
Moving To A New Place

I look outside the window as my mom tells me that this move will take away thoughts of my resent relationship. In reality, I don't care, I made it clear to Vladimir that I didn't want to be in a relationship like that. He agreed and then I moved, and now my mom thinks we broke up because of the move.

We pass a huge School surrounded by people around my age and some teachers. "Please tell me that's not our new school" Cecilia, my little sister, said with obvious hate in her voice. "It is" My dad said bluntly while turning the volume down on the radio. "I expected Edgar to say that" My mother laughed. I ignore the statement and notice that there is a cemetery a couple of blocks from the school. "come on Edgar, Don't be a sour puss" Cecilia said, teasing me. I growled at her before shoving her back at her seat. "The fuck! you asshole!" she yelled hitting me on the shoulder. "i will suffocate you while you sleep!" I threatened as i glared at her.

"Don't start with this crap again" My dad sighed. "whatever, are we there yet?" Cecilia said impatiently. "Why do you two start problems only when we're driving?" my mom asks looking back at us. "ask her she's the one that provokes me" I respond as I started to put on my headphones. "Fights brings us closer" Cecilia said with a grin plastered on her face. I just roll my eyes and turn on my music player on full blast then stare out the window for the rest of the ride.

Once at the destination, I looked at the house. "What do you think?" my dad asked as he put his hand on my shoulder. "It looks like every other house on this block" I say as I turned off my music player. "You're going to make me talk to people, aren't you?" I ask frowning my eyebrows. "No shit" he said as he messed up my hair before walking towards the house.

We actually should have moved here a week ago, but my parents decided to decorate the house before bringing me and my sister here. I'm glad that I moved but this place is dull and so are the kids around my age. I rather rot in a pit of snakes before talking to any of these kids. And what bothered me the most is that my parents couldn't wear there clothes because last time they came here a parent told them they're a bad influence.

I looked around and noticed that our neighbors and their kids were walking towards our house. Fuck, human contact I quickly walked up the pavement until I was in front of the door. But before I could even touch the door nob, my mom called my name. "Fuck" I muttered before turning around to see my mother glaring at me with a furious look in her eyes. "Come and meet the neighbors!" she yelled. I had to listen.

Human Contact

Frustrated, I walked up to the small group of teens as my sister runs around with a girl that seemed scared. Wait, she's chasing her. I should stop it but I wont. I just continue walking to make human contact with people I would probably hate. Fuck why am I even trying?

Once I get there all six teens stare at me. Are you fucking serious, two of them basically dresses like me but I'm still the freak? Actually, I should calm down, they might have a reason. "What?" I ask crossing my arms."Oh, ummm I'm Marcy and this is Victor" Marcy said as Victor waved at me. "I'm Mark and this is my twin, Jack" Mark said while the two boys smiled. The last two, a female and a male, just looked at me in disgust. "What?" I asked, they have no right to look at me like that.

"Looks like we have another freak in our neighborhood, Mickie" the girl said folding her arms as she turned her attention to the boy. God her voice is annoying. "You're right, Alexa, you know it's January right?" he says with a cocky smirk. He's asking for me to give him major injuries. Instead, I just glare at him. "I'm sorry, did I do something to bother you?" I asked, trying to keep my temper at low.

"Yeah, you did" he responded, his cocky attitude irked me so. I raised an eyebrow as if I was curious to hear how I bothered him even though, frankly, I don't give a shit. Actually, I'm glad I bother him. "You moved here" he said, his voice deep and menacing as if he wanted to strike fear into me. Fuck my temper. I'm going to kill this guy. I look down at my feet, trying to keep myself calm. It doesn't work.

"Whats the matter? emo kid wants to go cut himself?" Alexa says, who do they think I am? Am I just a new toy to them? Fine. Lets play

I look up at Mickie, Mickey, whatever his name is! "What?" he says cruelly. The five other kids backed up slowly, as if I was the first one to stand up to this guy. "Hey, just ignore him, he's not worth the effort" One of the twins said, I think it was Jack. I don't know I wasn't paying attention at the time. "No! don't, beat the crap out of him, he disrespected you!" the other one said. I know I should listen to the first choice, but the second choice is much more fun.

"Look, I'm not emo first of all, and second of all shut the fuck up you egotistical asshole" I say. "what did you call me?" he said, he grabbed a hand full of my shirt and shook me around a little bit. "let go before something bad happens" I warned, my hands shaking out of irritation. :Before what happens? you gonna cry?" he said as he shook me a little more. I'm going to kill him if he doesn't let go. "Let go" I said giving him a deadly glare. "Or what?" he growled. The guy was only and inch taller then me so my feet were still firmly on the ground. Got balance and a good shot. Perfect.

I brought my hand into a fist ready to connect with this assholes face. "Mickie! what are you doing!?" said a females voice, probably his mother. "Mom!" he said letting my shirt go as if he didn't then he would get badly injured. "What did I tell you about bullying kids based on the way they look!" she said as she walked up to the small group, followed by my parents. "No! wait, it's not what it looks like!" he said trying to bullshit a fake ass answer. "It's exactly like that" one of the twins mumbled. God I have to remember which is which.

The mother smiled and thanked the teen before apologizing to my parents. "Don't worry about it, Edgar would have protected himself!" my mom said with one of her "my family is prefect" fake smile. The woman giggled as if she believed my mother was joking. The reality is that, if she hadn't come, I would have protected myself even if it meant that I would loose. And by the way my mom is looking at her, she thought the same thing. "Edgar, you can go inside now" she said finally releasing me from this idiotic human contact.

Under my protection

After everyone left, I went outside and sat on the porch. I sighed as I look up at the sky as my mind descends to something more and something less. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of two guys talking. I grunt before getting up to go inside. "Hey, you" I heard as I opened the door. I turn to see the twins with a distraught look on their faces. "yes?" I asked, annoyed and tired."Uhh... We just anted to ask you something" one of them panicked. I walk over to the fence, instead of going inside, and lean against it.

"You're Jack right?" I ask the twin that recently spoke to me. "Y-yeah" he answered as his brother frantically tapped on the fence. Each tap getting louder then the last, irritating me little by little, until I placed my hand on top of his. "stop" I tell him, getting tired of the unnecessary noise he was making. "What do you want?" I ask, my voice harsh and in a deep growl. "S-sorry, we just need to know if you would help us" Mark said, his voice shaky as if he was nervous. "Depends" I say making both boys even more visibly distraught. I groan as Mark began to whine and bitch about I don't give a fuck. That Reminds me, Did I lock my bedroom door before going out side? Shit, I hope so.

I wonder how long this kid can talk before shutting the fuck up. How long has he been talking for anyway? damn! five minutes? The fuck is wrong with this kid? "Hey, shut the fuck up" I say to the annoying teen. Mark immediately stopped his complaining and looked at me with a surprised look on his face. "Don't complain about little things, it's fucking annoying" I continue as I jabbed Mark's forehead with my index finger. This made him cover his forehead with both his hands and changed his expression from surprised to frustrated.

"Now, as I was saying, it depends on what you want from me" I said, laying my arm on the spiked fence. "I-i'm sorry, I saw that you weren't afraid of Mickey" Jack began while trying to avoid eye contact. "who?" I asked, slowly losing patients for this conversation. "The guy you were about to fight, like, an hour ago" Mark said with a tone of disbelief. Probably because I forgot of whats-his-face. "Yeah, that guy - I saw you weren't afraid of him, and I was just wondering if you would help me" Jack continued, still avoiding eye contact.

I didn't like how this kid couldn't even look at my general direction while talking to me. He looks harmless so I'll leave it alone. "Oh, that fucker, do you need me to kill him? cause I'll do it" I say seriously. "Yes" Mark says almost immediately, causing his brother to smack the back of his head. "No" Jack said refusing my offer. Dammit. "Then what do you need?" I asked now saddened at the fact that I couldn't hurt whats-his-face.

"Can you protect my brother?" Mark said slapping Jack's back. "What?" I asked wondering if he was kidding. "Well you see-" Mark began. He's not kidding, can't they protect each other? "We've tried protecting ourselves, but it's hard" Mark said running his fingers threw his hair nervously. That answers my question. But because I'm bored, I'm going to act like a dick and fuck with their heads for a while. "Really?" I asked as I raised my arm so I can sooth the blunt red marks the fence has left me. "Y-yeah" Jack nervously said, maybe he found out. I don't really care as long as he plays along.

"How so?" I ask as I fake a sadistic smile. "I-i don't think I should tell you" Mark said with a hesitant look on his face. My smile turned into a grin as I get closer to Mark. "Then why should I help you? you could be lying" I say jabbing his forehead with my finger. "A-are you playing with my thoughts?" Mark asked, backing away a little. I hum as if I was asking a question. This seemed to scare Mark. I was told that I sound menacing when I hum like that, but I thought they were being dumb fucks.

"Calm down" I say as I start to walk away. "Jack is under my protection for now, so don't worry" I yell out while walking towards my porch. "Wait! didn't you want the detail on the situation?" Jack asked. I didn't, I was just bored. "Tell me later" I say as I walk into my house. I'm going to bed.

Long Day

I wake up, on the couch, with the worst neck pain I have ever had. I think. I place my hand on my neck and start to walk up the stairs to take a shower. "Hi Edgar!" Cecilia says as she ran up to me. "Hey, you were chasing a girl yesterday" I say to get this conversation out of the way. "Yeah well I saw her face and I didn't like it, so I told her and told her I'm going to kill her, she ran so I ran after her" she said scratching the back of her neck. "You have problems I say before walking into my room.

What day is it? What time is it? I'm lost in time and date. Whatever, I take off my clothes so that I am only in my boxers. Then grab a towel and and head to my bathroom. I grab my phone before entering the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I turn on the shower and remove my boxers before getting into the shower.

I lean against the shower wall, not because I'm tired, I'm just that lazy.Is there anything I should remember? other than the time and date. Oh, fuck, school. I'm pretty sure it's not Monday, since I saw kids getting out of school yesterday. How about I call it a Saturday and not give a shit? Yeah, that sounds like a plan. And there goes my phone. It's probably Vladimir, the idiot always calls me when I'm in the shower. I dry my hands before looking blankly at my phone screen. It's from my cousin. Probably forgot I moved. Finally know what time it is, five in the morning. Why am I in the shower then? whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. I put my phone back down without looking at the text and finish taking a shower.

Once out of the shower, I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist. I brush my teeth and leave the bathroom to see my sister sitting at the edge of my bed. :The fuck are you doing in my room ?" I ask, being extra cautious. "It's fine! we're siblings" she says as if she didn't know the difference between male and female. "Get out" I say bluntly. "Come on Edgar don't be th-". "get out!" I interrupt her. "Fine" Cecilia says as she gets up and starts to leave. "we have a pool by the way" she says, but I don't give a shit. What does she want me to do? Go swimming? Tan? Because I hate swimming and I don't tan, I burn. "Can you come outside with me, I'm afraid of being alone" she says. What the Fuck.

"Cecilia,I'm basically naked and yo have the door wide open,let me change before asking me something" I tell her, why wont she leave? Great now she's just standing there. "What!?" I yell knowing she wont leave until she says what she wants to say. "Don't worry, I already know how a penis looks like, so, seeing your-". "GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" I yell, not wanting to hear the rest of that sentence. I don't even want to know how she found this information. "OK, OK" Cecilia says before closing my bed room door. I sigh. My sister is a retard. And someone is knocking at my door. Already? "what is it?" I ask as I begin to find clothes to wear. "Are you done changing yet?" I hear Cecilia say. I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill her and make it look like a suicide.

I throw a near by book at my door. The loud thud as it hit the door, then the floor, as followed by a squeal and footsteps running away from my room. "Finally " I sigh, then continue to change into my usual get up and leave my room. "Edgar, can you do me a favor?" I hear my mo yell from down stairs, probably from the living room. "No" I groaned as I stomped down the stairs. "Fine, go spend time with your sister" She demanded. "She, has problems" I tell her. "I know, so do you, but she's your sister" my mom says while watching me walk down the stairs. "My sister that doesn't know boundaries between bothers and sisters" I argue, still trying to forget what she told me earlier. "That was a order,Edgar" she stated giving me this look of dominance. "I know, I'm just not going to do it" I tell her as I began to walk to the kitchen. "Just go" she groaned making me groan because I'll get yelled at if I don't listen to her. "Fine!" I yelled before storming outside to our backyard.

"Hi, Edgar" Cecilia greeted as she swam towards me. "stay away I growl. "Don't be so mean!" Cecilia yelled as she came to a halt. "And you have problems" I say, while walking up to a pool chair. "That's mean to say!" she complained as she folded her arms. I ignore this statement and sit on the uncomfortable chair and stare at my bare feet. 'Cause they fascinate me for some strange reason. I should put on sunscreen before I start getting sunburn. Before I could even search for the bottle, Cecilia walked over to me with a bucket in her hands. "What are you doing?" I asked once she just stood in front of me. Then, without warning, she poured a bucket of pool water on me. I coughed and gagged in shock and fear. "What the fuck!?" I yelled as I smacked the shitty bucket out of her hands.

"Do you think this is funny!?" I yell grabbing a towel that was carelessly tossed on the floor. I start to dry my head, not caring if I scared Cecilia. "I'm sorry" she says, half bullshitting her emotions. She did this on purpose, with no purpose. "Get out of my sight" I growl, causing her to flinch and run back to the pool. Sometimes I wonder about her. I'm going to get sick because of this bitch. I rub my forehead, which is causing me incredible pain now.

I start to take off my shirt to be sure that I won't get sick. then proceed to throw it at my sister. I knew I should have stayed int the house. But no. My mom had to force me to spend time with this ass. She is lucky she's a girl. Or I would have killed her. I shouldn't put to much thought into this, or I might do something stupid. I continue to dry myself off with he towel until I heard someone whistle. I turn to see Mark, I think, just standing there. "what are you doing?" I asked. "Looking at you, duh" he answered. Yeah, that's creepy. "Why?" I asked, I have a feeling this conversation will turn into something I won't like. "Cause you have a sexy body" he responded. I knew it. I don't want to continue this, but I'm going to. Because I'm fucking stupid. "What?" I asked hoping I heard wrong and he said something completely different. "Uh, you're sexy and I would fuck you" Mark replied. Oh god. I wish I didn't hear that. "Um, you do know we just met yesterday right?" I ask, ho[ping that this information will calm his hormones down. It probably isn't. "Yeah but it only takes me less than three minutes to see who I want to fuck" Mark said, quite bluntly I might add. "I-i'm done talking to you" I say, turning around so that I don't have to face this pervert. "Jokes on you, you have a nice ass too" Mark said. Oh god, you can basically hear the lust in that sentence. I feel like killing this guy.

I get up and start to walk towards my house. "If you need a fuck-buddy, I'm right next door" Mark shouted as I opened the glass door. "Fuck off!" I yell at the creep. "I'll fuck you" he replied. Fuck this, I hate this place. I slam the door behind me. "I'm sorry but I'm going to kill everyone"I say as I sit on the couch. "you gave birth to a demon" my dad tells my mom as he tossed me a apple. "It's your fault" she responds while stirring her coffee. "I don't need to hear this!" I exclaimed already too familiar with their code for sex talk.

"I'm sorry honey, what's wrong?" mom asks as she pulls out a vegetable peeler. "My sister is into incest or something like that and threw pool water on me and one of the boys from next door is a pervert" I say passing her my apple so she can peel it. "Yo mean the Asians? yeah they warned us of one of their sons" dad said, sitting next to me. "I told you this but you were half asleep " he sighed, I need to focus. "Here's your apple" mom says passing me my apple. I take a bite of it and look at my phone.

"Oh, yeah, Bentley sent me a message like five hours ago" I say apathetically. "what did it say?" mom asks, wiping her hands then the counter. "I don't know, I didn't read it" I yawn. this made her walk up to me and slap me behind the head. "Hey, what the hell!?" I yelled as I rubbed the spot she hit. "Look who grew balls" my dad said to my mom. "Shut up, Edgar look at the text right now and tell me what it says" she growled. "It's been a long day!"I exclaimed as I fall to one side of the couch. "what the duck are you talking about? it's only 10:50 in the morning" My dad says.

Why Is This Day Still Going?

I got in the car, once again, so we can meet with Bentley at a mall near our house. I don't know why, I can speak English well now. The only reason why Bentley even acknowledged me was because I didn't know English. My sister was always sent her every vacation so that she can learn the language. My parents were forced into learning it because my grandmother wanted us to live with her. I, on the other hand, was way too stubborn to learn this language and now I have to hide my accent because of retards.

The only reason I actually care about what retards think is because I'm sick of coming home smelling like milk. Or covered in fake blood. Or beat up. Or pissed off. Basically anything that led yo this move to a new place. What did I even so that got me transferred? It was probably because I made five guys take a trip to the hospital. The way I see it is that they deserved it. It's one thing to talk about me but it"s another to talk about my friends and family.

"Are we ready?" I hear my father say. "Idiferent de" I say, like I give a shit if we go or not. "Edgar, It's whatever not indiferent de, remember we're in America" Cecilia tells me, as if I'm going to praise her for telling me not to speak in my native language. "Pe dracu" I reply to this little smart ass, "Oh I'm sorry, I mean fuck off" I add just to fuck with her head. "Edgar!" mom yells. "sorry, not really" I say, 'cause I'm going to be honest. And I don't give a shit.

My dad sighs before he drives and I black out as my mom lectures me about being nice or something like that.

When we arrive, I get out of the car to meet my cousin. Three inches shorter than me, dark brown eyes, slightly tan skin, and short black hair. Yeah that's my cousin, what an eyesore. "Bentley,eşti încă în viaţă?" I asked, because the last time I saw him I bashed his head into a wall. So I thought he was dead. "Yeah, I'm still alive no thanks to you" He laughed. "How is that funny?" I ask giving him a serious look. We stare at each other in silence for a couple of minute before bursting out in laughter. "Still the same eyesore as before I see" I laughed. "look ho's talking?" he exclaimed. We continued to laugh until Cecilia interrupts us.

"I thought you guys hated each other" she says. "We do" I answered. "Can't you feel the hate?" Bentley sarcastically asks. We're like best friends, the only reason I hurt him is because he pissed me off that day. "OK boys, when you're done catching up give us a call" mom says as we walk into the mall that I dreaded to step near it when I first saw it.

"Hey don't make that face, this mall is the closest thing we have to hangout" Bentley says as we branch out of the group. "Yeah, but this place still sucks" I say. "Dude, stop hiding your accent it's what make you, you" he says while punching my arm. "Indiferent de" I laugh as we sit at the food court section. "so what sis you want to talk about?" I ask. "Oh yeah, about the reason that you transferred" he started. "That's not important" I interrupt, not wanting to talk about it. "What do you mean it's not important?" he asked, surprised at my statement. "Mother fuckers wanted to play, so I did, that's all you need to know" I sighed while getting up. "Fine, hows this place treating you then?" he asked. This is why I bashed his head, he didn't know when to shut up.

"this place, in nice words, is shit" I say, taking a good look at this shitty mall. "Why are you like this?" he asked annoyed. "Why do you keep asking questions?" I asked. "I don't know, force of habit" he says. I groan, he's lucky he's related to me. "If you must know, there is something that might be important" I sighed. "Sounds like bad news" he says as he got up. I sigh before telling him everything so far.


Texte: bloodandgorelover
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.04.2012

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