
Ebony Flowers


Flowers grow black atop my pale skin

They do so menacingly, to a poison they are akin

On this foliage there are no thorns

Because all the pain comes with the adorn


I reach out to the blue overhead

And to the Heavens I call for salvation to be shed

But from there I just see the twinkle in the sky

That promises it is alright to die


Flowers grow black atop my pale skin

They do so menacingly, almost with a grin

On this foliage there are no thorns

It is merely of non-existence that they forewarn


I look to the rivers beneath the ground

Where the power of creation stirs without a sound

To it I ask for my life to be returned

But the platinum flows unconcerned


Ebony flowers grow atop my dying skin

No relief heard for one who bears my sin

At the full blossom there strike through the thorns

And as I disappear not a soul remembers to mourn


Texte: Danielle Bolger
Bildmaterialien: Danielle Bolger
Lektorat: Danielle Bolger
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.04.2014

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