
Chapter 1: The begininning


 My name is ClaraBell I am 17 years old and I am a senior in high school. I live with my dad, and my little brother Charlie, who is 14 and A freshman in high school.

We have moved so many times in the last 6 years. 20 different towns 20 different schools. 20 different times being the new girl, and making new friends, then leaving, and the whole process starts all over again.

I am so sick and tired of moving. I hate it so much. I just wish that my dad would stay in one place. We have know moved to Atlanta Georgia. We were about 30min away. I am sick and tired of sitting in this car. 

We'ev been in here for about 7 hours know and I want to get away from my annoying brother. 

"Clara...." my brother says while kicking my seat. "Cara Cara Clara Clara" he kept saying while kicking my seat over and over. 

"What do you want" I say

"Nothing I don't want anything"

"Well then stop picking on me"


"Dad..." I say

"Charlie leave your sister alone right now or you will not be able to go to the skate park later on when we are done packing" My father says. 

That made charile stop right there. He just loves to skate, he is always making a new skateboard, its like the thing he just loves to do.

I plug in my head phones to my Iphone and start listening to my favorite song ever "Boom Clap". 

I start to sing along with it. I could never sing in front of people except to my family. My dad got me into chorus a few years ago, and we all had to try out for a solo, I was so excited about it until I got up in front of everyone I completely froze. I ran off of the stage and dropped chours. 

"honey why don't you try something again" Dad said

"what do you mean"

"like try chours again or something, honey you have a great voice everyone would love you, you just have to keep trying"

"dad you remember what happened last time, there is know way that I am going to do that again, I made a complete fool of my self and That will never in my life happen again" I said.

"ok well I hope you know you have to take theater or chours" 

"WHAT"??? I yelled

"yes I got a email the other day saying that it is required to either take some sort of chours class or theater"

"oh my goodness I am going to literally die"

"honey it's not that bad, don't worry about it"

"it is absoulty horrible dad I am going to embarrass myself all over again"

"just calm down you can't do anything about so your just gonna have to deal with it"

I can't believe this, moving to a new town and I will be laughed at because I can't get up and sing in front of people, everyone is going to make fun of me, my life is completely runied.



We pull into a drive way. The house was 3 stories, it had a basement, a middle floor and a upstairs.

I have never seen the house before and I can't wait to see what it looked like. 

"ok so the basment Clara you will have the whole thing to yourself, there is a bathroom, 2 bedrooms, living room, a game room, and a kitchen down there, it has all the appliances, games, books or whatever you need already down there, it will be like having your own house" dad said. 

Ok so know I am like freaking jumping up and down when I hear that.

"Thank you so much daddy I love you sooo much"

"your welcome princess"

I am so glad that I finally won't have to share a room with charile, all the other houses that we have moved into I always had to. This is like freedom from my little brother. 

"ok charile you have your own room upstaris, with a bathroom. and also upstaris you have your own game room so that means you can leave your sister alone."

Charile starts jumping up and down, and jumps on our dad telling him how much he loves him.

"ok lets go check the place out" dad says

me and charile run up to the door, I feel like I am going to like pee my pants for how excited I am. 

"daddy hurry up I wanna go see" I say

"I am coming"he says while walking up the steps and unlocking the door.

I look to the right and there are staris leading up, look to the left and there are staris leading down staris.

I run down them and look around right when you come down the staris you can see the living room, it has a couch that wraps around the wall, and a big big flat screen tv.

It looks like it could sit about 10 people.

The kitchen is right by the living room, it has 5 counters, and a table that has stools that wrap around it, a stove and some other appliances, it also has a pretty good size refrigrator.I start running around. I look in one of the rooms and the walls are a light blue, it has a king size bed in there with a flat screen tv, and a desk with a computer. 

I look across the hall and there is a big ass bathroom. I go further down the hall and there is a even bigger bedroom, with a walk in closet, a king size bed, desk with a computer, and a flat screen tv. This is soo gonna be my room. I walk back the way I came. Right next to the first bedroom there is another door, 

I walk in and scream. 

Its the game room!!!

There is a flat screen tv, that has a ps3 connected to it, a pool table, and a whole bunch of pin ball tables. There is a bar in there, that has a refrigrator. and a counter that wraps around everything. 

This is sooo freaking awesome. There is a giant book shelf with like a ton of video games, and books.

I go back into the living room, and lay down on one part of the couch. 
I can't believe that I get all of this to myself.

My dad and brother come down the staris.

"so how do you like it" my dad askes

I get up and run over to him and hug him, "I absoutly love it daddy thank you so much"I say

"your welcome princess, but you have to pay for the food, and you have to help pay the bills so you give me a hundred dollars a month, so that means you have to get a job"

"I will daddy I promise, I have money left from working over the summer, so I will go buy things that I need right know, And I will give you this months rent"

I unzipp my purse and give my dad 200 hundred dollars.

"sweetheart its only 100 not 200"

"I know daddy but I am so grateful that you did all this, thank you so much" I tell him again

"ok well I am going to the grocery store, do you need anything" I ask

"actually yes, when you come back do you wanna pick up a pizza"

"ya sure"

"clara can I come with, I wanna try and find a job to and, and get some snacks for my mini fridge" Charile askes

"of course, hurry up and go and get your shoes on, then we will leave"

"honey go and get the air tank out of the garage for me please" my dad says with a really big smile on his face.

"uh sure,but what is wrong with you" I say while walking up the staris with my dad right behind me.

"oh nothing"

I walk outside and towards the garage.

"what is the passcode to open the garage" I ask

"your birthday"

I type in 0925. My birthday is september 25th.

The door start to open up. 

Once it is fully open I see a black 1973 ford fl50

"happy early birthday Clara"

"Are you serious I cant believe it daddy, I can't believe this you are the most amazingest dad ever, I love you soooo much"

"ok enough you better go give that thing a spin"

I jump up and down, and yell "charlie hurry the heck up"

Charlie runs out of the door, and says "Is that the truck that dad told me he was getting you for your birthday" 

"yes it is so get in"

Charile runs over to the passenger side and gets in, I also get in.

my dad hands me the keys, "have fun sweet heart, and you be good" he says while pointing at charile

"don't worry Dad I will be" Charlie says. 

"you better be, you can't bother her Because she is driving and has to concentrate on that, so be good or you will be grounded from your game room, understand"

"yes dad" Charlie grumbles.

"kay be safe"

"I will be" I say while putting the key in the ignition and driving away.

I turn on the radio and start singing to Just the way you are by Bruno Mars, charile joins me, and we just sing songs, all the way there.

Chapter 2:Whats his name


  I pull into the malls parking lot, and hand Charlie 50 dollars

"kay you owe me, I will text you when I am ready to go, I am gonna go look around for a job, and do some shopping for school, then go get some grocerys, and then pick up the pizza so we may be gone for a few hours" I say

"I am doing the same"

"kay text me if you need anything"

"I will Love ya" Charile says

"love you to" I say while walking the oppsite direction.

I walk into the mall and just look around. There is a shop called Mels at all my other old towns, Mels had the best clothes every and I loved shopping there.

Thats what I am looking for.

I go around the corner and see 3 girls and they look really slutty.

They are all wearing either a really short skirt,

or shorts, if they bended down you could probably see there ass. There shirts were so tight on them and went up there belly's. 

One of the girls seen me staring at them and said

"what the hell are you looking at nerd"

"I don't know I am actually trying to find that out"

"stop looking at us like you want to rape us"

"you wish I would look at you guys like that,

all I see infront of me is a bunch of skanks" I say

"who are you calling a skank, bitch"

"awe thanks I would rather be called

a bitch than look like a

bunch of prostitutes"

"you better shut the fuck up or I will kick your ass"

"really, you aren't scared that I am gonna mess up your pretty hair, or what if you break a nail, or mess up your make- up"

all 3 of them look like they are scared shit-less.

I see 2 guys standing behind them laughing there ass off

"what the hell are you guys laughing at" I say, They both look at me, 

One of them has blonde hair, blue eyes and he is just goregeous, the other has green eyes and brown hair, he is really hot. The one with green eyes just stares at me.

"stop staring at me you pervert"I say

"I am not a pervert" 

"well you are un dressing me with you eyes"

He just smirks, and says "well you are pretty hot, and you got some attitude and I like it"

"ya well I don't like you so back off"

"oo we fisty aren't we"

I roll my eyes and walk around them. I finally see Mels but Then a arm comes around my waist, I get pulled to a chest. 

"whats your name goregeous"

I turn around and look into the green piercing eyes. God why did he have to be so damn sexy.

"my name is leave me the fuck alone, I don't have time for you jerks"

"I am not gonna leave you alone until you tell me your name" he says

"well then looks like you are gonna get pretty bored Cause I am not telling you it"

"I bet you will"

"honey I don't think so" I say

"well princess your on, I will just follow you around until you tell me it"

"whatever" I say while turning around and walking into Mels. 

I go over to wear the tops are and see a bunch of things that I want. 

There is a white and red stripped long sleeve shirt that I grab and hand it to whats his face "if you are going to be following me then you can hold on to my things" I tell him

"ok sound good princess"

"don't call me princess" I say "well what else am I soups to call you, you want tell me your name"

"whatever" I turn around and grab about 5 more shirts that I like, 2 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shoes, 2 bras, and 3 pairs of underware.

When I gave Whats his face the bras and underware, his face turned red.

"what haven't you ever seen underwear and a bra" I ask

"yes actually, all the time"

When he said that it kinda hurt, and I don't know why

"well aren't we a little whore"

"I am not a whore I just like girls"

"correction you like sleeping with girls"

"yes I like that to" he says while smirking at me

 I turn around and go over by the dresses

There is a strap less white dress, A red dress, blue, and black dresses that I grab and run to the changing room. Before I go in I tell Whats his face that he is gonna tell me what dress he likes more.

The first dress that I try on I the white dress. I look into the mirror behing the door, it looks goregeous on me, it makes my boobs look really big tho. I have a c-38 boob size. 

I walk out and he is sitting in one of the chairs. 

"so how does it look" He starts to say something but it was all mumbled. His face turns bright red.

"you um.."He says

"well I am guessing I look pretty damn hot don't I" He nods, his eyes travel from my face down, they stop on my boobs and his eyes turn lustful looking.

"stop looking at my boobs pervert"

He smirks at me 

"what can I say you look pretty hot"

"there is know way that I am trying on any more dresses with you, I will just buy them all"

"what no I want to see what they look like"

"to damn bad I don't want you undressing me with your eyes all damn day long, and I have other things to do"

"like what" he askes

"like find a job, go grocery shopping, pick up a pizza, and go find my brother"

"oh well remember I am coming with you"

I groaned, I just wanted this guy to leave me alone but I guess he won't.

"look all you have to do Is tell me your name then I will go away"

"no I am not telling you my name, I don't need a stalker"

He just laughed.

I go back into the dressing room and take off the dress and grab the other ones.

I walk up to the the counter and whats his face puts the other things I got up there, and the cashier rings them up. "That will be a total of 212.57" the chasier says

I hand him the exact amount.

"grab those bags" I tell Whats his name, he rolls his eyes but grabs them.

I walk out of the mall, and over to my truck. 

"just put them in the back", I tell Whats his name

He does, I get into the truck and he gets into the passenger seat. We pull out of the parking lot and go across the street to The diner. 
"ill be right back I am just gonna go and get a job app" I tell him

"ok sounds good"

I walk in and I am immediatily greeted by an older women. "hello my name is Melissa, what can I do for you"

"I was actually wondering If you guys were hiring"

"yes we are, we are in great need of new workers"

"ok well do you have an application that I can fill out"

"sweetheart, you don't need to"

"oh um ok so uh what do I do then"

"well do you think you could come in tomorrow at about 12 and have a try at this"

"yes absolutly"

"ok then sweetie I will see you tomorrow"

"ok bye" I say and walk out the door back to mytruck, I hop in 

"so how did it go" Whats his name askes

"good, come in tomorrow to try out" "so basically you got the job"

"no not yet" I say, I turn on the radio and Boom clap is playing. I start to sing but them stop when I realize that Whats his name is in the car, I instantly feel embarrsed and I feel my face get all hot.

"you have an amazing voice"

"no I don't Oh god I am gonna puke"

"Why you sound great"

"Can you please just drop it, or I will literally punch you"

He holds up his hands "ok ok I surrender"

I playfully punch him in the arm and we both start to laugh. I pull into the walmart parking lot.

"so are you still gonna follow me around, or do you give up" I ask him

"yep I sure am"

I laugh and walk into the store

I go down the fruit and veggies isle, and get a bag of apples, and pears. I get some bannanas, a water melon, carrots, and 3 cucumbers. We then walk over to the box food isle and get some mac and cheese, ramen, a bag of fetticune noodles, elbow noodels, and bowtie noodles. 

We go down the frozen food isle and get 4 frozen pizzas, frozen strawberries, bluberries, mangos. Some frozen strawberry banana yougurt. "hey do you think you could go get a box of donuts and some doritos, hot cheetos, takis, and lays?" I ask whats his name

He laughs and says sure. I walk over to the bread isle and get a bag of bagles, loaf of wheat and white bread, Peanut butter, strawberry, and grape jam, mustard, ketchup, relish, pickles, and butter. 

I then walk over to where the meat is and get 3 steaks, a tube of hamburger, some sliced turkey meat. When I go over to the Dairy isle Whats his name is right behind me and puts what I told him to get in the cart. I then grab a gallon of milk, chocolate milk, half a gallon of O'J, strawberry yougury, biscuts, frozen sasuge, and bacon. 

"hey um could you get some fruit snacks, poptarts, and a box of coco puff, coco pebbles, frutiy pebbles, and lucky charms, please please please" I say while giving him puppy dog eyes

He looks at me and smiles, "I guess so but only If you make me dinner tonight"

I think about it, should I just go get it myself? "fine but what do you want tonight"

"whatever you wanna cook me"

"sounds good know go and get that stuff" He turns around and walks away. 
I go down the coffe Isle and get a can of coffe, and some creamer. I go down another isle and get flour, sugar, and some other spices. 

I have always loved to cook, I always cook my family dinner every night. My dad can't cook at all, so I kinda had to learn.

What his name comes walking down the isle with his hands full of things.

What the hell I only told him to get a few things. He puts in the cart the cereal, pot tarts, and fruit snacks that I told him, but then he also had a bag of strawberries, and fresh peaches. OMG how did he know that I like that stuff?? 
"why did you get the strawberries and peaches" I ask

"Idk you just look like you were missing this stuff so I figured I would get it know instead of going back and getting them"

"well thanks, I forgot all bout that stuff"

"so are we done here"

"yes we are"

We head up to the cash register and pile everything up there. Once the cashier is done ringing everything up he tells me the total which was 200.89 dollars. I hand him the exact amount and put the bags back into the cart and go out to my truck. 
Whats his name helps me put everything in the way back of my truck. We then get in and I text Charlie telling him I am getting the pizza then I am going to come and pick him up infront of the mall. 

"where is the closest pizza place" I ask whats his name

"just go right then left and its right there" He says

I do what he says and we pull into the pizza palaces parking lot.

"do you mind staying in here and watching everything"


I walk in and order a large pepporoni pizza with bread sticks, and 2 pops.

I pay the cashier and go back out to the truck.

"your phone went off someone named charile was calling"

"oh thats my brother here hold this stuff" I hand him the pizza and the pop

I pick up my phone and call my brother back

"hey, are you on your way to the mall" charile askes

"ya I am just leaving the pizza palace and I will be there in like 30 seconds" I say


I hang up

"how old is your brother" Whats his name askes


"oh cool" I nod and pull into the malls parking lot once again.

I see charile instantly, and I wave. Charile waves back but has a weird expression on his face when he sees whats his name in the passengers seat. I stop the truck and tell whats his name, to let charile sit in the middle, then he can seat by the door. 

 "so uh who are you" charile askes what his name

"I am Alex" Whats his name says. OMG he just said his nam yess I found out before him.

"you wouldn't mind telling me what you sister's name is would you" Alex asks.

"its clar..."

"charile don't he isn't soupst to know my name, I don't want him to know just please don't tell him."

"why not clareBear" My face turns all red, oh god he is gonna find out know. 

"clareBear"? Alex askes

"just shut up charile please just shut up" I say 

Alex starts to say something but I just turn up the music and start singing to it, I don't care anymore, I don't care if alex hears me singing I guess its better then be embarrassed by my little brothers nick name for me.

Chapter 3: Alex Alex Alex!!!

Alex's Pov:

This girl is such a beauty, why haven't I ever seen her before. She has such an amazing voice, I wonder why she got all mad at me when I told her that her voice was beutiful? It kinda freaked me out for a second. 

When we turned on my street I started freaking out. 

Why the hell are we by my house. We pull into the drive way right next to my house.

"uh what are we doing here"

"this is my house" she says I can believe it, I get to live next to a hottie. 

"well what a coincedence, I live right next door"

"are you freaking kidding me"

"nope that's my house right there, I was wondering who my new neighbor was gonna be"

She groaned in frustration. God she is so beautiful. 

ClareBear got out of the truck and started grabbing her shopping bags. "can you take in some of the grocerys" she asked me?

"Ya of course" I said while grabbing a whole bunch of bags. 

"charile you take in yours and dad's supper" 

"aren't you gonna have any" charile askes

"no, I am have dinner here with alex"

"oh I see ok well, you better have some left over for me, so I can actually  eat some good food tomorrow"

"don't I always" She says. 

Charile just laughs and takes in the pizza. Once we get inside ClareBear turns to the left and goes down some staris, she heads down some hallway and stops when she sees me following her.
"my kitchen is right over there just go put the grocerys on the table, and on the counter." 

I nod and do as I was told.



I am really starting to like having Alex around even if he is kinda annoying. But he is super cute and I can't believe that I am living right next to him!!

When he said that my heart like doubled in speed. I tell myself over and over I can't fall for alex becaue he will just break my heart, and I don't want to get to close espically if we will be moving again. I don't think I could bear to see myself hurt Alex.

I put all the new clothes that I got on my bed. I can't wait for the moving truck to get here tomorrow, then I can finally make this room more me. I head back out to the kitchen and Alex is sitting on the stool looking around. 
"so why is it that you are the only one down here"

"my dad said I get the whole basment to my self, So its kinda like living on my own I guess." I tell him.

"oh I see well thats kinda cool"

"yep It sure is" I say.

"so what are you going to cook me for dinner"

"um I was thinking about a noodle salad with cucmbers, and tomatoes, and some hamburgers, Does that sound good"

"ya it sounds perfect" 

"well good"

I turn around and get out a big sauce pan, and start to boil some water. Next I get out a knife and a cutting board.

"can you wash off one cucumber and one tomato" I ask him

He nods and takes them out of the grocery sack and wash them off in the sink. 

"thanks" I say

"no problem" 

He puts them on the cutting board and I start to cutt the cucmber in little bite size pieces. When they are all cut up I put them in a really big bowl, and start on the tomato. When thats all cut up I also put them in the bowl with the cucumber. 

"the water is boiling" Alex tells me

"Can you get out the bowtie noodles and put the whole box in there"

"uh ya, should I turn the knob thingy down"

I laugh "do you not know how to cook" I ask

"um no not really never really had to so I never learned, how do you know how to cook so well"

"my dad is really really bad at cooking, and My mom left us when I was 5, and I just kinda loved the concept of cooking so I taught myself"

"what do you mean you taught youself" he askes

"well when My dad wasn't home I would always expierence with different kinds of food, and they turned out to be really good, so I just kept doing that. I would always read a cook book and make my own version of that food"

"mmh sounds nice"  

"it was"

It went quiet for a few minutes as I started putting the hamburger into patties. I made 5, One for me and one for Alex, the rest will be for tomorrow for Charile, myself, and dad for lunch. I checked the noodles and they were done so I drained the water and put the noodles in the same bowl with the cucumbers, and tomatoes. I get out a frying pan and put 2 of the patties, and just let them cook. 

I mix the noodles in with the cucmbers and tomatoes, and put some vinegar,and oil with it and just continue to mix it. I get out 2 spoons and let alex taste one and so do I 

"How is it do you like it"I ask

"wow thats really good" he says with a huge grin on his face. 

I smile and get out 2 plates I put them on the table with some napkins. 

"would you like orange juice, choclate milk, or white milk." I ask him.

"I will just have what ever you are having" 

"kay can you be a big help and put away the grocerys"

He smile ands start putting everthing away. 

I put half while, and half choclate milk in one glass and in the second glass and set them on the table to. I went and checked on the hamburger patties and seen that they were done, so I took them off and, thank goodness for alex for getting the buns out, I laid a hamburger on one bun, and laid the other hamburger on the other bun. 

By the time I got out a plastic bowl and a lid that goes with it for the extra hamburgers, he other 2 hamburgers were done, so I started cooking the last hamburger, when that one was done I put the 3 extra hamburger patties in the plastic bowl and put it in the fridge. I grabed the bowl with the pasta salad and set it in the middle 

of the table. Alex got the salt and pepper, ketchup, mustard, and the pickles. I assembled my hamburger and put some of the Noodle salad on my plate and on alex's. 

The first bite of the hamburger was as good as the last. 

During dinner we made small talk like

"do you have a job" I asked alex


"whats your favorite color"He asked



We just kinda sat there and talked about the things that we love to do, and the things we hate to do. 

"you can cook some pretty good food, I wish I had a home cooked meal all the time"

I laugh and tell him thank you. 

Once both of us are done I take his plate and mine and put them in the sink. 

I look at he clock and see it is 7Pm.

This is when I love to play some black ops. 

"hey do you play video games" I ask Alex. 

"uh Ya I am like the viedo games king"

"what ever I bet I could kick your ass"I said

"ok, lets make A bet, If I win you have to kiss me"

"sounds good If I win you have do what ever I want for a week, and buy me grocerys for one month"

"fine if you get to things then I want to things you have to be my slave for one week, and I get a kiss"

"deal" I say and we shook hands. 



Chapter 4:The bet


 I ran to my game room, alex followed me. 

I put black ops into the Ps3 and turned the tv on. I grab 2 controllers.

"kay there will be 3 matches of quick scoping, who ever wins 2 matches wins the bet"

"sounds good to me"

I set up the match and pick my sniper and so does alex.


30min later:

"I win I win I win" Alex yells

"oh just shut up" I tell him

Who ever gets to 30 kills is the first match

60 kills in the second

and 90 kills in the third.

The first match I won 30-29

Second match Alex won 60-59

And the third match Alex won 90-88

"I can't believe it I always win" I say.

"well this time you didn't sweetheart, know you are my slave for one week" he says

"oh ya and wheres my kiss" he askes

Oh god I forgot all about that stupid kiss, I can't beileve he is actually going to make me kiss him, I think I might just throw up. 

"well lets get the show on the road" Alex says.

Alex starts to walk towards me, I walk backwards. I really don't want this to happen. Alex contiunes walking towards me and then I feel a wall behind me. Oh thats just great I think. I am trapped, I can't get out of this one. 

Alex puts his right on my neck, and his left hand around my waist. He pulls me towards him, so that every inch of our body is touching. He slowly leans in, Then I feel his soft sweet lips on mine, and my whole body gets all tingly, and I feel as if I am on cloud 9.

He askes me for entrance, I don't give it to him. Alex then bites my lip and I open my mouth in surprise. He sticks his tounge in my mouth and explores. 

I start to kiss him back because this feels so good, and so right. I put my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He puts both of his hands around my waist and holds me to him, as if we were made for eachother. 

Alex then pulls back for air.

"wow I have never kissed anyone like that before." he says.

I laugh and say "neither have I"

We look into eachothers eyes for what seems like forever. Then I smash my lips to his, and we start all over again. 

"ClaraBell...Do you know where my skateboard is the one with the...oh um" Charlie says.

I pull back from alex and jump off of him

"I think you better go" I say to alex.

"uh ya, but um can I have your number"

"no, no, no"

"what why"

"Because I don't want you to, who knows you could be some kind of rapist, or stalker" I joke

Alex starts to laugh, he then turns around and walks upstaris, but just before he walks out the door he says "see you tomorrow ClaraBell" 

Oh great know he knows my name, damn you charlie.



I wake up the next day to my phone ringing. 

Who the hell could be calling me at this time. I look at the screen and it says unknown. 

I decided not to answer it. I look at the time and see that it is only 7:30am...Great, I just know that I wont be able to fall back asleep.

I get up and go into the bathroom, and open up the cupboard under the sink, there is mouthwash, soap, condintioner, shampoo, and some other things that I will be needing. 

Hopefully the moving truck will be here soon.

I go over to the shower and turn it on, I take out soap, shampoo, conditioner, and a loofa, and put them in the shower. I strip off my clothes, and take my hair out of the pony tail and hop in the shower. I wet my hair, and massage the shampoo into my hair, then I wash my body, Rinse out he shampoo and put some conditioner in my hair and let it sit for a couple of minutes, then I wash that out and step out of the shower. 

I don't see a towel anywhere so I grab my robe, and put it on, and go upstaris.

I see that my dad is up and making coffee.

"morining sweetheart" "ya morning, do we have any towels" I ask

"nope we won't have any until the movers get here, sorry" 

The top of my robe is like soaked because of my hair, and there is like a puddle starting to form around my feet.

"well I am gonna be soaking wet, if I don't dry my hair some how, I don't even have my hair dryer yet"

"go over to the neighbors and ask them, doesn't that boy that came over last night live right next door"

"ya but there is know way that I am going over there to ask for a freaking towel"I tell him.

"well to bad I need to take a shower and so does charlie, so will you please go over there and ask"


"no buts, get over there and ask"

I turn around and head over to the door. 

I walk outside, and head over to alex's house. Once I get to there door I knock, and wait for about 2 minutes, know one answers. So I ring the doorbell, about 5 times. 

"Who the hell is knocking on my door at 8 in the damn morning" I hear alex say

The door opens, and alex's face looks mad, but when he realizes its me his face softens and he smiles.

"nice robe Clare"

OH MY GOD. I just remembered I have my robe on, how freaking embarrsing.

"don't blush it looks pretty damn hot on you"

I laugh, "ya ok well do you think I can borrow 3 towels because we don't have any at all"

"ya sure come on in and I will get them for you"


He nods and turns around, I walk in and close the door and follow alex upstaris, we go down a long ass hallway, before we stop in front of a door. Alex opens it and goes in, I follow. 

I realize that it is his room. It looked like a normal guys room. Football posters on the wall, flat screen tv, ps3 and lots of games. He goes into the bathroom he has in his room. I just stand in the middle of his room, and look around. 

Alex comes back out with 3 towels. I go to grab them, but he puts them behind his back. 

"kay lets see, if I let you borrow these I want something in return." 

"no, I am not giving you anything in return"I say.

"sweetheart, don't you remember you have to do anything I say for a whole week" He says 

Oh god I completely forgot all about that. "fine what is it"

"well first off I want your number, and second I want a kiss"

What is up with this guy and always wanting a kiss.

"ok well give me your phone"

He sets the towels on his bed and goes over to his bookshelf and grabs his phone.

He hand it to me and I add myself as a contact and put my number in in, and give alex back his phone. 

As alex walk back over to his bookshelf I run over to his bed grab the towels, and run out of his room.

There is know way in hell am I gonna kiss him again. I run all the way down the staris, I can see the front door and right when I get to it, I feel a arm wrap around my waist. "sweet heart where do you think you are going, you owe me a kiss" Alex says.

Alex turns me around and smashes his lips to mine. Just like last night sparks ignite inside of me. I kiss alex back, he askes for entrance and I give it to him. Our tongues dance together. Alex explores my mouth. 

It seems like the whole world just stops, like this is how my life is gonna be. Everything just feels so right. 

Alex wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. He hold me tight against him. It feels like we were made for eachother. He starts to walk and the next thing I know I am laying on a couch and alex is hovering above me. 

We never break the kiss. We just lay there kissing, like we have all the time in the world. Alex pulls back and gets up. I also get up and walk over to the door. Just as I open it alex turns me around again and pulls me towards him and kisses me one more time.

I take a step back

"I text you later" He says

"sounds good" I say while turning around and walking out the door.

Chapter 5: One week later


 Today I officaly start my first day of school, in this new town. I am so freaking nervous. 

Alex and me have hung out everyday it seems like. We make out like everyday for what seems like forever. 

And each time it gets better and better, and everytime the sparks shoot up my arm and leave me dazed. I always wonder if Alex Feels the same way that I do, but Everytime I am to scared to ask him if he does. 

I set my alarm for 6 in the morning so I have plenty of time to pick out my outfit and, and get ready for school.

Alex had offered to bring me to school today but I said no.  I get up and go into the the bathroom and take a shower. Once I get out I go to my walk in closet, And search threw all of the clothes.

In the past week I have gone shopping 2 other times, and grocery shopping 2 more times.

I was debating on weither to wear this black strapless knee high dress, or some shorts and a shirt. I decided that I was gonna wear a white pair of shorts, with a black long sleeve shirt, and converse. 

I plug in my curlying iron, and put on some eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. When I was done with my 

Make up My curing iron was hot enough to start curling my long blonde hair. 

         15min later:

I was finally finshed with my hair. I walked back over to my closet and took off my black beenie and put it on. I grab my purse and headed out to the kitchen. 

Once I was in the kitchen I turned on the coffee pot and started making some coffee. I grabbed a apple off of the counter, and unplugged my cell from the outlit. 



"hello" I say

"hey so are you ready for your first day of a new school"

"ya I am just making some coffee and then I am gonna be leaving"

"ok, well I was wondering do you think that you could give me a ride"

"why" I ask

"Because My car is being stupid and it won't start"

"ya I guess, are you ready"

"yep I sure am"

"ok well then just come over here"

"kay bye"

I hang up my phone and pour some coffee into a mug and put some peppermint creamer into it.

"so can I have a cup of coffee to" Alex says from behind me

I laugh and grab a mug out of the cupboard for him. And pour him some coffee. "you better not expect me to give you a ride everyday, Just so you know" I said 

"what? why not, I was hopping you would" He says with a smirk

"why the hell would you think that" 

"oh because you just can't stand to be away from my hottness"

"you really wanna go there bud, I can just leave, with out you"

"Ok ok I will shut up, but only if you give me a kiss"

I smile and walk over to him, once I am close enough he starts to lean forward, and I plant a kiss on his cheek.

I walk back  over to my coffee grab it and head outside to go to school.

"come on Bad boy, if you wanna ride" I yell to alex who is stiil downstairs just standing there like an idiot. I head over to the garage, and open the door, get in my truck,start it and turn on the music. I still don't see alex so I pull forward, to the front of my driveway, and honk the horn. 

Alex come out of the house and runs over to the the truck and hops in.

"finally what the hell took you so long"

"oh you know I just had to take a brownie from you"

"are you fucking serious those were for charile, and his 2 new buddies he met at the skate park this weekend"

"well who cares they don't need that much, geez you wanna make them fat or something" He says and starts to laugh, and so do I. 

"just shut up and eat your brownie" I say

I turn on the music and my jam is on. I start to sing along with titanium.

I over the past 4 days I have been singing more and more around Alex, I find it very easy, I guess. Once we get to school Alex gets out and walks with me to the office.

"so before you go and get your schedule can I get a proper kiss from you, on the lips" Alex askes.

I smile and lean forward and give him a quick peck on the lips. I walk into the office.

"Excuse me, today is my first day, and I need to get my schedule" I say to the lady at the front desk.

"ok sweetheart, yes are ClaraBell Swan"

"yes, how did you know"

"well we don't really get a lot of new kids around here, actually you are the first in 5 years"

Oh god that is so weird 

"wow thats a long time"

She nods and clicks something on her computer and goes over to the printer, and pushes a button. And machine roars to life, about 20 seconds later she is walking back over to me.

"here you go sweetie, have a nice day"

"you to, thanks"

I walk out the door. I look at my first class, Pre calc., my favorite class. As I am walking this really cute boy walks by me, just staring at me. He winks at me and I smile back at him. Once he walks by I look at my schedule and see that my first period class is on the second floor. I walk over to the stair case, and head up. Once I get to the top I go down this hallway. Right before I go around the corner, I here voices.

"so I seen you with the new girl this morning"

"ya clara" Alex says

Why the hell are they talking about me.

"she is pretty hot"

"ya she is" alex says.

"so what are you guys dating or something"

"hell no do you really think that I would date a girl" Alex says and starts laughing

"so what are you doing with her"

"oh you know, lurring her in act all nice and shit to her, tell her how much I care and stuff, so I can get into her pants"

I feel tears start to form in my eyes.
I turn around and head back down the staris. I run outside to my truck and get in and just drive to my house. Once I get there I run to my room and cry and cry for what seems like hours, until I get a text, from alex. 

Hey where are you?

Not your damn business!

What is wrong?

Just leave me the fuck alone, don't ever fucking talk to me again

Hey what did I do

I don't reply instead I just start to cry again.




Chapter 6:What did I do???


I would seriously like to know what I did wrong, I don't understand why Clara said those things, and I am going to find out.

I drive to my house and get out and walk over to clara's.

I just go right in because her father said that I was welcome when ever. I head downstaris, and see that Clara isn't in the kitchen or living room.

"shes problely in her room duhh" I say to myself. I start to walk to her room. 

I knock..."whos there"

I turn the knob and see that it is locked...Damn it.

"who is it" she says again. Her voice sounds all tired and sad. God what the hell did I do. 


"who is..." she said as she opened the door, but as soon as she seen it was me, she slamed the door in my face. 

"get the hell out of my house" she says.

"i am not going anywhere until you tell me what I did wrong" "you should know"

"well I don't know so will you please fucking tell me"

"you really wanna know" she says as she opens the door again.

"yes I do"

"ok lets see where the hell do I begin...oh yes ok I was going to my first period class, and I overheard these 2 guys talking, one saying that he is just being all nice to this girl just to get sex out of her"

oh god she heard me say that.

"clara it didn't mean anything I promise"

"no fuck you, just get out I can't trust you, I don't even wanna be by you, or see you so get the hell out" she yells.


"no I am not going anywhere" I say

"will you please just fucking leave"she says again as tears start to fall down her face.

"don't cry" I say as I take a step forward and wipe the tears off of her face.

"don't fucking touch me" she yells as she pounds my chest over and over again.

"god damit alex, you ruined everything I really thought that you liked me, I just knew that I shouldn't have fallen for you, you ruined everything, I hate you I hate you I fucking hate you" she screams


"Don't call me that, I never wanna hear that  come out of your mouth again you 2 faced asshole" 

"clara will you please just listen to me"

"no just get the hell out" Shes says while pushing me towards the stairs

"don't ever fucking come back" she screams in my face.


I walk back up staris and head over to my house. I can't believe that she heard that conversation with David. I only said that stuff about her because if he finds out that I am in love with clara, then he will tell the police that I was I in a drug cartel to protect my familyl. David is the man guy in our little crew, and he threatend to kill me and my family if I didn't join the cartel.

Everyone always think that I should never fall in love or have feelings for anyone just because they think I am the so called bad boy. 


But deep down I am not, I am a sweet caring guy. And over this past week I have loved clara more and more each day. I love everything about her, her smile, laugh, the way she sings, everything about her is just perfect. I myself even thought that I would never fall in love, I have gone through so many girls. But since clara came along, I haven't even touched another girl.


I need to fix this, I can't loose clara. 



God I just want everything to end, Alex is such a asshole, I fucking hate his guts. If I ever see him again, I don't think that I could stop myself from forgiving him. I just love him to damn much. I go to the bathroom, and jump in the shower. The hot water feels so good, it slowly starts to relax me. I get out and wrap  the towel around my waist, I open the door, and go over to my closet. I get dressed in my pj and go and lay on my bed.

Strong warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me agianst them. I scream. A hand clamps around my mouth. "shhh..I just want to talk you need to listen to my Clara" Alex says

He turns me around, I look into his beautiful green eyes. "seriously alex Get the hell out of my house"

"i just want to talk to you, give me 5min"  I think about it, I mean its not bad. "fine you better start talking cause you got 2min" He smiles and nods.

"Clarabear I love you and want to be with you, I would never say something to hurt you, that guy that I said that to, he is very powerful and I have to say those things to keep you safe." "I don't believe you" Clara says "clara baby, please you gotta believe me, I love you ok, nobody has ever made me feel the way that you make me feel, I am so madly in love with you, you just gotta believe me" he says. 


"I still don't belive you"

"well what do I have to do, to make you belive me" "I don't know alex, I don't know. Do something to make me belive you" I say.

He leans forward and plants a kiss on my lips "how about now" I shake my head no. He trails kisses down my neck, he gets to my sweet spot, and I moan. "now" "no" 

He pulls me closer to him and kisses me rough and hard on the lips. He licks my lips asking for entrance, I give it to him. His tounge explores my mouth. He pulls up the towel and puts his hands on my butt. 

I push him back so he is sitting on my bed, I sit on top of  him and wrap my legs around his waist. He pulls back. "now" I smile and shake my head. I kiss him, and unbotton his shirt, I push him back so that he is laying on my bed. He breaks the kiss so that he can take off his shirt. 

We begin kissing again rough and hard. He flips us around so that I am on bottom and he is on top. I scoot up all the way to where my pillows are, he lays in between my legs. I can feel his erection, threw his jogging pants. 

I want him so bad right know. He kisses me again. And his hands slowly trace down to my vagina. He starts to rub it. I moan into his mouth, everything just feels so good. He continues to rub my clit, then I feel something go inside of me, I moan so loud, he plugs 2 fingers in me and moves them in and out.

"oh alex, I am gonna come" 

He stops, and looks at me, I look at him, he is smiling. "do you forgive me" I nod yes. He begins to pull down his pants, I stop him. "alex no, I am not ready"
He smiles and pulls his pants back up, "ok I understand"

"are you sure" He nods yes. 

 He kisses me again and again. " I am gonna get dressed, then get us a snack" I tell him.

"ok sounds good"

I quickly get dressed and I open the door but before I went out of the room Alex says "clara"

 I turn around and say what.

"I love you"

I smile.

"I love you to"


Chapter 7:The friend that gets in the way


I woke up with my alarm clock blaring in my ear. Everything from last night come back to me in flashes. The problem was I can't figure out When Alex left or what happened. I Grab my phone and see that I have 10 missed calls from alex and about 20 new messages from him. 

I open one and it says 
"clara I am so so so so sorry for what I did, please forgive me I don't want you being mad at me So please call me back or just come over please please please</3. Please call me back" 

What the hell I thought that we made up? The last thing I remember is laying on my....OH MY GOD! I can't believe it did I dream about all of that? I have never in my life dreamed about something like that. I feel my face get all hot, just remembering all the things that happened in my dream. 

God why did everything have to go wrong, why can't for once somehthing happen in my life that is actually good? Over this past 2 and half weeks I have loved every moment of it, just being able to hang out with alex made my day. Every touch every laugh, everyting was just so damn perfect and know it is all ruined. 

I just wish that I would have never met Alex then maybe none of this would be happening, maybe I wouldn't feel so hurt and lost. I know that it is kind of stupid to be saying that I am like heart broken and it is probably to soon to say that I was in love with him, I may not be yet, but I know that I am falling and I am falling hard.

I get up and go over to my closet and grab out my outfit for the day. Which is white shorts, with a red tank top and and some black converse. I go over to my phone and text alex saying for him to never talk to me again that I don't want anything to do with him, and that I never want to see him again. 

I know that I do want to see him but I wont tell him that because I am so pissed that he could even think about saying that to anyone. 

My phone dings telling me that I have a message.

Text from Alex: Baby please don't say that, I am sorry If you would please just let me explain I promise that it would never happen again.

Me:Well don't worry it won't happen again because I won't be around for it to happen again

Alex: Clara Please stop I need you in my life I am so sorry you don't understand I had to say that 

Me: Sorry alex but we are over, well  nothing happened its not like we were dating or anything so just forget about talking to me or being in any part of my life I want nothing to do with YOU!!

And with that I throw my phone on the bed and go in my living room. I lay on my couch and go on netflix and start to watch Hemlock grove my all time favorite tv series!! 



I look at the time and it is 5 pm. I get up to go get some orange juice. Before I get over to the refrigartor my dad comes down the stairs


"ya" I say

"The school called today and said that you never showed up"

 I just stare at him.

"Is it true" he asks


"why didn't you go to school"

"Because I didn't want to see Alex"

"whats going on, he was over all the time, and now he isn't"
"we just got into a fight don't worry about it dad" I say

"ok honey but just to let you know, if I ever find out that you skip school again, you will be grounded and won't be able to have anyone over for awhile"

"ok dad"

My dad walks over kisses me on top of the head, and walks back up stairs.

I look at my phone and see that I have several text messages, and missed calls from alex. I shut my phone off. And head up stairs to see if charile wants to go do something after I make dinner. 

"hey dad where is Charlie" I ask

"he went over to alex's actually, he wanted to talk to him about something"

"oh" I say and turn around and walk to the door and go to alex's. My blood is boiling. Once I get over their I knock on the door. 

"one second" I hear. It sounds a lot like alex. Great. The next thing I know Alex opens the door, and as soon as he sees me he smiles. 
"Get the stupid smile off your face, I am here for my brother" 

"Clara can I please talk to you"

"no you have said enough, now leave me alone"

"charlie come on we are gonna go to a movie, lets go"

"clara please"

"Alex, When I say no it means no now drop it"

"You don't understand babe, I didn't mean any of those things if you would please just let me explain"

"God dammit Alex just drop it, I don't want to hear what you have to say you are a fuckin two faced jack ass, that can stay the hell out of my life and stop fucking talking to me" I yell. 

Alex just stares at me with the guilty look. I turn around, and start walking towards the truck. Charlie comes running up behind me. 

"why are you guys fighting" Charlie asks.

"That is none of your business"

"Come on Clarabear tell me"

"Charlie I swear, stop right now" 

Charlie shuts his mouth, and gets in the truck. I go around to the drivers side and get in.

"I am sorry, I am just not in the mood to talk about it right now" I say.

"Its ok Clara I understand"

"ok so what do you wanna do, do you wanna go to the movies or go to the beach" I ask

"The movies, only if I can get some popcorn"

I laugh and say "Thats a deal".


Chapter 8: The brothers plan

Charlie's POV



Clara just doesnt understand. I went over to Alex's house to see what the hell was going on between the two of them. He told me the truth about everything, and about how clara won't hear him out. She is just to damn stubborn. I have a plan. I am gonna have him come over the next time Clara is in the shower, I am gonna lock her door and they can stay in there until they are "Together" Again. This plan just has to work. Alex is awesome. 

 Its been 3 days. Alex keeps texting me wondering when we are gonna go through with the plan. I keep telling him we just have to find the right time, which is gonna be soon. 


"Hey Clara can I watch tv down here my tv isn't working and my show is on" I say

"Ya I guess did you tell dad about it"
"no not yet, he left a few minutes ago and I didn't get the chance to tell him"
"Ok well whatever I am gonna go take a quick shower then I am gonna go study at the library for a few hours"
"OK" I says. She walks back to her room. I wait a few minutes and then run back there. I can hear the shower running. I pull out my phone and call Alex. 

"Its time" I say.

"Ok I will be right over"
I hang up and wait.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.10.2014

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