
Chapter 1

Ah, William Shakespeare, who can forget him? I’ve met him when he was just a mere boy of eight. Head filled with wonders of the world and beyond our imagination.

Yes, I was twenty-three when I’ve met him. I offered an apprenticeship, sure I do more than Necromancy, but he refused.

I do not blame him, he told me that his world is his school and the people around are his teachers. Wise, fun man he was.

His death hurt many lovers of his plays and other writings. I went to his funeral to give a speech. Never ask me to give speeches again, do not ask just don’t.

I, myself even helped William write ‘A Midsummer’s Dream’ that got the Queen of England in tears. While I was there I met John Dee, he knew me and admired me. He begged for an apprenticeship of Necromancy and other magyk.

I took him, which was a mistake, a terrible mistake. But that is another story; this is William Shakespeare’s story.
As I went through my Book of Shadows, yes the Witches have asked me for help. We get along pretty well but sometimes they drive me crazy like one time they accidentally summoned a werewolf and blamed it on me.

I bring back the dead! If I did then he wouldn’t be a werewolf anymore. He would be human like he once was.

I remember my first werewolf case. The man accidentally drank werewolf blood thinking it was just wine.

Blame his half-brother; he was an Alpha Urakywolf, Urakywolves are wolves with sharp wings. Their wings are what your have to worry about.

‘Darn woman, you didn’t tell me anything about this “new addition” of this Book.’ I thought as I close the Book of Shadows and looked up at the ceiling which needed to be painted. In fact this whole place needed to be fixed.

Getting out of my seat I head towards the door and was about to open it when someone swung it open, I had to get out otherwise I would have been hit.

“Daniel Blackstone?” The woman asked. I could tell she isn’t a witch; for one thing she didn’t have the Pentacle tattoo anywhere on her.

“Mr. Blackstone?” She asked again as I shake my head out of my trance. Succubus.

“Yes?” I asked not looking at her breast or eyes. She’s a succubus, and from what I learned about them is for men, do not look at there cleavage or eyes, these creatures are made for seduction and murder. Their male equivalent, Incubus.

“Well what do you want? I’ve had a never long day and I want a good night’s sleep.” I explain as the woman told me what was urgent.

“I saw him! I was going to do my thing until when I saw his face, he looked dead but at the same time not. No he wasn’t a vampire or a zombie but of something else.” She explained, her voice sounding like a frightened child. Whenever I hear that, that’s when I’m weak against women.

“Do you know who he was?” I asked but the woman shook her head. “Alright, if you can, the next time you see him snap a picture of him for me please?” I asked as she nods her head.

Coming in for a hug, I felt her cleavage. Putting my arms around her, I waited to see if she would do her seducing. Thank goodness she didn’t otherwise; I would have been on the case drunk.

“I will do the best I can.” She said while summoning her wings and I nod my head telling her that I too will do the same. Smiling, she turns her back on me and flies off, going through the wall.

Finally, I can close this place and go to bed. Oh wait… I can’t. After I locked my office and sealed in a shield barrier. The only thing that came to mind was, ‘What are you doing now Doctor?’
“So what are you doing Mr. Blackstone?” John asked chuckling a bit while he steps inside of his office which was filled with Black magic and dark alchemy. Sitting down on his chair near the desk, he opens his Book at the middle and begins reading.

Black Annis herself gave him the Book which contains more than just black magic; it also contains immortality, potions, curses, transformations, alchemy, and above all necromancy.

‘Dear, dear Black Annis, if we were to meet again, I thank you for this Book.’ John thought with a devilish grin that would make every animal night and day crawl into their hide-out, children have nightmares, and adults coward away.

Closing the Book, John lays back on his chair with his eyes looking at a man, bald but not completely, he wore a renaissance outfit which was bloodstained as life he was in a duel with swords.

Quietly laughing, he gets up and says, “Don’t worry my dear o’ friend; this is only the beginning of your nightmare.” Walking away with a cold impression, he locked the door behind him, leaving the dead man hanging.

After John left, the hanging man started groaning, twitched his finger a bit, and smiled his teeth rotten but holding together.

‘So you are going to come for me ye Blackstone sir? Be careful my friend, do be careful Blackstone.’ The man says before going into an unconscious slumber.

Chapter 2

I was up, all night doing what I can to help that Succubus, well that and I was making sure she wasn’t lying about not seducing me and then killing me off. A lot of people and creatures have done that; that’s why I have so many scars and bruises.

My very first scar was an encounter with a… hm a… a… oh I can’t remember now. Oh yes I remember now, it was Shadowman. Well he didn’t do anything exactly, his dog did, a Black Shuck.

Ghostly hounds of horror and hell, its eyes blood red with no pupils, its teeth sharper than a shark’s, incredible speed faster than the speeding light, but the one thing you have to look after it’s the claws.

A Black Shuck’s claw is sharper than all creature and animal claws put together. When you are clawed by them, there are chances that you may become one, go insane, or possibly die.

Me, I was clawed in my right leg, it hurt like heck but I had none of the side effect thank goodness.

Well not all creatures are evil; there are some pretty good ones. Some were even my companions before they either go bad or had to go back to their kind.

I remember last year I was working along side with Cross, Avriel, and Josh, great guys. If they hadn’t come to my rescue, I would have been the first necromancer ever killed and destroyed. Now I’m not sure what those guys are doing at the moment.

Walking out into my garden, this is dying slowly by the minute of each day. Almost all of the flower petals are gone, the trees are turning gray, and the lake is dried up. Yes, this garden; is one dead garden, I use this spot for my necromancy.

When I reached the dried up lake, I took out a vile from my coat, crouched down, made a small hole, and poured a little bit of the potion into the hole. Standing up, I open up a smaller addition of my bigger spell book.

Once I found the spell I wanted, I waited until the potion settled and until it turned stiff and still like glass. I began murmuring a spell rapidly, closed the book, and crouched down again.

“Blackstone?” A woman’s voice asks. “Is that you?” She isn’t in full focus yet so I can only hear and speak to her; I cannot see her as of now.

Slowly, she begins to appear until she’s in full view and clear as crystal. “Yes, it is me. How are you ma’am?” I ask as the woman smiled and says that everything is good with a few not so goods.

“He did what?!” The woman asks both angered and surprised. “Now, I’m not so sure he did, but I’ve got a hunch.” I explain rubbing my chin a bit. She asked if I was sure that the Doctor did do it but I didn’t know for sure, so I shook my head slowly.

The woman told me she had to go for it was time and she didn’t want to be late. Before she left I asked for her name. She never told me her name all I knew is that she’s a witch and a necromantress, the female equivalent to necromancer.

Smiling one more time, she told me that her name, not her true name, is Witch of Endor.

Of course I should have known better! She’s the only necormantress who would ever scry me. Sure there are others like Morrigan, Black Annis, and Persephone. But the Witch is the only one, like I said before, would scry me. I am an idiot!

Walking out of the garden and into the streets, I quickly place turn my book into a note-book so people would think that I am a Journalist and won’t take me for granted as a necromancer.

There are still some who fear greatly of necromancers. They used to call us “Devil’s Men” or “Dark Ones”. Well anything evil like, but I haven’t commit murder; sure on my first try I nearly let zombies roam around.

Because of that I sort have gave George A. Romero the idea of making “Night of the Living Dead”. But hey, that sold out pretty good except they made the zombies not so good.

Sure they eat human flesh but you don’t shoot the brain when killing zombies, sure they are knocked out for a long time but to kill them fully… I can’t believe I’m saying this, you have to eat them.

Oh and also they hate, absolutely hate, dogs. Any breed of dogs they hate and fear them. So if you have dogs or you’re a shape-shifter, I suggest you use them.
It was spring, April 1616 in London, Shakespeare’s children are married. Susanna married a physician John Hall and Judith married the vintner, Thomas Quiney, leaving his son, Hamnet, dead at the age of 11. No one knows exactly how Hamnet died but I’ve got my hunches.

Like I said, it was Spring April 1616 in London, sounds like a fine day? No it wasn’t and I was there, old but still very young looking… okay I looked like I was thirty-four and going to stay that way for the rest of my life.

“Susanna, Judith darlings.” Anne shouts out to her surviving children. With Hamnet dead things have be not so good with Judith considering that they were twins but she’s hanging on. Judith’s got a husband now, a fine one, a vintner.

“Yes mother?” Susanna asks as she sees John Hall, her husband walk towards their house. “Wait, I thought he had worked to do. He told me he wouldn’t come until later this evening.” Susanna explains as Anne went to open the door to let John in. They all greeted each other but Anne’s face looked sorrow.

My whole body hurt, really bad, I curse those Sirens, I was glad that someone founded me otherwise I would have ended up like those sailors and pirates, drowned and dead.

I didn’t need to knock on the door; Anne knew I was coming so I waited patiently until she opens the door. I turn my head ninety degrees to see Thomas, Judith’s husband come towards me, running as if he had bad news.

“Thomas so you’ve heard the news to?” I ask as Thomas stops beside me and breaths heavily.

“Yes, I can’t believe that my father-in-law is dying, and on a lovely spring evening.” Thomas explains as I give him some of my whiskey to drink, he needed it bad. I asked if the girls knew but he shook his head.

I guessed Lady Anne wanted all of us to be there, in case we men needed to comfort them when they wept for their dear old man.

Finally after twenty minutes, Anne opened the door to let us in. I decided that before William breathed his last, I would give him a special present. I would use necromancy and bring his beloved son back to life. When I do, he will be eleven, the age he died.

“Why is everyone here mother?” Judith asks placing her arm around Thomas’s arm. Sighing and sobbing a little, Anne tells us to come with her and see Will.

When we arrived, Susanna and Judith ran to their father, crying. They finally knew, he was dying, and he doesn’t have much time which means I have to give him his final present now.

John went over to William and did everything he could to make him live a little longer. I walked up to William and whispered to his ears that I’ve got one final present for my apprentice, he smiled and I gestured them all to look out side.

I went outside, opened my book of necromancy and made a necromancy circle. I went back in and ask Anne for a piece of clothe or whatever Hamnet held before his death, she gave me his favorite toy, a ball, a crystal ball. This was the ball I gave to him on his eighth birthday.

I went outside yet again, and placed the ball in the middle of the designed circle. I step back, turn a few pages of my book until I found what I needed and began speaking in tongue.

The circle began to glow and the crystal ball began to rise. Everyone inside looked at what I was doing in awe. Soon they began to see a shadow, a boy’s shadow, even though I was outside, I can clearly hear Judith’s squeals of delight.

Soon everyone leaned in closer, Thomas and John had to help William in a chair and pushed him towards the window so he can see. I turn around and smiled at only Will, eyes only to his.

After everyone gathered, I went towards the window and motioned to everyone to come outside, they did. We gathered around the glowing circle but not too close and not too far.

Suddenly, the shadow figure started getting lighter and lighter, then it turned into skin, its legs and arms appear, a face shone but it was blinding so we had to shield our eyes, and last hair was flowing out. He’s now complete.

The boy began dropping so I ran to catch him before he fell. Opening his eyes, he asked where he was and I told him he was home. Getting up with a whoop, he ran towards his family who were extremely happy to see him and he was introduced to his sister’s husband.

William gestured slowly for me to come closer to him, I did what we asked and knelt down so now he’s sort of taller than me. “Thank you Daniel, this was that best gift I have ever received,” William says as I bow my head then he asked.

“But isn’t Hamnet now your slave? I mean what you’ve taught me, your resurrected him so that makes you his master correct?” I shook my head and explained what I did and Will smiled his last and breathed his last. Farewell my apprentice, rest in peace my good man.

I left the family for them to wept, I can never stand ladies crying or being down in depression that’s why I never attend funerals that often. I went to my horse when Hamnet came to me and said thanks; I smiled and petted his hair.

Then he ran off to his family, even though his father is dead, he is now with the rest. Sooner or later I’ll bring Will back to life. I promised before getting on my stallion.

‘Well Blackstone, can’t wait to see you old man. I wonder how things are going.’ Jett Blackthorne explains as he walks towards his friend’s mansion with a large staff in his left hand.

“Who are you?” Gerald, my butler asks not letting the man in. Taking his hat off and letting it fall behind knowing that the strings will support it. “I am Jett Blackthorne, Daniel Blackstone’s… friend” Jett explains as he lets him in.

“Gerald who or what in the blazes did you let in!” I shouted walking towards the stairs but stopped when I see Jett. ‘Oh my gosh, not him again.’ I thought as I went downstairs to greet him properly.

“Awe what’s that impression Daniel. You working too long and hard again? And again, you need a vacation, leave me in charge for a while.” Jett explains. “Over my dead body! What are you doing here anyways Jett?” I ask combing my hair back with my hand.

Embracing me, Jett then steps back and smiles brightly, white teeth showing, like a celebrity’s well he is an actor.

“Why Daniel Blackstone, shame in you to say something in such attitude, I can’t see my favorite cousin anymore?” Jett asks with a mock disappointment.

Chapter 3

“You mean your only cousin?” I ask crossing my arms, not believing that he’s here and inside my house. And yes, I only have one cousin and that’s Jett, the rest were either never born or killed.

“Yeah sure, whatever.” Jett says patting my shoulder then walks pass me leaving me dumbstruck. I stepped aside to let my butler, Gerald close the door and leaving us alone since he isn’t needed at this moment.

“Seriously, what are you doing here Jett? You’ve got yourself into some trouble again?” I ask sensing the hesitation on my cousin who was trying to think of an answer to my question.

“Well-well y-you see. I-I um…uh…” Jett started then stopped, “oh, well did you hear that? I’m starving! Let’s eat and I’ll eat you while we do”. Jett lead the way to the dining area and I followed him not setting my staff against the wall like other people with staffs. You might need it.

At the Dining Area, we sat down across from each other and waited until our choice of food was served. I started getting hungry a bit, but not enough to make me cranky so that was good. “Why are you really here? And no getting out of it Jett, tell me the truth or get out, after you eat.” I explain as I wait until Jett was finished with his wine, which he’s gulping really slowly.

“Well… I sort of ran into trouble, big trouble and I’m talking about The Shadow. Well let me put it this way, I was heading towards my headquarters when I heard someone say something about The Shadow and how he said that… she’s back.” Jett explains as he calls out for more wine while our food was finally served.

‘I know The Shadow so why is she trouble… oh no he didn’t.’ I thought as I lifted my fork up to my mouth and chewed on a piece of steak. I opened my mouth to say something when we heard the door bell ring.

Getting up, I went towards the door with Jett right behind me. We waited in the main hall until my butler opened the door. When he opened the door, I saw three guys, I know these guys. What are they doing here?

Stepping inside to let the three in, Jett asked who they were. “I’m Cross, this is Avriel and Josh. I’m a vampire and so is Avriel, Josh isn’t he is pure human.” Cross explains as Jett stares at Avriel and asks if he was a girl. “Why does everyone think that?!” Avriel asks both a little irritated and hurtful.

I guided the three to the dining area and asked if they wanted to eat, Cross refused, Avriel just wanted to eat, and Josh was famished, when his food arrived, he ate sort of like a pig.

“So what are you three doing here at this hour?” I ask finishing my meal and drink, leaning back and waited until someone spoke up and answer my question.

After Cross finished his drink, he leaned in a little closer and explained what had happened before they arrived here at my place. “And she’s back.” Jett says as the three gave him a blank impression. They don’t know who The Shadow is, not many people do.
Walking in the heavy rain, Scathach or The Shadow looks up at the cloudy sky and grins a rare grin. ‘Well Blackstone, I’m coming back.’ Scathach says to herself as she continues to walk towards Blackstone’s house.

Scathach aka The Shadow used to dwell in The Isle of Skye, Dun Scaith (Fort of Shadows). She lived there with her daughter and elder twin sister until her twin decided to leave, wanting to follow her own path. Scathach has no clue as to where her daughter is so she thought maybe Blackstone knew or can find out.

She knows her daughter very well, always on the go, spreading terror, fighting, etc. ‘Uathach, where are you?’ Scathach thought as she leans against a brick wall of a building and waited to see if the rain would die down.
“So you’re telling that this “Shadow” is an immortal warrior woman and martial arts teacher?” Avriel asks as we walk towards my office which is upstairs. I nodded my head in reply but still had my back on them.

“She and her sister came to me one time to resurrect Cu Chulainn, one of Scathach’s students and lover. Well she and her twin loved him and that came out as a war, a Civil War. The Shadow’s daughter ended up with him but I’ve heard that things didn’t go so well with the two.” I explain as I unlock my office. I didn’t need a key; the lock’s a spell, say the right one and it opens.

I stepped aside to let Cross, Avriel, Josh, and Jett in then walked inside myself, the door behind me, closed itself and the lights flickered on, showing spell books, alchemy, potions, and on the floor a large Pentacle circle.

“Well you certainly decorated a bit cousin.” Jett explains as he went to admire my alchemy set. ‘No I didn’t you just haven’t been here for a while.’ I thought as the three guys looked around as well.

“Man Blackstone, this could also be used as a bedroom!” Josh exclaims as he blows into one of my books, making the dust fly and us cough a bit. ‘The Book of Light’ that’s what the title said, the one Josh was holding.

Josh looked at me and in silence asked me what ‘The Book of Light’ was. Jett answered and then glared at me. “The one that Daniel stole from me.” Jett accused and I told them that I had a copy of it and that the original was at Jett’s but still he didn’t believe me.

“How long will you be staying?” I ask as we all took a seat in whatever chair was available. Cross explained that they will be going in and out. I nodded my head understanding.
We all stood in the main hall and said bye to Jett, he had to leave, and someone needed him. “Is he a necromancer like you?” Cross asks as I shook my head and explain that Jett was a Sorcerer/Knight.

Jett as you know him is really Sir Geraint, one of King Arthur’s knights, and Prince of Devon. He learned sorcery from my father, his uncle but even through his studies as a sorcerer, he still remained a noble knight until his “death”. Since people thought he was dead, Sir Geraint changed his first and last, now he is Jett Blackthorne, but still my cousin.

Jett is one of the few knights, hidden, and still alive, along with some horror. Yes, Morgan Le Fey is still here, side by side with from what I heard, Black Annis and Virginia Dare.
As we watch Jett head outside and into his car, which is a Mustang, he waved a see you later and I waved back.

I was left with Cross, Avriel, and Josh. Cross and Avriel, vampires, and Josh, a pure human. Cross can be aggressive but other than that he is loyal and protective about what he cares about.

Avriel can be mistaken as a female but hey sometimes I was mistaken for a grandfather, he’s not very talkative but when he feels the need to, he will talk and was bitten at the age of seventeen.

Josh, oh boy, came from an important Italian family, and his father is of Scottish descendent. To be honest I don’t know very much about Josh since he’s human.

Heck let’s just say I don’t know very much about humans. I hardly ever get too close to them, like relationships and such. The first and last human woman I’ve dated was Jane Toppan, the first lust murderess. I now have no idea why I dated her, nope still don’t.

I showed the three to their temporary bedroom and they nodded a thank you and head outside to do part of their duties leaving me alone, again.

I don’t mind being along, peace and quite with no one here gives me time, time to think about what The Doctor is doing and why The Shadow is here of all places.

I enter my office and sat on the chair near my messy desk and begin to work on an investigation of what the succubus told me and of what Jett told me as well. I being to think, this nearly caused me to have a headache so I stopped to relax.

Chapter 4

In my dream, I was in the middle of a chaos, there were others like me, well not exactly, they were… magic, you know like sorcerers, immortals, warriors, ghosts, shapeshifters, etc. The Doctor was at his full power, he knew are deepest weakness and desires as well.

The atmosphere was dark; the sky was dark with no moon and stars to light the way to silver of hope, fire burned everywhere and people on my side, the good, were falling and The Doctor was reigning.

A woman cried out to me for help but I couldn’t do anything, it was like my feet were planted firmly on the cold hard ground. The Doctor then came personally to me and he was holding hostage the one person I desired and whom was my deepest weakness, my son, Dalton.

I woke up with a start, not going back to sleep, to dream about what might have happened to my only son. I got up, undressed myself, and head towards the shower. I turned it on to hot and stepped inside, before the steam started coming out.

After I took my shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist, covering the private part of me, my chest was wet from the drips that came from the roots of my hair, my whole body was still damp but that didn't matter. I grab my clothes, my original clothing and got dressed in them.

After I gotten dressed, I grabbed my staff and head outside, to enjoy fresh air and... who or what knows might come out of the shadows and blue.

Many strange, unforgettable, and familiar things and people always come out and try to surprise me. I hate surprises and plus I'm not really the type you want to do it, if you did... then lets just say you'll be in one heck of a dire situation.

Heading towards the door, I stopped in my tracks, my hand was on the handle but I didn't turn to open it for someone knocked. That surprised me a bit, I was exspecting anyone to come, well maybe Jett, Cross, Josh, and Avriel but they would have just entered there was no need for them to knock.

Exhaling, I open the door to reveal the succubus I talked to earlier beofre, this time she's brought a companion, an Incubus.

"Sierra." I greeted somewhat. "Daniel." Sierra greeted back with the same tone I used.

I let the two "sex monsters" enter my house relucantly. I close the door behind me and offered them seats and drinks.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while handing them their drinks. Sierra took a sip and that gave me time to sit myself down.

"Mr. Blackstone, while me and my brother were flying around we heard a noise. A strange moaning sound." Sierra explains as I nod my head.

"Then what happened?" I ask leaning back, crossing my leg over to the other. "Well... We flew towards the noise and found out what was making the noise." The Incubus explained as I asked who they saw.

"We don't really know but we do know that he wasn't alone. This other man had a... triangular beard, he smelled like sulfur." Sierra explained as I nod my head for I knew who thsi "triangular beareded guy" was.

After more of their discovery and drinks, I lead them out and we said good-bye.

'Doctor, who or what do you have?' I wondered as I grasp my staff tighter and head outside in the bright daylight.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.12.2011

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