
chapter 1 : Why Is This Happennig

I can't except what's going on with me,my parents are gone.Whats makeing my life a living hellll!!!Whats making everything i tuch turn to dust.Thanks now i understand it's me.I kill beautifull things with a smile,with a touch and a glance.

My name is Farganda Illane Mackavie people who know me call me fara.The stupid thing about my name is that it's sounds like faira and then ganda.

When my perents died in a freak accident,a car crash.You might not think that car crashes are a freaking thing but how about when there was no car in sight just air.But the thing is that the damage looked like a car crashed into us.

After that tragic day i was shifted around alot.I lived with some of my aunts and uncles but they died as soon a i started to love them like my own parents.

They all died.I live with my grandmother for a few months till she died.On her death bed she told me what i was gong on with me.Why all things i loved died.It was because i was cursed to witness eternal torture for ther rest of my life.When she was 15,which to me seemed like a thousand years ago.She said she used to hang out with the wrong crowd.

A crowed that was full of wickens for those who don't know what a wicken is,the are people who practice th dark arts and do them so much so they become witchs.well aperrently she pissed off one them off and they hexed my grandmother so that her daughters daughter will be cursed to a life of watching the people you love die right in front of you.

yeah as if i was gunna beleive that chizz.But the only reason i belived it is because my grandmother is someone who doesn't lie to any one.

so now you know,why i'm what people call a loan shark.I can't be friends with anybody.

My grandmother left some money in her will..Everything she saved when she was little to now,is now mine.Guess how much that is?? go on guess? if you guessed over 1 billoin dollars you're correct.

she won the lotto when she was 30,hid it and invested i some stocks those stocks grew ad now i'm filthy rich.

chapter 2 : Residency

When my parents past away i started moving place to place and town to town on my own.I use to live in town called forks in washington.And no people i'm not going to go all twilight hear in this book it's all about me.

But i will say that i think those books are awsome !!!i read twilight,new moon,eclipse and breaking dawn.I also saw the movies as well,except for breaking dawn.That movie is comeing out later in the year,can you belive there making it into two parts i'm glad besause if they didn't then they probulby would have cut out a lot of good parts and that would have sucked.

Thanks a lot people,you guys got me off track.Were was i,oh yeah.I am now living in shelton washington.I really don't want to leave washington because all the people i loved lived and died hear.Well i'm almost out of citys maybe i might have to leave.

Now i live in sheltoon wshington,but the bad side of it.( For younger children reading this book don't do what is being said in theses next few sentences DO NOT DO DRUGS !!! ).Were there are drugs being dealed on the streets,buildings looking like the slightest amount of wind could blow them down,people being mugged yeah if i could i could go all day with the downsides hear.

In this part of town i guess you don't have to be a certian age to rent an apartment.I new temperary home is in the fabulous shelton hotel.Yeah no it really isn't that fabulous.The place is a total dump.

I bet you're wondering why a kid with over 1 billion dollars is living in a place that looks like a tornado ran through a garbage dump and blew all the piles of debris around.Well would you pay 200-1,000 dollars on a apartment a night,no i think not.I'm trying to make my money last my hole life thank you ver much.

well the only room that i saw my self living in was way better than all the rest was room 1226.Let me tell you what the room didn't have.1 roaches,ants,mice,rats,crack heads in the corner,but the extreme thing is that all the bugs combined can spell the words welcome to our home.

I'm just glad the bugs are happy about the bugs staying there and thr crack heads doing crack.But mine has about 10 chalk outlines of the deseased,cobwebs,and last but not least bird droppings everywhere.I can move past the dead but the bird shit everywhere naw i don't think so.

The lease that i sighned alows me to decorate,fix,put things in and any thing else i need for an extra 100 dollars.So now i pay a total of $125.

I start school again tommorow and i don't know if i should be happy or just pissed.Think about it people would you like to go from school to schoool all the time moving.Yeah i think you would get mad doing the same thing over,over and over again.

The school i'm now going to is Shelton High.I actually googled the place and it's not so bad.Now i just have to see the people.

You know that curse I was telling you about.The one that this whole story is based on!!!!! yeah that one well with the curse killed my social life.I can't have friends.

chapter 3 : Yeah!!! It's Time For School,Syched :)

Shelton High,lots of freaking kids oh yeah it's a high.I can't wait for people to ask questions and stare at the new gilr like an alien,what funn.

Here we go.Excuse me lady where is the main office.My name is Mrs.sackatry and the office is 2 doors down on the left.Thanks lady.Mrs.sackatry,my name is Mrs.sackatry. "WHAT EVER !!!".I tryed to say it wit as much atitude as possible.But a girl can only give as much sarcasm as she can.

Here we are,main office.Excuse me miss,i need my claasss shcedule.Well miss whats you're name ? Faraganda Illane Mackavie.Oohhh wonderfull you're faraganda.we've been expecting you.

you don't have to call me by my full name,fara is good.Oh okay honey.Well let me call you you're pare.Wait what,what pare?

Oh you're pare that helps you get to you're classes on time and shows you were they are.This person has every single class with you.Why??.The reason is because thats our policy here at this school.Okay i get don't have to keep elaborating!well hold on one moment while i call you're new friend.kay.

"Ms.share".yes this is Ms. share's class.can you send a Darren Welsh to the office please,is new friend is hear.sure.thank you.

Well Ms.mackavie i hope you enjoy shelton high school.My name is Ms.Ploopin and i hope i will get to see you later in the year.

Here we are young Darren.Ms.Mackavie here is you're buddy.Great here we go."Hi!!" i hear a strong voice call behind me.You're Darren?yep the one and only in the school,how do you do.Yeah i can't do this miss.Can i have a girl or something other than this guy.well Ms.Mackavie.... Fara or Faraganda,don't call me by my last name.Okay fara,well darren is the only guy that has every single class wit you.

you too do still know i'm standing right here right.ohh i'm sorry dude but i can't have a guya cute as you showing me around.i mean this guy is so cute that he look like a guy who would been in a movie like taylor lautner.Like she said i am the only one.Okay fine,lets get this over wit Darren.Have fun you too said MS.sare with a funny tone.

Well welcome to shelton high.yeah okay i think we got off on the wrong foot.lets try this again,erase and rewind.My name is Fara,Faraganda Mackavie.The reason i said Fara because i would really like you to call me're turn.

Okay i don't think i can beat that,let me try.My name is Darren nickname whats so ever.

Since i'm going to e stuck with you for a while,i would like to get to know you.You first!!

Well i like Math,Gym,Science,Art and last but not least about you Fara.the way he said my nam was soo beautifull.

I hesitatde for a quick second and then snaped back.Well i don't like to talk that much about me but let me think.I like Art, Music and that spritty much it.

so what school did you go to before shelton Fara? Well i've been many places siince my parents died in a car accident.oh i'm sorry fara,i truely am.No don't be darren it was my fault anyway.

NO,NO,NO Fara stop and look at me right now.You are not responsible for you're parents death.oh yeah he didn't know,what i'm not going to tell him.Thanks Darren,i feel like we've been talking for hours and hours but just for 2 minutes.Yeah i kinda like this,can i tell you something Fara? sure,what is it Darren?well you're the person i've had the longest conversation with anybody since i was little.maybe we can become friends.well Darren i love talking to you but i can't,i just can't.

What,why,you said you even liked this.well i can't see you or anyone get hurt,i've been through to much to mess it up now.what do you mean fara? i don't can't explain.Fara you can't explain or you just don't want to?

Darren can you just show me my classes please.sure 1st period Math with Mrs.blotch.Dont stare at her right eye to much.why? because you'll see soon.Hi Mrs.blotch,herrs you're new student.Oh yes thank you Darren.welcome to advanced Math....OMG whats up with you're with you're eye.Well Ms. Mackavie i'm would be sad right now but thats every kids reaction to my eye i'm just happy you got it out of you're system now will you take you're seat next to darren.

Well it seems so far you can't get rid of me.he says in asarcastic tone.Okay class take a look to the person on you're left because thats you're new partner.Well lots stop right here Darren i don't want to be friends.Lets just be partners in this class.yeah sure what ev'.

Chapter 4 :Classes

okay come on Fara it's time for period two science.
Science,okay lets go..okay his name is seriously his name is i would keep telling you how each period went or goes but i'm getting board talking about my self and him lets fast foward.

Fith period okay Fara it's time or lunch lets go.okay lets.Hear we are fara...WHOLEY SHITTTT THIS FREAKING PLACE IS HUUUGE!!!This place is like a palice,huge,nice tables.Are we in a college cafe or something darren? no oure school gets donations for our great acedemic,reading and you're tellig me that you get all theses nice things for a great school.yep thats exactly that i'm saying.okay??

"HI Darren how are you" says a calm sweet girly voice.Hey Jenny,this is my friend fara.darren like i said befor were not friends.Oh hi nice to meet you fara whats you're last name.Mackavie,my last name is mackavie.Wow are you related to a mt mackavie?who? i'll take that as a no.Hey darren will you sit with me today.Sure okay jen.

Hey fara do you want to sit wit us.Naw i'm good.Can one of you show me where no one sits.Sure in the far corner of the room right there.thanks Darren,no sure fara plenty of room...well i wouldn't say plenty of room darren alot of people sit wit us.No no they don't Jen.Naw it's cool darren i will tell you something jenny i don't want him so there is less compition for you so by..

yeah you think i'm going to let some wanabee chica call me out.i'm one person who can take a hint.yeah i don't need to like him chica and if you want to hold a convo in spanish lets go,i can get him if i want.Jenny what are you talking you already have me.

you're dateing her,wow i thaugh a guy like you would fall for something better.well guess what trick he did.jenny i don't like you being this way.

I'm sorry baby give me a kiss.sure come over hear.How do you make puquing noises trust me i wish i could but i tryed not to care.I just walked way and weht to the corner before more people came down to lunch.the thing about sitting in the corner is that you see everything.

Darren come on stop looking at her and more at me.Sure okay.Darren who is that?fara faraganda mackavie you asked her her name.yeah but i don't like you hanging out with her.... He's stareing at me and i think his girlfriend is to obssed in her wird to notice.Darren are you listening to me? A little.Listen to me Darren you only new this girl for a few periods and i don't like you staring at her.Stop it or were through !!!Well then jenny i guess were over done.

WAIT WHATTTTTTT !!!! YOU ARE NOT BREAKING UP WITH ME NOW ARE YOU!!Well jenny we are over wit,i'm outa hear.

Hey dude nice to have you back.we all missed you.A group of guys said.I see that you and jenny broke up.Yeah Dereck,everyone heard our breakup.Dude who's that fine ass chick in the black sirt in the corner,one of the guys said.Dude se probubly can hear who is she??Thats Fara,Faraganda Mackavie.She new? Duh if she wasn't you prouble would have asked me who she was a while ago boy....yeah yeah what ev,don't snippy wit me.Igh't.

Dude think that she will be my new girl friend by the end of the day.the thing they didn't know about me is that for some reason i had great hearing is if i focused well enough i could probubly hear ever conversation in this room.So dude do you know her? do a little i'm showing her around the school and to all her classes that i have with her.

Cool can you maybe help a dude out?Naa i don't think you to would make a good couple and besides she is a keep to herself kind of person.Well i think i can change that!!Dereck leave her lone.Why you like her? No,well just as a friend at so you won't mind if i ask her out,right now.Naa go right a head.

Is this guy serous,he's really going to try and ask me out.Okay time of some fun with Dereck."HEY Fara" he says in a loud tone as if he's trying to get my attention.You,me friday night,movie.what do you have to say to that???I hesitate for a moment and listen to Darrns table talk "5 bucks say she laughs and walks away.No dude 10 dollars say she says yes like the rest f the girls.No you guys i kinda know her and i bet you she laughs,looks at him,and says no get you're corney thinking he's a player ass outa hear."okay what one am going to choose,i might choose Darren's.I laughed,look at him,and said no the exact words he said.

Are you turning me down,me Dereck Mason.Any girl would be happy to go out with me.well then why don't you ask those girls out.those girls who need a reound,a one time thing.yeah thats it walk away dereck by by now."OOOOOOOOO BURN" Thats all you hear from the boys table is laughter,and ooo you got burned.It's dum funny seeing thee expresions.

Chapter 5: Pets

End of the day finally.Teachers are a bore,people tring get with this why?i don't know.Flow keeps on randomly keeps on randomely apears telling me i'm getting to close to these peoples but i can't help if there atracked to me.

For the people who are wondering who's flow,shes me pet bat.The only one who i love that can handle any problem,crisis know to man,plus anything that would hert anyone else dosn't hert her.It's like shes made out of indistructable skin material.Shes like any other bat but she can talk,with stand any pain.I get afraid sometimes about calling her out in pubic places but...what can hearm her.

One day after school flow came out and told me it's time to train.At first i was like train what train,till i though about it,magic.My grandmother always said practice makes perfect,but sometimes i dought that.Flow teaches me many spells,such a telapotaion and the power of levitation.But no go.Many,many failors.some of the times she doesn't let me go to school untill i master the easyest of spells.

I am tired out of my mind right now.All weekend flow had me practicing spells.I can't believe that i'm actually excited to go to school tommorow.I use to hate mondays but with flow teaching me these spells and me kinda haveing a crush on Darren makes me want to go to school.Flow tells me that i'm getting to close to this guy but i try not to admitt it.

I know that i'm supose to be not kinda likeing peope but i can't help it.comon i am still a teenage girl who wants and needs love.Don't even take it ther you perves...Each day it seems like the world gets britter and britter each time i see Darren.the wierd thing about this is that i never felt this way about a guy before.I always had the feeling like oohh that guy is cute.But Darren is so different.He's nice,cute,sweet funny thats definitly different.He actually cares about me.he doesn't think i'm a freak..

Hey faraganda wate up!!! Hey bobby how have you been??yeah yeah great faraganda did you do the math homework for Ms.Blotch,please tell me you did it ???OOOOOOOHHHHHH shoot i forgot all about that i was caught up in something all weekend.

Maybe you should ask Darren,he normally does all the homewok in class.Yeah i already talked to him,he said i need to stop being lazy and do it,right before he said ask you.Speaking of the dude, hi darren hows you're day?Bobby please stop acting like you're interested in my day or life bobby.okay then let me cut to the chase then please please please please please let me borrow the homework or copy it.Ms.Blotch told me if i don't get every answer right on it i fail the quarter.Well bobby i guess that you haven't been copying the smart people,like the jocks..

I laughed a little but i tryed to laugh loud enough so that darren would laugh as well.To me it seemed like he was haveing a bad day.Seeing him crack a little smile was good.So Fara and Bobby,are you ready for the the math final."Final,what finaly? I WAS NEVER TOLD ABOUT A FINAL !!!" I said in a panicky tone.ohhh yeah i totally forgot about the final oh well i try and copy the person next to me.Yeah good luck with that Bobby."Fara how did you forget about the test" said Darren in a harsh tone.So thats why you look like there a huge pain in you're head.

You noticed my painfull expression?? yeah,well you didn't look a happy as usual.well you're right all weekend i did nothing but study,well ecept for shower,use the bathroom and sleep.My brain is fully of math like pi and equlateral triangles and more.Well i see that you to are kind of kicking me ou of the group so i gata go.Wate,What did you say Bobby.Yeah by.stay kinda smart Bobby.yeah yeah don't get lost stareing at each other.

What ever bobby,don't mind him he's a little bit....yeah sorry to inturupt you darren but i don't care about him and besides we have to go to class now any whay.yeah you're right man i hate school !!! you're not alone Darren,there are alot of people who feal the same way.In my head i was thinking that school isn't so bad when you have the right people there but,yeah it was the truth.

Math,Math,Math i hate it so much.before we started the test the teach went on about check yo're work and try you're best blah blah blah.I zoned out after Ms.Blotch saiddoes everyone have a number 2 something.i wasn't sure if it was pencil or paper.Well if it was paper then it would make any sense.After i took the test,i was finished before everyone. the suckish and kinda good part about the test is that was that it was suppose to last till 5th period.

I would be happy about lunch but me trying to be a keep to my self kinda person is failing.I have friends like Bobby and Darren.well i guess you you can't really count Bobby to be a friend.oh yeah Darrens friends as well are starting to sit with me because he wants to sit with me.Even his annoying friend Dereck.

Here they come. some of darrens friends are cute but not all of them.Thing about jocks is they normally only date cheerleaders.The thig about it is that you would never guess that he plays football.Especually when it comes to cracking on the dum jocks.Darren is the smartest out of all of them.

i'm serious he has a 4.0 grade point average and thats pritty inpresive.If he keeps it up then he could probubly get into any college in the world.When him and his friends come and sit with me i normally get my stuff and sit at there use to be table.But lately he started getting the hint that i kinda want to be left alone.When i het back to my apartment flow reads me the riat act.Even though shes not there visibly.she's some how still here and waching or around,i sometimes think maybe she's soewhere in the air vents or ducts just watching.

chapter 6: Info

After school finally.Weeks have past,maybe 40 or more i really haven't been keeping track.Since you only have 4 quarters and each quater is 10 weeks then i guess less than 40 weeks maybe 30 or less because i have alittle bit more school to go.The thing about living in a dark and dank place is that it gets dark lot quicker sometimes.the sun pokes it's head out every now and then but it's mostly cold,wet and cloudy.

I sometimes hate walking home by my self.since flow caught a cold she stays home and eats plenty of soup,watches her soaps and gets plenty of rest.I try and do all the majic stuff without her but i can only do the best i can without setting the place a fire.But i know when to stop when i see a spark turn into almost an actuall fire.But when flow wakes up i bet you se won't be happy.I kinda brought darren to my house.well actually he walked me home,normally i can take care of my self ecept for tonight.

I was walking home and i thaught i was hearing feet walk right behind me.I didn't turn around i see those scarey movies when people turn around and ask whos there.then keep walking.yeah i may not be that smart but i'm not stupid.i just started walking faster and then cut into an alie.yeash yeah i know thats one thing you don't do but comeon i new i could take hiss lame ass.A little incantation hear a little spell there and i go home freely.But this guy was different when i turned around.

He was tall amost 6 feet high.Eyes that could peirce through you're soul and rip it out painfully.We staered at me with his dark glassy eyes!!tilted his head from left to right examinig me.Hsiad in a dark deep voice " i want youre mony".Well then MR.i guess you're gunna have to take them from me."fine i will die bitch".Yeah try it pal,with the power or shemo i camand thi go give me the power of strength.For those who don't know whay i just said was an incantation.That went wrong.Remember when i said that i practiced my spells even though flow was sick yeah i kina lied about that.I did some spells bu the ones i already mastered.

The only way i would have know that the spell didn't work was when the dude was kicking my butt with no ease what so ever.I punched him the the gut,stomach,rib and face and didn't een leave a scratch.When i finally knew that i was going to lose i decided to take a cheep shot.Aka the down below area.since the first time did a little but i just kept kicking till he was down on the ground holding his croch.Iran about 2 steps then tripped well i really didn't trip the dude grabed my ankle and started beating me.The first couple punches hurt like a hammer beating me face in till all the bones in my face turned to dust.

But then the pain started to turn to numb tingles.But as i was fadeing out,i saw a shadow running towards me and the strange man.I felt the weight of the mans fist and weight lift off me.As i was trying to come to the guy who was beating my face in had his face beaten in.the man who was helping me took me and draged me to the swirly slide in t park.As i tryed to wake me self up.I was lookeing around for some form of the man who was crazy,he was gone i raised my self up and saw the man,the man who saved my life.The man was Darren.He was searching through the bag trying to find a wash cloth or papper towel.When he found a papper towel he took the bottle of poroxide and dabbed my face lightly.

He said in the sweetest voice are you okay??He tryed to give some water but i couldn't drink it.I answered his question with kind of a half smile and said yeah i feel great like i ran into a wall 3 or 70 times.He chuckeled and said even in pain you still have that wonderfull sense of hummor.I think the guy is gone now Fara.where you're house ??? it's just down the street can we just go to you're house Darren i said with a struggle.Well can you gain enough strenghtto walk 20 blooks down that street? he siad whit a little chuckle.

NO Fara lets go we have to get you to a safe place and since you're is the closest.Okay can you carrey me.Yeah i carried you to the park that was 10 feet away with all the groceries.Oay don't show of you're jock muscle just yet.Okay,lets go.I tryed to put the rest of my energy to getting to my apartment.Just take a left down this street.okay,are you okay any pain any where? if there is then i can take you to the hospital.

NO,no hospitals i'm fine a little chicken noddle soup and it will go away.Okay,you know something Fara. What darren? You live in a terrible neighborhood.I snickered a little bit then gasped for air,yeah i know this was the only place i could get a cheep apartment.This is it,i'll do the rest.yo can go now Darren! no can you even walk? yeah,just let me goooooo........He let me go and i landed on my side a rush of pain like a thousand sharp needles peirceing through my skin.Darren rush to my side and help suport my back and side.I told him to take the elavatore to floor 13 and go to room 1226.Okay lets go.

The guy at the front desk looked at me and him but mainly my bloody swolen face and he just snickered.Darren tryed not to pay any attention to the owner of the hotel and just tryed to help me.We got in the elevatore and he put me down on the floor gentley.He gave me another sip of water and thi time i drank almost all of it this time.The doors of the elavatore opened and he picked me up i was looking around for the door number i saw one of the wall clocks.The time said it was 10:14 p.m.i coldn't belive the time.I remember when it was 6:45 now 10 something.

Okay this is it,room 1226.OOOOHHHHH OHHHH !!!!!!,I said with a violent pain.ARE YOU OKAY,a scared pain in his voice sounded when he said that.Yeah,Yeah i'm okay i just have to lie down.Okaaaayyyy...His voice trailed you're place is awsome.thanks the couch is right there.Flow are you okay ?who's flow?? remember that bat that everyonewas freaking out about at school?? yeah i remember you were the only one who wasn't.Well thats myyy.I started to choke the word out.Then he lyed me down.

I started to nod off after a little while but i kept wakeing up to feel little light dabs of something on my face.But each time i saw his nice beautiful smile looking at me with a litttle bit of worry on his face.after the 5th or 6th touch i passed out.And i started to dream,bu this dream way different.Instead of me and Darren in the park just hanging out studying for one of ourm other finals.Flow was there,reading me the riet act on how Darren is at the apartment and how i was so reckless by not practicing new spells.After she read me the riet act she started working me hard as don't know what on the spells i should have practiced.

After about 40 spells worth of practicing,i started to wake up.but i didn't wake up on my own.If the dream was wonderful i probubly would have stayed asleep to dream my life away.But if it wasn't for that loud "BEEP BEEP BEEP".I was kind of afraid to wake up because i didn't know what the beeps was and who was there.But suddenly the bbets stopped and i felt something put something cold on my face.At first it was very cold but then it started to feel really good.

I opened my eyes and looked up and saw Darren looking straight at me with a smile on his face.Then a sigh of relief.wakey wakey sleepy head,do feel any better.At first i was wonderig what he was talking about but till i felt alot of pain ruch to my face and the rest of my body.Hey hey hey take it easy fara you're still pritty beat up.lie back down and breath.Thanks Darren i haven't had this much care since my grandmother past away.No problem fara,i love to help.what time is it?

well it's 6:30 pm on a've been asleep for about 2 you staye hear almost all weekend.yeah i wanted to make sure you were okay and i wanted to see you wake up.okay so since you were asleep for 2 days,are you hungry.A little bit can you get me some cereal please.Sure,what ever you want. were are you're bowls and spoons?The bowls are in the second cabinat on the right and the spoons are in the first bottom drawer.

OOOOHHHHH OHHHH!!! What what,are you okay fara.yeah i just need some aspring in my bag.sure where is your bag?My bag is in the bathroom in the cabinet of the third shelf.I have one question? what is that Darren.If you asprin is on the third shelf then why put it into a bag.To seporate some of my meds.Can you just get me some please sure hears you're bowl of cereal anyou're pills are comeing up.Thank you.

when i saw that Darren left the room i started to say a spell that could help anyone.As i was saying the word flow just randomly popped in the room.aww so now you do some form of practicing.But as flow was talking darren walked in the room and just starred at me and flow for a good 5 minutes.All i could think was that " the cats out of the bag".Fara i think you need to tell young master Darren what going on hear now.

wate,what,who,how??? he said with a shocked expresion on his face.Darren i know you have many question but i can answer them the best i can okay.okay Fara lets start with what?okay you allready kinda know what.well for staters Flow is a bat like i explained before and she doesn't die no matter what happens to her and yes you can she can talk.thats what happens when you've been around for a few thousand years young master know flow you can just talk to him normaly. oooh okay i felt so mid evil times right there calling you young master. next question darren.yeah sure okay Fara how about how.

Well how is she speaking? Well she was a normall pet bat and.... wate wate fara can i explain it?sure flow she really enjoys telling this story.Well it was 1763 and i was a normal bat in england flying around from a far i saw this beautiful flash of colorfull light blinking like those strobe lights.So i was curious and i checked it out.i started to move closer and closer to it and it was this tall dark castle with heavy dark clouds surrounding it.

The flashes got louder so i.....before flow could finish the sentence i yelled at the top on my lungs and said " FLOW!!" please get to the end of the story please.I think Darren is about to fall asleep.NO no i'm okay the talking bat is kind of
an attention grabber.OHokay flow please continue but hurry up please.Thank you,Fara don't inturupt me agian please.okay what ev'

As i was saying,I moved closer to the light and snuck through the a crack ia a window.As i was loking around i saw this man standing over a giant pot of this liqued was flashing colorfull lights.But then a huge BBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBB !!!!! Went off.whne flow did that i immediatly woke up.when she saw she had my attention again she continued with the story.the place was blone to pieces.i was laying on the ground 2 feet away from the man and he was paceing backa and forth trying to figure what went wrong with the liqued.At firts i was looking around speaking in a bat tone and then speaking like a human person.The man heard me speaking and started asking me questions.Like how are you speaking and what are you.i explained and answered each question he asked,well for Fara longs story short we became freinds he ran test and i am what i am to this day.happy Fara?

Yes i am happy now.I just can't belive a kind of short story took 2 hours.Any way so Darren are you okay? yeah i kinda am,my heart started to beat a t a normal rate again.Well Fara i can take a talking bat.Anything else you need to tell me?well just one thingand thats that i'm a witch or a trainee witch.Wate you what? Well i can do some trick,with the help of Flow i can do some beginner tricks.but if i keep practicing i can do a lot better were i become a full witch.Okay i can handle that,can i tell you something Fara? yeah sure ask away.Well i always new that there was something special about you and i now know what.The only thing i want to get off my chest is that..... well that.....

As he was struggleing to choke out the words he kept looking at me and flow.Then he continued,well Fara i'm in love with you he said in a jokeative tone but from the expression on his face i knew he wasn't jokeing.I tryed to interupt Darren before he could kept going on but he wouldn't let me.Listen to me Fara i never felt this way about a girl before,you make me want to see another day.You keep me to the ground everytime i see you.You're the only thing in this world i think about.The only thing i'll ever want.I know i have only none for a few months now maybe even less and it feels like i've know you ever since i was born.Befor i met you,my life felt not completed.Till now i need you to tell me you don't feel the same way.Please i know how you feel the same way about me.

He moved closer to me and grabed my hand.Please,Tell me the truth?I started thinking and all these thaughts were running through my head.Like one of the thaughts that kept repeating over and over was saying tell him the rest of you're self and tell him you like him like that.the other thaughts were like you have to make him laeve and nere talk to hima agian.But what should i do,i don't want to see him die right infront of me.

Darren i cant,i can't do this with you.My voice started to quiver and i started to fear and regret.I told you i wasn't looking for anything,no friends and no love whats so ever and hear you come with this.Darren i can't do this if you would please leave,please.Okay Fara i'll leave and i'll kep you're secret about all of this.But i promise you that i won't stop loving you till the day i die maybe even after death.Please Darren,just go.He walked towards the door with a sad expresion on his face and as he wa leaving he said "See you at school" and then just left.All night i stayed up thinking about what he said and how my feelings are for him.

Chapter 7 :Schools Got Complacations

Tomorrow is Monday once again and i'm kinda scared to go.I know i can't miss 30 days of school well i think it's 30 days.Well i already missed almost 25 days already so i have to go.All night and all morning i kept on hearing darren say " I'm in love with you" replaying over and over again in my head. You know Fara this is you're fault.Waste how is this my fault,Flow.I told you no tho talk or mae friends with anyone and you go and do the opposit by makeing friends and now one of them is in love with you.

Flow i have bigger things to deal with than you acuseing me of creating this whole problem.Oh yeah like what?Well for one,how am i going to stay away from him.I have every single class with him and it's so far it the quarter to change.Well i know you will get through this Fara just go to school and try to divert away from him.By fara and good luck today and stay away from that boy.yeah yeah what ever flow i'll try.

Some times i think Flow can be a little to protective but i still love her like a mother.When i think about my family i get mad at my self but it feels like there still hear with me.Just hear at a distance.

I just got to school and no Darren in sight.I still can't believe he sad the words i love you.I never thaught i was the type who kinda had comitment issues.But technically i don't have those issues because i just don't want to see him die."HEY FARA,WATE UP"At first i thaught that vioce calling my name was Darren.But when i turned around it was Bobby.Hey bobby whats going on?Well Darren was looking for you but he wanted me to check to see if you were hear and if you were talking to him? I have you hear,but are you talking to him?

Bobby did he tell you whats going on between us? No he just told me to do these to simple tasks.Well bobby can you do me a favor?sure what is it and any favor i do come with a price.okay i'll pay you 20 bucks.Okay thats more than Darren,so whats the tsk you want me to proform.Okay listen to me it's very simple and you can't screw it up.I want you to forget i was ever hea and that you never talked to darren at all today okay.yeah sure what ever now weres my 20 bucks.I'll pay you when i see the job get done.Okay you're smarter than Darren is because he already paid me and the one thing i don't do is give money back.

Yeah sure what ever Bobby remember you get paid when i see results.Well i gata go i see my lady friend.Bobby you know she took karate right?Oh yeah,well then i can at least try!Well don't come crying when she judo kicks you're but to next year.Well the Bob man don't stike out at any time.Yeah good luck with that i will give you 5 more bucks if you talk to her for more that one minute.Okay i want it up front.Don't worry i got you're money right hear.And the time starts NOW!!!.Wtching bobby walk over there like he has some form of swagger was kinda funny.But i felt bad for him because 30 seconds into a conversation with that girl he liked,she kicked him all the way back hear.

Don't say a word!! i new you wern't going to last more than a minute with her.SHUT UP,why does it seem like you're always right.oh it's because i'm a g like that okay.Heythers Darren,Fara i don't know what happened between you two but you two need to talk.I gata go stay breezy.Yeah ight,as Bobby was walking away i was wondering about that random exit stratagies i could use but my brain was drawling blanks.

Hey Fara we need to talk about what happened last night.Umm well i gata go Ms.Blotch wanted to talk to me about the final sooo by.When i said buy all i could think was should we talk about this subject or should we just let bigons be bigons.Before Darren go to any of the class we had together tryed to ask each teacher if i could move by seat closer to the door and far away form Darren.There are two reasons why i did that one is that i wanted to get to each of my classes a lot quicker.the second reason is that i was scared that he might try and start a conversation about the thing i don't want to talk about.

Lunch time came and i was worried about how Darren might come and sit with me.I sat at my normal table and waited to see if they would sit with me and guess what? They did so i did the resonalbe thing and moved to the guys use to be table.As i was walkng away i coul hear the guys talking about me and him.Some of the guys were saying " damn dude what did you do,i thaught i was th only guy who could make girls leave like that.but you." then another voice said " yeah man were all dieing to know."Okay guys i was wonder when some body would come and talk to me about why sh doesn't want to be around me.But i think i told her news that she wasn't ready for."Like what"a v another voice said.

Did you tell her about you're dad wanting you to move to Ohio with him.No i thaught i was going to tell her later but she won't talk to me.SSSSSSSSOOOOOO then what did you tell her then braa.Well i know you guys told me not to tell her until whe became more thean friends but....."NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" All the guys said at once.Them saying no wa so lod that the entire cafateria turned there heads and stared.Then in about 6 seconds the cafateria turned back to normal only people payed attention to the people in there click.The guys just kept on hitting him and gerking him around while saying whats the matter with you.

I couldn't take it any more.him saying i love you and thinking about him saveing my life from a sycho person.i tryed to keep fighting it.I did what i had to do,scratch that what i was supose to do which was stay miserable for the rest of my life and i couldn't do that.I'm sick of this doing the right thing.Should i,no i shouldn't i can't put him through i can't belive i'm haveing this right now,that whol person vs. himself or herself.

chapter 8 :I'm Sick Of Puting Me Aside

Hey dude look it's you're ex comeing this way.Oh shnipit i cant deal with this chick right now can one of you guys diveet her awa fro me please.Naa dude we all know how crazy jenny is so you deal with her.Incomeing in 5,4,3,2,1 kaboom.Then the whole group started to laugh and snicker.Shut up you little cave demonds i need ttalk to you Darren,it's about us.

Well Jenny the us thing,well it ended when i broke up with you.Remember you threw a huge hissy fit.Well homey i would like to say im sorry and hope that we would get back together.Oksythats it i can't take hearing and seeing what was happening.Especually Jenny trying to get back with him.

Well i,i love him the first guy i could gain enough courage to actually say how i feel and to admit how i feel now.To say i love you.But i can't make his life a living hell because of my feelings.But the thing is that i'm sick of putting my feeling aside i love this guy with all my heart and i know i shouldn't do this but i don't what do you think i would do in this momment.Yeah i did what i wasn't suppose to do which was..I got up and walked over their.I walked slowly over towards the Darren while he was talking to Jenny.The thing about jenny is that she can't take a hint for jack.But you gota give this chick her props for consistancy.

Hi jenny how are you today?Yeah like you really care Fara don't you see me and my boyfriend talking right shew fly shew.Jenny do't talk to Fara like that and besides were not even together.Now normally i would be putting the hurt on anyone who put there hand in my face with a pinch or rudeness but i'll let it slid becuase in a second she's going to be gone like the wind.So lets see if i can put this chick in check.Well Jenny you're right about the me not careing about you but Darren can i talk to you for a second.

Well first of all Fara me and Darren were talking so you need to b...Before she could finish her sentence,i turn my self faced Darren and gave him a big long passionet kiss.At first i wanted to kiss him and run away.But something just said kept on telling me you're not doing anything wrong.I put my arms around him and then he put his around me.

When i was kissing him it felt like the world revalved around only me and him and there was no one their but me and him.Well until i kept on hearing the jocks yelling whoop whoop whoop over and over again.As we were kissing i could feel everyone's eyes on only me and him.But i could feel a different pair of eyes.And i new who's eyes they were.they were,Jenny's.Her stare felt cold and sharp like a thousands of pins trying to perice in my skins but i didn't care at all.It was just me and Darren,i didn't want to stop kissing him,but it felt like something or someone was trying to pull him away from me.

He grabbed me tighter,he grabed me so tight i could feel his hard chizzeld football playing body right against my body.The feel of him was nice and smoothe.But my wonderfull world was ripped back when we were seperrated.As i was comeing back to reality i saw Darren turningtowars the thing that pulled him away from me.That this was Jenny.I stared at her in anger,but then she tryed to kiss him.She pulled him towards her and he just pulled back.When he did that it felt like a weight was lifted.Jenny.Jenny as you can tell i'm with Fara right now and you need to back off.I broke up with you because of this.You thinking you can get what ever you want,well listen to me i'm not another pawn in these games you're playing.

I love it when he took charge like a reall man but his friends agreed with him.Pritty much everyone agreed with him.Yeah Jenny you need to stop being such a jerk sometime but if you want to go out sometimes then i'm cool wit that said Dereck.Dereck i would'nt date you if you and me were the last two people on the earth.Jenny thats why you no longer have Darren,so to make you're self look alot less like a jerk i would leave out this cafateria.You know what Fara, i hope you to have a long and horrible relation ship togheter and Darren.Yeah,what do you want Jenny.Well you decide to leave that thing i'll be waiting for you.

you wanna know something Darren.Sure what is it Fara?I LOVE YOU,i really really love you.When i said those 3 little words this beatuful smile lit up his face and i steard in him big beautiful brown eyes and gave him a kiss on his cheek.I would have kept on kissing him like i did before but the bell rang and you know what that means.In my head the bell is really saying "get to you're class you lazy bunch of kids.

After lunch was great for me an Darren,well eccept for the both of use really didn't pay attention to our classes like we should have but we didn't care.The teachers probubly would retaught the lesson again probubly.End of the day finally.i get to spend some time with Darren.Hey bobby have you seen Darren?Yeah last i saw he was at his locker talking to Jenny.Wait he was talking to Jenny? Yeah she was crying and he was hugging her.Bobby i gotta go,i don't Trust her as far as i can throw her.Okay but can you guys please start calling me Bob or something please.Sure what ever.

Jenny i know you're sad about our brake up but i'm with Fara and she's waiting for me.Darren i know you miss me i saw you're sad face had when you were with her you can tell me.Jenny i don't love you i love her and only her i gota go.Wait.. i hope you can peice how this conversation whent from talk thi this trick kissing him.But i watchalot of those movies and i'm not going flip out unless he doesn't pull away from her."Jen,Jenn,JENNY STOP IT.I DON'T LOVE YOU WHEN HAVE I EVER SAID THE WORDS I LOVE YOU TO YOU BEFORE".Darren.ooooooohhh i like it when you raise you're voice to me.NO stop it Jenny from now on don't talk to me or Fara.Yeah Jenny i knew that you were still going to try and take my boyfriend away.But this,this is pathetic.You see Jenny i know yo new i saw watching thats why you kissed him and you were also hopeing that by kissing him he would come back to you but no.

Darren can we go now flow just texted me that i need to come home now.Yeah,sure lets go. i didn't know flow could text.Yeah one day she texted me during school and i was amazed.On the way homeDarren just talked about random stuff and i liked it.Then it started to rain.I loved it when i statrted to rain honey.The thing i really couldn't believe was how we already started to call each other these cute couple names.It kinda felt weird to me but i liked it very much.Darren to me is like the man if my dreams he isn't afraid to look like a fool just to make me smile.

He even saw that i was feling a lttle down so he started to sing the song singing in the rain.I couldn't help but laugh especually when he tryed to get me to do it.I never thaught i could have so much fun just by walking inght rain with one other person.We finally got to my appartmet and Flow wasn't happy about us now dateing but she was also happy as well.I could sense a fear and sadness.Well i'm glad that you to are together and to see my Fara happy.Um Fara can i talk to you in the kitchen for a second.sure,honey can you wait hear sor a minute.Yeah okay what ever makes you happy.

Fara what are yo doing,you're putting this mans life in danger for you're own selfish reason.What are yo talking about,i didn't mean for me to fall in love with this guy.Flow don't you dare and say i'm being selfich because i didn't want to put his life in danger but i'm sick of putting my needs or my self second in my life.Eever school i've went to which had cute guy ther i had to be the out cast ing the school and i'm sick of it.Now if you don't like it you can leave right now.No i'm just telling you that you're responsible for his life.I do and like you sad i have enough strenght im my magic.Yes but if you want to unlock all you're powere i need you to be practicing with me then.

okay then i will,but not tonight because me and Darren are going to chill tonight.Okay Fara just for today,tomorrow we practice for you're level ten witches licence.So they give you a licence for going to level ten.Yeah becuse you start brooms and vacums,pritty nuch anything.when you get to level twenty you're going to get another licence.So the level ten licence is like a drivers licence.Yes exactly.Okay so tomorrow i have a busy day then.Yes we do so i would sujest that you hve a good night rest okay.Yeah but flow could you do me a faver and leave us alone for a hours.

Chapter 9 : I'm Sorry To Put You Through This

Fara where is flow going?Well flow is tired tonight so shes going to bed early.But if you're board watching the paint dry on that wall there's a t.v in my room.Oh okay,i love the colors you painted the walls.Why thank you,i tryed to brighten the place up a little bit.Do you want anything while i'm in the kitchen honey? No thank you baby i'm good.Most people would probubly say that were rushing into things by already calling each other these cute names.But i don't think so we been kinda likeing each other for a while so i kinda cout that as dateing.

WWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW,you're t.v is huge.what is you're t.v size Fara? Oh the television size is i think 72 inches.Well i love it and you even more.Wow i love you even more now.Really then i can i get some of that love you're fealing.Sure baby come and give me some of that sugar.So i gave hima little peck on his lips and then pulled away quickly.I went to go sit on the bed but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.Then he said yo know i don't need a jolly rancher i need a a long lasting lolly pop.i snickered a little bit and then we started kissing again.

We were kisssing for about 3 hours straight.But it felt like 3 minutes..Just in the moment haveing fun and next thing we both new was my alarm clock going off.I i new what that ment,time to get up to go to school.But i kinda didn't want to i just wanted to stay there for a few more hours but i could hear Flow makeing my breakfast.I new he had to go home,change clothes and a showere but i could tell wih the look in his eye he injoyed the make out sesh we had andhe wanted more.But school always has to ruien the fun doesn't it.

I came out my room with Flow and she had that face.You know the face when you're parents think you're doing it and they say use protection and all that crap.I kept on nodding no nothing happened but i think she new a little bit.Darren kissed me good by and said see you at school bu that was about 1 or 2 hours away so i couldn't wait that long,could i????

Well Flow,go ahead and say it already.Say what? the safe SEX talk.Saying that word or words made chills going down my spine.Well Fara i don't want to have this talk with you.All i need to say is that you need to use protection and make sure it's with the guy that you love.The 2 hours passed by very slowly.I ate breakfast,took a shower and go dressed with an hour to spare.I don't know if i should go early and wate for him or practice some of my spells.Iam so happy with my self,i just mastere the power of telepotation.What i don't belive you Fara,thats a level 15 spell.Yeah watch me lave and go to school,peace!!!!

Wate don't forget you have the level 10 exam tonight so come straight back after school okay.Yeah yeah you got it Flow,i'll try and be hear after school.Bye,i couldn't wate pop right next to Darren.Trying to learn how to teleport isn't the easiest thing to learn.For one is because you're body parts can go different places or you're could leave a peice of you.There are meany conplicatins with teleportation.

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!Hi honey sorry if i scared you i just wanted to practice something.Like what,giving me a heart attack.Please when you do that move you remind me of that girl jeannie from that show "i dream of jeannie".She popped up just like you just then.Well i'm sorry honey,does this make it better.I kissed him on his lips and pulled back quickly.So does that make you feel any better honey?Well you know you scared me pritty well,i think i need more kisses to feel better.Okay come hear then come hear so i casn make it all better.

Hey Fara and Darren,hows the new most likely to stay cutest couple.Fara this is my friend ashley,she works for the yearbook.Corection i don't work for the year book the year book works for me!Hi ashley it's nice to meet you.Like wise,i wanted to meet the person who took my bestfriends boyfriend away from her.So ashley is that all you came over hear to day or did Jenny send you over hear.No not at all Darren,you know i'm just trying to put people in the right electives.You know like cutest couple and best dreesed stuff like that.I just wanted to let you know that it seems like you two are going to be best couple.

Darren before it would have been you and jenny again but it seems like people like you two better so congrats.I have to go now and try not to break up any time soon.Because i don't want to redo this hole thing all over again.You hear that baby,were going to be cutest couple.Normally women are all jumping and happy.Well i could care less,but one thing i wanna know is when ashley said you and jenny would be best couple again.What did you mean bye that.

Oh i was kinda hopeing you didn't catch that part.well dod you want the long version or the short version.I want theversion that gets me my answer to the agina part of what she said.Well honey i guess that means the long version then.We both have all day so lets go.Well it all started with the first day of high school and i saw her and she saw me so i asked her out.We both had complacation with the whole relation ship so we took seporation time from each other.Well she did the sporation thing.i would have did it to but every girl in school was afraid of her so no one came near me that was a girl.

Especually if she was pritty.But when it came time for electives she would get back with me.We were pritty much on and off.So every year we both would win.Well i guess i gave you the short version.Thats the short version?Yes it was,the one i thaught i was telling you was the long one but i guess not.Well i'm glad you told me this instead of acting like nothing happened.Well i love you to much to lie to you..shhhhhhhhhhh less talky more kissy.As we were kissing i started to go to my happy place.But when i was zoneing the stupid bell rang.Which ment happyness go bye bye.I have my stupid test today and it's not a normal test it's the stupid magic test.And that test can make or break a witch.You fail you go all the way back to level 1.Trust me you don't want to go all the way back to 1 because you have to lear to levatate things.But if you do surpurb on the test you can gain about 5-10 levels.

But first period was okay weire watching a movie for the next couple of weeks left of school.i can't belive were almost done with school.just one more year and college.Keep on asking Darren about what college he's going to or if he's going at all.But i see this sad look on his face when i ask.So i just try and change the subject.The first movie we were watching is that west side story.We all ways watched it in music at least once a year.The movie is mainly about a different take on romeo and juliet.But with the ending juliet doesn't die so i guess thats a plus.

I'm not that much of a romeo and juliet person.I like
that there was a no happy ending but if you see it from a different point of view,they still wound up togther.In heaven or hell.The teacher really didn't care if we talked or if the class broke into a huge fight.I guess thats what happens when a teachers gets a boyfriend.Me and Darren in the back of the class room trying to stay away from the people who were yelling and screaming.

Darren kept on telling me just circle around them, don't listen.Is it just me or is it like he is always right.I didn't want to stay in the classroom with these people.Especually when we couls atomatically tell that people were stareing because one everyone shut up and two everyone just starred.Normally i wouldn't care but even the teacher stared.Darren you want to walk around the school for a while,i'm kinda board hear.Sure i know this perfect place for us to go to and chill till the end of the period.Okay lets go.Hey Maddy if the office calls for one of us or they need us just let them know were in the bathroom and text me okay.Yeah sure Darren just don't do anything i wouldn't do.Yeah what ever Maddy thanks.

Okay lets go i got a friend looking for us.So Mr.secreative were are we going.Well a special place were it's just you and me.Okay i'm kinda likeing were this is going so were would that place'll see in a few minutes.He started walking then he started walking faster.Then it didn't turn to walking any more,just running faster and faster.So fast that it seemed like he was pulling me.Then the next thing i new i was in his arms and he was holding.Running faster and faster every second.I finally realized where he was taking me.To the beach or a place that looked like a beach.

Well hear we are honey.My back yard or part of it.You're back yard is a beach of part of a beach.Yeah my family wanted a house with many perks.So you live hear?Well kinda not hear hear like where you're standing hear.We live up there on the mountain hear.Way up there on the top?No just a little bit farther down.Well can i go and meet you're family,you met mine.well when the time is right okay and plus they know you're hear anyway.Okay,well i think we might have to go back to school i have a feeling that the bell might ring any minute.

But Darren i have one question..Wait i know what you're talking about how i ran you hear.Yeah how?Fara i know you're kinda down with the super natuarl butthis is different.As he was speacking i could hear a quiver in his voice And he tryed to continue.Fara you know i ove you soooo much that my hearts starts to beat after so many years.What do you mean by so many years Darren?I'm a,I'm a VAMPIRE!!!

Chapter 10: Sorry For This

For the first five minutes i was trying to prosses the whole i'm a vampire thing.How gould i not understand,not know what he was or is.He could be in the sun.What was i missing,i guess important peices.It seeme like he was different.To everyone he was normal or human,even to me.Fara plese say something,don't stare at me like that please say something.Darren i don't know what to say about any of this.But te one thing i can say is that i'm happy you're telling me this.But i don't kow what to say.We have to Fara,the bell rang.Its time for lunch.Lunch whatr do you mean lunch we've been hear for a few minutes.Well now you've been kinds zoned out for about an hour.Darren i'm not going back to school,i Gatta go home.

Many things were running,no raceing through my mind.One i'm dateing a freaking vampire!!!I guess i should have none because he always seemed a little cold.But i never actually thaught about it.But i cn't stay mad at him,i lovehim way to much.Even though he doesn't have a soul i still feel something.He still feels human and i love that.Most people would freak out by maybe screamming and running away but i watch movies.There is no sense in running away.It's pritty much a no brainer.they have supper speed,enhansed smell and vision.There a killing machine.

Thats how they get the food with ease.But the one thing thats on my mind is what they eat.No i'm not that stupid,i know what vampire eat but what type though.Human,animal what.Beacuse if it's human this might not work out.It seems like what i did know about vampire might be wrong but who knows.Wait i don't even know anthing about then really,no more than someone who watches vampire movies and shows.

I spent the hole day walking around the city,trying to think and try and collect the little sanity i had in my head.But durring the day i had my phone ringging off the scale.I wanted to call and text him back but i inda didn't want to talk or see him right now.The more and more i tryed to gather my thaughts my head started to pound harder and harder.But i can't keep these bad thaughts on my mind but i need to get my head in the game and think about magic.Nothing but magic i need to pass this test.

My phone is an distraction,it rings and rings.But i need to leave it and walk away.It's almost 4:35 i need to go and take this test.How the hell am i going to tell Flow that my boyfriend is a vampire.Well if i do then maybe she could tell me why i didn't know this.She has to know something because vampires because she's been around for almost four of five hundred years now.Hey Flow i'm hear on time to take this test.Yeah i'm right hear,just change into the clothes i set on you're bed and then come in the kitchen.Okay,i started changing into the outfit Flow wanted me to wair and i looked like it was from mid evil times.

But it made me feel like i was a princess.That was good.Flow i'm ready to take this test.Okay Fara weir going to start with level 1 to level 10.So take you're time,concentrate and breath the more air you take in the stronger you're magic will be.Fara what the matter you seem sad.Yeah i'm kina okay,i just found out Darren is a vampire.Yeah you didn't know?NOOO i didn't know,why didn't you tell me? I thaught you new.Thats why you're atracted to him.No it's not i watch t.v i learned how to make me not like of fall in love with people and creatures.Ilearned that wheni skimmed the spell book.Wate when was that?That was when you first gave me the book.So the sweetie you're in love with a vampire,just deal with it.

Yeah yeah what ever lets just do this okay.Level 1 lets do it,levatate the pencil.Okay one things for sure is that if smeone ever gives you a book skim it instead of actually reading it unless you want you.But some books you can't or shouldn't skim beacuse there is a huge chance you will miss a big chunk of information.After the exams with levatation,sheilding and more i passed the test and now a level 10 witch or wicken but i just was happy to go to bed and rest.But i culdn't stop thinking about Darren.I'm not afraid,scared,threatened i just can't get or understand how i didn't know.

For the past week ever since Darren told me about the whole vampire thing,i haven't went to school or to see him.I miss him so much durring the past week.Flow is makeing me go to school on the last week.Plus i need people to sighn my yearbook.Normally i would have left about 4 months ago and moved to some other place in washington i havn't lived before.But i love it hear.Yould get a good amount or sun and no sun aka winter.I kinda want to go to school for the last week and i kinda don't.I kinda do because i want some of the people who hardly know me and don't like me to sighn my yearbook.The reason why i don't want to go is because i don't want to see Darren.Well i really really want to see Darren but how can i talk to him,should i act like it never happened.

I don't know what to do,i wish i had someone to help me but i don't.Well i only have 4 more days of school so i should be happy about that.Plus this was my last year of high school and i am outa hear.College hear comes Faraganda Mackavie and i am excited out of my mind.But first priority geting out of high school.Darren keeps on texting me bt what should i say.what should i do,he trys and talks to me on facebook but i don't answer him.I guess tomorrow i'm gonna to have to talk to him.Unless i can create z cloaking sheld around my self when ever he come near me.Yeah that might actuall work for me.To bad this giant book doesn't have an index in it.It would probubly make looking for this spell alot easier.But i'm to tired to do this now.

Monday morning,and i'm so scarded to talk to him.What am i going to say.I practice saying things to Darren in the mirror.This is what i got so farm"hey Darren hows it going.I still love you" and thats all i got so far.I hope some more words come to my head.Well the ting about it being the last week of school is that pritty much no one comes to school.So far Darren is know where in sight and i like it so far.Hey Fara.AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH,i guess i now know what it feels like to almost have a heart atack.
I'm sorry for scaring you last time Darren!Like i said last time Fara its okay not like i can have one anyway.Fara i understand if you don't want to date me ever again or even see me i ju...I interupted him talking befor he could finish his sentence beacue i did want to keep seeing and dateing him.

Darren what don't you understand about the word i love you? Now is that a retorical or a non retorical question?I love you Darren no matter what or who you are.So i guess that was a retorical question then.Ha ha ha very funny.He hugged me and gave me a kiss on my for head.But i wanted to know more about him,everything about him.He looked around and said " do you want to go to a special place" with a big beautiful smile and then winked at me.I live it when he smiles at me,it makes me melt like chocolate you held in you're hand for at least a minute.

Sure lets go,wait are we going to take the way you did two weeks ago.Yeah unless you want to walk like normal.Naa you're way is alot quicker.All right now or 1st period.How about..He picked me up and put me behind his back and i held on tight to him..He started to runn at a mormall rate but when no one was around,he kicked it into high gear.He ran as fast as or even faster than a car with the peddle pushed all the way down.Faster than a speeding bullet like superman or faster and i loved it.The breeze threw my hair and just to see everything i never seen before in a blink of an eye.Fara close you're eyes i don't want you to see where we are till i say so,okay.Yeah sure what ever i promise.

I'll know when you're eye are open so keep them closed.At first i was okay with him being all secretive but it get very anxious when i don't know whats he's going to do.Were hear you can open you're eyes.Wow this is so beautiful,it smells like a sinfony of flowers and there fragrances.It smelt so beautiful.But the place all together wwas amazing i was speechles.The place ahd to be about 1 acer long and filled with all of my favorite flowers.Darren i love it so much,it has all my favorite flowers and ones i never new existed.Oh they exist,There just in different parts of the world.

So then whay are they doing hear them?Um well,you got me i kinda made this whole place.So you did all of this,the flowers.the dozens and dozens of flowers.Well yeah i made this ater i turned into a vampire.I needed some place to come and just be me.When ever i was stressed or about or was about to go on a feeding frenzy,on the whole town i would come hear and meditate.

This place use to help me and keep me calm.No one knows about this place except you and me.So,i know you have a lot of questions to ask me and i'm ready for them.Okay,i have about five or more,so try an bare with me.My first question is that how can you be in the sun ?Well it's because of our family crest and our venom helps us with that hole sun thing.Well the family crest is suppose to give you the living the perception of us being alive or still human.So the crest has fooling humans that you're still alive even to the touch.Yes it does and the funny thing is that our vemon in use is our crest.So why do i see you always wearing that ring.The reason i were the ring is because all vampires need to were or have some form of a crest.But the we choose to make to be cold or warm.

To pritty much symbloize that you belong to some form of a clan or family.Do you have any other questions for me?Well i had about 7 but you just answered about 5 of them in less that a few minutes.Well i know one question i do know you really really want answered.Which is what?What type of blood do we drink.Yeah so answer the question!I drink animal blood.My family are kinda like vegatarians,the only thing we eat or drink are animals.So you don't have to wory about me wanting to kill you.Yeah i feel a little better about this whole thing now.Afte isad tha he had this sad expresion on his face.

Darren i was kidding,ever since you told me i new what i was gettin into and i stil do.Ilove you and anything that comes with you.Now that i think about it,did you tell Jenny about you being a vampire.Actually she is vampire and her friends.There all part of the spinx clan.So tere all fom egypt then.Yeah prity much,he move around a lot like us.Sowhen did they move?They al movewhen chloe patra died.They ll worshiped her and how popular she was.So how old are you?I'm only 215 year old,i'm the yougest one in my family.Wow,when is you're birthday then ?Well to tell you the truth Fara i don' even know when it is any more.Whe you reach the age of 100 you really stop careing abot a birthday.

Fara when is you're birtday ?It's July 4th,before my parents died they said you wil always have happiness and independence.Till now i didn't really beleave them.He turned around and looked at m with a socked expression on his face.He grabbed me and threw me on is back and ran.I asked him whts happening and he didn't say anything.He sopped sometimes and chnged directios but i was still wondeing what was going.On,by the third or fourth question he asked me to calm down and not to talk at all till we got to his house.

We finally got to his house and it was huge.It was in the middle of the mountain.The house over looked the whole city.You could see evey side of the city like the north,south,east and west sections of the city.When we got inside Darren rushed me to his room and told me to stay hear.He closed the door and ran off.The whole time i was wondering whats going on hear.I was sitting in his room for about 5 minutes.I walked around his room and it was nice.It was bright and it looked like he loved to read.

After around 10 minutes Darren came back.He had a sad and scared expressionon his face.Fara i don't know whats going on but i gota get you home.Darren whats the matter,why did you bring me hear and then leave?Listen i want to get you home first then i'll tell you why i did what i did okay.Sure lets go,i got on his back again and he ran.It looked like night was soon apoun us.But all i could think about was whats going on with Daren in his head.And i tryed to think and peice things together but there was nothing to peice together.we finally got to my apartment.He dropped me off at my door and said good.But before i could let him finish that sentence i asked him whats going on.

I can tell it's bad because he wont tell me what happened and whats going on.Fara i don't want you to freak out,can you just let it go please.No i won't let it go,we were in a beautiful place and you take me an just start running.You can't keep something that bothering you a secret from me.I'm a witch and i know how to protect my self.Fara i don't want you getting hurt like you did last time.It nearly killed me to see you hurt like that.So you think by not telling me,it's going to keep me safe from what ever.

Darren by not telling me whats happeneing you're harming me,so please whats going on?Okay but the oly thin i know is that what ever was chaseing us wants you dead.Who Darren?I don't know who.When i got there back to the medow there was something burning the words "She will die" in the grass.I looked at them and aked what they are doing.They started to walk away.So i chased them and they just dissapeared into thin air.Can you discribe them to me please?Yeah they were covered in nothing but black cloth,had red eyes,there were 3 of them and i think thats about it.Thank i'll ask Flow if she knows anything about these guys.Fara be carefull and i love you.I love you to Darren and don't worry about me.I could see the pained expression on his face and i hate it when he's sad.

I gave him a long kiss good by and then a long hug.He looked happy for a second but i new him long enough to know when he trying to fake it.I know he was still worried about me and i couldn't do anything about it except stop the thing that wants to kill me.Flow i need help with something.What is it Fara?I was with Darren today and he ran into these guys.what guys?I didn't see them but Darren said the burned the words " She will die " in the grass and they were dressed in nothing but black cloth and had red eyes.How did they burn the words?I don't kno let me text Darren.The thng about haveing a cell phone is that you can instintly do anything better that e-mailing or righting i.So boo yah to all you cell phone haters out there.

Honey i have something to tell you and please don't get mad at me when you hear it okay.Yeah sure what is it Flow?Wellthe otherday you got a letter fom the witches of revnge.The whooo?the witches of revenge are the women who cursed you befor you were born.So wait those chicks are stll alive?Yeah the were hrred to creat cureses and they are the only ones to take them away.But with them takeing the curse away you have to kill them.Okay so what about tis letter that was sent hear.Oh yeah well the witches sent a letter saying that they hav changed the been fed up you're happiness.Whaare you talking about,the only thing i have loved was you and Darren.When did we get that letter?Oh abut 7-10 months ago.WHAT!!!! and you didn't ive i to me.Well besides ow furious i am with you,the only thing lovved was you.Yeah andi could hav dieabout 22 times already b i didn't so tat whytere made.

So about a month ago,that gy who almos killed me was probuble sent hear to kill me.Yep,that what i thnk that was.So why didn't you tell me about this letter then.I ddn't want you to worry about anything.Oh Daren just texted me back.He said that fire was comeing out of you're hands.Oh no their the "Blotcha too".Who are the blotcha too?The blotcha too are the ancient times.They were used to kill those by makeing people think the instantly combust or burned to death.So there hear to kill me?yes i'm sorry that i didn't tell you this before but i thaught i was helping you.It's okay Flow,Darren almost did the same thing with me a few minutes ago.

Well i'm going to go to bed okay.Yeah but Fara i want you to recite this spell.What does it do?This spell has you absorb all the spell and remember them till you recite the spell backwords.Only you can say it and anything you need done the acurrate spell will pop in you're head and all you need to do is say it.Awsome whats the spell?Say this out loud.Okay,Nanatomey baxtchey nore rapatay nore ine ookoney.The words are mad weird and stupid right.But the spell actually did do it.I felt the power of the majic corsing through my veins.With all of this power in me i know i can kick those guys butts.

Well good night Flow.Good night Fara sweet dreams.Thanks but how can i have sweet dreams when i'm thinking abot these scarey guys trying to kill me.I didn't go to sleep until around 10:30 that night and even my dream had me staying up all night thinking about the guys trying to kill me.I was asleep for about 3 hours,till i woke up to a cold touch on my arms.I turned around and there Darren was looking at me with a smile on his face.At first i was shocked to see him next to me.I'm sorry Fara if you don't want me hear thats okay.No i'm okay but are you going to do the whole twilight thing?What twilight thing?You know the one were you're doing the same thing edward does fron the twilight movie when he goes through bella window, are you going to do that.

Well kinda,do you want me to stop.No i'm okay with that.But if you tell me that you've been watching me sleep lately,i'm a little creeped out but i still love you.Well i havn't been watching you in you're sleep.Okay then,not that i don't want you hear but why are you hear?Well for one thing i was worried about you.Awwwww i love you,and the second reason is.I just love being with you.Wow great reasons.What time is it?It's about 1:29 in the morning.Well i'm going back to bed.Okay i'll sit over hear then.No no no you get back over hear and lie down with me.

okay,look at the moon shinning on you're beautifull face.He put his arms around me and i felt his cold touch.So thats how cold you really are.Yeah is it to cold for you.No you're good.Hey,hey Fara wake up it's time for you to wake up.No i don't want to get up it's to go to school.I don't want to get up,it's just the last day of school and besides it's a half a day any way.Yeah it's a half a day but it's you're graduation day.So come on get out of bed.Okay i'll make a deal with you,if you get out of that bed after graduation i'll take you to spend that day at my house.

Okay then,i'll get up.I'll meet you in front of the school in about an hour and a half.Okay bye,i'll see you there.Flow is there a spel that...oh never mind i'll see you later.Fara don't abuse this power okay.Yeah,see you after graduation.Hey Darren look at you looking all grown up in you're cap and gown.And look at you makeing all the other girls jealous with you're looking more beautifall than the sun it's self.Oh stop it,flattery will get you everything and hears one of them.I leaned in and gave him a kiss.

I could hear Jenny and her crew talking about us but i didn't care.The music started to play the music we both new that was our clue to go.We were there at the school for a couple of hours and i was board out of my mind.But i was even more sad because everyone elses parents were there but mine.When they got to w's i finally seen his 3 brothers and 3 sisters.Most of them i had classes with but never actually payed that much attention to.When it was all finally over we all took our caps off and through thm up in the air,like all graduets do.The school wanted their gowns back so i changed and went to the front of the school building and sat on the bench.I watched people like parents,couples,kids,freinds that i could have made and some of my fellow class mates.

Darren came over and sat next to me.Darren do you kida wish you could redo this whole year over again.No becuase my family will have to go back soon anyway.Oh yeah i forgot about the whole vamp thing.How many times have you went to high school ?I don't actually know the number but it's a lot.Well do you miss most of you're old friends.I miss some of them and how we all use to hang out.But after a few years you either forget about them or they died.I'm sorry for you're grave losses.Don't thats how life works,everyone dies so something in the world can be born.What do you mean by that? I believe thats people die for something else to live,like a baby someone in the world dies for someone else to live.It may sound weird,mean or cruel but it's the order of life.We all have to die somtime.

Darren i have to tell you something that i should have told you a while ago.What is it? do you remeber the night when i tol you everythng about me.Yeah why?Well i didn't tell you everything,i left out one crucial peice of information.Like what?Well befor i was born my grandmother had some problems with these witches and that cast a curse.The curse on my grandmothers daughters first child,and since she only had me i was the one who is cursed.Those guys you saw the other day,Well there hear for me.The witches are tired of me loving something and it not dieing so they want me dead instead.Those us are hear t kill me and i deserve it.What,no don't you ever say that.He grabbed me and started to hug me.I was the one who killed all the things i loved.My mom,dad,aunts and uncles even my grand mother.I was there sitting in his arms crying my eyes out.

Chapter 11 : Hear They Are

Fara,as long as i'm hear you don't have to worry about that any more.To me it seemed like Darren new exactly what say to a girl like me and i now know i can't love anything more than i do with Darren.Fara,i i aked you to run or telaport out of hear right now,would you.Why whats going on?There on there way back.Who Darren?Those guys who were hear yesterday.I'm not going to leave you hear alone and i know how to take them.Okay lets go back to wear we were yesterday okay.Lets go i can sense them comming.I jumped on his back and kept on looking behind us.Trying to see if they were behind us but i didn't see anything just yet.We got to the meadow and they were all ready there waiting for us to show.

Give us the girl and no one wil get hurt on of the tall men said covered in the black cloth.Fara when i say run you run.No i can take them,you stay in the back and i'll take them.No Fara it's to risky to do that.Don't worry i have magic on my side.I gave him a kiss to calm some of the nerves he had.Remember when scream you come in.Be carefull Fara.I will don't worry about me.Hey black clothes,i heard you were guys were looking for me.May i ask why?We were sent hear by the witches to come and kill you.AAAwww thats the same thinf Flow said and i was totally hopeing you were mistaken.No you are a Miss Faraganda Mackavie.Well that mean that you are the one we must kill.Before you try and kill me i just have one thing to say.

And that is what?Do you all know you're voices don't match you're hight,clothes.Yeah,no we have never been told that before and what do you mean when we try and kill you.We will and it will be quick.Yeah yeah we just do this already.Sure lets rip her head off.At first i was a little scared until i felt the magic rise and the next thing i new was water balls and ice shards shooting out of my hands and it was awsome.

The battle was epic.I couldn't find in my head what can i do to kill these thing.I tried stabing them but that didn't do anything.But i was on the ground being kicked and punched.Two of the guy grabbed my arms so i couldn't fight off the One guy who grabbed my neck.But the guy holding my neck was pulled away from me,then the other two guys we pulled off me to.I started to gather my thaught and it hit me.No it literally hit me,the only way to kill them is to have them decapitated.

I know Darren had to be pissed at them trying for almost kill me.Seeing him rip there head off with his sharp reazor like teeth.After he was done tearing there heads off i walked over to him and tried to calm him down.I saw the blood in the corner of his mouth and looked him in the eyes and he looked scared and terrified.I hugged him and said it's okay i'm right hear.

He pushed me away and said " I don't want to hurt you".I new he hadn't had the taste of blood in his mouth for a while.I looked at him for a few minutes.I new he was scared about what he could do to me and i new to.Fara are you afraid of me?I looked at him with kind eyes and smiled,no i'm not afraid of you.I know how you are and it's just the blood.I started to walk slowly towards him.I got closer and closer to him.I touched hsis and rubbed his cheek.It felt so cold but i didn't mind.He looked liked he wanted to cry but he didn't.I gave him a kiss and said "It's okay".He took my hands off his face and kissed them.After he let my hands free i gave him another hug and i helt him tight.

It took him a while till he raped his arms around me.But i just felt better when he just hugged me.But i just felt better when he just hugged me.Darren are you okay? i asked in a scared tone of voice.Yeah i'm okay,you make it all better.Aaaaawwwwww theres the guy i know and love.Hey do you wan to spend a couple of hours at my house Fara.Sure and you would have to take me anyway.Oh yeah i promised you if you would go to school today.Yeah,look the stars are trying to come out.Yeah there pritty aren't they.Yeah but there sparkle doesn't compare to you beauty and essence.You make me blush to much,stop it.

One of my most favorite dreams was to kiss the guy of my dreams under the moon on a stary night.And i can say that dream came true that night.I wanted to stay bt i was more interested in meeting his family.Darren grabbed me and threw me in his arms and started to run.I still loved it when he ran,it's kinda like getting you're hair blow dried natually.He finally got up to his house and i was kinda afraid to go in.Before no one was home but now thats different.All the lights were on in the house.My heart started to race faster and faster every second but Darren grabbed my hand.He said it's okay,but is it really.I'm about to enter a room full of vampires.

Come on i got you.Hearing his voice cool,calm and cllloect kida made me fill a little bit better but not much.Before he oppened h the door he kissed my hand and said try and calm down,once more.I took a deep breath in and said i'm ready.They room smelled like lilacs and roses.He pionted me towards the the living room.He closed the door behind me and took my shakeing hand.He smiled at me and said " it's alright,some of them you'll love".I looked at him and smiled a little bit.

Mom,dad this is my girlfriend Faraganda but we call her Fara for short.Well hello there fara,nice to meet you finally.My son talks about you all the time.Fara this is my mother Isabella Welsh and thats my father Rodrick Welsh.Hey mom were,ricky and them.There out getting a bite to eat,they'll be back in a few hours.Did you eat all ready honey?Yeah mom and it was something i didn't even want.Yeah,i'm sorry Darren for that.No it's not you''re fault,i kinda needed to feed anyway.So Fara what are you doing after high school.I might go to the Art Institute in washington.I was going to do fashion and culinary art.Wow you have it all mapped out don't you.

I wanted to go to the art institutes ever since i wa little.My mom went ther befor she died and i wanted to fallow in her foot steps.If fashion and cooking didn't wok out for me i would go and take five or eight years of law.You go son,you have a girlfriend with a plan.She's smart son don't be stupid and mess this up okay sun.Yeah what ever day.If you need me we'll be in my room.Come on Fara,i want to show you something.Okay,i don't like suprises that much.You'll like this one.He had this big smile on his face and his eyes sparkeld with joy.Hey Darren i'll race you to you're room.Okay i'll give you a 10 secon head start.No,we both take our own form of trasnpotation up the stairs.Are you sure? yep if i win you come back to my apartment and stay their for the night.And if i win Fara.If you win i stay hear all night.Okay you know i'm going to win right chica.

No i'm going to win.On you're mark get ready,set,go.He went up those stairs faster than a milisecond.It was probubly a mili milisecond.But took my own way,i transported up the stairs.But i still lost.I guess super speed will out race telepotation any day.Hey what took you so long getting hear.Ha ha very funny i got lost on the way up hear.You did?No i just wanted to say that.Do you feel any better about saying that.Yeah actually i does make me feel a little better.But i'm a lttle bit tired.Can i lie on you're bed for a little while.Sure go right on head.I have anothter question to ask you.No we really don't sleep.We really but i have tryed and the longest amount of time i've gotten to was 2 mintes of it.

My dad said that we don't need to sleep.So you're up 24/7 365.Yeah,it's like someone who drank about 50 cups of coffee or an energy drink a day.Wow i tryed to stay awake but i was just too tired.I nodded off hear and there but i finally fell a sleep.This time i was dreaming aboutme and Dareen,just me and darren.No flow teaching me anything and i loved every minute of it.

My dad said that we don't need to sleep.So you're up 24/7 365.Yeah,it's like someone who drank about 50 cups of coffee or an energy drink a day.Wow i tryed to stay awake but i was just too tired.I nodded off hear and there but i finally fell a sleep.This time i was dreaming aboutme and Dareen,just me and darren.No flow teaching me anything and i loved every minute of it.Around 12 in the morning i felt Darrens cool touch on my skin.The feel of his skin was cool and smoothe.The thing about the summer is that it's always hot out and you need something cool.

I helt him closer to my skin and it felt cool.Darren!Yeah fara,wha is it?How cold are you.Ido't know i never checked to see my temerature.Well we should chech that tomrrow or something.You do know it is tomrrow right.When he said that i jumped up to see the sun and nothing was there except the moon,stars and no light what so ever.Ha ha you're very funny i said with a srcastic smile.Why thank you very much.You know you shouldn't trick me like that.Technically it is morning or tomorrow and i didn't trick you.Yeah,yeah what ever.Now i'm wide awake and have a a crick in my neck.

Well i'm sorry,come over hear i know a great way to work that out.I wenttowards him and i felt the cool touch of his hands rubbing my neck.He tilted my head from left to right.Then pushed my head down a little bit.Ater he moved my head around like one of those old playstation game controllers,it felt just like new.But minus some of the tension.The sun is comeing up in a few hours,i really want you to see it rise.I love it when the sun rises,but i love the sunset on the beach is even better.Well their both alright,i like a nice stary night trying to figure out were the big and little dipper is.I always wanted to see a comet or a shooting star.I've seen about 1 in my hole life and they don't compare to you in anyway.

We just sat their for hours talking about random stuff like our favorite pie and if we cold go any place in the world were would we go.But it seemed like that question was only ment for me.After a few hours i finally fell asleep again on his lap.When it was around 4:39 a.m i felt this cool touch on my face,and that woke me up a little bit.Fara wake up hear comes the sun rise.As i was waking up,there it was.A big bright yellowish,orange ball started to rise.I looked around and was wondered where i was.

Calm down,you're on the roof of the house.Wait when did we get up hear.Well i thaught you wanted to see the sun rise in the open air.Well you thaught right.We sat there on the roof for about 2 hours.Watching the sun rise and talking.Darren this is the second most wonderfull thing that happened to me in my whole life.What was you're first thing?Well comeing hear and meeting you.Oh so you're trying to steal my gig are you.I just might be,i think i'm better at it than you.

Well my gig come with perks that.Yeah sure that do Darren.Well i think i should be getting home now.Okay i'll walk you home.I really idn't want to leave but i was sure that Flow was worried sick about me.Wait Darren what are you doing?Well i'm going down stairs,when you feel like moving i'll see you down hear.Yeah he just jumped off the roof.Man i never thaught vampires were such show off's.I moved towards the edge of the house and looked down.Stop showing off please.Sorry i do what i do.So how do you expect me to get down from hear.Well you jump down and i catch you.Yeah thats the thing about me i don't do falling from high heights.Come on don't you trust me,i won't let you fall.Okay hear i come.Normally if a normal person asked me to fall of a tall building into there arms i would say hell to the no.But a vampire that has super speed and incredibale strenght then yeah i can do that.

So i jumped off the roof and it was kinda nice.Especually when i felt Darren caught me in his arms.See i told you i would catcyou didn't i.Yes you did and i thank you for that.Well can i exchange that for a hug or a kiss maybee.Sure,but i think someones watching us.Don't mind them,there just losers.Hey we all stringly disagree with that statement.Well i guess my brothers want to meet you.Eh don't for get us.Oh and my sisters want to meet you to.Is it okay if i take you home later,it will only take about 30 minutes.Yeah sure i want to meet you're family and that includes all of them.Okay come on out every body.

Chapter 12 : Brothers and sisters

This is my first sisters Sarah,she doesn't talk at all except Telapathically when shes not in school.This second sister..Before Darren could finish one of his sisters interupted him.My name is Maddie and i am Psychic.She see what will happen in the future,normally she's alway right.So you know everything thats going to happen before it happens.Well kinda i only see,well i can't explain how it is.I can explain it,she see major events that will happen or occur in the future.Hi my name is Julie,i'm an Elementalist.I controll all the elements in the you controll the weather.Yes thats pritty much the only thing that makes my power awsome.Okay come on out every body.

Chapter 12 : Brothers and sisters

This is my first sisters Sarah,she doesn't talk at all except Telapathically when shes not in school.This second sister..Before Darren could finish one of his sisters interupted him.My name is Maddie and i am Psychic.She see what will happen in the future,normally she's alway right.So you know everything thats going to happen before it happens.Well kinda i only see,well i can't explain how it is.I can explain it,she see major events that will happen or occur in the future.Hi my name is Julie,i'm an Elementalist.I controll all the elements in the you controll the weather.Yes thats pritty much the only thing that makes my power awsome.

Darren's sisters were very cool.Especually Sarah and julie,they treated me just like family.But Maddie,to me it seemed like she hated or disliked for no reason.But i was okay with that.Okay now that you met my sisters it's time for you to meet my idiot brothers.This is Ricky.Hi ricky it's nice to meet you.Well hello there my mi amore.Dude,don't start this again.Sorry,can't help it dude.A pritty girl like that can't be dateing you.Please tell me you're not dateing him.Sorry Rickey but i am.Dammit,well i'm the only one in my family who doesn't have a power.So sorry to disapoint you if i did.No you're okay,i'm kinda glad because now i feel a little normal hear..

And this is Alex.Hey,i can tell you two things about me.1 is that i have to power to shoot or produce fire out of my hands and the 2nd on is that don't get on my bad side.Don't mind him Fara i really think his only power is to be an extreme air head.I am not,watch you're books brother.You light them,i light you.Seeing Darren look so serious like that is kinda funny i couldn't help but laugh a little bit.Hi i'm Daniel but people call me Danny for short.I'm sorry for my brothers bad behavior.Don't worry i've seen worse.Really you have?No not really i was just trying to be modest about this.Oh ookay then,my power is controll.I can control anyone within a 500 mile radious.

Well it was nice to meet all of you and i hope we can all be great frinds.I have to go but i might see you all later.Darren can you walk me home please.Sure lets go,i'll see you all later.Yeah what ever bro don't come back.I'll see all of you later too.By Fara have a good night and if you ever want a shoulder to Cry on when you leave this loser i'm right hear for you.Okay ricky i'll think about that.Come on Fara i'll walk you home.I'm sorry for my brothers and sisters actions towards you,especually Rickey.No problem i liked meeting you're family.Even ricky,h made me laugh a lot but one thing i have to ask is that was he serious about the hole thing ?Yeah thats rickey he has a away with words.Some of us think thats his power,to speak his mind.He pretty much says what ever is on his mind.

Well does he do that all the time?Yeah he does,he just talks and talks.It gets very very annoying.We finally got to my apartment and i was worried about Flow but it turned out she wasn't even there.She left me a note in my bedroom door.It said she was going around th world to find things outabot the witches.I was terrified for her to be by her self but she's indistructable.Darren looked at me with a worried expression on his face.I couldn't comfort him because i had the same expression on mine.I gave him a hug and he hugged me back.It's going to be okay Fara,Flow has suvivethis long.I gave him a smile and sat down on the couch.Do you want anything Darren?No i'm good can i go and watch yo're t.v.Sure i don't care,you know where the t.v is.

He walked in my room and sat on my bed.I walked in short after him and flashed him a smile.I'm going to go and take a shower,you know were everything is,so help you're self.Thanks you make me feel right at home.But i thik you need to move out of hear.I like where i live thank you very much.Okay then i'll be back in about an hour.I takes you an hour to rake a shower.Yeah i make sure i'm clean and it take me a long time to look this good.Trust me it shows!Why thank you kind sir.No problem.It felt kind weird have a guy staying in my room for about an hour.But one thing i know is that he wouldn't go through my things.I got out of the shower and instead of it beeing my normall hour in the bathroom it turned into two.

You smell nice,like honey and lavender.Thank you,it's my new shampoo.Well it smell nice on you.come sit down i'm watching anilam planets most extreme deadliest animals.I love animal planet,it tells me what animals to avoid or what animal i could have as a pet.We both sat on my bed watching what seemed like a marathon of animal planets most extreme for a few hours.Then we watched these wedding movies like "The Wedding Planner" and "Monter inlaw".I only really like the wedding planner the most.Around 7:30 me and Darren went for a walk in the park.I didn't want to take him to the swirly slide because or that incident.We walked and talked for hours.Darren brought me back to his family once again and i was kind of excited to see them all again.

Hi Fara i thaught i woulnd'nt see you agin till tomorrow or something.No Sarah i wanted to see you all again.Well everyones in the living room hanging out.Is ricky down there with the rest of you're family.No Ricky's out getting a bite to eat with his new girlfriend.Good i gusse now i'l feel a little bit better now.Fara are you sure you want to go hang out with my family.Yeah it will be nice to see everyone again.Come on Fara everyone wants to see you again.Hi everyone Fara's back,you remember the family.Why yes i do.

Hi Sarah,Julie,Maddie,Alex and last but not least Danny.How have you all been ever since i left this morning.Good they all said simultaneously.Hey Fara do you watch baseball said a deep voice from the couch and i new it was Alex.Yeah i do i like the Mets.What mets suck butt,the yankees are better.There going at it right now mets v.s yankees.Whats the score?Yankees 15,Mets 17.Ha told you Mets are better.Well the game isn't over yet so the yankees could still win this.yeah like they could.Maddie wich team is going to win.Alex i can't tell you that i only see certain things.

Fara she can do it she just doesn't want to.So everyone else anything interesting going on in you're lives.No not really you and Darren can leave if you want to.You don't have to be hear with us.Yeah come on Fara i want to show you something.Okay,i'll see you guy's later.then the next thing i new was Darren pulling me up the stairs in a rush.then the next thing i new was me in his arms when he jumped out his window.Then climbed a tree and jumped off th tree to the roof.I guess i now know how we got on the roof this morning.Darren,why am i up hear again.Well tonight there is suppose to be shooting star.

Really,awww thats very sweet of you.Why thank you very much.All my life i wanted to see a shooting star and i finally got what i wanted and it was beautiful.It was a small,bright ball flashing through the sky.I closed my eyes and made a wish and i hoped that my wish would come true.Now i wanted to tell Darren what it was but i know the saying.Don't say it or it won't come true blah blah blah.All that crap,me adn Darren just stayed on the roof stareing at the stars.So where is the big and little dipper?I have no clue all i see is stars Fara.Well lets just guess,Isn't the little and big dipper next to oriens star.I don't even know were that is either.Well lets try and get off the subject of stars okay.Sure so what do you want to talk about.I don't know.I just wish my life would be like everyone elses life.What do you mean?I mean i wish my family was still alive,i wish that i still had a mother and father.Or a brothers and sisters like you.

Fara you don't need to feel sad about anything any more.As long as you have me with you,everything will be different.Thanks,why do you always know the right thing to say.I know how people feel so maybe thats why. After both of us talking about life and people for the past hour i started to fall asleep.I was dreamming and the dreams i dreamed wern't as plesent as they use to be.I saw Darren being ripped to shreds by something and then his family burning in a blazeing fire.I tossed and turned all night till a woke up i a huge gasp of air.Whats wrong Fara,are you okay?Yeah just had a mightmare.What about?Just some stuff,i don't want to worry you about anything.By the way what time is it.It's 12:30 in the morning Why.I think i need to go home,i'll see you later Darren.Wait do you want me to walk you home.No i'm good.Fara are you sure you're okay.Yeah i'll see you tomorrow okay.

Yeah you just be carefull walking home alright.I don't need to walk there i got magic on my side.I couldn't stay there any longer without crying my eyes out.Darren doesn't need to see me sad and afraid.That will just make him worry more and more about me.And i can't see him sad.Going home to a small Dark place thats empty just made me think about Flow.After i had that terrible nightmare i couldn't fall back a sleep again.I just went in my room and tried to meditate but my head wasn't letting me.I couldn't clean my thaughts if my life depended on it.Around 8:30 this morning i finally fell back asleep and all i could do was cry.There was a sudden nock on the front door and i really didn't want to get up to get it so i just lied there.Fara you up.Oh snippit Darrens hear,i don't want him to see me like this.Fara are you okay,you left in such a hurry last night i wanted to make sure you're okay.

I'm fine Darrren.I pulled the covers over my head.Because i didn'twant him to see me crying.Are you sure you're okay.No you're not Fara i can hear a quiver in you're voice.Darren trust me i'm fine.Okay if you'e fine then why won't you look at me.I'm not leaving this spot till you at me.Okay fine,i turned towards him.When i looked at him i started to almost cry again.See i new something was wrong.He grabbed me and held me tightly in his arms and started to rock me back in forth.I just cried and cried.Fara whats the matter,whats makeing you cry?I don't want to tell you.Please,i hate to see you sad about something that i can't help with.Okay,It's about that dream i had last night and i can't forget it.What happened in the dream?Well in the dream you were being torn apart and you're family was burning.But the witches were there makeing me watch all of you die in agonizing pain.It killed me inside to see all of you die.

It's okay i won't let nothing that you dreamed happen to you or anyone.He stayed hugging my and i stayed hugging him.I stopped crying,stood up and walked towards the window.Darren put his arms around my waist and held me close to him.What are you looking at Fara.Just the people walking around.He turned me around so that i was faceing him and he looke at me like he wanted something and i new exactly what he wanted so i kissed him once,twice and a third time.But after the fourth time we just held a long lip lock that lasted a while.people who say that they don't need love or a man.I just have one thing to say to all of you out there and that is that you're lying like a dog.You know love isn't love without someone else.

Darren i love you.I love you to Fara and i have a suprise for you Fara.Really what suprise is that?Well you'll see later,i want you to meet me by the pond in the park at 6:30.Okay i'll be their.He gave me a kiss goodbye and left.For the next 5 hours all i could think about was wonder what should i wear and what does he have planned for use to do in the park.But the big thing i was thinking about was WHAT AM I GOING TO WHERE.I went threw my closet over and over again and i can't find anything.I went from dress to dress,skirt to skirt,shirt to shirt that would make me look smokeing hot.I had one hour left till i had to go see Darren.I closed my eyes and piked a random outfit and the out fit matched and everything.If i new that i could do that i wouldn't have spent an hour looking.

I picked this shirt that was red and had a black skull on it and underneath the skull it said i'm dark undeneath but hot on the outside.The shorts i was wareing were short shorts,they was red and black with stipes on them.Then i was thinking about wareing my black flip flops or stilettos.The only reason i was going to ware the outfit was because i liked how it fit on me and i didn't what we were going to do.It was 6:30 and Darren was sittin near the pond with a basket next to him.Hey Darren so whats going on hear.Picnic in park and might i say you look hot.Thank you,it's about 90 degrees out hear so yeah you gato dress cool to stay cool.So whats in the basket?I have a turkey sandwich,friut roll-up and last but not least shaved ice.Wow very romantic,what are you reading?Oh ths book called lockdown written by Mike Myres.Oh i read that book but i never finished it.

I started to eat th shaved ice first.I could tell that Darren was finished with the chapter he was reading because he pulled me closer to him.I felt his cool touch on my skin instantly.I shiverd a little bit but i adapted to it.I felt nice to cool off on a hot summery day.Me andDarre stayed at the park for about an hour and a half just talking.Fara i have something to ask you.What is it Darren?Well Faraganda Illan mackavie.I love you with all my heart and i want t spend the rest of my life with you.Would you do me the honors of bein my wife,will you marry me?Yeah he said the words every girl loves to hear "Will you Marry Me ?".That was my wish,i wished tat one day Darren would ake me to marry him.But something or someone always ruiens good moments.But this was definitely a something.It fell fro the sky and landead in the water.I't arose from the water and pionted a large blaster at me.Fara whats going on?

It's happening again........


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.05.2011

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