
Chapter 1

"The storm is getting stronger sir!" First mate Charlie shouted out through the thundering storm.

"Aye Charles, it is." Captian Jarret said looking over at the horizon.

Captian Jarret Stoner, being the age of thirty-four has been their captian ever since he was only twenty-five. He had once lead his crew to victory against their enemy, Lord/Captian Vincent York. Now they are on their way to end it once and for all.

"Sir, Captian. If we go on further then may God above protect us." Nathan said his hands shaken wirh fear. This is Nathan's first time at sea and possibly his last.

Eyeing him, his crew, and then the storm; Captian Jarret takes his telescope out and looks for a place to land.

Jarret wanted to make sure that wherever there was land, it was a safe route to sail.

When he finally found a place to land and with a safe route, he shouted to his men where they are going to head until the storm settles. Everyone was relieved and did what the Captain commmanded.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2012

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