.”

We were home now. I went to my room and closed the door. I lay on my bed and cried for a while. I had never felt so horrible in all my life. When I could finally see I looked at my phone. I had forty-five text messages from Josh. I deleted every one without looking at them. I blocked his number, too.

I woke up in the morning feeling dead. Literally.
I ate my cereal slowly. Not caring that it was getting soggy. I hated soggy cereal but I didn’t care today. I didn’t go outside today. I did housework and went through all the stuff Josh had left at my house. His shirts. His books. His lucky bracelet he gave me when he first kissed me. I started to cry again. I only cried for five minutes. I wasn’t about to let some high school crush ruin my life. I wouldn’t let it happen.

I heard from my mother that Josh was discharged from the hospital. I just nodded, not caring, honestly.

The next day I drove to his house to drop off his stuff.
“Coming!” I heard a familiar voice yell. I waited. He answered the door. “Alise! Honey, I’ve missed you.” I backed away from him. “I brought your stuff you left at my house. I figured you would need it.” I handed him the pile I had. I didn’t wait for him to say anything. I went to my car and pulled out of his drive and drove off.

For the first few weeks he called the house everyday. I wouldn’t pick up. He came to my house twice. My mom was home and told him he needed to go home. That was what he did for a few weeks.

It’s been a month now since I last talked to him. I see him around a lot. But, he doesn’t make a move to come talk to me. I miss him. I miss him a lot. But, like I said before. I don’t want to be treated like that by his family or any family.

One day he called. I picked up the phone but didn’t say a word. “Hello? Alise? Honey, listen to me.” After he said that I hung up. I just needed to hear his voice.

The months passed. I still didn’t talk to him. I was finally happy with my life again.

“Are you excited about your first half day being a junior?” My mom asked. I nodded. “Yes, I can’t wait. Maybe I’ll meet my high school sweetheart.” I joked mock-punching her shoulder. She just shook her head.
“I’ll see you later mom.” I walked out of the house and climbed in my Mustang.

I got to school and got my schedule. My first class was French II. I walked to my class very slowly. When I got there Josh was in there. Great I have one class with my ex. Perfect!

The half-day went by quickly. Thank goodness.

I was walking to my car when a familiar face came up to me. “How are you doing?” It was Melissa. “Good, how are you?” “Great. I’m really glad you broke up with Josh. Now I can get him back.” I smiled. To hide the fact that I thought about hitting her square in the nose. “Your welcome. Have a nice life.” I climbed in my car and started it.
I drove home slowly. I just didn’t feel like going home so soon.

I was at the house now and I felt like surfing. I changed and grabbed my surfboard.
I was waiting on a wave when I thought I saw a shadow that looked like a shark. But, I blew it off. I figured there was a stray dolphin hanging out in the clean waters here. A wave came and I got ready to surf.

Just then I was wiped out by a huge bump. I got on my surfboard and looked around. There was that same shadow. This time I was sure it was shark. Not just any shark a great white. I stayed calm and didn’t move. It bumped me again.
This time it came in for a bite. It grabbed a hold of my leg and started shaking. I grabbed the knife I kept on me in case this day came and started stabbing the shark. It let go. It went away. I had hurt it pretty bad. I didn’t look at my leg I just started swimming back to shore.

I was there soon. I was able to walk but barely. I got to the wet sandy part and collapsed. I couldn’t even look at my injuries let alone yell for help. But someone would see me. The beach was packed today.


I woke dazed. I went to sit up. “Oh, no you don’t.” I was pushed back down. I didn’t realize who was there. I just started talking.
“I’ve been bitten by a shark. I need you to get me to a hospital.” I waited for an answer. “You are at the hospital.” I realized whom it was now and looked at the person I was conversing with. “Why are you here?” I asked. I didn’t care if it sounded rude. “Where is my mother?” “I saw you coming back to shore. When I saw you collapse I took off running to you. You mother is at the cafeteria getting some coffee. How do you feel?” I glared. “Go away. I don’t want you here.” “Alise, that is no way to talk to the boy who loves you and saved your life.” My mother said walking in.
I looked away. “Thank you for saving my life.” I didn’t look at him. “Oh, Alise, please. Stop being hard headed and kiss him. You know as well as I do you two are no where from over each other.” I looked at her. “Mom, if I still loved him do you think I would have stayed away from him this long?” “But, you do love him and you did. Now, both of you are going to work this out. I’m not about to let you be unhappy for the rest of your lives because of the others mother. You both can’t leave this room until you work it out.” With that said she walked out.
I huffed and looked at my leg under the cover. It wasn’t bad I still had my whole leg. I had gauze wrapped around my thigh though.
“How bad were the bite wounds?” I asked him without looking at him. “They were deep but no damage. The doctor said you would have full use of your leg after you recovered.” I sighed in relief. I wasn’t ever going to surf again.
“Do you seriously not want me anymore?” I didn’t answer. I watched the TV. “Alise Rodworth, answer me. Why are you being stubborn? Forget my mom. She will get over herself.” I didn’t say a word. He knew I wasn’t going to say a word. He let it drop.

After an hour he grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me. I let him kiss me. When he came up to look at me I hit him in the nose. “Ouch. Why did you do that? God, Alise, why are you being stubborn? Will you open your eyes and realize you want me. You still love me but you have buried it so deep that you don’t even realize it’s surfacing. If you didn’t still love me, you wouldn’t have let me kiss you so long.” I waited for him to finish. “You think I don’t realize it but I do! You think that I’m heartless and I never feel pain when I see you! I feel pain every time I see you. Sometimes when I just see a couple walking down the beach I feel that pain. So you can’t tell me I don’t realize it.”

Silence went on for a while.
“So why won’t you take me back? Why won’t you let me love you again?” I had tears in my eyes. I fought them back. “Because I’m not good enough for your parents or you. Melissa is way better. We have to realize that we live in reality not a fairytale. Guys like you go for girls like Melissa. This isn’t a fairytale. We can’t have a happy ending together.” The tears were spilling over.
The minutes passed by. Then he took my face in his hands. “I don’t care about reality and fairytales. I care about us. When you walked out that night my heart shattered. I thought I was going to die.” I laughed and pulled away. “Well, you didn’t. Here you sit. Next to the girl your mother loathes.” He shook his head. I continued. “So, where does this put us?” “You tell me. Either you’ll have me or you’ll leave me.” My mom walked in then. “Sweetheart, I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to sleep at the house. You know these couch beds don’t do my back any good. Will you be okay here by yourself?” I nodded. She came over and hugged me. She turned around before she left. “Tell the boy yes and kiss the living crap out of him. You two are high school sweethearts.” I stared at her as she walked out.
I waited a moment before I said anything. I looked over at Josh. He was looking down at his hands. I pulled his face up. I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. I didn’t have to go far. His lips met mine. I pulled away for a brief moment to look at his beautiful brown eyes. I laughed and kissed him again. He moved from the chair to sitting on the bed. I was in his arms and was being kissed a thousand times. How I missed his perfect kisses.

We didn’t talk after that. He just sat next to me with his arms around me; holding me close.
“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much. I don’t know if I could have been stubborn much longer. I was really having to work to stay like that earlier.” I was sitting up now; prompted up on my elbow. I was looking at his beautiful face. “I’ve missed you so much, too. I wish you wouldn’t have been so stubborn.” He said looking into my eyes.

The doctor came in after a while.
“How are you feeling?” Josh moved off the bed so the doctor could examine my leg. “I’m good. I don’t feel any pain in my thigh.” I looked at the doctor and smiled then back at Josh. “Well, that’s good. The swelling as gone down so… You should be able to leave tonight. Or just whenever your mother gets here.” “Really?” The doctor smiled. “Yes, but I want you to take it easy. That means bed rest for a week. Today is Saturday so next Saturday is your appointment. Bed rest until then.” He gave me an authority ‘you better do as I say’ look. I nodded. “Thank you doctor.”
The doctor smiled and walked out the room.
“I can go home!” I smiled and sat up on my bed.

When my mom got there she checked me out and took me home.
I have to spend a whole week lying in bed. Only getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.

Josh came over the night I came home.
“So, how did you get this past your mom?” I asked. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. “I just told her where I was going and why.” “What did she say?” “She wasn’t happy but, she said she would put up with it.” I looked at him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.08.2010

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An oil spill endangers the lives of oceanic wildlife.

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