

The wind hits my face like a cold blade slicing open the present from the past i wish i could have saved my love but it was never to be.I wish i could live that past fase again from the beginning to the end...

My name is Rose.My parents,my friends and my WHOLE life is dead and guess who's fault this is? Yep you guessed it,mine.YEP it's my fault OBVIOUSLY because it's my life.Well now that i think about it,it's actually not my fault because thats my old life and i left that...thats one and two...well a long time ago.

Death took my parents as he took my love...Carelessly.My friends,like betrayers,left me stranded senseless with no directions.So now i feel even more betrayed then ever .Oh yeah i forgot that every good story needs a character desription and thats going to be about me.
Right so i have long sleek black hair,with rose-red streaks and a tint of oak brown (don't ask me where it came from 'cos i seriously do NOT know).I have a pale,white face with a series of random freckles(i don't know where these came from either so SERIOUSLY don't ask when a random feature pops up!)Right i also have gloomy,misty,grey eyes with mysterious pupils which freak me out when i look in the mirror.

This is where the story begins and congratulations on getting through my long and VERY boring prologue but that was only page one and this is where it gets better and you will become rich and famous and buy yourself a mansion(this is imaginary,so STOP DAYDREAMING NOW!)

the sorrow of a broken heart


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.11.2011

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to people who have lost tragic loves of their own

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