
Welcome to High School

In kindergarten I had a stutter. It was because I was so shy and nonsocial to others that made me all tongue tied when having a talk about dinosaurs and G.I. Joes like any normal kindergartener. Because I had a stutter I had multiple curious kids from my class ask me why I talked funny.
In elementary school I carried around a polar bear my grandmother bought me and adapted to another odd social habit. You see, during the summer, before I had started first grade, I went back up to my old home in Toronto Canada with my father and visited grandma. Originally my mother was from California and my father was Canadian and after they got married they moved to Toronto and raised me there until I started kindergarten, that's when we moved to California. Anyways, over the summer at grandma's I grew to admire every little thing she does, especially her Canadian accent, so when we went back down to California I surprised my mother when I started speaking with a Canadian accent.
Of course over the years of elementary school I was picked on for carrying around stuffed animals and my accent so much that everyone just started calling me Canada because of that accent.
Middle school was a lot worse. Elementary took it's toll on me and my shy social problems. Over the summer and after school I would look in the mirror and practice saying things without the accent, just to feel normal? Or was it because I wanted to act normal and stop carrying around stuffed bears in my backpack? Either way when I was able to get rid of the accent I was still bullied, because if it was not the accent nor the bears it was the girls. Now, to be honest I was a very feminem boy, and I shared a lot of interests girls liked so during middle school, girls swarmed around me. There was not a moment when a girl was talking to me, heck I even had a girl helping me pick out my glasses after school once. It was nice to have friends and all, but the down point was that they were all girls. And because of this I got picked on and bullied even more. And when I got bullied, nervous, agitated or even angry my accent slips out and makes things a whole lot worse. The cruel nickname I was trying to wash away came back, the mocking of my accent, and even so, getting pushed into lockers.
But the one thing that truly affected me during this turmoil of mocking and getting tripped was how the bullies decided on my sexuality before I even realized it. They would always call me gay or fagot and some names I had to look up on Google just to know what it was. Middle school was horrible, but leading up to the eighth grade something happened.
You see the new seven chosen high school football recruits from my class treated me like their friend for a whole week. It was the best week of my life, I wasn't hazed, called Canada or even made fun of when I let my accent slip. I felt normal for the first time in a long time. Then one day I was asked to come hang out with them after school on the field. Of course I was too happily naive to ever stop and think if it was a trap.
I ended up getting cornered in the equipment shack and was used as a punching bag and even slightly molested by one of them when it was their turn to leave bruises and kick the shit out of me. I remembered that person's face shadowed by the dark, making it look like he was hurting me while what he did was a whole different thing. I was left there shivering and scar'd more than one way.
I ended up slowly loosing my ability to speak and tried desperately to become invisible. Physical bullying became more distant as I lived throughout the rest of eighth grade, I didn't talk to girls anymore or bothered with anyone. Class clowns joked around with me for a while making me the "butt" of every joke, considering that everyone was still convinced that I was gay. That was why I was trying to find myself and figure things out on my own. But the loneliness gnaws at my stomach every day. Soon, when I found my odd interest in boys than girls, I stopped talking altogether. Teachers never called on me, other students didn't talk to me, I was just silent.
And the only people to notice was my parents.
I had stopped talking to them too and carried around Mr. Kumajiro my stuffed polar bear that was my favorite of my bear collection that I called Kuma for short. I found an odd salvation of comfort from the bear more than the one my grandmother bought me. Anyhow, my parents did not like my socially deprived self I had developed into. They took me to therapy, council sessions and even encouraged me to go to the middle school dances.
That's how I met him.
I had hung around the punch bowl that one night during the last dance of the year, before summer came and school was out, when I soon found myself cornered by those same seven football stars. The images and stinging sensations of that horrible experience immobilized me and I couldn't run or do anything. I felt like a pathetic slab of cement holding onto Kuma like a life line while they pushed me around in a circle getting me to let out a sound. Finally one of them got bored and just punched me and the rest started to murderously advance on me. Until my beacon of light shown, in a heroic light beating the crap out of those jocks like they were just slow slugs and he was like the fast cat that clawed them up.
Alfred Jones.
Yes, I would never forget his name. I had known little of him except that he was the track team's star player and that he liked goofing off, but that was back then when I new utterly nothing about the guy. But I knew one thing though.
I was in love with him.
I don't care how hopelessly romantic that sounded, but it was true. No one stood up for me, not even the girls that crowded me from before. He was my hero and after he saved me from another assault from those jocks he said this:
"Your Matthew right? I'm Alfred, you don't have to worry about that happening anymore, because you've got a hero as your friend now!"
I nearly cried in joy because of how he insisted on being my friend and what happened after that was something I haven't done in a long time.
"T-th-thank you."
I was able to speak again. Thats when I truly knew that I loved him, that I was able to speak again by the same guy who was the first to stand up for me. Alfred and I became real close friends after that and my parents really liked him and his hyperactive attitude towards everything. But while I was friends with him I kept my harboring feelings for Alfred locked up, too afraid to let something like this friendship spoil over possibly not returned feelings. Then good things got better when my father's restaurant business caught aflame as the America's best pancake house by a reporter from NY Times came down to California to interview my father, mother and I and try our dishes. Once the interview got out on print business became busier and money wasn't so tight anymore.
When summer came my parents had a talk to me about different high schools I could go to now. We went through a ton of brochures and options until I told them I would think about it and bolted out the door with an armful of brochures and untied shoes as I ran directly for Alfred's house. When I got there I collapsed on his bed while he was on his laptop and asked him what school he was going to. That's when he handed me the only brochure I wish I had looked at to begin with instead of the thousands I had went through.
It was a school called Powers Academy, an all boys school in San Francisco, where the fee wasn't expensive, the classes seemed neutral and the guys lived in dorms on campus and had school uniforms for only during classes. The background check on the school was as clean as a whistle. Seriously, there was absolutely no student that has been, suspended, expelled or even caught with drugs, alcohol or even bullying on campus.
It was the perfect school for me.
And that's how I ended up going to Powers Academy.

Chapter 1: New School, New People

"Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Matthew, Matthew, Matthew, Matthew, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Matthew Will-"
"What Alfred!" I finally cracked, opening an eye to glower at Alfred.
"Jeez Mattie, I just wanted to know if you were sleeping," Alfred grinned clearly amused at how he had just annoyed me from closing my eyes and falling asleep. Don't get me wrong, I can handle Alfred perfectly fine when he's annoying except for when I'm sleep deprived, that's when I get scary and all cranky. The reason why I was tired was because I could not sleep a wink last night packing and repacking my suit case in excitement to go down to San Francisco and move into my dorm room at a new school, where the most important goal I made for the year was to make sure no one accused or even assumed I was gay. Sadly I was "supposedly" still in the closet, but it's just that I had taken so much crap in Sacramento Middle for "seeming" to be gay that I didn't want to repeat history.
It's a new school, new grade, new city and it's going to be a new experience, so I will try to make it the best!
"Ugh! Why can't this train go any faster!" Alfred whined.
I sighed and held myself back from banging my head against the seat.
"Alfred, for the seventh time, this is a trolley not a train-"
"Hey were we suppose to get off at Lincoln?" Alfred asked suddenly, cutting me off.
"Yeah, I told you to wake me up when we get there."
"Eh, hehehe, we just passed by a minute ago."
My eyes widened and I suddenly sat straight up while catching a glimpse of the new street sign we just passed that said Alp Ave. I suddenly reached into my pullover's front pocket and fished out the fold out map, unfolding it and finding Alp Ave and for Lincoln Street. I let out a breath of relief when we stopped at Alp Ave and saw that we were only a few minutes away from Lincoln from Alp.
"We're getting off here, it'll take us a few minutes to get to Lincoln if we walk back there," I replied, hastily folding the map back p and grabbing my luggage from under the seats. Alfred did the same and followed me off the trolley. Once our sneakers hit the dry pavement it took me a while to navigate where we should go to get to Lincoln.
"It's this way!" I exclaimed pointing up one of the sloping and infamous San Francisco hills going up.
With disappointed frowns, Alfred and I trekked up the slope until we reached Lincoln and from there we went down the street until our gazes rested upon the black iron gates of Powers Academy. It was like a dream behind those open gates, a friendly and docile environment of guys, no one was getting beat up, picked on or being teased, just friendly pats and the rough housing game of basketball from the sporting courts to the west wing of the campus. Alfred and I checked in at the dorm house which was in the east wing across from the sporting courts and dining hall. Luckily Alfred and I were not late to registration and made it half an hour before dorm registration was done.
Our Dorm Leader was a senior named Roderich who was very strict and specific about time dates on when meals are ready, wake up times and curfews on school nights, all the regualr stuff Alfred and I went over by text a week ago.
But more importantly, I was soon sad to find out that Alfred and I were not room mates, but surprisingly our rooms were across the hallway from one another.
We wished each other good luck outside our doors before we left each other to unpack and get settled in. I had found myself being the first one in my room, which meant I had first bed picks. The room was nice, there was two closets on either side of the room, two regular sized beds, two desks over by the beds a medium sized bathroom and a large bay window in the wall in between the two desks with navy drapes. I chose the bed on the right side of the room and started making the bed with the sheets I had brought with me as well as my pillows, most of which were shaped like bears. By the time I was done my room mate had not come in yet. As I started to hang up my clothes in the closet on the right wall by the foot of my bed, I started to wonder what kind of person they were and if we would get along or not.
Once I was completely done unpacking I decided to take a nap because of how tiring the trip was to get here and the low amount of sleep I had left.
There was a hot sweet sensation on my neck. With the haze of sleep still affecting me with this intoxicating sensation I felt like I was floating on bliss. Then it seemed to get a little more hotter and I felt the heat pool in my stomach. I let out a breathy moan then a gasp as I felt something sharp come intact with my neck instead of that hot sweet sensation I was feeling. Letting out shallow breaths, my eyes fluttered open, a bit hazy and blurry from sleep. I blinked rapidly and took in a deep breath. Something smelled nice, like an old vintage type of cologne that was pleasing to smell.
That sharp pain came back and this time I helped jumping up at how much it hurt the second time. At first I was confused when I saw a smirking guy with white hair and mischievous red eyes staring at me in interest sitting too close to me on my bed. I closed my eyes rubbing them over with my hands before reopening them and staring blankly at the same guy.
"Um..." I said blushing at the proximity and awkwardness at this.
The guy's smirk deepened into a cheshire grin.
"You taste really good for a virgin," he said in a husk voice that sent cold shivers down my spine.
Before I could respond, I let out a tiny yelp when he pinned me down on my mattress and began assaulting my neck with nips and licks. As much as I wanted to give in and sigh with the pleasurable pain, I couldnt just do such a thing. This guy probably thought I was a girl (I`am very feminem) and was going to rape me.
He finally pulled back sitting on his knees laughing like a hyena. I sat up crossing my legs and snatching Kuma, gripping the soft creature to my chest.
"I'm just messing with ya, no need to be serious," he laughed ruffling up my hair.
I fidgeted as I combed my hair back I to it's original neat form with my curl sticking out. Now that the guy was quite a distance from my sight I groped for my glasses on the desk and put them on getting a better look at him. He wore a heavy rock band shirt under a red hoody, black skinny jeans and a pair of red converse with the laces tucked into the shoes. The guy's hair was messy and spiked up everywhere in a white spiky mess and his eyes truly were red, not the kind of red that happens when you`ve cried too much.
"I'm Gilbert your awesome room mate," he said jabbing his thumb towards his chest.
My eyes went as wide as saucers. "E-ex-excuse me, but you just sexually assaulted me just now, so I’m a bit lost."
Gilbert rolled his eyes. "Sorry 'bout that dude, but as awesome as I'am I couldn't let the opportunity to pull a prank on my room mate slip up because I don't know you. And you should of seen your face! It was all like terrified and fucking cute like a rabbit or something! Hahahahahaha!" he bellowed with his head lolled back in laughter.
I gave a shy smile and buried my chin to nose in Kuma's soft fabric trying to hid my embarrassed flush on my cheeks. There was a sudden bang right by the wall my bed was against that stopped Gilbert from laughing and made me jump.
"Shut the fuck up!" the person on the other side yelled angrily.
"You shut the fuck up!" Gilbert yelled back.
"Suck my dick asshole!"
"Not unless you suck my five meters of awesomeness without choking fagot!"
I flinched when Gilbert yelled fagot. It brought back those three miserable years of middle school from being called a fagot by every bully in the school. Somehow Gilbert noticed my reaction when he said this and turned to me.
"No offense bro, don't mean to insult you," he said apologetically.
I cocked my head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"Well your gay right?"
"Eh?... I'm not gay," I said bluntly, keeping the key to the lock around the closet that kept me from coming out tightly grasped in my figurative hands.
"Fuck you penis milk! You’re the gay one!" the guy on the other side answered back before Gilbert could express his confusion further.
"Nice Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged reference pencil fuck!"
"What the fuck? You still watch Yu-Gi-Oh and yet I'm the gay one? Fuck you, I'm gonna come beat the shit outta you!"
The yelling ceased and there was a sound like a door slamming shut in the room where Gilbert was yelling at. Then suddenly the door bursted open and a guy with brown hair with a curl coming from the right side of his head and furious golden brown eyes that seemed to be on fire. He was not wearing a shirt, his sport shorts were on backwards and his hair looked wet and damp, which assumed that he was changing when Gilbert started yelling at him.
"Who's the fucking fagot who fucking called me a pencil fuck?" he yelled through gritted teeth.
Gilbert did not answer and instead blinked at the guy. My eyes were wider than before and my cheeks were extremely flushed at the guy's exposure of skin. Some how assuming the angry guy stomped over to my bed, and dragged me off by the collar and pinned me to the wall by my collar.
"Was it you, you fucking fagot?" he spat in my face.
It all seemed to happen again like that night at the dance, I was immobilized like a slab of cement, but this time I was able to speak and think. This guy was like all the others, he just wanted to let out pent up anger on someone like every other being. But I will not be someone's chew toy. I started thrashing against his old and when nothing work I went for second best.
"Alfred! Alfred! Alfred! I could use some heeeeelp!" I called out in the loudest voice I could muster up while my feet began to grow numb from being held up too long from the ground.
Then like before, my heroic beacon of light came for my rescue in a flash. I ended up dropping to the ground, while Alfred wrestled the guy to the ground, until he had him pinned by sitting on his stomach.
Yup, that's my hero.
"Hey Mattie, I see you got unpacked, so how's it going?" Alfred asked casually, not budging slightly as the angry guy began to thrash violently.
"P-Pretty good, what about you?"
"Oh it's pretty awesome, got all my posters and stuff up, but my roommate is a bit pesky, but he's a cool Brit with a cool accent, so who's this guy I'm sitting on? Is he your room mate?"
"No, just some random assaulter."
"Do I need to break some bones?"
Suddenly another sound of a door slamming came from across the hallway and another person bursted through the door. It was a blonde green eyed guy with bushy eyebrows and probably half a foot shorter than Alfred. When he saw Alfred he glared at him.
"You bloody git! You don't go running out of the room while in the middle of helping me move a book shelf! I nearly ripped a muscle!" he yelled with a heavy British accent lacing his words.
Alfred scratched behind his head nervously. "Sorry Arthur but my pal was in trouble."
"Can you get the fuck off me now! I won't do anything just let me go back to my fucking room!" the guy underneath Alfred spat, catching the attention of -assuming- Arthur.
"Lovino, what did you do to tick off this bumbling American?" Arthur sighed pressing his fingers against his temples.
"I have no fucking clue!"
"A-Alfred, maybe you should just let him go back to his dorm, I'd hate for you to get in trouble over this," I finally spoke up having the spotlight put on me now.
Eventually Alfred got off the guy and he got up restlessly, turning towards me.
"There's no fucking way you’re the asshole who called me a fagot your voice is too girly, sorry about that," he mumbled the last part before leaving.
"Well alls well that ends well, the hero Alfred saved the day again!" Alfred cheered pumping his fist up in the air.
"Hey Mattie, come meet me at the sport courts later so we can play some cement hockey, I know you brought that hockey stick with you from home so no buts!" Alfred said making me flush in embarrassment at how easily he knew me.
"Well see ya later!"
There was another slamming of a door which meant that Alfred had returned to his room, but Arthur was still there at the doorway.
"Sorry to of let him cause troubles, oh and Gilbert," Arthur said looking at the boy still perched on my bed.
"No molesting your new roommate, it's a new school year for bloody sakes and you already left hickeys on his neck," Arthur fretted at Gilbert before closing the door behind him.
Once I heard Arthur go into the room across the hall I launched from my spot, flying the bathroom door open leaving it wide open as I assessed the two purple blotches I had found on my neck. I heard Gilbert chuckling from the room, amused at my own exasperation and the little freak out I had in the bathroom of going through the cabinets for anything that could cover up those hickeys or what I liked to call: love bites.
"You know this is not fun, and quick question, how do you know that, Arthur guy?" I said threw my teeth, while glaring at Gilbert from the mirror.
"Aw, but it was fun for me, anyways, he knows my brother, that Brit also knows that jack-wad that nearly pummeled you. The guy has a lot of connections if you ask me."
"Well I'm not asking you, and I'm still mad at you," I said, finally finding some skin colored band aids and applying them to the marks on my neck.
"For what?"
"You sexually assaulted me then questioned my sexuality, no offense to anyone but if this place was Texas, you would already be burned at the stake, not to mention you did nothing while that guy nearly punched my lights out!"
"Well what am I supposed to assume when there's a guy that keeps at least a hundred stuffed animals on his bed?"
"I don't want you to assume anything! I like bears and I personally think that my interests should not effect the way I like which gender," I let out a deep breath and stared at Gilbert through the bathroom mirror. He stared back.
"Look, maybe we got on the wrong foot, let's just start over," after that being said, Gilbert got up and walked out of the dorm room.
At first I was just confused when I walked out of the bathroom to see if he really left, which he did, then there was a knock at the door. I went over and answered it a bit stunned when I found that it was Gilbert on the other side with a great big smile.
"Hi, I'm Gilbert Beilschmidt your awesome new roommate that has absolutely no records of sexually harassing people," Gilbert said, his smile turning into grin.
I just stood there for a moment, not making a move to let him in at all when I suddenly bursted out into laughter. Matthew never laughed this much and he did not know why, but while he laughed Gilbert couldn't help but grin more at Matthew's laughter.
"Yeah, I'm Matthew Williams, well welcome I guess," I said moving out of the way letting Gilbert in.
I closed the door behind him and went to open my closet and pull out my red hockey stick I used to play cement hockey with Alfred with.
"Well I'm gonna go play cement hockey, see ya," I spoke while running out the door, eager to play my favorite sport with the guy I loved.

Chapter 2: The Boy Who Cried

A slick sheet of sweat glistened off Alfred's abdomen where a stray line of developing muscles shinned out as well from his glistening body. Deep in the game Alfred had shed off his shirt while Matthew had only shed off his hoody and only now wore his black tank top and jeans. Some people had stopped to watch us play, placing bets and by the way the poles went, everyone thought Alfred was going to win now.
But I had the puck now and the only way to score is to use my super cool scoring move I had practiced tons of times over the summer. Squaring my shoulders towards the heavily protected goal I had to hit, I brought my hockey stick up, then with a fast down drop of the stick, I scooped the puck up onto the flat side of the stick in a swinging movement. Trying not to get distracted by Alfred's naked exposure, I balanced the puck out well on the stick, taking a few running boosts forward. I then tossed the puck up forward in the air, just in time to make the cut off and swing my hockey stick at the puck, hitting it dead on and creating a crackling sound when the hockey stick and puck made contact. The puck was nothing but a black blur heading straight towards Alfred, whom had ducked down just in time and turned to see the puck in his goal.
I smiled triumphantly at Alfred, who retrieved the puck and clothes from the side, before coming up to me, ruffling my hair and slinging an arm around my shoulders.
"Haha! I guess I didn't see that one huh?" Alfred said, detaching himself from me to hand me my hoody while he put on his shirt, to my disappointment, though it did free me of dirty thoughts running amok in my head.
"I've been practicing that move really hard, I got the idea from a baseball game after a hockey game back home," I said, a bit embarrassed from Alfred's praise.
"You should sign up for hockey dude," he suggested as the two of us made our way back to the dorm house.
My cheeks heated up at that comment and the overheat of the game we had just finished up. But mostly from Alfred's words.
"No, I'm not that good, besides I don't think they have any ice rinks here," I said trying not to gaze off at the other shirtless guys we passed on our way into the dorm house.
"Well what about cement hockey? Hey what’s going on over there?" Alfred pointed out to a small group of guys around a small blond boy quaking under a white bath towel and eyes clamped tightly shut with tears streaming down his feminine facial features. At first sight I thought he was a girl at first, but once I had remembered that this was a strict all boys school I started noticing how slightly broad his shoulders were and the fact that he had no chest comparing to the likeliness of a girls.
The small blond boy clutched the front ends of his towel tightly closed while his body shook violently from sobs and maybe even fear. The more Alfred and I stopped to join the group of guys asking the sobbing blond whats wrong, the more I noticed blooming red marks around his arms and shoulders like as if he was grabbed too roughly. It reminded me of the time I was molested in that equipment shack, high on pain and stinging from the touch of rough hands pinning me down along with that dark look.
Without thinking I pushed through the small crowed and fell to my knees before the small trembling boy, tenderly placing a hand on his back.
"Its ok, I know how you feel," I spoke in my calm pacifistic voice like I normally did, but this time it had meaning.
The boy only trembled more for a moment, but eventually it simmered down to just a hiccuping fit of tears and the boy finally opened his sad, dard, cerulean eyes that were red from crying too hard. I put on my best comforting smile and gently brushed the boy's sweaty bangs back from his face.
"B-b-but, but... But I-I-I- I can't-"
"Don't start talking, it makes it worse when the tears haven't dried up," I said, knowing from experience.
The boy was rubbing at his throat with one hand, swallowing deeply and shushing down till he stopped crying after a moment of wet sniffles.
He swallowed deeply, "I-I can't move without feeling th-those hands. God I feel so... I just want to die," the boy choked out.
"I know the feeling, can't let go so easily on the memory, thats ok. Do you think you can manage to get up?"
Alfred finally made his cue to step in and wave his arms in front of the crowd yelling random things along the lines of, "Theres nothing to see here!" Once the small crowd had dispersed from the scene I helped the boy to his feet, letting him lean on me.
"My names Matthew, by the way that’s Alfred," I introduced the two of us.
"My name is Tino, it’s funny how I end up making dramatic scenes like this without even knowing it," Tino sniffed against my arm.
While I was trying to get Tino to sit on one of the chairs in the lounge room where Tino was recently shaken down to tears in. The lounge room per say was like the main room with chairs and couches in this one convenient area by the front doors, sort of like a lobby. I was wiping the wet splotches of tears on Tino`s face with my sleeve, when the room got suddenly cold and a needle like pressure of a sharp stare bore into my back. I paused in the middle of cleaning Tino`s face to turn my head around, looking over my shoulder at the very tall guy with a sharp, blazing, blue glare that intensified somehow by the slight shimmer reflecting off his glasses. His size was starting to intimidate me, seriously, he was built like a skyscraper, all broad shoulders, tall figure and a slight square look in his jaws.
But when Tino saw the intimidating guy, he leapt off his seat bursting into tears again, flinging himself at the guy.
"Ber-chan!" Tino wailed, wrapping his legs- somehow -around the tall guy's hips and wrapped his arms around his chest, clinging onto him.
The reaction of the his face was first a bit fazed and shocked, then a small smile crept onto his lips and he held Tino against him. The small blond's bath towel, which was now tied around his waist, was begining to hike down past his hips, which gave the boy a hint that he should get off his friend and hike up his towel without flashing anyone.
Carefully he got down, fixed his towel and stared up at his friend whom he like calling Ber-chan instead of Berwald. Again the corners of Tino`s eyes weld up with fresh tears seeing his friend and knowing what he had to tell him what had happened.
"Berwald..." Tino began snifflining again before hugging the giant teen with his head buried in the Swede's stomach.
Berwald looked up to mett the questioning and worried looks of the two other guys in front of him.
"D'nt worry, 'm his room m'te, I'll t;ake it from 'ere. Thank you f'r the h'lp," he reusured the tow with his thick accent and bending down to hoist Tino up into his arms again, but this time to take him back to their room.
"Well that was all very quick, but we made some new friends, all in a day’s work for a hero! Am I right Mattie?" Alfred said, slapping a hand on my back as we continued to our original trek to our rooms.
"Uh, huh," I replied a bit too warn out from unpacking, playing cement hockey and having those terrible memories plague my mind all day with reminders like these. Though I do worry about what happened to Tino and if there was possibly a molester on campus that would do such a thing to the small blond.
Wait. There are molesters on campus.
And one of them is named Gilbert.
When Alfred and I parted ways back to our rooms, I found Gilbert had already unpacked and was flipping through a dirty magazine while listening to his iPod through his ear buds. I went ahead and opened up my closet again, putting away my hockey stick and smelling the inside of my hoody. It smelled a bit sweaty, but not too much so I took it off and hung it up in the organized area where I kept my hoodies at.
"Did you and your boyfriend sweat off some sexual tension?" Gilbert asked taking out an ear bud while holding a bemused grin waiting for Matthew's reaction.
I flushed probably a bright red before I let out a long breath.
"Alfred is not my boyfriend and I am not gay on any terms," I said, hurting a little this time around as I lied even more about my sexuality and who I was.
"But you do have sexual tensions, even as awesome as I'am, I can still tell the signs of sexual frustration," Gilbert said, glancing back at the layout on his magazine before his gaze returned to Matthew.
I snorted, "Yeah right, the only kind of sexual frustration signs you know are the ones you’re looking at in that magazine of yours."
"And they’re not even real, or the gist of sex really, its not all about the pleasure or the looks of satisfaction and bliss. Thats the crap your looking at right?" I said, feeling a bit bold talking to Gilbert.
"How would you know, your a virgin."
"Ok, stop right there, do not even continue that sentence. Whoever said I was a Virgin? I could be or I could not be, you don't know because you never asked."
Suddenly Gilbert sat straight up in his bed, dropping his dirty magazine with his mouth wide open.
"Are you a virgin?" he asked as if he already heard my reply in a shocked tone.
"I'm not telling you," I winked slipping off my shoes and climbing over from the end of my bed till I reached where the sheets opened up for me to slip in.
"That’s not fair Birdie," Gilbert moaned.
"Yeah, it’s your new nickname I'm giving you from today onward! See how awesome I`am?"
"... Why can't people just call me Mattie or something that actually makes sense in the reference of my actual name?"
I went ahead and shifted over onto my side, shutting my eyes closed trying not to think as I fell asleep.

Chapter 3: The Announcement

The soft sensual hands that hungrily demand to touch you. The sinful sounds flowing out from each others mouths. Skin that is spiked on a high of pleasure and bliss.
I know these feelings too well.
It’s the natural element of sex. We all feel it on different basis and describe it in different ways, I like to describe it as an art anyone could master. To be able to do so many different things, positions, role play, the virginity stealer and much more, I have done these roles repeatedly, but only towards girls, or shall I say women?
Yes, I have corrupted the minds, souls and even the once pure mentality of almost all the single pretty girls in my middle school back home. But, alas, getting caught doing the indescribable left my parents no choice, but to send me to an all-boys school called Powers High or as on what the brochure says; Powers Academy.
But this did not stop me and my raging drive for this hot and wet art. Technically to say, I am bi. Sure girls have that lovely physique and gorgeous hair to weave your fingers through, but boys also have a high stamina and are easy to please. I started trying out the boy on boy art of sex right away once I had arrived at the high school, and lucky to say I had no roommate to bother me and my art.
Anyways, the first fruit I plucked off was a short Polish boy with long blond hair that could make him easily mistaken for a girl from behind. It was deliciously fascinating how cute and how unsecured the boy was once I had devoured and ravished him. I do gotta say he had quite the mouth on him, saying words in English or Polish and a lot I did not have in my vocabulary range.
But then again, everyone ends up letting out a curse or so when it’s their first time.
"Hah, hah, hah, hah," the Polish boy panted against my back right after he climaxed, trying to catch his breath.
With my hold still on his hips, I pulled out of him, hearing the squelching sounds of my cum help my member slide out of him better. I didn't care whether or not if the boy stayed or went as long as I got my four hours of sleep after a night of sex. I quickly learned that boys were the best for this art of mine, because right after they flee the scene with their pants up, but still unzipped and wrinkled.
The Polish boy from that first night helped me real well in breaking in my new bed.
To be blunt here, romance was my main hobby along with fashion. That’s how I picked the ripest fruits during my free week before school started on campus. But I always had this wanting feel of just closing my eyes and just thinking it was him while in my climax of sex.
The soft slightly curly locks of hair, innocent blue eyes that looked so adorably cute scared. His skin was smooth and so soft and fluttery when I touched the skin, like a pair of butterfly wings. An amazing body kept so safe, yet I had no clue who it was that I touched to be frank.
But they knew me, I would never forget how they said my name so sadly that it nearly broke my heart.
Just the feeling.
Only the feeling.
To me it was like the beautiful Cinderella tale, I was Prince Charming that was left with only the feel of Cinderella`s touch. Every time I experimented with the male part of my art I would secretly wish the person I faced on my bed with scared blue eyes was him.
I was trapped.
And no one could free me.
To be forever lost in a lusty avalanche of climaxes after climaxes. Before I came out of that avalanche carrying my Cinderella proudly out of that mess.
Yes I guess I was truly a romantic.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
I awoke in a sleepy haze to the banging sound like a metal was being hit repeatedly over and over. I moaned, rolling onto my back slowly, throwing my hands over my ears. When I had enough and wanted to find out what was making that noise I opened my eyes to see a pot being thwacked over and over by a wooden spoon. At first everything seemed a bit confusing until the face of the guy that tried to nearly kill me the other day appeared right after the wooden spoon ceased to hit the pot. The guy looked different than when he did the other day. His face was more cheery and calm, his hair was a bit more of a lighter color and the curl was moved to the other side of his head.
"Ah! You’re finally awake!" he said in a cheerful tone with an Italian accent.
"Uh, what’s going on?" I said hoarsely.
"Well I was with my friend Yao when the dormitory manager gave us pots and spoons and the keys and told us to wake everyone up for this important announcement! I'm Feliciano by the way! Me and my brother Lovino live next door to you guys. Though I was a bit worried the other day when he left after he took a shower saying that he was going to greet you and your roommate, he's not the nicest person."
'Yeah, I know,' I thought bitterly at the memory.
"Well, I have three hundred more guys or so to wake up so wake up your room mate and be in the lounge by ten, but make sure to eat first it is eight after all and everyone needs to eat their pasta in the morning. Veh~ I'll be going now so see ya neighbor!" Feliciano cheered on his way out.
I sat up in my bed, feeling the messy strands of my hair flop down on my face. I strained my eyes to read the calendar on the back of the door from my bed, but found that I could not due to my lack of glasses. After putting on my glasses I slowly shifted off the bed and took one giant step and crossed over to where Gilbert was. At first I was going to shake his shoulders and tell him to wake up, but before I did so something about him caught my eye. The way his head was laid on his black pillow gently, mouth open slightly and the messy and spikiness of his white hair caressed his face as well as the morning sun that peaked out from the drapes.
He looked so... Cute? I don't think that's the right word, but I'll stick with it for now. Cute.
When I thought this an idea bloomed from my mind. It was a devious and smart idea I can guarantee you that, well that was what I thought at the moment when I lifted the covers and climbed into Gilbert's bed. I took my glasses off, still able to see because I was nearsighted and Gilbert was very close, patted down my hair so that it was long in appearance and pulled the chest area of my shirt outward. I then snuggled into Gilbert's back, snaking an arm over his body, coaxing him to face me. Once he did I rubbed my body against his, creating a friction the he soon responded to. Then leaning in a bit closer I attached my mouth to the base of Gilbert's throat, grabbing a piece of skin between my teeth and sucking on the skin hard. When I thought that, that part of skin was sucked on enough, I made my way to another unmarked piece of skin.
After a long moment of giving Gilbert an equal amount of hickeys he gave me the other day, I climbed onto his lap straddling him while he was still asleep and took out my forgotten cell phone from my pocket and snapped a picture of him with his neck colored in reddish purple hickeys out stretched, yet you could still make out his face. I saved the pictures and emailed them to my laptop that I still haven't retrieved from my luggage under my bed. Then to wake Gilbert up I leaned back down to his neck and bit down hard on his jugular. When I heard a breathy moan escape from his lips I let go and sat back up on his lap. I started to get really giddy and full of energy when I saw Gilbert's red eyes cracked open slowly and his hands rub the sleep from the corners of his eyes.
"Hey there Birdie," he said reaching up and tugging on my hair.
Ok, maybe Gilbert was cute. He reminded me of a small cat waking up from a nap.
"So... Are we like gonna do it?"
Yeah, exactly... Like a lusty, devious, malicious and straight forward - cat.
Instead of freaking out and yelling lies that I was not gay, I hopped off him and flashed the picture I had taken on my phone in front of him.
"Lookie Lookie what I have~!" I said in a sing song voice letting Gilbert get a good look at the picture before he started grabbing for it.
"Where the hell did you get this picture from! When was this taken! Give me the phone!" Gilbert demanded shifting out of bed over towering my small body in nothing but distracting red boxers with yellow chicks on them. Being attracted from the same gender sucks when you’re distracted from sexual thoughts when said gender had a hot body. Don't laugh at my dismay please! He had the body built for pleasing the eyes, with a barely yet visible muscle structure, the right skin color and body structure that would make a crowd of middle school girls swoon.
And I still acted like a middle school girl instead of a guy.
When I was pinned down to the ground with a hitched breath, did I break out of my thoughts and actually realize that Gilbert had my phone.
I grinned up at him. "Yeah, I decided to return favors this morning, like my little paint job I put on your neck?" I said smugly.
Gilbert started feeling his throat with one hand surprised. I took the liberty of snatching my phone back and sliding my phone under my bed slipping a leg out from under Gilbert's pin and in between his legs. Then, throwing my weight as much as I could I flipped us over so that I was sitting on Gilbert's lap.
"I also sent the photo on my computer, think of it as blackmail in case you cross the line and ask if I'm gay or not. Yes I can be bad too, so stop asking me, by the way there's an announcement down in the lounge at ten," I said, getting off of Gilbert when I was done, heading towards the shower.
"Hey, where are you going?" Gilbert asked once I reached the door to the bathroom.
"I'm taking a shower, hey are there any towels in here?"
"Yeah, kept in the cabinet under the sink."
But no, instead of finding a towel I found a basket with a cloth over it with a red heating lamp above it. Carefully I lifted up the cloth and found a dozen tiny spotted eggs by a tiny saucer of water.
"Hey Gilbert! There are eggs in the cabinet!" I squeaked loudly.
Soon Gilbert was by my side looking down into the cabinet as well. He then reached in and turned every egg then grabbed the saucer of water and poured it out into the sink, refilled it then put it back.
"These are mine, don't worry it takes 6 to 8 weeks to hatch," Gilbert said bluntly.
"Why do you have eggs in our cabinet? You’re not even allowed to have these here!" I whispered scoldingly at him.
"Don't worry, I have a buddy named Alex here who's gonna buy these little guys off me for 50 bucks to incubate them for five weeks, hundred if it's six or eight, but they won't hatch then."
"Well I'm not going to be a part of this, but what are they?"
"Quails, I have two male and female bobwhite quails at home that were imported from Alaska. I was responsible for their eggs and I didn't want to leave them there, so I took them with me. Though I think my dad is going to be angry when he checks on the eggs and find that they aren't there," Gilbert chuckled.
"He was supposed to watch them while I went to school here, but I don't really trust my dad to look after something he can easily crush when turning them. He and my brother are big and burly, if you get a chance to see my brother you'll see why I don't want him or my dad looking after a dozen quail eggs, oh and here."
Gilbert handed me a towel from a stack of them on the other side of the cabinet.
"Towels are on this side, I'm gonna go mess with my brother, see ya Birdie," Gilbert smiled deviously, closing the cabinet and ruffling my hair before leaving.
"Lock the door!" I yelled after him when I hear the front door close.
Don't need another molesting incident.
At ten every resident was squeezed together in the lounge around the dorm manager and the dorm keeper, whom I learned was the janitor that kept the halls of the dorm house clean and enforces the dorm rules. I also found out that the dorm manager was an easy going guy named Scooter who had the dorm keeper there just to keep every guy in line. After a while of getting elbowed and groped in the crowd I had found Alfred whom was bugging his British roommate with his Alfredness.
"Hey Alfred," I greeted him.
"Hey Mattie! How was your first night here?"
"Pretty good the beds are pretty firm but cozy."
"Well of course yours is Mattie, you have all those pillows on it, just like back in Sacramento."
I blushed at his comment and grew very shy that I didn't even notice my accent slip in what I said next.
"N-not really eh. I only took my small pillows and half of them aren't really pillows eh," I immediately smacked both of my hands over my mouth and took a new interest at my shoes as I felt my body grow uncomfortably hot. I swore I would never use that stupid accent once I was a high schooler and right then and there it just flew right out the window.
"Hey Mattie, your using your accent again, I like it, it's more you," Alfred said patting me on the back.
"No, I'm still trying to get rid of it, you know what happened back in middle school," I whispered the last part to myself, but I was pretty sure that Alfred caught what I said and decided to back off on the subject.
"Ok! Listen up! For today and today only I'm going to be serious with all of you!" Scooter yelled from onto of a take moments later.
"But first, welcome to Powers Academy!" everyone cheered and clapped in response to the dorm manager's words.
"Ok, first off, there was a recent incident that occurred on the Beta floor, I'm not going to go into full detail, but what happened was not acceptable, whether you like girls or guys this dorm house needs to stay between G and PG13 rated guys! This is the kind of incidents that caused the school to burn down three years ago and if you were freshmen here at the time, then you should notice the change with the new uniforms and the change from coed to all guys. Please also note that any sexual harassment, sex and bringing in girls, women or any adults without my permission is all off limits."
Many of the guys chuckled when Scooter said sex and some echoed what he said immaturely.
"Ok, next is that there are five floors here the second is Beta, third Omega and fourth is Alpha. There will be no switching rooms with buddies here guys unless if you have my permission. All boys must at least be on their floor by ten pm, the lounge room and my office is open from seven to five. If there is an emergency on one floor one of the dorm leaders will report to either me or another authority on the first floor. The basement and or boiler room is strictly off limits to all except for Mr. Ford here," Scooter patted the dorm keeper on the shoulder making sure everyone knew who he is.
"Also any porn or pornography will be automatically confiscated by me, so please make my day right now and hand over any Playpen or PlayBoy magazines you might have on you... No? Well see ya," Scooter ended the announcement by jumping off the table as the crowd desperate to their normal routines before school was in.
"Hey Alfred, what did Scooter mean when he said that the school burned down?" I asked turning towards Alfred who opened his mouth to reply when Arthur slapped a hand over his mouth with an irritated look on his face.
"This school used to be a coed school with no uniform regulations. Even the dorms were coed. Well, from what I heard from my brother when he was a Freshmen was that everything illegal like drugs, sex, alcohol, the secret clubs and cults was all going on. Then this crazy rumor started about a girl named Elizabeta Héderváry who was rumored to be a junkie who goes around sleeping with every guy in the dorm house. Things turned to worse and she ended up locking herself in the chemistry room on the sixth floor of the school and set the room on fire. After that all records and everything that happened at the school was wiped away. Now there's this stupid rumor the seniors made up about the ghost of the girl disguises herself as a boy so she can find the senior who started the rumor about her and-"
"Ah! Ghost where! Save meeeeee!" Alfred cried running off and out of the building in a panicky mess.
I sighed. "He's always been scared of ghosts," I explained.
"I can see that. Well I'm going to go back to my room, nice talking to you Matthew and if Gilbert causes too much of a problem then you can sleepover in our room," Arthur said about to walk away, but I caught up to him to ask him something.
"Wait, so how do you... Huff... Know all this?" I breathed from how fast Arthur was walking.
Arthur stopped to look me in the eye and for the first time I was scared of the green eyed Brit.
"I told you my brother told me, now if you excuse me I don't like useless twits, that can’t even brave their own native accent, wasting my time," Arthur said coldly before leaving me in the middle of the stairway.
My body felt numb and cold at the same time. Those words... They sounded like the ones cruelly spoken to me all those years during school. The harsh comments, jokes, puns, thrashings, getting beat up... The pain and the sadness was all back, but with a new benefactor.
Yes, that was the cold slushy feeling that mingled with the numbness in my body. I clenched my fists together and ran up the stairs until I saw Arthur's back going down the Beta floor towards his room. But instead of yelling at him to shut up or punch those bushy eyebrows off his face, I couldn't. I wasn't as brave or strong as Alfred was, I never will be, my heart just wasn't letting me go with this. I sighed and leaned against the wall feeling a wave of sadness wash over me.
Alfred was the hero and I'm destined to be nothing more.

Chapter 4: A Kiss from an Artist

On the morning of the first day of September every single boy living in the dormitory on campus woke up at seven o'clock to get ready for their first day of school for the new semester.
Some more nervous than others who were freshmen.
Especially for a boy named Matthew Williams.
"Wheres my tie! where is it! Ak! theres fuzzies on my pants! Toothpaste! Which cupboard did I put the toothpaste in!"
I went everywhere in the room. From the closet to the bathroom back to my bed and in other different orders going back and forth while screaming out the wrong and misplaced things that I kept thinking I had forgotten to do that morning. What could I say, I was a nervous wreck, comparing to the fact that this was my first year of high school and I was always ridiculed and picked on in the last school I went to.
Well technically it was all the schools I had gone to.
Once I had found my red plaid tie slung over my chair I took a few deep breaths and calmed the hell down. The normal uniforms at Powers Academy were a choice of three uniforms. There was the matching black blazer and pants with a white button down shirt with the signature red plaid tie and the schools red and gold insigma on the blazer. The second choice was a black sweater, with the insigma on it too as well as a sown in white collar and the ends of it, the black pants and red plaid tie. And finally the third choice was a simple white button down, the black pants and red plaid tie. I liked the sweater uniform the best. The fabric was so soft and comfortable, but I had accidentally ordered it two sizes too big, yet it still looked good on me. Gilbert, on the other hand, chose the third option, except this morning when he was done putting it on the entire uniform was altered. His tie was undone, he had on a belt with a big silver skull on it that held up the front of his shirt, silver chains hooked on both sides of his pants, multipul wrist bands that contained of the colors black and red and had skull rings on each finger except the pinky and ring fingers.
Besides the extras what really bothered me was the tie.
After I had parinoidly reorganized and go through my backpack on my bed, I took the liberty of looking at Gilbert in the bathroom gelling his hair and his tie was still not tied! I huffed annoyed at this before making a b-line around the room and walking up to him while he messed with his hair, interrupting to pull him towards me by his tie.
"Your tie needs to be tied, it’s annoying me," I fretted as I made a straight and perfect tie.
I still lingered by Gilbert as I readjusted the length of the tie and glanced up at him for a brief second. I noticed how close he was to me, not even saying a word for once. I held a blush back the urge to blush for some reason.
"There," I said smoothing the tie down with my hand before turning around about to leave the bathroom as fast as I could.
But then my collar was tugged back roughly and I flew back into something warm and sturdy. Hands with long fingers were placed on me one on my chest the other on my lower regions of my stomach. I felt hot breath tickle my ears-which were very sensitive-and I could not help but laugh.
"S-Stop it! Your making my ears feel weird, Ah-haha!" I giggled cupping my hands over my ears and escaping Gilbert's hold while he was shocked.
"Jeez, don't mess with my ears, they’re very sensitive," I stopped giggling now and was rubbing my earlobes over and over again.
"Well I didn't know your ears were your tickle spot; guess your ears aren't as awesome as m- ouch!" Gilbert howled when I reached up and pinched his ear.
"Yup, what awesome ears you have," I said sarcastically leaving the bathroom to grab my backpack.
"I'm going to get breakfast, want to come?" I asked at the door.
"Nah, I need to check the eggs and see the vodka broker," Gilbert said plainly like as if he was talking about the weather.
Hearing this, I backed up from the doorway to the bathroom again so I could peer in at Gilbert and raise an eyebrow.
"Vodka broker?"
"Yeah, Ivan the Vodka Broker, he's the principal's spoiled kid that sells his dads liquor, mainly vodka, on campus. I know the guy so I know he won't backstabbing me and tell the dorm manager that I keep alcohol in here, but it'd be best if you try to avoid him at all costs Birdie, the guy is brutal and has a strange staring problem at the more well, girly guys," Gilbert explained.
"Wait, why would the... Never mind, as long as the school doesn't end up in a burning pile of rubble at the end of the year, I'm good," I sighed, getting a weird look from Gilbert.
"You know most high schoolers wish they could burn down their school."
I blushed and stared down at my shoes shyly. It was true, I was both nervous and hyped about high school this year for some reason. I want to make this year a good year to start off high school, have no people assume that I'm gay, tryout for hockey, not get bullied, get rid of my accent and make lots of new friends.
"Ha! You’re so cute being all shy!" Gilbert cooed teasingly, ruffling up my hair.
I only blushed more and left quickly out the door.
Ah~High School.
A four year term where you get a three or two month break in between. But besides all that glorious break, the school life itself was far more interesting. And by interesting I meant more fruits to pick and make beautiful art with in all sorts of places.
The speech on the new rules and welcoming seniors to the newly developed school was a bore.
What was more interesting was how it took up first period class and I got to go straight to my second hour class, though that one was not as better than staying in bleachers for an hour in a stuffy gym. But around forth hour I did get some amazing art time in a janitor’s closet with a brunet that had the hair length of that Polish boy but had curlier hair. He did not say much, but actions speak louder than words in this one's case.
By lunch I was sitting with my friends Antonio and Gilbert who were my friends from middle school that came to this school as well.
Until I got up to get a spork.
Oh boy.
I can't find Alfred anywhere! I was having the worst day of my life. During breakfast I ate alone and spilled food on my shirt, so I walked back to my room thinking that I had time to change, when I had only one minute to get to the school. Then I ended up sitting in that last seat nobody wants on the bottom of the bleachers next to the angry teachers that snap out at you if you’re not paying attention to the announcement. Though Alfred and I did have a couple of classes together before lunch which was good.
Until lunch came.
I mean this was ridiculous, they put both the freshmen and the sophomores in one lunch period and I couldn't even see Alfred anywhere even though he promised to save me a seat. I was one among many looking for a seat now in the middle of the cafeteria and it was awful.
I didn't know where to look.
I didn't know where to go.
And I didn't know where to sit.
I thought I heard my name being called so I abruptly turned around, only to smack into someone with the end of my tray, which caused me to drop it in shock. The person was tall and had a long flow of golden hair, sparkling blue eyes and skin that look so smooth to touch. When I locked eyes with them I turned skittish and started panicking.
"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to- Uh hit you with my tray?" I said cautiously holding back from using my accent.
Instead of the angry eyes I would get from such an action, his eyes widened at me.
"Monsieur! Your eyes look so familiar!" he exclaimed suddenly grabbing my chin causing me to jerk back in surprise.
I then got immensely scared. What if this guy was fooling around with me and was planning and punching me instead? Bringing his other hand up behind my head, he laced my hair through his fingers, both him and I gasped at the action.
"It’s you!" he practically yelled catching almost everyone's attention and everything suddenly got really quiet as stares bore at me.
"N-no, I think you have the wrong guy! I-I-I don't even know you!" I said feeling my blood pump faster every second.
"Don't you remember? Ah I know how to jog your memory!" he said lifting my chin up even more, tilting my head at a different angle.
Then, without a warning nor a sign, he kissed me. Straight on the lips, no cheek, forehead, nose, wherever you want to put it. His lips were warm and soft with this little extra something that tasted too good not to forget. But the way his hand was at the base of my neck now felt familiar.
But not too familiar to both melt at the hands of a stranger and have my first kiss in the middle of the cafeteria.

Chapter 5: Nurse Office Shout Out

I suddenly felt this void where I was not anywhere at all.
I was not in the arms of a complete stranger.
I was not kissing this stranger.
And I was not in the cafeteria in the arms of a stranger nor kissing that stranger as well.
Of course these were big fat lies.
But I didn't know what it was that felt so good about kissing him. Maybe it was how his jaw was aimed in the right angle, the way his lips tasted or was it the fact that I never experienced kissing before and this guy was just a professional at it. There was something too oddly familiar about his hold on my neck and chin. I honestly didn't care, my head was too far off past reality and I didn't want to come back.
That is until he pulled back with dilated eyes searching my eyes for an answer.
Everything was quiet. Stares burned my skin in embarrassment some looks of shock and disgust painted a new scenario I wanted to be in. Like I was a prince running off hand in hand with a princess escaping into the wood by persecutors. But I could not go to that scenario, no I was stuck in reality and I never fancied reality. I felt panic hitch in my throat.
What was going to happen now?
I was surly never going to stop rumors or the new bullies.
Everything was going to happen again.
With my nerves starting to tear at me, I shoved out of the stranger's grasp and fled from the scene.
I didn't know where to go. This school was new to me and my eyes started to tear up making my vision more blurry with wet tears streaming down my face. My throat and chest tightened with fear.
Without knowing it I had ran into someone knocking myself down as well as my glass which tumbled off in another way. The person turned up in a blur because of the distance I was between the bystander I had run into. But I did make out that familiar frame that looked like Alfred's and I calmed down a little on instinct.
"Matthew?" I heard him say and I was suddenly calm knowing it was Alfred.
I flung myself at him, probably hugging his legs, and let out a small sob.
"Y-you weren't anywhere, a-and I didn't know where you were," I cried softly, my voice cracking a little at the end.
"The teacher wanted to give me a scolding after I did something sort of stupid during class. Matthew why are you crying?" Alfred said softly in his most caring voice I had ever heard.
"It’s gonna happen again, I-I just know it."
"Shh, Matthew it’s not going to happen again, as long as I'm here, remember? As long as I'm your friend I won't let anyone hurt you. Here."
I felt my glasses slide back on and I could see Alfred's face right in front of me adjusting my glasses with a kind smile that made my nerves melt down and my throat and chest unwind from that tightness.
Alfred always made me calm. Just that look from his happy and playful blue eyes of his made me feel all better.
Suddenly Alfred looped his arms around my body and picked me up so that I was being held against his chest while he tightly held me up from under my butt. Don't laugh, it’s true, he actually held me like a baby koala or something. My arms hung limply over his shoulders while my head was resting on his chest. I was soon dropped gently on a bed and I found myself in the nurse’s office. I knew this because the room smelled sterile and there was a nurse with a stethoscope around her neck checking my pulse for some reason and doing all these little check ups with the listening to my heartbeat, shining that little light in my ear, all the little things doctors would do on monthly check ups.
"You seem fine," the nurse said in a Swiss accent.
"Nothing is broken, your heart beat is uneven and you seem to be dehydrated, just lay here and relax, and you." the small nurse fixed her gaze on Alfred. "Stay here, I need to go make some copies for the before and after pictures on what meth does to you... Don't do drugs," the nurse gave us a two fingered gun with her hands before taking her leave out the door.
It was awkward for a moment of not saying anything. Luckily Alfred finally spoke.
"So, what happened in the cafeteria?" he asked getting into a rare and deep serious persona that was uncharacterized of him.
I gulped pulling the blankets up to my face to hide my blush. "W-well I was looking for you and this guy just came up to me and started saying that he knew me, next thing I knew he-he..."
Alfred abruptly yanked the blanket off my body letting the earth of the blanket leave me. "What did he do Matthew?" Alfred said in a deep voice that was so husk that I thought he was smoldering at me.
"He kissed me in the middle of the cafeteria an-and everyone was watching, that’s what makes it worse," I muttered the last part to myself, turning to my side, not wanting to see Alfred's expression.
I heard something slam which made my jump and turn around to see what happened. Alfred's fist was against the wall with an angry look in his eyes.
"Why can't people leave you alone!" Alfred yelled.
"It pisses me off so much, how complete idiots who think their all high and mighty just goes and messes with you like that! It’s not right!"
"Alfred stop!"
"It’s not right to just do whatever you please!"
"ALFRED STOP IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs causing Alfred to whip his head in my direction with a surprised look in his eyes.
I got up and crossed the room to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Just, just calm down alright? I have you so I know I'm going to be safe," I said smiling at Alfred which made him give a small smile too.
In a secret room behind a hidden passage on the Alpha floor was a room among rooms that was never supposed to be there. But inside that room were beds, couches, pillows and cushions made of the softest fabric and a few tables lite with white candles. Around the biggest table in the room was three young boys of a different heritage all gathered in this secret room.
It was midnight and everyone in the dorm house was asleep, a perfect opportunity for the secret club to hold a meeting in the only soundproof room in the building.
"So, that kid with those glasses today... got the info on him Emil?" the smallest boy asked the pale haired boy on the other side of the table.
Emil nodded and silently placed the paper folder on the table. Inside it was the file of Matthew Williams and some other cute looking boy's and their profile as well that the Icelandic boy had snatched off of Facebook as well.
"Raivis I don't think we should try expanding the club to new members... I mean wouldn't Eduard-"
"I don't need Eduard's permission to do everything Toris! Sigh... Sorry I just want to dip into some new members who might have younger brothers who'll carry on the club like Emil's bro did for him," the small boy said stressed out, apologizing to Toris.
"S'ok, so should we really convert all these people to the club?"
"Let's go over them tonight, but I really do want that Matthew kid in. Before that French bastard gets his hands on him like he did to you Toris... Ok," Raivis held up his hand which was giving a thumbs up. The two other club members did the same and together they chanted once the name of their club.
"Secret Uke Club!"

Chapter 6: Two Conflicts One Day

I had stopped talking for a while again like I did that awful social deprived year of middle school. For the rest of the first week of school I did not speak to neither Alfred nor Gilbert even when I had to listen to Gilbert apologize for his friend Francis who apparently was the one that had kissed me. Sure I seemed fine when I snapped Alfred out of his rage in the nurse's office, but after that I had to go to the rest of my classes and those looks turned directly at me smothered my voice from my grasp.
Because Alfred was my only longest term friend I had, he understood why I wouldn't talk, but others didn't. Teachers did not call on me, because of my nature to seem to not be in the room, but now I heard whispers and rumors about me right in front of my eyes because of that invisible nature.
Maybe that’s what made me lose my voice again.
It was now Friday and like all the failed attempts made on the previous days, Gilbert was trying to get me to talk.
"Hey, hey, hey Birdie, want to go play some hockey? I know you like hockey. Look out the window there's a naked chick running around flashing her boobs!... Penis? Hey Frenchy is getting beat up!" Gilbert randomly yelled while looking out the window.
I yawned in a reply.
"C'mon Mattie, I know I'm not your best friend, but can't you tell me your fine? I worry too ya know!"
I sighed and continued to tie up my shoes as a knock came from the door. Gilbert went ahead and answered the door while still ranting.
"I mean, I can tell that your gay so what's the big deal that the rest of the school thinks that?" Gilbert practically said in Alfred's face when he opened the door.
Alfred glared at Gilbert and I sighed, finishing tying up my shoes and grabbing my backpack, walking up to Alfred stopping by his side and swallowing deeply. My face a heated up and I bet there was a pretty pink flush against my face as well.
"Y-y-your gay-dar is a little too off Gilbert," I said with a cracked voice.
Alfred gave me a handsomely cute look of surprise and confusion before cracking a grin. Gilbert's eyes widened and he smiled brightly. Then all of a sudden Gilbert wrapped his arms around my body and soon I was being spun around by Gilbert hugging me tightly while spinning around.
"Yay! Birdie is back! I missed your voice so fucking much! It was like I was talking to myself for the last four days!"
When Gilbert finally put me down I stared up at him.
"By the way, I still have that picture on my phone and I told you to never mention me being gay," I said plainly, splitting that look of happiness on Gilbert's face in two.
"What! You told me that I couldn't ask if you were gay or not, not this!"
"Fine, then I'll only show Alfred," I said taking out my phone from my pocket and scrolling through the pictures for the right one.
I was grinning madly while Gilbert was giving off an embarrassed aurora when I handed the phone over to Alfred. At first Alfred looked confused, then surprised, then he just went all out in laughter.
"Hahahaha! Dude, what chick gave you hickeys! Haha this is too funny!" Alfred bellowed.
"Actually I was the one that gave him those, then I took a picture and now hold it as blackmail," I explained in a simple tone like I was talking about the weather.
"Nice one Mattie!" Alfred praised me giving me a hive five while I blushed at another one of Alfred's compliments.
When Alfred was done laughing over the picture he returned my phone back to me. Gilbert decided to come to breakfast with us before we left and man, was it a hilarity to watch Gilbert do a bunch of things in a hurried and rushed manner so early in the morning. Usually he would take his time and be lazy, heck he even slept for another half an hour after his alarm went off.
That is why I own a pair of earplugs.
But Gilbert seemed really ecstatic after I started talking again. Though when I did talk during breakfast, instead of interrupting or adding quick comments, Gilbert would actually listen intently and wait patiently to speak when I was done talking. It was like a breath of fresh air for once to hold a normal uninterrupted conversation with him, but I know it wouldn't last for too long anyways.
Everything was rolling smoothly, until Gilbert, Alfred and I were heading our way to our first period that the three of us had together, before the bell rang when we crossed paths with Francis. All of us stopped and so did Francis, just staring at one another like a cowboy showdown scene.
"Ah monsieur~ I am so glad to see you this morning, so did you remember who I'am from that kiss?" he said in a thick French accent that I did not noticed he had the first time we talked, though I think it was because I was looking for a spot to sit during lunch and I was seconds away from a mental breakdown.
"So you’re the guy who humiliated Matthew," I heard Alfred mutter. "I'll make you pay for what you did!"
I flung my arm in front of Alfred just in time before he lunged at the smirking Frenchmen.
"Alfred, I can handle my own problems sometimes too. Look, Francis, I don't know what you were talking about the other day and I don't know you. Plus I think you should take responsibility for taking away my first kiss and explain to me why you did that," I said in my calm pacifist way I always spoke in.
"Oy, you confuse me, but I'll humor you. I thought you were a past lover of mine whom I'am looking for, but by the way you look and how you taste," Francis stopped to give me a proactive look and peak his tongue out to lick the corner of his lips haughtily. "I know you are the one I'am looking for, we are destined to be you and I, it's simply written in the stars can't you see? And fate gave me a chance to find you at this fortunate school, so don't think about loving anyone else, because you belong to me, no?"
I bit my lip and stepped back shyly with another blush on my face. There's no way that I would forget having a relationship with a guy like that, the only time I was touched by a man was that... That one time in the equipment shack getting beat and molested at the same time, but the touch from the guy who touched me that time... Was that what was familiar about Francis when he touched me in the cafeteria that day? Could he really be the guy who had molested me?
All these thoughts swirled in my head painfully that I was more irritated than shocked.
"Look Francis, don't start crossing the line with my roommate here, he hasn't talked until this morning because of what you did, and now he's getting bad rep because of it too," Gilbert said trying to converse with his French friend.
"My my Gilbert, when did you start caring about what your friends did to people you know? You did let Molly my science partner give you head when I was going to screw her next."
Gilbert flinched slightly, before retorting. "That is on a complete different level Francis, she was going to be your next victim, not your friend, and Matthew is my friend and I won't let you and your bi fantasies mess with him!"
I stopped trying to ward Alfred from attacking Francis to stare at Gilbert. He never claimed that I was his friend before. I only thought that he thought of me as only his roommate that he liked to tease.
"Heh, you've grown distant my friend, whatever I'm still going to have him; like I said him and I were destined to be together, it's only simple," Francis declared before winking a sparkly blue eye my direction and walking away.
"I'm gonna kill that French bastard someday, I just know it," Alfred seethed.
"Alfred, it's not the heroic thing to kill the bad guy," I sighed patting his back a few times before we started walking towards our destination again.
"Ah~ Nothing beats eating a fresh bowl of pasta right after school in the middle of the hallway while walking. I would eat it in my room, but my brother likes to nag at me for eating in the room and not offering him some, it's not my fault that I didn't make pasta for two this morning," the easy going Italian boy named Feliciano said out loud narrating his own thoughts like he always did.
The Italian soon thought that walking while eating was a lot of work so he ventured around for an unlocked classroom he could eat his pasta in.
Meanwhile this was going on:
What happens when an Icelandic, Lithuanian and a Latvian walk into the chemistry lab, (where they usually discussed S&M while watching graphic videos and discussed other things about the Secret Uke Club) to find a perfectly defenseless Brit bent over cleaning up the chemistry lab?
The most hilarious thing that you can't get so easily on t.v if you wanted folks.
Back to Feliciano who was hearing strange noises coming from the unlocked chemistry room up ahead. Curiously, the Italian opened the door when he reached the room.
To his disbelief, there was his brother's acquaintance, Arthur, getting bondage tied by a petite boy that kept yelling: "Please join the Secret Uke Club," while another held up a piece of paper discussing the rules of their club while the other member, that was closest to the door, was sitting in front of the t.v watching gay porn he had took from the Secret Uke Club's DVD collection in the secret meeting room.
Feliciano, shocked and flabbergasted, stopped in the middle of eating his pasta.
"What the hell?" the Italian said so bluntly and unknowingly that all three boys stopped what they were doing to see what was going on.
Not knowing what to do, Feliciano ran.
The three stood there stumped until Raivis stomped his feet on the ground angrily.
"What are you guys doing! Chase after him! The secret of the Secret Uke Club will be exposed!" Raivis yelled and the two boys started chasing after the Italian.
Because he was faster and the closest to the door, Toris was at heel to heel with the Italian who was heading straight towards a boy with long blond hair, whom was not paying attention and had his face down at his phone while texting.
The Italian did not want to get caught, so with misty eyes he did the bravest sacrifices among Italians.
He dropped his pasta to slow down the Lithuanian.
Indeed it did, but only for a moment when Toris had to skip over it, but not too sooner did Toris instead tripped on the fork than the pasta, heading straight towards the blond boy who was now done texting.
I grinned as I flipped my phone shut and putting it back in my pocket. Girls were so much fun to talk to, they were always in on the fashions and pop culture and stuff like that like I was. If it wasn't for the fact that they get too over dramatic and clingy I would of have a girlfriend right now and be the one on top every night at my house. Buy yet I was gay, yeah I'm not ashamed to say it, it was who I'am. That reminds me that I also heard this rumor about that Frenchy that too my virginity, Francis, had a make out session with this one guy in the middle of the cafeteria. I would of been there if I didn't have to stay back and clean the room for texting in class. I mean seriously old man I was just texting my girlfriends and you had to go all up on me for texting. So now I had to take time after school just to pick it up.
Not cool.
Suddenly there was a clamor and an Italian just ran by me and there was pasta and a fork on the ground.
What the...?
Then there was this cute boy with long brown hair that seemed to have the same hair length as me and had amazing blue eyes. He was running this way right towards me and then everything changed. I was against my back on the floor and I felt some extra weight on my lower torso. Wincing a bit, I tilted my upper body up with my hands and looked down only to find that same boy had fallen down with me, but his head was in between my legs in a suggestive way. He lifted his head from my crotch and looked at me before looking down, before snapping his head back up to me.
"No, no, no, no! It's not what it looks like!" he panicked going all shy on me.
~Totes that was cute!~
"It's ok, matter of fact, want to skip second and go all the way to third?" I asked taking my two fingers to lean in and tilt the shy boy's face up by the chin, while smirking deviously at him.
Oh how he blushed so hard after that made me almost go all orgasmic!
But then he stopped blushing and pulled himself together to look me in the eyes seriously.
"Sorry, but I don't sleep with guys anymore until marriage for now on."
Woah, what kind of boy is he? I mean he was so different and interesting. I want to suddenly know more about him, it was totally out of the blue.
It's decided, I want him.
Grabbing him by the scruff of his sweater uniform, I pulled the boy on top of me until we were eye to eye, then laying back down on the ground I took my other hand and pushed the back of his head down to meet my lips.

Chapter 7: The Blooming of a Rivalry

Dear Mom and Dad,
It's me Matthew, you know your only son that's in San Francisco now? Haha, kidding. Well it's been four weeks since I have come here and I already love it here! Though the hills here get a bit annoying, but the trolleys are fun to take. Sorry I have not written to you all right away since I got here, I've just been too busy with homework, you know me, homework before a social life. Anyways I've made some new friends like this boy named Tino, Berwald (he's sort of scares me) Alfred's roommate Arthur (scares me more) and my roommate Gilbert. Gilbert is sort of a goof ball that thinks he's awesome all of the time, but he's a good friend above all else. So far my social skills have been improving increasingly and my accent is almost gone, so that's good. Oh and I might also try out for hockey!
So I was wondering how much Sacramento has changed since Alfred and I have been here? Send me some pictures please and I'll send you some of my friends as well, and don't sweat the details on how much more popular the restaurant has been.
Love, your dear son,
I smiled to myself clicking the send button on my computer. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I had started it off by deciding to write my first email of the new school semester to my parents. I hope they weren't worrying too much and thought that I was dead because I didn't contacted them in four weeks. That or they must of forgotten about me since not having a high schooler around must mean that they have more free time.
Gilbert's soft peaceful snores drifted around the room making things seem a bit cozier. School was great so far, I mean there was the hassle of people coming up to me and asking if I was gay or not, but besides that I wasn't picked on or anything yet. I mean I'm pretty sure there will be homophobic jerks around the corner waiting to beat on me. But for now I wanted warmth and surprisingly it was a cold day even if I was in the sunniest state in America it was a cold and cloudy day. Yes I had said it was a beautiful day, but I only meant that because Alfred came in half an hour later in his boxers so he can use the shower while Arthur occupied the one in his room. And seeing the boy you’re head over heels with coming out of your bathroom with no glasses, wet and almost naked, you would think it was a beautiful day when it was hailing and thirty below.
Just thinking about it gives me shivers crawling down my spine.
Not knowing what I should do next I shut off my laptop and got off my bed. I had already gotten breakfast and was dressed, but for what? I was not a resident of the area until now and even during those other weekends I had homework or helping Alfred with homework, but now I was stumped with nothing to do. Heck, if you thought about it correctly, it was kind of boring here. I mean sure there's a molester on campus, the principals son selling vodka, a cross dressing ghost girl, a French guy who thinks I'm his past lover and my oh so awesome roommate that's incubating quail eggs in the bathroom cabinet. Oh and the rumor about a secret club called the Secret Uke Club that no one has ever seen.
I wonder how it stayed a secret in the first place.
Putting on my shoes and grabbing a book I recently rented from the library I left my dorm to go out towards the grassy part between the school and the dorm house that I heard the yoga classes used, but it was like a park with benches and tables. There was another same area between the cafeteria and the school, though the cafeteria is connected to the school by an extra hallway that splits the nice picnic like area. I sat down on the empty bench and cracked open my book.
'The jester looked upon me with a puzzled facial expression. The shimmering old buttons on his costume blinded me for a moment before in a flash, the jester was gone. My eyes swept around the area looking for the painted face and shiny, shimmering buttons of the jester, only to find he was not th-'
I stopped reading when the weight on the bench shifted. My gaze lifted from my book to find that a guy dressed in a pair of jeans, a tan long coat, pale scarf and gloves was sitting next to me with a childish content look on his face. His hair was like a deeply light brown that it was almost a grayish brown and his eyes were a dark bluish purple hue that seemed like a mixture between both purple and blue.
"It's a nice day, da?" he said in a Russian accent.
"Hmm, it's cloudy," I replied.
"You seem a bit down."
"No, I just don't have anything to do today."
That's when the Russian boy with the overdressing wear slid his hand through his inside pocket and fished out a bottle of vodka. I watched as the he broke the seal on the lid as he screwed it off. Then he handed me the bottle with a domestic looking smile.
"Here, try some," he urged the open bottle towards me.
"No thank you, I don't drink."
Suddenly I ended up with my neck bent back against the park bench, struggling as the guy had me pinned down by is body weight while the hand not holding the vodka held my chin up. My legs could not move out from under him and my arms were failing against his strongly built arms and I was scared. So scared, I haven't felt like this in a while.
"Now open up your mouth," he said deviously, poking my cheeks together then let go leaving an opening of my mouth so that he could go ahead and hold my jaw in place with my mouth wide open. My jaw felt uncomfortable and achingly excruciating with his death grip on me. Next thing I knew, the burly Russian had the vodka pouring into my mouth forcefully making me have no choice but to swallow. It burned all the way down my throat, but soon after my stomach was warm. The guy finally got off of me with a smirk and resumed sitting next to me taking a long drink from the bottle, but I was just sitting there enjoying that warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. When he passed the bottle over to me I did not hesitate to take another masochistic swig and pass it back.
The Russian laughed. "It's good isn't it? My names Ivan by the way, I sell mainly vodka on campus, but I also specialize in some other drinks depending on the brand. You know you’re a good listener, I like you, Hahahaha," Ivan laughed.
"Will I actually get drunk after the first drink?" I asked cautiously as my cheeks grew rosy and hot.
"Possible, two swigs will make you tipsy no doubt about it, just have a bottle a day and you’re good."
"I'm going back to my dorm room before I get caught, it was nice meeting you," I said in a half daze grabbing my book and trying to make a big distance leap away from Ivan. When I entered the dorm Gilbert was on his laptop and then stared at me for a while as I just leaned up against the closed door. I was so warm and my hoody felt really itchy and hot now. I striped out of my hoody and threw it on the ground feeling a bit more relieved.
"What happened to you? You face is all red and there's some water running down your throat," Gilbert commented.
I touched my throat feeling the vodka from when Ivan forced me to drink it down my throat.
"Nothing much, just ran into Ivan the Vodka Broker, I think he gave me my first buzz or whatever the hell ya call it," I said laughingly feeling all bubbly and warm.
"What? I told you to stay away from him, he can be very brutal," Gilbert got up after closing his laptop to check my forehead.
"Yeah, he sort of just forced a whole lot in my mouth, until I had to swallow like when your mouths too full so you just have to swallow ya know?"
"How many drinks did you have?"
"Two looooooong swigs... I think, I did ask if I was drunk, but he jus' said I'd get tipsy. You know that's a funny way to put that you’re sort of drunk. Do they use that word because you’re tipping over your feet or something? I don't get it."
Gilbert frowned down at me. "I think you’re being paranoid that you are drunk, so your acting drunk because you think you are. And isn't it too early to drink at this time in the morning?"
"But, but, but, but, it's not fun being normal! Maybe that's why I like it here sooo much! I mean it's not a normal school, no one has called me a fag', stolen my clothes from my gym locker or even pretend to be my friend just to use me as a stress relief ball or something... Punchin' bag! Yeah that's it! Hiya!" I softly hit the top of Gilbert's head with my arm with a karate chop motion.
My arms then drooped down to my sides numbly at some horrible memories that I had brought up myself. I sighed to myself and swerved around Gilbert.
"This place brings back bad memories of last year, the year after that and the following years... Huh, I think I might be gay now that I think about it, wait what am I even saying this out loud for when I figured it out too long ago... I'm gonna crash."
And with that I fell on my bed too tired to move or sleep, yet sleep came soon after my head hit my pillow.
I stood there.
And I rarely get shocked.
I felt like I knew nothing about Matthew at all. And it was possibly true. I never knew him in the past, so I don't know what he was like back then, what I know about him now is that he likes hockey, stuffed bears and pancakes. I wasn't Alfred, whom was his only friend I know of who knew him a little bit more from the past, but I just wanted to know what he was talking about.
Friends that pretend to be his friend to use him as a punching bag. I could wake him up and ask him what he meant by that, but I don't want to bring up those bad memories he has, the way he said it was just so-
"This place brings back bad memories of last year, the year after that and the following years..."
-Somber. It was like he was being dragged off to his own grave without any last fighting emotions. And that's what scared me the most. After he said that my mind went blank and I couldn't even remember where I was anymore, because my mind was too hung up on that one sentence he uttered in his tipsy state. But it kept gnawing at me, I wanted to know.
What is this?
I never wanted anything, because I knew I could always get it, somehow. Getting things I wanted was like a first nature to me. So I'll find a loophole... And that loophole would have to be the stereotypically American and annoying Alfred.
God I hated him and his big head. Not to mention he's always around Matthew like a guard dog twenty four seven, I mean jeez, give Matthew some god dam privacy. I mean, sure I can handle having him living right across the hall, but it just ticked me off this morning when I woke up to banging on the door, because Alfred wanted to use our shower. And he sings in the shower, the tone death idiot was wailing so loud that I had to secretly steal Matthew's earplugs while he was typing on his computer, just to go back to bed.
I sighed at my misfortune and left the dorm room and went straight to Alfred's dorm. I banged on the door three times- just to payback the favor from last time he knocked on my door- and waited as scuffling sounds came from the other door. Soon the door creaked opened and a stupidly grinning Alfred was there to greet me. I peeked inside his dorm curiously, only to find an extremely odd room. On one half of the room the bed was made, floor was clean, assignments and books were neatly organized on the desk and the wooden closet was shut tightly. On the other side, the bed was a sprawled out messy cluster of Marvel Comic character bedding, socks and underwear covered the floor completely, comic books, textbooks and assignments were crumpled and overflowing on the desk, but not as much as the "throw up" of a clothes avalanche from the closet.
From what Matthew told me about Alfred, I'm guessing from the superman t-shirt matching the giant poster of superman on the dirty side of the room, was all Alfred's side of the room.
"Yo, what sup dude?" Alfred greeted.
"Do you mind if I could speak to you...? Alone?" I said looking at the wandering people around in the hallways.
"Sure! Come on in! Artie's out for an hour so it's ok," Alfred explained, moving out of the way to let me in.
When I entered the dorm room, I was sort of confused on where I should sit down. I mean I would join the bumbling Alfred on his bed, but I'm afraid that the mutating thing under the covers would bite me. So I pulled out the chair from Alfred's desk and sat directly in front of him.
"So what do you want to talk to me about Gil?"
I restrained the urge to grit my teeth and instead flared my nostrils, letting out a long breath.
"I want to ask you about Matthew."
Once I said Matthew's name, Alfred straightened up and pushed his drooping glasses up, giving off a more serious air around him, in sort of a scary way.
"What about him?"
"Well... He said something today..."
"Something about, how he was treated in his last school, I wanted to know if you could tell a bit about what happened then?"
Alfred let out a relieving sigh and stretched back onto his back, snapping straight out of his serious phase, before sitting straight back up with a goofy look on his face.
"Well to be honest I don't know so much, technically him and I started being friends around a month before eighth grade ended, but that was only because I couldn't take it anymore."
My interest perked up when Alfred said that.
"I didn't know Matthew in elementary school all I knew was that he carried around a stuffed animal and talked in an accent. In middle school he dropped the accent and he stopped carrying around stuffed animals. Girls loved him and flocked around him everywhere for some odd reason, but that was the only reason that people started being so cruel to him. They thought he was gay so of course all the guys at school called him a fag, hazed him, and made jokes when the teacher wasn't looking. Then there was this one time when he stopped reacting towards everything, a week after these hot shots who were good enough to play on the high school football team were being friends to him for a week, next week on Monday, Matthew stopped talking. At the last dance of the year, I saw the same guys ganging up on him and I had enough, so I beat the hell out of them and became Matthew's friend."
I just sat there with no reaction towards Alfred's story.
Was this what Matthew went through? Was that why he didn't like it when I asked or claimed that he was gay?
I felt so horrible now.
"So, let me ask you something Gil."
I looked up from my gaze at the floor and at Alfred.
"What are you gonna do now? Treat Matthew differently now that you know what I know? Because it's just gonna make it worse. You can't fix what three years of middle school did to him, why do you even think he's here at an all-boys school, far away from home where all previous records of bad rep were burned by the fire years ago, making this place seem like a safe place for him?"
I thought about it for a moment. It all started to make since. A place where no one knew about his past, no records of bullying and the fact that it's an all-boys school with strict uniform rules makes it seem like the safest all boys’ school on earth to him.
"In my theory he's healing," Alfred said jerking me from my thoughts. "And I'm surprised at your effect Gilbert, the first time I got him to speak to me and not anyone else makes me jealous that he decided to speak to you the last time he decided not to speak. You know, I don't really like you or the fact of you being around Matthew."
I gritted my teeth together and stared back at Alfred.
"I don't like you either, or you being around Matthew either, what are you his bodyguard?"
"No, I'm his hero, what about you? You nearly let Matthew get pulverized by that angry Italian the first day you met Matthew. Do you even care what happens to him?"
"Of course I do! I wouldn't be here asking you about him if I didn't!"
"Then I guess were rivals!"
"I guess so!"
I got up and followed Alfred who stomped over to the door yanking it open in an angry matter.
"See you on Monday!"
"Not if I see you first!"
I marched back into my dorm room in an angry heat, which immediately cooled down when I saw Matthew on his bed sleeping peacefully. I walked over to his bed, just hovering over him, looking at his face, just like I did when I first came to this dorm house, ready to move in. That day meeting Matthew somehow changed me in some indescribable way. I remembered the taste of his skin when I decided to play that prank on him, but secretly I wanted it to not be a prank. Was it sick to want to do the same thing again, except more? But Matthew was a guy, a very cute guy with the softest hair a guy could have. Seeing that he still had his glasses on I leaned in close to his face and plucked them off and set them on his desk.
Maybe it was the lack of sex with girls, or the deprivation of my dirty magazines under my bed, but my mind began to float with images of Matthew for some reason. Unknowingly, I ran a hand threw Matthew's hair, soaking in the texture from its alluring touch. I quickly stepped back with an erratic heartbeat.
Was this for real?
"Whoa! This place is totes cool!" Felik gasped as he entered the Secret Uke Club's meeting/safe room.
"Glad you like it, it's completely soundproof and the designer who had made this room accidentally gave the rough giraffe blueprints to the builders and so they ended up with a room with no entrance except for the one you came in from," Raivis explained, dropping down onto a furry bean bag chair.
"So how was this club, like, made?"
"Emil?" Raivis gestured towards the Icelandic boy standing by Raivis.
"Well, originally Uke means someone who is submissive in Japanese before it was defined as the bottom position in sex, and there was a lot of guys at this school before it was remade that were bullied, so a Japanese student formed the Secret Uke Club, as a salvation for those who are bullied so that they could make friends and make life much easier, the reason why it was secret was because... Well we don't know why. I originally started the club in my brother Lukas's place since he's a senior now and he specifically told me about this place. Unfortunately when he was in the Secret Uke Club, the meanings were a bit altered... It is still a haven for those who are bullied, but ever since homosexuality somehow took the school by storm then, this was also a place for us Uke like types to keep from being corrupted from any "Semes" because back then and still now Semes are dangerous and will take you mercilessly. So were all on a mission to find any Uke like people in school and convert them to the club before they get hurt like Toris did, and Toris didn't even ask for it, the Seme he met was just how I described them: dangerous and merciless."
"Ok... One more question, does this club watch porn, because there is a big pile of porn tapes on this table."
Raivis smirked at the new member of the Secret Uke Club.
"Felik, it's one of the perks of being a Uke."

Chapter 8: The High School Life of Kiku!

Kon'nichiwa, my name is Kiku Honda. I am a rare character on this story series so the author so kindly asked me to tell you a little bit about myself so that I'am not so much forgotten.
I go to Powers Academy as a freshmen, my homeland is Japan so I'm still learning some English, so I'am a bit off when I speak. I take interests in cats, different cultures and planning things.
I'm sort of boring... Huh, no wonder I'm a rare character in this series.
Narrator: Well not today! This chapter is the High School Life of Kiku!
I wake up bright and early every morning at seven after my alarm goes off for the second time. School starts at eight forty so I have enough time to iron my blazer and pants in the morning before taking a shower. By the time I get out of the shower and change, my roommate Heracles is up by then. I learned from the first week of school that if you let him move at his own pace he'll usually get to class before the final bell. Though it irritates me sometimes, you just can't force people to do things, besides Heracles and I get along very well, even though he sometimes walks around the room with no clothes on most of the time.
After my backpack is all set and organized I leave and go have breakfast with my two friends Ludwig and Feliciano. I met Ludwig a while back around the first week of settling into the dorm house before school starts. It was odd really, his brother Gilbert came running into me on my second day at the dorm house with nothing on but a pair of red boxers with yellow chicks on them. After that I met Ludwig shortly after while he was scolding his brother and because I was raised to be modest and not go showing off my skin so carelessly, I ended up scolding him too for public nudity. After that I met Feliciano in the cafeteria before dinner time while he was messing with the pasta the lunch staff made. We all started becoming friends after those events I guess can't really say I hate being friends with them, because they’re really nice people really.
"Ludwig it was sooo scary!" Feliciano wined with fake tears sliding down his face.
"Your still going on about something happened weeks ago Feliciano?" Ludwig sighed deeply.
"Yes, because it was too scary! I swear I did not make this up at all! It was in the chemistry lab weeks ago, I wanted to find a place to eat my pasta, but when I looked in the door Arthur was being tied up by a guy yelling, "Join the Secret Uke Club," another one reading gibberish to Arthur and the other one was watching TV. They chased me down the hallway after that, but my pasta saved me!"
Yes, Feliciano has been telling this story ten weeks now whenever he can and it gets annoying and old too fast. But it is refreshing to watch Ludwig yell at him like they’re a married couple. I can actually see that, Ludwig as the worrisome wife and Feliciano as the carefree husband, now that would turn out to be a funny reality tv show.
After breakfast I go to my first period class which is Algebra 2. I don't really have any of my friends in that class or any class until Home EC which is a class I have with Feliciano and my last period with Ludwig, Feliciano and Heracles in Freshmen P.E which is a cluster of all the Freshmen in two separate P.E groups divided equally between two coaches. Today we had a game of soccer after warm ups and because Freshmen P.E was the last class of school it meant that two students have to clean up and put the equipment back in the equipment shack. Heracles and I were chosen to put away the soccer balls, nets, jerseys and to lock up the equipment shack when we were done putting it away. We had some idle chatting while we put away the soccer balls.
"So Kiku, I've been reading some manga lately and I was wondering about something," Heracles said.
"Oh, you read manga? Well you can ask me about it."
"Ok, well why are there sometimes those scenarios where a boy and a girl get locked together in the equipment shack?"
After Heracles said that I started blushing and getting all flustered.
"W-well, it's just a typical scenario, that's all," I replied quickly.
That was another thing about my Greek roommate, he always asks such... Intimate questions, mainly directly or indirectly at me. I don't know if he is doing this on purpose or is just obliviously naive and has no clue what-so-ever what he's asking me. After school I would do homework in the library alone where it's the quietest place on campus and the least chaotic. There I was with my algebra textbook open and my math paper right where I can do the equations all nice and organized. I was in the middle of getting done for the day when I felt the desk move. My eyes peered up at the demon like smile on the face of a guy who wore a green hoody under his uniform with the hood over his head, making it impossible to make out his eyes. The guy was sitting on the table leering at me with that demonic like air around him.
"Names Sadık, I'm a senior. You look bored, want to kill some boredom with me?" he asked flashing a bottle of liquor hidden on the inside pocket of his jacket.
'Just ignore him Kiku, he's not worth the trouble.' I thought to myself reassuringly.
I pretended he wasn't there and concentrated on the last problem, praying that he would take the hint and leave. But no, his presence was still there on the table still flashing the bottle like a trophy in front of me. When I was done I placed my homework in my textbook. Grabbing my textbook, I got up to leave when I was suddenly pushed up against a book shelf, feeling the hardcover books jab into me. The senior named Sadık had me pinned with one hand on one side of my head on the bookshelf, his knee placed in between my legs and his body blocking my passage of fleeing.
"When I offer you a good time the polite thing is to go with it, but now I'm bored, sooo bored, I wonder what I might do. Hm?"
I felt his other hand, which was placed on my stomach, drag itself lower past my belt until I felt his hand cup around my crotch. My eyes widened and I was paralyzed.
What was going on?
My mind buzzed for a rational reaction to such an action, but I came up short handed and so shocked that I didn't even notice my zipper being pulled down when suddenly I wasn't trapped anymore and my shock was gone. Sadık tumbled across the ground as if he was flung away, so I looked for the culprit only to see that it was Heracles with his foot up in the air like he had kicked something.
Wait a minute...
I clutched my textbook against my chest feeling very vulnerable and scared. I was seconds away from being a possible victim of sexual harassment and Heracles saved me.
"You don't dare touch Kiku," Heracles said down to Sadık with his foot on his back dominantly.
"He's mine," Heracles growled.
I felt my heartbeat quicken.
What was this?
Heracles advanced at me, I opened my mouth to say something, but out of the blue, Heracles grabbed the back of my head and crushed his lips against mine. I couldn't do anything. I was immobilized by his actions and my accelerating heartbeat. What was this warm feeling that spread across my chest? It was foreign to me, yet I liked it. When Heracles parted from me I was lost in a daze, and I didn't know how, but when I blinked back into reality I was in Heracles and I's room, being half carried half dragged by Heracles, who shut the door and laid me on my bed. My body felt so odd at that moment. I was all focused on Heracles, his eyes, hair, everything, even the way his uniform was slightly unkempt and wrinkled. And I had this burning urge to reach up and touch him.
Was this attraction?
Heracles's hands caressed over my body before bringing them back up to undo the buttons of my uniform and restlessly take off my blazer as well. I didn't know why I wasn't spouting out how indecent it is for me to show skin like this. His hands explored over my chest and stopped right above where my heart is. I went shy and blushed, turning my head into my pillow.
I felt one of Heracles's hands leave my chest and grab my hand bringing it upwards until I felt nothing but Hercales's skin against my palm. I turned my head away from the pillow and looked up at Heracles. He had my hand under his shirt pressed against where his heart was. I took a moment to feel his heartbeat.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
His heartbeat raced faster than any I have felt, like as if he ran a marathon without stopping, like how my heartbeat felt.
"See, were similar in both positions," Heracles spoke softly.
I felt my face heat up even more, but that didn't stop me from looking up and locking eyes with him. I wasn't familiar with that look in his eyes, very much the same with the feeling of attraction or that other feeling I experienced when he kissed me.
Heracles's eyes traveled down to my still unzipped pants that Sadık had undone. Heracles hand slid down from my chest and went done to gently touch the area Sadık had touched.
"Did he touch you here?"
I nodded shyly.
Letting go of the grip on my hand above his heart, Heracles other hand went down to tug my pants down to my knees, and with the other hand, started to rub against my crotch. I gasped in surprise, feeling a shocking jolt of pleasure buzz around in my body, mainly around my groin.
"Then let me be the one to erase his touch from here with my touch."
I felt an unbearable tightness in my underwear and pleasure flood into me more and more. After a while of teasing me, Heracles removed my underwear, making me hiss at the cold air blow on my member that Heracles began to bodily stroke slowly. I felt so hot and embarrassed from letting a man besides myself see my... Privates, but the pleasure and bliss hit me like an anchor and I didn't want to lose Heracles's touch, I wanted to remember it for a long time from now. When Heracles fist began to pump faster I couldn't take it in anymore and ended up in mercy of the bliss and came with a loud moan rolling off my lips.
My eyelids were low and I felt so tired and sleepy, but I had to stay awake and see what will happen next. Heracles brought up his hand white and slick with my essence and the next thing he did I would never forget. He began to lick my cum off his hand. It was so... Arousing and enticing, to just watch him do that until he gave a final lick to His palm and clamped his mouth shut giving me a proactive smile/grin.
"You taste good," he said while I panted a bit in exhaustion and arousal at his words.
Heracles rolled over so that he lay on his back beside me and grabbed my hand as the two of us just stared up at the boring white ceiling. I felt Heracles's other hand brush through my dampened hair with affection.
"I like you more than I like cats," he said.
"Same here," I replied.
"... Want to go out on a date?"
"Making flyers~ Making flyers~ Making flyers~," Raivis sang as he placed the flyer for the Secret Uke Club's new scandal in the printer.
Curious Felik grabbed one of the copies that was printed out and began reading the contents of it.
"The Secret Uke Club, a safe haven for Ukes, if you have received a flyer please go to the chemistry lab on the second floor of the school."
"Um. Raivis," the slightly shy Toris peeped up from by Felik's side.
"What if someone decide to tell a teacher and we get sent to the principal’s office?"
"Shit!... Well think everyone! We need to do something to protect our schools Ukes!" Raivis demanded, trying to stop the printer from printing the defective flyers.
Suddenly there was a holy bright light called Emil who came into the printing room with a different flyer.
"We give out these during club sign up day secretly and if their interested we tell them where to meet," Emil said handing the flyer he made to Raivis.
"The Secret Uke Club! A secret club devoted to protecting every Uke in secret for five years. If you receive this flyer and are interested in joining please tell the gentleman from which you received the flyer and he will direct you to the secret meeting room, please keep all confidential if not interested. This is perfect! Good job Emil! This is why your the leader and head chief of all Ukes, you come up with good stuff!" Raivis praised his Icelandic friend.
"Hey, don't we still need to find Tino? I mean he wouldn't go ahead and join a suspicious club after what happened, and we really do need him to join the club for his protection," Toris said a bit worried for the Finnish boy the Uke Club failed to save or even convert to their club before he was molested.
"Why don't we just, like, take him to the secret room and explain to him about the club?" Felik suggested.
"Perfect! You know things are running very smoothly for the club, we might even topple Emil's brothers' club member count," Raivis said excitedly.
"Really? What was it then?"
"Ten, we’re hoping to reach at least twelve before next semester. We would have five members now, but Emil's brother Lukas thinks he's safe because of his boyfriend. It's high school love I tell ya!"
"But Toris and I are dating," Felik pouted sealing his arms around Toris's arm cutely.
Toris blushed furiously at both the Polish boys words and actions.
"I still haven't agreed to go out with you yet, I barley know you!" Toris fretted, but Felik just began to rub his body against Toris.
"But I want to get to know you on the inside and outside~!" Felik purred ignoring the major jaw drop of the other two club members.

Chapter 9: New Club Recruits

(Matthew's POV)
Today was the thirteenth of October, which meant that we had Club and Sport Sign up Day!
Yes I was excited to sign up for my favorite clubs and sport. School rules only permitted students to only sign up two clubs per semester and one sport depending on the sport's season calendar schedule for the year. The fun part about the Club and Sport Sign up Day was that every student gets to miss all the classes on Monday to sign up for Clubs or Sports, it’s like a free day.
I was planning on signing up for hockey, the Reading Club (no one wants to claim it as a book club) and maybe any interesting clubs I might find.
The entire gym was packed full of students and tables with clipboards, pens and a lot of flyers on them. Once I spotted the Reading Club I went for the pen by the first clipboard, only for my hand to collide with another hand. I was about to apologize to the person, that is until I saw that it was Arthur.
You know, I was told never to hold a grudge, but Arthur will be an exception.
Yes I was still mad at him from saying those things to me and I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help but want to dish out what he said to me.
"Oh, um, you can go ahead," he said taking a step back making things seem more awkward than what I was intending.
After I had signed up I started looking for the hockey sign up table when something else caught my eye. There was a guy in a black cloak that hid his face coming straight towards me. I wasn't sure if I should be scared or terrified, but I wasn't feeling either of those things when the guy stopped right by me, tapped my shoulder three times and whispered me to follow him.
As if I was bewitched I did indeed follow him off near an unseen area. When we were there the guy pulled his hood off to reveal the bubbly and happy face of Tino.
I gaped at him.
"Hehe, yeah it's me," he said with happy purple eyes.
Wait... Purple?
"Um, why are your eyes purple? Last time I remembered they were blue."
"Oh, well when I cry my eyes kinda look blue, but the real color is purple or a purple blue, as I would say."
"That makes since... So why are you dressed like that?"
"It's for this new club I'm in and when I heard that they wanted you to join, well I had to personally say that I wanted to ask if you would want to join!"
"Cool, what club is it?"
"The Secret Uke Club!"
"What! You mean that club really exists!" my mind exploded.
"Yeah, it's pretty fun, oh don't worry when they mean Uke, they don't mean Uke as in the bottom when having sex, actually here," Tino took out a flyer from inside his sleeve and handed it over to me while I began to develop a slow headache.
The Secret Uke Club!
A secret club devoted to protecting every Uke in secret for five years. If you receive this flyer and are interested in joining please tell the gentleman from which you received the flyer and he will direct you to the secret meeting room, please keep all confidential and or a secret if not interested.
"I still don't follow anything, what is a Uke anyway?" I said staring at the word on the flyer.
"Hehe, it means someone who is submissive, like someone who is willing to do submitted orders or wishes from someone. We interpreted this as what victims of bullying due in most crisis of bullying so we made the Secret Uke Club as a safe place so that those who are bullied and so we can help each other out and stuff. But the meaning has also been altered as in a club that makes sure Semes, which means someone who is dominate, but that's all another story that will be explained in the secret meeting room. You should join Matthew, it's really fun and I've been safer now that there are people I can call friends to watch out for me.
Oh no.
Tino was giving me the puppy dog eyes that no soldier in any country could resist!
"Ok, I'll go check it out, so where is the secret meeting room?"
"The chemistry lab on the second floor, well I gotta go find some other people I was told to find, see ya!"
And with that, Tino hid his face with the hood of his cloak and vanished.
(Lovino's POV)
I had already lost my brother after the two of us signed up for soccer and the Cooking Club, which could possibly be the two things my brother was only good at.
The tip of my hair curl twitched three times in a row, which means that Feliciano is in trouble, or someone left a perfectly good plate of pasta lying around. But because this was the gym and not the cafeteria, I was guessing it was most likely to be the first deduction. There were so many people in here during Club and Sports Sign up Day that it nearly took all my will power not to start screaming angry curses at them.
I spotted Feliciano when I had dragged myself out of the mob of students, but there was this group of three guys that gave off this... Perverted air. I recognized two of them, one was the white haired douche that lived in the dorm next to mine. The other one I recognized because he was the pervert that indecently-fucking-kissed the other guy who lived in the dorm next to mine. But the third guy with the unruly dark brown hair, alluring green eyes and perfectly tanned skin-
What the fuck!
Why am I going into fucking detail over one fucking guy!
I was stomping past them, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard one of them wolf whistle at me. I turned on my heel and marched over to them with their shit eating grins on their fucking faces that just annoyed me soo fucking much.
"Who just fucking whistled at me!" I snarled barring a part of my teeth at them threateningly.
"Moi! Look at how adorable he is!" the French bastard cooed.
"Look! He's like a puppy dog, hair all flattened, baring his teeth and shoulder slumped, adorable no? Oh look at his curl!"
Suddenly my body flamed up in both an extremely sensitive pleasure and heat. Too much heat. These signs meant that French bastard was pulling on the most sensitive part of me. The erogenous zone. Yes that section of extra curly hair strands held the first extremely sensitive and easily aroused area on my body. My brother and I share the same odd area of the erogenous zone except his is on the other side of his head and neither of us dared to wonder what would happen if we cut it off.
Right now I felt my face grow hot, my breath shallow and my fists clench, holding back the urge to moan.
"Eh, no hairspray? Aw, I wanted to know how you got your hair like that, but if it's natural I'll never know," the Frenchy sighed letting go of my erogenous zone carelessly and I let out a long breath of relief, just before I got extremely pissed off.
"Piss off you fucking bastard!" I socked Frenchy in the face and caught a glimpse of my brother being led off by someone in a black cloak out the gym doors. I was about to bolt out the door when I was then caught by my hair curl and was roughly dragged back.
"Now now, we don't need to fight, though I'am curious on how you reacted towards being touched by your hair curl here señor," a soft and cruel voice whispered deeply into my ear, which made things worse when you’re getting aroused by your hair being tugged.
"Ngh... Hah, hah, hah, l-let go o-of m-me b-bastard, hah Nnngh!" I panted and moaned when I spoke.
"Y-you’re grabbing my erogenous zone i-idiot," I whispered and somehow I was able to slip out from the guy's grip on my hair curl and chase after Feliciano.
(Arthur's POV)
How did I end up here? Honestly I don't remember doing anything bad to anyone, then why am I yet again, bondage tied by the same wankers from the Secret Uke Club? And why do they want me apart of this club?
Well here I was sweaty and aching inside the chemistry lab's supply closet all tied up and gauged.
Hey, this gives me ideas on how I can seduce Alfred, just tie myself up all naked on my bed, yes that might do it.
Ok, I know my perspective is not the most used in this story, but the thing about me is that I'm in lust with Alfred. I mean I wouldn't call it love, I mean sure I do fantasize about him and my mind goes blank when he's undressing or only wearing one article of clothing, but that was a sexual want. I grew up strictly Christian and I know the sins, but I too am a (sadly) hormonal teen, so I can't say I love Alfred, because if I did then I don't know what would happen to my life next. And I like having control over things, especially my life.
Then again I acted like a total wanker and got into a jealous of how Alfred treated Matthew (through my eyes) as a couple, and I lost control and said something very stupid to Matthew, I wish I could take that back, honestly.
(Kiku's POV)
Today was a hurried day since this morning when I woke up and had to clean my sheets while getting dressed at the same time so I wasn't late for Club and Sport Sign up Day. Then I had to make Heracles move faster in the morning, which is a delicate process where you have to handle him and make promises to get him to hurry up.
So far I had signed up for both the Cooking Club and the World Culture Club by myself and now I was talking to this mysteriously black cloaked person, whom was explaining to me about the Secret Uke Club he wanted me to join.
"We, like, make sure all members and non-members who are safe from danger and-"
I politely held up my hand to stop the chatty boy from talking any further.
"I have a boyfriend, but thank you for your concern," I explained pointed at Heracles who was at the Football sign up table.
"Oh no that's bad, like, high school love doesn't last long or like, go the way you want it to. What if he and you, like, break up? Sorry but I now strongly suggest you join, besides, everyone's really friendly and cute, but not as cute as my BF-"
"I didn't agree to go out with you yet!" another cloaked boy yelled as he was handing a flyer to a small Chinese boy.
"You will Leit~ Tehe!"
I thought about what the chatty boy said while he was flirting with the other cloaked boy. He had a point. High school relationships either don't last or end up crumbling. I stared at Heracles at the Football sign up table smiling and laughing with the two seniors that were already picked for the Football team ahead of time. Heracles was strong, had handsome features like a Greek god and was interesting to hold a conversation with. He could go out with any other guy he wanted, and yet he was going out with a skinny, barely able to speak English properly and boring guy. If he was too slow to realize that then I wonder what will happen when he does realize it?
"So," I interrupted the cloaked boy's flirting, honing his attention back towards me.
"Where is the secret meeting room?"
(Yao's POV)
This place is very insulting! It's my first day at school and it's a brawl of boy packed tighter than a small bento in here. And everyone keeps on mistaking me for a girl! I swear it is very rude to assume that a long haired boy like me is a girl.
Stupid country, ten guys already grabbed my ass while I was signing up for World Culture Club. Was there any decent human being in here-
Eleven people now.
All right! I swear the next person to dare touch my ass is getting it! I'm tired, in a foreign country, have a sharp tongue and jet lagged, so feel sorry for the next brain damaged-
I whipped around and lashed out directly at who was there.
"Stop grabbing my fucking ass, I'am not a girl, no girl is this flat chested or even be here at an all-boys school, you, you, Nǐ tā mā de húndàn, zài wǒ de guójiā nánzǐ zhǎng fā, yǔ gèng duō de zūnzhòng měigǎn duìdài, nǐ shì yīzhǒng chǐrǔ hé bù zūnzhòng wǒ, nǐ rúhé duìdài fùnǚ zài guì guó!"* I spouted out in my native tongue, getting overly frustrated.
"You are Chinese da?" the person replied, that's when I actually looked up at the person and started to regret what I said. The guy I had just yelled at was a hulking Russian with a childish face, but had this kill joy like aurora around him.
"Excuse me for my touch, but I was well aware that you are male and I am also aware of some good ass when I see some," the Russian said, slapping my ass-very hard I might add- and walking away calmly.
I clenched my fists together, but just then a cloaked person was heading my way and they seemed more interesting than chasing after a Russian that could kill me.
*- you fuckin asshole, in my country men with long hair are treated with more respect for aesthetic beauty and you are being a disgrace and being disrespectful by showing me how you treat women in your country!

(Matthew's POV)
So far there was only four other people seated in the chemistry lab, five including me, and the five cloaked people had come in and locked the door and stood in front of the classroom. Then the five shed their cloaks revealing Tino and four feminim boys that were extremely cute and sparking with positive energy except for the one in the middle with the whitish blond hair and bored blue eyes.
"Welcome all, we are the Secret Uke Club! We're here to ensure the safety of all Ukes in the school, and up to now we also ensure the sexual part of safety of the Ukes from being corrupted and or victims of Semes, but first a little vocabulary lesson!" the small dirty blond boy said, grabbing a washable marker and began writing out the two words Uke and Seme and put the definitions of them.
"Uke means the submissive one and Seme means the Dominate one, now does anyone, like, know what language do these two words, like, originate from?" a short long blond haired boy said next, getting the response of three hands being raised.
"Yes you back there!"
"The two words are Japanese," a quiet and stable headed voice replied.
"Correct! Now because you all showed up here, like, makes every single one of you an honorary member of the Secret Uke Club, my names Felik!"
"I'm Toris," the brunette next to Felik said shyly.
"I'm Emil the Leader of the club," the guy in the middle said blandly.
"I'm Raivis the co-leader!" the short dirty blond boy said with a wink.
"And I'm Tino! A recent new member as of three days ago!"
"So how about you all introduce yourselves starting with you!" Raivis said pointing at Feliciano who sat up front.
"Oh-ok!" Feliciano said standing Up, but before he could get a word in, the door bursted open.
Standing there like an enraged bull was Feliciano's brother Lovino with his curl bouncing around his head and his hair all messed up and wind-blown in all different directions. Lovino rushed up to his brother and grabbed him by the collar.
"I was so fucking worried about you, idiot! Where did you run off to!" Lovino yelled at his brother.
"I came to join the Secret Uke Club, you should join brother~"
Lovino let go of Feliciano's collar in shock, taking a moment to look around.
"This is the Secret Uke Club?... Well I'm not joining this fucking club!" Lovino claimed crossing his arms stubbornly.
"Actually, because you saw our faces, you have to join," Raivis said placing a hand on Lovino's shoulder, digging his nails into his shoulder sending Lovino the message.
"That's not fucking fair!"
"You see the Leader's face and you join automatically, that's how it goes, now take a seat and let us continue our introduction," Raivis growled.
Lovino huffed giving up and sat down with his brother. Everyone else introduced themselves and when the meeting was near over Raivis started explaining something else about the club.
"Good, now a fun part of the club is what happens during random events for example," Raivis gestured towards the equipment closet off the side, which Felik and Toris ran over to open, revealing Arthur tied up and gauged in a weird way. Well for one where the rope was formatted over his body... Was not normal.
"It's called Uke or Seme week it's a whole week where you get with a partner at random and for a whole week you try to dominate your partner by doing Seme like tricks or anything that dominates your partner in anyway and at the end of the week both you and you partner must agree on who was the most Seme like. This here is our Club's dog Arthur, as you can see here our Uke Leader Emil dominated like a true Seme by snatching Arthur after he signed up for clubs, bondage tied, gauged and threw him into the closet under two minutes flat."
My eyes widened and I suddenly felt intimidated.
Should I be scared of the mysterious Secret Uke Club Leader?
(It's still Matthew's POV)
I had no idea there was such a room like this. Mattresses, couches, cushions, pillows and bean bag chairs was everywhere among tables with candles on them. Emil was busy lighting the candles while Raivis and Tino explained the history of the room. I wasn't paying attention, instead I looked behind me at the assortment of cushions and pillows on the ground before stretching out my arms and falling back on top of the fluffly cushions knocking down a stack of pillows on my way down and getting buried underneath it all. This place had more pillows than I did in my room.
After I clawed my way out of the avalanche of pillows Raivis was giving out a final announcement.
"Ok, so we're all going to meet back here this Thursday at midnight, contact a fellow club member if you can't make it, but I strongly suggest that you do," Raivis's eyes darkened with seriousness.
"We’re going to go over the precautions of the worst group of Semes call the Bad Touch Trio."


Texte: Euphoria Writer
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This was not written by me, not at all. I found this, and i decided to post it up and share it with bookrix. Thank whoever wrote it, i don't own any of it. I tried to keep everything the same, so sorry for any bad spelling. If you want any translations, leave a message on the book. Thank you! </3

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