
The Word of God about baptism (6)

The Word of God about baptism (6)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; on authorstream; on, r.n.)




Oh, let no one marvel at the opposition, at the carelessness of those who hear and say that they do not hear, of those who know that I have to come and do not receive Me when I come, by those to whom I speak and do not do as I tell them. This is how I was received two thousand years ago, after I proved so much power among the people on earth in word and deed, and those who wanted to be great among people, kept on minding their own business and put Me away from over them when the Father had sent Me to shepherd them to eternal life, and there was no place on earth where I went and where I spoke, that My steps could not be seen over those who did not receive Me when I entered at them, and so it will be today as well and this is how I will prove Myself as true God by My coming through My word of today, as it is written for Me to come and speak, and the dead to hear Me and to come to life if they want, if they have power to believe and to listen to My will upon them.


Oh, all the times have elapsed and there has come the time for Me to approach with the last days and I want to gather a people and to protect it from the time of judgment, because the judgment blows powerfully everywhere, and the Lord has the shovel in His hand and He cleanses His threshing floor and gathers the wheat in the barn, the chaff He throws into the fire, for this is written about the time of judgment and baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire over the people, and the man does not know the sweet taste and full of eternal life of the Holy Spirit, Who cleanses the man from sin and Who makes him an angel, if man can humble himself and believe, for only the one who humbles himself has a way to the light before him, and the one who cannot humble himself receives the baptism with fire, which is bitter for man.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2010.



Let My word be on earth and let it come down into its book with a feast of Epiphany, for the heavenly army is coming at My spring of word on earth to be refreshed from My longing after man, which I share with My saints, and I have among them John, the Baptist, on My right side, glorified on this day among those in heaven, for his hand and speech were sweet on the day of Epiphany when the Holy Spirit, in the image of a dove, descended from the Father at Jordan and spoke above Me the word of My Father: «This is My beloved Son». Amen.


The crowd, gathered at the spring now, started even at dawn to take of the water of Epiphany, and I, the Lord, am welcoming and telling them in a sweet baptizing voice: “Peace to you!” I am telling them this together with My baptizer, whom the angelic angel, invisible now, is embracing within him so that he may also give the word of Holy Spirit to the people that have gathered.


Peace to you, oh peace to you, people gathered at the spring! I am releasing My voice and speaking the Holy Spirit, the Comforter and I am putting Him over the waters and say: the water of Epiphany is being blessed with the power and the work of the Holy Spirit and it is sanctified with this power of word. Amen. Your faith and your love are blessed, people coming at the spring, and they are sanctified with this power of word, with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, sons! Oh, baptize your faith and love into the river of My word, so that they may catch life in your being! Oh, come to be renewed by baptism, for the faith and its works always have to be! Your power is faith, and it is My power in you then, for behold, by faith we have to ordain and work the new birth of the world, well son. He who does not have faith in himself for Me, one like that is not, and it is only the one who by faith is. I am giving voice over you and I am asking you to make your faith grow within you, son, and it will grow your love and the works of these, the works of faith and love, so that the fruit of your love may shine before you and before Me and teach from it those who look at you, for you have to share the heaven on the earth upon you and upon people, My people.


I am with a feast of Epiphany into your midst, people with longing in your bosom for you coming at My spring of word, a spring of Epiphany, son. I am giving you the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Grace is great work and you have to learn from a teacher to have it and to work it, making your faith and its fruit grow by it, just as John, the Baptizer, did, in whom My grace worked. It is a time of grace, and the heaven is waiting to see the grace working on earth and giving birth to sons for heaven, with My kingdom shining in them so that it may take the face of the people in such a way that they may see and baptize their face and life in the water of My river of word after that, which gives new birth to the man, bringing birth from above for man.


May My grace make you in this day, My people, to live the thrill of the day of My Epiphany in Jordan, when John touched My head and spoke My baptism, which came upon Me after that in the image of the dove, because it was through the baptism with water that the baptism with the Holy Spirit came as well over all those who were baptized into My name by My disciples and then the heaven came down within them on earth and the number of My disciple increased, for this is what the grace of the Holy Spirit does by those who are bearers of God on earth.


Oh, repent too, sons all over the earth, for the Lord has got the work of His word over the earth and He calls you to repentance, for the Lord is coming, oh, sons of the earth! Let the Lord not find you naked when He comes, oh, let Him not find you like that, as after Him it follows the punishment of the evil works done by the people! Seek to be found dressed up and not naked, for behold, you need garment taken out of the water and woven with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Holy Spirit has to be seen over the one baptized with water, and this grace and its testifying speaking are not seen in those who are baptized. I give you news: repent from your works against you and from those against God, for the time of questioning is coming! You still can do it; you still have a little time.


Come back, you those fallen from faith, and the Lord will heal you; as He rebukes for correction and not for punishment! The day of the Lord is coming! The Lord is coming. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) The One baptized by my hand into the water of Jordan is coming again, and you need repentance. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His love and the Love of the Father be with you and may it open your eyes for you to see the light and to walk in it. Amen.


Oh, your confession on My day of Epiphany was great at the river Jordan two thousand years ago, My baptizer! May it also be great, your grace coming down over the earth for the awakening to repentance of the sons of the earth, addicted to those on earth, with which they have got used to living as they like it! Moreover, your today’s testimony is also great, for you are My witness and call out, as I do, to the man to come out into the light and see! Amen.


And now, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, baptized in Jordan by John, two thousand years ago, in the water and in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, am speaking out again in a day of Epiphany, word upon waters and I am saying:


It is blessed and sanctified this water and then the waters on the earth with it, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and then let it sanctify all your things and you as well, for the holy life sanctifies the earth, well sons! Be holy power by your life so that there may be sanctified from your life all and everything around you and everywhere you may go in My name on the earth!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Epiphany, from 19-01-2011.



Oh, what a great mystery the birth from above is! I was with the disciples in Judea and I was working with them upon many and I was teaching them to work and baptize, and I was working the Holy Spirit upon those who were baptized with water by My disciples as John baptized, and when I ascended to the Father after I was resurrected, I told them: «As the Father has sent Me, even so I send you». And then I breathed on them, and said to them: «Receive the Holy Spirit! Whoever’s sins you forgive, they are forgiven them. Whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained». (John: 20.21-23) God breathed upon them and they received the Holy Spirit, for He Who comes from heaven is above all things, and he who is from the earth is earthly and speaks as on earth, as John confessed before those who did not understand the mystery of cleansing and Me, the Lamb of God, the only One born of the Father.


I am full of mourning from heaven and down to earth because of the pride of the church servants, because they do not know what the work of the Holy Spirit is, under whose name they say that they work. I breathed upon My disciples then and I told them: «Receive the Holy Spirit!» And this was how they received the Holy Spirit and this was how they worked with Him over many who were baptized for the receiving of the Holy Spirit, but as far as the servants of the churches are concerned, those who buy this service, then who breathes upon them to receive the Holy Spirit so that they may be able to work with Him over many, and then the work of the Holy Spirit to be known as giving light and working over those who come to it? I am seized with the sigh from those who use My name and do not have fruit like Mine and like the fruit of My disciples; and they do not have disciples for heaven either; they do not have any, but they rather have disciples only for themselves.


Oh, the mystery of the birth from above is big, and two thousand years ago, I said: «Unless one is born of water and spirit, he can’t enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit». (See John: 3/5-6) When I was to come from above, from the Father, and when I was to be born from above on the earth, the Lord’s angels came and spoke to the Virgin who gave Me birth: «The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy One Who is born from you will be called the Son of God». (Luke: 1/35) Oh, I was born from above on the earth, and the man should be born likewise, and if someone is not born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God and neither can It enter him.


Oh, My people, My word cries between heaven and earth and man hears its voice and still, man is not born from above. Oh, My people, I breathe with the breath of the Holy Spirit upon people and people do not receive! I have you as My church on earth now and many come to be born from above to be Mine as you are, but where you cannot walk with My creation, which I have taught you to work over man, there My church and its members is not beautiful. Man does not know to come into the light. He who comes after Me needs to learn the mystery of the cross and its work, just as I, the Lord, showed and walked, being God, humbled and despised, not being comforted by anyone but My Father and My mother Virgin, for on the earth each one seeks only after his own things, after the rest of his soul and he seeks it at any price, even at the price of God.


Oh, working sons on My behalf over those who want to come to their making, oh, sons, there where you cannot walk for the making of the man, My church is not beautiful. Let us make the teaching for the birth from above of the sons of the church, for it is written: «For everyone who does evil hates the light, and doesn’t come to the light, let his works would be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God». (John: 2/20-21)


Oh, My people from the spring, I want all those that take Me from My table with you, I want them to fulfill My word too, as My word and My breath is great over those who want to be born from above, for I am from above and I come from above for the new birth of the man who seeks with light upon him and who stays in the light.


I have come down on the earth so that the man may become divine. Let this be known by all who want to be with Me on the way of My word of today, on the way of My today’s coming on earth as word, and he who wants to be with Me has to become godly by his self-denial and then by his becoming godly, for this is what I have to work upon man.


Oh, man does not know what cross is, what glory it is, what way to the resurrection it is, and that is why he has always complained, and that is why man makes man weak by his complaining always, as though this has been his work. Everything that comes upon man, he should receive as from God’s hands and he should not slap God’s hand, for God knows what man needs, as He sees what is needed for the man’s always new creature, as it was by sufferance that I came on earth, and I lived in sufferance, and in the same way I went back to be with the Father, for this is the crown of those who love God, just as joy and pleasure are the way of the pagans, not the way of the Christians, for the Christians have the cross and their Lord as joy, the Lord of the cross, the Shepherd with the cross, Who leads the sheep to give them His pasture and to give them the carrying of the cross, the glory of those who love God in His image and after His likeness, for by the cross I revealed My glory and by it I have loved every man to redeem the man and to give him to the Father, there, where he will meet his rest, which he lost by his departure from God, the duty which has to be given to God by each man in order that he may receive his lost adoption. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, from 27-09-2011.



Oh, it is a day of holy feast to My memorial. Eight days after My birth I was submitted to the law of physical circumcision so that it may remain over time that God became Man and appeared to the people full of grace and truth. The spirit of prophecy told about Me then that I would be to the falling and to the raising of many in Israel and that I would be as a sign of denial, as it was so, and it is so today. The people, who have set themselves as servants upon people in My name, do not know what God means, as the old Simeon knew from the Holy Spirit when he saw Me a Child, received Me, and spoke his prophecy for Me. Many of the church servants hear, they hear the roaring of this river of word and they do not know what it means, and they say that they are watchers, that they are smart and that they know to give Me out from them, as though My voice of today by this word is not the Holy Spirit. However, this word is the Spirit of Truth and no one knows Me. I know all those who deny Me and this word is like a sign of denial, which is born of God and of which the whole breath has to be born again, all the creation again, and I will put the man aside and I will fulfill in this way, and many will believe and will be baptized in this word in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and still, many will find their salvation, as I said two thousand years ago that I would work. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s bodily circumcision and the feast of the Saint hierarch Basil the Great, from 14-01-2012.



Oh, the Lord is finding faith on earth for His coming as word of Holy Spirit now, in the end of the time.


«When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?», (Luke: 18/8) this is what I, the Lord, asked Myself two thousand years ago, and I keep on giving an answer to Myself. I am answering to Myself now, when I am coming, after this time has passed between My coming of that time and that from now.


Oh, peace to you, faithful sons of My coming of nowadays! I have put faith in you for the coming of the Son of Man and I am coming on its way, as the Lord used to come to Abraham, through whom He started His blessing upon him and then upon those that have been faithful like him, for the Lord’s work is blessing.


Oh, peace to you, weary sons for the feast of My coming on earth as word! I am bowing and comforting your little hearts and your weary little bodies, sons. I am coming down into the book before the dawn of the day of Epiphany and we are preparing the meeting of the people faithful to the word of My coming now to you so that you may also give it further to those who believe like you. I am finding you watching, sons; each one where you work hard in the middle of the night. The gates for My entrance are open, they are watching and My work with you is beautiful, and those in heaven are looking at you in astonishment.


Peace to you, peace to those who have come! My Spirit is embracing you within the word. Be faithful like Abraham, to whom I came into his way by My servants, and He knew Me and spoke with God, and God spoke His word with him. This work of word is the tree of life, the tree of the heaven, full of fruit good to eat, for I said that the faithful man should not eat only bread, but especially he should have his food from heaven, because when My disciples asked Me to remain at the supper while I was walking with them from place to place for the proclamation of My Gospel two thousand years ago, I told them that I have to eat some other food, and that I had to put on the table the work of the Father, the food of the Father, Who had sent Me, the word of the Father as the food of many through Me, the One sent by Him.


Peace to you, to those who are coming! Those in heaven and those on earth, who are Mine, are working for Me and for you a feast of Epiphany. I am baptizing you in My word full of the Holy Spirit. I am enwrapping you within the spirit of the teaching from above; I am rejoicing you by speaking to you and I am looking at you with the whole heaven inside and outside of you. The heaven is measuring your being and its sight, I am clothing you within the power from above to be able to do My will, for this is the joy which you can give to Me fully, that I may be able to present it before the Father as having it from you, and this is how I give you power to become God’s sons, the sons of My Father. If you want and if you love Me fully with your spirit and with the deed of your life, then walk in the steps of My disciples of today with whom I, the Lord, am meeting you at the spring. Be imitators of them, as they also are of Me! I would like to make, from place to place, oases of the love of God and of fulfillment like here, so that the land may be blessed from place to place by My full work in those who are faithful of My coming now. With the world I speak otherwise, as it grievously crucifies Me on the cross so that I may not give it any help from heaven, and so that I may not stay into its way, and My place to be only on the cross; on the contrary, with those who are faithful I speak sweetly, I make them sweet and I am getting comforted from them in My cross of today, in the heavy burden of the lawlessness of the world, because the world stays in lawlessness on earth, and the earth is My creation. The fear of God is coming on earth as it came in the time of Abraham over the king of Gerara, to whom God spoke that he would die because he took Abraham’s woman from him, and the Lord told him to go to Abraham and ask him to pray for him, for he was a prophet and the Lord’s punishment would depart from him for what he did against Abraham. The fear of God is coming on earth for all those who go wrong against My works with those who are faithful to Me in this time, and soon it will be fulfilled the Scripture which speaks about the angel flying in mid heaven having an eternal Gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation, tribe, language and people, saying with a loud voice: «Fear the Lord, and give Him glory, for the hour of His judgment has come. Babylon the great has fallen, which has made all the nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her sexual immorality! … Come out of her, My people, that you have no participation in her sins, and that you don’t receive of her plagues,…, therefore in one day her plagues will come:…, for the Lord who has judged her is strong!», (See Apoc: 14/6, 7; 18/4, 8), as it is written! However, over My faithful ones resurrection will come, and I will take them out of the darkness on earth as I took Lazarus out from the grave for the sake of Mary’s faith, his sister full of love for Me and full of faith in Me by her love. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[1]”, r.n.)


You, those who are dear for your faith full of love and longing for My coming as word over the earth now, oh, be baptized within this word! May you have a day of Epiphany over you whenever you wash your life and face in this river of word! It is a great heavenly beauty here now. The angel of the waters have suites of angels as his companions and they are singing a song of Epiphany in the air from here, and the whisper of the air of angels is filling all the heavens. The Jordan of God’s word is this river of word. Let them all be baptized in it, those who can believe that I am coming now on earth to baptize many in it and they to be alive after that, for I went from Galilee to the Jordan to John, who was preaching about Me that I came with My kingdom over the faithful ones and I was baptized by John, and he said to Me: «I need to be baptized by You, and You come to me?» (Matt: 3/14). John baptized Me and when I came out of the water the heavens were opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon Me as a dove, and the voice of the Father said: «This is My beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased!» (Matt: 3/17)


At Jordan I showed the man the example of My submission and I taught him that way the whole work that he was to bring into My name before Me. Only those who do God’s will know the whole word that comes out of God, and they know it to the end, not only for a while. There are many who burn for a little while and then their love fades away, for those who are not to the end with Me, they have poor love and are without strength in them for it, as they have their hearts inclined to their own things and they grow less in their love and then they do not remain Mine as I have remained with those who are Mine to the end, as I promised them.  


I am embracing you within word and this is how I present you before the Father, for the angels fill the air with singing for My glory that is here. Amen.


Oh, My Father, glorify Your Son, Father! Amen.


—This is what I, the Father, do, oh, My beloved Son. Over Your entire feast of today, I am staying with the heaven open for the coming in and out of the saints and of the angels of the glory of Your day of Epiphany, and I am speaking over those who have come together and over those who will confess this word. You are My beloved Son, the only One born of Me before eternity and You are Light of Light and true God of true God, and You are of the same Being with Me, My dear Son, and I, the Father, am well pleased with You, and this is My confession about You, Who are, Who were and Who come, as it is written, and in You all those that are written come to be fulfilled, and I, the Father, am comforting You, and I am comforting Your joy among Your faithful ones, for they are those who comfort Us on earth, oh, dear Son, My beloved Son, Emmanuel, baptized on earth by John in the river of Jordan two thousand years ago, oh, My beloved Son. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Epiphany, from 19-01-2012. (N.S. / 06-01-2012 – Old style / after the Julian calendar)



To be continued.


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; on authorstream; on, r.n.)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.08.2020

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