




The new school year was buzzing with excitement and this year Ember hoped not to hurt the ones she loved like she did in the past. She was going to try to forget about the past. She sat there at the tables in the café looking at the fish, in the aquarium, in the wall.


13 years ago

“I want to go with mom.”

~It all started with her parents’ divorce~

“I want to go with mom.” Little five year old Ember said.

“What? Why?” her father asked

“It’s your fault, it’s your fault.” Ember said crying “You broke momma’s heart. And I don’t want momma to be alone”

~End flashback~

Ember looked at the clock 6:45 Ember sighed “a little bit longer.”


12 years ago

Little Ember ran away from her best friend Aiden who was chasing her with a worm.

“No leave me alone “she yelled running to her mom. ”Momma what’s wrong?” she asked running up the stairs

“Well your father … he um …is dead.” She said between sobs

“What are talking about momma?” Ember asked confused and sad

“Well he… um killed himself.” She told her.

“What?” she took a step back and fell down the five stairs of the porch unharmed but shocked.

~End flashback~

She fell that day physically and mentally she felt like she let her father down and that day on she kept hurting the ones I cared about most


8 years ago

“I’ll come play with you later okay Sam” Ember told her friend

“Ok” Sam said kind of sad

2 hours later

“What’s up?” Ember asked walking up to Sam’s parents

“Sam ran away because you told her you didn’t want to play with her.” Her mom told her “It’s your fault.”

~End flashback~

She fell that day too. it seemed every time something went wrong it was her fault or so she thought. She looked at the clock 7:00 pulled her phone charger out of the wall and texted Aiden and Cain ‘hey where are you?’ She sent to it them

“I’m right here “Aiden said smiling opening his arms for a hug

“AIDEN!” Ember yelled and ran over to hug him “How was France?” she asked pulling away from the hug.

“Good Ma Cherie.” Aiden said laughing .

“Wow speaking French now great now the foreign students will be all over you.” Ember said sitting down.

“What about me?” Cain said walking up. “No hug for me?” Cain said

“CAIN!” Ember yelled standing up to hug him.

Her two most important friends had came, and soon all her other friends started to come as well.


The worst part of Stairwell High was the stairs Ember would always fall and hurt her somehow going up or down them. Cain laughed as Ember looked at the stairs

“Do you want a piggy back up them?” Cain asked.

“If you’re offering then yes.” Ember smiled.

Cain took her bag and Ember jumped up on his back, and he proceeded to climb up the stairs.

“Hey wait up!” Aiden yelled running up the stairs.

“Guys I’m sorry that you always have to carry me up and down the stairs.” Ember said.

“Its fine someone needs to or you’ll fall.” Aiden told her catching up to Cain and her.

“True I guess.” She agreed as Cain sat her down. “See you after class.” She walked toward her class she sat in the back of the room. She laid her head on the desk.


4 years ago

“Ember, my fire!!!” Amber yelled laughing

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!!” Ember yelled “I hate when you do that! I’m not any ones fire!! So don’t call me that ever again.” Ember told her turning away

“Ok sorry.” Amber said “Hey where you going?”

“Home!” Ember told her “I don’t want to hang out any more right now”

Ember went home and laid down in her bed.


Ember looked at her best girl friend in her coffin. She couldn’t believe that she was dead. It was all her fault. If she would have been with her she wouldn’t have been alone at the store where she got shot.

~End flashback~

Ember sighed and looked up at the teacher. She was a small mousy woman who looked like she would break in two if any one said something rude or offending to her.

“Now we are going to tell everyone our names and something interesting about ourselves ok” The teacher said in a high pitched voice. “We will start in the back of the room. You with the black hair.”

Ember sighed pointed at her and the teacher nodded

“My name is Ember and this school is my worst nightmare.” Ember said looking at the clock.

“Why?” the teacher asked

“Stairs. I always hurt myself going up or down them. The only reason I’m here is for my best friend so he is not alone.” Ember explained.

The rest of the class went by rather fast. Ember walked out of the class room, she looked for Aiden or Cain. Aiden walked up to her.

“So how was the class?” He questioned smiling that made Embers heart skip a beet.

“Kind of lame to tell you the truth.” Ember told him smiling. “The teacher is just having us introduce ourselves that’s all.”

“Is your class up or down?” Cain asked walking up.

“It’s up thankfully my 3rd is down though.” Ember said.

“I can take you down.” Aiden said “I have 3rd down stairs too.”

“Thanks. Hey who is your next class?” Ember asked.

“Thompson. Who you just had.” Aiden told her.

“Oh I didn’t really pay attention.” Ember said shrugging.

“Get to class.” Aiden laughed lightly pushing her.

Ember smiled and walked off toward her next class happy that so far everything was as great as it was.


Embers walked into class and herd her name and before she had time to react she was half hugged half tackled by a short blonde girl.

“ANNA!” Ember laughed

“How are you doing? How was your summer? Did you get any new clothes? Do you want to hang out after school go to the mall and by clothes and by new bags?” Anna asked in one breath getting up

Ember laughed getting up “I’m fine. Not yet. And yes I’d love to hang out after school and go shopping.” she answered

“YAY!” Anna said grabbing Embers arm and pulling her over to a desk “you can sit next to me Ember.”

“Anna let go your hurting me” Ember said pulling away from her.

“Oh! I’m sorry” Anna cried “Please don’t be mad at me! Please still sit next to me.”

“I’m not mad and of course I still sit next to you you’re like my best friend.” Ember said.

“Really I’m your best friend?” Anna asked

“Yep!” Ember smiled sitting in the desk next to Anna’s

Anna sat down next to Ember and smiled looking at Ember a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

“What do you want Anna?” she asked hesitant.

“Well you remember my cousin Hayden?” Anna asked

“Yes why?” Ember inquired uncertain

“Well he’s coming to school here and he likes you and well-”

“Everyone turn around and sit in your desk.” the teacher said walking in she was serous “you can sit by your friend s as long as no one talks while I’m talking understood?”

Many students nodded some groaned others just sat there silently

“Good.” she turned around and started to write things on the white board, as she was doing that Anna handed Ember a note ember sighed and unfolded the note.


She read the note and wrote back

No you know I like Cain and Aiden

She folded the note and handed the note back Anna sighed Ember pulled out her poem book a little blue book with brown felt leaves on it. The book had her poems in it she opened it and started to write when Anna handed her the note she sighed and opened it.

Pls for me this weekend at my house pls!

Ember sighed


She handed it back Anna smiled then wrote back and handed the note back

YAY! Thank you J you wont regret it

Ember sighed and smiled and wrote back

I better not J no more notes for now the teacher keeps looking at us. kay

She handed the note back Anna red it then nodded. Ember opened her poem book and continued to write in it.


I rip the bandages off my wrist, I look at the gashes & cuts wide, open, I grab the razor & rip it across my skin again and again over and over until I cry. I looked down at my wrist & laugh as I pull the blade across again & then it falls from my hand & I cry as I slowly die


Ember sighed as the bell rang she shoved her poem book in her bag and stood up

“Hey Anna can I have some of the paper we wrote our note on?” Ember asked

“Yah,” she pulled out some paper “here ya go.”

“Thanks see at…” she stopped waiting for Anna to finish

“Lunch” she finished

“Later” she walking out


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2011

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