
Chapter 1

I woke up before the alarm even rang. I was tired. 2 weeks had gone since the broke up and it was hard not to think about it. Everday I woke up, I regretted waking up. Sleeping is the only way that you could forget everything. Forget the problems, forget the worries and forget Conor. Talking about Conor, I never saw Conor once. He never came to school. Rick and Matt said he was ill but I knew they were lying. Something might have happened. I tried not to care but I really wanted to know. It wasn't because of me was it? There was a knock on my door.
'Come in.' I said while moving the duvet off me.
'Hey darling.' It was Mum.
'Hey.' I mumbled trying not to look at her. Ever since mum came back from her course abroad, I really wanted to tell her about Conor. But I couldn't. We have been having some money problems too and I couldn't make her be reminded of my dad. And what would happen if I do tell her? Nothing. Conor is out of my life. Theres nothing to worry about is there?
'Darling, ever since I came back, you've been acting weird.' She said while sitting near my bed. 'Did something happen?' Her face was filled with worry.
'Mum, theres nothing to worry about. Its just the exams are coming close and I'm kinda nervous.' I said trying to reassure her.
'Ruby, you'll ace it. Anyway, you got my genes so I think you will find the test very easy.' I smiled.
'Theres something I need to tell you.' Mum said. Her face showed that it was something bad.
'Well, I've been having money problems.' She said slowly looking through the window.
'What do you mean?' I said confused by what she said.
'Well, I only went to this abroad thing because we needed more money and the money they give here is too less.'
'Mum, how come you didn't tell me?' I said worriedly. This is such a big thing and Mum didnt even tell me a word.
'Well, how could I? When I came back, you looked so worried about something and me saying that we can't afford to live here can make it worser.' She said quickly.
'What? We can't afford to live here. But I'm sure theres enough money-'
'There isn't darling. If I don't get enough money, I might need to sell the house.'
I stood up and walked to the window. What can I do? How can we get such a big problem? And how can Mum hide this? But there wasn't time to get mad. I had to get money. I've lived in this house since I was little. Theres so much memories here. I don't want no stranger living in this house.
'I know. I could get a saturday job.' I said to Mum.
'But there won't be much time-'
'Mum, trust me. I'll get money as fast as I can. Just don't sell the house.'
'Please Mum.' I said making a sad face. She nodded.
She kissed me on my head and went downstairs.
I sighed while getting ready for school. I had to work out what I need to do. How can I get money. I'll ask Cam and Josh. They might know. Now I had to go to school like its a normal day. I sighed remembering the last few days have been hell in school. Everyone knew about our break up. It was horrible. They kept on giving me sympethic looks. Guys stayed away from me because they know that if they go out with me, there will be a chance that Conor might hurt them. And girls patted me trying to say 'never give up' but deep inside are happy that Conor is single again. I hate it but It'll be gone in a few months. And I'm Ruby Williams. I'm not afraid of anyone and I have my own way in everything. I wore blue jeans and a 'Live Love Life' shirt to show everyone in school that I don't care. To know that I wasn't going to give up on life like some girls. When I saw Conor with that girl, my world ended but not anymore. I looked at myself in the mirror. My smiled fell when I saw the word 'love' on my shirt. A tear fell down my cheek. I miss him. I miss him so much.
Beep Beep, the alarm clock brought me back to real life. I wiped the tear away and forced a smile. I can do this. I can do this. This will be my mantra now. I can do this. I can do this.
I headed off to school.

Chapter 2

'Ronnie Marvis.'
I was in English and Mrs Rain was doing the register. 'Ruby Williams.'
'Here.' I said. She gave me a smile before continuing the register. AARRGH! Now the teachers are feeling sorry for me.
'So any plans for the weekend?' Cam said who was sitting next to me. She's been very supportive about the break up and helped me through it. When I told her about Conor and me, she told me she was really surprised. She thought Conor loved me. That suprised me.
I looked behind to see Josh doodling on his English book. Josh helped me through it too. I didn't tell Josh in details unless he gets too mad at Conor and the last thing I want is Josh and Conor to hate eachother, 'Nope, what about you?' I said to Josh and Cam.
'Might go Cinema to watch the new movie that is out.' Josh said. Before I could ask what movie, Mrs Rain interrupted.
'Right class, do the worksheet and answer the questions.' She said while sitting in her chair reading her routine magazine.
Rick and Matt came into class, late as usual. Mrs Rain was too busy looking at her magazine to notice them. Its been awkward between me and Rick. I didn't know if I should talk to him or not. Was he allowed to talk to me? But he smiled at me in the corridor and said hi sometimes. I guess thats it.

It was end of class and we were all getting up to go. Everyone went but Mrs Rain stopped me. Cam and Josh looked curious.
'You two could go.' Mrs Rain said to Cam and Josh. I looked at her curiously. Cam and Josh went giving me the 'What have you done?' look. Did something bad happen? Mrs never tells you to wait after class unless you've done something stupid.
'Mrs Rain, am I in trouble or something because If I am, I didn't do it.' I said worriedly. She smiled while sitting on her desk.
'No, its not that. I need to ask you something.' She said while fiddling with the pen in her hand.
'Well, its really hard to say this and I've heard that you and Conor have broken up so its going to be double hard about what I need to ask you to do.'
'Me and Conor have broken up? What has that got to go with this?' I said. What is this teacher talking about?
'Well, you see.' She took a deep breath before starting. 'Conor hasn't came to school for weeks and the exams are approaching. His sister Mrs Robert is looking for a tutor.' She looked at me. I really didn't like where this is going.
'Mrs Robert personally asked for you to tutor him.' She said slowly. I gasped. Cassie wants me to tutor my ex? No way, I hate him and more importantly, hes my ex! I said this to Mrs Rain.
'You don't understand Ruby. Tutoring could help your points in Exams.'
'No Mrs Rain, you dont understand. I hate Conor. He treated me bad and seeing him again isn't even the last thing in the world I want to do. Nevermind, tutoring him.'
'Well, you haven't let me finished. Ruby, Mrs Robert is paying you for this. And when I say pay, I mean big pay.'
'I thought you knew me Mrs-' I stopped. Did she just say that Cassie is going to pay? This could help. If I could get money, there won't be money problems at home. And mum doesn't need to go abroad anymore. I really do need the money. I sighed. I hate to do it but i have to do it.
'Okay, fine.' I said sadly.
'And she might help to fund the school swimming pool. And we really need the money.'
I said nothing.
'Great, I'll phone her myself.' She said getting up from the desk.
'And can you tell her something for me?' I said opening the door to go.
'What?' She said frowning.
'Tell her, I am going to tutor him my way.' I said before leaving the class.

Hope you liked that. If you haven't noticed, this is the second book. Its optional if you want to read the first book but its better to understand the characters if you know read it. I will update it as soon as I can. I really want to see if you guys like it. If you do leave a comment. And be honest. Thank you !

Chapter 3

'What? Your not serious are you?' Cam and Josh said in unison. I told them about my new tutoring job. We were in my room. It was going to be hard to explain to them that I am tutoring my ex. The same ex who cheated on me and the same ex who I used to love.
'I have to.' I said.
Cam laughed. 'Is this a joke? Do you know what that jerk did to you? He hurt you. He hurt you bad.' Her face hardened.
'Yes but-'
'Instead of hurting him, your helping him? Ruby, your better than this.' Josh said angrilly.
I sighed. It was harder to explain to these guys.
'Look, me and my mum might need to sell our house and live in a dampy apartment. My mum is crushed inside because she
can't even do anything. And when I get the chance to get the house back, I will do it. Do you understand?' I said confidently eventhough I wasn't really sure inside. They nodded.
'You know..' Cam said, 'We can help you get money-'
'No no no no and no.' I said horrified. 'I don't need help.' We sat there in silent for a few minutes. Then I heard the doorbell.
'That must be your mum.' Cam said getting up.
'No, my mum said shes coming late tonight.' I said slowly. Who can that be?
'Maybe its Sam?' Josh said like it was obvious.
'Sam is still at work.' I said.
The doorbell rang again. I just stood there.
'Aren't we supposed to get that?' Cam said.
'I don't know.. I wasn't expecting anyone.' I said biting my lip.
'Oh for goodness sake! It just might be the neighbour asking for sugar. Why are you acting like your ex is at the door.' Cam said angrilly.
Me and Josh looked at Cam. 'Whats up with you?'
'Nothing.' The doorbell rang again.
I got up and went downstairs. Josh and Cam followed behind me. They were talking to eachother quietly.
I went downstairs and unlocked the door. I opened to find her. Beside me, I could hear Cam and Josh gasp.
'Hi.' Cassie said.
My mouth dropped open. She was on my doorstep with a massive smile on her face. Beside her was 2 highly built bodyguards.
'So can I come in?' Cassie said. I then noticed that I was speechless for 3 whole minutes!
'Oh sorry.' I cleared my throat. 'Come in.' I said opening the door for her. She nodded her head, like Conor did when he came here, to the guards.
The guards stayed outside. Their face was... faceless. I closed the door.
She came in and sat down on the stool like she lived here. 'Nice place.' She said looking around. She looked at Cam and Josh and smiled brightly.
I've never met a girl who smiles more than that. She put her hand out to Cam. 'Hi, I'm-'
Cam shaked her hand and said,'Cassie Robert. Sorry, Its just a pleasure to meet you. I've seen all the charities you've funded for and I have really admired you since. The work you did in that children's hospital was great and when-'
'Cam.' I half snapped and whispered. Cassie wasn't surprised at all with Cam's reaction. 'Its great to meet someone who likes my work.'
We stood there in silence.
'So...' I said slowly. One question was driving me crazy. 'Cassie, Its great that your here but, why?
'Great question.' Cassie said smiling again. 'Well, I heard you and Conor and not together anymore.' For the first time she didnt smile.
I nodded. I knew that Cassie must be gutted but she has to blame Conor.
'Conor told me what happened. He didn't do it on purpose. He was just-'
'I don't know what story Conor told you but It doesn't change my mind.' I said coldly. First she looked hurt, but then she smiled. She was trying to hide her pain. It hurt but It was true. If she came here to make me be with Conor again, It won't happen.
'Look, I'm not here to change your mind. I'm just here because I wanted to tell you about the tutoring you agreed on.'
I looked at Cam and Josh. They smiled but I knew what they were thinking. That I'm falling into a trap.
'Well, lets talk about it.' She patted the stool next to her indicating me to sit there.
'Well we've got to go.' Cam said to me.
'Call me later, Okay?' Cam said. She smiled and hugged me. Josh smiled and said bye to Cassie. 'Its great to meet you.' Cam said before leaving.
'You too.' Cassie said hugging Cam and Josh. They both were surprised by this but hugged her back. When they went, Cassie went into business. I sat down and listened.
'Conor doesn't want to go to school and I really don't want him to fail his exams.'
'Can't he just skip the exam?' I said. I'm sure he could pay for the test to be a bit late.
'Well, hes missed a lot of exams and I really don't want him to miss this one.' I nodded eventhough it didn't make sense.
'Why can't you hire other tutors?' I said curiously.
'I tried and tried but Conor kept on pushing them away. He never even went out. Just sat in his room all day.' She said. I felt a sting of guilty, then pushed it away.
'Conor just might pass this exam if you tutor him.'
'Yeah, right.' I mumbled.
Cassie put her hand on my hand. 'Look, I know its been tough but I really do need your help. Conor has made a big mistake and he hates himself for it.' I looked at her. She looked at me helplessly.
I sighed. 'We might be losing the house.' I said too sad to keep it a secret. 'I only took the job because I really need the money.
'Thats fine with me. I'll pay you in advance.' She put 500 dollors on the table.
'I'll give you 500 a week. If its too less-'
'Its fine.' I said. 'When do I start?'
'What? Tomorrow? But I got school.'
'I asked the headteacher and she was fine with it.'
'But-' There was nothing else to say. I knew I had to do this. Not for me but for mum.
Cassie carried on talking about what I had to teach him and what he has problems on. I never knew Cassie knew so much about her brother. She knows everything. What he is bad at, what he needs to improve on and what his favourite subjects is eventhough he hasn't told anyone. After a drink, Cassie said she had to go.
'I'll see you at my house then. You know where it is?'
'I think so but why can't I tutor him in a library or something?'
'Its better if you teach him at home. Trust me.' She got up and gave a booklet to me. Before I could ask what was in that booklet she told me.
'Its just the things I said just now. I thought you might forget it.' Cassie said. How did she know I forgot it? Well, I guess you can't concentrate when you have to tutor you ex. After she left, I looked at the 500 dollers she put on the table. How will I explain this to mum? If I lie then I will have to lie again and again and again. But If I tell the truth, she might not let me go.
I heard some keys rattling. Oh God, that must be mum. I stood there thinking about what I am going to say. But then, Sam came through the door. I was somehow relieved.
'Hey Ruby. You wouldn't guess-' He stopped seeing my reaction. 'Whats up? And how did you get that money?' He said pointing at the money that was in my hand.
'Its a long story.' I said too tired with all this. I was just so tired. I couldn't even have a happy life without another thing coming up.
'Well I've got all day.' He said while sitting down and looking at me strangely. 'Well go on.'

Chapter 4

I told him everything. I didn't have an option. I had all this feelings inside me and I couldn't hide it anymore. When I was done, Sam said he will talk to Mum and that he would try his best. I hugged him tight.
'I love you Sam.' I said hugging him again.
'I love you too Rubes. Now go on, go to sleep.' Sam said shooing me off. I was very tired. Eventhough It was early, I couldn't help but snuggle into my bed and go to sleep.
I woke up in 15 minutes, hearing the door close downstairs. That must be mum. I tried to listen for more sounds. Maybe I could see what her feelings are about this job by the sounds. I heard a cough. And then there was silence. My heart beated fast. After a while, I heard the kettle.
Mum always drinks tea so i dont know if she is drinking it because she is sad or happy. There was quiet talking for 5 minutes and then it stopped.
I got up from my bed and went quietly downstairs trying not to make any noise.
'She knows what she is facing.' I heard Sam say.
'I know that. Ruby is a smart girl but why didn't she tell me.' Mum said with a lot of stress in her voice. Then something struck me. Did Sam tell my mum about me and Conor going out.
'Look, She was scared. She loved Conor and she thought you might take him away from her.' I heard Sam say. I swallowed. I know what my mum must be feeling. Hurt. I broke her promise. I did something bad and I already got punished. And she knew this was going to happen. I quickly ran downstairs, not caring that I had nothing to say to defend myself. My mum was sitting on the sofa in the living room with Sam. She looked hurt. She saw me and I saw betrayal in her eyes. I ran to her and hugged her.
'Mum I'm sorry. I made a huge mistake, and I will never forget what I have done. Please Mum forgive me.' I said crying. I have hurt her so much.
'I never meant it. I should have known better. Hes a monster and I did the stupid thing of falling for him.' I said. I stopped hugging her and looked at her. I tried to read her face but all I got was confusion.
'Ruby, I don't care that you broke the promise.' She said calmly. My eyes widened. 'I'm just mad that you didn't tell me.'
'What?' I said utterly shocked. I broke her promise so what is she saying?
'Darling, I said that years ago. And yes I meant it but I never knew you would be confronted with this problem.'
'But Mum, I broke a promise and got myself hurt. I should have listened to you.'
Mum looked at me kissed me on my forehead. 'Darling, Its my fault. I made you believe that every rich person you meet is like your dad.' She said trying not to cry. 'But I have met Conor and he really likes you.'
'What? You've met him?'
'Yes, he came here when you were in school and told me everything that happened. And I understand.' Mum said. I was gobsmacked. What is this? Am I dreaming or something? I don't even know whats happening.
'Mum, your talking alien to me. I have no idea.' She smiled to my confusion. And wiped my tears.
'Okay, Conor is a good person. Yes, he used to be an arrogant rich person before but he changed. He changed for you Ruby. I have never met anyone who has ever changed who they are for someone else.'
I looked at Sam. He nodded and smiled. 'Shes right. The way he looks at you is just-'
'No.' I said coldly.
'What?' Mum said.
'Conor has hurt me so much. You guys might think he has changed but he hasn't. He wouldn't have cheated on me if he changed.' I said remembering the time he was with that girl. It was the same girl I saw in the restroom. She was drunk. And he was drunk. But that isn't an excuse.
'Mum remember when you promised me not to trust them? I trusted them. I let them all in. They hated me and I hated them. Everything was fine but then-'
'You fell in love?' Sam finished me off. I nodded. But Sam wasn't finished. I can tell from his face that he wanted to say a lot. 'Look Ruby, are you telling me that you have no feelings for Conor?'
I paused and then said 'No.' So much feelings were in my head. Some were good but some where bad. The feelings that I was afraid of sneaked into my brain and now it hurts.
'Thats not true.' Sam said shaking his head.
'It is.'
'Then why did you pause?'
'I didn't, I just thought it was a obvious question.'
'Stop it.' Mum said.
'Sorry.' Me and Sam mumbled.
'Right, are you sure Ruby?' Mum said putting my hair behind my ear.
'I guess I am.' I said. But I couldn't hide the feeling that there was something there. Something that I couldn't stop feeling.

Chapter 5

'Have you got your pens?' Mum said for the 12th time.
'Yes Mum.' I said too tired to complain about her worrying. We were in the kitchen and Mum was getting worried about my tutoring job with Conor. Why is she acting like I'm going to an important business trip? She was telling me how to act and what to wear and what not to say. I guess when you tutor people, there are rules but when you tutor someone who is rich, there is other rules. It annoys me so much.
'Okay darling, Sam is going to drop you off and don't be mean to anyone.' Mum said sorting out my hair.
'I don't be mean to anyone.' I said. She smiled. 'Unless their mean to me.' I finished off. Mum looked at me uncertain.
'Mum, I'll be fine.' I said hugging her.
'I know you will be.' She said hugging me back.
'Ready to go?' Sam said yawning. Mum told him to wake up an hour eary so he could check the car. Can Mum get anymore worried?
'Yeah I think- Oops I forgot my phone.' I said running upstairs. I got my phone that was charging. There were 2 messages from Cam and Josh. I'll read them later. I looked into the mirror at what I was wearing. I changed the colour of my hair. It was still red but a different shade. I liked it. I thought that if I was going to have a new start, I'd rather change how I look. Cam and Josh couldn't recognise me first because the red hair was the only thing that made me different. But its still red as always. I have a long sigh before walking towards the car. Im actually going to do this. I am actually going to this. Am I? Am I actually going to do this. Sam takes out his keys and looks at me curiously. I quickly put my hands on his shoulders and look straight at him. 'Sam, Am I actually going to do this?' I said, still unsure about this.
'Yes Ruby. And you can do this. Not for anyone but your mum, remember?' Sam said. For some reason, Sam didn't look worried about this at all. I looked at him curiously before sitting into the car. I can do this. I can do this.
Heyy!! Thanks for reading.
I will update Next friday so hope you have time to read it.
Heres a little hint in the next chapter.
- 'Conor's P.O.V'
Yep, its going to be his first point of view after his

Chapter 6 - Conor's P.O.V

Days went. Days went slower and slower. Like time wanted me to suffer. Suffer for what I have done. It hurts. It hurts so much that I can't sleep, I can't eat and I can't think without remembering that moment. Remembering what I have done. Remembering her. Ruby. Her name that used to bring a smile to my face, has now made me hate myself. I was writing on my laptop in my room. What was I writing? Feelings. All the feelings I have felt. Hurt, disapointed, sad, lonely, angry ...
'AAAAAAHHH!!' I screamed to no one in particular. My head. Its hurting so much. I lost someone and now everything looks so dull. Like, I have lost something that kept me alive, and now that its gone, I'm dead.
There was a knock on the door. I really wasn't in the mood. I know I have been sitting in my room for a long time. I dont even know what day it is. All I know is that shes gone.
'Conor can I come in?' The voice was my sisters. I love her but shes never left my side at all. Always talking and making me feel great eventhough it was all an act. 'Yeah, you can come in.' I said trying not to sound annoyed. 'Hes in such a bad mood', I over heard a servant saying. 'How can one girl make him so different.' they said. Well how do they know? Ruby isn't just a girl, shes more. Shes everything to me. 'Doesn't he notice that he can get any girl he wants.' I over heard another servant saying. 'All this for a girl, who knew when this day would come,' the said. And then they all laughed. Laughed at me. Conor Riches. They have no sense at all. Fired.
'How you feeling?' Cassie snapped me back to reality.
'Great. I'm feeling better.' I lied smiling to her. She smiled back and sat on my bed.
'You know, we have this tutor-'
'Cas, what did I say?' I said trying not to sound mad. 'I don't want any tutors or teachers or helpers. I'll be going school.'
'When, Conor?' Cassie said, angrily. 'When are you going school? When exams have finished? When everyone is graduated? When Conor?' She got up from my bed and walked to my window. In this house, whenever someone was mad, they would stand near the window and breath in and out like Cassie is doing right now. I know Cassie is mad. But how do I explain to her that I really want to go but I just... I just...
'Can't you face her?' Cassie said, not looking at me. My hands tightened.
'Of course I can. I just-'
'What Conor? You know what, I've got a tutor in today and you WILL like her.' She ordered me. When I looked at her, her eyes was happy. Like she was relieved. She wasn't mad at all, but more excited. Has this got anything got to do with the tutor?
'Cassie, why are you-' The door bell interrupted me. Who can that be? It must be the tutor that Cassie was talking about. Before I could ask the question again, Cassie screamed with delight. I had to put my hands to my ears. Why is Cassie screaming and being soo excited? I looked at her like she was crazy. She said with a big smile on her face, 'Be on your best behaviour.' My eyes opened wide since ages. Did she just tell me to behave myself? Is she crazy? I wanted to tell her what is up but she ran out the room screaming with delight. I shook my head. This girl has something wrong with her, I murmered. I wonder how this tutor is going to be like. I shut my laptop with anger. I've had millions of tutors, how is this going to make a difference. I love Cassie but sometimes shes gets in my head. I've had millions of tutors. I just don't want to learn. I don't want to learn!
I walked to the window and breathed in and out. There was a knock on the door. I wasn't bothered. I don't care who this tutor is. Cassie shouldn't even be here. I wasn't a total mess. Okay, I didn't get out of the room for days and I refused a lot of food. And I didn't take my medicines but I'm still fine. Aren't I? I tried to remember what Cassie said. 'I've got a tutor in today and you will like her.' So it was a girl then. I could hear her sigh with nervousness. So she was nervous, she is so going to be easy to get rid of. Then I heard Cassie shouting a few feet away. 'Hey, Is he not letting you in? Wait, I'll sort him out.' I could hear her stumping to the ground. I sighed, too annoyed.
I heard the door bang open. For some reason, my heart started beating fast. So fast.
'Conor, you have a guest.' Cassie said nicely but with a tone saying 'oi, stop acting like an idiot.'
'No Cassie, you have a guest.' I said putting pressure on the word 'you'.
'Conor, just turn around and see who-'
'Look Cassie, I put up with all these tutors you have hired, but why do you think she will make a difference.' I said angrily. I was getting tired of this.
'You know what, Conor. Suit yourself. I was going to introduce her to you but your choice. Whatever.' And with that she left the room leaving me and the tutor behind. I sighed. And looked through the window at the trees far ahead. The sun shone so bright. Wonder what Ruby must be doing right now. Going school I guess. Does she ever think about me? Well, I guess I should get rid of this tutor.
'How come you haven't been going school?' she said. I froze. That voice. That voice that was so fimiliar. I turned around amazed. My eyes were wide opened.
'R-Ruby' I stuttered. And there she was. Standing there. Her beautiful face, looking awkwardly on the floor. She was here. She was here in my room. Am I dreaming? I pinched myself.
'Ouch.' I whispered. I had to do it double hard to make sure.
'Are you okay?' She looked at me concerned. I can't believe this. She was standing here. In my bedroom! Asking if I was okay! Wow.
'I...I..I' I was speechless. She looked at me for a second. Her eyes were filled with all kind of emotions. But one of them that caught my eyes was that she was happy. Happy to see me.
'Well, I'm your tutor for your exams that are coming up.' She said normally. Like it was just a normal day, in a normal time at a normal place. But it wasn't.
She put her red heavy bag onto the sofa near the door. She looked at me. There was something different about her.
'You-You're... well you look...' I stuttered. I have to stop this insane behavior. Yes, I know shes here. But I can't show her that I'm desperate. 'You look different.' I said finally.
She smiled. Wow, her smile that I longed to see was there. I couldn't stop looking at her. Her beautiful smile disappeared and in came her nervousness. She bit her lips.
'Thanks, I've changed my hair. A different red.' She said not looking at me. She started taking books out of her bag. And set them on the table. I could have helped her but I just wanted to stare at her. 'I missed you.' I blurted out before I could stop myself. This is bad. This is really bad. One rule of ex's is that you don't say I miss you. Its a sign of weakness.
But I didn't care. I love her. And I just want her to love me back. But she didn't hear me. She was too busy talking to herself, talking about if she has bought the right books or not. I sighed with relief. I should have said I miss you to her but not yet. I sat down on my bed and took one of her books.
'So..' I said looking at the algebra. I yawned. 'Not trying to sound mean but-'
'Why am I here?' She said somehow taking the words right out of my mouth. 'Well, I needed money and Cassie helped me out.' She looked at the books and started looking for something. 'Where did I put the Algebra book?' She mumbled to herself. She needed money? What happened that she needed money that she took the job as her ex's tutor. I mean, I love her for being here but why? I hurt her, didn't I? If I was her, I would have never came near me, forget helping me with exams. She must have been desperate. I have to find out what happened so I can help. Not like she is going to take it anyway.
I quickly realised that I have the book and gave it to her. She smiled, her way of saying thank you, and took the book away. For a brief second, our hands touched. The feeling went tingling inside. I wanted her so bad. Why is life so unfair, I wanted to whine. Why can't I get a girl like I can get the new game thats out or like I get dinner from my favourite restuarant. She looked a bit awkwardly. 'Oh, you can sit here.' I said patting the seat next to me. She looked at me like I was crazy. I bet she was thinking, Of course I'm not going to sit next to you, and specially not on a bed. Have you ever seen the book of rules for ex's or am I your first? Use your common sense.
She sat on the sofa near the bed. I moved to the side of my bed so that I was opposite her.
'Right, lets start then.' She said giving me an english book.
'Okay. Or we could just sit and pretend to read?' I said to her, trying to cheer her up. But she raised her eyebrows to me and said something under her breath.
'Look Ruby. I'm sorry for what I did. I was-'
'I don't want to talk about it.' She said angrily. I shut up instantly. 'Right, lets start with some easy questions. And we'll go from there.' She said without looking at me. Something was wrong. Since she was here, she didn't look at me properly. Like she didn't want to. If she thinks everything is fine, it isn't. Its like she doesn't want to look at me.
'Okay. First question.' She said giving me a lined piece of paper. 'Write down all the characters in Romeo and Juliet.'
My mouth opened to say something but she said 'Write it down and no talking.' I closed my mouth and started to write on the paper. Okay, theres Juliet and Romeo obviously. Who else? I've never read Romeo and Juliet. I know its about love that I clearly know nothing about.
Hope you liked it
Next chapter will be updated next friday so hope you have time to read t.
Thanks and please comment.
Hint - If you don't know why its called The Plan, you'll find out..

Chapter 7: Ruby's P.O.V.

I looked at him to see if he understood what he has to do. Its easy. Just name the characters in Romeo and Juliet. But by the expression on his face, it looked like I told him the hardest question in the world. He looked great. But his eyes always looked lost. When he saw me, his face lit up. I wanted to hug him and tell him all my worries. But that can't happen
when he is one of my worries. His hair was all over the place. He was wearing a green shirt with black jeans. His room was massive. Bigger than all the rooms in my house combined.
He had a big section filled with video games. One section with a desk that was supposed to be the study area but was complely empty. On the wall he had pictures of cars and a painted picture of him looking into the sky. His bed was massive with silky expensive duvet that looked too comfortable to bear. I sighed. I went back to Conor. He looked at his work again but his mind was somewhere else. He looked at me and smiled. I looked at his sheet. His handwriting was scruffy as always. Yes, I was trying to avoid eye contact. Yes, I was happy to see him. But thats only because he seems better than I thought. He did though have eye bags under his eyes that suggests he hasn't slept. And he has lost some weight, suggesting he hasn't been eating well. And his mind looked troubled.
I looked at the massive football clock in his room. It was 10:12. I had to leave at 3. Wow, this is going to be longer than I thought.
'So how much have you got?' I said to Conor trying not to look at his blue beautiful eyes.
'Errmmm, 2 and a half.' He said unsurely.
'Wait, you have a half?''
'Yeah. Juliet's mother is pronouned Lady something, so I thought that would score me a point.' He said smiling. I didn't smile back. He was trying to make me laugh and I had enough.
'Conor, we are not here to score points. If we have to score anything, its going to be exam marks. Now think again.' I said.
He sighed before biting his inside lip. Its his way of thinking. 'There was the villian, ermmm... tibell or tybold or ermm, I know it was a T.'
'Oh for goodness sake! Its Tybalt. Didn't you read Romeo and Juliet when you were small.' I shouted at him. His face hardened.
'You know what, no, I haven't read the book but I'm sure I could. Instead of helping me read it, your shouting at me? Why Ruby? What have I ever done to you?' He said. 'Actually don't answer that.'
'Look, I don't care. Im just really annoyed that your not taking this serious.' I said, trying to not get mad at his anger.
'Of course I'm taking it serious.' He said but I didn't believe a word.
'Yeah, your sure are taking it serious. Thats why you HAVEN'T been going school. Thats why you HAVEN'T been revising and thats why you HAVEN'T been letting me help you out.' I said banging the book onto the table. It made a loud noise but I didn't give a damn. Conor looked at me like I had 2 heads.
'I'm trying to take it serious but you are not even helping me.' He said softly.
'What? I am helping! I'm trying my best. Your not even trying.' I said annoyingly.
'Give me a break Ruby, its just my first day.' He said putting his head on his head.
'Well you need all the time you have. Cassie really wants you to pass this exam.'
'And what about you?' He said looking at me. There was sadness and tirednes in his eyes. 'Do you want me to pass this exam?'
I bit my lip. I wanted to say so much to him but I didn't know why I couldn't. 'Of course i want you to pass.' I said. He looked at me and smiled. 'But I don't think YOU want to pass.' I
His smile went upside down. 'Ruby, please. I'm trying. How do I know what romeo and Juliet's all about?'
'You dont know whats its about?' I said angrily. 'OMG! Conor, when they talk about a guy and a girl, what do you think it might be about?' I said.
'Ermmm, about which gender is the best?' He said. He wasn't even joking. I could have laughed if I wasn't this angry.
'CONOR! Its about love.' I said staring at him. 'And you clearly don't know anything about.' I muttered.
'What did you say?' Conor said curiously.
'Nothing, lets carry on.'
'No you said something.' He said. Now he was getting on my nerve.
'I didn't say anything!'
'Don't lie to me Ruby. I know why your mean to me.'
'Why's that?'
'Because I'm your ex. You not going to be friendly are you?'
'Correct.' Wow, this guy uses his brain now.
'Well, its not my fault that you don't like me.' Conor said.
'Yes it is. You make me mad!' I said getting up.
'Whoa Whoa Whoa.' I looked to my left to see a hot guy about my age. He had a shirt and jeans on and light brown eyes. His eyes filled will amusement. He looked at us two and said, 'You guys need to chill. I could hear you guys shouting from downstairs.'
I was confused. Who the biscuit is this guy? I sat down and put my head on my hands. Just calm down.
'Okay.. this isn't really going well.' the guy said after a while. He had a cute accent. Couldn't figure out what kind of accent but it sounded familiar.
'Seth, we were just learning something and then one certain person decided to get mad at me for no reason at all.' Conor said giving me daggers. So the guy was called seth.
'Hey, thats isn't true. You started it.' I said giving Conor daggers back.
'I did not start it. I was just being nice and then you-'
'Your lying AGAIN.'
'No I'm not-'
'Guys! I don't care who started it.' Seth said. I looked at him and said. 'See? That was what I was telling him.'
'No you didn't-'
'SSHH Conny.' Seth said. I smiled at the nickname. He put his hand out for me to shake. 'Hi, I'm Seth Owen. Conor's evil cousin.' He said.
I laughed. 'I'm Ruby. Conor's evil tutor.' Conor grunted angrily.
'I can see that. So whats happened?' He said picking the books from the floor and sitting next to me. I looked at Conor who had anger on his face.
'Well, I was helping Conor and he just stopped taking all this serious.' I said.
Conor sighed and went back and laid on his bed. 'Liar Liar, pants on fire.' he mumbled. I tightened my hand.
'Nevermind him. Hes always angry eventhough he has a really good tutor.' Seth said.
I smiled. 'So do you live here?' I said packing the books up.
'Nah, I came to visit. I'm from Florida.' I stopped stacking the books. Hes from Florida. The same place where my dad is.
'Cool.' I said biting my lip.
'So I better be going. Its really nice to meet you Ruby.' He said before giving me a cute smile and going.
Conor got up and shut the door. 'Finally hes gone. Do you know how annoying he is?'
I smiled. 'I ask you the same question.' I coughed.
'Hey you okay?' Conor said.
'Yeah, I'm fine. Just feel kind of dizzy.' I said. My head started spinning a bit.
Conor quickly got up from my bed and felt my head. His face was so close to mine. 'You've got a bit of a tempreture.'
'I'm fine.' I mumbled.
'No your not. Ruby. I'll make you some soup okay? It helped before.' He said helping me pack my books in the bag.
'But what about your tutoring.' I said. I coughed again. I really don't feel well.
'You could tutor me next time. Right now you need to get home.'
Conor, I don't feel well.' I whined sinking down on the sofa. I really didnt. My head hurt.
'Come here Ruby.' He hugged me tight.
'I'm sorry I was mean to you.' I whispered.
'Its okay. I'm sorry I was angry at you.' Then I froze. What the biscuit was I doing? Im here sitting with my ex. This bad. This is really bad.
I quickly took my bag and got up. The dizziness felt weird.
'Hey, whats up?' Conor said putting his hand on my shoulder.
'Conor, I'm your ex.' I said flatly.
'So? What do you mean so? Exes don't hug and say sorry and make each other soup.' I said taking his hand off my shoulder.
'But Ruby-'
'We used to be together. Used to. Not anymore!'I snapped. His face hardened and his eyes were filled with sorrow and emptiness. And all I could do was stand there and make it worser. 'Do you hear me?'
I was about to go when Conor grabbed my arm. 'Your lying. The way you still look at me...... Why are you lying Ruby? Do you hate me that much?'
'Yes I do. I do. Because you hurt me Conor.' I whispered.
'I didn't mean to. It wasn't even my fault.'
'Yeah, of course it wasn't your fault. Your perfect, aren't you Conor? I'm the one who made the mistakes. I'm the one who cheated on you. Isn't that right, Conor?' I said looking at him. He avoided eye contact. His face filled with anger. He didn't say anything because he either knew he did it or he was too tired of this fighting.
I quickly ran out of the room and made my way home. Tears falling from my eyes. I thought everything was going to be okay. I never knew I would make it

Chapter 8: Cam's P.O.V.

'Okay class, you could go.' Mr Thompson said when the bell rang. Me and and Josh got up and walked out of class.
'Wonder what Ruby's doing.' Josh said next to me. Ruby must be still in Conor's house. I texted her but she never answered. I really hoped she has strenghth. She really loved Conor. She might have hided it from everyone but not from me. You should see her expression when Conor walks into the room. Me and Josh went to our lockers to put out stuff away.
'I hope Ruby could do this. Its not everyday that you have to tutor an ex.' I said to Josh.
'Yeah. It must be difficult for her.'
'Your right.'
'Yeah, so any plans?' Josh said
'Nah, I normally go to Ruby's house but I don't think she'll be back yet.'
'Yeah. Wanna come to my place?' Josh said giving me wink.
I blushed and smiled. 'Josh, your such a....'
Josh put his arms around me. 'Im such a what?'
'Ermmm, a idiot.' I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
'Or really?' He said.
But before I could answer, his lips crashed to mine. Josh makes me feel amazing. Im soo happy I hooked up with him.

We went to Josh's house and were now sitting in his room.
'I hope Ruby's okay.' I said biting my lip. I was about to cry. She is all alone in some guys house trying not to fall for him. Don't tell Josh, but Conor is hot and i'm sure Ruby will take it hard when she sees his face. I mean, who wouldn't? She just got out of the relationship and its like life wants her to suffer more for something she didn't do.
'Come here.' Josh hugged me tight. I put my head on his shoulder. 'What if they make fun of her?' I cried. 'They are rich and popular, and they could do ANYTHING to her.'
Josh laughed. 'You know its Ruby right? Ruby Williams. The girl who once punched a janitor just because he accidentally hit her with a brush.'
I smiled. I wiped my tears away and said, 'Yeah, your right. Ruby wouldn't let anything bad happen to herself.'
I heard a beep. Even Josh's phone had a message.
'Ruby!' Me and Josh shouted getting our phones out. We gave her messages saying good luck, she might be replying from there. Why is she texting when she can phone?
We looked at the message and exchanged looks.
'This isn't Ruby.' Josh said.
'Yeah, what does it say?'
It said:
I gasped. They've kidnapped her. They are so DEAD. How can they do this? My eyes filled with tears.
'We have to go there now.' I whispered, too surprised to speak.
We quickly got our coats and headed to Central Hotel.

Centrel Hotel is a massive place. It has 2 swimming pools, 1 casino, 4 game areas and its own amusement park!
So why would kidnappers or someone we know use this place. I've seen a lot of broke down haunted garages that they could have used. But good that they used this place. Its always busy and filled with security.
Josh parked in the massive car park. I was about to get out of the car, but Josh stopped me.
'Your not going.' He said looking into my eyes. He was scared.
'Are you kidding me? Of course I'm coming, shes my best friend.'
'But what if something bad happens to you.' He put his hand on my cheek. 'I'll never forgive myself if something happens Cam. You're everything to me.'
I took his hand. 'Nothing will happen.' I kissed him on the cheek. We got out of the car. Instead of going, Josh went to the boot of the car and opened it up.
'What are you doing?' I said curiously.
'If we're going to save Ruby, we rather do it properly.' He said getting out 2 baseball bats. I smiled and took one from his hand.
We went to the front entrance and looked around. Shit, the people didn't tell us what room we are in.
I looked at Josh. His face showed that he was thinking the same thing.
Josh was about to say something when 2 ladies smiled at us. 'You Ruby friends?' She said, I didnt understand what she said first. But when she repeated it, I instantly smiled back and nodded. She told us to follow her and we did. I walked beside her. 'So do you know Ruby? Do you know if she is okay? Is she Okay? Is she hurt? Is these people trying to kill her?' The ladies looked at my strangely and started laughing like I said the funniest thing. 'Why are you laughing?' I said curiously. But then something struck me and I was in tears in minutes. 'Somethings happened to her, right? I told her she shouldn't have gone there. You know what kind of people they are-' Josh took my hand.
'Its going to be okay, Cam.' The ladies kept on walking. We went past millions of doors. Where are they taking us? I looked at Josh. He was still holding my hand, giving me encouraging smiles. I wiped my tears away.
15 minutes went by. How long can it take to get to a room. And why the hell didn't we take the elevator?
Finally, the ladies stopped and said this was the room. Before I could say something, they walked away like it was a normal day.
Okay, here we go. I was about to turn the handle to go inside but Josh stopped me.
'Are we actually going to do this?' He said. He sounded like me for some reason. It was even laughable.
'But if something happens to you-'
'Nothing will.' I said.
We opened the door and screamed 'WHERES RUBY?!' I had my eyes closed. Too scared to see what really might be there.
I kept them closed until Josh said I could open them. If I see something bad, it ruins my life. I heard some music playing and a bit of laughing.
I hope we're not in the wrong place.
The music stopped and I somehow could feel that everyone in the room was staring at us. My bat was close to my body so I could use it at anytime.
'Errmm, Cam.' I heard Josh say awkwardly. OMG! We are in the wrong room.
I opened my eyes to see the most un expected thing. There was bright room with 2 chandeliars. There was about 4 people there who I know very well.
There were all sitting on chairs. There was nothing in the room but a round table and chairs around it. And on those chairs were Rick, Matt, Cassie, Sam and guess who?
Ruby's Mum! Mrs Williams were looking at me like I was an alien.
'Hey guys!' Cassie said smiling as usual. 'Awesome entrance.'
'But... But-'I couldn't speak. Whats happening? Wheres Ruby?
She came and hugged me. 'You okay? You're shaking.'
I couldn't speak. Josh said, 'Cassie, whats going on? You gave me this message and we thought something happened to Ruby.'
'What do you mean? Ruby's fine. I gave the message and it said that if you wanted Ruby and Conor to be together, and come here.' Cassie said worried. I breathed in and out. I am so mad right now but the important thing is that Ruby is fine.
'But you gave us this message saying.. well look yourself.' I gave her my phone and showed her the message.
She laughed. 'I can't believe this! I gave you half of that message. It was supposed to say Come to Central Hotel if you want Ruby AND Conor to be together. Silly me.' But then she stopped smiling and hugged me again. 'Im so sorry, Cam. I must have got you worried. A strange message saying this could get anyone worried.'
'I'm fine. Atleast shes okay.' I said hugging her back. She was sorry and that was fine.
'Come on take a seat.' Cassie said.
Me and Josh sat down giving eachother 'thank god' smiles.
'Hey guys.' I said smiling at everyone. Rick smiled back and Matt gave a lazy smile. He looked like he was bored. Mrs Williams and Sam said hi.
'Right lets get started.'
'No, lets not.' Sam said angrily. 'I don't understand whats going on here. Your really thinking of getting Ruby and Conor together?'
'Yeah, Isn't it great?!' Cassie screamed happily.
No one said anything. Wow, this is really awkward.
'Darling, this sounds great but Ruby is very stubborn. She'll never go back to Conor.' Mrs Williams said.
'Yeah, after what Conor did, I don't think anyone would.' Sam mumbled angrily. Why was he in such a bad mood?
'What do you mean? Conor didn't do anything.' Rick said defensively.
'Of course he did. I'm sure you were there with him.' Josh said annoyed.
'But he was drunk and he didn't know.' Matt said.
'He was drunk! Now thats another reason. Hes only a teenager!' Sam said.
'Guys, if we just talk about this calmly-' Cassie was about to say but the guys kept on shouting at eachother.
'No, I don't care what you say, Conor didn't mean to. He didn't even know that he was kissing her.'
'And that makes it acceptable? Do you know how long it took for Ruby to get over it? She still hasn't!'
'Yes but Conor loves her a lot, and you know that.'
'No. How will Ruby be able to trust him, eh? Shes 16 for goodness sake! She can't always get hurt by Conor's stupid incidents.'
'You are being-'
'GUYS!' I shouted. This was getting annoying. They were supposed to be in one team. They all looked at me and went quiet.
'Conor made mistakes. Ruby got hurt from those mistakes. But they both love eachother more than anyone I know.' I sighed. 'You know, Ruby has always hid her problems. She doesn't like it when other people get hurt. And when I found out about what Conor did to her, it just didn't seem right. The guy who made her soup to make her feel better, The guy that made her smile, the guy that made her feel special, he cheated on her? No, No, it just didnt seem fine. But then it seemed like Ruby somehow wanted this to happen. She never wanted to go out with Conor in the first place but she just did. Her own mother didn't want her to be with Conor.' They all looked at Mrs Williams.
'Shes right.' She said.
'So then, why did she go behind her mother and be with this guy?' I carried on. 'I'll tell you why, because she loves him more than anyone. If Conor was another guy, and he cheated on her, she would have gotten revenge. But she didn't. He broke her heart and now she thinks its her fault. She wants everything to make sense so when she saw Conor with another girl, she thought that was going to happen someday. So I guess It was Ruby's fault. She let her horrible past of her dad, decide her future. Do you understand me?' I looked down and started playing with my ring. I just said all this because I was annoyed. It wasn't Conors entire fault. I know its harsh but Ruby from the start couldn't trust Conor and she just expected that something bad was going to happen.
There was a long silence.
'I guess Cam has a point.' Sam said unexpectedly. 'So what do we do?'
'Right, bring the board.' Cassie said to one of the bodyguards that I never saw till now.
One of the body guard bought a massive board. It said THE PLAN in big writing.
'The plan?' Matt said sitting up straight.
'Yeah. The plan. Our aim is to bring Ruby and Conor together.' She said. Everyone started murmuring about how stupid this is. 'Before you all give you comments, I am sure that this plan will work. Ruby is stubborn as Mrs Williams said so it is going to be hard.'
'Are you sure this is going to work?' Josh said next to me. 'I mean, you could write it all down and you can plan things but how can you be sure that it works?'
Everyone started nodding their heads with agreement.
'Yes, I know but if we all stick together, I'm sure it will works.'
Rick laughed. 'This isn't a movie. We can't just do what we can and expect it to come true.'
I nodded. 'Yeah. I don't know how this is going to work.'
'Well, I'll explain if you let me.' Cassie said eagerly. 'We are going to have different situations, No let me rephrase that. We are going to MAKE different situations where Conor and Ruby are bought close together, making them fall in love and forget about the horrible past. You know what I mean?
Everyone nodded. But one thing was getting on my mind.
'Cassie.' I said.
'Yep!' She said happily.
'Well, ermm. I get what your trying to do, you know, with the plan and making situations but why do you want to do it?'
'Well, theres lots of reasons. Me, Rick and Matt have always looked after eachother. And we've always been on eachother's sides. Everything was going fine until...' Cassie looked away. I could see sadness in her eyes.
'Until Ruby saw him with another girl.' Rick continued. 'He felt confused, angry, scared and stupid. We've never seen him like this. He looked very hurt. We wanted to help him out but he just ignored us. He never left his room for days. He didn't eat, sleep and talk all day.'
'How can Ruby do this to him. She knows how much he loves her but.. I don't understand.' Matt said frustrated with everything.
'Yeah. So for Conor, I'm here today to bring them together.' Rick finished off.
I nodded. That was all I wanted to hear. They were worried about Conor like we were worried about Ruby.
'Shall we get started?' Cassie said.

Chapter 9: Ruby's P.O.V

I sighed while putting the key through the lock. Wonder where Mum is. She's normally at home at this time.
I went upstairs and through myself on the bed. Why does life have to be so unfair. Why can't we just phone fate and tell it to make my life happy and nice, instead of complicated and annoying. After I left Conor's house, I felt tired and ill. To be honest, I am dying for the soup that Condo used to give me. But that would be weird if I made a big speech about us not being together to Condo and then leave with his soup. I looked at my phone and remembered the messages Cam and Josh gave.
I smiled. I'm a big mess. I can't believe Josh has big hopes that I will actually leave the tutoring with a big smile on my face. For goodness sake, I was tutoring my ex!
I bit my lip. She was right to worry. How could I just walk into my ex's house without thinking about what might happen. I never knew all these feelings with crop up when I see him.
I heard the door close downstairs. I ran down to see who it is.
'Hey, love.' Mum said happily, kissing my head.. I raised my eyebrow. She was acting happy than usual. Sam came in and hugged me.
'What are you doing?' I said, annoyed with all this affection.
'Can't I hug you?' He said letting go of me. He smiled at me and ruffled up my hair.
'Sam! What did I say about touching my hair?' I said, fixing it. He laughed. I sat on the stool next to him. Mum was making curry and I was mega hungry,
'So how come you came late?' I said to mum.
Mum froze and looked at Sam for a long while. After a while, she smiled. 'Well, I had a lot of work so I had to stay for a while.'
I nodded slowly. Why is Mum acting like shes hiding something?
'Is there something wrong?' I said suspicously.
'No darling, just a lot of work. Why don't you go to your room, I'll bring the curry to you.' She said. I laughed. Was she serious? I'm never allowed to eat upstairs. After the incident with the blueberries, I can't be trusted with any food. I looked at mum and she looked serious. She actually thought I was the one that was acting weird.
'Sam.' I said. He stopped looking at his book and looked at me. 'yeah?'
'Isn't Mum acting weird?' He shook his head and went back to his book. I nudged him. 'Come on. Wait. Are you part of this too?'
'Ruby your crazy. Nothings going on.' Sam said without leaving his eyes off the book.
'Im crazy? I'm crazy? Mums the one who never lets me eat upstairs. But today, as if with magic, she just said if I would like to get the curry delivered to my room.'
My mum laughed. 'Don't be stupid.'
'Fine. If you don't tell me whats up. I'll find out.' And with that, I ran upstairs.
I fell onto my bed and tried to fall asleep.

The wind was blowing. So fast that it whistled. Whistled like there was no tomorrow. The tree went side to side, a minute away from leaving its root. There was a knock. But this wasn't a normal knock, it was something else. I went to the door of my bedroom and opened to see who it was. No one was there. All I saw was the rain pouring down so fast that it made a big noise. I heard the door ring downstairs. Who could be here at this time? It rang again. Why isn't Mum or Sam opening the door? I sighed while running downstairs to the door. The kitchen and living room was deserted. Like no one came. They must have gone to get something to eat. The doorbell ran again. I ran to the door and opened it.
And there he was standing. He looked bad, very bad. Like something happened to him. His clothes were ripped and his face looked mad. I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Condo was standing here with a bruise on his forehead.
'Conor, what happened to you?' I screamed. He stood there looking at me with sadness and rejection in his eyes. I quickly pulled him in and closed the door. Forger about what happened, I need to get the first aid kit. I wrapped a towel around him because he was so wet.and led him to my room. I opened my drawers as fast as I can to find the bandages. I was so frightened that i forgot where i put it. Then I saw it on top of the drawer. I grabbed it and sat with Condo on the bed.
Tears were running down my face. How could this happen? How could this happen to my Conor?
His head was down. He hasn't said a word but i knew that there was a reason. I lifted his chin to see his face more clearly. He looked hotter than ever. His glassy blue eyes were now staring at me. I looked at his bruise. I got the cream and put it on his bruise slowly.
'Ouch.' He whispered. His voice was filled with pain. I put the plaster on his forehead.
'What happened, Condo?' I said helping him take his over sized coat off. His clothes were all wet. He must have been freezing.
He didnt respond to my question, just kept on staring at me.
'Take your clothes off.' I said. Shit! That sounded like I was telling him to get naked. 'I mean, I'll get you clothes.'
I rushed out the room to Sam's room. He wouldn't mind if I took a shirt and jean. They are the same size so thats fine. I came back to my room to see Condo half naked. I quickly closed my eyes. Oh Man! I just saw him with no shirt!
I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me. He came closer and closer. His bare chest was unbelievably muscly.
'I, ermm, got your, erm, shirt. Here.' I handed it to him. But he didnt stop walking towards me.
'Say my name.' He whispered. He was so close to me. He closed the door that was behind me.
'What?' I said biting my lip.
'Say my name.' He whispered. He looked at my lips then to my eyes.
'Conor, whats going on? You come here wet, bruised and ripped and you're-' He interrupted by crashing his lips to mine. His lips digged onto mine and didn't stop for any breath.
I tried to get off but he wouldn't budge. His lips were different. It was different in every way. He didnt care that i didnt respond from the kiss.
Finally he got off. 'Condo, what are you doing?' I said. He whispered something to my ear.
'What?' I said.
His hands were around my waist and his eyes fixed on my lips.
'Lets take this to your bed.' My eyes opened. Did he just...say that he... I can't even say it!
'No.' I said gritting my teeth. But he didnt let go. 'Condo, get off me.' I said trying to pull off him but he didnt budge.
'No No No.' He dragged me to the bed. 'Condo stop it! No No.' I closed my eyes.
'Ruby, are you okay?' This voice wasn't Conors. It was Cams.
I opened my eyes. The light from the curtain made me close them again. But while my eyes were opened, I saw Cam.
'Ruby, whats wrong? I came upstairs to hear you screaming and shouting.' She said.
She was sitting beside my bed. I could see her face clearly now. Wait, that was a dream? I was dreaming?
Thank goodness. I felt relieved that it was a dream. But I felt another certain feeling too. Something i couldn't believe I was feeling. I was feeling disapointed. Like, i wanted to
dream it. But i didnt did i?
'Well?' Cam said. 'I'm really worried about you, tell me the truth Ruby. Are you okayy?'
I smiled weakly at her. 'Stop worrying about me. What are you doing here?,' I looked at my alarm. 'At 7am on a saturday morning! Cam, Its 7am! How much times do
I have to tell you that you shouldn't wake me up unless a celebrity has died or its snowing!' I screamed at her. She just looked at me like I didn't say a word.
'Can't I meet my bestfriend?' She said sadly. Wow, Ive never met a better actress than her.
I sighed. I got up from my bed and went to my wardrobe. What shall I wear?
'So why are you here? Did you have another fight with Josh?' I said.
She shook her head!'No, Ive got good news and badnews!'
I yawned. I was too tired to ask what they are. But she told me.
Well, you wouldn't believe it but I've booked us a holiday!' She screamed happily.
I screamed with her. 'OMG! A holiday! This is great, its all i need. A simple holiday to relax and set aside my concerns. Brilliant!'
'I know! I've been very worried about you Ruby. So much has happened and you still have time to smile and laugh. You deserve a holiday!' Cam said happily. She jumped up and down.
'Okay, where are we going? France on a ferry? Hawaii? London? Where?' I said eagerly.
'Well, you wouldn't believe it but we're not going to any of them places! Something even better.'
'Wow, really? I can't think of anything better. Stop making me guess and tell me!'
'Well, we are going to...' Cam said slowly. 'A Camping trip in the countryside!' She screamed happily.
My face went upside down. 'WHAT! A CAMPING TRIP?' I was horrified. That is the worsest holiday ever. Its not even a holiday! I ran to my bed and buried myself in the duvet.
'I'm not going.' I murmered. I know that Cam would make me go and I have to try to resist her charm.
'Come on Ruby! Have some adventure in your life. Its going to be great.'
'Look, Rubes. I get that your trying to get over Condo-'
'What?' I looked at her with the worsest look I have. 'I'm already over Condo.'
She put her hand on my shoulder sympethtically. 'Sure you have Ruby. Sure you have.'
'I have. Honest. I'm single and ready to mingle. And shall i tell you how I feel?' I stood on my bed. ' I feel great!' I shouted. But for some reason, I didn't. My heart was wanting something that my brain doesn't want. Condo.
'If you feel so 'great', then lets go camping!' She shouted happily. She grabbed my hand and dragged me
'What are you doing Cam?' I said trying to get my hand off her hard grip.
'Come on, lets go!' She let of me in the kitchen. I laughed.
'I don't want to go and i'm not dressed.' I pointed at my clothes. All I was wearing was blue shorts and a thin pink top.
'You look great whatever you wear. Your really gorgeous.'
I smiled. 'Thanks.' I hugged her. 'But I still haven't changed my mind.' I was about to go upstairs to get dressed when there was a knock on the door.
'Oh, Man! Who's here at 7am?' I said angrily. I hope Cam didn't invite Josh because he is really good at persuading me.
'I'll get it.' Cam said. I quickly grabbed her hand. The bell rang again.
'Are you stupid? If you called Josh then I-'
'Its not Josh, trust me.' She said. Before I could ask what she meant, the door opened and in came 2 guys.
My mouth dropped to the floor. In my kitchen, on a Saturday, at 7am, in walked Rick and Matt Riches.
I was speechless. Maybe because everything unexpected has happened or maybe because I was so tired.
'Hey Ruby.' Rick said smirking. 'Nice legs.'
'What?!' I screamed. 'What the biscuit are you guys doing here?'
They laughed. 'You haven't heard?' Matt said. 'We are going camping with you guys.'
'WE?' I shouted. 'WE are not going anywhere. But YOU are going go out of that door.'
'Can't do that Ruby.' They said cheekily.
'I can't believe this.' I said muffling my hair up. 'Do whatever you want. I'm going back to sleep.' I was about to go when Rick stopped me.
'Wait. Your not going?' Rick said.
I shook my head. 'Nope. I hate camping.'
'But we thought you were going..' Matt said frowning. Matt and Rick looked at Cam. Cam made a face. Rick whispered something to Cam and then
Cam said something back. From their face, it looked like they were hiding something.
'Hey! What are you doing?' I said angrily.
'Nothing Ruby. Why don't you go asleep?' Cam said. She looked distracted. I couldn't be bothered asking her whats up so i just went to my room and collapsed on the bed.

Chapter 10: Cassie's P.O.V

'Whats taking them so long?' I said. I bit my lip. What if they couldn't convince Ruby? She has to come to this camping trip so that she and Conor could come closer.
'Cassie, I really don't want to go.' Conor said. I sighed.
'Conor, you promised!' I said. We were in a coach that was going to take up to camping and we were outside Ruby's house. For some reason, she should have came out but she hasn't.
'Yes, I promised that I will give you one wish. Okay, taking me camping is fine but why with Ruby?' Conor said angrily.
'Don't tell me your going to break your promise.' I said, with my puppy face. It always works.
He sighed. 'I don't know what your thinking but you're just going to make it the most uncomfortable and weird trip for me and Ruby.' He slumped down in his seat.
'Hey, what are you guys talking about?' Seth said. He was my cousin and I don't know if I made a good decision for him to come. Conor told me that Ruby was
falling for Seth. I hope nothing happens.
'Nothing.' I mumbled. 'AAAAAHH!! Whats taking them so long?' I shouted.
'We're here!' Cam shouted. I smiled with happiness. They all came and sat in their seats. There was Cam, Josh and Sam. And Rick and Matt came in with their bags.
'Awesome! But where's Ruby?' I said, worried.
Cam whispered. 'Plan B. Mrs Williams is trying to convince her emotionally. I don't know if its going to work. Ruby is very stubborn. But lets see.'
I bit my lip harder.
'Hey man! Whats up?' Rick said to Sam.
'Seriously, you've got to stop acting like that.' Sam said annoyed.
'Woah, someone is in a bad mood.' Matt said. Sam just looked out the windows.
'Hi, I'm Seth. Conor's cousin. You look pretty.' Seth said to Cam.
Cam giggled. 'I'm Cam. Ruby's friend.'
'And I'm Josh.' Josh said harshly. 'Cam's boyfriend.'
I rolled my eyes. Why can't everyone get along? And where is Ruby?'
A tear went down my cheek. What if she doesn't come? There was no point for this camping trip if she doesn't come.
'Cassie? Why are you crying?' Conor said worriedly.
Everyone on the coach looked at me. Okay, I've got a plan. If theres anyone who could make Ruby come, its Conor.
'Its Ruby.' I said dramatically. 'I really want her to come, Conor.'
I cried. 'Cassie. You can't force people to come.' Seth said.
'I know but shes the only friend I have.' Cassie said.
'Am I invisible?' Cam said annoyed. Oops.
'If you really want her to come....' Conor said. Yes! It worked. 'I'll go try. But don't expect me to convince her.'

Chapter 11: Ruby's P.O.V

'Mum, for the last time, I don't want to go. Specially when I found out that my ex, yes my ex! is coming too. The same ex who cheated on me.' I said looking in the fridge for something to eat. I sighed.
'But Darling-'
'Oh, another thing Mum, your supposed to stop me from going to the trip. I still feel ill.'
'I know but Ruby, you need this. I'm your mother and I know when your sad. Since the break up, you've been in your room for a long time
and never hardly gone out for fun.'
My stomach growled. Why isn't there anything to eat?' I looked inside the freezer.
After a while, I heard my mum sigh and then go to her room.
'What is wrong with everyone?' I mumbled.
I heard the front door open. Must be Josh begging for me to come. 'For the last time, I'm not going!' I shouted.
'Are you sure?' I heard a guy say. His voice was so fimiliar. I slowly turned around to see Conor sitting in my kitchen. My jaw dropped to the ground.
I was wearing my pyjamas next to me ex! Thats not a good sign in a relationship. I've been reading this book about how to get over someone. And one thing they said was that you should never look weak. But me with my unicorn pyjamas are really not helping.
'What- What are you doing here?' I said. The last time I saw him was in the tutoring. And that didn't go well at all. Seeing him here just makes it twice as awkward.
'I could ask the same question. What are you doing here when you should be on that bus?' He said, naturally.
I can't believe this. This guy right here, is telling me where I should be. In my own house! 'I 'SHOULD' not do anything. I just want to enjoy breakfast without
random people telling me where I should go.' I stomped my feet to the table opposite him and made a sandwich.
'So your going to miss a great trip just because of me?' Conor said. I know I shouldn't say this but he looked amazing. He had a grey skinny shirt with black trousers. His hair was all over the place but still he looked amazing.
'Well? Are you not going because of me?' He said. I looked down. What am I thinking? Him and me? We're nothing but exs to eachother. Nothing more.
'No.' I said finally. 'Im not going because of me.' I mumbled. I can't trust myself. What if I go back together with him? Will that be okay?
Right now, seeing him with that cute puzzled face, I would do anything to be with him. But I know that it isn't possible. I broke him and he broke me. I guess we're even.
'And what does that mean?' He said coming closer to me. I went back, remembering the dream I had of him.
'Look, Conor. Why do you want me to go?' I said looking into the fridge again.
'Of course I don't want you to go.' I looked at him. It hurt my heart when he said that. He saw me and changed his sentence. 'I mean, It'll be good if you came because the person
who really wants you to come is Cassie. She planned this for weeks and dragged us two. So your not the only victim here.'
I sighed. 'Why does Cassie want me to go?'
He looked at me. 'Don't know. But come. She really wants you to come. And she's going back to scotland in a few days...'
'What? She's going Scotland? Will she come back?' I said. I know that me and Cassie haven't spent a lot of time together but for some reason, I feel really close to her. And her leaving and me not doing anything about it is kind of mean.
'I don't know when she will be coming back. She's married and it isn't easy getting settled there when people know your 19 and married.' He said. There was something in his eyes that he wanted to tell me but he didn't.
'I guess I should go..' I mumbled. If this makes Cassie happy, then I will have to try my best to stay single till I return.
'Okay, I'll see you on the bus.' He said. He was about to go but then he turned to me. 'I'm sorry about the tutoring. I shouldn't have-'
'No, its not your fault. I was too mean. I should thank you for helping me. Thanks.' I said, giving him a smile. And I was rewarded by his smile.
'So are we friends?' Conor said. The question got my unalarmed and I banged my head on the fridge accidentally.
'Ruby, you okay?' He said. I looked up to see him looking down at me. He was so close with me that our noses were about to touch. And then I felt it. The feeling that I was longing to feel. I can't believe it. I'm... I'm in love. And Its not the same feeling. Its more intimate. Like, I feel so strong with him. I looked down.
'Sorry, I'll tell them your coming.' And with that, Conor ran out the house. Just when i thought it wasn't going to be that awkward, it does.
And just when I thought, the feelings would stop, they start up again. I sighed.

Chapter 12: Cam's P.O.V

I sat with Cassie. 'You sure that Ruby would come?' I said. She nodded. I never knew this plan would work. But it kind of did. I smiled happily.
'I just hope Conor can make her come. Miss Williams says she is really stobborn.' Cassie said. I looked at her. She looked really stressed. Eventhough she was Conor's sister, She still looked like someone else.
'You really love Conor, don't you?' I said.
'Yep. Hes my little brother. Since Dad is not looking after him, I should.' She said, looking through the window. I bit my lip.
We waited for 5 minutes. Cassie was walking up and down the bus with frustration. And then, finally, Ruby came.
She had a sun dress on that stopped to her knees and she had her hair in a pony. I smiled. Everyone cheered with happiness. Except for Conor ofcourse. But I couldn't help but notice a smile on the egde of his lips.
'Hey.' Ruby said to Cassie and me.
'Ruby! Sit here.' Seth said. He pointed at the seat next to him. He had a massive smile on his face.
Ruby smiled and sat down. I bit my lip. Ruby only smiles like that when she is excited about something. Why is she so excited to sit with Seth?
Cassie stood up and looked at everyone. 'Right! Theres some rules I need to say-'
Everyone groaned.
'What's the point? The camp is just an hour away.' Matt said.
'Yeah.' Rick said. Cassie sighed and sat down.
'Boys eh?' She said, before getting water out of her bag. I heard Ruby giggling at the back. I looked around to see her talking with Seth. This is not good.
What if she likes him? It will ruin this whole plan for Conor and Ruby to be together. I looked at Conor.
He looked bored.
Matt put some music on the loudest volume.
Everyone laughed. They were all in their own conversation. Sam was talking to Josh. Rick was laughing with Conor and Matt. And well, Ruby was listening to music with Seth.
Good. This is a good chance for me to find out about this Seth guy.
'Cassie.' I said.
'Yeah.' She looked at me.
'Who is Seth?' I said, trying not to shout because of the music.
Rick and Matt were off their seats and chasing eachother now.
'Seth is our cousin. He's staying in our house for a while. Why?' She said before getting something to eat.
'What if he, you know, ruins the plan?' I went closer to her, making sure that Ruby and Seth don't here from the back. 'He seems pretty attracted to her.'
Cassie nodded. 'We'll just have to keep them two away from eachother as soon as possible.'
We both shook hands and smiled.

Chapter 13 : Ruby's P.O.V

I looked through the window. How long is this going to take?
'Cassie!' Rick and Matt shouted at the same time. 'We're hungry!'
Cassie sighed. 'You guys ate like 5 sandwiches at home.'
'But still, I'm really hungry.' Rick said. They both looked at Cassie with their puppy eyes.
'Fine! Your last crisps and thats all. I'm saving these for Ruby.' Cassie said.
She pulled out a suitcase from under her seat. Everyone looked at her.
I laughed. 'Cassie, we're just going for one night. Whats with the suitcase?'
She looked at me and smiled. 'I need to feed all of you since none of you guys bought food.'
Everyone nodded with agreement.
'Wait, I've got gum. Doesn't that count?' Conor said.
'No way. Gum is not something to eat.'I said.
'But it still has a taste.' Conor said, defending himself.
'Still, it doesn't count.'
'It does!'
'Does not!'
Everyone stared at us. I quickly noticed the situation. 2 ex boyfriend and girlfriend fighting over a trivial matter which involves gum. Nice job Ruby.
I quickly looked out the windows, embarrased with what was going on. I put my earphones in and listened to some random music that comes on.

Chapter 14

Finally we stopped at a little building. It was very small with one floor. I thought there was only one room in this but theres actually two rooms.
'What is this place?' Sam said.
Cassie smiled next to me. 'Its Gem's house.'
'Huh?' Nearly everyone said. Even me. What was she talking about? And who's Gem?
'Me and Edward bought it when we were 15.' Cassie went inside and opened the door. It was beautiful inside. There was decoration everywhere. And it didnt look like there were just two rooms.
'Really? Thats so romantic!' Cam squealed.
Cassie laughed. 'Yeah, I guess it is. When you find someone so incredible, you could do anything to just be with them. Even buying a house.' The way she said that made me realise how much she misses Edward, her husband.

Me and Conor looked at eachother and then quickly turned away. I don't know why I looked at him when Cassie mentioned love. I didn't mean to.
We put our bags aside and went to the big field near the house.
'The Gem is beautiful!' Cam shouted. She looked at me. 'Right?'
I nodded.
We all sat outside on the grass. The sun shining in the clear sky.
'So what shall we do?' Rick said.
'I know! Lets play truth and dare.'
Everyone (except for Conor and me) nodded.

'Lets just get some rest.' Conor. He was sitting next to Cassie and was giving her the 'dont do this' look. But she completely ignored it. I turned to Cam and did the same. She was ignoring me too.
'Come on, Conor. Why ruin all the fun? Lets just play.' Rick said.
'Yeah, I mean, I've got better things to do but It can be fun.' Said Sam.
I looked at Cassie. She looked tired and worn out.
I sighed. 'Lets just play.' I crossed my legs.
'Yay!' Everyone shouted.
I looked at Conor who was staring at me. He smiled at me. And I just couldn't help myself but smile back.

Chapter 15

We spinned the bottle again on the grass.
We all looked at it, concertrating and all praying that it didn't land on us.
It slowed down. And it stopped at Rick.
He didn't looked bothered.
We were all sitting in a circle. I was next to Seth and Matt.
'Okay. Truth or dare?' Matt asked.
He paused for a second and then said, 'dare.'
'Okay. We dare you to...'
Matt whispered something to Rick.
Rick smiled. 'Thats easy.' He looked at me. For some reason, I felt that this dare is going to include me.
'Whats the dare?' Cassie said.
'Yeah, what is it?' I said, confused.
Rick got up and came my way.
I raised my eyebrows, whats he going to do?
Rick came near me and sat down.
I laughed. 'Thats what the dare was? To sit next to me. Guys seriously-'
Rick crashed his lips to mine. I was so shocked but not because my ex's boyfriend's is kissing me but the fact that in the corner of my eye, Conor looks angry. Is it what I think? Is he jealous? His face was red with hatred. He looked pissed.
Rick stopped and looked at my reaction. I didn't know what to do. I just looked at him. Rick smiled at me and got up and sat in his normal place like nothing happened. Everyone including me looked at Conor who threw his coke can on the floor and walked off.
I stared at him while he walked away, clenching his fist. He was jealous. So jealous. It bought me back from when the new guy from our school was laughing with me. Conor crushed him. Just because I was talking to him. He was THAT jealous. And now he saw his own kissing me. What feeling must he be going through? Hatred? Jealousy? Betrayel?
'Ruby? You okay?'
I turned my eyes away from Conor and looked at Seth.
'Yeah. I'm fine.' I said, clearing my throat.

Matt and Rick laughed. 'That was halarious.'
I looked at them, clearly shocked with what just happened.
Before I could tell them what was on my mind, Cassie interrupted.
'Guys, that wasn't right.' Cassie said, clearing the plates. She didn't even look angry. She actually looked kind of pleased.
'I know but-'
'Rick. You shouldn't be laughing. You should go apologise to Conor. He looked pretty mad.' Cam said.
Rick was about to go when Josh grabbed his arm.
'Apologise to Ruby first.'
Rick smirked. He looked at me. 'I'm sorry.'
I couldn't say anything. I was still confused with everything.
'By the way,' Rick said. 'Am I a good kisser?'
Sam quickly got up and chased Rick into the house.
Everyone laughed and left to get ready to go asleep except for Seth.
'Hey, Ruby. You really okay?'
I looked at him. He looked concerned.
'I mean, the kiss was just a dare.' He said. If only he knew. 'I didn't understand why Conor got angry.'
I shrugged.
'I guess someone has a little crush.' He said, cheekily.
I smiled. 'I guess.'
'Come on.' He helped me get up and we went into the house.

Chapter 16

'Okay.' Cassie said, getting everyone's attention. We were in the living room, sitting on the floor.
'The girls are going to sleep in that room.' She pointed to the room at the left. 'And the boys are going to sleep in that other room.' She pointed to the room at the right.
'Thats not fair.' Matt said. Everyone groaned. He's been complaining all day.
'What?' Cassie said.
'There is 6 boys and 3 girls. How are we going to fit in?'
Cassie rolled her eyes. 'Thats the only way. What else way is there?'
'We could... ermm...' Before he could finish, everyone including me, went to our assigned place.
The girl's room was great. It had one big bed and a sofa.
'So, who's sleeping on the sofa?' Cassie said. We all looked at eachother.
Me and Cassie ran to the bed and shouted dibs.
'Oh man.' Cam said. 'I hate sleeping on the sofa. It hurts my neck.
'Well, tough.' I said, before callopsing on the bed.

It was 10pm and we were all sleepy except for me. I tried to phone my mum but my stupid phone was not working.
'Don't worry. She'll be okay.' Cam said.
'I know, its just I came here all of a sudden and my mum-'
'Sshh, It'll be fine.' Cam said, trying to fall asleep.
I put my phone away.
Cassie was talking to her husband. Maybe I should ask her if I could borrow her phone.
'Okay, byee. Love you!' Cassie said, before hanging up the phone.
'Hmm.' She mumbled, laying next to me on the bed.
'Can I borrow you-'
BEEP. It was Cassie phone. She got a text message.
Cassie smiled. Oh, must be her husband. I sighed. I'm the only single girl in this room. That shucks.
'Erm, Ruby.' She said. She started rubbing her neck. 'My throat is dry, can you get me a drink?'
'Oh, erm okay.' I said. I'll ask her about the phone later.
'Oh, and ruby.' Cassie said. I looked back. She smiled. 'Take your time.'
'Okay.' I said, confused.
I went out the room. The opposite room sounded like there was a party going on. There was music at its full volume and boys screamingand shouting. I smiled. I thought, us girls, were noisy.
I went to into the kitchen. The light was already on.
I went to the sink and put the tap on. Conor. I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he thinking about me? Nah. Why would he? Hes my ex boyfriend, remember.
'Your wasting water.' A voice said. I turned back to see Conor. Omg, did he hear me? Wait, I was thinking. How can he hear my thoughts? I quickly turned the tap off. Oops, I was wasting water.
'You okay?' He said before sitting on one of the chairs across me. He had lasagne and juice.
'Ermm, yeah. Just didn't see you there.' I said, getting water from the tap.
'Did you think about what I said?' He said, quietly.
'Hmm?' I said. What did he mean? Then I remembered back home when he asked if we could be friends. And then I, being the crazy person, didn't reply. 'Oh yeah.'
He looked at me. His eyes making me feel nervous. Oh man, I'm falling. I'm falling for him.
'Yes.' I said. 'Let's be friends.'
He smiled. 'Thats great.'
I smiled back. My tummy suddenly growled. Oops, I was hungry.
He smiled, 'You want some lasagne?'
'No, its okay.' I said. My tummy grumbled again. I smiled. 'Maybe a little.'
I sat opposite him on the dining table. He got me a plate and put half of the lasagne in.
He gave me a fork and when I took it from him, our fingers touched. And for some reason, I didn't want to let go. And he didn't either. Then I remembered. He kissed another girl. He was drunk.
I took the fork from him, and started eating. He looked hurt but just smiled.
Sorry, I wanted to say. But I kept quiet.
The lasange was amazing. It was better than the ones in the resturant I get it from.
'Wow, this is amazing. Where did you get it from?' I said, taking another bite.
'He smiled. 'I made it.'
I nearly choked. 'You what?'
He laughed. 'I made it. Just now, before you came.'
'Wow, I never knew you were a good cook.' I said, getting that tingly feeling in my stomach.
'I'm okay. I just like to cook.'
'Why don't you be a chef?'I said.
'Nah. I can't.' He said. He didn't make eye contact and just ate. He was hiding something. And I wanted to know what it was. Whats making my boyf- I mean, my friend so sad?
'Anyways, you should get some sleep.' He said, getting my empty plate and his and putting it in the sink.
I sighed. 'I guess.'
He walked to the sofa and put out the blanket.
'What are you doing?' I said.
He looked at me. 'I'm getting ready to go asleep.' He said, like this wasn't weird or anything.
'What? But what about the boy's room? Are you not going to sleep there?' I said, getting up.
'Yeah, that was the plan.' He put his hand through his hair and sat down. 'I kind of fell out with them.'
'With who?' I said.
'All of them.' He said.
I rolled my eyes. 'RIght.' I put my sleeves up and put my hands on my lip. 'Goodnight.'
Conor looked at me and smiled. 'Haha, Are you going to go beat them up or something?'
I smirked. 'Thats the plan.'
Before he could stop me, I went out the door and made my way to the boy's room.

Chapter 17

I can't believe I kissed her. I kissed Ruby. That girl who I had a crush on for so long. I kissed her.
I smiled.
'Whats up with you?' Matt said, throwing a pillow on my face.
I laughed. 'Nothing. Just life, i guess.' I threw the pillow back.
Matt frowned. 'Who are you and what have you done to my twin brother?'
I laughed louder this time. 'I'm right here, bro. I'm just happy. Can't I be happy?'
Matt rolled his eyes.
I was sleeping in my sleeping back looking at the stars outside the window. I sighed. I want her. I want her so much.
I want to touch, kiss and love her. And not hurt her like Conor.
Josh and Sam were playing on the playstation. Seth was on his laptop. And Matt was on his phone. The music was so loud.
Conor must be on the sofa in the kitchen. It's weird. Not that theres a sofa in the kitchen but that Conor got mad at us. He never got mad at us. But I guess he loves Ruby THAT much that he would shout at his brothers. Yeah, the reason he got mad was because I kissed her. And that was the plan anyway. Not my fault.. Cassie, Cam, everyone agreed with this.
There was a knock on the door. Josh put the music down.
I sighed before getting up. Must be Conor.
I opened it to see Ruby looking pretty mad.

'Hey!' I said. She didn't smile back. She put her hand through her hair which I've seen her do whenever she was mad.
'Is something wrong?' I said. Was she still mad that I kissed her?
Sam came to the door. 'Hey Ruby, you need to something?'
'Yeah.' She grabbed me by the collor and pulled me out the room. 'Ruby, what are you doing?'

She took me outside and onto the field where we were when we played truth and dare.
She looked at me. 'Why is Conor sleeping in the kitchen? Did you guys have a fight?'
'So this is what you took me out for?'
She nodded.

I laughed. 'You already know why.'
'I don't.' She said. She looked down. 'Was it my fault?'
I sighed. 'Of course not. He just got mad because I kissed you.'
'But you guys never fight.' She said.
'Exactly. But he just got so mad. He likes you so much that he argued with his own brother.'

'Oh.' She said. She looked into my eyes. And then I felt it. I felt something. I wanted her. I wanted her so much.
'But why do you care?' I said.
She rubbed the back of her neck and looked at me. 'I don't know. I just do.'
'Well, goodnight.' She said. She turned to leave.
'Why?' I said.

'She turned back to me. 'Why what?'
'Why do you love him so much?'
She frowned but didn't say anything.
'Why do you like him so much? He cheated on you. And your still after him.'
'Rick!' She shouted.
'What? I'm just telling the truth. You love him, don't you? I'm not lying am i?'
'Rick, what are you-'
'I like you, okay? I want you, okay?'
She looked at me. 'Are you drunk?'
I laughed. 'No. He doesn't deserve you.' I went closer to her. She backed away. 'He used you.'
She looked down. 'Rick, lets pretend we didn't have this conversation.' She turned away.
I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her towards her. And then i kissed her. It was only a few seconds before she
let go but it was enough.
I heard a tree bark break. I looked back to see Conor standing there. Looking shocked and hurt.
Ruby didn't see. She was too busy trying to shout at me.
'Rick, how could you?'
I couldn't say anything. I looked back at her and moved infront of her so she couldn't see Conor's hurt face.
'Rick, I don't know what you were planning to do, but this has gone to far.' She slapped me and walked away.
But that wasn't the only hit I was going to get.

Chapter 18

Ruby's P.O.V
I went into my room, tears falling from my cheek. How can he just kiss me like that? Like I'm a toy hes playing with? And all those things he said. How can he?

Cam and Cassie was already asleep but I kept quiet.
I went under the duvet and closed my eyes.

Rick was supposed to be my friend. He was supposed to help me and make me feel better but no. He makes me feel a whole lot worser. The kiss in the dare game was enough to drive Conor crazy, but now he kissed me again. What if Conor saw?

Conor. I remember when he made me the bestest soup when I was ill. He even fed it to me. And Instead of being friends with him, I do this.
I heard a yawn. 'Ruby? You back?'
It was Cassie. I couldn't trust my voice right now. So I just pretended to be asleep.
She repeated my name but then fell asleep after hearing no reply.

'I'm sorry Conor.' I whispered before trying to to fall asleep.

Chapter 19

Cassie's P.O.V
I yawned while trying to get up. Right. It was 9 so all I need to do is wake everyone up and we could get our plan to action. Our plan? Well, we've formed a plan to make Conor and Ruby fall in love. And I have a feeling it might work. I looked beside me. Ruby was still asleep. , I made her go see Conor last night. And she came back late which means she must be having fun with Conor. I smiled while thinking of my little brother finally being happy after all these years.

'Ruby.' I whispered, nudging her.
She moved sleepily and mumbled something.
'What?' I said, confused.
'Sorry.' She mumbled. Sorry? Why was she saying sorry to me? She must have just had a dream or something. I left her alone and waked up Cam.

I went to the boys room to wake them up. They were all sleeping in random places. I rolled my eyes. These boys will never learn.
'BOYS! TIME TO WAKE UP!' I screamed.
'Okay okay, no need to scream.' Sam mumbled. I laughed silently and tried waking up Matt.
'I'm up.' He said. I looked around. Conor was no where to be seen.
'Matt.' I said, looking everywhere in the room. 'Where's Conor?'
Matt yawned. 'Hes sleeping in the kitchen.'
'What?' I screamed. 'Why is Conor sleeping in the bloody freezing kitchen?'
Rick looked down. He was hiding something. I pulled his ear. Everyone left and left me and Rick alone. I looked closely to see that Rick had a black eye.
'Ow!' Rick shouted. I smirked.
'Tell me now.' I said.' And what happened to your eye?'
He sighed. 'Conor.' He said. I touched it but he movied my hand. I'm fine.'
I let go of his ear and he sat down. I sat next to him on the bed.
'Me and Conor had a fight about the truth and dare thing.'
I sighed. 'I never should have put that plan together. I knew he would crack.'
'It wasn't really his fault, I kind of pushed him out of the room.'
'What, why?'
'I don't know, I guess I was just mad.' He said, playing with his fingers.
'Its fine. It happens.' I said.
'But thats not all. Ruby came and-'
'Look, its fine.' I said, smiling.
'Come on, lets go eat. I'm starving.' I said.

I skipped to the kitchen happily. Everything is fine, I thought. Everything is just fine.
'You really did that?' Cam was laughing with Matt.
'Yeah, it was halarious.'
'What you guys talking about?' I said, getting a toast to eat. I looked around the room to find that Conor was now where to see. I put my toast on the table.
'Well, guess what. Matt told this girl that-'
'Wheres Conor?' I said, looking everywhere.
'Don't know. I haven't seen him since last night.' Matt said.
My eyes opened. Did Conor leave? Because of the fight?
'Cas, you okay?' Sam said.

I quickly ran to my room. Ruby wasn't there. Oh god, Oh god, Oh god.. This is bad. This is really bad.
'Hey, you okay?' Rick came in. His black eye was covered with cream. He must know where Conor's gone. But Conor wouldn't leave for no reason. He would obviously tell me first.
I looked everywhere for a piece of paper. He must have wrote me a letter to say hes leaving. I just need to find it.
'Anyway, Cassie, I have to talk to you.' Rick said.
'Not now.' I said, looking under the bed. It might have fell or something.
'But its important.'
'It can wait.' I went past him and looked into the drawers. Where did he put it?

'Its about Conor.' Rick said. I looked at him. He looked pretty serious.

Chapter 20

Ruby's P.O.V
I looked at myself through the mirror in the bathroom. My eyes were swollen with all the crying. I can't believe he kissed me. And for some reason, I think its my fault. Part of me is saying that it was only a kiss but the other part is saying that I was cheating. Cheating on who? Conor? How can I cheat of someone who I'm not with.
I washed my face with cold water to get all this nonsense out of my head.

I went into the living room. I could hear Cam and Matt laughing in the kitchen. Conor must be there. I sighed. I've had enough with this camping thing. I just want to go home. I was about to go into my room when I heard Cassie and Rick talking. I couldn't hear their exact
words but I heard my name. I went closer to the door so I could hear.

'How can you just kiss her?' I heard Cassie said. She seemed pretty mad.
'I don't know. I was feelin weird and-'
'Do you have feelings for her?' Cassie said, calmly.
He sighed. 'I don't know...' I can't believe what I was hearing. Rick? RICK? He likes me. I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from gasping.
'Rick. I don't know how you got these feelings but you need to try to get rid of them.' Cassie said.
'I know. I know. For Conor.'
'Yep. Our plan won't work if you have these feelings.'
My eyes opened wide. Plan? They were planning this whole thing? I can't believe this. I trusted them and they just tricked me just so their brother could win me back? How could they?

Tears welled up in my eyes.
'Fine. I'll try to get rid of these feelings. And I have to explain this to Conor.' Rick said. He was going to tell Conor about our kiss?
'Yeah. Since he saw you kissing her, he would demand an answer.'
I couldn't believe my ears. Conor saw Rick and me kissing? He saw us?
'What shall we do?' Cassie said.
'Why don't you go to Conor and I'll give an explanation to Ruby.' Rick said.
I opened the door and saw their surprised faces. Cassie looked shocked. I looked at Rick and he had cream all over his eye. Did he bruise it? How?
'Ruby.' Cassie said.
'I trusted you guys.' I said, tears falling down my cheeks.
'Ruby, please.' Cassie said, touching my shoulder. I looked into her eyes and then saw it. She didn't do this for her brother, she didn't do this for her own selfish reasons, she did it for me. She understood me. She wanted to help me.
'Why?' I said, looking at her. 'Why would you?'
They said nothing.
'Why would you help me?' I said. 'I've only met you a few times and you help a poor idiot like me.'
'Ruby.' She hugged me. 'I didn't do it for you. I did it for you and Conor.'
She wiped my tears. 'All this plan and time we took for you is not going to end with you guys going seperate ways.'
'What do you mean?' I said, confused.
'Conor.' She said. 'My brother. He thinks that you kissed Rick.'
I looked at Rick. I couldn't believe this. Not only was this a big set up for me and Conor, I was getting blamed for kissing Rick. I put my hand through my hair.
'Look I was in a weird mood and I shouldn't have kissed you.' Rick said. 'I know that this is bad but i won't let my feelings for you wreck your relationship with Conor.'
Wait, did he just say 'his feelings.' Does rick have feelings for me?

Rick put his hand on my shoulder. 'Forget that and focus on what you're going to do next.' I looked into his eyes. He was hurt. All this time. All this time he liked me. The way he looked at me at the party and the reason he kissed me. Why couldn't I see this?
But Conor. Oh my god, Conor! He saw me and Rick kissing. He must have got the wrong idea.
'Look Ruby, I can't convince Conor but you can. Go tell him you love him.' Cassie said. My mind was confused, annoyed, hurt and more importantly, scared.
I put my attention to Conor. Forget everything, I thought. Just Conor.

Cassie handed me a paper. 'He will be in his apartment at this address.'
'Tell him, Ruby.' Cassie said. 'Tell him before its too late.'
'Too late?' I said, confused. 'What do you mean?'
Rick and Cassie looked at eachother.
'Dad wants Conor to work with him in his business on the other side of the world.' Rick said. 'Conor will go therw without thinking. He'll do anything to run away from whats happening.'
'NO.' I shouted. 'He can't go.' Conor. Conor can't go. I can't let him go. Not now because... because.. I love him. Why am i here when I should be with him?

'Ruby. I'm not saying this as a sister of Conor but as you're friend. That guy is the only one who will make you happy.' Cassie said.
'Tell him you forgive him. And tell him you love him.'
I bit my lip. Am I really going to do this?
'Sam.' I blurted out. 'I need to tell Sam.'
Before I could go, Cassie stopped me. 'I'll handle the rest here. You need to go in the white car to this address.' She pointed at the paper. 'Got it?'
I nooded. I hugged Cassie. She smiled. 'You'll be alright.'
I nodded and made my way. As much as Conor hurt me, I have hurt him too. All my life I have ran. But this time, I'm not going to run.

Chapter 21

Conor's P.O.V
I got my shirt from the drawer and packed it into the suitcase. I need a new start. I can't stay here. I'm not strong enough.



How can I love and hate someone so much? She kissed my brother and I still love her. I sat on the sofa. When I went to find Ruby to tell her how I feel. I saw her kissing. Kissing my own.
I might have seen it for a second before I put my hand to my eyes but it it was enough for me to go.

Why did she do this to me? Was it revenge? Is it because I kissed that girl in the party? I through the suitcase onto the floor with anger.
Ruby is not like this. Ruby is quiet and shy at times. Opposite of me.
I looked out the window. It was raining cats and dogs.
Tomorrow's ruby's birthday. I took a ring out my pocket. I was going to give her this. It was a ring with a moon with a star in the middle of it. Its not a proposal, I just wanted to get her something. Something to tell her how much I loved her. I guess that plan has changed.

There was knock on the door.

Chapter 22

   I waited for a few seconds before Conor opened it.

His hair was all over the place like he was trying to pull it out or something. And his eyes were not the same eyes I saw back at the camp. It was more stern.

He looked shocked to see me. 'Surprise.' I said, giving a smile. What is wrong with me? He wasn't smiling.

'Ruby, what are you doing here?' He said. 'And you're wet.' I bit my lip.

'Yeah, I forgot my coat.' I said. 'Anyway, I need to talk to you Conor.' 

He looked down. 'I don't think that's a good idea.' He said, feeling uncomfortable.

 'Please?' I said. He sighed before stepping aside to let me in. I went in and looked around. The apartment was really big. There was a lot of red though. Red pillows, red flowers, red frame and many other things. He handed me a towel before sitting down. Ever since I came, he never looked at me properly. He kept looking down. There was a suitcase on the floor with clothes coming out of it. I guess he was really packing to go. I sat on the opposite sofa of where he was sitting. I wiped my hair with the red towel he gave me.

 I sighed. Okay here goes.

'Conor I-'

 'How can you do this to me?' He said, not giving me a chance to say anything. 'I really liked you and I was a hundred percent sure you still liked me too. But when I saw you...' He couldn't continue. 

'Conor-' I said, trying to explain. But Conor interrupted me again.

'And when we shared lasagna together, I thought you might want us to get back together. I know it was just sharing lasagna but I thought that there was something there. You know?'

 'Yeah, I know Conor but-'

'And don't get me started on the truth and dare. What kind of game is that to play while camping. And we only broke up a few weeks ago but they still-' I couldn't help but started laughing. He was just so confused that it made me laugh.

Oh, how can I not miss this? He looked at me, surprised by my laughing. 'Why are you laughing, Ruby? This is serious.'

 I bit my lip, to stop myself from laughing. 'I'm sorry. I just missed you, that's all.' 

He didn't look impressed but his eyes were less stern than before. 

'Fine.' I said. I got up. 'I'm sorry.' I said, seriously. 'I'm sorry for being such an idiot. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for saying them mean things to you. I hate myself for treating you like that.' He put his hand through his hair.


 'And Rick. That kiss we had meant nothing. I'm telling the truth. I would never do anything to hurt you.'

 'But why Ruby?' He said. 'Why am i feeling like you are trying to get away from me?'  

'I'm not Conor.' I half-whispered. I put my hand on his neck.

'I don't know why but..' He looked into my eyes. 'You don't trust me?' He said, finishing off my sentence. I nodded. Even though it was painful to hear, I couldn't help it. 'I'm nothing without you, Ruby.'

He said. There were tears in my eyes.  'And I'm nothing without you.' I said. He came closer. So close that I could even see them tiny tears in his eyes.

'Then lets try?'

 I frowned. 'What?'

 'The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.' He whispered. 'So let's find out.' He wiped the tears from my eyes.

The touch that I missed so much. 'I don't think I'm strong enough.' I whispered.

 He smiled. 'You're stronger than I'll ever be.' I said nothing. He put his lips to mine. It took me a while to kiss him back. His put his hand on my back and pushed me towards him gently.  

The kiss went deeper and deeper. Just like my heart. I didn't trust him but I guess I have to try his way. And just find out. He picked me up bridal style and put me on his bed. Is he going to..? Are we going to...? He put the cover on top of me and slept next to me.

 'Conor.' I said. 'Are we...' He smiled.

'No. I just haven't slept for weeks.' I laughed lightly. I smiled. 'Lets sleep then.'I said. 

'Yeah, lets.' He kissed me again before holding me. He kissed me on my jaw line, sending shivers.

 'You know....' He said, stroking my hair. 'Hmm.' I said, looking in his eyes. 'I deserved it.' He said. 'I deserve every bad thing that happens to me.' 


 'I treated you badly, I made you cry, I hurt you.' He said. He bit his lip. 'I made you remember your dad.' 

'Conor.' I smiled. 'Look at us. Everything is finally fine. And what I said to you about my dad was mean. I'm sorry for that. But lets forget about that.' He smiled.

'You're right.' He kissed me again, sending fireworks to my heart. 'Aren't I always?' I smirked.  He laughed. He hugged me tightly. After a while, his innocent eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep. I looked at him. And then I knew. I didn't know how long we were going to last. I didn't know what problems we were going to face. But one thing I knew was that I loved him with all my heart. Trust is an issue but like he said, I need to find out.

Chapter 23

I woke up. Yawning, I got out of the bed. It was still night. I looked at the time. I can't believe I went asleep for 3 hours.

And where is Conor? It was 10 o clock.

'Conor!' I called out. He came in with a massive smile on his face. I smiled. In his hand was a plate of, can you believe it, soup!

I bit my lip. 'Is that the same soup you made when I was ill?' He nodded. He sat next to me and put the soup on the table near the bed.

'I thought you might want it since you've been kind of down these days.'

'Conor.' I hugged him. 'To be honest, the reason I was down was because I wanted to be with you, but now you're here then i don't need it.'

He looked at me. 'So you don't want the soup?'

I laughed. 'I'll have some.' I looked at him closely. 'And you need some.'

'What do you mean?' He said, getting the soup.

'You've been so depressed lately because of me, haven't you?'

'I'm always depressed.' He said, shrugging it off. I put my hand on his cheek. He looked at me and smiled.


'Nothing.' I said, trying not to cry. It was hard seeing Conor before. I knew he loved me a lot, and I know the mistake he made was wrong. I didn't know my Conor would get so sad.

I kissed him on the forehead. 'Lets eat.'

Conor went to get another spoon for himself. My mobile rang. I got it out of my coat and looked to see who it was.

It was Cassie. I smiled. She was the reason me and Conor are happy. If it wasn't for her, I don't know what I would do...

'Hey Cassie!!' I said, happily. 'Its so glad you called, I-'

'Sorry Ruby, I don't have time. Is everything okay there? Are you with Conor?'

'Wait, what's wrong? Everything's okay and I'm with Conor.'

'Good. Look, can you tell Conor that I love him and I love you too, Ruby. You made my brother happy which makes me happy.' I smiled.

'That's fine but why are you...' I heard her sigh.

'I'm going back to Scotland.' I got up from the bed.

'What? When are you leaving?'

She paused for a second. 'Now. My plane is leaving in half an hour.'

'Oh.' I said. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want her to leave.'Look, I have to go. I wish you the best of luck and I'm going to miss you.' Before I could say anything, the phone was disconnected.

I bit my lip. I can't let her go. I just can't let her go until I've thanked her properly.

Conor came. 'So I was wondering-' He stopped and saw the expression on my face. 'What's wrong?' I sighed. 'It's Cassie.'

'What about her?' Conor said, coming closer to me. I froze and thought. She said she was leaving in half an hour. It will take 45 minutes to get to the airport. May be I could catch her before she goes. I quickly put my coat on.

'Ruby, what's wrong?' Conor said.

'Conor, we have to get to the airport right now.' I said. 'But.. why?' Conor said. 'I'll explain. Is your car here?'

'Yes but-' I quickly got Conor's hand and even though Conor was confused, he still did what I asked and followed me.--

Chapter 24: Cassie's P.O.V

'Cassie, I'm going to miss you so much.' Cam said on the phone.

I was saying bye to her and Sam. I was in the airport waiting to go. The only reason I came to America was because my brothers needed me. And Rick and Matt were fine.

They were happy. But Conor wasn't. So I stayed. For him. And now that he's with Ruby, theres no other reason for me to be here. I've done my, lets say, mission. 'I'm going to miss you too.' I said to Cam.

She disconnected. I smiled. I loved everyone and I'm really going to miss them. I hugged Rick and Matt. I looked at Rick. 'Now I love you, okay?' He nodded.

'I love you too but you don't need to do this. You can go another time.' I smiled.

'I have to go now. It's the right time.' Rick nodded. 'Now, don't mess about. And don't steal other people's girlfriends.' I said.

Rick rolled his eyes. 'Wait, what?' Matt said. Matt had no idea what was going on. He was on his mobile most of the time. I smiled.

I hugged Matt. 'Nothing, just try to find the right girl instead of playing around, okay?' Matt nodded. 'I'll try but I'm not promising anything.' I laughed.

Seth came running to me. 'Hey Seth.' He hugged me. 'You don't have to go.' I looked at him. 'I know we haven't chatted much but don't worry, I'll come back one day.'

He was about to say something but then just nodded instead. 'Can the people who are traveling to Scotland please come to gate 23. Thank you.'

The speaker above us said. I sighed. 'I guess this is it.' Rick, Matt and Seth smiled.

'Call when you get there, okay?' Matt said. I nodded. I picked up the handle of my suitcase and turned to go. I sighed, trying not to cry. I'm going to miss everyone. I don't want to leave but I have to. I can't stay here. My family is in Scotland. Edward. I smiled, thinking about when I meet him. I was about to enter the board when I heard someone shout my name.

I bit my lip. I looked back to see Ruby and Conor running towards me. I frowned. How did they... Matt, Rick and Seth were thinking the same thing. They came up to me. Ruby smiled while Conor frowned at me. 'How could you do this to me?' Conor said.

'Why are you leaving all over sudden?' I bit my lip, trying not to cry.

'Because I have to.' Conor shook his head. I could see that he was trying not to cry too. 'No, you don't have to. Look, you only stayed for a month. And I know you're going to disappear for a few years so don't tell me you have to.' I looked at Ruby, who was looking at me. She didn't have to say anything, her eyes said it all. 'Conor.' I hugged him. 'I love you so much but my life is not here. My life is with my husband in Scotland.' 'Conor put his arms around me.

'I know but you have brothers here and friends here. Just stay for a few more months so we could have a good goodbye for you.' The tear fell onto my face. I looked at him.

'I have to leave.' 'But-' I interrupted him.

'Please.' It was silent for a second. 'Okay.' He said. I smiled. I wiped the tears off my face. 'Final call for departing to Scotland.' I heard the speaker. That was me. I hugged Ruby. She smiled, but I knew she was hurt.

'Okay, before I go I've got some favors.' I said, looking at both of them. They both looked at each other, confused. I smiled. 'Firstly, I want you to forgive Rick for what happened at the camp. He was just being weird.' Ruby smiled but Conor looked angry. 'Guys, I haven't got all day.' I laughed. Ruby nodded. 'He will, don't worry.' 'Secondly, I want you to guys to not fight over stupid stuff like Romeo and Juliet.' Conor looked guilty. I laughed.

'Yep, Seth told me about what happened.' Conor smiled. 'We won't.'

'And thirdly, I want you guys to be happy. Got it?' They both nodded. I smiled, knowing that Conor and Ruby were going to love each other.

My work here is done.'


Chapter 25: Ruby's P.O.V

We both said goodbye to Cassie. I sighed. I looked at Conor. He smiled at me but I knew he torn.I hugged him. He put his arms around me.Seth and Matt came up to me. 'Hey.' Matt said.I punched him on the shoulder.

'Ouch! What was that for?'

'For not telling me that Cassie was leaving.' I said, annoyed.

'I just found out now.' I crossed my arms on my chest. 'Really?'

Seth laughed at Matt. I punched him harder on the shoulder. 'Ouch, Ruby!

''Well, you didn't tell either so I don't know what you're laughing at.' I said, sticking out my tongue at him.I looked behind them to see Rick sitting on the bench outside.

I looked Conor who was busy talking to Matt. I nudged him. 'Go talk to Rick.'

He looked at Rick who had now put his hands on his head. 'I don't want to.' Conor said, putting his hand through his hair.

'Fine, I will.' I said. I was about to go when, he grabbed my arm.He sighed. 'I'll go.'I smiled, feeling pleased with myself. I knew he would go if i said I would go.

'So where were you for 3 hours?' Matt said, smiling at me.

I laughed. 'None of your business.''Oh come on.. What were you and Conor being up to?' Seth said, nudging me.I rolled my eyes. 'We were doing grown up stuff which you, young boys, would not understand.'They laughed.

I laughed. 'I'm joking. We were just talking about stuff.' I said.I looked back to see Conor awkwardly talking to Rick. Rick was doing most of the talking while Conor just looked at the floor. I sighed.


Chapter 26: Conor's P.O.V

As I walked to Rick, I looked back and saw Ruby laughing with Matt and Seth. She was so beautiful. Her hair was perfect eventhough she just woke up.

Her lips were filled with red. I really liked her and the only way we were going to make this is if I talk to my brother. I promised Cassie and I will hold on to the promise. I looked back at Rick who was looking sad.I sighed. I aproached him, he looked up from where he was sitting. As he saw me, he stood up looking alarmed.'Hey.' I said, feeling kind of awkward.

'Hi.' He smiled. He looked so happy to see me.For a moment, we stood there silently.I cleared my throat. 'So don't you want to apologise to me for what you did or are you just going to blame someone else like you always do.'I didn't look at him, but I knew he was hurt.

'Conor, you're my brother.' He said. 'And what I did to you was the worst thing anyone could do and I'm so sorry for that. I was vulnerable and stupid and annoyed and I didn't know what I was doing.'I looked at him. He looked hurt and genuinly sorry. I sighed. 'It wasn't nice.'

Rick nodded. 'It was disgusting what I did and I would understand if you don't want to talk to me again.'I looked at the trees at the far end.

'Well, that's not going to happen.'

I looked at Rick. 'You're my bro. And even though what you did was stupid, It doesn't change the fact that we are brothers.'He smiled.

'And plus, if I don't talk to you anymore, who am I going to annoy all the time?'

He laughed. 'That will be problem.

'We stood there for a while, silently but it wasn't awkward at all.I looked back at Ruby who was grinning. She said lip mouthed something to me. I looked confused. What is she saying? She then hugged Matt who looked shocked. Then she lip mouthed, 'Do this to Rick.'I looked confused for a second then I understood. She was telling me to hug Rick.I smiled.I hugged Rick who hugged me back.

'I missed you man.' He said.I looked at him. 'Me too.'



Don't know when the next update is going to be. 

But i hope its soon



- Blue

CHAPTER 27 - Ruby's P.O.V

 Chapter 27 - Ruby's P.O.V(3 years later)'OMG, i love this movie.' Cam told me as she changed the channel to her favourite.

I was at home, sitting on the couch since I had nothing to do.


'Cam, I was watching something, you can't just change the channel.' I said, annoyed.


'Damn, keep your hair on.' Cam said as she threw the remote to me.

'What's up with you, anyways?'

'Nothing.' I said, innocently.

She gave me a weird look. 'Ruby, you haven't been out the house for ages. Did something happen between you and Conor?'

I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. 'I don't wanna talk about it.' I looked at the mirror and looked at the state of myself. I looked so tired and dead. My hair was not red anymore but now it was it's natural colour which is brown. 


I wish something did happen between me and Conor but I haven't heard from him for months. After we got back together, he had to work for the family business which meant he kept on leaving for meetings and conferences which meant I never knew when ill be seeing him next.

He hardly called and the last time I saw his face was on TV where he was talking about his project. I was happy that he was successful but that didn't mean he just forgets about me.


The door bell rang. I sighed as I opened it. Rick and Matt came in without any word. 'Hey guys.' I said, curious at the way they were acting.

They sat down with Cam on couch.

'What's going on?' Cam said, noticing their quietness.

I sat down too. All I can think about is if Conor is okay.

Rick finally said something but it was something I didn't expect at all. 'Conor is sorry.'


'What?' I said, confused.

Matt sighed. 'You must be wondering why he hasn't talked to you in a while right?'

I nodded.

'Well, he's just an asshole.' Matt said. I rolled my eyes.

'I know that.'


'Well, he really is sorry and hoping you can forgive him.'


'Wait.' I Said. I was getting really annoyed now. 'Instead of telling me, he told you guys that he's sorry?'


'Erm well-'I interrupted Matt



'I was trying not to cry. 'Do you know how long I've been waiting? Every day goes so slow. Every minute, I want to cry and pray that I get to see him again.'


Rick and Matt looked at eachother.


I continued. 'I miss him, for fuck's sake. Where is he? And why has he not contacted me for so long?'Rick and Matt got up.


'Why don't you ask him yourself?'

I frowned. 'What do you mean?''

He told us to come in first to make sure you're not mad.' Rick said.


Cam looked at them confused. 'What?'


Rick continued, 'He didn't want you to throw something on him before he came in, so he's just waiting in the car while we make sure you're not mad. Which was his dumb idea. I mean, he should be running in-'


My eyes widened. I quickly ran outside, not caring about anything but just to see his face. Outside, I saw a black car. I quickly ran to it. I looked in. My heart was beating so fast.I opened it and there was no one inside. Tears rolled down my face. "Where is he? Why isn't he here? I thought he was here but he's not. He's gone forever. He's not coming back.' I cried, fustrated as hell.


I sat on the grass with my head in my hand as the sun shined so brightly..

I trusted that guy more than i trusted anyone but he just leaves me. I opened my eyes, looking at the ground. I, then notice a shadow coming towards me.

I look up but couldn't see his face because of the sun but I knew who it was. 'Hey, beautiful.'He said.

I got up and now i can see his face. He smiled as he wiped my tears. 'Babe, I'm sorry.' I touched his hands that were resting on my cheek.

'Where did you go? Why did you leave me for so long?' I whispered.

Conor hugged me. 'I'm sorry. It was just went crazy there and I-'


I pushed him away with all the strength I had. 'You told me that you loved me. Why did you fucking hurt me like I was nobody to you?'He looked at me and I could finally see that he had big eye bags under his eyes which made it seem he hasn't slept in ages. He looked so weak and hurt. But instead of hugging him, I kept on shouting and screaming at him.

'You know, this is the classic Conor. Hurting me again and again and I'm the fool for letting you back in all the fucking time.'

Conor smiled at me but I could tell he was hurt by my words.

'Why? Why did leave me for so many months? I needed you! I can't believe you would-'


He interrupted me with a kiss. I tried to push him away but I was too weak from fighting and just gave in. The deeper the kiss went, the more magical it felt. I wasn't angry anymore but sad about how much I missed this.I let go of the kiss to look at him again. We were so close.

'The reason why couldn't call you when I left was because I couldn't handle you being sad because of me. I know I must have hurt you a lot and I know I have a lot to do to get you to forgive me but I won't leave you again.'My eyes widened.

'You're not going back?'

'No, I told them that I couldn't do it anymore.' Conor said hugging me tight.

I smiled.

Rick, Matt and Cam came outside. Cam screamed excitedly.

'OMG We're all back like we used to be!'We all covered our ears. She was too loud. Josh came and stopped Cam. 'Guys, lets give this couple some space.' They all left. Cam had to be dragged because she wanted to take selfies.

Conor picked me up. I laughed. 'What are you doing?'

He just smiled.We both went inside my house, feeling pretty lucky to have eachother.


'I love you.' He said, as he closed the door.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2012

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