

Aesthetic law



The quantitative Stylistic and the Law of Beauty

We are now in front of many facts about the beautiful artistic writing:

First: In the last twenty years, the writing beautifulness and artistry in our awareness have been transmitted from the aesthetic view into the expressive view. Now the creative people concern with feeling expression more than the aesthetic applications.

Second: We can differentiate three eras of stylistic approaches about the beautifulness and artistry in the writing, the pre-modernism which concerns with power of the meaning connection, the modernism which concerns with aesthetic of the writing and the post modernism, the present era, which concerns with powerful feeling expression.

Third: In our globalisation and post-globalisation era, there is a powerful feeling and practice of free writing which doesn’t or shouldn’t observe the rules, the laws or the traditions in the beautiful writing, the literature, even the genre.

Fourth: Now, we are in front of new literary writing which doesn’t fit or doesn’t want to follow any genre classification, it is a non-genric or trans-generic writing.

Five: In this very free seeking era, why we need to study the stylistic elements of the present artistic writing and its law?

I will answer the last question first and the other points I


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7438-9507-2

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