
Chapter 1 : Lets Do This

Last time in i don't want to live.I started to eat the shaved ice first.I could tell that Darren was finished with the chapter he was reading because he pulled me closer to him.I felt his cool touch on my skin instantly.I shiverd a little bit but i adapted to it.I felt nice to cool off on a hot summery day.Me andDarre stayed at the park for about an hour and a half just talking.Fara i have something to ask you.What is it Darren?Well Faraganda Illan mackavie.

I love you with all my heart and i want t spend the rest of my life with you.Would you do me the honors of bein my wife,will you marry me?Yeah he said the words every girl loves to hear "Will you Marry Me ?".That was my wish,i wished tat one day Darren would ake me to marry him.But something or someone always ruiens good moments.

But this was definitely a something.It fell fro the sky and landead in the water.I't arose from the water and pionted a large blaster at me.Fara whats going on?

It's happening again.I think this is another person sent by the witches to kill you Fara.Really i would haven ever guessed.That Darren,what gave you the hint.The giant guy pointing a blaster at me.Fara move slowly towards me.I can get out of this on the count of 3 you run and i teleaport okay.Wait before you two move can you give me a few minutes,my gear is stuck.Yeah the random dude in a costume is asking the person he's pointing a huge blaster at to not leave.Me and Daren jumed up to the top of the mechine and stared at it for a few minutes till it realized that we were watching it.What are you to doing up hear?Well i wanted see whats in the suit and he just followed me.

Are you Faraganda Mackavie? Yes i am,are you hear to try and kill me like the rest.No i'm hear to give you this package.Who's the package from?It doesn't have a sender just you're name.What kind of delivery person are you? I'm the other world delivery services.Okay,where do i sighn.Right there on the dotted line.I sighned for the package and it started to move.Then the box growled,it flew up in the air and spun a huge circle above me.It opened and there was an invisable wall around me.I was traped in the circle,the box fell to the ground and the circle widened around both of us.The box turned black and started to morf into something.

I think it was the form of a man.Faraganda it yelled in a deep voice.I have been sent by the witches to do the task of takeing you're life.So you're hear to kill me? Yes i am,would you like you're death to be painfull and slow or qiuck and painless.

I choose neither,i looked behind me and looked at darren with a loveing smile.But if i do can we make it quick and painless.I turned around to Darren and looked at him again.I told him i loved him with all my heart.The battle will begin in 3,2,1.A bell rang and i felt pritty confident about fighting this thing.I was just like a kick boxing match minus the kick boxing.It grabbed me from time to time and smashed me against the barrier surrounding us.All i could hear and heal was Darren beating he wall harder and harder.I could tell the wall was connected to him because every tie Darren would hit it he looked weak.Darren keep hitting the wall.Darren hit the wall more and harder with every punch.The man grabbed my neck and started to squeeze it harder and harder.You faught me back so you're death will be slow and painfull.I gapsed for air but all their was,was nothing.I could feel my throat toching the opposite side of it.All of my oxygen was beig cut off,i started to black in and out but i held on.

I heard this loud noise on the outside of the barrier.It was like someone was sreaming but at a louder and high pitched sound.I looked around and saw the the wall starting to shatter.I man squeeze my tighter,till the wall broke.Darren jumps o the mans back and startes ripping himpeice from peice.I blacked out.Fara,Fara honey wake up.Don't die on me now,i need you.I felt him touch my face but i couldn't get to strenght to come back to life.I started to move closer and closer towards the light.I felt a force of air into my lungs.My heart tried to pump the air in my lungs but nothing.He kept on doing the heimlich maneuver.

My heart started to pump again and i felt air enter my lungs once more.I started to wake up and breath again.I opened my eyes and looked at him.Oh thank god,don't ever do that to me again Fara.I smiled a little bit at Darrens panicked expression on his face.I geuss i now know what youu're power is.he smiled at me,then kissed my forehead.Well you know you still didn't answer my question.Yeah i did,wait what question?Will you marry me?Can i answer that question when my head isn't throbbing and i actually understand whats going on.Sure,let me take you home.He picked me up and gave me a kiss.I was happy to go ome and take a nap because i knew that i'm going to wake up and that i'm going to wake up to see his face once more.To meit seemed like th heat skyrocketed.It went from about 95 degrees to 110 degrees,well thats how it felt to me.

I started to wake up and Darren was stareing out of the window.Can't sleep.No not really it's to hot,what are you looking at?Nothing just thinking about things.How long have i been asleep.I don't know maybe about five hours.What happened in the past six or seven hours.Well you were fighting this thing in side a barrier.This guy was chokeing the life out of you and i screamed to brake the barrier.Buy the time i got to you past out from lack of air.You scared me Fara.So is that what you're thinking about.Yeah pritty much.Darren 'm sorry to put you threw all of tis pain and torture like this.If i could chang anything i would.

Listen Fara the first time i met you i knew that you were a person with problems and a back story.And i have stuck with you this long right.Well yeah you have.So that should tell you know that i love you more than life it's self and i will fight for you till the day i die.Yes Darren,Yes.What do you mean yes.Well tink about what i'm saying yes to.I'll give you 30 seconds if you guess within the 30 seconds i'll give you a prize.If you don't guess within the 30 seconds i'll give a prize as well but that prize will be a little less awsome.The clock starts now!!!He stood thee looking at me with a puzzeled look on his face.He looked at me and his eyes started to widen with happiness.I noded to him an the next thing i knew was me being swung around in his arms.

Chapter 2 : Why Is She Hear

Fara you make me he happiest man in the world right now.And you make me feel like the most happiest women in the world evfery day of my life.So do i get my prize now?Well you did guess before the the 30 seconds ended so i guess you deserve a treat.I started to kiss him once then twice.I just kept on kissing him till he finally fell down on the bed.I sterted to kiss him more and more.I unbuttoned his his shirt and felt his hard chizzeled chest touch the bottom of my palms.

Fara please stop,i know what you wanna do and i can't risk hurting you.What do you mean by hurting me?I mean i don't think i can have relation with you without sinkng my teeth deep in youre jugular and draining you of all you're blood.Well i see you didn't leave out any details.But can we at least try an get to that part.No we can't,not until i know i can control myself.I think you can.Do you want you're present or not.I kissed him again and continued kissing.I kept on feeling his chest and then i kissed him on his neck.I kissed him harder and harder with more compation.He started to touch me as i was touching him.He held me tight in his arms and shifted me from on top of him to me being underneath him.He took my shirt off and i helped him get his pants off him.That slightly cool touch turned to an extremely told touch.

After a few minutes things got X rated.The feel him was extraordinarily great.Lady's of you really want a bad boy date a vampire.Eeven though his body is almost freezing cold i was stil hot.He held me closer to his body and i lost my breath a few times.Happiness was right there and i loved every second of it.Around five in the morning we both just lied there staring at each other.So what are we going to do today Darren.Well i don't know,what do you want to do?I don't know,ho about we go see you family to day.I wanna laugh at you're brother rickey.I have you're ring at home anyway.Does you're family know about this.No not yet,but knowing Maddie she might have said something bye now.What time is it?It's about 8:00 a.m why?just wondering.I gato go i'll see you later okay.

Sure but where are you going?Sarah wants to talk to me abou something major.Okay tell her and everyone else i said hi.I'll see you later at you're house okay.

I lied there for a few minutes.thinking about what happened how i'm soon to spend the rest of my life with him.I kept on replaying the word will you marry me in my head over and over again.But the future Mrs.Welsh was playing more.Mrs.Faraganda Illane Welsh,it kind has a ring to it but not much.Darren came back around 11.Fara you didn't get out of bed yet.I took a shower and started to think about things.Don't you still want to go and see rickey freak out.Yeah but i kinda don't want to leave this room and besides it's to hot to move.Okay i'll lie with you then,how does that sound.Well that sounds pretty good.He pulled me closer to him and it felt nice.He kissed me on my forehead and said llove you.

He kissed me more and more.He moved closer and closer to the door.I guess he was trying to motivate to get out of the bed and it worked.Okay fine i'll go,can you get me that white and red sundress out of my closet and those red flats as well please.Sure,what ever you want.Oh before i forget hears the ring i got you.It's beautifull Darren i love it.I's 24 carats.The ring was truely beautifull,it was a 24 carat sapphire dimond,it shined in the light.Darren i can't ecept this.It had to cost you a arm and a leg.No it was nothing you deserve every penny and besides no amount of money could compare to you're rarity and beauty.Thank you Darren this is the best gift anyones ever given me.I love you so much.

I got out of the bed and looked for another outfit to match the ring.I out this Dark blue dress with a pare of black shoes.Wow Fara you look amazing in that dress.Why thank you,you don't think it's a little to short on me.No you look fine and besides were just going to see my family.

Okay i'm ready,lets go see the family.I took hand.we walked till we got to the woods and then he pulled me into his arms and the next thingin know it that we were right there at the door step.Hey dude where's my pizza.Alex i told you i'm not going to get you a pizza.Hey Fara hows it been? It's been pritty good how about you? Well i really wanted a pizza but i gusse my brother doesn't care about me.And you did say you were going to pick me up a plickets pizza.What's a plickets pizza? It's a a vampires pizza,it has the bread cooked in animal blood.The sauce beeing blood and the cheese pig skin.So it's a vampires lovers pizza.Yeah comeon in.I was really looking foward to that pizza dude,you faild me.Okay Alex hears you're pizza.I waved my hand in a square motion of the shape of a box.I thaught for a few minutes and the box apeared.Hear you go Alex,you're vampire lovers pizza and a soda.What kinda soda is it? Its a blood with selzer water.Awsome my fave thanks Fara.I didn't know you were a witch.

Yeah i kinda got into the arts a while ago.Bro i like you're girlfriend alot more now.Yeah what ever.Hey every one i got the pizza and a soda on the side.Good i'm starving,whats up Fara.Nothing much rickey how about you.Same,about to enjoy some pizza do you want some?No thank you i like my food cooked and no blood in it.Oh yeah you're still a human.I think that was kinda a complement.No Darren a complement would me saying how hot she is in that dress.No thats a complement.Thank you Rickey,but you don't think it's a little to short on me.No it's just fine but i thik you would look even hotter if it was off.Okay Rickey you're going a lttle to far now.

Yeah rickey and besides you have a girlfriend anyway said a voice from the distance.Hi julie whats going on.Nothing much just hanging around.Rickey i didn't know you were dateing any one.Yeah,we've been dateing for about six hours now.Who is she? you'll see she's going to be hear in a few minutes.The door bell rang,everyone except Sarah,Saddie,Rickey and Darren had a look on there face like they were wondering who was at the door.Everyone hears Jenny.Yeah jenny's back,i was kinda hopeing nothing will make my perfect day go horribly wrong but seeing her face made a dream turn into a nightmare.Hi everyone i'm baaaaaccc... Her vice trailed off when she saw me in the room.Well i didn't think i would be seeing you hear Fara.

I thaught the same thing.So how have you been Fara.Fine,things are trying o kill me but fine how about you? Well my life has been fine,as you can see i've been dateing Rickey.I see that theirs awkward in the house right now so Fara you wanna go.Sure,i'm okay with that.Wiat before both of you go,Darren you never told me how you have been.Well ever since our brake up.I've been great,happy,excited ever since our brake up.So you're not haveing any second thaughts about us or her. Okay listen to me Jenny i'm sick of you trying to steal him away from me okay.Listen he doesn't want you any more.Well no one was asking you.She's right Jenny,you need to stop what you're doing.Fara is going to be my wife.You're going to marry her.

Yes he is and i would like it if you wouldn't come to our future wedding.What ever,Rickey i'm breaking up with.What whay Jenny?Because i really just wantded to see Darren.Okay so then bye.Really you're not upset about our brake up.No i bet Alex 20 bucks that you would brake up with me befor saturday because of Darren.So you bet on me and for 20 bucks.Yeah i did so Alex pay up.Yeah what ever,hear you go.Seeing the look on Jennys face was price less.She looked like she was going to throw a major hissy fit right then and there.You know what,screw you all.By Jenny don't come back,I'm sorry Fara i thaught Darren would warn you that she was comeing.Darren you knew she was comeing? Yeah kinda i thaught she would change.I for give you all.It felt great to see her act like that.You two ae getting married,how wonderfull.

Thanks Sarah,thanks eveyone.Fara i think i want to show you something.Sure i can't wait to see it.So rickey how do you feel about Darren going to marry Fara.I'm okay with it i'm just glad i don't have to see Jenny's face any more,she was a jerk.Yeah why do you think Darren left her for her.Yeah i guess you have a point,want to watch sports center.Sur i don't care.We don't know that yet.So Fara it's almost 8 o'clock.8 we've been hear for almost 7 hours.

You wanna go back to my apartment and watch,a movie or somehing.Fara i know that's not what you really want to do when we get their.Well then why don't you show me then what i really want to do.The beautifull thing about being a witch is that you really don't have to wait to get to were you want to go.I really thnk the best things witches crated was teleportaion.For the past 3 weeks where pretty much sweet heavenly bliss.I spent most of my tie with Darren and his family prepairing our future wedding.

Chapter 3 : Wake Up

So Ms.Faraganda Mackavie,what are you plannng to do all day tomorrow he said sarcasticly.Well i was thiking about going to the park,maybe go swimming.Ha ha very funny.Fara are you sure you want to go through with the wedding.You don't have to do this for my sake,i can wait.Darren i want to marry you,i want to be the new Mrs.Welsh.Your not getting cold feet because it's not to late to back out of this now.Darren you have been asking me that question for te past 2 days now.I just want to make sure you're doing what you really want to do.

Darren,shut up and hold me please.He grabbed me and pulled me closer to his body.We were quit for a good long minute.Darren..I.What is it Fara?I just want to know why you want to marry me?Fara i thought you understood why i like,no why i love you.Yeah thats it.I'm not like you,i'm human.Fara i love you for all those reasons and more.I love you with every single fiber of my being.

You make living worth living for.If you weren't in my life i wouldn't want to see another sun rise.Darren,thats exctly it i put you through hell all the time.I know that and thats also what makes me want to keep going.I will protect you till the end of time.You give me purpose every single day and night.

I have one more question for you.What is it?HOW DO YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY!!!Well i don't know about that,but i know how most people feel.I gave him one quick kiss and then it turned into two then three.But i didn't mind and i new he didn't either.I new after that second kiss things got more intense.He kissed me harder and i returned the same way.But i couldn't keep going i say something move in the corner of my eye.I pulled away from him and moved causiously towards the window.Darren looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

The shadow stood infront of my window with blood red eyes glowing in the shadows.Darren rushed to my side the second the creature apeard.

He walked slowly foward and pushed me back little by little.Fara when i tell you to run i want you to run okay.No if you're going to stay hear and fight so am i.The figure in the window looked at me and then at him.It's eyes arched and it growled at use.It showed it's bright white sharp teeth.I flinched at the sight of it and then looked at Darren.He didn't brake his gaze from the creature and the creature didn't brakes it's gaze from him.The creature arched it's self into a springing mood as i started to move back.The glass smashed and the best came running in.Darren leaped at the beast and i saw what it was.It had the shape of a man and it looked like a wolf.

I stood there in shock as my room was being torn to peices.I never thought werewolves existed till today.Well thats the same thing i thought about vampires as well.I started to come to and i saw Darren get thrown against a wall.Fara run i can't.I stood there staring at the beast with my fists full of nothing but fire.It bared it sharp teeth at me and lunged.I fought,i burned some of it's fur.Darren jumped on its back tring to choke it.Darren was thrown to the next room.I blinked for less than a second.I was pinned on the ground.It's eyes wen't from a blood red color to a pritty auburn color.

It looked at me with sad eyes and then bit me.AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!.Get off of her,it was a loud angry voice yelled from the distance.AAAAHHHHH,i screamed more and more.I moved back a proped my self against the neariest wall.I watched Darren throw the beast out of the window.It landed on it feet,stood up and stared at both of us.It looked at darren and it's eyes turned back red.He pulled his teeth out and snareled at him.It started to walk backwards very slowly.It's eyes went back to an auburn color when it looked at me.I put my hand on shoulder where the wolf have bitten me andstared at the blood.I looked the the wolf as my hand droped because of my loss of blood.It stared at me like it was sad for what it had done.I smiled at it sterted to pass out.I heard a loud howl.

Fara,fara wake up honey stay with me.I could hear the panick in his vioce.I opened my eyes to see his face one last time.I gave him a little smile.I felt his cold embrace around me.Don't worry Fara you'll be at the hospital in no time.I felt the rush of air him my face.Try and stay with me Fara don't give up on me.I tried to hold on to what was left of life.But it was like grabbing nothing but air.I felt the feel of a soft bed under me.I heard voices surounding me.I felt Darrens hard cool touch in my hand.

After about what i think was an hour of pain was over i felt Darren's hand again and small more unfamiliar voices surrounding me.Mr. welsh i have bad news for you.Yes doctor is She going to be alright.We think so,her vitalls are fine.But i'm sorry to tell you Darren that she is in a coma.I could feel his face on mine.No i can't be in a coma.I feel fine.I wanted to yell i'm fine rapeddidly but my mouth wouldn't move a muscle.I look around and it was dark.I saw something in the distance whearing a white outfit.Welcome Ms. Mackavie.Welcome were,were am i.I knw you must have many question for me but i will try to answer most them if i can.My name is Stacy Aini and this is Inner Thoughts.Okay,what the hell is Inner Thouhts?Well to specific were in you're mind.

Chapter 4 : I'M A Fighter

The werewolf that bit you was sent by the witches to carry a specific disease or spell to obsorbe into you're blood and slip you into a coma.

The only way you will wake up is that you fight the watchoo.Okay so now i guess you want to know what a watchoo.Damn skippyi do.Well the watchoo is a demon like figure that kills those in a coma.The only way for you to wake up it for you to kill it.If you die hear you die in real life.So then what are you hear for then?I'm hear to help and to train you.To you except my help,if not i guarantee you will see,touch,smell or hear Darren never again.Can you live with your self if that ever happened Fara.I turned back around and listened to the voices around me.I felt something cold touch my forhead and then it touched my hand.Come on Fara you got to fight this.I can't loose you,not to day not ever.My eyes teared up and then i started to cry.I felt his fingers wipe away a tear on my face.I wish i could have helt his hand.Okay i accept the challenge that watchoo has offered.

She raised her hand out to me and in it was a blue button.Press the button and we will start your training. I pressed the button and a bright light blue flash filled the room.You are now in the training facility and this is were you will train.You are hear for one thing and one thing only.And what is that?You are hear to win the battle,to defeat the watchoo.I looked around and to most people would probubly say that this place was the ultimate home gym.Stacy do i really need to train,besides i have magic on my side.I'm sorry Fara but in your mind you have no magical powers of any kind.Damn it,kay so what do we do first with my training.

Were going to start you off with the punching bag.I was traing so long it felt like weeks of training.I punched,kicked the bag.Then i fought a martial arts fighter to determin if i was ready.I did judo,karate every form of martial arts fighting.Darren made me more and more determined to fight to brake this evil spell.Every day he was right beside me,waiting for me to open my eyes.Fara you are ready to face he watchoo.You are the watchoo ninja.She took me were all of the weapons were.There were sords,granades,guns,ninja stars.Pretty much any known weapong known to man was there.She gave me everything a ninja would need to fight anything or beast..She took my hand and coaxed me towards the door.I opened it and i saw i was in a hospital.

I looked all around and there was darren holding my hand stareing at me.My heart started to pound in my chest and it showed up on the moniter.I touched his face and i whisperd to him " I won't stop fighting for you".He turned his head in my direction as if he heard what i was saying. I touched his smooth cool face,from the distance a little high pitched voice called my name.Fara we must hurry the beast will soon be near.I looked at her and then looked back at him.i blew him a kiss goodbye and ran towards Stacy.You must go back to were it all began.I stared at her with the look of confusion.The house was where you were bitten and that is where you must go to end the watchoo.

I walked out of hospital and ran towards my apartment.I walked in the beat up apartment and looked around.I saw the wall that Darren was thrown into.As i moved closer and closer towards my room the wether got colder and colder.My heart started to beat slower.As my heart rate slowed i could hear Darren's breathing get rougher.I wondered what was going on but i really didn't pay it much attention.I walked towards my room.In the shaodows stood the black and red figure with bright fire red eyes.It spoke in this dark beep voice "You have come a long way Fara.I have been sent by the witches to kill you.I will make you a deal if i make you tap out in this ring three times then you will die and i will send your soul to the witches."Yeah and what if i win.Ha if you win i will let you live,go back to you're world and leave you alone forever.But there really no chance of you leaving hear alive.Okay watchoo i except your challenge,what are the three events.The first event is kick boxing,the second event is called tap-out and the third event called armed weapons.

So where is the ring.The watchoo pointed towards the center of the room,then a black swirling vortex.A bright flash went of and in an instant second a caged ring apeared.I stepped in the ring and i saw the monster up close.He was as a little less scare but i was still afraid.The first challenge was kick boxing an i new i was going to wit that hands down.The rules are simple Faraganda.The first person knocked down for longer that ten seconds you loose this round. The bell rang and thats when i new i can't loose.I punched and kicked the watchoo but it seemed like nothing had even touched him.Then the watchoo punched me in my stomache and then my face.I felt every bit of it.I fell to the mat a few times but i kept focusing on Darren voice asking me to keep fighting and not to give up and i did just that.I used ti chi and focused all of my energy and anger towards my punches and my kicks.

And that was when i saw a few bruises apear on it's face.Your love for this creature is strong Fara.I have someone who loves me and i'm not giving that up.The more and more it talk the energy i felt and i found out it wasn't energy at all ,it was love.My love for him made me stronger.I did a spin around kick and i swair i herd his jack brake as soon as my foot had contact with his face.He fell to the ground.The ref started counting "1,2,3.....9,10".The winner and new champ Faragand Mackavie. The watchoo stayed down for a few minutes.We moved to the second round and i saw more fire in it's eyes.He was mad and i didn't care i was going to get out of hear and see my future husband again and huge him.In this round you must make you opponent tap out 3 times.I looked at him with confident eyes.

He growled at me and beared his teeth at me like he was going to win.I smiled at him.The ref blew his wistle and the watchoo came charging at me.He slmost pinned me till i got him into a head lock.He tapped out once and then twice.But i know this time wasn't going to be easy as the rest of the tiimes.He pinned me down on the ground.Tap out girly your never going to win.I listend and heard Darren still sitting there in the room waiting for me to wake up.I didn't care i would rather have every bone in my body broken in this ring than have Darren go through the torture of seeing me in a coffin dead and never comeing back to life.I closed my eyes and lifted my self off of the mat.I lunged back ward and smashed hin into the metal cage.As soon as it let go of me i twirled around and put him into a head lock.He didn't want to tap out but i just tightened and tightened it.His read and black fce started to get lighter and lighter.As i helt kept him in the chokehold i started to breath a lot less easier.Then he finally taped out.

You have beaten me in the first two rounds and i will admitt that you are a worth opponet.But i have a trick up my sleeve.Have you noticed your breathing getting slower and and that it's getting harder to take in oxygen.Yeah what did you do to me.My pressece make you're hart beat less and less to your very last breath.So the lllonger i'm near you the less i breath.I could barely breath any more and i just kept on tring.I i tried to listen back to what was going on with Darren.Hey doctor is she doing any better.I'm sorry to tell you Darren but her heart rate is droping every second.At this rate she might die by tonight.No she can't dieshe won't.I could hear the pain and dispear in his voice and i started to cry again.Doctor is their something that you can do to bring her rate back up.No nothing we just have to hope for the best.

See in a few minutes you minutes you will die.Stop the talking and lets get to the final round.He smiled at me for a quick second.Okay in the final round one of us must die.The last person alive wins.Wasit why didn't we have this in the beginnging.Hello,because i have an advantage of you're death happening real soon.choose your weapon.I choose my two favorites and they were the samuria sords.They were sharp,long,black.What is your weapon watchoo.I choose my sharp claws and teeth.He bared his teeth and showed his long sharp claws.The ref blew the wistle and the animal in him really came out.I could feel darrens hand squeezing me a little everytime my heart rate dropped.I took in a deep breath and let the air run threw my veins.I lunged into the air and so did he.He scratched my right arm a couple of times.If i was in the real would i probubly would have blead to death from the scratches.I didn't realize how sharp his claws were till he scratched me.

I got serious after almost haveing my arm ripped out of my socket.I went full samuria on him.I did backflips,cart wheels,frontflits and bounced off walls.I cut one of his arms off so he couldn't scratch me but that didn't stop him.I just want to warn you girl i never lose.A lot of talk for someone who lost two rounds in a row.I started to realize what he was doing.The more i talked the more oxygen i used up.I could feel my heart beat slow little by little.I can hear your heart slow,in a matter of minutes.I closed my eyes took another deep breath in.Since you getto cheat at this game then so do i.One thing i do know about demons from watching t.v shows and movies is that they don't play fare.

Chapter 5 :I'm Coming Back

I did a back flip into the air.AAAAHHHHHH,i can't move,why can't i move?You can't move because i shot poison drenched ninja stars into your spinal colum.He squirmed on the ground tring to move any muscle in his body or bone.So what are you waiting for kill me already.One sord went through his spine like butter and te other went through his neck like butter.His blood trickeled down my sord like rain drops had landed on it's shiny smooth surface.The body turned blue and disintergrated into nothing but ash.Good job Faraganda you have completed your mission and now you must return to back to the sanctome of Inner Thoghts.Thats the only way you will wake up again.But you must hurry your heart rate is dropping to a critical level.

My mind was racing with excitement while my heart was slowing more and more.I finally got to the hospital and saw his panicked expression on his face.Doctors apon doctors surounding me,tring to get my heart rate back up.The shocked me a few times and all it did was pull most of the air i was saving.Darren,i pleeded that he would hear at least ans ounce of my voice.I started to yell his name "DARREN".He turned his head towards my direction.The third time they shocked me i i fell to the ground.I put myhand on his face and stared at him.He touched his cheek and gave me a little smile.

I got to my feet and whispered to him to make them stop. Stop,please stop your hurting her.Darren were tring to save her.No she's coming back.give her some more time.Darren,at the rate her heart is droping she'll be dead in a few minutes.

Fara let me help you.Stacey,thank you for everything you have done.She helped me back into my mind.It was dark for a few minutes and i heard the heart monitor go slower and slower.Come on Fara don't stop fighting,please i need you.The monitor went silient and everything went black.I kept pushing.(Beep,beep,beep).Fara,i heard someone call my name at my side.I opened my eyes and bright floresent lights blinded me.I blinked a few times and say his face.My face filled with joy and happiness.To see him another time once again.Fara,your awake.He smiled at me and looked at me as if light shined on his dark abiss.He touched my forhead and then cradeled the side of my face like a frajile egg.

The cool tuch of him didn't make me flinch anymore like i use to.I was just happy to feel him once more.I wanted to jump out of the bed and just hold him for hours apoun hours.Darren family came a few times when i was finally awake to hi and to see if i was fine.The sight of them made me happy as well,knowing i'm going to have a familyonce more and that i think most of them loved me but i didn't care.It's been about almost a month of being cooped up in a hospital with a bunch on needles and tubs sticking in and out of my skin.It felt kinda nice to lye in my very own bed and watch some good t.v.My apartment looked alot better than how it did before.

My broken,beat up walls were repaired and looke exactly the way the did before.The medacation the doctor gave me made me always want to sleep and pucke.Darrens cool touch kinda drove most of those feelings away.

Some of the times i would wake up in a panick becuse of these terible nightmares that filled my mind.Some of the times i drempt of the watchoo comeing back and tring to kill Darren of me.Other times it was just of the witches chaining me to a wall and makeing me watch all of those i love.Seeing Darren being tortured,pulled to peices,burning him or any other unthinkable torture that they could think of.Seeing the one you love more than anything in the world die right in front of you.

My birthday was tomorrow and i really don't want to celebrate anything that has to do with me.My birth brought nothing but pain and death to those i loved and i was not okay with that.Every year on my birthday a symbol wold apear on my skin and it would just shine like the afternoon sun.I didn't know what those symbols ment or why they were there in the first place.Some of the symbols looked like chinese writing and others looked like different langueges form of writing. (BEEP,BEEP,BEEP)thanks alarm clock,twelve a.m and i know it's soon going to start.But how do i hide it from him,how do i hide the bright symbol on my body that says look at me because of it's brightness.Fara what wrong,are you feeling sick again.No i'm fine,my head is just pounding.Fara what is that light coming from your stomach.There it goes,that shine i can't explain if my life depended on it.

I have to go.I tried to get out of the bed but there was this sharp pain in my stomach.A pain so bad it made ten thousand nails being shoved in your eyes feel like a walk in the park.My body started to jerk me side to side and then up and down.To me it felt like i was going threw an exercisim and it wasn't going to come out of me.Darren helt my jerking body down on to the bed.After a few minutes the pain went away and so did the jerking.Fara your not telling me much and that driving me insane right about now.I don't know what to tell you Darren,i can't explain it my self.But i can try,Ever since i was a little kid i always had these glowing symbols apear on my skin.they got longer the older i got.I never desided to look them up for there mean because i was afraid to find it out.

They got longer what do you mean?I stood up and turned on the light there all these symbols circling my body.some of them moved around and around.Others stood still.I watched his eyes stare at naked body in aw.Can you please say something.The one on my stomache started to glow a little bit and so did the rest.I don't what to say about any of this.But i know what it says on your stomach.I looked down and th symbols on my stomach said this それは時間です。.What does it mean Darren?It's japanese it means " It is Time".

Time for what? I don't know i thought you did.We stared at each other for a few minutes.I looked at the clock and it was one a.m.I started to feel sleepy,so i went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face.I put on the dress i was wearing earlier and tried to go back to sleep.The writing on my body shined again,but brighter.The pain returned,i tried not to scream but i couldn't hold it in.

The letters started to circle all around my body.They circled faster and faster.I felt my self riseing out of the bed.The writeing went from a bright yellow to a dark shade of red.The dress started to burn off of me.The red writing blazed like fire on top on my skin.He touched my skin and smotherd some of the flames.I fell to the ground.My heart stopped beating.I was no longer in controll.

Chapter 6 : She Is Argons Vessel

Fara are you okay?Who are you?Fara it's me Darren,are you okay.Don't touch me human or..What are you exactly?Fara you are scaring me right now,are you okay.I don't ask twice,things twice what are you?I'm a vampire,you know all of this already.Yes,i see or feel that this body has a liking to you Darren.Fara,are you tring to be funny because your sort of scaring me right now. I am not the one you call Fara.My name is Stacey Aini,a fallower to master Argon.Were is Fara,what have you done to her?You feelings for this girl are grave.She is fine,she is locked in a room with her most favorite memories of you two.

let her go Stacy,she didn't ask for any oth this to happen to her.She didn't need to ask to be argons vessel.she was choosen since she was born.Argon picked her to be her vessel,her helper towards greatness.Today is the day that Argon will be freed from her inprisonmnet and destroy the world to create a new one.Today is the day when the planets a line and her blood will open the portal.A world of demons,vampire and so many more to live freely in this world.The ultimate army of evil.No,i won't let you harm anyone or anything.You a souless creature,a demon should want your freedom from these humans who want use dead. I don't care.Uggghhhh,gety your hands off of me.No.sorry sweety but i got to do this.Everything went black.Everything disapeared,well he dissapeared.

I looked around and all i found was grey walls and a black door.I kept on kicking the door.It didn't buje at first but i just kept on kicking.Dooor fell with a large boom.Hello,is any body there?My voice just echoed off the walls and down the hall. Okay Fara it's time to use some of those girl scout sessions to good use right about now.I focused my hearing.Tilted my head to the right and then to the left.Nothing no sound at all.Guess i'm jusy relieing on my gut now.

I guess i'm going right then.I started to walk down a long narow hall.there were three doors.I opened each of the doors had nothing but films of him.the other had the memories of those i seen die right in front of me and in that room was another door.I Went in and say the day my parents die right before my eyes again and again.Eye cried at the sight of my parents.I saw a moment that i repressed so far in the back of my mind that just kept reapearing.I got to the door and i heard a small voice crying behind it.I opened it and i saw the prettiest little girl i could ever emagine.She had smooth brown hair,pritty light brown eyes.A smile that could light up a room.Please don't hurt me i'll be good,she cried as she looked up at me.

Hey who wants to hurt you?The mean lady who should not be hear.Okay whats you name sweetie?Sophia,my name is sophia.He little voice was soft.Well Sophie can you show me were the mean lady is.I'm sorry but i can't,she is very strong and she will hurt me.Well Sophia as long as i'm hear i promise you that know one will hurt you.

Do you promise if i show you where she is i will be safe.Yes,i will protect you like you are my own child.Thank you but what is your name?My name is faraganda,but people call me Fara for short.I like your name Fara a lot better.It sounder very very pretty.she took my hand,she felt so very cold.But there was a slight bit of warmth to her touch.She took me down a hall and then we went through a few doors.As we started to get closer and closer.

I heard an angry voice yelling.Thats the mean lady,she's in there.But there was another voice in ther besides the angry womens.It sounded Dark and muffeled.Why is this body not in the circle by now Stacy.I must be freed from my dark hole.This boy has tied the vessel in chains and now i can't move.

Who is this boy you speak of Stacy.His name is Darren and he has deep feelings for the body you are trying to inhabit.You know this is the only day for the next tenthousand years.I know master i'm am tring.TRy harder we only have three more hours till the day of her birth is up and if her's is up.Then mine is up as well.Okay Sophia i want to go to that corner and hide.I thought you were going to protect me.I am and i think the safest way for me to do thai is for you to hide.When everything is good and okay iwll come and get you.I gave her a hug and i kiss on her forehead.I ran down the hall towards the weapon room.Grabed my old friends,the sords that helped me escape a coma.

I know it's kinda stupid to name you're tools but i name my right sord lilly and my left one splice.I know there kinda lame names but i like them.I went back to the voices were.I walked in looking at Stacy trying to gain control of my body once again.

Stacy,what the hell are you doing hear.I'm hear to free the master.I pulled out my sords,what master?Me,in th shado stood a tall red flameing girl figure.I am the all might shall bow at the sight of me.Na i don't bow to monsters.First of all i'm not a monster,i am demon and you will respect me.The figure helt outs it hand and three drops of blodfell from it's hand.I stared at the blood sitting on the ground.The blood started to bubble then it rose from th ground.Minions atack her,make her see the price of disobediance.The demons looked like frankenstein and the locknest monster had kids.Bring it on,i need to work outmy anger anyway.Kicking there ugly butts was mad fun.Okay who's next,they started comeing by fives and then tens.Finally a real challenge apeard before me.Stacy,the chick that trained me to be what i am now is going to fight me.If you give up now Fara you and Darren will live when the world is going to be over run.

Stacy you can go to hell.Please i'm already their and i don't plan on going back.She wipped out her arms and they just shifted into blades.Isn't this in every karate movie ever made.What?The teacher must fight the student or the other way around.Well you must know how they end then.Yeah two people enter and one person leaves.Fara i promise you won't leave hear alive.

My sords cut some of her arms off but they just kept on growing back.I tryied to get her head.She cut my arm a few time but i didn't pay much attention.I saw her lick the blood that was on her blades.As soon as she did that all harm tht i caused to her just disapeared.Stacy hurry up time is almost up.I tought you well Fara.Yeah i guess you have.She did a spin around kick and kicked me into the wall.she picked me up by my throat and through me to the other side of the room.She grabbed my throat again and squeezed my throat tighter and tighter.Leave Fara alone you big bully said a small voice from the corner of the room.

Look at the little squirt,i thought i killed you.No leave my Fara alone.She pulled out these three ninja stars and threw them at her.Two of them went through her arms and cut them clean off.I tumbled,roled and grabed my sword.Before she could regenerate new ones,i threw my sord and it went straight threw her skull.I did good at chooseing you as my vessil Fara.We will meet again on day soon.I will be freed from my imprisonment.I will be ready for you Argon when that time comes.She smiled an evil smile and flashed out.Come hear little one,i held out my arms as she ran towards me.I hugged her for a few minutes.Thank you so much sophia.I love you Fara and i can't stand to see you get hurt.I love you very much all ready.I have seen all your memories and i feel really sad for you.

But i hope i can replace you're sadness with happiness.I looked at her with tears in my eyes and a shocked but happy smile on my face.Fara why are you crying.She wiped a few tears from my face.I'm crying because i'm so happy to see old are you?I really don't know,what age do i look like.You look like a healthy five year old.You have to go Fara,Darren really wants to see the real you again.I promise you,you will see me again.I kissed her on her forehead and gave her a hug.

Chapter 7 : My Little Sophia

I started to wake up.I noticed that my body was chaineddown and against one of the beams in my house.My head was punding like someone hit it with a hammer a few times.Darren,Darren whats going on. He appeared infront of me in less than a second.Fara is that you,is that really you?Yeah honey,i'm back and hear to stay hopefully.He kissed me and it felt like a thousand angles had graced me with their beautifull presence.Fara it really is you,He broke the chains away from me and grabbed me in his arms.i squeze him tightly but lovingly to me.I kissed him more and more.Me being gone for at least a day created more love in our kiss.I felt the feircness of his lips press against mine.

My birthday was wasted fighting.But i didn't care about any of that.I just cared about being with Darren again and that beautiful little girl that was some where in my mind.Fara whats wrong?I don't know,i don't so good.I rushed to the bathroom with the sudden erge to pucke.But i didn't know why.i was fine a minute ago and now i'm hear.Darren was right behind me holding my hair.I didn't want him to see me like this,but there wasn't much i could do i was weak to speak or move.After i was done i felt Darren craddle me and place me jentley on the bed.His cool fingers touched my warm and clamy face.My stomache started to growl.I moved slowly out of the bed and he helped me move towards the kitchen.He sat me down on a stool in the kichten.What do you want to eat?I don't know,anything that will stop my stomache from gowling like a crazed lion.

Okay then,how about some eggs.No i don't want eggs how about something with cheese.You want something with cheese?Yeah,don't give me that look.What look?The okay strange lady look.I do not have a look like that.Yeah you do Darren.He went into the fridge and pulled out some chedder cheese.He looked around and went cabinet to cabinet.Ah ha bread,why do you put your bread in the cabinet with your soups.Beacuse i eat most soups with bread Daah.Okay Fara i know i don't eat much but i know that thats weird.What do you mean you don't eat at all and will you just make my food please and stop critsizing my ways.Sure,what ever you say.The smell of the cheese melting in with the bread filled the house with it's wonderfull fragrance.

He slip the cheese sandwich onto a plate ans slid it to me.I was to hungry to let the hot grilled cheese cool,i started to scarf it down.It burned my throat but i didn't care.Wow you really are hungry,do you want me to make you something else?Yeah i'll take some hash browns,another grilled cheese and maybe some oatmeal please.He smiled at me and then gave me a kiss.Come in right up.Okay how do you know how to cook?Since i saw my mom and my dad cook breakfast,lunch and dinner.Oh and plus the help of food network.

He wirled around the kitchen like a tornado.Finding supplies,getting plates and bowls.I'f it wasn't for his cold touch and his supper fast speeS.I would have never guessed he was anything but human..Hear you go,hash brown,grilled cheese and oatmeal.Thank you,very much.He watched me eat every last bit of the didshes he cooked.The oatmeal tastes great,what in it?Well it's and old family recipe and i don't think i should tell you.Oh come on i'm soon to be family.Well i'll just tell you that it includes sea salt.Wait you put sea salt into the oatmeal.Yeah it brings out the natural flavors of the oats and the rest of the spices.He kissed my on my forhead and then rushed past me.Were are you off to?Well your not the only one who go to eat ya know.Okay see ya later then.

Breakfast in the afternoon,that how i liked my food.During a diffeent time period.To me that just made food better.Darren was gone a few hours but i didn't mind.After i ate i cleaned the house.I dusted,vacumed,did the laundry and more.I started to get this pain in my abdamine.I pain didn't feel to bad.It felt like someone pinched me ten times and held each pinch for 2 seconds while squeezing.It went away and came back a few times.The pain started to increse and then decresed.Ahhh,i yelled.The pain felt unberable.I yelled,but know one came.I sat in pain on the floor for a few minutes.I felt a cool touch at my side.Fara whats wrong?My stomache there's sharp pain.

Hold on Fara i'm gunna get you some help.I closed my eyes and imagined my happy place.No pain,just me and Darren on a beach watching the sun set and rise.I must have fell asleep becuse i was in a hospital bed.Darren was sitting in the chair next to me.He sleepy head,how do you feel.Fine,a little hungry.He smiled at me,moved a peice of hair out of my face and then kissed me tenderly.Well Mr.Darren Welsh and soon to be Mrs.Faraganda Welsh.Welcome back.I think i see you two in hear so much i might as well give you two a permanent room.Doctor Khan how have you been since we last saw you.

I've been great,i just did open heart surgery last week.How have you two been?Were doing good compared to the stuff thats been happening.

It's nice to finally meet you Fara,I've heard so many wonderfull things about you.Nice to meet you Doctor Khan.Please call me Fredrick or Mr.Khan,it's really your choice.Fara Mr.Khan is our top vampire/human doctor hear.I didn't know vampires need doctors.Well most of the times we don't but once we start the change human to vampire we need alittle bit of help.So doc,what going on with me,why am i in so much pain.Well i have good news for the both of you.Fara Your what looks to be three moths pregnant.I gaint smile filled my face,while Darren face looked at me and then my stomach.I will leave you two to decide what you want to do.

Darren what does he mean what we want to do,weir keeping this baby aren't we.Fara lets at least talk about this please.Talk about what!!I saw the look of worry ment in his eyes ever since the doctor said i was pregnant.Fara,i don't want you to get hurt.This monster inside you can kill you.I'm not giving up our daughter.Darren i've seen our little girl.Girl,how do you know it's a girl.Remember a few day on my birthday.yeah,when i had to chain you up.Well there was a beautiful little girl there.Hideing in a closet with most of my sad memories afraid.Any way if it wasn't for her i would be talking to you.All you would see is a dead lifeless body.Our little girl saved our life and i know she loves me already.

He smiled at me.But his smile disapeared as quickly as it came.Fara,please i can't see you go through the pain.I've seen to much of it and don't think i can stand it when i'm not the one who caused it.Please Darren,if you truely love me,then don't make me give up this baby.I stared at him as tears started to go down the side of my face.He wiped the tears from my face.I grabbed his hand and kissed it.He rturned with a kiss on my forhead.Well have you two decided what to do.

Were keeping this baby.Well that another thing i have to talk to you two about.your having twins,the doctor stared at our shocked faces for a few minutes.I guess i'll give you to more time to talk about this.No doc,we reach a dission and were keeping them both.

So doc are they boys or girls.Your haveing twin girls.So doctor how long does a pregnancy like this last?Well it all depends some times you have three more months and others maaybe five.In your case i give you four more months.Darren,when she starts contracting i want you to call me right away okay.Yes doctor.Oh and when the baby doesn't keep down normal food i want you to call me as well.Thank you doctor.After we left the hospital it was silent for a while.He didn't say anything,but look on his face said a lot.I knew he really didn't want me to go through the pain and the torture.But come on,i'm going to be carring two wonderfull mimi hims inside of me.We still didn't know what to name the second one.I broke the silence with one little word,Sapphire.He looked up at me as if he didn't know what was going on.Fara are you sure you want to go through with this.

It was almost three a.m and i couldn't sleep at all.Waking up regurgatating and then the pain.AH,Ohh.Fara what wrong?The pain came back again.I'm fine.

Chapter 8:Finally Mrs.Welsh

Two more day till the wedding.How do you feel about that?Well i would feel better if i didn't have to have my drees altered to fit these twins.He put his hand on my stomach.He smiled at me when he felt them kick his hand.I love you and these twins so very much.I love you to more than anyone has ever loved anyone or thing before.He helt me in his arms.I just felt safer when he helt me. felt like my world was complete.Wedding day and i didn't know what to expect.Seeing strangers who are soon to be my family.Thinking about most of the beautiful vampire girls who dated or at least tryed to day Darren when i didn't exist.But i tried not to think about then becuse i was going to be the one with Darren forever and nothing is going to change that.

Hey Sarah,Maddie and Julie.Thank you for being my brides maids.Your welcome Fara what are sisters for.Each on of them hugged me and then felt my stomache.How long are you Faraganda said Julie.Well a normal prenancy,I'm suppose to be two and a half months.But with this pregnancy i'm five anda half months along and growing.Sarah And maddie smiled at the feel of the twins kicking.

It was three hour till the wedding and my new relatives were driving up.The wedding was helt in the back yard of Darrens family's house.Fara it's show time.Jullie played with my make-up a little bit.Gave me more blush.We kept some of the wedding tradition true.I had Darrens monther,his real mothers necklace on wich was something old.A brand new wedding dress and two new baby twins about to be born,wich symbolized something new.For something borrowed we used my new family's back yard.Last but not least i had Darrens ring for something blue.The music started to play.I saw each of my new sisters walk down the stairs and then down the ile.I started to tear up at the thought of not haveing my real father walk me down the ile.

Darrens father Rodrick walked me down to wair my husband stood at the alter.He smiled at me when he say me coming.I blushed a little bit when he smiled at me.Darren took my hand and then touched my face.To me it felt like my world had stopped for a few minutes.But i zoned back when the priest asked me "Do you take this man to be you'r lofilly wedding wife as long as you both shall live?I smiled at the thought uf use living together forever.I do.He smiled at me a little bit and then it was his turn.He said "I do" with so much cheer.When the priest finally said you may kiss the bride,To me it felt like we couldn't get our lips together fast enough.

The crowd clapped,some people cried.I didn't realize i was crying until he wiped a tear falling down the side of my cheek.Darren kissed me one more time and led me to the back yard.I danced a few times with him and then with my new family.I think Alex enjoyed his dance a little too much.People said there hello and felt the two wonderful children i was carring inside me.After about three hour i new it was time for get out of hear.People said good bye to both of us.I met some of the people who had a thing for Darren and i have to admit at first i felt threatend by their beauty.But it went away.

Me and Darren got in the car and i waved good by to everyone with a smile.I woundered where Darren was going to take me for our honeymoon.But i did know there wasn't going to be much of my honey and his moon?Where are you takeing me?You'll se soon enough Mrs.Welsh.All i can say is that i love my new name.Weir hear.Okay,i looked at him as a pulled into a long narrow drive way.Weir are we exactly Darren.Well i thought since weir haveing two baby girls,we needed more room.Yeah and....I bought use a house.My eyes stared in shock as he watched me.He drove up to the house.It was beautiful.The house looked like a mini massion.It was larg,plenty of windows.Do you like it?Yes,i love it.I felt the twins kick a few times.I think they love it to.He smiled and placed his hand on my stomach.

I yawned for a moment.I know that yawn,it's time for bed.He parked the car in the garage and carried me.Through the house up to the bed room.Hear you go honey,you need you're rest.The bed felt soft and warm.The pillows fet like clouds aginst my head.Good night Mrs.Faraganda Welsh.I smiled at the sound of my new name ad kissed him good night. People who say that married life isn't all it's cracked up to be are lieing.Because if your with the one you truely love then it will be better than you could possible imagine.Morning came and the light shined through the windows.I laid my right hand on my stomache and felt my two babies move around inside of me.His hand followed mine a few seconds later.Well good morning sleepy head.

What time is it?Oh it's about one in the aternoon.Wow,i proped my self up against the pillow i was sleeping on.I looked around at the room.Most of the things at were in my room and the apartment where hear.Everything in th room went with everything else.The wall colors to the chairs,the chairs to the tables and then the tables to the lamps.It all was just beautiful.Do you like the room?It's beautful,but is tha my lamp from the apartment?Yeah most of the things in the apartment i moved hear.I can't wait for you to see the rest of the house.

Honey can you ge me some water please,i'm kinda thirsty.Sure,he flashed out of the room and then back in.Hear you go,somehing to quench your thirst.He handed me this red liquid.I don't want kool-aid,i kinda wanted water or some milk.Trust me,this will deal with that thirst.I started to drink the red liquid and it tasted nice.The burn in my throat started to disapear.This is good,what is this?Don't freak out okay.Yeah,sure,what ever.You drinking blood.Normally if someone would have giving me blood i probubly would have puked it up and freaked out.But thinking about it and and feeling the kids kick me,i couldn't be mad.Besides it tasted pritty good.

Can i have some more please.Sure,coming right up.He flashe out.I looked out the window on my left.The house was posissioned so nicely that it over looked the moutains and the trees.I walked towards the window and saw the tree's,the moutains,the roads and some of the city.It's beautiful isn't it,he handed me a cup and wrapped his arm around me.Thank you and yes it's beautiful.I thought you would like house with a veiw.Do you want to see the twins room?Yeah,i can't wait.He took my hand and guided me down the hallway.Their were two doors at the end of the halway one door was named Sophia in sparkeled letters.Then the other door had the name Sapphire also in sparkeled letters.

I opened and walked through the door that said Sophia.The room was a light shade of pink.There was a little crib.The room had shelves with a few books on them.I was amazed by how wonderful it looked.I saw a second door.That door leads directly to Sapphires room.I walked through it.The room was almost the same way.The wall was a light shade of yellow,shelves with a few books on them.I started to cry a little bit.Do you think they will love it.I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach.They started to kick a little bit more than normal.Yes i think they'll love it.He smiled at me and then gave me a hug.I had a soon to be family and i couldn't wait.

My stomache started to growl and rummble.I'll make you some lunch,what do you want?I don't know something good suprise me.He kissed me and then vanished.I went back to our room and took a nice long shower.I went to the closet to find something for me to wair.I walked down the hall and followed the smell of eggs and bacon.I looked threw the house,seeing some of the rooms.I saw the living room and i was beautiful.White table.T.v and a fire place.I walked to through the room towards the kitchen when i saw Darren sliding food onto plates.Wow,all i can say is wow.He smiled at me and then chuckeled a little bit.

So i take it that you like the house then.Like it i love it.It's so big open and vibrant.Every thing in each room goes with with each other.Well i guess i should call my sisters and my mother so you can thank them.They did all of this.Yeah,i halped a little bit though.I'm sure you did.I flashed him a sarcstic smile and looked away.Ha ha,very funny.What,i just don't see you as the decorative type.

What every,i made you some oatmeal,an omlet,bacon.I didn't know what you want to drink so..Okay i'll have some milk please.Sure.The Way Darren cooked i thought i had my own private chef cooking for me.Hey i i always wondered why theyspelt the word chef with a ch.Why not spell it with a sh.When your in kindergarten you your abc's and that each letter says to sound like A it sounds like Ah and Ey.Are you seriously talking about letters and sounds and how they should be prononced and spelt.Why yes i am.I'm random like that thank you very much.I know and thats another thing i love about you.

Yeah yeah,i know.Ah.What whats going on.I think my water just broke.I'm about have these kids.

Chapter 9:Giving Birth Is A Bitch

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!.The pain was agonizing.It felt like somone was braking every bone in my body slowly.Then they tried to ground me into dust.I felt my ribs brake,my spine snap.My pelvis shatter like glass.Hold on Fara,I got you.He picked me up off the floor and carried me into this dark grey room.It looked like a miniature hospital set up in my own house.He laid me on the bed and stuck a neddle in me.I felt the kids thrashing on my stomach.I heard a sudden voice call from the hall way.Darren answered back.

She's in hear.Okay Darren i'm really gonna need you're help hear.Yeah okay doc what ever you need me to do i'll do it.Fara do you think you can push?I looked at him,Yeah i think i can.I started to push,It felt like hell but i kept on trying.Okay fara you can stop now.What the matter doctor,Why did you stop her from pushing?I think the placents had hardened,we have to move quickly.Why?Becuse if we don't hurry then the baby could possible sofacate.I looked at them both scared.Can you give her some morphine and some anesthesia.He put the mask on my face,in minutes i felt the anesthesia working.I barely felt him stick the needdle in my body and pump this fluid into me.

I felt the sharp knife cut into my skin,I screamed a little bit,but i tried not to.I knew that Darren didn't want to see me like this.In all this pain.Being ripped and cut open like a peice of meat.I jerked a little bit But something helt me down.I stared up at the seeling,i saw a grey figure above me.It's going to be just fine Fara,we'll get through this together,Forever.The sound of the word forever made me smile,that was the last thing i heard for a while.

I started to awake to this burning feeling in my skin.It felt like some one was holding a lit lighter under my skin.I felt the pain burning and scortching me.I looked around and i wasn't on fire.Since i just went the the pain of child birth it didn't hurt the same amount.But it was pretty damn close to it.Pain and the bin started to receed.My skin felt warm again.I felt a warm touch on my forhead.I opened my eyes in wonder of who was touching me.Hey.My eyes focused on the face stairing at me.I jumped off the bed and next to the wall and crouched,ready to atack.I examined the figure walking towards me slowly.Don't atack me please?The voice sounded familiar but different.I jumped at the figure.I knocked it down and looked at it more.

I heard it speak,but it's lips didn't move.Darren,i stared at the beautiful man.He lied on the ground and stared at me.Yeah it's me,can you please loosen your grip on my neck.I didn't realize i was chokeing him till he said something.Oh sorry,i just stared at his beautifly flawless face.He touched my face,it didn't feel cool like it use too.It was smooth and warm.He kissed me and i felt the urge to grab him and never let go.He pulled away.What did i do?Nothing,you just have to be alittle bit gentel with me.I was kinda happy to feel all the power and strenght.I kinda felt invinsable.

He kissed me more feircely and passionetly.I finally know what i was missing when Darren kised me.I returned the same way,but i tried to be gentel.He rapped his arms around me and held me close.It felt like something was missing.Something that was there was no longer there.I pulled away and normally i don't.I looked down and saw my flat no bulged stomach.Were are they?He looked at me and then looked away.Sophia and Sapphire are with my family.You in your state right now you're not ready to see them yet.You must be hungry so lets go.Go where?You need to feed before you can see or be around anyone human.I thought about what he said for a few seconds but i didn't care that much.I kissd him ans said "Okay,lets get this over with".I wasn't really hungry or thirsty in my case.

I'll race you down stairs.Sure,on your marks,get set,GO.I ran and i could see everything that i past.It was like i was walking and seeing everything in super hide defination.But a lot better.I guess now i know how bella felt in breaking dawn when she turned.I never had t worry about not seeing any of my family again when i became a vampire because they were all gone.I could see evey leaf,pice of dry dirt,bug.Pretty anything a human normally wouldn't see at these speeds.We stopped at the middle of the forest.

I felt him stare at me.But i didn't mind,i was kinda use to it.Your so beautiful.I turned around and kissed him.Thank you,thank you very much.I wonderfull smell passed my nose.It made my throat burned a little bit.Something in me just said run.So i ran,i started to hear the beat of it's heart.I stopped looked at the creature and leaped.It was a wolf.It smelt soo good,ven better close up.I held it to the ground.At first i watched it squirm and try to bite me.But i bit it first.I sank my sharp teeth in to wolfs neck.My teeth cut through it's shin and meat like but.I felt it hit one of it's veins.The rush of blood hit my tongue.At first i let the blood rush into my mouth.

When the blood started to slow i sucked it.Pulled the rest out of a wolf and into my mouth.As soon as their was no more blood in the dead wolf i stood up.I saw Darren sitting i the tree out of the corner of my eye.What are smileing at?Well theres alot to smile at really,do you want one answer or two?I would like take the one answer please.Well the first one was how beautiful and gracefull you were when you took down that wolf.

He jumped from the tree and landed on his feet.If the way he landed wasn't gracefull i didn't know what is.He touched my face.It felt silk smoth and feathery smooth.I smiled and touched his hand.It was going to take me a while to get use to his warm touched.What?You feel so warm to me.So does yours.He smiled ans stared at me.You wanna keep hunting or do you wanna go home.Well i want to see my little sophia and sapphire.Well before we can go there i want to test your will.Test my will,what do you mean?You'll see soon enough.He grabbed my hand and kissed me.The feeling of wanting more started to rise again.I forced it down.I guess that vampires emotions do intensify.We started to walk back to the house.I wispered in his ear "I'll rcae you.

Your on.He shot past me,but i new i would catch up in a second or less.I passed him and he smiled.He caught up to me and then i started to run faster.Ha i win.Well i won last time.Please i let you win.Oh yeah right.It was kinda fun beating him at something i normally lost.This cirtain smell caught my attention.It made me a little bit thirsty but not much.I opened the door and tried to figure out what it was and were it was coming from.I fallowed it into the kitchen.It was a cup full of this red liquid.I moved closer to it.It was blood.It was the same blood i was drinking when i was pregnant.

I didn't know how good it smelt till now.I had an urge to run to it and wolf it down like a starving animal.He looked at me.I looked back,i guess this was a test.A test that i had no time to study the night before.What kinda person just spings a test on someone like that?People man.I stared at the cup and then back at him.What do you want me to do?He smiled at me,i wanted to test if you were able to be around the twins.What does this blood have to with anything?Since there half human i wanted to see if you would go for the human blood.The doctor walked in the room.

Well Mrs.welsh i guess that the your tranformation was a compleet success.I shall be going now.Thank you doctor Khan for evrything.Your welcome and i hope i don't see you two back at the hospital anythime soon.Dr.Khan was a very nice man.I hoped one day he would find that one person who would make him happy like Darren did with me.Can we go see the twins pretty pretty please with sugar on top.Sure lets go,but can i get that sugar now.Sure,i looked up at him and gave him a peck on his cheek.He looked at me like "what just hapened".He pulled my lips to his and that feeling came back.

I couldn't control it anymore.It was like a moster wanted to come out and it did.One thing lead to another.He held me tight to him.A few minutes turned to a few hours.It seemed like time would never end and thats what i loved.I never felt tired.I felt like the energizer bunny,i could keep going and going for hours apun hours.Darren craddled me in his arms and held me tight to him.It felty nice.I looked at the wall clock aand saw that it was almost three p.m.I hoped up and whirled around the run.I i got dressed.Can we see the twins now please.He smiled his cute little half smiled at me.I felt him run his warm had down the side of my arm and then a kiss or two on my neck.I giggled a little bit on how it tickeled me.Sure,just give me a sec.He whirled around the same way i did.

He picked up the peices of shreded clothing on the ground and got dressed at the same time.It was magnifacent.

Chapter 10:My little strangers

I love you so much Darren.I know whatrs not to love about me.I pushed him lightly.come on,he helt my hand.We walked to n mew familys house.Running up the moutain was a breezy.I got up to the door and i smelt this wonderfull fragrance.It made me thirsty a little but i didn't pay much attention to it.The door opened and I saw my little sophia in Julie's arms pulling her hair.Then i saw little Sapphire on the floor.I didn't need anyone to seporate the two becuase i new.Sophia looked just like she did when i last saw her.I stared at her pretty round face.He had straight brown hair and pritty hazel eyes.She looked more like my than she did her father.Sapphire looked exactly like her sister except for her eyes and hair.Her eyes were more of a dark hazel color.Her hair was like his a light brown.But everything else the same.

They seemed like strangers to me.If they didn't looke like me and if i didn't carry them for few months i would have never guessed.Sophia looked at me with aw and waved.Julie turned around and looked at me.Darren walked across the room and Sapphire up off the floor.He helt her and stared at her with so much affection.Sophia tuched julie on arm and she jumped a little bit.No shocking Sophia,It's not nice to shock people.

Julie walked towards me.She handed me Sophia.Her Hazel eyes sparkeled like dimond in the sunlight.She touched my arm.I felt a slight tingle but it didn't hurt.I told you.What?I heard her voice.I told you that you would see me again.she smiled at me.Everyone looked at me,wondering what was going on.I started to hear Julie saying that i must be loseing my mind.I looked at her.I'm not crazy Julie.Then i heard Darren speak "okay whats going on hear.Am i going crazy".No your not going Crazy but i am.Everone said what at the same time.What Darren just said "whats going on,am i going crazy".I didn't say anything.I did think about it.Then it went silent.

I looked around the room and then at Sophia and Sapphire.Fara you heard Darren thoughts didn't you.I don't know?,maybe.Can you hear mine.Maddie i don't know.I looked at her and nothing silence,i looked around and foucused on everyone else.The same thing happened.Dead silence.Sorry maddie nothing.I stared back at Sophia and then Sapphire.Sapphire looked at me with amasment.Okay time to switch.I walked towards Darren and he traded the twins.The arm reaching for Sapphire was diverted the other way.Sorry,i forgot to metion there both like magnets.Sophia creats electricity and Sapphire repels.Okay thats what Julie ment by no shocking.Yeah pretty much.

So Sophia Is the positive and Sapphire is the negative.Yep,Spphire has no efect on my.But with you and everyone else she does.It seems like With Sophia she has no efect on you but with me and everyone else she shocks use.I heard from the distance a treeo of voices say "Lucky'.I looked over to were the voices came from.Hi Alex,Danny and Rickey.You guys say something.No,we didn't say anything.Darren tried to talk to Sapphire about letting me hold her.Sophia touched her sisters arm.Sapphire looked at her then me and nodded.Sapphire reached her arm out for me.I grabbed her with the same arm.Darren gave her to me and he took Sophia.

Sapphire smiled at me.I smiled back.Your my mommy.yes i am.Everyone stared at me again but i didn't care.I was holding someone who looked just like Darren but a little bit of me."You looks so much like you mother sophia",there it goes do i do this.How can i control this.I just can't keep randomly listening to peoples thoughts.Well i guess until i learned how to controll it or i might have to keep randomly listening.I wondered why the one that looked more like me i was immune to but the one that looked more like Darren i wasn't.It was interesting.we spent hours there.Holding and stareing at our little angels.They fell asleep around eight.I wished everyone could have seen what i was seeing in there dreams.Sophia had colors and shapes.Sapphire dreamed of me and Darren carring he and her sister.It was beautifull.I kinda started to get the hang of this whole mind reading thing.

What are you smiling at.Nothing,just thinking.Wanna go home?Sure,i didn't feel sleepy at all but i just thought it was to late to stay there.I handed Sapphire to Darrens mom Isabella.Darren handed Sophia to his father Rodrick.I kissed the both of there heads.As i said goodby to my family.The night was so much more different that the day.It was light the light never left,thats how clear everything was.I didn't want to race him back to the house.I just wanted to walk and take it easy.We walk at an unusual pace but it felt like walking to us.we got to the house.Some of the lights were on.The house was big,I looked bigger than when i last saw it.I tried to focus in on him to see or read what he was thinking.I didn't get anything.Stupid my reading power.I stared at the house for a few minutes.He waved his hand up amd down infront of my face.I pretended not to notice it.He pulled my chin to his face.I watched him as he stared at me with a smile.He kissed me on my cheek.No no no that my gig.You kiss like this.

I kissed him and i kiss i like this.I kissed him on his cheek.So your the only one who can teese someone like that,is that it.Yeah pretty much.He kissed me.We stood there in the driveway kissing for the longest amout of time.The urge for more started to a rise.I started to hear some of his thoughts like "This is going to be us forever" and "I love her so very very much".I loved every single sweet thought he had.I love you sooo much Darren Carter Welsh.And i love you Faraganda Merie Welsh.The sound of my last name put a big smile on my face.He picked me up in his arms.You wanna restart this honeymoon right.I smiled and kissed him again.

What do you think.I felt the wind hit my face and my back hit the bed.He helt me like i wasn't a helpless fragile little animal.He now helt and touched me like i was his equal.He kissed my neck then traced my spine with his velvitty smooth fingers.Morning came around and we just stared at each other for a few minutes.The birds chirps as soon as the sun started to rise.

I ran my fingers up and down his hard,chizzeled chest.I didn't want to move or go any where today.I just wanted to stay hear,in my soft bed with him.But i started to think about Sapphire And Sophia,who would probubly be wakeing up right about now.I just can't amagine it,any of it.I never imagined my self a mother at my age.So many good things were happening to me.I had a wonderfull husband,two beautifull kids,a new loving family.I just tring to prepare my self for the bad thats soon to come.Who's gonna try and come after me or who's going to try and come after my family.I would rather die before anyone or anything comes after the ones i loved.I have to addmit it but some of the times did have thoughts of suicide.

I thought it would make eveyones life easier.But i new with Darren it wouldn't and i two lovely daughters.I am prepared for anything now.When the twins get big i really want to teach them how to use there powers together.When there together they can creat force feilds so strong nothing can go through them and electricity that would stunn ten million men and taze a tazer.I could keep imagining the outcomes of there power together as one.Whats wrong Fara you looked terified and then happy.I looked at him with a fake smile like nothing was going on.But there really was a lot going on in my head.
I went to the bathroom and combed out the nots and tangles in my hair.I ran to the closet and picked out pair of faded blue jeans and a tube top.I tooke a shower even though i really didn't have to.I like the smell of soap.Besides i was use to takeing a shower so much every morning it's become a habbit.The water hit my back and it just beaded off.It kinda tiny little fingers pokeing me.I got dressed and put my hair into a pony tale.I couldn't get use to my face.What do you think?Nice.very beautifull.If i could have blushed i would have.

He got dressed in less the amount of time it took me.I sat on the bed watching him get ready.then i watched the sun rise.There we so many colors emenating from the sun.Then i saw the the tree's sway in the wind.I took my hand and pulled me slightly up into his arms.I smiled and then said "The twins".He smiled and said "Okay".I know most of his smiles and those smiled take us places.Spmetimes they took us to happyvile,then twin vile,then awckwardvile.Their were lost of viles.I sometimes couldn't keep track of most of them.Ready?Yeah you bet.He grabbed my hand and kissed it then me.

A few quick jumps and stides,we were there in no time.I saw Sophia starring out the window,i guess she was looking for us.I ran through the door and smiled at her.I saw Sapphire in Rodricks arms still asleep.Sophia was wide awake.She tuched and grabbed my hair a few times.She did look more like me.The fact that i have two beautiful baby girls finally started to sink in a little bit.I just loved spending time with then.I saw how Sapphire liked her father more and how Sophia loved me more.But we showed them the same amount of love for both of them.Over the course of a few days.The twines started to get taller.

They were just two months old and they both looked like they were almost a year and a half old.

We took them home with us a few weeks later.The loved there rooms.After there first birthday they started to talk to us like they were actually ten years old instead of one.When they talked and showed use how strong they were getting it just amazed me.sophia wanted her room Painted a hot pink colr wich was my my least faveorite color in the world.I kinda just wanted to put that out their.She wanted that color in her room so we repainted it.Darren and i didn't mind because we had nothing better to do at one in the morning.Sapphire wanted her rooms painted a light blue it dark blue spots on some of the walls.

We did the same thing with her when she was asleep we painted.The children were very picky with what they ate,wore,did and much much more.Sophia would mostly eat human foods and where cool vibrant colors.Sapphire ate/drank mostly nothing but blood,a few human foods.But not many because she complaind about certain smells.

I had to agree with her,some of the food smelt terrible.They mostly smelt like rotting fish that were left outside in the hot sun for a few hours.After a few months i started to get use to the smell.We would have put Spphire and Sophia in school by now but we wanted to wait till the looked a little bit older.we sometimes wen tot the welshes house and brought the twins over to see them.Other times they came over hear to see them.We tought them sometimes how to use there powers seperatly and together.

Sophie can create orbs of electricity.I saw how much fun she was having throwing them at the tree.Sapphire she could create felids around things and people.Them both combined and working together could create elictrical force feilds and mini orbs.

They fought some of the times,no one really one anyway.My power startd to set into me as well.I didn't tell anyone till i was sure about what i had.I could read the minds of the people i focus on.I Kinda liked ease dropping on people.It's been quiet for tyhe past couple of weeks.No weird creature has came nocking on my door and tried to kill me or my family yet and i'm SOOOO FREAKING HAPPY ABOUT THAT !!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 11:Damn It,Why Are You Hear

Day's started to pass and my little daughters started to turn big.The twins were almost my height.Sophia started to looke more like Darren than me.Sapphire didn't change at all.The both started to change less and less each day.To the untrained eye you could Barley even notice a change in height or size.

Sapphire stayed in her room most of the times reading,Practicing her powers.She was a determined child.Sophia was a go with the flow kinda girl.She read a little hear and there,mainly watched t.v.She only practiced her powers when she was board and wanted just to burn thing.The kids realy didn't need use that much after They were 5 years old.Julie and Maddie kept on saying that they look like eight year olds.Everyone and everything was cool,calm and collected.The kids were with his our family because they were missing then.Finally me and Darren can have a proper honeymoon with no kids,family,people none of that for one full weekend.

But that all changed as soon as the bell rang.Let it ring.No what if it's about Sophia or Sapphire.He looked at me with a sad expression on his face.Just give me a sec.Okay fine,go get the door.I booked it out the room faster than normally.I opened the door and their he was again.I never thought i would see his face again.The last time it was hard to say good by to him.Well it wasn't that hard because i left,moved and got married on.I looked into his Sea blues yes for a second.My mouth opened in aw.Mathew hey.I'm not trying to be rude or anything but why are you hear.Thats the way you treat an old friend.I said hi or hey.

I just wanted to see and old friend.Yeah then why are there two big bags.Well since you want to jump to the point like that.I need a place to stay can you help me with that.I heard Darren footsteps slow as he walked towards us.Mathew don't you have any other place?My family was killed a few years ago,so now i have no one.I'm really sorry to hear that Darren.I know how it feels.Yeah,you were the only person i could think of and that i trusted.Darren finally came in and rapped his arm around my waist.I thought you said a second.Mathew stared at me and then Darren.

I focused on what Darren was thinking about for a second.He wasn't too happy with this guy who obviously had or still has a thing for me wanting to stay.

Then i focused on what Mathew was thinking for a second.He looked the my left hand and layed ontop of Darrens.He had a suprised expression on his face for a second and then his face went back to like he didn't see anything.He kept on saying in his head "Why she marry this loser" and "Why didn't she want to be with me" and "I still love her".I smiled a little at the last thought.Darren honey this is my old friends Mathew.He was wondering if he could stay with use for a while.Hey Darren do i still have that apartment downtown.Yeah why,OH oh i understand.Mathew i have a perfect place for you.Darren where's the key.I'll go get it.He kissed me and released his grip on my waist.So Darren how have you been?I've been good,traveling.Where did you go?Many places.

So how did you find me.I asked a couple of people in town.Oh okay.Darren reappeared dangeling a pair of keys in front of my face.Thank you honey,No problem,he kissed my face and dissapeared to some part of the house.

Darren i'll be back in a little while.He reappeared behind the door.where are you going?I gota show Mathew were the apertment is.Oh okay,what car are you taking?i don't know the Honda Civic is that okay.Yeah i don't care.Where are the keys?Their in the kitchen on the fridge.Thank you,you two stay hear and chat.I ciuld tell that Darren hatd him for some reason that i didn't understand.I could tell We were probubly going to have to retry the first honeymoon AGAIN.

I listened in as i got the keys slowly.Mathew's breathing tensened.Darren started to tap the side of his leg.I don't hear people getting to knnow each other,i hollard from the other room.I feard Darren and Mathew chucckle a little bit when i said that.Iwasn't going back to smeine started to talk.Darren started the conversation first.So Mathew how long have you known Faraganda?I've known her for almost two years.I was her neighbor for a year and a half when we were little,before i moved.She was like another me back then.We had everything in common.We had stupid kame things in common like t.v shows,colors,actors/actreses,teachers and more.Just lame stuff.Then i moved back to stay but then i found out she was moving in a year.She started to keep to herself after her parents died.I walked back to wDarren and Mathew were.

The thoughts on my parents made me sad angery angry like they use too.I faked a smile as soon as i saw them both.Ikissed Darren and whispered in his ear "Don't worry when i get back,it's on."A big smile crossed his face and hissed me harder with more passion and aingst.Okay Mathew lets go.

We walked to the garage.If Mathews Jaw wasn't atached to is head and face,i think it would have actually hit the ground.You have two Ferrari's !!!!Yeah we also had one of those kia soul and the Honda.

Darren got me the soul for my twentythird birthday.I told him i didn't want a car but he insisted.I clicked the button that made the car that goes with it make a noise.The keys didn't go to the Honda.They went to the soul.The pretty red kia soul.I yelled "You tricked me" into the open air,but i know he heard my though.

I guess were taking the soul,you don't mind do you Mathew?No as long as i go some place to get some rest.It's a little bit chilly out hear do you want me to turn on the heat?No i'm cool,so when did you get the car?Ididn't get the car Darren did for me for my twentythird birthday.Your twentythree,i didn't know that.You still look like your in your teens,like your eighteen.Its kinda funny that he said that because that was when i was trasformed to this.Stuck at the age of eighteen.But thank you.Where did the time go Fara.I remember when we were just kids making mud pies and playing house.I remember when we played house.

You should because you always kept sending me to jail..You kept sending me there because i wouldn't wash the fake dishes.Yeah i liked seeing you in the pillow jail asking "can i come out now" over and over again.How long have you been married?All most six years today.So your not at that six year mark yet?No i'm not,on a friday three moths from now.Wow.Yep.Are you happyily married?Of course i am.I'm married to a man that loves me the same amount i love him or ten times more.Plus we have two beautiful twi girls.You have twins?I saw a sighn of shock appear on his face again,but it stayed longer this time.

It was silent for a few minutes.Okay hear we are.This is were you use to live.Yeah,sorry the place is in the bad part of town.But i wanted a place that wouldn't cost a lot of money to rent for a few months.A few months,your leaving.Well not anymore.Befor i thought i was just going to stay for a few months but then i found Darren or he found me.I dated him,got ingaged,had kids and stayed ever since.We took the elavatore to room 1226.I opened the door and walked in first.It all seemed so different.

It was almost bare,i guess Darren did move most of my stuff to the house.Wow this place looks abandodned but homey at the same time.Thank you i haven't been hear for years,i kinda forgot how i decorated it.Well hear you go,beds in the other room,kitchen,bathroom.You can do anything to the apartment exept knock out any walls or try to build on to it.I'll pay for the next four months of rent.Thank you Fara but you don't have to do that.Come on your and old friend,friends help friends.

Thank you so much Faraganda Merie Mackavie.He hugged me.He shivered at my cold touch.Your so cold Fara.Yeah and your so warm.He pulled away a litlle bit.I saw the clock and it said it was eleven thirty.Almost twelve at night and a start to the weekend i looked forward to.He stared at me for a few seconds.I blinked for less than fourty nano seconds.Then felt his lips pressed feirce against mine.I enjoyed it for a second because i did have a thing for him in the past.I pushed away.Mat What the hell are you doing.I haven't heard you call me Mat in so long.He tried to kiss me again but i pushed harder.

What the hell are you doing.I loved you Fara and i missed you so much.Thinling about the good times and seeing you again-.i cut him off mid sentence.Mat i'm married with two kids.I love Darren,i married himm because i love him and he loves me.My name is now Faraganda Merie Welsh.I'm sorry Fara,i just.Just what Mat,what.I can't deal with this right now.I gota go you can stay hear but don't come to my house for a while.Fara please.No Mat im not going to do this.I left and slamed the door behind me.If i didn't controll my self i probubly would have ripped it off it's hindges.I payed for his rent and drove off kinda slow like.I didn't want to get there in a hurry because i didn't want him to see me like this.

I pulled up into the driveway and i saw Darren stareing out the window with a smile on his face.I tried to fake the pain and guilt i had.But i never was a good liar,especually to the ones i loved.And Darren was definaitly one of them.I ran up the stairs and into his arms.I know he felt something wrong with me.He looked at me with worried eyes and that when i knew he knew.Whats wrong,what happened.I focused trying to find out what was racing through his mind but i couldn't.

I guess my emotions were blocking my ability.Nothing Darren i'm okay.No your not i know you and your not fine.Okay,please don't freak out but Mat kissed me.His stance tensed,eyes narrowed.He balled his fists.The were balled together so tight that i thought his finger were either going to brake or his nuckles pop out of his skin.Does he know your married and that we have two beautiful daughters.Yes i told him before he kissed me about ten times and after.It was quiet for a long time.He walked out of tyhe door and ran to the nearest tree and punched it.I hated seeing him like this.Well actually i never seen him this angery except when i was being hurt.

Mathew was a very good friend.I never told anyone this,not even Darren and i wasn't sure if i should even tell him.There was one key thing that happened before i left.I said my good by's to some of my friends.Well i actually didn't tell them.I didn't want then to get hurt in any way because of me.

Before i left he told me how he actually felt about me.I guess i didn't want to remember that moment because i felt the same way he did.I loved him and back then i new what would happen to those i loved.So i shut out those emotions and feelings.Darren was the first person who brought those emothions back up to me and i missed those emotions so much.Darren just kept paceing back and forth.Punching tree after tree.Some of the tree's fell and others just had gaping hles in them.

I tried to calm him down but he just kept punching.I sat on the step just watching him.It was around three am when i last looked at the clock.Me emotions started to set and i finally heard some of the things Darren was think.He was extremly mad and he seriously never wanted to see Mat's face ever again.I was sick of seeing him beating up helpless trees.If i let him continue he probubly clear the whole forest.

I ran to him and grabbed on of the rms that was going to hit the tree right in front of it.He looked at me with a little bit of worry on his face.I laid my hand on his cheek.He grabed the hand that was at my side and touched the hand sitting on his cheek.He started to smile.He pulled my hand away from his face and kissed my hands.I smerked a little bit.No more worry okay,i got you forever and you got me.He kissed me softly.Fine no worry.We stayed out there staring at each other.The sun started to rise.Now it was saturday morning,one day lost.But i know we had two more days to go.So that made me happy.

He brushed a peice of hair out of my face.Then in an instint i was off the ground and into his arms.I laughed and smiled.He set me down and kissed me.I felt that monster who hungered for is soft smooth touch take me over.I knew and felt everything i was doing.But it was like i was a totaly different person.Night Fall finally roled around.

Chapter 12:Who's howling in in the night

For the past few weeks we've been hearing nothing but howls in the night.Sometimes we go outside at night and watch the starts.But with the howls in the night we kinda stopped doing that.Yeah i'm a worried mother.I know they can protect them selves and each other.But what is a mother to do in her spare time besides worry.So who do you think is going all that howling at night?

Sapphire and Sophia we a sleep,snug in there little beds.It the wolves coming to steal my beautifull wife away from me because i truly don't deserve you.I smiled then a bad thought crossed my mind.What,what is it Fara.Nothing i don't want to worry you.Come on,i'm a husband and a father.I have to worry about things.I just thought it could me the witches sending another wolf to come after me.The smile that was on his face disapeared.I ran my fingers through his hair.Calm down,i'm prepared for anything.He gave me a fake smile then stood up.He walked towards the kitchen and cam back with two cups of animal blood.

I always wondered when did he get the chance to kill an animal and pore it's blood into a milk container.I sometimes worried about someone who wasn't human coming to our home,going in the fridge and see nothing but blood in two gallon milk jugs.Yeah there was some food in the fridge but not much.I was kinda happy that i didn't know or are friends with that many humans.

I loved it when he brought the blood to use.No hunting required.We took the twins out some of the times so they could get there vampire food on there own.Their wasn't anything on t.v.More teen pregany shows and reality shows.I hated reality shows.I think if i had a reality show it would be nunber one on the charts.To me some of the howls sounded like it was howling my name.If it was the witches prepared to atack i was ready for anything.Well i think i was.I was kinda missing Mathew.Well we had to go food shopping anyway so i'll use that as my excuse.Hey you tricked me with the car last time i drove.I really wanted you to drive you old B-day present.

Plus i was kinda funny seeing your face like that.Okay were are the keys to the honda.I don't know?Darren you know where almost everything is in this house.Your right i do.So then tell me where they are.No,i'll tell you after you drive it a hundred more times.Ha ha no.If i have to jack every key in this house to check i will.No you won't.Wanna bet on that.Sure,another honeymoon if i win.What about when i win?What do you want if you win?I want one favore with no bad atitude,no arguing,nothing.Okay you got it.

I'll give you two minutes to find out what key goes to the Honda.good luck.On your mark,get set,GO!!!.I whirled around the living room.The kids came in as soon as he said go.Whats mommy doing Siad one of the small voices,I think it was Sapphire's voice.Well your mom is going to go shoppping for some more food for the both of you.Okay why does that call for her to move like a tifune.Well she bet me that she could find the keys to the Honda Civic in two minutes.I said she couldn't do it.Yeah i can,stop with the negative aura.I'm not being negative honey,there are about two hundred keys in the house.Do the math.I can' do the math because i passed math with a D-,remember.Yeah i remember.I offered my help but you said no remember.Yeah don't reminde me.

I think thats all of the keys.As soon as i had them all i ran to the car.I just started cicking the buttons.The ones that didn't have a buttons atached to them i left in the house.Ha i got the key to the honda in a minute an a half.I ran back into the house and did a little dance.Sapphire joined me in my crazy weird dance.Sophia was almost a sleep in he fathers arms.It was nice seeing him holding her like she was a little baby again.He picked her up and took her to her room.I did the same with Sapphire.She didn't want to go to bed and she said she wasn't sleepy but i know the sighns of being tired.She yawned and rubbed her eyes.She was.When we got dine putting the twins to bed we went back into the living room.Tomorrow i'm going to go to the store.Do you want anything?Yeah i want you right now for about an hour.Ha ha,i don't think i can shop for me right now for an hour.

We only went to the store once every two months or when the kids really wanted something.Morning came and i left with a huge shopping list of things.Should i go and see Mathew now or later.It was a little early so i decided to go see him later.I know Darren probubly didn't want me to see or talk to him again.But the dude was my first love kinda.Should i tell Darren or not.I had a lot to think about when it came to my old friend and the feelings with him.I saw a few of Darrens old friend at the mall.I didn't know any of them that well.Plus most of them were Jenny's friends so they hated me because i was with Darren.

A few of them said hi to me.Others looked up and down at me like i was scum.I also saw alex tting to hit on this random chick with his weak pick up lines.He stuck out hard with the girl.After the girl left i talked to alex.Hey Alex.Whats up Fara,how have you been?I'm doing good,but i see you doing bad like normal.I chckeled a little bit.Ha ha ha very funny.I didn't want her anyway so..Yeah yuou did i sw you begging her.No i wasn't!!Um yeah you kinda were.I over heard everything.

I had a lot to think about when it came to my old friend and the feelings with him.I saw a few of Darrens old friend at the mall.I didn't know any of them that well.Plus most of them were Jenny's friends so they hated me because i was with Darren.A few of them said hi to me.Others looked up and down at me like i was scum.I also saw alex tting to hit on this random chick with his weak pick up lines.He stuck out hard with the girl.After the girl left i talked to alex.Hey Alex.Whats up Fara,how have you been?I'm doing good,but i see you doing bad like normal.I chckeled a little bit.Ha ha ha very funny.I didn't want her anyway so..Yeah yuou did i sw you begging her.No i wasn't!!Um yeah you kinda were.I over heard everything.

Please don't tell anyone Fara,It might ruin my street cred.What street cred?,you don't have a street cred.But come on alex i gota tell someone because this is way to funny.Please Fara i would do it for you.Alex no afence but i highly dought that.Okay i'll try not to tell anyone.Thank you,so what are you doing hear?Well i'm food shopping for the twins.So why are you hear,looking for a new girlfriend?No,well yes kinda.Alex it's sad to say but your getting kinda desprite.Well okay,i'll see you later then.Okay see ya late Fara.

It was nice to seeing alex.He was a pretty cool dude once you know him for a while and when he wants to be.The smell of the human blood didn't make me thirst at all and that was a great sighn to me.Maybe it was because i had a big breackfast,Yeah that was probubly it.

I saw Mat at Lowes.Should i go say hi or ignore him.I'll ignore him because the words "Why did he kiss me" kept running through my mind.He new i was married.I couldn't stress the word married enough.Well to get my answer i might have to talk to him then huh.Should i use a direct approach or a suddle approach.I felt a warm touch on my sholder.I turned around and it was him.Hey,how are you?I stared at him.He was more buff than the last time ai sw him.He was wearing a white v-neck tee.It showed everry muscle and peck on his body.I had to admit he was a little bit hot.I'm fine it think,how are you?I'm good,kids are startng to sleep a lot less now.Fara are you going to pretend like nothing happened.I just wanna know why you did what you did Mathew?

I told you,i like you.Actually i think i love you Fara.I told you Mathew I'm happily married with two beautiful kids in the car.Plus how you saw Darren and me at the house.It's i.What?You said Darren and me,Its supose to be Darren and I.Shut up,you know i never was good at phrases.Plus you know i hate people who correct me.Yeah i remember when the teacher corrected you,You yelled at her and then cried.What,i was five.We lauguhed for a few minutes at the old memorie.Stop that,you got me off the subject.What was i going to say.Oh yeah,well that should have signinfied something to you.Well it did but i can't let you go for some reason Fara.

When you left i started to get over you.But when i found an old picture 0f us.It bought back old memories that i didn't want to forget.When i saw that picture of the both of us it seemed like you were the only thing in my mind.I have a quetion for you know.What is it?Did you tell whats his name about what happened that night?Of course i did and all i can say is that your very very lucky.Why?Because he was going to rip your head off.So your welcome.Thank you.The smiled at me.You wanna go get some coffe or something.Sorry the kids are probubly home wanting there oreo's by now.My phone started to ring.I got that Nicki Minaj ringtone,what it called Blazin.I love that song.Darren got me alot of expensive things that i didn't need for my birthday.Well a Blackberry storm was one of them.

Excuse me Mathew i have to take this.Ii was Darren calling me.He probubly was wondering where i was.Heu honey whats up.Nothing are you on your way home yet?No not yet almost finishing up,why?Weire out of huney nut cheerios can you pick up some more please.Sure no prob.Love you by.I didn't tell him that i already had the cheerios but i just wanted to spend alittle bit more time with Mathew.Mathew you still wanna get that coffee?Sure lets go.We went to the coffe shop down the street from the mall.Some times it was easy for me to forget that i was no longer human.The coffee smelt burnt.The cream smelt like spoiled milk,vomit and a dead fish.I could have pucked but the replacement of the sick feeling was the smell of human blood.My throat started to burn little by little.My thirst started to come back to me.I forced the burning pain down.We sat outside and talked for a few minutes.I saw the sun tring to come out from behind the clouds.

I new i had to leave soon.Darren always told me when we appear in the sun our true demonic form apears.He couldn't stress the words "DON'T LET THE SUN HIT YOU!!!!"Mathew had his arms out like he wanted me to hug him but i felt like we wasn't ready to go back their yet.I shook his hand goodbye.I got to the car before any part of the sun could touch me.I started to drive home.It looked like it was going to rain.

I drove home kinda slow like because i wasn't sure if i should tell Darren that i talked and saw mathew today or act like nothing happened.What a girl to do.I pulled into the driveway.Sophia was chaseing her sister around with a bright blue fall in her hand.I guess they were playing there fave game of zap ball.Zapp ball is a game the twins made up one day when that were board.

Sophia creats these electrical balls and trys to make her sister fall to the ground.Sapphire has to take her own sister down with the same electrical ball shes useing.It's fun seeing them running around.Darren was sitting on the steps watching them run around.He smiled as soon as he saw me driving up.He grabbed both of the kids in his arms.I ran to the kithen with fifteen bags in each arm.Darren walked in with one twin in each arm.He set them down on the ground.I wa welcomed home with two tiny hugs and a kiss.There warm skin pressed against mine.I kissed the tops of there heads.So what do you two want for lunch.I want oreo's and i want peanut butter cookie.How about luch first then you oreo's and a peanutbutter cookie.

How about a ham sandwich?No turkey.I got the sandwich Fara.Okay,i finished putting most of the food away.I know i can't really ever be tired but i felt like it.I went into the bed room to lie down for a few minutes.I turned on the t.v in our room.I just wanted to sit,rest and relax for a few minutes.I felt a gental touch on my sholder.Are you okay?Yeah kinda,try not to get mad but i talked to Mathew today.I stared at his face and watched it turn from happy to sad.Sad to angry.I touched his hand.He pulled away.He moved to the edge of the bed.I moved next to where he sat and rubbed his sholder to releave his tention.Can you say something please?He looked at me for a second or two.Why did you talk to him?Well he caught me at the mall and said hi to me.I didn't feel right ignoring him so i answered back.We went to go get coffee after you called me.We cought up on old times and also new.It wasn't anything.

I kissed him.Trust me.I won't let it get that far ever again.I herd on of the kids call both of our names once then twice.Whn i saw that he wasn't going to move i stood up and walked towards the door.He grabbed my arm.He stood up and put his hand the side of me face.I felt one of his fingers run across the side of my cheek.I stared at him and he stared back.To me looked at me like her could see my heat beat and see my soul all at once.He said the word "I do trust you but that guy,i never will." so softly.I understand the way you feel.Thia time a different voice called our names.He hugged me.You can go back to what you were doing i got this.

He vanished out of the room.I started to get board so i wwent to the living room.No one was their.I listened carefully for the sounds of someone or thing but there was nothing there.I walked outside and searched for sounds again.All i heard was the wind,birds chirping and the leaves on the trees.I walked back into the house and left two notes.One of the front door and one on the kitchen table.

The note said
"Guess you left or something,but don't worry
i just left to go for a walk
be back soon".

I brought my house keys just in case.It was almost dark out.After a few minutes day turned to night.I started to see the moon rise over the horizon.I stopped and stared at it.I watched my skin turn a pale white color after the sun was in the middle of the sky,that's when i new it was time to go back home.I started to walk back home.I heard four feet hitting the ground behind me.I turned around to mae sure what i was hearing was real.I focused on the feet trailing behind me.I turned around and stared at the dark trees.I saw two violet blue colored eyes stareing dead at me.My eyes opened in shock at the creature.I mumbled the words "Werewolf".The wolf beared it's sharp white teeth at me.I beared my teeth and crouched in an attacking position.The wolf snareled and growled at me.I hissed back at the wolf.Something kept telling me "Don't even try it,just run".So that what i did i ran.I felt the strength in my legs build up.They it relased when i strted to run.

I heard it's feet hit the ground behind me.When it sounded like it was getting close to me i pushed harder.I ran into the house in a panick.Darren had his arms aound me a few seconds after i came in the door.It's okay Fara calm down.If i was still alive my heart probubly would have been beating it's way out of my chest by now.Do't worry honey it can't get in hear.I went towards the nearest window.The wolf paced back and forth around the house.What's keeping the wolf out?Wolfsbane.Wait that stuff actually woks.Yeah,when we started to hear the howling i put the flowers around the house.

I stared out the window at the wolf.It stopped in te front of the house.It watched me.Darren was watching the t.v.He tried to draw my attention away from the wolf but i couldn't keep my eyes off of it.It felt like i new it some how.The sun started to rise a little by little.Whe wolfs eyes went from a violet blue color to a light brown,Then light brown to a dark brown.It walked backwards.It howled at the sky and then ran off.Will you be at ease now.I smiled at the word ease.Yeah i think i'll be fine now.I sat there snuggeled in his arms watching what seemed like two minutes of t.v before the kids came in.It was saturday morning so that ment kids waking up a six a.m to watch saturday morning cartoons.I was glad to see some of my old faves

Like loney tooons,winx and monsterhigh.Saturday mornings is when we all really became a family.Darren and i cooked breakfast.We all sat down and talked.We didn't talk about life and people.We talke about random things like colors,old shows,animals,flowers.It was kinda fun.At noon we all kinda did our own thing.I cleaned the house,the twins cleaned there rooms.Darren sat at the table watching me move dance around with my ipod playing.

It was nice being home and not worring about anything.Not about a werewolf who wants to either harm me of my family for a few hours.Night fall began to fall,get it night fall.No you okay,i shell never use that joke again i guess.I just stared out the window after i put the twins to bed.

Stop stressing,your good as long as you have some on you and are in this house.I smiled at him a little bit.Then my attetion went back to the window.I saw the Violet blue eyes appear in the shadows again.They moved closer to the house,but stayed in the dark.I went outside and sat on the step.I watched it.It moved towards me.I was prepared for it to growl at me but it didn't.I moved side to side.Darren came out and sat behind me.Thw wolf started to growl and snarel as soon as he came out.As i sat there and watched it.I started to think about what did it look like in it's human form.

I heard his uneasy voice as he spoke.Sure what every you want.It was amost morning again but this time the wolf dissapeared before the sun could rise.I guess i'll go see mathew now.Now it's six in the morning,you don't want to wait.Mathew called me earlier and he said he really wanted to show me something.Darren went in the house and came back out with the bigest peice of wolfsbane he could find.He kissed my forehead and i kissed his cheek.I didn't want to drive the soul but i knew it probubly would have ment the world to him that i did.So i did just that.I took the stairs up to Mathews apartment.I knocked on the door.I heard a growl as i knocked and then a yell.Mathew,Mathew are you okay.I heard the growl and the scream once more.

I tapped the wall where i hid one of my spare keys.It fell from the bottom of the frame.I opened the door.My eyes opened in aw....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2011

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