
The start

My name is Amu and I'm a wolf. I was only six when my parnets took me too live at a humans house. They left me there and prist the boorbell. The people picked me up and adpoted me ,but at first I didn't know until I was older. They told me that I had to be 18 before I know the truth. So soon I started had nightmares from my past that I was adopted.

The new start

I'm at school now. "Hey mia wait up for me."I said. Mia stoped she said " hey anything new happen today." I looked at her like she new I run into this sexy guy today. I said " yes, I bumped into this hot guy today he was so cold ,but so cute. I'll tell you when we get home, hey where's coreben." He said that he was sick and had to stay home." Mia said. So we headed to gym. As I was thinking I got hit with the ball. The teacher told me to go and get a ice pack form the nurse office. When I got back the bell rung and I was going home! I cuaght up with Mia and we stared talking. "Hey Mia you want to come to my house today like stay over." ''yes, and when we get to your house we are goung to talk on the bed not on your hut ful seats.'' Okay. mia." We walked to my house. We when up to my bed room and sat on my bed. "Ok spill it.'' Saiid Mia. ''Okay I was in the hall and I got my stuff and turned. We bumped and fall ,and end up kissing. When I look in his eye they where a preety red. He had brown hair and was about 5'6'.'' '' he sounds amazing.'' Said Mia. I'm going to watch tv are coming with me ,and brother cooking yummy food!" I said. '' yummy I'm coming too.'' Said Mia. Brother allways cooks the best meals. He made my favorite meal mash paotoes ,steak ,and rolls.


Than after we eat bother said ''go to my room for throwing mash paotoes at his face.'' You should have seen his face. I think he likes my best friend becuase his face always goes pink around her. Its like he hasn't even breath for a mintue or two. Well I went up stairs ,but I didn't go to my room and I sat there seeing wha was going to happen. You wouldn't gess what I heard next.    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY BOTHER MIND-------------------------------------------------------------------

Maybe I should tell her. I said "Hey Mia I..." Mia said "What." I said, " Mia I like you." Mia said " I'm not surprised becuase I like you to and you always turn pink around me,you are still pink." Maybe I should kiss her. _________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back to me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                          

I seen him leen over and kiss her. She kiss him back. Than I went to my room befor they seen me. Mia walked up the stairs into my room. I said "any  thing new?" Mia turned pink and smiled. " Don't say I told you so, he kissed me ,and he likes me." Mia said. " I know I seen." I said. " You seen, he is so cute." Mia said. " I don't want to hear this, he's my brother, I will admiit it was a good hit with mash paotoes." Mia said," Hey I know hes your brother but I think hes something esle, hes nothing like you." I said," Well that may be ture ,but he is my brother even if he might not be blood related." Mia said," Well if you bump into that guy agian, tell him to watch where he's going." I said," Welll he's hot and he'll porbly be like its your falt, I think it might have been mine." Mia said," Thats not ture it his falt, its all ways the guys falt if you didn't see what happenned exactly." I said," Well if your staying the night than you better go and get them be back at  10 at least." Mia siad, " okay geuss I'm going."

The Night Walk

Well I been waiting on Mia, shes late as uaual. Its about 9:30 pm. I'm so bored. I waited on her for another 30 mintues thinking something might be wroung. I decide to walk the way to her house. I grab my bag and fill it with 2xbottle of water, make up, change of clothes, a snack or two, and my phone. I rush down stairs to tell brother I was going to her house. I look arouong for him. " Brother!" I shouted. I got nothing back. I wrote a note.




Brother. I'm going to Mia's house. If you see her come over here call me. :)


I went out and down the stairs. I was walk Brown st. Her house wasn't that far from mine. I was 3 miles. I took out my phone and put in my ear phones. I played my song ( Evanescence My Immortal). I started to jog. I was panting. I went past a turn or two. I was in pitch dark ,but I knew this street. I was half way there. I stopped at the end of Amy ST. I pulled out a bottle of water and started to chugg down on it. I looked up as it started to rain. I slide the bottle back into the bag. I took out my ear phones and put them in my pocket where my phone was. I went around the turn. I was in front of the park. I sat down on the nearest bench, to take a breather. I loved the way the rain comes down on me. I like how the drops feel so cold and wet. I got a cold chill down my spines as I heard foot steps. "Hey Amu, what are you doing out in the rain." Mia said.  " You scared me." I said. "come on where going to your house." Mia said.  We started to walk back. I still felt someone watching me. I looked back and seen a mysious guy watching me. I turn around like it was nothing and walked home with Mia.

Sleep Over

We were in my room unpacking our bags. I opened the blinds so where we could look outside if we wanted. In the front of the room was a desk, two beds side by side against the wall, and in the middle was the closet. I sat my bottle of water on the desk. I throw my bag and cloths in the closet and let Mia get finish. When she was done I drug her down stairs to the living room. I grab my labtop and charger and we went back up stairs when brother came up behind up and yell " Boo!'' Mia jumped and yelled. I looked at him like I was going to kill him. " Okay jeass, can I hang out with you guys?" " No, you can not." I said with out Mia being able to say anything. We walked up to my room. I slamed myself down on the bed farest from the windoew. So  the bed I sleep on is the closest to the door. Mia sleeps on the one closest to the windoew. Mia sat beside me as I was on my tubebook. I had one friends reqest. I clicked on it. A name and thier profile poped up. His name is Evan Young. His picture had a guy with red sandy hair. He had a emo shag hair style. He was 6'5ft tall. Well that what it looks like. He has blue or red eyes. I don't know if thats his eye color but thats what it looks like. He has abs and hes muscler  than any guy you'll ever see. Well in my life. I hit aceppt and shut it off and than all of a sudden theres a pillow in my face. " Bring it, its on." I said. I smacked her back with a pillow. The feathers went every where just like the ones you see in the movies.  We battle down 3 steps. When I fall down 5 more. Well laugh our ass off. (Sorry for the luange) I got back up and she hit with the pillow agian and feathers went in my mouth. I backed up to our bar in the kitchen. I duncked and now she was stuck. I smacked her a few times. " I give up, I give up." Mia said. " Okay." I said. " Thats doesn't mean I can't do this." as soon as she said it she smacked me in the face with the pillow. She run by to the room. I removed the feathers out of my mouth and went after her. I jumped on her and holded her down. " You like this don't you?" She said. " No I don't, you pevert." I said. I got off of her. ''That was fun." I said. " It so tireding." She said. " Than lets go to bed." I said. I closed my eyes. I didn't feel her get off. I was gettng ready to tell her to go to her bed. I lookd and she was already asleep. I went to sleep not long after her. Befor that I got a marker and put a mushtace on her.

The Mysterious mystery

I was in a forest. I was running from something. I was at a log cabin. I walk in. I see that no one was home. I walk back out knowing that he might be there. I run faster than I ever could go. I'm out of the forest and a little relived. I meet a guy. I could tell what he looked like. He kisses me and hugs me. I wounder why. I didn't know who he was. He looks at me with concern. Than I ran from him.  look back as I feel pain and hes already gone. I look around as I'm on the ground. The car leaves and a another one appears. As the same guy looks at me crying. He picks me up and takes me to the hospitle. He leaves and some poeple come in. They look at me. " Where are you okay Dawn?'' They say. " Dawn, its Amu?" I say. They looked cunfused.  A cupply of days my brother comes in and takes me to his home. Than when I was leaving his house I got stabbed and stabbed over and over and the same guys reappear and I wake up from the night marre. 


  I got to my closet. I pick out a black tee ,and some skinny blue jeans. I brush my hair fast. My phone rings. I hit answer. " Are you comeing to the party tonight?" Coreben asks. Tonights a full moon. " I don't know, I'll try." I said. I hung up. I grab my skate board and run down stairs. I grabbed a pieace of toats off my plate and go out of the door. I slam my skate board down. 


I had math frist. I sat down at my desk. " We have a new student, would you lik to tell everone you name." Teacher says. " My name is Evan Young." Evan said. "Evan you may take a" Teacher said thinking to find a seat. Not beside, not way in hell! " There, right beside Amu." He said. I got up. "What the hell!" I shouted. I went out of the class room and into the parking lot. I waited for class to be over in 20 mintues. Than I'd ask what I need to go over if anything at all. I heard foot steeps beside me. I scrowl and looked over. "Its you thats great  go fall off a cliff." I said. " Is that any way to treat someone you just me." He said. " I don't care how I treat you." I said. I got up and started to walk back inside, when he pushes me up aginst the wall. " So I don't care, do what you want, I really have given up on almost everything." I said. " Well isn't just perfect, so I can do this?" He said. He pulls me close, I try to pull away. I look at him. His eyes red than blinks to blue, than they stay red. I seen as he reviles his vampire teeth. "Crap!" I shouted. " No use you can't go any where, I'm too strong." He said. " Like hell." I said. His teeth are almost in my neck. I can't show that I'm a wolf not to him. I punch and kick and swam, trying to get free. I t was no use. I was burnong hotter and hotter. " Ach." He said.  I smile. He comes so close that it was suffer cating. I begin to shake. My breath getting heaver. My nails have grown long. I push him off of me and than I was in my wolf from. " I thought all of the wolfs where gone." He said. I run off and stopped at a tree. I saved his sorry ass. If he would have drunk my blood with out the leeash. A leeash is a contare that has a sliver drop of blood that allow tghe vampire to drink off me. The only way to get it is the wolfs chef. So that means the wolf has to agree to. I turn back as I pass out as I felt my body shifting back. I kept asking why me.

Where am I?

I woke up to see that I was not home or where I fell asleep. I get up fast. " ah my head." I said in a painful way. I looked around. "Thats werid no tvs,lamps ,but their was nothing just a bed. " I thought. I stood up straight. I felt werid. I walked out of the room. From there everything looked normal. I was trying to find my way out ,but this place was huge. Went down the hall way. This place was beauiful. They lights refelting off the walls just made it look even more beauiful. I wallked down a stair case. I was in the living room. I look across as I see him. Thats just great. My face -_- 

  I sat in the living room. I put my arm up holding my head. " Hey I see your awake." He said. " Shut up, I have a head ace!" I grouch at him. " Well would you like a pain killer?" He asked. " Not from you!" I said angry. " Cause I'm a vampire?" He said. " No, I hate you thats why." I said. " Why do you hate me?" He asked. " Do I have to answer that?'' I said. There was a second slience. " Fine, you show upp out of no where and save me than you try to freed off me." I said. "Hey thats how I get the ladies and you didn't even say thank you for saveing your life" He said. " Your not getting that." I siad. I started to walk toward the door. " I can't let you leave intill you answer some qestions." He said. He was so close to me. I punch him in the side. He did buag. " That didn't hurt." He said with a smile or a luagh. " Can I answer them later I have a head ance I need to get home?" I asked and explianed. " Fine, tommow." He said. 


 I went out side. I felt a brush of cold air. Than I was throwen on top of someones shoulder. I looked at him. "What are you doing?" I asked. " Taking you home." He said. " You know where I live?" I asked. " Yes, I followed you that night." He said. " Stocker." I said. " What did you say?" He asked. " S-t-o-c-k-e-r."I said and spelled it out for him. "Hey if you want to walk than walk."He said looking at me with those emerald shimering eyes. "No, I want you to carry me home." I said. " Than why complain?"He asked. " I don't know, just carry me home." I demanded. " Say please." He said. " No way in hell, put me down." I said. He put me down. I started to walk home. " come on all you have iis to say it." he said. It started to rain agian. The cooled me down and I couldn't be mad in the rain. I stopped on the concerte walk way and laid down. " What are you doing?" He asked. " Shh." I demanded. I looked up as the rain came down. It looked amazing. Every drop had it ways to help every thing. It was like it was living. It was cold and I couldn't resits. " I'm still here." He said. He sits right beside me. " Its beauiful than your house isn't it?" I said. " I guess." He said laying beside me. He looked up at the sky to. I staired at him. He really imprest me their. I seen the amazment in his eyes. Those emerald eyes you could get lost in. He looks at me as I looked away and back at the sky. " wasn't looking at you, I was looking at the garden." I said. " Sure you was." He said with a smrik. " Hey you don't belive I'm going home." I said. I started to walk home. He grab my hand and pulled me close. He looked at me with those eyes that I couldn't resits. " Will you stay?" He  asked. " No, I'm going home." I said. He throw me in over his shoulder. In a bonk of an eye I was home. " There your home." He said. I didn't feel right, I know I had feelings for him and I wounder if I didn't react if I would lose him. " Hey I'll see you tommow." I said. " See you tommow." He said. In a blink of an eye he was gone. I went inside of my house.

The endless night

I walked in. " Where have you been?" Brother asked. " I turned and I passed out, I don't know why." I said leaving some of the truth out. " Well I'm happy your home." He said. " Brother why do you keep my secret, mom and dad never wanted to?" I asked him. " cause I don't see  the animal  I see the you, why?" Brother said. " Never mind, I just wanted to know." I said. I walked up the stairs as I glanced back and seen his worried look on his face. I walked in my bed room. I slammed down on my bed." O my gosh." I thought. He just dropped me off and didn't really say anything. I heard a knock on my window. I get up and walk to the window. I opened it and there laid a letter with a seal. I grab it before it got wet. I started to read it.


Dear Amu,

   Its Evan. I would like if you came to the ball with me tommorw. We can talk there if you want. 

                                    Ps. This is weird to ask you.

                                            From: Evan


I put the letter on my desk by the light. I turn the light off. I laid back down. I took my phone out of my pocket. I put my ear phones in. I started to play a song ,but nothing could put me to sleep. I rolled back and fourth. I looked up at the ceiling. I should of said something. I should have did something. Thoughts keep going though my mind. It took for ever. Soon anoth I fell asleep ,but after I fell asleep the alarm clock went off.

Hidden Ways

I got up and changed into something nerdy. Nerdy is a different style you wear not being stuiped or smart. I went to the bath room and brushed my teeth. I took a wet tole and wiped my face to keep me awake. I went down stairs. " You look tired." Brother said. " I haven't slept, can you drive me to sleep?" I asked. " Yeah I don't, my work is that way." He said. I remmeber that he been paying the rent. I wish that I could help. Brother sat a dish in my face. Eggs and toast. I put my eggs on my toasts and ate it.  I walked outside with brother. I laid in the back. I was so tried. I go up and seen brother woke me up because I fell asleep. I got out to see that Evan was there the hole time. " If your tired you can sleep in the back of my car." He said. " What about my bro, wake me up at for 8th period." I said. " I got it" He said. 

   I was running and I felt a hand on my shoulder as I was chased. I looked at the hand ,and looked up at the persons face. I seen him. I look down as I seen he has stabed me. I fell to the ground. I woke up screaming. I got stairght up. There was Evan looking at me. " Have you been there the hole time I was sleeping?" I asked. " Yeah ,but I wasn't stocking ,and I wanted to make sure that something esle didn't happen." He said. "What something esle?" I asked. " Its nothing." He said worried. I looked in his sad emerald eyes. I kissed him with out thinking. Soon as I realized what I did I looked at him and ran in my wolf form. I  turned back as I notice I was in wolf form. I walked in the school. I went to 8th and brother never notice that I havent been in school for the rest because the only class was 8th. Intill we left I couldn't stop tinking about the kiss and him saying he was trying to protect me.

    I was home. I flung the door openned. Brother came out. He put his dishes in the washer. "Hey brother should I go to this dance that I was invited to, would that make you feel better?" I asked. " You can go, I had plans for me and my sister  her my girl friend to go out but take this money buy you a dress and go." He said. " Thanks big bro." I said. I went up the stairs into my room amd grab the invitation. Than I run down satirs and out the door. I jumped in the car and went. The cut the bugethent.

  I was at the store for dresses. " Hey do you have any ball gowns?" I asked. " Yeah we got one just in, we where going to get a bunch but they cut the buget." She said. " Can I see it?" I asked. "Yea it right there." She said. It  was white and puffy. It had small little diamonds that and all most look like gillter. " I'll take it, 200 dollars, wow." I said. I had the money to her. I grab the dress and put it on and went to the car dar went.

The Ball

I arive there. I picked up my dress cuase I couldn't walk in this thing. I walked up the stairs. Suddenly  I stopped at the door. Should I go in or not? " Hey I thought you wouldn't come after that." the familiar voice said. I turn around as he grab my arm and walked me in. He was wearing a reugar tusks like everyone esle would  wear at school. Every one esle here was dress like me. He walked me to the dance floor. " Do you want to dance?" He asked. " Sure why not." I said as smileing.  We started dancing. I stopped. " I don't know how to dance." I said. " Um just follow my lead, and I can always teach you later how." He said. I let him guide me. " About today." I said. " Its okay I didn't mind at all, I did kiss you back you know its not just your falt." He said. I simled like I wasn't freaking ,but if you ask me I failed.   I just stared in those beauiful emerald eyes all night. " Hey Evan happy to see you brought a date like we asked." an unfamilair said.  " Hey mom." Evan said.  " Hi." I said.She left. " Is that the only reason you brought me." I said. I ran out the door. I went down the steps as I slip. I felt someone jumped infront of me. "Och." I said. I look down to see it was Evan. Why is it so hard to be mad at him. I stared at those eyes that I get lost in. I stap out went he rolled me over and kissed me pashionly. We stop and was panting. " I should of done that along time ago, please don't leave." He said. " I don't know Evan, my dress is ruined and I don't have anything to change into." I said. " I have something for you, just come please." He begged. " I'll have to ask my brother, if thats okay with you?" I asked him. " Yea thats fine, just don't meantin anything esle okay." He said. " I got it, its not like I'm going to tell him." I said. I call my brother. " Hey is it okay if I stay with a friend?" I asked. " Yeah just make sure your back tommow." he said. " I know, bye." I  said not giving him a chance to say bye.

His Place

 He was taking me to his house. I just stared at him. The wind going though his sandy red hair. I watch from the side. The ligh going though his eyes. I didn't want to leave his eyes, they just locked me a fansty world. Ever time I stare into them. God what am I thinking. We came to a stop at his house. He looks over. I hurry and look away. I start to blush. " Where here." He said. "I want to know why you said that you where trying to protect me, am I in trouble?" I ask with concern. " Theres nothing to worry about." He said. I just wanted a answer.  I walk up to his house's door. He openned it for me. " Your place is drop dead groues." I said. I was looking around. " Well thank you. " He said smileing. " well you know I still hate you." I said. He looked at like get over it.  I turned the tv on, feeling uncomfortable. " I have to be some where, I'll be back stay here." He said. " Be back soon please." I said begging.  He left me now, leaveing me alone by myself in his house. I wounder if I would get  in trouble if I trow a party. I looked at my phone and started to call Mia. " Hey will you help me throw a party?" I asked Mia. " Your brother will kill you." She said. " No he wouldn't because its going to be at a friends house." I said. " Where at, I want to help, I can't belive you got persion to throw a party at a friends place." Mia said. " I didn't get persion ,but I don't think he will mind, its at 62 st."I said. " I'll go get the stuff and send the invitetastion to everyone." She said. " Don't invite Evan." I said. "I meet you there." She said. I sent a invitetation to everyone I know other than Evan and parnets. Mia arived at the house when she seen me outside. She brought eveything inside. " This is Evan's house thats why I said not to invite him." I said. We unload eveything. We waited for people to come.

Party Rock

We heard poeple knocking like crazy. We started the music ,but some kid brought his dj equipment and ant to dj for some odd reason. " Whats up with him?" I asked. " I don't know, we are going to blow the roof off this place!" Mia shouted. I grab a bottle of vodka and went outside with it. I sat on the steps. " Mia get us some glassed." I said. Mia came out with our glasses. I poped of the lid off the bottle and poured the fomy stuff into the glasses. " Cheers." we said. We cling our glasses to gather. I drunk it down fast. The house was booming." This is great!" I shouted. I grabed a another bottle form instide and handed it to Mia. " Lets have race." I said. "On the mark,get set, go!" Mia shouted. We chuged and chuged. I was feeling kind of sick. Eveything look funny and I wanted to laugh my but off. "I finished and I sticked my toung out at her. We sat there laughing. I went inside. " Lets party!" I shouted. "Wooo." The party shouted back. I grab another bottle. I chuged it as I was on the dance floor or where people where dancing. " Hey do you want dance?" A guy asked. " Sure I would love to." I said. We where dancing like crazing. Everthing looked burly. We where crazy. "Hey dude follow me." I said. I pulled him outside with some whin. I had him one. I drunk some. Out of the blue he pulled a gun at me. " Come with me." He said. Crap I can't turn infront of these poeple.  I followed as hoped that someone will stop this guy. I stoped to throw up. I felt a chill as I knew it was Evan. I turned around as I seen Evan drinking him dry. " Hey sexy,whats up." I said. I hoped on him. " Catch me." I said. He cought me. " You smell like beer, are you drunk?" he asked. I shooked my head no. " I'm drunk I'm haveing fun." I said. " Your drunk." He said. He put me down. " No hold me." I said. Than I threw up. He put his hand on me and started to pat my back. " I'm going to get you a bucket." He said. befor I knew it he was back. " Here take this." He said. I pulled the bucket as I threw up. " Guess you threw up in my yard." He said. " I think I'm done, wait." I said. I threw up after I said that." I'm done now honey  bunny." I said. He picked me up and sat me down on the couch and clean it off so I could lay down. " Hold me baby." I said. " Shhhhh Amu...."He said. A arrow shot from the distance with in a second and it about hit Evan or my hands. He shut the door. " They can't get in my house its encheanted and the only way they can is down the chimme ,but I'm  going to lite a fire there." He said. I fell asleep right after and the last thing I seen was  those eyes, the eyes I didn't want to look at anymore.

The Unknown

I woke up with a major head ace. I run to the bath room as fast as I could. I throw up. I sat there throwing up over and over again. I didn't feel like moving. How much did I drink. Evan probably left. I think he would be up here with me if he was here. I went down stairs to get a Tilanlaw. I grab a glass and filled it up with water. I gulped it down. I walked outside the house. Its dark out here. What is this? Its 8 in the morning. My head started to pulsate. "Aw." I shouted. I seen everyone I love die one by one. Blood was every where. I tried to escape this. I run in till I was on a bridge. Everything was red and black. I shut my eyes and opened them. everything was normal now ,and there stood Evan with a worried face. I pretended like nothing happened. " Hey Evan what's up?" I asked with a fake smile and run up to him with a cheery mood. 

    " I went out to get something to eat for us tonight." He said as he put his fingers through his messy hair. " You didn't have to you know ,and you eat?" I said. " Yes, we aren't what you people read about." He said. " You must be misread all the time than." I said. " Not really, no one knows that I'm a vampire." He said. " Well I'm okay, you didn't have to come back so soon." I said. "I've been gone since I lite that fire." He said. " You really have been gone long." I said. " I'm going to put this stuff up, you can help if you want." He said. I grab a box and put it in the fridge. He had the rest. "Thank you." I said as hugged him. " Don't leave with out a note it bothers me." I said looking at him. " I will, but I don't get the point, I'll be back." He said. My head started to hurt again. I fell to floor. I was holding my head trying to get it to stop. " Amu are you all right?" He said. It wasn't going away. I grab on his shirt and pulled myself up off the floor. I licked his neck. What was I doing? "You know you want to" the voice in my head said. I kept licking his neck. He was holding me close to him now. " Adria calm down." He said. Did he just call me Adria. " That's your real name, remember now, go and do what you was born with." The voice kept saying. 

     I seen a castle burning. Everyone running. " Hey Princess Adria run and get out of here before they kill you, you must survive." Evan said. " I can't leave you and my family be hide" I said. " Your the one highbred, and your family would want you to get away." He said. I ran as fast as I could. I felt the cold sad feeling. The wetness going down my face. I was crying. 

   It stopped showing me the past. "  You must do what you must do." The voice said. I didn't want to. "You must do it now." It said. My fangs pierced though his neck. I pushed him against the wall and we fell to the floor. I could feel that he kind of like it by the way his blood was getting hotter. He all so had a worried taste. A image of his past showed though his blood. We where kissing before we meet which is weird, but if that thing was right than my life is a lie right? " Stop Amu your taking to much." He said not resisting that I'm sucking his blood. He would let me kill him. He was waiting on me to stop. I pulled my fangs out of his neck. I was panting. I relied what I did. I didn't know I had fangs. I can't be a vampire and wolf. There's nothing like that in any history. I went as far as I could away from Evan as I could get.

  "What's wrong with me?" I asked. "Nothing, its normal as a vampire to want blood." He said. "I'm a wolf, how can I be a vampire to, its not possible . " I said. "Your a highbred, your the only one ." He said. "How do you know?" I asked. "I'm your brother, I'm your brother by Margie, We're both pure blood vampires, its normal." He said. "So you knew all along." I said. I hugged him as I cried. " Its okay Amu." He said. "I'm going to go back to sleep." I said. "I'm coming with you." He said. I went to the bed room I seen on the way to the bathroom. I laid there as he put his arm around me. I turn to face him and warmed my arm around him, we where in a hug tight way with my head on his chest. I fell asleep to his heart beat. I had anoth of the lies.

Book 2: 1st chapter: The day I......

 Book 2 name is The Time We share:


I awoke from slumber. I looked up to see Evan asleep. He must have been watching me all that time. He looked so peaceful for once. I stayed in the same position, listening to his heart beat. You would think vampires didn't have heart beats ,but they do. I sat there for hours and I was getting a little bit mad at him because he hasn't woke up. He moved, I sat up. He rub his eyes and yawned. " Your up Evan." I said. " Have you been here the whole time I was asleep?" Evan asked. " You just looked peaceful and I didn't want to wake you, and its not like you didn't watch me sleep." I said. I stood up and streched.  He stood at the door now. " Evan I'm sorry." I said . It was hard saying thhose words, but he  earned the words cause I made him worrie. " Its all right Amu, no need to apologise."  He said. I was push agaist the bed as his teeth sank in my neck. I lay there letting him. I did it to him. I heard my blood being sucked, as I was drillen into the same memory as he was. 


This is alittle bit of it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.02.2013

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