


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2011

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To My Best friend Pologue There's nothing but darkness around me, that's how i like! they call me secret 'cause i'm always hiding something, put they'll never guess what, till the day i die. But not even then, if the do i'll come back, i'll hunt them down, and torcher them till there there's nothing left of them. I know that may sound brutal, but that's just me, if you don't like it oh well, heck who cares. That's all i've ever know and ever shall know, till the day i break the curse pronounced on me since birth. No one knows my name, but you seam like a nice person so i'll tell you only if! you take an oath to tell not one soul or be like the last person i told, who paniced and was never seen again. For my name tells of the things that have been done to the people i care for, and of what i do to people,who don't care. Do you promise? if so then i'll tell you. My name is...............Murder! ************************************ ***Murder/Secret's POV*** There’s a Black hole in my heart, never ending. It’s Black because of all the Darkness I know, my heart is yearning to be set free but it’s bound to the Master of Darkness. I know he is my Souls Mate, the only one that can release me from this world of Darkness. But my heart cannot accept him, till I see the beauty in him. But my heart aches for him. His name is John when we are in the world of the humans, but when we are in our world his name is……….Death. He can give you all the power you need for all eternity and still have more to give, but he always expects something in return. He cannot give without having to receive. My name is Murder but no one else knows except, for the woman who brought me into this world of the supernatural. I call her Mother even thought she is not. They call me Secret; I am ashamed of my true name (Murder) for it tells of what we do in the world of the humans, and what is done in the world of darkness. How could fate do this to me? Have me be named Murder and my Soul be bound to Death! I have to marry him; the ceremony is in two weeks at the stroke of Midnight. I cannot escape this, for if i try I am afraid of what Death might do to me. He might kill me. Even thought, I'm already DEAD ************************************************************************************** ***Death/John’s POV*** My heart has a Hole in it; it waits for the day when my Souls Mate will receive me. Her rejection is causing me to; kill more than I usually do. I killed more yesterday than I’ve kill in a month. She is driving me insane, I can’t even go one second without thinking about her thinking is it safe to let her in the world of that humans. I know that I am going to the world of the humans also, but i can easily escape I am the most powerful being in the world of the supernatural. I could blink and the human would be gone, but Secret on the other hand doesn't, and she won't until we are completely mated after the ceremony. Sadly we won't be completely mated after the ceremony, not until she is ready to complete the bond between us. I wouldn't want to force myself on her; she would hate me till death. I don't know if that is possible, for me to die that is but my heart would ache if i know that she truly hated me. I know that she dislikes me but i don't think that she hates me, at least i hope not. Oh i pray to the Fates that she doesn't! What if she does hate me? No she doesn't! Yes she does! No she doesn't! Oh for the love of Christ look at me I’m fighting with myself. Could my life get any worse? Nope i couldn't for me this tops it all. I'll just have to let her know how I truly feel. But how? She done't even live being in the same room with me. I'll just have to do it in secret, hmm but how? What's it gunna take for her to fall in love with me? Maybe I can send her something but some how that she won- (knock knock) My thoughts were interupted. Ugh i slammed my fist against the table and got up. Yanking the door open i yelled "WHAT!" And to my great suprise it was......with tears brimming in her eyes.......Secret! She looked her, and the only word i heard her say was "Sorry". ********************************************************** ***Murder/Secret POV*** For a second his eyes were piercing like ice...All I could feel were hot tears coming to my eye, and I didn't know why! Why should i feel hurt if he yells at me? I didn't know the answer to my question. But all i know was that my heart was aching and i couldn't get it to stop. What was I going to do? I just felt the urge to be with him that I could not stay away if I did the pain in my heart would have been over whelming and I might have passed out. The pain was Agonizing and when i come here thinking that it would go away, only to be hurt through words. And his words the hurt they stung, it was Unendurable. But i couldn't come up with a good comeback. So all I could say was the only think that came to my mind................ "Sorry" ********************************************************** I know that Murder/Secrets POV was very short but i want to write what is going through Death/John's mind. Don't you think that he is going to feel Sorry? He just got the opportunity, that he was waiting for and i think that he just blow it, or did he? **********************************************************

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