
Chapter One:Can I?,Should I?,Do I ???

Last time on I don't want to love
I tapped the wall where i hid one of my spare keys.It fell from the bottom of the frame.I opened the door.My eyes opened in aw.He was there changing from wolf to man right infront of me.It's bones shifted back into a human form.I ran into the other room and grabbed a blanket.I put the blanket over top of him.I stepped back towards the door,ready to sping out.He rapped the blanket around his self and stood up once it was all over.He looked at me in shock and a little terror.He walked to the couch in the living room and sat down.

Is this what you wanted me to see.No i didn't want you to see that,not yet anyway.I moved to the living room with caution.

Then what?I wanted to show you the photo album we made together when we were little.Fara what are you,what happened to you?Well,i could ask the same question about you.Well i asked first.So?So because i said so.Okay okay don't bite me.Ha ha ha,vey funny.He smiled and chuckeld a little bit.Well i guess to keep it simple,i'm a vampire.Well a vegatarian vampire.Okay i'm a-.I cut him off mid sentence,"Werewolf".If you know what i am then why did you ask me.

Because you asked me.I thought that would be fair.i have a question for you.What is it.Are you afraid of me?Do you want the truth?Yeah i would like that.Well hell to the yeah,your a freaking werewolf.One bite and you can kill me in just a few minutes.So yeah i'm a little scared.He at back into the chair he was sitting in,he just stared at me.

He didn't look at me like i was a dfferent person.He looked at me like i was the same Faraganda.But with a hint of shock.I have a question in my head thats kinda been repeating it's self in my head.And what is that?When or how did you become what you are.I was bitten when i was fourteen.It hurt like crazy at first but later it healed it's self and all my senses were inhansed.It's kinda awsome to see,smell,hear and taste thing better.My turn when did you become what ou are now.

I became a vampire after i gave birth to my twins.Darren had a choice,either let me die or make me what he is.Did you want it.Wait wait wait,my turn.Have you ever killed someone or another vampire.Hey i count that as two questions in one.I have never killed a human.Now answer my question.Yes i did want to become this.I new i wanted to be with him forever.We both new eventually thjat day was going to come.We just never imagined it comeing with twins.He smiled at me as he spoke.So thats why you didn't drink your coffee.No w finish answering my question.

Okay i really don't know.When i go wolf on the nights of a full moon i don't remember a thing that happened that night.

So anymore questions for me.No i think thats it.I moved towards the chair infront of the couch.We sat their talking for a few minutes which turned into hours.It seemed like nothing had really happened.What the hell am i going to tell Darren,should i tell Darren.You really don't need to tell him anything.Mathew can i still be friends with you.Yeah of course you can Fara.Now knowing all of this i don't think so.Fara as long as you have that plant with you when i turn your cool.

Did i ever tell you that your not that funny.Yeah once of twice why?I'm telling the truth your not funny.Well i gota go soon Mathew.I gave him a hug goodbye.I felt nice haveing a friend know what i am.It felt lie a gaint weight had been lifted off of me.I drove home,well i actually sped home like a crazy person in.How come when ever vampires drive like forty to a hundred miles over the speed limit they don't get pulled over.I don't get hat at all.But if a human does it they get pulled over.I might be jinxing my self right now but seriously.

I stopped in the middle of the road.There was a creature standing in the middle of the raod.I looked half dragon and half man.It ran towards me as i put the gear in reverse.I sped backwards going one hundred miles per hour.It started to run towards me.It started to get closer and closer to me.It hit the car and knocked it over.I felt the car lift off the ground and then suddenly smash back into the earth.Damn thaty gravity.I heard it feet smash against the pavement.The stomping of it feet came to a halt.

I wormed my way out the broken beat up car.It stared in aw at me as it saw me not harmed in anyway.It started to speak in a weird unfamilor languge " Efallai na fyddwch yn brifo yn awr, byddwch dynol dwp, ond byddwch yn marw heno.".What the hell are you saying.

It laughed at me for a few seconds and then it's face went serious.You humans are poor stupid animals.I feel less sad that the witches want me to bring them your head on a stick.Itr laughed some more.The i started to laugh.What are you laughing at human?Well one i'm no longer human.Two you just ruiened my birthday present my husband go for me.So i'm going to rip your reptie like head off and send it to the witches as a gift.Las but not least i can't beleave that you think taking me out is going to be that easy like that.

I stood there watching him.I felt all of my anger buil up and then turn into strength.The creature pulled out a long,sharp golden sword.This sword has taken the lives of many and it is still sharp to the touch.Nice can i borrow it?I ran and grabbed the sword.It was a little heavy,but not much.Be carefull little girl you might get burned.I dropped the sword imediatly after he said that.I know vampire's and fires don't go well together.The sword started to shake on the ground.Then it flew back into his hands.Oh well i like kicking someones ass the old fashiond way.

He came charging at me with.His face looked determined.He tried to cut me with the sword.I felt the heat emanating from it.I kept on tring to divert me self away from it.I felt it hrd scales come in contact with almost every paret of me body.That final hit the last straw.I grabbed the hand that almost came in contact with my face.Now it's my turn.I gave the creature a devilsh smile and squeezed its hand till i felt every bone in its hand crack and brake.I kept crushing it's hand till the creature fell on it's knee's.

I kicked the creature in it right cheek.I felt my foot break it's hard scales on it's face and then the bones in it's face.It flew across the forest like a bullet.I ran and picked the creature up by it's neck.I squeezed it's neck,I hissed as i beared my sharp fangs at the creature.I mumbled the words "Meistr dwi yn eich sevent ostyngedig.".It passed out.I released my gripp on it's neck.I dragged the creature and put it into the beat up,broken car.I smashed the car tight against the creature so that when it wakes up it wouldn't move.I ran to the house.I poked my head to the front door.Hey honey can i borrow you for about ten or fifteen minutes.Sure just let me get the kids their lunch.I looked around for the clock.I couldn't believe it was almost one oclock.

I walked in the house to say good afternoon to the kids.To me it felt like i started to spend less time with them.I wished that i didn't have a werewolf for a friend and have these witches tring to kill me every second of the day.But the dragon dude thing was a nice touch.I guess they didn't count on me being a vampire anytime soon.I just wanted to be anormal vampire wife with two kids,a husband that loved me and nothing tring to kill me what so freaking ever.Is that to much to ask for.Well i guess so then.I saw me kids sitting at the table watching there father make then a ham sandwich.Sapphire just sat at the table reading an "Animorphs" book.

When i was a kid i loved reading about those shape shifters.How they can turn into any animal they thought about or wanted to be.I kinda always wated to have to power to shift into a powerfull animal.Okay Fara what did you need me for?Follow me and you'll see.Darren stared at the beat up car laing on the side of the road.You wanted me to help you with a beat up car.No thats not it at all.Then what,what happened to the car in the first place.Well i have just two words to answer that question.Yeah and they are??THE WITCHES.His eyes lit open in shock.

A soft maon cam from the inside of the car.I was glad to hear that the creature was still their.What that in the car?I have no clue but it's stuck in the car.I saw the car wiggle and shake out the corner of my eye.We both walked over towards it.It stared at the both of us and yelled these words "Meistr dwi nad yw eich sevent.I gostyngedig fi deilwng am eich presenoldeb.".See thats why i needed you.What the hell is he saying.So you just a sume that i know what it's saying.He kinda,i flashed him my pretty please smile.Well your right i do know what it's saying.

Chapter 2:Guess Who's Back

Then what is it saying.It said "Master i am your humble servant.I am not worthy of you presence.".Master what master.Honey what are you doing when i'm not around.Nothing.I heard a small voice comeingh from thje didstance calling my name.But i didn't pay any attention to it.I started to hear the flapping of wings and yelling get closer towards me.I looked at the sky and saw a bat flying towards me.Darren stared at me in curiosity.

I waved into the sky.Flow,whats up.I held my arm out and she landed on top of it like a bird.He seemed out of breath.Breath Flow breath.I have been looking for you all over this city,were the hell have you been.Oh young master Darren what are you doing hear.Um well.Flow i have to tell you a lot that's happened in the past seven of eight years.As do i Faraganda.She stared at the creature mumble the words i am not worthy in welsh.And yes people that is a real languge aparently.Weird i guess i got to learn welsh now.Flow gasped at the sight of the creature.She mumbled the wordm "Daragon".What the hell is a Daragon?A Daragon my young Fara is a misture between human and dragon.In the 1400's there began a new breed of demonds.They were called revenge demonds.Oh i heard of them.You have Darren.Yeah a lot of my friends were cursed because of there ex's.

These demonds granted wishes to the women who got there harts broken by the one they loved.They said the word "I wish" then the thing they wanted to happen to them.So your telling me this is a cursed man.Yes dear i am,most of these cursed pleople get offered jobs depending on what they do after they are changed.Like this one right infront of us.He was given a job by the witches i asume to kill you fara.Well yeah a lot of thats been going on lately.The good trhing about the Daragon's are that they only worship one god or master in his or hers lifetime.The inly master that the must owrship is a vampire women.Since you are a vampire,It seems like this Daragon has chosen you to it's master.

So how does it choose from the other vampire females in the world.Well by beauty is one of them.When Flow said Beauty i caught darren smileing at me from the corner of my eye.Their heart.Wait what heart,I'm dead or the undead.Did you kill him?No as you you can see bright as day i didn't.Thats why,you maybe not be alive anymore,But you show heart and compassion.You show you have a soul.Last but not least strenght.Of course i'm strong i had to fight all of my life.I unsmashed the car so that the creature gould get out.Thank you master i am not worthy of your kindness.The Daragon bowed at my feet.Darren did the same thing.It made me feel like a queen.Ha ha very funny,you both may arise now.Are you still going to kill me?Um i didn't catch your nameI don't remember my name.I have just been going by the name Daragon.

Okay Daragon are you still going to kill me.No master never again,i am your humble servant from hear on out.When ever you neeed me just yell.Daragon disapeared into thin air.So flow where have you been for the past oh i don't know eight or nine years.No you first Darling.I see that your still with Darren.Yeah i stared at him For a few seconds.I'll see you at the house Fara.Nice to see you again Flow.He looked at me and then laughed as he walked away.I guess he left me to deal with Flow and to catch her up.

Tipical husband.I guess to Darren Flow was like his mother in-law.Which ment she didn't like him one bit.Faragand Merie Mackavie what are you still doing with that boy.It's kinda heard to take Flow seriouse when she has her british tone of voice.Flow a lot of things have happened and changed since you left.Yeah like what?Well for one i dion't live in the apartment anymore.Two i'm a vampire as you can see.Three i'm married and my last name is no longer Mackavie it's welsh.Wait,you married him?Yeah about five or six years ago.I was going to invite you to the wedding but i couldn't find you.Well is their anyhitng else that happend while i was gone.

Yeah i have two beautiful twin girls.I saw her eyes wide in shock.I don't know whether to say what the hell did you do that for or congrats.Whell tell me what you think when we get to the house.I sprang into motion.I felt her slipping off of my arm a few times as i was running..I grabbed her and put her in a craddleing posistion in my arms.I came to a complete stop infront of the house.I felt Flow jolt foward as i stopped.I hear her gasping for air.You do know that talking bats or bats in general need more air than a human does right.I laughed a little bit.Then i focused y attention on the house.I heard Darren telling the kids about a friend of mines comeing to the house,and not to kill her.

It was kinda weird that i didn't feel the urge to kill her.That i never thought or had the feeling to drain Flow at anytime.As soon as she caought her breath she gasped at the sight of the house.I couldn't blame her for her shock of the house.I felt the same way she did when i first felt the same way when i first saw this place.I was speechless.And i pretty much still am.Oh bloody hell.This place almost the size of a masion.I know right.

Wait is that a good "bloody hell" or a bad one.Good one,a shocked one.All i can say Fara is that this a huge step up from our previous homes.Yeah,lets go see the inside and the kids.I opened the door and saw Darren in the living room watching the Sophia making shapes out of her orbes of electricity.I surched for saphire but she she wasn't in the room with them.I guess she wa in her room reading or on her laptop.Saphire really one to spend time with us.Well unless she was really board.So what do you think Flow.Her jaw was open wide enough for you to fit three Granny smith apples into it.

It's beautiful.Thank you.I heard Darren call from the couch.Darren and his sisters helped desighn the whole place.Flow got up and flew out of my arms.I saw little Sophia running towards me.I picked her up and kissed her on her forhead.Mommy who's that?Sophia meet flow.Flow meet Sophia my daughter.I saw a big small spread across both of there faces.she waved to Sophia and she waved back.She looks so much like the both of you two.Reall i think she looks more like her father.You always say that mommy.Because it's true.I set Sophia on the couch next to Darren.Flow you stay hear with Darren and Sophia.He gave me an angry glance.But it was his turn to deal with the mother of the bride.I went to go get Sapphire.She was so quiet and peacefull in her room reading.I sometimes wished that Sophia could be the same way.

But with twins one of them has to be different from the other i guess.Sapphire can i borrow you for a few minutes.Sure,what is it.I want to show you one of my old friends.I was kinda worried about showing Flow to Sapphire becuase she liked blood a lot more than her sister.She ate very little human food.I picked her off the floor and held he close to me.I heard he move foward towards the smell of flow.Sapphire remember what your father said to you.I felt her pull back into my arms.Good girl.I patted her on her sholder and then kissed her head.I heard the little pitter patter of feet runnint towards us.I stretched out my left arm and scooped up Sophia in my right arm.Sapphire,Sapphire your going to love Flow she kinda funny and she has a funny voice.

Okay Sophia let your sister see for herself okay.Sure.Flow was walking,well paceing back a forth on the couch.Darren looked a little agravated.I tried to hid the big huge grin that wanted to apear on the side of my face.

Flow this my other daughter Sapphire.She smiled a little bit.Hi Flow my name is Sapphire Aiden Welsh.Its very nice to meet you.Their middle names are Aiden.Well Sapphire's is,Sophia's is Merie.It started to get late.I saw Sapphire creating shelids around Flow so that Sophia couldn't shock her.I couldn't believe that noon when the sun was at it's highest could turn to night in just a few hours.To me it only felt like i was home for about three hours instead of eight or nine.I wondered if i was oing to see Mathew tonight.I now know that nights of a full moon he wasn't control of himself but nights not on a full moon he is in total control of his actions and memories.

I always thought that werewolves only changed on full moons but i base all of my information on movie's and show's.I guess he's an uncontrollible animal when itsw that time of the month.It feels nice and terrifing knowing you have a werewolf on your side.

Chapter Three:More visitors

After i set the kids to bed i felt like i have to tell Darren about what Mathew is.Is he going to be able to handle this,any of this rationally.Flow was asleep hanging from a pole in the corner of the seeling.I guess Bats i small and Dark places.Darren i have to tell you something.What is it honey.I stared at him.He moved a peice of hair out of my face.If i told you something about the wolf standing outside.He looked out the window for a second.Yeah what about the mutt.I heard a feirce growl and snarle outside as soon as he said that.

I kinda know who the wolf outside really is.He stared at me for a few seconds.He looked like he was tring to peice together the suddle hints i was dropping even though i really didn't want to drop any hints at all.Mathew.His eyes opened wide and a his came out from under his breath.He jumped up and rand towards the door in one fluid motion.I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the couch.I rapped my legs around his waist.I helt his face in my hands.Don't freak out.Come on i have to,you know i don't like him and now i have a real good reason to rip this mutts head off.Oh yeah and wehat reason is that.Well one stalking,two almost killed you a while ago.

I talked to him earlier when i saw him.Only on full moons he becomes a total animal.He isn't in control when the moon is bright and is full.I don't care Fara you need to no longer see him again.No Darren,Mathew is my friend.I'm not going to push a friend that came this way away.He stood upMy legs were still rapped around his waist.He kissed me.I pulled away.No weir not going to end this conversation that easily.H kissed me again.I couldn't help but give in.It was like his lips were like a drug.One kiss could have me wanting more and more.When i was a human his lips were kinda the same.If he kissed me i wanted more.But now it's more poitent.I loved every minute of it.When ever he kissed me i felt like sending the kids to there grandparents house with the rest of the family for a couple of nights.

I won't say i wish i didn't have the kids becuase that wouldn't be true.I'm glad i got pregnant.I glad i didn't miss that before i became what i am now.Every touch made my body turn to mush.His soft,warm,silky touch.His touch sent shock waves through my body and pulsates down my spine.It felt liberating.Knowing that this feeling would stay mine forever made living more worth it.The thing about never having to sleep again is that you can stare at each other for hours and come up with more new reasons why you love them.I did that every night when it was just me and Darren.I was sure he did the same thing i did because i did that mental thing i do so well and ease dropped on his thoughts.A lot of times i heard him say "How much he didn't deserve me.But it was really me who did deserve him.How does a monster like me who brings death to all that i love die,get Heaven rapped into a wonderfull man and two beautiful kids.

Every day i see them i count my blessing,hope and prey that nothing happenes to them or me.I just have this feeling deep down in my stomache that i am going to have to leave it sooner or later.I don't want to say goodbye to heaven or it's angels.I sat there in the bed snuggeled in his warm arms,thinking about what if?What if all of this all of this was suddenly ripped away from me.How would i cope,screw that how could i live?Live in a world were my perfect husband that i loved more than my own life.Plus the twins.I went to the bathroom and combed the knots out of my hair.What should i wear today.Blue jeans,skirt or a dress.I like what your wearing right know,how about that outfit for another hour or two.I stared at my almost empty closet.Okay i'm almost out of pants,skirts and dresses.

I guess i have to go clothes shopping again.I crawled slowly into the soft cool bed.I wonder why that is?You just went shopping last week.I rapped my arm arouund his neck.I wonder why too,i said sarcastically.He chuckeled and atempted to kiss me.I pulled away slightly.No,you know how i get after a kiss or two.Yeah i do know.He tried to kiss me again.I rolled to the other side of the bed.Nope,i have to goand spend the day with flow.Plus go and see Mathew.Fara please stop seeing him.Sorry Honey i can't.I know that Darren hates Mathew for more than one reason.But the main one is because he's a werewolf.

Darren promised to trust me when it comes to Mathew.So i know unless Mat does something,Darren won't kill or hurt him.I went to the living room and saw flow sitting on one of our fake plants.She stared out the window for a few minutes.You have a wonderful veiw hear Faraganda.Thank you.So Flow when are you going to tell me what you were up to.Not hear later okay.Trust me okay.Okay Flow,you wanna come with me to go see Mat or stay hear.Sure i need air anyway.Ha ha very funny.Before i left i fixed the kids breakfast.You didn't have to make breakfast Fara,i could have made it.I know honey but you always make it.I need to make sure i don't get rudty with cooking.Please cooking is stored some place in your huge brain,yiu never forget it.I have a another question about vampires.Okay,i am a living vampire guied.Do vampires ever loose there memories.Well yeah kinda.What do you mean kinda.Well it depends on if you jave a lot of stuff going on up their.Sophia and Sapphire came running in.Whats for breakfast?

Scrambled eggs,french toast,bacon and last but not least animal blood.Both of your favorites.Sophia liked or favored a special type of blood.Hers was lion blood.Somehthing so small liked the taste of something so big.Sapphire liked the taste of elk blood.I hated elk.The way they smelt and tasted.When i drank elk i tasted an herby,chalky taste.It kinda made me sick just thinking about it.

I kissed the twins goodbye.Come on Flow i really want to see the look on Mat's face when he see you taslk for the first time.Remember when Darren saw you talk.Oh yeah,i remember.His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his face.We saw Mat and i loved seeing his face.He passed out for a few seconds.Then he refocused.After a few minutes of his shocked face,it was time for flow to finall tell me what was going on.She took me to the park.It felt kinda weird going there without Darren holding me in his arms.The strong smell of pine in the air.I just sat there on the bench waiting for his arms to come around me or his lips conecting to mine for a few moments.

So Flow are you ever going to tell me about why you were gone or am i going to have to take your oxygen again.No,no you'll get your answer.I have been gone for a while because i have been watching the witches for a couple of years now,Wondering what was what their going to do next.So whats going on with them then Flow?I'm sorry to tell you this but their are bounty hunters comeing for your head.That why Daragin is the least of your worries.

The others that are comeing are more experienced in killing and collecting.Thats why i came back hear to tell you all of this.I stared at the pond and watched the fish swim around.How long do i have until all get hear.Well when i was there you had two weeks.But now you have five days before it becomes a hunting season.Fara i would suggest you spend the next three or four days with your wonderful family.So that what i did,i spent the next few days with my family and pretended like nothing was going on.I stayed home and spent time with them.

I played with the kids,i sometimes sat in there room and watched them sleep.They slept so peacefully.Darren asked me a few times if something was wrong and if i was okay.I wanted to tell him no so badly but i couldn't.It was time for me to say goodbye to the twins first.I asked them not to there father about me leaving till it turns dark out.I didn't want him to tag along just to see me die,maybe.I kissed Darren and then gave him a big hug.I didn't want to say goodbye at all to him or anyone.I love you so much with all my heart and more.He pulled away a and looked at me funny.I'm going to miss that.

Before i left i had a note.A note that i thought i would never use again in my life.I wrote this note before i became Mrs.Welsh.I wish i did have to leave it for him or for him to read it period.

I talked to Mathew for a few minutes and asked him to watch my family.He wasn't so thrilled at the whole thought of that.I was happy knowing that Mathew and Daragon are going to watch me and the twins.Including Darren,the more protection the better for my family.I left Mathew's house in a rush because in a few hours it would the fith day.And if there following me than i need to be as far away from family as possible.But on the bright side i might get the chance to rip there heads off.All of a sudden i felt the urge to run.

So i ran,i didn't know what derection i was running i just ran.Flow told me i had to go to rome to find them.If i don't get there before september i'm going to miss them.Flow said that they move there location.

Chapter 4:I'm Not Leting Her Go Alone

It started to get late.I was wondering were she was,Why isn't she home yet.I kept repeating it to myself.It was almost eight and i started to worry.It didn't feel like home without her hear.Hey flow do you know where Fara is?Well,yeah,kinda.What do you mean kinda?Daddy we have something to tell you.Yes what is it my darling daughters.I saw a couple of small tears fall down the sides of there faces.Come hear my little angels,whats wrong?I sat each one of them on my knees.Mommy wanted us to tell you goodbye and that she loves us and that shes going to be gone for a while.Daddy where is mommy going?I don't know Sapphire,but she'll be back kids i promise.

I shot a glance at Flow hanging from a beam in the corner.I wiped the tears falling from their faces.Okay time for bed little ones.The smiled a little and the tears started to stop.Can i sleep in mommys room tonight.Yes you can sophia.Me too daddy.Yes you can to Sapphire.I laid them both down on the bed gentally.I guess that sleeping hear was a way for them to still be close to her.Dad,are you sure that mommys going to come back?Yes,i kissed the tops of both of their heads.I sat in one of the chairs in the room.

I sat there and watched them as they fell asleep.Fara always said that thw twins looked more like me,but i think she was wrong.I saw more her like there eyes,nose,mouth,hair.Maybe for her it was the other way around.I opened a couple of window in the room.A brush of wind came swooping through the room and carriedan old familar scent into the air.I followed it.I started to remember where i smelt that smell before.It was Fara's smell before she became a vampire like me.I saw the edge of a peice of paper under an old magazine.The note was adressed to me.The letter looked kinda old like she wrote it before but edited some or it.

Dear Darren,

Hey honey,i'm sorry i've put you through all of this.I didn't expect to leave you at this time.I love you and the kids wuth all my heart.If you want to know where i am flow will fill you in on where i am hopefully.I'm okay and don't worry about me.I wrote most of this letter a while ago when i thought i wasn't going to stay.But i fell in love with you and had our two beautiful lovely daughters.I wish that my grandmother didn't piss off those wickens.I wish that everything could have been different.If i had the chioce to change anything,i wouldn't.My life is perfect.I hope and wish that i can spend the rest of my exsistance,my life with you and the kids.I never wantd to hurt you and if you never want to talk to me or anything again because of what i did i understand.I hope that one day you can forgive me.LOVE YOU ALWAYS

Faraganda Merie Welsh

I sat there for a few minutes rereading the note.A couple of times the thought of her leaving me for another guy crossed my mind.But i know my fara and she wouldn't do that.I heard some voices in the living room talking.On of the voices mad me hiss at the sound and the other was familar.I walked down the hallway to the living room holding the not.I smelt the odor emanating off of the dog.I grawled at the sight of the creature in my home.I didn't have it in me right now to rip his head off.Flow where is Fara.I heard a Matew and Daragon eco me.She stared at all of us and then at the clock.Fara is going to rome.Rome,Why?Because she wants to either fight the witches or try and reason with them.

My wife put her self on a suicide mission for goodish things.Why didn't you stop her Flow she could kill her self.I felt my stomache ache and turn at the thought of her getting hurt.Where is she going exactly in rome?To the Trajan's column.Can i catch up to her before she gets their.You might,it takes a plane or two plus a few hours maybe.It pretty much depends on how long she left a while ago.I saw her last running to fast for my house.She ran north,i think.I have to go,i can't sit hear worrying about my wife.Darren you can't leave.

And why the hell not.Because Fara wanted us to watch over you and you kids while she's gone.Me and Daragon.Can i call you Dar,Dair or DaraNo you may not,master calls me Daragon and that will be my name forever.The creature worships my wife should i feel thretened when you looke like a lizard coughed up it's scales on a human that was burned by acid.Should i or no.Probubly not.So then you two are hear because of Fara.Yeah she asked us both to watch,protect and fight anything that will you and your daughters.I saw his fists and jaw clench once he said " you and your daughters.

I'm glad were on the same page Mathew.What do you mean?You don't like me and i don't like you and you don't like me right.kinda,i don't like you.I hate you for one stilling the love of my life and two for turning her into a demon like you.Good i feel the same way.If i didn't promise Fara that i wouldn't rip your head off i would do it right now.Boy's Fara needs you all to stay alive and watch the twins.Not to kill each other and leave them to fend for themselves.She wants everyone to be okay if or when she gets back.Don't say that word if Flow she will come back.I'm going to bring her back.I'm going with you Darren,Fara is like a daughter to me and i agree with you.

I'm comeing to Darren,i knew Fara way longer than you.No Mathew you and Daragon need to stay hear and watch the kids.Hopefully we won't be gone long.Good luck Darren.Thank you very much Daragon.Bring my master back back alive Darren.Too late for that my scaly friend.I stared at Mathews faces as he staredt at me.I went back into the bedroom and woke the twins up.They both were a little mad at me for waking them up but they were glad i did.It felt hard telling them that i'm going to gt there mom and bring her back when i know i might not catch up to her in time.I promised them something i know i can't keep.But they weren little girls,telling them about this and whats going on might be to ,uch for them to handle.I watched them doze of back to sleep.Okay flow,lets go.I waved goodbye to the strangers in my house.

Then i wallked outside.I sniffed the air for any trace of her wonderfull fruity smell left there.I examined every smell in the air very carefully.Their it was,almost faded into the air.

If i would have waited about another hour or two i thnk her scent would have completely faded in the air.I ran,fallowing her scent.I heard Flows wings flapping behind me tring to keep up with me.I went to the apartment that Fara use to live in.I kinda missed the moments and the times we spent together their.I sniffed the air once more,the smell traveled north.Flow if i kept going north were would that take me?Um i think the air port id towards that way.She was going to rome.I wanted to take her there for a while now.On our honey moon or a vacation with me,her and the twins.My stomache started ache again of the thought of my darling Fara being killed or never seeing her again.She is my world,my everything.She is the kids worlds there everythings as well.Flow if i wanted to cut her off before she gets rome,could i?

Well maybe,if shes running on foot then you might not be able to catch up to her in time.But if she took a plane or any other for of transpotation then yeah you might.A strong breeze flew her sent through the air.I saw a few of the leaves fly around above the ground for a few seconds.I ran north close and closer to where her sent began to get stronger.The smell ended at the airport.I at a human race to the front desk.Excuse me miss.She was kinda pretty but nor a s pretty as Fara.She looked a little bit like Fara.Her hair,her smile and her cute little round nose.I choked out the words "Do you know when the last airplane to rome left?".

She smiled and brushed a peice of hair out of her face.She answered back "Yes i do,i just need a second or two."As she searched through her computer as she tried to start a conversation with me.So are you visiting family in rome.I really didn't feel like talking but i didn't want to be that guy.Kinda in a way.Cousins,parents,aunts?No my wife,i'm trying to go and get her before she does something stupid.I watched her eyes glance at the ring on my finger that says "Forever in dimonds and jems.Faraganda,Sapphire and Sophia got it for me on my two-hundred and nineteenth birthday.Fara actually cut off the two-hundred and kept the ninteen.

I saw the sile on her face disapear after she saw the ring.I heard a disturbance in her voice as she spoke.S o how long jave you been married?Almost nine years today.She flashed me a fake smile.She mumbled the words "Why ar the good ones either gay or married.".I couldn't help but smile a little bitThe plane to rome left about two hours ago.Thank you Sam.Her name tag said Samatica,so i just guessed she went by the nickname sam.I felt her eyes watching me as i ran out in the airport in a human pace.Flow was sitting on top of a blue sports car.

When did the plane leave Darren?Two hours ago.How long would a plane take to get their.About twelve or twenty-four hours,i think.How long would it take to run there?I have no freaking clue.I never met a vampire before now so.Can you just guess.Well i haveto clue in a lot of things.Like where the plane is going to land,how long it would take to get there.I have to factor in a whole bunch of things.Just guess please Flow because i don't have time like that!!!!

I didn't want to yell like that at Flow but i had to.She probubly would have kept going for hours.Well i guess we could take the shortest way i know.If we go their you might possible cut her off before she gets their.And what way is that?Megatish.........

Chapter Five:Oh Great Megatish

Okay who's Megatish?Megatish is a two million year old Aztec god or spirit.He grants wishes to those who are worthy.Okay so?It only grants wishes to worthy people who have a good heart,kind,strong and caring.I don't know if he helps tthe undead though.Why?Because most of it's clients and wishes are made by humans.What if i don't have any of those traits what so ever.Then Megatish will bite your head off and eat your body later or spare your life.Thw whole spare your life part is if he is only in a good if he isn't in a good mood and i fail miserably then theirs a chance that i will die and Faraganda.Yeah,well,kinda.If i wasn't sure that your going to survive or pas i wouldn't be telling you this in the first place.Well it's my only option right now so lets go.How long will it take for us to get their.Oh approximitly nine and a half hours,give or take three or four hours.

Where is it?you see the last moutian at the top.yes i do.Well we have to go to the top of that.In my mind i was thinking no way i can do that.But whats the problen with a few fraking feet.I'll tell you the problem with that,vampires.There ar a couple who live up their.They don't eat or drink anything for two years.After those two years they go crazy in july atacking and feeding like wild animals.They move so far up because it will help with there fasting.I always thought the word fast ment the exact opposite of what it means.We ran anf flew up the moutains.I leaped over trenches and rivers.

Night almost turned to morning.Flow.Yeah?Fly high.What,i don't understand....I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.I yelled the words "FLY HIGH.".Her wings started to flap harder and harder.I started to hear feet running towards me.They stopped.I watched flow till she was up high enough.Then i staredt at the figures moving slowly towards me.The three figures were all girls.They all looked pailer than they should.A farthest woman spoke first.She smiled at me.Darren long time no see.I stared and studied her face.I'm sorry but it sems like you know me or remember me but i don't remember you.It's me Kathrine.

The name didn't come to mind.Sorry nothing.We dated in the 1900's to 2000.I started to remember her now.I watched the two other women stared at flow who was flying around us from time to time.I remember you know,i'm sorry.No don't be and plus i was at your wedding to.I never told Fara about me dating Kathrine.I didn't want her to feel more nervous than she did before she said "I DO" and before she met her new family plus the new people.

Aother women from a distance called my name.I study the figure.It's me Sophie.Hear the name brought back old memories.She was another former girl friend.So you must Danyell.Good at least you remebered one of our names.Wow now i feel a little awckward.Don't Darren,we all are living our lives forgetting you until now i guess.Speak for your self Danyell.Yeah because me and Kathrine can't get over him.Okay now i feel way more awckward.I guess i'll leave now.Wait where are you going.Flow yelled the words "To see Megatish" from the sky.They looked up with there teeth baried.I heards her flap higher up into the sky.Megatish,why?Because Danyell i have to go save my wife.Faraganda is introuble?Yes Sophie,i need megatish to transport me to rome before she gets her self killed.I saw Kathrine snicker and smile as soon as i said "She gets her self killed".It's not funny Kathrine,Thats my wife.

The smile on her face disapeard as soon as my voice went hard and cold.Darren,you seriously love this woman don't you?Yeah Sophie and i would do anything for her even risk my own life.

Oh please spare me with that bull.KATHRINE!!.What Sophie,i'm sorry i'm not cool with this like you and Danyell are.What did i ever see in you Kathrine?You use to be so nice,sweet and caring.But now i'm discusted with you.She ran up to me in a flash.Darren,why did we split.You know we belong together.I felt her hand rap around my neck.I pushed her away.She came back.Her hands rubbed my faces and then they went down my chest.I could tell this girl had it bad.I grabbed her hands and tided them around her waist.Stay.I let them go and walked back slowly.I felt her lips pressed against mine for about one mili seconds.I pushed her away with more force.She flew into a two trees.I never pushed a girl like that before but i wanted to make sure she got the hint.Danyell and Sophie just watched us both like we were a good soap opra.

She got up and walked towards me slowly.I stared at her ready to push her away again.Why Darren,i love you so much and i know you feel the same way.I did Kathrine i will admit that.I did for all of you.But now i rather us forget what haoppened in the past and move on and foward like Sophie.I saw Danyell run to Kathrine and hold her back.

Come on Kat we both need to let it and him go.He's married to someone else.Plus he has kids with someone else.We need to be happy and move on just like he did.She touched Kathrine on her sholder.Her eyes went white.I kinda wished i had the power to control people like Sophie.Now kat i want you to go back to the house and think for about an hour.She nodded and and walked slowly into the forest.I see that that power is still working wonderfly.Yeah every now and then they do the something else thats kinda related to what i want them to do.Okay then.Good luck wuth Megatish i heard he's kinda a jerk.Well i hope this jerk is nice.I gave Sophie and Danyell a hug goodbye.We kept traveling up the moutain.We're hear Darren.I stopped and searched the forest.

It was nothing their.She flew down and landed on my sholder.Where is it Flow?Through the wall.Megatish created a wall for those who want him to grant a wish and those who don't.People who don't want a wish they wall disapears till they pass.And those who want something it apears and you walk throught.She jumped off my sholder and landed on a rock.What are you waiting for,go man go.Aren't you comeing with me?I am i just need to stretch me legs.I walked forward.The wall was likeit was made out of water or a goo.It felt slimy againts my skin.It tasted like mud and dirt.It smelt like molded fish.The atmosphere was humid.It all was so different.

The tree's were wider and taller than they were before we entered.Flow where are we?We are in Megatishes home now.Do not speak unless i speak first or he speaks to you.She started to whisper to me now.Follow me.I walked behind her slowly.I listened as i heard feet trailing behind us.I heard a couple of snarels behind us as we walked.Flow didn't turn around or pay them any attention.As we moved farther and farther into the woods it started to get darker.

I started to hear the sounds of drumms beat faster and faster the farther we went into the forest.She stopped.She got on her knees and bowed her head.I did the same thing she did.I saw a dark shadow hover over us.I didn't look up to see what it was.I heard a loud disturbing growl above our heads.Flow jumped a little bit. Alarge raspy voive started to speak above us."I smell the fear running through you veins little bat.But the other i don't hear of smell anything.What trickery goes on hear.Speak young bat.".One of us is not human or living lord Megatish.AAAHHHHH,it is you.I lifted my head a looked at the creature.It's body was tall and long.It's eyes blazed bright pink.Horns sprouted out of its head,that were shapr like a freshly bought knife.Its teeth were long and narrow.It's body was hovering over the ground.It's skins was a light blue.The light blue color that you get once you sufacate or bleed to death.

Black stripes going down it's face and red stipes going all around it's body.I stared at him.You have much heart and soul for someone no longer living.Rise young vampire,i want to see you true face.I stood up slowly.He ran his hand in a circle around my face.I felt a scorching hot breeze run against my face.My stared at him.I watched my skin change.I never saw my skin before,well except for that day in july a few years ago about one-houndred years ago to be exact.I forgot about the sun and lets just say i freaked out a couple of people and was chazed out of town.But this time it was different i didn't change much i just glowed like a light.

I heard fow and a couple other creatures in the forest take a deep breath in.Your not a demon my imortal friend your an angel.I saw a smile grace it's face.The creature shrunck down to a normal human stature.Your a Lazorath.A what?A Lazorath come every once in a blue moon.To me thats often.Only someone with true heart,love and kindness gets to be an angel when your soul is naturally damned.I still didn't believe what he was saying.I looked at flow.She was baffeled the same way i was.I will grant you your wish young Lazorath.It wazed its arms up and down.A bright light appeared in and instant.

A white rainbow flowing glass doors appeared.I walked towards the door.Flow fluttered her way on top of my sholders.A lot of things were rushing through my mind right now.The fact that i'm an immortal angel.i wanted to tell Fara the great news but am i to late to save her.I walked through the doors it felt like wind blowing but no gravity anywhere.

Chapter 6:Rome

My plane landed.I know now to never ever take another plane again unless i'm flying first class.all dudring the flight i felt like ripping everyones heads off and sucking them dry.It was almost morning their.Rome was beautiful.I felt so out of place their.People were speaking a languge i new nothing about.The smell were so different that the ones in Washington.I could smell the fresh bread baking in the bakerys.The fresh pizza with pepperoni and goat cheese.The smells made me sick but that probubly was because i'm a vampire.But to a normal person the smell was probubly wonderfull.

That was probubly what i missed most about being human,the food.But to tell the truth the animal blood tasted way better.I had about almost a week before those damn witches leave.I figured the best time to start would be at night when i could run and not be seen.Plus my scary true form.I saw so much happiness hear.Couple with and without there kids haveing fun.Making wishes in the foutain.It made me wish i could do that with my family some day.I stayed in the shadows.Night fall finally came around.It was nice seeing all the people who made my thraot burn a little and scratch.

All day i just thought about never seeing Darren,Sapphire and Sophia ever again.It created a swelling not that was being ripped out of my body slowly and painfully out of my freaking stomache.I felt like screaming all day long.I traveld from roof top to roof top.I loved feeling like a nija in the night.A few roof top leaps later and i actually turned into a nija because so freaking hunters came chaseing,punching,kicking and more.Maybe i should buy a sword on day.If i make it out through all of this the first thing i'm going to do is by me a sword.Yep thats exactly what i'm going to do.Rome is a very big place and what little covereage i did wasn't much.To me it felt like moving a millimeter away from a penny maybe less.

When the morning sun came i just sat at the top of a tall building.I just watches people driving around on there mopeds and scooters.The sun was no wear in sight today,just rows and rows of clouds.I smelt the rain in the air.The heat from the lighting.I kinda felt likt i could probubly be a lightning rod up hear.The rain began to drop slowly and then it started to poor down like a giant never ending bucket of water.I watched the water beaded off of my skin.I saw a flash of lightning fall down from the sky and almost hit me.I just stared at the sky.

The stared at the people scatering around on the ground tring to stay dry.I saw a flash or a blur jump from house to house.I felt a rush of wind breeze past me.I didnt' turn my head to see what caused the wind i was to interested in the people.A hand went up and down in front of my face.I smacked it out of my way."Well i guess your not in a trance and Oww".

It was a man,he didn't look older that twenty.Sorry did i hurt you.Well kinda i think you popped a vessel.I listened to hear if he had a pules,but there was nothing there.I'm kidding calm down.So what are you doing hear.Wait answer my question first,are you hear to kill me?No,why would i do that?Well i have something in my past that has hired a bunch of hunters to kill me so sorry if i sound crazy.He was kinda cute.He had blue eyes and long black years that was almost "Jacob Black" long in "Twilight".

Yeah that type of long.Hi i'm Darian,Darian wasabi.Died in 1770.How about you?My name is Faraganda Merie Welsh,died 8 years ago.What your back story Darian?Well i was walking in the woods one day and ran into a couple of vampuire during feeding time and lest just say i became the snack soon after.Oh i'm sorry.Na don't be i'm kinda happy i did because i love what i now have became.He laughed a little bit.Your kinda funny,i kinda like you.You kinda like me.Yeah just kinda your not that totally funny yet.Okay i'll show you i'm totally funny later.So how whats your back story.Well i was giving birth to my two twins.You have children?Yes two wonderfly beautiful girls.Well since i was giving birth to half breeds.You know half vampire and human.Oh okay.

well my husband had a chice either let me die or change me.Did you want to be turned?Well yeah i wanted to spend my whole life with my husband and my kids.Wow i would have never figured you to be married.Why not? because you just don't look like it.You look more like your single looking to have a good time.Well in my human life i wasn't like that and in my vampire life i'm still not like that so sorry to disapoint.Yeah thats kind of a dispointer.Why though?Because i got my swag going and plus i'm trying to mack on someone eleses girl.So you were trying to flirt with me is that it?Yeah thats exaclt it,how tall is your boyfriend?Husband and i think he's about three or four inches taller than me,i guess.

So how tall are you then?I'm five feet,five inches.So then he's five,eight.Well i think he's five eight he might be taller.I don't know i don't go around asking my husband how tall he is.I just know he's taller than me.Is he a big guy?I started to giggle at the thought that popped in my head when he said that.

Well what do you mean by big guy because i am probubly thinking of the wrong thing right now.I didn't mean that,i meant is he a big buff guy,skiny what?He's kinda buff.Baby got an eight pack in the cooler instead of six.Most people probubly can't work an eight pack like Darren can.He's got the muscles to,OOOHHHH!!!! baby got back.All those thoughts came rushing in my head and all those sensations.

The feelings i got when i kissed him started to creep up on me.I tried to stuff the feeling,sensations,files,papers,clothes,what ever you want to call it back inot it's small roomy closet.After about three or four minutes of stuffing and silence.I felt normal and talkative.So..So what?Just so,how about them Mets.He laughed a little bit.I don't watch baseball,but i do interfear with foul balls,homeruns and if a person is safe or not.So your the reason why the yankees lost.Yeah i probubly had something to do with that.nice man i lost because of you.What did you lose?Well lets just say if i would have won i would have goten two favors.

Wait you wanted a favor from him.Yeah and he wanted something else.Wow.I know right.Do you enjoy rueining games.Yes i do.Oh your cool.I know i am don't you wish you could be cool like me.No not really.Faraganda that such a weird name.I know right,I always thought i looked more like a SophiaReally i thought you looked more like a Sapphire.You ever notice that people normally don't look like the name there given.Yeah kinda but you see me as a Darian right?No sorry.Then what do you see me as then?I see you as a Rafiyel or a Dereck.I don't no just not the name Darian.We sat there on the roof of some old house for hours just talking.The moon looked full.I could hear the howls from the west towards the woods.There are werewolves hear?

No just normal wolves.Good,well i better be going.Where?To the colisem.I have some business to take care of.Can i tag along?Sure i aint got know one hear to talk to besides you.Don't.

Don't what?What you just said was an inproper sentence.You really should have said "Sure i DON'T have anyone to talk to besides you.".Instead of saying "I aint got no one else to talk to beside you".Okay first rule don't correct me.I hate that okay.Yeah sure,i understand.We both stood up at the same time and streched even though we didn't need to.He reminded me a little bit of Darren because he liked to corect me even though he knew that it annoyed me.Plus how well he listened to me go on and on while strill paying attention.I could normally talk to Darren for hours and not even notice it.He wasn't totally spot on with Darren.Darren smelt like a freshly backed peacan pie with lavender and love.Oh so much love.And yes people when or if you become a vampire you can actually smell love.Especuially when it's only you he wants.

It kinda gets me thinking,does he smell it on me?He jumped off the side of the building and did a backflip.I could tell that this guy is kind of a show off fromthat backflip because he landed on his hands.Show off!!!.Thank you faraganda,try and beat that.And so i did.I did a backflip which turned into a summer sault.What,i totally beat your butt.

Chapter 7 :You traiter

Yeah sure you did.I did to i did a summer sault compared to your lousy backflip.Shut up,you wanna do it again and this time round two will be way better.Sure,lets go.He smiled at me and then started to climb the side of the house.I wipped into a crouching position.I felt the strength fludding into my legs.I jumped about forty feet into the air and landed on the roof softly and gracefully,like i didn't even jump.Darian got on the roof about a second or two after me.I win that too.Shut up.Okay i'm going to do a backflip.Really again.What?What do you mean by "Really again".I mean you just did that move and you failed miserably.Yeah but i know how to perfect it.

Okay go.He stretched his arms and legs.It took him about a minute or two.Come on i don't have all day stupid.Who are you calling stupid stupid!You stupid you don't need to strech so why are you streching.Because i wanted to see if it would make you laugh and see how long it would take you to say something.Well i said something so can you go already or are you afraid i'll beat you like last time.Okay don't get your nickers in a twist.First of all i don't wear nickers okay,i waer a thong.And two who say's nickers anymore.ONe i was around in that time and two i kinda love that phrase.So if you don't mind i would like to get back into myu zone please.Sure go right ahead.He backed up a few feet and got a good speed before he jumped.He jumped high in the air and did a couple of backflips.Wow,that was so not impressive.Ha beat that chica.I did.I did the same thing he did i ran and jumped about three feet higher than he did in the air.I did about three summer saults in the air and a backflip.And she sticks the landing,yeah go me.

Okay,i believe that i won that one thank you very much.Yeah okay Darian,i'm sure i won.Your nuts.And your stupid,what's your point.I won.Well lets get out of hear.After you girly.No after you,i don't know where the coliseum is.Oh yeah come on.He bolted out of sight but i heard his feet so i could follow behind him.We went past a couple of familor homes and places.We finally got to the coliseum.This place is freaking huge,how come i didn't find it.Yeah how come you didn't find it.we walked into the coliseum and a slow rate not slow to a vampire but slow to a human.Which mean we were walking really really slow.It was big and tall.Very very tall.I'll take this side you take that one.Okay are you sure.Yep,i took the right side and he took the left.

I walked slowly up and down the rows or isles.Hey Fara i found something over hear.I saw him from the distance.Their was a bright light and a flash behind him.I bolted in a instant towards him.He walked throught the door and i followed.The door slamed shut behind us.I jumped a little.If my heart was still beating you could probubly have heard it a mile away.It was bright down hear.There was a small short and narrow hallway.There were torches a lined across the walls.He started to walk quicker this time.The narrrow hallway started to get larger in height and width.At the end of the hall was this large room.

Their were four chairs.Each chair had a sighn above it.One had water,the second had fire,third air and the fourth earth.three people walked into the room.They stood in the center of the room in a half circle.Darian didn't pay them much attention.I walkd closer towards the room.There were five other people in the room.A total of ten people including me and Darian.The five just stood at at every corner of the room.They all just watched us.A man walked towards us and jestured us towards where the other three were standing.I walked towards them.The tile on the floor was grey and kinda sad.There were these creatures on the floor.They scared even me and i don't get scared easily.I noticed a big black and blue door behind the chairs.They opened and thes four girls walked out.

They were kind a pretty.Each one wore a color for each element.One wore blue,brown,grey and red.Some of them looked sad and the others were happy.Faraganda Merie Mackavie,finally we get to see you face to face.So your the chicks who have been trying kill me.Two of them laughed.First we started with your whole family.When when noticed that a sertain person who mean a hole lot to you wouldn't die we decised to go after you.Darian just stared at me and then them over and over again.Well let us introduce our selves.I'm Yangin.Its turkish for fire.I work with all fings on fire,or flamable.Yangin had red and orange tall spiky hair that looked a lot like Fire.That's De Agua.Can i introduce my self please.

Sure go.Hi,i'm De Agua.It's spanish for water as you can tell.I deal with the element of water,all things water.She looked happy and nice.She wore a blue dress that looked like water running down her dress.Her hair was long and almost every shade of blue.I can see your a huge blue fan aren't you De Agua.Yeah,my name coexist with me.I'm Tierra,spanish just like Aguas.But mines means earth.She didn't looke weird in any way shape of form.She just had short straight brown hair and a short brown dress.My name is Hava.It's turckish for air.She had Greyish blond hair.She looked kinda pale in comparesin to everyone else.As you probubly can tell i handle all things air.

I have one question for all of you.And what is that young Faraganda.I prefer you call me Fara thank you very much.But do you all dress like your elements?Yeah,well some of the times.Not all of us like thwe color of our elements.Like Agua and Hava.Hey i like my color thank you very much Yangin.Blue is totally me.Yeah so why do you complain about it then.HHHHEEEEEYYYYY!!Shut up.I wanna see this chick get her but kicked by a professional.Hava don't be rude we have a guest.Oh sshut up Agua i hate your freaking purkines,it kinda pissses me off sometimes.Well thats too bad for you then huh Hava.Ladie ladies calm the hell down.We have no rush.I have another question,Who's the leader of this whole thing.Me.Yagin stood can't tell,I'm have the tallest chair and i'm in the middle.Well there's an uneven amout of chairs hear so.Okay who's board.

They all raised there hands.I felt one of the three paople standing behind us and grabbed my arms.Darian walked foward towards the witches.Darian,you have accomplished this mission.Hears your reward.One of the guards who were standing behind me moved foward with a small empty bag.The man was tall and wide.He dropped the bag into his hand.You gift Darian.One bag of norex.Norex what the hell is that.Norex is a magical bag that grants any ones wish.It could be gold,money,jems anything you name it.Darian whats going on hear.What mission.Well there is a reward for your head and i brought them to you.Yes he did but he needs to finish the job now.The bag in his hand started to shine.He opened it and a long sharp sword was pulled out of it.Wow i guest that is very very magical bag.I know right.He stared at the sword for a long time.

He swipped it across the top of my head.Hey swinging around sharp objects near chicks heads aren't okay.What are you doing?I'm finishing my job.You Traitor.Thank you very much.Why you seemed like a good person and now you want to chop my freaking head off.Yeah,you see if i don't kill you then i have to give this wonderfull peice of steel back to them.And i really really don't want to do that.So you were pretending to be my friend for the past couple of hours.Yeah i was thats why it's going to be kinda hard for me to kill you right hear.Well i hope your ready for a major beat down.But do you really think that long thin sword will cut threw vampire skin.

Yeah,i think it will.One of you in the corner come hear.One of the witches called out a name.You Nazill come.I turned around and watched a tall man walk to where the the earth witch pointed.I saw a little bit of terror in his eyes as he looked at me and then walked past.He stood in a resting position before Darian.He is a vampire.He raised the sword till the point of the blade was about ten inches above his head.He slashed it downward.It cut straight through his rock hard neck like a stick going through soft wet mud.Nazill fell to his knees and his head rolled to his side then disintergrated next to it's body.The body soon became dust after it.See,it will cut throught hat pretty little head of yours.

He throught the bag to the side far away from it getting damaged.I hope after all of this we can be friends.Oh hell to the god damn no.Your going to chop my freaking head off.What the heck is that and you still want to be friends forget that.You do know your going to be taking me away from my family right.Yeah of course i know that.I am still a person you know.Yeah i'm kinda haveing a probublem believeing that.Don't it's your choice.I felt all the compression of it's graps go away.They all backed away slowly.Darain moved closer and closer towards me.Don't i get a weapon.No,sorry.I walked backwards slowly and looked around to find some exit i didn't find on.There were a couple but they were all blocked andf i know there's no chance of me getting out of hear alive.

I just kept on seeing flashes of Darren,sophia and sapphire over and over again.Darian came very very close to me a few times.The sword did cut through my skin.I heard a door fly open.I smelt something in the air a few seconds later.The smell seemed so familor.Darian grabbed me.One of his arms went around my neck in a choke hold position.Darren was right there stsnding infront of me.I stood there like a deer caught in head lights.I saw him look at me with so much fear in his eyes.I felt something sharp and smooth glide inside of me.I felt the pain.I Just screamed and screamed.I looked down and saw the sharp blade.He pulled it out of me and just let go.

Chapter eight : NNNOOO!!!!!!!

I saw it.I saw the sword cut into her.It was like cutting into air.She stared at me.The man that was holding her let her go.She started to fell to the ground.I caught her before she could hit the ground.She started to bleed.It wasn't actuall human blood it was a mixture of animal blood and vampire venom.I watches and felt the hole in her heart.She stared at me with a smile."Darren.".She choked out the words.I saw the people surrounding us watching us.One of the women in the chair crying and another laughing.

I hissed at her laughter.Fara put her hand on my face.I started to cry.A tear fell on her face.I thought vampires couldn't cry.Who told you a silly thing like that.You did.I chuckeled a little bit.Even in the eye of death you still laugh at it.Thats how i work.She started to choke.Her eyes began to close.Fara don't give up on me right now.Her eyes opened again.This is my fault,if i would not have waited so long or if....She cut me off mid sentence.Stop it Darrn i did this not you.I knew this was going to happen some day.I did want you to see me like this.Flow was sitting on my sholders starrring down at her.She moved the hand that was laying on my face and rubbed flows head.Flow hopped donw from my sholder so she could be closer to her.Why did you tell him where i was Flow?Because we care Fara thats why.

Your not mad at me are you Fara?No Flow i'm not,i'm kinda glad you did.All of your faces Kept raceing through my mind.Flow busted into tears.She flew off and Fara's hand graced my face again.The crowed of people around us started to disapear and so did most of the women who were were sitting in their fancy chairs.Tears started to run down my face as well.I thought vampire couldn't cry.Who gave you that stupid idea?You did stupid.We bothed laughed a little bit.My face went hard and straight.I don't know how i'm going to live without you Fara,your my everything.I'm no angel without my heaven.

You were right this whole time,i am an angel.Well an immortaly unded angel.I forgot the acutal name for a being like me.She smiled and leaned up towards me.She leaned up towards me.I leaned down so she wouldn't be in that much pain.She lossed me.This kiss was differentthan the others.There was passion like normal but it was kinda like less.I let her go.Her eyes were shut.She didn't move the tiniest bit.I yelled her name over and over again.It felt like what ever humanity that was in me just left.It felt like there was a gaint hollow hole in me.I stared at her.A bright light appeared.I felt a warm light touch on my hand and then my face.I looke up and it was her.She was glowing.Not like a fireflyor a glow worm.She glowed likeshe had her own special light surrounding her.It was a s bright as the sun,maybe even brighter.

She wiped a tear that was falling down my face."Don't cry my love" she said in an angelic voice.But how?I looked down at the dead undead dead corpse in my arms.I'm only hear for a few minutes.Darren i want youy yo be okay.I want all of you to be okay.She looked at flow in the corner rocking back and forth crying.I will be okay,if you just stay.I'm sorry but i can't.What,how do you exspect me to tell the kids this.Darren i never exspected any of this to happen.I didn't exspect you to come into my life and turn my hell into a heaven.I knew tht hell would try to resurface,but not after i said "I Do".If i had the chioce to do it all over again i would.

No.No what Darren.?No i'm glad you came into my life.I'm glad you said "I Do" and that we have two beautiful kids together.I always imagined us,all of us together forever.Both of us going to our daughters weddings.

Them haveing a little one or ones of their own.Darren i will always be with you and the kids.I wil be their to watch them both go down the isle and say "I Do".I'll be watching over them when they sleep.She reached down and grabbed a peice of string hanging from her shirt.She pulled it off of her shirt and blew on it.The string turned to a silver chain.She grabbed the ring on her finger and blew on it too.Letters started to begin being carved into it.She handed it to me.Read it Darren.I did of course i normally did things she told me to do anyway.I read the inscriptions on it.It said "I am with you always till the it's all gone away".She leaned foward and rapped the chain around my neck.It was beautiful.

This chain with this ring together can never be broken.This will protect you.What about the kids?Their good,i got them later.I stared at her for a long moment.Just to take in her beauty.She kissed my forhead and then disapeared.The women wareing grey started to speak "Kill him and that ring".I looked up at them.The man pulled out another sword from a small bag.Why did you kill her?Because she had to die.I stood up and looke at them both.I felt like a different person.I felt all the anger and rage fill me.I ignored it,I knew fara wouldn't me to turn back into the monster i was a long time ago.I picked her up gentally off the floor.The mand started to run towards me.

I stood up and helt her close to me in my arms.I screamed towards him.Well i used my ability.He slamed hard into the wall.One of the sword went straaight into his right sholder pinning him there.He scread,but then the second sword fallowed short after and went straight into his heart.He didn't exactly die the same way Fara did.One of the swords did penatrait his heart but after wards he turned to ash.The room cleard after he disintergrated.I walked out not breaking my long shocked gaze at her lifeless body.I felt weight convert to one sholder.I looked and it was flow.Se looked at me with tears in her eye's.I didn't speak and neither did she.She called Mathew and told him everything.I never thought their would every be a bat sized phone but the way our technology is growing i'm kinda not shocked.She asked him if he wouldn't tell the kids till we all got home.I kinda ease dropped on the hole covo.

But there really wasn't much to drop in on.He agreed to what she was asking.We went back through the portal.Megatish looke at me and said nothing as he bowed his head.I passed and said nothing as well.We went down the moutain.I didn't see the girls anywhere.Well it wasn't like i was looking for them anyway.I kept telling my self "She's going to wake up any minute now.".We finally got to the house.I kept on debating weather if i should bring her inside or if i shouldn't?I stood their in the driveway for a few good minutes.The kids might want to say goodbye to her Darren.I walked up the stairs and into the house.Mathew dropped to the floor when he saw her lying their in my arms.Daragon got down on his knees and bowed his head.I set her down on the couch.

Any form of warmth was gone from her.She didn't feel human warm of vampire warm.The kids came running in yelling both of our names.I started to tear up a little.I picked them both up and brought them to my room.I still didn't know how i was going to tell them about all of this.How i broke a promise i made to them both a few days ago.I broke that promise that i ment to keep and now that they can never touch,smell or hear her ever again.The both just stared at me like i was a little crazy."Why didn't mommy say something daddy?".Sophia,Sapphire,um mommy had an accident and she didn't survive.They looked at me like i was a mad man.Mommy's um,mommys up in heaven right now looking over us.The face looked shocked.Tears flooded their eyes like pooring wat tomuch water into a shot glass.The both pushed me away and ran back towards the living room.I ran after them.They screamed and yelled her name.I saw thousands apoun millions of tears run down there faces.

I pulled them away from her.They faught back a few times.Sophia tried to shock me a few times but they didn't even hurt.They just felt like someone was pulling my skin up a little bit.I helt them both in my eyes and cried with them.I dreamed about what i thought i would see and then never seeing it again.

Her smile,sent,laugh,aura.everything of her gone!!!!

The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.09.2011

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