
2000.12.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint Virginia (and of the Apostle Andrew)

                                    The Word of God[1] at the feast of the saint Virginia[2]



I am embracing you, sons from the garden, within the spirit of the today’s feast. I started to come to you with My glory, with the word of My coming, with My trumpet and with My apostles, to rejoice them. I am also rejoicing with you and those in heaven, for I receive only sighing from the earth.


Peace to you! This is what I am telling those who are with Me through you. We are gathering at the heavenly table and we are sitting down in counsel and at the table of joy. The earth from you is from heaven. I knead it by your little hands and I put it before the people so that they may see how the earth and heaven are, and then the heaven with the earth, working and living together. Everything I make, I make by the word, and I have you as the work and the hand of My word, My members, sons. I have told you even since I sat you before Me that you are My hands and feet and My way to people before My coming and before My great day. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) I descend My power in you and fulfill My entire word, for My power can. I bring you heavenly joy and I make you rejoice over it for My power in you, by which you work the body of the house of meeting. Here is how it came out on earth! It looks like it came out from the ground. However, it is from heaven, because I had made it by the word and then I laid it on earth. When My word has a way to come down on earth, it can work as it did at the creation of the world. Only the man to believe that I can and I do for the sake of the man’s faith he has Me, who knows to have Me, who knows that I am Who I am and Who makes. Amen. 


The spirit of today’s celebration is bringing heavenly messengers near you. My trumpet Verginica (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet - see selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[3], r.n.) and the apostle Andrew are coming to you together with Me, for it is their feast together with the feast of My little garden at you, for we are celebrating the little garden of My word and its sealing of nine years ago and first we are celebrating Andrew, My first disciple, and then Verginica, My trumpet. Twenty years ago, at My command, she came and sat near Me in heaven after I had suffered in her on earth with My sigh, with My pains. As long as she lived on earth, after I had set her to My work with her, I sighed and suffered in her and she suffered in Me, and her life in Me was only sighing, and she was like Me, only sighing. (See The Life of Saint Virginia[4], r.n.) Great and painful was My love in her, for I was suffering for man and in this way I dwelt in her, and I did not spare her; I suffered in hear for man. Then I took her to heaven, for her body became ashes under the pressure of My glory. My word was flowing from her like gold in the furnace, and the furnace was burning. I took her to heaven and I gave her comfort, and I showed her what I was in her when I was speaking My word through her. When she saw what her body was like, she marveled at My glory full of humility with which I had been hiding in her twenty-five years after I began My speaking in her over the earth.


Oh, Virginia, I am speaking about you to those who are today before you, and behold, we are going forward because we have little branches, gift from gift, grace from grace, word from word, and you are the root, and you bear fruit, because it is written: «There will be yielding twelve times a year, and the leaves are for the healing of the nations». (Apoc: 22/1,2)[5] Amen. My word comes down from heaven on earth and becomes a river, (See the selection topic: This word is the river of life[6]”, r.n.) then it grows and turns into a new heaven and new earth, and with it I knead the man. Oh, Virginia, it was for this glory that I used you, for anyone who cooks food to put it on the table, first puts it on fire to boil, he puts it in the oven to bake. You were the altar on which I put My word to cook and to have it as food for those who ate. Now, behold, I feed the whole earth with food from the storeroom and with warm food so that man may eat and catch power to love and to listen to My voice, which sounds the resurrection over the living and over the dead, and then I come and reveal to man My glory, My coming.


I am preparing the day of My glory, Verginica. Here it is! For it I Myself started the sounding of My trumpet through you. The river of My word has come now of its bed and it is running by My power. You were the river bed of My word, but now it does no longer have a bed, for I am King on earth, and I knead it again, and by the word I make a new heaven, a new earth and a New Jerusalem on earth, and I come on earth with My coming, with My word that speaks and it is done. Amen. 


I am speaking with you, Verginica, for you were the soil in which I put the new seed for the new heaven and a new earth. Let us speak to each other. Come on, for it is your feast, Verginica. Amen, amen, amen.


May Your will be done, Lord, as in heaven so on earth. Amen, amen, amen. I was Your will on earth, and I so am I in the heavenly things. I am filled with joy when I see that sons have come from my work with You, and they are Your will, just as I was. Oh, how holy and how beautiful is the man who does You will! Oh, how much You long after man, Lord! I look back at my sufferance on earth, for You burned within me because of Your longing for man, and Your longing consumed my body, and I was the burning bush from which You were speaking with Israel, for You are the Lord and You need to have a people, Lord, and Your people is called Israel, as in the beginning. 


I am bowing with the word over those who have come together around the manger of Your word, Lord. Behold the garden, and behold the gardens around it. We have a land, Lord, and it goes well with us in it for it is Yours completely. In the time when I was on earth with You, the antichrist was coming and filling me with struggle, (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[7]”, r.n.) for he thought he was a master. Now, You are a Master over what is Yours, for You have Your people and You bring into its submission the land and the opposing man. Now is the song of the victors, Lord, and in my time the longing was burning for this time. Now we are going out with the people, but then we were hiding with it and with You, for the red man was chasing You everywhere. (During the dictatorship of the communist red beast, r.n.) Now, You have fulfilled the promises that You made then, for Your word is truth.


Oh, I am looking Lord, and I am glad. In the joy of the celebration I have here the apostle Andrew. We have the feast one by one, and the day of the sealing of the Holy of Holies has united us more and more, when You and we, nine years ago, shadowed from heaven the feast of the sealing of Your little garden from the earth. Andrew, Your first disciple, has got all Your disciples with him, that they may receive this joy. We have a place at the table and we are coming with love, for the longing of the heaven is great, but it has room with the little ones there where the earth under them is totally Yours, Lord. The children of today are tired, for You have gone out with them into the minds of the people to appear with them beautiful and holy. Your word spoke and they came out, overcame and appeared. Now they are setting our table and they are tired, but love has power in them, for You have put lots of it in them. May Your will be done in them, for Your will in man is the greatest glory in which man can be contained. I was Your will on earth and let them be like that too. I am filled with joy when I see that from Your work with Me sons have been born, and they are Your will, just as I was. I pray to the Father, Lord, to give You eternal joy, as You have already got, for You have redeemed with Your blood people from the nations and gave them birth to be Yours. May Your will be done in them, for Your will is Your coming. Amen, amen, amen.


And as for you, sweet little children, coming from the Lord during these days, be the Lord’s will, be the will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and live this happiness on earth. With it in you all and everything will bow before you. With it you will bring the human people on the way of the Lord’s coming. Do not forget that you have to be beautiful and holy. Do not forget that you are and will be the feast on earth, and that with every passing day many people will follow you to taste of the spirit of the Lord’s feasts, that the Lord is coming with the feasts of His coming to you. Do not forget that the angels serve you for the Lord’s fulfillments. Do not forget that the Lord’s angel goes before you, and nothing and no one stands against him, and you will be exalted by the Lord’s glory before the people and the people will bow before God for you. Let the crowds know you and let them call you God’s sons, as the heaven calls you, too. Let crowds by crowds bow before God’s glory, with which He is upon you, and I will come and dwell with you, with a spirit of sweet teaching, to prepare you for this glory. Amen.


May Your will, Lord, be in them, as it was in me. Amen. Let us sit with them at the table and let us take them again into the glory of the word, to give them teaching and to give them advice, power and work, Lord. Let them be the first, let them be Your will, for those who are Your will are the first, Lord. Amen.


Come near, you, nations from all over the earth, to see God’s glory and its sons! God’s trumpet sounds over the earth. Come near! Amen. Receive healing for your unbelief. Put away carelessness and stand up to be, for the trumpet of the resurrection sounds to awaken you and to announce the coming of Christ, the Bridegroom of the wedding, Who is coming with His wedding, with the great day of His coming. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb[8]”, r.n.) The Lord is coming! The trumpet of the Lord’s coming is sounding from heaven. In fear of God, in faith and in love, draw near, for the Lord is near to you. I was the Lord’s will on earth and I sounded the trumpet of His coming. Come near and be the Lord’s will! Taste and know the Lord, for the Lord is coming on earth and is bringing with Him the kingdom of the heavens. Amen, amen, amen.


⸻ And I, the Lord’s disciple, the first among disciples, the apostle Andrew, I am saying to all the nations on the earth: Romania is the land of the Lord’s coming, the ark of salvation of the human race what is to be.


Come, you Gentiles, see the Lord’s glory and its sons, for in heaven and on earth the whole creature has waited sighing for their revelation, the revelation[9] of God’s sons and the Lord’s will in them.


Oh, Lord, those who become Your will are the first. Glorify Yourself in them with Your coming before the Gentiles. It was hard to walk, when we, Your disciples, were walking from place to place with the Gospel of Your kingdom, and the world was driving us away, but now, Your way is Your word. You Yourself go and proclaim Yourself coming, all stand still at the voice of Your coming, and Romania is the tent of Your wedding, the dwelling place of Your word, Your house at Your coming. Amen, amen, amen.


⸻ Oh, how beautiful are the heaven and the earth together! I, the Lord, the Comforter in heaven and on earth, give Myself with My will to those who do My will. I am giving Myself with those in heaven, for they are with Me in My coming.


However, you, children of the glory of My coming, dress up beautifully and walk among the people that I may appear with My glory upon you. I am giving you Holy Spirit, to give Him to those who come together to take from you. We are walking among the crowds. Arise and let us go and take My glory with you. I put the heaven in your vessels. Pour yourselves out with heaven over the earth, for the heaven is My throne. Let there be My throne all over the earth, and let the earth stand before Me and let My will be done with every man on it. Amen.


I am giving you grace and I am giving you of My glory, messenger sons. Arise and let us go and pour ourselves upon the earth and let us proclaim the good tidings of the new birth of the world and eternity after it. Amen. I am Who I am. I am the One Who fulfills. I am the One Who comes. Amen. Let the multitudes come to My coming to you to celebrate with you the feast of the new birth of the world, for this seed is built up in you, and the age that is to come will spring out from it over the earth. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] Translated by I.A., r.n.

[5] «The angel showed me a [pure] river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of it great street. On each side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruits, yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations, » (Apoc: 22/1,2)

[9] «As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelation of God’s children». (Rom: 8/19)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.04.2020

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