
Chapter 1

None of us dared to speak because we had no idea what was going to happen next. With my hands handcuffed behind my back I couldn’t grab Lissa’s hand, though I longed to, to reassure both her and me. Our whole line of girls looked up the moment a group of young men walked towards us. They stood in front of us and one man stepped forwards. I wondered what he was going to say and because I knew that he was one of the reasons why I was tied up like a prisoner, I refused to let myself admit that he was handsome. Incredibly handsome.

“Ladies.” The young man started, as he scoured over the line of girls. “You can view this as a school. Over the next few weeks you will learn how to become perfect lovers. You will learn all the ins and outs of how to please a man and finally, when you graduate, you will be bought as a mistress. Depending on your marks at the end of this course, your master will either be rich or poor, so I suggest you try your best and don’t give us any trouble.” He looked over the line of girls again and his eyes landed on me. He narrowed his eyes and then continued.
“These are your instructors.” He waved at the other young men next to him. You will be paired up with them and they will take you to your quarters where you will spend a month. I suggest you treat your instructors with respect because if you don’t, punishment will be severe. Have I made myself clear?” I was not even bothered to nod. If not for the handcuffs and the fact that there were around 20 men standing around us who were not

handcuffed and looked rather muscular, I would have attacked this man who was about to ruin my life. Each man walked up to a girl and to my utter horror and frustration, I saw the man who had spoken before walk up to me.
“Liberty, I presume?” He asked while he raised one eyebrow. I stared back at him blankly, not letting him get any reaction out of me.
“My name is Jason. I will be your instructor. Come with me to our apartment.” I looked at him as if he was an idiot. Which he was. Because I could not believe that he would just assume that I would do as he said.
“Ah,” Jason said, understanding. “They said you’d be trouble. But stubbornness will not be tolerated here. Understand?”
“Oh really?” I said, no longer being able to keep my mouth shut. “And what are you going to do about it?” A sly grin appeared on Jason’s face and he took a step towards me.
“I will punish you.” He said, when he was a mere two inches away from me. “And trust me, I’m going to enjoy your punishment.” He ran his fingers over my side in a suggestive manner. I knew what he meant and stared at him furiously before I took a step back.
“Don’t touch me.” I growled.
“What are you going to do about it?” He asked, echoing the words I had used previously. Before I could come up with a witty comment I heard a scream.
“Liberty! Liberty don’t let them take me. Please!” Lissa was sobbing as she was being dragged away by a man with such light blond hair that it nearly burned my eyes. I started running towards Lissa but strong hands grabbed on to me and held me in place.
“Let me go!” I screamed as I kicked Jason in the shin.
“Stop moving this

instant or your virginity will be lost tonight.” Jason warned me. I stopped moving to contemplate what I should do. Was being raped worth helping Lissa? Besides, who said that I would be able to help her? If I got to her then there were another 10 men who were ready to pounce on me before I could even attempt escaping.
“Liberty, please.” Lissa’s voice was barely louder than a whimper but it pushed me over the edge. I turned around in Jason’s arms and kneed him in a place where I knew it would hurt before I made a mad dash towards Lissa. Two seconds later I felt a heavy weight push against me and I tumbled to the floor.
“No, let me go!” I screamed as I kicked and bit and did whatever else I could to get the person off me.
“Need a hand?” I heard an amused voice.
“No, I can handle her.” Jason answered. He got into a position where he was straddling me and no matter what part of my body I moved; I could not get to him.
“Calm down.” Jason said through clenched teeth.
“Let me go!” I responded furiously. Jason raised his eyebrows, silently questioning if I was mad before bending down and gently placing his lips on mine. When he pulled away I stared at him in complete shock. He must have found this funny because he started laughing before getting off me and pulling me up.
“Hmm, that got you to be quiet and

calm.” Jason mentioned nonchalantly. “Maybe I should do that more often.” I instantly turned towards him and would have punched him if my hands weren’t tied behind my back.
“Don’t you dare.” I spat

Jason led me along a small path that led us to a tall building. In the building he pushed me into an elevator and then punched in number 6 and a code. Oh great, if I ever wanted to flee this building I would first need a code to use the elevator. Hopefully there were some emergency stairs here. On the 6th floor Jason turned right and steered me towards a door before taking out a key and opening it. The apartment was quite large, with a breathtaking view of the forest around us. There was a couch with a TV in one corner of the living room and a kitchen in the other. I heard Jason lock the apartment and then walk up to me.
“I’ll un cuff you, but only if you stay calm. Or else, you’ll be sleeping in handcuffs tonight.” He said to me. I contemplated for a second if I would give in but the thought of having my hands free was too tempting.
“Fine.” I said reluctantly.
“I’m warning you.” Jason said as he pulled another key out of his pockets, “try anything and you’ll regret it.” The moment my hands were free I brought them forwards and rubbed my wrists. It felt so good to have use of my arms again!
“This is where we’ll be staying for the next month.” Jason said, as he walked over to the kitchen.
“We?” I asked.
“Yes, I’m staying here with you.” He said calmly. I crossed my arms over my chest.
“I don’t want to stay here with you.”
“Well, you don’t have much of a choice. Would you like something to drink?” I shook my head and then started roaming around the apartment. There was one bedroom, a rather spacious one I might add, with a large double bed and again, a spectacular view. There was a bathroom, with a large bath and huge mirror. The reason I was so amazed by everything was because I had lived in a little cottage all my life. My parents were missionaries and didn’t have much money and the little money they had they spent on helping others. Suddenly I caught sight of something in the mirror. I gasped when I saw it was me. My dirty blond hair was a mess, hanging all over my face and my greenish eyes had large bags under them. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, after sleeping on the floor in the woods for the past week. I also looked over my clothing and realized that they were dirty and ripped. Jason suddenly appeared in the doorway and laughed at my expression.
“Yeah, you look pretty bad.” He stated.
“Jerk.” I muttered and Jason laughed.
“There’s a whole cupboard of clean clothing in the bedroom and I suggest you take a shower before dinner.” He said.
“Dinner?” I stared at him, baffled. I had barely had one meal a day for the past week and now we were having dinner

“Don’t look so shocked.” Jason laughed again. “I wasn’t planning on starving you.” I looked away from Jason’s gorgeous face and stared at my ugly one in the mirror. All I wanted momentarily was to get out of these dirty clothes and take a hot, steaming shower for the next 15 minutes. Without a word I walked passed Jason and to the bedroom. Without glancing at the double bed, I walked straight to the cupboard and opened it. There were at least 20 t-shirts I could choose from and 10 pairs of jeans stacked in there. I grabbed the first shirt and first jeans from each pile and then looked in a drawer underneath and found clean underwear and bras. I looked at their sizes and realized that they had all available sizes in this cupboard. I chose mine and then headed to the bathroom.

After scrubbing at my skin for 10 minutes, I was finally satisfied with how clean it looked. I then started on my hair. I applied shampoo three times and then drenched my hair in conditioner twice. When I was done I dried off and put on my new clothes. I opened the bathroom door and was lured into the kitchen by the most incredible smell. When I rounded the corner Jason was cooking dinner.
“Don’t get used to it, you’ll be doing the cooking from now on.” Jason said, without turning around. “Oh and if you can’t cook then you better learn fast because I like my food.” I narrowed my eyes as I sat down at the table. Maybe I would be able to poison him, steal his keys and get out of here.
“Poisoning me is not an option,” He said, as if he could read my mind. “Because I will be watching you the entire time you cook.” I grumbled silently. I bet a girl before me had already tried that.
“How do you expect me to cook something decent if you’re watching me?” I asked sarcastically. Jason turned around with an amused expression on his face.
“Do I make you nervous?”
I almost laughed. “No, just angry. Besides, why would I even want to cook you something decent?”
“Because you’ll graduate with higher marks.”
I’m not going to graduate at all, I thought, but I kept my mouth shut. All through dinner Jason and I didn’t say a word to each other. I was too angry and he apparently had nothing to say. After dinner Jason stood up.
“You clear the table and put the things in the dishwasher.”
I stared at him, mouth agape.
“You can not

tell me what to do.”
“Oh no?” Jason raised an eyebrow and the amused expression returned on his face.
“I believe I can.” Then his face turned serious. “Oh and by the way, after you clean up we have to fulfill your punishment.”
“What punishment?” I asked him.
“You defied my order. Now you must suffer the consequences.” And then it hit me. Jason warned that if I moved and went after Lissa, he would take my virginity in the evening.
“Now clear the table or you won’t get any sleep at all tonight.” He warned, and then walked off towards the TV. I stood up slowly and put the dishes in the dishwasher with trembling hands. This could not be happening. When the dishes were all in the dishwasher I was stalling, thinking of what I could do to preserve my innocence. Locking myself up in the bathroom probably wasn’t the best idea, he most likely had a key and even if he didn’t, how long could I stay in there before starving of hunger? The bedroom wouldn’t work either, for the same reason and escape was impossible. Then I suddenly remembered a knife that I had put away in the dishwasher. I could use this to make him stay away from me! I opened the dishwasher and was about to reach for the knife when I felt arms wrap around me.
“Ready?” Jason said seductively in my ear. I shivered and tried prying his arms off but his grip on me was tight. So instead I tried to hit his arms but all that resulted in was that he let go of my waist and grabbed my arms instead. Then he turned me around to face him and backed me against the wall, with his body. I couldn’t lift my legs nor could I pry my arms loose so there was no way of escaping.
“Don’t touch me.” I growled, trying to keep my voice even though I was close to hysterics.
“You will learn just how severe the punishment is if you disobey me.” Jason said, before slamming his lips onto mine. I couldn’t think for a second, surprised again by how soft his lips felt. He seemed so strong and heartless but his lips told a whole other story. Then realizing who was kissing me and what his intentions were, I used my only means of defense. I bit his lip. Hard. I tasted his blood in my mouth and hoped that he didn’t have aids or some other sickness in his blood that I could catch. Then it struck me. I could claim I had aids. Why not? It was the perfect excuse! There was no way of testing it and there were no visible signs so I didn’t have to give him any proof.
Jason pulled away and looked at me angrily. This was my chance, I realized.
“I have aids.” I blurted out before he could kiss me again.
“Oh, that’s fine, so do I.” Jason said breezily. My eyes widened in shock at the realization that my plan failed but also because it was possible that I had aids now too.
“You do?” I squeaked.
“I knew you didn’t have aids.” Jason stated. Apparently the shock that registered on my face was a dead giveaway that I was as healthy as could be. A second later Jason’s lips were on mine again. Though I was incredibly tempted to, I refused to kiss him back. If he wanted to rape me, then he would certainly not get my help. He pried my lips apart with his tongue and explored my mouth. I used my only defense once more and bit his tongue. Jason pulled away instantly.
“If you bite me one more time there will be a whole line of guys waiting to get in your bed tomorrow.” He said angrily.
“Let me go and I won’t bite you.” I answered.
“You don’t learn, do you?” He asked. “I am the one in control. I decide what to do with you and, and you better listen up because this is the last time I’ll tell you, if you don’t listen to what I say, you pay the consequences. You can make this training as easy or as hard as you want to.”
“What does the rest of the training consist of?” I asked, hoping to waste time.
He wasn’t fooled. “Well, one part consists of me having sex with you so we might as well get that part over now.” In one swift movement, he let go of my arms and pulled my shirt over my head. I stared at him in shock, my shirt was off before I even registered what he was doing. He threw my shirt on the floor carelessly and immediately took hold of my hands again. And though I was now standing in front of him only wearing a bra, his eyes never left my face. He moved me slightly so that both my hands were in one of his and then with his other hand he slowly moved up my side towards my bra. Fear, shock and anger were raging through my body and I tried my hardest to get out of his hold. I wanted to scream but I knew nobody would hear me. This whole apartment building belonged to this supposed ‘school.’ Jason pulled me away from the wall a little bit and then put his hand behind my back. In one swift movement he unclasped my bra. The only thing still holding it in place was his body. He slowly trailed his fingers over my back, past the side and then towards my breasts.
“Please.” I suddenly begged, when I realized that he was about to touch a part of me that was only reserved for one person: my husband.
“Please don’t do this.” I raised my eyes to meet his and realized that his eyes had never once left my face. He stared at me intensely for a few moments and I instinctively tried backing away from him but was met by the cold, hard wall. Jason raised his hand to touch my cheek and I flinched. He rubbed his thumb over my cheek and then whispered: “Kiss me back.”
“Will you let me go?” I asked softly, terrified of his answer.
“We’ll see.” Jason said, before he leaned forwards and kissed me. For some strange and unexplainable reason, I was happy that I now had a good reason to kiss him back. Because all the while he was kissing me before, that was what I was longing to do. Jason ran his tongue over my lower lip and I opened my mouth for him. I met his tongue halfway. Jason let go of my hands and placed his hand on my other cheek. Then, he deepened the kiss. I forced down a moan that was threatening to escape my lips. I would not give Jason the pleasure of knowing how much I enjoyed this. When I felt his hands leave my face and take place on my waist, I pulled back. This was too dangerous. We stared at each other for a few long seconds and I nearly got lost in his stormy sapphire blue eyes. Then he took a step away from me I instinctively reached up to keep my bra in place.
“Go.” He said, not meeting my eyes. “But next time,” he warned, and when his eyes snapped to mine I saw that the hardness that was in them before had returned, “I won’t be so nice.” I fled out of the kitchen, not bothering to pick up my shirt, and ran to the bedroom. Without turning on the light, I reached for a lock on the door but couldn’t find one and so instead I walked over to the cupboard, pulled out a shirt and stood behind the door. I re-clasped my bra and then quickly slid on the shirt. I felt tears burning behind my eyes but did not let them brim over. I had once promised myself that I would not cry ever again. That was right after my parents died. I had cried for two days straight, until I had no tears left and then I said to myself that I would never cry again. When I had my shirt on, I walked towards the bed, pulled back the covers and lay down. I tossed and turned for almost two hours, replaying all the events of the day. Then, I decided that I would put all my worries in the hands of someone else, someone who would be able to take care of them and who would be able to take care of Lissa and all the other girls. “God,” I prayed, “Please save me. I know you have plans with our lives but please deliver us from this evil. Please take care of Lissa. Please.” I repeated ‘please’ over and over again until I felt my eyes slowly close and I drifted off to sleep.

A man entered our simple cottage and in the moonlight I could see that he was holding a knife. I was still awake because I needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t want to wake up my parents and sister, who were asleep in the same room. I stared at the man, too afraid to make a sound as he roamed through our cottage, looking for anything of value. I knew that he would not find much. Then I saw him walking over to my mother and horror struck me when I saw her pick up my sleeping mother’s hand. He tried pulling off the ring but just when it was nearly off, my mother woke up. She screamed and within seconds my father stood up from his mat on the floor.
“Liberty, Lissa, run!” My mother screamed, before the man raised his knife and slit her throat. Without letting the truth sink in, I grabbed Lissa and we ran out the door. We ran and ran and ran but soon I heard footsteps behind me.
“Lissa, faster!” I panted. The footsteps were approaching and I knew that we would not be able to outrun them. I felt the knife plunge into my back and screamed.

Chapter 2

“Liberty, what’s wrong?” Someone was shaking me and I pried my eyes open. I was breathing heavily and my back was throbbing in the place where the scar was. Jason turned on his bedside lamp and looked over at me, with just a hint of concern in his eyes. I looked around bewildered and then the truth of where I was sunk in.
“Lissa, where is Lissa?” I asked Jason. He merely looked at me and did not answer my question. “Bring me to her!” I demanded.
“No.” He said calmly.
“Yes.” I insisted. “I want to see her!” I was close to hysterics. I had to know if my little sister was all right. That was another promise I made to myself after my parents died, that I would take care of Lissa.
“You cannot see her.” Jason said. “But she is fine. Go back to sleep.” Instead of doing what I was told, I stubbornly stepped out of bed and made my way to the bedroom door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jason suddenly blocked my path. How did he move so fast?
“To see Lissa.”
“The apartment is locked.” Jason said and I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes. Anger coursed through me and I raised my hand to hit him. He was faster though and caught my arm in mid-air.
“You will not hit me. If you do, Lissa will go a day without food.” Jason said evenly, while still holding my arm.
“But that’s blackmail!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, indeed it is. Now go back to sleep.” I reluctantly turned back around and headed for the bed, though I really did not want to sleep for fear that I would dream that horrid dream again. I dreamt it several times a week and it never ceased to scare me. I lay back down in the soft bed and pulled the blankets up to my chin. I felt Jason get into bed beside me.
“Did you have a bad dream?” He asked softly, after turning off the lights. I was surprised at the gentleness in his voice.
“Yes.” I answered.
“Want to talk about it?”
“Yes. With Lissa.”
I heard Jason sigh. “Go to sleep Liberty.”

Chapter 3

“Wake up, we have a long day ahead of us.” I opened my eyes sleepily and looked around the room. Jason was already dressed and standing over me with his arms crossed over his thickly muscled chest. “And if you don’t cooperate, also a long night.” He finished. I groaned. What a lovely way to wake someone up.
“I want my breakfast on the table in 15 minutes so I suggest you hurry up.” Jason said before he left the room. I turned around and slammed my head in the pillow out of anger and frustration. I then reluctantly got up and wasn’t even bothered to change. I was still wearing the jeans and shirt that I had put on yesterday. I went to the bathroom and almost fell asleep when I saw how tired I looked. Instead, I brushed my teeth with a clean toothbrush that was lying on the sink and I pulled a brush through my hair. First order of the day: get a hair tie. I groggily walked out of the bathroom and towards the living room. Jason was sitting at the table with a cup of strong black coffee and a newspaper. How on earth did he get a newspaper to this remote area? Then again, how did they get electricity?
“10 minutes,” Jason warned, without looking up.
“What do you want?” I sighed.
He raised his eyes to meet mine.
“First lesson of the day,” He said, as he folded away his newspaper, “treat me with respect.”
I merely stared at him with a sarcastic expression on my face. Treat him with respect? Really? I would only treat him with respect when he deserved my respect, and no sooner.
“Ah, I see how this is going to work. You are going to try to defy every order I give you.” Jason said as he stood up and walked over to me.
“But I am not having that. The next time you defy my order, we are going straight to the bedroom.” I was getting bored of hearing this threat and even started wondering if he would go through with it. Yesterday he didn’t. Again it seemed like Jason could read my mind because he leaned forwards and whispered, in a very threatening tone: “You were lucky yesterday.” I shivered from both his words and the way he said it. And not because his proximity reminded me of the kiss we’d shared yesterday. No, definitely not.

Jason moved away from me and leaned against the counter.
“Try again. Ask me what I want to eat.” I had to bite my lip to keep from yelling at him and calling him an arrogant knave. Instead, I swallowed my pride and asked him, with a hint of sarcasm to my voice: “What would you like to eat for breakfast?”
“Hmm.” Jason said. “Better. And I’d like an omelet. Fried on both sides because I really don’t like that gooey yellow stuff dripping off my toast.” I nearly laughed and said “neither do I” but managed to keep my mouth shut. I turned around and started opening cupboard doors, looking for a pan and a spatula. Jason was of no help at all. Then I opened the fridge and looked for eggs and butter, which I soon found. Within 7 minutes I had an egg ready and on a plate, together with two slices of toast but I refused to bring it to Jason and left it on the counter instead. Then I looked for other food in the fridge and settled on some yoghurt. I poured some in a bowl and went to sit down at the table.
“Where’s my food?” Jason asked me.
“It’s on the counter.” I replied.
“Go and get it.”
“I am not your slave.” I said and narrowed my eyes.
“No. You are my student. So do as you’re told.” I was far too stubborn to listen to his orders and sat there, with a challenging expression on my face. Jason sighed and then looked over at me.
“Next time you disobey me, Lissa will be punished.” He said sternly. I winced. He’d found my weak spot. Oh why did I have to be so stubborn? Stupid pride.
I stared at Jason wide-eyed. “You wouldn’t.” I said with disbelief evident in my voice.
“No,” He answered, “I won’t. If you do what you’re told. Now get me my breakfast.” I grabbed the plate from the counter and put it in front of him with so much force that the plate nearly broke.
“Enjoy.” I said sarcastically and then stalked off towards the bedroom.
“Liberty, you will join me for breakfast.” Jason said in a warning tone.
“I will do no such thing.” I said and continued to the bedroom. How was it possible that I was still defying orders when Lissa’s wellbeing was dependent on what I did? What was my problem? I was such a bad sister.
“All right, then I’ll come join you in the bedroom.” Jason said, already getting up. I stopped walking and slowly turned around. Oh how I hated being told what to do and constantly being defeated. Why did guys have to be stronger than girls? And why did I end up here in the first place? I had spent my life helping others and being devoted to God so why did He punish me like this? I slowly made my way over to the table and sat in a chair opposite Jason, refusing to look at him. I stared out the window angrily, hating the fact that Jason had defeated me yet again.
“Today will be your first actual lesson. You will learn to serve my needs. If I am thirsty, get me something to drink, if I am hungry, get me food, if I want to talk then you listen and if I don’t want to see you then leave. Understand?” Jason asked me.
“I don’t see how having a robot in your house is any fun at all.” I said tonelessly.
“Those men don’t want robots. They just want to get away from their nagging wives and find a refuge with someone who doesn’t complain and does what they’re told.” Jason said.
I glared at him but didn’t say anything.
“Today we will just spend time around the apartment. You will get to know me, find out what I do and don’t like and then see to my needs.” Jason explained. I had no idea how I was going to put aside all my pride and do as he told me but I knew that I had to try, for one reason: Lissa.

Chapter 4

The day passed in a drag, every time I had to serve Jason I had the urge to punch him and say something rude but I kept my anger in check. I was not going to make Lissa’s life worse than it already was. I lived for my bathroom breaks and the times I had to cook because those were the only moments that I could do what I wanted.

I had gotten through the day and was just starting dinner when Jason called me over.
“Liberty, I’m thirsty, get me some juice.” I looked over at the pan I was stirring in.
“If you don’t want your food to burn then I suggest you get it yourself.” I said without turning around to face him.
“Don’t be rude.” I jumped when I heard Jason’s voice so close behind me and whirled around.
“You didn’t even say please!” I exploded. My anger got worse when I saw that Jason was grinning. He was enjoying this, the rogue! I raised up my hand to slap him but he caught it and looked at me with a smirk on his face.
“You’ll burn the food.”
Oh the arrogance of this jerk. I turned around and furiously started stirring the pasta sauce I was making only to have it splatter all over the wall.
“You’re going to have to clean that up.” Jason said behind me. I clenched my teeth, closed my eyes and balled my hands into fists, resisting the urge to pick up the pan I was stirring in and pour the boiling contents over his head. And then I could hit him with the pan. And then laugh at him. Hmm, didn’t seem like such a bad idea. I nearly smiled when I thought of it but then my frown returned when I thought of the fact that I had to eat dinner with Jason.

Dinner passed in silence and I hardly touched my food, too angry to eat.
“Liberty, finish your plate.” Jason said, halfway through his third helping of pasta.
“I’m not hungry.” I said quietly, not looking up at him.
“I don’t care.” He said. “Either you eat it or I’ll feed it to you.” I shot him an angry glance and twirled the spaghetti on my fork. When I saw that Jason was looking at me, waiting for me to take a bite, I unwillingly brought the fork to my mouth.
“There,” Jason said when I had chewed and swallowed, “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?”
I shot him an angry glance before finishing my plate.

After dinner I put the dishes in the dishwasher and then stood around, not knowing what to do. I decided on taking a shower because I was longing to get away from Jason. I was on my way from the bedroom when I heard his annoying voice.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“To take a shower. Or is that not allowed anymore either?” I couldn’t help but add.
“Fetch me the book on my bedside table and then you can shower.” Jason said. I wasn’t even bothered to be angry, I’d been angry with him all day. Besides, refusing him would just end up in threats and I would eventually do what he said anyways. I wordlessly went into the bedroom, got his book and gave it to him.
“Good, you’re learning.” Jason said. I didn’t bother to grace him with an answer and went to the bedroom to grab a pair of pajamas and went to take a shower.

When I was done showering, I dried off, put on my pajamas and wondered why on earth I still hadn’t asked Jason for a hair tie. It wasn’t that hard. When I got out of the shower and walked into the living room, Jason got up from the couch where he was reading.
“I’m going to take a shower now.” He said, and put his book on the couch. “Don’t do anything stupid.” With that, he walked into the bedroom to get clean clothes. I was alone in the living room, I hadn’t been alone here before. I thought about getting one of the knives and waiting for Jason outside the bathroom door but I cringed at the thought of actually hurting him. I would never be able to kill anybody. Besides, he would probably overpower me before I had the chance to inflict any real damage and then who knows what the punishment would be. So instead I walked over to the couch and picked up the book Jason had been reading. To my great surprise, it was an historical fiction novel. I never would have expected that from him. Since historical fiction was my favorite genre, I immediately started reading the back. Before long, I was sitting comfortably on the couch, with my back against the side and my knees pulled up, reading the book.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I nearly fell off the couch when I heard Jason’s voice. I had been so engrossed in the book that I hadn’t heard him come into the living room. I had just regained my balance when I looked up at Jason and almost fell of the couch again. He was only wearing boxers, and his sandy brown hair was still wet from the shower. His body was gorgeous, with muscles in all the right places and I couldn’t look away.
“Well?” Jason asked and I realized that I still hadn’t answered his question. I quickly looked down and blushed.
I can’t believe I just nearly drooled over the guy who was making my life miserable. “I was reading.” I said, trying to put more confidence into my voice than I was feeling. Jason walked over to me and grabbed the book out of my hands.
“Do not touch anything

of mine unless you are given permission.” He said sternly. I frowned and before I knew what I was doing, made a lunge for the book. The part I had been reading was intense and I was desperate to know what would happen next. Jason held the book just out of my reach.
“No, I want to read!” I whined.
“No. Now get me coffee.” Jason said as he walked towards the bedroom. Seconds later he came out wearing a shirt and without the book. I was still standing in the same spot he left me.
“What’s taking so long?” He asked raising his eyebrows.
“Jerk.” I muttered under my breath, as I walked towards the kitchen. At that point, Jason’s phone rang.
As I made coffee I listened in on the conversation, though, of course, I could only hear one side of it.
“Hey man, what’s up?”
“Yeah? How are you managing?”
“Really? You’ve tried all the usual ones and they don’t work?”
“Well, find her weak spot and then use that against her. And if that doesn’t work, try rewarding her. That usually gets a reaction out of them.”
“Yeah I’m fine. She’s a handful but I can manage. Besides,” He said, looking up at me, “She’s terrified of losing her virginity so I can use that against her.”
I wanted to get the cup of coffee that was now ready and pour it over his head when I realized that he was giving one of his colleagues advice. How dare he say that about me? And how dare he suggest to find her weak spot and use it against her? The buffoon. When Jason put his phone away I walked over to him and slammed his coffee down on the table. Half of it spilled over but I didn’t care. Then, I turned around and marched to the bedroom, too furious to say a word to him. I slammed the door and relished in the sound. I then started a frantic search for the book that had to be here somewhere. Moments later I heard the door open. I wasn’t even bothered to turn around because I knew who it was and so continued searching.
“Liberty.” Jason growled and the tone of his voice scared me.
“What?” I said furiously as I turned around to face him.
“Apologize and then clean up the mess you made.” I just stared at him, not able to say a word. I don’t recall ever being this angry in my life. There was nothing I could do though, except for what he told me to do. But I was too stubborn to accept my fate and instead crossed my arms over my chest.
“Make me.”
“All right.” Jason said and I caught a glimpse of a smirk on his face before he walked over to me and slammed his lips against mine. I gasped and he took this opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth. Then I felt his hands at the top of my shirt and heard a ripping sound. My eyes widened in shock and I pushed Jason away with all the strength I could muster. I looked at my shirt and saw that it was torn right down the middle, exposing my black-laced bra. Before I could say anything though, Jason’s lips were on mine again. Then he put his hands on my waist and slowly slid them up. I shivered from his touch because his hands were cold against my skin.
“I’m sorry,” I tried saying but it came out all mumbled because Jason’s tongue was still in my mouth. I pushed him away and his lips left mine just long enough for me to be able to repeat myself.
“I’m sorry.”
“Really?” Jason asked with his face inches away from mine. I couldn’t answer because I was lost in his deep blue eyes. Jason wasn’t satisfied with the fact that I didn’t respond immediately because he pressed his lips to mine again.
“Yes,” I gasped but it came out more like a moan.
“Say it again.” Jason said between kisses. How was I supposed to tell him that I was sorry if he would not stop kissing me? I put both hands on his face and pushed him away slightly.
“I’m sorry.” I said slowly. “Now will you please stop kissing me?”
“You need all the practice you can get.” Jason smirked.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I said, getting angry all over again.
“Nothing. Now go clean up the mess you made.”
“Not before you tell me what you meant.” Oh why did I have to be so stubborn?
“I’ll tell you once you graduate. Now go clean.”
“Sure you will.” I muttered under my breath as I walked to the cupboard and took out a clean shirt. I turned my back towards Jason and quickly took off the shirt he had ripped in half and then put on my new one. Then I cleaned the table and went straight to the bedroom to try getting some sleep.

Chapter 5

The next day Jason told me that we would start a second part of our training: the physical part. And though I still had to get him coffee and whatever else he wanted, I now also had to allow him to kiss and hug me and, preferably, I was supposed to take initiative at times too. I had no idea how I was going to get through this part of the training but then again, I’d gotten through the first part already so I would probably survive this.
“Umm, Jason, could I maybe have a hair tie?” I asked him right after dinner. I didn’t like having my hair loose when I had to work and it was getting on my nerves.
“No, I like your hair loose.” He said bluntly.
“Well I don’t. And unless you want hair in your food, you better give me a hair tie.” I threatened.
Jason came up to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind.
“You will not tell me what to do.” He growled in my ear. “But then again, you have a good point.” He said, letting me go and leaning against the counter. “So I’ll get you one but you can only wear it when you cook.”
“What kind of stupid rule is that?” I exclaimed.
“Darling, you have to get used to stupid rules.” Jason said as he got up from his leaning position and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Don’t call me that,” I said through clenched teeth while desperately fighting the urge to rub his kiss of my cheek.
“Do you prefer baby?” He asked as he raised one eyebrow and made his way over to the couch.
“Come watch a movie with me.” Jason said and I walked over to him slowly. I was about to sit on the far end of the couch when Jason grabbed me and pulled me towards him. I ended up sitting on his lap. Jason turned on the TV and then made himself comfortable. I was the furthest thing from comfortable, I was sitting up straight, trying to lean as far away from Jason as possible and I was desperately trying to get off his lap.
Jason wrapped his arms around me. “Lean into me.” He ordered and I reluctantly did as I was told. I lay my head against his chest. I didn’t like this lesson in how to pretend to like a guy when really, you couldn’t stand him. I had to admit though, that I was rather comfortable now. I could smell Jason’s cologne and leaning against his rock-hard chest was causing my heart to speed up. I tried keeping my breathing even and concentrate on the movie though it was near impossible because Jason was rubbing circles on my arm. Throughout the movie I felt tiredness taking over and tried desperately to keep my eyes open. I would not fall asleep in Jason’s arms. Halfway through the movie I gave up and let my eyes drift closed.

I woke up the next morning lying in the bed and it took me a few moments to realize what happened last night, Jason must have carried me to bed. I then looked around the room, wondering if Jason was still here and spotted him standing next to the cupboard, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. He looked gorgeous. The muscles in his back were evident and I wanted to tangle my fingers in his messy brown hair. As if he could feel me looking at him, he turned around. His blue eyes penetrated into mine and caused my heart to speed up. My eyes then drifted down to his perfect six-pack. Jason chuckled and my eyes snapped back to his. I felt a blush climb appear on my cheeks.
“Sleep well?” He asked sweetly and from the tone he used I knew he had seen me checking him out.
“Fine, thank you very much.” I answered haughtily, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“Good, because we have a long day ahead of us. Get dressed, we’re going hiking.”
“Hiking?” I asked him.
“Yes, something wrong with that?” He raised one eyebrow.
“Yes.” I snapped. “We’re in the middle of a jungle. Hiking is not exactly my favorite thing to do.”
“Well it is mine. And since I’m the one who makes decisions, we’re going hiking.” Jason said and finality rang in his voice.
I glared at him and then lay back down in bed, enjoying the last few moments of comfort and cleanliness.

“Can we please stop?” I asked, or more like whined, when we had been walking for at least three hours.
“You know, this would be a lot more pleasant without your constant complaining.” Jason snapped.
“Well I’m sorry if I’m not such a fan of hiking as you are.” I retorted, and then, for some personal satisfaction, I added: “Jerk.”
Jason whipped around and looked at me, with a slightly annoyed expression on his face. “You will have to do whatever your husband, or the man who buys you, wants. So stop complaining and do as you’re told.”
The look on his face annoyed me and stubbornness rose up in me again. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him defiantly.
“And what if I don’t?”
“You just added another two hours to our hike. Now move.” Jason demanded. He turned around and started walking away from me. Suddenly it struck me, this was the perfect moment to get away. I could at least attempt running, it didn’t seem so hard to hide in this thick forest filled with thousands of trees. With a pounding heart I stared after Jason and analyzed each step he took. Five more steps and I would make my move. Four. Three. Two. I didn’t have enough patience to count to one and turned around and ran. I bolted forwards, not caring about the branches that were whipping in my face or the fact that I was stumbling over the uneven ground. I had to get away. I would’ve gasped when I heard the footsteps behind me but I didn’t have the breath and instead I forced my legs to run faster. Run Liberty, Run! I urged myself. Faster! I had to get out of here. This was my only chance at escape, after this, Jason would hold me under lock and key. Or worse, actually do what he had been threatening for so long. This thought made me run even faster. And then, all of a sudden, I was tackled to the ground. I lay there, unable, and unwilling to move. I knew that fighting wasn’t going to help so I didn’t even bother to try. Jason turned me around roughly so that I was now lying on my back and facing him. He wasn’t even out of breath while I was gasping for air.
“You know, for someone who doesn’t like to hike, you’re a pretty fast runner.” Jason said with a twinkle in his eye.
“Shut up.” I growled and tried pushing him off, but he wasn’t having that.
“Let me go.” I demanded.
“Oh no, who says you won’t run away again?” Jason grinned. I gave up and just lay there, refusing to look at him. If he wanted to hold me down on the muddy forest floor, then so be it. Besides, I was still catching my breath from running.
“Caught your breath yet?” Jason asked, as if he could read my thoughts. I looked at him annoyed.
“Yes, now let me go.” I said sarcastically.
Jason smirked and I wondered what he was up to. “I deserve a reward after chasing you through the forest.” He said.
“You deserve nothing.” I spat.
“Hmmm.” Jason smirked and then without warning, he leaned forwards and brushed his lips against mine, rubbing it in that he was in control. Then he pressed his lips harder against mine and kissed first my bottom lip and then the top. My determination was crumbling with each touch. Why did he have to be such a good kisser? Probably because he’d had so much practice. Jason softly nibbled on my bottom lip, asking me to let his tongue in but I refused. Oh no, he wasn’t getting anything from me. I felt Jason’s momentary grin against my lips before he went back to massaging my lips with his own. This can’t be good, I thought to myself. He’s not pressuring me because he knows I will give in. But that is not going to happen. I will not give in to him. Not now, not ever. Yet with every second that passed I was wondering why I couldn’t just kiss him back for one second. What was wrong with such a short moment? It couldn’t do any harm, could it? And then I caved. I opened my lips for him and kissed him back hungrily. We lay there, kissing on the muddy forest floor for at least five minutes and I enjoyed every moment of it. We only parted for air. When Jason finally pulled away we could only stare at each other. Then Jason stood up, dusted off his clothes and held out his hand to me. I refused to take it and stood up by myself. I dusted off my clothes too and could still feel my heartbeat going 1000 miles an hour. My cheeks filled with heat when I realized what I had just done and I was grateful that Jason hadn’t said anything about it. Yet.

Chapter 6

“God, why have you put me in this situation? And why do I actually like Jason’s kiss?” I prayed as I trudged after Jason through the forest. I looked through the canopy of leaves above me, waiting for an answer but none came. “Lord, what’s your purpose with all this? What good could ever come of this?” The silence was deafening and I wondered if God was even listening. Probably not, I deserved his silence after the way I had just kissed Jason.
“Keep up.” Jason suddenly snapped, without looking back at me. I bit my tongue because I was on the verge of saying something rude.

Finally, after hours of walking, the apartment building came in sight and I had never been happier to see it.
The moment we reached the apartment Jason turned to me.
“Go take a shower and then start dinner.” I nodded wordlessly, grateful for the fact that I could shower but also that Jason hadn’t commented on our kiss.
I took a long, warm shower, trying to still the swirling emotions within me while praying desperately for self-control in trying to resist Jason. Why did he have to be so impossibly hot? And muscular? And masculine? And there I went on a roll again, almost drooling over Jason’s body while he wasn’t even in the same room as me.

I hopped out of the shower and while drying myself I realized that I had to get out of here.
A Bible verse from 1 Corinthians drifted in my mind. “And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way so that you can endure it.” I had to trust God and believe that he knew how much I could bear and how much of Jason’s presence I could take. After I changed and put on my clothes, I stepped out of the shower and walked to the kitchen so that I could start dinner.
Jason was standing in the living room with a bunch of papers in his hands, shirtless. He looked like some kind of Greek god.
I groaned inwardly. “Not beyond what you can bear

“Done?” Jason asked, looking up from his papers. I could only nod. He dumped his papers on the coffee table and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. “You smell good.” He whispered before walking to the bathroom. I stood in the middle of the room, too stunned to move. This situation was impossible and suddenly I desperately wanted Lissa here so I could discuss this with her. A girl needs to talk about things like this, preferably with other girls. Grumbling under my breath about how weak I was, I started making dinner.

Chapter 7

“Sweetheart, would you pass me the salt?” Jason asked the following morning at breakfast.
“Yes, honey

,” I answered sarcastically while dutifully passing him the salt. Who knows what he would have done if I disobeyed him and I was in no mood for fighting him off. Jason laughed.
“Never call your future husband honey.” He instructed. “It makes him feel feminine and weak.”
“Well, maybe I should call you that more often then,” I said half teasing, half challenging.
“Sure baby, call me anything. I have enough confidence to know that I could never be weak or feminine.” Jason flashed me a perfect grin that, if I hadn’t been so appalled at his arrogance, would have caused my heart to start beating faster.
“Nobody’s ever going to marry you if you don’t do something about your arrogance.” I couldn’t help but say.
“Oh, I’m not worried about that, I’ve had enough offers to believe that I could get any girl I want.” Jason looked directly at me and I forced myself to keep chewing and swallow.
“You’re wrong,” I said, with more confidence than I felt, “You can’t get every girl.”

“We’re going swimming today,” Jason said, “We don’t only have to get you mentally ready but physically in shape as well.”
I was actually excited about this, finally a sport that I liked. At least he hadn’t suggested that we go hiking again.
I nodded curtly, not wanting to show that I actually liked his idea, for once.
“Wear this.” Jason said, and he tossed me a bikini. Where did he get that from so fast? I looked at the bikini and then up at Jason.
“I will not.” I said.
“Either that, or nothing at all. How am I supposed to know which muscles need work unless I can actually see them? Go put it on, I give you five minutes.”
I stood in the bathroom for three of the five minutes, deciding what to do about this bikini that was really far too open for my liking. After living in the forest for most of my life and barely owning a swimsuit, this bikini seemed much too open for other people to see me in. Though I guess it wasn’t so bad, I tried to talk myself into wearing it, because at least it covered all the vital parts. After taking a deep breath, I quickly slipped on the bikini and then pulled my clothes back on over it. When I stepped out of the bathroom, Jason was already waiting for me at the front door.
“Ready?” He asked and I nodded. He had changed as well; he was now wearing swimming shorts and a shirt.
Opening the elevator, Jason pressed the button to the third floor. The elevator door dinged and opened to reveal a big and beautiful swimming pool, with a view of the forest on one side and an open field on the other. There was no one else at the pool and I briefly wondered what all the other couples were doing. Jason walked over to a bar and grabbed two towels and then dumped them on a sun bed. In one swift movement he pulled off his shirt and then turned to look at me expectantly. I knew what he wanted me to do but I had enough pride to not take off my shirt with him watching. I turned around and quickly pulled off my shirt. I contemplated keeping my shorts on but knew that Jason wouldn’t let me and so took those off as well. The moment my clothes were off someone grabbed on to me and slung me over his shoulder.
“Jason, put me down!” I squealed. “Jason!”
But he didn’t put me down, instead, he carried me to the edge of the pool and then dumped me in the water. I held my breath so that I wouldn’t choke on water and then came up for air. I saw that Jason had jumped in next to me.
“Jerk,” I said to him and tried to slap him, which was harder than I thought in the water. He laughed.
“I had to make sure you actually came in the water. Come on, let’s go swim some laps.”
I felt great swimming, I didn’t have to think of anything other than the water around me and I loved the feeling of freedom. I did a tumble turn and then swam in freestyle to the other end of the pool.
“Liberty, time to go!” Jason called to me. I groaned under my breath, not willing to get out of the water.
“Come on,” Jason walked to my side of the pool and then held out a hand to me. I let him pull me up. As I walked to the chair on which our towels and clothes were lying, I caught Jason staring at me. Conscious of how little I was wearing, I wrapped my towel around myself and forced my eyes away from Jason’s body.

Chapter 8

That evening, I felt Jason’s arm slip around my waist and though I hated to admit it, a tingling feeling started in my stomach.
“Turn around and snuggle into me.” Jason whispered in my ear. I did as I was told. We lay there for a few minutes until I suddenly felt Jason’s lips touch my head. He kissed my forehead, the bridge of my nose, the tip of my nose and eventually landed on my lips. He kissed me gently, and slowly and the fluttering in my stomach got worse. His lips were so soft as he lazily tugged my bottom lip. I couldn’t resist, I kissed him back. After a few moments I pulled back because I realized that I was enjoying this far too much and my stomach was doing summersaults by this time. Jason stared at me with dark eyes that slightly scared me but exited me at the same time.
“Never pull back first. Always let your master kiss you as long as he wants to. You’re there for his pleasure. Remember that.”
I gasped and wanted to pull away from him but he instead pulled me towards him and his lips found mine again. I was struggling against him though, frustrated at his words and not wanting to let myself enjoy his kiss. He pulled back for a second.
“It’s the ugly truth. Deal with it. Now kiss me.” He demanded, before he placed his lips on mine again, though far less gentle than before. I was suddenly aware of everywhere Jason was touching me, his hands on my hips, his lips on mine, the sound of his heartbeat. I felt my resolve slowly crumbling.

No, this was not happening. This could not be happening. I can’t believe those thoughts even entered my mind! What is wrong with me? I scolded myself. At that point I realized that I had to get out of there. I pushed against Jason, got out of bed and dashed to the other side of the room, breathing heavily. I was staring at Jason in shock, while desperately trying to keep from going back to the bed and finding his lips with mine once more. A smirk appeared on his face that brought me back to earth.
“You liked it.” Jason said smugly.
“I did not!” I scoffed. “I’m supposed to pretend, aren’t I?”
“That was no pretense.” Jason said matter-of-factly.
“How do you know?” I shot at him.
“I’ve been around enough girls to know when they are truly interested and when they’re pretending.”
“You know nothing about me.” I spat. The fact that Jason was right was getting me more angry than anything.
Grinning, Jason looked at me. “Come back to sleep and I promise I won’t touch you again tonight.” He still sounded very satisfied with himself. I rolled my eyes and stayed where I was for a few more moments, to calm my heartbeat and evaluate my situation. Eventually, I decided that I better get into bed and go to sleep and pretend this never happened. I pulled back the covers, lay as far away from Jason as possible and, with an annoyed humph

, fell asleep.

Chapter 9

“Stop eating so much, you’re getting fat.” Jason said bluntly when he saw me sitting on the couch with a bowl of chips in my hands.
“So?” I asked, and popped another chip in my mouth.
“So guys don’t like fat girls.”
“I don’t care what guys think.” I said defiantly and went on munching on my chips. If only Jason would leave, my world would be relatively all right. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV with a bowl of chips… Not so bad.
“I have a reputation to uphold.” Jason said, walking over to me.
“A reputation?” I asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Yes. All the girls that have been under my training are more or less perfect.”
“Well,” I said and a smirk appeared on my face, “then I think I will try ruining your reputation.”
“Really?” Jason grinned, as he plopped down on the couch next to me, “and how will you do that?”
Becoming a little uncomfortable at our proximity, I began to stand up.
“I’ll start by getting a refill.” I was about to walk towards the kitchen when Jason grabbed my T-shirt from behind and pulled me back down on the couch.
“I have a better idea.” He said. “How about we start by burning some calories?” The next moment his lips were on mine. For a second I was too shocked to do anything but then I pushed him away with one hand, my other hand was still holding the bowl of chips.
“If you wanted some, you could have just asked,” I motioned towards the chips, trying to hide the blush that was sure to be on my cheeks.
“Finish chewing so that we can continue our exercise.” Jason said and he had a longing look in his eyes. The moment I swallowed I grabbed another handful of chips and stuffed it in my mouth.
“Oooh, you asked for it.” Jason said as het tackled me so that I was lying on the couch and he was hovering above me. I was so shocked I couldn’t chew or even breathe for that matter.
Jason lowered his lips to mine but the moment our lips touched I pushed him away, giggling.
“Wait,” I said, with my hand still on his chest. Jason raised one eyebrow and looked at me, daring me to say anything that he didn’t agree with.
“Let me finish chewing,” I said, around a mouthful of chips, “and I will let you kiss me.” When Jason looked at me disbelievingly I added, “I promise.”
“Fine.” Jason finally conceded. “I give you 20 seconds.” But he didn’t move an inch and remained hovering above me, staring at me while I chewed.
“You’re making me nervous.” I told him.
Jason didn’t answer, just kept staring at me intently. I guess it was my fault that we were in this position, if I would’ve let him kiss me before then this wouldn’t be happening.
I swallowed my chips but continued chewing, just to irritate Jason a little more. It was fun.
“Long enough,” Jason suddenly said and his abruptness made me jump. He slammed his lips onto mine. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. Then I suddenly gave a tug on his neck which caused him to lose his balance but instead of falling on me I pushed him off the couch so that he fell on the carpet. To my surprise though, Jason grabbed me at the last moment and pulled me down with him so that I landed on top of him. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Oh, you find that funny, huh?” Jason said threateningly though I could see that he was trying to stop a smile. Without waiting for my answer he turned us around so that I was once more on the bottom and he was on top. He leaned down and kissed me again. After some intense making out, Jason moved his lips to my ear and whispered: “Remember, that I am in control.” He then moved so that he could see my face.
“Oh really?” I challenged and immediately attempted to make Jason lose his balance so that I was once more on top. But he somehow anticipated this and didn’t budge. Jason grinned at me and raised one eyebrow. I tried again and again to get Jason off me but he was incredibly strong.
“Told you so.” Jason teased as he poked me in the side.
I gasped. “Two can play that game.” I threatened, and then poked him in the side as well.
“I’m not ticklish.” Jason said with a poker face.
“You cannot be serious.” I said unbelievingly.
Jason laughed. “Times like these it’s quite useful.”
I used this opportunity in one last attempt to push Jason off me but he didn’t even wobble.
“Ok, enough of this.” He said, and took my hands and pinned them above my head.
For a moment his coral blue eyes stared into mine. “You know, you’re more intriguing than I thought.”
Before I had a chance to think about that compliment and to let it fully sink in, he had lowered his lips to mine again and all thought left me. Instead, I fully concentrated on enjoying his kiss.

Chapter 10

“If you’re good,” Jason suddenly announced, “Then you can meet up with the other girls tomorrow afternoon.” I stared at him wide-eyed.
“Really?” I asked and I suddenly had the urge to run up to Jason and wrap my arms around him.
“Yes, really.” He said. I couldn’t resist and ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” I squealed. He laughed at my reaction.
“You don’t have to get me deaf, you know.” He commented as I felt his arms wrap around me and squeeze me tight.
“Sorry.” I giggled, and let him go. He didn’t let me go though. Instead, he leaned forwards and kissed me on the lips. A familiar tingling went through my body and I instantly responded to his kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him.

“Lissa!” I shouted when I saw my little sister. I ran up to her and threw my arms around her. But Lissa did not hug me back. I pulled away and looked at her. Her eyes were vacant of any emotion and she looked terrible, like all the life had drained out of her. The once so vibrant and happy girl that I’d known was gone.
“Lissa, what’s wrong?” I asked concerned.
Her vacant eyes focused on me like she saw me for the first time.
“You are not my sister anymore.” She said softly. I stared at her.
“What do you mean? Of course I am!”
“Then where were you when I was being raped? When I was being forced to please a man in all possible ways? Well?” She said, suddenly angry. Tears sprang in my eyes at her words.
“Oh Lissa,” I said and wanted to pull her in a hug but she pushed me away.
“I want nothing to do with you anymore.” With that, she turned around and walked away. I stared after her, not able to say a word. I wanted to scream her name but my voice was stuck in my throat. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Liberty?” Jason asked and I heard concern in his voice.
“No!” I screamed, turning towards him. “This is all your fault!” I yelled as I beat against his chest. “Don’t touch me!” But Jason did not do what I was telling him to do, he did the exact opposite. He took me into his arms. At first, I tried struggling but then just gave in and let him support my weight.
I was trying desperately to hold back tears, I would not cry, especially not in front of Jason. A moment later, his concern suddenly disappeared and he grabbed my arm. “Come with me to the apartment.” I followed without saying a word. Once in the apartment Jason locked the door and turned around to face me. I walked over to the nearest chair and sat down, sure that my legs would not be able to carry my weight much longer.
“Start making dinner.” Jason ordered. I barely heard what he said, I just stared ahead of me at a certain spot on the table and replayed what Lissa had said over and over in my head.
“Liberty,” Jason said warningly, “Do as you’re told.”
I didn’t respond.
“Liberty, I’m telling you one last time or there will be consequences.” I finally noticed that Jason was saying something to me and looked up at him, slightly bewildered. I didn’t care about any of his consequences at the moment. If he wanted my virginity, he could have it. I didn’t have anything to loose. Besides, if he didn’t take it then my new master would. Jason walked over to me, pulled me up from the chair and put his hands under my shirt. I let him, too tired and upset to fight back. The moment Jason touched my breast and realized that I really wasn’t going to put up a fight, he let go of me.
“Liberty,” He growled, “Put up some resistance. Fight me.” He demanded. I stared at him vacantly. Suddenly, the expression on Jason’s face changed completely. He looked gentle, caring. His eyes softened into a baby blue and the moment I saw that concern in his eyes, my resolve broke. I started crying. Jason immediately wrapped his arms around me and I let him.
“Shhh, it’s going to be ok.” Jason said, comforting me as he combed his fingers through my hair.
The tears were cascading down my cheeks like waterfalls and there was nothing I could do to stop them. I hated that I was showing Jason my weakness but every time I thought of what my little sister had been through and that there was nothing I did to help her, my crying only grew worse. We stood like that for a few minutes before Jason gently led me to the bedroom. He sat me down on the bed and started taking off my shoes. I could not stop sobbing. Jason gently pushed me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me.
“It’s going to be all right.” He whispered over and over again. Then, he leaned forwards and kissed me on my forehead. He softly walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. After what felt like hours of crying, I finally fell into a restless sleep.

I was standing behind a glass wall. Lissa was on the other side and a man walked over to her. He grabbed her by the hair and then started pulling her clothes off. Lissa screamed and kicked and flailed her arms but the man was merciless. I was desperately looking for a door, desperate to get to Lissa before it was too late. When I saw no door anywhere, I started pounding on the glass.
“No!” I screamed. “Don’t touch her!” But the man didn’t seem to hear me, or maybe he did but was just ignoring me. I tried punching the glass, to break it, but all I ended up with was a sore hand. Suddenly Lissa turned around and looked at me. She said something and I could read her lips perfectly.
“You did this to me.”

And then, the familiar dream flooded my mind. The dream I had dreamt hundreds of times before. I woke up screaming.
“Liberty, what’s wrong?” Jason came running into the room. When he saw the state I was in, he instantly walked over to the bed and wrapped his arms around me. My breathing was ragged and the fear, mixed in with my tears, nearly made me choke. I coughed and Jason patted my back.
“Ssshh, it was just a nightmare.” He comforted me as he rocked me back and forth.
“I’m- so- scared.” I said between sobs.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m here.” Jason said and he was so gentle that I eventually calmed down. The room was not completely dark yet and I noticed that the sun had just set. Jason tenderly placed my head back on the pillow. He ran his hand over my cheek and then leaned forwards to kiss my forehead. When he pulled away I grabbed his hand.
“Please, don’t leave me.” I begged. Jason simply nodded and wordlessly got into bed beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and I turned around and cried into his chest. Jason rubbed my back and let me cry until I had no tears left. When I quieted down he put one finger under my chin and lifted my face up. Then he gently wiped the tears away with his thumb before leaning down to kiss my eyelids. His kindness almost caused me to start crying all over again but I forced the tears down.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Jason asked softly. I looked up at him and realized that I did indeed want to talk about it. I looked back down and sniffed.
“Lissa was raped.” I whispered, though I was quite sure that Jason already knew this. He got reports of all the girls’ progress every week and I’m sure that one detail about Lissa did not go unnoticed.
“I promised to take care of her.” I said and looked up at Jason while my eyes filled with tears again. “I promised that I’d keep her safe. It’s all my fault, I didn’t keep my promise.” The tears ,which I was trying so hard to keep back slid over their barriers and cascaded down my cheeks.
“It’s not your fault.” Jason soothed me. “If it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine.” He suddenly said and I heard the guilt in his voice. I looked up at him.
“Jason?” I squeaked, and he looked down at me. “Please make sure nothing happens to her. Please keep her safe.” I practically begged him. Jason leaned down and placed a warm kiss on my lips that caused my cheeks to fill with heat.
“I will,” he reassured me, before rolling over and taking his phone off the bedside table. He quickly dialed a number and while he waited for the person to pick up, brushed a strand of hair out of my face and put it behind my ear.
“Hey Steve? Yeah, could you send Lissa over here? Thanks man.” Jason said, before putting the phone back on the bedside table. I stared at him in awe.
“She’s coming here.” Jason smiled at me. I couldn’t help the grin that spread over my face.
“Thank you!” I said happily and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you.” My eyes widened and I gasped. Did I really just tell Jason I loved him? Jason laughed softly at my expression and then nuzzled my neck.
“I love you too.” I pulled away from him to look at his face.
“Really?” I asked, shocked.
“Yes really.” He laughed. “Is that so hard to believe?”
“Well, it’s just that,” I stammered, “I thought I was just one of the girls.” Jason chuckled. “From the moment I laid eyes on you, you were not just one of the girls.” He said, as he rubbed his thumb over my cheek. “I tried so hard to treat you the same but just now, when you wouldn’t fight back… I couldn’t. I couldn’t pretend to be mean anymore when all I wanted was to be nice. Knowing you didn’t like me was like torture. Every time I saw the fury in your eyes I wished things were different.”
“But you can make things different.” I said softly. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and I realized that he looked… sad.
“Things will never be different.” He said.
“Yes they will!” I said fiercely. I put my hands on both sides of his face and stared at him sternly. “And don’t you dare say they won’t be.” Then, I leaned forwards and kissed him. He immediately responded to the kiss and then took over. The kiss was warm and passionate and I never wanted it to end. Jason ran his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly granted. When our tongues met, I could not suppress the moan that escaped my lips.
“You asked me the first thing I thought when I saw you.” Jason said when he pulled back. I nodded, remembering.
“I thought you were beautiful.” He whispered.

Chapter 8

This chapter is dedicated to my friend Minna who is making me fall in love with my male characters all over again :)

A knock sounded on the door and I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the front door. Jason grabbed my arm just before I reached it.
“Let me open it. Pretend you know nothing about this, stand in the kitchen and look submissive. Don’t look happy to see Lissa and if Steve stays, do as you’re told.” I nodded and went to the kitchen to make coffee.
“Oh, and Liberty?” Jason said, with his hand on the doorknob.
“I love you.”

Jason opened the door and there stood Steve, holding Lissa roughly by the arm. I gasped for air as I registered again how bad she looked.
“’Sup man?” Steve asked and grabbed Jason’s hand.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing,” Jason laughed. “And I wanted to prove to you that I can get any girl to do what I want.”
“You can’t be serious.” Steve said, looking over at me. “Her

? She didn’t have a submissive bone in her body! I’d never met anyone more stubborn. “ Jason laughed.
“Well, it’s the truth. She does what she’s told without complaining. How’s yours coming along?”
Steve glanced at Lissa. “Fine.” He said gruffly.
“Lissa, go help Liberty in the kitchen.” Jason demanded and then went to sit in the living room with Steve. Lissa and I didn’t say a word to each other when Lissa dutifully opened a cupboard and took out two coffee cups. After serving coffee and cake to Jason and Steve, who were busily discussing sports and didn’t even look up to acknowledge their thanks, we retreated back to the kitchen. I desperately wanted to go over to Lissa and hug here but I remembered Jason’s words and knew that I couldn’t do anything without him telling me to do it.
Unexpectedly Jason suddenly said: “Liberty, Lissa, go to the bedroom and make yourselves useful. Go clean or something.” He dismissively waved his hand at us. I looked at him for just a second and hoped that he could read my gratefulness. I took Lissa by the hand and pulled her to the bedroom. When the door was safely closed I turned to her and hugged her.
“Lissa, I can’t believe you’re here! Are you ok? Tell me what happened! Don’t worry, Jason will take care of us, he’s actually not as bad as he seems, in fact, he’s quite nice…” I rambled on. Lissa just stared at me blankly. When I finally stopped talking, she burst into tears.
“Oh, Lissa,” I said softly and guided her to the bed. When we were both seated I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry.
“I’m so sorry. So sorry that I wasn’t there to take care of you. I’m so, so sorry.” I whispered to her. After a while I heard the front door open and close and I desperately hoped that Steve had left.
“Do you want something to eat?” I asked Lissa, when she finally stopped crying. She shook her head and sniffed.
“Go to sleep.” I told Lissa gently. “You’re safe here.” I took off her shoes and pulled back the blanket and Lissa curled up in the large double bed. She quickly fell asleep after I tucked her in.

I softly opened the bedroom door and peaked outside, desperately hoping that Steve was, in fact, gone. I saw Jason sitting on the couch in the living room, beer in hand, staring vacantly ahead of him. He looked up when he heard me approach.
“Is she ok?” He asked me, sounding both worried and somehow, a little miserable.
“Yeah,” I said, as I sat next to him on the couch. “Are you?” Jason looked at me with vacant eyes.
“I’ve hurt so many people. I’ve done such horrible things, Liberty, you can’t even begin to imagine how bad. I would understand if you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore.”
Feeling Jason’s anguish, I desperately wanted to make him feel better. I gently lay my hand against his cheek and forced him to look up at me.
“Jason, God will forgive you for what you’ve done, if you but ask him.”
“No,” Jason said, “He could never forgive this. I’ve ruined so many lives.”
“He will,” I said, anxious to make him understand, “He will forgive you. Jesus loves you, no matter what. And so do I.” Jason set his beer down and pulled me into his arms.
“I love you so much.” He sighed. “And I’ll think about what you said. Because if there’s a way that I can know for sure that I will be forgiven… “ He didn’t finish his sentence. “I won’t be able to live with myself if I don’t have some hope.”
“Because Jesus came alive from the dead, you will always have hope.” I told him. “In the Bible it says that God will remove ours sins as far from us as the east is from the west. You can start over, Jason. You already have by bringing Lissa here.”
He smiled ruefully at me. “That’s not much compared to all the horrible things I’ve done.”
“It’s a start!” I said, getting more excited by the second.
Jason laughed at my excitement and wrapped his arms tighter around me.
“I’m so happy that you came in my life.” He sighed. I smiled and then suppressed a yawn.
“Where are we going to sleep?” I asked him, “Lissa is in our bed.”
Jason grinned. “How about here?” He moved us so that we were both lying on the couch. I was pressed against him and his arms were still around me.
“Sounds like a good idea.” I yawned again and then snuggled into him and made myself comfortable.
“Uhum, aren’t we forgetting something?” Jason asked, pretending to sound serious.
“What?” I asked, looking up at him a little shocked.
Grinning, Jason said: “A goodnight kiss.” I laughed softly and then leaned up and pressed my lips against his.
“Goodnight.” I whispered softly. When I was snuggled back against his chest, Jason kissed the top of my head. “Sleep tight.”

Chapter 9

Lissa got the laundry room and Steve was told that he could take a break and go on a holiday. Steve was grateful and didn’t give a second thought to it. Jason had decided that we must still sleep in the same bed just in case someone found out that this wasn’t the case. They might start questioning and that could get ugly.

We spent the day getting used to Lissa’s presence. Lissa barely said a word to me and I understood why, so much had happened to her in her young life. Jason offered to cook but I declined because I needed to do something to keep me busy. I asked Lissa if she wanted to help me but she was lying curled up in bed and didn’t even acknowledge my presence so I decided to let her be. I was stirring the vegetables when Jason wrapped his arms around me from behind and leaned his chin on my shoulder.
“Are you ok?” He asked me.
“I’m not sure.” I answered truthfully. “I’ve never seen her this sad and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Jason turned me around in his arms and put his hands on my shoulders.
“Give her some time. She’s been through a lot. Just remind her that you love her and that you’ll always be there for her and maybe try to distract her a little bit. Tomorrow evening there’s a ball that’s meant to prepare you girls for glamorous events. It might be a welcome distraction.” I smiled slightly, forcing myself not to burst out into tears. I put my arms around Jason’s neck and took a deep breath as I leaned against him.

The evening passed by quietly. I brought Lissa some food but she refused to eat and at first I let that bring my mood down but Jason managed to cheer me up, for which I was grateful. He was so sweet and knew exactly the right words to say. When we got into bed that evening, Jason slipped his arms around my waist and I turned around to face him. I smiled up at him and was suddenly very tempted to kiss him. I leaned forwards and pressed my lips against his. When I pulled away I asked:
“If I kiss you first, then am I allowed to pull away first?”
“No.” Jason said, with a smile playing on his lips. “You are never allowed to pull away first.”
Without a word I placed my lips on his again and before he could deepen the kiss, I pulled away. I smirked at him and he growled softly. He moved us so that I was lying on the bottom and he was hovering over me. He slammed his lips on mine and wanted to slip his tongue in my mouth but I would not let him. Jason poked me in the side and took advantage of my gasp. His tongue touched mine and sparks went through me. I felt butterflies in my stomach and kissed him back just as ferociously as he was kissing me. In the middle of our kiss he suddenly pulled back.
“I pulled back first.” He said smugly.
“Not funny.” I said.
“Oh, so you like me kissing you?” He asked while raising one eyebrow.
“No.” I lied smoothly.
“Liar.” He grinned.
“You’re the one who likes kissing me.” I defended myself.
“You know, I’ll make you a little bet.” Jason suddenly said. “If you kiss me first you will go on a hike with me everyday, without complaint and if I kiss you first…”
I cut him off before he could come up with something.
“You will do the cooking for a week.” I said, remembering the delicious pasta he made the first day I was here.
“Deal.” He said without a second thought. He lay back down next to me and tightened his grip on my waist.
“Urgh,” I grumbled softly.
“Regretting our deal already?” Jason teased.
“No.” I immediately said. Then, after a few seconds of thought I added: “Maybe.”
“Don’t worry,” Jason said as he nuzzled my neck, “Our hikes won’t be so bad.”
“That is, if you win.” I smirked. “And I have no intention of letting you.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2011

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