
The Word of God about the apocalyptic trumpets (2)

The Word of God about the apocalyptic trumpets (2)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on docdroid; on; on scribd; on; on dropbox; on mediafire; on, r.n.)




Ten years passed since I raised to Me the body that carried Me and I blew My trumpet through, and I have spoken once more on Earth, as it was written for this time, and it was written that I would raise it for a while to hide it from the face of the evil snake (The Red Beast, the apogee of the communist dictatorship of Ceausescu, r.n.) and to test the people, to test the faith of this people. But behold, a testimony word is written into the book of this work when God thus spoke: «Verginica, do not get lost, as in your time you will raise with strong spirit and you will feed the crowds which will be guided to the glory of the New Jerusalem to hear the words of God from this mountain of blessing which will not be taken back». And behold, children of this citadel, God enters with His work in the citadel of Manesti once again, He enters as He used to, once, to talk to many from this citadel, He enters again with the same annunciation to bring you the good announcement, that I sent back on earth the spirit of the trumpet through which I have blown into the darkness’ days of the red beast’s reign and thus, through the darkness of disbelief, I have worked and I have made Myself a close flock and I said that I would do from it and with it light on earth and salt on earth and salvation on earth. Seventy years of the red beast‘s rule passed. (The communism, from 1921, the year of the establishment of the Communist Party in Romania, until 1991, r.n.) And behold, God has examined His people like once He used to examine Israel when he raised his hands and prayed to the Lord for salvation, when he served to other peoples or when he carried the burden of evil and Godless judges for his sins. Behold, God has examined the people who ate manna from the sky through that plate that you know too, through that body which I used in order that the sky may be able to talk to you, people of Israel from the last days, as behold, God wants to make an end of the world and evil with you, and it will be so, as it is written, and God wants to make the beginning of a new and pure age with you, a people with heavenly bodies, which will be settled on clean ground, on new earth, and God wants to make a new Jerusalem and to settle the ones written in the book into its middle, as this river of life will flow with living water wealth, and like the astrologers were guided to the manger where the saviour of the peoples was born, in the same way people will flow towards the spring of life which flows from Jerusalem, and they will stand and revive and they will add themselves to the saved ones. (See the selection topic: This word is the river of life”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the announcement of Saint Virginia for the Christians from the Mănești citadel, from 26-12-1990. (On Calameo)



The heavenly word is coming down on earth. Glory for those above and peace on earth! Amen. Peace to those who I am talking to now, to those that I make My word come down for, those that I love! Amen.


Peace to you, My loved ones! Peace and joy between Me and you! Peace and blessing from Me upon you! Blessed is the one who opens for Me to come in and have dinner with him, and he with Me. Amen.


Peace upon you, My servants, My workers, the ones that I did not forget and who once I spoke with by this work, by this thread, by this ray coming down from heaven to earth! Peace and unity between Me and you, as in the beginning so in the end, for God is uttering and end for transgression on earth and for the spirit of the world, for the world has come to an end. Amen.


The God of the Most Holy Trinity is tripling His threefold work, for this is what the Lord, Jesus Christ said: «I am going to the Father. I am going so that I may come back to you. I am going and I will send you the Comforter; I will send the Holy Spirit Who will take from Me and will deliver to you». This heavenly coming down, this manger thorough which God is slipping in His word, is that meal that you tasted too at the beginning of this work by which the Holy Spirit is working the salvation from the end. The Holy Spirit is tripling the threefold work of the Most Holy Trinity[2], as the Lord is at work over Romania to make a heavenly Zion out of it and a New Jerusalem and to lift it above all the heights on earth. Amen.


My servants, My servants Ioan (The fourth apocalyptic trumpet, r.n.) and Veronica, My not forgotten workers! Behold, those that are part of the flock of this secrete coming down, they too have not forgotten My words, and I gave them a word to remember those that are written in the book of this work which writes that these two trumpets of Mine will sit again at this table as well, embraced by God through this work. Then I gave a word for this time, as now that time has come to cry with them into My arms, to both cry together over the time of departure, and to give a heavenly word in order to stand up and blow the trumpets upon their flock, to gather the flock together in a single heart, in a single love and fulfillment of those that now have to be fulfilled by those that want to save their lives, so that they may be to the glory that will be shown in the days to come.


My loved ones, behold, the Lord is speaking with you. Get up and be with a great heart and make a good unity with the plan lowered down by God through this means of coming down of the heavenly word, for since you have known and until now, God has been speaking here and telling the secret of His plans for these days, for behold, the days of the godly glory are coming, which John, the evangelist, wrote about. The time has come for God to lift up the New Jerusalem, and the time is coming for a new earth and a new heaven, worked by God, to be shown. (See the selection topic: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.)


My loved ones, My trumpets, My servants, I am the God of the Most Holy Trinity and I am at work to discover and work the secret of My plan, for the days of the Lord’s glory have come, well My loved ones. The Lord has tools all over the earth which the heaven is working through, but look, the plan of My great work from the days to come; here is how I bring it here, this is how I work it here. Not even Moses’ people spoke with Me as these of the nowadays speak to Me, for I was speaking with Moses, and Moses was speaking to the people, but here is how I work here. I work as you know too, the same way you too saw at the beginning of My coming down into this manger of My Spirit’s dwelling, and I told you at that time when you separated from this thread, from this ray of light coming down from heaven, and I told Veronica; I told her that at Passover she will again lay hold of the latch of the monastery, but then it was the time for a great sifting, My loved ones, and it happened then as in the time of My body when the crows were crying a couple of days before «Hosanna!», and afterwards they were distracted by the words which were not translated as they translated them, and then they considered the Son of God to be guilty and gave Him to be crucified out of a madness spirit. Then this spirit went upon the apostles, who remained faithful to their Teacher as well, and it went to sift them too, but it could not do it, My loved ones, for these were armed with fasting and prayer. Behold, the spirit of sifting cannot be removed; it cannot be resisted unless by fasting and praying. This was so in all the times; the same was in the time of this work, My loved ones, for at its beginning the way was full of people, but the unfaithful multitudes were like the cloud tossed by the wind.


I have always come down through this work since then, and I have always been with the good leadership and with the good strength through the word to make a strong people so that I may work during these days through. I have worked to raise this people step by step to the top of perfection, to the top of the virtues which perform miracles, but My Christian was scared by the ascent, got distracted from Me, and let oneself be driven away by the spirit of the world, by the spirit of freedom, by the spirit of rebellion and of not understanding of the godly mysteries; and the Christian remained on the way, at tables with more liberty, with less ascension, and did not stayed beside this rock; he did not stay beside this mountain out of which the cleanest spring has been coming out, the greatest teaching, for this teaching has been lifting the Christian fair and softly, step by step, up to the narrow door of incorruptible life, as it is written in the Scriptures.


Behold My loved ones, My servants, the Lord has come near to the top. The Lord is being announced with the Passover celebration and with the days of his creature’s resurrection. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) Oh, if I gave the mysteries that I have them come down here; if I gave this spring into the hands of the Pharisees and scribes of these days, they would pronounce a harder punishment than then, in the time of My body, when these were accusing Me of being a law transgressor and blasphemer of God.


All the teachers of the law of today preach Me, but they do not want to follow in My footsteps, and there is no greater pain than this, and behold that Scripture which says: «What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the spirit is spirit». The churches of today are full of bodies, but the Lord has no width, no kingdom, and the Scripture which says, «The kingdom of God is in you», does not apply today. The Christian of today says that he has God in his heart, but the poor Christian forgets that God does not dwell in the body subjected to sin and that the Spirit of the Lord runs away and steps aside from the lawless ones.


God does not have saints on earth anymore, My loved ones, for all are subjected to the sin, lust and belly and to the spirit of the world, and behold that this is written in the Scriptures as well, that fellowship with the world is separation from God, and it also writes that the Lord is a jealous God, Who wants us only for Himself. And behold, the world is dead, all dead, dead for lack of wisdom and for lack of God’s fear, for God is wisdom, and the beginning of the wisdom is fear of God and this is no longer found in the heart of Israel of today. Israel of today serves the law of belly, the law of sin, and God has no more saints on earth. The earth is full of idols, and the Lord has no more saints to worship him according to the truth. Well, My loved ones, God’s earth is the Christian, and God’s heaven is the heart of the Christian. Behold the house and behold the temple that My Christian has to build, so that I may dwell in this house and find faith, peace, life and love in it; love, but love of God.


My loved ones lift your voices up and down, lift up your trumpets and call! Get your flock together and call upon it a spirit of revival and a spirit of resurrection, for the Lord is coming down to the shepherds to ask the life of the sheep out of their hands. The Spirit of God spoke through the prophets, and it stayed written which testifies by the Scriptures that «If a watchman of a city sees the sword coming upon those in the city and does not let the sinner know so that he may come back from his wicked way, then the blood of the sinner will be asked from the hand of the shepherd. But if the shepherd of the flock will call out and let the sinner know so that he may turn back after the truth to the right way, then the shepherd is clean of the blood of the sinner if the sinner hears the trumpet call and does not stand up to do justice. And if the city hearing the call of the trumpet turns back and works out justice, than the shepherd has saved the life of those in the city».


Oh, My loved ones, God is calling out by this coming down; He is calling out to the shepherds of the flock to graze the flock. God is calling out to His servants that He knows, for the servants who know the way of righteousness and have not walked in it according to the truth these will hear this word: «I have never known you!». And they will hear this because they did not know God after the truth, as to know God is nothing else than for God to live in man in all width and according to the truth.


Oh you, that I have not forgotten, My servants, Ioan and Veronica! Behold that I give you a triple power. Amen. Get up and be an example of living which is working out miracles, for here, in your days there will be worked out miracles greater than in the beginning, for this is written: «They who believe in Me will perform not these, but rather greater things than these». All the tools of the tribe of Israel, starting with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, wanted, but did not see the days of the Lord, but they hoped for them in faith, for behold, the smaller ones of Israel were promised something better, so that the Lord could give them the reward of perfections and to work salvation through the smaller ones for the whole Israel.


Behold the voice of God! Turn your faces to your parents and to the saints who have worked the commandments of holiness and of the eternal life. Flee from slavery, and who is a slave of the sin, let him stand up and do justice towards God. Remember how I was, My loved ones, for that is why I took up a body, so that I might strengthen your faith as you can be gods even in your bodies. The glory which is about to come and reveal even from now could reached to the human mind by now, but it is written about it in all Scripture. The people of the New Jerusalem will be a heavenly people, with heavenly bodies, and that is why it is written in the Scriptures that Israel has been sighing in his spirit to this day for the redemption of the body. Behold, the body and the heart of those from these days have to turn into a new heaven and new earth and living stones at the New Jerusalem foundation which the Lord will come soon with to the surface and which the far away peoples will flow to so that they may see the glory of the New Jerusalem. The time of the second appearance is coming; My time is coming, My loved ones, but no one understands and no one believes anymore. But they who pierced Me will believe because they will see it, My loved ones.


Get yourselves dressed for righteousness and make straight paths! Make a straight path into the wilderness of the world, so that the saved ones may walk in it! Give yourselves as an example upon the flock and make yourselves a new temple and a holy tent of God’s saved ones! Teach the multitudes! Make a straight path in the wilderness of disbelief and cry out in time and out of time; cry out like John, the Baptizer: «Repent in your heart and life for the one, that is written in the prophets about that is coming, is coming now!» Cry over the multitudes, cry out in faith: “Get up from your graves and make peace with God!” Call out as I also called out; call out and command to these dry bones, so that these dead ones may rise My loved ones! Let them be raised for righteousness and be found holy and clean! Call out as I called out: «Lazarus, get up!» for that Lazarus meant the illustration of My tribe of today who forgot My commandments and who walks in the way of death, My loved ones! Call out over Israel: “Israel take the coat of righteousness on you for the time of your glory has come. Eat the food the first ones in Eden ate and live the same way as they lived until falling into disobedience when they ate from the forbidden apple! Put an end, Israel, to the fleshly sin and make peace with God! As it was at the beginning of your work, the same will be at the end of his thing, for the iniquity will be lifted up and the ephah will be put back to its place, for God spoke this.


Israel feed on heavenly manna and do not rebel from now on anymore! You have seen what happened to Moses’ people, who was nourished with imperishable food and murmured against heavenly manna and wanted flesh and sin again.


Israel, do not take the life of God’s creature to eat the body of the creature made by God. (The flesh of animals, r.n.) Do not turn your belly anymore into a grave of bodies which have life from God! It is enough, Israel! The Lord wants to show you the entrance gate into Canaan, and wants to set the Eden again in your land! Do not work out evil deeds which you cannot reach into heaven with. Do not do any more evil Israel, and be a holy people! From small to great dress, Israel, for righteousness, for there will be no more death, and death will be swallowed up by the victory from these days!


My loved ones be true apostles, by My apostles, by the apostles of My Romania, for Romania is My bride, and I have loved her since her birth. Romania will be holy; it will be a people with heavenly bodies, for nothing perishable, nothing corruptible will remain in this citadel of heavenly brightness. All peoples will receive light from this blessed mountain and they will drink water from this rock from which the fountains of life will spring and from which the fruits of the tree of life will be shared. Amen. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.)


My loved ones be My true sons, as I am the true Son of My Father.


I have got this loved child (The bishop Irineu-Bistriţeanul, r.n.) through whom I will work out a clean, new and eternal church. I have put My spirits; I have put those seven godly spirits upon him, who prophet Isaiah, My prophet, prophesied about; the one who spoke for Me. I put My spirits in him. You take as well and work together with him; work well with him for he knows from Me and has the good power upon him, the power which is working out power, and behold, I will be well pleased with him for My church from the end and no one could thwart My establishments, and who can break down what I do?  But hide the secret of My spring, My loved ones, My apostles, My servants, you that I do not forget, and behold, you that now are not separated from Me. Work to do My wills with all the love that I also worked, and put aside that mercy which is harmful for the soul and for the salvation of My creature; and let My creature not turn back to the carobs of the sins, for who dies again, dies and is over with him, and is put aide.


Peace to you that are not separated from Me! Peace and a spirit of resurrection over the peoples! Peace and heavenly life in you, for I tell you the truth: he who is not born of the heaven, will not be with the heaven, whoever he may be.


Peace and victory over death and sin! Let you sow peace and justice and faith in time and out of time, for the righteous one will be alive out of faith! Amen.


Glory for those above and peace upon you, My servants, Veronica and Ioan, who are counted by Me in the number of the seven trumpets since the reign of Edom and of the red beast, (The communist dictatorship, r.n.), which has reached to the point of changing My times and holidays, and which has put death over the life of My church until it was done desolation and abomination into My church. But behold, the Lord is rising and girding and putting back to their places the establishments damaged by the time of wickedness, for God is the Lord of powers. Amen. Behold, the God of patience is putting on the garment of justice and the coat of power, so that He may put aside the rotten ones and to raise the strong, eternal and living reinforcements on the old ruins.


Peace and faith to you and unity between you and Me by this heavenly bond which has never been worked with in the people of Israel, but love the work of God! Peace and living unity, as in the beginning, so in the end! Peace and love, as in heaven so on earth!


Peace to you My love ones! Amen, amen, amen.

The word of God upon the apocalyptic trumpets: the priest Ioan and the nun Veronica from Vladimireşti, from 16-01-1991.  (On Calameo)


  • To be continued.

(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on docdroid; on; on scribd; on; on dropbox; on mediafire; on, r.n.)


[1] From here, the document is translated by I.A., r.n.

[2] Work threefold: From Adam to the first coming of the Son - the Father's. Since first coming to the second - the work of the Son, for the salvation of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Since the second coming - the Word of God (Rev: 19/13.) - The Holy Spirit, the sanctifying work of the creature, r.n.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.10.2020

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